The Daily Struggle: The Basics of Proper Nutrition for Men to Beat Hypertension. Diet for high blood pressure

You need to fight your high blood pressure for life and every day. As soon as I stopped taking the medications, my blood pressure rose again, to the point of developing a hypertensive crisis. He just gave up on his diet and overdid it with pickles - .

DASH or not?

But it's not just the salt. There are a bunch of other products that help reduce blood pressure or, conversely, increase it. American specialists from the National Institutes of Health and the National Lung, Heart and Blood Institute even developed and tested a special nutrition program for people with high blood pressure. It is abbreviated as DASH, which can be translated as “how to eat to stop hypertension.” The essence of the program may seem familiar: low fat in general, and especially low saturated (animal) fat, low cholesterol, lots of vegetables, fruits and reduced-fat dairy products, little meat, candy and everything sweet. As well as a sufficient amount of whole grain products, fish, poultry, nuts.

At first glance, it seems that this is a diet for heart patients that lowers cholesterol. And what does blood pressure have to do with it, since neither cholesterol nor fats themselves affect blood pressure? These programs are really similar, but here the emphasis is on foods with high amounts of potassium, magnesium and calcium and low sodium (see table). All these elements play a big role in regulating blood pressure. They are opponents of sodium, weakening its negative effect on blood vessels. That's why you need a lot of them.

Question of dose

And sodium is low. Its maximum daily dose is 2400 mg. It is contained in 6 g of salt (this is approximately 1 tsp). But it’s even better to eat no more than 1500 mg - 2/3 tsp. It is important to understand that this is not only the salt that you add when cooking or eating. This includes salt, which is already contained in finished products and semi-finished products. And since manufacturers do not spare salt for them, it is better for hypertensive patients to place them on the prohibited list.

The DASH diet showed good results in trials when compared with a regular ad lib diet with more fruit. In hypertensive patients with blood pressure from 140/90 to 160/95 mmHg. Art. it reduced upper pressure by 11.4 mmHg. Art., and the lower one - by 5.5. These are not bad numbers at all, and this means that for some hypertensive patients, one diet will be enough. For those who also need medications, their dose can be reduced with proper nutrition.

Product group

Number of servings

in a day

Serving sizes

Product examples

Importance in diet



✔ 1 slice of bread,

✔ 30 g of cereal or breakfast cereal,

✔ 1/2 plate* porridge or pasta

Bread (better


pita, cereals, bread, crackers, etc.

Main sources of energy and dietary fiber

✔ 1 plate of chopped

leafy vegetables,

✔ 1/2 plate of cooked vegetables (cooking, stewing, etc.),

✔ 170 ml vegetable juice without sugar

Tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, peas, zucchini, any cabbage, spinach, beans, etc.

and dietary fiber

✔ 170 ml juice,

✔ medium-sized fruit,

✔ 1/2 cup** fresh or frozen fruit, 1/4 cup dried fruit

Citrus fruits, grapes, bananas, apricots, peaches, berries,

dates, juices

no added sugar

Rich sources of potassium, magnesium

and dietary fiber


(low fat

or with low

fat content)

✔ 220-230 ml milk,

✔ 1 cup of yogurt,

✔ 40-45 g cheese

Milk, fermented milk products,

cottage cheese, cheeses - everything

fat-free or low-fat (1%)

Rich in calcium

and proteins

Lean meat,

bird and fish

✔ 80-90 g cooked meat, poultry or fish

Lean meat, without

visible fat, skinless poultry. Fish can be oily.

Rich in protein

and magnesium

Nuts, seeds,

dry beans

and peas


in Week

✔ 40-45 g nuts,

✔ 2 tbsp. l. seeds,

✔ 1/2 plate of cooked beans or peas

Any nuts, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, beans, peas

Rich in energy, magnesium, potassium, proteins

and fibers


and oils

✔ 1 tbsp. l. mayonnaise,

✔ 1 tsp. vegetable oil,

✔ 1 tsp. spread,

✔ 2 tbsp. l. salad dressing

Spreads (soft

margarines), low-fat mayonnaise, salad sauces, any

vegetable oils

Source of fatty acids


< 5

in Week

✔ 1 tbsp. l. Sahara,

✔ 1 tbsp. l. jam

Sugar, jam,

candies, marshmallows,

marshmallow, ice cream

Sweets should be low

fat content

*Plate volume - 240-260 ml; **The volume of the cup, like the plate, is 240-260 ml

Prolonged attacks of hypertension are dangerous not only for the condition of blood vessels and the heart. Hypertension negatively affects the functioning of the brain, kidneys, liver and other organs. In the treatment of this disease, drug and non-drug methods are important. The latter includes a change in lifestyle, which necessarily includes dietary adjustments. There is a special diet for hypertensive patients - table No. 10.

How does food intake affect hypertensive patients?

Nutrition for hypertension, or high blood pressure, is an important point in therapy and prevention. The eating pattern and the food we eat is one of the many factors that influence blood pressure. Products entering the body trigger digestion - a complex process accompanied by the release of acids and the production of enzymes. Digestion also requires oxygen, which enters the gastrointestinal tract from the blood.

An important point in therapy and prevention is nutrition for hypertension, or high blood pressure.

Products approved for consumption

Eating with high blood pressure requires restrictions. Patients are advised to eat low-calorie foods, low in salt and fat. The doctor helps the patient decide on a diet. Not only food is important, but also how it is prepared and how it is consumed. For example, it is recommended to eat small meals (4-6 times a day), bake food on the grill, in the oven, or boil it.

Foods that are allowed to be eaten for hypertension and short-term increases in blood pressure:

  • bread made from grade II flour and lower;
  • vegetable broths;
  • lean meat and poultry;
  • cottage cheese up to 9% fat;
  • milk, fermented milk products with reduced fat content;
  • lean fish;
  • egg whites;
  • buckwheat,
  • oatmeal;
  • barley porridge;
  • millet;
  • fresh and boiled vegetables;

Diet with high blood pressure requires restrictions

  • leafy vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • dried fruits;
  • tomato and milk sauces;
  • weakly brewed tea;
  • cereal coffee drinks;
  • decoctions of herbs or berries;
  • juices;
  • vegetable oil.

Studying the literature on how to eat with hypertension, you can come to the conclusion that you should mainly be wary of foods rich in animal fats. Indeed, this is the kind of food that is most dangerous. It not only affects blood pressure surges, but also increases the level of unwanted cholesterol in the blood. Because of this, deposits appear on the walls of blood vessels, and blood flow becomes more difficult.

The list of useful foods for hypertension contains everything you need. It allows you to create a varied menu, thanks to which the patient will not feel limited.

What foods should you avoid?

For the recovery process to be successful, the patient must know what not to eat with hypertension. You should reduce your consumption of unhealthy foods as much as possible, and if possible completely eliminate them from your diet.

Among the methods of treating the disease, diet for hypertension ranks first.

You should not abuse these products and, over time, completely abandon them:

  • dough (especially butter and puff pastry);
  • broths (except vegetable);
  • fat meat;
  • duck and goose;
  • offal;
  • sausage, wieners, frankfurters;
  • salo;
  • smoked meats;
  • fatty and too salty cheeses;
  • fatty dairy and fermented milk products;
  • fatty, smoked fish;
  • caviar;
  • egg yolks;
  • pasta;
  • semolina;
  • mushrooms;
  • sorrel;
  • radish;
  • raisins and grapes;
  • chocolate;

Substances that contain large amounts of cholesterol and increase its content in the blood should be excluded from the diet menu for hypertension

  • granulated sugar;
  • sweet creams;
  • sauces;
  • coffee;
  • cocoa;
  • strong teas.

Read also:

Diet for high blood pressure for men and women

The list is quite long, but you shouldn’t immediately shock your body with such restrictions. The only absolute exceptions are fatty meats, lard, coffee, baked goods and other sweets. This food is not healthy for a healthy person either. Other products are acceptable in small quantities. That is, you are allowed to eat them, but little by little and infrequently. They should not be chosen as a main dish, but just as a small addition to it.

Pros and cons of Diet No. 10 and DASH

Doctors recommend that patients with hypertension stick to medical table No. 10. But recently the DASH diet has also gained popularity. It not only contains in its menu products that reduce blood pressure in hypertension, but also promotes weight loss. This is precisely what attracted the attention of many people, because hypertension often develops in people with excess body weight. But for the treatment of a disease, such a factor is a secondary task.

A good diet for hypertensive patients and heart patients should have on the menu those products that would be safe for the patient’s condition and at the same time contain all the necessary nutrients.

Doctors recommend that patients with hypertension stick to medical table No. 10

Diet number 10 is recommended for hypertension, because it is designed so that a person, even with some restrictions, eats a balanced diet. The same can be said about the DASH diet for hypertensive patients. Thanks to low-calorie foods, avoiding salt, and increasing fluid intake, patients soon notice an improvement in their overall health and normalization of blood pressure.

Diet for hypertension has its disadvantages. As already mentioned, all acceptable dishes are predominantly low-calorie. But losing weight in this case is not the goal. It is important for the patient and the doctor to carefully decide on the diet. It must contain everything necessary, otherwise the patient’s condition may worsen and the pressure may drop sharply.

Nuances of diet for hypertension 2 and 3 degrees

The more severe the patient's condition, the stricter his diet will be. Thus, nutrition for stage 2 hypertension completely excludes salt, smoked foods and fatty foods. For protein foods, it is recommended to give preference to seafood. Eating avocado, garlic and dried fruits is beneficial. In this condition, patients need to begin to carefully study the composition of all store products.

Read also:

Does pomegranate juice increase or decrease blood pressure?

For patients with stage 3 hypertension, it is advisable to completely abandon animal fats, replacing them with vegetable oils. There is no ban on vegetables and fruits. On the contrary, they need to be eaten more often. It is advisable to reduce the portion and at the same time increase the frequency of meals.

It is advisable to completely avoid animal fats for patients with stage 3 hypertension.

Nutritional features for different categories of people

Not everyone finds it easy to switch to a diet for hypertension. For example, men are not used to limiting themselves in food, and their physiological need for high-calorie food is much greater. Therefore, they should replace fried meat with grilled or oven-cooked meat.

It is especially important for older people to get enough nutrients, because their body no longer absorbs vitamins and microelements so well.

The diet should include foods rich in essential substances that are acceptable for high blood pressure:

  • salmon;
  • pink salmon;
  • avocado;
  • cabbage, and especially broccoli;
  • porridge "Hercules";
  • dried fruits.

A properly selected diet will benefit older patients. After all, in addition to hypertension, they often suffer from other diseases. The body weakens with age, and its resistance ability deteriorates. A balanced diet is one of the main ways to maintain normal functions of an aging body.

Foods rich in essential substances should be included in the diet

Recipes for high blood pressure

Some patients have a complaint: the diet for hypertension and excess weight seems too meager to them. The problem is that they are not used to such food and do not know how to diversify their menu. In fact, the permitted foods are enough to prevent your diet from being boring and monotonous. Here are some examples of delicious dietary dishes.

Carrot salad with sesame seeds and radishes. You need to prepare:

  • carrots – 300 g;
  • medium-sized apple – 2 pcs.;
  • radish – 150 g;
  • sesame – 40 g;
  • mint – 20 g;
  • parsley –20 g;
  • grape vinegar – 80 ml;
  • ground pepper.

Cut the peeled carrots, apples and radishes into strips (you can grate them on a coarse grater). Finely chop the mint and parsley. Place the crushed ingredients in a container of your choice, pepper and mix. Season with vinegar. It is advisable to heat the sesame seeds in the oven before sprinkling them on the salad. This will give them aroma and make their taste brighter. This dish can be eaten on its own or with any side dish. It goes especially well with fish and barley porridge.

Foods for hypertension should be enriched with potassium

Salad of fresh cucumbers, feather onions and sunflower seeds. Required Products:

  • medium cucumber – 3 pcs.;
  • seeds – 70 g;
  • feather onion – 50 g;
  • liquid honey – 1 teaspoon;
  • mustard seeds – 3 g;
  • garlic – 1 clove;
  • lemon juice – 1.5 tablespoons.

High blood pressure, which periodically or constantly makes itself felt to a person, is an acute and alarming signal about a serious disease of the cardiovascular system - hypertension. Worries about this can be reduced a little by taking the problem seriously. Not only medications, exercise, but also diet for hypertension can significantly improve the patient’s condition.

Causes of hypertension

The reasons that can trigger the occurrence of the disease can be briefly formulated in the following list:

  1. Bad habits – smoking, alcoholism.
  2. Heredity.
  3. Insufficient physical activity.
  4. External irritating factors that increase nervous tension (stress, weather conditions, worries).
  5. Poor nutrition (abuse of salty, fatty and smoked foods, overeating, drinking too much liquid, etc.)

Accordingly, the fight against the disease must be carried out on all points that adversely affect the patient’s condition - eliminating bad habits, maintaining an active, active lifestyle, auto-training to manage one’s emotions, etc. Proper nutrition for hypertension is a very important factor that can significantly affect course of the disease.

Rules for eating for hypertension

To understand what kind of diet is needed for a person with hypertension, you need to analyze the mechanism of influence of certain substances on the body.

The main enemy of a patient with hypertension is salt.

Of course, this product itself cannot lead to disease, but only excessive abuse of it.

When there is excess salt in the body, fluid retention occurs and, accordingly, blood pressure increases.

Hypertensive patients can safely include in their menu foods with a small content of table salt:

  • oat and semolina cereals
  • carrots, beets, potatoes
  • cauliflower and white cabbage
  • Fish that is good to eat are pike, perch, pike perch and carp.

Having eliminated salt from the menu completely, many are faced with the problem of replacing this product with something else. The taste of food without salt can be improved by adding seasonings (non-spicy), home-made vegetable juices, lemon, cranberries, etc.

Fatty, smoked, fried foods also do not have the best effect on the body, especially if a person is genetically predisposed to hypertension. When consuming such products, special attention should be paid to overweight people with limitations in movement.

It is better to steam or boil food without animal oil.

You should not overeat if you have this disease, even if you eat the “right” foods. In the case of large volumes of food consumed, there is strong pressure from the stomach on the diaphragm, its gradual displacement upward, which adversely affects the functioning of the heart and vascular system.

If a person drinks various liquids in large quantities, this leads to additional stress on the cardiovascular mechanism, which will immediately affect blood pressure. You should not abuse tonic drinks, which lead to rapid heartbeat.

It is better for patients with hypertension to eat not 3 times a day, but somewhat more often (up to five times a day), giving preference to small portions. Under no circumstances should you overeat at night. The last meal before bed should be at least 2 hours before falling asleep.

If patients are overweight, then in order to reduce blood pressure and reduce weight, it is advisable for them to regularly arrange fasting days, and remove bread, all foods high in carbohydrates, and sweets from the daily menu.

Nutrition for high blood pressure is prescribed by specialists depending on the severity of the disease. There are many more dietary restrictions for high blood pressure in severe forms of hypertension and they need to be followed more strictly and for a longer period of time.

Including foods containing minerals in your diet is beneficial for improving the patient's condition. Potassium, having a slight diuretic effect, will help remove fluid from the body; improves heart function.

Magnesium will stimulate the dilation of blood vessels and, as a result, will become a preventative against vasospasm. Iodine will stimulate metabolic processes in the body, putting a barrier to the occurrence of atherosclerosis.

Foods undesirable for hypertensive patients

Hypertensive patients must learn to clearly differentiate between useful and harmful substances entering the body.

A diet for hypertension should not be based on the following products:

  • fatty meats and poultry;
  • rich meat, fish and chicken broths;
  • very strong tea and coffee;
  • chocolate products;
  • confectionery products made from butter dough;
  • alcohol;
  • oversalted food;
  • smoked meats;
  • canned food;
  • marinades

By following the recommendations of qualified specialists and excluding unhealthy foods from your menu, you can achieve a significant reduction in blood pressure and stabilize the patient’s condition. At the same time, you should remember about the mandatory “reinforcement” of the diet with physical exercise.

What is good to eat for hypertension?

Nutrition for hypertension should be aimed at consuming the following foods:

  • cereals in the form of a side dish and crumbly porridges;
  • pasta from the highest varieties of wheat (no more than 2 times a week);
  • soups mainly made from vegetables, as well as dairy soups, beet soup and light meat or fish soups with the addition of cereals;
  • baked goods without baking, slightly dried, preferably made from wholemeal flour, with bran;
  • fish (preferably boiled or steamed);
  • seafood;
  • low-fat or low-fat dairy products;
  • boiled, fresh or baked vegetables, with the exception of those that cause fermentation or contain a large amount of acid (sorrel, cabbage, green peas, radishes, onions);
  • any fresh fruits (restriction for overweight people - those fruits that contain a large amount of calories or sugar);
  • drinks, preferably made from fruits and vegetables, excluding alcohol, instant coffee.

Possible results of following a diet for hypertension

A well-designed menu and strict adherence to the instructions of the attending physician will most likely change the patient’s condition for the better. Here are the expected results that can be obtained with proper nutrition:

  1. Losing extra pounds
  2. Improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system
  3. Removing excess fluid and waste from the body
  4. Lower blood pressure
  5. Increasing human vitality

Separately, it should be said that a diet for hypertension is useful, but a complete refusal of food can worsen the patient’s condition. Fasting can lead to loss of strength, weakness, and headaches. Due to the fact that beneficial substances will not enter the body, a person loses extra pounds not by burning fat, but by losing muscle mass or fluid. Complete refusal to eat food can contribute to the formation of toxic substances that negatively affect well-being and the healing process.

Only one-day fasting days, a balanced, well-designed diet can give the result that a hypertensive patient needs. Mandatory supervision by the attending physician and nutritionist is the key to success in the treatment of hypertension.
An integrated approach, long-term adherence to a diet, physical activity, and properly selected medications can turn a hypertensive person into a person who enjoys life to its fullest.

Meals must be structured according to special rules. Maintaining a diet greatly helps treatment; the condition stabilizes quickly enough, which in the future helps to avoid hypertensive crises and other adverse consequences. Correcting your diet and changing your lifestyle is often enough to normalize your well-being.

So, hypertension: what diet is prescribed for this disease, features of therapeutic nutrition for hypertension and crisis?


What can you eat

For beginners who are just planning to build a diet after diagnosis, the list of allowed foods will be quite useful. Many of them are alternatives to more unhealthy foods:

  • Lean meat. It is no secret that hypertensive patients have high cholesterol and it is the plaques and deposits that appear on the vessels that greatly increase blood pressure due to obstruction of blood flow. This is why veal, rabbit, beef, turkey and chicken are the best choices for meat dishes.
  • Sea kale.
  • Low fat dairy products.
  • Vegetables, especially beets, carrots, cabbage. Fiber not only promotes excellent digestion, but also lowers cholesterol.
  • Dried fruits. Like many vegetables, they have a fairly large amount of antioxidants, and they also contain potassium and magnesium, which are especially important for the heart.
  • Seafood. Particular attention should be paid to lean fish.
  • Fruits.
  • Porridge.
  • Greenery.

This video also talks about foods allowed for hypertension:

What not to eat

  1. smoked meats,
  2. baking,
  3. fatty creams and sauces,
  4. any fatty foods,
  5. ready food,
  6. salo,
  7. cheeses,
  8. butter.

For men

Men are more likely to suffer from high blood pressure, so it is necessary to minimize the amount of salt consumed daily. Swelling and constant moisture retention in the body leads to an increase in the volume of blood circulating in the body, which also entails an increase in blood pressure. A sufficient amount of sodium can already be obtained from food, so there is no need to consume more than 3 g of salt per day.

You will, of course, have to refuse. In general, it is advisable to eliminate the influence of many bad habits, because their abolition will only improve the health of the body.

For women

Considering how partial women are to various diets, it is necessary to warn them that fasting has a negative effect on the body in case of hypertension. Undoubtedly, being overweight is just as bad, however, it is also undesirable to abruptly remove any foods from your diet, as well as fasting.

Women also consume sweets more often than men, so the recommendation to limit it largely concerns them. In general, any carbohydrates from the easily digestible category should be removed completely, replacing them with healthy cereal bars, natural dried fruits or nuts.

Strong teas, including such a popular green variety, will have to be left in the past. Undoubtedly, it has a sufficient amount of useful substances, but it provokes vasospasm. When consumed systematically, even green tea can increase the load on the heart.

Diet for hypertension

Eating habits are quite difficult to change, but you still need to reconsider your usual home recipes and stop frying dishes.

  • Preference should be given to stewing.
  • Salads should not be seasoned with excessive amounts of even healthy olive oil; it is better to use lemon juice, apple, wine, and balsamic vinegars.
  • For many, after switching to a new diet, lean meat, which is not yet so richly salted, seems bland.

Hypertensive patients should experiment more with spicy spices (do not overdo it!), as well as herbs. In this way, you can significantly “revive” the taste of any dish, and gradually new eating habits will no longer seem scary.

It's worth eating in fractions. This principle of constructing a diet will allow you to constantly feel full and will significantly help patients with excess weight in losing weight. It is on the advice described above that nutrition for any type of hypertension should be based.

The following video tells in more detail about the features of dietary nutrition for hypertensive patients:

For essential hypertension

The diet must be built according to the general principles described in the article, making sure to make adjustments to your taste preferences, as well as individual characteristics. To begin with, it is worth calculating the caloric intake that the body needs for full functioning. If you are overweight, you will need to cut 250-300 calories from this number. This will be enough for gradual weight loss, since a sharp change in the numbers on the scales can negatively affect the condition of a hypertensive patient.

For convenience, below we have provided a sample menu for a week for a diet for hypertension; these recipes will make proper nutrition not only healthy, but also tasty. It is useful to take it as a basis, replacing some dishes.

DayBreakfastSnack timeDinnerMidday snackDinner
MonOmelette made from whipped egg whites with the addition of low-fat milk,Greek yogurt.Lentil porridge,

Turkey fillet,


Baked apple.Whipped cottage cheese with berries,



Rose hip decoction.

Apple.Boiled or baked potatoes,

Fish stew with vegetables,


Ryazhenka.Fish steak with lemon sauce,


SRBuckwheat porridge,


Sandwich with whole grain bread, avocado and lean fish.Lean veal soup,


Whole grain bread.

A mixture of nuts and dried fruits.Mashed potatoes,


ThuBaked apples with cottage cheese and honey,


Vegetable stew or sauté

Chicken breast,



Jellied fish,

Vegetable salad,


PTFruit salad with yogurt,


Sandwich with fruit or fish.
Vegetarian borscht,


Bread and yogurt.Stuffed pepper,

Vegetable Salad.

SBMushrooms stewed in sour cream,



Beet and cabbage salad.Vegetable pilaf,

Steamed fish cutlets,


Milk.Cheesecakes or curd pudding. Can be eaten with low-fat sour cream.
SunOatmeal with dried fruits,

A decoction of rowan and rosehip.


A piece of boiled meat,


Rabbit, turkey or chicken,


This is the nutrition-diet for arterial hypertension, now let’s look at the nutrition menu for (after) a hypertensive crisis. For dinner, it is better to plan a protein meal, but hypertensive patients should eat fruit in the first part of the day.

In hypertensive crisis

- This is a rather dangerous disease that can lead to very serious consequences for the body. That is why, along with drug treatment, it is necessary to follow a special diet. Salt is completely prohibited, consuming more fats of plant origin, while the amount of animal fats should be reduced. Nutrition should include enough vitamins and proteins.

An approximate diet might look like this:

For each subsequent day, the diet should be similar.

The most important thing is that no more than 100 g of bread mixed with bran and 30 g of sugar are consumed per day.



Oatmeal is perfect for breakfast. There can be 2 ways of preparing it, one of which is traditional, and the other is called “lazy”. Since everyone knows the classic recipe, we will tell you more about another one.

You will need 0.5 tbsp. dry oatmeal flakes. They are placed in a jar or placed on a plate, after which they are filled with low-fat drinking yogurt (1 tbsp.). If desired, add small amounts of honey, berries or nuts. Afterwards, the jar should be left in the refrigerator overnight and in the morning you can enjoy breakfast, which has retained all its beneficial properties.


For second breakfast, it is not forbidden to make sandwiches with bran or whole grain bread. It is advisable that it be homemade, since the finished product contains too many harmful additives.

Avocado is laid out on it in thin slices, and small pieces of fish or meat are placed on top. By the way, they can be successfully replaced with fruits. To taste the avocado, pour a little olive oil and pepper on top, and it is better to lightly drizzle the fruit with honey.

The following video will show you how to prepare a heart-healthy fish roll that is perfect for eating with hypertension:


Lunch should be as filling and nutritious as possible. Lentil porridge is a good choice for a complete meal and is also an excellent source of vegetable protein. For the recipe you will need:

  1. bulb,
  2. lentils - 1 tbsp,
  3. Bay leaf,
  4. carrot,
  5. ground pepper,
  6. a little salt.

There is no need to soak the lentils, just fill them with liquid so that it covers the top well and set on low heat. At this moment, coarsely chop the onion and add it to the cooking legumes. By the end of cooking, you should take it out and throw it away, because it will give away the most important thing - taste and smell.

Chopped carrots are also added to the saucepan. After boiling, add spices to the lentils, salt them, it is permissible to add no more than 1 tbsp. l. oils After 15 minutes the dish is ready, it is left to steep for 10 minutes and served.

Afternoon snack

A baked apple is a good choice for an afternoon snack. Preparing it is quite simple: wash the fruit, remove the core and add a little honey. They are placed in the oven for about 20-30 minutes, depending on the type of apple. For aroma and a richer taste, sprinkle them with cinnamon before baking.


The ideal dinner for hypertensive patients is cottage cheese. You can cook almost any dish from it. One of the simplest and fastest dinners is grated or whipped cottage cheese, to which you can add almost any filling.

If you feel hungry afterwards, it is permissible to have a snack and drink kefir. It is not advisable to pamper yourself with fruit before bed.

If the doctor tells you that you have hypertension, you should make adjustments not only to your lifestyle, but also to your diet. A diet for hypertension is something that increases the effectiveness of medications and reduces body weight. Excess weight in this case only contributes to the development of the disease. That is why treatment of hypertension should also include proper nutrition.

Basic principles of nutrition for hypertension

To prevent hypertension from increasing blood pressure and increasing body weight, you should follow a few simple rules:

  • Consume small portions 5-6 times a day. Small meals are the key to good digestion of food.
  • Avoid strict diets. Firstly, the body will experience severe stress, which will provoke an exacerbation of the disease. Secondly, the disappearance of any familiar foods from the diet will also have a bad effect on the body.
  • Don't add salt to your food. Table salt contains sodium, which retains moisture in the body. It helps increase blood pressure, so a low-salt diet will be very useful.
  • Avoid animal and vegetable fats. For hypertension, a low-cholesterol diet can help, because the disease is often caused by cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels.
  • Eat less sugar. A low-carb diet is very beneficial for obesity and hypertension.
  • Do not drink strong tea, coffee and alcohol. All this provokes vasospasm.
  • Try to saturate your body with magnesium and potassium. These elements have a strengthening effect on the cardiovascular system. They can be found not only in vitamin complexes, but also in gifts of nature (dried apricots, beets, carrots, cabbage).
  • Load up on vegetables. Any diet for hypertension involves eating large amounts of vegetables. This is required not only for weight loss, but also for cleansing blood vessels.
  • Fluid intake should be moderate to normal. Try to drink about 1-1.5 liters per day.
  • Don't fry food. You can stew, boil, steam and bake foods, but frying them is highly undesirable.

Diet number 10 for hypertension

The phrase “medicinal table” implies a special therapeutic diet. For example, diet number 10 is indicated if you have heart disease. Accordingly, it is suitable for hypertensive patients, as it complies with all nutritional principles. The attached table shows permitted and prohibited products:

Product groupAllowed:Forbidden:
Soupsvegetarian, fruit, dairymade from meat, beans, fish and mushrooms
Meatlean (chicken, veal, rabbit, turkey), dietary sausageany fat, entrails (liver, brains, etc.), sausages, canned and smoked meat
Fishlow-fat varietiesfatty varieties, canned and smoked fish products, caviar in any form
Eggssoft-boiled (no more than one per day)fried and hard-boiled
Bakery productsunsweetened cookies, slightly dried bread made from first and second grade flourfresh baked goods, pancakes, pancakes
Porridge and pastabuckwheat, millet, pasta, rice, semolina, rolled oats with milk and waterbean porridge
Milk productsany low sugar dairy productsfat sour cream, salty cheese
Fatsvegetable oil and butter in small quantitiescooking and meat fat
Vegetablesall except the excluded ones (add greens and peas only to dishes)garlic, onion, radish, radish, any other lightly salted, salted, fermented and pickled
Mushrooms - any mushrooms
Spices and additivesvegetable and fruit sauceshot and bitter seasonings, fish, meat and mushroom sauces
Fruits, berries and sweetsberries, jelly, dried fruits, jam, compoteschocolate and baked goods
Beveragesweak tea, juices from vegetables and fruitscoffee, cocoa

Example menu

If you find it difficult to create a diet, follow the suggested menu for the week.

Here is a diet for hypertensive patients for 7 days.

DayFirst breakfastLunchDinnerAfternoon snackDinner
MondayOmelette, bread and weak teaApple and kefirVegetarian soup, mashed potatoes with baked crucian carp, bread, carrot juiceCottage cheese and apple juiceStewed vegetables with steamed turkey, bread, still mineral water
TuesdayRice porridge with water, orange juiceBananaCarrot puree soup, steamed chicken fillet, bread, still mineral waterUnsweetened cookies and kefirBuckwheat porridge with salmon baked with lemon, bread, carrot-beet salad, pineapple juice
WednesdayCottage cheese and skim milkFruit salad and still mineral waterPotato noodle soup, stewed rabbit with vegetables, bread, weak teaApricot pureePasta with pieces of boiled veal, bread, rosehip infusion, grated carrots
ThursdayMillet porridge with water, mineral water without gasAppleBaked potatoes with navaga, bread, pearl barley soup, tomato juiceDried fruits compoteBuckwheat with stewed turkey and vegetables, bread, orange juice
FridayOmelette and still mineral waterYogurtVegetable soup, carp with boiled rice, carrot juice, breadCottage cheese with fruit and rosehip decoctionMashed potatoes with boiled chicken, cucumber and tomato salad, still mineral water, bread
SaturdayBanana puree and dried fruit compoteOatmeal cookies and still mineral waterSalad of croutons and fresh vegetables, pearl barley porridge with pieces of stewed rabbit, bread, still mineral waterKefirCarrot puree with squid meat, bread, apple juice
SundaySemolina porridge, peach juicePineapple piecesRice soup with herbs, chum salmon with boiled potatoes, bread, tomato juiceUnsweetened cookies and rosehip decoctionVegetable salad with croutons, veal in vegetable sauce, bread, dried fruit compote

If you are prescribed a diet for hypertension, you should diversify your diet with new dishes so that your body does not get stressed from a lack of familiar foods. Simple recipes will help you.

Stewed rabbit is perfect as a dish for patients with high cholesterol. Its meat is very tender and light, but at the same time satisfying. The cooking method is in front of you:

  1. Cut the rabbit meat into large cubes, the cauliflower and carrots into small cubes, and chop the tomato and herbs.
  2. At the bottom of the pan, place first the rabbit, then the cabbage, and then the carrots with tomato sauce.
  3. Add water to the pan and simmer the mixture for 2-2.5 hours over low heat, adding liquid periodically.

If for you a diet for hypertension is also a diet for weight loss, pay attention to the recipe for a hearty and healthy fruit salad:

  1. Mash the banana.
  2. Make pineapple puree.
  3. Cut the apple and orange into small slices.
  4. Mix all ingredients and add low-fat yogurt.

A universal recipe for patients with hypertension is carrot puree soup. Here are the instructions for preparing it:

  1. Cut carrots and potatoes into small cubes (2:1).
  2. Place the potatoes in a pan of water and start cooking.
  3. Sauté the carrots and then add them to the pan.
  4. Once the vegetables are cooked, grind them in a saucepan using a mortar and whisk.
  5. Cook the mixture for fifteen minutes, adding herbs and your favorite seasonings.



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