Contraindications to the administration of rabies vaccine. Vaccination schedules for different categories of interactions and wounds

An anti-rabies vaccine is a medicine that is designed to induce the development of the body's protective properties against the rabies virus.

Release form and composition

Rabies vaccine is produced in the form of a lyophilisate (hygroscopic porous white mass) with which a solution for injection is prepared. One milliliter of solution contains a vaccine to prevent a condition such as rabies, in an amount of two and a half IU. The vaccine is a specific antigen of the rabies virus, strain Vnukovo-32.

The excipients in this drug are sucrose, gelatin and human albumin.

Lyophysilate is packaged in glass ampoules in a volume of one milliliter. The kit always includes a solvent – ​​water for injection.

Indications for use

Rabies vaccine is prescribed and used in two cases:

  • for therapeutic and prophylactic immunization of patients who, due to their positions, are associated with the capture and maintenance of stray animals that are suspected of contact and bites of other animals, or with animals of unknown origin;
  • for preventive immunization of patients at high risk of contracting rabies. These include: hunters, gamekeepers, veterinarians, foresters, taxidermists and slaughterhouse workers.


When the vaccine is used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, there are no contraindications for it. But they are present during preventive immunization. This vaccine cannot be used in the following cases:

  • systemic allergic diseases that manifested themselves during previous vaccination. Such reactions include angioedema and generalized rash;
  • diseases in chronic form and in the stage of decompensation or exacerbation;
  • allergies to antibacterial drugs;
  • acute forms of infectious or non-infectious diseases;
  • pregnancy period.

Directions for use and dosage

The rabies vaccine is administered intramuscularly, through the deltoid brachialis muscle, to adult patients. For children under five years of age, the drug is injected into the anterolateral femoral surface, in its upper part. The gluteal administration of this drug is not allowed.

The schedule and dosage of vaccine administration for immunization does not differ between adult patients and children.

Immediately before use, the contents of the glass ampoule are dissolved in one milliliter of water for injection, which comes with the vaccine. Storing the prepared solution is strictly prohibited. It must be used immediately after preparation, within the first five minutes.

Preventive immunization is carried out according to the following scheme in three stages:

  • primary immunization - one milliliter on days 0.7 and 30;
  • first revaccination after twelve months, one milliliter once;
  • subsequent revaccinations are done every three years, one milliliter once.

If there is no direct contact with animals with rabies, that is, they do not salivate and their skin is intact, then treatment is not prescribed.

Otherwise, treatment with the Rabies vaccine begins immediately after contact with a rabid animal, and is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • On days 0,3,7,14,30,90 an injection of one milliliter of solution is given. This scheme is used in cases of drooling, but not damage to the skin, as well as in the presence of abrasions, scratches, single bites of a superficial nature, on the torso and limbs, except for the head, neck, face, hands and fingers, limbs, genitals, obtained from agricultural or pets.

From the start of treatment, it is necessary to carefully monitor the animal. If he does not show signs of rabies in the first ten days, therapy is stopped. If the animal is still sick, treatment is carried out to the end according to the specified scheme.

Combination treatment of an immediate nature, which consists of heterologous (equine) rabies immunoglobulin 40 IU/kg on day zero, human (homologous) rabies immunoglobulin 20 IU/kg, plus rabies vaccine on days 0, 3, 7, 14, 30 and 90 one milliliter is needed in such cases as:

  • any salivation of the mucous membranes;
  • any bites of the head, neck, face, genitals, hands, fingers;
  • multiple or deep single bites anywhere on the human body, including the genitals, head, neck, etc., which were inflicted by domestic or farm animals;
  • any drooling or damage to the skin caused by wild carnivores, bats or rodents.

During this treatment, it is also advisable to monitor the bitten animal, and if after ten days there is evidence of its health, treatment can be stopped after the third vaccination.

Side effects

After vaccination, slight redness and itching and enlargement of regional lymph nodes may appear at the injection site.

Less commonly, in addition to local negative manifestations from the use of the Anti-rabies vaccine, symptoms such as headache, general weakness of the body, general malaise may develop, and in some cases, neurological disorders may occur.

special instructions

Immediately after the vaccine is administered, the patient must remain under medical supervision for another thirty minutes. If neurological complications begin to develop, the patient must be immediately hospitalized and given symptomatic therapy, with the obligatory use of antihistamines and hyposensitizing medications.

First aid stations where this type of vaccination is carried out must be equipped with anti-shock therapy. And at the end of the course of immunotherapy, the patient must receive a certificate indicating the series and type of vaccine, the course of vaccinations, and a description of all post-vaccination reactions.

Anti-rabies care should include local disinfectant treatment of abrasions, wounds and scratches. This treatment should be carried out as soon as possible, together with the introduction of the Anti-rabies vaccine.

The course of treatment, or rather its beginning, does not depend on the timing when the patient asked for help, and how much time has passed since his contact with an unknown sick animal.

It is important to know and take into account that the effectiveness of vaccination will be reduced to a minimum if the patient is taking immunosuppressants or glucocorticosteroids.

Before vaccination, the patient must be informed that after vaccination for six months, and throughout the entire course of treatment, he is prohibited from drinking alcohol in any form or quantity. It is also important to avoid hypothermia, overheating and overwork.

Vaccinations for immunization are carried out no earlier than a month after the patient has suffered acute forms of respiratory infections or non-infectious diseases, exacerbation of chronic diseases or the stage of decompensation.

Rabies vaccine should not be used if the ampoule is damaged or its labeling is incorrect. The vaccine is also not used when the color of the liquid and its color have changed.

The vaccination procedure must be carried out with all the rules of asepsis.


There are three analogue drugs that are similar to the rabies vaccine in terms of the mechanism of action: Rabipur, Rabivak-Vnukovo-32, Kokav.

Terms and conditions of storage

Rabies vaccine can only be released to medical institutions. Its shelf life is twenty-four months from the date of issue.

The rabies vaccine must be stored and transported at a temperature of two to eight degrees Celsius. At temperatures up to twenty-five degrees, the vaccine can be stored or transported for no more than two days.


Immunoglobulinum antirabicum ex sero eqvi fluidum

Rabies immunoglobulin from horse blood serum liquid (RAI) is a protein fraction of horse immune serum obtained by the rivanol-alcohol method.

The titer of specific antibodies is at least 150 IU/ml.

Stabilizer - glycol.

The drug is a clear or slightly opalescent liquid, colorless or slightly yellow. Pink coloring of the drug is not allowed.

IMMUNOLOGICAL PROPERTIES. Rabies immunoglobulin has the ability to neutralize the rabies virus both in vitro and in vivo.

PURPOSE. Used in combination with an anti-rabies vaccine to prevent people from developing hydrophobia due to severe bites from rabid or suspected rabid animals.

METHOD OF APPLICATION AND DOSAGE. Immediately or as soon as possible after a bite or injury, apply local wound treatment. The wounds are thoroughly washed with soapy water (or detergent) and treated with 40-70 degrees alcohol or tincture of iodine. After local treatment of the wound, specific treatment is immediately started. The most effective administration of immunoglobulin is on the first day after injury. Before injecting the drug, check the integrity of the ampoules and the presence of markings on them. The drug is not suitable for use in ampoules with damaged integrity, labeling, as well as in case of changes in its physicochemical properties (color, transparency, etc.), with an expired shelf life, in case of violation of storage conditions.

The opening of the ampoules and the procedure for administering the drug are carried out in strict compliance with the rules of asepsis and antiseptics.

Rabies immunoglobulin is administered at a dose of 40 IU per 1 kg of body weight for an adult or child. Example: patient’s body weight is 60 kg, immunoglobulin activity (indicated on the package label), for example, 200 IU in 1 ml. In order to determine the dose of immunoglobulin required for administration, it is necessary to multiply the patient’s weight (60 kg) by 40 IU and divide the resulting number by the activity of the drug (200 IU), that is: 60x40/200 = 12 ml

Before administering rabies immunoglobulin to a patient, to determine sensitivity to a foreign protein, it is mandatory to perform an intradermal test with immunoglobulin diluted 1:100 (ampoules marked in red), which is located in a pack with undiluted drug (ampoules marked in blue).

Immunoglobulin diluted 1:100 in a dose of 0.1 ml is injected intradermally into the flexor surface of the forearm.

The test is considered negative if after 20-30 minutes the swelling or redness at the injection site is less than 1 cm. The test is considered positive if after 20 minutes the swelling or redness at the injection site reaches 1 cm or more.

If the reaction is negative, 0.7 ml of immunoglobulin diluted 1:100 is injected into the subcutaneous tissue of the shoulder. If there is no reaction, after 30 minutes, the entire calculated dose of immunoglobulin, heated to (37+0.5) °C, is administered in three divided doses with an interval of 10-15 minutes; the drug for each portion is taken from previously unopened ampoules.

The calculated dose of immunoglobulin should be infiltrated around the wounds and deep into the wound. If the anatomical location of the injury (fingertips, etc.) does not allow the entire dose to be administered around the wounds, then the remainder of the immunoglobulin is injected intramuscularly at sites other than the rabies vaccine (buttock muscles, upper thigh, forearm). The entire dose of rabies immunoglobulin is administered within 1 hour. In the case of a positive intradermal test (swelling or redness of 1 cm or more) or in the event of an allergic reaction to a subcutaneous injection, immunoglobulin is administered with extreme caution. First, it is recommended to inject the drug diluted 1:100 into the subcutaneous tissue of the shoulder in doses of 0.5 ml, 2.0 ml, 5.0 ml with an interval of 15-20 minutes, then 0.1 ml of undiluted immunoglobulin and after 30-60 minutes , - the entire prescribed dose of the drug, heated to (37?0.5) °C, is administered intramuscularly in three divided doses with an interval of 10-15 minutes. Before the first injection, parenteral administration of antihistamines (suprastin, diphenhydramine, etc.) is recommended. In order to prevent shock, simultaneously with the administration of immunoglobulin, subcutaneous administration of a 0.1% solution of adrenaline or a 5% solution of ephedrine in an age-specific dosage is recommended.

When administering rabies immunoglobulin, solutions of adrenaline, ephedrine, diphenhydramine or suprastin should always be ready.

To prevent complications of an allergic nature after the administration of immunoglobulin, it is necessary to prescribe orally antihistamines (suprastin, diphenhydramine, diprazine, fenkarol, etc.) in an age-specific dosage 2 times a day for 7 days.

To a patient who has received anti-tetanus serum within the next 24 hours, rabies immunoglobulin is administered without prior intradermal testing. After the administration of rabies immunoglobulin, the patient must be under medical supervision for at least 1 hour; the completed vaccination is recorded in established accounting forms indicating the date, the manufacturer of the drug, the batch number, and the reaction to the administration.

Anti-rabies immunoglobulin (RAI) is prescribed as soon as possible after contact with a rabid, suspected rabid or unknown animal, but no later than 3 days after contact. AIH is not used after administration of rabies vaccine (COCAV).

REACTION TO INTRODUCTION. Injection of rabies immunoglobulin may be accompanied by the development of allergic reactions, including anaphylactic shock and serum sickness.

CONTRAINDICATIONS. There are no contraindications. In the case of a sharply positive reaction to the administration of rabies immunoglobulin, as well as if the patient has a history of strong allergic reactions to the administration of antitetanus serum or other horse serum preparations, it is recommended that the administration of rabies immunoglobulin be carried out in a hospital environment equipped with intensive care facilities.

RELEASE FORM. Rabies immunoglobulin - in ampoules of 5 or 10 ml (ampoules marked in blue). Immunoglobulin, diluted 1:100 to determine human sensitivity to horse protein - in 1 ml ampoules, marked in red. Produced as a set: 1 ampoule of immunoglobulin and 1 ampoule of immunoglobulin, diluted 1:100.

PACKAGE. 5 sets in a cardboard box with included instructions for use and an ampoule knife.

CONDITIONS OF STORAGE AND TRANSPORTATION. Store in closed, dry, dark rooms at a temperature of (5?2) °C. Transport by all types of covered transport under conditions that exclude freezing and heating of the drug above 20 °C.

SHELF LIFE - 2 years.

Instructions for medical use


Anti-rabies vaccine cultural concentrated purified inactivated dry (KOKAV) is a vaccine rabies virus strain Vnukovo-32, grown in a primary culture of kidney cells of Syrian hamsters, inactivated by ultraviolet rays and formalin, concentrated and purified by methods: ultrafiltration with subsequent purification through porous silicas; ultracentrifugation or ion exchange chromatography. Stabilizers - gelato and sucrose. The porous mass is white, hygroscopic. After dissolution, it is a slightly opalescent colorless liquid. One dose (1.0 ml) contains at least 2.5 International Units (IU).

IMMUNOLOGICAL PROPERTIES. The vaccine induces the development of immunity against rabies.

MODE OF APPLICATION. The contents of the vaccine ampoule must dissolve in 1.0 ml of water for injection within no more than 5 minutes. The dissolved vaccine is injected slowly intramuscularly into the deltoid muscle of the shoulder, for children under 5 years old - into the upper part of the anterolateral surface of the thigh. Injection of the vaccine into the gluteal region is not allowed. The drug is not suitable for use in ampoules with damaged integrity, labeling, as well as changes in color and transparency, expired or improperly stored. The opening of the ampoules and the vaccination procedure are carried out under strict adherence to the rules of asepsis. Storage of the dissolved vaccine for more than 5 minutes is not allowed.

The vaccinated person must be under medical supervision for at least 30 minutes. Vaccination sites must be equipped with anti-shock therapy. After a course of immunotherapy, a certificate is issued indicating the type and series of drugs, the course of vaccinations, and post-vaccination reactions.

Anti-rabies care consists of local treatment of wounds, scratches and abrasions, administration of rabies vaccine (COCAV) or the simultaneous use of rabies immunoglobulin (RAI) and rabies vaccine (COCAV).


INDICATIONS. For preventive purposes, people who perform work on catching and keeping stray animals are immunized; veterinarians, hunters, foresters, slaughterhouse workers, taxidermists; persons working with the “street” rabies virus.

Primary immunization Three injections on days 0, 7 and 30, 1.0 ml each

First revaccination after 1 year One injection, 1.0 ml

Subsequent revaccinations every 3 years One injection, 1.0 ml


1. Acute infectious and non-infectious diseases, chronic diseases in the stage of exacerbation or decompensation - vaccinations are carried out no earlier than one month after recovery (remission).

2. Systemic allergic reactions to previous administration of this drug (generalized rash, Quincke's edema, etc.).

3. Allergic reactions to antibiotics.

4. Pregnancy.


1. There is no damage or salivation of the skin. No direct contact. Sick with rabies. Not assigned

2. Salivation of intact skin, abrasions, single superficial bites or scratches of the torso, upper and lower extremities (except for the head, face, neck, hand, fingers and toes, genitals), inflicted by domestic and farm animals If within 10 days of observation if the animal remains healthy, then treatment is stopped (i.e. after the 3rd injection). In all other cases, when it is impossible to monitor the animal (killed, died, ran away, disappeared, etc.) according to the following scheme. Start treatment immediately: KOKAV for 1.0 0, 3, 7, 14, 30 and 90 days

3. Any salivation of the mucous membranes, any bites of the head, face, neck, hand, fingers and toes, genitals; multiple bites and deep single bites of any localization, inflicted by domestic and farm animals. Any salivation and damage caused by wild carnivores, bats and rodents. In cases where it is possible to observe the animal and it remains healthy for 10 days, treatment is stopped (i.e. after the 3rd injection). In all other cases, when it is impossible to monitor the animal, continue treatment according to the specified regimen. Start combined treatment immediately and simultaneously: AIH on day 0 + COCAV 1.0 on days 0, 3, 7, 14, 30 and 90.



1. The introduction of the vaccine may be accompanied by a local or general reaction. The local reaction is characterized by slight swelling, redness, itching, and enlargement of regional lymph nodes. The general reaction can manifest itself in the form of malaise, headache, weakness, and increased body temperature. Symptomatic therapy and the use of hyposensitizing and antihistamines are recommended. In rare cases, neurological symptoms may be reported. In this case, the victim should be urgently hospitalized.

2. After administration of rabies immunoglobulin from horse serum, complications may be observed: anaphylactic shock, local allergic reaction that occurs 1-2 days after administration; serum sickness, which most often occurs on days 6-8. In the event of an anaphylactoid reaction, 0.3 to 1.0 ml of adrenaline (1:1000) or 0.2-1.0 ml of ephedrine 5% is injected into the subcutaneous tissue, depending on the age of the patient. When symptoms of serum sickness appear, parenteral administration of antihistamines, corticosteroids, and calcium supplements is recommended.

RELEASE FORM. The vaccine is produced in a set: 1 ampoule of vaccine, 1.0 ml (1 dose) and 1 ampoule of solvent (water for injection), 1.0 ml. The package contains 5 sets (5 ampoules with vaccine and 5 ampoules with solvent).

CONDITIONS OF STORAGE AND TRANSPORTATION. The vaccine is stored and transported at a temperature of 2 to 8°C. The vaccine can be transported at temperatures up to 25°C for no more than 2 days.

SHELF LIFE - 1.5 years.

In case of complications or a person's illness with hydrophobia after a full course of vaccinations or during its implementation, you should immediately inform the local health authority, the State Research Institute for Standardization and Control of Medical Biological Preparations named after. L.A. Tarasovich of the Russian Ministry of Health and to the organization that produced the vaccine or immunoglobulin. The use of the vaccine series is delayed. Samples of the vaccine and AIH are sent to the State Research Institute named after L.A. Tarasevich.

In the event of the death of a vaccinated person, it is necessary to conduct a pathological-anatomical autopsy and laboratory diagnostic testing. To do this, pieces of the brain (horn of Ammon, brain stem, cerebellum, cerebral cortex) of a deceased person, extracted in compliance with the rules of asepsis, are placed in a sterile hermetically sealed vessel filled with a 50% aqueous solution of glycerin, cooled to minus 20 °C and then in a container with with ice, they are urgently sent to the appropriate diagnostic laboratory.


1. Doses and immunization schedules are the same for children and adults. A course of treatment with the vaccine is prescribed regardless of the time the victim seeks help, even several months after contact with a patient suspected of rabies or an unknown animal (except AIH).

2. For persons who have previously received a full course of therapeutic and prophylactic or preventive vaccinations, from the end of which no more than 1 year has passed, three injections of the vaccine, 1.0 ml each, are prescribed on days 0, 3, 7. If a year or more has passed, or an incomplete course of immunization has been completed, then - in the usual amount.

3. Corticosteroids and immunosuppressants may lead to vaccine failure. Therefore, in cases of vaccination while taking corticosteroids and immunosuppressants, determining the level of virus-neutralizing antibodies is mandatory. In the absence of virus-neutralizing antibodies, an additional course of treatment is carried out.

4. The person being vaccinated must know: he is prohibited from consuming any alcoholic beverages during the entire course of vaccinations and 6 months after its completion. You should also avoid overwork, hypothermia, and overheating.

Rabies is a deadly infectious pathology that can be contracted by humans from sick animals. In urban areas they are dogs and cats, and in rural areas they are foxes, raccoons or wolves.

The causative agent of the pathology is the rabies virus (or Rabies virus), which enters the human bloodstream with the saliva of a sick animal. When a zoonotic infection reaches the cerebral cortex, it causes inflammation. Without timely assistance, death is possible. is the only sure way to save lives.

Composition and mechanism of action of cultured concentrated purified inactivated dry rabies vaccine

This drug is not included in the vaccination calendar as mandatory. It is used routinely or urgently, when the injured person himself seeks medical help. Anti-rabies is a dry porous mass of whitish color – lyophilisate.

It must be said that the lyophilization method is a real breakthrough in pharmaceuticals. Its essence is the drying of biomaterial by freezing followed by dehydration.

Lyophilization has undeniable advantages:

  • medical material undergoes minimal chemical processing, which means its useful characteristics are preserved;
  • the structure and shape of the original substance practically do not change;
  • increased shelf life.

The rabies virus is the first drug that has been obtained in this way.

The vaccine has a long name, but if you look at it, it’s not that complicated:

  • anti-rabies– literally means: “against rabies”;
  • cultural– that is, grown on a culture of cells obtained from animals. In this case, they were Syrian hamsters;
  • concentrated– ultrafiltration method was used;
  • cleaned. The basic component of this vaccine is the Rabies virus antigen. As a result of high purification, it gets rid of infectious impurities. Thus, the drug becomes safer when used. In this case, purification is carried out using gel chromatography;
  • inactivated. This means that the whole microorganism (and not its fragment) is killed using ultraviolet light and formaldehyde.

Anti-rabies vaccine culture inactivated dry

The vaccine is available in single-dose ampoules (1.0 ml). The main component is Rabies virus specific antigen (strain “Vnukovo-32”) with a volume of 2.5 IU. Additional substances: albumin, sucrose and gelatin. The package contains 5 ampoules with vaccine + 5 ampoules with solvent. There are no preservatives.

Vaccine Kokav

The most popular are recognized (calculation per dose):

  • (Russia). Price: 1720-2300 rub.;
  • . German drug. Price: 2700-3400 rub.;
  • Indirab(India). Price: 7000-8000 rub.;
  • Faith slave(France). Price: 1100 rub.;
  • Speeda(China) is not registered in Russia.

Anti-rabies assistance in our country is a free procedure.

Photo of the drug

Latin name: Vaccinum rabiei culturalt concentratum purificatum inactivatum siccum

ATX code: J07BG01

Active substance: Vaccine rabies

Manufacturer: FGBNU "FNTsIRIP im. M.P. Chumakov RAS", Russia

Description is valid on: 17.10.17

Culture purified inactivated dry rabies vaccine (COCAV) is a vaccine rabies virus of Vnukovo strains 32, 30 and 38 passages.

Active substance

Vaccine for the prevention of rabies.

Release form and composition

Indications for use

It is used to immunize people after contact or bite with rabies, suspected rabies or unknown animals.

For preventive purposes, the vaccine is administered to those people whose activities are directly related to the treatment, maintenance or capture of wild and stray animals. In addition, slaughterhouse workers, taxidermists, foresters and hunters are immunized.


According to the instructions, the inactivated rabies vaccine has no contraindications when administered for health reasons.

When administered for prophylactic purposes, it is contraindicated in the following diseases and conditions:

  • increased sensitivity to its constituent components;
  • general and infectious diseases;
  • diseases of the endocrine systems;
  • cardiac congestive failure;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • collagenosis;
  • chronic kidney pathologies;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

Under no circumstances should you use cultured rabies vaccine in ampoules whose labeling or integrity has been compromised. In addition, it should not be used if the color of the finished solution or powder has changed (it should be white).

Instructions for use Rabies vaccine (method and dosage)

The vaccine powder must be diluted with purified water before injection. The healthcare professional then injects the vaccine intramuscularly into the upper arm very slowly. For children under 5 years of age, the injection is given in the upper part of the anterolateral thigh. The vaccine cannot be injected into the buttock.

After the injection solution is ready, the rabies vaccine must be administered over the next five minutes. It is strictly prohibited to store the remaining diluted vaccine. After vaccination, the patient should be under medical supervision for another half hour. In the rooms where the above procedures are carried out, medications for anti-shock therapy must be available.

Vaccination of a person who has suffered from the bite of a rabid animal is not limited to one injection - the vaccine is additionally administered on the third, seventh, fourteenth and thirtieth days after the first injection. The immunization course should begin as early as possible. It is allowed to inject the rabies vaccine for the first time within the first two weeks after contact or bite of an animal of concern.

Side effects

The rabies vaccine may have a number of side effects:

  • allergic reactions (itching and redness);
  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • nausea;
  • headache;
  • general malaise;
  • hyperthermia (increased body temperature).


The potential risk of overdose has not been studied.


Analogs by ATC code: Rabivak-Vnukovo-32 Culture-inactivated rabies vaccine for human immunization, Rabipur.

Do not decide to change the drug on your own; consult your doctor.

pharmachologic effect

The cultured rabies vaccine is a rabies vaccine virus that produces immunity against this disease. The above vaccine is used for both therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

special instructions

  • You should not miss a single dose of the vaccine. In case of violations of the course of anti-rabies vaccinations, it is necessary to determine the immune status of those vaccinated for further correction of treatment. If it is necessary to determine the protective level of virus-neutralizing antibodies, you should contact the Federal State Budgetary Institution “NTsESMP” of the Ministry of Health of Russia (Rabies Control Center).
  • The drug may cause dizziness and weakness, so during the immunization period you should drive vehicles and moving machinery with caution.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

Contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation for preventive purposes, but used for health reasons.

In childhood

Prescribed according to indications.

In old age

Information is absent.

Drug interactions

  • During vaccination, it is prohibited to use other vaccines except those prescribed for health reasons.
  • After vaccination, vaccinations can be done no earlier than 2 months later. Preventive vaccination is carried out no earlier than 1 month after vaccination of another infectious disease.
  • The effect of vaccine therapy can be reduced by corticosteroids and immunosuppressants; while taking such drugs, it is necessary to determine the level of virus-neutralizing antibodies. In the absence of virus-neutralizing antibodies or when the level of antibodies is below the protective level (0.5 IU/ml), an additional course of vaccine administration is required according to the schedule of 0, 7 and 30 days.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Dispensed by order of medical and preventive and sanitary institutions.

Anti-rabies vaccine (liof. 2.5 units fl. N1 + solution 1 ml) Russia, enterprise named after M.P. Chumakov

Trade name: Rabies vaccine culture concentrated purified inactivated dry

International name: Vaccine for the prevention of rabies

Manufacturer: Enterprise for the production of bacterial and viral preparations of the M.P. Chumakov Institute of Poliomyelitis and Viral Encephalitis of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Federal State Unitary Enterprise

Country Russia

Registration number P N002816/01-2003

Registration date 08/26/2003

ND FSP 42-0070-4046-03

EAN code 4603993000130

Total packages: 1

International name: Vaccine for the prevention of rabies

Dosage form: lyophilisate, lyophilisate for solution for injection


Vaccine rabies virus strain Vnukovo-32, grown in a primary culture of Syrian hamster kidney cells, inactivated by ultraviolet rays and formaldehyde, concentrated and purified by ultrafiltration, followed by purification through porous silicas and ultracentrifugation or ion exchange chromatography. Stabilizers - gelato and sucrose. 1 dose (1 ml) contains at least 2.5 IU.

Pharmachologic effect:

Induces the development of immunity against the rabies virus.


Therapeutic and prophylactic (contact and bites of people by rabid, suspected rabid or unknown animals) or preventive immunization of persons performing work on catching and keeping stray animals; veterinarians, hunters, foresters, slaughterhouse workers, taxidermists, people working with the rabies virus.


Therapeutic and prophylactic immunization: none. Preventive immunization: acute infectious and non-infectious diseases, chronic diseases in Art. exacerbations or decompensation, systemic allergic reactions to previous administration of the vaccine (generalized rash, Quincke's edema), allergic reactions to antibiotics, pregnancy.

Dosage regimen:

IM into the deltoid muscle of the shoulder, for children under 5 years old - into the upper part of the anterolateral surface of the thigh. Injection of the vaccine into the gluteal region is not allowed. The contents of the vaccine ampoule are dissolved in 1 ml of water for injection for no more than 5 minutes. Storage of the dissolved vaccine for more than 5 minutes is not allowed. Preventive immunization scheme: primary immunization - 1 ml, 3 injections on days 0, 7 and 30, first revaccination after 1 year - once 1 ml, subsequent revaccinations every 3 years - once 1 ml. Scheme of therapeutic and prophylactic vaccinations with anti-rabies vaccine and anti-rabies immunoglobulin: there is no damage or salivation of the skin, there is no direct contact, the animal has rabies - no treatment is prescribed. Salivation of intact skin, abrasions, single superficial bites or scratches of the torso, upper and lower extremities (except for the head, face, neck, hand, toes, genitals) caused by domestic and farm animals - begin treatment immediately: 1 ml per 0 , 3, 7, 14, 30 and 90 days. If within 10 days of observation of the animal it remains healthy, then treatment is stopped (i.e. after 3 injections). In all other cases when it is impossible to monitor the animal (killed, died, ran away, disappeared, etc.), treatment is continued according to the specified scheme. Any drooling of the mucous membranes, any bites of the head, face, neck, hand, fingers and toes, genitals; multiple bites and deep single bites of any localization caused by domestic and farm animals, any salivation and damage caused by wild carnivores, bats and rodents - immediately begin combination treatment: heterologous (equine) rabies immunoglobulin 40 IU/kg, homologous (human) rabies immunoglobulin 20 IU/kg on day 0 and rabies vaccine 1 ml on days 0, 3, 7, 14, 30 and 90. In cases where it is possible to monitor the animal and it remains healthy for 10 days, treatment is stopped (i.e. after 3 injections). In all other cases, when it is impossible to monitor the animal, treatment continues according to the specified scheme. Both drugs are administered simultaneously (first rabies immunoglobulin is injected, then rabies vaccine; in different places). Rabies immunoglobulin is prescribed as soon as possible after contact with a rabid, suspected rabid or unknown animal, but no later than 3 days after contact. Rabies immunoglobulin is not used after the administration of rabies vaccine. As much of the calculated dose of rabies immunoglobulin as possible should be infiltrated into the tissue around the wounds and deep into the wounds. If the anatomical location of the injury (fingertips, etc.) does not allow the entire dose of rabies immunoglobulin to be administered into the tissue around the wounds, then the remainder is injected intramuscularly (gluteal muscles, upper thigh, shoulder). The location of immunoglobulin administration should be different from the site of vaccine administration. Doses and immunization schedules are the same for children and adults.

Side effects:

Local: slight swelling, hyperemia, itching, enlargement of regional lymph nodes. General: malaise, headache, weakness, hyperthermia, rarely - neurological symptoms.

Special instructions:

The vaccinated person must be under medical supervision for at least 30 minutes. If neurological symptoms develop after administration of the vaccine, the patient must be urgently hospitalized; symptomatic therapy, hyposensitizing and antihistamine drugs are prescribed. Vaccination sites must be equipped with anti-shock therapy. After a course of immunotherapy, a certificate is issued indicating the type and series of drugs, the course of vaccinations, and post-vaccination reactions. Anti-rabies care consists of local treatment of wounds, scratches and abrasions, administration of rabies vaccine or simultaneous use of rabies immunoglobulin and rabies vaccine. Local treatment of wounds, scratches and abrasions is extremely important and must be carried out immediately or as soon as possible after a bite or injury: the wound surface is washed generously with soap and water (or detergent), and the edges of the wound are treated with 70% ethanol or 5% tincture of iodine. If there are indications for the use of rabies immunoglobulin, it is used immediately before suturing. If possible, suturing the wound should be avoided. Suturing is indicated exclusively in the following cases: for extensive wounds - several guiding skin sutures after preliminary treatment of the wound; for cosmetic reasons (skin sutures on facial wounds); suturing of bleeding vessels in order to stop external bleeding. After local treatment of the lesions, therapeutic and prophylactic immunization is immediately started. A course of treatment with the vaccine is prescribed regardless of the time the victim seeks help, even several months after contact with a patient suspected of rabies or an unknown animal (except for rabies immunoglobulin). For persons who have previously received a full course of therapeutic and prophylactic or preventive vaccinations, from the end of which no more than 1 year has passed, 3 injections of the vaccine, 1 ml each, are prescribed on days 0, 3, 7; if 1 year or more has passed, or an incomplete course of immunization has been carried out, then - in accordance with the given scheme of therapeutic and prophylactic vaccinations. GCS and immunosuppressants can lead to ineffectiveness of vaccine therapy. Therefore, in cases of vaccination while taking corticosteroids and immunosuppressants, determination of the concentration of virus-neutralizing antibodies is mandatory. In the absence of virus-neutralizing antibodies, an additional course of treatment is carried out. The vaccine recipient must be informed that he is prohibited from consuming any alcoholic beverages during the entire course of vaccinations and 6 months after its completion. You should also avoid overwork, hypothermia, and overheating. For acute infectious and non-infectious diseases, chronic diseases in Art. exacerbation or decompensation, vaccinations are carried out no earlier than 1 month after recovery (remission). The drug is not suitable for use in ampoules with damaged integrity, labeling, as well as changes in color and transparency, expired or improperly stored. The opening of the ampoules and the vaccination procedure are carried out under strict adherence to the rules of asepsis. Before administering heterologous rabies immunoglobulin, it is necessary to check the patient's individual sensitivity to horse protein.



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs