Font color on a yellow background. White on black

The biggest fun (after shading, of course) is typing white letters on a black background. This is a very bold decision; in addition, the text printed in this way attracts the attention of others no less than a black eye. Therefore, use this technique with caution.

When you print white on black, remember that you must first create a black background and then white text. The black background is created as follows.

  1. Select the text block.

It is best to start with a ready-made text. At some point, you end up with black text on a black background, so the text won't be visible. If you have a typed document, the completion of the procedure will be marked by turning it into white. (For information on highlighting text, see Chapter 6.)

  1. Choose a team Format>Borders and Shading.

A dialog box will appear Borders and shading.

Make sure the tab fill is in the foreground.

If not, click on the tab for that tab. tab fill will appear in the foreground (see Figure 19.5).

  1. In area fill choose black.

This is the fourth square from the top in the first column; in the field to the right of the color picker you will see a message Black.

  1. Click the button OK to leave the dialog box Borders and shading.

You can't see anything right now because it's black text on a black background. (Actually, if the text is selected, you will see an amazing sight: a large white block floating in the black sea. Don't be scared!)

With the block still selected, change the text color to white. To do this, use the button Font color on the formatting toolbar.

A drop-down palette will appear.

  1. Select an element from the palette White.

(This is the last square of the palette, located at the bottom right. If you move the mouse pointer over it, the tooltip with the word White will "pop up".) Click on this square to change the font color.

Now you must deselect. The text will become visible on the screen: white letters on a black background.

  • Word displays reversed text quite effectively on the screen, especially when it is selected. I bet you anything - you will never be able to "lose" such text even in a very large document!
  • I don't recommend inverting large chunks of text. On many printer models, this text is printed "doesn't matter". This technique is best for highlighting headings and small sections of text.
  • If you have problems printing inverse text, change the printer settings. In the dialog box Seal click on the button Options. In area Printer click on the button Properties. As a result, a dialog box will appear on the screen. Printer Properties. Click the tab label Graphic arts. In area Graphics mode check the box dot graphics. Click the button OK to close the dialog Printer Properties.

When conducting audits, we often have a question about the compatibility of the font color and the background of the site. Sometimes the project designer chooses such a combination that it hurts his eyes from his imagination. The infoblog contains several articles on background color and font color, and I will try to combine them together. In this article, I'll go over the primary colors used for the font and background.

The best explanation is a visual visualization of what you are trying to convey to the audience. In this regard, I propose to immediately look at the image, it will just outline the combination of background and font colors:

Now some theory about background and font color combinations.

White - openness and neutrality

This is the background of black or blue font in a notebook, as well as the color of the font on the black background of the blackboard in the classroom, laid down for us since childhood. The white font in contrast goes well with red, green, blue and black backgrounds, and the white background with the same font colors. The effect of white font on the user with different background colors:

  • red background - drawing attention to information;
  • black background - increased attention to information of a secondary plan and conclusion;
  • green background - soft informing about problems;
  • blue background - convincing formation of the essence of information.
Blue - tenderness and softness

It is the color of harmony, friendship, affection and kindred spirits. The cyan font has poor contrast against the backgrounds shown, but the cyan background works well with the black, red, yellow, and white font colors. The blue background is used to lull the visitor into caution and also encourages him to make innovative decisions.

Yellow - sociability, sociability and openness

This is the color of balance and inner harmony, it is well remembered and perceived by cheerful active people. Color activates the development, and the activity of thought, it is not for nothing that one of the directions for presenting information was called the “yellow press”, as it gives a long discussion of its information. The yellow color of the font in contrast goes well with black, blue, green and red backgrounds, and the background with black, blue, green and red font colors. The effect of yellow font on the user with different background colors:

  • black background - tertiary information and conclusion;
  • green background - soft information about small possible problems;
  • blue background - convincing formation of the detailed essence of business information.
Green - removal of nervous tension and acuity of experience

This is the color of calm, reducing pain and fatigue, the formation of balance. The associations caused by color are freshness and naturalness. The green font in contrast goes well with yellow and white backgrounds, and the background with yellow and white fonts. The effect of green font on the user with different background colors:

  • white background - drawing attention to pleasant information;
  • yellow background - display of unpleasant information;
  • blue background - remembering the essence of business information.
Brown - stability, realistic mood
  • white background - enhances information attributes;
  • yellow background - reinforces the guaranteed result in the mind of the user;
  • blue background - strengthens the cohesion of users in the team.
Red - tension, attention, action
  • white background - highlighting important information;
  • black background - boredom;
  • yellow background - user association;
  • blue background - the desire of new users to unite.
This is not the whole list of colors used in website designs, but I think my article will help you in your next audit and get better feedback.

Hmmmmm... here I quoted a post on how to remove creep radio from my blog. I read it carefully - what a long procedure, between us speaking!
But now is not about that. About frames, background and font color and about your eyes and psyche. Because what is written in red on black is, in my opinion, a disaster for your eyesight and mood.))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) )))))))))))))

Table for clarity:

White - openness and neutrality
This is the background of black or blue font in a notebook, as well as the color of the font on the black background of the blackboard in the classroom, laid down for us since childhood. The white font in contrast goes well with red, green, blue and black backgrounds, and the white background with the same font colors. The effect of white font on the user with different background colors:
red background - drawing attention to information;
black background - increased attention to information of a secondary plan and conclusion;
green background - soft informing about problems;
blue background - convincing formation of the essence of information.

Blue - tenderness and softness
It is the color of harmony, friendship, affection and kindred spirits. The cyan font has poor contrast against the backgrounds shown, but the cyan background works well with the black, red, yellow, and white font colors. The blue background is used to lull the visitor into caution and also encourages him to make innovative decisions.

Yellow - sociability, sociability and openness
This is the color of balance and inner harmony, it is well remembered and perceived by cheerful active people. Color activates the development, and the activity of thought, it is not for nothing that one of the directions for presenting information was called the “yellow press”, as it gives a long discussion of its information. The yellow color of the font in contrast goes well with black, blue, green and red backgrounds, and the background with black, blue, green and red font colors. The effect of yellow font on the user with different background colors:
black background - tertiary information and conclusion;
green background - soft information about small possible problems;
blue background - convincing formation of a detailed essence of business information.

Green - the removal of nervous tension and the severity of the experience
This is the color of calm, reducing pain and fatigue, the formation of balance. The associations caused by color are freshness and naturalness. The green font in contrast goes well with yellow and white backgrounds, and the background with yellow and white fonts. The effect of green font on the user with different background colors:
white background - drawing attention to pleasant information;
yellow background - display of unpleasant information;
blue background - remembering the essence of business information.

Brown - stability, realistic mood
This is the color of self-sufficient people. The brown font goes well with blue, yellow and white, and the background with yellow and white font colors. The effect of brown font on the user with different background colors:
white background - enhances the attributes of information;
yellow background - reinforces the guaranteed result in the mind of the user;
blue background - strengthens the cohesion of users in the team.

Red - tension, attention, action
This is an eye-catching color. Red font goes well with black, blue, yellow and white background colors, and red background with black, white and yellow font colors. The effect of red font on the user with different background colors:
white background - highlighting important information;
black background - boredom;
yellow background - user association;
blue background - the desire of new users to unite.

For some reason, nothing is written about the black color. I found something here:

Black- First of all, of course, black is associated with something sinister, secret, terrible. (Black magic, a black cat are symbols of evil witchcraft, diabolical forces, a black hand is a character of children's fears, a black box is a complex, closed system).

Emotions and associations: power, sophistication, nervousness.

The strongest of the neutral colors, black, appears on almost every website. It can evoke different associations depending on the colors that accompany it, or dominate them if used excessively.

The strength and neutrality of black make it a great choice for large blocks of text, but as a base color it can create a feeling of nervousness or even be associated with evil.

For most sites, black is used to create a sense of sophistication. The combination of black and white in a minimalist design gives the impression of elegance and style.

Yes, like this.

As for the frames and fluttering sparkles - a terrible aoyapovost and bad taste. When I see this on a blog, I just move on to another one. I will only read it as a last resort if I really need info.

Good luck picking colors for the background and font!



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