Remedies from poplar buds: tincture, infusion, ointment and decoction.

Ecology of life. To be in harmony with nature - isn’t this what our ancestors bequeathed to us? Working until they sweated, they did not know pickles, but were content with simple food. But despite this, the ancestors were strong and seasoned. So why don't we become the same?


Sedocor or black poplar is such a noticeable beauty, but at the same time the most common tree that can be found in almost many regions of the European territory of Russia. Its slenderness and unpretentiousness attracts workers in landscaping parks and streets of cities and towns.

In June, when the fluff from it causes certain inconvenience to the residents, I hope that the only consolation for many can be a song about poplar fluff and the heat of the month of June. Unfortunately, landscapers have no time for song lyrics and they mercilessly prune this beauty, sometimes leaving ugly stumps from which many shoots grow with respectable persistence.

Phytologists speak with reverent awe about the greatest benefits of poplar buds, as, undoubtedly, the most valuable biological treasure active substances, which are actually in no way inferior to birch buds. The fact that they contain essential oil with a persistent pleasant aroma already means a lot. But they also contain organic acids (malic, benzoic, salicylic), flavonoids, phenol carbonic acids and phenol glucosides.

And yet, interest in poplar buds is caused by the fact that they have quite pronounced antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic and sedative effects. The uniqueness of poplar buds is that all the substances included in their composition successfully complement each other and thereby ensure the success of healing.

The uniqueness and peculiarity of the pharmacological use of poplar buds are quite extensive and are determined not only by the method of preparation, but also by the arsenal of prescribed therapeutic measures.

for the treatment of tuberculosis(even one that is resistant to drugs) you need to use a tincture with 70% alcohol. To prepare it, you need to fill a glass jar 1/3 full with poplar buds (it would be better if the buds were fresh) and fill the jar to the top with alcohol (you can also use good moonshine).

We send this jar to infuse for three weeks in a warm place. Shake the jar daily and after three weeks, strain the contents of the jar through several layers of gauze. The filtered preparation should be stored in the refrigerator.

For medicinal purposes, the tincture can be taken 20–30 drops with hot milk or herbal tea 3–4 times a day before meals. The course of treatment should not exceed one month, since a break of 7–10 days is required. For colds, bronchitis, high temperature and fever, cystitis, rheumatism, amenorrhea in women, this tincture will help faster and is guaranteed to be more reliable than pharmaceutical tablets.

It was stated above that poplar buds have calming, antipyretic and antimicrobial effects. If you brew 1 tablespoon of crushed poplar buds with 300 ml of boiling water, leave in a warm place for 4–5 hours, strain and drink the resulting infusion 1 tablespoon 3–5 times a day, then it will act as a soothing, antipyretic and antimicrobial means.

rheumatic joint pain, arthritis, gout. To eliminate all these factors that affect the level of quality of life, it is necessary to use a decoction, which is prepared from 3-5 tablespoons of poplar buds, brewed in 0.5 liters of water and boil these poplar buds in a water bath for 15 minutes.

Cool for one hour and, after the infusion is filtered, the decoction is ready for use. The bandages are soaked in the decoction and applied to sore spots 1-2 times a day.

The same decoction can be used quite successfully for the treatment of pain due to inflammation of the sciatic nerve, sprains and tears of ligaments, bruises. For treatment of hemorrhoids and anal fissures decoction usually used in the form of applications or as microenemas of 10–20 ml. But it should be borne in mind that the decoction stains fabrics a yellow color that cannot be washed off.

To prepare an oil extract from poplar buds, you need to fill a glass jar 1/3 filled with raw materials, fill it to the top with refined vegetable oil, place it in a water bath and, stirring, cook for 25 minutes. After the jar with the contents has cooled slightly, strain through several layers of gauze and store the resulting oil extract in the refrigerator.

The oil extract is taken orally in the treatment of urolithiasis, chronic urethritis, ulcerative colitis 1 teaspoon with meals. For joint damage, itchy skin, treatment of cracked nipples of a nursing mother The oil extract is already used as an external remedy and is rubbed into problem areas. Its use in treatment fungal skin diseases, trichomonas colpitis and hemorrhoids gives a lasting healing effect.

In addition to the buds, the black poplarThe bark and young leaves are also used for medicinal purposes.The procurement of raw materials is usually carried out in early spring. To prepare a decoction of bark and buds, take 1 tablespoon of crushed bark and buds and boil their mixture in 0.5 liters of water for 10 minutes under the lid, then leave for 0.5 hours and strain.

If you are preparing a decoction of buds and leaves, then take 2 tablespoons of leaves for 1 tablespoon of buds and boil the resulting mixture in 0.5 liters of water for 10 minutes, leave for 0.5 hours, strain.

A decoction of both buds with bark and buds with leaves is drunk for inflammation of the bladder, prostatitis, polyarthritis, colds half a glass 3-4 times a day.

The same decoction, if douched, helps well with inflammatory diseases in women, and for hemorrhoids, sitz baths are needed. If about treat frostbitten and burned skin areas, then healing occurs faster and painlessly. And for stomatitis, the decoction can be used not only as an anesthetic, but also as an antimicrobial. published

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It is well known that most medicinal plants are nature's treasure. Our ancestors used them for medicinal purposes several centuries ago. The nutritional properties of many herbs and rhizomes, which were widely used in cooking, are also known. Thanks to the accumulated store of knowledge, modern healers and official medicine actively use them for good purposes.

For example, the well-known black poplar tree (sedge) is associated with light fluff and summer days. This long-liver is famous for its phytoncidal properties, as it cleanses the air of pollutants and pathogens. Almost every part of this tree is valued. We will talk about this and more today.

General information about the plant

Poplar (photo presented in the article) of the Willow family sometimes reaches 25 meters in height. It has a fairly wide crown and yellowish bark, which becomes a dirty gray hue with age. The rhizomes are long, extending several meters deep into the soil. The flowers of the tree are small, collected in beautiful inflorescences, similar to earrings.

The leaves of the tree are triangular in shape. The fruits look like small boxes containing seeds. They begin to ripen from April to June, and then fly away with the wind far from the mother’s “nest.” The tree prefers ecologically clean territorial zones: forest thickets, edges, floodplains and low mountains. Grows in China, European countries, Central Asia and North Africa. Black poplar tolerates frost well, loves a lot of light, moist silty and sandy soils.

Biochemical composition

A number of valuable substances are contained in the buds of this tree. During scientific research, experts discovered in them such biological components as resin, flavonoids, leukoanthocyanins, fatty and essential oils, tannins, salicin, populin.

Also, black poplar buds are rich in malic, ascorbic and gallic acids. No less useful elements are found in the bark and leaves of the plant: phenolcarbonic and organic acids, alkaloids, carotenoids, isoprenoids and higher hydrocarbons.

Medical use

It has been scientifically proven that black poplar buds have anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, diuretic, bactericidal, antiseptic and analgesic properties. The use of drugs based on this natural component is indicated for chronic bronchitis. It has been experimentally proven that internal use helps facilitate sputum discharge.

Health professionals value the tree's antimicrobial and soothing qualities, which it inherits from willow. Due to the presence of so many medicinal properties, infusions from the kidneys restore intestinal activity and relieve the unpleasant symptoms of an upset stomach. Traditional healers widely use liquid extracts for urinary incontinence, cystitis, pathological processes of the genitourinary system, as well as spermatorrhea and kidney diseases.

Poplar leaves and buds are known to help relieve excessive sexual arousal. In addition, medicines from parts of this plant are prescribed to patients suffering from cervical cystitis and chronic urethritis. For maximum therapeutic effect, it is recommended to instill an oil solution into the urethra using a catheter.

The natural remedy relieves fatigue, weakness, and nervous excitability well. Also used for diarrhea, arthritis, hemorrhoids and colds. Sedum (black poplar) helps regulate the menstrual cycle during dysmenorrhea and strengthen weakened immunity. It has proven itself well in the treatment of malignant tumors (together with other herbal and medicinal preparations), rheumatism, scurvy, tuberculosis and gout.

The range of indications for the product is quite wide due to the presence of valuable substances. Practice has proven that they have a sedative, hemostatic and expectorant effect. From them a highly effective ointment is obtained, which is used as an emollient, disinfectant and antipyretic. It can treat staphylococcal and fungal skin diseases, various wounds and boils, as well as herpetic rashes, ulcers, burns and even alopecia.

An infusion of kidneys is recommended as the best remedy for a runny nose. A steamed kidney applied to the affected area will also help get rid of toothache. Experts say that tea made from this raw material will relieve vitamin deficiency and restore strength. The diverse therapeutic orientation of the tree allows us to call it one of the best homeopathic remedies.

Other uses

Black poplar is widely used in industry, construction, protective afforestation, land reclamation to strengthen ravines, slopes and banks. Of course, the tree is especially popular in forestry; inexpensive wood is obtained from it, which is subsequently used for the manufacture of cooperage, turning and carpentry, as well as plywood, containers, sleepers, matches, paper, viscose and cellulose. The bark, leaves and buds are used for dyeing leather materials and tanning. Essential oils are suitable for fixative and fragrance in soap.

Effective recipes

Sedge (tree and its parts) has excellent anti-inflammatory properties. For the treatment of gout, respiratory tract, polyarthritis, urethritis and cystitis, the following recipe, proven over the years, is used. For 10 grams of kidneys, take two glasses of boiling water. The solution is infused for 120 minutes. Used in a filtered state, one hundred grams.

For this purpose, an alcohol tincture is prepared. You need to pour 50 g of buds with half a liter of pure 40% alcohol. Leave the product for exactly 14 days in a dark place. After this, shake and strain using a sieve. Drink 30 drops three times a day before meals.

We treat prostatitis

Pour 20 grams of poplar buds into a glass of purified water, put it on the fire and let the liquid boil. The mixture should be infused and strained. Take two large spoons before meals three times a day.

Healing potion for adenoma and giardiasis

The following components will be required: five hundred grams of vodka or alcohol, 20 g of kidneys. Pour the infusion into a glass container and close tightly, store for two weeks. Take the finished mixture in filtered form once a day, a dessert spoon. The duration of therapy is 30 days.

For giardiasis, you should dilute 40 drops of an alcohol solution in a glass of milk or water and drink it an hour before meals (three times a day). The course is no more than a month.

Medicinal infusion

We take poplar buds and vegetable oil (any) in proportions of 10:1. Boil the mixed mass over low heat for ten minutes. As a result, you will get a thick, homogeneous mixture (extract), which should be taken a dessert spoon three times a day. It has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Use oily liquid for sinusitis and runny nose, instilling two drops into each nostril. It is recommended for erosive gastritis and stomach ulcers: drink 5 g four times a day before meals. Tampons are also made from the solution, which help heal cervical erosion.

Black poplar will relieve insomnia: prepare a decoction

For two dessert spoons you will need a glass of water. Boil the mixture for 10-15 minutes. Drink 100 ml three times a day.

Cooking ointment

Now it’s time for a miracle ointment of natural origin. Let's make it with our own hands from three large spoons of kidneys, ground in a blender or coffee grinder and mixed with the same amount of fat mass. It can be palm oil, goose or pork fat. Store the finished product in the refrigerator and use it for varicose veins, joint diseases, gout, purulent lesions, cracked nipples and burns.

Relieving the symptoms of hemorrhoids

30 g of kidneys should be boiled in half a liter of water, then left for about 3-4 hours and poured into a bath, in which you should then sit. The procedure takes 15 minutes.

Strengthening hair

For 4 large spoons of corn or sunflower oil, take two tablespoons of buds and leave for three weeks. Wipe your head with the strained solution (it’s better to rub it in). The product is suitable for the treatment of seborrhea.

Available contraindications

Black poplar has few restrictions in use. We presented a description of medicinal properties and scope of application above. As for contraindications, they are as follows: it is undesirable to use sedge-based drugs for chronic gastrointestinal pathologies, during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Poplar, the use of which is usually limited to “landscaping” plantings in parks and alleys, has exceptional healing properties. Black poplar buds have been used in folk medicine for centuries. Official medicine confirms the healing properties of poplar, which has powerful antiseptic, antifungal, sedative and antipyretic effects. Ointments, decoctions, and infusions are prepared using poplar raw materials.

Common poplar - botanical description

In botany, there are about 90 species of poplar, which belong to the willow family. Common on the territory of Eurasia are: pyramidal poplar (the most heat-loving trees), white or silver poplar and common poplar (black or sedge).

Black poplar is the most common type of poplar in Europe and Asia. A tall tree with a thick, straight trunk that very rarely bifurcates. The branches (and trunk) grow throughout the life of the plant, producing lateral shoots. The poplar bark is dark gray in color, strongly cracked and almost black at the base of the trunk. The crown is spreading, thick, even. The leaves are smooth, dark green, in the shape of a wide drop with an elongated, pointed top. The plant is dioecious, has spikelet, pendulous or erect inflorescences in the form of earrings. The fruits are capsules with a huge number of small seeds, which are “planted” on thin hairs (poplar fluff). The powerful root system of the poplar has a multi-tiered structure and firmly holds the plant, whose height can reach 60 meters.

Common poplar is a fast-growing plant, relatively undemanding to conditions. It takes root on any soil, but in favorable conditions growth is significantly accelerated. Does not tolerate shading and does not “climb” into the mountains. In terms of “production” of oxygen and the ability to purify the air from dust and gases, it is many times superior to pine, spruce, and linden.

Poplar - use in medicine

Poplar buds (both leaf and flower), foliage, and bark are used as medicinal raw materials.

Black poplar buds are collected in April-May, until they open. Due to the presence of a large number of bitter resins, essential oils, mineral salts, organic acids and vitamins, poplar buds are used as:

  • Extract from poplar buds and ointment from pounded buds mixed with butter or lard are used to treat arthritis, rheumatism, osteochondrosis, hemorrhoids (see other recipes), purulent wounds, furunculosis, and dermatological diseases.
  • An alcoholic infusion of black poplar buds is used in the complex treatment of tuberculosis, chronic bronchitis (more about their treatment), and nervous excitability.
  • Water infusions successfully treat inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system (for example, trichomonas colpitis), superficial ulcers, dermatitis, neuroses, gout and “sluggish” intestines.

Poplar leaves are used in the form of infusions and decoctions, mainly internally. They have a healing effect similar to poplar buds, but a milder one. Fresh juice from poplar leaves relieves toothache. Dried poplar leaves are widely used to prepare infusions for soothing baths.

Poplar bark contains:

  • Alkaloids. Substances that have a pronounced calming effect on the nervous system.
  • Tannins. They have an anti-inflammatory, astringent, wound-healing effect.
  • Glycosides are carbohydrate plant compounds that have antibacterial, vasodilating and metabolism-regulating effects.

Poplar bark (in the form of a decoction) is used in the treatment of diarrhea, cystitis, rheumatism, feverish conditions, colds and flu.

Deserves special attention medicinal properties of poplar as an immunomodulator, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and diuretic for diseases of the genitourinary organs in men of various etiologies: spermatorrhea (spontaneous release of sperm), vesiculitis (inflammation of the seminal vesicles), prostatitis, prostate adenoma. In the complex treatment of these diseases, a water or alcohol infusion of black poplar buds is used (orally), as well as an oil extract of the buds in the form of microenemas at night. Populin and salicyl (phenolic glycosides that break down into salicylic alcohol and acid), which are contained in the buds and bark of black poplar, effectively and gently relieve pain and fever, do not cause side effects and significantly improve the patient’s well-being.

The use of poplar for hair loss is effective. To treat alopecia (hair loss), an ointment is prepared from powdered black poplar buds and a fat base (vaseline or internal animal fat). This ointment stimulates the “work” of hair follicles, improves hair structure, nourishes the scalp and restores its barrier functions.

It is worth noting that “poplar fluff” in its “pure” form does not cause allergic reactions. However, it accumulates and transfers pollen from flowering plants, which has caused a widespread misconception about poplar as a strong allergen.

Despite the fact that drugs based on black poplar buds are used even in the complex treatment of cancer, the approach to treatment must be competent and individual. Poplar, the use of which is so widespread and effective, should not be used for self-medication. Consultation with a qualified doctor will help you make the most of the medicinal properties of poplar to solve your particular problems.

The centuries-old experience and knowledge of traditional healers are successfully used by modern healers to treat various ailments. The medicinal pharmacological properties of such raw materials as black poplar buds make it possible to prepare medicinal potions from it that help get rid of many diseases, including prostatitis.

Poplar buds have medicinal properties, which is why they are used in the treatment of diseases.

General characteristics of healing kidneys

For the urban dweller, poplar is associated with annoying fluff that gets stuck in any cracks and provokes allergic reactions, as well as with danger in the form of fragile branches that tend to break during strong winds. Stereotypical views, justified by concerns about safety, force us to get rid of such useful trees.

It’s not without reason that slender, handsome men are an integral part of the landscapes of megacities and roadsides. After all, the unique properties of this plant make it possible to effectively combat air pollution. And phytoncides secreted by leaves and buds can refresh and disinfect it.

Facts with centuries-old roots that confirm the healing properties of poplar raw materials shatter any stupid stereotypes.

For prostatitis, it is recommended to use black poplar buds. Although there are well-known recipes using bark or foliage. But in these cases, to achieve a therapeutic effect, the concentration of the drug will have to be significantly increased.

Buds for medicinal purposes are collected in May, with preference given to leafy ovaries. It is quite difficult to do the preparation yourself.

In addition to the buds, poplar bark and leaves are also used in treatment.

It is undesirable to use raw materials collected from black poplar, which grows within the city or near a busy road.

But even having found a lone tree in a field, it is not so easy to get to the high, skyward branches. Therefore, preference should be given to pharmaceutical raw materials that have manufacturer’s confirmation of their environmental friendliness.

Properly collected raw materials can:

  • have an analgesic effect;
  • relieve fever;
  • reduce inflammatory processes;
  • remove swelling due to the diuretic effect;
  • thin the blood;
  • dissolve salts and stones in hollow organs.

Kidneys have a beneficial effect on the body

Effective recipes

For therapeutic purposes, black poplar buds are used in traditional and official medicine for any form of prostatitis.

You can find ready-made homeopathic preparations designed to improve men's health using poplar raw materials. If you have the desire and patience, you can prepare such medicines yourself.

Remember! Treatment of prostatitis is a long and difficult process that requires discipline and strict adherence to medical recommendations.

Having decided to add traditional recipes to the main treatment, you need to be prepared that a magical transformation will not happen after a couple of experiments. It is foolish to hope that a minimal or short-term course will be enough for a complete cure.

If it were possible to get rid of an annoying illness so simply, it would not turn into chronic forms and would not bother almost every fourth man. Therefore, having started home treatment, be determined to carry out several full courses in order to be guaranteed to get rid of the disease.

Before starting alternative treatment, do not forget to consult a doctor about the compatibility of the chosen folk remedy with the drugs prescribed for the main treatment.

Before starting kidney treatment, you should consult your doctor.

Recipe 1

A well-known decoction helps fight prostatitis, which must be consumed for at least two months. To prepare this decoction, crushed black poplar raw materials are used. Next, you need to adhere to the proposed cooking technology:

  1. Pour up to three tablespoons of prepared kidneys into a container.
  2. Pour the raw material with 200 ml of boiling water.
  3. Boil the prepared broth.
  4. Let the potion steep for at least two hours, covering it tightly with a lid.
  5. Strain the finished broth and place in a dark container.

Take this decoction before each meal, for which you take two spoons of the drug at a time.

Recipe 2

If vesiculitis is observed against the background of prostatitis, you can prepare a complex herbal mixture yourself, recommended for long-term use. To do this you need to purchase or prepare:

  • burdock root;
  • sage grass

To prepare a decoction for prostatitis, you can use herbal tea

A collection is prepared from the listed ingredients, observing the proportion 5:3:2.

To brew a healing herbal drink, one spoon of the mixture is immersed in 200 ml of boiling water. After allowing the drug to brew for about 15 minutes, you can take it for medicinal purposes, a third of a glass daily. This treatment should last up to 2 months.

Recipe 3

In chronic forms of the disease, as well as in the presence of adenoma, it is recommended to prepare an alcohol tincture according to the following scheme:

  1. Pour 100 g into a dark container. pharmacy kidneys.
  2. Fill with alcohol or homemade strong vodka.
  3. Let the drug sit in a dark place for a couple of weeks.
  4. There is no need to strain and store the finished medicine in the cold.

They accept this medicine 10–13 drops before each meal. Treatment continues for at least seven weeks. After which a break is taken for a couple of weeks, and the course is repeated again.

At chronic form prostatitis tincture is being prepared

Recipe 4

Since poplar buds have a high concentration of essential oils, they are used as a room bacteriophage. To do this, you need to lightly mash the raw materials and pour them onto a plate, which you place in the living room.

Also, for these purposes, you can put several freshly cut poplar branches in a vase with water. Such simple methods will allow you to fill your home with resinous, pleasant, and even slightly sweet odors. Such simple but very effective methods allow you to refresh and disinfect the air, as well as strengthen the nervous system.

Recipe 5

It's even easier to use healing raw materials by adding them to your favorite herbal or green tea. A rich complex of useful substances will help stimulate immune abilities, which will allow the body to activate its own forces to fight the disease.

Once you begin a course of home therapy, carefully monitor your own well-being. The action of poplar buds is aimed at the entire body. Therefore, in case of inadequate or strange reactions, it is better to stop independent experiments and find a competent herbalist to draw up a treatment plan with suitable herbs.

The video below will talk about chronic prostatitis and its treatment:


Few know. However, its antiseptic, sedative, anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antipyretic effects are spoken about in unison not only by traditional healers, but by official medicine and pharmacists.

What is special about poplar, when to use the potion, and what properties it has - we will talk about all this later in the article.

Chemical composition

Herbalists claim that the most beneficial are sedge buds, although there are recipes in which its bark and leaves are the ingredients. But before we talk about the healing characteristics of the plant, let’s find out what causes them. In laboratory conditions, scientists have found that black foliage contains significant reserves of alkaloids, tannins, phenol carbonic acid, terpenes and carotenoids. The bark is dominated by flavonoids and hydrocarbons. And the kidneys accumulate essential and fatty oils, phenol glycosides, tannins and resins, salicin, gallic and malic acids, vitamin C, populin, chrysin and leukoanthocyanins.

Medicinal properties

Despite the indignation of many people for whom black poplar fluff causes allergies, botanists include it in the list of the most useful trees in our latitudes. This position is due to the wide range of effects of all parts of the plant on the human body.
In a complex relationship, the components of sedge have: bactericidal, diuretic, sedative, analgesic, astringent, wound-healing and anti-inflammatory effects.

In the process of preparing medicinal raw materials, the active components of the plant enter into a chain of continuous physicochemical reactions, as a result of which they become effective antiseptic. Therefore, decoctions, teas, infusions and ointments from sedge are widely used in the treatment of respiratory diseases, bronchitis, cough, purulent tonsillitis. Herbalists believe that these folk remedies accelerate the elimination of inflammatory processes by 40 percent.

Decoctions help get rid of headaches, relieve hepatic colic (especially in cases where drug treatment is contraindicated), and relieve fever. External use of a potion based on the buds of the tree helps to cope with various dermatitis, relieves itching, and helps heal deep, poorly healing wounds. Moreover, this remedy is very effective for cystitis, digestive tract disorders, flatulence and colitis.
Using poplar can be cured even depression, insomnia and improve emotional mood during nervous exhaustion. Also, similar tinctures and decoctions help with arthritis, neuralgia and hemorrhoids.

Did you know? Pharmacists of the 19th century managed to create a soothing extract from the leaves and buds of sedge, which helped cope with excessive sexual excitability.

Traditional medicine recommends remedies from black poplar for the treatment of malignant neoplasms, tuberculosis, furunculosis, burns and even alopecia. It is believed that regular rinsing of hair with decoctions from the bark of the plant helps strengthen hair follicles and treat seborrhea.

Pharmacy drugs

If you only learned about the medicinal properties of black poplar now that the harvesting season has ended, don’t worry. The healing potion is available in unlimited quantities at any pharmacy.

Depending on what and how you will treat, choose poplar buds, tinctures, phytobalms, liquid extracts.

Often, buds are supplied for sale in plastic or cardboard packaging of various sizes.

Tincture of black poplar buds Sold in glass bottles of 100–250 ml. Some manufacturers combine it with birch buds and other herbal infusions.

Important! In inflammatory processes, the therapeutic effect of sedge therapy occurs within 4–8 days.

Also in the pharmacy assortment there is the drug “Adenon”, based on sedge extract. It is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of prostate adenoma. Phytocylinders and phytocandles with poplar extract are effective in this direction. They are also recommended for hemorrhoids and benign prostatic hyperplasia.

For kidneys you can find a special phytobalm, based on poplar. In addition, the price of these natural medicines, in comparison with foreign one-piece substitutes, is affordable even for low-income categories of people. For 100 g of buds you will have to pay about 35–50 UAH, and for 200 ml of balm or tincture - within 50–200 UAH.

Preparation and storage of medicinal raw materials

The process of collecting raw materials differs from the collection of other medicinal plants, since it requires cutting down branches. It often occurs during massive cutting down of these trees.
Deciduous buds of black poplar are characterized by an oblong conical shape, greenish or yellow-brown color, specific resinous aroma and bitter taste. They appear in April. Bark and foliage are collected at the peak of the growing season.

Important! To ensure poplar buds come off well, start collecting them a few hours after cutting down the branches.

Harvesting in progress in the following way: small branches are cut with a sharp hacksaw, after which the valuable material is manually torn from them. You need to work with gloves, since the hard surface of the kidneys can damage your hands.

The raw materials are then sent to drying. Poplar buds should be laid out when drying one and a half centimeter layer. Otherwise, they will turn black and lose their healing power.

At home, this is done away from dusty roads, on a large sheet of cardboard or a piece of fabric in a well-ventilated place. The ideal option for this is the attic. In rainy, damp weather, you can use an electric dryer as an alternative. In this case, the temperature timer is set to 35°. This option takes much less time, but is more expensive.
When drying naturally, do not forget to visit the workpiece and turn it over every 2-3 hours, otherwise the thick buds will become moldy and disappear. In a few days the material will be ready for packaging. Pack it in fabric bags and place it in a dry, well-ventilated place. In this form, black poplar buds do not lose their medicinal properties for 2 years.

Important! When preparing raw materials, do not confuse deciduous buds with. The latter are of no value and are large in size. As a rule, they are located in small scaly leaves.

Traditional medicine recipes

Traditional healers offer many variations of poplar therapy in the form of decoctions, ointments, infusions, compresses, and extracts.

At acute respiratory diseases, colds, bronchitis, purulent sore throat and gout It is advised to take half a glass of infusion from sedge buds three times a day. A potion is prepared from 1 tablespoon of crushed raw materials and half a liter of boiling water. You can drink the potion 2 hours after it has infused. It is advisable to strain it before taking it.

Relieve stress, improve the functioning of the nervous system, and you can also get rid of insomnia with the help of poplar decoction. To prepare it you will need 2 teaspoons of finely chopped leaf buds and 400 g of boiling water.
After combining all the components, keep the potion on low heat for 15 minutes, then wrap it to infuse. After a couple of hours (when it has cooled completely), strain and you can take it, dividing the liquid into 3 doses. It is advisable to drink this remedy during meals. The daily dose of medication should not exceed 150 g.

Prostatitis Treat with an infusion of 2 dessert spoons of crushed raw materials and 200 g of boiled water. All components are brought to a boil, then left for about 3 hours. The strained drink is taken 2 tablespoons before meals three times a day.



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