I don't feel like eating when I'm sick. “I haven’t eaten anything for several days”: why I lost my appetite and why it’s dangerous

Proper drinking regimen contributes to a faster recovery. It is always necessary, and especially when you are sick. When a person is sick with a cold or ARVI, as doctors believe, then there is no desire to eat or drink. But you need to follow the rules of nutrition when you have a cold to help your body fight the infection.
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Drinking for a cold

Drinking for a cold

First of all, you must comply drinking regimen for colds. You need to drink more than usual, since drinking plenty of fluids is the main assistant in the fight against colds. It is advisable to drink several sips every 15 minutes. The liquid effectively removes toxins produced when the body fights the virus.

Don't drink sour drinks if your throat hurts badly. Sour drinks include juices from citrus fruits, so it is better to give preference to herbal teas at this point. You can brew tea from chamomile, oregano, linden blossom, and thyme. Such teas help the body fight viruses and bacteria, destroying them.

If you start coughing, then it is best to drink mineral water with milk. This composition of the drink helps with better sputum removal. Drinks should be drunk warm. A scalding drink can only harm the mucous membrane. During illness, you should give up strong coffee. If a sick person has a high temperature, then a strong drink will only worsen the situation by overloading the heart.

If you have a runny nose, then you need to drink slightly acidified drinks. You can include tea or plain water with orange juice in your drinking regimen, which you must squeeze yourself. There should be equal amounts of juice and tea or water. Lingonberry or cranberry fruit drinks are very good during this period.

But we must not forget that fresh berries and fruits cannot be combined with boiling water, as vitamin C is partially destroyed. The slice should not be immersed in boiling water, but in slightly cooled tea. At this point you can add a spoon.

Proper nutrition for colds

dairy products for colds

What to eat for a cold

The basis of nutrition for colds should be fermented milk products and cottage cheese. These foods are rich in protein, are easily absorbed by the body, and also help it restore cells damaged by the virus. And if a person is being treated with antibiotics, then fermented milk drinks that are enriched with bifidocultures are simply necessary.

If you have no appetite?

Suppose we want to follow the rules of nutrition for a cold, but there is no appetite. During a person’s illness, it may often be absent. This is a sign that the body is fighting the infection with all its might. Therefore, at the beginning of the disease, you can get by mainly by drinking.

You can use chicken broth and add chopped garlic to it. This broth will act on the body like medicine. There is no need to worry about the lack of appetite, because when you feel better, it will be restored.

Powerful antiviral substances are found in peppers, radishes, onions and horseradish, but all of them can irritate the oral mucosa. It is better to add the juice of garlic, onion, and radish to honey, which softens their irritating properties and enhances their healing effects.

What else can you eat and what not?

During illness, it is better to eat boiled meat and fish. You should avoid smoked and fatty meats. You should also refrain from all kinds of sour marinades.

It is important to follow the correct rules not only if you are sick, but also for prevention. If you follow the rules of nutrition during the period of colds, then there will be no unnecessary stress on the human body, and it will resist diseases and, if anything, cope with them faster. Be healthy!


Traditional medicine recipes are most often used in combination with conventional treatment or as an addition to traditional treatment. Any recipe is good after consultation with a specialist.

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Despite the fact that the term “cold” is not a medical concept, the word has firmly entered the lexicon not only of people at the everyday level, but also of employees of medical institutions. Quite often it refers to pathological conditions that develop as a result of hypothermia. Clinical symptoms in this case are similar and are characterized by malaise, cough, sore throat, runny nose, and increased body temperature to low-grade levels. These symptoms develop as a result of the action of opportunistic flora, which is activated under the influence of low temperatures.

The role of immunity

People exposed to similar weather conditions react differently to hypothermia. For some, this episode passes without a trace, while others note a slight malaise with minimal catarrhal symptoms. The health condition of others may deteriorate noticeably, which forces them to seek help from a doctor and even receive hospital treatment for pneumonia, exacerbation...

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Let's start with terminology so that there is no confusion in concepts. ARI is an acute respiratory disease. “Respiratory” means that the respiratory (respiratory) tract, which includes a number of organs through which air passes when a person breathes, is affected. These are the nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx with vocal cords, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles and alveoli of the lungs. Sometimes the term ARVI is used - acute respiratory viral infection - a particular and most common case of acute respiratory infections, since most acute respiratory infections, at least at the beginning of the disease, are caused by airborne viruses. When formulating a diagnosis in more detail, it is customary to specify the organs that are predominantly affected in each specific case. For example, if a patient has an acute respiratory infection with a runny nose and sore throat, then the doctor will probably diagnose him with an acute respiratory viral infection; rhinopharyngitis, and if this patient also has a dry cough, but the doctor did not listen to the pathology in the lungs (typical of inflammation of the trachea) - the most likely...

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Hello, my dear wellness people!

Before that, I wrote mainly about healthy products, vitamins and other Malysheva-style materials. It's time to hit something harder.

Take your children and elderly relatives away from the screen, prepare your entire set of “strong” expressions. Now you will read a very controversial article.

When I express the thoughts that you will now hear, my friends and relatives smile condescendingly, and behind my back they say that “Sergei is completely beyond that. Just a moment, he will start promoting urine therapy.”

Today we will talk about how being SICK IS USEFUL.

Are you still here? Then let's continue...

This article will focus on the common cold.

Why why why…

Why is ultra-modern medicine not able to defeat such a simple and familiar cold?

Why is sometimes a light breeze enough to “catch” our little devil, and sometimes freezing for several hours in severe frost does not...

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In fact, during illness, appetite, on the contrary, should decrease. This is due to the fact that the body accumulates strength to fight the disease. But there are situations when, when sick, the mouth on the contrary does not seem to close and the person constantly feels hungry.

In fact, increased appetite and disease may be related, but only indirectly.

Of course, during illness, due to nasal congestion or, for example, an exhausting cough, a person’s sleep is disturbed. Consequently, when he gets up for work in the morning, he feels sleep-deprived. Lack of sleep can be the cause of a constant feeling of hunger. The thing is that lack of sleep lowers the level of leptin, which is responsible for controlling appetite and your weight; If you are sick, at home and do not go to work, then most likely you eat food in front of the TV screen. Thus, while watching your favorite TV series, you forget that you eat and take food “automatically”. Your brain can't control the feeling of fullness because...

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Cold without fever

Respiratory diseases are often mild, we can hardly bear them on our feet, but a cold without fever can also cause anxiety. Firstly, the absence of temperature does not always mean that the disease is harmless, and secondly, the absence of this symptom is often misleading, and we are in no hurry to discuss a serious illness with a professional physician.

Why does a cold develop without fever?

A cold in the common people, and ARVI in the medical literature, is a state of malaise that usually occurs against the background of general hypothermia. We can freeze both in winter and in summer in a draft. This is even more likely during the so-called off-season - early spring or late autumn - when the weather changes sharply and unpredictably, and it is not always possible to choose a wardrobe accordingly.

However, it is easy to notice that one person will freeze and will not even rush to warm up upon arrival...

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Why do I often get colds?

The question of why I often get colds requires an immediate answer. The body is unable to overcome the disease. Why? The reason may be reduced immunity. Immunity is a powerful system that helps to cope with any negative effects on the body, for example, viruses, infections. Which leads to colds. Strengthen your body's defenses!

How to strengthen the immune system?

Honey is a powerful immunostimulant. It has a whole range of beneficial properties. Delicious and medicinal. Choose quality honey. Acacia, buckwheat and linden honey are considered to be the most valuable.

Toughen up. If you get sick during the cold season or when you are simply caught in the rain, inject your body. It's good to start hardening up in the summer. The body perceives cool water without stress. Then, a little later, you can make the water a little cooler. And so gradually your body will acquire...

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Frequent colds: how to stop getting sick | VitaPortal

Sore throat, runny nose, sneezing, weakness - symptoms that overtake us at the most inopportune moment. To stop getting sick, let’s understand the causes of frequent colds.

ARVI is not a fatal diagnosis, but it is terribly annoying. Being sick is unpleasant, being sick is inconvenient, especially if a person works. In addition to the fact that the victim does not feel well, he also infects his colleagues, and if he takes out a sick leave, he immediately becomes disliked by his superiors.

The main and especially common cause of constant recurring colds is a careless and irresponsible attitude towards oneself and one’s health. The need to run out into the cold as quickly as possible from a warm room is at that moment more important than being one minute late, but nevertheless the opportunity to throw on warm outerwear.

The presence of bad habits is a possible cause of constant colds such as:

They don't get sick...

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It became very cold outside, and the season of colds has arrived, especially those family members who, on duty or duty, visit crowded places, go to kindergarten or school, or communicate with other people, are especially susceptible to them. Colds, or more precisely scientifically, acute respiratory infections, which include more than 200 different viruses with a bunch of different subtypes, which can cause every year a lot of different colds with a runny nose, cough, conjunctivitis, and even intestinal disorders.

Due to such a massive incidence of viral infections and due to the fact that our population does not take colds seriously, self-medicating and using various folk remedies, a lot of different myths and misconceptions have arisen regarding ARVI. These myths, persistently circulating among people, interfere with the timely diagnosis and treatment of colds. Let us sort them out and debunk them.

The first misconception is that there are many more viruses in the cold winter air, and therefore people get sick more often during the cold season.

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Why do we really get colds? It turns out that hypothermia is not the main cause of illness among urban residents. We live in heated houses and apartments, travel in heated vehicles, and work indoors. The fact is that a decrease in the immune system occurs for a number of reasons. Stress, overwork, vaccinations, lack of sleep, diets, PMS, intestinal disorders. And this is not the entire list of risk factors for acute respiratory viral infections and influenza.

Now let's take a closer look at these reasons.

1. Vaccinations.

A vaccine is a medical product whose purpose is to create lasting immunity to infections. At this time, the body is sensitive to bacteria and viruses, so quarantine will not be superfluous.

2. Lack of sleep.

This is a typical problem for working people. When we sleep, hormones that are responsible for immunity are produced, so proper sleep is the main condition for good health.

3. Overwork.

It occurs like in adults...

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ARVI, which popular rumor firmly dubbed the cold, is not a rare or endangered infection. On the contrary, it rightfully occupies a leading position among the most common diseases in the world. And this is probably why questions about a common cold so often concern both young and old.

What can you do if you have a cold, and what should you absolutely not do? What to drink during ARVI, from ARVI and after it? Is it possible to lead a normal life when you have a cold or do you need to go to bed for a week? Yes, and, of course, what can pregnant and lactating women, who traditionally have almost nothing except healthy foods, do in case of acute respiratory infections?

There are really a lot of questions, but not very many answers. Therefore, we will devote a separate article to them, and will try not to hide anything from the inquisitive gaze of the reader.

Before you continue reading: If you are looking for an effective method of getting rid of a runny nose, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis or colds, then be sure to take a look at this section of the site after reading...

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Despite the fact that we do everything possible to avoid getting sick in the winter, almost every person usually gets even a slight runny nose. During cold and flu season, you need to know a list of foods and drinks that will get you back to work in no time.

Very often during a cold or flu there is absolutely no appetite, but our body needs nutrition to fight viruses and diseases. So what should you eat when you're sick? After all, it is necessary to choose light, nutritious and healthy food so that the body receives the maximum amount of useful and nutrients to fight the disease and at the same time spends a minimum amount of energy on digesting food. In addition to the fact that food must be nutritious, it must also be tasty, because during illness you so want to please yourself with little joys.

What to eat when you are sick and why?

During illness, our body needs...

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Thirst intensifies, with almost all inflammatory processes, the body fights, the temperature rises, sweating increases, the body loses moisture, and the content of toxins in the blood also increases. Frequent drinking (as much as you can drink), firstly, will replenish lost moisture, secondly, as a means of removing toxic substances from the body (the same dropper), and if also with lemon or raspberries, then these are vitamins and a good anti-inflammatory agent. So, drink to your health!
A cold is an infection that develops over several days. It is usually caused by a virus and begins with a sore or sore throat. Within a few days, most of the symptoms appear: stuffy nose and/or runny nose, sneezing, cough, sore throat, headache. Sometimes there may be a moderate increase in body temperature and general malaise.

Although you may feel completely sick with a cold, if everything goes as usual, you will most likely get better within a week. Bad...

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What to do if you feel like you are getting sick?

The cold season, that is, the period from October to March, is marked not only by changes in the weather, but also by the negative consequences to which our body is susceptible. First of all, cold weather can cause the body to freeze, which leads to a cold. And also, as you know, damp and cold weather is favorable for the spread of viral infection. As a result of all this, there is a high chance of getting sick. So, in this article, journalists from the website Timelady.ru will tell you what to do if you feel like you are starting to get sick.

None of us wants to get sick, except for those who like to laze around at home for a week or two. Most of us simply don’t have time to get sick, and secondly, we don’t want to. The disease unsettles us, since we do not work, and, as a rule, no one will do our work for us, it will accumulate until we get out of...

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You dressed warmly, ate a balanced diet, walked in the fresh air and led an active life, but still caught a cold. No need to be upset! Treatment prescribed by your doctor, as well as an anti-cold diet, will get you back on your feet in a short time. What do you need to know about nutrition during illness? And what foods are important to exclude from your menu in order to quickly become healthy and active?

English folk wisdom prescribes “starving a fever,” but scientists are categorically against reducing the amount of food on the menu of a sick person. Research shows that when we get sick, our bodies need more calories to function properly and resist illness.

One of the worst things you can do when you have a cold is to stop eating a balanced diet by limiting your calories. Your body needs nutrients that are essential, among other things, to strengthen your immune system. This means that nutrition is an important condition for a speedy return to a healthy life.

But it’s no secret that high fever, body aches, sore throat and other cold symptoms negatively affect appetite. Sometimes it can be difficult to force yourself to eat at least a piece of lean meat or drink a glass of broth. In this case, you need to plan your diet by listening to your body.

Plenty of warm drinks and moderately high-calorie food give the body additional energy, without which recovery is impossible. By putting the body into “starvation” mode, a sick person worsens existing symptoms and prolongs the disease.

For a comfortable recovery, follow these rules:

  • Eat when you're hungry, not just during mealtimes.
  • Eat small meals. Plan for 5-6 small meals instead of 3 main meals.
  • Keep healthy foods on hand.
  • Limit fluid intake during meals.

What foods are best not to eat when you have a cold or cough?

It is better to exclude fluffy pastries, chocolate cookies, candies and other sweets that are abundant in confectionery stores from your menu during the cold season. The fact is that they reduce the activity of leukocytes, blood cells that successfully resist viruses and bacteria. By leaning on sweets, you expose your body to additional risk and prevent it from actively fighting a cold.

In addition, flour products with various sprinkles - powdered sugar, coconut flakes or poppy seeds - can irritate a sore throat, provoking additional coughing attacks.

What to replace it with?

Opt for saltine crackers, biscuits and plain toast. This light food will not harm your health, but on the contrary, it will be well accepted by the gastrointestinal tract if you have digestive problems or an upset stomach. In the list of healthy foods for colds, also include dried fruits - prunes, figs, dried apricots.

Are dairy products beneficial during acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections is a pressing question for researchers. Many experts urge avoiding dairy products at the first suspicion of illness, as they can contribute to the formation of mucus, which worsens the symptoms of a “wet” cough and runny nose. Others say that there will be no harm from a glass of hot milk with honey, but there is some benefit.

The point of disagreement is the opinion of Dr. James Steckelberg, professor of medicine, consultant in the department of infectious diseases at the Mayo Clinic School of Medicine (Mayo Clinic). “Although consuming dairy products may promote mucus production, milk does not thicken the phlegm or make the patient's condition worse.”

What to replace it with?

If you cannot imagine your life without dairy products, replace fatty “sour milk” with milk of 1%-2.5% fat content. Do you like warm drinks? Drink warm mint tea; it has high analgesic properties, and in combination with honey, it softens the throat and cures cough. Another great option is cranberry juice - a natural source of vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system.

The stronger your cold and the more severe your condition, the easier the food should be for your stomach. Including dishes in your diet that create an increased burden on the gastrointestinal tract can be detrimental to your health. Therefore, during your illness, avoid eating processed foods and fast food - they are difficult to digest, creating heaviness in the stomach. It is also advisable to reduce the amount of salty foods and those rich in spices, as they can irritate the intestinal walls.

As for fried foods, they should be excluded completely. The “taboo” category includes semi-finished products - pancakes, pies, etc., and “healthy” products - regular meat, chicken legs. In addition to being high in fat, fried foods also often contain carcinogens. By forcing the liver and heart to fight with all this, you once again burden the body, which now has other tasks.

What to replace it with?

Chicken noodle soup can successfully replace meat products during a cold. Researchers at the University of Nebraska Medical Center have proven that this simple dish gives a sick person much-needed relief. Thus, the amino acid cysteine ​​contained in chicken helps thin mucus and facilitate its successful expectoration, and hot broth protects the body from dehydration and helps fight inflammation in the throat. A few more options for an appetizing hot lunch - stewed vegetables with a slice of meat, cereals and a piece of steamed fish, vegetable stew.

Korean snacks, spicy salads, homemade preserves, and “spicy” dishes increase the secretion of gastric juice and can cause heartburn. If the patient has a history of gastritis, consuming all of the above is strictly prohibited. Irritation of the stomach walls can cause a relapse of the disease and then gastritis will be added to the cold. Spicy foods are a common culprit of stomach pain and nausea.

Popular advice - eating more onions, horseradish and garlic during illness also does not suit everyone. Although the juice of these vegetables helps to ease nasal breathing, the sharp and rich taste irritates an already sore throat, causing discomfort. Therefore, you need to consume the listed products strictly in moderation, best of all by adding juice to other dishes.

What to replace it with?

An alternative to the spicy menu will be the delicate taste of rice, buckwheat and oatmeal porridge, and boiled potatoes. You can eat them on their own, or you can add baked skinless chicken or turkey, or light salads. Please note that you should not eat broccoli and other types of cabbage raw, just as you should not indulge in legumes and mushrooms. They will lead to bloating, may cause increased gas formation and cause diarrhea.

When you have a cold, you may want to cheer yourself up by drinking a cup of strong coffee or a bottle of energy drink. These drinks can really give you the desired energy and tone your body. But the effect will be short-lived - it will be replaced by lethargy, anxiety, increased fatigue and loss of mood. In addition, coffee and strong black tea can worsen a sore throat, especially if the inflammation is severe. Doctors advise avoiding caffeine-containing drinks when sick.

What to replace it with?

Focus on soothing and soothing herbal teas, drinking sweetened water with lemon and ginger. But drinking packaged juices and juice drinks is not recommended. Due to their high sugar and preservative content, they can increase inflammation and work against your immune system. Only natural concentrated juices, slightly diluted with clean water, are useful.

And be sure to load up on fresh fruits and berries, they are the best source of vigor and good mood. The only exception to the rule is citrus fruits, which should be consumed with caution. Due to the presence of vitamin C, they are great for speeding up the recovery process and strengthening the immune system, but can cause an allergic reaction.

Despite the fact that we do everything possible to avoid getting sick in the winter, almost every person usually gets even a slight runny nose. During cold and flu season, you need to know a list of foods and drinks that will get you back to work in no time.

Very often during a cold or flu there is absolutely no appetite, but our body needs nutrition to fight viruses and diseases. So what should you eat when you're sick? After all, it is necessary to choose light, nutritious and healthy food so that the body receives the maximum amount of useful and nutrients to fight the disease and at the same time spends a minimum amount of energy on digesting food. In addition to the fact that food must be nutritious, it must also be tasty, because during illness you so want to please yourself with little joys.

What to eat when you are sick and why?

During illness, our body needs a lot of calories. Our body works twice as hard to fight infection, especially if you have a fever. To more effectively fight the disease, our body spends a lot of energy. Therefore, eating the right food during illness helps you recover twice as fast.
All doctors say that it is necessary to eat properly and regularly, because if we eat little, the body does not have enough calories to repair itself. The latest research shows that when food is reduced, the patient’s health worsens and the duration of illness lengthens.

Of course, during illness there is no appetite or strength to eat anything, but you need to eat in small portions and often. We have decided that we must eat, now we will decide what to eat during illness.

What to eat to recover during illness?

1. Chicken soup
You won't believe it, but in fact, ordinary chicken noodle soup is a wonderful food during illness. Chicken contains an amino acid called cysteine, which helps remove mucus from the lungs. Chicken broth helps keep nasal passages moist, prevents dehydration, and also fights sore throats.

2. Hot tea
Warm liquids can help soothe a sore throat, such as freshly brewed green tea, which is rich in antioxidants that effectively fight infections and supports a healthy immune system. Or, for example, hot water with lemon is an ideal remedy for fighting a sore throat, and also helps relieve nasal congestion.

3. Citrus fruits
We all know very well that vitamin C is an excellent remedy for fighting diseases. Citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C and they reduce the severity and length of diseases. The film between the slices on oranges, lemons, grapefruits and limes contains flavonoids, which boost the immune system and are great for speeding up the fight against disease.

4. Spicy food
Spicy foods will help relieve nasal congestion. In addition, chili pepper, wasabi or horseradish will help kill viruses in the nasopharynx.

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A healthy person has a healthy interest in food. To maintain the body in working condition, it has to be fed regularly. Feeling hungry is a signal of the need to “recharge.”

But sometimes we don’t feel like eating at normal times, and sometimes we feel indifference or even aversion to food. Why does my appetite disappear? The reasons can be different, from the most banal to the extremely serious. Therefore, you should not neglect this.

We have to find out why people lose their appetite and what problems the body signals by refusing to accept food. How to react if your child has lost his appetite? What to do if the expectant mother has no appetite?

Lost appetite: reasons

Easily identified and non-dangerous causes of loss of appetite

There is a mild form of appetite disturbance, that is, a decrease in appetite (hyporexia) and a complicated form, when a person has no appetite at all (anorexia). At the stage of hyporexia, you can still try to fight the disorders on your own, but anorexia poses a great danger to human health and life, which means self-medication is unacceptable!

Loss of appetite may indicate serious problems in the functioning of internal organs. Especially if your appetite has suddenly disappeared. There is no doubt about the seriousness of the situation when the temperature simultaneously jumped and the appetite disappeared.

If loss of appetite is the only symptom, then we are talking about temporary disruptions in the body’s functioning. Let's look at why this happens.

  • Appetite decreases under the influence of external factors, often weather conditions. Personally, I eat almost nothing for days on end during abnormally hot summers. It’s normal that you don’t feel like eating; the body correctly requires more fluid to restore its loss. Drink a lot and don't force yourself to eat. Your appetite will be restored as soon as the heat subsides.
  • Changing your usual place of residence can be a challenge both physically and psychologically. If you've lost your appetite after moving, don't worry. Give yourself time to get used to new conditions and circumstances, and your body to adapt.
  • Chronic fatigue may lead to appetite disturbances. The fact is that the body spends a lot of energy on the process of digesting food. When a person is tired, the subconscious mind tells you to conserve your strength. In addition, when you fall off your feet from unbearable stress, not only physical, you can be so lazy to take care of food that it is easier for the body to refuse it.

  • Another common cause of loss of appetite is the body's protest against certain medications. If you have been taking medications, biological supplements, doping agents, contraceptives, or weight loss medications for a long time, check the side effects in the instructions and the expiration date of the medications. To restore your appetite, you will have to replace a specific drug or stop using such drugs altogether. Stop self-medication, in particular with herbs, and categorically refuse expired medications. Simple actions can easily restore lost appetite.
  • Abuse of diet In order to lose weight, you risk causing great harm to your health. Diets are dangerous because they artificially create a deficiency of vital substances. Due to improper diets, nutrition becomes irrational, which in turn leads to rapid weight loss and loss of appetite. If it comes to this, gradually exit the diet. Next time, choose a diet after consulting a nutritionist and strictly follow his recommendations.
  • Loss of appetite is often a consequence bad habits . Smoking, alcohol abuse, and drug use in any way slowly but surely destroy internal organs and disrupt the processes occurring in the body, in particular digestion. Lack of appetite is a predictable result of a long-term unhealthy lifestyle. It's never too late to give up unhealthy foods. Finally do it!
  • Psychological reasons Loss of appetite is common. The body perceives any strong disturbances as stress. It doesn’t matter what they are, positive or negative. A wedding or divorce, a long-awaited meeting or its cancellation, an important victory or defeat - such events can significantly reduce your appetite. The only difference is that after positive experiences, disruptions in the body associated with an unwillingness to eat quickly normalize, while negative ones often develop into a depressed state or even depression. If you have not only poor appetite, but also mood swings for a long time, consider this a sufficient reason to consult a doctor. Don't expect depression to go away with time. The longer you wait, the harder it will be for you to return to normal life. Know: along with your mood, your appetite will return.

Loss of appetite as a symptom

Unfortunately, lack of appetite is often a sign of serious health problems. Learn about the symptoms that may accompany food aversions and the causes of this condition.

If you just don’t feel like eating, and there are no other painful symptoms, then you shouldn’t dwell on it. Most likely, this is a temporary symptom and it will go away soon.

But often poor appetite is accompanied by parallel symptoms, for example:

  • headache + lack of appetite;
  • nausea + lack of appetite.

If you are suffering from a complex of symptoms, contact your general practitioner or family doctor. A primary care specialist will refer you to one of his highly specialized colleagues: psychotherapist, gastroenterologist, nutritionist, endocrinologist, oncologist. Hurry up for a consultation.

Dangerous causes of loss of appetite:

  • Poisoning (intoxication) - food, drugs, gases, toxins, alcohol... The body does not perceive anything, on the contrary, it works to remove the poison. If you suffer from nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite and diarrhea at the same time, you are most likely poisoned. This is exactly the case when it is better to refuse food for a certain time. Call an ambulance immediately or rush to the infectious diseases department.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: cholecystitis, dysbacteriosis, gastritis, ulcers. The most common set of symptoms with them: lack of appetite, abdominal pain.
  • Dysfunction of the endocrine system.
  • Diseases of the nervous system, mental disorders.
  • Diseases of the liver and pancreas may be accompanied by symptoms: lack of appetite, nausea, weakness.
  • Infectious diseases, in particular tuberculosis, are a number of other possible reasons why you don’t want to eat.
  • Oncological diseases. Cancer patients refuse certain foods, most often meat. In the combination of severe weakness and lack of appetite lies the danger of cancer.

Symptoms that, in combination with loss of appetite, should alert you

Call an ambulance if loss of appetite is accompanied by a dangerous set of symptoms, such as:

  • diarrhea, lack of appetite
  • pain, lack of appetite, nausea
  • vomiting, lack of appetite
  • fever, lack of appetite.

With such symptoms, it is extremely dangerous to remain without medical supervision.

No appetite: what to do

It is not for nothing that a good appetite is considered a sign of good health. When a person doesn't feel hungry for longer than usual, it causes anxiety. It immediately becomes clear that not everything is in order with your health, mental or physical. No one has ever managed to feel good without refueling the body on time. The discomfort and weakness caused by the lack of nutrients that enter the body with food are so strong that people literally lose their zest for life. If you lose your appetite, what to do is not always clear. At first, people tend to neglect the situation, but meanwhile it becomes so complicated that the strength and desire to correct it disappear. We offer a selection of effective, proven tips on what to do when you don’t feel like eating anything.

First of all, try to restore the natural need for food using elementary methods.

  • Why not work up an appetite in the park or on the embankment? Choose a place for a walk where there is a lot of greenery. Having saturated your lungs with enough oxygen, you may want to eat very quickly. It wouldn't hurt to walk past a place where street food smells delicious. The mouth-watering smells will surely wake up your sleeping taste buds!
  • Physical activity in nature is an excellent appetite activator. Jogging, cycling, any sport with a ball or rackets, fitness, dancing, yoga, or better yet, swimming are suitable. Exercising in water makes you ravenous! But don't overexert yourself, because exhaustion can have the opposite effect. It’s very good if you don’t study alone. Good company and pleasant fatigue will certainly restore your lost appetite.
  • Often, interruptions in appetite are associated with non-compliance with sleep and eating patterns. Restore your usual daily routine if it has been changed or simply wait until the adaptation period has passed.
  • It happens that loss of appetite is caused by the monotony of your diet or loneliness. Perhaps you are simply tired of the usual menu or too lazy to cook something new for yourself, and have no one to share the meal with. Make an effort - treat yourself to something delicious. “Colorful food”, fresh berries, vegetables and fruits, pleasing to the eye, greatly stimulate the appetite. If you don’t feel like doing something for yourself, invite guests. You won’t feed them banal potatoes, will you?! But stuffed zucchini with potato sailboats will seduce you even during the cooking process. There is also a simpler option for those who are not capable of culinary feats. Organize a meeting of old friends. With them for company you will enjoy everything!

  • There is a high probability of overcoming your lack of appetite by doing your favorite things. Just find time to do what makes you happy. In a depressed state, there can be no talk of new hobbies, but remembering old ones is very useful. Listen to the music you've been listening to, look through the exhibits of a long-forgotten collection, re-read a book that made an impression on you. It may happen that you won’t even notice how you start snacking on everything that comes to hand.
  • If you have bad habits, do your best to break them. We do not promise that your appetite will return immediately, because the process of restoring the body from negative influences is a long one. However, after a while you will definitely feel a surge of energy and hunger.

If you have no appetite during pregnancy

With the help of her own body, the expectant mother ensures the development of a new life. This requires more physical and psychological resources than usual. Extraordinary emotions, excessive anxiety, increased responsibility, sudden hormonal surges are factors that significantly change a person’s condition. Of course, they, in turn, affect appetite. During different periods of pregnancy, it either disappears or grows exorbitantly. A pregnant woman finds herself between two extremes: eating for two, but not overeating. At first glance, it is paradoxical that appetite worsens during pregnancy. We will explain why this happens.

The worst thing that loss of appetite during pregnancy can indicate is an exacerbation of existing diseases, any of the above. It is clear that you will have to undergo treatment, as well as the fact that self-medication is out of the question.

In a healthy pregnant woman, sluggish interest in food has clear explanations directly related to her condition. Mostly, lack of appetite during pregnancy is observed in the first trimester.

Toxicosis is the most common reason why a pregnant woman eats little. It usually lasts up to three months, during which a woman can even lose weight. The pregnant woman is feeling nauseous and has no appetite, that’s understandable. But toxicosis itself is a consequence of certain processes characteristic of the pregnancy period. Exacerbation of olfactory receptors causes aversion to certain odors. A woman's increased sensitivity and vulnerability to the changes that occur to her is often expressed by poor appetite. Hormonal surges suppress appetite due to decreased digestive function. In addition to the above reasons, a pregnant woman’s reluctance to eat can be explained by a lack of iron or folic acid. They are necessary in sufficient quantities to form a healthy fetus. If they are lacking, the body signals this by refusing to accept food, especially one that does not contain them. We should not forget about the factors that greatly influence the desire or reluctance to eat. The good news is that all these are normal and temporary phenomena. At the same time, we warn you not to take the fact that you lost your appetite during pregnancy as infantile, because you simply must provide your unborn child with everything necessary.

If a woman in the second trimester of pregnancy complains: “I don’t feel hungry,” this basically only means that the uterus, putting pressure on the intestines, provokes stagnation of digested foods in the body.

In the third trimester, the baby’s enlarged body presses on the stomach through the wall of the uterus, and accordingly, the stomach’s capacity decreases, which suppresses the feeling of hunger. Also, women often worry about gaining excess weight and not feeding the fetus, fearing a difficult birth, so they subconsciously limit themselves in food.

The basic principle of nutrition for a pregnant woman: eat little, often and only the best!

What should a pregnant woman do to improve her appetite?

  1. First of all, walk a lot. Be physically active, without excessive exertion, of course. Do things that make you happy and avoid things that make you sad.
  2. Take tests on time, saturate the body with necessary microelements through nutrition or, if necessary, vitamin preparations.
  3. Eat in small portions, but often, 5-7 times a day. Consume liquid foods. Drink a lot.
  4. Sleep longer at night and allow yourself naps during the day.

During pregnancy, lack of appetite is a mostly alarming symptom. However, it is forbidden to ignore it, if only because up to 80% of the health of the unborn child depends on the mother’s nutrition. And the woman herself needs to prepare for childbirth. Pretty compelling to do your best to eat a balanced diet during this crucial period, isn't it?

The child has lost his appetite: what to do?

The ideal child in terms of nutrition for many parents is the one who eats everything that is given and when given. Indeed, it is very convenient. But this practically never happens and should not happen. This is easy to explain: you can’t convince a child that he needs to eat, it’s healthy. He eats when he wants, and doesn't eat when he doesn't want to.

In general, a child refuses to eat in the following cases:

  1. The child is full. This is good.
  2. The child is sick. This is bad, but in this case you need to treat, not feed.
  3. The child does not like what is offered. Well, there is only one way out: prepare something else, after asking what the child would like.
  4. The child shows temper or whims while eating - this is a defensive reaction. Do not encourage him by persuading him to definitely eat, do not succumb to provocations.

None of the reasons mentioned gives adults the right to force a child to eat! This won't do any good. Any coercion is very harmful: for relationships, for the psyche and for health, first of all.

Of course, a child’s lack of appetite can be looked for in other ways. We have collected possible causes and recommendations for eliminating them.

Useful tips

Accustom your child to healthy childhood foods. And then he will not have problems with lack of appetite, and even with weight. Let the child not know the taste of harmful foods for as long as possible. Instead of candy - dried fruits, instead of chips - homemade crackers, instead of sugar - honey, instead of store-bought juices and water - plain water, compotes and compotes. Enlist the support of relatives and people in contact with the child. Prohibit giving your child lollipops and other edible garbage!

It is difficult to accustom a child to a culture of nutrition and healthy food if you yourself do not demonstrate this every day in everyday life. Be an example or do not demand from your child what is unusual in his environment.

If a child has no appetite, the reasons may not be related to satiety. By turning food into a cult, you let your child know that food is important to you. And the child uses this as a means of influencing you.

Reduce the importance of food. Let me not eat. The stubborn little guy will miss several lunches. So what? He won’t die of hunger, but he will make sure that blackmail with food doesn’t work.

Remember, proper balanced nutrition is the key to health. Make sure your child has a healthy appetite, but don't force him to eat too much. Let everyone develop according to their individual needs.

Often, illness due to lack of appetite sends us an alarm signal. Usually in such cases there are accompanying symptoms. However, not always. If a child simultaneously has a high or low temperature, lack of appetite, or weakness, act immediately.

Poor appetite: how to regain interest in food

In the absence of appetite, the reasons cannot always be determined quickly. But in the meantime, you can try to regain your interest in food. If walking, physical activity, and improving your mood with all available methods do not work, there are many other ways that will help you achieve a positive result.

Treat yourself to vitamin therapy. Special medications will help bring a disturbed appetite back to normal. We do not specifically name them, because self-medication can cause more harm than good. Contact your doctor and start by taking a multivitamin, or one of the following vitamins: B12, iron, ascorbic acid, strictly observing the dose.

But foods that increase appetite can be safely consumed in moderation. If you have a poor appetite, introduce the following foods into your daily diet: lemon and other citrus fruits, sour apples, pomegranates, black radishes, onions, garlic, sauerkraut, wild garlic, cranberries, rowan berries, blackberries, raspberries. Be sure to drink fresh juices.

Another option, which also requires consultation with a doctor, is tinctures and herbal decoctions that stimulate the appetite. These include: dandelion roots, ginseng, rosea, marsh calamus, wormwood, mint and lemon balm, yarrow, thyme, dill seeds and greens (fennel for newborns), plantain leaves and others. You can use single-component products or pharmacy preparations.

RECIPE FOR HERBAL TINCTURE FOR APPETITE: Prepare a mixture: 50 g of wormwood, 100 g of St. John's wort, 100 g of calamus root. 2 tbsp. l. After collecting these herbs in the evening, pour them into a thermos and pour two glasses of boiling water over them. In the morning, strain and divide into 4 servings (150 g each). Take 4 times a day 15 minutes before meals.

RECIPE FOR MELISSA TEA FOR APPETITE: Grind 2 tbsp. l. lemon balm. Pour two glasses of boiling water and let it brew for four hours. Drink ½ glass before each meal during the day.

In general, short-term appetite disturbances do not pose a health threat. But a complete lack of appetite can have irreparable consequences. Be attentive to your health and get diagnosed in time!

A common cause of loss of appetite is fasting, especially if you resort to it without prior preparation and without the supervision of a nutritionist. Before you decide to go on a hunger strike, make sure that you do not have an illness for which it is contraindicated.

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