Acupressure for facial rejuvenation: an effective technique. Acupuncture points on the face for skin rejuvenation without surgery

Acupressure facial massage promotes powerful muscle relaxation of the whole body, relieves tension and spasms, improves microcirculation, smoothes fine wrinkles. One of the methods of acupressure is the impact on the point by pressure with the index or thumb. It can be used in combination with harmonizing rotational movements in the area from a selected point.

First you need to make a light pressure on the selected point for 30 seconds - this improves local blood circulation. After that, perform nine rotations clockwise, and vice versa, the same number of rotations. The duration of the massage of one point should not exceed 3-4 minutes.

1. A very important point: located on the top of the head in the parietal fossa in the center of the line connecting the upper points of the auricles. Indispensable if you have insomnia, neurosis, headache, vegetative-vascular dystonia, migraine. No wonder the ancient doctors called this point - "the point of a thousand meetings."

2. At the inner corner of the eye, approximately at a distance of 0.3 cm, there is a “clear light” point. The name itself speaks for itself. Massaging this point improves visual acuity, exposure to it also helps with nasal congestion.

3. At the beginning of the eyebrows, above point 2 (clear light), point 3 is located, this point is very effective for dizziness, for pain in the front of the head of vascular origin.

4. On the outer side of the eyebrows there is point 4, called the "thread of bamboo" - this point helps with poor eyesight, relieves headaches of vascular origin.

5. A very commonly used point: it is located in the center of the bridge of the nose, on a vertical line extending from the tip of the nose. This point has a poetic name "meeting with the temple". Helps with insomnia, headaches, dizziness, point massage significantly improves the general condition.

6. With migraine, relief comes from massage of point 6, located approximately 0.6 cm from the outer corner of the eye.

7. This point is called the "sun": it is located in the temporal cavity between the top of the ear and the outer end of the eyebrows. Effective for emotional instability, eye disease, migraine or headache.

8. This point is located 1 cm below the level of the pupil. Point massage will be invaluable if you have tics of the upper eyelid, headache, speech disorder, dizziness. Soreness at this point may indicate sinusitis or problems in the stomach. Try to help yourself by massaging this point.

9. The ninth point is called the "axis of the cheek" and it is located to the top and in front of the angle of the lower jaw; a small depression is felt in place of the point. It is used in acupuncture for goiter, speech disorder. Impact on this point helps with cervical myositis - difficulty with turning the neck, forced tense position.

10. With fainting, shock, hysterical fit, point 10 will help, the point is located under the tip of the nose in the upper third of the vertical furrow of the upper lip. The Chinese called this point the "middle of man" point. Point massage is recommended for swelling of the face and nervous tics in the eyes and mouth.

11. Similar indications at point 11. Simultaneous action on both points, relieves swelling of the face. The massage of these points also activates the functions of the internal organs and the brain. Point 11 is effective for loss of voice.

12. Point 12 is called "anti-stress" and it is located in the center of the inner part of the chin. With fear, high emotional intensity, negative unexpected news, you need to massage this point with pressure with the thumb of your right hand.

Always be in a positive mood, move more, eat simple food, sleep as much as the body requires, and ... stimulate the San Yin Jiao point on each leg for at least 10 minutes every day.

Stimulating the San Yin Jiao point is a very important point, especially for women. After all, this will make it possible to resist age, that is, to preserve youth for a long time. And if the massage of this point is combined with the stimulation of other points that can improve ovarian function, then the effect will be much more noticeable.

Where is the San Yin Jiao point?

And it is located on the inside of the shins of both legs. Look at your ankle. On the inside there is a protruding bone. To this bone, you need to attach 4 fingers brought together, while attaching the little finger to the center of the bone. Above the bone at a distance of 3 cun (well, or 4 fingers) is the San Yin Jiao point.
This point can be massaged alternately, or simultaneously on both legs. You can simply press it with your finger, or you can tap it with a massage hammer. What is so magical for women's health gives a massage of this point?

1. Regulates the monthly cycle, relieves spots, acne and wrinkles.

This point is the intersection of the channels of the kidneys, liver and spleen. The spleen is the organ responsible for the production and movement of blood and qi. The liver is responsible for storing blood, and the kidneys are able to give blood the original energy. The secret lies in the fact that if a sufficient amount of blood and qi energy circulates through the body of a woman, there are no congestion, then this directly affects the course of menstruation. In other words, they come without delay, that is, regularly. The appearance of acne, spots and wrinkles on the body depends on the regularity of the monthly cycle.

If you massage the San Yin Jiao point daily in the evenings, then your cycle will be restored, and at the same time worries about skin problems will recede, and the onset of menopause will significantly shift. However, it must be remembered that such transformations should not be expected from just one session. If you do massage daily, then after a certain period of time, at least one month, you can see the first results on your face. In addition, we know that the menstrual cycle begins to go astray against the backdrop of ovarian failure. This means that in addition to massaging the San Yin Jiao point, you need to take care of the health of the ovaries.

2. Eliminates sagging skin and strengthens facial muscles.

Chinese doctors are convinced that the responsibility for muscle elasticity lies with the spleen, the better its condition, the more elastic the muscles. If this organ is subjected to regular attacks, then this will certainly lead to sagging not only of the skin of the face, but of the whole body.
If ladies, after reaching the age of forty, have a sincere desire to prevent sagging of the muscles of the chest, abdomen and face, then you need to massage the San Yin Jiao point every night, while not forgetting about a balanced diet.

3. Improves the activity of the uterus and ovaries.

The main organ that is responsible for the youth of a woman is the ovaries. Therefore, to maintain their health, you need to massage other important active points, which we will list. The most important points for this are located in the lower abdomen of the points Guan Yuan (Ren4), Qi Hai (Ren6), Shen Que (Ren8). If you press these points daily, it will stimulate the activity of the ovaries and help preserve youth. Chinese doctors distinguish in the body of a woman the anterior median channel or Ren Mai and the posterior median channel or Du Mai.

These are the central channels, the first of which is responsible for blood circulation, and the second for the circulation of qi energy. Both of them start in the lower abdomen where the uterus and ovaries are located. Regular massage of these points located in the lower abdomen activates the activity of the ovaries and uterus and stimulates the movement of qi energy through energy channels. When this energy is sufficient, the organs work without interruption, and the woman's skin is healthy and smooth, without wrinkles and other problems, the muscles are toned and elastic, and the sleep is deep and sound. Therefore, Chinese medicine strongly advises to start health care with strengthening the uterus and ovaries. But back to the San Yin Jiao point.

How often can and should it be affected?

You can massage it either when you feel the need for it, or do it regularly. Massaging is most effective with the thumb, as it is the strongest among the other fingers on the hand. It is not necessary to be overly zealous so that a bruise does not appear. Pressing on a point is accompanied by painful sensations, so it is advisable to apply a reasonable force of impact.

You can also use such an unusual method as cauterizing it with wormwood cigars.
What does the hotspot guide say about this?
Impact on this point activates the work of the stomach and spleen, improves and regulates the work of the liver, removes fluid, tonic affects the work of the kidneys. It has a restorative effect on the monthly cycle in women. Strengthens bowel function, activates urination.
Improves the functioning of the reproductive system.
It has a calming effect on the nerves.
It acts as an anesthetic, that is, it reduces pain.

San Yin Jiao point massage should be used in the following situations:

  • with pain in the lower abdomen and external genitalia;
  • if you are worried about rumbling in the stomach and its swelling occurs;
  • with a disorder of the stool; with pain before and during menstruation;
  • in case of uterine bleeding or whiteness;
  • with the prolapse of the uterus; with problems with potency;
  • in case of enuresis; with disturbing edema;
  • when a hernia is detected; with muscle atrophy;
  • if there are violations of motor function;
  • with paralysis of the legs; as well as pain in the head, dizziness and insomnia.

The San Yin Jiao point is very important in the science of acupuncture. Particular importance is attached to it as a harmonizing point. In other words, in the event of an imbalance in the work of human organs, by influencing this point, it is possible to harmonize the general state.

It does not matter what exactly caused this imbalance - a lack or excess of energy. This is an important property of a point. Together with a strong effect also on the three Yin organs, success can be achieved in the treatment of a number of ailments.

The main role of the San Yin Jiao point is to restore the harmony of the spleen function, since it is on it that the responsibility lies in promoting blood and qi energy in the body.
In addition, this point is responsible for ensuring that all human organs are in their places, as created by nature, while the blood circulates freely through the veins and arteries.
As mentioned above, massage of this point is important for restoring normal functioning and the digestive tract.

Such disorders include insufficient digestion of food, loose stools, a feeling of fullness in the abdomen, unpleasant rumbling, and some others. If the spleen does not work well enough, then it cannot provide the blood with the right amount of qi energy. Weak spleen function can cause dizziness, palpitations, blurred vision, and painful periods.published

Every woman wants to keep her youth and beauty as long as possible. In an effort to prolong the longed-for youth, women are ready to give any means and resort to any cosmetic procedures. However, beauty and youth do not always require huge funds and a surgical scalpel.

There is a fairly effective and very cheap way to help prolong youth and beauty. This is the activation of points of youth on the face.

Youth points on the face are biologically active points that trigger the processes of regeneration and restoration of skin structures. The active impact on these points gives an amazing result, which improves blood circulation, smoothes wrinkles and enhances the lymphatic drainage effect.

There are about 700 points on the human body that are responsible for different organs and systems. There are more than 25 biologically active points on the face, by acting on which you can improve the condition of the skin. In addition, you can prevent the appearance of new wrinkles, improve complexion, make the skin more dense and elastic.

How to find points of youth on the face?

In order to eliminate skin problems with the help of acupressure, you need to know not only where the biologically active points are located, but also what they are responsible for. Accuracy plays the main role here: after all, by stimulating the wrong point, you can achieve the exact opposite effect. Therefore, first of all, you should find and remember the location of the active points on your face.

In order to find active points on the face, you need to go to the mirror. Carefully observing our reflection, we pay attention to the following zones:

  • two points on the walls of the nose at the inner corners of the eyes are directly called points of youth, they improve vision;
  • two dots on the outer corners of the eyes;
  • two points under the eye (right and left);
  • a point in the center of the bridge of the nose (between the eyebrows), called the third eye, the activation of this point improves blood circulation, stimulates the pituitary gland and regulates endocrine processes in the body;
  • two points in the center of the eyebrows;
  • two points on the temples (the line of the beginning of hair growth) help improve vision, improve blood circulation in the brain, relieve tension from the muscles that are located nearby;
  • two points in the recesses under the wings of the nose, when stimulated, improve the sense of smell, help to quickly cope with a cold and improve the condition of the teeth;
  • two points located at the end of the earlobes, they are easy to feel if you open your mouth - the resulting recess and there are active points, when stimulated, you can improve hearing, the functioning of the vestibular apparatus and relieve the tension of the masticatory muscles;
  • two points under the cheekbones (central position);
  • point under the nose;
  • two points in the corners of the mouth;
  • the point on the chin is responsible for the elimination of toxins;
  • point under the lower lip;
  • one point under the cheekbone on the left side;
  • point between the collarbones;
  • point in the dimple at the back of the head.

Types of influence on biologically active points

Depending on the problem to be solved, there are different ways of influencing biological points.

You can influence biologically active points by the following methods:

  • acupressure;
  • acupuncture;
  • vacuum effect;
  • thermal impact.


Acupuncture is a fairly complex procedure that requires great skill and experience. The essence of the method is the introduction of thin small needles under the skin. This method allows you to stimulate and improve the work of all organs and systems. When performing acupuncture for aesthetic purposes, you can improve complexion and tighten skin turgor.

There is also a method of electroacupuncture, which uses a weak electrical impulse. The role of needles here is performed by electrical impulses of different lengths.

Vacuum exposure

This method is based on the good old cupping method. The vacuum principle for the face works on the same principle. This method smoothes wrinkles, rejuvenates the skin, normalizes metabolism, tightens pores and improves complexion. The vacuum method affects not only the surface layer of the skin, but also the inner layer of the subcutaneous fat.

thermal effect

This method involves a thermal effect on biologically active points. It is carried out in two ways:

  • contact;
  • distant.

The contact method implies the direct effect of the heat source on the active point, with the distant method the heat source does not come into contact with the point. Thermal procedures remove toxins from the body, strengthen and rejuvenate the skin.

When conducting thermal methods of activation of biologically active substances, the experience and qualifications of the specialist conducting the procedure are of great importance. If you do not calculate the time of exposure correctly, you can get serious facial burns. The thermal method of exposure can be carried out at home on your own, it is not so difficult. For example, Thai massage with hot herbal bags.


For facial rejuvenation, Asian techniques of acupressure are used all over the world.

As a rule, this is:

  • chinese finger massage zhong;
  • japanese shiatsu massage;
  • Indian Marma Therapy.

The above methods of massage are distinguished by a specific technique.

Let us dwell in more detail on acupressure, which can be done independently, having studied the location of biologically active points on the face well.

How to activate youth points?

First you need to thoroughly cleanse the skin of decorative cosmetics, then apply a nourishing cream on it. It is also recommended to do a light massage along the massage lines to warm up the skin.

Acupressure is done with the index fingers, but in no case pulling or stretching the skin, but simply pressing the soft tissues with the fingertips to the bones of the skull. In order to make sure that the points are correctly determined, they must be carefully felt with your fingers, since they are located in small depressions on the bones of the skull. When you press on the biologically active points, there is a slight soreness or pleasant warmth, but not sharp pain or discomfort. The activation time of each point is no more than 5 seconds. Activation of biologically active points affects the nerve endings, which gives the muscles a load, forcing them to work. When exposed to paired points, movements are made simultaneously. For example, the activation of points above the eyes occurs simultaneously, as well as the impact on the points in the corners of the mouth and on the points on the outer and inner corners of the eyes.

In this case, it is necessary to observe some nuances:

  • you should press on the point for no more than 5-10 seconds;
  • a slight warmth or mild pain should be felt in the place of pressure;
  • no discomfort should be observed;
  • you can press either with one (index or thumb) or with two or three (index + middle + ring) fingers;
  • paired points are processed simultaneously;
  • the procedure is preferably carried out in the morning, after cleansing and moisturizing the skin of the face;
  • you need to massage your face on a nourishing or moisturizing cream, but you can also use wheat germ oil, grape, corn or linseed oil instead of a cream;
  • after the procedure, it is recommended to apply a nourishing softening mask to the skin;
  • activation of youth points is not carried out in case of violation of integrity or inflammation skin.

The activation of youth points always begins with the treatment of the inner corners of the eyes.

Indications for carrying out

The procedure is shown:

  • persons with flabby, atonic skin;
  • with a dull complexion;
  • with deformation of the oval of the face;
  • in the presence of deep wrinkles, jowls and ptosis.

Of course, the activation of the points of youth will not relieve the patient of all skin defects, some problems need a more radical solution, but to improve the complexion, make it fresh and toned, restore the skin relief, smooth out wrinkles is quite within the power of acupressure.

Contraindications to the procedure

  • inflammatory processes on the skin (acne, acne, rosacea, rosacea);
  • infectious - viral diseases on the face (herpes);
  • hypertonic disease;
  • allergy;
  • after peeling or dermabrasion;
  • after using fillers;
  • with intracranial pressure;
  • for any chronic or acute diseases in the body.

How to activate eye points

It is well known that the eyes are the most beautiful part of the human face. They are able to convey a whole range of feelings and emotions. However, the anatomical features of the structure of the skin around the eyes contribute to the early appearance of wrinkles and folds. Regular exposure to the points of youth will help to shine the eyes with a mischievous brilliance of youth. In addition, by acting on the points around the eyes, you can relieve their fatigue, tension, swelling and swelling, as well as improve vision. Biologically active points of the eyes are located in the hollows on the inner and outer corners of the eyes. If you press on them for 5-10 minutes, you can immediately feel relaxation and peace in the eye area.

Important points of influence are the middle of the eyebrows, which are located directly above the pupil. They are located in a hollow between two hills. Massaging these points helps relieve stress after long work at the computer, reading and myopia.

Stimulation of points located at a distance of one centimeter from the outer corner of the eyes to the temple helps to effectively eliminate the so-called "crow's feet". Stimulation of the points under the cheekbones at the level of the middle of the pupil will also help improve the skin around the eyes. And massaging along the upper and lower edge of the eye orbit helps relieve headaches and dizziness. The points are processed for 10 seconds each, in three passes.

Activation of points of youth on the forehead

In order to prevent the appearance of premature wrinkles on the forehead and smooth out those that have already appeared, it is necessary to stimulate an important point, which is located one finger above the eyebrow on the pupil line. In addition, massaging this point can relieve headaches, dizziness, fatigue, and eye strain.

Another active point is located at the temples at the end of the eyebrows, its stimulation prevents the development of "crow's feet", and also relieves stress and fatigue. Smoothing the forehead, from its middle to the temples, with the index fingers of both hands, you can prevent the development of vertical wrinkles on the forehead. By activating points that are three centimeters above the outer corner of the eyes, the development of bags and swelling under the eyes can be prevented, as blood circulation and lymph outflow improve. By stimulating points that are in the middle of the hairline, it is possible to prevent the formation of transverse wrinkles on the forehead.

Activation of points of youth in the cheeks and lips

Nothing ages a woman like the presence of deep nasolabial folds on her face. They give the face a mournful, eternally tired look. In order to prevent their appearance or to make the nasolabial folds that have already appeared less pronounced, it is necessary to regularly activate the points in the center under the lower lip. Stimulation of this point can also relieve swelling of the face, paralysis of the facial nerve and toothache of the lower row of teeth. By pressing on the points near the mouth across the vector of the formation of the nasolabial fold, it is possible to achieve skin alignment and smooth wrinkles.

With the help of the index, middle and ring fingers of both hands, they press on a point that is located above the upper lip. When activated, this point can prevent the appearance of vertical wrinkles on the lip, and stimulation of the point under the nose can prevent the appearance of wrinkles on the upper lip and nasolabial folds.

And in conclusion, I would like to say that stimulation of biologically active points on the face can not only pleasantly transform the appearance and improve the condition of the skin, but also have a beneficial effect on the state of the body as a whole.

Noticing wrinkles on her face, a woman is always upset, and this causes the appearance of new wrinkles. Such a chain reaction is quite natural. With age, any of us develop wrinkles, no matter how carefully we take care of our facial skin, but the appearance of wrinkles can be postponed to a later date. It depends on you and me. Knowing the points of youth and acupressure will help us with this.

Acupressure of the face improves blood circulation and helps to smooth the skin, relieves puffiness from the face, improves lymphatic drainage and nutrition of skin cells, makes the skin of the face healthier and more elastic. This happens, in part, because we remove congestion of the skin if we massage regularly. Only regular procedures can bring at least some improvement, massage from time to time will bring the same minor changes.

Before starting the massage, you need to relax the muscles as much as possible, you need to press on the point perpendicular to the skin surface for 1-3 minutes. There may be a feeling of tingling or tension when applying pressure - this is normal, after you release your finger, the tension will disappear. If you clicked on the dot and did not feel anything, then you did not find the dot correctly. Ideally, you should feel a pulsation that disappears as soon as the pressure stops. Let's go straight to the points. For a greater massage effect, you can find each point in small recesses located according to the description of the location.

The point of the "Third Eye" is located between the eyebrows on the line of the eyebrows, 1 cm above the bridge of the nose. In order to find it, you need to connect the middle and index fingers of both hands.

Point "Four squirrels" Located in the deepening of the cheekbone, just below the eye socket. By pressing on this point, you can remove puffiness from the face and cope with acne.

The Facial Beauty point is below the Four Squirrels point, just below the pupil. Impact on this point will provide you with a healthy complexion and youthful skin.

The Divine Appearance point is located under the earlobe behind the jawbone. Pressing on this point helps to improve the condition of the skin and is good for the thyroid gland.

The Drilling Bamboo point is located near the inner edge of the eyebrows. Impact on this point helps to relieve fatigue from the eyes and helps with headaches.

The point of getting rid of "crow's feet" is located at a distance of 1 cm from the outer corner of the eye to the temple.

A point located under the eye, one transverse finger below the edge of the orbit, on the pupil line, helps to cope with dizziness, you need to press this point for 10 seconds, in three approaches.

The point of removal of edema from the face is located in the center above the lower lip, with the help of massage of this point, you can stop the toothache.

The point against the folds near the mouth is located in the corners of the mouth, it needs to be massaged for 30 seconds.

The point located under the nose can bring you back to life after fainting.

Biologically active points on the face are special areas responsible for the functioning of certain systems and organs of the body and reflecting their work. Stimulation of these points can tidy up the body, smooth out wrinkles and prolong youth. In the publication, we will talk about acupuncture, thermal and vacuum effects on active points of the face, consider the features of zhong acupressure and Japanese shiatsu, as well as Indian marma therapy.

Face zones

Different parts of the face are responsible for certain organs and systems of the body. Irritations, peeling, rashes and other skin imperfections in a certain area indicate possible problems in the body.

Approximately the face is divided into the following zones:

  • area around the eyes;
  • cheeks;
  • nose and bridge of nose;
  • chin.

The forehead is responsible for the genitourinary system. If rashes, peeling or excessive wrinkles are regularly observed on the forehead, then it is worth checking the genitourinary system for dysfunctions.

Specifically, the upper forehead indicates a problem in the large intestine. If acne is constantly observed in this area, this indicates a strong intoxication of the body that has come through the fault of alcohol, smoking or other toxic substances. If irritation is observed in the temporal lobe, check the liver and gallbladder.

The area of ​​the ears is connected with the kidneys. Constant peeling, black dots, excessive sebum on the ears are evidence of problems with these organs. If you also have an increase blood pressure, worsening pressure, constant weakness and shortness of breath, do not delay going to the doctor.

The area around the eyes is also associated with the kidneys, plus it can reveal problems with the digestive system. Permanent dark circles, for example, are a reason to think and get examined by a gastroenterologist.

The cheeks are connected to the lungs, so the frequent appearance of spots, irritations and rashes signals problems with the respiratory system. If irritations are localized closer to the temporal region, then this indicates a malfunction. of cardio-vascular system.

The nose area is connected to the heart, and the bridge of the nose is connected to the pancreas. The chin is responsible for the reproductive organs: the uterus, the prostate gland.

Why dots on the face answer

Finding problems is half the battle. To eliminate them with acupressure on the face, you need to know where the points of the face are located and what they are responsible for. Accuracy is important here: if you act on the wrong point, then you will get a completely different effect. Therefore, first of all, remember the location of all biologically active points and find them on your face.

In order not to be mistaken, it is better to refer to a visual diagram:

The main impact points are:

  • The point of the pituitary gland, also called the "third eye", is located in the middle of the forehead, slightly above the eyebrows. Exposure to it stimulates the blood supply to the frontal part of the brain, which in turn helps to restore vision and stimulates the pituitary gland, which regulates endocrine processes in the body.
  • Two paired points on the walls of the nose, located in the corners of the eyes, are called "points of youth." They improve vision.
  • Two paired points on the wings of the nose are a centimeter from each wing. Their stimulation improves the sense of smell, helps with colds, helps fight viruses, and even improves dental health.
  • The point in the middle of the chin is responsible for the elimination of toxins.
  • Two points located on the temples help improve vision, stimulate the blood supply to the brain and spinal cord, and relieve tension from nearby muscles.
  • Paired points located near the tragus of the ear are easy to feel if you open your mouth: the point is located in the formed hole. Their stimulation helps relieve the tension of the masticatory muscles, improves hearing and the functioning of the vestibular apparatus.

Types of impact on BAP

There are different techniques for influencing BAT (biologically active points) depending on the result you want to achieve. Depending on the goal pursued - prolongation of youth and general improvement of the body - you need to choose the most appropriate method for yourself. However, it is important to understand that these two goals are inextricably linked, so regardless of the method chosen, the end result usually includes both points.

The following is a list of methods used to influence BAP:

  • acupuncture;
  • thermal effect;
  • vacuum effect;
  • acupressure.


The acupuncture method consists in the introduction of needles under the skin. A needle with a small diameter is inserted under the skin exactly at the biologically active point. This method allows you to adjust the functioning of the body systems and restore health. At the same time, it significantly improves the condition of the face, replacing many salon procedures.

In cosmetology, there is a whole direction for facial rejuvenation -. The method is considered effective and safe, and can successfully replace a surgical facelift.

The method of electroacupuncture is distinguished separately: a weak electrical impulse is applied to the tip of the needle. When exposed to different points, pulses of different durations are used.

It is important to understand that the acupuncture method requires skill, precision and experience. Therefore, deciding on the use of this method, we recommend that you contact only a trusted specialist.

thermal effect

This method involves the impact on the points of the heat source. There is a contact and a distant method - in the first, a direct effect is made on the point, in the second, the heat source does not touch the skin directly.

Here, the skill of a specialist is also of great importance, since if you do not calculate the duration of exposure, you can get burns. However, some types of thermal exposure can be carried out independently: for example, massage with hot bags is a Thai procedure that removes toxins from the body, strengthens and rejuvenates the skin.

Vacuum exposure

Surely everyone in childhood put cans. Vacuum facials work in much the same way. Vacuum facial massage affects both the surface of the skin and the inner layer of subcutaneous fat. This method smoothes and rejuvenates the skin, normalizes metabolism, accelerates cell regeneration, tightens pores and improves the overall appearance of the face.

Zhong acupressure

For facial rejuvenation, Asian massage techniques are used all over the world. One of them is Chinese zhong finger massage, which uses three fingers: thumb, index and middle. By working with your fingers on the points on the face for rejuvenation, you can completely transform the appearance of the skin. There are two types of this massage: soothing and tonic.

When conducting a soothing massage, pressure is continuously applied to the point with a gradual increase in the level of pressure. As soon as the pressure reaches its maximum (while it should not be too strong so as not to cause pain), the finger is released and the procedure is repeated from the beginning. This is repeated 3-4 times, and the total session time is 3-7 minutes.

In a tonic massage, everything is done the other way around: short and strong pressure, after which the finger sharply moves away from the face. The main thing is not to press too hard, you should not experience pain.

The general execution technique is as follows. The impact begins with points located on the temples. At the same time, the forehead is stroked with the index and middle fingers: first up, then to the side. Then, continuing to massage the points on the temples, stroking the eyebrows is done: from the bridge of the nose to the temples. After that, leaving the thumbs at the temples, the inner and outer corners of the eyes are massaged with the index and middle fingers, and then the lower and upper eyelids.

Next, the thumbs move to the outer corners of the eyes, massaging them towards the temples. Then the points are rubbed on the wings of the nose, at its base and under it. Then again the transition to the temporal lobes, this time with the index and middle fingers, massaging in a circular motion. Next, a cheek massage is performed in the direction from the cheekbones to the neck.

It all ends with a light tapping of the fingers on the face. Finally, you need to rub your face with your palms to induce heat. This completes the massage.

Japanese shiatsu massage

Shiatsu massage is both a method of diagnosis and a means of treatment. By pressing on the point, an experienced specialist will be able to tell by its rigidity or elasticity whether everything is normal with one or another organ. Impact on points of the face with the help of shiatsu massage can improve the condition of the body and rejuvenate the face. In addition, it helps with:

  • insomnia;
  • headaches;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • nervous tics;
  • colds.

Shiatsu technique is as follows. First, with the pads of the thumbs, the points located between the eyebrows are massaged. Then the massage moves to the points on the wings of the nose. After that comes a point under the lower lip, and behind it the fingers go to the temporal lobes. At the end of the session, the points near the auricles are massaged.

During the shiatsu massage, the effect is made with short and light pressure - 5-7 seconds. Pain should not occur, the maximum that you can feel is a slight electrical discharge through the body. This is normal and indicates a correct hit to the point.

Such a massage can be performed independently. The technique of performing Japanese facial massage is presented in the following video tutorial:

Indian Marma Therapy

In Indian massage, biologically active points located on the face are called marmas - hence the interesting name. In marmatherapy, massage is carried out in circular motions clockwise and counterclockwise. The hands are parallel to each other. The cycle begins with a small circle and gradually increases. There are 5 expanding and 5 narrowing circles in the cycle - each is repeated three times.


The presence of biologically active points provides amazing opportunities for healing and rejuvenation of the body. The article did not describe all the techniques for influencing the points of the face, in fact there are many more of them, which means that everyone can find the most suitable way for themselves. Using methods of influencing biologically active points, you can stay healthy and beautiful for a long time.



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