The hormone leptin - what is it? Adipokine functions, if elevated - what does this mean? What are the functions of leptin in the body? What is leptin in women?

1. Mechanism of action and function 2. Leptin levels 3. How to improve the function of the hormone?

Why do many people feel hungry all the time? It is not they who are to blame for this, but the hormone leptin. It is this substance that controls the rate of metabolism and energy consumption or expenditure.


Leptin is a protein produced by fat cells (adipocytes) in adipose tissue. It belongs to adipokines - the collective name given to substances produced by fat cells - and is the first compound of this type to be discovered. Was investigated in 1994.

Leptin is a hormone that regulates energy absorption and expenditure (including appetite) and metabolism. This is the most important hormone that can explain why a person sometimes feels full and sometimes hungry. If the hormone is at a high level in the body, it sends signals to the brain that a person is full and it’s time to stop eating. On the other hand, low levels of the hormone lead to uncontrolled hunger and excessive calorie (energy) consumption. The binding of leptin to hypothalamic receptors promotes the release of hormones that suppress appetite.

This protein consists of 167 amino acids. Its structure is very rich - it is formed by 4 antiparallel alpha helices, which are held together by 2 long and 1 short connection. Like every protein, the hormone is encoded by DNA - its gene is localized on chromosome 7 at position 7q31.3.


Leptin is produced not only in white adipose tissue, but also in other parts of the body. It is present, for example, in brown adipose tissue, placenta, oocytes, granulosa cells of the preovulatory follicle, gastric mucosa, hypothalamus, pituitary gland or skeletal muscle.

The hormone circulating in the human body directly corresponds to the total amount of fat in the body. Accordingly, its level depends on body weight. This means that during rapid weight loss through liposuction or restrictive diets that cause accelerated fat loss, there is an equally dramatic decrease in leptin levels.

A person feels hungry, thyroid function and metabolism decrease. The body reacts by increasing anabolic reactions (conserving reserves) and a feeling of hunger. Based on this, it can be explained why crash diets for weight loss do not work: even despite much less food consumption, there is a feeling of fatigue and a slower metabolism.

Leptin is much more sensitive to fasting than to overeating. In the first case, during fat burning, the values ​​of this hormone drop sharply, while in the second, its rise is limited. The indicator also increases due to an increase in insulin levels, for example after eating.


In order for a hormone to act, that is, to mediate its physiological functions, it must bind to the Ob receptor. There are 6 leptin receptor isoforms in the body:

  • Ob-R;
  • Ob-Rb;
  • Ob-Rc;
  • Ob-Rd;
  • Ob-Re;
  • Ob-Rf.

However, only the Ob-Rb form contains the intracellular structures necessary to activate cellular signals. This isoform is found in the hypothalamus and endometrium, others are involved in hormone transport in the body.

Leptin has numerous functions in the human body. Its main task is to adapt the body to fasting. It promotes the following processes:

  • maintaining energy homeostasis;
  • decreased food consumption;
  • increased energy consumption;
  • signal about the amount of fat in the body and food reserves;
  • direct inhibition of intracellular lipid concentrations;
  • increased glucose uptake and gluconeogenesis in the liver.

The hormone plays a role in reproduction, regulation of puberty (the molecule is of great importance for the maturation of the sexual axes) and in eating disorders. It is involved in the regulation of cardiovascular (sympathetic activation, increased blood pressure, induction of angiogenesis) and immune functions, and control of ontogenesis.

Leptin indirectly affects bone metabolism, the extent of which depends on the nutritional state of the body and the onset of menstruation. Low levels and poor nutritional status or late menstruation are risk factors for the subsequent development of osteoporosis.


Plasma leptin levels correlate with body fat stores. These rates are generally higher in women than in men, regardless of body weight, fat volume or age. Leptin is present in small quantities only in people with eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia).

Typically, high concentrations are found in obese individuals, which is considered a state of leptin resistance. High levels of this hormone are also associated with the presence of polycystic ovary syndrome. Plasma levels of the substance exhibit circadian rhythms, with levels of the hormone being highest around midnight and in the early morning hours.

In February 2012, a note was published in the journal Nature, in which, citing growing evidence, it was indicated that the agent that inhibits leptin levels may be sugar, in particular fructose, which is widely used in the food industry. Leptin is able to provoke the desire to move and control what foods are attractive to a person. Therefore, for some people, leptin tablet is considered an ideal substance for treating obesity.

The problem is that the body is constantly trying to regulate basal levels of the hormone. If its level periodically increases, as happens in overweight people, the brain loses sensitivity and responds to leptin in a limited way. In such individuals, fat tissue produces high levels of the hormone, but the brain does not respond to it sufficiently. They need more of this substance to feel full.

Therefore, in order to lose weight, it is necessary to give the body enough time so that it can adapt to new, lower levels of leptin, that is, so that the body losing fat perceives the reduced levels of the hormone as normal and receives a signal of satiety at the right time.

In addition to obesity, a diet high in fructose leads to leptin resistance. This sweet product reduces the hormone's ability to cross the blood-brain barrier and reach the hypothalamus. Thus, even at high levels, leptin in the blood does not necessarily reach the necessary signal of satiety.

5 How to improve hormone function?

Improving hormone function depends on a person’s lifestyle. Following some rules and basics of a healthy diet can help with this:

  1. Quality sleep. The body craves rest, so leptin levels rise during sleep. A sleepy person suffers more from hunger.
  2. Limit your intake of sugar and concentrated fructose, meaning the use of sweets, carbonated drinks, juices or fructose concentrates. Likewise, sweet processed foods should be avoided. Today, fructose is present almost everywhere. Therefore, it is advisable to give preference to natural fruits. They also contain fructose, but not in concentrated form. In addition, they contain many vitamins, minerals and nutrients that slow down the absorption of fructose in the blood.
  3. Reduce your carbohydrate intake. Large and regular amounts of these compounds cause a sudden secretion of insulin, which is reflected by an increase in leptin levels. The biggest enemy in this case is represented by carbohydrates with a high glycemic index, which are consumed at the wrong time (during low physical activity or late in the evening).
  4. Forget about radical diets and fasting. These methods disrupt metabolism and, due to low leptin levels, will immediately have the opposite effect. Forget about restrictions, pay attention to proper and healthy nutrition.
  5. Consume Omega-3 fatty acids. Eat fish, nuts, healthy natural oils - anything that contains these substances. They activate leptin sensitivity.

1 year ago

Recently, the issue of obesity has become an acute issue, because not only adults, but also young children suffer from this disease. Relatively recently, scientists were able to discover a new hormone, leptin, which can also be called the “satiety hormone,” since it is what provokes the onset of obesity. Thanks to numerous studies, it was possible to establish that it is this element that helps accelerate the process of burning fat in the body of animals. Today, scientists from different countries are trying to develop a unique anti-obesity drug based specifically on this substance.

After a meal, this element sends a signal directly to the brain that the body has been saturated and fat reserves have been replenished. Then the answer comes that you need to reduce your appetite and at the same time increase the consumption of the energy received. As a result, a full-fledged metabolism begins, and the glucose level necessary for energy production is normally maintained.

When does leptin increase?

Many people have a question: the hormone leptin is elevated, what does this mean, how to correct the situation without harm to your own health? An increase in the concentration of this substance occurs in the following situations:

  • the beginning of the menstrual cycle;
  • during the onset of puberty in girls;
  • during pregnancy;
  • if artificial insemination was performed;
  • when diagnosing polycystic ovary syndrome.

Increased hormone levels: what does this mean?

Before you start looking for ways and means to lower the hormone leptin, you should familiarize yourself with the consequences of increasing its levels. Most people who suffer from obesity have an impairment in the brain's ability to detect this element. Consequently, after a meal, fat cells report that hunger has been satisfied.

In cases where the hormone reaches the brain, but there is no response to the signal, the brain continues to think that hunger has not been satisfied. As a result, it gives the command to continue to replenish fat reserves, does not decrease appetite and disturbs the feeling of hunger. This leads to overeating. Fat cells actively produce this substance to inform the brain that it is full, which is why its concentration increases.

Consequences of elevated leptin

If the hormone leptin is elevated, treatment should only be prescribed by a doctor. In cases where timely and correct therapy is not started, consequences such as:

  • there is a suppressive effect on the production of insulin in the pancreas, resulting in the development of such a dangerous disease as diabetes mellitus;
  • blood clots form;
  • the elasticity of arteries and vessel walls decreases;
  • the development of various diseases associated with the work and condition of the cardiovascular system begins.

Many women do not even realize that they are independently destroying the normal action of this hormone by following strict diets and fasting for a long time.

To bring your weight back to normal and lower leptin levels, you need to try to completely eliminate sugar, including fructose, from your diet. Sweeteners should also be banned, because they are not nearly as healthy as manufacturers claim. Despite the fact that these substances have practically zero energy value, they can increase resistance to this hormone, which should not be allowed.

Proper nutrition is also important to maintain hormonal balance. Nowadays they talk about it a lot, but most women continue to confuse this concept with a diet. No, proper nutrition is not associated with severe restrictions, which, as already mentioned, can affect leptin concentrations. This includes proper distribution of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, eating large amounts of greens, vegetables and fruits, excluding industrial canned food from the menu, and reducing salt consumption. You need to eat right all the time, gradually turning it into a healthy habit.

Most people who are overweight find it difficult to reduce it using various weight loss techniques.

Leptin in diet pills is one of the most important adipose tissue hormones (polypeptide) that plays a vital role in the human body.

Functions performed by the hormone

Leptin's main functions are to regulate the body's energy, including metabolism, appetite and hunger, and human behavior. A polypeptide is a molecule consisting of three or more amino acids linked by peptide bonds.

Fat reserves are typically used by the body when the body's normal nutrition is insufficient.

On the other hand, if the amount of incoming calories exceeds the required norm, the excess substances are deposited in the body in the form of fat deposits.

An increase in stored fat leads to poor communication with the hormone leptin.

This, in turn, makes the body resistant to the release of leptin, which leads to constant weight gain that becomes very difficult to lose.

Leptin plays a key role in managing appetite levels and is a good remedy for those who feel sluggish or have a desire to lose weight.

The hormone works most effectively when it binds to the brain, causing a response in the amount of leptin available in a person's fat stores.

How does leptin work?

Increasing the level of released leptin in the body is essential for converting fat into usable energy in the body.

This hormone regulates appetite by slowing down the overproduction of hormones that stimulate it. Another function of leptin is that it maintains a person's body mass index.

Leptin works together with adiponectin (a hormone produced and secreted by white adipose tissue) to combat metabolic syndrome, a risk factor for cardiovascular disease.

Substance production

Scientific research has shown that there is one supplement that actually works effectively in increasing leptin levels while improving a person's health.

Fish oil, or Omega-3 fatty acids, is one of the products that modern people need to take daily.

Research shows that Omega-3 fatty acids increase leptin sensitivity. When combined with exercise, this supplement can correct leptin-related problems.

A diet that focuses on eating foods high in fiber also increases the body's metabolic rate. Fiber, a hard-to-digest organic element, promotes a feeling of fullness by coordinating the intestinal tract with the brain, which in turn leads to the release of high levels of leptin.

High fiber foods include:

  • legumes;
  • whole grain;
  • cereals.

Fruits and vegetables are also high-fiber, low-calorie water foods.

These foods also increase the metabolic rate (metabolism) in the body.

Another way to increase leptin levels in the body is to sleep the recommended eight hours a day for the average person.

High levels of leptin are released if the body gets enough sleep.

A dehydrated body also does not contribute to the release of the hormone. In addition, in this case, the metabolic processes cannot function properly, which leads to an increase in the amount of stored fat and weight gain. It is necessary to maintain sufficient water in the body by taking the optimal amount of food and water every day.

Proper consumption of foods with high levels of leptin helps in restoring sensitivity to this hormone. Studies have shown that eating protein for breakfast increases leptin sensitivity.

Foods, especially high-carbohydrate snacks, reduce leptin sensitivity.

Medicines to reduce appetite

Due to the fact that the effective properties of leptin cannot yet be revealed by pharmacological methods, you can use a number of non-medical products that increase the natural content of leptin in the body.

Among them, the popular products of the American Leptin pharmaceutical company are:

  • Leptin Coffee for weight loss with gonoderma mushroom;
  • Coffee for weight loss Rose Cherve Leptin;
  • Leptin Iced Lemon Tea;
  • Green tea (Leptin Green Tea) for quick weight loss;
  • Leptin Ice fruit tea for fat burning;
  • Leptin Cocoa;
  • Leptin African Mango African Mango;
  • Leptin Pineapple Balance.

There are various weight loss measures for people with high body weight. Many pills promoted on the market are aimed at changing the human body's resistance to leptin and increasing sensitivity to it.

To date, no drugs have been created containing synthetic leptin as an effective and universal means for weight loss. Leptin tablets for weight loss do not bring significant results.

Among the weight loss products that use leptin activation, the weight loss drug Leptinal stands out. Leptinal is a dietary supplement from Wellness Resources.

Leptinal contains a blend of ingredients including marine lipid oil, borage oil, pomegranate extract, beeswax, extra virgin olive oil, etc.

According to the official website, this product helps in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, bones and nerves, weight management, thyroid function, healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

However, there are many claims on the official website related to the effectiveness of the product. However, there are no scientific or clinical trials conducted on the effectiveness of this product.

Leptin is a hormone that regulates energy metabolism and suppresses appetite, produced by adipose tissue and affects the brain.

Its reduced concentration leads to obesity, since a person constantly experiences an unsuppressed feeling of hunger and incessantly eats.

Where elevated levels of the hormone are diagnosed, they speak of a lack of appetite, a decrease in body weight to critical levels, as happens with anorexia.

One way or another, the hormone leptin affects all processes in the body. Where is leptin found and what products should be preferred for excellent health and a good figure.

Such a necessary and important hormone leptin:

  • produced by the human body;
  • found in food;
  • synthesized artificially and is part of weight loss products;
  • is the basis of medications (in particular, for weight loss) for people with a congenital deficiency in the synthesis of this hormone.

Women have higher leptin levels than men. But during a diet, its level decreases significantly.

Do you know what diabetes insipidus is? You can read more about this disease.

Foods containing leptin

By consuming foods containing leptin, you can influence its amount in the body.

Products with a high percentage of fat content are good for lowering hormone levels:

  • milk;
  • sour cream;
  • yoghurts;
  • and other high-calorie foods.
  • skim cheese;
  • low-calorie milk yoghurts;
  • cereals, soybeans, peas, beans;
  • lamb, turkey meat.

It follows that all weight loss diets make sense only if a person’s leptin levels are fine.

Food restrictions and physical activity will not help you lose weight if there is not enough leptin: a person will constantly feel hungry, which means they will eat, steadily gaining weight.

Proper nutrition

To maintain a sufficient level of the “hunger hormone” you need to eat right.

  1. Control the amount of fructose you consume, since it has a detrimental effect on the receptors that regulate the production of leptin. Under the influence of fructose, the body loses the ability to identify and concentrate the hormone, and, accordingly, cannot estimate its amount and use it correctly. Fructose is found in soda, cookies and other sweets, the consumption of which is best avoided.
  2. Eliminate simple carbohydrates. They reduce the production of insulin, and this affects the production of leptin. Unfortunately, delicious white bread, pearly light rice and other foods with simple carbohydrates are not healthy at all. They can be replaced with quality pasta and whole oats.

By giving up carbohydrates, you cannot completely deprive your body of “fuel”.

It is carbohydrates that help accumulate energy and start metabolism.

To do this, from time to time it is advisable to arrange “loading days”, eating carbohydrate-containing “goodies” 2-2.5 times more than usual.

Then the diet must be continued. Days like these provide excellent motivation for dietary restrictions in exchange for the opportunity to occasionally “vent your soul.”

  1. More fish and seafood. Omega-3 acids increase the body's sensitivity to leptin, have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system and reduce cholesterol. Beneficial acids are also contained in the meat of animals fed on fresh grass. But it is better to avoid products with Omega-6. We are talking about vegetable oils and regular meat. This type of food lowers leptin levels.
  2. Down with snacks and sugar substitutes. Artificial flavors and sugar substitutes do nothing good for the body. As for snacking, they interfere with normal cleansing of the body. If you can't do without snacks, you can sometimes chew nuts or fruits. This will temporarily quench your appetite without harm to your health.
  3. More foods that are rich in zinc. Zinc deficiency and leptin deficiency go hand in hand. People who have such problems are overweight.

Getting rid of excess weight is a useful thing. The main thing is that the diet is optimal in composition and balanced so that a person can stick to it for a long time without harm to health.

Some tips for maintaining optimal leptin levels.

  1. It is better to eat little by little, but more often, while controlling the amount of food.
  2. High levels of leptin in the body help you lose weight. This must be taken into account when planning your diet.
  3. A person weighing more than 130 kg should visit a doctor to be examined for possible leptin resistance.
  4. When choosing a diet or a set of physical exercises, it would be useful to consult a doctor to insure yourself against possible undesirable consequences.
  5. The easiest and fastest way to increase leptin levels is to eat 250 grams of mango. You can do this every day, it's useful.

It is important to know that a strict and unambiguous refusal of high-calorie foods can lead to nutritional deficiencies and, as a result, initiate hormonal imbalance.

Right way of life

A balanced diet is certainly important to maintain normal leptin levels in the blood. But no less important for this is the ability to properly organize your lifestyle.

  1. Stress needs to be relieved. The body in a state of increased nervous or physical stress is exposed to cortisol, which disrupts the normal balance of hormones, including leptin. A person begins to “eat up” stress, and this is not the best way out of the situation. It is preferable to do yoga or meditate a little. This will help you relax and set yourself up for a restful sleep.
  2. You need to sleep enough to get enough sleep. The body, which is in a state of chronic sleep deprivation, stops producing leptin. To prevent this from happening, you need to sleep at least 8 hours a day. Before going to bed, you should not watch TV or scroll through gadgets.
  3. Overexertion is harmful. This is fraught with cardiovascular exhaustion. Heavy loads increase cortisol levels, have a depressing effect on the immune system and slow down metabolism. Sports training is certainly useful, but only if it does not lead to exhaustion.
  4. Physical inactivity is dangerous. A lack of movement, just like excessive loads, does not bring anything good. But living by the principle “from the couch to the gym” is also wrong. An active lifestyle should become an urgent need and a natural pastime.
To be a strong, active and successful person, you need to take care of your health and lead a normal lifestyle. This is an axiom.

But in life, an ideal set of circumstances is extremely rare.

In order to achieve what you want, you have to try.

If you suspect a health problem, you should make time to visit a doctor.

In particular, if there are assumptions about problems with the level of leptin in the body, you should contact an endocrinologist. After the examination, the situation will become clear, and if treatment is required, the doctor will prescribe it.

To correct the level of the hormone leptin, there is a considerable range of drugs, but only a doctor will tell you exactly what and in what dosage should be taken. Self-medication with hormonal medications is life-threatening!

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The vital activity of the whole organism and the general well-being of a person depend on the work of endocrine organs and the synthesis of hormones. Some substances are directly involved in metabolic processes and are responsible for normalizing weight. Leptin is a fat cell hormone that is related to fat storage and influences weight gain.

It is a protein compound consisting of more than 160 amino acid residues that was first discovered in 1994. An increase in the level of this active substance disrupts the body's energy intake and expenditure, which has serious consequences. If you find signs of metabolic disorders, you should check your leptin level and, if necessary, take measures to normalize it.

The role and functions of the hormone

Translated from Greek, “leptin” means slender, thin. This hormone belongs to the group of adipokines. It is not produced by endocrine glands, but by adipose tissue, which consists of cytokines that transmit signals to the hypothalamus about the amount of fat deposits, their decrease and increase after eating.

Leptin can also be synthesized by other tissues:

  • placenta;
  • mammary glands;
  • gastric mucosa;
  • bone marrow;
  • liver.

Mechanism of action of the hormone:

  • after eating, fat cells begin to secrete leptin;
  • after that it enters the bloodstream;
  • enters the hypothalamus with the blood and gives a signal of saturation;
  • in response to the action of the hormone, the brain gives a signal to increase energy expenditure and reduce appetite.

The hormone also performs the following functions:

  • increases the process of thermogenesis;
  • acts on the production process;
  • stimulates the production of estrogen;
  • inhibits secretion;
  • regulates the menstrual cycle.

If leptin functions normally, it protects the body from the occurrence of eating disorders (anorexia, obesity).

Leptin's ability to reduce insulin can also have negative consequences for the body. The higher the leptin level, the higher the likelihood of developing insulin resistance and. An increase in the satiety hormone negatively affects the condition of blood vessels. They become less elastic, which increases the risk of thrombosis.

On a note! If the leptin level is normal, then the glucose concentration is within the optimal range for energy production and metabolic processes. Most of the hormone in the blood is observed after eating and during sleep. If the body experiences a feeling of hunger, leptin synthesis is significantly reduced. Therefore, the substance is also called the satiety hormone.

The level of the substance in the blood

The concentration of the substance in the blood may vary depending on the person’s age and gender. Before puberty, the hormone levels in girls and boys are approximately the same.

After puberty they begin to differ significantly. This is due to several factors:

  • women have more fatty tissue than men;
  • participation in leptin synthesis.

In females aged 15-20 years, the norm of the substance is 32.8 ng/ml, deviations in one direction or another are permissible in the amount of 5 ng/ml. In men of this age, the norm is about 17 ng/ml with a deviation of no more than 10.8 ng/ml. Starting at age 20, normal levels gradually decline.

Reasons for increased hormone levels

99% of overweight people have elevated leptin. To determine it, you need to take a blood test in the morning on an empty stomach.

For a more accurate clinical picture, additional studies should be performed:

  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • kidney tests;
  • lipid profile;
  • blood test for hormones;
  • measurement .

The hypothalamus may not perceive leptin under the influence of various factors:

  • exceeding the permissible norms of fatty acids in the blood;
  • chronic inflammation in the body;
  • excessive amounts of sugars and carbohydrates in the diet;
  • lack of physical activity, physical inactivity;
  • debilitating emotional turmoil;
  • sleep disturbance.

Since most of these factors are observed in obese people, it becomes a closed system: excess weight leads to leptin resistance, which, in turn, contributes to weight gain.

Physiological hyperlaptinemia is observed during menstruation, during pregnancy, during menopause, and is temporary.

Treatments for elevated leptin

Unfortunately, there are no medications that can normalize leptin levels. Therefore, it can only be reduced by correcting nutrition and lifestyle, and eliminating provoking factors. The most effective way to keep the hormone concentration normal and control its synthesis by fat cells is to maintain weight within the BMI range.

Nutritional Features

The nutrition program should not be aimed at reducing the level of leptin itself, but at eliminating the body’s resistance to it.

Main principles of eating behavior:

  • Eat in small portions. Last meal 3 hours before bedtime.
  • Eliminate sugar and salt from your diet.
  • Consume no more than 1500-2000 kcal per day. Leave no more than 20% of your daily food intake for dinner.
  • Reduce the amount of fat found in fatty meats, baked goods, cream, and sour cream. In small quantities you can consume vegetable oil (coconut oil is especially useful), nuts, and fish.
  • The basis of the menu should be cereals and vegetables. They contain fiber, which is necessary for the normal digestion process.
  • Minimize the consumption of simple carbohydrates, include more protein compounds.
  • Avoid foods with different flavors.

It is not advisable to replace sugar with artificial sweeteners. Although they have zero energy value and no calories, they may increase leptin resistance. It is better to replace sugar with fructose.

Physical Culture

  • swim;
  • ride a bike;
  • to take dance classes;
  • run.

It's good if you have home exercise equipment. For the weight loss process to be effective, classes must be continuous and last at least 40 minutes. The room where the training takes place must be well ventilated.

Interval training burns fat well - more intense loads with alternating speeds. Such workouts last about 15-20 minutes.

Lifestyle correction

It is necessary to accustom yourself to a constantly active lifestyle. Try to spend more time in the fresh air, walk, and take the stairs instead of the elevator.

Sleep also affects leptin levels. It is necessary to provide the body with adequate rest for at least 8 hours a day. Before falling asleep, you need to ventilate the room for 10-15 minutes. It is advisable to go to bed and get up at the same time.

If a person is overweight, this is a significant reason to check the level of leptin in the blood. Both a deficiency and an excess of a substance are very undesirable for the body. To ensure that the hormone is always normal, you should monitor your body mass index. The best ways to stay slim are to watch your diet, stay active, get enough sleep, and ensure emotional stability.

The following video contains more useful information about the functions of leptin, as well as how to maintain normal levels of the hormone:



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