Why did the phone stop receiving 3g. The Megafon operator does not pick up the network: possible reasons and solutions to the problem

It occupies an important place in the life of a modern person. It has become so necessary that sometimes it’s simply scary to imagine not being able to call a loved one. Each person, even being in another city, can contact colleagues on work matters or call relatives. Thanks to cellular communications, during the day all tasks and problems are solved quite quickly. However, there are situations when you cannot make a call, and the message “No signal” appears on the screen.

What to do - the Megafon network does not pick up? Why in the age of high technology can you encounter this kind of problem? Every mobile phone owner wants to know what causes the network to disappear, and how to avoid it?

No network

Currently, towers of the mobile operator Megafon are installed almost throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation and even beyond its borders. It is extremely rare to find areas where there is no coating at all.

If the phone does not receive the Megafon network, then there may be several reasons for this. It is possible to say that there is no coverage in a given place only if all nearby people do not have a signal. Most often, this problem can be encountered outside the city. Sometimes, in areas that are located in lowlands, there may also be no network coverage.

Megafon towers in urban areas are built quite densely, so, as a rule, there are no problems with the signal. However, due to the large number of buildings, there may be some areas with poor coverage or no coverage at all. Concrete partitions serve as a barrier to the propagation of radio waves. In this case, it is enough to move aside about 10 meters - and there will be no problems with communication.

There is a signal, but I can’t call

You are faced with a problem when the Megafon network does not pick up. What to do in such a situation? There may be several reasons, as well as their solutions. For example, interruptions in cellular communication or problems with a mobile device. However, users often encounter the fact that the signal level on the phone screen, although small, is there. But when you try to send a message or dial a subscriber’s number, nothing happens except short beeps. In this case, you can try the following:

  • Check the call forwarding service. If it is active, then you need to dial the command ##21# and the call key.
  • FDN mode may cause communication problems. If it is enabled, then there are restrictions on working with subscriber numbers. Only those included in a special list on the SIM card will be available for calls.
  • If the Megafon network does not pick up, or the signal is very weak, you can try to restart your mobile device. In this case, it is advisable to remove the SIM card and install it again.
  • The presence of a blacklist is displayed when calls are made. Most often, this application sets a block on some services. You can check the status and correct the settings in the settings.
  • Mobile phones have the function of barring incoming and outgoing calls. If you can’t dial the number, then you need to look at its status.
  • If the problem with the signal still remains, you should try inserting your SIM card into another device. If there is no signal on it, then you will need to contact any Megafon cellular communication store.

3G network. Why can't Megafon's SIM card connect?

Currently, every mobile user knows that 3G is not only a reliable, but also a powerful source of the Internet. If the network is unstable or disappears altogether, then it is necessary to carry out diagnostics.

  • Most often, when access is denied, the reason is a lack of funds in the account or an exhausted traffic limit. In order to check the status, you must execute the following commands: *558# or *105#.
  • If the Megafon SIM card does not pick up the 3G network while the owner is outside his region, you need to check the package settings to see if the 3G network is allowed in roaming.
  • Devices equipped with two ports for SIM cards often have some technical limitations. For example, 3G or 4G support can only be implemented on one of the slots.
  • And of course, you can test the device itself. To do this, it is recommended to first switch to the 2G network and check if it is functioning. After that, activate the 3G only function. Signal failures often occur when mixed mode is active.

Problems with the 4G network

Not long ago, users had the opportunity to connect to fourth generation networks. This option is also implemented by the mobile operator Megafon.

Your phone has stopped connecting to the network, but there were no problems before? It is necessary to understand the reasons for this failure. The fact is that 4G currently works stably only in large cities. The territories of regional centers are at the testing stage and therefore in these places the signal may be either weak or completely absent.

Also, the reason that Megafon does not pick up the 4G network may be limitations of the tariff package. To do this, you need to contact a mobile phone store and activate the service.

Another reason if you cannot connect to 4G may be the technical equipment of your mobile phone. Not all devices support this technology.

The reason is the phone

Why can't Megafon pick up the network on my phone? This issue is very frustrating for mobile users. Unfortunately, there are not always problems with coverage if there is no signal. Any device is not immune from malfunctions. And nowadays, multifunctional smartphones are packed with so many different technologies that it is simply impossible to prevent and ensure the reliability of the level of work with cellular networks.

So, if a subscriber notices that the Megafon SIM card does not connect to the network on his phone, then you can try inserting it into another device. If there are no problems with the signal, then there may be several reasons for the device’s breakdown. Let's consider the main ones:

  • The radio contact has failed.
  • The fault is in the transmitter power amplifier.
  • Problems with the antenna.
  • Software failure.
  • Moisture has got inside the phone case.

SIM card malfunction

An equally common reason why Megafon does not pick up the network may be a defect in the SIM card. Many users are often surprised when this happens. However, a cellular operator card is the same electronic device as the telephone itself. There is a microcircuit inside it that can be damaged. If there are failures, the phone simply does not register on the network.

If this happens, then you shouldn’t get upset ahead of time. You can restore access to your number at any mobile operator office. It is enough to simply order a duplicate SIM card. However, you must remember that this number must be registered specifically to you.

SIM card is blocked

There are cases when the owner does not use the service of a cellular operator for a long time, and then discovers that Megafon does not receive the network. This problem is quite natural. After a certain period, the number is blocked. Almost all operators provide services for one year, after which you need to top up your account in order to extend the period. If the SIM card is blocked, it becomes inactive. Naturally, you won’t be able to see the network and connect to it using it.


So, in this article we figured out why Megafon does not pick up the network. The most common reasons that can lead to such consequences:

  • Damage to the phone itself.
  • Problems with the SIM card.
  • Lack of coverage in a particular area.

Also, if Megafon does not pick up the network automatically, it is recommended to use a manual search. Sometimes it’s quite simple - rebooting the gadget.

Sometimes it happens to owners of smartphones running the Android operating system that the phone stops receiving the network. To find out why a smartphone does not catch the network, first of all you need to understand whether there is a problem with the SIM card and cellular operator or a problem in the device itself.

It often happens that the smartphone does not catch the network due to poor coverage of the cellular operator or simply this frequency is not supported. For example, the 4G (LTE) signal is received mainly only in large cities and does not work at all outside the city. The problem may also be a broken SIM card. In any case, you first need to check the network functionality of different cellular operators. If none of them work, then read below.

The phone bought in China does not connect to the network.

What phone number do you have? If you bought a phone from China and it, for example, does not receive 3G or 4G, then the whole problem is that the frequencies in China and Russia do not match, there is nothing you can do here. That is why everyone advises buying phones from abroad with European firmware and European communication standards, which, as you may know, differ from those used in Asian countries.

The Android smartphone stopped connecting to the network after the firmware update.

A very common problem. After installing custom firmware such as CyanogenMod, OmniRom and others, the cellular network stops working. The whole problem is that the firmware contains settings for other frequencies, for example, as we wrote above - for Asian countries.

If you had signal reception before the firmware, then you need to select the frequency settings. To do this, go to your phone (dialer) and enter the code: *#*#4636#*#* , you will be taken to the engineering menu of the Android operating system. Go to the phone information, scroll to the middle, click on the turn off radio button, and then select from the drop-down list to configure the preferred network type GSM Auto, WCDMA preferred or WCDMA Only.

GSM Auto - the phone itself will determine the best network coverage and select the required frequency, for example 2G/3G/4G.

WCDMA Preferred - will try to use 3G by default, wherever possible.

WCDMA Only - always use 3G. By the way, this option does not work on some phones, for example Meizu.

If, after selecting one of the three options, you still see the old option, do not panic. The desired option is selected and already saved.

Then press the radio button again.

Reboot your device, after rebooting your smartphone you should have a network again. If this does not happen, write in the comments, we will try to figure it out.

And finally, I would like to say that if the engineering menu did not help you and Android still does not catch the network with another SIM card, then the problem may be with the antenna or radio module. In this case, you must send the device to a service center for diagnostics.

Why can't my phone connect to 3G?

    If any electronic device stops working, there are two reasons for this:

    1. Somewhere there is no necessary contact;
    2. There's an extra contact somewhere.

    This is under constant external conditions. Maybe a house was built between you and the base station?

    Not every phone has settings to detect the network; usually the network is detected automatically. In the settings you need to look for the network definition (maybe the name will be different), change the checkbox from automatic to 3G, restart the device and everything should work out. But there are times when the coverage area of ​​the 3G network changes and it simply isn’t there exactly where you are, so the device switches to another network that is available and works in it. It happens that the device malfunctions (most often this happens with a usb modem), there may be no network even for a day, and in order to understand the reason you need to call the operator, who, in turn, will look at your statistics and determine the problem.

    First you need to check whether 3G is connected or not. You can try rebooting your phone, or see if mobile data is enabled.

    You need to check the network settings and switch to another network, maybe 3G will be caught.

    There may be problems, for example, due to the weather. Due to rain, close the tower.

    There may also be a bad signal or signal deterioration. Due to a malfunction of the tower or due to some object interfering with the signal. It was probably built between the tower and the house.

    You need to go to another part of the house, apartment, maybe there will be good 3G fishing.

    If all this does not help, then you need to take the phone in for repair.

    There can be many versions, one of the common reasons is that you do not have 3G support on your phone at all, or it is not enabled in the network settings. Also in some phones, 3G is indicated by the letter H, above the antenna mark.

    If your phone stops receiving 3G, then this only means that your phone was damaged and stopped receiving the network, or the free 3G hotspot simply closed, or simply ceased to be visible to you, this often happens.

    Option 1 - the phone does not have a 3G module. The solution is to buy a 3G router to distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi:

    Option 2 - no 3G coverage. Nothing will help here.

    The phone may not receive 3G for several reasons.

    The most common of them is that the signal is too weak (for example, you are in the forest or in a field) and there are no towers nearby, so the phone does not pick up.

    There may also be problems with the device itself, perhaps this is a glitch or some other malfunction.

    If the icon is lit, it does not mean that there is 3g.

    After the operator disables the service, for example due to lack of funds, the phone must be rebooted.

    And be sure to check your Internet and MMS settings, they may disappear after installing other SIM cards

    Usually these two reasons are to blame.

    And don't forget to turn on data transfer: D

    The 3G network may not connect for various reasons.

    For example, because the phone is currently located far from the mobile operator’s tower and therefore there is no connection and this network is also not available.

    In the phone settings, it’s true that not all have network settings in which you can select a network, usually 3G or other networks. If your phone has such settings, you need to switch it from the network it is on to the 3G network and then it will be caught.

    The network on the phone or other settings may be turned off due to which 3G is not being received.

    Or maybe it’s something with the phone and it’s broken, which is why there are communication failures.

    You need to check all this to catch the net.

    3G may not work for several reasons. The first reason may depend on the fact that the 3G coverage area is not available in your region or it simply does not exist. To do this, call the operator and check if there is 3G in this region.

    The second reason may be due to the fact that your phone does not support 3G, or your phone is faulty and requires repair or phone firmware.

    lt;a href=http://select.meldana.com/catalog/repeaters/complect-3g-4g>Internet signal amplifierlt;/a>

    Buy an amplifier for a modem, which is used to improve the quality of cellular communications with insufficient mobile Internet speed - a 3G 4G amplifier. This is a ready-made solution for ensuring stable and fast Internet. These devices are compatible with various USB modems. They differ in the characteristics of a directional antenna, which improves the Internet signal and increases the speed of the modem. You can see the entire list of Internet signal amplifiers lt;a href=http://select.meldana.com/catalog/repeaters/complect-3g-4g>herelt;/a>

    It happens that the phone does not catch 3G after successfully catching it. And there is more than one reason for this circumstance. Firstly, perhaps your settings have simply gone wrong, set the 3G network in the settings (but not automatic network search) and restart your mobile device.

    The reason may also be due to the fact that access to the network or free access has simply been closed in the given area. Or maybe your phone is buggy. For the last two points, you need to contact your operator so that he will definitely answer.

Problems with mobile signal reception are common. In this article we will look at the main reasons why a phone can “lose” the network, causing inconvenience to its owner.

Since today MTS consists of three technologies at once (2G/3G/4G), and they all operate at different frequencies and according to different principles, there can be a number of reasons for communication interruptions.

Why doesn't MTS connect to the network today?

If the signal has always been stable, but interruptions suddenly appear, we can assume that technical work is being carried out on the network. The operator regularly upgrades the network, which is why, across Russia, several “blank spots” appear on the coverage map every day.

In addition, common reasons for missing or poor signal quality are:

  • Poor network architecture. If the operator has saved money on base stations, or the terrain has difficult terrain (you are in a lowland), there is a high probability of no signal.
  • Obstacles in the signal path. For example, the signal often disappears inside monolithic houses, since the reinforcement in the concrete partially screens the radio signal. Therefore, sometimes it is enough to come closer to the window.
  • Damage to infrastructure. If the base station fails or the cable infrastructure is damaged, the signal may also disappear.

Why may the phone not receive the Internet from MTS?

Quite often there is a situation where MTS voice communication functions normally, but the data service is unavailable. This may be for the following reasons:

  • There are flaws in the network architecture due to which the data transfer service de facto cannot work normally.
  • The network is overloaded and cannot handle the influx of subscribers. Sometimes it helps to simply reboot the communication module (turn on and off airplane mode on your smartphone).
  • 3G/4G networks are simply not available. A subscriber accustomed to high speed may decide that the Internet is not working at all when he has to wait 20-30 seconds for a response.
  • The account has run out of money or service packages have been exhausted.

Why doesn't MTS pick up the 3G network?

Problems with access to the 3G network are a common problem among MTS subscribers. The most common reasons:

  • Lack of third generation “carpet” covering. Unlike GSM communications, 3G is available only in cities, on the largest highways and in some small towns.
  • Poor radio planning. Often a situation arises when the phone displays the 3G or HSPA icon, but in fact the network does not work. This means that there is actually no coverage in your location.
  • Sometimes the signal is so low that the waiting time for a response increases significantly. And if the data transfer speed itself is satisfactory, then the response time can reach several tens of seconds.

Why doesn't MTS pick up the 4G network?

MTS's 4G coverage has even more “white holes” than 3G. Even across the territory of Moscow there are many areas where there is no reliable signal, not to mention the regions of Russia. Therefore, the most likely reason for the lack of a 4G signal is a simple lack of coverage.

In addition, the 4G network does not have the best indoor coverage in Moscow, so communication may be lost in many residential and commercial buildings.

Why doesn't the MTS SIM card connect to the network?

In conclusion, we note that sometimes the problem is in hardware elements: a SIM card or a phone. You can verify whether there are hardware problems by trying to put another SIM card in your phone, or by putting your SIM card in another phone.



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