Magic words in our life. Project "Magic words in our speech

Exist magic words, which help to tune in to something, to change. As you know, any set of sounds is a vibration of energy, and it can have a positive or negative effect on a person. For example, you hit your knee very painfully, and no matter how hard you try to rub it, the pain does not go away. You say the passkey "change" and your subconscious does everything by itself to make the pain go away.
To find something you need to say "find". Subconscious will lead you to this thing. Or it will simply tell you that your search is in vain - perhaps this thing is not in the room in which you are looking for it.
Or you need to fall asleep - say "around" and your subconscious mind will set your mind to calm down.
Or here is a very useful thing. You are standing at a bus stop and cannot leave. Say "go ahead", and you will get a means of transportation - a bus, a minibus. And when you strongly develop this password, then the car may stop and you will be given a free lift with the breeze.

Some words have a direct meaning. The word "knowledge" must be spoken to preserve youth. And in order to preserve youth, sacred knowledge is really needed, which is acquired as a result of cleansing the soul.

Little note. You need to use password words at the same time as changing yourself, without this these words are empty. After all, no matter how much you say "halva", it will not become sweeter in your mouth. For example, the already mentioned word "change" to eliminate pain. Pain, whether from an illness, a bruise, is a call that there is internal aggression in the soul and that it is time to change oneself. By the way, this is what the word “change” means. The impact of some words is not clear at first glance. For example, the connection between the word "uncle" and a split personality. However, if the words are not pronounced stupidly, but feeling their inner impact, you feel that there is a connection. It is necessary to say the word "uncle" slowly, stretching the vowels, like this - "uncle". The quieter the better. You can silently, but in your mind reproduce this pronunciation. As a result, you easily enter an altered state of consciousness. It turns out that the word "uncle" refers to your other "I". Perhaps, in the ancient proto-language, this “I” was called uncle. Thanks to the appeal to another "I" (subconscious), the biofield ceases to be fragmented. Such a fragmentation of the field is present in all people of the schizoid psychotype (not to be confused with schizophrenics), people who tend to switch attention, wander in the clouds, duality of nature.
Of course, one word "uncle" is not enough. I repeat, we must work with the causes that caused these qualities and change ourselves.

And finally, the list of passwords for the subconscious:

To get new ideas - go ahead
To quit smoking - count
To teach patiently to write - cackle
To stay or appear young right away - knowledge
To become a good mechanic - think about
To get rid of bad habits - away
To get the job done on time - done
To breathe - oh
To win the competition - fight
To hinder the opponent - fight
To abstain from something - the end
To demonstrate energy - move
To turn defeat into success - enthusiasm
To remember something - guardianship
To find a lost item - to find
To keep someone from causing problems for others - push back
To get rid of anxiety - move away
To get rid of evil thoughts - move away
To sell - present
To gain experience, follow
To love reading - rate
To save - be
To become nice to others - small
To invent something - to acquire
To get rid of constipation - turn
Save money to stop drinking
To heal the wounds - myself
To find a way out - done
To get rid of remorse - tomorrow
To stop being offended - thank you
To provide a means of transportation - forward
To smile - the surname of a person who often smiles
To straighten your back - the name of a person who is always slim
To feel the enthusiasm - the name of the enthusiast you know
To get rid of excessive vulnerability - dive
To stop pouting - put it down
To do something unpleasant - adapt
To get rid of longing - attention
To start acting on a good example - now
To stop criticizing - praise
To strengthen willpower - done
To get rid of loneliness - be
To overcome inertia - move
To avoid want or debt - push back
To increase ambition - go ahead
To avoid delay - done
To inspire -
To create an advertisement for something - intrigue
To maintain good health - stretch
To make advertising yourself - funny
To get the speck out of your eye - change (change)
To get rid of pain in any part of the body - change (change)
To force someone to be polite - small
To convince someone - turn on
To avoid all dangers - protect
To become beautiful and pleasant - praise
To acquire good taste - imitate
To keep the secret forever
To fall asleep - around
To build something - put
To dress better - spend
To calculate percentages, add
To know the secret - wait
To improve their telepathic abilities - between
To swim - finish
Success is Patience
To avoid distraction - attention
To form character - hold
To avoid a split personality - uncle
To become more resilient - finish
To learn to anticipate - slower
To calm the mind - be
To build - forward
To become a leader, take
To earn a lot of money - count
To become bolder - hesitation
To know the future - listen
To do the impossible - foresee
To do something - together
To get rid of an inferiority complex - directly
To become a good speaker - act
To succeed at work - personally
To make children obedient - collect
To find a common language with people - together
To be polite - affectionate
To finish small things - next
To attract someone's attention - a hole
Create a project - intriguing
To appear rich - spend
To appear educated - classic
To help others - to give
To get rid of boasting - to lie

At first, you may not succeed well, since all the mechanisms are inoperative, but if you believe and apply, they will come into working form.

  • "Hello"
  • "Thank you"
  • "Please"
  • "Sorry"
  • Politeness Formulas
  • Can you buy kindness?

We have been calling them “magic words” since childhood. We find pleasure and power in them, noticing how they affect others. True, in the bustle of everyday life, we do not notice that we do not always use them and not to the full extent.

Europeans, who, unlike us, use them uninterruptedly, call them "words for self-respect." It is understandable: politeness implies a benevolent attitude towards another person, and therefore towards oneself, and, as a result, that other person towards you. Privilege and style of happy people.


Some argue that outward politeness is not a sign of sincerity, which is probably why they prefer not to greet at all. I'm not kidding. Observation showed that in schools 24% of students forget to say hello to the teacher, and 38% do not greet classmates quite normally. Few adults think of greeting a store clerk, a bank teller, a coffee shop waiter, or even a neighbor.

Maybe this will surprise someone, but the words “hello”, “good afternoon”, “great”, “hello”, in addition to the formal greeting, have a semantic content. "Good afternoon!" - affirmation of joy, smile and kindness. "Hello!" - a wish for health. "Hello!" - “I am glad to see you, I welcome you”… From time immemorial, among all the peoples of the world, it was customary to wish each other good and health. The Russians said “Goy be”, which means “be alive”, the ancient Romans - “Salve” (“be healthy”), the Greeks “Khaire” (“rejoice”), the Hindus - “Namaste” (“I welcome God in your face"), the Aztecs - "You are my other I" ...

Be that as it may, if you want to quickly establish contact, show your affection, attention and set someone up in a friendly way, say "Hello" to everyone anytime, anywhere!

"Thank you"

There is a very simple way to improve well-being and relationships. You just need to say "thank you" more often. Thank the client for the purchase - he will come again and recommend you to his friends, the seller for advice - he will always serve you at the highest level, the cleaning lady for a clean floor - everything will sparkle near your door ... "Thank you" has great power. It is no coincidence that many tourist guides emphasize: say "thank you" in the language of the host country - this will increase the speed and quality of service and contribute to your pleasant stay.

However, it is reasonable to turn every day of life into a “Courtesy Day” and say “thank you” to everyone without exception: yourself, your Guardian Angel, parents, your children, other people's children, neighbors, colleagues, acquaintances and strangers. For help, for a gift, for a service, for a service, for a compliment, for paying attention to you, for every little thing, for a remark and criticism, and even for a painful lesson.


“Pass on a ticket”, “tell me how much it costs ...”, “give me two hundred grams”, “two tickets for me”, “let me pass”, “talk to me” ... Paradoxically, the magic word “please” is the least demanded in our vocabulary, we mostly automatically say it only in response to "thank you".

This is easily explained by the fact that when asking for something, we concentrate on a personal problem and our own significance: I need a ticket, a sausage, a free passage, a sincere conversation ... Naturally, in response, we most often get an angry face of the conductor, an indifferently extended piece of sausage, grumbling , "I have no time" ... Everyone lives in their own closed, cramped space of their own importance.

The word “please” has long roots, it was formed in the 18th century in the meanings: “to regret strongly”, “have mercy”, “honor”, ​​“bestow good”, that is, do it for you. And its amazing power is that it, like a magic key, opens any door. “Pass on the ticket, please”, “please tell me how much it costs ...”, “please talk to me” ...


Morning. Squeezing into the bus, we accidentally touch someone, in response they curse us. The mood, of course, deteriorates. Arriving at work, we throw out irritation on colleagues. Someone pulls out of the workflow with a stupid question - a disaster! And so the whole day: pushing, stepping on feet, dropping, taking time, interrupting ...

And everything was so simple - at the very beginning it was only necessary to smile politely and say the magic mantra: "I'm sorry, please, I was awkward."

Do not be shy to say the word "sorry" - this is a spoken regret about the inconvenience caused and a desire to correct the situation. Admitting you're wrong is usually very effective. Apologize sincerely and with pleasure if someone is pushed, dropped, hurt, taken away from business, inadvertently offended, spoiled something or made a mistake. Then you will not be offended, you will not have irritation, dissatisfaction with yourself and others, any problems will be solved less painfully, and life will get better.

Politeness Formulas

“Goodbye”, “Have a nice day!”, “Good luck!”, “You are absolutely right”, “I’m sorry” ... There are many phrases in the Russian language with which you can win over people, show respect for them in case of refusal or if they agree, make them feel comfortable. The use of these "magic" words creates a cultural phenomenon that unites healthy, kind, happy people. And, as you know, a kind happy world reigns only around happy people.

Can you buy kindness?

“What am I going to fawn on? I have already paid for everything, ”some say, confident that money is the best communication tool. Therefore, they never say hello, do not say goodbye, do not thank, do not apologize. True, they do not take into account the little things: for money you can only buy a service, but never an attitude! And it’s good if the answer is only the absence of a positive bonus and indifference to your person, much worse than “spitting in a salad” from an offended performer.

Money also has less to do with a positive image than politeness. After all, as Dmitry Likhachev noted: “You can’t pretend to be an intellectual!” So politeness is not only an identifying trait, but beneficial and useful to ourselves much more than to others.

P.S. I know that you, dear readers, are busy and competent people. So I want to thank you for the time you spent reading this article. Thank you!

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The most important difference between humans and other mammals is the ability to think and speak. No wonder people were endowed with these features. It is with the help of speech and words that you can express your feelings, emotions, desires, attract positive energy. However, do not forget that a word can offend, humiliate and even kill. In addition to the fact that the language of a person is the key to feelings, it can also become a tool. Let's talk about the words with which a person can achieve happiness, peace and attract positive energy.

Can words have such power? Of course, it was not for nothing that since childhood we were told about magic words, they were given such a name for a reason. Magic words can actually work wonders.

Let's take a closer look. Magical words include the words "thank you", "please", "hello" and others. It seems to be nothing unusual, words as words. But try to use them in your life, and you will notice how people begin to help you, kindly answer your questions, empathize with you. What is the secret? The word "thank you" carries a grateful load. When you say it to someone, you thank the person, show him that he was useful to you, that is, you give the opportunity to experience what you need. But this is very important, we all want to be needed by someone.

Magic words can make your life easier. Let's try to understand how, with an example. Let's say your boss told you that your work is no good, that you did absolutely everything wrong. Your reaction is natural - the mood is spoiled, there are no positive thoughts, the boss is angry. But you, instead of throwing up your hands or trying to whitewash yourself, say the following words to him: “Thank you for your comments. They are very important to me. I will study them. Please give me one more chance." Trust me, your boss will immediately relent. You will be surprised at the result.

In addition to this action, magic words can make life easier for those who do not know how to say no. After all, if you don’t want something, but are afraid to offend your opponent, then you just have to tell him: “Thank you, I believe that everything is very tasty, but I have already eaten. Thank you". And no one will be offended by you.

It is very important to use kind, magical words in everyday life, they help to cheer up, make the world kinder. We must not forget that all words spoken aloud can become reality. This is similar to the law of conservation of energy: when words turn into energy, they acquire a material shell from energy. And so in a circle.

Based on this, it is necessary to understand that foul language can bring great damage to you and your health. It has long been observed that people who use foul language and ignore magic words get sick much more often and age faster. Don't believe? Then look at the grandmothers, by the appearance of each of them you can judge how they lived their youth. You don’t even have to ask them to say something, you will immediately understand which of them was using foul language. All our words and actions are imprinted on our face.

In childhood, children are often scared that if they use foul language, then a pip will grow on their tongue. Or even worse. No wonder they say that after using bad words, you need to go and wash your mouth with soap. This is not by accident. When a person speaks foul language, he pollutes his soul, brings great harm to himself with his anger. It is even worse when a person does not just engage in foul language, but releases his anger on other people. Such negative energy will definitely return to you with a vengeance.

In Christianity, foul language is one of the deadly sins. And this is also a no-brainer. To pronounce filth means to cause great harm to the soul. Cursing is especially harmful to children.

Cursing must be avoided. Before throwing an offensive phrase, think a thousand times what consequences it can bring. As a result, not only a loved one will be offended by you, but you will do bad things to yourself.

Use magic words in your speech, then you yourself will notice that the world begins to change, becomes kinder, accepts you with open arms. Do not forget about the intonation with which you pronounce the magic words. Be friendly, smile, wish you good health, that is, say hello to your friends, and they will wish you the same.

Magic is all around us. It is filled with nature, art, household items. All this gives a good mood, good luck and sometimes even heals. But most of all magic and sorcery is in the words that we pronounce several times a day. As surprising as it may sound, but with our words we can do incredible things. The word can hurt, or it can give strength. Each of us possesses this verbal magic. And the magic words that can do good are known to absolutely everyone. What are these words, and how to pronounce them correctly so that they really work for the benefit of us and those around us?

The word "hello" was taught to us in childhood. It is a must to say hello. But we do not even think about the power of this word. For many of us, this is just a courtesy to a person. In fact, the word "hello" has a real magical meaning. Greeting a person, we wish him all the best and good health.

Many people prefer this word to just "hello", "good afternoon" or "good morning". These words also contain magic, but not as strong as in the word "hello." When we say “hello” to friends, for example, we emphasize our belonging to a common circle. And when we say “good morning”, we set a person up for a positive and a good day.

"Thank you" is a powerful word. Its etymology comes from Old Slavonic and means "God save". That is, when we thank someone, we wish this person divine mercy and salvation. This is a word-amulet that protects a person at an energy level.

Sometimes we say thank you. This word has the same power as "thank you". Pronouncing it, we “thank you”, that is, we give good.

Thank you and say "thank you" as often as possible. It is interesting that verbal gratitude can solve many problems, as well as set a person up for positive and give him strength for new achievements. Let's take an example. The son comes to his old mother, puts things in order in her house, buys food, pleases in everything. She, in turn, takes it for granted. The mother believes that it is his duty to help the sick and old woman who once raised and raised him. And of course she doesn't thank him. As a result, the son simply ceases to put his soul into what he does for her. His help becomes hard work, a burden. The result of this story can be very sad: the son does not feel emotional return from his mother, and accordingly reduces communication with her to a minimum. And she is offended and does not understand what the matter is. Everything would be much easier if the mother simply thanked her son for his help.

By the way, it has long been noticed that in families in which it is customary to thank each other even for mere trifles, relations are much warmer. Such a family itself is more favorable than where the word "thank you" is rarely heard.

We say the word “please” when we ask something from a person and want to get the desired result from him. The magic of this word is that it is a veiled order. Translated from Slavic, it sounds something like this: "do it immediately." Thus, by adding “please” to the request, we greatly increase the likelihood that the request will be heard.

How do these magic words work? After all, many of us pronounce them every day several times and do not see any miracles! First, these words must come from the heart. "Thank you" said just because it's customary won't have any magical power. When pronouncing a magic word, we must put our feelings and warmth into it, then it will really become magical.

The word is a powerful magical tool. In order for it to work, you need to know how to properly manage it. Do not forget that any word spoken with a soul can have a strong magical effect on a person. So, more often say kind and warm words to each other, then fate will become more favorable to you.

22.10.2013 14:17

In love, as many believe, all means are good, including love spells. By using...

Natalia Litovtseva
"Magic words". Abstract of a lesson on the development of speech of children of senior preschool age

Target classes: to tell children about the special meaning " magical" words;activate in speech corresponding words and phrases.

Lesson progress:

Educator: Good afternoon children! We have guests today (a dirty, disheveled boy comes in) Let's welcome our guest! His name is Zabiyaka (children greet each other)

BULLY: Fu what polite!

If you came to visit

Don't say hello to anyone

words"please thanks"

Do not tell anybody

Turn around and ask questions

Don't answer anyone

and then no one will say

About you, that you are a talker!

Educator: Guys tell me unless can you behave like that? Bully, shame on you! There is good in Russian word that we say when we meet. This word"Hello!" or "good afternoon!", good evening!". This word is not easy, it contains Magic power!Now you did not just say hello, you wished our guest health, be strong and strong.

Guys today I would like to talk to you about " magical" words. And Zabiyaka will listen to us! And who knows why they are called " magical"(children answer) IN word there is great power. Kind word can cheer up a person in difficult times, can dispel a bad mood. In order to grow up as kind, responsive, polite people, you need to use " magical" words.

"magical" words are words of gratitude: thank you, thank you.

If grandmother in the morning

I gave you a pie

You take it, say "thank you!"

Grandma will be happy

One proverb says"Eat jelly in the buffet, but where are thanks?", "politeness opens all doors." Guys, how do you understand these proverbs(children answer)

To ask for something

Need to be polite

We "please" add

Everyone will be happy with us

Word"please" we say in response to "thank you" and when we ask for something.

If you stepped on your foot

At least by chance, at least a little,

Just say "I'm sorry"

Or better yet, "Sorry"

words of apology:"sorry", "sorry" are also " magic words"


If you hear a rule that must be followed, you clap your hands, if we do not, we squat low.

1. if you accidentally stepped on someone's foot, silently walk past pretending that nothing happened.

2. When you ask a friend for a pencil, you politely add "please"

3. Accidentally meeting a friend, you will silently pass by

4. If a friend shares an apple with you, thank them politely.

Well done! Thank you!

There are many more magic words, which should not be forgotten to say!

"Bon appetit!"

The first dish is poured

Soup we eat with you,

Let's all say "thank you" mom

"Good night" we say

Close your eyes in bed

And give us a kiss

Mother will hug us dear

If a friend is ready to sneeze

Remember the phrase "be healthy!"

Everyone will say goodbye

Leaving, everyone "Goodbye!"

It's time for a friend to leave

Let's say "Bye" to him

Do all guys do this? Well done!

Now let's try to play around with different situations in which you need to use " magical" words. And Zabiyaka will help us with this (from those present children a child is chosen, to play with this situation, the Ruffian plays the role of the second child)


1. While running past, he accidentally pushed a person standing next to him.

2. You need to ask a friend to play with his toy.

3. Walking in the park met a familiar person

4. On your birthday, they gave you a present.

Educator: Guys, have you noticed how warmer and lighter it becomes in your soul when you hear these magic words(children answer)

Bully, do you understand how bad it is to be an uneducated person?

BULLY: Guys! forgive me! I will continue will try do not repeat such mistakes!

Educator: Guys, now please help me solve the riddles, they are hidden " magical" words

Having met a bunny, a hedgehog neighbor tells him. (Hello)

And his neighbor is eared, answers:"hedgehog,. (Hello)

The flounder swam to the octopus on Monday, and on Tuesday she said goodbye. (goodbye)

clumsy dog ​​Kostya, the mouse stepped on the tail, they would have quarreled, but he said. (sorry)

Lastly, I would like to ask you guys. Please don't forget these magical" words!Teach them to your younger sisters and brothers, relatives and friends, so that the world around you becomes kinder and brighter!



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