How can thrush be treated. Chronic form of thrush

Thrush in women is a fungal infection of the external genitalia.

Because of the discharge, which looks like sour milk, this name appeared. They suffer from thrush at any age: from newborns to postmenopausal women.

In the presence of discharge in 45% of cases, that is, in every second woman, thrush is diagnosed.

Thrush in women - causes

Thrush is caused by fungi of the genus Candida. Normally, they are in the body of any healthy woman and belong to conditionally pathogenic microflora. The vagina is protected from the effects of infection by the mucous membrane and acidic environment with a pH of 3.8 - 4.5.

Depending on the phase of the cycle, a new cell layer of the mucous membrane is formed and then it is rejected. This is one of the protective mechanisms against the spread of microorganisms.

The second is the constancy of the environment with a pH of 3.8 - 4.5. The acidic environment is maintained due to lactobacilli present on the vaginal mucosa in normal conditions. They make up 95 - 98% of the entire microflora of the vagina, participate in the formation of lactic acid, which prevents pathogenic microbes from multiplying.

In addition, lactobacilli form microcolonies on the mucous membrane, thereby preventing the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the thickness of the vagina.

Fungi of the genus Candida, as well as lactobacilli, staphylococci, streptococci, mycoplasmas, etc., are conditionally pathogenic flora. They show their pathogenic properties under certain conditions, one of which is a violation of the acid-base balance in the vaginal cavity.

If the quantitative balance of lactobacilli is disturbed, the lactic acid synthesized by them decreases, the pH of the medium changes, which leads to the active reproduction of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms.

They crowd out the normal intestinal microflora, finding themselves in a more favorable environment; as a result, an infectious-inflammatory process develops. The increased reproduction of fungi of the genus Candida is the only reason for the development of thrush (candidiasis) in women.

The provoking factors are:

1. Incorrect hygiene of the external genital organs. Fungi are found not only on the vaginal mucosa, but also on the skin of the anogenital zone. With water procedures, the fungi are washed off. If hygiene is not observed, they fall on the vaginal mucosa, which happens in childhood.

2. With intensive douching and frequent washing, the normal microflora is washed out, which leads to the development of vaginal dysbacteriosis.

3. Injuries of the vagina.

4. Age. In old age, due to a decrease in estrogen production and mucosal atrophy, there is a sharp decrease in lactobacilli.

5. Inflammation in the vaginal area leads to thinning and friability of the mucosa, which causes the reproduction of the fungus and the development of thrush in women.

6. Medications:

- Taking antibiotics very often leads to the development of thrush in women.

- Cytostatics and hormones reduce immunity, contributing to the reproduction of pathogenic flora.

7. Allergic and immunodeficiency states.

8. Diabetes mellitus: increased glucose in the tissues leads to increased reproduction of lactobacilli in the vagina.

Thrush in women - symptoms

Thrush in women has a number of specific symptoms.

1. Itching in the vaginal area. Increases in the afternoon and evening, often bothers even at night. It can be so strong that it leads to neurosis. May increase when walking, on the eve of menstruation, after contact with water (after hygiene procedures),

2. Characteristic discharge - whites resemble sour milk with cheesy inclusions. If some other pathogen joins, and the infection is no longer purely yeast, the appearance and consistency of the whites change. In this case, especially with a slight itch, you can confuse thrush in a woman with another pathology. This is an important argument in favor of the need to contact a specialist. Since, if you start taking an antibiotic during self-medication, confusing candidiasis with another inflammation, you can significantly aggravate the general condition.

3. There is another unpleasant symptom that causes great discomfort, but is not specific. With the spread of inflammation in the acute phase to the area of ​​the external genitalia and urethra, dysuria occurs: various urination disorders and pain in the vulva (external genitalia) of varying intensity.

External examination revealed itchy rashes in the form of bubbles. When combing, local inflammation joins.

During a gynecological examination, all signs of inflammation are revealed: hyperemia and edema of the mucous membrane, thick curdled layers on the walls of the vagina. These plaques from the colonies of the fungus "grow" into the mucous membrane so tightly that when they are removed, bleeding of the mucous membrane appears up to the wound.

If time is missed or treatment in the acute period was inadequate, after two months the symptoms of thrush in women subside somewhat, and it becomes a chronic recurrent infection.

Symptoms of thrush in women with a chronic course are modified:

1. Itching continues to bother.

2. Discharges may be absent or become slimy and viscous - they lose their characteristic appearance.

3. During gynecological examination, the mucosa is pale and atrophic, there are no signs of inflammation.

Therefore, it is impossible to make a diagnosis in the chronic course of thrush without laboratory tests. Accordingly, with self-treatment, complications may occur instead of the desired cure.

The main diagnostic method is microscopic examination. Candida spores and filaments are clearly visible under a microscope. For successful treatment, an additional quantitative ratio of fungi, lactobacilli and other microorganisms is determined.

Thrush in women - treatment

Success in the treatment of thrush in women depends on timely referral. With timely treatment of the acute form of thrush in women with a good immune system, a complete cure occurs in a few days without repeated returns of the infection.

The chronic form of thrush is difficult to treat. One of the reasons is concomitant chronic diseases, reduced immunity. Therefore, a complete cure is rarely possible, at best, only a long-term remission is achieved.

In the treatment of thrush in women use:

1. Antifungal drugs:

- local - in the form of ointments, suppositories, creams (clotrimazole, ketonazole, etc.);

- systemic antifungal drugs in tablet form (pimafucin, fluconazole, terzhinan, polygynax, diflucan, etc.).

2. Symptomatic therapy:

- means to eliminate itching, pain;

- antihistamines;

- sedative drugs.

Need to know, that antifungal drugs that are used without a doctor's prescription do not always lead to a complete cure, and a decrease or even disappearance of the symptoms of thrush during self-treatment often indicates the transition of the infection to a chronic form.

Important points in treatment:

- observance of sexual rest;

- refusal of alcohol;

- proper personal hygiene;

- no self-administration of foreign drugs, especially antibiotics.

Thrush in women - prevention

For successful prevention, you must follow a few simple but important rules:

1. Adequate daily personal hygiene, change of underwear. Underwear should be cotton, not synthetic, which promotes the growth of the fungus. It is advisable to wear leggings and tights less often. The fungus loves moisture, so it is necessary to dry the genitals after hygiene measures and the toilet.

2. Use only products intended for intimate hygiene.

3. Do not use scented pads, intimate sprays, colored toilet paper.

4. Do not use a syringe, so as not to injure the mucous membrane and not “wash away” the normal microflora.

5. Treatment of existing allergic, chronic diseases.

6. Sufficient physical activity, proper nutrition to maintain immunity.

7. The literature describes studies according to which, with the restriction of sweets, recovery from candidiasis is accelerated.

8. Do not self-medicate, especially do not take antibiotics uncontrollably.

9. Avoid promiscuity and use external contraceptives.

10. Be sure to visit a gynecologist once a year, even if there is no special reason.

Vaginal candidiasis, or thrush, is a disease caused by a microscopic yeast fungus. candida albicans. The internal environment of the vagina is a complex biological system inhabited by symbiotic microorganisms, mainly lactobacilli. In many women C.albicans present in the vagina in small amounts without causing disease.

However, under certain conditions (changes in the acid-base balance of vaginal mucus and the composition of the microflora, hormonal disorders, etc.), fungi begin to multiply aggressively, causing inflammation. This is manifested by itching, burning and swelling of the mucous membrane, aggravated by sexual intercourse, redness of the vulva and the appearance of painful cracks in the skin at the entrance to the vagina. In addition, odorless discharge is characteristic, which can be liquid and watery or, conversely, thick, reminiscent of cottage cheese.

Candidiasis is not considered a sexually transmitted infection. This is due to the fact that an opportunistic fungus plays the greatest role in its development, which can be present in the composition of the vagina's own microflora, and women who do not live sexually can get sick.

In most cases, a clear cause of thrush cannot be established. Various conditions predispose to it, causing changes in the microflora, the quality of mucus and the acid-base balance of the vagina:

  • taking antibiotics;
  • pregnancy;
  • taking estrogen-containing oral contraceptives or hormone replacement therapy;
  • diabetes;
  • weakened immune system as a result of HIV infection or taking immunosuppressants.

Prevention measures

Prevention of thrush is mainly aimed at preventing violations of the microbiocenosis of the vagina.

  • Don't wear tight underwear.
  • Do not use intimate deodorants.
  • Do not sit in wet clothes (such as a swimsuit).
  • Wash clothes in hot water.
  • Eat a balanced and complete diet.
  • Eat yogurt with live milk cultures.
  • Wear underwear made from natural fabrics.
  • Don't take hot baths.
  • Change your feminine hygiene products frequently.
  • Avoid douching.

When to see a doctor

If you have any of the following, then you need to consult a doctor:

  • first-time disease;
  • lack of confidence in symptoms;
  • pronounced manifestations (itching, pain, swelling, etc.);
  • additional symptoms (pain in the small pelvis, smelling discharge, deterioration in general well-being, etc.);
  • frequent episodes of the disease (four or more per year);
  • persistence of symptoms after self-treatment.

Treatment of uncomplicated candidiasis

On the shelves of pharmacies you can find a whole set of remedies for thrush, both for local (creams, ointments, suppositories) and for systemic (tablets) use. Topical self-medication medications are preferred because they do not enter the bloodstream, do not interact with other medications, and do not cause systemic side effects. An example of such a drug with an optimal combination of efficacy and safety is Pimafucin ® .

Its active ingredient natamycin binds to sterols, the main components of fungal cell membranes. As a result, the integrity and functions of the membrane are violated, as a result of which the causative agent of the disease dies. This effect is called fungicidal (as opposed to fungistatic, which consists in suppressing the growth and reproduction of the fungus).

Pimafucin ® is active against most yeast fungi, in the case of C. albicans its effectiveness is close to 100%. In the vast majority of cases, to cure uncomplicated candidiasis, it is enough to use one candle a day for three days. Cases of resistance of yeast fungi to the drug in world practice were observed extremely rarely.

In addition to high efficiency, Pimafucin ® compares favorably with the fact that side effects during its use are rarely observed and consist only in a slight temporary irritation of the vaginal mucosa.

At the same time, Pimafucin is approved for use at any stage of pregnancy and during breastfeeding; it is dispensed from pharmacies without a prescription.

To solve specific problems, Pimafucin ® is available not only in suppositories, but also in other dosage forms. If C.albicans is found in the intestines, Pimafucin ® tablets are used, which act only in the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract, without being absorbed into the blood. If manifestations of candidiasis occur in a partner (itching, burning and redness of the skin under the foreskin), Pimafucin ® is used in the form of a cream. The same cream can be used in conjunction with suppositories to treat the affected skin around the entrance to the vagina.

  • Almost 75% of women today have experienced the delights of such a gynecological disease as thrush. Thrush, or vaginal candidiasis, is caused by a bacterium of the genus Candida. Normally, human immunity prevents the reproduction of the fungus, however, for a number of reasons, this mechanism is disrupted, causing a disease, both in men and women.

    Symptoms and causes of the disease

    The main symptoms of thrush are familiar to many - basically, it is irritation in the genital area, itching, thick curdled discharge. There is also often pain during intercourse and urination. Moreover, the symptoms of thrush are similar in men and women, with the only difference being that in men, thrush is more often asymptomatic.

    Factors that cause thrush can be different:
    - taking antibiotics, weakened immune system;
    - tight underwear, especially synthetic;
    - non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;
    - use of pads and tampons;
    - taking hormonal drugs and even pregnancy, because during this period the hormonal background changes greatly.
    There are a number of reasons that can provoke the development of the fungus. However, in essence, thrush is not a sexually transmitted disease, although in some cases it can be sexually transmitted.

    Treatment of thrush in men and women

    Today there are many options on how to treat thrush in men and women, most often local treatment - to eliminate unpleasant symptoms, it is enough to use suppositories or tablets.

    The nature of the course of the disease largely determines the methods of its treatment. If the patient does not have strong manifestations of the disease and there are no exacerbations, drugs can be used:
    - clotrimazole and its analogues: Yenamazol 100, Kanesten, Kanizon;
    - natamycin;
    - isoconazole;
    - miconazole;

    It is also important to know how to treat thrush in women of mature age. When prescribing the drug to women who have reached the age of 50, and who have diseases of the liver or adrenal glands, as well as those who have an allergy, doctors in no case prescribe nizoral and oronazole.

    Along with tablets, various candles for candidiasis are also often used, such as:
    Polygynax (neomycin sulfate, polymyxin B sulfate, nystatin);
    Livarol (ketoconazole);
    Pimafucin (natamycin is a macrolide antibiotic);
    Macmirror (nifuratel);
    Ginezol (miconazole);
    Gyno-Dactanol (miconazole);
    Klion-D (metronidazole);
    Terzhinan (neomycin sulfate)

    Folk ways to treat thrush

    Along with the treatment of thrush with medications, you can resort to proven folk methods. But before that, you should definitely consult with specialists so as not to cause irreparable harm to your health.

    And if you received “go-ahead” from doctors to treat thrush at home with folk remedies, then you can start treating the places where the fungus is localized with herbal tinctures from birch buds, celandine grass, chamomile and juniper. Fresh infusion should be prepared by brewing 1 teaspoon of dry grass with boiling water.

    For douching, this decoction is most suitable:
    oak bark and pharmacy chamomile (1 hour) + knotweed grass (5 hours) + nettle leaves (3 hours) per liter of water. Brew at a boil for 5 minutes.

    If desired, even if you treat thrush at home, you can get rid of the symptoms of the disease in a few days. With intensive treatment, itching and irritation can be eliminated in 2-3 days, and the rest of the unpleasant symptoms will disappear in a couple of days. The only problem is that this disease, having appeared once, is prone to relapse, so in the future you should carefully monitor personal hygiene, avoid stress and regularly visit a doctor to avoid a recurrence of the disease.


Thrush is a disease of the mucous membranes and skin, caused by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida (another name for the pathology is candidiasis). In children, thrush is sometimes called in the old way - mold, for the similarity of the white film on the mucous membrane of the mouth with mold.

Fungi of the genus Candida belong to the opportunistic microflora, which is present in the human body normally. When the balance between beneficial and conditionally pathogenic microflora changes in the direction of increasing the amount of the latter, including fungi, thrush develops.

This form of dysbacteriosis is equally likely to develop in all people, regardless of age and gender. First of all, the places of localization of yeast fungi are affected - the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract and the lower urinary tract. In debilitated patients, thrush may become generalized.

Types of thrush

The disease is a primary chronic infection and is classified according to the location of the lesion and the degree of spread of yeast fungi.

According to the degree of damage:

  • superficial thrush;
  • systemic, visceral candidal infection.

Superficial forms of thrush at the location:

  • skin - areas with high humidity, skin folds and friction points with clothes or a diaper are affected;
  • nail ridges and plates - paronychia and onychia;
  • oral mucosa - glossitis, gingivitis, stomatitis;
  • intestines - enteritis and colitis;
  • reproductive system - vulvovaginitis, colpitis, balanitis, balanoposthitis.

Systemic thrush:

  • granulomatous form of lesions of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • visceral or disseminated - damage to all organ systems due to the spread of yeast-like fungi through the blood.

Causes of thrush

Thrush is caused by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida. The most common type of C.albicans - unicellular microorganisms of a round or oval shape. C.tropicalis is less common.

Candida fungi under normal conditions make up the normal intestinal microflora. The first signs of thrush signal a violation of the immune system and mean that the number of conditionally pathogenic flora is increasing.

If you are prone to thrush, you should follow a diet that limits the use of sugar, white flour products, and industrial products.

Yeast-like fungi in the body are in a dormant state, in the form of mycelial threads. Reproducing, they grow inside the epithelium and cause the formation of epithelial ulcers and superficial skin wounds. The causative agents of thrush enter the human body already in the prenatal period of life, then the insemination of the mucous membranes of the child occurs during the passage of the birth canal.

Generalized - disseminated form of thrush, can develop as a result of invasive interventions: vascular catheterization, implantation of joints and heart valves, coronary artery stenting in case of significant immunodeficiency. The infection enters the blood through the incision of the mucous membrane and skin.

The following factors contribute to the development of thrush:

  • diabetes;
  • congenital or acquired immunodeficiency;
  • pregnancy;
  • taking antibacterial drugs.

Stages of thrush

  1. Initial - the appearance of the first symptoms, the fungus affects the mucous membranes.
  2. Transition to a chronic course.
  3. Exacerbation - intoxication and deterioration, the addition of neurological symptoms: muscle twitching, depression and mood swings.
  4. Systemic thrush is a lesion of several body systems at once, affecting internal organs.
  5. Generalization of infection - the transmission of the pathogen through the blood, which leads to the contamination of organs with a fungus. If not adequately treated, it can be fatal.

Thrush symptoms

Manifestations of signs of thrush depend on the localization of fungi.

You can recognize thrush by clinical signs: secretions of a curdled consistency or a whitish coating on the mucous membranes.
  • Skin - deepening of skin folds with the appearance of a white coating, accompanied by itching and redness of the affected areas. Indirect skin damage during infection of the mucous membranes or internal organs causes an increase in body temperature and is accompanied by an increase in inflammatory reactions in the main foci of candidal infection.
  • Periungual folds - paronychia. Characterized by swelling of the skin in the area of ​​​​attachment of the nails, the disappearance of the eponychium - the supraungual strip of skin.
  • Nails - onychia. Destruction of nail tissues from the side of the ridges and side sections of the plate, without affecting the free edge of the nail.

Candidal infection of the gastrointestinal tract is manifested by indigestion, diarrhea, flatulence. White flakes appear in the stool. There is a violation of the formation of vitamin K in the large intestine, as a result of which blood clotting is disturbed.

Women develop thrush of the vagina and external labia. Abundant white discharge appears, which acquire the character of curdled cereals. Fungi of the genus Candida secrete glucose and proteolytic enzymes, thereby destroying the cells of the epithelium of the vagina, cervix, labia, skin of the femoral folds and inner thighs. The discharge is accompanied by painful itching, reddening of the mucous membranes and maceration of the skin, which darkens and turns brown (darks over time and may turn brown). Small skin folds deepen, edema appears. Thrush of the skin of the perineum and legs is accompanied by pain and severe itching.

In men, deposits of colonies of fungi occur in the preputial sac, on the glans penis, in the folds of the perineum. Thrush of the genital organs in men is accompanied by itching when urinating.

In both women and men, candidiasis of the genital organs is accompanied by pain during intercourse.

The systemic form of thrush of the skin and mucous membranes is manifested by skin lesions, including the scalp, as well as mucous membranes, nails and periungual ridges. At the same time, the mucous membranes of the mouth and genitals are affected. Pathology is accompanied by all the symptoms characteristic of localized forms of thrush, but is aggravated by deep lesions of the skin and mucous membranes, which are accompanied by bleeding and severe pain.

The generalized form of thrush is characterized by the defeat of all organs and systems, due to the circulation of fungi in the blood. The lungs, kidneys, eyes, brain and heart are affected. The patient's condition becomes extremely serious, a fatal outcome is possible.


You can recognize thrush by clinical signs: secretions of a curdled consistency or a whitish coating on the mucous membranes. In order to clarify the diagnosis, a microscopic examination of smears and scrapings from the lesions, urine and blood tests is carried out. With a positive result, spores and filaments of the mycelium of Candida fungi are found.

Bacteriological culture of secretions or urine is also shown to identify the pathogen and its sensitivity to fungicides.

Differentiate thrush with the following diseases:

  • chronic and acute streptoderma;
  • seborrhea;
  • trichomoniasis and gonococcal infection;
  • diaper dermatitis;
  • aspergillosis;
  • bacterial sepsis - with a systemic form of thrush.

Treatment of thrush

When treating thrush, it is important to follow a diet that excludes sugar, alcohol, and bakery products. You should also limit the consumption of irritating foods (spicy, sour, and salty foods) as they contribute to increased symptoms.

In most cases, local therapy (ointments, suppositories) with antimycotic drugs is performed. In cases of insufficient effectiveness, antibiotics with fungicidal action are prescribed inside: Nystatin and its derivatives, Levorin, Clotrimazole, Pimafucin. For systemic lesions, Amphotericin B is administered intravenously.

In the treatment of thrush of the genital organs, it is necessary to take drugs for both or all partners. During treatment, sexual intercourse is prohibited.


One of the common complications of thrush is the transition of the disease into a chronic form. The reason may be incorrectly chosen treatment, non-compliance with the doctor's recommendations, or the appearance of conditions for the re-development of the disease (for example, a decrease in immunity).

Another common complication is the addition of a bacterial infection, which is associated with a decrease in local immunity and a violation of the microflora. This is a favorable environment for the development of bacteria that are not normally present. Symptoms of bacterial infections include purulent vaginal discharge (their color depends on the pathogen), painful urination, and pain during sexual intercourse.

It is also possible to spread the infection to the urinary organs (bladder, urethra). Usually, this complication of thrush occurs against the background of severely reduced immunity, often with diabetes.

Candida fungi under normal conditions make up the normal intestinal microflora. The first signs of thrush signal a violation of the immune system and mean that the number of conditionally pathogenic flora is increasing.

Features of thrush in children

Symptoms of thrush appear in newborns no earlier than on the fifth day of life - so much time is required for the reproduction of fungi of the genus Candida.

Newborns most often develop oral thrush. The tongue is covered with a whitish coating from root to tip, while the inner surfaces of the cheeks and pharynx are affected. As fungi multiply, the white film becomes loose and peels off in pieces similar to cottage cheese. Due to pain when swallowing and moving the tongue, the baby refuses the breast, often burps after eating.

In premature infants, the infection is most often systemic. Breastfed babies are less likely to get thrush because they get immune cells from their mother's milk.

Features of thrush in pregnant women

During pregnancy, there is a decrease in overall immunity, so thrush is common.

Features of thrush in the elderly

In old age, thrush appears mainly on the skin of the thighs, armpits, inguinal folds.


Favorable prognosis for external forms of candidiasis. With timely treatment, a stable remission occurs, which can last until the end of life.

Poor prognosis in patients with severe immunodeficiency.

Preventive measures

If you are prone to thrush, you should follow a diet that limits the use of sugar, white flour products, and industrial products.

It is recommended to use cotton underwear as synthetic fabrics do not provide sufficient air to the skin. Due to the increase in temperature and difficult evaporation of sweat, conditions for the reproduction of fungi of the genus Candida appear.

In infants, diapers and diapers should be changed in a timely manner. To ensure immune security, it is recommended that you breastfeed your baby for up to a year if possible.

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Against the background of hormonal disorders in the body of a woman, various processes occur that weaken her defenses. As a result, immunity in the vagina decreases, which leads to the occurrence of thrush. If thrush is found during menopause, the symptoms of the treatment of the disease should not be ignored - curing the disease is much easier than it seems.

Thrush can complicate the course of menopause, both for the first time in a woman's life, and appearing in the form of a relapse of the disease. There are many reasons for the pathology, therefore, in order to eliminate discomfort, it is necessary to pay attention to all situations that can provoke thrush:

  1. Disruption of the digestive system is one of the first reasons why a woman is bothered by thrush. The microflora in both the stomach and the vagina is very dependent on external factors, so any changes disrupt the stability of this indicator in the body. Most often, the first signs of imbalance begin to appear precisely from the gastrointestinal tract, and only then problems begin in the vagina.
  2. Long-term antibiotic therapy is another common cause of thrush. Under the harmful influence of antibiotics, not only pathogenic microflora dies, but also many beneficial microorganisms involved in the vital processes of the body. If the antibiotic is not chosen correctly, or the dose of the drug exceeds the permissible level, then the result may be thrush.

Also, in addition to the immediate causes of thrush, during menopause it is worth considering the risk factors for thrush. We note the following factors that you should pay attention to:

  • chronic or congenital pathologies of digestion (ulcerative colitis, functional dyspepsia, etc.);
  • diseases that require treatment with antibiotics.

The causes of thrush are so diverse that the disease requires an integrated approach to treatment - both general and local therapy.

How is the activation of pathogenic microflora in the vagina?

In women during menopause, the pathogenesis of the development of thrush is slightly different. As before, the leading causes of the pathological process are digestive problems and the use of antibiotics. However, against the background of hormonal deficiency, all processes are aggravated, and the vagina becomes especially sensitive, losing strong local immunity day by day.

That is why, if earlier thrush could have passed without a trace, then with the extinction of sexual function, candidiasis can occur again and again. All these processes occur against the background of a sharp decrease in the amount of estrogen, which contributes to the activation of opportunistic microflora. In this case, the biocenosis of the vagina changes dramatically, and symptoms appear that disturb the woman.

The development of symptoms of thrush is impossible without local changes in the vagina. The main role for the trophism of the skin and vaginal mucosa is played by the hormones progesterone and estrogen. If the level of these hormones is lowered, then changes occur in the vagina that cause the most unpleasant symptoms of thrush - itching and burning in the area of ​​the labia. And when the urethra is affected by thrush, frequent urge to urinate is also added. All this leads not only to constant discomfort, but also to painful sexual intercourse, since the genitals become much drier due to the lack of lubrication released during intimacy.

As a result of all these processes, urogenital infections flourish in the body, the barrier function of vaginal mucus changes. In the presence of such deviations in women after 50 years, thrush is even more difficult than before.

Symptoms of the disease

The appearance of thrush during menopause can not be overlooked. This problem already at the appearance of the first symptoms requires a visit to a doctor and a solution to the problem. If there are signs of thrush during menopause, the symptoms and treatment of the disease must be considered and implemented in full, otherwise the disease may return again.

Symptoms of pathology are expressed by the following signs:

  1. An unpleasant feeling in the vagina that worries a woman all the time.
  2. Atypical discharge of a different nature and color.
  3. The appearance of "curd crumbs" with an unpleasant sour smell.
  4. Burning in the genital area, constant or variable itching.
  5. Sexual dysfunction, loss of interest in sexual relations.
  6. The appearance of nervousness, depression is possible.

Symptoms of thrush can be complicated by the presence of concomitant symptoms of menopause. Most often, they aggravate the course of the disease, provoking emotional and psychological shifts. The woman becomes irritable, she is worried about insomnia, noticeable mood swings, increased fatigue.

Vegetative disorders also join such signs - attacks of heat or chills, excessive sweating, headaches, and increased heart rate. Since thrush in the complex against the background of menopause can significantly affect the health of a woman, a thorough examination and identification of possible pathologies from other systems and organs is necessary.

Complications of the disease and possible consequences

As already mentioned, thrush during menopause is much more difficult, which means that the disease can give serious complications. A complication of thrush can be not only an aggravation of the course of the underlying disease, but also the development of an infection of an ascending type. If you do not visit a doctor in time and do not start treating the disease, the following pathologies may develop:

  • cystitis;
  • adnexitis;
  • inflammation of the renal pelvis;
  • vaginitis;
  • bacterial colpitis.

To avoid complications and painful consequences, a woman needs to constantly monitor her feelings. Often, a protracted infection leads to aggravation of the state of health, when the symptoms slowly subside until they are completely absent. But this does not mean that the threat has passed - it means that the pathology has passed into a chronic latent period, when it invisibly affects the woman's body.

It is more difficult to cure such candidiasis than an ailment in the acute period of development, but this form of the disease is also amenable to therapy, only longer. The prognosis in both cases is favorable, since modern medicine has powerful candidiasis treatment regimens that work in menopause. The most important thing is a timely visit to the clinic.

Diagnosis of the disease

  • You can suspect thrush already by the presence of discharge and itching in the vagina - these are the main markers of the disease that will help the doctor make a preliminary diagnosis. The doctor specifies the nature of the discharge, their color, the presence or absence of an unpleasant odor.
  • Taking into account the age of the patient, the doctor specifies the degree of extinction of the sexual function: whether the menstruation was preserved, how irregular they are, when the failures began on critical days, etc. Emphasis is also placed on the presence of concomitant pathologies, vegetative disorders.
  • During a visual examination, the doctor may note the presence of dryness in the vagina and pathological changes, which once again confirm the previously diagnosed diagnosis.
  • For the final clarification of the diagnosis, a woman needs to pass standard tests - a smear from the vagina, blood tests (general and clinical), urinalysis, determination of the level of sex hormones.
  • If necessary, a colposcopy is prescribed to help determine the presence of polyps, endometriosis, cysts that complicate the course of candidiasis.

The results of the analyzes help not only to establish the fact of the presence of thrush, but to build a competent treatment regimen for the disease.

Therapy of the disease

Treatment of thrush should take into account the age of the patient and the changes that occur in her body. This means that with menopause, hormonal correction is required. For the treatment of candidiasis directly, the type of pathogen and sensitivity to antibacterial drugs are determined.

Medicines prescribed for candidiasis during menopause, first of all, weaken the inflammatory process on the mucosa, which allows you to eliminate the infectious focus and further spread of the disease. This category of drugs includes antifungals, anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics. Local therapy gives a positive effect in combination with general treatment. A woman is prescribed candles Nystatin, Fluconazole, Ketoconazole, Fungicide, Itraconazole. There are medicines that combine antifungal and antibacterial functions.

Local treatment must be supported with hormonal drugs that will help restore vaginal trophism. Herbal remedies are good for relieving itching. In this case, various forms of medicines will be effective - creams, gels and suppositories.

Regular use of drugs in the correct dosage will help to quickly eliminate the symptoms of thrush and normalize the vaginal biocenosis.

Eliminating candidiasis in menopause, you need to think about restorative actions for the body. These include adequate physical activity, morning exercises, daily walks in the fresh air, especially before bedtime. During therapy, women are advised to pay special attention to nutrition, eat less fats and carbohydrates, with an emphasis on protein foods. A prerequisite for the treatment of candidiasis is a healthy eight-hour sleep, which helps to restore the body's strength.

Thrush during menopause occurs in many of the fair sex, even those who did not have it before. Therefore, when symptoms of candidiasis appear, you should not be upset - the problem has been sufficiently studied by doctors, and there are several modern approaches to its treatment. The most important thing when the first symptoms occur is a timely consultation in the clinic, and an accurate diagnosis. Having diagnosed thrush, it is safe to say that the disease will pass after the first full course of complex therapy.

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