Side effect from steroids. Male-specific side effects

Medications that mimic the effects of testosterone and dihydrotestosterone are called anabolic steroids. Often, such drugs become a real drug for athletes such as bodybuilders or bodybuilders, who, trying to achieve a quick effect, abuse these medications.

Anabolic steroid

Drugs from the group of anabolic steroids cause acceleration of intracellular protein synthesis, which leads to pronounced muscle hypertrophy, i.e. anabolism. Due to this effect, these drugs are widely used in bodybuilding.

In essence, anabolics are a synthetic analogue of testosterone. These products help build muscle tissue, increase endurance, provide the body with energy and give strength. But with prolonged abuse of anabolic steroids, serious disorders occur in the body.


Anabolic steroids have a very diverse effect:

  • The main property of anabolic drugs is the acceleration of protein formation processes, which leads to a rapid increase in muscle mass.
  • In addition, drugs in this group increase the degree of absorption of calcium by the body, which is important in the treatment of osteoporosis.
  • Steroid anabolics have the ability to accelerate glycogen synthesis, thereby enhancing the insulin effect, leading to a decrease in blood sugar levels. Such properties are of no small importance in the treatment of diabetes.
  • Such drugs can improve lipid metabolism, leading to a decrease in cholesterol levels. This property helps prevent the formation of vascular plaques.
  • They increase appetite and restore strength, speed up post-operative recovery.


Indications for the use of anabolic steroids are such pathological conditions as:

  1. Male hypogonadism;
  2. Hereditary angioedema;
  3. Mastopathy of fibrocystic type;
  4. Endometriosis;
  5. For anemia of hypoplastic or aplastic form;
  6. Prevention and treatment of osteoporosis;
  7. For bulimia, anorexia and general exhaustion of the body;
  8. To speed up recovery after complex surgical interventions;
  9. For fractures, muscle atrophy, post-infectious complications, etc.


Endogenous anabolic steroids have various effects:

  • They affect sexual differentiation and secondary sexual characteristics in men, including the development of the prostate gland, growth, formation of the scrotum and penis, testes, pubic hair growth, chest, face and armpits, enlargement of the larynx, etc.;
  • They increase the mass of muscle tissue, while distributing fatty tissue;
  • Increases sebum production, which leads to the development of acne;
  • Reduces bad cholesterol levels;
  • Affects the development of bone mass, etc.

Operating principle

Anabolic and catabolic processes constantly occur in our body. Anabolism is the formation of new cellular structures, and catabolism is the breakdown of tissues into their constituent elements. In youth, anabolic reactions predominate over catabolic ones, which is manifested by the natural growth of the body. But with age, these bioprocesses are first balanced, and then catabolism becomes predominant, which is manifested by organic aging.

Penetrating into the bloodstream, steroid hormones trigger a mechanism, beginning to react with the endocrine system, some brain areas, sebaceous glands, skeletal muscle cell structures, etc. As a result, the synthesis of nucleic acids is simulated, and the formation of new protein molecules is activated.

The structural structure of anabolic steroids is identical to the structure of testosterone, which ensures the timely development of secondary sexual characteristics in boys, increasing strength, endurance and volume of skeletal muscles. In other words, testosterone has an anabolic effect and provides a masculinization effect.
In the video about anabolic steroids:

Side effects

Anabolic steroids have side effects like:

  • Increased pressure;
  • Steroid rage or irritability;
  • Fluid retention;
  • Acne;
  • Depressive states;
  • Gynecomastia;
  • Increased sexual desire;
  • Increased cholesterol levels, leading to atherosclerosis;
  • Female masculinization;
  • Hypertrophic changes in the tissues of the heart muscle, causing the development of ischemia;
  • Premature cessation of growth;
  • Alopecia, etc.

In addition, long-term use of anabolic steroids can ultimately lead to impotence, testicular atrophy, infertility, sperm deficiency, anabolic addiction or decreased erectile function.

Harm to the body

Anabolic steroids promise a rapid increase in muscle mass, however, in reality the situation is often completely different. When using steroids at a young age, athletes risk bringing the body to the point where natural testosterone production simply stops. As a result, even in his youth, a man acquires effeminate features, erectile dysfunction develops, libido disappears, the timbre of his voice increases, etc.

With long-term use of anabolic steroids, it is strictly forbidden to suddenly stop taking them. If this happens, the muscles seem to deflate, the skin begins to hang, which looks very unattractive. It turns out to be very difficult to return to the former relief, even with the use of the same anabolic drugs.

In addition, if there is long-term use of anabolic steroids, addiction to the doses develops, then the drugs no longer work, which forces athletes to increase the dosage.

As a result, a sharp hormonal surge occurs in the body, which can provoke sad consequences such as:

  1. Oncological pathologies;
  2. Seizures;
  3. Hepatic or renal pathologies;
  4. Impotence in men and cessation of menstruation in women, which threatens both sexes with irreversible infertility;
  5. Psycho-emotional instability, manifested by nervousness, irritability and depression;
  6. Yellowish skin tone;
  7. Weakness of tendon structures, etc.

Steroids, despite the analogy with testosterone, are still chemically created drugs. Therefore, like any other synthetic medicines, anabolic steroids initially give excellent, even amazing results, but soon the body has to pay for them. Men become effeminate, women, on the contrary, acquire masculine traits. Therefore, you should think carefully about whether embossed “cubes” are worth such sacrifices.
In the video, the harm from anabolic steroids:

Consequences of taking

By law, anabolic steroids are prohibited for professional athletes; they are included in the list of doping substances. Ordinary citizens take these drugs only for medical purposes with a doctor's prescription. Steroids cause a lot of concern because they cause very undesirable effects in many patients. That long-term use of anabolic steroids provokes the formation of malignant oncology is a scientifically proven fact.

In addition, after long-term use of anabolic steroids, the heart becomes enlarged, the immune status decreases, and resistance to various pathologies is minimized. The mental health of patients also suffers irreversibly - they become embittered, aggressive, hostile towards others, and often develop mental disorders.

Undesirable consequences can also affect the liver and provoke pancreatitis. Long-term and uncontrolled use of such drugs is fraught with kidney and prostate cancer, pyelonephritis and prostatitis, problems with blood pressure, etc. One of the serious consequences for the body is the development of anabolic dependence.

Development of addiction

It has been proven that with uncontrolled and long-term use of anabolic steroids, which is often found among athletes, drug dependence develops. Although anabolic steroids do not have a psychoactive effect, psychiatrists and narcologists are actively working on the problem of addiction to them today. Such drugs do not have a damaging effect on brain cells, however, with prolonged use and the formation of addiction, they can affect behavioral characteristics:

  • Due to addiction, patients experience sudden mood swings.
  • Quite often there is increased aggressiveness, outbursts of anger, a tendency to violence, etc.
  • When you stop taking it, withdrawal syndrome often occurs, which is expressed by suicidal thoughts, severe depressive states, and steroid psychoses.

Sometimes withdrawal syndrome is accompanied by hyperthermia, arthralgia, and cold symptoms. Patients have disturbed sleep, dissatisfaction with themselves and others, they quickly get tired and lose their appetite.


If a patient has developed a steroid addiction, then qualified drug treatment is necessary. Prevention of withdrawal syndrome involves gradually stopping the use of drugs. Cancellation is carried out in combination with supportive psychotherapeutic influence. Usually no medications are required, however, in difficult cases, antidepressants or sedatives may be prescribed. With the right approach, the patient will soon finally get rid of addiction.

Hello dear readers. Alexander Bely is with you. Today we will touch upon a very relevant topic: the harm of steroids on an athlete’s body. There are many opinions on this matter. Are they so harmful and do they have serious side effects? Could it cost lives? Or is it quite possible to allow yourself to indulge in pills and thereby calmly and easily build muscle mass? Such questions arise often. Therefore, now we will try to understand them.

What are anabolic steroids

Anabolic steroids are drugs that are a synthetic copy of the hormone testosterone. They help build muscle mass, making a person stronger and more resilient. It is for this reason that anabolic steroids have become widespread among bodybuilders.

It should be noted that steroids were originally invented for treatment. They were and are used for faster healing of bones during fractures, for increasing body weight during dystrophy, general weakening of the body, and other cases. The effect of muscle building was liked not only by doctors, but also by bodybuilders who literally fought with their body for every gram. This is how steroids entered our daily lives.

If you have ever read the annotations for a medicine, even Citramon, then you know for sure about the “side effects” column. Steroids could not do without these same actions. Of course, many say that if you take the drug for a short time, it will not affect the functioning of the body in any way. But muscles begin to grow when using anabolic steroids, right? This means that the body responds to them. Consequently, in the future, he will either have to wean himself off them, or receive them no longer as a muscle supplement, but as a medicine. And this is no longer a joke.

How do they affect a person?

So that you know exactly what you can expect from taking anabolic steroids, just read the material presented below.

1. Decrease in testosterone. If you start taking artificial testosterone, your endocrine system signals to your body that there is too much of this hormone. It stops being produced, and you yourself get hooked on an eternal needle. Of course, testosterone production can be restored, but this is a very long and difficult process.

2. Gynecomastia. This is an enlargement of the mammary gland. A man’s chest does not “sway”, but simply sag. This disease can also be treated, but in some cases there are not enough tablets and surgical intervention is necessary.

3. Liver damage. If your liver is, so to speak, playing tricks, then it’s better not to think about taking anabolic steroids. They have a very negative effect on this organ, especially for drugs in tablets. Destruction occurs quickly, and restoring an organ completely is incredibly difficult, if not impossible.

4. Depression and depression. When taking steroids, addiction occurs. That is, the body gets used to the hormone and stops producing it. If you take the drug for a while and then suddenly stop doing it, you will notice that you have become less active. The weight will stop gaining, and may even begin to decrease, there will be a lack of hormones, as a result of which you will be haunted by depression, which can lead to depression and other nervous disorders.

5. Acne (blackheads, pimples). When taking steroids, pimples often appear on the face and body, especially in men. The fact is that the skin begins to secrete more sebaceous acid, which leads to similar skin diseases.

6. Virilization. This side effect of steroids applies to girls who are involved in bodybuilding and take anabolic steroids. Virilization is the appearance in women of secondary sexual characteristics of men. For example, hair on the face and body begins to grow, acne appears, and the voice becomes rougher. In some cases, male reproductive organs may even begin to develop. So, dear women, be very careful with steroids!

7. Stunting of growth. It is not safe to take steroids before the age of 25, as the body grows and all its systems are formed. Disruption of this process can lead to stunted growth or impotence at an early age.

In addition to all of the above, anabolic steroids also have other side effects:

  • increased cholesterol levels;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • convulsions;
  • headache;
  • decreased sexual desire.

Now, after reading the article, think about whether you need to take steroids? Their harm has been proven by science, and if there are no indications for their use or doctor’s recommendations, then it is better to just start eating right, going to the gym and growing muscles naturally.

Using steroids, you do not guarantee yourself a beautiful body, but health problems will arise in the near future. Of course, everything can be cured later. But here a logical question arises. Is it worth it? Is it worth taking pills for two weeks in order to treat impotence or restore a falling-off liver at the age of 25? In my opinion, the answer is obvious.

Let's sum it up

Athletes and bodybuilders themselves say that everything needs to be approached wisely. For a beautiful body you need to exercise, no matter how you look at it. Don't believe me? Then watch programs about the same bodybuilders. They count every gram of food, calculate fats, proteins and carbohydrates, and constantly adjust training programs and their schedule. They adhere to the opinion of Mendeleev: there are no harmful substances, there are harmful quantities. And they combine anabolic steroids with training.

If you are a beginner, then the harm of anabolic steroids is obvious to you. It’s better to try yourself in the gym, and after a year or two of training, decide for yourself what you really want. For now, just accept the fact: steroids are harmful.

It would be much better to use sports nutrition, which is developed on the basis of whey protein and allows you to pump up healthy and strong muscles. Proteins, amino acids, gainers - all this will help you when playing sports and, most importantly, will not harm.

I will conclude here. All the best! Be healthy.

Feeling that the limit of possibilities has been reached, but it is necessary to move on, the athlete begins to look towards steroids. Anabolic drugs really help achieve incredible success in muscle development, as well as in increasing strength and endurance, but they often offer to pay for it with their health. However, the scientific community already has reliable information about the most safe steroids In sports.

Structure of an article about AAS:

The safest anabolic steroids today include the following drugs: boldenone, oxandrolone, Primobolan (Metelona Enontate), Masteron, Oral-Turinabol. Safe steroids are anabolic drugs that differ from others in their low toxicity and minimal side effects. Their side effects are possible only if, through stupidity or carelessness, the recommended dosage of the drug was exceeded several times.


The safety of the drug boldenone is expressed in the fact that it allows you to gain muscle mass very quickly, but at the same time almost does not retain fluid. According to a survey, Japanese athletes who carefully take care of their health call boldenone an indispensable part of the anabolic cycle. American researchers have come to the conclusion that highly effective sports results with minimal harm to health are possible only with the use of boldenone.


Oxandrolone has long been considered the main assistant in achieving maximum progress in creating a beautiful muscular body with a minimum of side effects. If they exist steroids without side effects effects, then oxandrolone is first on the list. Oxandrolone is a synthetic testosterone, or rather its analogue, with an incredibly low androgenic index. This allows you to use androgens to their full potential without worrying about side effects. The safety of oxandrolone is associated with a unique modified formula in which carbon was replaced with oxygen. Numerous international studies have shown that oxandrolone can be taken regularly. Even with an incredibly high dosage and a long period of use, the athlete did not experience any traditional side effects.


Primobolan is a steroid with low androgenic effects. Its main difference is that, despite the tablet form of administration, the drug does not have a negative effect on the liver. Due to its very mild anabolic effect, Primobolan is used during the drying cycle. Among Western athletes, Primobolan is most often taken by those athletes who are predisposed to the development of gynecomastia. This is due to the lack of conversion to estrogens. The drug is considered one of the safest anabolic steroids also for the reason that it has virtually no effect on changes in blood pressure and changes in bad cholesterol. During the use of the steroid, not a single athlete was officially recorded as suffering from baldness.


Masteron in the world of bodybuilding is considered the softest and most harmless steroid, which at the same time can help develop muscles and create a luxurious muscle frame. Today, it is the favorite of professional athletes (sprinters, swimmers) who dream of building muscle, gaining strength, increasing endurance, developing speed, minimizing the percentage of subcutaneous fat and avoiding side effects. Being a highly effective steroid, Masteron is completely safe. The reason was discovered by scientists during the development of the innovative drug - high anti-estrogenic activity. Masteron blocks estrogens and increases protein synthesis.

No fatigue was noticed while taking Masteron (even during very intense training). The athletes (10 out of 10 subjects) felt self-confidence, colossal energy, good spirits and fighting spirit. It is impossible not to note the absence of aromatizing effects even when the dosage is exceeded several times. Masteron is able to help bring the relief to a state where it has an extremely low percentage of body fat. Muscle stiffness, active muscle growth with a minimum of side effects are the main merits of the drug, which has made it so popular among athletes who strive for improvement.


Oral Turinabol is a great way to gain lean muscle mass, increase strength, endurance and speed, improve muscle quality, and at the same time reduce the impact of side effects on the body. Modified oral-turinabol is interesting in that, while maintaining high-quality anabolic effectiveness, the drug exhibits completely insignificant aromatization. Thanks to the low androgen index, athletes can observe the impact of the positive properties of androgens and the minimum of side effects possible when using drugs of similar potency.

Scientists have studied oral turinabol for a long time and came to the conclusion that even the tablet form of this steroid shows a high level of harmlessness. This is what made Oral Turinabol such a widely popular drug among athletes of absolutely all levels and sports: from athletics representatives to experienced professional bodybuilders. I would like to note that bodybuilders who are in pursuit of higher athletic results take oral-turinabol in an overestimated dosage. And even in this case, there are a minimum of classic side effects. Oral-Turinabol is deservedly called the most effective steroid with safe action.

The team at our pharmacological store will help you select anabolic drugs with a low androgenic activity index. We know how to avoid side effects and achieve excellent results in sports with the help of quality steroids.

It's no secret that this is one of the most effective means for gaining lean muscle mass and increasing strength. However, many do not know even half of the side effects and, most importantly, how to deal with them. In this article we will try not only to describe the main side effects of steroids, but also to give practical advice on reducing the harm from steroids.

It is worth noting that most negative effects can be prevented if you follow simple recommendations related, first of all, to the choice of drugs, course duration, doses, etc. All data is taken from authoritative foreign sources, which are listed in the notes.

General measures to prevent harm

Do not use large doses of drugs

Do not take courses longer than 2 months

Choose steroids that suppress testosterone production to a lesser extent

Give preference to products that are not toxic to the liver

Use antiestrogens to restore testosterone secretion and prevent gynecomastia

Contraindications to taking steroids

Do not use anabolic steroids under the age of 21, as they can cause irreversible damage at a young age: changes in hormonal levels and stunting of growth as a result of the closure of bone growth plates.

Heart defects are also an absolute contraindication, as taking medications can lead to an exacerbation of the disease.

Kidney and liver failure

Uncompensated arterial hypertension

Benign prostate tumor

Severe atherosclerosis

Special cases

Suppression of the production of your own testosterone

Inhibition of endogenous testosterone secretion is an inevitable consequence of taking anabolic drugs. When hormones are introduced into the body, a signal appears to the endocrine system about an excessive increase in their concentration in the plasma, which in turn leads to the suppression of their production in the testicles.

This is the so-called feedback mechanism. The body constantly strives for homeostasis, and if the concentration of a particular hormone begins to increase, the receptors record this and the endocrine system reduces the production of this hormone in order to restore endocrine balance. In this way, the secretion of almost all hormones is regulated.

The above figures show that with an increase in the concentration of nandrolone in the blood, the level of testosterone in the plasma begins to decrease in a mirror manner, then the reverse process occurs.


Fortunately, this side effect is reversible. To minimize the harm of steroids, it is necessary to use gonadotropin - this drug can effectively increase the production of your own testosterone, as well as prevent testicular atrophy.

In our body, gonadotropin is constantly produced, and it is this hormone that maintains testicular function (throughout sexual activity). During a steroid course, the production of gonadotropin is suppressed and the testicles begin to atrophy. The introduction of exogenous gonadotropin allows you to restore hormonal balance and preserve testicular function.

Doses of gonadotropin depend on the “power” of the steroid course. If the duration of the course does not exceed 4 weeks, 1 drug is used in small doses, then there is no need for gonadotropin. If the duration of the course is more than 4 weeks, the dosage is too high, 2 or more anabolic agents are used: give 2 gonadotropin injections per week, 500 - 1000 IU, starting from the third week of the course.

You can often hear the opinion that the administration of gonadotropin is necessary only at the end of the course, but this is incorrect, since in this case the testicular tissue will not receive stimulation for a long time and will begin to atrophy, and this cannot be allowed. The administration of gonadotropin throughout the course allows you to achieve the maximum physiological balance of hormones in the body and maintain sexual function. It is also worth emphasizing that the need for its use in this case is not related to weight gain, but to safety, which is why small dosages are needed.

To restore the secretion of your own testosterone, Tamoxifen 20 mg per day is successfully used for 2-3 weeks after the course.

Liver damage

Liver damage is one of the most well-known side effects, but its actual significance is quite low. The media often focuses on this problem as an inevitable consequence of using anabolic steroids.

Firstly, liver damage is caused only by tablet forms of drugs that have a methyl group at position 17. This group prevents the destruction of the drug in the liver, but makes it toxic to it. Secondly, side effects on the liver occur only when very large doses are consumed.

As confirmation of these words, one can cite the results of studies of Fluoxymesterone, Dianabol and laboratory animals. Scientists have found that liver tissue damage occurs only when using doses that are 10 times higher than recommended. For example, the toxic properties of Methandrostenolone begin to appear only at a daily dosage above 80 mg per day, while the recommended dose is approximately 20-30 mg.

Another study has already been conducted on humans. Two groups of athletes, one using steroids and the other training using only natural remedies, were examined for changes in the liver. Athletes who used steroids in high doses had signs of liver damage, but after 3 months no changes were found. Thus, we can conclude that the side effects on the liver are reversible.


do not use 17-alkylated drugs

give preference to injectable forms, they are safe for the liver


Gynecomastia is a benign growth of the mammary glands in men. This side effect is very unpleasant, but it only occurs out of stupidity because it is very easy to avoid.

Gynecomastia is caused only by those drugs that are converted into estrogens (Methandrostenolone, Testosterones, Sustanon, etc.).

Nandrolone, Boldenone, Primobolan, Winstrol, Anavar, etc. almost never cause gynecomastia.


If you plan to use drugs that aromatize to estrogen, then start taking antiestrogens (Tamoxifen 10-20 mg per day) starting from the second week of the course. The drug can be easily purchased at the pharmacy. This gives an almost 100% guarantee of safety.

Very often you can hear stupid recommendations, such as: antiestrogens should be used only after completing the course or only when the first signs of gynecomastia appear. This is a serious mistake that is why so many athletes have gynecomastia. Antiestrogens must be used throughout the course; gynecomastia is irreversible, so it needs to be prevented, not treated!

Acne (blackheads)

Another common side effect. Acne occurs due to the fact that anabolic agents increase the secretion of sebum, which leads to inflammation of the hair follicles and the formation of acne. This effect is especially pronounced in highly androgenic drugs.


Keep your skin clean

Accutane is highly effective

Increased blood cholesterol levels

Anabolic steroids can lower high-density lipoproteins (good cholesterol) and increase low-density lipoproteins (bad cholesterol). Hypothetically, this could lead to atherosclerosis.

However, in practice this does not happen, due to the short duration of this effect. Within 4-6 weeks, the elevated cholesterol level does not lead to changes in organs and blood vessels, and after discontinuation of the drugs, the cholesterol level returns to its original level.

It should be noted that a rise in cholesterol does not always occur, and not all drugs have this side effect.


Take omega-3 fatty acids during the cycle

Limit your consumption of chicken yolks and animal fats

Cardiovascular problems

It is known that the use of anabolic steroids is associated with diseases of the cardiovascular system. This is likely due to their effect on cholesterol. In addition, abuse of drugs in this group can cause hypertrophy of the ventricles of the heart. However, it is worth noting that strength training also leads to this.


Do not take long courses or use large doses

Include aerobic exercise in your training program

High blood pressure

This problem occurs because the AC:

Retains sodium in the body

Constrict blood vessels

Increases circulating blood volume

Normal blood pressure should be below 140/90 mmHg. Art. Systematically measure your blood pressure level using a tonometer.


This side effect of steroids is quite easily eliminated with 50 mg of Metoprolol and 5 mg of Enalapril. If this is not enough, you can increase the dosage of antihypertensive drugs until your blood pressure normalizes.

Kidney problems

The kidneys filter the blood and remove waste products from the body. Taking anabolic steroids may increase the load on the kidneys, but the drugs do not have any direct toxic effects, and the increased load is associated with the increase in blood pressure described in the section above.

There are steroids (such as nandrolone) that are even used to treat some kidney diseases.


Normalization of blood pressure

Mental problems

Increased aggression is a very rare side effect of steroids, occurring in less than 3-5% of cases when high doses are used.

One study showed that temperament plays a major role, and if you are not prone to aggression in everyday life, then using AS will not lead to this problem.


Anabolic steroids can contribute to the development of alopecia in men, and this affects only the scalp, while the hair on other parts of the body may thicken slightly.

Scientists believe that baldness is associated with a gene that is located on the X chromosome, so AS can provoke this process only if there is a genetic predisposition. If no one in your family on the paternal or maternal side had alopecia, then it obviously does not threaten you either. Otherwise, this is an almost inevitable process.

The reason steroids cause baldness is due to dihydrotestosterone, so you may want to use drugs that do not convert to this metabolite.


Use ACs that do not convert to dihydrotestosterone

Finasteride has been successfully used to prevent baldness, but the drug has quite a few side effects.

Minoxidil (cream) has proven effectiveness

Blood clots

The use of anabolic drugs leads to an increase in prothrombin time or, in other words, to an increase in blood clotting. In rare cases, in older people, this may increase the risk of heart attack and stroke, which occur due to the formation of microthrombi in the supplying vessels.


To exclude the harm of steroids to the heart, it is recommended to use antiplatelet agents over the age of 40. The ideal solution is Aspirin at a dose of 100 mg per day (a quarter of a tablet), this drug suppresses platelet aggregation and eliminates the possibility of blood clots forming in the vessels.


Virilization or masculinization- these are irreversible changes in the female body that are associated with the acquisition of masculine features: deepening of the voice, atrophy of the mammary glands, clitoral hypertrophy, masculine facial features, etc.

These symptoms occur especially often when using drugs with a low anabolic index.

Stopping growth

This is an irreversible condition. It is only relevant at a young age, when the bone growth zones have not yet closed. For this reason, it is not recommended to take anabolic steroids under the age of 21.

This effect is especially pronounced in aromatized drugs.

Prostate hypertrophy

First of all, it must be said that steroid drugs only in rare cases contribute to prostate enlargement, and this usually occurs after the age of 40, in the presence of a genetic predisposition.

Dihydrotestosterone is put forward as the main cause, as in the case of baldness.


Finasteride has been successfully used as prevention and treatment.


It would be more correct to say not infertility, but temporary sterility, which is associated with changes in hormonal levels in the body. Fortunately, this condition is completely reversible.


For faster recovery, antiestrogens (Tamoxifen) and human chorionic gonadotropin are used, according to the schemes described above.

Testicular atrophy

Due to the feedback mechanism mentioned above, the production of natural gonadotropin is reduced. This hormone constantly stimulates the testicles; if its concentration decreases, testicular tissue begins to atrophy.

Testicular atrophy may not be reversible in severe cases! This in turn can lead to impotence.


Fortunately, it is easy to prevent with gonadotropin injections, according to the scheme described above. Testicular atrophy develops extremely rarely and only when using large doses during long courses.

Gonadotropin is necessary only for long courses (more than 1.5-2 months) using large doses.

The mythical harm of steroids

In this section we will try to list the most popular myths associated with the side effects of steroids:

Reducing the length of the penis

Brain damage

Side effects always occur and are irreversible

It is impossible to achieve muscle growth after using AC

All steroids damage the liver and kidneys

Tablets are safer than injections (the situation is the opposite)

Once used, you can't stop

Anabolic steroids (anabolics) are pharmacological drugs synthesized on the basis of testosterone. The substances are widely used in sports and bodybuilding due to their ability to accelerate protein synthesis. And protein is the main component of muscle tissue.

Steroids are one of the main doping agents. To improve athletic performance, long-term use of drugs is required.

The action of pharmacological analogues stosterone is divided into anabolic (the ability to increase muscle mass and strengthen bones) and androgenic (the appearance of male secondary sexual characteristics and traits). Like any pharmacological agents, anabolic steroids cause the development of adverse reactions and undesirable effects if abused. Since the biology and physiology of men and women is different, some of the side effects of steroids are different.

Features of side effects in women and men

The amount of testosterone in the male body is 10-35 times higher than in the female body. Therefore, the androgenic effect in men is not as noticeable as in women. The most common side effects from Steroid use among men:

Ø Reduction in testicular size
Ø Low sperm count
Ø Increased risk of prostate cancer
Ø Infertility
Ø Impaired urination
Ø Irreversible enlargement of the mammary gland
Ø Baldness

The consequences of a course of steroids and an increase in testosterone in the female body leads to the development of virilization and masculinization.

Virilization- the process of pronounced manifestation of traits characteristic of men. Symptoms of virilization that are associated with taking anabolic steroids include the following:

Ø Excessive muscle development
Ø Acne
Ø Increased activity of the sebaceous glands
Ø Infertility
Ø Lack of ovulation
Ø Spontaneous abortions
Ø Menstrual irregularities
Ø Atrophy and diseases of the mammary glands

Masculinization– acquisition by a woman of physiological traits characteristic of men. Process characterized by the following manifestations:

Ø Changes in voice timbre due to thickening of the vocal folds
Ø Coarsening of facial features
Ø Clitoral hypertrophy
Ø Excessive body hair growth
Ø Previous hair loss on the scalp
Ø Reducing the amount of subcutaneous fat

What are the side effects of anabolic drugs?

Side effects of steroids depend on many factors: gender and age, health status, dose of anabolic steroid and duration of use. Adverse reactions are divided system by system. The most common side effects of anabolic drugs are described below.


Acne (blackheads or pimples) is a skin disease that is manifested by increased activity of the sebaceous glands, the appearance of blackheads, ulcers and scars. Acne most often appears on the face, back and chest, although it can affect any part of the body. Under the influence of testosterone, the sebaceous glands produce more sebum. Sebum becomes thicker and the gland cannot push it to the surface of the skin. Sebaceous plugs form - acne.

The hydro-lipid balance of the skin changes, and microorganisms that live on the surface of the skin begin to multiply faster. Bacteria enter the wide ducts of the sebaceous glands and cause inflammation. Pus accumulates in the gland. Over time, the pus will break out, an ulcer will form, and later a scar.

Factors that increase the risk of developing acne while taking anabolic steroids:

Ø Diet high in sugars
Ø Insulin use
Ø Hereditary tendency
Ø Adrenal gland dysfunction

Suppression of testosterone production

When hormones enter from the outside, the body stops producing them on its own. Side effects of pharmacological anabolic drugs also include suppression of testosterone synthesis. The mechanism of this effect is as follows: a high concentration of the hormone in the blood suppresses the release of the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland is a gland in the brain that controls the functioning of the sex and adrenal glands, where testosterone is produced. As a result, the brain stops sending signals to the glands and androgens are not secreted.

A decrease in the activity of the endocrine glands over time can lead to their complete atrophy. What is not used in the body dies. Suppression of testosterone production and a drop in the concentration of the hormone in the blood leads to such consequences.

Ø Increased bone fragility
Ø Decreased sexual desire and sexual activity
Ø Accelerated ejaculation
Ø Reduction in testicular size
Ø Infertility
Ø Problems with memory, concentration and productivity
Ø Fat deposition in the pelvic and abdominal areas

Liver damage

Long-term use of any synthetic testosterone analogues leads to liver dysfunction. The liver is considered the main filtering organ; transformation of any pharmacological drugs occurs in its cells. Anabolic steroids affect liver functionality through several mechanisms:

Changes in enzyme function. When exposed to steroids, cholesterol levels in the blood increase, which increases the risk of toxic inflammation of the liver (hepatitis) and replacement of organ cells with fat.

Thickening of bile. As a result of high density, bile settles in the gallbladder. Sediment forms, and later stones. In addition, since bile does not enter the intestines, a lack of fat-soluble vitamins occurs.

Nodular transformation of the liver. Taking steroids causes changes in cell structure and nodules form. Over time, these nodes can develop into malignant tumors.


Gynecomastia is an enlargement of the mammary gland and surrounding fatty tissue. After a course of steroids, gynecomastia may be irreversible. With a lack of testosterone, the concentration of female sex hormones increases - estradiol, progestogen and prolactin. A high level of these biologically active substances causes the deposition of adipose tissue in the breast area, and the mammary gland increases in volume.

Increased cholesterol and high blood pressure

Steroids can seriously damage the heart. Synthetic testosterone analogs lower “good” cholesterol, increase “bad” cholesterol, and also increase blood pressure. The combination of these factors increases your risk of developing heart disease.

Use of anabolic steroids for more than two years causes myocardial dysfunction, accelerates the formation of cholesterol plaques in blood vessels and doubles the risk of death from heart disease.

Abuse of steroids makes the blood thicker, therefore increasing the risk of thrombosis. Dry athletes lead to further thickening of the blood and increase the risk of pulmonary embolism.

Mental problems

The consequences of using pharmacology include the following effects on the nervous system and higher cognitive functions:

Ø Hallucinations
Ø Increased aggression and tendency to violence
Ø Depression
Ø Physical and psychological dependence
Ø Increasing degree of criticism, dissatisfaction and accusations
Ø Decreased memory, concentration and productivity
Ø Decline in creative productivity
Ø Neuroses
Ø Psychoses


Testosterone promotes excess hair growth while reducing the density of hair on the scalp. As a result, with a hereditary tendency to alopecia, baldness occurs. Hair loss is associated with the action of androgens on dihydrotestosterone receptors. The number of receptors is determined genetically. Steroid use increases DHT levels and accelerates hair loss.

Testicular atrophy and infertility

Testicles are male reproductive glands that produce a number of hormones and sperm. Normal sperm production depends on the concentration of testosterone. The use of steroids disrupts the functioning of the pituitary gland (the main endocrine gland of the body) and reduces the production of its own sex hormones. As a result, the quantity and quality of sperm decreases, and the testicles decrease in size (atrophy).

In addition, the consequences of taking steroids in men also include a change in the structure of sperm and a decrease in their number per 1 ml³. A decrease in the number of active sperm and their qualitative mutations lead to infertility in men.

In women, fertility is associated with the menstrual cycle and ovulation. High concentrations of testosterone reduce fat. And fat is necessary for normal childbearing, and is also an endocrine organ that produces hormones. As a result, a woman stops ovulating and menstruating (amenorrhea), and infertility develops.

How to reduce the harm from anabolic steroids?

To ensure that anabolic steroids are accompanied by minimal side effects, you should adhere to the following rules:

1. Buy products only at specialized points.
2. Observe the dosage and frequency of taking medications.
3. The course of using anabolic steroids should not exceed 12 weeks.
4. Regularly monitor the cellular, biochemical and hormonal composition of the blood.
5. Choose steroids with minimal liver toxicity
6. At the same time, take antiestrogens, which will help restore testosterone balance and prevent the development of gynecomastia.

Choose steroids with a high anabolic coefficient. This indicator determines the ratio of anabolic effect to androgen. The higher the coefficient, the lower the risk of adverse reactions.

Positive effects of steroid use

Steroids were initially used for therapeutic purposes. Indications for pharmacotherapy with anabolic steroids:

Ø Exhaustion in cancer pathologies and HIV/AIDS
Ø Long-term treatment with radiotherapy, cytostatics or corticosteroids
Ø Recovery from surgeries or infections
Ø Diabetes
Ø Therapy for liver cirrhosis
Ø Steoporosis and muscle disorders
Ø Burns
Ø Bedsores

Among the positive effects of anabolic steroids are the following:

Ø Increased appetite and weight gain
Ø Stimulation of tissue regeneration
Ø Strengthening Bones
Ø Increased muscle mass
Ø Reduced fat percentage
Ø Increased endurance and performance
Ø Stimulation of competitive behavior
Ø Acceleration of red blood cell formation
Ø Improving microcirculation of organs
Ø Increasing oxygen levels in cells

Brief conclusions

The use of anabolic steroids in sports allows you to quickly achieve results, increase muscle mass, increase performance and endurance. A properly selected drug will not harm the body and will not provoke the development of side effects. Positive dynamics of training results, rapid gains in muscle mass and strength are best achieved by course use of steroids.



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