For cases with moderately relaxed masticatory muscles. The resuscitator at the victim’s head inserts his index finger into the corner of the mouth and presses it on the upper teeth. Next, by crossing the index finger with the thumb of the same hand, he presses it against the lower teeth and forcibly opens the victim’s mouth (Fig. 2, 3).

3. Technique: finger behind the teeth (Safar). With significant contraction (tension) of the masticatory muscles. The index finger of the left hand is inserted behind the molars and the mouth is opened, resting on the forehead with the right hand (Fig. 3). After opening the mouth, in which there are foreign bodies, they are removed.

III. Ensuring airway patency in case of cervical spine injury

Before performing artificial ventilation, the cervical spine is examined. If there are changes, immobilization is performed.

For fractures of the cervical vertebrae, immobilization is carried out using an Elansky splint, using improvised means, a massive cotton-gauze bandage - a Shants-type collar, or fixing the head end to a stretcher. Emergency medical teams are now equipped with cervical collars.

Skill: Applying a cervical collar "Stifnesk" (Fig. 4 a).

Indications for applying a cervical collar: polytrauma; closed injury above the level of the collarbones, lack of consciousness due to injury or poisoning; maxillofacial trauma, configuration changes in the neck area, back pain.

This collar provides rigid neck support. At the same time, the possibility of manipulating the trachea remains.

It is applied at the scene of the incident. To do this you need: bring the cervical spine to the middle position according to the midline along the axis of the spine. Direct the axis of the eyes forward so that an angle of 90º is formed relative to the cervical spine.

Select the size of the neck collar (available in 4 adult sizes, or sets in a set). It is equal to the distance from the edge of the trapezius muscle to the line of the chin (The trapezius muscle begins along the posterior edge of the clavicle and goes to the back of the head, its anterior edge runs parallel to the posterior edge of the sternocleidomastoid muscle).

This distance is measured with the fingers of a healthcare worker. The cervical collar is placed over the back of the neck on the lying victim, so as not to catch clothes and hair (at the slightest movement in the cervical spine) so that the chin rests on the neckline of the collar, and its lower part rests against the chest. In this position, pull the end of the collar and fix it with Velcro (Fig. 4 b).

When a cervical collar is applied, the chin - collar - chest is stabilized.

If pain, cramps or other changes occur after application, remove the collar.

X-ray or computer diagnostics are carried out without removing the collar.

IV. Inspection and sanitation of the oral cavity using manual and hardware methods

Skill: Finger Cleaning Mouth

The resuscitator opens the victim's mouth. The thumb and forefinger of the left hand fixes the jaws. Using the index finger of the right hand, which is wrapped in a gauze napkin (handkerchief), frees the mouth from foreign bodies, vomit, blood clots, dentures, and sputum (Fig. 5).

To securely fix the tongue and ensure airway patency, air ducts are inserted.

Skill: Introduction of Gudel or S-shaped Safar duct

It is necessary to prepare the oropharyngeal (Fig. 6) or nasopharyngeal air duct. The tongue is secured with a napkin, pulled towards you, and the air duct is inserted concavely downwards (Fig. 6(1)). If the tongue is not fixed, the oropharyngeal airway is inserted upward (Fig. 6(2)), and at the posterior wall of the pharynx it is turned concave downward (Fig. 6(3)). This is the method for introducing the Safar air duct (Fig. 7, 1-2).

The nasopharyngeal airway is inserted into victims with obstruction of the upper respiratory tract, who remain conscious, with trauma to the oral cavity, teeth, or oropharynx. Contraindications include occlusion of the nasal cavity, fractures of the nasal bones and base of the skull, deviated nasal septum, and leakage of cerebrospinal fluid through the nose. Secure the air ducts with adhesive tape. If the insertion of the air duct causes vomiting, the manipulation is carried out on the victim’s side.

To maintain patency of the airway, tracheal intubation is performed.

There are two types of intubation:

1. Oropharyngeal - carried out in case of impaired consciousness, absence of obvious signs of damage;

2. Nasopharyngeal - with preserved consciousness, damage to the oral cavity, pharynx, and cervical spine.

Monitoring the condition of the cervical spine is the main measure in ensuring airway patency, especially if:

There are changes in the configuration of the cervical spine.

The victim feels pain in his back.

Blunt trauma above the collarbone is noted and damage to several organs is detected.

There are disturbances of consciousness as a result of injury or poisoning.

There is a maxillofacial injury.

Indication: prevention of asphyxia.

Equipment: tray, sterile napkins or balls, electric suction, suction catheters, forceps or tweezers, rubber gloves, container (jar) with furatsilin solution, container with disinfectant solution.


1. Calm the patient, explain to him the course of the upcoming manipulation (if time permits).

2. Wear rubber gloves.

3. Turn the patient's head to the side at the first urge to vomit.

4. Place the tray towards the patient’s face.

5. Remove vomit from the patient’s mouth using an electric suction device (by inserting the end of a catheter connected to the suction device into the patient’s oral cavity).

6. Wipe the oral cavity with a sterile gauze napkin on a clamp (forceps) after removing vomit (or with a gauze ball clamped in tweezers).

7. Rinse the catheter with a disinfectant solution, aspirating the disinfectant solution from the container (from a jar of furatsilin).

8. Add a disinfectant solution to the electric suction jar containing the collected vomit to disinfect it.

9. Empty the jar from the electric suction device.

Insertion of orotracheal airway Indication: prevention of tongue retraction to prevent airway blockage.

Equipment: set of Guedel type air ducts (Figure

29) of different sizes, spatula, rubber gloves, container with disinfectant solution.


1. Wear gloves.

3. Open the patient’s mouth with crossed fingers or by raising the tongue and lower jaw, or by

"finger behind teeth"

Figure 29. Guedel type orotracheal airway.

4. Insert the air duct into the mouth with a curvature towards the lower teeth and turn it 180˚, or (better) using a spatula, squeeze out the root of the tongue and insert the air duct under visual control with a curvature towards the upper teeth.

5.After completing the manipulation, place the spatula and gloves in a container with a disinfectant solution.


Compiling a set of instruments for tracheostomy Indications for tracheostomy: impossibility of tracheal intubation due to edema or technical difficulties, mechanical ventilation for more than 3 days.


Scalpels - 2;

Forceps - 2;

Hemostatic forceps (Billroth and Kocher)

Linen tacks - 4;

Farabeuf hooks - 2;

Button probe - 1;

Grooved probe - 1;

Kocher probe - 1;

Tracheorodilator Trousseau - 1;

Single-prong hook - 1;

Tracheostomy tubes of different sizes;

Anatomical tweezers -2;

Surgical tweezers - 2;

Needle holder - 2;

Surgical needles;

Syringes with needles 10-20 ml - 2;

Scissors straight and curved - 2.

Rules for caring for tracheostomy

Tracheostomy care includes changing the internal tubes of the tracheostomy cannula, sanitation of the tracheobronchial tree and dressings (treatment of the skin around the tracheostomy). A tracheostomy is essentially an open wound with an increased risk of infection, primarily from the respiratory tract, requiring strict adherence to aseptic rules. It is necessary to remember about the possibility of extremely (often fatal) dangerous complications:

· Loss of the tracheostomy tube (in this case, a clamp is inserted into the tracheal incision, the edges of the incision are moved apart to provide air access by opening the jaws of the clamp, and a doctor is called;

· Acute respiratory failure due to blockage of the tracheostomy tube (the inner tube is immediately removed, sputum is sucked out from the trachea and bronchi);

· The appearance of subcutaneous emphysema of the neck with compression of the trachea (most often due to too tight suturing of the skin wound around the tracheostomy tube - a doctor is called, 1-2 skin sutures are removed near the tube);

· Wound suppuration and bleeding from the wound (call a doctor immediately.

I. Replacement of the tracheostomy tube. The tracheostomy tube is replaced every 2-3 hours in the first three days after the tracheostomy, and the inner tube of the cannula is replaced with another, sterile, appropriate size (see below for the technique of changing the tube).

II. Suction of sputum from the trachea and bronchi through a tracheostomy or endotracheal


Indication: prevention of asphyxia due to blockage of the tracheotomy tube by viscous secretions, prevention of bronchopneumonia in severely ill patients.

Equipment: sterile catheter for suctioning sputum (the catheter must have a rounded end, the outer diameter is no more than 1/2 the inner diameter of the tube, preferably disposable), a sterile solution of furatsilin 1:5000 in a jar, an electric suction, sterile pipettes, rubber gloves, a container with a disinfectant solution .


2. Wear rubber gloves.

3. Connect the catheter to the electric suction device.

4. Turn the patient's head in the direction opposite to the intended direction of the catheter beak.

5. Insert the catheter as far as possible into one of the main bronchi (if a cough occurs, the advancement of the catheter is suspended, and then the insertion of the catheter is continued during inhalation).

6. Turn on the electric suction and suck out the sputum.

7. Remove the catheter after 5-10 seconds. aspiration.

8. Rinse the catheter with furatsilin solution from a sterile jar without turning off the suction.

9. Turn off the electric suction.

10. Turn the patient's head in the opposite direction.

11. Insert the catheter into the other bronchus and continue aspiration.

12. Remove the catheter from the respiratory tract, making rotational movements when removing it.

14. Remove gloves and place them in a container with a disinfectant solution.

Note. If there is thick mucus, 4-5 drops of 4% sodium bicarbonate solution are poured into the tracheostomy or endotracheal tube. For viscous sputum - 1 ml of freshly prepared trypsin or chymotrypsin solution. The procedure is repeated 4-5 times with breaks of 3-5 seconds. and suck out the mucus using an electric suction device. As prescribed by the doctor, 1 ml of antibiotic is infused to prevent inflammation of the tracheal mucosa (after carrying out a tolerance test).

III. Treatment of the skin around the tracheostomy. Indication: postoperative wound treatment. Equipment: 1% iodonate solution, 96% alcohol, 0.9% sodium chloride solution, sterile petroleum jelly,

2 tweezers, scissors, dressing material, inner tube of tracheotomy cannula of appropriate size, rubber gloves, container with disinfectant solution.


1. Calm the patient, explain the course of the upcoming manipulation (if the patient is conscious).

2. Wear rubber gloves.

3. Remove the inner tube of the tracheotomy cannula from the trachea after suctioning out the mucus.

4. Lubricate the prepared sterile inner tube of the tracheotomy cannula with a sterile cloth soaked in sterile petroleum jelly.

5. Insert an inner tube of the appropriate size into the outer tube of the tracheostomy cannula and secure it with a lock (the metal tube is changed 2-3 times a day, the plastic tube - 1 time a day).

6. Treat the skin and seams around the cannula with balls moistened with 1% iodonate solution, then with 96% alcohol (work with blotting movements to treat the seams).

7. Cut 2 napkins to the middle on one side and place the cannulas under the shield with the cut ends facing each other (change the napkins after 4-5 hours or as they get wet).

8. Close the tracheotomy opening of the cannula with a damp gauze cloth moistened with a 0.9% sodium chloride solution to prevent drying of the mucous membrane and moisten it as it dries (if the patient is not undergoing mechanical ventilation through a tracheostomy).

10. Remove gloves and place them in a container with disinfectant solution.

Note. To prevent the mucous membrane from drying out, pour 2-3 drops of sterile petroleum jelly or glycerin into the trachea.

Carrying out drainage of the pleural cavity according to Bulau

A drainage tube into the pleural cavity is installed by a doctor during chest surgery or as an independent treatment procedure through a puncture in VII-VIII

intercostal space along the middle or posterior axillary line, the tube is closed by applying a clamp to it, the nurse in the ward (dressing room, operating room) makes a valve on the tube to prevent atmospheric air from being sucked into the pleural cavity.

Indications: chest injuries with the formation of pneumo- and hemothorax, hydrothorax, exudative pleurisy, operations on the organs of the chest cavity


Sterile tray;

Glass bottle;



Silk thread;

Furacilin solution 1:5000;

Latex gloves.


1. Pour the furatsilin solution into a glass bottle to the 200 ml mark.

2. Cut off the finger from the rubber glove.

3. Make a 2 cm cut at the end of the rubber glove finger.

4. Place the finger of the glove on the drainage tube.

5. Secure the glove finger to the drainage tube with a silk thread, tying it around the finger.

6. Place the end of the drainage tube with the gloved finger into the bottle with furatsilin.

7. Remove the clamp from the drain.

8. Place the bottle with furatsilin below the level of the patient’s bed on a stand.

9. Monitor the filling of the bottle.

10. Remove gloves and place them in a container with a disinfectant solution.”

Note. If hemorrhagic contents appear in the Bobrov apparatus with an intensity of more than 50 ml per hour, immediately inform the doctor.

Preparation of a tracheal intubation kit(tracheal intubation is performed by a doctor, a nurse prepares everything necessary and helps with manipulation)

Indications: performing mechanical ventilation in acute respiratory failure using a device, performing endotracheal anesthesia with muscle relaxants.


Putty knife;

Hemostatic clamp;

Dental spacers;

Air ducts;

Laryngoscope with a set of straight and curved blades (Figure 30);

Endotracheal tube set;


Spray with lubricant for endotracheal tubes;

Guide wire for endotracheal tubes;


Catheters for sputum suction;

Electric suction;

Magill anesthetic forceps;


Drawing. Laryngoscope with a set of blades and illuminator.

Note. Before intubation, the nurse should check that the laryngoscope and light source are working properly.

Vibration chest massage Indication:


1. Place the patient on his side.

2. Perform gentle tapping with palms, ribs of palms or fists over the entire surface of the chest (except for the heart area) for 2-3 minutes.

3. Repeat this procedure 4-8 times a day, alternating sides of turns.

Carrying out oxygen therapy Indications: acute respiratory failure, acute heart failure, carbon monoxide poisoning.

Equipment: sterile catheter, sterile petroleum jelly, sterile gauze balls, brilliant green solution, rubber gloves, container with disinfectant solution.


1. Reassure the patient and explain the course of the upcoming manipulation.

2. Wear rubber gloves.

3. Using a catheter, determine the distance from the tragus of the auricle to the patient’s nasolabial fold, and make a mark at this distance from the end of the catheter.

4. Lubricate the catheter with sterile petroleum jelly.

5. Insert the catheter into the lower nasal passage and further into the pharynx to the mark (the tip of the inserted catheter should be visible when examining the pharynx).

6. Secure the outer part of the catheter with a piece of bandage around the patient's face or with an adhesive tape glued to the patient's face near the nose.

7. Open the dosimeter (rotameter) valve and supply oxygen at a rate of 2 - 3 l/min, controlling the speed on the dosimeter (rotameter) scale.

8. Remove the catheter at the end of the procedure.

9. Place used medical supplies in a container with disinfectant solution.

10. Remove gloves and place them in a container with a disinfectant solution.

Note. Oxygen therapy can also be carried out using a transparent plastic mask placed on the patient's face. Recommended doses of oxygen-air mixture (which is preferable to using pure oxygen) in a 1:1 ratio are 5-8 l/min.

Cricothyroidotomy (conicotomy)

Cricothyroidotomy (conicotomy) is an emergency operation performed for life-saving reasons as a last resort for acute respiratory failure caused by a foreign body entering the respiratory tract when it cannot be urgently removed by other means. The operation is performed by a doctor or specially trained personnel.

Indications. Acute respiratory failure due to the entry of a foreign body into the respiratory tract, which cannot be removed with the fingers, by blows and compressions, by electric suction, etc.


1. scalpel -2;

2. tweezers - 2;

3. scissors;

4. linen tacks - 4;

5. syringe with injection needle;

6. dressings (diapers, napkins and balls);

7. tracheostomy tubes of different sizes (for adults - with an outer diameter of 6 mm, for children - 3 mm) or a tube made of endotracheal (cut obliquely at a distance of 5-6 cm from the connector);

8. 0.25% novocaine solution 50 ml;

9. iodonate 1%;

10. chlorhexidine bigluconate 0.5%;

11. rubber gloves;

12. container with disinfectant solution.


1. Place the patient on his back with his head thrown back and a bolster placed under his shoulder blades.

2. Treat your hands with a solution of chlorhexidine bigluconate.

3. Wear gloves.

4. Treat the front surface of the neck with iodonate twice.

5. Cover the front surface of the neck with 4 diapers and secure them with pins.

6. Perform local infiltration anesthesia of the skin of the anterior surface of the neck with a 0.25% solution of novocaine at the site of the intended incision (between the thyroid and cricoid cartilage).

7. Place the first and third fingers of the left hand on the lateral surfaces of the thyroid cartilage, and with your index finger feel the gap between the thyroid and cricoid cartilages (Figure 31).

8. In the indicated interval, a transverse incision up to 1.5 cm long is made.

9. Using the index finger of the left hand, they feel the membrane located between the cricoid and thyroid cartilages and perforate it with the tip of a scalpel.

10. A tracheostomy tube is inserted into the lumen of the larynx through the incision.

11. The edges of the wound are treated with iodonate solution.

12. Place 2 gauze napkins cut to the middle (with the cuts opposite) around the tracheostomy tube.

Figure 31. Determining the location of the incision for conicotomy (indicated by an arrow)

13. Secure the tracheostomy tube around the neck with a piece of bandage.

14. Place the used dressing material, instruments, gloves in a container with a disinfectant solution. Note. Due to lack of time, the operation is performed, as a rule, without anesthesia, and also without observing the rules of asepsis (hand treatment and surgical field, covering the surgical field with sterile linen). Depending on the circumstances, the operation can be performed using improvised means (a table or penknife, a tube from a ballpoint pen, a piece of tube from a blood transfusion system, etc.). In addition, there is

a special instrument - a conicotome, which is a stylet - a catheter; They pierce the anterior surface of the larynx, in the lumen of which a tube remains after the stylet is removed.

Assisted cough Indication: facilitating sputum discharge in severely ill patients.


1. Place both hands on the lower lateral sections of both halves of the chest.

2. With each exhalation, perform a short vigorous compression of the chest.

3. Carry out the procedure for 2-3 minutes.

4. Repeat the procedure 4-8 times a day.

Carrying out pericardial puncture(manipulation is performed by a doctor with the help of a nurse)

Indications: evacuation of fluid in case of exudative pericarditis, blood in case of hemopericardium, administration of drugs into the pericardial cavity.


1. sterile tray;

2. puncture needle 15 cm long, 1.2-1.5 mm in diameter;

3. tweezers;

4. disposable syringe with needle;

5. reusable syringe;

6. novocaine solution 0.25% - 50 ml;

7. 1% iodonate solution;

9. sterile test tube with stopper;

10. rubber gloves;

11. adhesive plaster.


1. Place the patient in a lying position with the head end elevated.

2. Wear rubber gloves.

3. Treat the skin in the area of ​​the xiphoid process of the sternum and the left costal arch twice with a sterile gauze cloth with iodonate solution on tweezers.

4. Perform layer-by-layer infiltration anesthesia of soft tissues with a 0.5% solution of novocaine in an amount of 15-20 ml in the angle formed by the costal arch and the xiphoid process.

5. Prepare a puncture needle on a syringe with a 0.25% novocaine solution.

6. Perform a puncture of the pericardium at a point located between the left costal arch and the xiphoid process at an angle of 30° towards the left shoulder joint until a feeling of failure (a sterile electrode connected to a cardiac monitor can be put on the needle at the pavilion; if the needle touches the heart, ECG changes appear).

7. Slowly suck out the contents of the pericardial cavity.

8. Pour the resulting liquid from the syringe into the test tube without touching its walls.

9. Remove the puncture needle and treat the puncture site with iodonate.

10. Cover the puncture site with a sterile gauze pad and seal it with an adhesive plaster.

11. Place the used instrument in a container with a disinfectant solution.

12. Remove rubber gloves and place in a container with a disinfectant solution.

Cardioversion (defibrillation)

Cardioversion is performed by a doctor with the help of a nurse, and in an emergency - by specially trained personnel (rescuers). Planned cardioversion is performed under anesthesia, emergency (for health reasons in unconscious patients) - without anesthesia.

Indications: ventricular fibrillation, ventricular paroxysmal tachycardia, atrial fibrillation.

Equipment: defibrillator with electrodes, electrically conductive paste or saline solution, gauze pads or sponge.


1. The patient lies on his back.

2. The electrode plates are lubricated with electrically conductive paste (or gauze pads or a sponge lightly moistened with saline are placed under them).

3. Electrodes are applied to the patient’s body in the following order: black (negative) - below the right collarbone, red (positive) - on the anterolateral surface of the chest below the left nipple (at the apex of the heart) and pressed tightly - Figure 32.

4. The discharge value is set on the defibrillator - first - 200 J, then - 300 J, then - 360 J, for children - 2 J / kg (or from 2 to 4 kV) and the “charge” button is pressed.

5. The command is given: “Everyone move away!”

6. After the charge indicator lights up, press the buttons located on the electrode handles.

7. If necessary, defibrillation is repeated with increasing shock values ​​(see above).

8. After completing the procedure, the electrodes are wiped dry.

Figure 32. Places for electrode application during cardioversion.

Monitoring the patient using a heart monitor

Patient tracking (monitoring) in the intensive care unit using special devices - monitors allows you to objectify information about the state of the body, which

necessary to carry out timely correction of emerging disorders, as well as to sound an alarm in case of sudden life-threatening conditions. Most monitors record the following indicators: blood pressure, ECG, heart rate, blood oxygen saturation or pulse oximetry (spO2). In addition, with the help of some monitors it is possible to monitor the values ​​of other parameters (central venous pressure using special sensors attached to the subclavian catheter; temperature, mainly internal - in the rectum, bladder, pharynx, etc.; partial pressure of carbon dioxide in exhaled air and respiratory rate - during mechanical ventilation). Changes in the values ​​of central venous pressure, degree of oxygen saturation in the blood, partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the exhaled air, in addition to demonstrating absolute values ​​at each moment of tracking on the monitor display, are depicted graphically in the form of curves, which are called, respectively, pulsogram, photoplethysmogram, capnogram.

Installation of sensors. A self-inflating cuff with a sensor for measuring blood pressure is placed in a standard place - on the patient's shoulder. Electrodes for recording ECG are usually glued to the dry skin of the patient's chest in the following order: red (I lead) - in the right subclavian region, yellow (II lead) - in the left subclavian region, green (III lead) - in the V intercostal space in the middle -clavicular line on the left; Lead II is usually displayed on the display. The blood oxygen saturation sensor (“clothes peg”) is placed on the distal phalanx of the finger so that the plate

the sensor with a light source was placed on top of the nail plate, or on the earlobe (a decrease in the value of this indicator less than 92% indicates hypoxia).

Monitor Control is carried out in accordance with the instructions given in the passport of a particular device (this is done differently for monitors of different models).

Registration of indicators(BP, spO2, heart rate, respiratory rate) is produced by the nurse in the intensive observation card, usually in the form of linear graphs - histograms.

When conducting hardware monitoring the nurse should:

Install the sensors of the device on the patient’s body and ensure that they maintain the correct position;

Turn on the device and set it to operating mode;

Register the values ​​of physiological parameters on the display and display them with a certain frequency in the intensive observation map (usually this is done once an hour, more often if necessary);

In the event of an alarm, call a doctor and, if necessary, immediately begin resuscitation measures;

After completing monitoring, dispose of disposable sensors and disinfect reusable sensors.

Insertion of a nasogastric tube(manipulation is usually performed by a doctor with the help of a nurse, or a nurse with the doctor’s permission)

Indications: decompression of the stomach during intestinal paresis, feeding a patient in a coma and on prolonged mechanical ventilation, prevention of asphyxia with stomach contents.

Equipment: sterile thin nasogastric tube, reusable syringe 5 ml, Janet syringe, tray, container for collecting stomach contents, container with water for gastric lavage, clamp, scissors, sterile napkins and balls, electric suction, rubber gloves, container with disinfectant solution, adhesive plaster or gauze bandage , scissors. sterile petroleum jelly or glycerin, brilliant green solution.


1. Calm the patient, explain the course of the upcoming manipulation (if the patient is conscious)

2. Wear rubber gloves.

3. Measure the distance from the mouth to the stomach using one of the following methods (for example, the distance from the incisors to the navel plus the diameter of the palm) and make a mark on the probe.

4. Lubricate the probe with sterile petroleum jelly or glycerin.

5. Insert a thin gastric tube through the nasal passage to the mark (in a conscious patient, the probe is inserted 10-15 cm, the patient is asked to make a swallowing movement and the probe moves further at this moment). If the patient is unconscious, then the probe is inserted at a distance of 10-15 cm into the nasal passage, then the fingers of the left hand cover the larynx from the posterolateral sides, pull the larynx forward and quickly move the probe into the esophagus (when the larynx is pulled up, the entrance to the esophagus opens).

6. Check that the tube is in the stomach (if gastric contents do not flow through it),

by introducing air using a reusable syringe placed on a probe (a characteristic gurgling sound is heard in the epigastric region).

7. Suck out the contents of the stomach using a Janet syringe or electric suction.

8. Secure the probe with a piece of bandage tied around the neck (or wrap the probe with a strip of adhesive tape near the patient’s nose and glue its ends to the skin of the face).

9. Place a sterile napkin and a clamp on the end of the probe.

10. Rinse the probe every 2 hours with saline solution (to maintain the patency of the probe), periodically slightly tighten the probe to prevent sticking to the gastric mucosa (if the patient is conscious, then he is allowed to drink water, this way the probe is washed).

11. Remove the probe as directed by the doctor.

12. Place used medical supplies in a container with disinfectant solution.

13. Remove gloves and place them in a container with disinfectant solution.

Feeding the patient through a nasogastric tube Indication: artificial feeding of unconscious patients, feeding of severely ill patients with swallowing disorders.

Equipment: sterile glass funnel, sterile napkins, clamp, containers with warm liquid and semi-liquid food and water, rubber gloves, glass funnel or Janet syringe, safety pin, container with disinfectant solution.


1. Calm the patient, explain the course of the upcoming manipulation (if the patient is conscious).

2. Wear rubber gloves.

3. Remove the plug or clamp from the probe.

4. Place a glass funnel or a Janet syringe with the piston pulled out onto the probe.

5. Fill the Janet funnel or syringe with food.

6. Raise the funnel or Janet syringe upward to allow food to enter the stomach (you can insert a plunger into the syringe and, by pressing on it, introduce food into the stomach).

7. Rinse the funnel (Zhanet syringe) and the tube at the end of feeding by infusing warm tea, rosehip infusion, water, etc.

8. Remove the funnel or Janet syringe.

9. Place a sterile napkin on the end of the rubber tube, and a clamp on top of it, or close it with a plug (for this you can use a needle cap for a disposable syringe).

10. The free end of the probe can be attached to clothing with a safety pin.

11. Place used medical supplies in a container with disinfectant solution.

12. Remove gloves and place them in a container with a disinfectant solution.

Oral treatment

Indication: caring for a comatose patient on mechanical ventilation after surgery.

Equipment: 4% sodium bicarbonate solution, tweezers, 2 spatulas, sterile dressings (balls, napkins), Janet syringe, rubber gloves, container with disinfectant solution.


1. Calm the patient, explain the course of the upcoming manipulation (if the patient is conscious).

2. Wear rubber gloves.

3. Take tweezers with a sterile gauze ball soaked in a solution of sodium bicarbonate in your right hand, and a spatula in your left hand.

4. Pull back the left cheek with a spatula and wipe the teeth with tweezers with a sterile ball from the molars to the incisors (upper jaw).

5. Change the gauze ball and treat the lower jaw in the same sequence.

6. Change the position of your hands.

7. Pull back the right cheek with a spatula and wipe the teeth with tweezers; "with a sterile ball from the molars to the incisors (upper jaw).

8. Change the gauze ball and treat the lower jaw in the same sequence.

9. Then treat each tooth separately on all sides, especially carefully at the neck.

10. Wrap a napkin around a spatula, moisten it in a solution of sodium bicarbonate and treat the patient’s tongue.

11. Help the patient rinse his mouth with sodium bicarbonate solution or irrigate using a Janet syringe.

12. Dry the oral cavity using a gauze ball held in tweezers in an unconscious patient.

13. Place used medical supplies in a container with disinfectant solution.

14. Remove gloves and place them in a container with a disinfectant solution.

Setting up a lumbar puncture kit(a lumbar puncture is performed by a doctor, a nurse prepares everything necessary and helps with the manipulation)

Indications for lumbar puncture: diagnosis of meningitis, subarachnoid hemorrhage in traumatic brain injury and hemorrhagic stroke, measurement of cerebrospinal fluid pressure with increased intracranial pressure (brain tumor, cerebral edema, hydrocephalus), administration of medications, administration of air during pneumoencephalography (X-ray contrast study of the brain).


Sterile tray;

Beer needle for lumbar puncture with mandrin;

Sterile tube with stopper;

Disposable syringe with needle;

Tweezers - 3 pcs;

Novocaine 0.5% - 10ml;

70% alcohol;

Sterile dressing material (balls and napkins);

Claude pressure gauge for measuring cerebrospinal fluid pressure;


Container with disinfectant solution.

Note. After performing a lumbar puncture, the patient is shown strict bed rest for 2 hours, without a pillow, on his back (ambulatory patients after

two-hour strict bed rest, normal bed rest is prescribed for 2 days).

Insertion of an indwelling catheter into a woman Indications:

Equipment: furatsilin solution 1:5000, sterile tray, three tweezers, sterile soft Nelaton or Foley catheter, sterile wipes, sterile petroleum jelly, a vessel, a sterile jug for furatsilin solution or an Esmarch mug without a tip on a stand, rubber gloves, adhesive tape, graduated collection container urine, container with disinfectant solution.


1. Calm the patient, explain the course of the upcoming manipulation (if the patient is conscious).

2. Wear rubber gloves.

3. Lay the patient on her back, bend her knees and spread her legs.

4. Place an oilcloth under the patient’s buttocks and place the bedpan on the oilcloth.

5. Stand to the right of the patient, take a container with furatsilin solution or the end of the hose of an Esmarch mug filled with furatsilin in your left hand, and tweezers with napkins in your right hand.

6. Wash the patient with movements from top to bottom (from the pubis to the anus).

7. Change napkins.

8. Dry the patient’s skin in the same sequence (from the pubis to the anus).

9. Change tweezers.

10. Spread the labia with your left hand, take gauze napkins moistened with furatsilin solution with your right hand.

11. Wipe the area between the labia minora, moving from top to bottom (from the urethra to the perineum).

12. Change the napkin.

13. Apply a napkin soaked in furatsilin solution to the external opening of the urethra for 1 minute.

14. Remove the tampon, change the tweezers.

15. Take the beak of the soft catheter with tweezers at a distance of 4 - 6 cm from its end, like a writing pen.

16. Place the outer end of the catheter around the hand over the fingers and press it between the IV-V fingers of the right hand.

17. Douse the beak of the catheter with sterile petroleum jelly.

18. Carefully and effortlessly insert the catheter into the urethra to a length of 4 - 6 cm until urine appears.

19. Lower the free end of the catheter into a graduated urine collection container.

20. Secure the catheter with strips of adhesive tape glued to the skin of the pubic area (if the pubic hair is shaved) and the patient’s inner thigh. Inflate the cuff of the Foley catheter using a syringe and close the air channel opening with a plug.

21. Place used medical supplies in a container with disinfectant solution.

22. Remove gloves and place them in a container with a disinfectant solution.

Insertion of an indwelling catheter into a man Indications: removal of urine from the bladder when independent urination is impossible in severely ill patients, the need to calculate hourly and daily diuresis.

Equipment: furacilin solution 1:5000, sterile tray, two tweezers, sterile soft Nelaton or Foley catheter, sterile petroleum jelly, graduated urine collection container, dressing material (gauze balls and napkins), rubber gloves, container with disinfectant solution.


1. Calm the patient, explain the course of the upcoming manipulation (if the patient is conscious).

2. Wear rubber gloves.

3. Lay the patient on his back, the patient’s legs should be bent at the knees and apart, and place a container between the feet to collect urine.

4. Wrap a sterile napkin around the penis below the glans.

5. Take it between the III and IV fingers of your left hand.

6. Lightly squeeze the head of the penis with fingers I and II of your left hand to open the external opening of the urethra.

7. Take the ball with tweezers held in your right hand and moisten it in the furatsilin solution.

8. Treat the head of the penis from top to bottom (from the urethra) with a ball soaked in a solution of furatsilin To periphery), twice, changing balls.

9. Change tweezers.

10. Take the catheter with sterile tweezers (held in your right hand) at a distance of 5 - 7 cm from its beak (the beak of the catheter is lowered down). .

11. Circle the end of the catheter above the hand, so that it does not touch it (with an arc above the hand).

12. Clamp the end of the catheter between the IV-V fingers of your right hand.

13. “Drench a section of the catheter at a distance of 15-20 cm from the beak of the catheter with sterile petroleum jelly.

14. Insert the first 4 - 5 cm of the catheter into the urethra with tweezers, while lightly squeezing the head of the penis with the fingers of your left hand so that the catheter does not jump back out.

15. Use tweezers to grab the catheter another 3 - 5 cm from the head and slowly immerse it into the urethra, intercepting the catheter with tweezers, while simultaneously lowering the penis to a horizontal level, which facilitates the advancement of the catheter, until urine begins to flow out of it.

16. Lower the remaining end of the catheter into a container with divisions to collect urine.

17. Secure the catheter using strips of adhesive tape to the head of the penis and to the patient’s inner thigh. Inflate the cuff of the Foley catheter using a syringe and close the air channel opening with a plug.

18. Place used medical supplies in a container with disinfectant solution.

19. Remove gloves and place them in a container with a disinfectant solution.

Insertion of a peripheral venous catheter

Indication: the need for long-term infusion-transfusion therapy.


Sterile tray;

Sterile balls and napkins;


70° alcohol;

Peripheral intravenous catheters in several sizes;

Sterile gloves;


Bandage 7-10 cm wide;

3% hydrogen peroxide solution;

Container for disposal of sharps with disinfectant solution.


1. Check the integrity of the catheter packaging and the date of manufacture.

2. Provide good lighting when performing the manipulation.

3. Help the patient lie on his back, take a comfortable position.

4. Reassure the patient, explain the course of the upcoming manipulation.

5. Wash and dry your hands and put on rubber gloves.

6. Select the site of the intended vein catheterization.

7. Apply a tourniquet 10-15 cm above the intended catheterization area.

8. Ask the patient to forcefully bend and straighten his fingers several times.

9. Select a vein (visually and by palpation).

10. Treat the catheterization site with 70° alcohol twice and let the alcohol dry.

11. Take the catheter and remove the protective cover (if there is an additional plug on the cover, the cover

do not throw it away, but hold it between the fingers of your free hand).

12. Fix the vein by pressing it with your finger below the intended catheter insertion site.

13. Insert the catheter needle at an angle of 15° to the skin, observing the appearance of blood in the indicator chamber.

14. Fix the stylet needle, and slowly move the cannula completely from the needle into the lumen of the vein (do not remove the stylet needle completely from the catheter yet).

15. Remove the tourniquet.

16. Pinch the vein with your finger above the catheter insertion site to reduce bleeding and finally remove the needle from the catheter; place the needle in a sharps disposal container;

17. Remove the plug and connect the infusion system, remove your finger from the vein.

18. Secure the catheter using a fixing bandage (adhesive tape).

Peripheral venous catheter care

When working with a peripheral venous catheter, it is necessary to follow the rules of asepsis, work with sterile gloves, and after each administration of medicinal substances through the catheter, the sterile plug must be changed. It is recommended to change the catheterization site every 48-72 hours to avoid inflammation of the vein wall (phlebitis).


Sterile tray;

Tray for waste material;

Sterile dressing material;

A syringe with 10 ml of heparin solution in 0.25% novocaine or saline solution 1:10;

Syringe with 5 ml of sterile saline solution;

70° alcohol;

Sterile plugs in packaging for peripheral intravenous catheters;

Sterile gloves;

Container with disinfectant solution.


1. Prepare a sterile tray with dressing material and a sterile plug;

2. Calm the patient, place his hand in a comfortable position, explain the course of the upcoming manipulation.

3. Wear sterile rubber gloves.

4. Place two sterile wipes under the connecting tube and stop the infusion.

5. Disconnect the system for intravenous infusion of drugs from the peripheral venous catheter pavilion.

6. Connect a syringe with 5 ml of sterile saline solution and insert it into the catheter to flush it of blood to prevent thrombosis.

7. Disconnect the syringe from the catheter pavilion.

8. Connect a syringe with 10 ml of heparinized solution to the catheter pavilion and insert it into the catheter.

9. Disconnect the syringe from the catheter pavilion.

10. Close the entrance to the catheter with a sterile plug, place sterile wipes and syringes in a container with a disinfectant solution.

11. Monitor the condition of the fixing bandage and change it if dirty.

12. Regularly inspect the puncture site in order to detect complications early, inform the doctor about the appearance of swelling, redness, local increase

Note. When changing the adhesive bandage, do not cut it off with sharp instruments (scissors), as this can cut off the catheter. To prevent thrombophlebitis, it is advisable to apply a thin layer of heparin ointment to the vein above the puncture site.

Removal of a peripheral venous catheter Indications: the appearance of signs of phlebitis (swelling at the site of catheter insertion, redness of the skin around the catheter, local increase in temperature,

pain at the site of catheter insertion), after 48-72 hours of catheter placement, if the catheter thromboses, stop infusions and transfusions.


Sterile tray;

Sterile test tube with stopper,

Sterile scissors;

Tray for waste material;

Sterile gauze balls;


Heparin ointment;

70° alcohol;

A bottle with a 0.5% solution of chlorhexidine bigluconate;

Sterile gloves.


1. Reassure the patient and explain the progress of the upcoming procedure.

2. Wash your hands.

3. Stop infusion.

4. Remove the protective bandage.

5. Treat your hands twice with a 0.5% solution of chlorhexidine bigluconate.

6. Wear sterile gloves.

7. Remove the fixing bandage (without scissors).

8. Carefully and slowly remove the catheter from the vein.

9. Apply pressure to the catheterization site with a sterile gauze ball.

10. Treat the catheterization site with 70° alcohol twice.

11. Place a sterile gauze pad over the catheterization site.

12. Secure the bandage with a bandage.

13. Check the integrity of the catheter cannula. If a blood clot is present or infection of the catheter is suspected, cut off the tip of the cannula with sterile scissors.

14. Place the cut tip of the cannula in a sterile tube and send it to the bacteriological laboratory for testing.

15. Note in the patient’s chart the time, date and reason for catheter removal.

16. Dispose of the used catheter in accordance with safety regulations and sanitary and epidemiological regulations.

Compiling a kit for puncture and catheterization of the central vein

Puncture and catheterization of the central vein (the subclavian and jugular veins are most often used) is performed by a doctor. The nurse prepares everything necessary and assists the doctor during the procedure.

Indications for catheterization and central vein puncture: long-term infusion-transfusion therapy, the need for frequent CVP measurements, poorly defined peripheral veins.


Reusable syringe 20ml;

Needle for puncture of the subclavian vein 10-15 cm long with a cut at an angle of 45˚;

Disposable 5 ml syringe with needle;

3 tweezers;

Sterile dressing material (balls, napkins, diapers);

Iodonate 1%;

Chlorhexidine bigluconate 0.5%;

Sterile rubber gloves;

Sterile linen clips - 4 pcs.;

Needle holder with cutting needle;

Sterile silk thread;

Sterile scissors 2 pcs.;

Subclavian catheter with guide line and rubber plugs;

Novocaine solution 0.25% 200 ml;

0.2 ml of heparin with 2 ml of saline in a syringe;

Container with disinfectant solution.

Injection of sterile solutions into the subclavian catheter

Indication: carrying out infusions and transfusions.


Sterile tray with sterile syringe,


Sterile system for administering sterile solutions,

Two bottles with 70% alcohol,

10 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution,

Heparin solution,

Latex gloves,

Container with disinfectant solution.


1. Reassure the patient and explain to him the course of the upcoming manipulation.

2. Put on gloves.

3. Fill the system for drip administration of sterile solutions.

4. Assemble a sterile syringe and fill it with 5 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution (for flushing the catheter).

5. Ask the patient to turn his head in the opposite direction from the subclavian catheter and hold his breath.

6. Remove the plug of the subclavian catheter,

7. Place the cap into the bottle of alcohol.

8. Connect the cannula of a sterile syringe to the subclavian catheter and allow the patient to breathe.

9. Check that the subclavian catheter is in the vein (pull the syringe plunger towards you); if blood appears, inject 2 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution.

10. Ask the patient to hold his breath.

11. Disconnect the syringe and insert the cannula of the infusion system into the subclavian catheter pavilion.

12. Ask the patient to continue breathing.

13. Adjust the solution infusion rate using the Mohr clamp.

14. Close the Mohr clamp on the system after finishing injecting the sterile solution into the subclavian catheter.

15. Ask the patient to turn his head in the opposite direction from the subclavian catheter and hold his breath.

16. Remove the system cannula.

17. Inject 0.2 ml of heparin with 2 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution into the subclavian catheter to prevent the formation of blood clots (at the end of the infusion - a “heparin lock”).

18. Close the entrance to the subclavian catheter with a plug, removing it from the bottle with alcohol using tweezers.

19. Ask the patient to continue breathing.

20. Place used medical supplies in a container with disinfectant solution.

21. Remove gloves and place in a container with a disinfectant solution.

Note. If the patient is unconscious, then it is allowed to administer solutions and a “heparin lock” by piercing the rubber stopper with an injection needle, after pre-treating it with 70% alcohol; this must be done very carefully so as not to puncture the catheter. If it is necessary to remove the plug from the catheter in an unconscious patient (or this happens accidentally), the catheter must be closed with the thumb (the nurse must be wearing sterile gloves). All these measures, including holding the breath, are carried out to avoid air embolism during inspiration.

Caring for a central venous catheter

Indication: administration of drugs through a catheter.


Sterile tray;

Sterile dressing material;

Sterile tweezers;

Medicines (70% alcohol, 1% brilliant green solution);



1. Wash your hands.

2. Put on gloves.

3. Prepare a tray with dressing material and tweezers.

4. Prepare medications for treating the skin around the catheter: alcohol, 1% iodonate.

5. Explain to the patient the meaning of the manipulation.

6. Place the patient face in the “supine” position.

7. Treat the area around the catheter with gauze balls with an antiseptic solution on tweezers twice.

8. Place used dressing material, used instruments and rubber gloves in a container with a disinfectant solution.

9. Secure the catheter to the skin with an adhesive tape if the catheter is not fixed with a suture.

Note. If signs of complications appear (inability to suck blood from the catheter, liquid does not enter the catheter during infusion, during infusion the patient feels pain in the catheter area, swelling and redness appear in the area of ​​the skin puncture,

swelling of the arm), no infusion attempts are made, a doctor is called immediately.

Central venous pressure (CVP) measurement

CVP measurements are usually made in the presence of a central catheter.

Indications: diagnosis of hypo- and hypervolemia, right ventricular heart failure.

Equipment: system for intravenous infusions, a bottle with saline solution on a stand, Waldman apparatus.


1. The intravenous infusion system is filled with saline solution.

2. The Waldmann apparatus is filled with saline from the system.

3. The Waldman apparatus is installed so that the zero mark of its ruler is on the border of the upper and middle third of the chest of the patient who is on his back in the sagittal direction (the level of the right atrium - Figure 33).

4. The rubber tube of the Waldmann apparatus is attached to the pavilion of the subclavian catheter, and the tube should form a bend downwards so that the bend is 10-12 cm below the zero mark to avoid air embolism with a negative CVP.

Figure 33. Measurement of central venous pressure (the position of the catheter in the superior vena cava is shown schematically).

5. CVP is determined by the level at which the liquid stops in the glass tube of the Waldmann apparatus. (the norm is 50-120 mmH2O in adults).

Note. In some intensive care units, in the absence of a Waldmann apparatus, an intravenous infusion system filled with saline is used. The system is attached to the subclavian catheter, its tube is bent to form an elbow located below the level of the right atrium (see above). A ruler is installed vertically, parallel to the system tube, so that its zero mark is at the level of the right atrium (the border of the upper and middle third of the sternum in the sagittal direction). Disconnect the system from the bottle with saline solution located on the stand (the system must be strictly vertical, parallel to the vertical

ruler). CVP is measured using a ruler based on the level at which the liquid column stops.

Compiling a kit for novocaine blockades

Novocaine blockades are carried out by a doctor. The nurse prepares equipment for performing the blockade and assists the doctor in performing it. Depending on the type of blockade (perinephric, sacrospinal, round ligament of the liver, retroperitoneal, paravertebral, vagosympathetic, intrapelvic, spermatic cord, paraphasal, etc.), 0.25% novocaine is used in doses of up to 400 ml (more often), or novocaine in different concentrations and other doses.

Indications: Novokai blockades are used to relieve pain, to treat trophic disorders, for obliterating diseases of the vessels of the extremities (vasospasms), for fractures, and intercostal neuralgia.


Sterile tray;

Two tweezers;

Gauze napkins;

Reusable syringe 20 ml;

Injection needle for intramuscular injection;

Needle 12cm long;

Disposable syringe 5 ml with needle;

Iodonate 1%;

70° ethyl alcohol;

Latex gloves;

Novocaine 0.25% - 450 ml, 0.5% - 50 ml, 2% - 10 ml.

Creating an anaphylactic shock care kit

Indication: equipping treatment rooms in hospitals and clinics for emergency care in the event of anaphylactic shock following the administration of a drug.


1. Tools: mouth dilator, tongue holder, air duct, gastric tube, tourniquet, "AMBU" apparatus, blood transfusion systems, syringes 1 ml, 2 ml, 5 ml, 10 ml, 20 ml, needles IM, SC, set for central puncture veins, intracardiac needle, scalpel, tweezers, clamp.

2. Dressing material: sterile wipes, bandages, cotton wool, tampons.

3. Preparations:

· Norepinephrine 0.2% -1 ml;

· Adrenaline 0.1% - 1 ml;

· Ephedrine 5% - 1 ml;

· Cordiamine –2 ml;

· Caffeine-sodium benzoate 10% - 1 ml;

· Strophanthin 0.05% - 1 ml (korglykon 0.06% - 1 ml);

· Saline solution in ampoules;

· Eufillin 2.4% - 10 ml;

· No-spa 2% – 2 ml;

· Atropine 0.1% - 1 ml;

· Papaverine 2% -2 ml;

· Calcium chloride (calcium gluconate) 10% -10 ml;

Diphenhydramine 1% - 1 ml (tavegil - 2 ml, suprastin -1 ml);

· Lasix 1% - 2ml;

· Ammonia – 1 ml;

· Alcohol 70% - 50 ml;

· Colloidal (polyglucin, rheopolyglucin, etc.) and crystalloid solutions (saline solution, glucose solution, Ringer-Lock, etc.).

Note. The supply of each drug is at least 5-10 ampoules, and the plasma substitute is 2 bottles; The first aid kit must be sealed.



To ensure that patients who have developed upper airway obstruction do not suffocate or experience difficulty breathing, an airway is inserted, the algorithm of which depends on whether the instrument is inserted through the nose or through the mouth.

Airway insertion algorithm for nasal insertion

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  1. The patient is conscious, breathing is difficult or completely stopped due to obstruction.
  2. The patient's oropharynx or teeth were injured.
  3. When trying to insert the airway through the mouth, the airways did not open, or did not open enough.

Before starting the manipulation, you need to make sure there are no contraindications.

Among them:

  • Fracture of the base of the skull.
  • Nose fracture.
  • The nasal septum is deviated.
  • The nasal cavity is closed (due to congenital or acquired pathology).
  • The patient has bleeding disorders.
  • Cerebrospinal fluid is released from the patient's nose.
  • The patient underwent surgery to remove the pituitary gland with access through the bottom of the sella turcica and the sphenoid sinus.
  • The patient underwent surgery to close a craniofacial defect by creating a posterior pharyngeal flap.

If there are no contraindications, you can select the necessary set of equipment, which includes:

  • The nasal air ducts have a diameter (caliber) of 6 to 8 millimeters.
  • Electric suction.
  • The drug phenylephrine.
  • Cotton swabs on a rod.
  • Lidocaine in gel, concentration 2%.

A mixture is made from lidocaine and phenylephrine for vasoconstriction and anesthesia (local). The drugs are mixed in a proportion of 10 milliliters of gel per 10 milligrams of phenylephrine.

  1. Conducting anesthesia. To do this, you will need to select one of the patient's nostrils and insert tampons soaked in an anesthetic composition into it. You can select a nostril simply based on the results of an external examination (it is better that there are no polyps in the nostril and no bleeding is observed), or you can perform a small check by breathing with your nose on the surface of the mirror and assessing the size of the stains remaining on this surface. Tampons are inserted so that the patient does not experience severe discomfort. At the end of this procedure, there should be three tampons at the level of the posterior nasal wall.
  2. If the use of tampons is not possible, the anesthetic mixture is injected into the nasal cavity using a syringe.
  3. The patient should be placed on his back or side. Sometimes the airway is inserted while the patient is sitting.
  4. You need to take an air duct with a caliber of 7.5 mm (if anesthesia was performed using tampons, this caliber is optimal), and, pointing the concave side of the air duct towards the hard palate, carefully insert it into the nose.
  5. Next, the air duct should move parallel to the palate, so as to get under the inferior concha of the nose.
  6. In the rear pharynx, the air duct may encounter an obstacle. In this case, before continuing the input, you need to carefully rotate the tool 60-90 degrees. If this does not help, then you can try turning the air duct counterclockwise 90 degrees, pass the tool through the throat and turn it back.
  7. If all attempts to overcome the resistance in the rear pharynx have not been successful, you will have to remove the tool and select an air duct of a smaller caliber.
  8. If replacing the air duct does not give the desired result, you can use a catheter used for aspiration. This tool, passed through the air duct channel, can become a “conductor” if the air duct is first removed by about two centimeters.
  9. In particularly difficult cases, when no measures make it possible to insert the air duct, there are only two options left: try to insert the air duct through the other nostril, or once again process and prepare the nasal cavity.

In some cases, inserting an airway through the nose can lead to. The most common of these is nosebleeds. To eliminate it, you will need to use tamponade. If the bleeding is superficial, then anterior tamponade is sufficient. In more serious cases, posterior tamponade is required, which will require the intervention of an otolaryngologist.

A more severe complication is perforation of the mucous membrane, as a result of which a submucosal canal is formed. In this case, the air duct will have to be removed, and plastic surgery methods will be needed to eliminate the complication.

Oral airway insertion algorithm

Nasal airway insertion may be indicated if the following conditions are met:

  1. Partial or complete obstruction of the upper respiratory tract.
  2. The patient is unconscious, the jaws are clenched (as an option, the jaws are clenched after intubation).
  3. The oropharynx must be aspirated.

Before starting the manipulation, you need to make sure there are no contraindications. Among them:

  • Bronchospasm in the acute phase, or mention of bronchospasm in the patient’s medical history.
  • Fractures of teeth or jaws are observed.

If there are no contraindications, you can select the necessary one, which includes:

  • Electric suction.
  • Putty knife.
  • Duct with soft edge (or plastic).
  • Lidocaine in the form of a solution (concentration 10%).

The manipulation must be carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Conducting anesthesia. A lidocaine solution is used to irrigate the mouth and the airway insertion site. This suppresses the gag reflex.
  2. The patient should be placed on his side or back.
  3. Having opened the patient’s mouth, you need to remove the tongue from the pharynx by pressing on the base of the tongue with a spatula.
  4. Taking the air duct in your hand, it is carefully inserted into the mouth, turning the concave side of the instrument towards the chin. The distal end of the air duct should be directed towards the posterior wall of the oropharynx, without touching its surface. In addition, the air duct should protrude with its flange from behind the cutters by about two centimeters.
  5. The tongue should be raised from the wall of the pharynx. For this purpose, the patient’s lower jaw is created in a special way.
  6. By pressing on the air duct, you need to carefully push it into your mouth about two centimeters. The curve of the instrument should be at the base of the tongue.
  7. Another option for introducing an air duct does not involve the use of a spatula. In this case, the concave side of the instrument is directed towards the patient's palate. Having reached the tongue at the end of the air duct, you need to turn the instrument 180 degrees and continue insertion along the tongue. It must be borne in mind that when turning the air duct, you can cause injury to the oral cavity, or aggravate an existing injury. In addition, carelessly turning the air duct can even dislodge teeth. Therefore, you need to find out in advance whether the patient has loose teeth and whether he has any damage to the oral cavity.

In some cases, inserting an airway through the mouth can lead to complications. In particular, if the airway is inserted incorrectly, it may further increase the obstruction rather than alleviate the patient's condition.

If this complication occurs, the air duct will have to be removed immediately. Another is the development of nausea, even vomiting. In this case, it will be necessary to remove the vomit from the mouth, after first turning the patient's head to the side. A rather unpleasant complication can be a bronchospastic reaction.

In this case, additional airway support will have to be provided.

Indications: artificial ventilation, convulsions.

Equipment: gloves, napkins, roller, air duct.

Algorithm of actions

Wear gloves.

Place the patient on his back with a thick cushion under his shoulders.

Wipe the patient's tongue with a tissue.

Grab your tongue with a napkin and pull it towards your teeth.

Insert the air duct into the oral cavity (the cannula is directed upward).

Turn the airway with the cannula down while moving it towards the pharynx.

Insert the airway into the throat.

Rice. 29. Air duct insertion

Place a note under the tourniquet indicating the time the tourniquet was applied (date, hour, minutes).

Insulate the limb.

Note. During long-term transportation, the tourniquet is loosened for 1-2 minutes every 30 minutes (in case of arteriovenous bleeding). Keep the tourniquet applied for no more than 1 hour.

Remember! Do not apply a tourniquet to the middle part of the shoulder to avoid compression of the radial nerve.

When the vascular bundle of the neck is injured, a tourniquet is applied to the neck after applying a Kramer splint on the healthy side (shoulder girdle-neck-head) and an aseptic dressing on the wound. The tourniquet runs around the neck over the splint and bandage.

More on the topic Application of air duct:

  1. Instruction No. 154.021.98 IP on the use of “Disposable sterilization indicators IS-120, IS-132, IS-160, IS-180” for monitoring the parameters of operating modes of steam and air sterilizers

Air duct for medical use. Algorithm for inserting an oropharyngeal airway

The American Heart Association (AHA) proposed an algorithm for organizing first aid, called the “chain of survival” (Fig. 2)

Rice. 2 "Chain of Survival"

  1. Early activation of emergency medical services.

  2. Early onset of basic life support (stages A-B-C).

  3. Early defibrillation using Automated external defibrillators (AED).

  4. Early initiation of further life support, including intubation and use of medications.

RESUSCITATION (according to P. Safar)

P. Safar divided the entire SLCR complex into 3 stages, each of which has its own purpose and successive stages:

I. Stage: Elementary d holding life

Target- emergency oxygenation.


  1. Control and restoration of airway patency.

  2. Artificial maintenance of respiration.

  3. Artificial maintenance of blood circulation.
P. Stage: Further life support

The goal is to restore spontaneous circulation

  1. Drug therapy.

  2. Electrocardiography or electrocardioscopy.

  3. Defibrillation.
III. Stage: Long-term life support

The goal is cerebral resuscitation and post-resuscitation intensive


  1. Assessment of the condition (establishing the cause of circulatory arrest and its elimination) and the possibility of fully saving the patient, taking into account the degree of damage to the central nervous system.

  2. Restoring normal thinking.

  3. Intensive therapy aimed at correcting impaired functions of other organs and systems.
I. Stage of elementary life support.

Rice. 3 Methods for restoring airway patency

A. Control and restoration of airway patency

The “gold standard” for ensuring airway patency is the “triple maneuver” according to P. Safar and tracheal intubation.

The first thing you need to do near the victim is to make sure that there is no consciousness - call out (ask loudly: What happened? Open your eyes!), pat him on the cheeks, gently shake him by the shoulders.

The main problem that arises in unconscious persons is obstruction of the airways by the root of the tongue and the epiglottis in the laryngopharyngeal region due to muscle atony (Fig. 3 A). These phenomena occur in any position of the patient (even on the stomach), and when the head is tilted (chin to chest), obstruction of the airways occurs in almost 100% of cases. Therefore, after it is established that the victim is unconscious, it is necessary to ensure the airway is open.

P. Safar developed a “triple technique” on the respiratory tract, including: throwing back the head, opening the mouth and pushing the lower jaw forward(Fig. 3 D, C). Alternative methods for establishing airway patency are shown in Fig. 3 B and 3 D.

When performing manipulations on the respiratory tract, it is necessary to remember about possible damage to the spine in the cervical region. ^ Highest risk of cervical spine injury can be observed in two groups of victims:

  1. For road traffic injuries(a person was hit by a car or was in a car during the collision);

  1. ^ When falling from a height (including among “divers”).
Such victims should not tilt (bend their neck forward) or turn their head to the sides. In these cases, it is necessary to perform a moderate traction of the head towards oneself, followed by holding the head, neck and chest in the same plane, excluding hyperextension of the neck in the “triple move”, ensuring minimal tilting of the head and simultaneous opening of the mouth and moving the lower jaw forward. When providing first aid, the use of “collars” that secure the neck area is indicated (Fig. 3 E).

Throwing back the head alone does not guarantee restoration of airway patency. Thus, in 1/3 of patients who are unconscious due to muscle atony, the nasal passages during exhalation are closed by the soft palate, which moves like a valve. In addition, there may be a need to remove foreign substances contained in the oral cavity (blood clots, vomit, tooth fragments, etc.). Therefore, first of all, in people with injuries, it is necessary to inspect the oral cavity and, if necessary, clean it of foreign contents. To open the mouth, use one of the following techniques (Fig. 4).

1. Reception using crossed fingers with a moderately relaxed lower jaw. The resuscitator stands at the head end or on the side of the patient’s head (Fig. 4 A). The index finger is inserted into the corner of the victim’s mouth and pressure is applied to the upper teeth, then the thumb is placed opposite the index finger on the lower teeth (Fig. 4 B) and the mouth is forced to open. In this way, a significant opening force can be achieved, allowing the mouth to be opened and the oral cavity to be examined. If foreign bodies are present, they should be removed immediately. To do this, turn the head to the right without changing the position of the fingers of the left hand (Fig. 4 B). With the right index finger, the right corner of the mouth is pulled down, which facilitates independent drainage of the oral cavity from liquid contents (Fig. 4 D). With one or two fingers wrapped in a scarf or other material, clean the mouth and throat (Fig. 4 E). Hard foreign bodies are removed using the index and middle fingers like tweezers or the index finger bent into a hook.

The “finger behind the teeth” technique is used in cases of tightly clenched jaws. The index finger of the left hand is inserted behind the molars and the mouth is opened while supporting the victim’s head with the right hand placed on the forehead (Fig. 5 A).

In the case of a completely relaxed lower jaw, insert the thumb of the left hand into the victim’s mouth and lift the root of the tongue with its tip. Other fingers grab the lower jaw in the chin area and push it forward (Fig. 5 B).

^ Rice. 4 Forced opening of the mouth using the crossed fingers method.

Rice. 5 Forced mouth opening

Restoration of airway patency can also be achieved using the Guedel airway (Fig. 6) and Safar (S-shaped airway) (Fig. 7).

Rice. 6 Technique for introducing the Guedel air duct

  1. Select the required size of the air duct - distance from the shield
    air duct to the earlobe (Fig. 6.1);

  2. After a forced opening of the mouth, the air duct is inserted convexly downward, sliding along the hard palate to the level of the shield;
3. After this, it is rotated 180° so that its curvature coincides with the curvature of the back of the tongue (Fig. 6.2).

^ Rice. 7 Technique for introducing the Safar air duct

The Safar air duct is used for mechanical ventilation using the mouth-to-air duct method.

These air ducts can be an adequate replacement for the two components of the “triple maneuver” - opening the mouth and protruding the lower jaw, but even with the use of air ducts, the third component - throwing back the head - is required. The most reliable method for sealing the airway is tracheal intubation.

As an alternative to endotracheal intubation, the use of a double-lumen Combitube airway (Fig. 8) or a laryngeal mask airway (Fig. 9) is recommended, as technically simpler compared to intubation, but at the same time reliable methods of airway protection, in contrast to the use of a face mask and airways.

Rice.8 Technique for introducing a double-lumen air duct Combitube. Patency of the airway is guaranteed regardless of the location of the airway tube - both in the esophagus and in the trachea.

A. After selecting the laryngomamask in accordance with the patient’s body weight and lubricating the cuff with one hand, the patient’s head is extended and the patient’s neck is flexed. The laryngomamask is taken like a pen for writing (with the aperture up), the tip of the mask is placed in the center of the front incisors on the inner surface of the oral cavity, pressing it against the hard palate. Using the middle finger, lower the lower jaw and inspect the oral cavity. Pressing the tip of the cuff, move the laryngomamask down (if the laryngomamask begins to turn outward, it should be removed and reinstalled);

B. Continue to move the laryngomamask down, while simultaneously pressing with the index finger in the area of ​​​​the connection between the tube and the mask, constantly maintaining pressure on the structures of the pharynx.
The index finger remains in this position until the mask passes next to the tongue and
do not go down the throat;

B. Using the index finger, resting on the junction of the tube and the mask, move the laryngomamask further down, while simultaneously performing a slight pronation with the hand. This allows you to quickly install it completely. The resistance that occurs means that the tip of the laryngomamask is located opposite the upper esophageal sphincter

D. Holding the laryngomamask tube with one hand, the index finger is removed from the pharynx. With the other hand, carefully pressing the laryngomask, check its installation.

D-e. The cuff is inflated and the laryngomamask is secured.

^ Rice. 8 Technique for introducing a laryngeal mask.

Stable side position

If the victim is unconscious, but has a pulse and maintains adequate spontaneous breathing, it is necessary to give a stable position on his side in order to prevent aspiration of gastric contents due to vomiting or regurgitation and perform a maneuver on the respiratory tract (Fig. 9).

^ Rice. 9 Stable position on the side of the unconscious victim

To do this, it is necessary to bend the victim’s leg on the side on which the person providing assistance is located (Fig. 9.1), put the victim’s hand under the buttock on the same side (Fig. 9.2). Then carefully turn the victim to the same side (Fig. 9.3), at the same time tilt the victim’s head back and hold him face down. Place his upper hand under his cheek to support his head position and avoid turning face down (Fig. 9.4). In this case, the victim’s hand behind his back will not allow him to assume a supine position.

Algorithm for providing assistance with obstruction of the respiratory tract by a foreign body

In case of partial obstruction of the airways (preservation of normal skin color, the patient's ability to speak and cough efficiency), immediate intervention is not indicated. In the event of complete airway obstruction (if the patient is unable to speak, cough is ineffective, there is increasing difficulty breathing, cyanosis), the following amount of assistance is recommended, depending on whether the patient is conscious or not:

^ Rice. 10 Technique for eliminating obstruction of the respiratory tract by a foreign substance in conscious persons

A) Conscious - 5 palm pats in the interscapular area (Fig. 10 A) or 5 abdominal compressions - Heimlich maneuver (Fig. 10 B). In the latter case, the resuscitator stands behind the victim, clenches one of his hands into a fist and applies it (with the side where the thumb is) to the stomach in the midline between the navel and the xiphoid process. Holding the fist tightly with the other hand, presses the fist into the stomach with quick upward pressure. The Heimlich maneuver is not performed in pregnant and obese persons, replacing it with chest compression, the technique of which is similar to that used for the Heimlich maneuver.

6) Unconscious:

  1. Open your mouth and try to remove the foreign body with your fingers.

  2. Diagnose the absence of spontaneous breathing (look, listen, feel).

  3. Give 2 artificial breaths using the mouth-to-mouth method. If it was possible to achieve restoration of airway patency within 5 attempts, following steps 1-3, proceed to point 6.1.

  4. In the event that attempts at mechanical ventilation (ALV) are unsuccessful even after changing the position of the head, chest compressions should be started immediately to relieve airway obstruction (as it creates a higher pressure in the airways, facilitating the removal of foreign material than patting in the interscapular area and the Heimlich maneuver, which are not recommended in unconscious persons).

  5. After 15 compressions, open your mouth and try to remove the foreign body, give 2 artificial breaths.

  6. Evaluate effectiveness.

  1. If there is an effect- determine the presence of signs of spontaneous circulation and, if necessary, continue chest compressions and/or artificial respiration.

  2. If there is no effect- repeat the cycle - steps 5-6.
B. Artificial maintenance of respiration.

After circulatory arrest and during CPR, the compliance of the lungs decreases. This in turn leads to an increase in the pressure required to inflate the optimal tidal volume into the patient's lungs, which, coupled with a decrease in pressure causing the gastroesophageal sphincter to open, allows air to enter the stomach, thereby increasing the risk of regurgitation and aspiration of gastric contents. Therefore, when performing mechanical ventilation using the mouth-to-mouth method, each artificial breath should not be forced, but should be carried out within 2 seconds to achieve the optimal tidal volume. In this case, the resuscitator must take a deep breath before each artificial breath in order to optimize the concentration of O 2 in the exhaled air, since the latter contains only 16-17 % O 2 and 3.5-4 % CO2. After carrying out the “triple maneuver” on the respiratory tract, one hand is placed on the victim’s forehead, ensuring that the head is thrown back and at the same time pinching the victim’s nose with his fingers, after which, tightly pressing his lips around the victim’s mouth, he blows air, following the excursion of the chest (Fig. 11 A ). If you see that the victim’s chest has risen, release his mouth, giving the victim the opportunity to make a full passive exhalation (Fig. 11 B).

^ Rice. 10 Technique for performing artificial respiration using the “mouth to mouth” method

The tidal volume should be 500-600 ml (6-7 ml/kg), respiratory rate - 10/min., in order to prevent hyperventilation. Studies have shown that hyperventilation during CPR, by increasing intrathoracic pressure, reduces venous return to the heart and reduces cardiac output, being associated with poor survival in these patients.

In the case of mechanical ventilation without airway protection, with a tidal volume equal to 1000 ml, the risk of air entering the stomach and, accordingly, regurgitation and aspiration of gastric contents is significantly higher than with a tidal volume equal to 500 ml. It has been shown that the use of low minute ventilation during mechanical ventilation can provide effective oxygenation during CPR. If air enters the stomach (protrusion in the epigastric region), it is necessary to remove the air. To do this, in order to avoid aspiration of gastric contents, the patient’s head and shoulders are turned to the side and the stomach area between the sternum and dome is pressed with a hand. Then, if necessary, the oral cavity and pharynx are cleaned, after which a “triple reception” is carried out on the respiratory tract and breathing continues “from mouth to mouth”.

Complications and errors during mechanical ventilation.

  • Clear airway is not ensured

  • Air tightness is not ensured

  • Underestimation (late start) or overestimation (start of CPR with intubation) of the value of mechanical ventilation

  • Lack of control over chest excursions

  • Lack of control over air entering the stomach

  • Attempts at drug stimulation of breathing
B. Artificial maintenance of blood circulation.

Precordial beat is performed when the resuscitator directly observes on the monitor the onset of ventricular fibrillation or pulseless ventricular tachycardia (VF/pulseless VT) and a defibrillator is not currently available. Only makes sense in the first 10 seconds of circulatory arrest. According to K. Groer and D. Cavallaro, a precordial blow sometimes eliminates VF/VT without a pulse (mainly VT), but most often it is not effective and, on the contrary, can transform the rhythm into a less favorable mechanism of circulatory arrest - asystole. Therefore, if the doctor has a defibrillator ready for use, it is better to refrain from precordial shock.

^ Chest compression. Two theories have been proposed to explain the mechanisms that maintain blood flow during chest compressions. The earliest was the heart pump theory(Fig. 11A), according to which blood flow is caused by compression of the heart between the sternum and the spine, as a result of which increased intrathoracic pressure pushes blood from the ventricles into the systemic and pulmonary beds. In this case, a prerequisite is the normal functioning of the atrioventricular valves, which prevent retrograde flow of blood into the atria. During the artificial diastole phase, the resulting negative intrathoracic and intracardiac pressure ensures venous return and filling of the ventricles of the heart. However, in 1980 J.T. Niemann, C.F. Babbs et al. discovered that cough, by increasing intrathoracic pressure, briefly maintains adequate cerebral blood flow. The authors called this phenomenon cough autoresuscitation. A deep, rhythmic, intense cough, with a frequency of 30-60 per minute, is capable of maintaining consciousness in trained patients (during cardiac catheterization) during the first 30-60 seconds from the moment of circulatory arrest, which is enough to connect and use a defibrillator.

^ Rice. 11 Theories explaining the mechanisms of chest compression

A. Heart pump theory; B. Breast pump theory

Subsequently, J. Ducas et al. (1983) showed that positive intrathoracic pressure is involved in the generation of systemic blood pressure. The authors measured blood pressure directly (in the radial artery) in a patient in a state of clinical death with refractory asystole during mechanical ventilation with an Ambu bag without chest compression. It was found that the pressure peaks in the curves were due to the rhythmic inflation of the lungs (Fig. 19).

Chest compression technique

    1. Correctly position the patient on a flat, hard surface.

    2. Determining the point of compression is palpation of the xiphoid process and retreating two transverse fingers upward, after which the hand is placed with the palmar surface on the border of the middle and lower third of the sternum, fingers parallel to the ribs, and the other on it (Fig. 20 A).
Option for placing the palms in a “lock” position (Fig. 20 B).

3. Proper compression: with your arms straightened at the elbow joints, using part of your body weight (Fig. 20 C).

During periods of cessation of mechanical ventilation, phasic pressure disappeared, indicating the ability of positive intrathoracic pressure to participate in the generation of systemic blood pressure.

These were the first works that made it possible to substantiate breast pump theory according to which, blood flow during chest compression is caused by an increase in intrathoracic pressure, creating an arteriovenous pressure gradient, and the pulmonary vessels act as a blood reservoir. The atrioventricular valves remain open during compression, and the heart acts as a passive reservoir rather than a pump. The thoracic pump theory was confirmed by transesophageal echocardiography data, according to which the valves remained open. On the contrary, in other studies using echocardiography, it was shown that at the time of compression systole the atrioventricular valves remain closed, but open during the artificial diastole phase.

Thus, it appears that both mechanisms are involved to varying degrees in the generation of blood circulation during CPR.

It should be noted that prolonged compression of the chest is accompanied by a progressive decrease in the mobility of the mitral valve, diastolic and systolic volumes of the left ventricle, as well as stroke volume, indicating a decrease in left ventricular compliance (compliance), up to the development of contracture of the heart muscle, i.e. the phenomenon of the so-called “heart of stone”.

^ The ratio of the number of compressions and the number of artificial breaths for both one and two resuscitators should be 30:2 .

Chest compression must be performed with frequency of 100 compressions/min., to a depth of 4-5 cm, synchronized with artificial respiration- pausing to perform it (it is unacceptable for non-intubated patients to inflate air at the time of chest compression - there is a danger of air getting into the stomach).

^ Signs of the correctness and effectiveness of chest compression are the presence of a pulse wave in the main and peripheral arteries.

To determine the possible restoration of independent blood circulation, every 4 ventilation-compression cycles, a pause is made (for 5 seconds) to determine the pulse in the carotid arteries.

^ Chest compression.

The fundamental problem with artificial circulatory support is the very low level (less than 30% of normal) cardiac output (CO) created during chest compression. Properly performed compression ensures the maintenance of systolic blood pressure at a level of 60-80 mm Hg, while diastolic blood pressure rarely exceeds 40 mm Hg and, as a result, causes low levels of cerebral (30-60% of normal) and coronary (5-20% from normal) blood flow. When performing chest compressions, coronary perfusion pressure increases only gradually and therefore, with each subsequent pause required for mouth-to-mouth breathing, it decreases rapidly. However, several additional compressions restore the original level of cerebral and coronary perfusion. In this regard, significant changes have occurred in relation to the chest compression algorithm. A compression to respiratory rate ratio of 30:2 has been shown to be more effective than 15:2 in providing the best balance between blood flow and oxygen delivery, and the following changes have been made to the ERC2005 guidelines:

A) the ratio of the number of compressions to the respiratory rate without airway protection as for one or two resuscitators should be 30:2 and carried out synchronously;

B) with respiratory tract protection (tracheal intubation, use of a laryngomamask or combitube) chest compression should be carried out with a frequency of 100 / min., ventilation with a frequency of 10 / min, asynchronously(because chest compression with simultaneous lung inflation increases coronary perfusion pressure).

Direct cardiac massage remains a more recent alternative. Despite the fact that direct cardiac massage provides a higher level of coronary and cerebral perfusion pressure (50% and 63-94% of normal, respectively) than chest compression, there is no data on its ability to improve the outcome of cardiac arrest, in addition, its use associated with more frequent complications. However, there are a number of direct indications for its implementation:

  1. The presence of an open chest in the operating room.

  2. Suspicion of viutrithoracic bleeding.

  3. Suspicion of impaired abdominal circulation due to compression of the descending thoracic aorta.

  4. Massive pulmonary embolism.

  5. Circulatory arrest due to hypothermia (allows direct warming of the heart).

  6. Failure of chest compressions to generate a pulse in the carotid and femoral arteries due to the presence of deformity of the chest bones or spine.

  7. Suspicion of a long period of undetected clinical death.
8) The inability of properly performed chest compression in combination with other measures at the stage of further life support to restore spontaneous normotension.

^ II. Further life support stage

D. Drug therapy

Route of administration of drugs.

A) Intravenous, into central or peripheral veins. The optimal route of administration is central veins - subclavian and internal jugular, since delivery of the administered drug to the central circulation is ensured. To achieve the same effect when administered into peripheral veins , drugs should be diluted in 10-20 ml of saline or water for injection.

B) Endotracheal : the dose of drugs is doubled and administered in a dilution of 10 ml of water for injection. In this case, more effective delivery of the drug can be carried out using a catheter passed through the end of the endotracheal tube. At the time of drug administration, it is necessary to stop chest compression, and to improve absorption, quickly pump air into the endotracheal tube several times.

^ Pharmacological support of resuscitation.

A) Adrenalin -1 mg every 3-5 minutes IV, or 2-3 mg per 10 ml of saline endotracheally.

B) Atropine - 3 mg IV once (this is enough to eliminate the vagal effect on the heart) for asystole and pulseless electrical activity associated with bradycardia (HR
V) Amiodarone (cordarone) is a first-line antiarrhythmic drug for
ventricular fibrillation/pulseless ventricular tachycardia (VF/VT), refractory to electrical impulse therapy after 3 ineffective shocks at an initial dose of 300 mg (diluted in 20 ml of saline or 5% glucose), if necessary, re-introduce 150 mg. Subsequently, continue intravenous drip administration at a dose of 900 mg for more than 24 hours.

D) Lidocaine - initial dose of 100 mg (1-1.5 mg/kg), if necessary, an additional bolus of 50 mg (the total dose should not exceed 3 mg/kg over 1 hour) - as an alternative in the absence of amiodarone. However, it should not be used as an adjunct to amiodarone.

E) Bicarbonate of soda Routine use during CPR or after ROSC is not recommended (although most experts recommend administering at pH

  • circulatory arrest associated with hyperkalemia or overdose of tricyclic antidepressants;

  • if there is no effect of SLCR for 20 - 25 minutes. after circulatory arrest if it is ineffective to restore independent cardiac activity.
and) Eufillin 2.4% - 250-500 mg (5 mg/kg) IV for asystole and bradycardia,
resistant to atropine administration

H) Magnesium sulfate - if hypomagnesemia is suspected (8 mmol = 4 ml
50% solution).

AND) Calcium chloride - in a dose of 10 ml of 10% solution for hyperkalemia, hypocalcemia, overdose of calcium channel blockers.

^ D. Electrocardiographic diagnosis of the mechanismcirculatory arrest

The success of resuscitation measures largely depends on early ECG diagnosis (electrocardiograph or defibrillator monitor) of the mechanism of circulatory arrest, since this determines further tactics of resuscitation measures.

In resuscitation practice, ECG is used to evaluate ^ II standard lead, allowing to differentiate small-wave ventricular fibrillation from asystole.

Often, when recording an ECG from the defibrillator electrodes, VF may appear as asystole. Therefore, in order to avoid a possible error, it is necessary to change the location of the electrodes, moving them 90" relative to the original location. It should also be noted that during cardiopulmonary resuscitation, various types of interference often appear on the monitor (electrical; associated with uncontrolled movements of the patient during transportation, etc. .d.), which can significantly distort the ECG.

There are 3 main mechanisms of circulatory arrest: pulseless electrical activity (PEA), ventricular fibrillation or pulseless ventricular tachycardia (VF/pulseless VT), and asystole.

^ Indications for electrical cardiac defibrillation:

  1. Electrical activity without pulse (PEA), includes electromechanical dissociation and severe bradyarrhythmia (clinically, bradyarrhythmia manifests itself at heart rate

  2. ^ Pulseless ventricular tachycardia (pulseless VT) characterized by depolarization of ventricular cardiomyocytes with high frequency. The ECG shows no P waves and wide QRS complexes (Fig. 22).

^ 3) Ventricular fibrillation. Ventricular fibrillation is characterized by chaotic, asynchronous contractions of cardiomyocytes with the presence on the ECG of irregular, low-, medium- or large-amplitude oscillations with a frequency of 400-600 / min (Fig. 23).

^ Rice. 23 Ventricular fibrillation a) shallow wave; 6) medium wave;

c) large wave.

  1. Asystole- absence of both mechanical and electrical activity of the heart, with an isoline on the ECG.

^ Fig. 24 Asystole

E. Defibrillation.

The modern ERC2005 defibrillation algorithm recommends 1 initial shock instead of the three consecutive shock strategy of the earlier ERC2000 recommendations. If spontaneous circulation is not restored, a basic CPR complex is performed for 2 minutes. After which a second shock is administered, and if it is not effective, the cycle is repeated.

The first shock energy, which is currently recommended by ERC2005, should be 360 ​​J for monopolar defibrillators, as well as all subsequent shocks of 360 J. This contributes to a greater likelihood of depolarization of the myocardial critical mass. The initial energy level for bipolar defibrillators should be 150-200 J, with subsequent escalation of energy to 360 J with repeated shocks. With a mandatory rhythm assessment after each shock.



The meaning of defibrillation is to depolarize the critical mass of the myocardium, leading to the restoration of sinus rhythm by the natural pacemaker (since the pacemaker cells of the sinus node are the first myocardial cells capable of depolarizing spontaneously). The energy level of the first discharge is a compromise between its effectiveness and the damaging effect on the myocardium. Only 4% of the transthoracic current passes through the heart, and 96% through the remaining structures of the chest. It has been shown that defibrillation in patients with prolonged untreated VF converts the rhythm to EABP/asystole in almost 60%. Secondary post-conversion EALD/asystole, compared with primary one, has a more unfavorable prognosis and low survival rate (0 - 2%).

In addition, defibrillation with high-energy shocks causes myocardial damage and the development of post-resuscitation myocardial dysfunction.

If more than 4-5 minutes have passed before electrical defibrillation for VF/VT without a pulse, disturbances occur in the functional state of cardiomycytes due to a decrease in the ATP content in the myocardium, hyperproduction of lactate and extracellular accumulation of Na +, which leads to a decrease in the contractile function of the myocardium . Therefore, carrying out defibrillation in this case can adversely affect the myocardium and sharply reduce the effectiveness of defibrillation, since an additional defibrillation discharge to a patient in a state of hypoxia can cause additional electrical damage to myocardial structures.

In this regard, according to the latest recommendations, in case of prolongation ^ Pulseless VF/VT> 4-5 minutes, initial chest compressions for 2 minutes are recommended, followed by electrical defibrillation.

The effectiveness and safety of electrical defibrillation depends on a number of cardiac and extracardiac factors.

Among the extracardiac factors the following can be distinguished:

  1. The leading place belongs to the form of the electrical impulse - to carry out successful defibrillation with a bipolar impulse (compared to a monopolar one), approximately 2 times less energy is required (the maximum energy allocated to the patient is, respectively, 200 J for biphasic and 400 J of monophasic discharges). According to recent data, the success of defibrillation with a bipolar sinusoidal pulse

  2. The second important factor influencing the effectiveness of defibrillation is the correct placement of the electrodes on the chest. Since only 4% of the transthoracic current passes through the heart, and 96% through the remaining structures of the chest, therefore their adequate location is very important (Fig. 25).

^ Rice. 25 Technique for electrical defibrillation using chest electrodes

A. Incorrectly placed electrodes: too close together, the current does not completely pass through the heart.

B. Correctly placed electrodes: greater distance between electrodes - more current passes through the heart.

B. One electrode is placed below the right clavicle along the parasternal line, the other - at the apex of the heart (below the left nipple), along the mid-axillary line.

In the anterior-anterior position, one electrode is installed at the right edge of the sternum under the collarbone, the second lateral to the left nipple along the mid-axillary line (Fig. 26A). In an anteroposterior position, one electrode is installed medial to the left nipple, the other under the left scapula (Fig. 26B). If the patient has an implanted pacemaker, the defibrillator electrodes should be located at a distance of about 6-10 cm from it.

Rice. 26 Location of electrodes during defibrillation A. Anterior-anterior option. B. Anterior-posterior - one electrode is installed medial to the left nipple, the other under the left scapula.

3) The third factor influencing the effectiveness of defibrillation is chest resistance or transthoracic resistance. The phenomenon of transthoracic impedance (resistance) is of important clinical significance, since it is it that explains the difference in current energy between that accumulated on the apparatus scale and that released to the patient. If during resuscitation there are factors that significantly increase the transthoracic impedance, then it is likely that with the energy set on the defibrillator scale of 360 J, its real value on the myocardium can be, at best, 10% (i.e. 30-40) J.

Transthoracic resistance depends on body weight and averages 70-80 Ohms in an adult. To reduce transthoracic resistance, defibrillation must be carried out during the expiratory phase, because transthoracic resistance under these conditions is reduced by 16%; the optimal force applied to the electrodes is considered to be 8 kg for adults and 5 kg for children aged 1-8 years. However, 84% of the reduction in transthoracic resistance comes from ensuring good interface contact between the skin and the electrodes through the use of conductive solutions. It must be emphasized that the use of “dry” electrodes significantly reduces the effectiveness of defibrillation and causes burns. To reduce the electrical resistance of the chest, special self-adhesive pads for electrodes, electrically conductive gel or gauze moistened with a hypertonic solution are used. In extreme situations, the surface of the electrode can simply be moistened with any conductive solution (water).

Thick hair on the chest causes poor contact of the electrodes with the patient's skin, and increases impedance, reducing thus. the effectiveness of the applied discharge, and also increases the risk of burns. Therefore, it is advisable to shave the area where the electrodes are applied to the chest. However, in an urgent situation during defibrillation, this is not always possible.

Thus, the mandatory fulfillment in clinical practice of, first of all, three basic conditions: the correct location of the electrodes, the force of application of the electrodes within 8 kg and the mandatory use of pads moistened with a hypertonic solution are important conditions for ensuring the effectiveness of electrical defibrillation.

^ During defibrillation, none of the resuscitation participants should touch the skin of the patient (and/or his bed).

Most Frequent errors during defibrillation:

A) incorrect location of the electrodes (in particular in women on the left breast it is necessary directly under it);

B) poor skin-electrode contact;

C) the use of small diameter electrodes (8 cm).

Prevention of recurrence of VF is one of the primary tasks after restoration of effective cardiac activity. Preventive therapy for recurrent VF should be differentiated whenever possible. The number of shocks to eliminate refractory (especially rapidly relapsing) VF is not limited if resuscitation measures are started in a timely manner and there remains hope for restoration of cardiac activity.

Until recently, lidocaine was considered the drug of first choice for the prevention and treatment of VF. At present, there is insufficient evidence to suggest that lidocaine is a useful adjunct to electrical defibrillation. At the same time, evidence has been obtained that an alternative to lidocaine is amiodarone (cordarone), which is recommended to be administered during early defibrillation (1-2 min VF), if the first three shocks are not effective, at a dose of 300 mg IV in a bolus once after the first dose adrenaline (greater success of revival compared to lidocaine); cordarone is recommended to be administered for recurrent VF with periods of a hemodynamically effective rhythm (administration of amiodarone, if necessary, can be repeated at a dose of 150 mg) in patients with severe dysfunction of the left ventricular myocardium, amiodarone is preferable to other antiarrhythmics; in these cases it is either more effective or less arrhythmogenic.

It should be noted that after discharges (especially maximum values), an “isoelectric” line is often recorded on the monitor screen for several seconds. This is usually a consequence of a quickly transient “stunning” of the electrical activity of the heart by a high-voltage discharge. In this situation, the “isoelectric” line should not be regarded as asystole, because followed by a coordinated rhythm or VF continues. At the same time, if a “straight” line lasting more than 5 seconds appears on the monitor after defibrillation (visually this is greater than the width of the defibrillator monitor screen), it is necessary to perform CPR for 2 minutes and then evaluate the rhythm and pulse. If asystole continues or any other pulseless rhythm (but not VF/VT) is detected, administer another dose of epinephrine and perform CPR for an additional 2 minutes, then reassess the rhythm and pulse. Further resuscitation tactics will depend on the type of electromechanical activity of the heart: stable (persistent) asystole, its transformation into VF/VT, development of EMD or hemodynamically effective rhythm.

The likelihood of a favorable outcome of CPR for EALD/asystole (as well as for refractory VF/VT) can only be increased if there are potentially reversible causes of circulatory arrest that can be treated. They are presented in the form of a universal algorithm “four G - four T”.

^ Diagnosis of circulatory arrest

(no more than 10 sec)

^ Starting cardiopulmonary resuscitation:

chest compression/ventilation ratio 30:2

^ Check pulse


Pulseless VF/VT

^ Connect defibrillator/monitor





360 J

During CPR:

A) Tracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation with a frequency of 10/min and a tidal volume of 400 - 600 ml (6 - 7 ml/kg), FO 2 1.0;

B) Chest compression with a frequency of 100/min asynchronously with ventilation;

B) Placement of a catheter into a vein;

D) Adrenaline 1 mg IV every 3-5 minutes;

D) Consider application:

  • with VF/VT amiodarone,

  • for EALD/asystole, atropine, aminophylline, electrical pacing;
E) Eliminate errors when performing CPR, check the correct connection of the electrodes and the presence of contact;

G) Search for potentially reversible causes of circulatory arrest - algorithm four "D" four "T"


Within 2 minutes


Within 2 minutes

^ Algorithm four "G four T"



Hyper/hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, acidosis Hypothermia

Tension (tense) pneumothorax

Cardiac tamponade

Toxic overdose


7 tactical mistakes when performing CPR

Delay in starting CPR

  • Lack of a single leader

  • Lack of constant monitoring of the effectiveness of ongoing activities

  • Lack of clear accounting of treatment measures and control over their implementation

  • Reassessment of CBS violations, uncontrolled infusion of NaHCO 3

  • Premature termination of resuscitation measures

  • Weakening of control over the patient after restoration of blood circulation and breathing.
Making the decision to stop resuscitation is quite difficult, but prolonging CPR for more than 30 minutes is rarely accompanied by restoration of spontaneous circulation. Exceptions include the following conditions: hypothermia, drowning in ice water, drug overdose, and intermittent VF/VT. . In general, CPR should continue as long as VF/VT is detected on the ECG. in which minimal metabolism in the myocardium is maintained, providing the potential for restoring normal rhythm.

^ Criteria for stopping resuscitation

  1. Restoration of independent blood circulation by the appearance of a pulse in the main arteries (then chest compression is stopped) and/or breathing (ventilation is stopped).

  2. Ineffectiveness of resuscitation during 30 min.
Exception These are the conditions in which it is necessary to prolong resuscitation:

  • Hypothermia (hypothermia);

  • Drowning in ice water;

  • Overdose of medications or drugs;

  • Electrical injury, lightning damage.
3. The onset of obvious signs of biological death: maximum
dilation of the pupils with the appearance of the so-called. “dry herring sheen” - due to drying of the cornea and cessation of tear production, the appearance of positional cyanosis, when a bluish coloration is detected along the posterior edge of the ears and the back of the neck, back, or rigidity of the muscles of the limbs, which does not reach the severity of rigor mortis.

^ III. Long-term life support stage

F-assessment of the patient's condition

The first task after restoration of spontaneous circulation is to assess the patient's condition. It can be conditionally divided into two subtasks: 1) determining the cause of clinical death (in order to prevent repeated episodes of circulatory arrest, each of which worsens the prognosis for the patient’s full recovery); 2) determination of the severity of disorders of homeostasis in general and brain functions in particular (in order to determine the volume and nature of intensive care). As a rule, the cause of clinical death is clarified even during the first two stages of cardiopulmonary and cerebral resuscitation, since it is often impossible to restore spontaneous circulation without this. Assessing the severity of homeostasis disorders also helps prevent repeated episodes of circulatory arrest, since severe disturbances in systems such as the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, as well as in water-electrolyte balance and acid-base balance, can themselves be causes of clinical death.

^ Ascertaining the death of a person based on a diagnosis of brain death

1. General information

Decisive for declaring brain death is the combination of the fact that the functions of the entire brain have ceased with proof of the irreversibility of this termination.

The right to establish a diagnosis of brain death is provided by the availability of accurate information about the causes and mechanisms of development of this condition. Brain death can develop as a result of primary or secondary brain damage.

Brain death as a result of its primary damage develops due to a sharp increase in intracranial pressure and the resulting cessation of cerebral circulation (severe closed craniocerebral injury, spontaneous and other intracranial hemorrhages, cerebral infarction, brain tumors, closed acute hydrocephalus, etc.), as well as due to open craniocerebral injury, intracranial surgical interventions on the brain, etc.

Secondary brain damage occurs as a result of hypoxia of various origins, incl. in case of cardiac arrest and cessation or sharp deterioration of systemic circulation, due to long-term shock, etc.

2. Conditions for establishing a diagnosis of brain death

The diagnosis of brain death is not considered until the following effects have been excluded: intoxication, including drugs, primary hypothermia, hypovolemic shock, metabolic endocrine coma, as well as the use of narcotics and muscle relaxants.

3. A set of clinical criteria, the presence of which is mandatory to establish a diagnosis of brain death

  1. Complete and persistent lack of consciousness (coma).

  2. Atony of all muscles.

  3. Lack of response to strong painful stimuli in the area of ​​the trigeminal points and any other reflexes that close above the cervical spinal cord.

  4. Lack of pupil reaction to direct bright light. It should be known that no medications that dilate the pupils were used. The eyeballs are motionless.

  1. Absence of corneal reflexes.

  2. Absence of oculocephalic reflexes.
To induce the oculocephalic reflex, the doctor takes a position at the head of the bed so that the patient's head is held between the doctor's hands, and the thumbs lift the eyelids. The head turns 180 degrees in one direction and is held in this position for 3 - 4 s, then in the opposite direction for the same time. If, when turning the head, no eye movements occur and they staunchly maintain a median position, then this indicates the absence of oculocephalic reflexes. Oculocephalic reflexes are not examined in the presence or suspicion of traumatic injury to the cervical spine.

3.7 Absence of oculovestibular reflexes.

To study oculovestibular reflexes, a bilateral caloric test is performed. Before performing this procedure, it is necessary to ensure that there is no perforation of the eardrums. The patient's head is raised 30 degrees above the horizontal level. A small catheter is inserted into the external auditory canal, and the external auditory canal is slowly irrigated with cold water (t + 20°C, 100 ml) for 10 s. With preserved brain stem function, after 20-25 s. Nystagmus or deviation of the eyes towards the slow component of nystagmus appears. The absence of nystagmus and deviation of the main apples during a caloric test performed on both sides indicates the absence of peri-vestibular reflexes.

  1. Absence of pharyngeal and tracheal reflexes, which are determined by the movement of the endotracheal tube in the trachea and upper respiratory tract, as well as by advancing the catheter in the bronchi for aspiration of secretions.

  2. Lack of spontaneous breathing.
Registration of the absence of breathing is not allowed by simply disconnecting from the ventilator, since the hypoxia that develops in this case has a harmful effect on the body and, above all, on the brain and heart. The patient should be disconnected from the ventilator using a specially designed disconnection test (apneetic oxygenation test). The disconnect test is carried out after the results according to paragraphs are obtained. 3.1-3.8. The test consists of three elements:

A) to monitor the blood gas composition (PaO 2 and PaC0 2), one of the arteries of the limb must be cannulated;

B) before disconnecting the respirator, it is necessary to carry out mechanical ventilation for 10-15 minutes in a mode that ensures the elimination of hypoxemia and hypercapnia - FiO 2 1.0 (i.e. 100% oxygen), optimal PEEP (positive end-expiratory pressure);

B) after completing paragraphs. “a” and “b” the ventilator is turned off and humidified 100% oxygen is supplied to the endotracheal or tracheostomy tube at a rate of 8-10 liters per minute. During this time, endogenous carbon dioxide accumulates and is monitored by taking arterial blood samples. The stages of blood gas monitoring are as follows: before the test under mechanical ventilation; 10-15 minutes after the start of mechanical ventilation with 100% oxygen, immediately after disconnection from mechanical ventilation; then every 10 minutes until PaCO 2 reaches 60 mm Hg. Art. If at these and (or) higher values ​​of PaCO 2 spontaneous respiratory movements are not restored, the disconnection test indicates the absence of functions of the respiratory center of the brain stem. When minimal respiratory movements appear, mechanical ventilation is immediately resumed.

4. Additional (confirmatory) tests to the set of clinical criteria when establishing a diagnosis of brain death

4.1. Establishing the absence of electrical activity of the brain is carried out in accordance with the international provisions of electroencephalographic research in conditions of brain death. At least 8 needle electrodes are used, located according to the “10-20%” system and 2 ear electrodes. The interelectrode resistance must be at least 100 Ohms and no more than 10 kOhms, the interelectrode distance must be at least 10 cm. It is necessary to determine the safety of switching and the absence of unintentional or intentional creation of electrode artifacts. Recording is carried out on channels with a time constant of at least 0.3 s with a gain of at least 2 µV/mm (the upper limit of the frequency bandwidth is not lower than 30 Hz). Devices with at least 8 channels are used. EEG is recorded with bi- and monopolar leads. The electrical silence of the cerebral cortex under these conditions should remain for at least 30 minutes of continuous recording. If there is doubt about the electrical silence of the brain, repeated EEG registration is necessary. Assessing EEG reactivity to light, loud sound and pain: total stimulation time with light flashes, sound stimuli and painful stimuli
niyami for at least 10 minutes. The source of flashes, fired at a frequency of 1 to 30 Hz, should be located at a distance of 20 cm from the eyes. The intensity of sound stimuli (clicks) is 100 dB. The speaker is located near the patient's ear. Stimuli of maximum intensity are generated by standard photo- and phonostimulators. For painful stimulation, strong injections of the skin with a needle are used. An EEG recorded by telephone cannot be used to determine the electrical silence of the brain.

4.2. Determination of absence of cerebral circulation.

Contrast double panangiography of the four main vessels of the head (common carotid and vertebral arteries) is performed with an interval of at least 30 minutes. Mean arterial pressure during angiography should be at least 80 mm Hg.

If angiography reveals that none of the intracerebral arteries are filled with a contrast agent, this indicates cessation of cerebral circulation.

5. Duration of observation

In case of primary brain damage, to establish the clinical picture of brain death, the duration of observation should be at least 12 hours from the moment of the first establishment of the signs described in paragraphs 3.1-3.9; in case of secondary damage, observation should continue for at least 24 hours. If intoxication is suspected, the duration of observation is increased to 72 hours.

During these periods, the results of neurological examinations are recorded every 2 hours, revealing loss of brain functions in accordance with paragraphs. 3.1-3.8. It should be taken into account that spinal reflexes and automatisms can be observed under conditions of ongoing mechanical ventilation.

In the absence of functions of the cerebral hemispheres and brain stem and cessation of cerebral circulation according to angiography (section 4.2). brain death is declared without further observation.

6. Brain death diagnosis and documentation

6.1 The diagnosis of brain death is established by a commission of doctors consisting of: a resuscitator (anesthesiologist) with at least 5 years of experience in the intensive care unit and a neurologist with the same experience in the specialty. To conduct special research, the commission includes specialists in additional research methods with at least 5 years of experience in their specialty, including those invited from other institutions on an advisory basis. The appointment of the composition of the commission and approval of the “Protocol for establishing brain death” is made by the head of the intensive care unit where the patient is located, and during his absence by the responsible doctor on duty at the institution.

The commission cannot include specialists involved in organ retrieval and transplantation.

The main document is the “Protocol for Determining Brain Death,” which is important for all conditions, including organ removal. The “Protocol” must indicate the data of all studies, the surnames, first names and patronymics of the doctors - members of the commission, their signatures, the date and hour of registration of brain death and, consequently, the death of a person.

After brain death has been established and a “Protocol” has been drawn up, resuscitation measures, including mechanical ventilation, may be discontinued.

Responsibility for diagnosing a person’s death lies entirely with the doctors who determine brain death at the medical institution where the patient died.

^ H - Restoring normal thinking

I - Intensive therapy aimed at correcting impaired functions of other organs and systems

Post-resuscitation illness- this is a specific pathological condition that develops in the patient’s body as a result of ischemia caused by a total disturbance of blood circulation and reperfusion after successful resuscitation and is characterized by severe disorders of various parts of homeostasis against the background of impaired integrative function of the central nervous system.

During the clinical picture of post-resuscitation illness, 5 stages are distinguished (according to E.S. Zolotokrylina, 1999):

Stage I(6-8 hours of post-resuscitation period) is characterized by instability of the basic functions of the body. Main features: a 4-5-fold decrease in tissue perfusion, despite the stabilization of blood pressure at a safe level, the presence of circulatory hypoxia - a decrease in PvO 2 with relatively normal PaO 2 and SaO 2 values, with a simultaneous decrease in CaO 2 and CvO 2 due to anemia; lactic acidosis; increasing the level of fibrinogen degradation products (FDP) and soluble fibrin-monomer complexes (SFMC), which are absent normally.

^ Stage II(10-12 hours of post-resuscitation period) is characterized by stabilization of the basic functions of the body and an improvement in the condition of patients, although often temporary.

Severe disturbances in tissue perfusion and lactic acidosis persist, there is a further tendency to increase the level of PDP and the level of RKFM significantly increases, the fibrinolytic activity of plasma slows down - signs of hypercoagulation. This is the stage of “metabolic storms” with symptoms of severe hyperenzymemia.

^ Stage III(end of the 1st - 2nd day of the post-resuscitation period) - characterized by repeated deterioration of the patients’ condition according to the dynamics of clinical and laboratory data. First of all, hypoxemia develops with a decrease in PaO 2 to 60-70 mmHg, shortness of breath up to 30/min, tachycardia, increased blood pressure to 150/90-160/90 mmHg in young and middle-aged people, anxiety. Those. signs of acute pulmonary injury syndrome or acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS/ARDS) appear, with increasing shunting of the blood. Thus, the already existing gas exchange disorder deepens with the formation of mixed type hypoxia.

The most pronounced signs of DIC syndrome are: thrombinemia, hypercoagulation, an increase in the level of PDP against the background of a progressive decrease in the fibrinolytic activity of blood plasma, leading to the development of microthrombosis and blocking of organ microcirculation.

Damage to the kidneys (36.8%), lungs (24.6%) and liver (1.5%) prevails, however, all these disorders are still functional in nature and, therefore, are reversible with adequate therapy.

^ Stage IV(3-4 days of the post-resuscitation period) - has a twofold course: 1) either it is a period of stabilization and subsequent improvement of body functions with recovery without complications; 2) or this is a period of further deterioration in the condition of patients with an increase in multiple organ failure syndrome (MODS) due to the progression of the systemic pro-inflammatory response. It is characterized by hypercatabolism, the development of interstitial edema of the tissue of the lungs and brain, subcutaneous tissue, deepening hypoxia and hypercoagulation with the development of signs of multiple organ failure: bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract, psychosis with hallucinatory syndrome, secondary heart failure, pacreatitis and liver dysfunction.

Stage V(5-7 days or more of the post-resuscitation period) - develops only with an unfavorable course of the post-resuscitation period: progression of inflammatory purulent processes (massive pneumonia, often abscessed, suppuration of wounds, peritonitis in operated patients, etc.), generalization of infection - development of septic syndrome, despite for early adequate antibiotic therapy. At this stage, a new wave of damage to parenchymal organs develops, and degenerative and destructive changes already take place. Thus, fibrosis develops in the lungs, sharply reducing the respiratory surface, which leads to the irreversibility of a critical condition.

Posthypoxic encephalopathy is the most common variant of the course of post-resuscitation syndrome, manifesting itself to one degree or another in all patients who have suffered circulatory arrest. There was a 100% correlation between the absence of cough and/or corneal reflexes 24 hours after resuscitation with poor cerebral outcome.

^ Management of the post-resuscitation period.

Extracerebral homeostasis. After restoration of spontaneous circulation, therapy in the post-resuscitation period should be based on the following principles:

  1. Immediately after restoration of independent circulation, cerebral hyperemia develops, but after 15-30 minutes. After reperfusion, total cerebral blood flow decreases and hypoperfusion develops. And since the autoregulation of cerebral blood flow is disrupted, its level depends on the level of mean arterial pressure (MAP). In the first 15 - 30 minutes of the post-resuscitation period, it is recommended to provide hypertension (SBP 150 - 200 mm Hg) for 1 - 5 minutes, followed by maintaining normotension (both severe hypotension and hypertension must be corrected).

  2. Maintaining normal levels of PaO 2 and PaCO 2.

  3. Maintaining normothermia of the body. The risk of poor neurological outcome increases for every degree >37°C.

  4. Maintaining normoglycemia (4.4-6.1 mmol/l) - persistent hyperglycemia is associated with poor neurological outcome. The threshold level upon reaching which it is necessary to begin correction with insulin is 6.1-8.0 mmol/l.

  5. Hematocrit level in the range of 30 - 35% - soft hemodilution, which ensures a decrease in blood viscosity, which increases significantly in the microvasculature as a consequence of ischemia.

  6. Control seizure activity by administering benzodiazepines.
^ Intracerebral homeostasis.

A) Pharmacological methods. At the moment, from the point of view of evidence-based medicine, there are no effective and safe methods of pharmacological effects on the brain in the post-resuscitation period.

The conducted studies made it possible to establish the feasibility of using perftoran in the post-resuscitation period. Perftoran reduces cerebral edema, the severity of post-resuscitation encephalopathy and increases the activity of the cerebral cortex and subcortical structures, facilitating rapid recovery from a comatose state. Perftoran is recommended to be administered in the first 6 hours of the post-resuscitation period at a dose of 5-7 ml/kg.

In order to carry out neuroprotective therapy in the post-resuscitation period, it is recommended to use the drug Somazina (citicoline), which has a neurorestorative effect due to the activation of the biosynthesis of membrane phospholipids of brain neurons and, first of all, phosphatidylcholine, an antioxidant effect - by reducing the content of free fatty acids and inhibiting ischemic phospholipases cascade, as well as a neurocognitive effect, due to an increase in the synthesis and release of acetylcholine, as the main neurotransmitter of numerous cognitive functions. Somazine is prescribed at a dose of 500 - 1000 mg 2 times/day intravenously, followed by a transition to the oral route of administration 200 mg 3 times/day in the recovery period.

B) Physical methods. Unconscious patients who have suffered circulatory arrest in out-of-hospital conditions due to the mechanism of ventricular fibrillation must be provided with body hypothermia to 32-34 0 C for 12-24 hours. It is also indicated that this same hypothermia regimen may be effective in patients with other arrest mechanisms and in cases of in-hospital circulatory arrest.

Therapy of cerebral edema-swelling after resuscitation

Pathophysiological mechanisms of brain damage after circulatory arrest and resuscitation include primary damage due to the development of global ischemia and secondary damage in the form of a proinflammatory reaction during and after CPR, as a component of post-resuscitation illness.

In patients in the post-resuscitation period, the development of diffuse cerebral edema can be diagnosed using computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging. Moreover, the post-resuscitation period is more characterized by the development of predominantly cytotoxic cerebral edema, i.e. the development of intracellular edema (neurons, glial cells) with the preservation of an intact blood-brain barrier (BBB).


The goal of decongestant therapy is: a) reducing ICP; b) maintaining adequate CPP; c) preventing secondary brain damage due to swelling.

Decongestant therapy should be built on the following principles:

  • limiting the volume of administered infusion media (administration of 5% glucose is unacceptable);

  • exclusion of factors that increase ICP (hypoxia, hypercapnia, hyperthermia):

  • normoventilation and normoxia: p a CO 2 34-36 mm Hg, p v CO 2 40-44 mm Hg, S a O 2 =96%: on mechanical ventilation: alveolar ventilation (AV) AB = 4.8 – 5, 2 l/min., AB = MOD – (RR·150 ml), where MOD is the minute volume of respiration, RR is the respiratory frequency;

  • giving an elevated position (20-30 0) to the head end of the bed (patients with severe stroke do not turn their heads to the sides in the first 24 hours);

  • If ICP monitoring is available, cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) should be maintained >70 mm Hg (CPP = SBP - ICP, mm Hg, so SBP = 70 + ICP, mm Hg.
At the level of consciousness:

  • GCS > 12 points: ICP = 10, SBP = 80, mmHg;

  • GCS = 8 – 12 points: ICP = 15, SBP = 85, mmHg;

  • GCS 20, SBP = 95 – 100, mmHg)
The following pharmacological drugs and non-pharmacological methods are recommended for the treatment of cerebral edema and swelling:

Hyperosmolar solutions. These drugs mobilize free fluid into the intravascular space and reduce intracranial pressure.

A) mannitol - 25-50 g (0.25-0.5 g/kg) (1370 mOsmol/l) every 3-6 hours (osmotherapy is effective for 48-72 hours), under the control of plasma osmolarity (should not exceed 320 mOsm/l). It has been shown that the decongestant effect is achieved when using the indicated moderate doses of the drug, because the use of high doses of mannitol (1.5 g/kg) leads to a paradoxical increase in cerebral edema due to the accumulation of osmotically active particles in the brain substance, due to damage to the BBB or when the administration of this drug is prolonged for more than 4 days. Mannitol reduces ICP by 15-20%, increases CPP by 10% and, unlike furosemide, improves cerebral blood flow by reducing hematocrit, increasing volumetric cerebral blood flow, by mobilizing extracellular fluid and improving the rheological properties of blood by reducing blood viscosity by 16% ( furosemide, on the contrary, increases blood viscosity by 25%):

B) rheosorbilact (900 mosmol/l), sorbilact (1670 mosmol/l) at a dose of 200-400 ml/day;

  • furosemide - bolus 40 mg intravenously;

  • L-lysine escinate is a complex of water-soluble salt of escin saponin from horse chestnut seeds and the amino acid L-lysine. In blood serum, L-lysine aescinate salt quickly dissociates into lysine and aescin ions. Escin protects glycosaminoglycans in the walls of microvessels and the surrounding connective tissue from destruction by lysosomal hydrolases, normalizing increased vascular tissue permeability and providing an antiexudative and rapid decongestant effect. The drug is administered strictly intravenously in a dose of 10 ml (8.8 mg of escin) 2 times in the first 3 days, then 5 ml - 2 times a day. The maximum daily dose of the drug should not exceed 25 ml - 22 mg of escin. The course is until a lasting clinical effect is obtained, usually 7-8 days.

Independent extracurricular work

  1. Writing an abstract based on a review of modern literature data regarding the pathophysiology of circulatory arrest and the latest developments in methods for restoring spontaneous circulation and higher cerebral functions in the post-resuscitation period.

Test questions for preparation

  1. Clinical signs of preagonia, terminal pause and agony.

  2. Signs of clinical and biological death.

  3. Factors in the development of clinical death and the reliability of the resumption of spontaneous circulation with different mechanisms of its arrest.

  4. Stages of cardiopulmonary and cerebral resuscitation according to P. Safar.

  5. Modern methods of basic life support.

  6. Methods for restoring and maintaining airway patency during resuscitation measures.

  7. Medicines used for continued life support and routes of their administration.

  8. Types of circulatory arrest and features of measures to restore spontaneous circulation.

  9. Methodology and safety precautions for defibrillation.

  10. Criteria for terminating resuscitation measures.

  11. Clinical and laboratory methods for diagnosing brain death.

  12. Auxiliary methods for diagnosing brain death.

  13. Post-resuscitation illness - definition and stages.

  14. Stages of recovery from a comatose state after clinical death.

  15. General principles of intensive care of post-resuscitation illness.

Independent classroom work

  1. Watching educational videos:

  • Padre reanimazzioni (about academician V.O. Negovsky).

  • Cardiopulmonary resuscitation: basic life support.

  • Cardiopulmonary resuscitation: basic life support using an automatic defibrillator.

  • Apallic syndrome.

  • Diagnosis of brain death.

  1. Mastering practical CPR skills on a mannequin:

  • performing the triple maneuver of P. Safar;

  • use of pipelines;

  • use of a face mask or “key of life”;

  • performing shvl using the “mouth to mouth” and “mouth to nose” methods;

  • performing SHVL on a baby dummy using the “mouth to mouth and nose” method;

  • performing chest compressions on an adult mannequin;

  • performing chest compressions on a baby dummy;

  • performing indirect massage using a cardio pump;

  • performing basic life support by two resuscitators;

  • performing defibrillation on a mannequin;

  • using an automatic defibrillator on a mannequin.

  1. Determining the type of circulatory arrest using an ECG

  2. Solving clinical situations with circulatory arrest using the “Cardiac Arrest!” simulator program. (or analogues).

  3. Diagnosis of “brain death”:

  • in the intensive care unit and resuscitation department for patients with atonic comma;

  • in the training room (in the absence of patients with extreme comma) when analyzing educational copies of medical histories.

A) Main:

  1. Anesthesiology and intensive care: Pidruchnik / L.P. Chepkiy, L.V. Novitska-Usenko, R.O. Tkachenko. – K.: Vishcha School, 2003. – 399 p.

  2. Usenko L.V., Tsarev A.V. Cardiopulmonary and cerebral resuscitation. Dnepropetrovsk: 2008. – 43 p.

  3. Neuroreanimatology: neuromonitoring, principles of intensive care, neurorehabilitation: [monograph]/ ed. Corresponding member NAS and AMS of Ukraine, Dr. med. sciences, prof. L.V. Usenko and Doctor of Science, prof. L.A. Maltseva. – Volume 2. – Dnepropetrovsk: ART-PRESS, 2008. – 278 p.
B) Additional:

  1. Negovsky V.A., Gurvich A.M., Zolotokrylina E.S. Post-resuscitation illness. M.: Medicine, 1987. – 480 p.

  2. Starchenko A.A. Clinical neuroreanimatology. SPb: SPb med. publishing house, 2002. – 672 p.


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