How to maintain women's health? Advice from the best doctors.

I would like everything in life to be correct, for women to give birth from 20 to 35, during a period that doctors and nature have identified as favorable for childbirth and motherhood. But what if at 20 fate did not give a chance?

If you managed to meet your loved one only at forty? Today, women choose to give birth! And late births after 30 and even after 40 have almost become the norm. But how to preserve women's health, so that at 40 and even at forty with a little more strength to conceive, endure and grow?

The most common female fears are commented by Natalya Mayorova, a gynecologist and head of the gynecological department of the Republican Center for Medical Rehabilitation and Balneotherapy.

Fear 1. Women should not lift weights.

It is believed that you can not carry more than 5 kg. But no woman can live life lightly. If not bags from the market, then you have to carry ski equipment.

Lifting weights is dangerous for a woman by prolapse of the genitals. And with age, a shift in typical anatomy can lead to gas and urine incontinence, says Natalya Vladimirovna. - But if you go in for sports and train not only in one “bag in hand” position, then negative consequences can be avoided. You can strengthen your pelvic floor muscles with exercise therapy. There is an exercise therapy instructor in every clinic, you can consult and work out with him. You can also advise dances: Indian, Arabic, belly dance.

Fear 2. Hormonal drugs harm women's health

If we compare the consequences of an abortion or a vacuum, then taking hormonal drugs is a harmless procedure, says a gynecologist. - After all, pregnancy is a train that rushes at full speed, frantically picking up speed, and suddenly we stop it abruptly. And this, of course, is a colossal failure. Both hormonal and emotional...

But hormonal preparations must be selected with a doctor, and this is a very individual matter. There are no such pills that would be equally good for everyone. If you feel that this hormonal drug does not suit you (you feel sick, your chest hurts, you are worried about spotting, weight gain), stop taking it. You need another drug.

As for hormone replacement therapy for menopause, this is already a treatment under the strict supervision of a doctor. A woman should take a general and biochemical blood test, do an ultrasound of the mammary glands, regularly visit a gynecologist. It is necessary to control the general condition of the body.

If a woman is sure that she will be able to cope with menopause and rebuild her life to a more gentle regime: work less, rest more, walk in the fresh air in the evenings, swim in the pool, then you can try to do without hormone therapy.

If at 50 you still need to be strong, work overtime, raise children (that's why you need to give birth at 20, so that by 50 children will already grow up. - Ed.), Then hormonal support is necessary. Hormones make us strong. However, they can only be taken up to 65. The body cannot be stimulated indefinitely; it is depleted from unreasonable stimulation.

Fear 3. Infections lead to infertility

About 25 diseases can be transmitted sexually. And some of them: gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis - actually lead to infertility. Chlamydia, for example, threatens with obstruction of the fallopian tubes.

Fear 4. Excess weight is always harmful

Weight should be kept at any age, - Natalya Vladimirovna is sure. - If you have gained 10 kg in two months, then the ovaries will immediately respond. And in some cases it can cause dysfunction. Ovulation (the maturation of the egg necessary for conception) will be problematic. And another question, will it. So in the most egregious (!) cases, excess weight can lead to infertility.

Weight loss can solve many problems. Lose extra pounds, all metabolic processes are activated, the work of the endocrine glands, thyroid gland, ovaries.

Attention! If you have recovered, as it seems to you, without objective reasons, the first thing to do is check the thyroid gland.

Fear 5. A woman grows old without sex.

No sex - no fulfilling life. As a result, stagnation in the vessels, withering of all body functions. And the emotional state is melancholy and depression, - Natalya Vladimirovna states. - Orgasm is an estrogen peak (the maximum amount of female hormones is produced). And at this peak, a woman flies, she is happy, she does not notice that she was rude in the store. She just doesn't hear it. Her body is set in a different way. She flies both at home and at work.

Fear 6. Silicone breasts are not cool.

If this operation improves the quality of life, then why not. I had one patient who had a breast augmentation after the birth of two children. She blossomed and rejuvenated, because she again felt beautiful and desirable, and against this emotionally positive background, her women's health improved. It did her good, - Natalya Vladimirovna recalls. - And another case: a 20-year-old girl had breast plastic surgery, because by advertising underwear, you can earn increased fees. But, most likely, she will have problems with lactation ... She has already decided the fate of her child - he will grow up on artificial feeding. Although these children grow up healthy. The main thing is that mom is happy. Any operation does not go unnoticed for the body (you should always remember this!), but if you are sure that it will improve your life, then it is probably worth it.

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I will be banal, but I hope you will forgive me: health is the greatest value in life. If you feel bad, constantly something hurts, then nothing pleases. Therefore, you need to take care of yourself, especially in our time, when there are problems with the environment, bad water flows from the taps, and what we eat leaves much to be desired. Of course, all these factors negatively affect our physical condition.

There is a wise proverb: "He who has not been sick does not know the price of health." As rightly said! Usually we pay attention to our well-being only when problems begin. But they can be avoided if you take care of yourself. What should a woman pay attention to in order to stay healthy? (Strengthen the body's defenses will help article "Immunity, how to increase it?" on the site "Solar Hands" )

Humor helps us live

It has already been scientifically proven that people who are optimistic, do not give up at every trouble and are able to find positive moments even in sad events, get sick less often and live longer. So smile and laugh more often! (By the way, on this topic I recommend article “How to improve mood? Proven ways to continue to enjoy life, despite external circumstances! on the site "Solar Hands" ) This is the best cure for despondency. One has only to approach any situation with humor, and it no longer seems so intractable. The ability to laugh at yourself will help out both in the family and in the team.

To maintain physical and mental health, try to communicate with pessimists as little as possible. People who constantly complain about life weaken our energy. I have a friend, we used to be good friends. Before, because now I have severely limited our communication, and here's why. Katya (this is the name of the girl) lives with her mother, they do not have a very good relationship, they often quarrel. Katya has no personal life and constant rush work at work. And for a whole year and a half, Katya complained to me every day about her unenviable position in this life. Having spoken out, she came to life, and on the contrary, I felt squeezed out like a lemon. My mood deteriorated, I lashed out at loved ones, got angry for no reason. And then I realized that there is still a reason, and her name is Katya. On the topic of energy vampires, I found on Solar Hands website wonderful article. Wrote it editor-in-chief of the portal Anastasia Gai . Here link to her work: . Since I stopped listening to Katya, as if a lump had fallen off my shoulders. I began to feel much happier.

Sports have not been canceled

Regular physical activity is not only a beautiful figure and good spirits, but also good health. It is enough to exercise 2-3 times a week to benefit the body.

Swimming, yoga, dancing... Choose what you love. For example, I am a fan of running. I do this every other day for 30 minutes. Quite a bit, but what a boost of strength these half an hour give! Physical activity improves blood circulation, speeds up metabolism, enhances the production of endorphins - hormones of joy. Of course, this all has a positive effect on our health. Don't rush out of bed in the morning. Stretch well, like cats do. This will help transition the body from sleep mode to active mode. Twist your feet first in one direction, then in the other direction, straighten your arms forward. Even such a short gymnastics will bring great benefits to the body.

Experts advise that if you have absolutely no time for sports (although I don’t believe in such cases, it’s all laziness), then at least walk at a fast pace every day for 20-30 minutes.

We are what we eat

Women are more susceptible to the deposition of adipose tissue than men. This is due to the function that nature has entrusted to us - to bear a child. So the body makes reserves in case of hunger.

Women of the weaker sex need to be careful about their diet. Being overweight increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and breast cancer.

To stay healthy, eat fruits and vegetables, dairy and dairy products, fish, lean meats. I will not dwell on nutrition issues, you can read on this topic an article by Tatiana Raduga, author of the Solar Hands website, “How to eat right, are there any rules for proper nutrition?”

Take vitamin complexes. Now on sale are drugs created specifically for women. They take into account the physiological characteristics of the fairer sex. Be sure to consult your doctor before taking vitamins.

Disease prevention

Any disease is easier to prevent than to treat later. The truth is as old as the world. During the youth of our grandmothers and mothers, everyone was sent without fail every year for medical examinations. It was right: the doctor noticed the onset of the disease and could help the person before it takes a chronic form.

This practice no longer exists. Therefore, you need to take care of yourself. At work, I communicate a lot with doctors, here are the recommendations for disease prevention they gave me:

- at the age of 20 every woman should visit a gynecologist and an ophthalmologist once a year, twice a dentist, and also annually do a cardiogram, fluorography, a general analysis of urine and blood.

- at 30 years old, except for those specialists whom I named above, you need to see an endocrinologist and a surgeon once every 2 years. Be mindful of your chest. At the slightest change in it, contact a mammologist.

- 40 years and older visit the same specialists and another therapist. If there are any complaints, he will write a referral to other doctors. Even after 40 years, it is recommended to do a mammogram every year.

I wish every woman to stay young, beautiful and healthy as long as possible! We are the keepers of the hearth, the energy of the house, its mood. Therefore, let's take care of ourselves so that our household members feel healthy and happy!

Sincerely, Oksana Chistyakova.


Get regular preventive medical check-ups. Most diseases can be completely cured or slowed down as much as possible if they are detected at an early stage. For a systematic examination by a gynecologist is especially important. It is necessary to appear in his office precisely for prevention, and not when frightening ones are found.

Monitor the state of your body. Any changes in the breasts (enlargement, compaction, soreness) and the menstrual cycle are a serious reason for immediate medical attention. In addition, you should know the indicators of your usual blood pressure, the amount of sugar and cholesterol in the blood, and the level of hemoglobin.

Never take medicines without a doctor's prescription. This is especially true of hormonal drugs that have a contraceptive effect. The doctor will prescribe you a medicine based on many factors and based on objective tests. Wrongly chosen ones will not only not bring benefits, but also disrupt the natural hormonal balance of the body.

Take good care of your personal hygiene. Experts do not consider the phrase "cleanliness is the key to health" banal. They strongly advise women to wash their hands with soap for at least 30 seconds, use separate towels for their face, body and legs, and not share their comb and lipstick with anyone. Everyone should master the daily care of the external genital organs in childhood. An adult woman is obliged in any situation to remember the cleanliness of the body and underwear.

Control your weight and eat right. A healthy waist should not exceed 80 cm. Do not torture yourself with endless diets, but cook for yourself and your loved ones a variety of nutritious meals rich in vitamins and minerals. Drink a glass of cold water daily on an empty stomach to restore a full-fledged metabolism in the body. Give up alcoholic and carbonated drinks, do not abuse salt and sugar.

Live actively. Go in for sports, choosing the program that suits you with the trainer and correctly calculating the physical load. It is enough to do aerobics, gymnastics, swimming, etc. 3 times a week for 40 minutes. Don't forget your regular outdoor walks. Don't miss out on a full eight hours of sleep.

Love yourself and your loved ones. Find time for communication and leave yourself a few hours for solitude and doing what you love. Boost your confidence. Avoid, if possible, stressful situations and smooth out their impact on your body.

Since ancient times, the female breast has been considered the personification of sexuality, motherhood, health and beauty. At the same time, this is one of the delicate parts of the body that requires tireless care and special treatment. Mastopathy is a common disease that poses a particular danger.

Mastopathy is a disease that is expressed in atrophy, in the proliferation of connective tissues and in the occurrence of nodular neoplasms and cysts. This not only causes pain, swelling, but also increases the risk of developing cancer cells.

Causes of mastopathy

The most common risk factors include:

Improper diet, obesity, overweight;
- taking hormonal drugs;
- lack of regular sexual life;
- refusal of breastfeeding;
- artificial interruption;
- hereditary diseases;
- advanced diseases of the endocrine system, liver,;
- Irregular bowel movements, slow digestion.

Exposure to direct sunlight can also trigger the occurrence. That is why topless sunbathing is not recommended. In case of mastopathy, it is necessary to completely abandon the sauna and solarium.

It is also not safe for the health of the female breast wearing bras. Such underwear can cause microtrauma. In addition, blood circulation may be impaired.

To keep your breasts in good shape, you need to regularly perform a series of physical exercises. For this, pull-ups on the horizontal bar, light loads on the arms, push-ups from the floor, etc. are suitable. These exercises help to improve the shape of the bust. Be careful not to allow dairy injuries. Even minor injuries to the breast can lead to the development of various diseases.

Be sure to seek medical advice in the event of an injury. He will prescribe a certain treatment and examination.

Wearing the right underwear is very important for maintaining breast health. The bra should be comfortable. It is good if the fabric from which the underwear is made is natural, without toxic dyes. It is worth abandoning the purchase if, when trying on, the bra ribbons leave redness and cut.

Wearing improperly selected underwear can lead to a violation of the outflow of lymph. And this, in turn, can cause mastopathy.

Regular sex life is also important for maintaining the health and beauty of the breasts. It has been proven that sexually unsatisfied very often has problems with the health of the mammary glands. They are provoked by a violation of the hormonal system.

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There are things that many believe in since childhood. They were inspired by our mothers or grandmothers. But are they really true? What do scientists say about this? Several statements that many have heard are collected in one place.

Breasts grow from cabbage. Many have heard about this, but in fact this vegetable does not affect the size of the bust at all. Physical exercise can change the shape of the breast, but the consumption of vegetables will not affect the size.

Wearing a bra increases the risk of cancer. It really is. Underwear pulls a large number of vessels that are in the armpit. There are statistics that show that women who wear underwear for more than 12 hours a day are more likely to suffer from breast cancer. But here it is important to remember that you need to choose the right underwear, then the risk will be significantly reduced.

A pregnant woman needs to eat more. Doctors say you don't need to eat for two! It's just that nutrition should be more varied, filled with various vitamins and microelements for the full formation of the child. With a large amount of food, the weight of the mother can greatly increase, and this will negatively affect the entire course of pregnancy.

Earrings can impair vision. This is what mothers say to daughters who want to pierce their ears. Many people think that it is possible to get into the acupuncture point at the time of the puncture and vision will deteriorate. This has never happened before. And Chinese doctors specifically make punctures at this point to improve vision.

Cellulite is a disease. This is not true. This is a secondary sexual characteristic that can be expressed to a greater or lesser extent. It is impossible to completely get rid of it, since this is the norm of an ordinary organism. You can fight it to get an aesthetic effect.

Climax now starts earlier . This is absolutely not true. Now he is about 45 years old, although 200 years ago he was no more than 40 years old. Everything changes, modern medicine and living conditions make a woman reproductive for more years.

You can lose weight without any effort. It is not true. Even plastic surgery will require a lot of strength and patience. And no magic pills or devices will help if you do not play sports at all and overeat sweets at night.

There are a lot of myths about a woman, and many ladies come up with them themselves. Try to verify what you believe.

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From a very early age, girls hear recommendations from their mothers and grandmothers regarding women's health. At first, all advice seems inappropriate. But if you think about it, it becomes clear that there is a rational grain in the advice of the older generation.

It is necessary to protect women's health from childhood, because a newborn girl is a future woman and mother.

So first of all intimate hygiene. You need to wash the girl by moving your hand from the urethra to the anus, this will prevent microorganisms from the rectum from entering the female organs, which subsequently can cause discomfort, itching, burning, or the development of vulvitis. Such a precaution will not harm an adult woman.

Categorically it is forbidden to forcibly plant a girl until she sits up on her own. Some mothers, trying to speed up the process, put their daughter on her arm or put her on pillows. In the future, such behavior can lead to improper development of the reproductive organs.

Lace and fishnet panties are insanely beautiful and sexy, but such lingerie is only suitable for special occasions. The same applies to thongs, most often they are made of synthetic materials, they do not absorb vaginal secretions, provoke abrasions and irritate the delicate mucous membrane of the genital organs. For daily wear, it is better to choose regular, not very tight cotton panties, because cotton does not cause an allergic reaction, allows the skin to breathe freely, perfectly absorbs secretions.

Panty liners- not such an integral attribute of women's hygiene items. With normal discharge, it is enough to change clothes daily and take a shower. In addition, in the manufacture of gaskets, synthetic materials with various fragrances are often used, which can cause discomfort. During critical days, it is advisable to alternate tampons with pads.

During the period of formation of hormonal status, girls need: swimming, running, dancing, etc., this will help to avoid excess weight. But excessive physical activity and weight lifting can lead to gynecological problems.

In the world there are problems related to women's health. Now no one thinks to hide them, as it was before. Just science and technology, and with them medicine does not stand still. Developing, they allow every woman to be examined at any convenient time and prevent various diseases related specifically to women's health.

Now the role of women in society has changed significantly. And if earlier women had to prove their case in front of men, then at the moment they should not do this. It's just that a woman turned from a housewife into a business woman, quite successful and less independent from other people. A woman skillfully combines the role of a mother and at the same time goes to work. All this cannot but affect her health.

How to maintain women's health?

Doctors say that you should pay more attention to yourself, take various measures to preserve youth. Initially, you need to understand the veracity of the expression that the first half of a woman’s life accumulates various diseases, and only then they try to cure them by all means.

If you do not want such a scenario to develop, you need to take care of your health already at a young age. Only in this way can you prevent the development of diseases in the future. What needs to be done for this? Watch your diet, be sure to prevent colds and control your hormonal levels. It is these tips that should help you in the future, that is, protect you from problems at an older age.

We will tell you how to maintain your health in middle age. It must be borne in mind that the female body, unlike the male, is much more complicated. The state of health of the female body is determined by the proper functioning of the hormonal system. This concept includes the interaction of the two main female hormones (estrogen and progesterone) with other hormones.

When a woman reaches the age of 40-45 years, some changes begin in her body. They mainly relate to the work of the organs of the reproductive system. This is due to the fact that the level of production of sex hormones decreases in the body. It is easy to notice such changes - there are problems with the menstrual cycle, that is, the body begins to prepare for a new stage - menopause.

Signs of menopause

The woman feels that she is very tired at work. When she comes home, she may complain of depression. As for sleep, often women in the menopause are tormented by insomnia, during which sweating increases. Do not think that such conditions will pass by themselves. You need to immediately tell the attending gynecologist about this. He will definitely prescribe replacement therapy, which is designed to cure all the symptoms of menopause within a few years.

Of course, during menopause, a woman may suffer from poor health, but this is not a reason to quit work and stay at home. Is not it? In order to be confident in your health, doctors advise you to definitely undergo a mammogram, take a blood test that will show the level of cholesterol, and do not forget to visit a gynecologist. It is also necessary, if possible, to abandon bad habits, perform physical exercises, supply your body with useful vitamins and microelements.

Women's Health Tips:

- try to less often use personal care products containing antibacterial components. The fact is that such products destroy beneficial bacteria, thereby disrupting the natural balance in the body.

Be sure to drink black tea. Scientists have proven that it is he who is able to protect against caries, as well as improve the performance of the whole organism.

- Monitor your hormonal levels. After 35 years, go for consultations to a gynecologist and an endocrinologist.

- an excellent source of antidepressants will be the use of meat or cottage cheese.

Don't forget to have sex. This activity will help you stay young longer.

- remember that the female body needs folic acid. Do not neglect the use of foods containing vitamins B6 and B12. Only in this way can you prevent age-related changes associated with vision.

Finally, it must be said that you should not think that life ends at 40. Enjoy every day, and then your health will be in order.

Reaching the age of 40 was associated not so long ago in the mind of a person with the beginning of fading. The first health problems appear, are disturbed. Sometimes anxious thoughts about the future come.

The crisis of the 40th anniversary of women is especially acute. It is to them that life presents unpleasant surprises at this age: wrinkles, weight gain, causeless mood swings. In the body at this time there are cardinal changes associated with the gradual extinction of the reproductive function. He does not immediately adapt to the new state, and while the restructuring is underway, a woman may suffer from a variety of menopausal disorders.

Health problems after 40

After 40 years, the production of estrogen decreases in the body of every representative of the beautiful half of humanity. These are the most "female" hormones, they regulate the menstrual cycle. With a decrease in their level, problems with weight can begin, which is growing, despite the fact that the lifestyle has remained the same. There is irritability, unreasonable fatigue.

It also reduces the production of progesterone, one of the functions of which is to "facilitate" the creation of an acidic environment in the vagina. Bottom line: a decrease in natural lubrication, dryness, pain during sexual intercourse is possible. Increased susceptibility to diseases of the urogenital area, in particular cystitis. Following cystitis, "visit" can be welcome.

In general, immunity is somewhat reduced. For some, this manifests itself to a greater extent, for someone - to a lesser extent, but the chances of catching even a common cold at this age are greater than at 20-30 years old.

After the age of 40, bone density gradually begins to decrease. This process proceeds at a rapid pace after menopause occurs, but the first “bells” may sound already at the stage. For the first time, hypertension can make itself felt: pressure can periodically increase, however, so far this is manifested only by short headaches. Sometimes there may be attacks of tachycardia, which pass by themselves.

As the menopause approaches, sudden “hot flashes” are increasingly occurring, when a woman is literally thrown into a fever. They are replaced by chills.

The complexion becomes not so radiant, age spots appear. A woman may notice that her hair is not as thick as before and has lost its usual softness.

All these are signs indicating the proximity of the end of the childbearing period. This is a difficult time, but you can survive it easier, or even completely minimize the manifestations of menopause, if you follow a number of recommendations from doctors.

Healthy eating after 40

You need it right at any age - hardly anyone will dispute this axiom. But if until the age of 35-40 you could sometimes afford to eat pizza at night or eat half a box of sweets instead of a daily portion of fruit, then after 40 such indulgences it’s better not to make yourself.

The reasons

  • the metabolism slows down, and each extra candy can turn into extra millimeters at the waist;
  • fats, which are found in abundance in fast food products, will have a very harmful effect on the condition of the heart and blood vessels.

Until the onset of menopause, the female heart is under the reliable protection of hormones. Therefore, heart attacks and other myocardial diseases up to 45-50 years old are practically not found in the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. But then they quickly “catch up” with men. Therefore, it makes sense to set up your body in advance for the correct rhythm of work, for which, before the age of 40, master the principles of healthy eating.

In the diet of an adult healthy person, there should be approximately the following ratio of components:

  • fat - 30%;
  • carbohydrates - 50%;
  • proteins - 20%.

Then the body will function normally. The calorie requirement slowly decreases with age. So, if a 17-year-old girl needs to receive at least 2700 Kcal per day, then a woman after 40-45 years old needs from 1800 to 2000 Kcal. To lose weight, you need to further reduce this amount.

Not only the quantitative expression, but also the qualitative composition of these calories is important. You can eat a lot of ice cream - you will get a sufficient portion of calories, but a completely wrong ratio of carbohydrates and fats.

Perhaps you should not sit and scrupulously calculate the calories of each breakfast and lunch. Other principles work more effectively here:

  • you should eat heavier, long-digesting food in the morning;
  • never skip breakfast;
  • you need to get up from the table "a little bit hungry."

You need to accustom yourself to eat a little, but more often, up to 6 times a day, and try to include fruits or vegetables in every snack.

Physical education is the best assistant

If we remember that after 40 years the metabolism slows down, then we can immediately conclude that after 40 it is necessary to increase physical activity.

The main task at this age is not to set records, but to try to develop and maintain flexibility and muscle strength as much as possible. After the onset of menopause in the body, there is a gradual loss of muscle tissue, which is replaced by fat. Therefore, it is very difficult to maintain the same figure that it was at 20 years old. But it depends on the woman herself how much she will own her body.

When choosing a type of sports activity, pay attention to yoga or. It is necessary to exclude sudden movements, jumps, quick bends and develop more flexibility and mobility. Try doing the plank daily: an exercise in which the horizontal position of the torso is fixed with support on the palms of outstretched arms and toes. At first, you can withstand only a few seconds, then the muscles will get stronger, and endurance will increase. During the exercise, you need to strain the muscles of the press, back, legs as much as possible. The back should remain straight.

Don't forget to download the press. It is better to do this from a supine position, raising your legs - this reduces the load on the spine.

Stretch better- Lying on your back, try to get straightened legs behind your head. This is great for relaxing your spine.

You can use some of the "pas" of belly dancing. Shaking, smooth circular movements of the hips are very useful: “eights” and “circles”, movements of the shoulders.

Do not forget about exercises with dumbbells, they help to reduce the loss of muscle tissue.

How to get sound sleep

After 40 years, the quality of sleep is of great importance. Constant "lack of sleep" negatively affects the hormonal background, enhances the manifestations of menopause.
Try not to use sleeping pills. Instead, take as a rule:

  • finish all business an hour and a half before bedtime;
  • always go to bed no later than 23 hours;
  • in the evening to get out for a mini-walk near the house - just get some air;
  • do not eat or drink at night.

We improve mood

After reaching the 40-year milestone, mood swings are caused not only by hormonal changes. A woman may worry about changes in appearance that prevent her from still feeling attractive to the opposite sex. It seems to her that all the good things are already behind, and only old age and illness are ahead ...

To tone yourself up, try this tactic.
Get out into the world as often as possible, travel (at least go on day trips), meet new people. Pay attention to those who are already over "... twenty", but who at the same time maintain health and good spirits. Take lessons from them - it will come in handy in the future.

Set yourself goals - qualitatively new: to master an interesting profession, to find an unusual hobby. You should always have time for yourself, for your personal development - at least half an hour a day.
Many changes in appearance can be corrected. Meet a good beautician, do self-massage of the face.

And be sure to review your wardrobe, excluding black and gray shades to the maximum. It's time for beautiful light dresses and elegant skirts!

How to balance hormones

If the manifestations of menopause are strong enough and cannot be corrected using all of the above methods, doctors prescribe medications. They are divided into hormonal and non-hormonal. The first group includes Atarax, Sigetin and some others. They contain hormones that the female body lacks, and help to cope with irritability, hot flashes, fatigue, improve attention and memory. These are not always tablets - such drugs include, for example, the Dermestril patch.

Non-hormonal remedies are Qi-Klim and other medicines. Their action is softer, gradual. They cope well with minor fluctuations in hormonal levels.

Folk wisdom advises to try decoctions of wormwood and sage to minimize the unpleasant manifestations of age-related changes.

Before resorting to the help of any medication, whether hormonal or not, consult your doctor.
Bad habits - fight!

No protective measures will help if you continue to smoke or eat cakes in large quantities after 40 years, which you did before without any special consequences. It is difficult for the body now - you need to ease the transition period for it, parting with your favorite cigarettes. By the way, the resins contained in tobacco smoke contribute to the “thickening” of the blood, which means that they increase the risk of thrombosis. Until the age of 40-45, the body copes with this, and then difficulties may arise.

A large number of sweets leads to an excess of "bad" cholesterol, from which the vessels can no longer get rid of themselves. Increased risk of high blood pressure, strokes. The pancreas works worse - blood sugar levels can rise.

Poorly excreted excess alcohol. Therefore, you will have to forget about cheerful friendly feasts until the morning. But a glass of good red wine (preferably dry) a couple of times a week, on the contrary, will help cleanse the walls of blood vessels and improve well-being.

Age of Wisdom

If earlier 40-year-old ladies believed that the best in life was already behind them (and those around them supported them in this opinion), today 40 years is the time for the flowering of female forces. If you think about it - what is a "climax"? Translated from Greek, this word means "step of a ladder." This is just another step on the ladder of your life - nothing more. You get new experience, go to a new level of development. There is still a lot of unfinished business and plans for the future. You already know yourself, know how to evaluate yourself and are well versed in men.

Treat the next decade as a new round of life to be mastered, and learn to enjoy the simplest things - from every ray of sunshine, a drop of rain, a sparkling snowflake, a child's smile. Take care of yourself and help those who need help. Life goes on!



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