Congratulations on Agricultural Workers' Day in prose. Congratulations on Agricultural Worker's Day in prose

Congratulations on Agriculture Day! I sincerely want to wish you good, abundant harvests, so that weather conditions always contribute to this! Let agriculture develop at a rapid pace, and let your field of activity bring you pleasure and prosperity! Good luck, health and success in business!

On Agriculture Day, I congratulate you, a diligent and hardworking person who gives us healthy food! Your work is incredibly hard, but you have chosen this path, giving people a wonderful life filled with a variety of different products. I want to wish you prosperity, good health and good luck! Let your work bring you only joy and triple your strength!

On Agriculture Day, I want to congratulate you and wish you success in your business. Humanity cannot live without agriculture - you feed us, treat us and clothe us. Thank you for this and low bow to the ground! I wish you happiness, may your work always bring joy. Health, harmony in the family and enough money to be enough for everything you want!

Agriculture is the basis. In fact, this is the basis of all life. Without it, there would be no normal existence not only in the rural environment, but also in the urban one. An agricultural worker is the king and god of the country’s entire food supply! I wish you excellent health, high performance, material well-being. Let everything you grow in the fields bring joy to people and give them food. I wish you happiness, prosperity, an easy life! Happy Agriculture Day!

Dear agricultural worker, I congratulate you on your professional holiday. Let me thank you for your important work and wish you favorable weather, fertile soil, high yields and decent profits. May your hands never tire, and may your eyes always rejoice at the earing fields! Happy Agriculture Day!

No one will argue that we cannot live without agriculture! Bread, milk, meat and other only the most natural and fresh products are given to us by agricultural workers. For this, I bow to you and have the most wonderful wishes on Agriculture Day - your professional holiday! Let your health not fail you, your plans come true and your dreams come true! Thanks for your hard work!

Dear farmers! Dear agricultural workers! I sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday! I wish you, who have dedicated your life to your native land, to work as hard and selflessly, without giving up, and to sincerely rejoice in the fruits of your labor as we rejoice in them. May your efforts always be crowned with impressive results, may droughts and rains pass your lands, and may the harvest exceed your wildest dreams. Thank you for the hard work that we all need! Happy Agriculture Day!

Wheat cannot be grown on concrete, apples cannot be picked from a lamppost... No matter what scientific and technological progress sweeps the planet, even the most modern person cannot live without agriculture. Thank you, workers of the earth, for your noble hard work! We wish you bright prospects, high yields and every success! Be healthy, happy and loved! Happy holiday!

Congratulations on your professional holiday! Happy day of the hard worker, thanks to whom priceless gifts of nature come to our families and homes. A well-fed life for you, milky rivers of health and buttered, favorable fate!

Farmers, livestock breeders, your goal is high, you work for the benefit of the entire population, your work provides us all with food. Thank you for your useful work! Today we wish the owners of the fields, the rulers of animals, good health, happiness for many years, well-paid work, family warmth and prosperity!

Congratulations to all the real hard workers, workers in the processing industry and agriculture. Your work produces the results that we see and use every day of our lives. Thank you for working tirelessly and by the sweat of your brow for all of us!

And what would big cities turn into if workers in agriculture and the processing industry stopped working?! Of course, your work deserves respect and financial confirmation of this. On this day, please accept sincere words of gratitude and wishes for stable growth.

Congratulations to the glorious people working for the benefit of their country in the field of agriculture and processing industry! Happy professional holiday to you! May limitless happiness, all-encompassing love, prosperity and prosperity come to the lives of each of you!

Thanks to agricultural workers for always fresh, healthy, safe and incredibly tasty food! Thanks to your work, our entire nation is fed, healthy and happy! Happy professional holiday to you!

On Agricultural Workers' Day, let the air be filled with joy from the desired benefits and toasts pronounced in honor of the heroes of the occasion!
May your work always be generously rewarded, may your work only bring you joy, and may your family and friends always give you their support and care!
Let those hands be blessed that cultivate fertile soil, help seeds to germinate, save nature from thirst with irrigation, and reap a ripe and large harvest! We wish you happiness, dear workers of agriculture and processing industry, on your holiday!

Thank you for the ripe and juicy fruits and vegetables on our tables, for the wonderful and high-quality products from which we can prepare wonderful dishes for our families! Let the smile of a child holding a fragrant apple in his hands be your reward on your holiday - Agricultural Workers' Day!

Dear workers in the agricultural industry, please accept our gratitude on your holiday for the high-quality products of the meat and dairy industry and agriculture with which you delight us all year round! We wish you health for many years, happiness and peace in your soul, joy and prosperity! Happy Agricultural Workers Day!

To cheerful tractor drivers, combine operators, drivers of irrigation and sowing equipment and everyone who operates agricultural machines, on the Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers, we wish you endurance, good mood, prosperity, peace in the home and understanding in the family!

Let the work of workers in the agricultural and processing industries be glorified, thanks to which the entire agro-industrial complex of our country is strengthening and growing! We wish you happiness on this holiday, dear workers, may your work always be encouraged and appreciated! Happy professional date to you!

Dear Colleagues! Let me bring you congratulations today on our professional holiday - Agricultural Worker's Day! You work tirelessly in the rural fields in order to provide the food and light industry with high-quality raw materials, and your work deserves great respect and appropriate remuneration. I wish you health, success, increased productivity and profitability in your hard work for our common good! holiday!

Dear friends! Let's not lie - without agriculture we simply cannot survive! Thank you for bringing excellent quality products to our table, for clothing and shoes, since no synthetics can replace natural raw materials.
May all your grandiose plans come true, may all your wishes come true and may all your dreams always come true! Happy Agriculture Day! Be healthy, be happy!

Agricultural workers! You are at the forefront of our eternal battle for the harvest, for increasing growth rates, for high milk yields! Agriculture in our Fatherland is always about overcoming, fighting against endless difficulties. Your work and your efforts are all the more valuable! I wish you new equipment in the fields, full automation on farms, good roads and work without fools!
Happy holiday, dear friends!

On a day so important, not so filled with gifts, but filled with joy and gratitude, we wish you all the blessings and feelings that are earthly and complete. Having given up your fate to the power of the fields, you understood what it means to be in love with the fields. Nature, in its splendor, always remains your friend, and may it always remain so.
By unwittingly or consciously giving your destiny to the earth, you are firmly doing your job. Isn't this real happiness? We congratulate you on Agricultural Worker's Day!

Without officialdom or affectation, we can tell you that you chose your profession for a reason. Not everyone can become such a worker, overcome the labor rewards and become a happy person. However, you did it, and this is your strength. And a lot of congratulations await you, no matter how sensual, so strong. We wish you health, because your profession requires considerable strength. Happiness, joy, love, all your wishes are worthy of you.

Who does not work shall not eat. This is not about you. We see the value of our work on your happy faces. You are doing a noble task that not everyone can do. Physically strong, and also happy, we have practically nothing to wish for. You are not afraid of work, you can master a lot, and this is your pride. Happy holiday, my dear agricultural workers, we congratulate you!

Or New Year. It seems natural and normal. But we sometimes forget about saying a few nice words at a time when representatives of certain professions are being honored. Take, for example, congratulations on Agricultural Worker's Day. Who remembers them? People don’t even know how to congratulate on such a day; they are lost and cannot find the words. Let's prepare in advance, in case it comes in handy.

Let's prepare mentally

Some reasoning will help us come up with congratulations on Agricultural Worker's Day.

How do you personally, for example, feel about the people on whom your life depends? You may ask, what does rural workers have to do with it? Yes, everything is very simple. They work so that everyone else can live a comfortable and problem-free life. After all, no one will deny that without food we will simply die out in a few days. And they are the ones who create it. Do you think such people deserve congratulations? On Agricultural Worker's Day, it is recommended to honor people respectfully, recognizing the high social utility of such work. This means that words need to be chosen specially. Congratulations on Agricultural Worker's Day in prose or poetry should express gratitude to workers for their constant, hard, intense work. After all, it is the seller or accountant who can afford a vacation. And rural workers do not know days off. They are on watch all the time.

Choosing the right tone

It is also important to take into account the circumstances under which your congratulations will be delivered.

Is it official or is it done “for our own people”. Congratulations on Agricultural Worker's Day, depending on the situation, can be solemn or comic in nature. It is advisable to adhere to this rule. You understand that excessive officialdom, for example, among friends can be perceived incorrectly. On the other hand, people at the enterprise will be offended by excessive familiarity. Therefore, it is advisable to measure the words according to where they will be heard. Especially if you plan to send them in writing. Memorable addresses are often stored for a long time and re-read by many people. An incorrectly chosen tone will be conspicuous and cause criticism against the author. We don't need this, do we?

Examples of congratulations

Now you can safely move on to practice. Let's try to compose congratulations on Agricultural Worker's Day in prose.

You need to start with the addressee. That is, you should name the one to whom they are addressed. This could be a team or an individual. The address is expressed in a respectful manner. Next comes the text itself. Like this: “Dear workers of the gardening team! We bring you sincere and heartfelt congratulations on your professional day! Your constant selfless work makes this world a more beautiful place! We are grateful to you for its fruits, which delight us all year round. We wish you Siberian health, patience and endurance! Let gardens bloom on your lands and in your souls! Happy holiday!” Next, as you understand, comes the signature. That is, it is necessary to indicate from whom the kind words came.

Congratulations on Agricultural Worker's Day in verse

Unprepared people are not particularly good at rhyming. Therefore, we can recommend taking ready-made poems. A lot of them. It is just undesirable to use them in their original form. After all, other “smart guys” can use the same source. In order to give the text originality, it is recommended to play with words. Replace some, rearrange others. Try it, it's not difficult. Example: “Dear grain growers! We wish you health and successful work! So that they work with love, so that the quinoa does not give birth! Let the earth-nurse generously share with you! Let the weather not let you down, the sun and rain will come! On this day I wish you a harvest of more than a hundred grams!” Or this: “May fate be kind and kind to you on Village Worker’s Day! You, dear farmers, are great jacks of all trades! We wish you great luck. So that bread is born and offspring appears. May your work, the most important on earth, allow you to live in prosperity and warmth!”

Funny congratulations on Agricultural Worker's Day

Of course, for loved ones, you can choose more playful and interesting words. Some people will like funny congratulations. Example: “For the workers of farms and fields, nature, do not regret your blessings! We wish you clear sunshine, timely rain, safe pests, and rich and wonderful harvests! Let your work be as easy as a holiday!” It is recommended that the jokes themselves be based on the problematic aspects of the workers of the earth themselves. You can always wish them good weather. The results of their difficult work sometimes depend on it. Example: “We wish that science would invent for you a culture that will sow, grow and harvest itself. All you have to do is sell it and calculate the profit! Good luck and good luck!” Rural workers also often suffer from the fact that their crops or offspring get sick and die. This can also be used in congratulations. Like this: “On this bright day, we wish that not a single pest remains on earth. Let them all move to Mars and there they devour alien cabbage and rutabaga with pleasure and rapture. Let our harvest no longer suffer from losses!”

Words for a cohesive team

Most often, colleagues who have worked side by side for many years do not mince words. Moreover, each enterprise develops its own traditions and characteristics. The above congratulations on Agricultural Worker's Day in prose can be taken as a basis. Colleagues, naturally, want to diversify them. Come up with a few phrases that would characterize the work in your team. People, for example, respond well to personal appeals. For example, identify who was the “source” of a new idea that led to success this year. Like this: “Congratulations... I wish each of you to be as talented and successful as Ivan Sergeevich, whose ideas tripled the harvest! May the Angel of Agriculture overshadow you all with his wings!”

Happy Agriculture Day
And I sincerely tell you,
I only wish you sweet happiness,
To greet your dawn with joy!
He walked into a field that was full of grain,
Always looked forward with confidence
And he groomed the land, harvested the wheat,
And you stored the harvest for the year!
Let there be everything - health, laughter and happiness,
Let the bird of peace circle over fate,
Let them avoid storms and bad weather,
Let sorrows pass you by!

How nice it is to be in nature in the village,
When there is grass, a river, a garden and a forest nearby...
May there always be a lot of work on the land,
The sun illuminates your day directly from the heavens.
Your day is celebrated only once a year,
And agriculture feeds the whole country.
And on this wonderful day we congratulate you,
May nature give you a wonderful spring!

Your calling is noble,
Feed all the people on the planet,
You are the master among farms and among arable fields,
We will never tire of thanking you
For your hard work,
You are already on it with the dawn,
Thank you for the bread, fruit, porridge,
And for harmony with the obstinate earth!
Let your harvest be rich,
The weather helps in everything
May the sunsets be pleasant
Agriculture is thriving! Happy day!

I want to congratulate you on Agriculture Day!
I wish you to be both happy and healthy!
Let the fields make ears and the chickens lay eggs,
I wish the cows to have good milk yield!
I wish to be rich, happy with my life,
May you always have enough money and joy!
You fill the shelves with delicious products,
The cities say respect to you for this!

I rarely visit the field -
If I'm sad about football;
I often treat my friends
But I don’t grow food myself;
I can't tell peas from peppers,
If they fly in the ranks,
And, placing my hand on my heart,
I won't milk the cow...
Incompetence to sum up,
To end the verse
I'm still from the heart today
Congratulations on Agricultural Day!

To you who are agriculture
Raises you to your feet
I wish you happiness from the bottom of my heart,
Bright as a rainbow.
To grow and develop,
Forever your craft.
So that luck smiles,
It felt warm inside.

Far from factories, from city walls
And you can breathe easier and sleep sweeter.
There is a special charm in rural lands:
Here the sunflower ripens, here the grain ears.
Today is your holiday, agricultural worker!
We wish you health, and with it wealth!
Live with song and joke, without grief and tears,
Remain a good owner!

You, brother, were toiling away in the arable land,
He sowed rye, turnips, peas,
And think about yesterday
I couldn’t talk about today.
Lived in great and varied labors
And I didn’t feel any changes,
That your holiday will come too,
And not only horseradish will sprout.
The day has come, agricultural worker,
Have fun, get drunk and drunk!
Let life be like Viagra!
By the way, you're wearing seeds!

Agriculture feeds the whole country,
Thanks for the bread and milk!
Happy holiday, Agriculture Day!
Fly your banner high!
Hard work, not everyone can do it,
Every year there is great suffering.
I wish you health, vigor and strength,
Joy and happiness forever!

Happy Workers' Day
With joy and pleasure
We want to wish you a lot
Various wealth:
Tractors, combines, money
And a big KAMAZ.
And we also wish you,
To be healthy
Be happy and cheerful
And live with love.

There is wheat in the golden fields,
Herds walk through the pastures.
And the villagers have faces like bronze,
Because every day is suffering.
They feed us tirelessly
They provide bread and milk.
And we are immensely grateful
Congratulations on their big day!

Our breadwinners and drinkers!
What do you need all these poems for?
Who, besides you, plows in the state?
Who is real - from the plow?
They do not tolerate the hands of sloppiness,
Minds know no idleness...
Happy Agriculture Day to all of you
We hasten to congratulate you today!

Autumn is a generous time,
There is a full harvest:
Both grains and vegetables
Enough for a hundred winter days.
So let's congratulate you, friends,
Hardworking agricultural workers.
Let's wish you to live to a hundred,
May the house always be full.

Agriculture is Russia's strong point!
Agriculture is Russian strength.
In the field you are not a warrior, in the field you are the master,
In the field you will meet the holiday with the wind on your date!
Well, after the wind we congratulate you!
Bowing low, we wish you:
Joy from the sun, happiness from the rain,
And may failures bypass (you) the fields!

Livestock breeders, farmers!
Today is your holiday, friends.
You love the earth with all your heart
And on this day I wish:
Health and happiness to you for years to come,
May smiles always bloom,
And let the weather forecast be
Favorable for work.

Happy Agriculture Day! Peace, happiness,
Good luck, harvest in the fields!
Let the weather please you more often,
So that you can do everything conscientiously - not out of fear!

May the sun be welcoming to you,
And let the south wind help in everything!
The rains water the fields at the right time,
I wish you big harvests!

Congratulations on Agriculture Day,
And we respect your hard work!
Without you, the people would be helpless,
And everyone would live their life in hunger!

Let me congratulate you on Agriculture Day!
I wish you happiness, joy, a career without interference.
I want to see you rich and healthy,
And may success always accompany you in everything!

Today without arrogance
We must congratulate
Happy Agriculture Day
Suppliers of the whole country!

So that the potatoes are born,
The pumpkin has grown juicy,
And the wheat was heading,
Happy Farmer's Day! Hooray!

Let the peas and buckwheat grow,
And the cow and the sheep,
To you, on the day of agriculture,
We sincerely wish you happiness!

Agricultural worker
Let me congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
I wish you well, peace and wealth!
May the harvest be good!

On this day I wish that
There was less bad weather
All the fields were heading
And things were going well!
Great harvest
And unearthly health!

I hasten to congratulate you on this wonderful day:
Happy Agriculture Day, I want to wish
Let there be sun, rain, cool shade,
And many harvests for you, and more rest!

Agriculture is not easy work,
He is noble, necessary!
You have knowledge, dexterity,
After all, the land is an honorable master!
May the harvest be rich,
The country needs all the people!

On Agriculture Day, please accept congratulations,
I want to express my respect to you with all my heart!
And may your efforts bear fruit -
More money, happiness, health, kindness!

Let them deduct it from my workdays,
Let me fly with my share -
Happy Agriculture Day today
I want to congratulate you!

Feeds everyone around the farm,
There aren't enough stars in the sky!
For bread and milk,
We bow deeply!

Let everything around you grunt, suffer and quack!
Let every garden bed please you with its harvest!
And don’t let the weather let you down,
Let every investment bring profit!

Happy holiday to all of you,
Agricultural workers!
Every day you try for us,
Work for the good of the state.
Let the harvest be rich
And the weather is sunny and clear,
Joy lights the path of life,
May it be bright and beautiful!

Agricultural workers
The country is rightly admired.
They are her stronghold, her wealth,
So, Lord, give them full joy!
Bless their families and work,
Multiply their fruits tenfold
And surround me with love and care,
So that happiness is reflected in the sparkle of your eyes!

Agriculture Day
We always celebrate.
Any state
Without bread - nowhere.
For all the work, worries -
I bow to you to the ground.
May the joy of work
Fill your days with happiness!

To you, agricultural workers,
We give words of recognition on this day.
You are the basis of any state,
Believe me, everyone really needs your work.
We wish you health and success,
Prosperity, prosperity in business.
And on holiday - congratulations, jokes, laughter,
Bouquets of roses in tired hands!

Congratulations to agricultural workers today!
May your home be filled with prosperity.
We wish you great success and prosperity,
You have gained fame through well-deserved work.
Thank you for your hard work,
Love for the native land, the traditions of the fathers.
I bow to you for your patience and care!
May there be joy and love in your life!

Property of the people -
Our Russian agricultural industry.
He is at any time of the year
He supplies us with milk.
Meat, vegetables and fruits
Delivers it to our table,
Well, and other products:
Bread, sour cream and cereal.
We wish you happiness on your holiday,
Abundance in everything!
Let bad weather pass you by,
The joy of life is in full swing!

You deserve this holiday
The whole country is proud of you,
They put in a lot of work,
So that we are always full.
Thank you for your worthy work
Immeasurable warmth of hearts,
We wish you many years of happiness
And to be lucky in life.
Greet the sunrises with joy,
May it be a fruitful year
May you be the happiest in the world,
They did not know the bitterness of adversity.

Short SMS congratulations on Agriculture Day

Agro-industry is an important thing!
This is a very serious science.
Congratulations on your professional day
And I wish you success in your work!
You are our role model.
May love and adoration await you!

Original short congratulations on Agricultural Workers' Day

Wheat is heading in the field,
Let nothing bad happen.
The rye is ripe, filled with juice,
May all your dreams come true.
The grain dries in the sun,
Let everything work out in life!

Short beautiful congratulations on Agricultural Worker's Day

You are raising agriculture,
You supply us with fresh products.
For this we express our gratitude,
We wish you to work without difficulties,
So that there is time left for rest,
May you receive glory and honor!

Day of the village, land, harvest!
We meet with you today.
Congratulations to our dear workers!
May positivity accompany you through life,
May there not be collapse and ruin,
And only happiness, joy and luck await!

Beautiful congratulations to an agricultural worker

Agricultural worker
You are destined to be a breadwinner.
For great work, wealth of the soul, -
Take a grateful bow!
As soon as the morning turns red,
You are all in worries, all in labor,
And everything grows, blooms and ripens,
In your weary hands!
And this is the essence of great happiness -
I wish only the best for all people,
For them, try tirelessly,
So that the table is rich - plow!
Let the heart not know bitterness
Your ardor and passion lead you forward,
The economy is growing, prospering,
Peace and harmony reign in the family!
May all your dreams and plans
Fate will fulfill, with joy,
And all the worries and flaws,
They will disappear forever!
Wonderful weather for work -
May you have many glorious years
And carry love through the years,
To your native land, there is nothing better!

A funny poem for Agricultural Workers Day

In the village, today is a holiday,
Everyone is dressed up, cheerful,
Gratefully praise
The generosity of Mother Earth!
A notable harvest was collected,
Amuses a lush loaf,
It’s nice to celebrate when you’re well-fed,
Joy overflows!
The earth gives back a hundredfold,
For peasant honest work,
Why not have fun
Let all sorrows go away!
Happiness and laughter are a gift to you,
Let love warm your heart,
The century welcomes prosperity!
Well, tomorrow, in the field again...

Short congratulations on Agricultural Workers Day

Agricultural worker
Please accept my sincere greetings!
I wish you consistency in life:
Health, money and victories!
Wonderful weather for the earth,
So that hard work is glorious
And let at any time of the year,
Success awaits you in your work!

Original congratulations on Agriculture Day

There is no more wonderful October
Everyone knows this:
blessed land,
Happy harvest!
Abundant fields
They give back a hundredfold
To whom is the generous land,
Like a sister!
You cherish her
Store with care
And by my calling,
Treasure it!
Strength to you, joy, friends,
Happiness and wealth,
Thrive so that it always

Short congratulations on Agriculture Day

Hello days and lots of laughter,
Health, joy, success,
We wish you with all our hearts,
For worthy and difficult work!
Let the fields bloom generously,
So that you are cheerful, happy,
Had everything they wanted
But they didn’t know troubles and bitterness!

On Agriculture Day, I congratulate you, a diligent and hardworking person who gives us healthy food! Your work is incredibly hard, but you have chosen this path, giving people a wonderful life filled with a variety of different products. I want to wish you prosperity, good health and good luck! Let your work bring you only joy and triple your strength!

Agriculture is the basis. In fact, this is the basis of all life. Without it, there would be no normal existence not only in the rural environment, but also in the urban one. An agricultural worker is the king and god of the country’s entire food supply! I wish you excellent health, high performance, material well-being. Let everything you grow in the fields bring joy to people and give them food. I wish you happiness, prosperity, an easy life! Happy Agriculture Day!

No one will argue that we cannot live without agriculture! Bread, milk, meat and other only the most natural and fresh products are given to us by agricultural workers. For this, I bow to you and have the most wonderful wishes on Agriculture Day - your professional holiday! Let your health not fail you, your plans come true and your dreams come true! Thanks for your hard work!

Dear farmers! Dear agricultural workers! I sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday! I wish you, who have dedicated your life to your native land, to work as hard and selflessly, without giving up, and to sincerely rejoice in the fruits of your labor as we rejoice in them. May your efforts always be crowned with impressive results, may droughts and rains pass your lands, and may the harvest exceed your wildest dreams. Thank you for the hard work that we all need! Happy Agriculture Day!

Dear agricultural worker, I congratulate you on your professional holiday. Let me thank you for your important work and wish you favorable weather, fertile soil, high yields and decent profits. May your hands never tire, and may your eyes always rejoice at the earing fields! Happy Agriculture Day!

Today people live more and more in cities, but there is no escape from the land-breadwinner! Happy Agricultural Workers Day! Let your achievements grow like meadow grass in the spring, let grain fall like gold, and rivers of milk flow! The well-being of the entire country is in your hands!

Let the work of workers in the agricultural and processing industries be glorified, thanks to which the entire agro-industrial complex of our country is strengthening and growing! We wish you happiness on this holiday, dear workers, may your work always be encouraged and appreciated! Happy professional date to you!

To cheerful tractor drivers, combine operators, drivers of irrigation and sowing equipment and everyone who operates agricultural machines, on the Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers, we wish you endurance, good mood, prosperity, peace in the home and understanding in the family!

Dear workers in the agricultural industry, please accept our gratitude on your holiday for the high-quality products of the meat and dairy industry and agriculture with which you delight us all year round! We wish you health for many years, happiness and peace in your soul, joy and prosperity! Happy Agricultural Workers Day!

Let those hands be blessed that cultivate fertile soil, help seeds to germinate, save nature from thirst with irrigation, and reap a ripe and large harvest! We wish you happiness, dear workers of agriculture and processing industry, on your holiday!

On Agricultural Workers' Day, let the air be filled with joy from the desired benefits and toasts pronounced in honor of the heroes of the occasion! May your work always be generously rewarded, may your work only bring you joy, and may your family and friends always give you their support and care!

Thanks to agricultural workers for always fresh, healthy, safe and incredibly tasty food! Thanks to your work, our entire nation is fed, healthy and happy! Happy professional holiday to you!

Agricultural Workers' Day is probably the brightest, kindest and most vital holiday. After all, the workers in this industry, first of all, feed the country, providing us with all the goods necessary for life. Let their “golden” hands bring them not only income, but also all the joys of life! May the rains irrigate their fields, and may God protect their farms, agricultural enterprises, and food industry enterprises from losses, collapse and losses! May their families live in prosperity, love and happiness, and may peace, love and mutual understanding come to their homes!

Congratulations to all workers in agriculture and the processing industry. All those people who, sparing no effort, work for the benefit of our country. Thanks to your hardworking hands, we have the opportunity to eat healthy and environmentally friendly products. We thank you for your hard work and perseverance. We wish that everything you do brings the desired result. May your overworked hands never hurt, and may your health never fail. So that you do not know material problems, and your family never needs. We wish prosperity to agriculture. And every farmer has his own small business at home.

Dear agricultural workers! I would like to sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday and thank you so much for your conscientious work! Let these words sound loudly, but the health and prosperity of our country largely depends on you! Your work is a necessary mechanism in the full functioning of production. We wish you to overcome all obstacles on your life path and clearly move towards your goals! Let your cherished dreams come true, and let fate please you with unexpected pleasant gifts! Family well-being and financial well-being!

Dear workers of agriculture and processing industry! Let me congratulate you from the bottom of my heart and thank you on your professional day. Thank you for the hard work that you have shouldered. Without you, we simply could not live. We may rarely talk about our gratitude, but this does not mean that we do not experience it. Your work, your dedication are worthy of admiration and admiration. Not every person is able to work in the countryside; this work is specific and requires a special attitude towards it. Let me once again congratulate you on your professional holiday, wish you happiness, prosperity to your families, prosperity to your homes? May your life be full of health and joy!

Farmers, livestock breeders, your goal is high, you work for the benefit of the entire population, your work provides us all with food. Thank you for your useful work! Today we wish the owners of the fields, the rulers of animals, good health, happiness for many years, well-paid work, family warmth and prosperity!

And what would big cities turn into if workers in agriculture and the processing industry stopped working?! Of course, your work deserves respect and financial confirmation of this. On this day, please accept sincere words of gratitude and wishes for stable growth.

Congratulations on your professional holiday! Happy Worker's Day, thanks to which priceless gifts of nature come to our families and homes. A well-fed life for you, milky rivers of health and buttered, favorable fate!

Congratulations to all the real hard workers, workers in the processing industry and agriculture. Your work produces the results that we see and use every day of our lives. Thank you for working tirelessly and by the sweat of your brow for all of us!



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs