Do Christmas dreams come true? A dream on Christmas night

The New Year's time is approaching, so to speak, when we pay special attention to dreams.

It seems to us that they have a sacred meaning and carry information that relates to the entire coming year. We gaze intently at vague images, become frightened or happy, and try to interpret them. And, in general, we are doing the right thing. But you shouldn’t attach great importance to all dreams without exception. And the interpretation of “holiday” dreams has its own nuances. That's what we'll talk about today.

When dreams come true

It is quite rightly believed that dreams on New Year's Eve, Christmas Eve, Christmas, Christmastide and Epiphany carry a special meaning and are often prophetic. Only they come true in different ways, each dream has its own special period and its own “sphere of influence.”
New Year (from December 31 to January 1) - dreams relate to the coming year and, accordingly, come true during the year.
Christmas Eve - focus on dreams in which desires are fulfilled, this will indicate the time frame. That is, if you see in a dream that you, for example, received a promotion in the spring, then the dream will come true in the spring. And if you see yourself getting married, but at the same time you look several years older, then most likely you should not wait for a wedding in the coming year - it will “take place” in a few years.

Christmas - these dreams can determine fate, they carry a hint on what is best to do and what is better not to do. Pay special attention to these dreams - they are the ones that most often turn out to be prophetic. Such dreams come true within a period of one week to five years.
Christmas time - dreams come true within six months. Such dreams also relate to our actions, right and wrong actions, as well as entertainment and emotions. But, unlike dreams at Christmas, they do not define any global things, but relate to everyday life.

Baptism - dreams relate to all of life, to Fate and can come true even after 20 years.

When dreams are “empty”

It seems to many that on the “old” New Year, dreams must also certainly be prophetic. But it is not so. The fact is that we have been living according to a different calendar for a long time, and this holiday is not even a tribute to the old style, but simply another reason to have fun. This is just a date, so on the night of January 13-14, dreams may not be at all prophetic. Another thing is that it’s already Christmas time, therefore, if some dream has particularly sunk into your soul, then it may come true, but if you haven’t dreamed of anything so outstanding, don’t rack your brains and don’t expect dreams in the “old” New Year special revelations. Although it is not forbidden to guess on this night, even in dreams. This is such a paradox.

I also have “empty” dreams: from January 1 to January 2, and then until Christmas Eve, then from January 8 until the start of Christmastide. We can say that we are given some kind of respite so that we can again perceive the “hints” that await us in the near future.

In general, this is all purely individual, and sometimes, in special cases, Heaven speaks to us on those nights when dreams are not prophetic. This happens when you urgently need to warn about something. However, this also applies to any other time, and not just “New Year’s time.”

What to pay attention to

Do not try to remember all the dreams that come to you at a designated time. There is no need for this, since you won’t miss a significant dream, even if you want to. The fact is that such dreams are so clearly etched into your memory that you remember them not only immediately after waking up, but also a week later, and often several years later. If the dream has not “evaporated” by the evening, then be sure to write it down - in as much detail as you remember. And only after that start analyzing.

Do not look for meaning in those dreams that almost completely repeat the events that happened the day before. This is simply a reflection of events. But if in such dreams you constantly encounter the same person, which did not happen in reality, it means that this person will play a significant role in your life. But positive or negative depends on what kind of relationship (friendly or hostile) you had with him in your dream.

Particular attention should be paid to dreams in which deceased relatives come. Try to remember what they told you - often the words of the departed not only turn out to be prophetic, but also carry a ready-made guide to action.

If you are tormented by nightmares on the above days, this is a reason to carefully analyze your life and try to understand what you are doing wrong, where you are mistaken or what mistakes you are making. And, accordingly, try to fix it. Otherwise, very soon the wrong direction of movement will cause major troubles or misfortunes. True, there is one nuance here - if alcoholic libations and overeating always cause you disturbing dreams, then do not be alarmed right away, but fast for one day, see what they “show” you, and only then draw the appropriate conclusions.

You shouldn’t ignore the mood in which you wake up on the above days. That is, try to remember what impression your dreams leave behind - this also affects the interpretations and the tone of the predictions. For example, if you had a frightening dream, but woke up in a great mood, it means that either unpleasant events will turn into positive changes, or the symbols of the dream should be interpreted exactly the opposite.

Shine, lights, loud sounds in New Year's and Christmas dreams do not carry such a significant meaning as at other times - there is too much of this in reality - tinsel, fireworks, firecrackers, garlands - and all this enters our dreams without a twinge of conscience, without carrying any semantic load.

In the same way, you should not expect immediate profit after dreams in which you are very, very fat - it is the body and subconscious that react to the abundance of goodies, that is, the calorie counter turns on, and the fear of gaining weight begins to “speak” in your dreams.

Prophetic dreams and symbolic dreams. How to distinguish and what to do

Dreams that come during the “New Year’s season” are divided into prophetic - those that come true “word for word”, and symbolic - vague, incomprehensible, requiring competent decoding and based on a set of symbols. It depends on whether the event has already been determined or whether you have just begun to build the premises for some event to occur.

In the first case, dreams are understandable, they relate to a certain area of ​​your life, real-life people participate in them, actions are taken that can actually happen. And the probability that everything will happen, that everything will be as you saw in your dream, is about 95%, that is, you only have a small chance of fixing something or at least adjusting it if you get your bearings in time .

But in the second case, dreams can be completely fantastic. You can easily find yourself in some kind of surreal world, encounter strangers or strange creatures, and you can do things that you have never done in reality. But you, one might say, are the mistress of the situation, that is, it depends only on your future actions whether the symbols that you saw in a dream will become reality. Therefore, if there is something that doesn’t suit you about them, if after interpreting the images you are horrified and clutch your head, then urgently begin to change course - perhaps you have set yourself a goal that leads to the abyss, or are trying to achieve a person who will bring you to the abyss. your life is pain, loss, chaos and destruction. Or maybe you were going to start some kind of business that, having taken away your strength, time and money, would not bear any fruit. Therefore, translate the language of symbols from “enraged reality” into a language that you understand (with the help of a dream book, or by contacting a specialist) and act according to the interpretation.

Be attentive to your dreams, which will definitely come to you on New Year, Christmas, Christmas Eve, Christmastide and Epiphany. But don’t be afraid of them - they are, as a rule, just tips, and if you listen to them, you can avoid many troubles. The main thing is to respond adequately to what you see in your dreams on such significant days and nights. Don’t let the events with which your dreams are connected take their course, and then everything will be great for you. Sweet dreams!

Christmas is truly a magical time. At all times, it was believed that on Christmastide God's grace descends on the earth, and angels walk among people. Christmas time is a wonderful period for asking for forgiveness and forgiving, loving and being loved, making your deepest wishes and believing that they will definitely come true. Dreams at Christmas also have magical powers.
From hoary antiquity to the present day, there has been a belief that at Christmas time the sky lifts for mere mortals a thick curtain separating the present from the future. It is for this reason that Christmas fortune telling is so common. It is believed that the most ordinary objects at Christmas become magical thanks to the incredibly strong energy of this holiday. Thus, even ordinary combs, mirrors, water, bread and many other household items, clothing and food products can tell a person about his future.
At the same time, it also happens that heaven wants to reveal the secrets of the future even to those who do not ask what is in store for them. Most often, heaven sends this kind of information when a person is most inclined to receive it - during sleep. The fact that dreams at Christmas are prophetic and always come true was noted long ago by our ancestors, who took especially seriously what they saw in dreams before Christmas.
The most significant dream books also confirm the advisability of such an attentive attitude.

Dreams for Christmas: interpretation according to Miller's Dream Book

Miller paid special attention to dreams that occur on the eve of major holidays, especially before Christmas. Their correct and timely interpretation can give a complete picture of what awaits a person in the future.

  • To see a brightly burning candle in a dream on Christmas night means only one thing - excellent health and a wonderful mood that will not leave the person who saw this dream all year long.
  • The wine you drink in a dream is also an excellent sign, promising you health and prosperity.
  • A dream in which you see a picture of falling from a height or on slippery ice, on the contrary, has a warning character, warning that, most likely, you will have to experience significant financial losses or say goodbye to your position and face the need to look for a job.
  • If on the night before Christmas a sick person sees himself in his own home, in the bedroom or in the kitchen, he is destined for a quick recovery and a fairly quick restoration of strength.
  • Seeing illness in a dream is not good. Such a dream suggests that you will have to go through a quarrel with family and friends.

Do dreams come true at Christmas? Vanga's Dream Book

The great soothsayer claimed that on Christmas night the world of the living is visited by the souls of their ancestors. They can predict what awaits their descendants, including coming to them in a dream.

  • A dream in which you had to try on shoes that do not fit is a warning. He warns of the upcoming trials that will befall the one who had to do this kind of fitting.
  • A similar semantic load, according to the seer, is carried by dreams in which you saw yourself entering an open door or scattering small coins.
  • A body of water seen on the night before Christmas foreshadows imminent trouble: a lake, a pond, a swimming pool. At the same time, if you sailed on a boat on it, this indicates that according to fate you are moving confidently, knowing what you want and how to achieve it. An unforeseen situation awaits you, but you will be able to keep it under your control. If ducks or swans swim on a pond, such a dream foreshadows an imminent wedding. It may also indicate a new outbreak of feelings that seemed to have faded away long ago.

Dreams for Christmas: interpretation according to Freud's Dream Book

As for Freud, he argued that dreams are a projection of our subconscious, and from an objective point of view, the time when they visited you does not matter much. At the same time, the scientist stipulates that if a person sincerely believes in something, it will certainly come true, and if he waits for a prophetic dream at Christmas, he, of course, will see it. For us, it is not of fundamental importance what the predictive nature of dreams is connected with - with higher powers or with the peculiarity of the work of the human psyche.
According to Freud, Christmas dreams can be interpreted using an ordinary dream book. At the same time:

  • The sound of chimes heard in a dream, as well as the flight of a butterfly, indicates that you will soon have a wedding. Dreams where you saw a rainbow, firewood, or small objects have a similar meaning. The fact that you were drawing in your dream also speaks about your upcoming wedding.
  • Hitting your husband in a dream means that he loves you tenderly and devotedly.
  • If a woman, being married, sees herself eating candy, this is a clear sign that you should pay special attention to family relationships.

Many people believe that New Year's and Christmas dreams come true. Maybe it's time to believe in magic? Dreams will help us understand what year awaits us ahead. You just need to interpret dreams correctly. The interpretation of holiday dreams differs from ordinary ones.

When do dreams come true?

They say that dreams dreamed on Christmas Eve come true on Christmas and Epiphany. Every dream has meaning. After all, the spirit of the holiday is in the air. New Year's dream with 31 on December 1 shows what lies ahead for us in the coming year. So we remember what we dreamed about and analyze our dream.
Christmas Eve will help you look into the future. So, if you dreamed that your wishes came true, then they really will come true, the main thing is at what time. If you dreamed that you would find your dream job in the summer, then it is in the summer that this wish will come true.
Christmas dreams are the most important. After all, fate tells us what needs to be done to make our wishes come true or what to do to avoid trouble. Therefore, Christmas dreams need to be given due attention; they always come true. They can be fulfilled within a month or a year. The main thing is that they are prophetic.
Dreams that I had in Christmastide, are completed within six months. These dreams reflect our actions and emotions. We will understand what we are doing wrong and what actions need to be corrected. They are not associated with serious problems. They simply predict our ordinary events. For example, you will receive a bouquet from your loved one or your car will break down.
But the dreams Baptism will be of interest to everyone. After all, this night you will dream of a prediction for the rest of your life. This dream can come true within 10 years.

When are dreams not prophetic?

There are days when dreams do not carry any information. These are just dreams and that's all. Many people thought that during the Old New Year dreams were prophetic, and by them one could determine one’s destiny. But in our time, the Old New Year is no longer a holiday. We live according to a different calendar. And this holiday is just a reason to meet and celebrate. Therefore, you should not expect prophetic dreams. You should not interpret dreams that you had from 1st to Christmas Eve, and from 8th to Christmastide. This is the time when your dreams are just dreams. And there is no need to look for subtext. Just enjoy your holidays and get plenty of sleep. May you have sweet, soft and fluffy dreams.

New Year's dreams

You don't need to remember all your dreams. If the dream is truly worthy of attention, then you will immediately remember it. And when it is about nothing, the dream will be immediately forgotten. So don’t worry, important dreams will not leave your memory. Sometimes they remain in our memory for several days. When a dream remains in your memory the next day, then it is worth describing it in all details and thinking about its meaning. If in a dream you see events of past days, then it is not worth taking into account. An ordinary dream that showed us the past. It doesn't contain any information. But if there was a person there who did not actually participate in the event, then this is worth thinking about. Most likely, he will be involved in your life. Whether he is given a good role or a bad one, you will need to find out. When a person has nightmares on New Year’s Eve, it means that you are doing something wrong in life and it’s time to think about it. You must find yourself and the right path. You need to correct the mistakes in your life. Of course, horrors in a dream can also be caused by ordinary intoxication. In this case, you should not take them literally. If you see deceased relatives in your dreams, then you need to listen to what they say. Usually these are the messengers of the future and they tell us what awaits us ahead. Maybe they will give worthwhile advice that is worth taking advantage of. Look in what mood you wake up with on New Year's days. The meaning of the dream also depends on it. If your soul is heavy and not good, and the dream evokes sadness, then perhaps its meaning is negative. And all the images will need to be interpreted differently.

Prophetic dreams

On New Year's Day you may have symbolic and prophetic dreams. Symbolic dreams should be interpreted according to dream books, but prophetic dreams will come true exactly as they were dreamed. So we remember what we dreamed about during the holidays and begin to look in the “book of dreams.” A dream that is based on real events and people from your life can be considered prophetic. About 80% of the fact that the dream will come true and be fully realized will not be possible to change anything. You can only slightly correct reality and wait for the dream to come true. But symbolic dreams can be from the world of fantasy. We can walk through the layers of reality and jump over the expanses of time in a dream. We meet non-existent creatures and animals. We talk to them or run away... We do strange things. All these symbols mean something, and they need to be looked at in the dream book. The world of dreams can open the curtains of reality for us and show us what awaits us ahead. Maybe a loved one will break our heart or a friend will betray us. But we will be ready for this. There is no need to be afraid of the meaning of sleep. They set us on the right path and prepare us for the future. You can change your life for the better if you know what to expect.

In Rus', from time immemorial, various fortune-telling events were performed during winter holidays. They recognized their betrothed, predicted fate and interpreted the future. For this purpose, various methods of fortune telling were used: on cards, coffee grounds, a mirror, etc.

Also, much attention was paid to signs. Sometimes it depended on them how you would live the coming year and what awaited you in it. Of course, these are all superstitions, but I would like to believe that there is some truth in them. No wonder our ancestors believed in this?!

One of the most mysterious and mysterious dates on the list of winter holidays is, of course, Christmas. It was on Christmas Eve that it was possible to find out fate and the future as accurately as possible. Moreover, even the person who refused to guess or simply did not believe in it could push back the veil of the unknown. For all this, I had to go to bed.

Christmas dreams absolutely counted. What I dreamed about on the night of January 7th was supposed to come true in the coming year. Also, sometimes fate revealed in a dream those parts of fate that were possible to happen, thereby giving a person the opportunity to try to correct and prevent mistakes.

If you don’t believe in the meaning of dreams, you can verify this from experience. Before you go to bed on Christmas Eve, place a notepad and pen on your bedside table. It will turn out to be a kind of experiment; when you wake up, be sure to write down what you observed in your dreams. Try to remember everything down to the smallest detail. Later in the day, analyze your sleep. By the way, the dream book on our blog or any other on the Internet can help you.

After interpreting the dream, forget about what you did and live as usual. Exactly one year later, open your notebook and be surprised at the accuracy of the interpretations of Christmas dreams!

I look forward to your report, dear readers, in a year: did your Christmas dreams come true or not?!

Valuable comments from readers

    Igor Merry Christmas to you, all your family and friends, as well as site readers! Happiness, kindness, love, warmth and faith in our hearts!
    It’s interesting that they wrote about the Christmas dream. I had to strain myself and remember what I was dreaming about.

    • Thank you, Olga! Happy holiday to you too. Thanks for your help with the group.

    I had two dreams. I am sitting at tables with white tablecloths surrounded by employees. The holiday is over, the evening is no longer enjoyable. we get up and the tables suddenly become...
    differently. The tables are smaller in size, but the dishes are better and more expensive, the tablecloths are white. I get up from the table (I lower my legs from the table (legs in new black shoes and copron tights, slender). I see classmate Vova sitting on the edge of the table smiling at me (married with 2 children, I’ve never noticed him in real life, and I didn’t think about him). . but I’m afraid to do the operation). I scream so that they don’t touch him, I grab A. by the shoulders and sit him down at the table (white, clean). He puts his elbows on the table, and very bitterly suddenly, he begins to sob. I was very surprised in the dream. because in life he is a “rock.” I woke up. In the second dream I saw a bright white light and continuous queues in different directions. I make my way through the queues and see that in the room where the team leaves outerwear, the closets are closed and everyone has hung outerwear on hooks from the outside of the closets. I have no room for things. I don’t enter this room, I stop in front of the open door, suddenly a beautiful new iron broadcaster appears, I put my coat on it and leave it in this room and go to work with a calm soul. Instead of my workplace, suddenly there was a street with a queue to a booth where a woman was giving out something, I asked her, she said the name of the company for which I did the work. suddenly a crowd outside the cabin begins to collect coins from the ground. I want to bend down to raise, and suddenly a girl grabs me by the hands and doesn’t give me anything to do, when there are no coins left, I forcefully free my hands and I’m left with some kind of large black chip with the image of two athletes standing opposite each other with clubs (crossed waiting for the puck to drop). I felt calm and at ease. I woke up. I had a dream in the morning from January 6 to January 7. and very quickly.

    • Your first dream suggests that you will soon have to do something again. Most likely, the dream promises a return to work after the holidays. Various surprises will await you there. The second dream again indicates the area of ​​your work activity. If you are planning changes in your life due to work, then there is a high probability that they will happen in the future. Moreover, a lot in the development of events depends on your initiative. The queue speaks of waiting, the moment about the hanger indicates anxiety. Coins are money, in fact, which is the meaning of any work. The black chip most likely makes it clear that there are two ways of development.

    please tell me what to do...
    On Christmas night I prayed before going to bed and went to bed wondering whether to buy a car or not.
    I had a terrible dream that in an unfamiliar room with unfamiliar people we were reading books and suddenly there were some devilish hands coming out of them! Everyone was very scared and I said that we all needed to pray together. We fell on our knees and read the Our Father.
    and then suddenly appeared under the ceiling of the room

    There was either an icon or some kind of image. Then it caught fire and fell. And everyone thought that a demon was supposed to appear...
    Now I don’t know whether this is a warning about an error or something else. is something about to happen? Maybe. not buy a car?

    • Yulia, I’m sorry, but I don’t understand very well what you wrote. You can do it again without such typos. Difficult to interpret...

    Hello! I dreamed that our Chairman Sota came into my house and washed the floors, I was so surprised that I approached her and took a rag from her and began to wash it myself (and most importantly, I don’t remember what we talked about)

    • Washing the floors often promises a quarrel.

    That night I dreamed that suddenly my ex-husband came to my house, I was upset at first, but then I set a condition for him that he would return if we had another child, but in the house I had a lot of garbage, as if I hadn’t cleaned it for a long time

    • Garbage may indicate that there are a lot of negative actions between you. However, surprises on his part in the future are possible; some events may improve the relationship between you.

    Good morning.
    I had a dream about my husband beating me.
    (In reality, he never raised his hand to me at all)

    • The dream can be interpreted the other way around and means that it will be possible to reach an agreement.

    Hello. I had a dream from January 6 to 7. I dreamed that I was pregnant. But I didn’t see my young man, who exists in real life and with whom we love each other, near me, a classmate was constantly hanging around me, he was so glad that I was pregnant, although I was not pregnant from him and there is no relationship with him. there was no real life, not a dream. We took pictures with him, he stroked his tummy, our classmate took pictures of us on my street. Then immediately I was with the child, I didn’t see the moment of birth, everyone was so happy. Then my boyfriend and my girl and I went to visit our godfathers, and there we somehow got the children mixed up and we went home with their girl, but then I saw that my boyfriend quickly went to pick up our daughter. And then everything was calm, family life and my beloved daughter were nearby. It was such an incredible feeling.

    • Marina, most likely, significant changes await you in the new year. It is possible that you were waiting for these changes; in any case, pregnancy is a positive symbol. A newborn girl promises amazing events in life.

    Hello, I had a dream from January 6 to 7 and not just one, but several, like separate frames. I dreamed that I was in a maternity hospital, but the maternity hospital looked like my school from childhood, as if I was standing in a room between two babies with huge blue eyes and I understood that they were family, but the age difference between them was small, one was a baby, and the other was a baby, walking men are holding swaddled babies in their hands, they have watermelons right there and they are cutting them))). Then the picture changes, my husband and I are driving home, there is a river next to our house, I see my eldest daughter there, she is walking along the edge of the ice, and the ice is very thin and I start screaming, the ice breaks and she falls into the water, and I run out car and rush towards it. I grab it and pull it out. She is in winter clothes, all wet. Here the picture changes and it’s as if the beach of our river has become so big, people are swimming, even though it’s winter, some in clothes, some in a swimsuit. I see my husband emerge from the water in his clothes, next to us is our son. And I start to undress and put on a swimsuit and take a dip. The picture changes, we are at home, full of children, everyone wants to go to the river, but it’s winter, I say that I can’t go now. Then my older brother appears nearby (he died in 2011) and says that he will go and look after them, takes them, and I go out into the street looking for my daughter’s backpack. The street is full of children, adults, and my neighbor gives me the backpack, as if I had given it to her. The older brother brings the children back... there was something else, but I don’t remember well. But when I woke up there was no feeling of heaviness or fear... help me figure it out. Oh, I also dreamed of huge pikes, I see them in clear water, and one jumped out of the water and fell right at my feet, of simply incredible size.

    • Ulyana, pike and babies may indicate a new addition to your family in the future. Pregnancy is possible. It is possible that there will be more than one child.
      A moment with cold water, ice, falling into icy water promises ill health for you and the one who fell. Most likely, something of a cold nature, avoid hypothermia.

      • Thanks a lot! Why did you dream about your dead brother??? And we already have three children, it’s too early for the fourth, the youngest is only one year old!!!)))) Could fish mean something else? Happy holidays to you! And thanks for the help!

        • The dead usually dream of feeling unwell, sometimes of a sudden change in weather or situation, but in a negative way. Fish is a fairly common symbol of pregnancy. This is what they write in dream books, and people left comments.
          And fish is generally a favorable symbol, reflecting that there is prosperity, strength and energy.

    Hello. On the night of January 7, I had a dream that I was talking with my husband about our relationship. I started asking him about his ex-lover (we recently got together on his initiative and were on the verge of divorce). He replied that communication with her continued, that she and her husband sold the car for 300 thousand, and spent the money on nonsense. And it was not clear from the dream whether my husband was leaving the family, I remember that I was very worried. By the way: before I went to bed, I thought a lot about whether I did the right thing by taking him back.

    • Julia, I think that the dream is entirely based on your experiences and suspicions. It will be possible to understand in the near future whether they have grounds. However, if given a chance, then for your part try not to exaggerate.

    Please tell me. I had a very intense dream. At first we went into a dark, branchy forest (I don’t remember why, it seemed like we were going through the forest for something that we had forgotten, there was me, the guy’s parents and the guy. The main emphasis was on him, we showed him the path, to eat with they gave us on the road) at the entrance to the forest there were two old cars, we climbed under them to check if we could hide from the wolves. But then somehow I found myself alone and wolves came running, about 6 or 7 adults, healthy. But I I wasn’t afraid of them, but they seemed to be frolicking around, playing, climbing under the car. And somehow I switched to another dream, in which I was washing in the shower, and in the neighboring stalls there were two girls who treated me with bad news, and this past year, I decided not to communicate with them, they were very angry with everything. I didn’t pay attention to them in my dream. And a girl came into my shower (they used to live where I lived, but they left), she was a married adult and brought I need some kind of diary (which I supposedly made when I was little at school, and her mother was a teacher), the pages in it are large and the drawings are very small, I remember there was a heart on one sheet, I don’t remember the rest well, on the penultimate sheet there is a yellow month (like on the waxing moon).And again I find myself in another dream where I am sitting near the house of the guy’s parents, whittling something on the table. I go into the house, and they say “well, what are you ready for, you should have decided a long time ago” and we are talking about a wedding, but there was no offer, and the guy said, “Well, come on August 10th, do you have a free day?” and I answer that I have exams, first 8 then 10. But this date remained, like we’ll figure something out (either we’ll reschedule the exams or I won’t go to it) and I end up in the store looking for some new thing, I went in different departments. And he says “let’s figure out a wedding outfit, maybe you like what you like.” I put on a separate outfit: a skirt in front just below the knee, and in the back ankle-length, a top-shirt and a short jacket, and all this is dark crimson color (not very dark , but not bright) and I woke up. And August 10th sits in my head. In real life, I’ve been dating a guy for ten years, my parents are already pushing for the wedding, but somehow she still doesn’t propose.

    • Alina, the dense forest is your experiences and problems. You often get lost in thoughts. Hiding somewhere means escaping problems in reality. Wolves can be associated with people or events that you are trying to avoid in every possible way by any means. Everything related to water is usually interpreted as emotionality. Also a desire to get rid of some negative and stressful experiences. A wedding theme says that this topic is pressing for you. However, do not despair, it is possible that the new year will be a year of change, besides, 10 years is a round date and can become a reason for a proposal. Good luck to you!

    Hello. I dreamed about my ex-boyfriend. We didn’t see him for three years and didn’t communicate, and then in a dream we walked, talked, but he didn’t have the same appearance, he was different in some ways and they were very noticeable. I was very glad to meet and communicate with him, he even gave me some kind of gift, it seemed like it was the plague. I have had a boyfriend for 3 years and we are doing well. I have no desire to communicate with my ex and all that. but in the dream I felt pleasant from communicating with him and there was even some kind of joy in my soul. what does it mean?

    • Yana, most likely, in life there will also be pleasant communication with someone, signs of attention, sympathy. All this will generally remind you of the pleasant things that happened in the past.

    Hello, on the night of January 7 I dreamed of a friend whom I have known for a very long time, and a year ago we had a hint of more than friendship, but now we are just friends

    • Anastasia, it is possible that you have sympathy for him, which can make you closer. General activity and communication can also contribute to this.

    I dreamed today on Christmas night that my husband received a higher position. What could this mean, given that he has already been suspended from office for 11 months and is accused of something he did not commit? The case contains all the evidence of his innocence (and even evidence of the guilt of other persons), but neither the investigation nor the prosecutor’s office “sees” this. We are waiting for the trial. I pray to God that justice will be restored (if he were guilty, I would not dare to ask). Please explain what this dream about promotion could mean in our situation. Thank you in advance

    • Kira, most likely, the interpretation of the dream suggests that if the husband is innocent, then from the point of view of personal growth and morality he will be superior to the people who framed him.
      In any case, if you have evidence and complete confidence in your innocence, then you need to fight in court. Good luck to you!

    In a dream, I vaguely remember that my husband was shouting at me, I didn’t see him, and then I woke up from the sound of the phone. Decipher the dream for me why I dreamed about it, thanks in advance!

    • Oksana, perhaps a slight misunderstanding, a domestic squabble.

    I dreamed of my friend that we were meeting and vacationing in Egypt. Someone always kidnapped me, and he saved me

    • It may be that you should value the people who will help you in the future. Some troubles are possible, in which friends will help.

    Hello! Christ is born! Merry Christmas!
    Last night I had a dream in which my business partner (my friend and companion in reality), without informing me, sold her part of the business to bad people who came to me with complaints. Then she appeared and showed some documents with my signature (in reality, I am the main signatory in our company, and we have a trusting relationship)
    I myself think that the dream is prophetic and has a bad meaning. I would like to hear a professional's interpretation. Thank you.

    • Marina, thank you, happy holiday to you too.
      Most likely, the dream will manifest itself in the future. Now there may not be any prerequisites. The dream should be understood in dynamics, in reaction to current events. Some changes in business, competition, etc. These fluctuations can become an impetus for changes in him.

    Good afternoon Please decipher the dream from January 6th to January 7th. I dreamed of an ex-husband with whom we don’t have any relationship at all, at first I didn’t understand that it was him, as if I was talking to a stranger about him (about my husband) and he, out of the blue, said that my husband would come to me in 6-7 years, and then I see that it is the husband himself talking to me (talking to himself..) and then in a dream I see him sitting and eating boiled eggs, he still had two peeled eggs and he ate them with such pleasure and greed

    • Most likely, changes may occur in his life. It is possible that he will have children or some changes will occur in family life.

    Good afternoon Today, January 6/7, I had a dream: my ex-husband (I still have feelings for him, although he already has other plans in life) bought a 2-room apartment for me and my daughter in a modern house, a new apartment, as a gift for me. But it seems like he would like to live with us. And in a dream he unrolled a pink carpet/carpet/mat and wanted to lay it out for me. A very strange, unexpected dream. Help me understand please!

    • Natalya, the dream is positive. A generous gift of fate is not excluded. It is possible that not without the help of someone close to you and, of course, not without the help of your own efforts.

    Hello, on the night of January 7, I dreamed that I was collecting precious stones from a bed in an unfamiliar apartment. My mother is nearby and I take a pebble and hold it up to the light and seem to be appreciating it or admiring it. There were more than 5-7 stones, then I look at my neck with beautiful crystal or glass beads in several rows, but I see myself in these beads as if from the outside. What is it for?

    • Svetlana, precious stones are a positive symbol in dreams. Prosperity and success in business await you. It is possible that the number reflects the number of successful cases, events, and prospects.
      Look at the article about precious stones; depending on their type, the interpretation may vary.

    I dreamed that God fulfills all my wishes and when I ask for advice, he answers me either through someone or SMS via phone, they also told me what I should think about before wishing for a limited amount.

    • Tatyana, most likely, in reality, through events and the results of your actions, you will also receive answers to your questions. I think that sleep should be viewed in a positive way.

    Good afternoon
    Merry Christmas!!!

    I have repeatedly promised myself not to be overwhelmed by dreams, but so far it hasn’t worked out, given that dreams on Christmas night supposedly have a special meaning.

    The whole night went topsy-turvy, with awakenings, so there were several incoherent episodes.

    1. Black and white photo, I don’t see it close, someone (it’s not clear who) says, there’s a mother in the photo (she’s no longer alive) and 14 deer. Then it was as if deer were running through the darkness and in my dream I had a terrible fear that my daughter would rush off on deer with her father (I remember that with her father, but with whom I don’t remember (hers is alive, mine is not)), I woke up in horror
    2. Then I fell asleep and saw: A room, a living room in our house. Very light. The floor is light brown. Purely. The deceased mother and her neighbor are sitting on the sofa. She's wearing white. She tells me something, I don’t remember, and feels like she’s commenting on the news she saw on TV. I’m standing in the middle of the room, I feel uncomfortable, I want to sit down, but either out of fear, or in a dream I understand that my mother is dead
    3. Then I end up either in an abandoned house, or vice versa in a new building. Dark unfinished flights of stairs and corridors, I run up out of breath in the dark
    4. Next: I see on TV they show a church as if it has a gold background, 2 full church ministers in dark clothes are leading a girl dressed in an oriental style in a turquoise long dress, but on top there is a black cape and her head is covered in black. In a dream, I have the feeling that this is some kind of important broadcast and I want to watch it, the coronation of this lady or something, then I find myself in another place (and not at home in front of the TV) and say it’s a pity that I didn’t watch it, okay, I’ll watch it in the recording replay or online
    5. And in the morning some kind of government place, like a hospital or something. There, again, my mother, my daughter and another friend. They were all dressed the same in some kind of grayish rags, not dirty, but faded. My daughter asks me about something, I can’t remember exactly, she’s either talking about some kind of accident, or about an illness. Here, by the way, I insert my phrase that I did not have time to watch the broadcast (previous paragraph). And then for some reason I say “how nice it is to have a big family or live with other families,” and my mother answers me, “Well, what else? Why do you need that?"

    This is where I woke up.
    What do these dreams at Christmas indicate?

    Thanks in advance for your answer

    • Oksana, your position is generally correct, do not pay attention to dreams. This is not some kind of exact science, so based on dream books and people’s comments, we can say the following:
      1. Concern for your daughter, perhaps because of her ill health or a cold.
      2. It is likely that some kind of restlessness, anxiety, and expectation of something will come into the house.
      3. Running up the stairs is a positive result, but after overcoming stress and problems.
      4. The presence of black color – negative emotions, thoughts.
      5. Visiting government institutions.

    Good evening, 2 years ago at Christmas I dreamed of a completely unfamiliar young man, that we were sitting in a car, I admired him, laid my head on his shoulder, kissed him, I was happy, I remembered his side and his clothes in black, the car even, after 5 I've been getting to know him for months, we started dating, but now we're in a quarrel, and this year in the morning I already had a dream that I was walking through a shopping center, and under my feet there was a lot of jewelry that looked like it was lost, I picked up a gold chain and earrings with brown stones , I’m going to look for someone who lost it, and there’s more and more jewelry under my feet, is there a relationship between the two dreams? Or what do they mean

    • Anastasia, most likely, is having a dream about reconciliation. During the time that you are in a quarrel, you will understand the importance of the person, remember the good moments that happened.

    Good evening! On Christmas Eve I had a dream: I was looking for my dog ​​(I have a female German shepherd) and in my search I found myself at my neighbors’ place, and I got to them through a door in the wall. And I see my dog ​​with them, I ask how you got it and they tell me that this is our dog, I go up and take it by the collar and the collar is not mine and I look and this is my daughter’s dog and he playfully began to bite my hands, but I quickly calmed him down why such a strange dream? And I never found my dog

    • Marina, most likely, should expect unpleasant communication with a friend or girlfriend. It is possible that he/she will be able to irritate you with his/her behavior, offend you, or reproach you.

On Christmas, the souls of ancestors visit their living relatives in their dreams, predicting their future fate. Undoubtedly, such dreams that occur before noon on a holiday will be prophetic, but it is important to interpret them correctly and in a timely manner.

A bright candle seen in a dream is a symbol of excellent health and good spirits. It’s not bad if you happen to drink wine in a dream: there is hope that in the coming year, illness and poverty will bypass you. But dreams associated with falling on ice or from a height promise loss of money and work.

If a sick person sees himself in the kitchen or bedroom of his home on Christmas night, he will soon be expected to quickly recuperate and make a full recovery. But getting sick in a dream means a quarrel with loved ones.

Serious trials await those who in a dream put on shoes that do not fit. Dreams in which you happened to enter an open door or scatter small money also warn of danger. A large body of water seen in a Christmas dream is a harbinger of imminent disaster. But not everything is so bad if you sailed along it in a boat: it means that you are moving through life in the right direction and will keep any unforeseen situation under your control. And ducks or swans swimming on the lake predict a successful marriage or a new outbreak of faded feelings. A butterfly seen in a dream or a clock heard chime promises a quick marriage. “Wedding” dreams also include Christmas dreams in which you had a chance to draw, see a rainbow, firewood or various small objects.

If you beat your spouse in a dream, do not doubt his great love for you. However, married women who drop a ring or eat candy in a dream should think about what needs to be corrected in family relationships so that their husband’s infidelity does not happen.

If an angel visits you on Christmas night, be sure that he will take with him all the troubles that haunted you last year. Rare luck awaits those who received Christmas gifts not only in reality, but also in their dreams.



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