What are the benefits of white acacia flowers. Universal decoction of acacia color

Well, who doesn't know the white locust? Those huge trees with big thorns on the trunk and every branch? And in autumn, many pods with large seeds appear on them, which means that they belong to legumes. So this very acacia has been used by people since ancient times to treat various ailments. And in our modern world, acacia is the official medicinal plant. By the way, the bark, flowers, and leaves of this tree are also considered useful. The magical fragrance of the flowering acacia always attracts many bees. No wonder honey from the nectar of white acacia flowers is so fragrant. In addition, it is tasty and very useful.

Healing composition of acacia

White acacia flowers are rich in vitamins A and C, essential oils, organic acids, flavonoids and tannin. The composition of the bark of young shoots of acacia includes tannins, fatty oils, tannin and rutin.

This medicinal plant has diuretic, expectorant, antipyretic and mild laxative properties.

Alcohol tincture of acacia flowers is taken for stomach ulcers with bleeding, kidney failure and diseases of the female organs. The tincture is also used for external treatment (varicose veins, thrombophlebitis), it is successfully rubbed with paralyzed limbs in patients.

Infusions and decoctions of flowers help with high blood pressure, diarrhea. They are effective even during the recovery period after a stroke. Such a potion of flowers and leaves gives positive results. with uterine myoma and treatment of the genitourinary system. In addition, decoctions are made from acacia leaves for coughs, high fever, colds and any problems with the respiratory organs. With respiratory viral infections, acacia honey is especially good. Compared to other counterparts, acacia honey does not sugar so quickly, so it can be stored in a liquid state for more than a year.

Chinese and Japanese healers prescribe acacia for a variety of diseases. Rutin contained in acacia, beneficial effect on blood vessels, they become elastic and less prone to wear. Vitamins A and C save us from premature aging and malignant tumors.

Tea from acacia flowers is drunk for infertility and nervous disorders. The unique aroma of these small white flowers can soothe, relieve stress and depression normalize disturbed sleep. Herbal medicine specialists always prescribe acacia for depressed patients and those who are prone to conflict. And not in vain, because after taking acacia we either do not bring the situation to a conflict, or quickly resolve the brewing conflict.

About contraindications

By tradition, a few words should be said about contraindications and warn all our guests about caution. But the fact is that in all fragments of white acacia (leaves, flowers and branches) there are toxic substances. Therefore, self-treatment with acacia is still not desirable. And it is very important not to violate the dosage. If signs of poisoning appear, such as nausea, diarrhea, intestinal discomfort, headaches or heart pain, significant weakness, you should immediately resort to gastric lavage, use activated charcoal and see a doctor.

Also, do not take acacia for those who have low acidity of gastric juice and are allergic to white locust.

Acacia tea - recipes

Tea with white acacia flowers, as everyone can imagine, is unusually fragrant. It is good to add honey to the finished tea. Only the tea must first be cooled a little, approximately to 60 degrees, so that the honey can give up all its beneficial substances. We wrote about this in the article "".

To make tea from fresh flowers you will need:

  • White acacia flowers - 4 tablespoons,
  • Water - 200 ml,
  • Sugar or honey - 1 teaspoon

Tea is prepared from any flowers (half-blown or fully bloomed). Most importantly, do not forget to rinse them under running water to remove dust and insects. And then you need to separate the flowers from the branches. We will only use flowers.

Boil water for tea separately. We send the prepared flowers to the teapot, pour boiling water over the contents of the teapot. Let it brew for 15 minutes and you can start drinking tea.

Dried acacia flower tea

In this case, we brew like regular tea. The ratio is: one teaspoon of dry acacia to one glass of boiling water. We let it brew a little and take this excellent tonic drink with bee honey.

Traditional medicine recipes

White acacia tea for infertility

To make tea, one teaspoon of acacia flowers is again needed. As usual, the flowers are poured with boiling water in the amount of 1 cup. Drink like regular tea, but with restrictions. Every two months take a two-month break.

Acacia infusion for female inflammation

  • White acacia flowers - 1 tablespoon,
  • Water - 1 glass.

The raw material is poured with boiling water, infused for 60 minutes, filtered. Take one tablespoon 3 times a day before meals.

White acacia is often used in folk medicine. The United States is considered the birthplace of the acacia.

In Europe, the plant is used in landscape design and they don’t even know what properties it has.

The chemical composition of white acacia

The composition contained in the white acacia, scientists have not been able to fully study. Flowers and bark contain robinin, a flavonoid that removes urea from the body. It is on the basis of this component that medicines are created.

Important! Robinin flavonoid is toxic, so if you are going to be treated with it, it is better to consult a specialist.

In the leaves and inflorescences of acacia, the chemical composition: glycosides, essential oils, sugar, vitamins, minerals, tannins and flavonoids.

Medicinal properties and uses of white acacia

Acacia has anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties, and it also has expectorant, antispasmodic, hypotensive and laxative properties. Acacia-based recipes are used for food allergies, inflammation, pain in the stomach and intestines, and stomach bleeding. Acacia is also used for women's diseases.

Acacia color has many medicinal properties, so the plant is used for thrombophlebitis, sciatica, rheumatism, gastritis, stomach ulcers, osteochondrosis and neuralgia.

Preparations on acacia flowers can cure colds, coughs, and also normalize sleep and relieve nervous tension. The bark is used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Did you know? There is a belief in the East: if you mix camellia, musk and acacia oil in different proportions and use it in rituals, the mixture will bring happiness and protect you from evil spirits.

Traditional medicine recipes: white acacia treatment

Since the tree has many healing components that can be collected and used, we bring to your attention recipes for tinctures and decoctions from acacia, which help relieve pain and inflammation, expel bile, and many more different properties and effects.

White acacia tea

Recipe for whooping cough tea:

  • 1 st. l. dried flowers are brewed in water or milk.
  • Cool and add honey.
Tea should be taken before dinner.

Recipe for a cold:

  • 1 st. l. dried petals are added to a glass of hot water.
  • Infuse for 5 minutes and drink with honey.
This procedure is repeated until complete recovery.

White acacia tea recipe for ovarian inflammation:

  • 1 st. l dried flowers pour a glass of boiling water.
  • It is necessary to infuse the mixture for 1 hour.
Take the mixture before each meal, 1 tbsp. l.

Did you know? Acacia is a symbol of immortality, it was not in vain that rakias were made from its wood to store the relics of saints, and a branch of flowering acacia inspires poets and artists to create masterpieces of world art, it calms, restores strength, and stimulates deep healthy sleep.

Acacia honey has many beneficial properties, but it also has contraindications. We will talk about them later, but now we will pay more attention to useful properties and applications.

Acacia honey has a fragrant aroma of flowers and a delicate taste. In liquid form, white acacia honey is transparent, and when candied, it becomes white. Honey contains fructose and glucose.

The delicacy is taken for diabetes, gastritis, ulcers and other diseases.

Acacia honey does not cause allergies and contains carotene and enzymes. It is given even to children, as it has a good effect on digestion and healing of affected mucous membranes.

Acacia honey restores blood pressure and has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. Therefore, if you have hypertension, we recommend that you include it in your diet.

You need to use it for 2 months, 50 g each, and your body condition will improve, the hemoglobin level and blood composition will normalize.

Acacia honey is used to improve eyesight. To do this, you can make lotions for conjunctivitis or make a solution with distilled water, which you can instill in your eyes.

With ulcers, eczema, neurodermatitis, periodontal disease and gingivitis, the following recipe can be used: Applying honey to wounds or ulcers kills many germs and improves blood flow.

If you start taking 1 tsp. honey before bed, you can quickly restore strength in a dream, and in the morning you will be cheerful.

With rhinitis, tracheitis, laryngitis and bronchitis, we recommend that you do inhalations with a 30% aqueous solution of honey. You can even do this with a kettle. Boil it, mix water with honey and inhale the steam for half an hour.

A decoction of the leaves for the treatment of colds and as an antipyretic

Since white acacia has antipyretic properties, a decoction of the leaves is used for colds in children and adults.

Cough decoction recipe:

  • 1 st. l. dried flowers are poured with water.
  • The mixture is stirred and cooked over low heat until boiling.
  • The decoction should be infused for 1 hour.
Take 100 ml before each meal.

Recipe for cough tincture:

  • 1 st. l. flowers need to be filled with hot water.
  • Infuse the mixture for half an hour.
  • The infusion is filtered and taken in combination with honey.

Decoction for diseases of the oral cavity

If your teeth just hurt, you need to prepare a decoction based on acacia flowers.

The recipe is the following:

  • 1 st. l. dried flowers are brewed in a cup of hot water.
  • The cup must be covered and cooled.
You need to rinse your teeth with warm tincture.


  • 1 tsp acacia honey is added to the water.
  • 1 tsp soda is added to the solution.
Rinse your mouth to cure. We also recommend to dissolve and swallow 1 tsp. honey.

For periodontal disease, you should rinse your mouth with warm tincture of acacia flowers.

Decoction of acacia bark with exacerbation of gastritis and peptic ulcer

Ulcers and gastritis.

Decoction recipe:

  • Half a tablespoon of acacia bark is poured into 0.5 liters of water.
  • The mixture should be brought to a boil over low heat (20 minutes).
  • The broth should be filtered while hot.
Apply the mixture for no more than 2 days, adding water.

Treatment of stomach ulcers.

Tincture recipe:

  • 1 st. l. crushed acacia bark is mixed with 0.3 liters of vodka.
  • All ingredients are mixed and infused for 10 days.
Apply tincture to 20 drops half an hour before each meal.

Did you know? Farnese acacia grows in Egypt, France, Morocco and Algeria. It is from this type of acacia oil that oil is obtained for elite French perfumery. Silver locust grows mainly in Africa, Mexico and Australia.

Infusion of flowers for diseases of the kidneys and bladder

Considering the previous recipes, one can understand that acacia tincture treats a lot of diseases.

For diseases of the bladder and kidneys, a tincture or decoction is used.

Tincture recipe:

  • 1 st. l. acacia flowers mixed with 200 ml of hot water.
  • The mixture is infused for half an hour.
You need to take it after each meal, 0.1 l.

Decoction recipe number 1:

  • 1 st. l. flowers are poured with 500 ml of hot water.
  • The broth is boiled over low heat for 3 minutes.
  • The mixture is cooled and filtered.
The decoction should be taken before every meal.

Important! The decoction should be diluted with water.

Decoction recipe number 2:
  • 1 st. l. flowers pour 500 ml of water.
  • The broth is boiled to a boil over low heat for 3 minutes.
  • The mixture should be strained and cooled.
Take a decoction before each meal, adding water to the mixture.

Rubbing potions

Tinctures based on white acacia are also used externally for sciatica, paralysis, varicose veins, and chronic rheumatism.

With sciatica it is necessary to moisten abundantly with tincture and rub. For paralysis, you should apply an alcohol tincture and rub it dry overnight.

With varicose veins it is necessary to moisten the swollen venous nodes abundantly with alcohol tincture on the flowers of white acacia and rub.

For rheumatism you need to rub the tincture before going to bed, and then insulate.

Alcohol tincture.

  • A liter jar is filled with acacia flowers.
  • The jar is filled with alcohol above the level of the flowers on the finger.
  • The mixture is infused for 2 weeks in a dark, warm place.
Before use, the tincture is filtered.

Vodka tincture for rubbing feet.

  • 1 st. l. dried flowers pour 0.2 liters of 70% vodka.
  • The mixture is infused for a week.
Before use, the tincture is filtered and rubbed on the legs before going to bed.
Tincture for fatigue and spider veins on the skin:
  • 100 g of flowers pour 500 ml of vodka.
  • The mixture is stirred and infused for 3 weeks.
  • Sliced ​​lemon is added to the tincture.
  • The mixture is infused for another 1 week.
The tincture is filtered and rubbed into the affected area before going to bed.

For rubbing venous nodes:

  • A three-liter jar should be filled with fresh acacia petals and poured with 500 ml of vodka and alcohol.
  • Chopped plantain leaves are added to the mixture.
  • The mixture is infused in a dark place for 14 days.
Apply the tincture every day until the mixture is finished.

White acacia in gynecology

White acacia is also used in gynecology. In the treatment of female diseases, bark, flowers and fruits are used, which are used externally and internally.

Inflammation and leucorrhea.

Tincture recipe:

  • 200 g of dried flowers are poured into 500 ml of vodka.
  • The mixture is infused for 2 weeks.
Depending on age, the dosage varies (girls and older women - 1 tsp half an hour before each meal, young women - 1 tbsp in the same way).

Inflammation of the uterine appendages.

Tincture recipe:

  • 500 g of crushed bark is mixed with 2 cups of hot water.
  • The mixture is left to infuse for an hour.
Take tincture for half an hour for half a glass before each meal.

Inflammation of the ovaries and uterine fibroids.

Tincture recipe:

  • 1 st. l. dried flowers pour a glass of hot water.
  • The mixture is infused for 15 minutes and filtered.
Reception: 2 weeks for 2 tbsp. l. after every meal.


Decoction recipe:

  • 1 teaspoon of dried flowers is poured with a glass of boiling water.
  • Cool down.
Take a decoction of 1 glass before each meal. The course of admission is 2 months, after which it is necessary to take a break. You need to repeat the course before pregnancy.

The use of white acacia in aromatherapy

Acacia is used not only in medicine, but also in aromatherapy. The aroma calms the nervous system, helps to relax, tune in to communication and helps resolve conflicts.

In a warm spring, when acacia bushes bloom, you can get not only aesthetic pleasure, but also take care of your health by collecting flowers. Nature has endowed this plant with useful components for humans. The whole plant has healing properties, from bark to flowers and fruits. Acacia color is simply irreplaceable in the presence of peptic ulcer, thrombophlebitis, stomatitis, high acidity. Fragrant buds will help to tidy up in the season of colds.

Natural medicine has been used for many years in various forms, but the most popular, at the same time, the most effective is the white locust tincture.

What is useful tincture of white acacia flowers?

In folk medicine, acacia tincture has a wide range of uses. Its regular use in small doses strengthens the immune system, is used as a natural drug for the treatment of:

  • kidneys;
  • Bladder;
  • gastritis;
  • diseases in the female part.

The healing properties of the infusion, according to herbalists, are able to "defeat" infertility. For many years, women have been taking a tincture to relieve inflammation of the reproductive system.

White acacia: contraindications

In the presence of healthy components, flowers contain a share of toxic substances.

  1. Acacia tincture should be used only as a remedy, observing the dosage. If it is not followed, headache, drowsiness, nausea or vomiting will appear.
  2. Large doses of the accepted tincture can lead to poisoning of the body and loss of consciousness.
  3. It is better before making a decision to use the infusion as a medicine, get the advice of your therapist.
  4. From the infusion of acacia on alcohol will have to be abandoned during pregnancy and lactation.

Doctors noted that the use of a remedy from flowers should not be in the presence of the following diseases:

  • low stomach acid;
  • plant allergy.
Acacia harvest time

Acacia color, which will be used in the future to prepare homemade medicine, can be purchased at pharmacies, but it is more pleasant and useful to collect it yourself. At this moment, you can enjoy the aroma of flowering shrubs and at the same time take a walk in the fresh air, saturating the body with oxygen. In May, when shrubs begin to bloom, buds and flowers that have not yet fully blossomed can be harvested for making infusions.

Harvested flowers should be dried for long-term storage (2 years). With the right technology, mold does not form on them. You will need to lay out the raw materials on a pallet with a fine mesh or clean paper. The main condition for their proper drying is shade and constant access of air. From time to time, gently mix the acacia flowers, this is done for more uniform drying. The time required for this is very easy to determine, the flowers and buds must be completely dry, crumbling when pressed. You can use a household appliance for drying fruit with pallets to speed up the process. If there is such, spread the acacia evenly and select the “Herbs” mode. Store such a medicinal preparation in tissue bags or immediately start preparing the tincture.

White acacia tincture - application

White acacia, which is part of the tincture, is used in folk medicine as a medicine that fights fever and inflammatory processes. In the season of colds, taking the infusion will produce an expectorant effect. Robinia (acacia) has a diuretic effect. The means in which it is included, stop bleeding. Regular use of infusion from its flowers regulates blood pressure, allows you to gently reduce it. Having prepared such a remedy at home, the autumn cold will not be terrible. The components that white acacia is rich in protect the body from viruses, help with a runny nose, sore throat, and help to quickly get rid of a cough.

In folk medicine, the tincture has proven itself well, as a remedy that helps with sciatica and rheumatic, neuralgic pain. The tincture, which is taken orally, can have a choleretic and laxative effect. It is taken to improve the functioning of the digestive tract, gastric ulcer and gastritis. This home remedy will help remove sand from the kidneys, reduce pain in pyelonephritis or cystitis, even in a chronic form.

White acacia has long been considered the flower of women's health. In the treatment of folk remedies, the fair sex used a tincture to get rid of fibroids, inflammation of the appendages, and many gynecological diseases. The people believed that an infusion of robinia flowers cured infertility. The tool can be used not only internally, but also externally, in the form of rubbing or compresses. The infusion has the ability to penetrate deep into the tissues, while relieving pain. It is used in the treatment of shallow wounds, thrombophlebitis, rubbing the body with paralysis after a stroke or multiple sclerosis. In places of burns on the skin, the infusion is applied directly to the affected area.

The prepared infusion has a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional component of the body, eliminating:

  • insomnia;
  • headaches;
  • bad mood;
  • nervous breakdowns.

Apply tincture to restore strength, the decline of which is caused by a lack of vitamins, which is very important in early spring. In folk councils, it is noted that acacia tincture helps in relieving the symptoms of food allergies. Acacia has a positive effect during rehabilitation after a course of chemotherapy. Substances contained in flowers remove toxins and toxins from the body.

White acacia vodka tincture - recipe. Home-made flower tinctures are distinguished by a pronounced honey aroma, while following the recipe, their taste is sweet. The classic recipe is a vodka-based infusion; it is believed that flowers are best picked before the first May showers. In this case, the tincture is more aromatic due to the high concentration of acacia nectar. Would need:

  • white acacia flowers (robinia) - 2 liters;
  • vodka - 400 ml;
  • sugar - 200 gr.;
  • drinking water - 200 ml.


  1. Sort out pre-collected acacia flowers, rinse (for convenience, you can put them in a sieve and put them under running water).
  2. Transfer the washed raw materials to a clean glass jar, cover with sugar.
  3. Tamp the contents with a pusher or rolling pin.
  4. Leave for 10 minutes, then tamp again.
  5. Repeat the above process 2 more times.
  6. Put the lid on the jar and put it in a dark place (kitchen cabinet) for 4 days.
  7. After this time, put the resulting nectar into a colander lined with gauze.
  8. Squeeze well, pour the pomace into a clean jar.
  9. Add vodka and water, leave for another 4 days.

It happens that the infusion turns cloudy, then it must be filtered through medical cotton wool or gauze, folded in three layers.

Tincture of white acacia application on alcohol. Alcohol tincture of Robinia (white acacia) in traditional medicine recipes is used to prevent and get rid of a wide range of diseases. In strong alcohol, acacia flowers more actively release useful substances. An alcohol-based infusion is used to treat kidneys, bladder, ulcers, heartburn, and belching. Applied externally as a remedy that soothes pain in rheumatism, osteochondrosis and sciatica. For this, acacia tincture is rubbed on sore spots and joints.

Robinia flowers on alcohol can be bought at a pharmacy, but it is much more interesting to cook it yourself. In addition, this process does not require special skills, raw materials can be prepared in the spring during the flowering of the shrub, or purchased at the pharmacy all year round. To insist white acacia on alcohol you will need:

  • fresh buds or dried robinia flowers - 1 tablespoon;
  • alcohol - 100 ml.


  1. If self-harvested or bought on the market acacia is used, then it must be washed with tap water.
  2. In a clean jar or glass jar with a lid, combine flowers and alcohol, mix.
  3. Tighten the lid, remove to infuse for 10 days in a dark place.
  4. After this time, strain the prepared infusion through a fine sieve (flowers are no longer used for medicinal purposes).
  5. Store alcohol tincture under the lid, in the refrigerator.

The remedy prepared according to this recipe will allow you to get rid of cholesterol plaques, cleanse the blood of toxins.

How to apply acacia on alcohol? In the presence of blood clots, it is necessary in the morning, before breakfast, to dilute half a teaspoon of white acacia tincture in clean water. Drink the resulting drug in small sips.

If you are concerned about belching with acid after eating, immediately take a diluted infusion in the amount of 1 teaspoon per 100 ml. drinking water. The tool will need to drink in one gulp. Alcoholic flower tincture has not only a healing effect on the internal organs. When used externally, an infusion enriched with useful substances from robinia flowers is able to heal the skin with shallow wounds, abrasions, burns.

For cosmetic purposes, alcohol-based white locust is used to cleanse the face of acne at any age. Supporters of natural preparations noted that such a remedy treats psoriasis. Applied to the skin and joints, the infusion soothes the pain of rheumatism or gout. To do this, after processing the right places, they should be wrapped with a towel or a dense soft cloth. In this state, rest for 30 minutes. During this time, the substances from the infusion will penetrate the skin, reduce swelling and eliminate pain.

In many countries, acacia is actively used for the construction and landscaping of cities. For medicinal purposes, almost all parts of this plant are useful, which is possible due to the huge medicinal potential.

In terms of chemical composition, white locust boasts the presence of vitamins A and C in young shoots and leaves, essential oils in flowers.

It is also rich in organic acids and sugars. A large number of flavonoids, pectins, fatty oils and tannins are found in wood, young stems and foliage.

Vitamin A and C actively participate in maintaining strong immunity, improve vision and help in the fight against mood loss, depression. The flavonoid robinin promotes recovery from diseases of the bladder and kidneys.

Acacia nectar honey known for being able to store for a long time without crystallizing, has a mild, delicate flavor and is extremely clear. White locust produces a light variety of this honey, whose taste is thinner than yellow. A rare variety of acacia honey is useful for sore throat and bronchitis, cystitis, relieves inflammation in conjunctivitis. In the form of ointments and lotions, it helps against psoriasis, eczema and neurodermatitis, fights against premature skin aging.

Honey is invaluable for the elderly, because it stimulates blood formation and expands the walls of blood vessels. Against the development of edema and cellulite, take hot baths with honey. Honey baths are often prescribed during peeling of the skin, brittle hair, to strengthen the hairline and improve the condition of the nails.

The sedative effect can be greatly enhanced if honey is used in combination with cottage cheese or milk.

Indications for use

The range of use of acacia in treatment is quite wide. Preparations based on acacia parts are applicable as antipyretic, antispasmodic and diuretic. There are drugs expectorant, laxative and choleretic.

Medications and simple decoctions are advised when colds, flu, high blood pressure, rheumatism and gastrointestinal diseases. Also, the substances contained in acacia are effective in the fight against kidney stones and urolithiasis, osteochondrosis, myositis.

During the exacerbation of female ailments, severe gastritis or gastric ulcer, as well as pyelonephritis, acacia has a softening effect, and in some cases can serve as post-stroke prophylaxis. Due to the special properties of the bark, it is possible to reduce the acidity of the stomach to optimal levels.

Do not resort to self-medication without consulting an expert in this field. By violating the proportions and dosages, you risk getting serious poisoning.

The consequence of the influence of such a compound in the composition of acacia, as the alkaloid robinin, will be a sharp pain in the abdomen, diarrhea and nausea, migraine, general weakness and cardiovascular insufficiency.

Contraindications Acacia

In parts of the tree like seeds, bark and roots, the concentration of toxic substances is quite high, their use for medical purposes is associated with the risk of overdose.

Toxalbuminrobin, which is found in abundance in the composition of the tree bark, can lead to serious irritation of the mucous membranes. Acacia preparations should not be abused by people with low blood pressure and low acidity of the gastric juice.

It is highly undesirable to use decoctions and tinctures of acacia for pregnant women, especially during lactation.

Side effects

Allergic reactions are possible with individual intolerance some components of preparations from acacia. In rare cases, acacia treatment may be accompanied by drowsiness, low blood pressure.

What is acacia gum? What parts of the plant are used?

In folk medicine, both acacia leaves, bark, roots, stems, pods, and flowers have found their application. Of particular value is acacia honey and essential oil.

Flowers white acacia in the form of a decoction have an anti-inflammatory effect in the development of a benign tumor of the uterine myometrium and other diseases of the female reproductive system. A decoction of dried flowers is recommended for high blood pressure, and the infusion is useful in the treatment of diseases of the bladder and kidneys. Alcohol tincture is almost indispensable for relieving joint pain, varicose veins, or sciatica.

Leaves can be brewed as a decoction against coughs and to lower the temperature during severe colds. Decoctions in some cases are advised for diseases of the respiratory tract, such as whooping cough in children.

Extract from the leaves is prescribed as a rubbing for severe bruises, salt deposits, gout and rheumatism, as well as thrombophlebitis.

Gum(gum arabic) softens and moisturizes the skin well, helps in healing burns and cuts, stops inflammation, relieves pain and normalizes cholesterol metabolism. Gum also helps to restore digestive processes and helps in the treatment of obesity.

Resin stock(fibregam) has an astringent effect, copes with excessive skin irritation, eliminates dryness and oily sheen, smoothes the skin of the face.

acacia pods in the form of a tea decoction is often used for severe coughs.

The white locust has proven itself to be a versatile medicinal tree, almost all parts of which are beneficial. Depending on the concentration of substances, leaves, bark, flowers or roots are used to prepare cosmetic or medical products.

It is important to observe the allowable proportions and strictly follow the recipes so as not to disturb the ratio of ingredients and prevent poisoning. Properly prepared decoction, tincture or ointment effectively help with various diseases, relieve inflammation, pain, restore body tone.

Useful video

In this video you will learn more about the medicinal properties of the plant:

What do they look like?

White locust seeds are formed inside the fruit. The fruits are smooth, flat and long beans, containing 13-15 seeds. They are oval in shape and brown in color.

Seeds are quite light - 10,000 pieces weigh no more than 250 grams.

Where and for how much can you buy?

Buy seeds of white Robinia should be in specialized stores engaged in the sale of flowers and seedlings. Only then can you be sure of buying high-quality planting material.

You should not buy them from private traders, because there they are not processed with the necessary drugs, and are also most often kept in the wrong conditions.

The cost of white acacia seeds from sellers varies. On average, for 1 gram it is 130-150 rubles. There are approximately 50 seeds in 1 gram.

Self-collection from a plant

It is best to grow white acacia using seeds to collect them yourself. It is necessary to collect planting material in November. The collected seeds are to be cleaned of pods and folded into paper bags.

How to store?

The germination of acacia depends on the storage conditions, both purchased and self-collected seeds. They will not rise well when:

  • overheating;
  • severe hypothermia;
  • excess moisture.

That's why black locust seeds should be stored in small closed boxes or bags. Storage temperature – 0°С..+5°С. For storage, a pantry or refrigerator is suitable. Optimum humidity is not higher than 60%. Under such conditions, the shelf life of seeds is 3-4 years.

Do not purchase damaged, deformed and fungus-covered seeds!

What are the medicinal properties and harm?

Since ancient times, raw materials of white acacia have been used for medicinal purposes. It is known that this the plant has many medicinal properties, for example:

Also, seeds are used to prepare decoctions against inflammation in the female genital organs, bladder, bronchi. Although black locust has many beneficial properties, it should not be used without medical advice. The parts of this tree contain poisonous substances.

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to ascertain the personal tolerance of drugs based on acacia. You need to know that they lower the acidity of the stomach. Read more about the healing properties of acacia in a separate article.

What is the best time of year to sow?

Sowing is carried out in late March - early April. But first of all, you need to pay attention to the temperature outside the window. In some places it is still cold at this time, so it is necessary to plant during the swelling of the buds on the trees.

Soil and capacity

For seedlings, you need to take clean, loose and nutritious soil. Can be purchased at the store, adding pieces of charcoal and sand to it, which will serve as drainage. It is best to sow the seeds in small plastic pots of a round or elongated shape, at least 15 cm high. They must have holes at the bottom through which excess water will drain.

Growing conditions

To maintain a constant temperature within +22°C ... +25°C of the container in which the planting material is located, it is necessary to provide bottom heating. Every day you need to inspect, carry out watering when the soil dries out and airing.

Step-by-step instruction

Properly stored, the dense skin of the bean will prevent seeds from germinating that will not germinate without prior preparation. If they are sown, they will lie in the ground until the shell rots and water penetrates into the core of the seed.


You can prepare the seeds for planting by immersing them in boiling water for a few seconds, and then in cold water for 12 hours. Then you can plant in the ground.

There is another way - soaking for 2 days in warm water with the addition of a growth stimulator. After softening the skin, the seed is ready for planting..


White locust seeds can be sown in boxes and open ground. They are planted to a depth of 1-2 cm. Under good conditions, they sprout quickly - 7-10 days. After the seedlings appear, the pot is transferred to a warm, bright place for rooting.


For in order for the seeds of white acacia to germinate well, it is necessary to organize optimal conditions, namely to create:

  • favorable temperature;
  • good lighting;
  • moderate watering.

Planting in open ground is carried out after frost. This is necessary in order to avoid hypothermia and the death of a young tree.

The distance between seedlings should be at least 25 cm. so that the sprouts have enough space to develop and grow. If the distance is less, then the seedlings will begin to die.

Seedling care

The first 2 years of cultivation are the most difficult in the life of young seedlings. You must not forget about:

  • fertilizers;
  • weeding;
  • loosening.

It is advisable to cover the trees for the winter period. For this, non-woven material is suitable. Mulch the surface of the earth under it using straw or peat. The following year, young white acacia trees are transplanted to a permanent place.

Landing in the ground

Young seedlings, which are in special containers, can be planted both in spring and autumn. Because in them the root system is covered and protected from excess moisture. And in other cases, planting is carried out in the spring in shallow pits.

It is necessary to ensure that the root neck is slightly above the ground or on a par with it. The planting substrate is prepared from the soil taken in the pit with the addition of:

  • ash;
  • crushed lime;
  • dolomite flour.

Not bad if nitroammophosphate is added to this mixture as an additional top dressing. Enriching it with fertilizers containing nitrogen will help increase soil fertility.

White acacia is considered an unpretentious tree so you can plant it anywhere. However, when this plant is in a shaded place, flowering will deteriorate somewhat, so it is still better to plant it where the sun's rays penetrate quite well.

Acacia tolerates cold well, only young trees can freeze. However, if the roots and root collar are well preserved, they quickly return to normal. The older the tree, the higher the resistance to frost.

Keep in mind that young black locust trees are more likely to freeze if they grow in moist soils. Therefore, they need to be planted in well-drained lands.

White locust grows rapidly, especially in the first 10 years. The tree tolerates pruning and transplanting well. Acacia refers to plants that live a very long time. There are specimens over 300 years old.

Treatment with seeds

White acacia seeds are used in the preparation of various decoctions and tinctures for external use. But it is required to strictly follow the dosage and be wary of their use.

Be sure to consult your doctor before use.

Possible problems and difficulties

Growing white acacia, you may encounter some problems.. One of them is the freezing of seedlings. With an excess of fertilizers that are rich in nitrogen, the shoots grow very long - up to 1 m 20 cm. In such cases, at the end of the summer period, they must be cut to 40 cm.

White locust refers to plants that are resistant to diseases and pest damage. In the steppe places, it can suffer from scale insects and sawflies. You need to fight them with special drugs:

  • Commander.
  • Karbofos.
  • Aktara, etc.

The white locust is an extraordinary tree, as it spreads a sweet honey aroma. This attracts bees, so it is better to plant it where children do not play (read about what kind of honey is obtained from acacia, as well as how and for what purposes it is used). If a tree is planted for the purpose of using it as a medicine, then the fertility of the soil and the care of the acacia are of great importance.

Hi all! We continue to acquaint you with medicinal plants! In this material - white acacia. Treatment of white acacia at home, useful and medicinal properties, contraindications, important tips, recipes and secrets of use. So, let's begin.

white locust description

The white locust is a common tree that can be found both in the urban landscape and in the wild. This is a plant with very fragrant flowers, the power of which began to be used several millennia ago.

The white locust serves not only as an ornamental plant, but is also used in the cosmetic and perfume industries. Traditional medicine has long noticed the medicinal properties of the plant and began to use them.

The advantage of the plant is that it is unpretentious in care, able to adapt to various climatic conditions and reproduces very well even by seeds. That is why you can annually observe young plant sprouts near mature trees.

White acacia is an excellent honey plant - honey from this plant is especially valuable for medicinal purposes.

It is important to note that "white acacia" is only the popular name of the plant, which has become the main one in use. Science calls this tree like this - Robinya false acacia, and it belongs to the genus Robinya.

White acacia belongs to the legume family, it is considered one of the most numerous representatives of the genus. The plant is originally from North America, but today it is naturalized in many countries characterized by a temperate climate.

What does a white acacia look like?

White locust is a tree that simply cannot be confused with any other due to the fact that it has several unique decorative characteristics.

Consider a detailed description - what a white acacia looks like.

  • White locust can grow up to 25-30 meters in height, sometimes even more.
  • The bark of the plant is gray-brown, cracking in mature trees.
  • Decorative advantage - a beautiful, openwork, spreading crown.
  • The roots go deep and wide up to 15 meters, they feed from the deep layers of the soil with moisture and essential substances. On the roots there are small formations - nodules that contain nitrogen-fixing bacteria.
  • Leaves on short petioles, oval, small, up to 19-20 pieces on stipules.
  • Acacia blooms profusely and relatively long, from about the second week of May (depending on the climate).
  • The color of the white acacia is a brush falling with many white-yellow fragrant flowers.
  • The fruits are long, smooth beans (pods), which contain up to 13-15 oval-shaped brown seeds.

The white locust bears fruit abundantly, and the period when the fruits ripen falls approximately in mid-late September. At this time, the ripe pods fall off on their own, crack and spread the seeds everywhere. In the soil, such a seed can remain viable for up to 3-4 years!

White acacia medicinal properties

Acacia serves to strengthen the soil and prevent landslides (planted along ravines, on slopes), is used in the perfume industry, as an ornamental plant and as a building material. The tree serves as a honey plant, is planted along roadsides to create a barrier, and simply decorates the urban and rural landscape.

But, besides all this, white locust is a natural medicine. It contains a lot of valuable substances that have a complex effect on the human body, support it and restore it. Consider below a list of useful properties and the effect of this plant on the body.

  • White locust has a beneficial effect on the health of the joints - it relieves inflammation, alleviates pain, and promotes recovery.
  • The plant helps with high blood pressure, in the long term, with proper use, it normalizes blood pressure and restores heart activity.
  • Due to its mild calming effect, white acacia has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system, normalizes sleep, helps to cope with stress and anxiety, restores normal brain activity, improving its blood supply.
  • White acacia is an indispensable medicine for the treatment of diseases of the stomach and other organs of the digestive tract. Remedies from this plant are used for gastritis and ulcers, and are used to reduce acidity.
  • Acacia has a pronounced diuretic effect, in addition, it is considered one of the few diuretic plants that are allowed in the presence of kidney and bladder stones.
  • Acacia blossom is used to treat severe dry coughs, as well as to relieve asthmatic attacks, if there is no allergic reaction. It is very useful to combine medicines with acacia honey.
  • The tree has the ability to treat constipation and intestinal obstruction, stimulates peristalsis and helps to normalize the digestion of food.
  • White locust is used in homeopathic practice as an antispasmodic, as well as to reduce body temperature during fever.
  • White acacia cleanses the liver, stimulates the production of bile and its outflow. It is used in the treatment of liver diseases and cholecystitis.

The use of white acacia for the treatment of diseases has been practiced for a long time and for all the time mankind has accumulated a lot of experience in this matter. However, according to recent studies, acacia bark and seeds contain toxic substances, the effect of which on the human body is not fully understood.

white acacia flowers medicinal properties


Herbal remedies have many benefits. Many people turn to alternative medicine and herbal therapies just because they have minimal side effects and contraindications.

However, each individual plant should be studied in detail before being used for treatment. In addition, it is important to familiarize yourself with contraindications, because if they are present, you can only aggravate the situation and harm your own body. To prevent this from happening during the treatment of white acacia, it is worth knowing to whom it is contraindicated and for what diseases.

Consider contraindications:

  1. Pregnancy, lactation period.
  2. Allergic reactions to acacia.
  3. Severe liver damage.
  4. Children's age up to 12 years.
  5. Hypotension.

All other cases where there are chronic diseases or severe pathologies should be considered individually. In general, the benefits of acacia are available only to those people who have no contraindications, and in the categories described above, it can only cause harm.

Collection and preparation

Compliance with the basic rules for collecting and harvesting, as well as storing white acacia, is important in order to obtain truly high-quality medicinal raw materials and maintain the maximum concentration of biologically active substances in it, which provide an effect on the body.

To collect and prepare white acacia, you do not need to have any special skills, the main thing is to have time to do it on time and follow a few simple recommendations.

So, let's look at the basic tips for harvesting and storing raw materials.

  • Flowers are collected in May, but it is important to be in time before they begin to fall off. The ideal time to collect is the day when the flowers first opened.
  • The flowers are cut in whole inflorescences, then left to dry in a room where there is no access to open sunlight, strong odors and toxic substances.
  • Dried flowers can be crushed (grind, or killed) and stored in a tightly closed container, preferably away from children, as they contain potent, toxic alkaloids and, in case of poisoning, the consequences can be terrible.
  • Seeds can also be collected, but their season begins in September, when they are finally ripe. After collecting, it is necessary to clean the seeds from the pod and dry on a sheet of clean paper. Store in a cloth bag.

On average, the shelf life of seeds is about 2-3 years, if the conditions were met (humidity up to 60%, temperature not higher than 25 degrees). For flowers, the shelf life is from 1 to 1.5 years, it is better to harvest a fresh crop every year.

Growing white acacia

White acacia is one of the favorite plants of landscape designers, because it is not only beautiful, but also has other advantages - it grows incredibly fast, allows you to decorate various areas and compositions in an original way, you can easily form a beautiful crown. In addition, white locust is not susceptible to diseases that often affect trees.

The only problem with the plant is that without proper care, it grows too quickly and young shoots can capture the entire garden plot, and it is not always easy to deal with them. The roots go deep and, with partial removal, a young shoot can break through to the surface of the soil again from the remaining pieces.

White acacia is a frost-resistant plant, it grows best in central Russia, but it can also be grown in regions with a harsher climate, and there is no need to protect the tree for the winter. It is enough just to make sanitary pruning in the spring to get abundant flowering.

Acacia is planted with seedlings or from seeds - you can bring a sprout dug in the wild and plant it on your site. If the roots are damaged during the transplantation, it's okay. They should be processed to avoid infection and the young tree to recover quickly.

White acacia in folk medicine

Methods of application and recipes

You can treat a lot of different diseases with white acacia, if you choose the right course, recipe and follow the basic recommendations. It is better, of course, to consult on these issues with a specialist in the field of herbal medicine.

If this is not possible, you can apply popular folk recipes that have been tested for many generations. Consider the best folk recipes and ways to use white acacia in treatment.

Acacia white with a cold

For the treatment of colds, acacia is one of the best plants. The fact is that it has a complex effect on the body - by stimulating the immune system it helps it fight viruses and bacteria, it can be used for coughs and fever, and it is also used to prepare an infusion that is used to gargle. Consider the features of the application.

  • Dry raw materials (1 part) are poured with medical alcohol (2 parts) and infused in a cool place for 2 weeks. Use tincture for rubbing the whole body at a temperature above 38 degrees. For rubbing, the tincture should be at room temperature, and after the procedure, the patient should be covered with a warm blanket and given tea.
  • Acacia white has a powerful antimicrobial and antiviral effect. 1 teaspoon pour 300 ml of boiling water and take 100 ml three times a day. The same liquid can be used warm to gargle 5-6 times a day. It relieves pain and eliminates inflammation.

Acacia for the stomach

A tincture of flowers and leaves of acacia is prepared as follows - young leaves and flowers are mixed in equal parts, then poured with medical alcohol. For 100 ml of alcohol, 2 tablespoons of raw materials are enough.

You need to keep the mixture in the refrigerator, in a tightly stoppered bottle, for at least 10 days, and then take it for 21 days. Drink 30 drops, diluted with a glass of water before each meal.

Treatment of joints with white acacia

Joint diseases are treated externally with an alcohol tincture prepared from the flowers of the plant. You need 100 grams of dried flowers and 250 ml of alcohol, leave for 14 days. Make compresses at night, covering with a warm, dense cloth.

You can supplement the therapeutic course with therapeutic baths - they help to overcome pain, relieve inflammation and stimulate the process of recovery of diseased joints. For 1 liter of water, 3 tablespoons of flowers - boil for 3 minutes and add the strained broth to the bath.

White acacia from female diseases

For the treatment of inflammation of the appendages, with erosion and adnexitis, acacia infusion is used - inside and for douching. The infusion is prepared according to the traditional recipe - a tablespoon per 400 ml of water, drink and douche 2 times a day.

Soothing acacia tea

White acacia is quite capable of replacing sleeping pills and sedatives, which almost all people take today. The changed rhythm of life, crises, wars, stresses - all this seriously affects our psyche and nervous system.

Therefore, even if there are no alarming symptoms, you can periodically drink tea from acacia flowers - just brew a pinch of flowers with boiling water, add honey and lemon. It is advisable to drink at night, as acacia tea can cause drowsiness.

Acacia tea relieves tension, eliminates stress and cancels its effects, helps to get rid of irritability. This tea is especially useful for intense mental and emotional stress.

Acacia for kidney treatment

For people who suffer from chronic kidney disease, it is useful to regularly take preventive courses to prevent exacerbation. Drink 1 glass of infusion in the morning for 30 days. Repeat the course every 6-8 months.

For the treatment of cystitis, acute inflammatory processes in the kidneys, to relieve edema, take 100 ml of fresh infusion 3 times a day (12 teaspoons per 100 ml). With severe pain provoked by cystitis, you can take baths with a decoction of acacia bark - boil 100 grams of bark in 1 liter of water and dilute in warm water.

White acacia - reviews

Enough has been said about the theory of treatment of white acacia in the text above. However, what are the specifics of practical use and results? Consider the opinions and reviews of people who have already used herbal remedies based on white locust for treatment.

As you can see, the well-known fragrant plant not only pleases the eye with its spring beauty, but also an excellent medicine! Share this article with your family and friends on social networks - it can also be useful for them. Subscribe to updates to be the first to read the latest publications about medicinal plants!

We wish you good health!

Where to buy seeds and seedlings with delivery

The Scientific and Production Association "Gardens of Russia" has been implementing the latest achievements in the selection of vegetable, fruit, berry and ornamental crops into the wide practice of amateur gardening for 30 years.

In the work of the association, the most modern technologies are used, a unique laboratory of microclonal propagation of plants has been created.

The main task of NPO "Gardens of Russia" is to provide gardeners with high-quality planting material of popular varieties of various garden plants and novelties of world selection. Delivery of planting material (seeds, bulbs, seedlings) is carried out by Russian post.

We are waiting for you for shopping at the NGO "Gardens of Russia".

The acacia tree (Acacia) belongs to a large genus of flowering plants. The natural habitat is mainly the territory of Australia, as well as in Africa, Mexico and Asia.

Botanical description of black and white acacia

Black acacia belongs to the legume family. This tree reaches a height of 30 m and has a straight stem part with a diameter of 50-90 cm. The bark is brown in color, with a characteristic silvery coating. Wood of fissured type, with longitudinal dark stripes. The foliage is double-paired, leathery, with a matte dark green surface. The leaves grow on brown petioles.

Inflorescences are represented by a rare brush containing up to six heads, the diameter of which does not exceed 8-9 mm. Petals are light yellow in color, with numerous stamens. After flowering, flat, slightly twisted pods with tapered ends are formed. Ripe pods contain black and shiny seeds. The territory of Russia is not a natural habitat for this plant, but if comfortable conditions are provided, then the perennial grows quite successfully in home gardening.

Robinia false acacia(Robínia pseudoacacia) is mistakenly called white locust. The wild culture comes from North America. The tree has not too large leaves and shiny reddish-brown shoots. The inflorescence is represented by a multi-flowered drooping relatively long brush, collected from whitish flowers. The plant is a good honey plant. The fruits are oblong-linear in shape, represented by flat brown beans.

Medicinal properties of flowers, fruits and leaves of acacia

Bark, flowers, and fruits of white acacia are used as herbal medicinal raw materials. The flowers of the plant contain glycosides, as well as flavonoids and fragrant essential oils, sugars and acids of organic origin. Inside the bark, tannins are present, as well as toxalbuminrobin, essential oils, stigmasterol, tannin and phytosterol.

The healing properties of white acacia are numerous. Herbal raw materials treat exacerbations of gastritis and stomach ulcers. The drug is used in the treatment of diseases of the kidneys, urinary system and bladder. High efficiency is observed in the treatment of rheumatism and gynecological diseases.

Features of growing acacia (video)

Preparation and use of acacia tincture on vodka

Alcohol tincture is highly valued for its healing properties, which allows you to deal with the following pathological conditions:

  • increased irritability;
  • condition after a stroke;
  • diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • toothache;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • heartburn;
  • headache;
  • stomatitis.

For self-preparation, fresh white acacia flowers are used, 100 g of which are poured with two glasses of alcohol or high-quality vodka. The components are mixed in a glass jar and infused for a couple of weeks in a dark place at room temperature. The resulting tincture is filtered and stored in a refrigerator.. It is necessary to use such a folk remedy before meals, three times a day, in the amount of a teaspoon.

The use of Robinia false acacia in folk medicine

In modern folk medicine, medicines based on Robinia false acacia and umbraculifer are widely used. Infusions based on the bark cure gastritis of various types, and also alleviate the condition of patients with peptic ulcer with high acidity. With the help of properly prepared infusions, you can quickly get rid of exhausting belching or severe heartburn, eliminate constipation and solve many other problems associated with the stomach and intestines.

Flower-based preparations are quite actively used in the treatment of kidney pathologies, bladder diseases and diseases of the urinary system. Herbal preparations quite successfully treat fibroids, as well as acute or chronic cystitis. With the help of healing raw materials, you can get rid of infertility.

Especially popular are water or alcohol tinctures. used to treat colds accompanied by fever, inflammation and severe cough. Means for alcohol are recommended for use in the treatment of osteochondrosis, rheumatism and sciatica, arthritis, and joint pain. Also, such drugs show high efficiency in case of reduced immunity, insomnia, severe paroxysmal headaches, nervous strains and unreasonable anxiety states.

Acacia: the best honey plant (video)

Preparation of honey from acacia and its beneficial properties

Acacia honey is one of the most refined varieties with a fragrant aroma and a very delicate taste. The peculiarity of this honey is represented by a very slow and fine crystallization, which is due to the low content of sucrose and a large amount of fructose. The product not only has excellent taste and nutritional qualities, but also refers to the components of diabetic nutrition. Acacia honey also has a pronounced antimicrobial effect and has a beneficial effect on the stomach and intestinal tract in gastritis and peptic ulcer disease.

It is recommended to include such a product in the diet for jumps in blood pressure., as well as malfunctions of the cardiac and vascular system. When using honey, the tone increases, the composition of the blood quickly normalizes, and the level of hemoglobin also increases. Lotions with a solution of such a treat help to cure conjunctivitis, skin inflammatory pustules, dermatitis, eczema, neurodermatitis, as well as diseases of the oral cavity, including gingivitis and periodontal disease.

Self-prepared honey is a very tasty and healthy product that can be prepared according to the following guidelines:

  • clean one and a half kilograms of flowers from plant debris and rinse thoroughly under running water, then soak, adding no a large number of citric acid;
  • to prepare the syrup, the same amount of granulated sugar is added to 1500 ml of water, then bring to a boil and add acacia flowers;
  • when simmering for about an hour, the petals become transparent, so you need to add a few drops of lemon juice and boil for another ten minutes.

Cooking can be carried out not only in a saucepan on the stove, but also in a slow cooker. Ready acacia honey is poured into sterilized small glass jars. Such a product can be used not only in the medical field, but also in cooking and cosmetology.

Acacia honey has a mild soothing effect, therefore, it is an excellent remedy for nervous disorders and severe mental stress, accompanied by insomnia. Regular use at any age promotes health and guarantees activity and vigor. Inhalations with honey are practiced for rhinitis, tracheitis, laryngitis and bronchitis, and are also effective for bronchial asthma.

Contraindications and harm

Despite the fact that, due to its many beneficial properties, acacia has been very actively used in folk medicine for a long time, such a plant as white acacia belongs to the category of poisonous and contains a certain amount of substances toxic to the human body. It is for this reason that it is imperative to consult a doctor about the advisability of using medicines based on acacia.

Among other things, very important strictly follow all recommendations for use and do not exceed the dosage of such preparations based on plant materials on your own. A contraindication to use is not only individual intolerance to drugs with acacia, but also low acidity of gastric juice, early childhood, pregnancy and lactation.

Useful properties of acacia (video)

Despite the fact that white acacia can pose a certain danger to humans due to the high content of some toxic substances in its composition, such a plant has proven itself well in traditional medicine, cosmetology and cooking, therefore, if the cooking rules are followed, it can provide effective help for many diseases. .

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Acacia - a tree from the legume family - (lat. Fabaceae Lindl).
Botanical name: Robinia pseudoacacia L.
Generic name: Robinia (formerly Acacia and Caragana).
Pharmacy: Dried acacia flowers, Dried acacia leaves, Chopped acacia bark.

Other names: Robinia false-acacia, pea tree, caragan, pea, parasol, heart grass, tooth root.

White acacia reaches a height of 15-20 meters, an average of 12 meters. Trunk diameter up to 0.8 m, covered with brown-gray bark with grooves. Leaves 10-25 cm long, consist of 4-8 pairs of light green oblong oval leaflets, pointed at the ends, 1.5 - 3 cm long. Each leaf, as a rule, has a pair of short spikes (modified leaves) up to 1.5 cm long. .

Numerous large fragrant flowers of white or pinkish color are collected in a brush up to 17 cm long. The fruit is an oblong pod 5-10 cm long, containing 4-10 dark-colored seeds. Acacia blooms from May to June, the fruit ripens by September and can hang on the tree all winter. Life expectancy up to 50 years.

Acacia has a close relative, also a plant with many medicinal properties - this is Japanese Sophora.

The United States is considered the birthplace of the white locust. It was brought to Russia in the 18th century, where it spread mainly in the steppe zone, and for the last 20-30 years it has been planted in central Russia, where severe frosts occur in winter, but, fortunately, acacias most often withstand them.

In the south of Ukraine, white acacia trees are used for protective plantings, for planting greenery in cities and for decorative purposes. Acacia is valued as a tree unpretentious to soils, drought tolerant, fast growing.

That's just stagnant water to her detriment. It is also used to strengthen the slopes of the railway track and slopes, ravines, banks. The leaves are used to feed livestock.

In addition to decorating the landscape, acacia is used in perfumery to perfume soaps, shampoos, fragrant acacia oil is included in the composition of eau de toilette and perfume.

White acacia is an excellent honey plant, during the flowering period (from late May to mid-June), beekeepers receive up to 8 kg of honey from one plant.

She found application in the food and paint industries. They say that parquet made of white acacia wood is not inferior in beauty and quality to oak parquet.

Parts used in medicine: leaves, flowers, twigs, bark.

Collection and harvesting of acacia

The flowers are harvested at the beginning of flowering, in May, in a half-blown state. Dried in the shade, under a canopy, often turned over. The bark and leaves are harvested from the moment the tree puts out its leaves until the moment they fall off.

Active substances: white acacia flowers contain vitamins, minerals, tannins, glycoside, essential oils, sugars, organic acids, salicylic acid esters. The leaves are found: flavonoids and their glycosides. In the bark of young shoots: tannins, pectins, mucus, fatty oils, toxic robinin.

The color of white acacia is used as an antispasmodic, hypotensive, expectorant, antipyretic, astringent, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, diuretic and mild laxative.

Acacia blossom is used for diseases of the bladder, kidneys, gastrointestinal diseases, nephrolithiasis and urolithiasis, thrombophlebitis, sciatica, myositis, osteochondrosis, rheumatism, neuralgia, cough, colds, flu, wounds.

With increased acidity of gastric juice, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, with constipation (see folk remedies for constipation), use a hot decoction or alcohol tincture from the bark of young acacia branches.

With the help of animal experiments, the diuretic, hypotensive and antispasmodic effects of acacia preparations have been proven. Modern medicine recommends taking them as choleretic, laxative and expectorant drugs.

The use of white acacia in folk medicine

  1. With exacerbation of gastritis and gastric ulcer - a decoction of the bark, leaves and shoots of white acacia (young trees).
  2. Decoction, alcohol tincture of leaves and young shoots - with increased acidity of gastric juice, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum and other diseases of the stomach. It has the same application in homeopathy.
  3. In diseases of the kidneys and bladder - infusion, decoction of white acacia flowers.
  4. White acacia flowers are used in a mixture with bearberry leaves, common tansy flowers, blue cornflower flowers, licorice root (as a diuretic collection).
  5. For inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages, pour a tablespoon of white acacia flowers with a glass of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes, strain. Take 2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day.
  6. Infusion of flowers - as an expectorant and antipyretic.
  7. Tincture externally - for rheumatism.

Leucorrhea is treated with fresh juice from unopened acacia flowers. You should drink juice one teaspoon in the morning, afternoon and evening. In addition, the treatment will be accelerated if the genitals are washed with an infusion of the flowers of this tree and done using douching infusion.

Decoction of acacia bark: 1/2 tablespoon of crushed raw materials is poured into 500 ml of water, boiled for 20 minutes, filtered hot and brought to the original volume with boiled water. Take in small portions for 2 days. With good tolerance, you can drink during the day, preferably in a warm form.

Tincture of leaves and young shoots of acacia: raw materials insist on 40% alcohol in a ratio of 1:10, keeping for 15 days, shaking occasionally. Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day before meals.

Infusion of acacia flowers: 10 g of raw material is poured into 200 ml of boiling water, wrapped and infused, then filtered.

Decoction of acacia flowers: 1 tablespoon of fresh or dried raw materials is poured into 500 ml of water, boiled for 3 minutes, filtered and brought to the original volume. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day before meals.

Acacia flower tincture: raw materials are poured with 70% alcohol (for 1 part of raw materials 2 parts of alcohol) and infused for 2 weeks, periodically shaking. Take orally 30-40 drops per 50 ml of water 3 times a day before meals for 1 month.

Alcohol tincture of white acacia flowers restores the nervous system. Improves mood, eliminates headaches, anxiety, insomnia. It is used to treat female diseases (uterine fibroids). This is one of the few remedies that give a noticeable effect in multiple sclerosis.

Tincture is also used externally in the form of compresses, rubbing, lotions for heel spurs, rheumatism, osteochondrosis, neuralgia, radiculitis, thrombophlebitis, as well as for cauterization and disinfection of wounds and rubbing of the body with colds, paralysis, convulsions, numbness of the extremities after a stroke and injuries.

With multiple sclerosis, it is necessary to wipe the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe spine with tincture 2-3 times a day.

Acacia contraindications

Warning: the seeds, bark and roots of the tree are poisonous! If the dosage is violated, severe poisoning is possible. Symptoms of white acacia poisoning are nausea, vomiting, headache, diarrhea, abdominal pain, drowsiness, acute cardiovascular failure, general malaise.

If this happens, then you should immediately rinse the stomach, take activated charcoal inside and call a doctor.



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