Abstract of the lesson using Gyenes blocks in the middle group “Moon Guest. The initial system of playing lessons with gyenesh blocks for children of primary preschool age

Sarantseva Elena Gennadievna
Job title: educator
Educational institution: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 87" Samara
Locality: Samara
Material name: Methodical development
Subject: Summary of a game lesson in mathematics using Gyenesh blocks
Publication date: 11.04.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Abstract of a game lesson in mathematics using Gyenes blocks.

Middle group.

Theme: "Tricks of a cunning fox."






logical conclusions;


make up

recognize conventions;

mastering the ability to classify sets according to two properties: color

and shape, size and shape;

Development of spatial imagination, ingenuity;


Tables with a logical task, "Wonderful bag", Gyenes blocks, two

hoops of different colors, checkered sheets, logical tasks.

The course of educational activities.


A very cunning fox came to visit us today.

This red-haired cheat is strong in mathematics.

And I decided to check you, I brought you envelopes,

I posted it all over the group, I just forgot what went where.

Are you guys ready to find her surprises,

And what did you learn to show that little fox.

The first envelope in my paws is with a logical task (falling) - oh,

I'm awkward..

A game "Which figure is next?"









are the drawings different? What is the same about them? What figure to draw

next and why? (Fig. 1)

fox brings "Wonderful bag":

I brought you riddles - are you smart guys?

I have no corners

And I look like a saucer

Who am I, friends? (Circle)

He has known me for a long time

Every angle in it is right.

All four sides

Equal length.

I'm glad to present it to you

And his name is ... .. (Square)

Three corners, three sides

May be of different lengths.

If you hit the corners

Then you jump up on your own. (Triangle)

Game "Compose an animal."

Children at the tables make up a fox, a bear, a squirrel,

using only the same shapes - triangles, squares, circles.

Fox: I offer a physical minute, you need to knead the bones

You played great and were able to prove to me

That mathematics is a country for each of you is important.

The sun peeked into the bed ...

One two three four five.

We all do exercises

We need to sit down and stand up

Stretch your arms wider.

One two three four five.

Bend over - three, four,

And stand still.

On the toe, then on the heel -

We all do exercises.

On the edge of the carpet, the children find an envelope with symbols. Children

understand that this is another trick of the cunning fox.

The game "Flower meadow"(Gyenes blocks).

An adult lays out two hoops of different colors on the carpet. Inside the blue

hoop you need to collect blue flowers (shapes). And inside the red - everything

round. Then, at the intersection of two hoops, figures with

common features: color (red) and shape (round).

Educator: while you and I were laying out flowers in the flower beds, the fox ran away

and left a big mushroom. Let's see what is hidden in it.

The teacher reads a letter in which they can find her if they draw

a scheme for moving through the forest, focusing on the story of the fox. caregiver

handing out sheets of paper in a cage, on which a fox's house is drawn, explaining that

each cell is a step. Reads the story of the fox, and the children indicate the direction

movements and landmarks: walk five steps forward to two Christmas trees, three steps

to the left to the old stump, from the stump five steps forward to the lawn with flowers,

five steps to the right to a large fly agaric. From fly agaric four steps forward

to a large oak, three steps to the right to a fast stream. Without crossing it

five steps forward to a bush of strawberries, and then to the right five steps to the house

Fox appears:

I thank all the guys, and, of course, I will reward!

People say that I am a cunning fox,

And you did it even smarter, friends!

You have gifts from me!

Synopsis of the methodological development of the GCD “A game journey through the fairy tale“ Turnip ”(with Gyenesh blocks), senior group

All educational activities of the SCD “Playing journey through the fairy tale “Turnip” are based on the use of Z. Gyenes developmental learning technology and are provided for organizing regulated activities with older preschoolers to form elementary mathematical concepts.
Gyenes blocks are 48 geometric shapes of 3 primary colors: red, blue and yellow, 4 shapes: circle, square, rectangle and triangle, two sizes: large and small, two thickness properties: thick and thin. Blocks can be used from early childhood.
In this lesson, the author's experience of the teacher's work is systematized: during the lesson, author's games with Gyenesh blocks, the author's method of familiarizing with the composition of the number of two smaller ones using Gyenesh blocks and the author's physical education minute with animation are used.
Direct educational activity is built in the form of a fascinating journey through a fairy tale. Realizing fabulous tasks, preschoolers perform game exercises with Gyenesh blocks of a sufficiently high level of complexity.
The lesson uses methods that activate the cognitive activity of preschoolers: problem situations, developing games. Teaching methods and techniques are individualized in accordance with the level of development, the pace of perception, the peculiarities of the thinking of each child, there are situations of choice for preschoolers. The use of health-saving technologies makes it possible to prevent the physical fatigue of children, which is possible with high mental activity of preschool children. In the process of cognitive activity, conditions have been created for the creative activity of children, the sensory spheres of the child, the emotional-volitional sphere are involved.
This educational activity has a certain structure, there are three main parts that are inextricably linked by a common content and methodology. The beginning of the lesson involves the direct organization of children, the creation of an emotionally positive background, the introduction to the game situation and the modeling of the problem situation, arousing the interest of preschoolers in the upcoming activity.
During the lesson in the process of developing games, there is a high saturation of children's employment with mental activity of a sufficiently high level of complexity, an active change in the types of activities and methods of training and education.
At the end of the educational activity, the educator provides for reflection, summing up the results of cognitive and gaming activities and tasks for the subsequent employment of parents with children at home in order to consolidate the material covered, which contributes to the integrity and effectiveness of the educational process.
All the proposed games, as well as the method of getting acquainted with the composition of the number, can be used as fragments of other activities, as a joint activity with the teacher, and later on as independent activity of children for the development of logical thinking, mental functions of attention, memory, perception, speech, as well as the formation of mental skills. and abilities of older preschoolers.

Priority educational area:“Cognitive Development. Formation of elementary mathematical representations”.
OO integration:“Cognitive Development. Formation of a holistic picture of the world”, “Speech development”, “Physical development, Social and communicative development”.
Program content:
Development of logical thinking and mental functions of attention, memory, perception, speech; the formation of mental skills and abilities.
Educational tasks:

1) Fix the composition of the number 6 of the two smaller ones.
2) Exercise in the ability to classify sets according to several properties (color, shape, size, thickness), compare, generalize, decode information (including with a negation sign); correlate the size of an object with the size of geometric shapes.
3) Exercise in the arithmetic operations of addition within 6.
4) Systematize children's ideas about the pedigree, family tree.
5) To introduce the profession of a fashion designer.
6) Contribute to the formation of the ability to apply mathematical knowledge in non-standard practical problems.
Development tasks:
1) Develop logical thinking and creative imagination, the ability to model and design in games with Gyenesh blocks.
2) Develop mental operations: analogy, systematization, generalization, observation, planning.
3) Develop the ability to set a goal, plan your work.
4) Develop attention, memory, imagination, speech, creativity, observation, cognitive interest.
5) Continue to develop the ability to identify and compare the properties of objects according to 4 features: color, shape, size and thickness, to find a common property of the population.
6) Improve the desire to express their thoughts, prove their judgments with the help of accurate and clear speech; vocabulary replenishment: family tree, family tree, sketch, designer.
Educational tasks:
1) To help maintain interest in mathematics, in developing games with Gyenesh blocks.
2) Raise interest in the study of one's pedigree, the desire to create a genealogical tree of one's family.
3) Cultivate curiosity, interest in the profession of a designer
4) To cultivate sympathy, compassion, respect for each other, the desire to help.
5) To form the ability to act in a team together, to cultivate initiative, perseverance in achieving goals, independence.
Equipment: Video and audio accompaniment: audio recording of music by E. Grieg "Morning", multimedia presentation "Playing journey through the fairy tale "Turnip"; author's physical education session with animation effects "Turnip".
Material: Demo: magnetic board, Gyenesh blocks, poster "Composition of the number 6", planar images of Gyenesh blocks, numbers 1-6, a letter, a scheme for the game "Find the right figure", a thick large blue square, a thin large blue rectangle, pictures "Dress", " Trouser suit”, “Suit with a skirt”, camera, pictures “Family tree” and “Mathematical family tree”.
Dispensing: Gyenesh blocks, clothing silhouettes featuring Gyenesh block symbols on the collar, sleeves and bottom; silhouettes of buckets and fish, “Catch a fish” schemes, family tree templates.
Previous work: didactic games with Gyenes blocks, individual work with children with a slow pace of development, conversations about the pedigree and family tree, viewing a reproduction of Z. Serebryakova’s painting “On the Terrace in Kharkov”, reading the encyclopedia “I want to know everything” (section on the family tree)
Conduct form: joint activities1 Organizational moment. Creating an emotionally positive background for the lesson. Introduction to the game situation. Lesson topic message.
Educator: All the children gathered in a circle.
I am your friend and you are my friend.
Let's hold hands tightly and smile at each other.
Invented by someone simply and wisely
When meeting, say hello: "Good morning!"
- Good morning! - sun and birds
- Good morning! - smiling faces.
And everyone becomes kind, trusting,
Let the good morning last until the evening.
Educator: Children, this morning the postman brought me a letter for kindergarten. Let's read it: “Dear children! Help me, please, to make a family tree. I'm in a lot of trouble because I don't even know what it is. One hope for you. Help me out please. Thank you in advance, Your Mouse. What shall we do?
Educator: Of course, we need help. But how can we do this, because we don’t know what fairy tale the Mouse is from? Tell me, children, in what fairy tales is a mouse found? Indeed, there are a lot of fairy tales, the heroine of which is a mouse, no matter how you make a mistake. Let's use the hint.

Educator: (shows the children a diagram for the game “Find the right figure”) We need to find a figure that corresponds to what number? Yes, number 6. Let's count in which row there are six figures. How many figures are in the first top row? How many figures are in the second? How many - in the third? That's right, 6 figures in the third row. What will our figure be in thickness? Yes, thick. What about size? That's right, big. In color, it should not be ... Yes, not yellow and not red, which means blue. And in shape it will not be round or triangular ... That's right, square or rectangular. So what shape are we looking for? Yes, of course, a thick big blue square or rectangle. And it is located ... That's right, on the windowsill. And on the windowsill there are 2 figures (children choose the desired figure).
Educator: Children, there is a riddle on the square:
They lived in a fairy tale, did not grieve:
Grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, bug,
Also a cat, and a mouse.
Friendly together together
The turnip was pulled out slowly.
Of course, this is a fairy tale "Turnip". So. We begin the journey to the fairy tale "Turnip".
Educator: Let's take a look at the beginning of the story.
Children:“Grandfather planted a turnip. A large turnip has grown. The grandfather began to pull a turnip from the ground: he pulls - he pulls - he cannot pull it out. My grandfather called my grandmother for help. Educator: And the grandmother says: “I will definitely help you, grandfather, but only after the guys count how many heroes are in our fairy tale?”

3. The author's method of familiarization with the composition of the number 6 of the two smaller ones with the help of Gyenesh blocks.
Children, how many heroes are there in the fairy tale "Turnip"? Absolutely, right, 6. Let's denote the number by a number (I post the number 6 on a magnetic board).
Separation of figures by size. How else can you divide the heroes of a fairy tale by size? How many little heroes do we have? Yes, one mouse. What size figure will we show the mouse? That's right, a small triangle. We denote the number by a number (I lay out a small figure in the second row from the left; below, in the third row - the number 1). And how many heroes are not small in size? Of course, 5, we mark them with figures of what size? Definitely big figures. Denote the number by a number (I lay out large figures in the second row on the right, the number in the third row). So 6 is how much and how much? Yes, 1 and 5.

Separation of figures by color. How else can you divide the heroes of a fairy tale into groups? Yes, by age. How many elderly heroes do we have? That's right, two: grandma and grandpa. I propose to mark them in blue. How many blue pieces will we take? And how many young heroes are there in the fairy tale? Of course, 4. We will designate them ... Yes, in red. Who wants to lay out the pieces at the board? (the child lays out blocks and numbers with the help of an adult). So 6 is 2 and 4.

Separation of figures by shape. On what basis can the heroes of the fairy tale "Turnip" be divided? Yes, on people and on animals.. What form will we mark people with? How many circles do we need? What form shall we designate animals? How many triangles will we take? (laying out figures and numbers by a child at the blackboard). So 6 is 3 and 3.

Let's repeat, 6 is 1 and 5, 2 and 4, 3 and 3. (according to the scheme "Composition of a number")
Educator: Well done, let's move on. Who wants to continue the story?
Children:“Grandma for grandfather, grandfather for turnip, they pull - they pull, they cannot pull it out. The grandmother called her granddaughter
Educator: And the granddaughter says: “I will be happy to help, but only after you help me decorate my outfit for the holiday.”

4. Author's game with Gyenesh blocks "Designer's Workshop" (work with handouts) Educator: Now we are going to the clothing designer's workshop. Do you know what a fashion designer is? A fashion designer is a person who invents new models of clothes, helps us become more beautiful. Agree, it would be very boring if everyone wore the same clothes. Now we will please our granddaughter and make new samples of clothes for her. You can help your granddaughter decorate a dress, a blouse with a skirt and a jacket with trousers. Let's take a closer look at your clothing sketches. A sketch is a drawing of clothes, according to which new beautiful outfits will be made in the workshop. So, we need to decorate the collar of clothes, sleeves, and, finally, the hem of a dress, skirt or trousers. All clear?

Educator: Now you have to choose which design workshop you will go to. I suggest that you become a designer of a dress, a trouser set and a suit with a skirt. The choice is yours.
(Children choose a design direction and decorate clothes according to the scheme)
Educator: Well done guys, how many clothes you have decorated. Granddaughter thanks you. And this means that the fairy tale continues, help guys.
Children:“Granddaughter for grandmother, grandmother for grandfather, grandfather for turnip. Pull - pull, pull can not. The granddaughter shouted to Zhuchka.
caregiver: The bug willingly came running to the rescue, but before starting to work, she invites everyone to dance with her.

5. Author's physical education session with the animation effect "Turnip".
6. Author's game with Gyenesh blocks "Underwater Kingdom"
Who wants to continue the story?
Children:“The bug for the granddaughter, the granddaughter for the grandmother, the grandmother for the grandfather, the grandfather for the turnip, they pull - they pull, they cannot pull it out. Bug called the cat.
Educator: But the cat cannot come running, as it is very hungry. I propose to help the cat catch fish in the river for dinner. Here are the buckets in which you must catch the fish in accordance with the symbols.

(Children independently find fish in accordance with the symbols, tasks are offered with varying degrees of difficulty depending on the level of development of children)
Educator: Well done, good catch. The cat is full and ready to pull the turnip. And we continue the journey through the fairy tale.
Children:“A cat for a bug, a bug for a granddaughter, a granddaughter for a grandmother, a grandmother for a grandfather, a grandfather for a turnip, they pull - they pull, they cannot pull it out. The cat called the mouse.
Educator: The mouse has come running and offers you to help her make a genealogical tree of the family. Who's to say what a family tree is? That's right, it's a family tree. Since ancient times, people have had a custom to keep their genealogy. What is the pedigree about? That's right, the pedigree tells about your family, relatives and the history of the family - the ancestors. Guys, what do you think, should children know the history of their family? Why do you need to know your family history?
Educator: Look at the drawing. Here the pedigree is shown in the form of a family tree.

7. Author's game with Gyenesh blocks "Let's make a family tree"
Let's try to make a Mouse family tree using magic blocks.
Educator: Who do you think should start with compiling your family's pedigree? The tree has strong, deep roots. These are our grandparents, great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers. Why do pedigrees start with grandparents? (because they are the oldest in the family). It is thanks to them that we have friendly and strong families. What figure will we designate grandfather? (large thick blue rectangle). And the grandmother? (big red thick circle). Why?
Educator: Further. The tree has a strong, tall trunk, branches extend from it to the right and left: our favorite ones are located on them ... Quite right, moms and dads, uncles and aunts. What figure will we choose for Papa Mouse? (large blue thin rectangle or square) And for her mom? (a large thin triangle of red or yellow). Why did we choose these figures?
And, finally, at the top of the tree, on its youngest branches, there are ... Of course, children. What figure will we take to designate the daughter of the Mouse? (small thin triangle of red or yellow). And for her brother Mouse? (small blue thin rectangle or square). Why did we make this choice?

Educator:(takes a picture of the family tree of the family and shows the picture of the family tree to the children) Well done. We have compiled a mathematical genealogical tree of the Mouse family. And most importantly, we have fulfilled the request of our Mouse and will send her a photo of our family tree.
Educator: Thus, each tier of the family tree points to one generation: the generation of whom? (grandfathers and grandmothers, parents, children) This tradition must be followed, try to learn as much as possible about your ancestors, keep their memory.
Educator: And our fairy tale is close to completion. They all took hold of the turnip and pulled it out of the ground. Why do you think they were able to pull the turnip out? (We all pulled together, together, they lived as a large and friendly family). And now we will be a friendly family.
8. Finger game "Friendly family"
One two three four -
Who lives in our apartment.
Dad, mom, brother, sister,
Murka cat, two kittens,
My puppy, cricket and me -
That's my whole family!

10. Summary of the lesson. Tips for parenting with kids. Formation of self-esteem skills. Formation of communication skills.
Did you like our journey through the fairy tale "Turnip"? What did we do during our trip? What have you learned? What is a family tree? Who is a fashion designer? Why does a designer need a sketch? What have you learned? What do you like and remember the most? What difficulties did you encounter?
Educator: So we fulfilled the request of our Mouse. As a memento of our journey, she gives you family tree templates so that you and your parents can draw up your family tree at home and introduce us to it. Learn more about your ancestors, draw them, stick photos, sign them with the help of your parents. We will definitely arrange an exhibition of your family trees and you will introduce us to your ancestors. Until new travels.

1. B.B. Finkelstein. Let's play together. - St. Petersburg: Corvette, 2001.
2. E.A. Nosova, R.L. Nepomnyaschaya. Logic and mathematics for preschoolers - St. Petersburg: Detstvo-Press, 2000.

Annex 1

Method of familiarization with the composition of a number from two smaller ones using Gyenesh blocks

Material: Gyenesh blocks, which differ in 3-4 features (the number corresponds to the number, the composition of which is being familiarized), numbers, the “Composition of the number” scheme.
Content: 1. Separation of figures by size.
2.Separation of figures by color.
3. Separation of shapes according to shape.
4. Separation of figures by thickness.
Acquaintance with the composition of the number 9 from two smaller ones. Material: Gyenes blocks: 2 large red thick circles, 2 small thin red circles, 2 small thick blue circles, small blue thin circle, small red thin square; numbers 1 - 8, scheme "Composition of the number 8".
Content: Kids, how many blocks are there? Let's denote the number by a number (I post the number). How are the figures different? How can blocks be divided into groups? (by color, shape and size)
Separation of figures by shape. On what basis can the blocks be divided? Yes, in form. How many squares? Let's denote the number with the number 1 (I lay out the square in the second row; below, in the third row - the number 1). How many circles are there? Let's denote the number with the number 7 (I put the circles in the second row, the number in the third row). So 8 is 1 and 7.
Separation of figures by size. How else can blocks be divided? How many big figures are there? We denote the number by a number (I lay out a large figure in the second row; below, in the third row - a number). How many small figures are there? Denote the number by a number (I lay out small figures in the second row, the number in the third row)
Separation of figures by color. How else can you divide the shapes into groups? Yes, by color. How many red figures? How many blue ones? (the child lays out blocks and numbers with the help of an adult). So 6 is 2 and 4.
Separation of shapes by shape. On what basis can blocks be divided? Yes, in form. How many circles? And how many squares? (the child lays out, the children correct the shortcomings). So 6 is 3 and 3.
Dividing shapes by thickness. Is there another way to separate the figures? That's right, thickness. How many thin figures? And the fat ones? (child lays out, self-examination). So 6 is 4 and 2.
Let's repeat, 6 is 1 and 5, 2 and 4, 3 and 3 (according to the Number Composition scheme) Game "Designer's Workshop"
Age category: senior preschool age.
Target: Learn to decorate clothes according to given rules and algorithms, exercise the ability to classify sets according to several properties (color, shape, size, thickness), compare, generalize, decode information; develop logical and combinatorial thinking and creative imagination, attention, the ability to decode information and model.
Material: Gyenesh blocks, silhouettes of clothes with symbols of Gyenesh blocks on the collar, sleeves and bottom part, cards with symbols of properties (color, shape, size, thickness) and symbols of negation of these properties.
Game rule: Decorate the collar, the bottom of the sleeves and the bottom of the clothes according to the given properties.
Game options: Independently set the properties of clothing decoration.
Decorate clothes in a different design (belt, centered from top to bottom, over the entire surface of the clothes, in one color (shape, size), etc.).
After decorating clothes, transform by changing 1-4 specified properties.

The game "Underwater Kingdom"
Age category: senior preschool age.
Target: Exercise in the systematization and classification of fish according to 4 properties (color, shape, size, thickness), develop logical thinking, creative imagination, the ability to model and design, the ability to reason, prove.
Material: 48 fish (each element, like the Gyenes logical blocks, is characterized by four properties: color, shape, size, thickness), buckets of red, blue and yellow colors, a reservoir layout, cards with property symbols (color, shape, size, thickness) and symbols negation of these properties.
Game rule: Arrange the caught fish in buckets in accordance with the symbol cards.
Game options:"Turn" the fish by replacing the cards on the bucket with other symbols.
Sequentially change the fish using the scheme with an arrow of varying degrees of complexity.
Transformation of the fish when they hit another bucket, changing 1-4 given properties using Gyenesh blocks or block symbols.

Program content:

Help learn how to correctly name the parts into which the hoops divide the plane; consolidate the names of the seasons, countdown, the ability to encode and decode blocks according to four properties (color, shape, size, thickness); develop the ability to classify objects according to four properties; the ability to analyze, compare, generalize; develop thinking, attention, imagination; to cultivate friendly relations, respect for teaching aids, independence; to bring joy and pleasure from games of a developing orientation.

Materials for the lesson:

Illustrations for the seasons: autumn girl, winter girl, spring girl, summer girl;

Sample image "Time Machine";

Tangram game (one set for two children);

The game "Blocks of Gyenesh" (one set for two children and one set for the teacher);

Basket with a set of vegetables and fruits;

Pictures for the game "The Fourth Extra";

Cards for the game "Make beads";

Cards for the game "Sit the birds in the houses";

Symbol cards corresponding to the properties of the blocks: color (red, yellow, blue), shape (circle, square, triangle, rectangle), size (large, small), thickness (thick, thin);

– Three hoops: red, blue, yellow.

Lesson progress

Organizing time.

Children enter the group, stand in a semicircle, facing the teacher.

Educator: Children, tell me, why do people smile? (children's answers)

Smile at each other, smile at the guests.

Game "Greetings"

turned to face each other,

They smiled.

The right hand was given

And then they shook her

And we hugged each other, walked away and bowed,

And twirled a little

Is everyone ready to practice?
Children: We will try very hard

I wish you a good mood and invite you on a fun journey through the seasons on the Time Machine. Children, do you want to travel with me? (Answers of children).

since we have an unusual journey, I suggest you turn into blocks. You want? (children's answers) Choose each block from the basket and tell us who you are. (children say: “I am a blue block, big, thick, square)

As I said, today we will travel on the Time Machine. To do this, you need to build it. The success of the trip depends on how friendly and attentive you are to each other.

Children, come to the table and build your "Time Machine" from geometric shapes according to this pattern. (The teacher puts a sample on the easel, the children build a silhouette figure on it).

Tangram game

Do not forget that you will “jump” from one season to another on your “Time Machine” from time to time, so work together.

Main part.

Educator: Built? Well done! Now come to me, stand in a circle, hold hands. To make your cars move, you need to count backwards from 20 to 1. (Children count, and then sit on the chairs).

Educator: Who meets us? (Picture display: picture autumn girls). Children's answers.

Autumn has prepared a basket of fruits and vegetables for us. (show basket)

Find blocks similar in shape and color to vegetables and fruits. (Children choose the blocks they need) Now describe them and find the symbol cards corresponding to the selected blocks. (Next, the children find blocks and symbol cards corresponding to vegetables and fruits)

Children, look, Autumn has prepared another game for us.

The game "The Fourth Extra"(The teacher shows a picture, the children find an extra item and explain why it is extra).Gymnastics for the eyes. (Children draw a circle, a square, a triangle with the pupils of their eyes).

Educator: Good! Our journey continues and we set off for the next season. Who meets us after autumn? (winter) (Picture display: picture winter girls ) Why do you love winter? What fabulous holiday happens in winter? (Children's answers) Close your eyes, imagine that the New Year has come. Open your eyes. What is the main symbol of the New Year? (Christmas tree)

Guess what tree Santa Claus brought for the holiday?

It is not small, not blue, not red, not yellow, not rectangular, not square, not round, not thin (answer: large, green, triangular, thick). Children find this block.

What needs to be done to make the tree a New Year's tree? (Children's statements) Let's decorate the Christmas tree and make beads for it according to the patterns that are on your table (optional).

Game "Make beads"

(children draw beads from blocks according to four properties). After the children complete the task, the teacher asks questions:

How many blocks were used to build the beads?

How many yellow blocks were used? red? blue?

How many rectangles were used? squares? circles? triangles?

Which figures are more: yellow or red? How much?

Well done! Now there will be a jump to the next season. Close your eyes. (Picture is posted: image spring girls ) And now, look who meets us? (Spring) In spring, many birds return to us from warm lands.

Physical education minute(at the choice of children)

Educator: Children, let's help the birds find their houses.

The game "Put the tenants in the houses"

(Children are given images of houses; it is necessary to find blocks that correspond to these properties; the blocks are "birds").

While the children are working, the teacher asks questions: What kind of bird lives here? (shows)

Why was this bird placed here? (children's answers)

Educator: Good! We're moving on next time of the year. Who is meeting us? (Summer) (Picture display: Picture girls - summer ) Remember how beautiful it can be in the summer, how many flowers bloom in the flower beds. Let's plant flowers in the flower beds.

Game with three hoops "Plant flowers in the flower beds"

Children, count how many flower beds there are. (7) Let's name them.

Imagine that the blocks are flowers. We will plant flowers like this: inside the red hoop - everything red flowers; inside the blue circle- all big flowers; inside the yellow hoop - all triangular flowers.

Inside the blue hoop, outside the red and yellow(all big)

Inside the red hoop, outside the blue and yellow ( all red)

Inside the yellow hoop, outside the red and blue(all triangular)

Inside the blue and red, outside the yellow hoop - everything is not triangular, not rectangular, not round(square)

Inside the blue and yellow, outside the red hoop - all yellow

Inside the red and yellow, outside the blue hoop - all blocks that are not thick(thin)

Inside the blue, red and yellow hoops -blue, small, thin blocks

What flowers were left outside the flower bed?

Final part.

Teacher: Our journey is coming to an end! Did you enjoy our trip? What time of the year is your favorite? What tasks were easy for you today? And which ones are difficult?

What season is it now? (Children's answers) You and I are still staying at this time of the year, and the "Time Machine" is sent to another kindergarten. How are you feeling after our trip? Take a joyful emoticon for yourself, and let it always give you a good mood.

Material Description:

I offer you a summary of direct educational activities for children of the middle group (4-5 years old) on the topic: "Gyenesh Blocks."

This material will be useful to educators of the middle group. This abstract develops attention, thinking, memory. Expands the spatial representation. Improving motor skills.

A summary of directly educational activities in the middle group in FEMP based on the developmental game on the topic: "Gyenesh Blocks".

Integration of educational areas: Cognition / Communication / Socialization / Artistic word.

2. Strengthen the ability to show directions: up, forward, back, left, right.

3. Strengthen the ability to distinguish and correctly name a circle, square, triangle, recognize these figures, despite the difference in color and size.

4. Cultivate a benevolent attitude towards your neighbor during the answers.


Developing: To consolidate the ability to show directions: up, down, forward, backward, left, right.

Speech: To consolidate the ability to distinguish and correctly name a circle, square, triangle, to recognize these figures, despite the difference in color and size. Give a full answer to the teacher's question

Educational: To instill in children a friendly attitude towards a friend during answers, do not prompt or interrupt.

Demo Material: Toy doll Masha. Basket, tray.

Handout: Gyenes blocks: 5 pieces each (large, small) different in color and size.

Methodical methods:

1. Game situation: The guest doll Masha from the fairy tale Masha and the Bear comes.

2. Physical minute.

The warm-up begins. Get up and straighten your back.

Tilt left and right. And they repeated it again.

(Tilts to the side.)

We sit on the account. One two three four five.

This is the right job - Train the muscles of the legs.


And now jerking hands. We do it with us.

(Jerking hands in front of the chest.)

GCD progress:

1.- Guys, I want to introduce you to our guest. This is the girl Masha from the fairy tale Masha and the Bear.

Do you remember what happened in this story? (children's answers)

Masha baked different pies with jam, with potatoes, with cottage cheese.

They all came in different sizes, different shapes, and different colors.

All the pies are mixed up, and Masha cannot figure it out.

Let's help her. Pies with jam Masha wants to leave the bear (round shape)

And Masha wants to take the rest of the pies to her grandparents.

Can we help Masha?

Children sit at tables.

Everyone has pies in the plates, look at them and tell me what shape they are? Size? Colors?

And now put all the pies (round shape) for the bear on the tray.

What color pies did you save for the bear?

What shape are they?

How many pies do you have?

Now put the big pies for grandparents in the basket.

What pies did you put in your basket? (large)

And what color are they? Forms?

What pies are left on your plates? (small)

How many? Do the math.

What color are they? Forms?


Now put all the pies in the basket, except for the round ones.

What pies did you put in? (square, triangular)

The bear will take these pies to grandparents.

What did Masha do when she put the pies in the basket?

That's right, she also sat in the basket, and put the pies on top.

The bear looked, there was no one, took the basket and went to the village.

What did you like about the fairy tale? What have you learned while playing? Look, Masha baked pies for you too. Masha treats children. Bear Toptyzhka appears. The guys of our bear bunny Stepashka invited for a birthday, but Toptyzhka does not know how to go to visit him. Let's build a train together, and then the bear will not be late to visit the bunny.

2.- Build a train of 4 cars, so that they are arranged from the smallest to the largest car.

How many cars are on our train?

Not all guests got on our train, so let's add 1 more trailer to the train.

Let's count. How many wagons were there? Count up to 5 (ask 2-3 children)

What color is the shortest trailer?

What color is the long trailer?

What color is the trailer in the middle?

What is the yellow wagon?

What is the smallest wagon?

3. Physical Minute.

4. Bear Toptyzhka came to Stepashka the bunny for his birthday and decided to give him a cake, but let's help him decorate it. The bear's cake is two tiered.

Place a large “cake” (circle) in front of you. Decorate the large "cake" with 4 small red circles, and 3 large squares.

How many small red circles?

How many big squares?

Put a small "cake" in front of you.

Decorate it like this. In the middle, put 1 large yellow triangle along the edges of small squares.

How many small squares?

5. And the bear also decided to give cookies to the bunny, but on the way he dropped the box and the cookies broke.

Let's help put it together. You have boxes on the table, and there are broken cookies.

Collect it and we will give it to Stepashka. (children collect cut squares.)

6. You guys are good friends. We helped the bear Toptyzhka to please the bunny Stepashka. They had a fun holiday. Let's congratulate Stepashka and play with him in the round dance game "Loaf".

Give him your wishes.

Children, tell me who came to visit you? What is the name of the fairy tale? What did Masha bake? Did you like the fairy tale?

What did you like about the fairy tale? What have you learned while playing? Look, Masha baked pies for you too. Masha treats children.

1. Children, together with the teacher, stand in a circle. The leader is selected, who throws the ball in turn, who is in the circle, calls a number from 1 to 10. The one who catches the ball must name the neighbors of the specified number (direct count is more by one), (reverse count is less by one.)

2. Guys, we will now go on the "Journey to the Zoo" bus, but before you can take a seat on the bus, you must buy a ticket. The teacher distributes tickets with geometric shapes. Children find chairs with the same geometric shape and sit down at the tables.

3. Children work at tables. Each child has cards with the image of geometric shapes. Sheet orientation.

What is the name of the geometric figure located in the upper right corner?

What colour?

What is the name of the geometric figure located in the left corner?

What colour?

Find the blue geometric shape;

What is it called?

What corner is it in?

Name the geometric figure located in the center;

What color is she?

4. Phys. minute.

We're going to the meadow. (go around in circles)

And we recognize the animals.

Well, rather "One, two, three!"

Quickly show the beast (children freeze in the pose of the beast)

The teacher shows a card with drawn circles.

Jump bunny, as many times as I have drawn on the circle card.

Nod, elephant head as many times as it is drawn on my card of circles.

Stomp the bear as many times as it is drawn on my card of circles. etc. Children do the task of the teacher.

5. And now we will continue our journey (work at tables with Kuisener sticks.)

Build a train of ten wagons using Kuizener's sticks. The train starts with a large trailer and ends with a small one.

How many carriages does our train have in total? (count up to ten straight.)

Tell me, what color is the fourth trailer?

Tell me, what is the yellow trailer?

What color is the sixth car?

What is the order of the black trailer?

What color is the car to the left of the red one?

What is his number? Count.

6. Game "In order, stand up!"

Before the game, you can count so that the children remember their number. (You can pick up the sticks.) The teacher gives the children sticks from one to ten, takes one for himself. To the music, children run around the group in a chaotic manner. At the signal of the teacher, they stand in a row. The place in the row corresponds to the place of the number (and the size of the stick.) "Stand in order!" You can create a problem situation: the teacher may be in the wrong place. Children, together with the teacher, check the correctness of the assignment. Consider if something is wrong, correct the mistake.

Correctional and educational tasks:

Form elementary mathematical representations:

    To consolidate ideas about the properties of geometric shapes by introducing a symbolic designation of properties;

    To consolidate ideas about the number series;

    exercise in quantitative counting within 8;

    to consolidate the ability to correlate the quantity with the corresponding figure;

    Develop the ability to highlight properties in objects (blocks), abstract these properties from others, keep in memory, follow certain rules when solving practical problems;

    Continue to develop a stable connection between the image of the property and the words that denote it;

    Exercise in orientation on the plane of the sheet, use spatial terminology (upper right corner, lower right corner, etc.)

Correction-developing tasks:

To learn to build simple statements about the essence of a phenomenon, property, relationship with the question: “what do you think?”, To stimulate the presentation of your thoughts.

Activate words and expressions in speech: color, shape, size, thickness, upper right corner, lower left corner.

To develop the primary methods of logical thinking (to form the ability to observe, compare, generalize, classify) to develop speech as a means and form of mental activity. Teach symbolization and modeling techniques.

Contribute to the psychological health of children: to form a sense of joy, confidence, optimization of children's mood, using the game-training "Cheerfulness Charge" and the element of the ABC of expressing emotions (through expressive movements of surprise, fear, joy).

Develop auditory and visual perception, voluntary attention, memory, general and fine motor skills.

Correctional and educational tasks:

Cultivate curiosity, ingenuity, the desire to play with each other, the ability

hear and listen to each other.

Equipment: a set of Gyenes logical blocks, sets of numbers 1-8 by the number of children, cards with the image of various properties (color, shape, size, thickness), an image of a school with block students, a ball.

Individual work: encourage Cyril to build sentences of 4-5 words, correctly matching the words in the sentence. Work with Sasha on the ability to abstract the properties of objects.

move: Guys, today we are waiting for an exciting lesson. We must show our knowledge, skills and ingenuity. But first, let's put our thoughts in order, express our wishes and do self-massage.

Game-training "Charge of vivacity"

“I want my ears to hear everything (stroking the ears)

I wish my eyes could see everything (eye stroking)

I want my mouth to speak correctly and beautifully

I want my head to think right and not make mistakes (head stroking)

I wish my hands worked confidently (hand stroking)

I want my body to be healthy.

Well done boys! Now you are ready to see everything, hear everything, and feel everything.

I suggest you do a workout. It happens - it doesn't happen» If it happens, we smile and clap our hands, if it doesn’t happen, we frown and stamp our feet.

There is a circle with corners - There is spring after winter

Sometimes a rooster has 4 legs - Sometimes a dog has 4 legs

Sometimes after Monday Saturday - Sometimes it's night after morning

Sometimes a person has 3 eyes - Sometimes the number two is more than three

Sometimes the grass is green - Sometimes the number five comes after seven

Well done boys! You were very attentive and smart. Sit down at the tables.

In the magical state of Mathematics, some stories are constantly happening. Today, for example, all the figures quarreled. Each of them wants to prove that she is the most important. Let's make them friends "Number Workout"

Name all the numbers in order (in chorus)

Say the numbers in reverse order (in chorus)

Olya, count from five to seven

Sasha, count from three to six

Dasha, five, and you count back

Olya, name the neighbors of the number three

This is where our numbers come in. We need all the numbers and are important, we cannot do without them.

In the magical state of Mathematics, King Unity rules. Today he wants to check

Do children like math, are you friendly with it. He issued a decree and ordered that all his tasks be completed. First task: Guess what this building is? And will help you mystery.

There is a big and bright house,
Why is there a lot of checks in it.
And they write and count
Read, write and dream.

That's right, it's a school. What is the number of each class and where is it located?

This is class number 1. Where is he, Olya?

It is located in the upper right corner.

This is class number 2. Where is the second class?

The second class is in the lower left corner. etc. Similar work up to four.

In the magical state of Mathematics, unusual students study. These are familiar to us

Tell me, Dasha, who is in the first grade?

In the first grade, blue, large, thick circles are studied.

Ruslan, who is in the second grade?

In the second grade, red, small, thin, squares are taught.

Well done, everyone coped with the task of the king. Now let's rest. Change at school.

Gymnastics for the eyes

My cheerful sonorous ball

Still wants to play.

You follow with your eyes

Don't turn your head.

Where the ball is - there the eyes

Let's move slowly.

The ball went up

All eyes are up.

The ball rolled down

And all eyes are down.

Ball to the right, ball to the left

And now across:

Top to bottom diagonal

And one more time.

Everyone ran in circles

And we returned again.

And the figure " infinity»

We'll draw five!

FizminutkaTo begin with, we are with youWe only turn our heads. (Rotation of the head.)We also rotate the body.We can do this, of course. (Turns right and left.)And now we sit down.We understand very well -I need to strengthen my legsOne two three four five. (Squats.)Finally stretchedUp and to the side. Have caved in. (Pull up and to the side.)Blushed from the workoutAnd they sat down again. (Children sit down)

The next task of the king of Unity. " Count the blocks and show the correct number"

Count all the circles and show the correct number

Count all the red blocks and show the correct number

Count all the small blocks and show the correct number

Count all the thick blocks and show the correct number.

Well done, you have done well with this task.

And now King Unity invites us to play game "Cryptor"

The king will expose the blocks, and we will encrypt them using our symbol cards. A blue, large, thick, square is exposed.

Olya, what cards did you take for encryption?

I took a blue spot, a big house, a fat man and a square.

Correctly Kirill picked up the cards? Check it out for everyone.

The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Well done, guys, you have completed all the tasks of the Tsar. He is very pleased with you and you have pleased me. Whoever thinks that he did well, and the tasks seemed easy to him, stand in the red hoop. And to whom it was difficult today, stand in the green hoop.

Today, the King of Mathematics and I made sure that you love her and are friends with her.

Everything is beautiful in the sky

Great on earth

Everything around is beautiful

Everything is wonderful in me.



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