Single red spots on the body of a child. The child was covered with red spots: a photo describing the rash, possible causes, methods of treatment, prevention

The main causes of the appearance of red spots on the body of a child are considered. Symptoms of diseases that cause them and how to distinguish them from the manifestation of an allergic reaction.

It just so happened that in a house where there is a small child, the mother performs the functions of a pediatrician, dermatologist, infectious disease specialist, teacher, educator, and many others. Parents are especially responsible for the health of the baby, because the child's body can react to food, cosmetics, clothes and other ordinary things that are familiar to adults in an extremely specific way.

An allergic skin reaction is the most common problem in young children. Therefore, every mother should know what spots look like with allergies in a child, as well as how to distinguish this disease from other possible ailments.

Causes of allergies in children in the form of red spots on the body

Frequent allergies in children are caused by the fact that the immature immune system of the child's body does not adequately respond to various substances that enter it.

At risk for allergies are children whose parents suffer from allergic diseases.

This means that it is legitimate to talk about a genetic, hereditary predisposition to the development of an allergic reaction. Also, more often than other children, crumbs who were born prematurely or with low weight get to see a pediatrician with skin rashes.

A provoking factor for the development of an allergic reaction of the body is an unfavorable environmental situation, frequent viral diseases, and intestinal dysbacteriosis.

The most common causes of allergic red spots on the body of a child are:

Photo: Severe allergic reaction in the form of spots on the back of a child
  • food products;
  • hygiene products;
  • room dust, or rather, the waste products of a dust mite;
  • medicinal preparations;
  • vegetable pollen;
  • chemical substances;
  • protein compounds of animal saliva;
  • poisonous components of insect saliva, etc.

Dermatologists and pediatricians distinguish the following types of allergies on the skin of a child, depending on the root cause of its occurrence:

  • food allergy;
  • hives;
  • toxidermia;
  • photodermatosis;
  • dermatitis.

In addition to skin reactions, allergies in children may be accompanied by rhinitis, conjunctivitis, asthma attacks, and laryngeal edema. Therefore, when the first alarming signs appear, it is urgent to show the baby to a highly qualified specialist in order to prevent the occurrence of complications.

food allergy

Food allergies are the most common type of childhood allergic reaction, especially in infants. This is primarily due to the quality and composition of the consumed products. Today, store shelves are bursting with an abundance of food, but it is extremely difficult to find a product without preservatives, dyes and genetically modified additives. Food allergens enter the baby's body with mother's milk. It is for this reason that all mothers are recommended a strict diet upon discharge from the hospital.

However, the risk of getting an allergen through breast milk should by no means encourage mothers to refuse breastfeeding.

If a woman monitors her diet, does not overeat, is not fond of certain foods, forgetting about others, allergic complications in a child rarely occur. Moreover, when it comes time to expand the baby's diet, introduce additional foods, those children who were breastfed tolerate this process much more easily.

At the same time, daily pediatricians are faced with such a problem as food allergy, which occurs in children of the first years of life and is associated with artificial feeding and / or the introduction of complementary foods after artificial feeding. As statistics show, the earlier a child is transferred to artificial feeding, the more likely he is to get a food allergy.

Photo: Red spots on the face as a manifestation of food allergies

The fragile organism of the baby cannot yet fully adapt to the new conditions of life and nutrition.

In addition, in the first 4-6 months of life, maternal immune proteins circulate in the child's body, which are transmitted, among other things, with mother's milk.

They help the baby to adapt to the big world, and his immune system - to get stronger, to prepare for "independent" work. If there are none, or there are few of them, the still unformed immunity has too intense a load. He does not cope, giving out severe allergic reactions.

This pathology manifests itself in small rashes on the body, which can merge into round spots.

  • Rashes are most often localized on the cheeks of babies and are popularly called diathesis.
  • Skin rash is accompanied by itching and burning. Very often, the baby is worried about pain in the tummy, indigestion (vomiting, diarrhea, nausea).
  • In especially severe cases, the lips, mucous membranes of the eyes, and larynx may swell up to the point of stopping breathing.

The described symptoms fit into the picture of angioedema angioedema, which, along with anaphylactic shock, is a life-threatening condition.

The most highly allergenic foods are:

  • milk protein casein,
  • chocolate,
  • eggs,
  • citrus,
  • Strawberry,
  • eggs,
  • yeast baking.

When this type of allergy occurs, the most important thing is to identify and eliminate the effect of the allergen on the patient's body.


Urticaria is an allergic dermatitis that is characterized by rashes all over the body in the form of pale pink blisters. Outwardly, the elements of the rash are very similar to burns after skin contact with nettles. The causes of hives can be a variety of factors and very often it is a reaction to a medication.

Photo: Red spots on the body of a child - an allergy to antibiotics in the form of urticaria

In children of different ages, the symptoms of the disease may differ, but, as practice shows, up to 6 months this type of allergy practically does not occur.

From six months to two years, urticaria develops in response to:

  1. the use of highly allergenic foods,
  2. the use of cosmetics with a large number of fragrances, dyes and other additives.

There is a high risk of developing urticaria on clothing items: for example, 16% of children, according to the Allergist Association, are allergic to natural wool.

Chronic urticaria in young children develops against the background of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver pathologies, leukemia, connective tissue pathologies.

Symptoms of urticaria depend on the severity of the pathological process:

  • Initially, blisters and pink spots appear on the skin, which have bright red circles around the edge. The rash protrudes above the level of the skin and is distinguished by the symmetry of the arrangement of the elements.
  • In addition, a characteristic feature of urticaria is the complete reversibility of pathological changes.
  • As the skin recovers, it clears up, scars and pigmentation do not form on it, and there are no traces of a rash.

Treatment of this type of allergy is based on the use of H1-antihistamine drugs.

Toxicoderma (toxiderma)

Toxicoderma is a group of dermatological diseases, which are based on an allergic reaction of the body. This type of disease is characterized by acute inflammatory processes on the skin and mucous membranes in children.

Depending on the root cause of the disease, food, infectious, drug and other types of toxidermia are distinguished. As medical practice shows, most often the development of this pathology is based on allergic reaction to a drug.

With toxicoderma in children, the severity of the clinical picture depends on the severity of the allergic reaction. But, most often it is the appearance of itching on any part of the body, small vesicles appear in the same place, which can increase significantly and turn into papules that merge into large foci.

In this case, the baby may be disturbed by symptoms of a general malaise of intoxication:

Photo: Toxidermia on the face of an infant
  • hyperthermia (increased body temperature);
  • weakness, lethargy;
  • nausea;
  • dehydration;
  • loss of appetite;
  • pallor;
  • headache.

In especially severe cases, the development of Quincke's edema, which also affects the brain of anaphylactic shock, is possible. Therefore, when the first neoplasms appear on the baby's skin, it is urgent to show it to the pediatrician so as not to endanger the health and life of the crumbs.


Photodermatosis is a special form of an allergic reaction that occurs against the background of increased sensitivity of the child's body to sunlight.

Photo: Red rash on the cheeks as the appearance of photodermatitis

Children under 3 years of age are at risk for this disease. The following factors contribute to the occurrence of photodermatosis:

  • pre-existing allergies of any type;
  • transferred viral diseases;
  • taking antibiotics or other photosensitizing drugs;
  • chronic diseases of the hepatobiliary system and kidneys.

Symptoms of photodermatosis can be red rashes on skin exposed to clothing, lacrimation, swelling of the face, especially in the nasolabial triangle.

It is important to note that there are two forms of sun allergy - actually polymorphic photodermatosis and solar urticaria. They appear a little differently.

If the mother noticed that after exposure to the sun, the baby's body is covered with pink spots with blisters, then it is necessary to bring the child into the room, wash the skin with clean water, give an antihistamine and show the baby to a specialist.

A rash with photodermatosis is very similar to the manifestations of a sunburn or any other allergic disease. Therefore, a highly qualified doctor should be engaged in the diagnosis and treatment.


Photo: Atopic dermatitis

Dermatitis is also a type of dermatological allergy. The reasons for the development of this disease are different.

Dermatitis is characterized by a clinical picture that manifests itself:

  • redness,
  • scuffs,
  • scaly, rough skin in the pathological focus.

In the absence of adequate treatment and care, the rashes are covered with blisters, which, opening up, form wound weeping foci. When the infection enters the inflamed foci, the vesicles become purulent and can have many adverse effects on the health of the child.

In place of spots with allergies, a child may have roughness, depigmented areas in the form of white spots. So that in the future the child does not worry about cosmetic defects, it is necessary to timely diagnose and treat allergies.

Localization of allergic red spots on the body of a child

Photo: Dry flaky red spots on the back of a child - eczema

Characteristic of allergic red spots on the body of a child is their arbitrary location. But pediatricians restored some connection between the allergen and the location of the allergic focus:

  • allergy on foot appears when exposed to an allergen by contact or aerogenic means (household chemicals, plants, cosmetic products);
  • appear with food allergies, as well as with an allergic reaction to the sun's rays;
  • in the language most often a rash appears with urticaria, against the background of drug allergies;
  • on the pope infants most often develop a rash with diaper dermatitis, with allergies to chemical and cosmetic products, very often this type of rash is complicated by a secondary infection;
  • skin rashes on back and stomach often confused with common prickly heat, but they occur due to contact, food or drug allergies, single pink spots can merge into a single large spot;
  • on hands most often there are red spots with allergies to food, especially often the foci are diagnosed on the elbow bend;
  • on the palms an allergic reaction manifests itself upon contact with household chemicals, detergents, as well as when using low-quality rubber or plastic toys.

In any case, only a qualified doctor can accurately diagnose the disease and identify its root cause.

Differential Diagnosis

Given the fact that many diseases can be accompanied by the appearance of red spots on the body of a child, it is necessary to learn how to differentiate allergies from other pathologies. A significant difference is the nature and location of the elements of the rash.

You need to differentiate allergies from other diseases that can cause red spots on the body (all photos can be enlarged):

ReactionCharacteristics of red spots on the body of a childA photo
Insect bitesThey appear mainly after a night's sleep in open areas of the body, have a regular round shape with a slight protrusion in the center, itching and pain are present at the bite site.
Prickly heat

A small nodular rash that can appear on any part of the body where there is high humidity and insufficient hygiene, but most often these are skin folds (behind the ears, on the neck, on the buttocks, in the groin).

molluscum contagiosumA viral disease, manifested by small nodular rashes all over the body, which at first resemble white spots, later a seal appears in the center of the spot, which grows from 1 to 10 mm, sometimes children are worried about itching at the site of the neoplasm.
Scarlet feverA childhood infectious disease that is very similar to a food allergy rash, but with the appearance of characteristic symptoms: “raspberry tongue”, white nasolabial triangle, sore throat, etc., it will not be difficult to distinguish scarlet fever;

Infectious disease, which is characterized by hyperthermia, general weakness, enlargement of regional lymph nodes.

Rash characteristic:

  • rashes most often appear on the scalp;
  • in the center of the red round spot, a vesicle appears, filled with serous contents, which bursts and becomes covered with a crust;
  • the rash is accompanied by severe itching.

MeaslesWith this infection, the appearance of a rash is preceded by a strong cough against the background of a high temperature, and only on the 3-4th day the baby's body is covered with a small rash, which merges into one large spot.
RubellaAn infectious disease in which the lymph nodes increase, a small red rash appears on the face, and later "leaves" down the whole body.
ScabiesA contagious dermatological disease in which the patient is concerned not so much with specks on the arms, abdomen and lateral surfaces of the thighs, but with severe nocturnal itching; a characteristic black rash is the dual arrangement of the elements of the rash (the entrance and exit of the scabies mite).
ringworm pinkA disease with an incompletely understood etiology, but with several characteristic features:
  • a large oval red spot appears at the site of the rash, which becomes rough and is called the "maternal plaque",
  • only after that the rash spreads throughout the body, after a single illness, the patient develops lifelong immunity.

Roseola baby or pseudorubellaThe disease that small children suffer from is manifested by critical indicators of body temperature, and confluent red small bubbling rashes all over the body, which disappear without a trace after 3-4 days.
Infectious erythemaParvovirus disease is characterized by symptoms of general malaise, high body temperature, muscle and joint pain, and a red rash on the face.

Video: Dr. Komarovsky about a rash in children (including red spots)

Treatment of allergic red spots on the body of a child

All mothers are wondering how to treat such rashes on the baby's body. Once again I want to remind you that a qualified doctor should deal with the treatment of any disease in children. The complex of antiallergic measures should be aimed at:

  • identification of the allergen and elimination of its contact with the child's body;
  • systemic therapy with antihistamines in the form of rectal suppositories, tablets or syrups crushed in baby food (for babies), as well as the actual tablets for older children;
  • local treatment with ointments, gels, creams;
  • increasing the immune defense of the body;
  • dietary hypoallergenic food.

In order to eliminate allergic spots on the child's body, a reception is prescribed antihistamines:

  • Fenistil,
  • Eden,
  • claritin,
  • Tavegil.

The choice of the drug, the calculation of its dose and the duration of the course of treatment will be made by the attending doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics and age of the patient.

To eliminate itching and redness, it is advisable to supplement systemic treatment with local therapy. For children use antihistamine ointments and gels:

  • Gistan,
  • Fenistil.

In particularly difficult cases and only if recommended by a doctor, they can be used in short courses. hormonal ointments:

  • Elokom,
  • Advantan.

Many parents ask how to smear spots on a child with allergies and whether iodine can be used for this purpose.

Let's just say that the choice of a drug for external use is the competence of a doctor, but iodine should not be used for allergies, since it itself can cause an allergic reaction.

In addition, when applying iodine to the very thin, delicate, but already irritated skin of a child, you can injure it even more, which will lead to serious consequences, up to a burn.

Most often, mothers ask doctors how quickly allergy spots in children pass. This question is very individual and depends on the correct approach to treatment and the degree of neglect of the pathological process. But on average, improvements occur after 7-10 days from the start of treatment.

The main thing in the treatment of any disease is to listen carefully to the doctor and regularly follow all the appointments!

Skin is an indicator of health. Her condition indicates various internal problems. Young parents often face various manifestations on the skin of the child.

Sometimes it can be a harmless effect of environmental factors, and sometimes rashes provoke very serious and dangerous pathologies.

Identifying a rash at home is quite difficult.

In such a situation, the help of a doctor is needed, who, thanks to experience and knowledge, will be able to accurately determine the cause and prescribe the correct treatment.

Types of spots on the body of a child

There are hundreds of diseases that are accompanied by changes in the skin. Each disease has its own signs and types of rash.

The main types of rashes:

Primary Spot Changed area of ​​skin that differs in color
bubble Lesions on the skin with fluid inside
Blister Swelling of the dermis with fluid
Pustule Inflammation of the skin, which implies the presence of a purulent process
Papule Thickening - a nodule that rises above the level of the skin
tubercle Accumulation of infiltrate in the thickness of the skin, rises above the dermis layer
Secondary Scales Accumulation of horny skin particles characterized by roughness
crusts The result of overdrying of the liquid components of the skin
cracks Skin defects of varying length and depth
erosion Superficial violation of the integrity of the epithelium as a result of an inflammatory or traumatic process
ulcers This is a deep defect of the epithelium, characterized by a duration of healing.
Scarring Dense formation resulting from damage to the skin

Skin defects may differ in size, shape, structure (weeping, dry), degree of inflammation and swelling.

Possible Causes and Signs

Skin pathologies may be accompanied by other symptoms characteristic of a particular disease. To make a diagnosis and establish the cause, you need to seek help from a medical institution.

Symptoms can have a rapid course, which, without proper treatment, will only worsen the condition of the baby. Below are photos with descriptions of possible pathologies.

The disease of civilization is expanding its scope every year. Many children have a genetic predisposition to such manifestations. Sometimes the reaction occurs as a result of imperfection of immunity or its hypersensitivity.

Allergy symptoms can be triggered by various environmental factors. Such manifestations are always accompanied by severe itching and occur as soon as possible after contact with.

Very often, along with skin problems, the child is worried about:

  • flow from the eyes or nose;
  • coughing and sneezing;
  • swelling of mucous membranes.

Possible deterioration or. Signs can develop very quickly and, if not provided first aid, lead to death.

To avoid such situations, it is necessary to carefully monitor the daily life of the child, excluding possible causes of a negative response. This is especially true for infants, when parents may not even suspect possible violations. Preventive measures do an excellent job of preventing unpleasant moments.

Insect bites

Children are susceptible. Especially in the warm season. and other representatives of the species can cause allergic reactions, be carriers of infections.

As a result of a bite, the skin at the site of damage swells, turns red and rises above the surface. The baby is accompanied by incessant itching.

Very often, kids are not able to control their actions, comb the site of the lesion before the onset of wounds. This can lead to infection and aggravate the situation.

To prevent possible contact with insects, special protective equipment should be used, taking into account age. Protect children in strollers with mosquito nets.

Mosquito bites on legs


Infectious diseases are considered a common cause of skin problems. Chickenpox has a long incubation period of three weeks. Then there is a sharp rise in temperature. The mark is kept within 38-40 ° C, babies very often do not respond to such an infection with a high thermometer mark.

The older the child, the more difficult the symptoms can be. Spots can cover various areas or pour out all over the body, there is no specific localization.

Basically, chickenpox affects the rash and mucous membranes. Small spots of red color quickly turn into bubbles with liquid. It is initially transparent, and then acquires a yellow cloudy hue. After the necessary treatment with antiseptics, crusts form.

The initial stage of chickenpox

The incubation period can be up to 14 days. The first five days are considered the most dangerous, then the baby is most dangerous to others.

The first signs of the disease are:

  • temperature rise;
  • runny nose;
  • cough;
  • conjunctivitis.

On the third day, rashes appear, which begin to spread on the face, then moving on to the body and limbs. After the rash, there is a second wave of increase at the thermometer mark.

After a few days, the spots turn brown and begin to peel off. As a preventive measure, it is necessary to vaccinate in accordance with the vaccination schedule.

measles rash


Redness occurs in the first days of infection. They are characterized by small red spots. The disease begins its spread from the head, moving down. Particularly affected areas in the flexion area and buttocks.

The temperature is kept at 37 - 37.5 ° C. There is a slight reddening of the throat, lymph nodes in the neck increase. Within three days, the spots disappear.

Its course resembles a cold.

A rash in the form of rich scarlet dots occurs on the second day after infection.

Distribution begins from the head, capturing any parts of the body.

The dots can merge, forming large red spots with a clear relief on the body of the child.

A red dotted rash occurs on the first or second day of infection. It is localized in the armpits, in the inguinal folds, on the sides of the body. On the face, the space near the nose and above the upper lip remains intact.

It turns out a white triangle, which is a hallmark of scarlet fever. Along with this, symptoms of a sore throat appear - the throat becomes saturated red, red dots appear.

The tongue is covered with a white coating, which then disappears and a relief surface is formed due to rashes. The rash disappears after a week, but skin roughness remains. Red spots may be accompanied by a rise in body temperature.


Often, children of the first months of life are exposed to this pathology. In the first days, there is a sharp increase in temperature, which decreases by a maximum of the fourth day, and pink spots appear on the face, neck, limbs. They look like papules, that is, compacted.

Other causes of rash

Fundamental problems with the vessels can lead to the appearance of spots that occur due to hemorrhages. Such symptoms can cause significant pain to the baby.

Unfavorable emotional and psychological moments can provoke psychosomatic states, characterized by the appearance of spots, itching. Failure to comply with elementary rules of hygiene and overheating of the baby cause unpleasant symptoms.

It is very important to regularly take care of the child - wash, change diapers and clothes. Compliance with the temperature regime and the level of humidity in the room is also significant. The baby should spend more time taking air baths so that the skin constantly breathes. This will help reduce the risk of unpleasant situations.

Video from Dr. Komarovsky:

Treatment Methods

The tactics of treatment directly depends on the diagnosis. It is very important to get expert advice. First of all, this is a pediatrician, dermatologist,. The specialist will be able to conduct a differentiated diagnosis and find out why the spots appeared.

For this it is necessary to carry out the following activities:

  • pass a clinical analysis of blood and urine;
  • conduct biochemical studies;
  • scraping from the affected area;
  • conduct an ultrasound examination;
  • carry out if necessary.

The doctor chooses diagnostics for the most complete disclosure of the picture of the disease. It is important not to smear the rash before contacting a medical institution - this can “lubricate” the diagnostic result. Based on the results of the examination, the doctor selects the correct treatment.

Treatment of rashes depending on the cause:

Cause Treatment
Allergy elimination of the allergen from everyday life;

elimination diet;
local antiallergic drugs;
skin healing products;
hormonal ointments

Insect bites antihistamines;
corticosteroid agents;
soothing, cooling skin products
Chickenpox insulation;
antipruritic ointments;
treatment of wounds with brilliant green or fucorcin;
antipyretic drugs;
cough syrups;
drops to eliminate conjunctivitis
Rubella means for lowering the temperature;
anti-inflammatory drugs;
vitamin complexes
penicillin antibiotics;
antimicrobial agents;
anti-inflammatory syrups for the throat;
antipruritic drugs;
green rash treatment
local antiseptics;
antipruritic, anti-inflammatory ointments;
means for lowering the temperature;
Roseola means for eliminating temperature;
nose drops for easier breathing
Fungal lesions antiseptic solutions;
antimycotic drugs;
antibiotics with antifungal activity;
ointments to relieve itching

Basically, treatment is aimed at relieving unpleasant symptoms. For any problem, you need to ensure that the child does not scratch or tear the stains. Young children are unable to assess the possible consequences of their actions. Therefore, during such periods, the child needs to select clothes that will cover the itching places, that is, prevent their injury.

Compliance with bed rest is a very important event for the recovery of the child. It is also necessary to maintain optimal temperature and humidity in the room where the baby is. Frequently ventilate the room where the child is resting. To alleviate the condition of a small patient, food should be light. An increase in the drinking regimen will allow you to quickly remove harmful substances.

It is possible to use folk recipes to eliminate inflammation, itching, wound healing. For crumbs, decoctions of chamomile, succession, calendula, yarrow are perfect. Dill juice will help relieve itching.

To eliminate itching after an insect bite, you can use a solution of vinegar with water (1: 1). Make a compress with the solution on the affected area of ​​the skin for five minutes.

Many causes of rashes can be prevented by routinely vaccinating children.

In what cases should you see a doctor?

Medical attention should be sought from the moment the first symptoms appear. Since spots on the body can be a symptom of many diseases that parents cannot determine.

In order not to endanger other babies, as this may be an infectious disease, it is better to call a doctor at home.

You need to call an ambulance in the following conditions:

  1. The child complains of pain in the chest.
  2. Parents record confused consciousness, fainting, depressing lethargy in the child.
  3. Breathing becomes difficult, intermittent.
  4. High temperature does not respond to drugs and ways to reduce it.
  5. The baby develops swelling of the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth.
  6. There comes a state of anaphylaxis - swelling, loss of consciousness, shortness of breath.

All of the above cases do not tolerate delay. Lost minutes can cost lives.

Compliance with preventive measures will help to avoid possible troubles.

These include:

  1. Teaching a child to a healthy lifestyle.
  2. Strengthening the immune system - hardening the body.
  3. Nutrition should meet all the nutritional needs of the body. It should be appropriate for the age and characteristics of the baby. It is better to choose products for the season from home beds.
  4. Favorable state of the nervous system - the absence of stress, negative emotions.
  5. The absence of bad habits from parents preserves the health of the child.
  6. Compliance with hygiene rules. Bathe regularly, change clothes and diapers.
  7. Spend more time in environmentally friendly conditions.
  8. Eliminate possible allergens from everyday life.
  9. Use protective products for the skin, choosing them according to age.
  10. Do not visit public places during the peak of epidemics.
  11. Get vaccinated.

The care and love of parents is a reliable rear for a small family member.

What are the causes of red spots on the child's body? In fact, there are many of them: from insect bites to serious infectious diseases. Consider in detail each of the possible causes of spots.

The appearance of red spots on the skin of a child is not uncommon. Forums dedicated to motherhood are full of messages asking for help in determining the causes of the disease. Let's try to put together all the most common versions of the appearance of red spots.


At the sight of skin redness, the first thing that comes to mind is an allergy, that is, an increased sensitivity of the body to certain substances, accompanied by certain reactions, in our case - spots.

Allergic rash or spots (red or pink) appear concentrated or all over the body. Allergies occur for the following reasons:

    Eating foods - eggs, shrimp, fruits or berries, juices, sweets. Separately, it is worth noting the allergy to milk - this is one of the most common allergies in children, about 2-5% of babies have this ailment. Milk intolerance is combined with intolerance to beef and veal.

    Contact with household chemicals - powder, children's cosmetics.

    Interaction with new items - clothes, toys, bedding, diapers.

Stains may be the result of an allergic reaction.

Insect bites

The second most common cause of stains are mosquito bites, midges. In this case, swelling is characteristic at the sites of bites, obvious itching or even pain (with a bite of stinging insects).


A contagious and widespread disease. Transmitted after contact with an infected person (object).

The incubation period of chickenpox lasts up to three weeks, after which the temperature rises sharply to 40 degrees - in this case, the child becomes lethargic, apathetic. Gradually, red spots appear on the body, degenerating into itchy blisters. The most striking foci of the rash occur between the fingers, in the armpits, feet, and even on the oral mucosa. Spots itch - especially intensively at night.

In young children, chickenpox is not always accompanied by a high temperature. It happens that the temperature only slightly exceeds the mark of 37 degrees. It happens that the temperature in a child with chickenpox is not observed at all.

Prickly heat

A small rash, more like one large rough red spot, occurs for a number of reasons:

    hot weather or a hot room in which the child is located most of the day;

    synthetic clothing;

3. use of creams in the hot season;

  1. due to rarely carried out hygiene procedures.

Prickly heat passes only thanks to the correct care of the skin of the baby. The rash itself does not bother the child with itching or pain.


Measles is an infectious disease. It occurs 7-2 days after contact with a sick person.

Measles doesn't start with a rash. For four days of illness, the child has a high body temperature (up to 40 degrees), accompanied by a runny nose, hoarseness, cough, swelling of the eyelids, photophobia, conjunctivitis. On the fifth day of the disease, many pinkish spots appear on the body - they unevenly merge into irregularly shaped spots.

The rash spreads down the body from top to bottom: first behind the ears, then on the face and neck, then the body, hands, and finally pours out the legs. During this period, the temperature remains high.

At the last stage, the rash disappears, leaving behind scaly brown patches. Pigmentation completely disappears two weeks after the appearance.


This is an infectious disease characterized by a high degree of contagiousness. Rubella is transmitted by airborne droplets. The child becomes contagious a week before the rash appears!

Rubella is characterized by small pink spots distributed throughout the body. The largest clusters of spots appear on the face, back and chest of the child. Often a rash occurs on the oral mucosa. Redness does not last long - after three days there is no trace of them.

Rubella in children is rarely accompanied by fever.

Rubella may begin asymptomatically

Scarlet fever

This is an infectious disease caused by streptococcus. Scarlet fever is manifested by fever, sore throat. Three days later, a small rash appears on the child's body, which is very itchy. The rash is especially pronounced on the skin folds - in the groin, armpits. The only place where there are no red spots is the nasolabial triangle.

On the fifth day of illness, the integuments of the skin turn pale, severe peeling begins.

Erythema (fifth disease)

Erythema is an abnormal reddening of the skin in the form of bumpy red spots or a rash that occurs due to a strong rush of blood to the capillaries. Chamer's non-physiologic erythema is due to pravavirus.

From the first days of the disease, a small rash appears on the face, gradually developing into a large red spot. After that, the rash passes to the skin of the arms, legs, torso. Over time, the spots become pale, and then completely disappear. Erythema is often accompanied by a slight temperature. The illness lasts for about two weeks.

Infection with erythema Chamer occurs by airborne droplets.

molluscum contagiosum

This is a viral disease that often occurs in infancy. Molluscum contagiosum appears as rounded reddish nodules. To the touch, these nodules are dense, and no larger than a pea in size.

At first, only one nodule appears on the child's body. After a while, other peas appear - the more peas, the worse the state of immunity. The nodules do not itch, and there is no pain when touched. In most cases, molluscum contagiosum disappears without medical treatment.

The skin is the largest human organ, which is also a kind of indicator of health, including that of a child. The appearance of any rashes on the body of a baby can terrify caring parents. But do not panic: you need to carefully examine the child, and then call a doctor.

Red spots on the body of a child can occur due to many different diseases. Identifying the main cause at home will be quite problematic. An experienced pediatrician, after carrying out some diagnostic manipulations, will be able to determine what exactly was the main cause of the rash on the body in the form of red spots, after which he should prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Experts divide the morphological signs of the formation of a rash into secondary and primary. Most diseases are diagnosed by the appearance of these rashes, as well as other accompanying symptoms.

The first signs may include the following:

As a rule, after the primary symptoms, secondary ones also appear.

Secondary features include:

  • crusts;
  • scales;
  • erosion;
  • cracks;
  • scarring;
  • ulcers and other pathologies.

Some problems can go absolutely without a trace, while others can remain with the child forever.

Possible causes of formation

All adverse factors of the disease are conditionally divided into several large groups. In accordance with the specific cause, treatment is prescribed, which in each case will be different.

Allergic reaction

In young children and infants rather weak immune system, so any non-specific product, dust or pet hair, as well as other allergens can cause an unpredictable reaction in a child.

Red spots on the body of a child can have a different shape, character, their distinguishing feature is that after contact with the allergen, they begin to appear quickly, and can also quickly disappear as a result of the termination of such contact.

In almost all cases, any red spot in a child caused by an allergy accompanied by itching in the area of ​​the rash. As a result of this, urticaria develops, in rare cases, a serious allergic reaction can be observed, which is called Quincke's edema. This condition is characterized by severe swelling of the larynx, as well as the inability to breathe well. In such a situation, it is imperative to call an ambulance.

insect bite

Mosquitoes and small midges quite often bite babies, after which rashes cause horror in parents.

The characteristic symptoms of insect bites are caused by the following processes:

  • Children begin to itch, after which wounds form, where the infection gets.
  • The body overreacts to toxins that were caused by insects.
  • In rare cases, the main cause of the formation of red spots on the body is a reaction to some kind of infection that was introduced by insects during a bite.

Chicken pox

Statistics show that the group of infectious diseases accounts for more than half of all visits to a pediatrician. As a rule, with the development of infection in a child, there are other rather unpleasant symptoms., for example, fever, runny nose, sore throat and head, vomiting, abdominal pain, chills, loss of appetite and nausea. At the same time, red dots on the body may not appear immediately, sometimes the problem appears only a few days after infection.

This disease is very contagious and common among other children, there are often entire epidemics of this disease. The incubation period for chickenpox is up to three weeks, after which the baby's temperature rises sharply, he loses his appetite and becomes lethargic. After a while, the body is covered small red spots, after which they are formed in blisters, accompanied by intense itching.

The most common rash from chickenpox can in the area between the fingers, in the armpits. At the same time, the temperature of the baby does not rise much, sometimes it does not even exceed the normal mark on the thermometer.

Measles, rubella and scarlet fever

Incubation period measles is no more than two weeks, while a sick child is dangerous to others only for five days. The disease is accompanied fever, runny nose and photophobia. Red spots gradually transform into brown blisters, which are covered with peeling.

Rubella transmitted by airborne droplets, it is highly contagious. The disease is accompanied by small pink spots all over the body. The red rash does not last long, literally after three days it completely disappears from the body. At the same time, there is practically no increase in body temperature.

Scarlet fever caused by streptococcus. The characteristic symptoms of scarlet fever are: sore throat and fever. Literally three days later, the child's body is covered fine red rash, most often it is localized in all folds on the body. After that, the skin begins to noticeably turn pale, there is severe peeling.

erythema and roseola

Erythema characterized by the appearance of uneven red spots on the skin.

On the first day of the disease on the face of the child is formed small rash, which eventually spreads throughout the body. Literally two weeks later, the rash completely disappears, and leaves no traces behind.

Roseola accompanied elevated body temperature, which can be stored in a child for no more than four days.

When the body temperature drops, red spots begin to cover the skin of the baby. This disease is caused by the sixth herpes virus and requires mandatory treatment.

Pathologies of the blood and blood vessels

Rashes on the baby's body may be caused by hemorrhage, bruises are painted in different colors, sometimes they can cause pain to the child. In some cases, with vascular pathology, the formation of small red rash all over body. The reason for this is a violation of vascular permeability, as well as a significant decrease in the number of vessels, which adversely affects blood clotting.

Violation of the rules of personal hygiene

Quite often in young children can be observed diaper rash, prickly heat and dermatitis.

Such problems, as a rule, appear against the background of the peculiarities of children's skin, wearing diapers and regular violations of personal hygiene standards.

In no case you can't wrap your baby. The skin needs to breathe. It is also necessary to ensure that the child is not in wet diapers, dirty diapers. It is necessary to carry out regularly air baths leaving the child naked for at least one hour each day.

When to See a Doctor

Almost all red spots on the body in children are a serious reason to call a specialist at home. In some cases, it is forbidden to take your child to the clinic if the pathology is infectious and you will endanger everyone around the hospital. Before the specialist arrives at home, it is not necessary to smear the rashes with any coloring compounds, since they can only lubricate the entire clinical picture, and the diagnosis is difficult.

You should immediately call a pediatrician at home in the following cases:

Precautionary measures

During the treatment of red spots in a baby, you need to follow a few simple rules that will help you deal with any problems effectively and quickly.

Experts identify a certain list that should not be violated:

Treatment Methods

If the child is covered with red spots all over the body or on separate parts, The choice of therapy tactics will depend on the specific ailment.. Only a doctor can correctly identify the main cause of the disease, after which he must prescribe the necessary therapeutic manipulations and medications. Most often, such diseases require a mandatory examination by a dermatologist or pediatrician. Advanced cases require a thorough examination of the child's body, as well as the treatment of problems that have arisen.

Folk remedies

Natural ingredients are able to perfectly cope with redness, rashes and swelling on the skin. They have no contraindications, such funds are absolutely safe for the health of the child.

To prevent the formation of rashes on the body, it is necessary to strengthen the immunity of your baby, temper it, give the child multivitamin preparations.

Redness is a possible symptom of many diseases, both benign and requiring treatment.

If you suspect a serious illness, a doctor's consultation is necessary. How to understand why spots appeared on the skin of a child?

The most common causes of redness in young children are the body's natural reaction to hot weather and delicate skin. Prickly heat is formed on the folds, on the neck, back, chest, armpits due to difficult sweating.

At the same time, the surface layer of the skin swells a little, small red blisters appear. Prickly heat usually does not cause itching and discomfort and quickly disappears with proper care.

Diaper rash may appear as red, swollen, tender patches or peeling. The skin in places of diaper rash becomes moist.

Both prickly heat and diaper rash can occur due to poor hygiene of the child, synthetic clothing, especially if the parents dress the baby too warmly, or the use of oily skin creams in the summer.

With regard to hygiene, the delicate baby skin is irritated due to being in a diaper for a long time, especially with feces or urine.


In newborns, very often in the first months of life, acne may appear on the face, neck, and sometimes the head. It occurs due to the beginning of the functioning of the skin glands and does not require special treatment. By six months, acne disappears without leaving marks. Hygiene is important for its speedy disappearance.

These are the most common causes of spots in newborns. In addition, there may be cases of an allergic reaction that appears after contact with the allergen and disappears after its removal, and single insect bites. Another cause of a rash can be infectious diseases. In this case, parents need to be very careful and, at the slightest suspicion, rush to the hospital.


Chickenpox, which affects children under 15 years of age, is spread through the air or through contact with an infected person. First, the child appears unwell, there is an increase in temperature, which after one or two days are supplemented by a rash - a pink spot.

Then it turns into itchy blisters. Do not let the skin scratch, as if the blisters are injured, you can infect or leave scars. At the same time, a spot on the skin, and blisters, and crusts on them can appear. Spots on a child's body can remain for about a week after recovery.


90% of unvaccinated people who come into contact with an infected person will get sick. The disease is considered highly contagious. First, a runny nose appears, the eyes begin to water, the child may cough. After a couple of days, redness occurs: it starts from the behind-the-ear zone and face, passes to the body, red spots appear on the child's arms and legs.

At the moment of redness, the temperature may rise again if it was brought down before. When the rash reaches the shins, they begin to turn pale on the face. This is a distinctive feature of measles: on the first day it rashes on the face, on the second - spots on the child's abdomen, on the third - on the limbs.

The rashes may itch a little. After treatment, traces of brown color or peeling may remain, after about a week and a half they disappear.


A fairly common disease among children from 5 to 15 years old. It is accompanied by a sore throat, as well as headaches, increased watery eyes and fever. Before the active phase of the disease, the temperature rises quite a bit, the lymph nodes in the neck increase in size, this period is usually not noticed by parents.

Then pink rashes appear on the face and go down the body, usually after three days they disappear on their own, maybe with a little itching. Sometimes rubella goes away without a rash at all, then it is easy to confuse it with a cold.

However, for pregnant women, this disease can be very dangerous, since if infected in the first trimester of pregnancy, there is a possibility of abnormal development of the fetus.

Scarlet fever

The hallmark symptoms of the disease are a severe sore throat (as during a sore throat) and an increase in temperature, three days after which a small rash occurs. It does not affect the nasolabial triangle.

Her favorite places are the folds, armpits, groin, folds of the limbs. Within a week, the rashes disappear, leaving areas with peeling. Another additional symptom is the color of the tongue - crimson with noticeable papillae.


In the case of erythema, rash begins from the face. It turns red, as if the child had been slapped, then it spreads throughout the body, the rash merges into a red spot on the skin of the child, then the spots turn white inside. Sometimes they have a blue tint. Feet and hands usually remain without redness.

And a couple of days before this, the child may feel unwell, fever, a slight cough may begin. After a few weeks, the rash goes away. It is worth noting that during the period of the rash, the child is no longer contagious, it is an immune reaction.


Herpes, in addition to many other troubles, causes roseola, which at first looks like a fever or cold with a rise in temperature. After 3-4 days, the symptoms are replaced by pink spots of different sizes, they can rise slightly above the surface of the skin.

It does not cause pain and does not itch. The drop in temperature is drastic. After 4-5 days the rash disappears.

Most often, very young children under two years of age suffer from roseola, they can be infected by parents or other adults. The disease may be unrecognized by the doctor, since during the period when the teeth are being cut, the temperature increase is often explained precisely by this. But if it exceeded 38 degrees, it is unlikely that the reason is the teeth.

molluscum contagiosum

Red dense nodules with a diameter of up to 5 mm protrude on the body. It all starts with one such nodule, then more and more of them appear. The weaker the immune system, the more nodules will appear.

If you squeeze the knot, a substance similar to cottage cheese will appear in consistency (it is not recommended to press and squeeze the knots). They usually go away on their own, even without treatment.

At the same time, they do not cause itching or pain, but for parents, such diseases are a reason to strengthen the baby's immunity.

Meningococcal infection

Meningococcus can live in the human body without any consequences, without provoking illness, but under certain conditions (for example, additional viruses or lowering the standard of living) can cause meningitis and sepsis.

Sepsis develops very rapidly, so meningococcal infection is treated in the hospital with antibiotics.

In sepsis, a petechial rash develops on gray skin. It looks like small bruises that have a stellate structure and grow. The symptom manifests itself on the legs, arms, torso. During meningitis, nothing appears on the skin.


Urticaria, on the contrary, gives the child and parents a lot of discomfort.

The blisters that form with it are very itchy, the child cannot fall asleep and it is even uncomfortable for him to play. The kid shows anxiety, may refuse to eat.

Urticaria can appear abruptly and disappear just as abruptly. Its causes range from an allergic reaction to food or tissue to infection.

pink lichen

With a fungus that causes lichen, red spots appear on the body of a child, a photo with them will help to easily distinguish them from other rashes. They usually form where there is sweating. These spots itch and peel off, they are dry.

Additional symptoms may include fever and swollen lymph nodes. Children get lichen from dogs and cats.

Since there are several types of lichen, you should consult a doctor to determine what to do in a particular case. An accurate diagnosis is made after analysis - scraping from the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin.

When to see a doctor

Since the rash is often caused by infectious diseases, parents usually call the doctor at home so as not to infect other people. We need to measure the temperature. If it is elevated, this is a sure sign of an infectious disease. Monitor the child's condition, the appearance of additional symptoms.

If there is no temperature, insufficient hygiene may be the cause. Mothers should pay attention to how they wash their baby, and whether it is often enough.

Before the examination, it is not necessary to smear the rashes with some substances that can color the skin and complicate the diagnosis.

In particularly difficult cases, you need to call an ambulance. If you see the following symptoms:

  • it is difficult for the child to breathe normally;
  • the baby loses consciousness or it is confused;
  • there are signs of anaphylactic shock, a severe allergic reaction (a sharp drop in blood pressure, respiratory failure, fainting);
  • a significant increase in temperature, which does not go astray;
  • chest pain in a child.

What not to do with a rash

Rashes are stressful for a child’s skin, so the following actions should be excluded so as not to worsen the condition even more:

  • Do not smear the skin with ointments and creams without first consulting a doctor, especially if after they can change the color of the rash.
  • Do not self-medicate or give your child medication without a doctor's prescription. The exception is an allergic reaction if you have already used the medicine before and know how the body will react to it.
  • Minimize scratching as much as possible and avoid squeezing, especially in case of infection.

Folk remedies for rashes

Folk recipes will help irritated skin with red spots, swelling, itching.

Dill is a good remedy if the skin is very itchy. Its juice is moistened with the skin of the child three times a day.

To remove the redness of the rash, use an infusion on birch buds. They are poured with boiling water (1 tablespoon of birch buds per glass of water) and infused for half an hour. Then gauze or other clean soft cloth is moistened in the infusion and applied to the affected skin of the child.

Also, to reduce the rash, celandine and yarrow, herbs with strong anti-inflammatory properties, are mixed. Two tablespoons of herbs are poured into a glass of water (one tablespoon each) and insisted for several hours. After filtering the slurry and apply it to the skin. To achieve the effect, such procedures should last about 20 minutes several times a day.



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