How to make a collage of dreams and desires easily and quickly with your own hands.

A collage of desires is also called a visualization, it is also a “treasure map”, it is also a “newspaper of happiness”, or a “poster of desires” is a collage that depicts your dreams and desires.

Imagination is the main tool of any person, because we can only do what we can imagine! Since our brain receives most of the information through the eyes, then real photos and pictures become the most effective components of self-programming. If you can imagine it, then you can achieve it! Dreams Come True! Otherwise, nature would not have endowed us with the ability to dream.

There are annual collages that affect all areas of our lives, as well as thematic ones, designed to improve one specific area, for example, improve family relations, go on a trip, get a desired job, etc. In this article, we will talk about making exactly the annual collage of desires, since the thematic collage is one of its components, and it is made according to the same principles.

Thematic and annual collage can be individual, that is, only for you and reflect all your aspirations of the soul, or family. It takes into account the last desires and interests of all family members and is jointly made by efforts. You can attract even the smallest and most adult family members, because there are no age limits for dreams and creativity!

When is the best time to start making Collages?

Our answer is right when you feel the desire and are ready to start! It is very good if the opportunity to create and the desire will fall on:

  • The period of the growing moon is considered the most favorable from 1 to 5 lunar days.
  • Your birthday (a favorable period is the month before and after the name day).
  • The lunar day on which you were born, even if the moon is waning.
  • New Year Holidays: Chinese New Year, Old New Year, Calendar New Year, etc.
  • Depending on your religion, for all kinds of religious holidays, for example, for Buddhists, these are 9 and 21 lunar days - the days of Dakini and Daka, respectively, the full moon, the May full moon is considered the most powerful - Buddha's birthday.
  • Your own choice.
  • But the most important day is the one when you just want to create!

So, the stars have converged, now it's time to decide on the structure of the collage. The Ba-gua grid from the Feng Shui system is best suited for an annual collage. Why is she? Because it includes all areas of our life: travel, protectors / helpers, knowledge / wisdom, wealth, success, career, creativity, children, relationships and love, family, and also health. To build a happy and harmonious life, it is important to set the vector of the desired development in all these areas.

Collage Making Methods:

  1. Draw by hand (with felt-tip pens, pencils or paints) on a clean sheet of A4, A3, A2 or A1 paper and it is not necessary to be an artist for this, but the main condition must be observed - you should really like your collage.
  2. Paste the pictures and phrases collected in advance from magazines and newspapers on a sheet of paper in A1, A2, A3, A4 format. You can also download from the Internet and print the pictures and photos you like on a color or black and white printer.
  3. In any of the above formats, print a collage drawn in a graphic editor, made up of photos and pictures drawn by oneself or uploaded to the Internet.
  4. A combination of the previous methods.
  5. Your choice.

Step-by-step instructions for making an annual collage:

In our example, we use the structure from the Feng Shui system of the Ba-gua grid, you can use any other system you like, but the one that you create yourself works best!

STEP 1. Desires should be clear, precise and written down on paper.

In electronic or paper form, we take a blank sheet of the required format. Whatman paper is best suited in A1 format. It must be drawn into nine equal parts, we give the name to all sectors:

1. Wealth, welfare; 2. Glory, success; 3. Love, Marriage

4. Relations with loved ones, parents, friends; 5.I, Health; 6.Children, Creativity

7. Wisdom, knowledge, travel; 8. Career, life path, new projects; 9. Helpers, Significant people, Protectors, Patrons

In order to get what you want from life, you first need to determine what you want. Therefore, we write down in each sector our desires and goals for the next year or more:

  • The desire must be expressed clearly and clearly in a few words in the affirmative form and in the present tense, as if you already have what you want.
  • Particles "NOT" should not be.
  • Bring pleasure should desire to you and your loved ones.
  • Safe should be the desire for you and those around you.
  • No need to expand your consciousness, just stop limiting it. Achieve, write, dream and do not deny yourself anything.

Important! It is necessary to leave one sector empty during the filling process. Which - you will see for yourself. This sector is closed from you for the time being, and the higher forces themselves determine what kind of surprise to arrange for you in it. Sectors in their fullness for women and men will differ, since a man is realized in achievements, and a woman in relationships.

So, for example:

1. SECTOR "Wealth, welfare":

  • My monthly income is $15,000.
  • I own a brand new white Range Rover Jeep.
  • I have a large wardrobe of beautiful shoes, dresses and several fur coats that make me look amazing.
  • Purely and easily money comes to me.
  • I easily attract money into my life.
  • I have a diamond ring with a large dark blue sapphire.
  • I/my family owns a house in the Crimean mountains, with a swimming pool and a fireplace.
  • Etc.

2. SECTOR "Glory, success":

  • I won $10,000,000 in the lottery
  • I am a magnet for money, luck and love
  • My husband and I are the perfect couple.
  • I am the youngest member of the Forbes ranking
  • Etc.

3. SECTOR "Love, Marriage":

  • I am happily married
  • I am a loving and beloved wife
  • My honeymoon in the islands
  • My wedding is the most beautiful
  • The man of my dreams proposed to me
  • Etc.

4. SECTOR "Relationships with loved ones, parents, friends":

  • My husband enjoys spending time with our children, they read books together, fool around, play and make things.
  • We pamper each other often by bringing coffee to bed.
  • My husband and I often spend time talking by the fireplace with sweets and a glass of wine.
  • My husband likes to give gifts.
  • My parents are happy and healthy.
  • Etc.

5. SECTOR "I, Health":

  • I have a flat tummy
  • I have beautiful thick hair
  • I am healthy
  • My stable body weight is 55 kilograms
  • I have a slim, beautiful figure
  • Me and my family - we are happy and healthy
  • Etc.

6. SECTOR "Children, Creativity":

  • I express myself with joy and ease in my work, embroidering beautiful pictures with a cross
  • My son is growing up smart and obedient to the delight of his parents.
  • I am a happy mother, loving and beloved woman
  • I gave birth to a healthy and beautiful baby
  • Etc.

7. SECTOR "Wisdom, knowledge, travel":

  • We went with the whole family on a trip around the world.
  • I successfully defended my PhD thesis
  • Etc.

8. SECTOR "Career, life path, new projects":

  • I am constantly growing professionally and developing
  • I am the best seller
  • I am a successful business owner
  • Etc.

9. SECTOR "Helpers, Significant people, Defenders, Patrons"

  • · Vladimir Putin assists me in the implementation of my project
  • The universe takes care of me
  • My guardian angel is always by my side and takes care of me
  • Etc.

STEP 2. We draw our own world!

Let's start drawing/sticking slogans, photos and pictures. Cutting out the expressions we like from magazines, we materialize our desires, which are sometimes difficult to imagine in reality, and even more so for a long time to keep these mental images. And here are some simple secrets on how to attract what you want into your life as soon as possible:

  1. All you need is to know where you want to go, the right solutions and the means to achieve what you want will automatically appear! You only reflect the end result, not the means to achieve it.
  2. Before pasting a picture that reflects your desire, you should look at it and answer the question for yourself, how do I feel when I have this or when I am like this or like this? Feelings from owning these things should cause pleasure and emotional comfort. This means that this is really your desire, and not someone else's, which means that this desire comes from your soul, and not from the mind, and only in this case will your subconscious mind help you in making your dream come true.
  3. If you have found a whole slogan suitable for you from the Internet, newspapers or magazines, then this means that the phrase you need in your life has already begun to work and will become a reality very soon.
  4. For each sector, use as a background or substrate an image that reflects the basis to realize your desires. So, for example, for a sector that displays wealth, images are suitable: banknotes, diamonds, gold bars; for the relationship sectors, marriage and love can serve as the basis for harmony and love - this is the sign of Yin-Yang, hearts, etc. If you don’t have the opportunity to use a background image, then decorate, draw or glue the unfilled remaining places according to the same principle.
  5. On top of the substrate (background image) we place cute pictures with the image of emotions, events, material goods that we want to attract or keep in our lives.
  6. In the “I am healthy” sector, you need to place your photo or a photo of your family, and no matter how old it is and how you look there, the main condition is that you should like it and cause only positive emotions. If you are not planning to be alone in the next year, then you should be in the photo with the whole family or with a partner. If there is no such photo, then place next to you any image that symbolizes the opposite sex for you. So for a woman, the symbol of the masculine principle can be the icon of Mars, the Eiffel Tower, as eros, etc. It is best to avoid photographs where one person is located, because life is a constant interaction.
  7. You can use your own photographs, photographs of celebrities or real people that you would like to take an example from and in your opinion who have the qualities that you want to strengthen and attract into your own life. For example, a photo of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt is a symbol of an ideal and beautiful couple.
  8. In the “wealth” sector, try to use those images where, next to the desired benefits, there are people who enjoy using them. It is better to replace the images of people with your own or with members of your family. If you want to emphasize that you have money, it can be a wad of money, a full wallet in your hand, and so on. The central image of the house from your dreams should also contain smiling photographs of all its residents, etc.
  9. All means of transportation: cars, yachts, planes, etc. should be from left to right should be directed for those who practice right-hand writing, since it is to the right that the looking car will look into the future, and vice versa, the future will be to the left for those who use left-hand writing.

In principle, everything, using these tips, you can create for yourself an excellent collage of desires, which will certainly come true.

Every person has goals, some aspirations. How to make them come true? Wish card! A magical, unusual instrument. The card is a collage on which the visualization of desires takes place. Due to it, life is tuned to inevitable success. For example, I wish you a new car, love, good health, a promotion, an interesting journey. To carry out all of the above is simple, you just need to make this card. And she will definitely help all the wishes come true. Many have heard about this method, but few believe in its effectiveness. By the way, in vain. I learned from my own experience - the card works!

In ancient China, people believed that if a person sincerely expresses his desire, then it begins to come true. The map becomes one of the great tools on the thorny path to success.

But you need to know one rule: everything that is said, what is thought about, multiplies and grows. Thoughts are material, because of this, positive thinking is what you really need to learn.

I believe that everyone who mentally believes, tuned in to the result, will certainly achieve it. The main thing in this business is clarity, a clear presentation of goals and intentions.

Psychologists are convinced that the chain “dream visualization - dream fulfillment” works. Those who prescribe life priorities and plans achieve them faster.

Making a collage, I thought a lot about my life, values, highlighted the main thing. Thus, thoughts were put in order, there was an adjustment for the best. That is, I made a dream, living it in the future, keeping the mental image in my head for a long period of time. We can say that I programmed myself for success and for what I want most of all. I believe that the signal for the real fulfillment of desires is their visualization.

To make the collage work, I highlighted several important points.

  1. Hclear statement of desire , expressing it in specific words.
  2. The expression is exclusively in the affirmative form and present tense. I said: I was promoted at work to the head of the department, I drive a new car.
  3. The security of desire for oneself, other people.

It takes a little to change a life

A map can be made in two ways.

The first option is on paper.


  • pencils, pens, markers, paints;
  • magazines, newspapers, photos, printed pictures;
  • glue, scissors, paper.

Any Whatman paper will do. I took the A3 format. I must say right away that the task is tedious, since the size of the paper is quite large. You can take a smaller one, A4, a regular landscape sheet.

The density of the paper is important so that it does not warp from glue, that is, the ideal option is thick cardboard.

The dimensions will not affect the result in any way, the main thing here is something else, that is, the structuredness of thoughts, the mood for the right wave.

The background of the card is the color that is pleasant, with which positive images are associated. From magazines I have a lot of gloss, such as Cosmopolitan and Allure. There are many pictures, bright, beautiful. They fit perfectly on my card.

The second way is to create on a computer

Any photo editor that can make a collage will do. This option is easier and takes a little time. You just need to pump up pictures, combine them with your photos, add inscriptions. Visualization of desires is ready!

How to make a map of desires: sharing experience

It's easy to make a map. But there are some rules that will allow her to work in full force.

Rule number 1. Balance is the key to efficiency.

I think this is the main idea for creating a map. That is, many spheres of life should be reflected. You should not be limited to one thing, for example, only a career.

I paid attention to the profession, family, health, self-development, relationships with friends, travel, creativity. Let's just say: I visualized what I wanted in the future, and the future is expressed in many aspects, not limited to one thing.

Rule number 2. Use of the sectoral system.

Each area of ​​​​life corresponds to a certain side of the world . This will give the card the power to activate as soon as possible.

In the center of the map a personal photo with a picture about health is required. Health is the basis of everything, there will be strong health, there will be the fulfillment of all desires. Pictures with healthy food, a slim figure are suitable for visualization.

In the northern partcareer, professional area. This includes the job of my dreams, the image of the boss, the desired business, income (it is even better to express it with an exact figure).

In the north-easteducation, enlightenment. Diplomas, seminars, studies, advanced training, trainings, courses, museums, libraries - all this is here.

Eastfamily well-being. A picture with happy moments, a strong family will do.

South - desired achievements, success. Medals, cups won, certificates received, admirers of talent, other visualized victories.

Southwestplace for love, marriage. What do you want in this area? And, rings, couples, hearts - all this is placed in this sector. It must be remembered that the visualization of love will not tolerate single images!

West suitable for both children and creativity. If you don’t want to have a baby until there are funds and opportunities, it’s better not to post anything on this topic. As for creativity, for a long time I wanted to do choreography and drawing. So my visualization is dance groups on stage, brushes with paints.

Travel, friends in North-west. Countries that you want to visit, their sights, meetings with friends.

Rule number 3. The time of mapping is the beginning of the growth of the young moon.

This is symbolic, because it contributes to a new round of events in life, things will go uphill faster.

Rule number 4. After the map is ready, I make a short trip along it.

I start from the center. I look at the picture, verbally pronounce the goal. This is how desires should be reproduced. I am beautiful, slim, I draw wonderfully, I dance professionally.

How to properly store a wish card?

The location is chosen based on two factors.

First of all, the wish card must be contemplated regularly. But, on the other hand, no one from outsiders should see her.

Outsiders - these are those who do not support in their endeavors. Positive energy should come from people who come to the house, they should bring something good with them.

I found a place for my map in the bedroom, the most intimate corner of my house. I hung it on the wall opposite the bed. That is, falling asleep, I visualize desires, waking up, again I see, I imagine them. Also suitable wardrobe, drawer in the table, dressing room.

Concerning storage method , I can say that the card can be hung on the wall, put on the table, put in the drawer. As convenient as it should be. The main thing is to often look at her, imagine what you want and say it to yourself.

How to update wishes on the map?

Once I had one wish come true, which I put on the map. I purchased a new car.

Of course, it was necessary to decide how to remove the dream come true. Everything was simple here. I just replaced the corresponding picture with another one.

Thus, you can add new pictures to the map, change them, remove unnecessary ones.

Wishes come true, or: how a wish card changed my life!

Honestly, I did not believe in the power of the wish card. Well, how can a collage help me achieve my goals! Still, I decided to try it. Standard - career, family, health. I did.

For interest, every day I looked, visualized the contents of the drawing paper. A few months passed, they gave me a good bonus at work (I didn’t expect this), I added it to my savings and bought it. Oops! One wish came true.

As you know, dreams come true, the main thing is to believe in success and give the right message to the Universe, to correctly convey your desires to it. This issue should be approached thoroughly and responsibly, as the ancient Chinese teaching "Feng Shui" teaches us. A collage or a wish card will help to realize the fulfillment of desires - a simple and effective means of attracting good luck. A correctly executed Feng Shui wish collage starts working in about two to three months. In this article, you will learn how to make a Feng Shui wish collage with your own hands.

Mesh "Ba-gua"

To make it, we need a large sheet of paper, the size of 68 × 68 cm is ideal.

On the paper we will apply the grid "Ba-gua" - the divine octagon. If you have not decided on your desires or there are not many of them, an album sheet is quite enough. A collage, we will call it a “wish card”, can be both a rectangle and a circle, the main thing is to divide it into nine equal parts, each of which is painted in the appropriate color: “Wealth” - light green, “Reputation” - red, “Love "- brown, "Close circle" - green, "Health" (central) - yellow, "Creativity" - white, "Knowledge" - light brown, "Work" - blue, "Travel" - gray.

It is impossible to make a mistake in the order of the arrangement of colors. Fill in sequentially, starting with the top row (left to right), center (left to right) and bottom (left to right). You can not leave empty cells.

We create a wish card on our auspicious day according to the Feng Shui horoscope. For our creativity, days with indicators of good luck are best suited, for example: the dates of Opening, Success, etc. Do not start work on the days of Destruction, Closure and Deliverance. It is necessary to start manufacturing on the growing moon - 1,3,7,11 lunar days or the first 14 days of the Chinese New Year. Also a good day to draw up a map is your own birthday. On the scheduled day, you should be engaged only in drawing up a map, without haste, thoughtfully, without being distracted by anything or anyone.

Learning to make wishes

The dream should be cherished, exclusively yours, clearly articulated, real and achievable. Our dreams are an intimate, personal matter, so you should not draw up a map, for example, for two with your young man, because the map is drawn up personally for you! No matter how close and trusting relationships bind you, you should not put joint photos and common goals on your map.

We take into account the rule - "Not to the detriment of others!". Desires must be limited in time. Now you need to choose pictures for a collage of desires or photos that would exactly match your dream. You can use pictures that reflect not only real objects, but also images, for example, you want to find your one and only person, so use a schematic image of a hugging couple. If it is impossible to reflect your dream with images or pictures, then use words. For example, you have been dreaming of losing a few pounds for a long time, use the phrase in the present tense, “It's great! I'm slim!

All photos or pictures should be clear, positive and emotional. There should be no pictures embodying an aggressive message! In the center of the collage, choose your best photo, reflecting the most favorable period of your life, where you are happy, smiling and everything is fine with you.

Consider photo collages of desires as an example:

Making a map is part of the process, it should be activated, that is, choosing a small, simple desire that is quickly realized, for example, buying already selected shoes - and then the wish fulfillment mechanism will start!

The collage needs to be visualized daily, and the best option is to place it in the bedroom at the head of the bed, but not in the bathroom, kitchen, where, according to Feng Shui, the energy is weakening. You should also choose a place not on public display, so that there are no prying eyes and unnecessary curiosity. If it is not possible to hang it on the wall, put it on a cabinet, but do not bend, roll or lay it down with pictures, otherwise you will create an obstacle to the movement of energy.

If the wish came true

In the process of working on a collage, the right psycho-emotional mood is created, the subconscious turns on to find ways to achieve the goal, interesting thoughts and ideas come to mind, and you will begin to look for acceptable options for realizing your dreams.

It happens that not all desires are fulfilled. You should reconsider them, perhaps you have set yourself an impossible goal, for example, flying into space. In this case, you should change the desire to a more real one. If, it would seem, a simple desire is not fulfilled, perhaps it is not really yours and its fulfillment will negatively affect you, cause unnecessary problems. After a few months, analyze the map, if any goals are achieved, then it's time to draw up a new one.

If your dream has changed over time, then as an exception, you can change the contents of the sector by adding a new picture. But this should only be done as a last resort!

By the way, you can make a collage in an electronic version, but a hand-made one will be more valuable for the Universe, since your energy is invested in it and it is easier to find the path to execution.

Video on the topic of the article

Below is a selection of video tutorials:

Everyone knows that people come to network marketing on the leader. On that person, inside of whom there is a “spark”, “fire” burns.


If you do not fall under the higher categories, how to "turn on the light" within yourself?
Children easily hover in the clouds. They don't need motors and wings. Over the years, they face many “BUTs”: no wings, no airplane, no money to buy an airplane ... The flame of desires becomes dimmer over the years, and dreams do not remain, a person does not fly.

I want you to give yourself permission to dream. Get the dreams out of you! Make a collage of dreams and desires! Take the first step! Fall in love with yourself! Turn on the light within you! People, events, your dreams will be drawn to you!

What will your collage of dreams and desires look like?

A huge piece of drawing paper with colorful clippings from magazines and happy photos of you and your acquaintances, friends, relatives.

Large sheet of drawing paper 90x60 cm.


Glue - 2 pcs.

Six old thick bright magazines. Let it be: Forbes, Hearth - 2 pcs., Cosmopolitan, a catalog of a cosmetic company and a catalog of any travel company. Take no more, otherwise you will drown in magazines.

From the photo where you are smiling and happy, cut out your face in any photo editor and place 25-30 of your photos of different sizes on A4 sheet (landscape), the diameter of the face in the photographs should be from 1 to 10 cm. Print on a color printer or in the photo lab.

With photos of your relatives, friends, acquaintances, colleagues, everyone you want to see in your future life, do the same as in the previous case. Only the number of photos will be less (from 1 to 4), the size is about 1-2 cm.

The decision to complete the collage of dreams and desires today.

Your active steps to create a collage.

You can wait for the favorable location of the planets, the first phase of the moon, certain dates. And you can never wait ... Get started today!

How to make a collage of dreams and desires easily and quickly with your own hands?

Put a piece of paper and a stack of magazines in front of you, pick up scissors and ...

Turn off the "NO" button.

With pleasure, open a magazine, imagine that you are in a restaurant and order the best dishes from the menu. Open the menu (magazine) and select ALL!!! Everything you like! Without thinking about anything! Criteria: like and fit. ALL!!!

To take into account dreams from all areas of your life, I recommend dividing the drawing paper into nine equal parts and compiling your Feng Shui collage. Each of the 9 sectors on the sheet will correspond to a certain side of the world and your area of ​​\u200b\u200blife. I have compiled for you an example of the arrangement of desires on a sheet. Add to the lists everything that your imagination allows you to.

Cut out the pictures and photos you like from the magazine and immediately paste them into the corresponding sectors on the Whatman paper.

The edges of the zones should be blurred. The symbols of your desires flow smoothly from one zone to another.

All signatures in the collage of dreams and desires must be in a POSITIVE way.

All signatures must be in PRESENT tense. Signatures can be: "I'm driving my new car." “We celebrated housewarming in our new house on July 07, 2014.” “I wear expensive, prestigious brands.” "I run company N." “I have 1,000,000,000 rubles in my bank account.”

The entire sheet must be completed. Not a single centimeter should be empty.

In the collage of dreams and desires, in place of the faces on the cut out pictures, stick your face or the faces of your relatives, friends, acquaintances, colleagues, everyone you want to see in your future life. In the very center of the collage, place your BIGGEST, HAPPiest photo of yourself.

Accept ALL your ideas with joy: “I want something. Hooray! Great! My fire inside me flares up more and more!”

The subtleties of quickly making a collage of dreams and desires with your own hands.

Usually such a collage is made up for a period of 1-2 years. The goal today is to awaken your potential. Therefore, go ahead! Paste EVERYTHING you want.

You can enhance a specific area with color and Feng Shui symbols, specify specific dates, terms and amounts. Choose a photo that is 100% consistent with your dream. If possible, do it later. Focus now on awakening your desires.

You must finish the collage TODAY.

I warn you, there are many rules for making a collage of dreams and desires. Since we don't have much time, I won't list them all. Have you decided to finish today?

Where to hang a collage of dreams and desires?

In a place where you will see your collage more often. The more you look, the faster they wake up, your desires come true. Best in the bedroom. There you will see a collage 2 times a day: when you fall asleep and when you wake up.

In the south, southwest room, apartment.

to a static surface.

Don't put your collage of dreams and wishes face down!

How to use the collage of dreams and desires?


Praise yourself for taking the first step.

Feel the "fire" inside yourself, how it burns, how it flares up more and more, how it attracts people, events, dates to you...

Update the collage as needed. Unstick and change pictures. Color in. Add signatures. Work with your desires.

If the wish came true - circle the picture, sign the date.

Take action! If you want to travel to Thailand, apply for a passport.

Video on how to make a wish collage:

Do you want your dream to come true? Help her! Effective tips on how to create a collage of desires! Let's get started today!

Remember Pushkin's "Awakening": "Dreams, dreams, where is your sweetness"?

Indeed, the ability to dream is wonderful, because it helps to paint life in bright colors.

People endowed with a rich imagination write in their minds multi-volume versions of their fairy-tale life.

Those who do not know how to compose so beautifully limit themselves to simpler dreams, but feel no less happy.

Perhaps there is not a single person in the world who would live without dreams.

We send a signal to the universe.

Not everything, of course, comes true, but often people themselves are to blame for this.

You cannot fail to understand how many billions of people live on our planet, and they all dream.

Perhaps, at the very moment when you spoke about your innermost desire, higher powers listened to someone else.

So what needs to be done?

That's right: so that it is visible not only to you, but also to the Universe.

Today we will study how to create a collage to bring them to fruition.

How to make a collage? Why is this?

It is the same with more global dreams.

If every day, when you wake up, on the wall you see colorful photos of bright countries that you dream of visiting, houses, cars, jewelry that you would like to have, and so on, then you will have more incentives to perform them.

It is customary to allocate annual (wish list for the year) and thematic (which will allow you to achieve what you want in a certain area) collages of desires, as well as individual and family ones.

I will say right away: I do not advise making family collages of desires.

You do not need to share your happiness with all family members.

Make your dream visualization, and let your spouse work on his, children and parents too.

Just imagine how much success awaits you next year if you do everything right!

Thought processes in the life of every person are very important.

If you will be the fulfillment of desires, then you will definitely achieve what you dream about.

If, however, it is sad to repeat: “Oh, well, this is all a kindergarten. That it will help”, then the result will be appropriate.

Whineers, skeptics and lazy people who do not want to change can no longer waste their precious time, and everyone else - welcome - we will learn create a collage.

Collage of desires: where to start?

First you need to buy a large clean paper.

Resist the temptation to use an old calendar or, God forbid, a campaign poster!

Agree, it's stupid to save 10 hryvnias when it comes to the fulfillment of cherished desires.

You don't need the faces of other people with their energy, animals and landscapes on the back of the collage!

Choose a good photo, your own, of course.

You will paste it in the center of the collage.

There are several requirements for photography:

  • you personally must like it, because you will look at it every morning;
  • in the photo you should smile / be joyful;
  • it is desirable that you stand on an elevation, for example, on a hill, at the time of photographing.

Be thoughtful when choosing material for a collage. Glossy magazines, pictures on the Internet, printed on a printer, advertising - all this will do.

There are certain requirements for pictures:

  • All images must be in color.
  • Spend time looking for material.

    Do not take the first house that comes across, look for a place where you would really like to live.

    Don't post pictures of people.

    If next year you dream of meeting your love, then do not take a photo of a handsome actor, it is better to look for a symbolic image: hearts, etc.

  • Photos must be of impeccable quality: no scratches or stains.
  • Other people's hands should not be depicted on the collage.

    If you want a gold ring or bracelet, then don't take a photo of a model who advertises jewelry, look for individual pictures of jewelry.

Life is a fairy tale that everyone writes for himself...

You should not be in a hurry, but you can’t drag out work on a collage for years.

A month is the best time.

Making a collage of desires right!

You have already found enough materials, bought a drawing paper, took a photo specifically for the collage, which means it's time to start compiling it.

To make an effective wish collage follow my advice:

  1. Do not leave "holes" on the paper, your collage must be completely filled.
  2. Don't aim for straight edges, let the photos hang down so you don't frame your dreams.
  3. Place pictures around your image, pasted in the center of the paper, the largest and most intimate should be closer to you.
  4. Be sure to add your own inscriptions, for example, “my car”, “my salary”, etc.
  5. Don't sit down to make a collage in a bad mood.
  6. The best time to make a collage is birthday or New Year's Eve, Christmas, Angel's Day, in general - all holidays with a touch of magic.
  7. Set dates for the fulfillment of a dream.

To place a ready-made collage, select the wall opposite the bed so that when you wake up, you can see it.

Do not hide the collage somewhere in the corner, otherwise it will be offended and will not work.

Every year, remake it, remove dreams that have come true, add new ones.

Famous personalities also create collages of desires - look ...

P.S. starting at 3.30 minutes - great words, I agree!

I know that you will find many other recommendations on the Internet, how to make a collage, but I gave you advice personally tested by me and my close people.

We attract into our lives whatever we think about. Follow your thoughts!

And the last thing: even if you have created a truly brilliant collage of desires, that's not all, because you need to move from dreams to actions!

Remember the anecdote about the man who annoyed God so much with his requests to win a million in the lottery that he could not stand it and turned to him with the words: “Well, at least buy a lottery ticket, eh!”

Indeed, sometimes one small step is enough to fulfill our desires.

So, and now confidently went for the fulfillment of desires: to the start, attention, march.

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