What vitamins are in fruits and vegetables? Which foods (fruits and vegetables) contain the most vitamin C?

  • A person needs a huge amount of useful substances, in particular vitamins. Their first and main source is food, because natural vitamins from vegetables are much healthier than pharmaceutical ones. Below you will find out in what quantities and what vitamins are contained in fruits and vegetables - the tables given in the article cover a large list of products.

    Vitamins in fruits

    The amount of nutrients that each fruit contains depends on its type, storage conditions, and degree of ripeness. Undoubtedly, any vegetables and fruits are healthy, but among them there are those that stand out noticeably from their “brothers”. This can be seen from the table below.

    0,2 Apricot 1,60 Cherry



    0,03 Fresh/dried rose hips

    Rowan chokeberry


    0,6/1,5 Prunes

    Banana fresh/dried


    10,1 Apples



    0,08 Strawberries




    Sea ​​buckthorn


    Black currant

    Dried rose hips




    Vitamins that vegetables are rich in

    In the spring, when fruit abundance becomes a dream, you have to look for a worthy replacement in the form of vegetables, in particular root vegetables.

    In addition to vitamins, vegetables contain a lot of:

    • copper;
    • zinc;
    • magnesium;
    • phosphorus;
    • sodium;
    • manganese;
    • calcium;
    • gland.

    Each element must certainly be present in the diet of any person, especially a child. Boiling or stewing reduces the benefits of foods, so many of them, such as green onions, cabbage, peas, peppers, and herbs, are healthier to eat raw.

    Vitamin Vegetable Amount (mg/100g)

    Sweet pepper






    Eggplant 0,15

    Brussels sprouts


    Sweet pepper

    Tomato yellow


    White cabbage

    wheat sprouts

    Sweet green pepper

    Red tomato

    0,3 Eggplant

    White cabbage


    wheat sprouts


    As the table shows, fruits and vegetables contain the same vitamins, but they are contained in different quantities. For example, citrus fruits, traditionally considered the main source of natural ascorbic acid, are significantly inferior to some vegetables. The vitamin C content in lemon is 40 mg/100 g, in the same amount of Brussels sprouts - as much as 120 mg, in pepper - 150 mg.

    Something more about vitamins

    Some vegetables and fruits contain “unique” vitamins that are not found in other fruits: ,. found in products of animal origin.

    Some vegetables contain an almost complete list of all existing elements, but despite this, they cannot be considered more useful than all the others.

    About the dangers of vitamins

    • ascorbic acid causes allergies;
    • tocopherol (E) provokes colitis and constipation;
    • participants cause muscle cramps, dizziness, and stool disorders.

    Knowing what vitamins can be found in vegetables and fruits, it is easier for people with health problems to adjust their diet and create a daily menu. For example, vitamin D is especially useful for those who tend to overeat and suffer from obesity, but it can be dangerous for chronic inflammation of the liver and kidneys.

    Plant foods rich in vitamin A are contraindicated for allergies and drowsiness, and C is harmful for obesity and diabetes. Therefore, having serious health problems associated with the need to give up certain foods, doctors recommend replenishing the lack of nutrients with the help of medicines and dietary supplements.

    About storing and preparing plant foods

    Root vegetables can become a worthy replacement for fruits that are unavailable in winter and spring. But no one is stopping us from preparing the same sweet peppers and green beans for the winter. Are vitamins preserved in frozen vegetables, berries and fruits? Certainly.

    Tips regarding freezing rules will help ensure maximum preservation of beneficial properties:

    • use the “fast freezing” mode;
    • put fruits in the freezer immediately after washing and cutting;
    • set the temperature to no lower than – 25°C;
    • Divide foods intended for freezing into small portions sufficient for one-time use.

    How to properly cook vegetables to preserve vitamins? They only need to be placed in boiling water and the pan must be covered with a lid. After cooking, remove from the broth. All this will allow you to preserve the maximum of nutrients. But cooking is not the most preferable option. It is better to steam vegetables or microwave them.

    Nutritionist opinion

    No matter how healthy fruits, berries and vegetables are, they will not be a complete replacement for protein foods, and vice versa. But you still need to know what vitamins are contained in vegetables and fruits.

    Information about the vitamin composition of fruits and vegetables will be useful to people who are on a diet or who deliberately refuse to consume meat products. It is worth considering that fruits contain less B vitamins than food of animal origin, and find a worthy replacement for them.

    It is difficult for city residents to get the freshest vegetables and fruits, and their long-term storage leads to a partial loss of beneficial properties. Therefore, to prevent the symptoms that often appear in the spring, it is advisable to resort to multivitamins. But they should be taken only after consulting a doctor.


    What representatives of B vitamins exist. What are their benefits, what is their effect and in what products to look for them.

    The benefits of vegetables and fruits have been proven for a long time. It is believed that their regular intake guarantees that the body receives a full complex of vitamins. The result is the normalization of the main functions, strengthening the immune system, eliminating the deficiency of nutrients, improving the condition of the skin and overall improvement of health.

    At the same time, B vitamins, which contain the largest number of useful elements, attract the most attention. So what is the content of these vitamins in vegetables and fruits? What effects can you expect when taking this or that product?

    About the composition

    First, let's look at what elements enter the body with vegetables and fruits. There are enough of them:

    • various vitamins
    • cellulose;
    • phytoncides;
    • water;
    • essential oils.

    The benefits of B vitamins

    It is known that the elements of this group have many representatives. Let's consider the main ones:

    1. Thiamine (B1). Its inclusion in the diet guarantees:
      • strengthening the heart muscle;
      • normalization of the heart and gastrointestinal tract;
      • optimization of fat and carbohydrate metabolism.

      The easiest way to obtain thiamine is by including:

      • cabbage (sea cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli);
      • apples;
      • grapes;
      • green lettuce leaves;
      • watermelon;
      • beets;
      • carrots and others.
    2. Riboflavin (B2). Riboflavin is considered no less important. The action of this element is aimed at:
      • regulation of metabolic processes in the sector of metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins;
      • reduction of eye fatigue (relevant for increased eyestrain);
      • assistance in growth and improvement of cell respiration;
      • reducing the negative impact of various toxic substances and toxins.

      In what vegetables and fruits is it present? The following representatives are worth highlighting here:

        • cabbage (white, cauliflower);
        • apples;
        • green lettuce leaves;
        • grape;
        • watermelon;
        • potato;
        • sea ​​kale.
    3. Niacin (B3). Considering what is contained in vegetables and fruits, one cannot fail to note the features and benefits of niacin, which has the following effects:
      • helps with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
      • normalizes cholesterol levels;
      • participates in the synthesis of proteins and fats;
      • optimizes tissue respiration;
      • Provides detoxification of the body.

      B3 is found in the following products:

      • potato;
      • grape;
      • green salad;
      • cabbage;
      • apples;
      • a pineapple;
      • watermelon.
    4. Choline (B4). Vitamins in vegetables are easily digested and quickly absorbed into the blood. Choline is no exception. Once in the body, it acts as follows:
      • normalizes the functioning of the central nervous system;
      • eliminates depression;
      • protects against the occurrence of atherosclerosis.

      The easiest way to get a useful element is with the following products:

      • spinach;
      • Brussels sprouts;
      • oranges.

    5. Pantothenic acid (B5). It works as follows:
      • Optimizes the process of assimilation of other beneficial elements that come with food.
      • Stimulates the production of adrenal hormones, which contributes to the effective fight against allergic manifestations.
      • Improves metabolic processes.
      • Helps and supports the heart muscle. Such vitamins in fruits can eliminate colitis, arthritis, heart problems and others.

      Pantothenic acid is found in the following foods:

      • cauliflower;
      • green vegetables with leaves.
    6. Pyridoxine (B6). The action of the element is aimed at:
      • lowering cholesterol levels;
      • normalization of lipid levels;
      • optimization of the central nervous system.

      Vegetables and fruits containing this vitamin:

      • White cabbage;
      • potato;
      • apples;
      • watermelon;
      • bananas;
      • green salad and others.

    7. Folic acid (B9). Folic acid is considered the most useful element in cases of dysfunction of the central nervous system and during pregnancy. The action of the element is aimed at:
      • help in case of increased anxiety;
      • supporting the body with cirrhosis, chronic hepatitis and other liver diseases.

      What fruits contain it? There are several of them:

      • apricots;
      • bananas;
      • oranges.

      B9 is also present in vegetables:

      • onion;
      • potato;
      • green salad;
      • spinach;
      • cabbage.
    8. Cobalamin (B12). Cobalamin is considered one of the most useful in group B. What is its use? After entering the body, B12 acts as follows:
      • stimulates growth;
      • maintains the process of hematopoiesis at a high level;
      • plays a major role in protein metabolism;
      • participates in the production of beneficial enzymes;
      • helps in the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates;
      • promotes the use of amino acids.

      Cobalamin is found in the following foods:

      • grape;
      • seaweed;
      • spirulina;
      • beet;
      • tops of some vegetables.

    The most useful vegetables and fruits

    In conclusion, let’s look at what vitamins are contained in the vegetables and fruits that most often end up on our table:

    • Carrot- a vegetable that contains the largest amount of vitamin A. Thanks to the action of carrot juice, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract improves, appetite is normalized and the immune system is strengthened. Carrots are most beneficial for mothers while breastfeeding. The composition also contains elements of groups B, E and K.
    • Cucumber– a reliable assistant in strengthening the cardiovascular system and improving growth. It contains a sufficient amount of potassium, thanks to which it is possible to quickly normalize blood pressure. Cucumber juice is also considered very useful, which is used to treat atherosclerosis and normalize the central nervous system. Cucumber contains vitamins such as PP, A, C and B.
    • Pumpkin. Pumpkin is considered a real storehouse of vitamins, containing a lot of useful substances and microelements - fiber, protein, carotene, iron, magnesium and potassium. As for vitamins, eating pumpkin is a chance to saturate the body with B1, B2, C and PP.
    • . Taking them every day, it is possible to strengthen the heart, improve the process of hematopoiesis, eliminate obesity and hypertension. Sour apples will be good for stomach diseases. The fruit contains the most vitamins C and B.

    In addition to the sources listed above, it is worth highlighting peaches, pears, grapes, pomegranates, apricots and others. It remains to decide which vegetables and fruits contain which vitamins, not forgetting to include them in your diet.

    Since childhood, we have been told about the benefits of vitamins. About the need to eat well and properly, consuming a variety of foods in abundance. Nutrients nourish our body, participating in the work of all organs, tissues, systems and cells. But what exactly minerals and vitamins “inhabit” certain foods? Perhaps it is our favorite food that is precisely the excellent source of the most useful of them, which is what we need. The fruits of fruit trees contain enormous amounts of minerals and vitamins. These elements allow you to be less tired at work, be cheerful without coffee, think clearly, sleep soundly and look great at the same time.

    Which fruit has the most vitamin C?

    Vitamin C belongs to the group of water-soluble vitamins and has a second name - ascorbic acid, everyone knows about its benefits. The necessity of this substance for humans is beyond doubt. It is an excellent antioxidant that relieves us of toxins. In addition, this element helps strengthen the immune system, blood vessels and bone tissue.

    There has been debate about the daily value of ascorbic acid for many years. They give figures of 70-100 mg, but in case of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, the dose of the vitamin increases many times.

    Fruits with vitamin C are mainly citrus fruits, some berries and vegetables, exotic fruits, which today are so accustomed to that they are consumed more often than lemon. So, for example, someone will be surprised, but kiwi contains the most vitamin C, if we take this particular category of food products, not taking into account vegetables. There is also a lot of it in an orange, although the figure is three times less than kiwi.

    With a deficiency of this vitamin, unpleasant consequences are possible. This includes fragility of blood vessels in the eyes, rapid formation of bruises that will take a long time to pass, slow healing of wounds and scratches, hair loss and much more.

    B vitamins in fruits

    Nutrients of this group are useful for metabolism and the proper functioning of all organ cells. These vitamins are of great importance for the nervous system and mental state.
    If we talk about which fruit contains the maximum amount of this substance, then it is the apricot, one hundred grams of which contain 1.6 mg. But, if you lack vitamins of this particular group, doctors recommend eating nuts, cereals, and fatty fish; there are many times more of these elements.

    Memory loss, depression and fatigue threaten those who do not receive enough of this beneficial element. These are not all the consequences; there are also those that require prompt treatment, liver dysfunction, for example.

    Vitamin A

    This vitamin is no less essential than those described above. It performs a colossal number of functions, for example, it is involved in the process of tissue regeneration; it is also called growth vitamin. It is also an excellent antioxidant, improves immunity, normalizes the action of the sex glands, and prevents the occurrence of diseases such as night blindness.

    If we talk about the product that contains the maximum amount of this useful element, then these are dried fruits: apricots and dried apricots. Their vitamin concentration is 3.5 mg. Note that with a lack of vitamin E, retinol begins to quickly break down. And with B4 deficiency, the antixerophthalmic vitamin is not able to be stored for future use.

    Apricots contain: vitamin A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, C, E and PP. needed for the heart and blood vessels, to ensure the proper functioning of the internal glands, they also prevent aging, remove cholesterol, increase immunity, and resist cancer. The delicious vitamins in apricots also normalize blood pressure and improve vision. Let's remember that apricots contain not only the necessary fiber, but also many vitamins.

    A pineapple - source of vitamins B1, B2, B3, B9, B12, PP and C. And also contains potassium, iron, zinc and magnesium. The overall effect is aimed at lifting the mood and adding strength. Improves digestion, reduces blood pressure, prevents atherosclerosis, and reduces blood viscosity. Necessary for excess weight, as pineapple contains bromelain, which breaks down protein. Since pineapple is a source of vitamins that we need every day, it should be present not only on the holiday table, but become a daily product.

    Bananas are considered the most high-calorie fruit. IN bananas contain vitamins group B, provitamin A, PP, E, K and C. Strengthens the immune system, prevents aging, fights insomnia and stress, strengthens nails and maintains a healthy complexion, is necessary for the heart and blood vessels, reduces cholesterol. Bananas contain a protein called tryptophan, which is converted into serotonin. And serotonin improves mood and helps you relax. Many people believe that bananas can contribute to obesity. This is wrong. If you abstain from high-calorie foods, then choose slightly unripe bananas, they have less sugar. Do not deny yourself the banana pleasure, because bananas contain vitamins that are so necessary for our body.

    Eggplant is a dietary vegetable and medicinal. Vitamins in eggplant B1, B2, B9, PP and A. Saturated with calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, cobalt, manganese, iron, iodine, fluorine, zinc... Removes cholesterol, improves blood composition, reduces blood sugar, resists sclerosis. Low-calorie vegetable that helps lose weight. We all know how many delicious dishes there are in which the vitamins in eggplant are preserved even when cooked. And, most importantly, you can eat them as much as you like, because eggplant is a dietary vegetable.

    Grapes (raisins). groups B: B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, as well as vitamins PP, A, C, E. Many minerals: potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc, iodine, copper, manganese and others. Contains pectin and fructose, wax and phytosterols. Grapes are a powerful antioxidant that maintains the youth of the body. Especially on summer days, grape juice is necessary, and after the beach, grape oil for the skin. Grapes have an immunostimulating and anti-sclerotic effect, reduce the formation of blood clots, heart attacks and the occurrence of cancer. Cannot be replaced during intense intellectual work. Now we know that the vitamins in grapes are mainly of group B. If you lack them, grapes will help.

    Cherry . Fructose and pectin, malic and citric acids, vitamins A, C, PP, and minerals it contains potassium, magnesium, iron, copper. Improves hematopoiesis, strengthens capillaries, reduces blood pressure and the frequency of heart attacks. Ellagic acid reduces the risk of developing cancer. Especially dried cherries reduce nicotine addiction and help those who want to quit smoking. We are all so used to cherries, we make jam and compotes from them, bake pies and cook dumplings with them. And that's a good thing, because cherries contain ellagic acid, which quietly helps prevent cancer.

    Pear . What vitamins are contained in pears?? Vitamins A, B1, B2, E, C, PP and niacin. And also calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus and copper. Pear juice removes toxins from the body, improves metabolism, relieves fatigue and fights depression. Essential oils and biologically active substances of pear increase immunity in the fight against infectious diseases. Nutritionists include pears in the diet for kidney, liver, diabetes and heart diseases. For preventive purposes, you should include pears in your diet. Now we know what vitamins are contained in pears, and that pears are a dietary fruit.

    Apples . In addition to the well-known iron in apples have a lot of vitamins and other minerals. For example, there is more vitamin A and B2 in an apple than in other known fruits. Vitamins contained in apple, help strengthen blood vessels, increase immunity, improve the functioning of the digestive system, reduce cholesterol, and help in recovery from atherosclerosis and heart failure. A large dose of antioxidants in an apple restores the cardiovascular system. In an apple: vitamins A, C, B1, B2, B3, E, PP, K; trace elements - sodium, calcium, iron, copper, zinc, chromium, phosphorus, potassium, aluminum, fluorine, magnesium, molybdenum, nickel, boron, manganese, vanadium. Apples are necessary on fasting days and help you lose excess weight. The vitamins contained in the apple will help maintain your daily vitamin intake.

    Melon fruit? Melon - dessert vegetable or berry. What vitamins are in melon?? B, B1, B2, B9, E, C, PP vitamins that help the body maintain health and appearance. They participate in strengthening the walls of blood vessels and the immune system, help preserve youth, and normalize the function of the nervous system. Minerals: potassium, calcium, sodium magnesium, iodine, iron, phosphorus, cobalt, manganese, fluorine, zinc and copper are necessary for protein synthesis, energy metabolism of body cells and regulation of vitamins and their metabolism. Useful vitamins in melon will help with coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, excess weight, decreased hormones in the body, anemia, food poisoning, hangover and depression (increases seratonin levels in the brain). It is especially useful for pregnant women for the physically healthy development of the fetus.

    Zucchini. They contain large amounts of potassium and phosphorus, calcium and magnesium. Other minerals - iron, copper and sodium, are slightly less. Zucchini has a high content of vitamins B and C and a low amount of calories, which allows it to be used in almost all recipes for those who want to lose weight. It helps get rid of excess fluid and is useful for patients with diabetes and gastric diseases, hypertension, atherosclerosis and anemia. What to cook with zucchini(recipes with photos), so simple and tasteless - a common question. In fact, there are a lot of delicious recipes and you can use zucchini without restrictions.

    Kiwi is the record holder for vitamin C content compared to citrus fruits and bell peppers. Just one fruit contains one and a half daily doses of the vitamin. Kiwi contains vitamins B, A, PP, E and F, as well as calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, fruit acids and pectins. Kiwi supports immunity, stimulates collagen production, normalizes pressure and functioning of the stomach, increases efficiency, reduces the risk of developing tumor diseases and the formation of thrombosis. One kiwi is equal to one orange or three tomatoes. Indispensable for maintaining a toned figure. Kiwi - recipe for youth Since it stimulates collagen production, this is an investment with a future perspective.

    Strawberry contains many useful substances and minerals: vitamin C for the most part, less A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, E, potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium, sulfur and iron. Strawberries can be consumed daily, especially necessary for cancer patients. Ascorbic acid contained in strawberries lowers cholesterol, helps the heart muscle and is involved in the formation of collagen, which slows down cell aging. Strawberries perfectly support the immune system and normalize the activity of the whole body, especially recommended in the spring and autumn. Strawberries are considered a powerful antidepressant. Since strawberries contain many vitamins, they will help maintain the daily requirement of vitamins in the body.

    Tomatoes consist of 94% water, but how many nutrients and vitamins they contain! We will now find out what vitamins are in tomatoes: C, E, K, PP and minerals - potassium, iron, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium. A glass of tomato juice contains a daily dose of vitamins A and C. What are the benefits of tomatoes? Tomatoes are useful for anemia, arthritis, diabetes, metabolic disorders and vitamin deficiency. They contain a very valuable substance - lycopene, which is a strong antioxidant that can destroy cancer cells. And coumaric acid reduces the harm from nicotine. Eating a tomato salad every day, we don’t think about what vitamins are in tomatoes and that we are saturating the body with useful antioxidants.

    Pumpkin .? Yes, and most of all it contains beta-carotene. In terms of carotene content, pumpkin is almost equal to carrots. There are fewer other vitamins - C, E, PP, B1, B2. Pumpkin is also valued for the minerals copper, calcium, potassium, iron, cobalt, magnesium, fluorine and the rare but important elements of copper, sulfur and fluorine. Useful for heart disease, stress, and for preventing cell aging. Pumpkin has a low sugar content, so it is indicated for diabetes and excess weight. Many delicious dishes can be prepared from pumpkin, and at the same time, the vitamins in the pumpkin will remain regardless of any processing.

    Dates . Distinctive useful property of dates is high in carbohydrates and 23 types of amino acids, which are not found in other fruits. Vitamins A, C, B1, B2, B6 and iron, zinc, calcium, potassium phosphorus, sodium, aluminum, magnesium, cadmium, sulfur, cobalt, boron. The high calorie content of dates frightens overweight people, but nutritionists advise replacing sweets with dates. And if you eat one date daily, you can provide the body with its daily requirement of nutrients. They restore the body well after illness and support the immune system, relieve fatigue and insomnia. The properties of dates are unique due to their large composition of amino acids. Don't miss out on a delicious dessert.

    Prunes (dried). What are the benefits of prunes? Prunes contain a lot of iron and vitamins A, B1, B2, C and P, and a large amount of minerals: iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus. Although the energy value of prunes is 264 kcal, nutritionists recommend including them in your diet for weight loss, and replacing a sandwich snack with dried prunes. Useful properties of prunes effective for cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure and gastrointestinal diseases. Improves metabolism, enhances immunity and resists the appearance of caries. When shopping at the grocery store, don’t pass by this healthy delicacy; remember how prunes are beneficial.

    To always remember what vitamins are in vegetables and fruits, add a reminder to your bookmarks.

    Prepare natural fresh juices at home. It's fast and tasty. Visual recipes for healthy juices in pictures that are easy to remember.

    Most of all, vegetables and fruits contain only a couple of vitamins. These are B vitamins, vitamin C in two of its forms (folic and ascorbic acid) and carotene. How many of these vitamins are in vegetables and do they cover our daily needs?

    A glass of apple juice (freshly squeezed) contains 4 – 4.5 mg of vitamin C. Our daily requirement for vitamin C is 60 mg.

    So, in order to cover our daily requirement of vitamins with one apple juice, we need to drink 15 glasses of this juice per day.

    If we talk about B vitamins and vitamins E, A, D, which are very necessary for the human body, we cannot take this norm from vegetables and fruits at all. This is because their sources are completely different.

    These are not vegetables or fruits, but other products: meat, milk, cheeses, liver, oils (butter and vegetable), rye or wheat bread with bran, whole grain cereals. To satisfy our need for vitamins of all groups, we need to eat much more of these foods than the calorie norm dictates.

    The minimum dose of calories throughout the day is an average of 2500 Kcal. To cover our need for vitamins through foods, as well as vegetables and fruits, we will need to exceed it by a maximum of 2 times. Then we will get better, and vitamins will not be a joy at all.

    Unique vitamins from vegetables and fruits

    However, not everything is as banal as it seems at first glance. Vegetables and fruits contain such combinations of useful substances that form completely unique vitamins. Moreover, they are no longer found in any products.

    This is not only the entire spectrum of vitamin C, but also vitamin K and vitamins of group P. They are also called bioflavonoids. These substances - bioflavonoids - help fight aging and increase the activity of metabolic processes in the body.

    Vitamin C from citrus fruits

    It is believed that lemon is good to use for colds because it contains a lot of vitamin C, which fights colds. True, there are other versions that prove the opposite. But! If we talk about lemon and other citrus fruits as a source of vitamin C, interesting facts emerge. Citrus fruits are more than 10th in folic and ascorbic acid content among foods rich in it.

    There is much more vitamin C in bell peppers, cabbage (broccoli and cauliflower), tomatoes of various types, parsley, spinach and green leafy salads. Even potatoes have more vitamin C than lemons. Are you surprised? That's the same!

    If we take into account the fact that during storage, vitamin C in citrus fruits is destroyed, and the more days pass, the less vitamin remains, then from a lemon, orange or tangerine we get a very small dose of it - simply insignificant.

    Therefore, you must include a vitamin complex with vitamin C in your diet. Unless, of course, you take sleeping pills or sedatives, they mutually cancel out each other’s effect on the body. For example, if you took doses of vitamin C along with sleeping pills, you can forget about sleep.

    How to properly take vitamin C from vegetables?

    You will not achieve any effect from taking vitamin C from potatoes if you eat them boiled. The same will happen with other vegetables. The fact is that during cooking (and other heat treatment) vitamin C is destroyed by almost 90%.

    It is better to bake potatoes, and eat other vegetables or fruits raw, and not after long-term storage.

    Note to smokers. You are twice as deficient in vitamin C as non-smokers. Therefore, to replenish it, a smoker needs to eat 2 times more vegetables and fruits with this vitamin.

    When you smoke just 1 cigarette, about 25 mg of vitamin C is lost from the body in the form of ascorbic acid. And this is a quarter of the daily requirement! 4 cigarettes - and your body no longer has the daily requirement of vitamin C.

    Fat-soluble vitamins

    Vitamin K is one of the most important fat-soluble vitamins for bone growth and blood flow. Without it, there will be no normal calcium metabolism and vitamin D will be poorly absorbed. Where can you get vitamin K?

    Its best sources are green leafy lettuces, spinach, sorrel and others. And also tomatoes. Green peas, broccoli. In winter, when these salads are not available, you can buy fresh frozen green peas. This processing method is very good for preserving vitamins. At least it's much more effective than boiling.

    Antioxidants in vitamins

    These substances help fight aging and adverse environmental influences. Antioxidants include rutin, hesperidin, as well as cahetin and rutin. Why do people need antioxidants from food?

    They help normalize blood pressure, as well as reduce the likelihood of bleeding, and strengthen capillaries. Antioxidants obtained from products provide good protection against allergens and reduce the risk of allergic reactions.

    Berries will be sources of these vitamins. In particular, black currants, grapes and especially blueberries. For example, rowan berries, which fit in the palm of your hand, contain the entire daily requirement of bioflavonoids.

    To get enough vitamins, try to saturate your body with them according to the season.

    Enjoy life and take care of your health with help vitamins.



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