Medicinal mushrooms. Mushroom treatment

The medicinal properties of higher mushrooms formed the basis of a direction in medicine - fungotherapy(Dioscorides, 1st century), however, the modern scientific excitement around mushrooms began only in the middle of the 20th century, when fungi of the genus penicillum gave people the first antibiotic - penicillin. Modern scientists, remembering the works of their ancient colleagues, took up mushrooms seriously, opening more and more pages of God’s second pharmacy. It turned out that macromycetes, the highest edible mushrooms, also have antibacterial properties. Today, science knows more than 500 species of higher fungi that have antibiotic activity. Among them are the well-known talkers, rows, raincoats, meadow champignon, birch mushroom (chaga) and many others.

The modern chemotherapy industry produces about 50% of antibiotics from substances obtained from the fruiting bodies of fungi. The remaining 50% are their synthetic and semi-synthetic analogues or new substances obtained by microbial biosynthesis. Mushrooms have helped modern medicine cope with a number of dangerous diseases and prevent the development of many epidemics that threaten to claim the lives of tens of millions of people. And today modern medicine is simply unthinkable without antibiotics. Every year new, stronger antibiotic drugs are created. They try to treat absolutely everything, from the common cold to complex malignant tumors, often forgetting that antibiotics are useless against viral infections - they are only effective against bacteria. In addition, antibiotics, along with harmful microbes, also destroy beneficial ones, for example those responsible for the activity of anti-cancer cells. We treat a sore throat - we provoke the occurrence of cancer. An action similar to the destruction of a terrorist along with hostages. The terrorist is an evil and harmful bacterium, and in this case our entire body is taken hostage. Healthy flora is destroyed, the immune and nervous systems are destroyed, vision and hearing deteriorate, vestibular function is impaired, and much more. In addition, “evil” bacteria mutate, and the development of new drugs is required. Entire volumes of scientific papers have already been written about the dangers of antibiotics. This is especially true for synthetic and semi-synthetic drugs. This circumstance significantly overshadows the triumph of modern chemotherapeutic science. And more and more scientists today say that it is better to replace the use of antibiotics (if there is no direct threat to life) with means that are gentler on the body.

And here again mushrooms come to the fore. Biologically active substances contained in mushrooms in their natural form have virtually no negative effects on the body, do not cause side effects, and at the same time, have an effect similar to synthesized antibiotics. In addition, mushrooms have antiviral activity and a number of other unique medicinal properties. For example, some mushrooms claim to be the main effective remedy against cancer. And these are no longer witch doctors’ tales, but completely confirmed scientific research. Polysaccharides with powerful antitumor activity have been found in mushrooms. Mushroom polysaccharides, affecting the immune system, provoke the activity of macrophages - white blood cells - a kind of cancer killers, which, having discovered foreigners or hostile (cancer) cells in the body, attack them and destroy them. Potently active polysaccharides were found in shiitake mushrooms, hericium, red fly agaric, giant puffball, common fungus, porcini mushroom, tinder fungus, oyster mushroom, chanterelle and some others. Preparations made from these mushrooms can well complement medicinal treatment methods. Possessing adaptogenic properties, mushrooms are able to smooth out the negative consequences of the use of drugs. This effect is especially pronounced during chemotherapy: nausea disappears, depression decreases, hair loss decreases, and most importantly, the internal mechanisms of anti-cancer activity are activated.

World scientists about medicinal mushrooms

Mushroom treatment.

From the point of view of traditional medicine, almost all known mushrooms are medicinal. Each type has its own specifics and has some medicinal properties. Knowing these properties and learning to use them, you can effectively treat various diseases. Often much more effective than medications. Unfortunately, official medicine is just beginning to turn its face to medicinal plants and mushrooms, difficultly and extremely reluctantly recognizing the extremely low effectiveness of orthodox methods of therapeutic treatment, aimed in 90% of cases at eliminating the symptoms and not the cause of the disease. And we begin to study the pages of God’s pharmacy anew, confirming with scientific experiments what our ancestors knew about for thousands of years!

For treatment, an extract, tincture of fresh, or powder of dried mushrooms is usually used. Thermal methods for preparing drugs are not desirable due to the destruction of some active substances during heat treatment.

When treating with mushrooms, the ultimate goal of treatment is very important. This will determine, first of all, the method of preparation of the drug and the scheme of its use. If we are going to carry out comprehensive prevention, then it is most advisable to use dry mushroom powder, since here we get the ideal combination of all useful components. If we are going to fight a certain ailment and we need specific active ingredients (for example, polysaccharides), then in this case it is best to prepare a tincture or extract.

Preparation of mushroom tincture

At hometincture prepared from fresh mushrooms in 40% alcohol or high-quality vegetable oil. Important conditions here are both the freshness of the mushroom and the quality of the solvent. The preparation of the tincture must be carried out no later than 6 hours after collection, taking into account the fact that fresh mushrooms quickly deteriorate and the quality of the raw materials deteriorates. If there is such an opportunity, then it is best to do this right at the gathering place, taking everything you need with you to the forest. The faster you make the tincture, the more powerful healing properties it will have. It is also not recommended to cool mushrooms (store them in the refrigerator), since polysaccharides, the main active antitumor substances, lose their biological activity when exposed to low temperatures. It is recommended to use only rectified alcohol as a solvent, or, in extreme cases, high-quality simple vodka. The use of cheap (scorched) vodka, and especially moonshine, is not allowed due to the large number of chemically active by-products: acetone, methanol, fusel oils, etc. For the same reason, it is not recommended to use vodka with the label "special", which is characterized by an increased amount of flavoring ingredients. The tincture is kept in a dark place for at least two weeks. In general, the longer the tincture sits, the better. Take strictly according to the regimen, depending on the disease and type of fungus. The tincture can also be used to prepareextract by partial evaporation of moisture and alcohol. When evaporating, it is important not to heat the tincture above 40 º C.

Some types of mushrooms (for example, veselki) are used to preparemushroom composition . To do this, the jelly-like mass obtained by infusing the mushroom is poured onto glass and dried naturally. The resulting dry residue is carefully removed with a blade and used for consumption in the form of a powder or aqueous solution. This composition will be a good substitute for alcohol tincture for those for whom alcohol is contraindicated. The mushroom composition can also be used in the preparation of ointments for external use.

From poisonous mushrooms that have potent active substances (red fly agaric, etc.), preparations are prepared for oral administration according to the principle of homeopathic potentiation. For external use (compresses, lotions, rubbing), use a regular tincture in oil or 70% alcohol.

In medicine, mushrooms play a very honorable role. In folk medicine they began to be changed in ancient times.

Apparently, mushrooms began to be used as medicine around the same time that berries, fruits and herbs became such. Simply put, the day when mushrooms began to be used for medicinal purposes is lost in the darkness of centuries.

For centuries, healers and shamans accumulated their knowledge in this area and passed it on to their students. When writing became widespread, this knowledge began to spread little by little. For example, in Rus' the handwritten “Herbalists” of the 16th and 17th centuries played a huge role. These books contained data on various methods and means of healing, which were based on the experience of traditional medicine.

If you believe the chronicles, then Vladimir Monomakh tried to treat people with the help of mushrooms, and he himself was treated for a tumor on his lip. “Healing books” published at the end of the 17th century suggested treating frostbite with the help of boletus mushrooms. To do this, an extract was prepared from them, which was made during the growth of the fungus, and then stored in a hermetically sealed container (usually a container). In harsh winters, this product was used to lubricate the frostbitten area of ​​the body, which allowed damaged tissue to heal faster.

It must be said that fly agaric mushrooms are widely used in folk medicine. And although it may seem strange to the uninitiated reader that a poisonous mushroom was used for treatment, practice shows that toxic substances in small doses can be very effective in treating diseases. And if you consider that fly agaric is not nearly as poisonous as many people think (to kill a person you need to eat at least three kilograms of this mushroom at a time), then calculating a safe dose was not so difficult. By comparison, one toadstool, weighing only a few grams, can kill several people. So the opinion that toadstool and fly agaric are two equally poisonous mushrooms is not true.

Studies have shown that red fly agaric contains poisons such as muscarine and mycothorpine, as well as muscaruphine (a substance with an antibiotic effect), which inhibit the development of cancer tumors. Experts have proven that the drug obtained from the red fly agaric has a positive effect on disorders of the spinal cord, tonsillitis, sclerosis, choreatic and epileptic conditions and vascular spasms. An old folk remedy recommends using an aqueous tincture of red fly agaric to treat skin diseases and rheumatism.

In addition to the red fly agaric, other cap mushrooms were also used in folk medicine. For example, gray-yellow and brick-red honey mushrooms were recommended as an emetic and laxative, but tuberculosis was treated with the help of pepper milk mushrooms. Clitocybin, a substance with an antibacterial effect, was isolated from the fruiting body (that part of the mushroom that is visible on the surface, and which most people consider to be the mushroom itself) of the talker. As further research has shown, this substance can have an active effect on Koch's bacillus (tuberculosis bacillus).

Traditional medicine in some countries quite often uses autumn honey mushrooms. This mushroom is especially popular in Austria, where it is also used as a mild laxative. Most likely, this mushroom contains substances that activate the activity of the digestive organs.

Chaga decoction has become widespread in folk medicine and has not lost its relevance today. A decoction of this mushroom, if used systematically, has a general strengthening effect on the body, helps treat gastritis and other gastrointestinal tract organs, and also improves the condition of patients.

Recently, doctors from almost all over the world have been conducting more and more research on the use of mushrooms not only for medical purposes, but also for scientific purposes in general. For example, Soviet scientists were able to obtain such a valuable antibiotic as “lactarioviolin” from camelina. This substance greatly inhibits the development of harmful bacteria, which immediately found application in medicine. Govorushka donated to medicine an antimicrobial substance similar to mycomycetin, which is used by doctors to treat tuberculosis of bones and skin.

Chanterelles also made their contribution to the creation of antibacterial substances. Using the ergosterol they contain, Soviet scientists were able to cure experimental animals in laboratory conditions of a number of serious diseases. Extracts made from many cap mushrooms have the ability to suppress staphylococcus, which causes various purulent diseases and can even cause blood poisoning.

Honey fungus turned out to be very effective in the fight against E. coli and some other microbes. The substances found in it have a positive effect on the activity of the thyroid gland.

Scientists from Czechoslovakia have found that gray dung beetle can be quite effective in treating alcoholism. For this purpose, the substance “Antabuse” was isolated from the mushroom.

Indian scientists did not stand aside and obtained a new drug “Campestrin” from champignons, which was successfully tested in the treatment of diseases such as typhus and paratyphoid.

As can be seen from the above, the possibilities of using mushrooms for medicinal purposes are quite impressive. However, this is just a small part of the examples of how mushrooms are used in professional and folk medicine.

One of the representatives of the symbiotic association of yeast fungi, which is called kombucha, is very popular among the people. People from many countries grow it at home. An infusion of this mushroom is drunk to stimulate appetite and also to quench thirst.

According to one of the legends, one of the emperors of antiquity, who was bedridden for a long time with illness, once called his wise men and said that he would generously reward anyone who could cure him. And after all the medicines known at that time were tested on the emperor, one old healer brought the ruler a jug in which there was a light brown liquid, on the surface of which a layered thick film floated.

And although at first the emperor showed some skepticism towards this liquid, he still began to drink it. A few days later he began to feel much better, and after a while he recovered completely. Of course, this is just a legend, however, even now, weakened people are recommended to take an infusion of kombucha.

In conclusion, it is worth recalling that, despite the excellent healing properties of mushrooms, it is not recommended to treat them on your own. Before you begin treatment with mushrooms, you should definitely consult with your doctor. Only if this condition is met can one expect that mushrooms will prove to be a powerful means of combating diseases.

The abundance of delicious forest fruits is a distinctive feature of Russia. But among them there are medicinal mushrooms, which have long been used in folk medicine. The industry cultivates the cultivation of fruits to obtain special healing substances. Testing of fruits against cancer tumors continues.

Photos and names of mushrooms

Medicinal mushrooms are a conditional group. It includes varieties that are used to obtain substances beneficial to the body. Medicinal mushroom is not always edible, but can be used externally or in the form of tinctures. The direction in medicine that treats with mushroom-based drugs is called fungotherapy.

Types of medicinal mushrooms growing in Russia:

  • morel smelly;
  • oyster mushroom;
  • giant bighead;
  • pear-shaped raincoat;
  • combed hedgehog;
  • common chanterelle;
  • saffron milk cap;
  • White mushroom;
  • Polish look;
  • meadow champignon;
  • matsutake;
  • gray row;
  • autumn honey fungus.

Cultivation and use of inedible mushrooms is dangerous. Incorrect technology can lead to severe poisoning. Medicinal but inedible include:

  • red fly agaric;
  • birch polypore;
  • chagu;
  • hygrometric starlight;
  • thin pig;
  • honey fungus red-yellow.

They are trying to use the medicinal properties of a number of mushrooms in anti-oncology research. Tests are carried out to determine the absorption of radioactive radiation by fruits. At this stage, information about the effectiveness of forest products against cancer is partially confirmed.

Mushroom preparations in traditional medicine

The production of medicines from mushrooms is popular in Eastern medicine. The leader is Chinese production. Alternative mushroom medicine is also being developed in Vietnam.

Medicinal mushrooms contain substances that have beneficial properties:

  • Oyster mushroom is a source of digestible protein for diabetics.
  • The spores of the bighead are used to obtain calvacin against blastoma and sarcoma.
  • Pear-shaped puffball contains substances with a cytostatic (slowing down cell division) effect.
  • Chanterelles are a natural anthelmintic and also a way to cleanse the intestines of toxins.
  • Lactrioviolin in camelina is considered an antibacterial substance that suppresses viruses and bacteria (there is evidence of tuberculosis).
  • Extracts from the white species tone the skin and are used for frostbite.

The most valuable from the point of view of oriental medicine is the combed hedgehog. Medicinal mushrooms of this species contain substances that help strengthen the immune system and stimulate the growth of nerve cells. An antiseptic is obtained from the hedgehog and atrophic gastritis is treated. The species looks like a hedgehog due to its characteristic needle-shaped hymenophore. Under natural conditions, it is rare and on the verge of extinction, but is cultivated industrially and at home.

Beneficial substances are obtained from birch polypore, which:

  • have the potential to fight cancer (polysaccharides).
  • used as an antiseptic (powder powder).
  • fight ulcers (extracts or extract).
  • cleanse the gastrointestinal tract, promote weight loss (cooked pulp, fruit-based nutritional supplements).

Chaga, similar to tinder fungus, is used as an antitumor agent. It looks like a black growth on the bark of a deciduous tree. It is firm to the touch, the flesh is brown inside. Chaga relieves inflammation and is part of medicinal herbal teas.

The scientific use of the red fly agaric has not been proven. However, it is used at your own risk in folk recipes.

The Chinese teaching on health uses the hygrometric star. The species also grows on the territory of the Russian Federation, but rarely, mainly in the East. It looks like a plant with 5 petals and a cap shaped like the core of a flower. The color is marsh or gray-brown.

The essence of the Chinese application is to stop bleeding and treat external wounds with raw crushed fruits. Zvezdovik relieves the effects of frostbite, it is used to treat old scars. An ointment against burns is prepared from spore powder. The active steroid substances isolated from it are more effective in pain relief than diclofenac, and additionally protect the liver from toxins.

Ethyl extracts from the pulp stimulate the growth of nerve cells, improve brain function, and stimulate the immune system.

Medicinal Polish mushrooms contain theanine, which has:

  • calming effect;
  • ability to lower blood pressure;
  • the ability to lose weight;
  • inhibitory effect against caffeine.

A drug against eclampsia was synthesized from chemical compounds of honey fungus. They are developing the use of an aqueous extract from the fruit to saturate the body with oxygen. Protein is obtained from mycelium cords (rhizomorphs), from which dietary bread is made for diabetics. Honey mushrooms themselves are a dietary product.

Meadow champignons are rich in agaridoxine, a potent antibiotic. Extracts from the fruit are used in the treatment of festering wounds, tuberculosis, and typhoid. Champignon fruits contain folic acid, which is beneficial for the reproductive system of women.

Anticancer substances that inhibit the growth of malignant cells are found in fruits:

  • matsutake;
  • gray rows;
  • honey mushroom red-yellow;
  • thin pig;
  • fragrant talkers;
  • staining cobweb;
  • subspecies of russula (golden, blood-red, marsh, sardonyx);
  • litovato tremors;
  • rows (sulfur-yellow, scorched).

Most of the research dates back to the 1970-1980s, but the truth or error is still being proven. Substances obtained from the fruits are analyzed and tested on several generations of experimental animals.

Folk recipes

Traditional methods include the household use of tinctures, ointments, and fruit-based extracts. The effectiveness has not been proven by science, but the products are in demand.

People use autumn honey fungus as a remedy against migraines. The ointment made from it is considered a good remedy for joints. Tinctures from the morel are used for abdominal pain, gout and kidney diseases are treated with them.

Various tinctures of birch tinder fungus are popularly used as:

  • reduces appetite;
  • a way to cleanse the body by removing fluid and toxins;
  • strengthening the immune system during the cold season;
  • natural antidepressant.

An ointment based on pork fat is prepared from chaga. It is used to treat burns and open wounds. The ointment base is an infusion of vodka (1:10 alcohol component). The infusion is added to the fat in a water bath, melted, stirred and cooled.

Chanterelles are dried in the sun or ground into powder. Then 20 g of raw material is poured with 100 ml of alcohol and infused in a dark place for 2 weeks. To strengthen the immune system, drink 5 ml before breakfast for 3 weeks.

Contraindications for use

Medicinal mushrooms are used only as an additional course or dietary supplement. It is impossible to treat chronic diseases, acute conditions, and serious illnesses without traditional therapy using traditional methods and fugnotherapy.

Before starting the course, be sure to consult your doctor. You cannot take foreign nutritional supplements on your own if you are not sure of the composition. Fugnotherapy is also contraindicated:

  • children;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • To old people;
  • people with diseases of the stomach, intestines, heart, nervous system;
  • for allergy sufferers.

Negative symptoms are a sign of immunity. If they appear, you should immediately stop using and consult a doctor.

Mushroom - ram (or curly griffola, Grifola frondosa): rare, tasty, large

Ram mushroom - rare, red-listed and delicious

The “ram” mushroom is a delicacy of our forests!


Nowadays, mushrooms are cultivated not only for culinary use. Abroad, some types of polypores and cordyceps are grown only for medical purposes. In Russia, traditional medicine is more common, which uses many types of edible fruits.

Part 1. Medicinal mushrooms, their types

Since ancient times, people have known that some foods can heal, while others, on the contrary, can cause harm. For example, poisonous mushrooms can cause severe illness and even death, while others can improve health and treat diseases.

Of the 14,000 different types of mushrooms, only a small part of them are medicinal. These mushrooms have therapeutic properties that relieve many serious diseases, including cancer, AIDS, Alzheimer's disease and diabetes.

What are mushrooms?

Maitake– translated from Japanese means “dancing mushroom.” There are two versions of the origin of this name. First, ancient manuscripts say that when the Japanese found Maitake mushrooms in the mountains, they began to dance with joy. According to the second version, the growing ground part of the mushrooms looks like a group of dancing butterflies.

In Japan, Maitake is known as the king of mushrooms. It grows in the northeastern mountains of Japan, as well as in some parts of North America and Europe, and reaches the size of a basketball.

Maitake mushrooms have a number of specific uses, providing vitality and promoting overall health. Scientific studies have confirmed Maitake's ability to boost immunity and reduce high blood pressure and blood sugar levels in people with diabetes.

The protein contained in Maitake (beta-glucan), known as D-fraction, has strong antitumor properties. It activates “dormant” lymphocytes - macrophages, natural killer cells and cytotoxic t-lymphocytes. Why are they “slumbering”? There is an opinion that the neoplasm produces special substances to “lull the vigilance” of the body’s guards. And beta glucan wakes up our warriors - lymphocytes and sends them to fight the tumor. In addition, it cuts off the vessels of the tumor, and macrophages begin to secrete TNF-alpha (tumor necrosis factor). As a result, the tumor does not receive nutrition and begins to dry out and shrink. That is, apoptosis (cell death) of cancer cells is triggered. You can buy Maitake.

Shiitake(Imperial Mushroom) is a staple in the Chinese and Japanese diets. It has a dark brown color and an umbrella-shaped cap. Although it is native to East Asia, it has been grown commercially in the United States in the last 20 years.

Shiitake mushrooms contain important amino acids, vitamins and minerals. In addition, they contain a polysaccharide - lentinan. Lentinan is an expensive cancer drug approved by the Japanese government in the 1980s.

Not all Shiitake mushrooms have the same healing properties. Mushrooms used in cooking do not contain sufficient amounts of the polysaccharide lentinan. It's all about the methods of growing mushrooms. For cooking, a cheap method is used when rice or buckwheat husks or sawdust are mixed with mushroom mycelium, dense briquettes are made, and within a month a harvest of fresh, large and tasty mushrooms is obtained. Such mushrooms contain very little lentinan polysaccharide.

For medicinal purposes, for cultivation, logs are used, in which small holes are made, they are filled with mycelium, closed with cork and covered with wax. The harvest is obtained only after a year. This method is more expensive, since the mushrooms are expensive and tasteless, but contain a high content of the polysaccharide lentinan, which activates antitumor immune surveillance.

Additionally, Shiitake has shown benefits in many other areas, including helping to reduce high cholesterol, lower blood pressure, and heal infections. You can buy shiitake.

Comb blackberry(Lion's mane). This edible mushroom has cascading white tendrils, giving it its name, Lion's Mane. Blackberries have been used in traditional Chinese medicine for hundreds of years, while the mushroom has only recently gained popularity in North America.

Young mushrooms are delicious and produce a seafood texture when cooked. Clinical trials of the mushroom have shown that the substances contained in blackberries stimulate the immune system and help control blood sugar levels. The mushroom has shown excellent results in the fight against dementia. Japanese researchers have found that blackberry fractions help suppress the formation of toxic peptides in brain cells, and also stimulate the production of nerve growth factor (NGF) in the brain. You can buy comb blackberries.

Quality of mushroom products

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Treatment with mushrooms - fungotherapy.

Many mushrooms have valuable nutritional and medicinal properties. In recent decades, mushrooms have become of interest as a source of antibiotics and medicines. The science of treating diseases with mushrooms is called fungotherapy.
Therefore, many edible and poisonous mushrooms have become the object of research by scientists in search of new antibacterial drugs. Higher basidiomycetes, for example, are a very valuable source of antibiotics. It is known that many of them (meadow champignon, agrocybe rigidus, pink varnish, common butterwort, violet row, birch tinder fungus, etc.) have antibiotic activity, releasing antibiotics: agrocybin, drosophyllin, nemotin, biformin, polyporin and many others. etc. Aqueous extracts of the fruiting bodies of many talkers, rows, and lakovits have an effect on the wound microflora of patients similar to the identified antibiotics: chloramphenicol, biomycin, streptomycin.
As a source of medicinal substances, wild edible and poisonous mushrooms are used mainly in folk medicine.

Since ancient times, red fly agaric infusion has been used to treat rheumatism, arthritis, neuralgia, and atherosclerosis. The mushroom in small doses improves the activity of the endocrine glands and thereby increases the overall tone of the body. It has been established: red fly agaric contains the antibiotic muscaruphine - an orange-red pigment of the skin. This mushroom is still widely used in homeopathic practice today. The method for preparing the infusion is as follows. A three-liter jar is tightly filled with fly agaric caps, closed with a lid and buried a meter deep in the ground for 40 days. After that we take it out and open it. During this time, a dark liquid with a specific odor accumulates in the jar. Pour the liquid into a jar and add the same amount of vodka. Store the resulting medicine in the refrigerator. There are methods for using fly agaric, choose any one after consulting your doctor!

There are also references to the fact that persistent ulcers and frostbite can be treated with aqueous extracts from the fruiting bodies of porcini mushrooms. Later, the alkaloid herzenin, used in the treatment of angina, was identified in porcini mushrooms. In general, porcini mushroom improves metabolism. Porcini mushroom is used as a medicine for tuberculosis, loss of strength, and to improve metabolism. There are references to the fact that in Russian folk medicine in the 17th century, aqueous extracts obtained from the fruiting bodies of porcini mushrooms were widely used to treat persistent ulcers and frostbite. It is known from ancient folk medicine that systematic consumption of porcini mushrooms prevents the development of certain gastrointestinal diseases. And this statement is not without foundation. Not so long ago, antibiotic substances were discovered in porcini mushrooms that suppress some intestinal bacteria pathogenic to humans. Also in folk medicine, there is an opinion that the systematic consumption of porcini mushrooms is a preventive measure against cancer.
TINCTURE of porcini mushrooms (boletus).
Take 1 liter. jar, fill it with chopped fresh porcini mushrooms (it is better to take the caps), fill with vodka, leave for 14 days in a dark place, strain and squeeze out the raw materials. Take 1 tsp. tinctures, diluted in 50 ml. water, 2 times a day half an hour before meals. This tincture will help with hypertension, angina pectoris, and benign tumors (the tincture of porcini mushroom is especially good at treating cysts and fibroids). The most valuable thing about porcini mushrooms is their ability to reduce blood viscosity!

OIL CAN contains a resinous substance with medicinal properties. A tincture of this mushroom is used for headaches, gout and some other diseases; in a certain concentration it is used for embalming.
TINCTURE of boletus.
It is prepared in the same way as boletus tincture (see above).
This infusion can also be used for joint pain by rubbing it at night.
CHAMPIGNON. Extracts from meadow champignon are used in the treatment of purulent wounds, as well as such dangerous diseases as typhoid, paratyphoid, and tuberculosis. Currently, the antibiotic agaridoxine, which has a strong effect on many pathogens, has been obtained from the fruiting bodies of this fungus.
Pepper pepper. Used for kidney stones and blenorrhea. The antibiotic lactariovialin, which acts on many microorganisms, including the causative agent of tuberculosis, was obtained from the delicious milk mushroom.
VESELKA common

The most mysterious and most famous mushroom of our forests. In a minute he throws out a leg that grows 5 mm per minute. The life of this amazing mushroom lasts only 1-2 days. The first day is an inconspicuous grayish gelatinous egg, and on the second this egg throws out a leg with an umbrella. By evening, the mushroom oozes foul-smelling mucus and by morning it leaves a wet spot. The mushroom is incredibly popular among healers - it is used to treat any stage of cancer, trophic ulcers, gastrointestinal diseases, inflammation of the kidneys, liver and pancreas, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, post-stroke conditions, joint diseases, benign tumors, brain tumors and autoimmune diseases. For treatment, vodka tincture of the mushroom, tincture of linseed oil and Veselka in capsules are used.
TINCTURE: Method 1: Usually take 4 g of dry veselka per 200 g of vodka. and leave for two weeks in the refrigerator.
There is no need to filter - the longer it sits, the more healing it is.
Take from 1 teaspoon to 3 tbsp. spoons depending on the disease. For example, to lower blood pressure in hypertension, just 1 teaspoon of this tincture 2 times a day is enough.
Method 2: 4 “eggs” of the Veselka mushroom are wiped with a dry cloth (it is not advisable to wash them), cut and poured with 1 liter of vodka (alcohol is not allowed). Let it brew for 30 days in a dark, damp place (the jar needs to be covered with a lid, ideally the jar should be buried in the ground),
After the veselka has infused, take 1 tbsp 3 times a day. 20 minutes before meals and continue this way for a month. Then they take a break for 1-2 weeks and then carry out the course of treatment again.
The mucus of the mushroom does not need to be thrown away; it is good to use for healing wounds on the body, cracks, gangrene, bedsores, etc. It removes cholesterol from the body well and lowers blood pressure. Veselka mushroom phytoncides kill herpes, influenza, and hepatitis viruses.
However, the fungus is inferior in the degree of stimulation of the immune system to the mushroom

But the antitumor properties are the same. Veselka polysaccharides cause the body to produce perforin, which kills cancer cells. By drinking Veselka tincture once a year, you will save yourself from the danger of getting cancer.
Another use of the Veselka mushroom. Here are some ways:
· Porridge made from fresh Veselka mushrooms with sugar successfully treats bronchial asthma and tuberculosis.
· Powder from dried and crushed vesel can be poured onto a sheet of paper and placed in the room. The mushroom dust will fly in the air, be inhaled by people and protect them from many colds.
· The powder can be sprinkled on non-healing wounds.
· You can make a face mask from fresh mushrooms.

The benefits of medicinal preparations from shiitake, reishi, maitake (meitake), trameta and agaric mushrooms are also evidenced by the fact that they are used by many oncology clinics around the world. Shiitake is an exotic mushroom for Russia, the name of which comes from the name of the shia tree, close to oak and other broad-leaved species, on the dead wood of which it grows. It is also known under the names “Japanese mushroom” and “black forest mushroom”. It is consumed fresh in salads or after heat treatment in first and second courses. Shiitake attracts attention not only for its nutritional properties, but also for its pharmaceutical properties. And there are many of them. In accordance with patents from Japan, France, Germany, and Great Britain, the mushroom has an antitumor and antiviral effect, that is, it contains biologically active substances that in one way or another have an effect on such diseases. The antiviral effect of shiitake is explained by the fact that the mushroom forms a biologically active substance that promotes the production of interferon (an antiviral substance) in the body. The healing power of shiitake mushroom has been known for a long time. Back in the 14th century, the Chinese doctor Wu Rui stated that shiitake is good for treating heart diseases. In 1988, the healing effect of mushrooms on heart disease was studied. Of twenty different mushrooms, the highest level of activity against the formation of cholesterol-containing atheromas (the initial stage of atherosclerotic plaques) was demonstrated by only two mushrooms, one of them was shiitake. As you know, high blood pressure (hypertension), high levels of fat in the blood (hyperlipidemia), and diabetes are often accompanied by impotence. In Chinese and Japanese folk medicine, shiitake has been used to treat impotence since ancient times. It was rated as an "stimulant." In Japan, dried shiitake fruiting bodies are in great demand. Up to 80% of mushrooms produced are used in dried form. Shiitake, unlike other cultivated mushrooms, stores well. Fresh mushrooms can be stored at a temperature of 0 - 2 °C and air humidity of 85-95% for 2 - 3 weeks. This mushroom became a sensation, as two discoveries were made at once: the polysaccharide lentinan, isolated for the first time and possessing a unique antitumor ability that has no analogues in the plant world, and volatile-like compounds called mushroom phytoncides, which are able to fight any viruses (from the most harmless rhinoviruses (runny nose) to AIDS viruses). In addition, shiitake has the ability to remove cholesterol, normalize blood pressure, suppress pathogenic flora in the body, treat any inflammatory processes, fight lower fungi, heal erosions and ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract, and restore the blood formula. Shiitake is an excellent immunostimulant and is used as a prophylactic to prevent viral and colds. In diabetics, shiitake lowers blood sugar and is also indicated for insulin-dependent patients. The mushroom is absolutely non-poisonous; it is grown using a special technology from a Japanese pharmaceutical culture on chestnut logs. Shiitake infusion with vodka, cognac, Cahors wine, flaxseed and olive oil is used, as well as in capsules and water-soluble (mushroom tea).
TINCTURE: Usually take 5 g of dry shiitake, add 150 ml of vodka or oil and leave for 2 weeks in the refrigerator. Take 1 tsp depending on the disease. or 1 tbsp. 2 - 3 times a day.
REISHI - mushroom of immortality.

In China, it is considered a medicinal plant that restores youth and prolongs life. Reishi has an antitumor effect (in this case it is used together with shiitake, since shiitake enhances its effect), treats cardiovascular and mental diseases, and allergies. The mushroom is not poisonous. It is used in capsules and is included in some multi-mushroom formulations.

It is more modest in its healing properties, but is no less popular among the Japanese. It has an amazing ability to lose weight, reduce menopause, eliminate the unpleasant effects of premenstrual syndrome, and resolve benign tumors in the female body (fibroids, fibroids, cysts of any location, mastopathy). Meitake also normalizes the hormonal levels of women. It is used in capsules and formulations of several mushrooms.
CORDICEPS chinensis

This is a mushroom that lives in the highlands of China and Tibet. The body of the cordyceps fungus is rich in nutrients and specific components inherent in high-altitude plants. Many centuries ago, the Chinese recognized cordyceps as a miracle of God, as a talisman. And now it is a modern health remedy that has crossed the threshold of millennia. It is based on the theory and experience of 5000 years of oriental medicine, the doctrine of nurturing life and preserving health. Increases immunity, has a high adaptogenic ability, and is a natural broad-spectrum antibiotic with no side effects. It has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect and has an antioxidant effect.
Actively removes toxic substances from the body, has an antitumor effect, stimulating the activity of leukocytes, regulates the activity of the liver, kidneys and lungs. Improves metabolism, reduces lipid levels in the blood, incl. cholesterol, regulates hematopoietic processes, regulates sexual function in men. Improves blood supply to the heart and lungs, improves microcirculation in other organs and tissues, and has a rejuvenating effect.

MOREL. Morel mushrooms are used to treat vision. They treat myopia, age-related farsightedness, cataracts and glaucoma. Used in capsules and tinctures.
Larch polypore

It has long been used as the main component of antidotes for all known poisons. Therefore, the first property of tinder fungus is to remove toxins and carcinogens from the body. Its second purpose is the ability to restore the liver, that is, to force it to produce an enzyme that breaks down proteins. This property of tinder is also used for weight loss. Polypore is used to treat pleurisy, pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, sarcoidosis, hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, pancreatic diseases, constipation, dysbiosis and tuberculosis. The mushroom is used in capsules, and is also included in all compositions of several mushrooms.
A sterile, sterile form of the tinder fungus Inonotus oblique, grows mainly on living birch, less often on rowan, willow, alder, oak, hornbeam in the form of irregular nodule-shaped, hard growths of dark brown or black color, with a cracking, slightly shiny surface. Suitable for collection throughout the year.
Chaga probably ranks first among mushrooms that have already found application in medicine. Back in the 19th century in Russia and Poland, chaga infusions were considered a good folk remedy against cancer. Observations have shown that in those places where the population regularly consumes chaga infusion, gastrointestinal diseases and malignant tumors are quite rare. In Western Siberia, the Khanty use this mushroom for the prevention and treatment of tuberculosis, heart disease, liver disease, and stomach disease.
The mushroom attracted the attention of scientists; they found that water-soluble coloring substances have medicinal properties. Preparations obtained from chaga. They have shown positive results in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, such as peptic ulcers and gastritis, which are often precancerous diseases. It has been established that chaga infusion has a general tonic effect on the body, which probably explains the relief of the condition of patients when trying to treat advanced forms of cancer with chaga. In experiments conducted on animals, it was found that the chaga preparation promotes the resorption of malignant tumors at the earliest stages of the development of the disease.
Currently, in medicine, chaga preparations are used in the treatment of peptic ulcers, gastritis, to normalize intestinal activity, calm the nervous system, and increase efficiency. Chaga is non-toxic and there are no contraindications to its use.
CAUTION: The use of penicillin and intravenous glucose is contraindicated while taking chaga.

LINES contain an antirheumatic substance similar in action to cortisone. They treat joint diseases, arthrosis, radiculitis, rheumatism, polyarthritis and osteochondrosis. Tincture of lines is used for rubbing for bronchitis, pneumonia, any neuralgia and myalgia.
ATTENTION! The lines contain hydrometrin, a toxic substance whose action resembles the poison of the toadstool. Use only for rubbing!
Preparation of tincture. 4 g of dry crushed lines, pour 150 g of vodka and leave in the refrigerator for 2 weeks. Rub the tincture into sore spots and wrap with a warm scarf.

The healing properties of RAINCOATS have been known for a long time. These mushrooms are used in folk medicine to stop bleeding from wounds and some kidney diseases. Even antitumor antibiotics have already been obtained based on raincoats, for example, calvacin, which suppresses the development of some malignant tumors.
Calvacic acid, produced by some common puffballs, inhibits the development of many bacteria and fungi and also has an antitumor effect. Numerous derivatives of calvacic acid, which also have an antibiotic effect, have been obtained through chemical synthesis.

OUDEMANCIELLA. The antibiotic mucidin was obtained from its mucosa, which in the form of the drug mucidermin is used for various fungal diseases of humans. Medicinal substances from species of the genus Psilocybe have psychotropic effects. For example, pharmacologically active psilocybin is used in medical practice to treat certain mental illnesses, to restore memory in patients, and in other cases. In the very tender and tasty some representatives of the species of the genus Dung, edible at a young age, a toxic substance was found that is not soluble in water, but only in alcohol. Therefore, when consuming the mushroom with alcohol, poisoning occurs. Their use for the treatment of alcoholism is based on this property of dung beetles.

Material from here: Traditional medicine recipes on



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