Spirulina - beneficial properties and contraindications. The magical power of the green pill! Will restore strength after operations, bones, joints, vision and relieve diseases

In central Africa, near Lake Chad, people practically do not get sick. They always look great and last a long time.

Scientists paid attention to this and it turned out that the population constantly eats green microalgae growing in the lake. Its beneficial properties exceeded all the expectations of researchers. Below we will discuss the main properties of the dietary supplement - spirulina: reviews from doctors, contraindications, description of the algae, dosage, indications for use and patient opinions.

Description of spirulina

What is this mysterious algae? This unique organism existed on Earth without changes for a huge period of time, which owes it to its amazing composition. Spirulina is carefully balanced vitamins, minerals and amino acids selected by nature, packaged in an easily digestible plant membrane. In the modern world, all the benefits of spirulina are available to everyone, in the form of a biologically active food supplement in the form of dried algae pressed into tablets.

Useful properties and chemical composition

Spirulina contains many beneficial substances, which determines its beneficial effect on the human body.

The chemical composition of this amazing algae includes all the minerals and vitamins necessary for humans, as well as 18 amino acids, 8 of which are not synthesized by the body and are essential. Spirulina contains more than 75% easily digestible protein (three times more than in soybeans), nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) that control fat metabolism, xanthophyll and phycocyanin, which have an antitumor effect, palioza, blue algin, V-lenolenic acid, cholinesterase, phenol and other necessary active substances.

If you compare spirulina with vegetables In terms of nutrient content, it turns out that 1 gram of algae is equivalent to a kilogram of vegetables. It can improve immunity and metabolism. Rich in B vitamins, vitamin A and E, carotene, biotin, macro (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium) and microelements (manganese, iron, zinc, molybdenum, copper, manganese). It is an excellent source of dietary fiber to reduce appetite. Helps regulate blood sugar.

Spirulina is very well absorbed and thoroughly cleanses the body of toxic metabolic products and decay. With regular use, muscles become stronger, the condition of the skin and hair improves, vision improves, the nervous system strengthens, and cholesterol decreases.

Indications and contraindications

Microalgae biomass contains almost all substances necessary for human life. A number of special substances- biocorrectors, bioprotectors and biostimulants - are not found in any other product of natural origin. Spirulina has a very wide range of uses. According to doctors, contraindications for the use of this supplement are minimal and the drug does not cause side effects.

This algae is simply necessary for physically weakened people, people with reduced immunity and prone to frequent illnesses, and severe oxygen starvation. Spirulina during pregnancy supports women's health well. A very useful food supplement for residents of large cities with a polluted environment. Recommended for use as a diet correction:

Spirulina is contraindicated for use in case of individual intolerance to the components, renal pathology, protein intake restrictions, acute gastrointestinal diseases. It is worth remembering that spirulina tablets are not a drug. Before using the supplement, you should consult your doctor.

Dosage of the drug

Several reviews

I had an appointment with my doctor and he suggested that I take a course of treatment with spirulina as a general tonic. I bought this drug in capsule form and took it according to the instructions. A month later I noticed changes for the better. I have more strength, sleep and digestion have improved. In a word - I’m very pleased, I will take Spirulina.

I first tried this algae on the recommendation of a doctor because of problems with the menstrual cycle. Now I use it not only for women’s health, but also to prevent colds. I used to get sick several times a year, but now everyone gets sick, but I’m healthy. I feel young and full of energy, I even lost several kilograms, the condition of my nails and hair has improved. The properties of spirulina are impressive and this supplement is inexpensive!

Svetlana, 33 years old

I can recommend the supplement to patients for therapeutic purposes. This drug is a storehouse of minerals and amino acids necessary for humans. An excellent remedy for the prevention of colds during the cold season. It complements the diet well, gives strength, and helps to lose excess weight. Available in tablets, capsules and powder. The drug is completely safe, spirulina has virtually no contraindications. Before taking, do not forget to consult your doctor.

Spirulina is a unique and one-of-a-kind product that is actively used in cosmetology, medicine and dietetics. It is both a plant and a bacterium. The positive effect of algae on the body is scientifically substantiated, tested over the years and proven. Now it has become available to the general public, is available in several forms, is no more expensive than high-quality pharmacy vitamins, but has much greater value.


Beneficial properties of algae

Spirulina cells are able to absorb energy from the sun and form complex organic compounds from water and carbon dioxide. Through the process of photosynthesis, algae produces saturated amino acids, protein, glucose, vitamins and other nutrients that humans need. For a long time, this product was actively used in the nutrition of American and Russian cosmonauts. Despite this, it is still not a medicine and is considered a dietary supplement, food, and a general tonic.

The main beneficial properties of spirulina:

  1. Helps reduce blood sugar levels and prevent sudden changes. Useful for diabetics and people predisposed to this disease.
  2. Spirulina supplies the body with valuable substances and compounds that have a positive effect on the immune system, increase the body's protective functions, and help resist viruses and infections.
  3. Lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, helps cleanse blood vessels, and prevents a number of diseases, including atherosclerosis.
  4. Spirulina contains phycocyanin. This unique substance is almost never found in nature, but has amazing properties. One of the significant ones is the regulation of stem cells. Algae can be used to prevent cancer. But its effectiveness in treating cancer has not yet been proven.
  5. It is a powerful antioxidant, protects against free radicals, neutralizes their effects on the body.
  6. Normalizes the functioning of the endocrine system, the algae is beneficial for the thyroid gland, and prevents hormonal imbalances.
  7. It has a beneficial effect on the female reproductive system, spirulina helps normalize the cycle, relieves unpleasant symptoms during menopause.
  8. Spirulina contains cystine. This amino acid, in combination with other substances, is involved in the removal of waste, heavy salts and toxins from the body, helps cleanse the blood, and improve biochemical parameters.

Spirulina has many beneficial properties. It contains more than 100 substances, including unique and important compounds that promote normal growth, cell division, rejuvenation of the body, and have a beneficial effect on health, emotional background and general well-being.

Video: Elena Malysheva about food worth trying

Contraindications to the use of spirulina. Possible harm

The algae contains a lot of useful substances. If used adequately and in compliance with dosages, the product cannot harm. But, like any other medicinal product, not everyone can take it.

Contraindications to algae:

  • renal failure;
  • internal bleeding;
  • unstable blood pressure;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • open stomach ulcer;
  • thrombosis;
  • individual intolerance.

Take the product with extreme caution for nervous disorders, endocrine disorders, after heart attacks and strokes, and for heart failure. If you have any doubts about the use of seaweed, it is wiser to first consult with your doctor.

How to choose spirulina

The unique properties of the product and its effectiveness have led to the emergence of a huge number of counterfeits. To purchase real spirulina, you need to study the company’s reputation, history, and choose large and well-known manufacturers. The main suppliers now are the USA, China, India, and Japan. The price directly depends on the manufacturer. If you look at quality, Indian seaweed is the leader. Chinese products have the worst characteristics.

Algae is produced in several types:

  • powder;
  • pills;
  • granules.

Nutritionists and doctors believe that powdered and granulated seaweed has the best properties and is most convenient. It is more convenient to take, dose, and does not need to be crushed for cosmetic purposes. After purchasing, the product must be poured into an airtight jar and stored in a dark, dry place at a temperature not exceeding 25°C.

How to take spirulina correctly

When using the product, it is recommended to follow the manufacturer's instructions. Specific dosages and the number of meals depend on the goal being pursued, the age and weight of the person. Naturally, a man weighing 100 kg will need more nutrients than a fragile girl weighing 50 kg. But there are a number of general recommendations that you need to know and follow.

Basic Rules:

  1. You cannot combine the use of spirulina and other vitamin complexes. If drug therapy is carried out, it is necessary to postpone the general strengthening course or consult a doctor.
  2. If there are no problems with the digestive system, then drink the seaweed before meals. If you have stomach diseases, combine with meals.
  3. Spirulina should be taken with plenty of liquid. It is better if it is clean water at room temperature; adding lemon juice is acceptable.
  4. The powder is more difficult to consume in dry form than tablets. Preliminary dilution with water is allowed.

The course of taking spirulina is not limited in any way, but should not be less than two weeks. It is after 10-14 days that the results will be noticeable. You should not take spirulina without a break for more than 2 months in a row. An excess of vitamins and other substances is no less harmful than their deficiency.

Spirulina during pregnancy

Spirulina really has a lot of contraindications. There is still a lot of controversy about eating seaweed during pregnancy. This is a special period in a woman’s life that requires maximum care. It is at this time that existing diseases may appear or worsen. The body becomes more sensitive, reacts more strongly to various substances and not always positively.

If you have doubts about using seaweed internally, you do not have to refuse external use. Spirulina has proven itself positively in skin care, including treatment and prevention of stretch marks. Masks based on this product will help cope with pigmentation, which also often plagues pregnant women.

Advice! Testing your skin's reaction to spirulina is very easy. You need to mix a small amount of the product with a few drops of water, apply the paste to the area behind the ear or to the inside of the elbow (in the bend). After 20 minutes, wash off. If the skin color has not changed during the day, there is no irritation or itching, then you can safely start using the product for cosmetic purposes.

Video: Spirulina during pregnancy: video review

Use for weight loss

Algae itself will not be able to dissolve fat and get rid of excess weight. But spirulina will promote weight loss, improve metabolic processes, and direct the body’s work to burn unnecessary deposits.

The main action of algae:

  • suppresses the feeling of hunger;
  • cleanses the intestines, blood, removes decay products;
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • prevents sudden changes in blood sugar levels and the appearance of severe hunger.

Even with a sharp restriction of calories or following a strict diet, the body will receive the necessary substances. When combined with proper nutrition and exercise, spirulina can work real miracles. Within a month, the reflection in the mirror will begin to please you. Not only your figure will improve, but also your overall well-being, the condition of your skin, hair, and nails. And all this without harm to health.

Spirulina for cleansing the body

To detoxify the body and remove heavy metals, spirulina is taken according to regimens in high dosages from 20 to 30 g per day. But no matter how safe the algae is, it is better not to carry out the procedure yourself without supervision from a specialist. For general cleansing of the body, improvement of blood, and removal of breakdown products, the safest dosages are used.

A complete cleansing course consists of consuming 1 g of pure spirulina 4 times a day with food or 20-30 minutes before meals, depending on the condition of the stomach. Duration - 20 days. To completely cleanse and strengthen the body, it is recommended to take 4 courses per year, that is, once a quarter.

Spirulina for youthful skin

The content of unique substances allows us to safely call spirulina the elixir of youth. This product is really capable of slowing down skin aging, promotes cell renewal, helps fight pigmentation, dryness, and increases tissue elasticity. Taking the product internally will have a positive effect, but the face will react faster to external exposure. Masks are mainly prepared based on spirulina powder. For these purposes, you can grind tablets or granules in a similar quantity.

Anti-wrinkle mask with Cahors 35+

The product activates blood circulation in tissues, improves oxygen exchange and complexion, tightens and nourishes aging skin. If brewer's yeast is in capsules, you need to extract the contents.

Coconut oil – 6 ml
Spirulina – 4 tablets
Brewer's yeast – 2 tablets
Cahors – 15 ml

Grind spirulina and brewer's yeast to a powder, add wine, leave for 15 minutes. Add warm coconut oil, stir, apply to cleansed face. Leave for 40 minutes. Remove the mask with a napkin and wash your face with warm water. The cream can be applied after 1.5 hours.

Lifting mask with yolk

The product is suitable for the face, can be applied to the area around the eyes and lips, has a tightening effect, and improves the contour.

Spirulina – 6 tablets
Yolk – 1 pc.
Almond oil – 7 ml

Mix the ingredients of the mask, place the bowl in warm water, leave for a quarter of an hour. Apply to face, paying special attention to problem areas. Leave for 30 minutes. Rinse with warm water and immediately apply nourishing night cream.

Video: Benefits of spirulina for the face. Recipes for masks with spirulina

Spirulina for acne

Another wonderful property of spirulina is its ability to cleanse the skin of acne, eliminate oiliness, and regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands. There are several masks, the effect of which will be noticeable after just a few uses. All of them are designed for oily skin types.

Mask with soda

For severely oily facial skin, an abundance of pimples, blackheads and during the hot season, you can use it up to 4 times a week. In winter, 1-2 times is enough.

Spirulina – 1 tbsp. l.
Chamomile decoction – 3 tbsp. l.
Baking soda – 1 tsp.

Combine warm chamomile infusion with baking soda and add spirulina. Stir and leave for three minutes. Wash your face with warm water to open the pores as much as possible. Apply the mask and leave for 10 minutes. Rinse off with cool water. An ice cube or special lotion will help close the pores.

Acne mask with oatmeal

Spirulina – 1 tsp.
Raw egg white – 1 pc.
Ground oatmeal – 1 tsp.

Beat the egg white into a fluffy foam, add spirulina and oatmeal or ground flakes. Stir. Apply the mixture to cleansed skin. Leave the mask on for 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. If necessary, apply moisturizer.

Spirulina for hair loss

Algae can be used for various purposes: preventing early gray hair, treating dandruff, and accelerating hair growth. But most often spirulina is used for hair loss, as an adjuvant for the treatment of alopecia. And it really gives good results. The powder can be diluted with any balm, oil, mask and rubbed into the scalp. But there are a few tips that will enhance the effect.

How to increase the effectiveness of spirulina:

  1. Apply the product to a scalp cleansed of sebum.
  2. It is advisable to make a light scrub before use, which will open the pores and ensure better penetration of substances into the bulbs.
  3. After applying the product, you need to put on an insulating cap.
  4. Leave the masks on the skin for at least 2 hours. If you are short on time, you can warm your head with a hairdryer, but only through a cap or towel.

Do not forget that treating hair loss is a long-term process; the problem cannot be solved in one or two weeks. Along with external use, it is recommended to start using spirulina internally.

Video: Spirulina: benefits for humans

Composition of nutrients

The energy value of spirulina is only 26 kcal per 100 g. Due to the small portions, the product should not be taken into account when calculating the daily calorie intake. Algae is rich in essential amino acids. It contains valine, isoleucine, lysine, histidine, tryptophan, threonine. In addition, spirulina is rich in vitamins and minerals.

Table of nutrients content per 100 g

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History of spirulina

Spirulina was discovered for Europeans by the Belgian botanist J. Leonard in 1964. He discovered aborigines in the African jungle near the relict Lake Chad who were practically not sick and had well-preserved teeth. He became interested in this feature and began to study the lifestyle and diet of the natives. As it turned out, they ate what they found around them and, in particular, ate green cakes in large quantities. They were made from mud that was collected on the surface of Lake Chad and dried in the sun. Upon further investigation, it turned out that this mud consists of a single-celled algae, spirulina, which has been known for a very long time.

Back in 1521, the famous Spanish conqueror of the New World (America) Bernal Diaz del Castillo mentioned spirulina biscuits among the Aztecs. These biscuits were dried layers of spirulina that were grown in the alkaline water of Lake Toxcoco near Mexico City (this lake now does not exist).

Today, the highest level of production and consumption of spirulina is in Japan, where it is available to everyone. In the USSR in the 80s of the 20th century, spirulina was purchased abroad and it was intended only to maintain the health of the party and state elite, astronauts and outstanding athletes during the preparation for the Olympic Games and important competitions. During these same years, the USSR Ministry of Defense issued a secret order to Moscow State University for the cultivation of lake mud in artificial conditions. At that time, information about spirulina was kept silent and doctors, nutritionists and food scientists did not know about its unique properties for a long time. Today, spirulina and preparations made from it are taken by those who know about it and take care of their health.

What is spirulina and its composition

Spirulina is the oldest multicellular algae; it consists of a set of blue-green threads, which are transparent thin-walled cells attached to each other in the form of spirals. Hence the name of these algae.

Spirulina is truly a unique creation of nature; it is both a plant with the ability to photosynthesize and a bacterium (more precisely, a cyanobacterium). As a plant, it does not have a cell membrane, which ensures easy absorption of the substances it synthesizes and converts the radiant energy of the Sun into the energy of chemical bonds with the formation of many organic substances from carbon dioxide and water.

Algae actively absorbs carbon dioxide and releases oxygen, which affects the Earth's biosphere. It has been established that during the growth process, 1 kg of spirulina consumes 450 kg of carbon dioxide and releases 1.2 kg of oxygen. This property is used in creating closed life support cycles, for example in spacecraft. In addition, spirulina is an ideal food product and can be cultivated on space stations. Thus, there will be a sufficient amount of both oxygen and concentrated food product.

As a cyanobacterium, spirulina synthesizes secondary metabolites - toxic microcystins. The problem with biotoxins is solved by special growing conditions for spirulina.

In order to show and understand the unique composition of the seaweed, it is necessary to refer to numbers, comparative indicators and a pie chart.

Spirulina contains 60-70% protein (meat contains only 21-40%) and this protein contains all the essential amino acids necessary for growing and aging people. Thus, the amino acid arginine helps cleanse the blood of toxins and waste, increases sexual activity, tyrosine (elixir of youth) slows down the aging of the body, cystine ensures the functioning of the pancreas, glutamic acid stabilizes mental abilities, and is the main food for brain cells.

1g of spirulina contains 1 mg of iron, which is vital for the human hematopoietic system (part of hemoglobin, red blood cells, enzymes, which is important for the immune system and general energy metabolism) and this iron is completely absorbed by the body (we get the same amount of iron by eating 200 g liver). A tablespoon of spirulina powder contains as much iron as 50 medium apples. Experts say that taking 4 g of spirulina per day provides a rapid increase in hemoglobin in the blood.

Spirulina contains from 10 to 20% sugars (carbohydrates), which are easily digested and require minimal amounts of insulin.

Spirulina has very little cholesterol (32.5 mg/100g), while an egg contains 300 mg of cholesterol for the same amount of protein, so regular consumption of spirulina leads to a decrease in cholesterol in the body.

Algae contains only 5-7% fat, consisting mainly of healthy polyunsaturated fatty acids. In particular, gamma-linolenic acid (found only in spirulina and breast milk) is necessary for the prevention and treatment of arthritis. In combination with vitamin E, this acid improves the function of reproductive organs, promotes the onset and normal course of pregnancy, and after childbirth, milk production.

Spirulina is enriched with macro- and microelements necessary for the normal course of metabolic processes in the body. The most important “living” vitamins A, C, E, PP, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12 and others are concentrated in spirulina in optimal proportions.

Spirulina contains 40-150 times more B vitamins than milk, cheese, cottage cheese, meat, fish, eggs and butter, and during heat treatment of these animal products, B vitamins are destroyed by 30-40%. Folic acid (vitamin B) is necessary for the formation of hemoglobin, thiamine (B1) - strengthens the nervous system, reduces fatigue, normalizes sleep and heart rate. Inositol (B8) maintains a healthy liver, promotes the elimination of carcinogens, and normalizes cholesterol levels.

Spirulina is the richest natural product in terms of beta-carotene content, it contains 10 times more than carrots (beta-carotene is converted into vitamin A as a result of oxidative processes). In terms of vitamin A content, spirulina exceeds butter and cheese by 400 times, eggs by 1,500 times, cucumbers by 2,500 times, and milk by 10,000 times. Studies have shown that beta-carotene lowers cholesterol, heals wounds and fights tumors.

Spirulina is also rich in vitamin E (tocopherol is the vitamin of youth, it is 3 times more than in wheat sprouts). In terms of vitamin PP content, spirulina is much superior to beef liver, kidneys, tongue, poultry and rabbit meat.

Spirulina contains three pigments: phycocyanin, chlorophyll and carotenoids, which help the body synthesize many enzymes necessary to regulate metabolism in the body.

The most important of these is the blue pigment phycocyanin. According to Japanese and American doctors, this pigment stops the growth of cancer cells. Phycocyanin acts on bone marrow stem cells, and they are the “progenitors” of white blood cells, which are responsible for cellular immunity, and red blood cells, which saturate the body with oxygen.

Phycocyanin, tocopherols, beta-carotene, vitamins B1 and B6, zinc, selenium, magnesium and other substances in spirulina are powerful antioxidants, i.e. resist free radicals and thereby slow down the processes of oxidation and aging.

Spirulina contains 1,000 times more chlorophyll than vegetables. Chlorophyll has a structure and chemical composition close to the heme molecule in the blood, which allows it to normalize the function of hematopoiesis. Chlorophyll regulates metabolism in the body and cleanses the blood.

This valuable biochemical composition of spirulina also determines its beneficial properties. It contains all the nutrients a person needs in concentrated form. For example, 1 g of blue-green algae, according to scientists, contains the same amount of useful substances as 1 kg of assorted vegetables. Spirulina - This is the most complete food. This is a functional food, it nourishes and restores the beneficial intestinal microflora, which contains ¾ of human immune cells.

Properties of spirulina

After the discovery of spirulina, scientists from the USA, Japan, China, Russia, India, Israel, Germany and other countries became interested in it. They began studying its effects on the body.

As it turns out, the possibilities of spirulina are very wide. Here are some of them. Spirulina promotes:

  • normalization of pH of body fluids, protein-carbohydrate metabolism and water-salt balance;
  • reducing blood pressure, glucose and cholesterol levels;
  • increasing immunity;
  • removal of toxins and waste;
  • normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • has an antitumor effect;
  • stops chronic inflammatory processes;
  • increases the permeability and elasticity of blood vessels;
  • relieves allergy symptoms;
  • promotes rejuvenation of the body.

Numerous studies have established that spirulina is a powerful adaptogen (increases the body’s resistance to harmful environmental influences), a biostimulant (has a positive stimulating effect on all body systems) and restores impaired body functions.

Spirulina has a systemic effect on the entire body and provides reliable elimination of over 300 “breakdowns” in the body at various stages - from the earliest to obvious signs of pathology.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), spirulina is superior to all known nutritional components and medications used for health.

Scientists from the Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas named after. A. O. Kovalevsky (Sevastopol) found that against the backdrop of an increasing deficiency of essential nutrients, regular consumption of spirulina microalgae significantly reduces the risk of many ailments until complete recovery. Thus, in 270 children from Chernobyl who took 5 g of spirulina for 45 days, the content of radionuclides and allergic reactions decreased by 50%.

Large studies have been carried out in Japan. Scientists have found that spirulina significantly increases the number of lactobacilli; it is indispensable in the treatment of dysbacteriosis.

When patients with severe diabetes took spirulina for 8 weeks, the sugar level decreased to a level corresponding to a mild form of the disease.

The Japanese have also patented a powerful antitumor drug that stops the growth of cancer cells. It is obtained by isolating the blue pigment from spirulina.

American scientist K. Hills also created the drug Ficoten, which destroys cancer cells. It consists of beta-carotene, 15 naturally occurring carotenoids and plant pigments derived from spirulina.

A study of people aged 37 to 61 with high cholesterol found that after taking 1 gram of seaweed per day for 12 weeks, average levels of triglycerides, total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein (the so-called “bad” cholesterol) decreased.

In 1996, scientists reported that an aqueous extract of spirulina stopped the development of HIV infection.

Spirulina research carried out at the Institute of Gerontology of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine has proven that only through the use of spirulina, human life expectancy increases by at least 12-13%.

In 1977-1980, an official examination of food toxicology in Vienna confirmed a negative toxicological result when using spirulina.

American studies have also shown that, according to international standards, the microalgae spirulina is a non-toxic and safe product for health.

Based on the above, it is clear that, in terms of its effects, spirulina is a unique product for healing and healing people; it can normalize existing disorders in the body and increase the body’s defenses.

According to WHO, spirulina protects against at least 70% of diseases and is the only natural product for which no analogues have been found. The blue-green algae spirulina has been registered as a food additive by WHO and the ministries of health of many countries around the world.

Spirulina has also become available to Russian consumers. As of 2005, the Russian Ministry of Health registered more than 55 types of dietary supplements, including spirulina as the main active ingredient.

Cautions and contraindications

Doctors believe that it is impossible to harm the body by taking spirulina. Contraindications for its use: individual intolerance and autoimmune diseases (multiple sclerosis, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and others) associated with hyperactivity of the immune system).

Spirulina should be used with reasonable caution in cases of thrombosis, stroke, exacerbation of chronic kidney and liver diseases, and digestive tract disorders. People with kidney and thyroid diseases are not recommended to take dietary supplements with spirulina without first consulting a doctor.

Due to the fact that seaweed contains large amounts of beta-carotene, some people may experience symptoms such as yellowing of the skin on the palms of their hands. This requires a dose reduction, but you should not completely stop taking the supplement.

Spirulina does not combine with taking anticoagulants and natural products that reduce blood clotting: garlic, ginseng, ginger, turmeric and others.

Algae from environmentally unsafe areas, as well as spirulina containing cyanotoxins, can harm the body.

Uses of spirulina

Spirulina is not a drug and is not used in official medicine.

It is a unique food product.

Today, spirulina is popular all over the world. By 2000, it was used in 70 countries around the world. The daily diet of a Japanese or American is unthinkable without 3-5 grams of spirulina. It is included in many dietary supplements, finished products, and is sold in its pure form in various forms.

However, treating diseases with spirulina alone is not enough. The dosages of spirulina for the treatment and prevention of diseases are also different. The preventative dose of spirulina to replenish valuable elements in the body is 3 g per day for adults, 0.5-1 g for children. The course of administration is 1 month, then a break. For illnesses, it is recommended to increase the dosage to 5 grams.

When taking spirulina, it is recommended to monitor your well-being; it may worsen somewhat at the beginning of the first course of use. Sometimes gastrointestinal disorders, attacks of nausea, redness of the skin, and muscle pain appear. In these cases, the dosage of the drugs must be reduced or temporarily suspended. If you have difficulty digesting, you should take spirulina with meals.

In addition to medicinal purposes and disease prevention, spirulina is also used in other areas and purposes.

Algae is actively used for cosmetic purposes. The rich composition of spirulina has a beneficial effect on facial skin and hair, enriches them with vitamins, minerals, and other beneficial elements, and helps fight acne. The beneficial amino acids in the masks are endowed with the ability to restore skin cells, restoring elasticity and youth.

Athletes and bodybuilders It is vital to obtain additional energy from food, which adds strength and energy to them, allows them to quickly recover and build muscle mass. This ideal superfood is spirulina - a natural energy drink that contains a large amount of easily digestible vegetable protein for building muscle tissue. Gamma-linoleic acid is involved in the production of prostaglandins for hormonal levels that support the normal functioning of the cardiovascular and other systems.

You can lose weight with spirulina, because... algae powder, quickly swelling in water, fills the stomach and gives a feeling of fullness, suppresses appetite.

In conditions of poor ecology in large cities or for people working in harmful conditions (for example, miners, nuclear plant workers), spirulina is simply necessary - it effectively removes waste, toxins and radionuclides from the body.

Spirulina normalizes the condition of bones, blood vessels, muscle tissue and skin, making it an ideal food for people who want to slow down aging, prolong life and improve its quality.

Spirulina preparations

The taste and smell of spirulina are specific and not everyone likes them (although there is a claim that real spirulina smells like mushrooms and nuts and smells like the sea). Spirulina powder is most often mixed with fruit juices (a teaspoon or tablespoon per glass of juice), yogurt, even soups and baked goods, with various additives, or taken in gelatin capsule shells, tablets and other forms of product release.

The preparations are prepared both on the basis of pure algae and with various natural additives. Such preparations should not contain flavors, dyes, preservatives or other chemicals.

Today, spirulina from various manufacturers is offered on the market. There is information about counterfeits of spirulina - unscrupulous producers sometimes pass off kelp (brown seaweed - sea kale) as spirulina, violate the technological process of cultivation, which reduces the quality of the product, and also grow spirulina in environmentally unsafe areas.

Fine microalgae powder is more like dust; it easily stains hands, clothes and nearby surfaces. Therefore, it is more convenient to take spirulina in capsules or tablets with you to work, on a trip or on a trip.

The powdered form of algae is easily absorbed and does not contain binding components. To produce tableted spirulina, binding additives are added to it - silicon dioxide, polyvinylpyrrolidone - a non-toxic active adsorbent.

Algae cultivation

There are only 2 natural habitats of spirulina - Lake Chad and the Chinese Lake Qinghai - where it grows naturally. A favorable factor for its development is the increased alkalinity of the water (pH 8-11), temperature 26-28 degrees (withstands up to 60 degrees) and sunlight.

Interest in this algae throughout the world dictates its cultivation under artificial conditions, in reservoirs. Spirulina is cultivated in the USA, Thailand, India, Taiwan, China, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Myanmar, Greece and Chile, Ukraine, as well as in Russia (MSU, Sochi and Sevastopol and other regions).

Where possible due to environmental and climatic conditions, spirulina is grown in open reservoirs. In countries with temperate climates, preference is given to cultivating microalgae in closed ground conditions. In Japan, for example, spirulina is grown in greenhouses on an area of ​​10 thousand hectares. The advantages of growing algae in closed reservoirs are that sediments and other impurities do not reach the surface, which makes it possible to maintain a pure algae culture. The cultivation technology is simple: spirulina multiplies quickly and when the algae layer becomes dense, it is collected from the surface, the biomass is washed, dried and ground.

Spirulina can be grown at home in an aquarium. Journalist and blogger Nika Dubrovskaya claims that it is quite possible to grow spirulina in a jar; you only need water, light and additives - a nutrient medium consisting of inorganic salts.


In recent decades, due to poor nutrition and lack of consumption

natural biologically active substances (vitamins, enzymes, macro- and microelements), poor ecology in large cities, the level of health of Russians has sharply decreased, i.e. indicator of morbidity, disability and mortality.

And here spirulina can come to the rescue, containing a set of valuable nutrients (it remains a mystery to scientists how it accumulates thousands of valuable substances). Spirulina is a quality food that allows us all to get healthier, and what could be better than good health!

Guest article.

Spirulina is a unique, very healthy food supplement. This is a blue-green algae that contains a lot of vitamins and minerals. In total, scientists have counted more than two thousand useful substances in this algae - many of which we cannot take from other foods. The action of the additive is appropriate.

She helps:

  • Stabilize digestive processes.
  • Cleanse the skin. There is evidence that this algae removes toxins from the body, which also affect the appearance of pimples and acne. The less unwanted things in our body, the better the skin.
  • Increase hair growth and stop hair loss. Blue-green algae contains iron, which is extremely necessary for hair loss - this and other components will make your curls healthier and more beautiful over time.
  • Add vigor, improve well-being. If you're low on energy but don't want to take vitamins or more serious remedies, try spirulina. For many, this supplement helps them recover quickly and rest better.
  • Strengthen your immune system. The supplement helps well during the off-season, when the risk of getting sick is high.

Spirulina is best absorbed and exhibits its properties if taken on an empty stomach. This can be done in different forms: tablets, capsules, powders.

Spirulina powder: how to take it to get the best possible effect? This is exactly what we will deal with today.

How to make a drink from spirulina powder

Take a glass of warm (not hot or cold) water, add two heaped teaspoons of powder to it. Let sit for 15-20 minutes without stirring. Then stir the spirulina - this order will avoid the formation of lumps that will be difficult to handle.

How to use this product correctly

Once you receive the drink, drink it on an empty stomach. Be prepared for the fact that spirulina has a specific smell and taste. Not everyone will like it the first time. In this case, keep a glass of water at room temperature on hand - you can wash it down with a healthy drink. You can also make it more concentrated - dilute two teaspoons of powder in half a glass of liquid.

After using the supplement, do not eat anything for half an hour - this time is enough to digest and absorb all the important components that are included in the algae powder.

Is it possible to add spirulina powder to different dishes?

There is no ban on such an action; some even use spirulina as a special seasoning. It can be added to yogurt and some salads - but first, get familiar with its pure taste to understand what composition you will like such an additive in.

It should be borne in mind that spirulina can also bring a lot of benefits as part of various dishes, but it works best on an empty stomach. So it all depends on your goals. If you want a more pronounced effect, drink the powdered drink on an empty stomach. Thus, it can be consumed both in the morning and before bed, if before that you have not eaten anything for several hours (the more, the better).

Spirulina can also serve as a prophylactic agent. It is recommended for those who care about their health and want to reduce the risks of diseases related to the kidneys, liver, infections, and anemia. Some experts claim that valuable algae will help reduce the risk of cancer.

If you are uncomfortable taking the powder or its taste is very difficult to tolerate, try compressed tablets. It is important that they are without a large number of additives - then they will bring maximum benefit and will act no worse than powder. You can also take them on the road.

On the Internet, we came across an article that describes the benefits of spirulina as fully as possible. We publish it in its entirety with reference to the source, of course.

Spirulina is a unique food product. Clinical data obtained from leading medical research and treatment institutions in the world have shown that the biologically active substances of the natural microalgae Spirulina, acting in combination, have high functional activity and exhibit various properties.

It has been established that Spirulina:

  • is a source of vitamins, essential amino acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, antioxidants, macro- and microelements;
  • contains the most important vitamins and microelements in organic form, which significantly facilitates their absorption in the human gastrointestinal tract and makes it possible to recommend the product for the prevention of microelement deficiency and, above all, iron deficiency conditions;
  • normalizes and activates metabolism;
  • improves the absorption of vitamins and microelements of food;
  • helps normalize the composition (increases the number of lactic acid bacteria) and functional activity of intestinal microflora;
  • lowers excess blood sugar, reduces the need for sugar-lowering drugs and insulin in patients with diabetes;
  • in children's nutrition it promotes more complete absorption of food, reduces the risks of gastrointestinal diseases, improves the immune system, significantly reduces the incidence of acute respiratory infections, facilitates the adaptation of children to the conditions of preschool institutions;
  • increases the body's nonspecific resistance to the effects of unfavorable environmental factors;
  • binds and removes xenobiotics from the body;
  • stimulates the activity of the hematopoietic system;
  • destroys putrefactive bacteria and helps regenerate microflora that produces vitamins in the gastrointestinal tract, including vitamin B12.

From the history.

In 1964, the Belgian botanist J. Leonard discovered a tribe of aborigines in the African forests near Lake Chad, whose life had not changed over the past several decades, and maybe hundreds of thousands of years. These people were neither hunting nor farming.

They found everything they needed around them - the forests abound in fruits, berries, roots and other food. Civilization was unfamiliar to them. Leonard's attention was drawn to one fact - these people lived to a ripe old age.(the average life expectancy in Africa is 35 years) and at the same time practically did not get sick!

All the old people had healthy, well-preserved teeth and thick black hair. Leonard noticed the green cakes, which the savages ate like bread. They were made from biomass that was collected from the surface of the lake and dried in the sun.

Upon examination, it turned out that this mud consists of a filamentous blue-green algae (Spirulina platensis) spirulina. This algae has been known to science for a long time. It is about 700 million years old and is one of the first photosynthetic life forms on Earth.

Earlier in 1521, Bernard Diasdel Castillo mentioned a product called tecu-itlatl, which was a common dish among the Aztecs. These were dried layers of Spirulina growing in the alkaline water of Lake Toxcoco near Mexico City. It is the increased alkalinity of water that is a favorable factor for the development of Spirulina. Only two lakes in the world meet these requirements - Toxcoco and Chad.

After Leonard's discovery, scientists began studying the wonderful algae. In 1977 - 1980 G. Chammoro - official expert on food toxicology of UNIDO (Vienna) confirmed the negative toxicological result from the use of Spirulina. It was also found that spirulina protein is comparable to egg yolk protein, which is a sample of FAO, and the medicinal properties of spirulina preparations exceeded all imaginable expectations of scientists.

Since the early 80s, spirulina began its victorious march around the world as a dietary supplement. Today, the daily diet of a Japanese or American is unthinkable without 3-5 grams of it. It is included in many finished products and is also sold in pure form as powder or tablets.

This algae received a permanent residence permit at the Cosmonaut Training Center. Athletes also take it regularly. Spirulina received such recognition that already in the early 80s Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov received an order from the USSR Ministry of Defense (!) to develop methods for growing spirulina in artificial conditions and producing medical preparations based on it.

Spirulina platensis- multicellular spiral filamentous microalgae. Spirulina biomass is a collection of blue-green threads consisting of cylindrical cells arranged in unbranched threads. The shape of the filaments (spiral) is the generic characteristic of Spirulina, but the parameters of the spiral vary among different species. The pitch and length of the spiral may vary depending on growing conditions. Cell diameter is from 1 to 3 µm in small species and from 3 to 12 µm in large ones.

Spirulina is the only living organism that has lived on Earth unchanged for hundreds of millions of years precisely due to its unique biochemical composition. This is a carefully balanced set of vitamins, minerals and amino acids by nature, enclosed in an easily digestible mucoprotein membrane.

Spirulina contains a large amount of blue pigment phycocyanin- the only known substance that can stop the growth of cancer cells. Phycocyanin is not found in any other products.

Gamma-lanolinic acid is found only in Spirulina and breast milk. This substance is necessary for the prevention and treatment of arthritis. Glutamic acid reduces the need for alcohol, stabilizes mental abilities, and is the main food for brain cells.

Tyrosine- “elixir of youth” - slows down the aging of the body, prevents gray hair. Cystine- ensures the functioning of the pancreas. Arginine- increases sexual activity, helps cleanse the blood of toxins and waste. Inositol- maintains a healthy liver, promotes the elimination of carcinogens and excess female sex hormones, and normalizes cholesterol levels. Thiamine- strengthens the nervous system, reduces fatigue, normalizes sleep, heart rate, and eliminates shortness of breath. Folic acid- necessary for the formation of hemoglobin.

In total, Spirulina contains about 2000 (!) vitamins, minerals, amino acids, including essential amino acids and enzymes.

Spirulina has unique properties, this has been proven by studies conducted in leading medical, scientific and treatment institutions in the world:

  • significant suppression of all influenza serotypes;
  • compensation for vitamin and mineral deficiency;
  • normalization of the blood count; reduces the level of fats in the blood, serves as a preventive measure for atherosclerosis and coronary diseases;
  • acceleration of wound scarring and burn healing;
  • cellular and organismal rejuvenation;
  • ensuring resistance to radiation exposure;
  • normalizes metabolism, helps restore immune status, prevents the accumulation of excess weight;
  • helps in the treatment of vascular diseases, ulcers, joint inflammation, osteochondrosis, hypertension, weakness, insomnia, hemorrhoids;
  • in Asian countries it is known as an effective means of combating certain types of cancer, immunodeficiency, and allergies;
  • removes heavy metals, toxins, radionuclides from the body, prevents a decrease in the level of leukocytes during radiotherapy;
  • in obstetrics and gynecology, it helps to reduce the number of diseases with abnormal course of pregnancy and the postpartum period, helps to increase lactation;
  • is a “cleaner” of the body, especially for the population of environmentally polluted areas;
  • a powerful therapeutic and prophylactic agent for healthy people, increases performance, develops immunity and resistance to diseases.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), it protects against at least 70% of diseases.

Spirulina treats not individual diseases, but the body as a whole. This is its main difference from all other medications. Since each individual disease is not an independent process, but represents the body’s reaction to serious physiological disturbances in its functioning, for example, metabolism, conventional medications suppress only these symptoms without eliminating the cause of the disease.

As a result, these diseases become chronic and, in turn, provoke other concomitant diseases. Unlike them, Spirulina restores impaired body functions and forces it to fight diseases on its own.

As a powerful antioxidant, Spirulina prevents premature aging, which is primarily the result of oxidative processes in the body. With intensive use of Spirulina, cases of restoration of early gray hair have been noted, which was until now considered an irreversible process.

The unique properties of Spirulina, as an immunostimulant, allow the body to effectively resist any viral and bacterial infections. In addition, Spirulina restores the functioning of the pancreas. Diabetic patients undergoing treatment with Spirulina note a sharp decrease in blood sugar levels. With constant use of Spirulina, the therapeutic dose of insulin can be significantly reduced.

In the conditions of modern civilization, Spirulina’s ability to effectively remove waste, toxins and radionuclides from the body is especially relevant. For residents of large cities and environmentally unfavorable areas, workers of chemical plants and nuclear power plants, miners and all other people living or working in hazardous conditions, Spirulina should become a regular element of their daily diet.

Biologists, physicists, physicians, nutritionists and other specialists from many countries, including America, Japan, Germany, Israel, the Netherlands, etc., have studied Spirulina for many years and have come to general and clear conclusions about its composition, the functions of the active components and the mechanism their actions.

1. Spirulina is superior to any other healthy food product in terms of protein content, which reaches 60-70%. Spirulina also contains an abundance of balanced combinations of vital elements such as carotene, gamma lanolinic acid, polysaccharides, vitamin B12 and chlorophyll.

The effectiveness of these compositions is now beyond doubt and is especially important for strengthening the human immune system, its vital physiological functions, improving metabolism, preventing and treating certain diseases, etc. Currently, many people around the world, especially in developed countries, use both medicinal and food products and tonic drinks based on Spirulina.

These products are widely used as an aid in the treatment of diseases such as cancer, hypertension, gastritis and ulcers, liver diseases, diabetes, anemia, etc.

2. Spirulina contains more complex iron than any other food. It is complex iron that can be easily absorbed by the human body. Spirulina contains 58 times more iron than raw spinach and 28 times more than raw beef liver.

That is why foods rich in beta-carotene can not only have a preventive anti-cancer effect, but also inhibit the development of cancer cells. Anyone with cancer or at risk needs to take large doses of beta-carotene. Research shows that beta-carotene lowers cholesterol, heals wounds and reduces the size of tumors. Natural beta-carotene is superior to the synthetic drug in many both chemical and physical indicators.

It is better absorbed and does not tend to accumulate with subsequent signs of intoxication of the body. Spirulina does not cause any toxic side effects, as is the case with some other blue-green algae.

4. Spirulina is the richest source of natural antioxidants. It contains almost all known antioxidants, including zinc, magnesium, selenium, and copper, amino acid methionine, vitamin E, vitamin B1 and B6, and Beta-carotene. Spirulina is rich in chlorophyll, which it contains significantly more than wheat sprouts or alfalfa.

5. Spirulina is the only green natural food rich in the vital fatty acid gamma-linolenic acid (GLA). Spirulina contains more GLA than any other nutritional source. GLA lowers blood cholesterol and blood pressure, and also relieves premenstrual pain, eczema and other skin diseases. This acid makes human skin and hair shiny, resilient and full of health. GLA also appears to be an anti-inflammatory agent and a reliever of the symptoms of arthritic diseases. Spirulina has been found to help treat arthritis.

6. Phycocyanin, which is the natural blue pigment of spirulina, has not been found in any other plant food source. Phycocyanin has now shown positive results in the treatment of cancer in animals. It also has a stimulating effect on the immune system.

7. Glycolipids that were found in spirulina showed activity against the AIDS virus.

8. Spirulina is a rich natural source of phenylalanine weight loss drugs based on the effect of significant appetite suppression. The nutritional value of Spirulina provides a low-calorie diet without the energy wastage and health-damaging nutritional deficiencies that plague most modern weight loss programs. Spirulina satisfies hunger because it meets the body's natural physical and biochemical needs.

9. Spirulina also acts as a functional food, nourishing beneficial intestinal flora, especially such crops as Lactobacillus and Rifidus. Maintaining the required levels of these bacteria in the intestines reduces potential problems resulting from the activity of opposing pathogens, such as E. coli and Candida albicans. Studies have shown that adding Spirulina to daily food increases the positive response of intestinal flora.

Nutritional value of Spirulina.

To summarize, we can say that The enormous nutritional value of spirulina comes from:

Availability of the highest quality protein.

High protein content - 70% (95% completely digestible) compared to 20% protein content in meat products.

An abundance of vital amino acids that the human body does not produce.

Low in calories, low in cholesterol, sugar and fat. Spirulina is ideal for a healthy diet and maintaining optimal weight.

Moderate flavor spectrum that goes well with other foods. A comparison of the composition of spirulina with other food products showed that the difference lies in its unique vitamin and mineral composition:

25 times higher Beta-carotene content than carrots.

3 times higher vitamin E content than wheat germ.

The richest source of vitamin B-12, which is very important from the point of view of the use of spirulina by vegetarians.

Rich in vitamin B, which helps fight stress.

Spirulina is produced from environmentally friendly aquaculture.

Spirulina is 100% natural and completely non-toxic.

Scientists in the USA, Japan, China, Russia, India and other countries are studying this wonderful food to unlock the mysteries of its enormous potential. Of course, further research is needed to prove the effectiveness of Spirulina against AIDS and other deadly diseases.

However, it is now clear that these safe, natural foods provide rich, nutrient-rich soil for maintaining optimal health and well-being. Spirulina is attracting increasing attention from medical professionals, nutritionists and others, not only as a valuable food product, but also as a potential source of pharmaceuticals.

There are several substantiated scientific studies on the ability of Spirulina to inhibit viral replication, strengthen both cellular and general resources of the immune system, thereby leading to the regression and inhibition of cancer. Although these studies are inconclusive and further, more detailed study is needed, the results of the studies already conducted are very encouraging and deserve close attention.

Scientists' opinion.

As a distillation of this extensive material, here are the most unique, according to researchers, therapeutic properties of Spirulina:

1. A pronounced effect of removing toxins, heavy metal salts, and radionuclides from the body.

2. A significant increase in the absorption of iron by the body and a hemostimulating effect, which helps to normalize the level of serum iron and eliminate iron- deficiency anemia.

3. Pronounced antioxidant and membrane-stabilizing effect.

4. Improving protein metabolism, increasing the initially low level of total protein, normalizing the ratio of albumin and globulins.

5. Normalization of autonomic homeostasis and functional activity of the cardiovascular system.

6. Normalization of pancreatic function, both endocrine (significant reduction in blood sugar in patients with diabetes) and exocrine (significant improvement in food absorption - weight gain in chronic colitis with malabsorption syndrome).

7. Hepatoprotective effect (in chronic hepatitis, a decrease in the level of the studied enzymes, bilirubin, thymol test).

8. Normalization of the function of the biliary system in case of biliary dyskinesia and chronic cholecystitis.

9. Normalization of metabolism and healing processes in the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum in patients with chronic erosive gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum and the disappearance of autumn-spring exacerbations against the background of prophylactic intake of spirulina.

10. Normalization of intestinal function in dysbiosis, intestinal food allergy, post-dysenteric colitis, constipation with irigoscopic signs of hypertensive dyskinesia.

11. High antiallergic effect. Including a decrease in hypersensitivity to the toxins of the tuberculosis bacillus, a decrease in the severity of allergic skin lesions in children and adults, up to its complete disappearance in children with allergic dermatitis, eczema, neurodermatitis; reducing the number and severity of bronchial asthma attacks; a significant decrease in eosinophilia and an increase in external respiration “flow-volume” indicators by 25-35% (in children taking basic therapy, these indicators practically do not change).

12. Normalization of the immune status in the form of an increase in the total number of T-lymphocytes, an increase in the differentiation of zero cells, an improvement in energy metabolism and metabolic activity of leukocytes, a decrease in the deficiency of the reserve capabilities of the enzyme microbicidal systems of macrophages, which is clinically manifested in a decrease in the frequency, severity, duration of acute infectious morbidity by 2-2. 3 times, especially in patients with initially low serum iron levels. Positive effect on specific anti-diphtheria immunity.

13. Accelerated wound healing, normalization of protein metabolism and electrolyte metabolism in second and third degree burns, reduction of healing time for postoperative wounds and bone fractures.

14. The ability to restore hair growth in patients with patchy hair loss. Slowing down the process of hair graying, and in some cases completely restoring the natural hair color in older people.

15. Sedative effect, increased performance, improved memory function, increased differentiation of light signals, speed of the oculomotor reflex, decreased fatigue and neuro-reflex excitability.

16. The ability to slow down the development of various types of cancer and tumors due to the high content of beta-carotene in spirulina, one of the well-known anti-cancer substances and the most effective substance that binds free radicals that destroy cells. Detoxification of the body, increasing the level of iron in the blood, increasing the immune defense and energy capabilities of the body, reducing the negative effects of chemotherapy for cancer (research data from the US National Cancer Institute).

17. Reducing the adaptation period and accelerating the normalization of the functional activity of the body in people who have suffered stress, working in extreme conditions of long-term isolation (sea and space expeditions).

Thus, spirulina should be considered an effective biogenic hepatoprotective agent, not inferior in activity to other known drugs (Karsil, Essentiale). Unlike the latter, the drug has a stimulating effect on hematopoiesis, which also makes it advisable to use it as an antianemic agent.

Particular attention should be paid to the ability of the drug to cause changes in lipid metabolism during the first 10-14 days of treatment, since these changes may have a certain significance both in liver diseases occurring with cholestasis and in some other diseases associated with lipid metabolism disorders , in particular, with atherosclerosis.

Composition of Spirulina.

Spirulina surpasses many food products, both plant and animal origin, in the content of vitamins and microelements. In terms of vitamin A content, spirulina exceeds butter and cheese by 400 times, eggs by 1500 times, cottage cheese and cucumbers by 2500 times, and milk by 10,000 times.

Group B vitamins (B1 B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12) are contained in spirulina in quantities 40-150 times greater than in milk, cheese, cottage cheese, meat, fish, eggs, and butter.

Just 1 gram of spirulina contains more vitamin B12 in digestible form than 100 grams of premium beef, and 300 times more than pork. 1 gram of Spirulina is equivalent in vitamin B12 content to 1 liter of fresh steamed milk.

Spirulina contains vitamins E (tocopherol), C, minerals and trace elements: potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, manganese, phosphorus, iron, microdoses of iodine, selenium, rare metals, which is very important for the body.

Spirulina contains compounds valuable for human health, such as phycocyanin, which stimulates the immune system. Gamma-linolenic acid is found, in addition to spirulina, only in breast milk. Chlorophyll is included in spirulina cells in an easily digestible form, it promotes the restoration of liver cells and has an antitumor effect.

Spirulina contains a complete set of all essential amino acids: isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, valine, alanine, arginine, cystine, histidine, tyrosine, glutamic acid, as well as more than 2000 enzymes in microdoses.

Directions for use:

We recommend dissolving 1-3 teaspoons of spirulina powder in warm water or juice and consuming 40 minutes before meals. Along with taking spirulina, we recommend increasing the amount of water you take at the rate of 0.2 liters per teaspoon of product during the day. Combined use with chlorella enhances the effect of each product. The recommended portion in the daily diet of an adult is 3-15g.

We thank them for the material.



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