Pulmonary tuberculosis - signs in the early stages, symptoms, forms, treatment in adults and prevention. Tuberculosis: diagnosis, prevention, treatment How to determine that I have tuberculosis

Tuberculosis has a variety of manifestations and forms, which makes its diagnosis more complicated. However, timely detection of the disease is of particular importance. The complexity of treatment, as well as the outcome, depends on this. If the disease is diagnosed at an early stage of development, there is a greater chance of saving the patient’s life. Diagnostics consists of several main stages: detection of symptoms, examination of the patient, and conducting special studies.

At the first stage, when the patient has just sought medical help, the doctor must detect signs of the disease. Clinical manifestations of tuberculosis include a prolonged cough, hemoptysis, increased body temperature, sweating, increased fatigue and decreased performance. It is important to pay attention to these symptoms, as they indicate the possible development of the disease. In addition, at this stage, the characteristics of the evolution of the disease should be clarified. The doctor asks the patient whether he has had contact with people diagnosed with tuberculosis.

Patient examination

During a clinical examination of the patient, the doctor pays special attention to weight loss, checks the lymph nodes, and disturbances in the amplitude of movement of the chest during breathing. Of course, the first methods for detecting tuberculosis are not completely reliable. To ensure the development of the disease, other tests must be performed. But it is these two stages that determine the need to refer the patient for a special examination. Based on them, it is already possible to roughly draw up a clinical picture and make an assumption about the presence of the disease.

Special study

If, during the examination of the patient in the first two stages, suspicions of tuberculosis arose, a series of studies will be required to establish an accurate diagnosis. In adults, screening for tuberculosis requires mandatory X-ray diagnostics. Based on its images, it is possible to determine the presence of lesions in the lungs. If they are present, the patient is sent for additional examination, which will reveal the form of the disease and the resistance of the infection to antibacterial drugs. Then he is prescribed treatment.

Diagnosis of tuberculosis in children involves performing a Mantoux test. By her reaction, you can determine the presence of an illness. However, this method is not completely reliable. The reaction may be a false positive or a false negative. If, after the Mantoux test, doctors still suspect the development of an infection in the child’s body, it is repeated. If she also confirms the presence of a pathological process, the child is sent for additional studies to a tuberculosis dispensary.

These methods for diagnosing tuberculosis are intermediate. It is already possible to draw some conclusions from them, but it is impossible to establish an accurate diagnosis. To finally confirm the presence of the disease, you will need to conduct another study. This includes laboratory diagnostics of tuberculosis: tests of sputum, blood, urine.

X-ray examination

The most accurate diagnostic method in adults is the detection of tuberculosis by X-ray examination. If a pathological process develops, compactions and darkening will be noticeable in the images. As for shadows, special attention should be paid to their quantity, size, shape, contours, intensity, structure, localization. In addition, changes in the pulmonary pattern are important. Shadows can merge or have clear contours.

X-ray images can reveal the following degrees of damage:

  • minimal (small lesions, no signs of decay);
  • moderately pronounced (small changes occur, which in volume do not exceed one lung);
  • pronounced (the volume of lesions is large).

Mantoux test

Tuberculosis is usually detected in children using the Mantoux test. Its essence lies in the fact that pathogen antigens are introduced under the skin. Thus, the Mantoux test causes a reaction if a tuberculosis infection is present in the body. In this case, the injection site swells, turns red and becomes inflamed.

Tuberculin, which is injected under the skin during the Mantoux test, is obtained from destroyed Koch bacilli.

They are the causative agent of tuberculosis. The Mantoux test is usually done in the forearm. The body recognizes tuberculin as an infection. When the immune system is familiar with it, a focus of inflammation appears at the injection site.

Another option is the Pirquet test. Its essence is the skin application of tuberculin. This substance itself is safe and therefore cannot cause harm to humans. But tuberculin is highly allergenic, due to which it can cause corresponding reactions.

Before the Mantoux test result is assessed, it is forbidden to influence the injection site in any way. Thus, it cannot be wetted, scratched, or lubricated with brilliant green, iodine and other antiseptic drugs. It is not recommended to apply adhesive tape and bandages, which is practiced by some parents, so that the child does not touch the injection site. All this can negatively affect the results and lead to an inaccurate diagnosis.

Contraindications for Mantoux

Despite the harmlessness of the Mantoux test, in some cases it is not recommended. Contraindications apply to those people who suffer from skin diseases. In this case, the injection can worsen the dermatological disease and lead to its exacerbation. This diagnostic method should not be used in the presence of infectious diseases in acute and chronic form. In this case, it is allowed to conduct a test a month after recovery. Contraindications are fevers and various allergic reactions, as well as epilepsy.

To avoid inaccuracies when performing Mantoux, it is recommended not to administer it on the same day as vaccinations. Moreover, this applies to any vaccination. In the case where vaccinations were done before the introduction of tuberculin, you should not expect results quickly. Most likely, they will not be received until six weeks later. It is worth saying a few more words about the main thing. Some parents mistakenly assume that a test with subcutaneous injection of tuberculin protects the body from tuberculosis by developing immunity. This statement is completely wrong. The test is only a research method for the presence of this disease. In no case will it replace the BCG vaccine.

Sputum collection

Laboratory diagnosis of tuberculosis includes analysis of sputum, which is released when coughing. The quality of the result largely depends on compliance with the rules during collection. There are several of them:

  • sputum must be collected in a sterile container issued by a doctor specifically for these purposes;
  • Before collecting, it is recommended to rinse your mouth well with warm water and brush your teeth (food particles should not get into the sputum);
  • the collection is performed on an empty stomach, always in the morning, since it is at this time that its accumulation is maximum;
  • It is sputum, not saliva, that should get into the container (the contents can be determined by consistency and color);

When the basic preparations are completed, you can begin the process itself. First, take two deep exhalations while holding your breath. After this, you should take a deep breath and exhale forcefully. Next, you should take a breath and clear your throat again. The container is then brought to the mouth and the sputum is spat into it. The container must be immediately closed with a lid. If the contents do not come out when coughing, you should knock on the chest with your fist. Another option is inhalation over hot water, to which a spoonful of baking soda has been added.

Sputum examination

First, the sputum culture is carefully examined. If a person has tuberculosis, he may have blood streaks in the mucus released when he coughs. Then a bacterioscopic examination is carried out - the colored culture is examined under a microscope. Using smears, you can determine the presence of infection in the body in adults and children. Sowing may contain elastic or coral fibers, lime particles. To identify Mycobacterium tuberculosis, sputum is subjected to repeated examination. Sometimes an X-ray examination does not show pathological processes occurring in the lungs, but culture indicates their presence.

The essence of the bacteriological method is that the material being studied is inoculated onto nutrient media. Before this, the sputum is processed to prevent the growth of nonspecific microflora. Sowing is performed on a solid, liquid or semi-liquid nutrient medium. Sometimes mycobacteria that are detected during this test do not grow under these conditions. The reason for this is the loss of the ability to reproduce, which occurred under the influence of drugs.

In addition, a biological method is used to test sputum for tuberculosis - its essence is to infect animals with the mucous contents of the patient’s lungs. For this purpose, guinea pigs are usually used, which express high sensitivity to mycobacteria of this disease.

Until recently, the bacteriological method was considered the most reliable, but scientists have found that mycobacterium tuberculosis, which is contained in sputum culture, is able to grow on nutrient media, but does not affect animals in any way. It's all about the loss of the ability to infect. Thus, to obtain a reliable result, it is recommended to examine the culture using several methods.


If you cannot collect sputum yourself, bronchoscopy is used. The essence of the method is to use a special device called a bronchoscope, which enters the bronchi through the oral or nasal cavity. This study is carried out on an empty stomach. This helps prevent food particles from getting into your airways if you cough or gag.

Before the study is carried out, the patient is examined by a doctor. If necessary, sedatives will be prescribed. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia in adults and general anesthesia in children.

Blood test

How to recognize tuberculosis from a patient's blood? When affected by this disease, small changes occur in it. In patients with a widespread pathological process, as well as severe intoxication, anemia is determined. With exacerbations of the disease, the ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate) increases. At the same time, the number of leukocytes changes, which is also facilitated by the breakdown of lung tissue.

A biochemical blood test shows a high content of protein, uric acid, cholesterol, and copper. It is worth noting that all these indicators do not necessarily indicate tuberculosis. It is quite possible that another infectious disease is developing in the body. Therefore, it is recommended to conduct a comprehensive diagnosis.

Urine examination

Urine testing is usually unable to detect tuberculosis in adults and children. A more accurate diagnostic method is sputum culture or the Mantoux test. But to get a complete picture it is necessary to carry it out. Sometimes a urine test reveals quite serious complications. If the kidneys are affected, a large amount of protein, red blood cells, and white blood cells are detected.


This diagnostic method is new. It allows you to accurately determine tuberculosis, as well as check the effectiveness of the therapy. The essence of the method is to assess the body's response to two types of proteins that are present only in Koch's bacillus. The injection is performed, and then the result is checked. If the redness at the injection site has spread to 5 mm or more, the test is considered positive. This means that the patient being examined is infected.

Recently, the incidence of tuberculosis has been growing inexorably.

In this regard, it is worth thinking about means of protection against such a dangerous disease. Every person, starting from 18 years of age, must undergo an annual medical examination with an x-ray examination. This is the only way to detect tuberculosis in the early stages of development, as well as timely treatment. If you suspect the presence of a disease, you must urgently consult a doctor and take all the necessary tests (sputum culture, blood, urine). When prescribing treatment, you should not interrupt it, as this may have negative consequences. Tuberculosis is a dangerous disease that can lead to death.

Tuberculosis is a terrible disease; only those people who lead an asocial lifestyle, have poor nutrition, do not have a permanent place of residence, etc. can become infected with it.

A prosperous person will never be affected by this disease. These are the thoughts of many people. Is it so? Let's figure out what kind of disease this is and how to identify it.

Tuberculosis is, first of all, an infectious disease that can be caused by different types of microbacteria, most often Koch's bacillus.

Is tuberculosis contagious? – Yes, this disease is transmitted by airborne droplets. When an infected person coughs, expectorates, or sneezes, they release germs into the air.

From this we can conclude that anyone can become infected with tuberculosis, regardless of their well-being, financial situation or status in society.

Yes, of course, an asocial way of life contributes to this disease, but is not the only factor.

Moreover, an infected person may not even know that he is already suffering from tuberculosis, continue to go to work, or travel on public transport. That is why it is very important to know and be able to identify the symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis at the initial stage.

It is very difficult to make a diagnosis of tuberculosis at the initial stage, since the symptoms are very similar to ordinary ARVI or can even be asymptomatic, that is, symptoms are not detected.

This is where the lifestyle of a particular person and the state of his immune system play an important role. These factors influence the detection of tuberculosis in an adult, making it quite difficult.

So, how to identify tuberculosis if it clearly does not manifest itself in any way, what signs should you pay attention to?

Signs of tuberculosis:

  • weakness, rapid quenching.
  • signs of influenza or ARVI.
  • loss of appetite, weight loss.
  • slight increase in body temperature (37.2-37.5)
  • cough for 3 weeks or more (immediately dry and infrequent, over time wet and constant)
  • headaches, swollen lymph nodes.

If you notice any of these symptoms, especially 2 or more, then this is a reason to seek medical help.

In a medical institution, after a series of examinations, you will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and provide immediate treatment.

It is very important to know that tuberculosis can affect not only the lungs, but also other organs: bones, brain, kidneys.

There are several stages of tuberculosis:

  1. Primary infection. At this stage, as a rule, the person feels well, but sometimes signs of malaise may be present. Inflammation at this stage, local, affects those areas where microorganisms have entered
  2. Stage of latent infection. If a person has a weakened immune system, the infection begins to spread and create foci of inflammation in other organs.
  3. Recurrent tuberculosis of the adult type. This stage is characterized by damage to many organs, most often the lungs. The patient's general well-being worsens. Cavities can form on the lungs, and when they enter the bronchi, tuberculosis becomes open.

Also, there are 2 forms of tuberculosis: open and closed.

The open form of tuberculosis is considered the most severe and dangerous. In the open form, bacteria can be detected in the patient’s sputum, urine, and feces. The person becomes contagious.

The general condition of the patient worsens, constant fatigue appears, body temperature rises from time to time, and most often, hemoptysis is present.

The closed form of tuberculosis is a form in which microorganisms are already present in the human body, but are not active.

With the closed form, the person is not contagious, usually feels well and may not be aware of the presence of tuberculosis.

It is also possible to determine some phases of the development of tuberculosis, namely:

  • infiltration, decay, contamination;
  • resorption, compaction, scarring, calcification.

These phases help determine the stage of activity of tuberculous changes and view the dynamics of its reverse development, that is, recovery.

How can this disease be accurately diagnosed?

First of all, you need to see a specialized doctor. In clinics, this is a therapist/pediatrician. In anti-tuberculosis dispensaries these are pulmonologists and phthisiatricians.

The doctor will conduct a general examination and, if necessary, send you for further diagnostics.

There are several diagnostic methods.

  • Tuberculin diagnostics;
  • X-ray examination;
  • Linked immunosorbent assay.

Tuberculin diagnostics is a diagnosis of children and adolescents, which is performed annually, from the age of one.

The principle of operation is quite simple: a special solution, tuberculin (tuberculosis allergen), is injected under the child’s skin to detect an immune response.

On the third day, the result is assessed. The health worker measures the diameter of the reaction (papules - redness, swelling around the injection site). Based on this result, we can talk about the adequacy or inadequacy of the immune response.

X-ray examination is fluorography or x-ray of the lungs. Let's look at each method separately and find out what the difference between these methods is.

Fluorography is the photographing of an image from a fluorescent (X-ray) screen that appears on it as a result of the passage of X-rays through the human body.

The peculiarity is that fluorography gives a reduced image of a part of the body. Doctors advise conducting this study at least once a year. This allows the disease to be detected at an early stage.

X-ray of the lungs is considered a more complex and more informative type of diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis.

In fact, this is the same picture as with fluorography, but it is larger, which means that even small foci of inflammation can be seen on it.

Also, this method is based on exposing (changing color) certain areas of the film. Which also gives more accurate results.

Microbiological diagnosis is considered the most effective and informative method for detecting tuberculosis at an early stage.

Most often, 2 methods of microbiological diagnosis are used: microscopy and bacteriological examination of sputum.

The advantages of these studies are that they allow us to assess the degree of infectivity and the effectiveness of treatment.

For this method, the patient needs to collect the sputum that is released when coughing into a dry, clean container and close it with a lid.

Sputum is collected over a period of 2 days, with at least 3 portions obtained at different times of the day. Then, as quickly as possible, take the collected material to the laboratory.

Enzyme immunoassay is a detection method, a blood test that can determine the presence of tubercle bacilli in the body.

This method is used more as an additional study, or for diagnosing latent tuberculosis.

If, after carrying out these diagnostic methods, a person is diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis, an obvious question pops up in his head.

How to treat and how long is pulmonary tuberculosis treated?

If tuberculosis is recognized and diagnosed in time, it is quite treatable. Yes, this is not an easy or quick treatment.

In this case, the main thing is compliance with the treatment regimen, not skipping medications, and completing the treatment.

Depending on the severity of the disease, treatment can last up to 2 years. If you adhere to all the rules and recommendations of the attending physician, then treatment lasts, on average, about a year.

The main method of therapy is medication. The patient is prescribed, simultaneously, to take several drugs that have different effects on the causative agent of the disease.

Since the drugs are quite serious, it is better to carry out treatment as an inpatient, in an anti-tuberculosis dispensary.

To improve results, in addition to drug therapy, the patient is offered activities to improve general immunity: breathing exercises, physiotherapy, vitamin therapy, physical therapy, proper nutrition.

In extreme cases, surgery is used (removal of part of the affected lung).

In other cases, tuberculosis enters the chronic stage, and the patient poses a danger to others, as he releases microorganisms into the air.


The main prevention of tuberculosis is annual fluorography for adults and the Mantoux reaction in children and adolescents.

Newborns are also vaccinated 3-6 days after birth (BCG).

A healthy lifestyle also plays a significant role in the prevention of this disease.

Despite the achievements of modern medicine, pulmonary tuberculosis in the adult population remains a dangerous and active disease.

In Rus', consumption was incurable; not only ordinary people, but also celebrities died from it: Belinsky, Chekhov, Dzerzhinsky. Nowadays, the disease can be successfully treated if the infected person consults a doctor in a timely manner.

In contact with


Who gets pulmonary tuberculosis?

Signs in the early stages of the disease

  1. Profuse sweating at night. The next morning the person wakes up literally wet.
  2. Regular increase in evening.
  3. Nonproductive cough without sputum production.
  4. Increased fatigue even with light loads and normal sleep patterns.
  5. Decreased appetite.
  6. Headache.

In addition to the listed main symptoms of the early stage, an adult may also experience other signs: tachycardia, enlarged lymph nodes, liver, wheezing and whistling in the lungs.

Later, a cough is added, sometimes with blood.

What to do if you suspect tuberculosis?

You really need to worry if the above symptoms persist for more than three weeks.

It is necessary to visit your local doctor, who will issue a referral for general tests and fluorography. True, this study does not always show the presence of tuberculosis in the lungs, especially at an early stage, if the lesions are located in the apexes, closer to the back.

General tests will show:

  • Increased ESR;
  • high levels of protein in the urine;
  • leukocytosis;
  • decrease in lymphocyte content.
One-step rapid tests are an affordable and fast method for diagnosing pulmonary tuberculosis at an early stage. They are sold in online stores and in pharmacies.

In special cases, adults are given a traditional method of diagnosing tuberculosis, which is more than 50 years old. This is necessary when in contact with a sick person or to determine. The drug tuberculin, which contains harmless tuberculosis bacteria, is injected into the skin of the forearm. If after three days there is no trace left at the injection site, then the result is negative.

People who have been infected in the past or present may still have significant signs of redness and swelling.

A more universal and sensitive method for detecting pulmonary tuberculosis in the early stages is. This is a modern version of Mantoux.

However, DST and the Mantoux test cannot be performed in cases of exacerbation of chronic diseases, skin diseases, allergic reactions and tuberculin intolerance.

An alternative method in this situation is to determine the immune response in the blood in the presence of mycobacteria. Since the test is not carried out inside the human body, but in blood taken from him, the test has no adverse reactions or contraindications.

In modern clinics, diagnosis is carried out using polymerase chain reaction (PCR). It quickly detects DNA fragments of the tuberculosis bacillus in the early stages. This is an expensive method that requires a highly qualified doctor.

Determination of the form and stage of the disease

A common method for diagnosing a form of pulmonary tuberculosis is X-ray tomography (fluorography), a more highly accurate method is computed tomography.

A set of diagnostic measures may also require bacterial culture of sputum. Growing microbes contained in sputum in nutrient media makes it possible to determine the sensitivity of the bacterium to antibiotics and prescribe highly effective therapy.

A common diagnostic method is repeated sputum collection at an anti-tuberculosis dispensary. A sputum smear is taken from the patient when he coughs, placed on glass, a substance is added and examined under a microscope. If it is possible to detect Koch's bacillus, this indicates an open form of pulmonary tuberculosis. This analysis will take approximately 3 months.

Precautions and prevention measures

The first thing to do if you suspect pulmonary tuberculosis is to protect your loved ones. Use only personal hygiene items. Wash your own clothes and dishes separately from others.

If a closed form of the disease is detected in the early stages, it is important to prevent it from becoming open, in which pulmonary tuberculosis becomes contagious.

To prevent the emergence and development of tuberculosis it is necessary:

  • Conduct an annual fluorographic examination;
  • people at risk should increase their immunity, take immunomodulators;
  • maintain a balanced diet, work and rest;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • Monitor your well-being closely and listen to your body.

An excellent natural stimulant of the immune system are beekeeping products - honeycombs, honey, beebread, pollen.

Tuberculosis is not something to joke about. More people die from it than from any other infection. Treatment of this disease, even in the early stages, is long and difficult for the body, combining several drugs. Treatment will require a lot of time and effort from a person. Therefore, it is important not to start, and ideally, not to allow the disease to occur!

The complexity and duration of treatment and the high risk of infection make tuberculosis one of the leading places in the world in terms of the number of infected people. A pulmonologist explains the ways of infection with tuberculosis and preventive measures.

In contact with

Tuberculosis is a serious disease with a fairly significant mortality rate. A significant role in this is played not only by its prevalence, but also by the fact that for a significant period of time the disease can develop asymptomatically. This is why it is important to know how to identify tuberculosis at an early stage.

Pulmonary tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by a group of mycobacteria that affects the respiratory system. In various cases, other organs and systems of the body may become inflamed.

The danger of the disease is determined by the following criteria:

  • Hidden current. The first symptoms can manifest themselves only over time and, moreover, they may not cause concern, since they do not have a pronounced character;
  • Mycobacteria of the mycobacteria tuberculosis species have a high level of vitality and easily spread in various environmental conditions;
  • The causative agents of the disease can quickly become resistant to drugs, which makes treatment very difficult.
    The disease, depending on the location of the pathogen, has two main forms:
  • Pulmonary;
  • Extrapulmonary.

The first type accounts for more than ninety percent of cases.

Symptoms of tuberculosis at an early stage

Symptoms of the disease tend to develop gradually. And if at the first stage, when the body is directly infected and the bacteria multiply, signs of tuberculosis may be completely absent, then at the second stage, known as “latent”, certain symptoms of the disease may be noticed.

Among them are the following:

  • Deterioration of health in the form of weakness of the body. You feel a loss of strength, and fatigue sets in much earlier than usual;
  • Loss of body weight. This phenomenon occurs without associated reasons, such as dieting or exercise;
  • Excessive sweating;
  • Feeling nauseous.

Such disturbances in the functioning of the body are often not taken seriously by people, since they are very similar to the course of the common ARVI. For this reason, the manifestation of such symptoms, especially in combination and for more than two to three weeks, should raise doubts and the need to visit a doctor. Primary indicators also include headaches and enlarged lymph nodes.

With a longer development of the inflammatory process in the body, the following symptoms are added:
  • Cough. It can be either wet with sputum or dry;
  • Visualization of particles in sputum;
  • Pain in the chest area.

The most dangerous and undeniable sign of tuberculosis is the discharge of blood along with coughing and pulmonary hemorrhage.

As soon as the pathogen enters the body, the immune system tries to suppress it. But, if for some reason a person’s immunity is in a weakened state and is unable to resist the bacteria, the development of the inflammatory process begins. Transmission of the disease is possible even at home.

How can you become infected with tuberculosis?

The main methods of infection include:

  • Airborne. When pathogens enter the air as a result of coughing, they can remain infectious for a long time;
  • Food. Tuberculosis can affect not only the human body, but also animals. If contaminated meat or other animal product has been consumed, the likelihood of infection is very high;
  • Contact. A very extensive route of infection, which includes kissing, sexual intercourse with the owner of tuberculosis, and even the use of his personal belongings, for example, utensils. This category also includes the risk of infection as a result of caring for sick pets;
  • From mother to child. The risk of intrauterine infection of a child from a sick mother is quite high, but not one hundred percent. It will be possible to diagnose the disease in a baby only after birth.

The absolute leader in disease transmission at all times has been and remains airborne. If a person has doubts about possible contact with a carrier of the disease, then he should think about how to identify the symptoms of tuberculosis.

Diagnostic methods

Treatment for tuberculosis is mandatory. Otherwise, death is possible. Late diagnosis of an already actively occurring inflammatory process can lead to a similar result.

For early detection of tuberculosis in children, the well-known Mantoux test is performed. It is often carried out directly in schools and kindergartens. If the test is positive, the child is additionally examined by a doctor to confirm or refute the diagnosis.

The first suspicion of developing tuberculosis in adults can be identified by a doctor by auscultation. For a more accurate diagnosis of the disease, methods such as fluorography and sputum culture are used.

This method allows you to obtain reliable results in a short time. For the purpose of early diagnosis of the disease, every adult is recommended to undergo the procedure at least once a year. The image obtained by the device allows you to clearly see foci of tuberculosis if they exist.

Fluorography is the most common and effective way to diagnose tuberculosis

This is a fairly convenient diagnostic option, and for this reason it is most often used when it is necessary to provide a certificate of absence of tuberculosis to various authorities or when applying for a job.

Sputum culture

Perhaps not the most convenient method for diagnosing tuberculosis. But he plays another important role in this matter. If the diagnosis is confirmed, sputum culture can identify the strain of mycobacterium. It is this data that will allow us to select drugs that can be effective in the fight against the pathogen.

A person’s social lifestyle always carries the threat of infection with one or another type of disease. Tuberculosis is of particular concern. But if you follow the recommendations for regular diagnosis of this dangerous disease, you can be confident in your advantages over it.

Tuberculosis is considered a hidden disease. It is this factor that makes it especially dangerous for humans. Pathological disorders can affect patients of any age and gender. Timely diagnosis of tuberculosis is especially important. How to determine tuberculosis, we will consider in this article.

Indications for diagnostics

The particular danger of the pathology is that in the early stages of its development it does not show any signs of presence in the body. Despite the fact that symptomatic manifestations are not clearly expressed, the progression of the pathological process is actively carried out. How to detect tuberculosis? How to understand whether a person has tuberculosis or not?

The first thing to evaluate is the following symptoms:

  • dry cough that lasts a long time;
  • during the process of expectoration, the release of sputum masses is not excluded;
  • presence of wheezing;
  • stable increase in body temperature;
  • pale facial skin and tired appearance of the patient;
  • decreased appetite and, as a result, decreased body weight of the patient;
  • shortness of breath with accompanying pain in the side;
  • excessive sweating.

Testing for tuberculosis in women is necessary after identifying menstrual irregularities, constant headaches, diagnosing inflammatory processes in the bladder (cystitis) and the presence of bloody spots in the urine.

How to get tested for tuberculosis? Carrying out diagnostic measures requires new capabilities so that a complete and general examination of the patient for tuberculosis can be carried out. This is especially true for people belonging to the so-called risk group. Patients with a predisposition to tuberculosis disease include patients with a confirmed diagnosis of AIDS and HIV, people suffering from alcohol and drug addiction, those who have consistently high blood sugar levels, and bronchial asthma. No less important is the hereditary predisposition of a person.

It is important to examine newborn patients, provided that the mother is infected, as well as elderly people. How to detect tuberculosis? Currently, another category of patients is known - prisoners. They often become carriers of this disease. Measures to detect the disease will help prevent infection of healthy people after the patient is released.

Types of diagnostic measures

Laboratory diagnosis of tuberculosis implies mandatory compliance with all instructions of the attending physician. The beginning of diagnostic studies consists of examining the patient and identifying symptoms. Once it is suspected that the patient has tuberculosis, he is sent for a subsequent examination, which can subsequently make it possible to make a reliable conclusion.

There is a so-called special examination. Early diagnosis of tuberculosis in adults requires mandatory radiography. The resulting images can reveal foci of tuberculosis pathology in the lung area. If such disorders are detected, the patient is referred for additional measures to help identify the form of the disease.

Diagnosis of tuberculosis in children involves taking a Mantoux test. Depending on the reaction obtained, subsequent detection of tuberculosis is carried out and a final diagnosis is made. It should be noted that this method is not the most reliable, since the results may be false. That is why, if there is a suspicion of the presence of an infection in the child’s body, the reaction is repeated. If an infection is detected, the patient is referred for further diagnosis. Radiation diagnostics of tuberculosis is especially relevant in this matter.

All of the above methods are considered intermediate, but they make it possible to draw certain conclusions regarding the disease. To formulate a final conclusion, additional research is required, the so-called differential diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis. Let's look at the most common of them.

  1. Radiography. X-ray diagnostics of tuberculosis is considered to be the most reliable method for identifying the pathological process. If the diagnosis is positive, darkened densities will be detected on the image. In this situation, it is important to pay special attention to their number, size, shape, contour and nature of location in the area of ​​the internal organ. Among the degrees of damage, the following are identified:
  • minimal - characterized by minor affected areas, no signs of decay are observed;
  • moderately pronounced - minimal changes are possible, the volume of which does not exceed the size of one lung;
  • pronounced - the volume of the lesion is significant.

Regardless of the nature of the changes shown in the image, the patient is referred for subsequent methods for detecting tuberculosis.

  1. Mantoux test. The method is most suitable for pediatric patients. The procedure involves the introduction of tuberculosis pathogen antigens under the skin area (obtained as a result of the destruction of Koch bacilli). After this, a reaction is provoked in the body if Koch's bacillus is present in the body. In this case, the puncture site swells significantly, has a red tint, and signs of an inflammatory process appear. There is also the Pirquet test. It involves applying tuberculin to the skin. Due to the presence of increased allergenicity in the substance, the body gives an appropriate reaction.

Carrying out the Mantoux test has a number of contraindications. This is especially true for patients who have been diagnosed with skin diseases, since the reaction can provoke a deterioration of the condition and an exacerbation of the pathological process. In addition, it is prohibited to carry out the procedure if the patient has a febrile state, allergic reactions of the body and epilepsy.

  1. Sputum examination. Material for subsequent study is released during coughing. During the collection process, certain rules must be followed. First of all, the material must be collected in a special sterile container. Immediately before collection, the patient needs to rinse his mouth with warm water and brush his teeth to exclude the possibility of food elements getting into the analysis. The procedure is carried out in the morning and on an empty stomach, since during this period the accumulation of sputum will be maximum.

The study procedure itself at the initial stage is an examination of appearance. In the presence of tuberculosis, it may contain blood streaks. After this, the material is examined using a microscope. A biological method of study is often used, characterized by the process of infection of animals (mainly guinea pigs).

  1. Bronchoscopy for pulmonary tuberculosis is used when it is not possible to independently collect material for research. For the procedure, a special device is used that enters the bronchi area through the nasal or oral cavity. Before the procedure, if necessary, the patient may be prescribed sedatives.
  2. Blood test. With a positive diagnosis, the study of blood cells reveals anemia; during the process of exacerbation of the pathology, the level of ESR increases. At the same time, the number of white blood cells increases due to the breakdown of lung tissue. It is important to diagnose tuberculosis in a complex manner, since changes in urine characteristics may not always indicate the presence of tuberculosis in a patient.
  3. Urine examination. The use of microbiological diagnosis of tuberculosis is carried out to establish a complete diagnostic picture. In addition, this method makes it possible to establish the presence of serious complications.

There are modern methods for diagnosing tuberculosis. More recently, another method for determining tuberculosis was discovered. It is called Diaskintest. The system helps not only to detect the presence of infection in the body, but also to determine the effectiveness of the therapy used. Immunodiagnosis of tuberculosis is of particular paramount importance.

In severe forms of the disease, an anti-tuberculosis technique called valvular bronchoblock is used. It involves installing the valve through the use of anesthesia. The reliability of the fastening is checked by coughing the patient. The removal process is carried out in a similar way.

Another method of diagnosis is fiberoptic bronchoscopy. The method is considered gentle and is better tolerated by patients. The system makes it possible not only to study the condition of the bronchi, but also to save the information obtained during the study on a digital medium. The procedure is performed on an empty stomach, the patient is located on the surface of the couch in a supine position. The study process allows you to take bronchial secretions through suction.

The procedures have certain contraindications. The main ones include pulmonary hemorrhage, asthma attacks, the presence of foreign bodies, and severe respiratory failure. Additional reasons for the ban include ischemic heart pathology, epileptic seizures and a violation of the blood clotting process.

Currently, the incidence of tuberculosis is increasing significantly. For this reason, it is important to carry out diagnostic measures in a timely manner, especially if patients are affected by the pathological process in childhood. Thanks to the basic methods for detecting tuberculosis, it becomes possible to develop effective therapy. All available techniques allow us to identify negative changes in the body at the early stages of the disease. That is why timely detection of tuberculosis is important.



2023 “kingad.ru” - ultrasound examination of human organs