Black elderberry. Black elderberry - healing properties of the berries of the tree of fate and methods of their use

Elderberry is rarely revered as an edible berry, remembered only in a humorous saying about the Kyiv guy. Why was this plant so undeservedly offended, since black elderberry, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which have been well studied even in the light of official medicine, is quite capable of having a beneficial effect on our body? Let's stop being afraid of elderberry, learn more about it, and learn how to use its medicinal properties correctly.

Description, chemical composition, where black elderberry grows

Elderberry is a frequent inhabitant of our gardens among people who appreciate its discreet beauty at any time of year and time. The tree grows even where it was not specifically planted. If you have such a plant growing, consider yourself lucky, you are the owner of a plant that is beneficial to your health.

Black elderberry rarely grows into a tall tree (maximum 10 meters), more often it is a shrub a couple of meters in height. The stems of the bush are branched, they have large, up to 30 cm, leaves, consisting of 5-7 smaller, oval leaves with pointed ends.

Depending on where it grows in Russia, the shrub blooms from early May to mid-June. During flowering, the aroma of elderberry spreads far, it is emitted by small light flowers collected in corymbose inflorescences, and then the fruits appear. They ripen by early autumn, acquiring a black-violet hue. Each berry is like a small bead, about half a centimeter in diameter. Inside it is red-fleshed, with one or two pairs of seeds.

The natural growth area in our country is the south of the European part, more often coniferous and deciduous forests. But as a wild species, grown from cultivated elderberry, it also grows along roads, in wastelands and churchyards.

Be careful! Red elderberry is poisonous and should not be used in any form.

Black elderberry: photo

Black elderberry: medicinal properties and contraindications

Elderberry is officially recognized as moderately poisonous, and this applies to all parts of the plant except the flowers and berries. The berries themselves are quite safe, but only their shell and pulp, without seeds! The toxicity is due to the content of the glycoside sambunigrin, which is found in the bark, leaves, and seeds of the plant. Therefore, if you want black elderberry to appear in your home medicine cabinet, be sure to take into account the beneficial properties and contraindications!

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Black elderberry fruits

They have long been valued in cooking, winemaking, for dyeing fabrics and in folk medicine. Their composition is rich, it includes: vitamin B, sugars and acids, amino acids, tannins, carotene, rutin, etc.

The consumption of fruits is practiced both fresh and dried, as part of compotes, jams, and syrups. Alcoholic drinks - tinctures and wines - are prepared using elderberry.

The fruits are harvested when they have reached their maturity. Then they are processed: boiled, dried or frozen.

Black elderberry berries are useful for:

  • constipation;
  • diseases of the throat and oral cavity;
  • urinary tract infections;
  • weakened immune system.

You cannot eat elderberry and products based on it:

  • children under 7 years old;
  • pregnant women;
  • persons with gastrointestinal diseases;
  • for allergy sufferers with individual intolerance to the product.

Black elderberry flowers

The plant during the flowering period is a magnificent honey plant. But it’s not just the bees that benefit. Flowers have a unique composition, containing: essential oils, glycosides, alkaloids, acids (malic, ascorbic, acetic, coffee, valerian, etc.), tannins, resins and minerals. They are used as a means:

  • diaphoretic;
  • antiseptic;
  • prodiarrheal;
  • diuretic;
  • antirheumatic.

Flowers are collected during the flowering period and dried in well-ventilated areas. Then the flowers are picked from the stalks (it’s convenient to simply rub the raw materials through a sieve). When properly stored (in dry places, placed in linen or paper bags), raw materials retain their properties for up to 2-3 years.

Decoctions, infusions and tinctures are prepared based on flowers. Decoctions are used:

  • in gynecology for douching for inflammatory diseases of the vagina;
  • for acute respiratory infections for gargling;
  • orally for kidney diseases, gout.

Alcohol tinctures are used to make compresses and lotions for rheumatism and dermatological diseases.

Elderberry flowers are poisonous, they contain a lot of hydrocyanic acid, so consumption is possible with strict adherence to dosages!


Elder leaf is used as a remedy for burns, boils, hemorrhoids, and diaper rash. Along with the leaves, you can also harvest shoots, but only those that are not older than two years.

Elderberry leaf contains:

  • essential oils;

  • vitamin C;

    sambunigrin (poisonous substance!).

Leaves are not as widely used for medicinal purposes as flowers and fruits, for example. Their main practical use is as a laxative (decoction or infusion).


Elderberry bark contains essential oils, organic acids, alcohols, choline, sugars, acids, pectin and tannins. The bark and young rhizomes are used for diabetes, but there is no official confirmation of the usefulness of such treatment.

But the bark is used as a laxative for constipation and externally for skin diseases. However, you should be careful when using it: toxic substances contained in the bark are known. Most of them are destroyed during heat treatment, but there is still a risk of poisoning (albeit minimal).

Black elderberry: application

In folk medicine, all parts of the plant are used, but the berries are most widely used.


Black elderberry syrup is popular today. The uses, reviews, and contraindications of this product are varied. It is prepared from the fruits of the plant. Its scope is wide:

  • to strengthen the body;
  • against breast tumors;
  • to regulate the menstrual cycle;
  • with visual impairment;
  • as a means to strengthen blood vessels and cleanse the blood;
  • for stroke prevention, etc.

You can buy black elderberry syrup at the pharmacy, but it’s not that difficult to make it yourself. For this purpose, only ripe fruits are taken. Here are two simple recipes:

  1. No heat treatment. Elderberry and granulated sugar are taken in equal proportions. The berries are washed and allowed to dry. Then a layer of berries a couple of centimeters deep is placed on the bottom of a convenient enamel saucepan and sprinkled with the same layer of sugar. In this way, the layers are alternated until the ingredients are completely used up. Cover with a lid, place the saucepan in the refrigerator and leave for 2-3 days. The fruits give a lot of juice. It is drained and the berries are squeezed through cheesecloth. The syrup is stored in the refrigerator. Due to the absence of heat, this syrup retains many vitamins and microelements.
  2. With heat treatment. 2 cups of fruits are washed and filled with water 1:1. Place the container with the berries on the fire, bring to a boil and let simmer for 10 minutes. Then cool and strain. The pulp is passed through a meat grinder and squeezed through gauze. Add a glass of sugar to the syrup, mix and pour into storage containers, having previously sterilized them along with the lids.

It doesn’t matter how you managed to obtain black elderberry syrup - buy it or prepare it. Be careful with dosage! Use the product after meals, a dessert spoon in pure form, or diluted with water.


Recipe 1. Take berries and granulated sugar 1:1, mix, let stand overnight in a cool place. The next morning, place the container with the berries on the fire, let it boil, boil for 5 minutes and cool. The procedure is repeated three times. Then, while still warm, the jam is poured into sterile jars, sealed with a lid and stored in the usual way.

Recipe 2. Take a glass of sugar per kilogram of peeled elderberry fruits. Grind into a homogeneous mass and place on the stove. Cook the berry pulp, stirring continuously until the volume is reduced by half. Add another glass of sugar, let it boil, boil until the crystals dissolve and set aside. Hot jam is poured into jars and rolled up. Cool upside down under the “fur coat”.

Recipe 3- with apples. Take:

    elderberry – 1 kg;

    apples – 500 g;

    sugar -1.5 kg;

    citric acid - a bag.

  1. The apples are washed and cut into small cubes, removing the core and seeds. The elderberries are sorted, washed and dried. The fruits are covered with sugar and cooked like regular jam until thickened, adding citric acid at the end of cooking. Pour into jars and store in the refrigerator or cellar.
  2. It is known that such jam has general strengthening properties and helps with sore throats, colds and migraines.


Homemade elderberry wine is an incredible “yummy” that you won’t be ashamed to put on the holiday table. It is not recommended to wash the fruits - they contain “live” yeast. Before cooking, you just need to sort out the berries.

Homemade wine is made like this:

  • For 5 kg of elderberry take: sugar 2.5 kg, water - 5 liters, raisins - ½ cup.

A “sourdough” is made from raisins: add 100 g of sugar and a glass of water, cover the container with gauze and place in a warm place for 3-5 days until the smell of fermentation and stable foam appear. Then the juice is filtered through cheesecloth - this is an analogue of wine yeast.

  1. The berries are crushed.
  2. A syrup is prepared from sugar and water and poured warm over the berries, which have been previously placed in a fermentation container.
  3. Sourdough is poured into the wort.
  4. A water seal is placed on the container; you can use a medical glove with slots.
  5. Keep the wort in a dry place at room temperature (a little higher, up to = 25 degrees) until it “ripens” - this will be indicated by stopping the water seal. The wine is stirred periodically to avoid molding. Yes, live yeast fermentation takes a long time - from a month!
  6. The finished wine is filtered, bottled and allowed to “mature” - the longer the better!

Recipes using black elderberry

For burns and furunculosis, this remedy helps: several young elderberry leaves are boiled in half a liter of milk for 5 minutes, then, wrapped in gauze, used for compresses and lotions.

They also make medicinal infusions:

  • Place a tablespoon of dried elderflower in a thermos and pour a glass of boiling water. The next morning it is filtered. Take for bronchitis, dry cough, fever, inflammation of the kidneys and bladder, 2 tablespoons after meals up to 5-6 times a day.
  • A tablespoon of dried elderberry berries and flowers is steamed with 2 cups of boiling water. Keep in a water bath for half an hour. Cool and filter. Take 2 tablespoons three times a day for constipation, colds, and inflammation of the urinary system.
  1. For colds and viral diseases, sore throat - pour several dried elderberry inflorescences into half a liter of boiling water, add 1 tbsp. dry leaves of coltsfoot and raspberries, boil for a couple of minutes over low heat, let it brew for an hour. During the day, drink the entire prepared dose. If the cold has just started, drink it like regular black tea, adding dried elderberry blossoms, take everything in equal parts.
  2. For gout, pour hot water into a basin, add 200 grams of salt, add 3 tbsp. dry elderberry and chamomile raw materials, mix, wet the cloth with the hot mixture, apply to problem areas.
  3. Treatment of joints - take equal parts of black elderberry inflorescence, parsley and calamus roots, nettle leaves, willow bark. Pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture with half a liter of boiling water, simmer for 5 minutes over low heat, strain. Drink 2 glasses a day in small sips. Or you can do it like this - 2 tbsp. Place elderberry inflorescences in a thermos, pour a liter of boiling water, let it brew for at least 5 hours, take half a glass three times a day warm.
  4. For inflammation of the bladder, kidneys, swelling, headache - 2 tbsp. dry crushed black elderberry bark, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave in a thermos for 5 hours, strain. Drink half a glass warm 4-5 times a day half an hour before meals.
  5. For constipation, pour 250 ml. water 2 tbsp fresh black elderberries (or 1 tsp dried), let stand for 3 hours, strain, consume 2/3 cup once a day.
  6. For nodules on the thyroid gland - pour 1 tsp. dried black elderberry berries with a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour, drink 0.5 cups three times a day as tea.
  7. As an aid in the treatment of oncological formations, you need to place black elderberry berries in a glass jar. Cover a finger-thick layer with a similar layer of sugar, and repeat until the top of the jar, leave to infuse for a month, then strain the resulting juice. Drink 1 tbsp three times a day. after meal. The course is 1.5 months, after a month the course is repeated. For treatment, 3 sessions will be required, and as prophylaxis, one course per year will be required.
  8. In the winter and autumn seasons it is useful to drink it as a vitamin tea. Pour boiling water over the same amount of rose hips and black elderberries, you can add your favorite tea leaves (black or green), lemon and honey.

Black elderberry in any form is contraindicated for chronic intestinal diseases, colitis, and diabetes.

Black elderberry: reviews

For the most part, people who decide to use elderberry for medicinal purposes note an improvement in their condition during the first week of therapy. What do the doctors say? They warn about the dangers of self-medication, but the fact that black elderberry, medicinal properties and contraindications which is well known to pharmacologists, was included in the State Pharmacopoeia of the USSR, speaks volumes positively in its favor. It’s up to you, my dears, to draw conclusions!

Black elderberry has many popular names. It is called “the eye of the devil” for its shiny dark berries. In some areas, the plant is known by the names: buzok, pishchalnik, elderberry and virgin sambuca.

Why is it useful?

Black elderberry has diaphoretic, antibacterial, disinfectant, anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties. Flowers, bark and berries have a positive effect on the functioning of the pancreas. Medicinal preparations from them are taken for diabetes mellitus.

In folk medicine, recipes are used to treat the initial stages of cancer and alleviate the patient’s condition after chemotherapy. Wine berry extract helps with skin cancer.

Biological characteristics

Black elderberry is a branched shrub that grows up to 7 meters. The plant blooms with lush rounded white inflorescences. During the blooming period (May-June) it emits a strong intoxicating aroma. The berries ripen in August-September.

Elderberry is undemanding to the soil, so it grows in forests and parks, on roadsides and in urban areas. It is often planted as an ornamental plant.

Black elderberry can be confused with its “relative” - red elderberry. This plant is highly toxic and is not used for medicinal purposes. "Devil's Eye" has larger, brighter flowers and a hint of berries. In addition, the red variety has richer leaves and a stronger odor.

Chemical composition

Black elderberry is a low-toxic plant. The chemical composition contains carbohydrates, steroids, hydrocarbons, fatty and organic acids, essential oils, triglycerides, anthocyanins, triterpenoids (take part in metabolic processes), iridoids (fight infections).

The beneficial properties largely depend on the region in which the plant grows.

  1. Flowers contain glycosides, essential oil, carotene, organic acids, choline, vitamin C, tannins, sugars, tannins and mucous substances.
  2. The fresh leaves of the plant contain large amounts of vitamin C and carotene. In addition - alkaloids, resins, essential oil, tannins, aldehydes and sambunigrin. Provitamin A1 is found in dry leaves.
  3. Essential oil, choline and phytosterols were found in the bark. The chemical composition of the berries contains ascorbic and free acids, resin, amino acids, tyrosine, carotene, tannins and fructose.
  4. Fresh fruits and flowers contain amygdalin. This substance can be converted into hydrocyanic acid. However, when dried, the plant loses amygdalin and all parts become harmless.

Collection and storage rules

Leaves, bark, roots, fruits and inflorescences have medicinal properties.. It is necessary to collect raw materials at certain periods.

  1. Flowers are collected during active blooming. They need to be picked in whole bunches and dried in a shady place, preferably in the open air, spread on paper. The dried product is crushed by hand to separate the stalks. Store in paper packaging.
  2. The bark is collected during active sap flow. Visually, this period is determined by swollen buds and lasts 10-15 days. Branches older than two years are suitable for harvesting. The bark needs to be dried in the shade.
  3. The fruits are collected and washed only together with the stalks, otherwise they may release juice ahead of time and lose their healing properties. The berries can be dried, ground with sugar, made into jam or made into wine. They need to be dried in hanging bundles. When using the oven, the temperature should not exceed 60 °C. The fruits, ground through a fine sieve, are mixed with sugar.

Flowers: beneficial properties

Application of infusions:

  1. Infused flowers are good for treating colds, flu, bronchitis, and sore throats.
  2. The use of the finished product softens dry cough and relieves inflammation of the oral mucosa. Used as a gargle with a warm medicinal drink.
  3. The tincture helps get rid of skin manifestations associated with impaired metabolic processes.
  4. The medicinal product is taken orally warm for diseases of the urinary system.
  5. Infusion therapy relieves swelling caused by diseases of the kidneys and bladder, and facilitates the occurrence of inflammatory processes in renal failure.

Healing properties of decoctions:

  1. The flowers are used to prepare a decoction that helps with joint diseases. Recipes combine black elderberry with chamomile for a soothing effect.
  2. Compresses with this decoction are made for arthritis and polyarthritis, rheumatism, gout, neuralgic diseases, rheumatism and paralysis. The decoction can be added to medicinal baths.
  3. Flowers and fruits have a positive effect on the functioning of the endocrine glands, activate and normalize their activity. Thanks to this, the decoction helps cope with the symptoms of menopause..

The dry extract has pronounced diaphoretic and expectorant properties. Its use is useful for colds and sore throats.


Steamed black elderberry flowers are used to treat radiculitis and relieve pain during its exacerbation.

Recipe: 1.5 tablespoons of color are poured into a thermos with boiling water (0.5 liters). The liquid is infused for an hour, then filtered.

The use of this remedy gives a healing effect in acute attacks of the disease. You need to drink the infusion 3-5 times a day before meals, half a glass. Treatment lasts 10-12 days. If necessary, it can be repeated after a week.


To prepare it, pour 1 tablespoon of elderberry color into a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour.

Take the strained solution before meals three times a day, 1-3 tablespoons.

Application of leaves

For hemorrhoids, burns and diaper rash. Elderberry has hemostatic and analgesic properties. They are found mainly in the young leaves of the plant.

A decoction of milk is used to treat hemorrhoids, burns, diaper rash, boils, burns, dislocations and closed fractures.


To prepare the infusion, you need to add 8 elderberry leaves and a tablespoon of chopped dry sage to a glass of boiling water.

The resulting mixture is kept for an hour, then a teaspoon of honey is added to it. To treat hemorrhoids, take half a glass of the drug per day for a month.


  1. Therapy for hemorrhoids, varicose veins, hepatitis, stomach and intestinal ulcers is carried out using preparations from fresh fruits and their juice.
  2. Berries have disinfectant properties. The fruit extract has a laxative effect.
  3. The syrup relieves coughing attacks and prevents the accumulation of fluid in the lungs. The medicinal properties of this drug help cope with diseases of the liver and gall bladder. Juice from the berries increases hemoglobin, strengthens the immune system, cleanses and tones the body.

Berry wine

The fruits are used to make wine. The recipes for this drink are quite varied. Regular wine is prepared this way.

  1. For 1.2 kg of fresh berries, take 800 grams of sugar and 5 liters of water.
  2. Pour boiling water over and cook for two hours.
  3. After straining, add sugar and cook for another hour.
  4. Throw a handful of raisins into the warm liquid (as wine yeast) and cover the dish with a thick cloth.
  5. When the future wine has fermented, the foam is removed, the drink is poured into jars and left for a month.

The finished product is stored in glass bottles under a tarred cork.

Fruit syrup

With heat treatment

To prepare the syrup you need:

  1. Pour 1 kilogram of berries with two glasses of water.
  2. The resulting mixture is boiled for 20 minutes.
  3. Then the mass is squeezed out and a kilogram of sugar is added.
  4. The future syrup is brought to a boil and poured into a glass container.

Store in the refrigerator under a tight lid.

Without heat treatment

Recipes according to which syrup is prepared without heat treatment are popular. This allows you to retain more nutrients. To prepare it, the fruits are covered with sugar and shaken well to distribute evenly. The preparation must be infused in a sealed container for 3 weeks until the juice is released.

The resulting product is stored in a cold place.

Fruit extract

Elderberry fruit extract is used to treat cancer and tumors.

  1. Ripe berries are placed in a glass jar in layers, alternating them with sugar. The thickness of the layer is about a centimeter.
  2. The extract is infused for 15-30 days, then the separated liquid is drained and stored in the refrigerator.

Herbalists advise taking the extract one tablespoon three times a day after meals to treat cancer. Before eating you need to drink a glass of clean water.

Bark and roots

  1. A decoction of the bark has a strong diuretic effect. Therefore, it is useful to take it to relieve edema of renal and cardiac origin.
  2. A decoction of leaves and bark has a laxative effect. It is taken for atherosclerosis and stomach diseases.
  3. A bath with elderberry roots helps relieve insomnia and headaches.
  4. The use of an infusion of bark, branches and roots helps with various skin diseases. It is recommended to take baths with it for rashes on the body.
  5. Powder from dried roots and bark is used as a powder to dry wounds, ulcers and burns.
  6. Baths, compresses and lotions help prevent erysipelas.
  7. The aqueous extract of the root has a diuretic effect. A thick decoction (various herbal infusions) actively fights eczema.


  • Due to the slight toxicity of elderberry, preparations based on it are prohibited from taking during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • The plant should not be used for medicinal purposes by children under 12 years of age.
  • Treatment with elderberry is not prescribed for diabetes insipidus and chronic diseases of the digestive system.

It is necessary to observe the proportions and technology for preparing medicines with elderberry. Exceeding the recommended dose of fruits and juice may cause nausea and vomiting.

Elderberry is a well-known crop in our latitudes. It has been used since ancient times not only as an ornamental plant, but also as a medicine in folk and traditional medicine. True, you need to use it with caution. Therefore, in this material we will talk about the features of elderberry, and also pay attention to its medicinal properties and possible contraindications.

Chemical composition of elderberry

The plant is valued for its high content of biologically active substances: carbohydrates, organic and fatty acids, essential oils, triglycerides, hydrocarbons, anthocyanins, steroids and other beneficial microelements. However, their percentage largely depends on the climatic zone and the specific area where the elderberry grows.

Did you know? It is quite easy to recognize elderberry among other plants. It has leaves of 5–7 oblong-ovate pointed leaflets, its shield-shaped inflorescences consist of creamy white flowers, and its round berries are black and purple. The bush grows up to 3–10 m and blooms in June. It can be found on the edges, in forests and bushes, although it is often cultivated for decorative purposes.

Berry composition

The berries of the plant are primarily used for medicinal purposes. They contain carotenoids, amino acids, ascorbic acid, tannins and dyes.

Black elderberries contain vitamin C, carotene (provitamin A), malic, acetic, valeric, tartaric, citric acids, essential oil, tannins, sugar, rutin.

Approximately 2.8% of the composition is glucose and carotene, and up to 2.5% is fructose, sambucin, and resin. There are also free acids, in larger quantities - malic acid.

Composition of flower baskets

Black elderberry flowers contain essential oils, glycosides, mucus, choline, rutin, valeric, acetic, caffeic acids, vitamin C, tannins, sugar, and substances similar to sex hormones.

Leaf composition

They bring no less benefit elderberry leaves. They contain approximately 0.15% carotene, vitamin C, sambunigrin, essential oil, tannins, and some alkaloids.

There is also a considerable amount of resinous substances that give a laxative effect. When dried, provitamin A1 is formed in the leaves.

Composition of the bark

It also has beneficial properties bark bush. It contains a lot of pectin, triterpene and tannin compounds, essential oils, betulin, choline, phytosterol, and sugar.

Important! There is black and red elderberry. The black one is used for medicinal purposes, while the red one is poisonous. It should absolutely not be eaten, and if you come into contact with the berries, you should wash your hands thoroughly. Make sure that red elderberry juice does not get on the mucous surfaces of the body or in wounds. In this case, it is better to immediately seek medical help.

Use of elderberry in medicine

The huge amount of useful substances in the plant could not go unnoticed. It is used to prepare decoctions, lotions, medicinal teas, and jams.

Medicinal properties of berries

Berries are used in various forms. So, fresh fruit juice treats varicose veins and constipation.

Seed oil- rheumatism, gout, lowers elevated body temperature. Fruit decoction used in the treatment of hepatitis, diabetes, chronic pancreatitis, obesity.

In the latter case, infusions are prepared not only from berries, but from flowers, which are added to teas for a diuretic and laxative effect. As an additional reaction of the body, a person receives a decrease in appetite and an improvement in metabolic processes.

The effect of elderberry on cancer is known. In this case, wine extract of berries is used externally, and for stomach cancer, jam or jam made from them is used.

Medicinal properties of flowers

Plant flowers used in the treatment of neuralgia, burns, erysipelas, pneumonia, as well as conjunctivitis, stomatitis, tracheobronchitis, bronchitis, sore throat, menopause. For treatment, infusions or decoctions of inflorescences are prepared.

Medicinal properties of leaves

The leaves have shown excellent properties in the treatment of furunculosis, hemorrhoids, myositis, and polyarthritis. In this case, Poultices and lotions are used for treatment, sometimes along with flowers. For bruises, injuries, bleeding, insomnia, headaches, decoctions of the leaves are used. In addition to its medicinal effect, the plant has an analgesic effect.

Medicinal properties of the bark

Did you know? It is not always easy to distinguish black elderberry from red elderberry. They differ in fruit color only at the time of ripening. And when it comes time to collect leaves and twigs for treatment, the differences are not so pronounced. Therefore, if you have doubts, it is better not to use elderberry for medicinal purposes, otherwise, instead of relieving the disease, you may end up with severe poisoning.

Preparation and storage of medicinal raw materials

All components of the bush are used for medicinal purposes, but they must be collected at different times. So, in the spring, even before sap flow begins, remove the bark of a bush.

For this they use only two-year-old branches. The top layer of bark is scraped off, dried at a temperature of +60 °C and stored for no more than three years.

They are collected when they have just blossomed. Dry the brushes in the shade on a wooden surface, spreading them out in a thin layer. After drying, they are rubbed through a sieve and stored for no more than two years.

LeavesElderberries are harvested throughout the summer. It is better to use young leaves to prepare the medicine.Roots dug up and pruned in the fall. They need to be washed, dried and ground into powder. Store for no more than five years.

Important! Fresh leaves must be used strictly according to the recipe, as an overdose can lead to disastrous results. Young foliage contains the glycoside sambunigrin, which is based on poisonous hydrocyanic acid. However, after drying, this substance in the leaves is destroyed.

FruitThey are harvested at the end of August and at the beginning of September, and as they ripen, only mature berry clusters are removed from the bush. Their branches are first dried in the sun, then dried at a temperature of +65°C in ovens.

Only after this can they be separated from the stalks and stored. Dried berries can be stored for no more than six months.

The general storage rule is to keep raw materials in fabric bags. They should be kept in a dry, dark and ventilated area. If the humidity rises, all the workpieces will quickly become damp and moldy.

The use of elderberry in cosmetology

Since elderberry has an anti-inflammatory effect and is rich in various beneficial microelements, it is widely used in cosmetology. Flowers are most often used, a little less often - leaves and fresh berries.

To give elasticity, prevent inflammation and healing, use a tincture of the fruit. Additionally, it improves the structure of the skin.

A decoction of flowers and buds is used for baldness, and for general tone it is recommended to take a bath with a decoction of elderberry flowers.

Use of elderberry in cooking

In cooking, elderberries are most often used, which have a specific flavor. True, after treatment with high temperatures it usually disappears. Therefore, it is recommended to use dried berries, which give a sweetish-sour nightshade flavor.

Fresh berries used in the preparation of jelly, compotes, and purees. They make jam from them. Also, marshmallows, jelly, marmalade, and jam are prepared from the berries, and they are often combined with apples or lemon.

Fruit juice Elderberries are used as a natural dye in the production of wines, juices and other drinks. And the berries themselves are used as a base for liqueurs and tinctures. Dried fruits used as a seasoning, and also as one of the components of muesli.

widely used in the production of wines, tinctures, cognacs, and liqueurs. They are added during infusion and a delicate nutmeg aroma is obtained. Elderberry syrup is also prepared with sugar based on the inflorescences, which is called “elderberry honey.” It is used both as a medicine for colds and as an additive to pancakes, pancakes and other dishes.

Elderberry is a perennial plant belonging to the honeysuckle family. Externally, black or red elderberry is a large shrub or low tree. Elderberry blooms from May to mid-June with small yellow-white flowers with a fragrant aroma. The berries of both red and black elderberries ripen in August - September.

In the wild, red and black elderberries are found on the edges of forests in the southeast and central Russia, in the Baltic states, Belarus, Ukraine, and Crimea. Elderberry grows both in shady places and in sunny meadows.

The difference between black elderberry and red elderberry is that black elderberry has a lot of beneficial properties, but red elderberry is considered a poisonous plant.

The benefits of elderberry and its properties

Black elderberry berries have a complex chemical composition. It consists of the following components:

  • Saccharides;
  • Organic acids;
  • Semi-solid essential oil;
  • Ethyl isobutyl;
  • Choline;
  • Isoamylamine;
  • Carotene.

In addition, the beneficial properties of elderberry are due to the content of tannins, paraffin-like and mucous substances in it.

Most of the elderberries contain black malic acid. It contains a lot of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), as well as natural sugars (glucose and fructose).

Not only elderberries are rich in vitamins and nutrients. The benefits of elderberry and the properties used for treatment are presented in its leaves, twigs and bark. The benefits of elderberry leaves are the high content of carotene and vitamin C. But the dried leaves contain provitamin A1.

Thanks to such a rich composition, the leaves, flowers and bark of black elderberry have a lot of medicinal properties:

  • Antipyretic;
  • Diuretic;
  • Laxative;
  • Astringent;
  • Calming (sedative);
  • Sweatshop.

Young elderberry leaves have restorative and laxative properties. Decoctions from all parts of black elderberry have the property of regulating metabolism in the body. Dried berries have many beneficial properties of black elderberry.

The health benefits of taking elderberry include the following:

1. Bile excretion improves;

2. Diuresis increases;

3. The movement of intestinal contents improves.

Uses of elderberry

For treatment, flowers, berries and leaves of black elderberry are usually used. They are dried in ovens and stored for the winter.

It should be noted that the benefits of black elderberry remain in the fruits for 6 months; it is not recommended to store it longer. But in flowers, the properties of black elderberry can be stored for a very long time. So, flowers can be stored for 2 - 3 years, but only in a dry room with good ventilation. The properties of red elderberry in flowers are also considered dangerous, which is why they are not recommended to be used even for home decoration.

Undoubtedly, black elderberry has greater benefits in its raw form. Even in ancient times, people picked young shoots and made salad from them. At the same time, they were careful and knew how to distinguish between red and black elderberries. And fresh elderberries were used to make drinks. Black elderberry juice is now mixed with lemon juice, zest and water. Thus, an original healing kvass is obtained.

You can make jelly, compotes, and preserves from elderberries. For sweetness, it is recommended to add honey rather than sugar. Thanks to this, the benefits of black elderberry will be preserved to a greater extent.

Traditional medicine actively uses the benefits of black elderberry. Fresh and dried elderberry fruits are successfully used for the treatment and prevention of the following diseases:

  • Laryngitis;
  • Hepatitis;
  • Bronchitis;
  • Flu;
  • Neuralgia;
  • Kidney diseases;
  • Bladder diseases;
  • Rheumatism;
  • Gout.

The fruits of the black elderberry are dried and used to treat the rare disease malaria. Dried and fresh black elderberry berries, according to medical research, have such a high content of medicinal properties that they are included in the complex of therapy for oncology (stomach cancer and skin cancer). In case of stomach cancer, the patient is given jam from fresh black elderberry fruits. Skin cancer is treated with a special remedy: fresh berries are squeezed, infused with wine, and the patient is treated with the resulting black elderberry extract.

Decoctions and infusions are prepared from the flowers and leaves of black elderberry, which have strong antibacterial and diaphoretic properties. These remedies help with colds (sore throat, flu, bronchitis, ARVI). To obtain a healing infusion, take 1 tbsp. l. flowers and pour a glass of boiling water. This mixture is brought to a boil and simmered over low heat for 15 - 20 minutes. Then the broth is cooled, squeezed out and used warm, 0.5 cups, orally, before eating. The infusion can also be used to gargle for colds. In addition, this medicine is excellent in combating ailments such as arthritis, gout and rheumatism.

Applying steamed black elderberry leaves to sore spots can relieve inflammation. That is why this remedy is used for the following problems:

  • Diaper rash;
  • Burns;
  • Inflammation of hemorrhoids;
  • Furunculosis.

A widely used folk remedy for constipation is to use the benefits of black elderberry from young fresh leaves. The properties of red elderberry in its leaves are also poisonous, so it is important to distinguish it when the leaves are collected. So, to treat chronic constipation, the healing properties of elderberry are used as follows: the leaves are boiled in honey, and the resulting medicine is taken orally.

A decoction (orally and as a lotion) from black elderberry bark is good for various diseases:

  • Skin diseases;
  • Kidney diseases;
  • Arthritis;
  • Rheumatism;
  • Gout.

In addition, the benefits of elderberry and its toning and rejuvenating properties are widely used in cosmetology. A lotion is prepared from the flowers of the plant and used to wipe the skin of the face and neck. This lotion can also be frozen and wiped over the skin.

Contraindications and harm when consuming elderberry

Elderberry, like any other medicinal plant, has some contraindications for use.

  • Nonspecific ulcerative colitis (enterocolitis);
  • Crohn's disease;
  • Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Pregnancy (very carefully, under medical supervision).

Most often, doctors warn patients against consuming black elderberry in children under 12 years of age.

Unfortunately, people often confuse black elderberry and red elderberry plants. If you want to use this plant for medicinal purposes, you need to be careful and not make a mistake, since red elderberry can be harmful to health.

Red elderberry is poisonous to humans, so you need to be especially careful with this plant. It is not very easy to distinguish red elderberry from black elderberry: red elderberry differs, of course, in the red color of its berries. But this is only when it matures. But during those periods when the leaves and twigs of the plant are used for medicinal purposes, it is important to be able to distinguish red elderberry from black elderberry. Otherwise, you may not get any benefit from red elderberry, but poison your body.

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A tree, usually a shrub, whose height is 2-10 m - elderberry, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which became known back in the days of ancient Rus'. In the present, her special qualities are undeservedly forgotten by most people. The healing properties of this plant are recognized even by specialists of classical medicine and are worthy of the attention of everyone who strives to maintain their health using natural means.

Black elderberry description photo

There are about 40 varieties of this plant, the most common is black elderberry (sambucus nigra l). It belongs to the honeysuckle species.

Most often, sambucus is found as a shrub with a dense, wide crown. The branches have a complex color: first green, then brownish-gray with the inclusion of yellowish lenticels. The leaves are on short petioles, the base is broadly wedge-shaped, the oval shape is slightly elongated, long-pointed, of a rich green hue.

Fragrant flowers form umbrella-shaped inflorescences, creamy yellow or yellowish in color, and often have a pleasant aroma. The fruits are berry-shaped drupes, purple, almost black, with an average of 2-3 seeds. They are oval in shape, up to 6 mm long. Sambucus will bloom in May, early June, fruiting by the end of August.

The height of the plant depends on the region of growth. In the central chernozem and southern regions, the tree reaches 8-10 m. In the northern areas, it is less common; shrubs predominate, the height of which ranges from 2 to 6 m.

Important! Red elderberry is POISONOUS! It has a similar description, but when ripe, the berries turn red. They are very dangerous to health!

Chemical composition of the plant

Sambucus has an interesting chemical composition. The percentage of useful substances may fluctuate, which is predetermined by the place of growth. Composition of colors:

  • sambunigrin lucoside;
  • routine;
  • essential oil (up to 0.32%);
  • choline;
  • acids: chlorogenic, caffeic, valeric, 1-malic, acetic;
  • ascorbic acid (vitamin C);
  • ethyl-, isobutyl-, isoamylamines.

Leaf composition:

  • sambunigrin (0.11%);
  • essential oil;
  • aldehydes;
  • vitamin C: up to 280 mg (only in fresh leaves);
  • carotene.

Attention! When dried, provitamin A1 is additionally formed.

Bark composition:

  • essential oil;
  • choline;
  • phytosterol;
  • betulin;
  • pectin, triterpene, tannin compounds

Fruit composition:

  • ascorbic acid (up to 49 mg);
  • carotene;
  • anthocyanin substances;
  • chrysanthemum;
  • sambucicyanin;
  • tannins;
  • acids: amino and carboxylic.

The seeds are a source of fatty oil.

Important! Black elderberry is moderately toxic. Its berries must be heat treated before use.

Nutritional value and calorie content of berries

Elderberry fruits are almost 80% water, which has a very useful composition plus, the energy value of which is -73 kcal. Ingredients: proteins - 0.66 g, fats - 0.5 g, carbohydrates - 11.4 g, dietary fiber - 7 g, ash - 0.64 g, water - 79.8 g, saturated fatty acids - 0.023 g, vitamins, minerals.

Vitamins and minerals

Name Quantity % of days. Norms Name Quantity % of days. norms

  • PP (NE) (PP) 0.5 mg 4 Selenium (Se) 0.6 μg 1
  • C (C) 36 mg 35-40 Copper (Cu) 61 mg 6
  • B9 (B9) 6 mcg 2 Zinc (Zn) 0.11 mg 1
  • B6 (B6) 0.23 mg 12 Iron (Fe) 1.6 mg 9
  • B5 (B5) 0.14 mg 3 Phosphorus (P) 9 mg 5
  • B2 (B2) 0.06 mg 3 Potassium (K) 280 mg 11
  • B1 (B1) 0.07 mg 5 Sodium (Na) 6 mg 0
  • A (RE) (A (RE)) 30 mcg 3 Magnesium (Mg) 5 mg 1
  • Calcium (Ca) 38 mg 4

Useful and healing properties

This plant has many different properties that have been noticed for quite some time. These qualities quickly found their application in all areas of life. For example:

  1. Juice is a natural dye. It was used to dye fabrics. For example, to obtain black color, it was mixed with green vitriol. Currently, they are used to color various drinks.
  2. To keep the apple harvest fragrant for a long time, they are laid, wrapped in sambucus leaves.
  3. Fresh leaves, rich in vitamin C, are a healthy component of salads.
  4. Anti-inflammatory properties are in great demand among cosmetologists. Flowers are most often used, but leaves with berries also have regular uses.
  5. The high content of useful substances of the bush provides a wide range of medicinal properties. Among which:
    sedative, tonic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, expectorant, diaphoretic, diuretic, laxative.

For your information! Sambucus berries are the most valuable component of the plant!

Application in official and folk medicine

Medical specialists recognize the therapeutic qualities of Sambucus nigra. Classical medicine practices the use of only inflorescences. Doctors recommend their infusions for acute respiratory infections, influenza virus, as a diaphoretic, tonic. Not so often, but it is used during treatment of: pharyngitis, bronchitis, kidney disease, bladder disease, neuralgia.

Folk recipes provide significantly more options for use. In addition to berries and flowers, the following are used for medicinal purposes: roots, bark, young branches, leaves. They are used to make decoctions, lotions, various infusions and teas. The list of diseases for the treatment of which it is recommended to use such drugs is huge. Here are some options when different parts of the plant are used according to folk recipes.

Berries. Their applications are extremely diverse.

  • freshly squeezed juice, useful in the treatment of varicose veins and constipation;
  • a decoction of the fruit is effective against hepatitis, chronic pancreatitis, diabetes mellitus and metabolic disorders;
  • Seed oil is a good antipyretic, in addition, an effective medicine against rheumatism.
  • berry infusion improves metabolism, promotes better bile secretion and increased diuresis.
  • wine extract, for external use in oncological diseases
  • boiled or jam, used additionally for stomach cancer.

For your information! Elderberry fruits can be used equally effectively both fresh and dried! The berries do not lose their healing properties.

Flowers: used as anti-inflammatory decoctions or internal use is prescribed for the treatment of:

  • flu;
  • colds;
  • cough;
  • bladder inflammation; etc.

External use at:

  • acne;
  • furunculosis;
  • arthritis or arthrosis (lotions);
  • sore throat; pharyngitis or laryngitis (gargling)

Leaves have good hemostatic and analgesic properties, the effect is most pronounced in young leaves. A decoction of milk is used to treat hemorrhoids, as well as skin injuries, for example: burns, diaper rash.

Bark and young twigs . They are recommended to be taken when you have the following diseases:

  • disorders of the urinary system or intestines;
  • atherosclerosis
  • skin diseases.

To prepare decoctions, the dried bark and twigs are finely crushed.

Healing folk recipes

Traditional recipes are rarely recognized by traditional medicine specialists as safe, much less effective. But they turn out to be effective, that’s a fact. The foundation for most recipes is centuries-old observations, knowledge, wisdom, and many people. Although folk recipes have already proven their effectiveness, before you start using them you need to consult with a specialist so as not to cause unnecessary damage to your health.

Important! Elderberry is a strong immune stimulant. As a result, it neutralizes the properties of some drugs aimed at treating autoimmune diseases. In addition, it blocks the effect of corticosteroids.

Cancer drugs

Of course, it is impossible to hope that cancer can be cured by drinking one course of a medicinal plant. Preparations based on elderberry are very useful, they help the body maintain strength and directly fight the disease. But only complex use makes it possible to recover. The healing properties of sambucus are very pronounced in the treatment of cancer diseases such as:

  • stomach cancer;
  • prostate cancer;
  • adenoma.

Recipe for medicinal syrup for cancer

  1. Sambucus fruits are laid out in a 1.5 cm layer on the bottom of a glass dish.
  2. A layer of sugar is poured in so that it hides the berries. Next, the laying out process is repeated until the top of the container. The last layer should be a layer of sugar.
  3. Cover with gauze and leave for a month.
  4. After 4 weeks, strain the syrup and subsequently store in the refrigerator.

Application: Take 1 tablespoon of syrup after meals. It is advisable to drink a glass of clean water 10 minutes before eating. The course of admission is 1.5 months, the break between courses should be 1 month.

Recipe for pureed elderberry

Syrup, jam, sambucus jam is an excellent prevention of oncology.

Elderberry for diabetes

Elderberry - well regulates the body's production of insulin and glucose. Therefore, it is recommended for the prevention or treatment of diabetes. When diagnosing diabetes or its complications, it is recommended to take a decoction of the roots. Baths made from any available sambucus raw material are also desirable. They have an overall, very positive effect.

Important! If you have diabetes, you should not take Sambucus and drugs that lower blood sugar levels at the same time, as combined use can cause hypoglycemia!

Infusions and decoctions for joint pain

Wonderful preventive remedies for joint diseases are decoctions or infusions of inflorescences. If the disease has overtaken you, you should use one of the following recipes:

Medicinal infusion for gout.

Pour 4 - 5 tbsp. l. flowers with 1 liter of hot water, leave for 4 hours. Then the resulting solution must be filtered. You should take 0.5 cups 2 times a day before meals. It is advisable that the infusion be warm. This medicine can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 4 days. The same recipe is suitable for relieving symptoms of rheumatism.

Arthritis treatment

To the elderberry raw material you need to add nettle, as well as parsley root, all in equal proportions. 2 tbsp. Brew spoons of the resulting mixture in 0.5 liters of boiling water for 15 - 20 minutes. You need to drink 400 ml of infusion per day in equal parts. Compresses made according to the proportion of 50% elderberry - 50% chamomile help relieve joint pain and are applied for approximately 1.5-2 hours.

Benefits for women's health

For women, elderberry raw materials are a real find. This plant will help restore and maintain women's health. An infusion of inflorescences, used for douching, is an excellent remedy for many gynecological diseases. Puree of fresh sambucus fruits will help get rid of acne. A decoction of flowers removes age spots well if you regularly wipe your face with it.

For your information! 100 ml of black elderberry inflorescence decoction contains the daily requirement of vitamin C! Since this is a natural and not a synthesized vitamin, there cannot be an overdose of it, the excess will simply be eliminated from the body!

How to collect and store medicinal raw materials

Almost all parts of elderberry can be used medicinally. In order for the raw materials to be of high quality and not lose their healing properties, it is important to collect them on time and dry them properly.

Baskets of inflorescences , should be collected when they fully bloom, but before they fall off. To dry flowers, you need to cover them from sunlight, the temperature is preferably about 30 C. After drying, rub through a sieve.

Fruit, their collection for harvesting begins after full ripening - in September. The berries are air-dried and then dried at a temperature of 60-65 C.

Roots, this part of the plant is harvested at the end of autumn. Dry thoroughly, then grind to powder.

Bark. Its preparation occurs before the start of sap flow. Optimal drying temperature: 65-70C.

Shelf life:

  • dried flowers – 2 years;
  • dried fruits – 6 months;
  • root powder – 5 years;
  • crushed bark – 3 years.

Important! Store dried raw materials in a dry, ventilated room. When damp, it loses its medicinal qualities and deteriorates. Exceeding the storage period is PROHIBITED!

Black elderberry jam

Even a sweet delicacy made from the fruits of this plant is distinguished by its benefits and excellent taste. There are many options for sweet desserts, for example:

  • honey – prepared from flowers;
  • marshmallow - from fruit squeeze;
  • jam - from crushed fresh fruits;
  • syrup - from berries;
  • jelly - made from dried berries;
  • jam - made from ripe berries, the most common option.

There are several ways to prepare the jam: without water, with water, with the addition of lemon juice, thick jam, etc. All of them are simple, but still, the simplest is with water.

Jam recipe

  1. Stirring slowly, prepare the syrup according to the calculation: 800 g sugar - 200 ml water.
  2. Place ripe fruits into boiling syrup, being careful not to get burned.
  3. Cook over low heat until fully cooked.

All the delicious jam is ready. You can eat it as soon as it cools down, or you can put it in jars and leave it for the winter. This kind of boiling in winter will support the immune system well, and in case of a cold it will help bring down the temperature.

Harm and contraindications

Elderberry delights with its many beneficial qualities, but still, do not forget that it is classified as conditionally poisonous.

If used carelessly, it can seriously harm your health. For the same reason, it is worth remembering the contraindications for use for:

  • children under 12 years of age;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • people with inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • persons diagnosed with Corn's disease;
  • suffering from an allergic reaction.


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