How to mash wheat mash a second time. How to do without yeast: mash for moonshine from sprouted wheat

The word “moonshine” was used 2 centuries ago to designate the stage of hunting, when a person independently “drove” the animal into a trap. For the last 100 years, this has been the name given to a homemade alcoholic drink. It is noteworthy that it is made from so many products. Properly distilled moonshine from wheat can easily be classified as a high-quality artisanal drink.

Stages of making wheat moonshine

It will not be possible to make a drink containing 40 0 ​​in one day. Grain, sugar and water are the main components of moonshine. It will take about 2 weeks for their mixture to produce good alcohol. The stages that accompany making moonshine at home are:

  1. Fermentation of grain.
  2. Alcohol formation.
  3. Distillation of moonshine from the total liquid mass.
  4. Purification of the resulting product.

During fermentation, an alcohol-containing drink is released. But its purification and bringing it to the usual form of alcohol is possible only after distillation through a special apparatus.

Classic, strong moonshine should not flow, but only drip. The first portions are the strongest (they can contain at least 70 0), they are diluted with the rest of the moonshine, achieving the desired degree. A regular sugar drink is inferior to moonshine made from wheat without yeast. . And there are a number of reasons for this.

Grain alcohol

Cereal-based vodka is more expensive than any other. This is due to the fact that a natural product is used in its production. During fermentation, the sprout is able to break down starch, release sugar, create alcohol, all while maintaining the astringent flavor of the whole grain.

Factory production still suffers from the addition of any enzymes to the drink. And natural moonshine contains only wheat and water. Wheat moonshine is easy to drink, has a mild taste and the right strength for the drink. This can be achieved by following a proven recipe for wheat moonshine.

It is important! Grain should be taken only of high quality, not processed for sowing, dry and without rot. At least part of the wheat must be sprouted. High-quality raw materials will make it possible to prepare good mash.

The bulk of whole grains is starch. This special sugar is not absorbed by the yeast. The starch content in grain can be from 40 to 70%. The indicator depends on the type of product. The process of making alcohol at home looks like this:

  1. The grain is boiled to a paste.
  2. With the help of malt (sprouted grain), the composition is saccharified.
  3. Starch is removed from the grain into a free state.
  4. With the help of enzymes, malt breaks down starch into sugar molecules.
  5. The resulting product is distilled into alcohol.

Moonshine from wheat can be made in two ways. The first involves the separate production of malt; in the second, grain fermentation occurs without it. There is no need to add yeast or factory enzymes.

Wheat mash without yeast

Good mash is infused without yeast. Their role will be played by wheat malt mixed with sugar. So, you will need

The mash preparation process usually lasts for 2 weeks. Sort and rinse clean grain before use. The preparation steps are as follows:

1. Take a quarter of the grain and place it on the bottom of the container. Pour water over the wheat until it is barely covered. Close the container with a tight lid. In 1-2 days in a dark, moist environment, the grains will begin to germinate.

2. Now add a half-liter jar of sugar and mix the grains well. This time, tie the top of the container with gauze and leave in a warm place for 10-12 days. This time is enough to obtain the leaven. It will cause fermentation.

3. Pour the starter into a glass container with a narrow neck (green glass bottles for wine production are suitable). Add the remaining sugar and wheat. Fill everything with lukewarm water.

4. There is no need to remove the bottle of mash from sunlight. Put a rubber glove on her neck. Room temperature is sufficient for the fermentation process, which should be completed in 1-1.5 weeks.

Now moonshine from wheat will need to be distilled into alcohol. Any moonshine still is suitable for this purpose. The described method of preparing moonshine at home is quite labor-intensive. However, the risks of not receiving a quality drink are reduced to zero here.

The second recipe for moonshine from wheat does not require separate preparation of the starter. But here, until the very end, it may not be clear whether alcohol is released in the total mass.

Making wheat mash without sourdough

This method takes the same amount of time, but its technology is a little simpler. Will need

  • 5 kilograms of wheat grain;
  • 6.5 kilograms of sugar;
  • 15 liters of water.

The main difference between this recipe is that all the wheat is used for germination at once. At the same time, pour it into a container and add 1.5 kilograms of sugar. The first sprouts on the wheat will serve as a signal to add the rest of the sugar and warm water.

Wear a rubber glove on the container containing all the ingredients. In 10-14 days, the process of making moonshine will be completed. After distillation, the finished drink should be filtered.

The use of high-quality raw materials, compliance with time intervals and temperature conditions, as well as thorough cleaning ensure that the resulting moonshine belongs to the category of well-prepared alcoholic beverages. It’s still not worth talking about the benefits of the product, but there will be no poisoning, severe hangover or headache after drinking it.

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In Rus' they knew how to distill moonshine from wheat in every home. Not a single feast or holiday would be complete without a good glass. Over time, this skill began to be lost, and today only a few know how to make moonshine correctly. Nevertheless, thanks to its excellent taste, strength and good health, the popularity of this drink remains relevant to this day. Various products are used as a base for alcohol - berries, fruits, bread, barley and oats, but the most authentic one is moonshine made from wheat without yeast and sugar, the recipe for which we will tell you today. We will also provide recipes for mash based on wheat, sugar and yeast.

A few words about raw materials

In order for the taste of moonshine to be pure and without foreign impurities, it is necessary to use selected grains of the highest quality. It is unacceptable to take rotten, spoiled or downright bad grains, as this will immediately affect the aroma and taste of the finished drink. By the way, moonshine is taken not only in its pure form (and rectified - in a diluted form), on its basis you can prepare much more refined drinks - cocktails, bourbon, whiskey and even real cognac.

How to germinate grains correctly

You should not completely fill the grains with water, as is recommended in some sources. The grain will rot, but will not germinate. The amount of water should be moderate to just lightly cover.

Rinse the grain several times, pour it into a 10-liter jar and fill it with water exactly to the level of the top layer. In no case higher or lower!

Place the bottle on the floor and shake several times to distribute the grain evenly. Leave it like this for 4-5 days, rolling the bottle from side to side several times every day. In this way, the grain is wetted, but not soaked, as a result of which all the grains will “hatch”.

You can also sprout grains on a baking sheet. Spread the grain, washed several times, in an even layer and cover with a very damp cloth. Leave for 4-5 days, shaking the pan periodically, and moisten the cloth with a spray bottle.

Moonshine without yeast and sugar

To be honest, it is difficult to call such a drink complete, since malt and steaming are used instead of sugar and yeast. The taste of the finished product is quite sharp.

You will need:

  • 2 tbsp. dry hops;
  • 1 tbsp flour;
  • 2 liters of water.

How to cook:

  1. You make malt (it will take several days to prepare it) - sprout the rye as described earlier, then dry it and pass it through a meat grinder.
  2. You make a brew - brew water and pour it over the hops, after 15-20 minutes strain and add flour. It should first be diluted in a small amount of water until creamy, and then mixed with the broth, then there will be no lumps. Leave for an hour, after which the steaming is ready.
  3. You make mash - mix the brew with 3 kg of malt, then add finely chopped apples, pears, berries to the container, you can also add potatoes. The main product should be at least 5-6 kg. Dilute with water to a liquid consistency, cover with a cotton cloth and leave for 7-10 days.

After a week and a half, the mash should become transparent, the sediment will flake off. Carefully pour into the distillation cube and begin preparing moonshine.

Moonshine with sugar without yeast

The process of preparing any moonshine, including those made from wheat, is divided into 3 main stages - preparation of mash, distillation and purification. The last 2 stages depend on what quality you are planning. A double run is always recommended, even if a steamer is installed in the moonshine still, and the standard cleaning is using coal or potassium permanganate.

To obtain high-quality grain distillate, experts do not recommend using yeast. Wild yeast, which is obtained during the biosynthesis of wheat, is quite sufficient. At the same time, the wort can be based on either simple grains, and then the mash takes 5-7 days longer to prepare, or sprouted grains - 10-15 days are enough.

You will need:

  • wheat - 7 kg;
  • sugar - 9 kg;
  • water - 23 l.

How to cook:

  1. When you make malt, you sprout wheat in a bottle or on a baking sheet (see above) and pass it through a meat grinder.
  2. Mix all ingredients in a container and leave for 2 weeks.

After a week and a half, the mash should become transparent. Pour it into a moonshine still and prepare the product.

In order to be able to control how the mash ferments, you can put on an ordinary rubber glove on the can where it languishes. As she rises. You can predict when to start the moonshine process.

Wheat mash for homemade moonshine

We borrowed this recipe from old-timers who call it healing. In this case, the mash is prepared on the basis of crushed grains.

Sprout wheat grains as indicated earlier. After this, dry the grains in the oven at a temperature of 100-1200C for 1.5-2 hours. Cool the grain and grind it into flour in a food processor.

Pour all the products into a container, shake vigorously several times, cover with a canvas cloth or rubber glove and leave in a dark, warm place for 5-7 days.

This is a basic recipe for making mash without purchased yeast. After the mash has matured, filter it through several layers of gauze and send it to the distillation cube. You will learn about its production in our article “”.

For distillation you will need a moonshine still. The minimum amount of distillation is 2 times. This will allow you to almost completely get rid of fusel oils. Some moonshiners use a steamer in their still. This is a kind of trap for heavy oils and mash splashes, which prevents them from entering the final product. The keynote of having a dry steamer is that there is no need for re-distillation. We do not agree with this; only in the case of double or even triple distillation can you get truly high-quality moonshine.

You can also make rectified alcohol - absolutely pure ethyl alcohol of 92-96% strength, obtained during the process of rectification of mash. This process is much longer than conventional distillation and requires a moonshine still. This rectified alcohol must be diluted before use.

A variety of filters will help completely rid the drink of fusel oils, the causes of poisoning of the body. The most commonly used is carbon, where pharmaceutical tablets of activated carbon are used. You can also clean using potassium manganese (potassium permanganate) - everyone chooses a more convenient method for themselves, and in terms of effectiveness they are equivalent.

How to properly purify moonshine through different filters

There are several methods of cleaning with activated carbon, of which there are 2 main ones:

  • coal itself;
  • through a carbon filter.

The first method is to crush the tablets at the rate of 5 pieces per 1 liter of product and pour them into moonshine. Leave for 3-4 days, then strain and pass the drink separately through a regular water filter or through a carbon filter.

For a carbon filter, take a funnel with a wide neck, and crushed activated carbon wrapped in gauze is placed at the bottom. At the bottom of the funnel, place 2 layers of regular cotton wool, then a layer of cotton wool, then a carbon filter wrapped in gauze. The drink is passed through this “sandwich” very slowly.

In conclusion, I would like to note that moonshine is drunk ice cold, so that even the glass fogs up. The shelf life is unlimited. It can be consumed both as an independent drink (and not only on holidays), and as a basic element of derivative drinks - cocktails, cognac, whiskey, bourbon, etc.

Hi all!

Today I will tell you how to make moonshine using wheat without yeast. In fact, it doesn’t have to be based on wheat - any grain crops will do (rye, barley, millet, etc.).

And mash, of course, cannot be made without yeast and sugar. But we will not use the usual alcoholic or baker’s yeast, but wild ones that live on the surface of the grain.

And although this is still sugar moonshine (since the carbohydrates of the grain are not fermented), the gentle work of wild yeast and the presence of cereals in the process give it a special original aroma. Moonshiners call this drink Wild Sam.

Moreover, each type of cereal gives moonshine its own individual taste. One moonshine is made from wheat, and another from barley or rye. You can also collect a blend of different crops in any proportion. In general, there is a lot of room for imagination. Yes, and one more thing - mash can be made with the same grain up to 4 times or more!


In the recipe I will give proportions calculated for a tank with a volume of 30 liters, because... That's what I actually use. You can recalculate it yourself to fit the container you need. The principle is this: take the volume of your fermentation tank and divide it by 7.5. The resulting figure will show the required amount of grain. And then for every kilogram of grain you will need 1 kg of sugar and 5 liters of water.

So, the ingredients:

  • 4 kg of grain (in my recipe and in the photo there is wheat)
  • 4 kg sugar
  • 20 liters of water

The grain must be feed, i.e. that which goes to animal feed. You can buy it at the market, granary, base, etc. Seed most likely will not work, because... it is specially processed for storage. I can tell moonshiners from St. Petersburg where suitable cheap grain is sold.

Making mash

This is the next day. Foam appeared:

On the second day:

On the day when chaos is ready:


  1. We distill the mash as usual - without selecting the heads and tails, to the water.
  2. There is no need to clean anything coal, nor oil etc.
  3. We do the second distillation according to all the rules fractional distillation- with the selection of heads and tails. It is advisable to carry out a 3rd distillation.

Impressions from the recipe

I made moonshine with wheat and barley. I liked it better with wheat - it turns out very soft. Perhaps even too much. On barley it is tougher, but also very interesting.

They say that it works very well with a mixture of wheat and barley in a 50/50 ratio. I really want to try it.

In general, I liked Wild Sam so much that I made special labels for him. Don't judge strictly, these are my first attempts at creating my own labels.

Why boar, you ask? The first time I tried this recipe, water seal on the tank, which stood in the kitchen, made loud grunting sounds. At night they could be clearly heard in our bedroom, and my wife once told me, “You have a pig living in your kitchen that constantly wants to eat.” “But the pig is wild,” I thought. That's why there's a wild boar.

That seems to be all. I hope the recipe was explained clearly. If you have any questions, please feel free to comment.

Bye everyone,

Long gone are the days when you could get punished for making a strong homemade drink, and public censure - that’s for sure (with the subsequent confiscation of home equipment). Now brewing moonshine is a favorite pastime of many Russian citizens. Probably everyone, even novice moonshiners today, know that a variety of components are used for mash, this main component in the production of the drink (Ostap Bender also proposed at least 200 preparation methods). But, probably, the most “correct” mash is made with wheat without yeast. It is considered a kind of “flagship of moonshine” among lovers of a strong homemade drink. We’ll talk about how to prepare it according to all the rules in our article.

Characteristics of grain moonshine

And many people like this kind of moonshine because it has a soft and delicate taste, a slightly sweet aftertaste with the aroma of wheat and bread. And this elite drink is easy to drink, even with a strength of over 45%. All this gives moonshine its main component - wheat mash without yeast.

Quality of raw materials

An important condition for good distillation of moonshine and preparation of mash for it is wheat grain of the best quality. It must be taken dry and clean. Under no circumstances should you take anything rotten or moldy! Usually, before use, it is peeled, sorted thoroughly, and all foreign matter is removed. Moreover, in order to get the right mash using wheat without yeast, freshly harvested grain will not work either. It should sit properly after harvesting (at least a couple of months). By the way, you need to be extremely careful even when purchasing the finest grain: it is no secret that some of its producers actively use chemicals and fertilizers, and good raw materials for moonshine should be as environmentally friendly as possible!

What are the benefits of sprouted grains?

To get the right mash from wheat, you need to use and forget about culinary yeast forever. It is these raw materials that contain many useful substances: vitamins, amino acids, minerals, fiber substances. The malt produced has enzymes that break down starch, converting it into sugar. And alcohol is obtained directly from it. Therefore, mash - made from wheat, without yeast - ferments and alcoholizes well. Accordingly, there is no need to add anything extra.

How to germinate wheat for mash

Wheat mash without yeast for moonshine is produced using grain germination. At home, this procedure is extremely simple: no need to be scared, there is nothing high-tech here, and this process has been used in distillation for centuries!

from wheat without yeast

Now it’s time to prepare the mash itself. We take wheat grains on the basis that a kilogram of product usually produces 900 grams of drink. Next, we divide the entire amount (for example, 10 kilograms of grain) into 10 parts. We germinate one part in the indicated manner to obtain the base. When the sprouts are at least 5 mm in size, add half a kilo of sugar per kilogram of sprouted wheat grain (in the same container) and mix gently with your hands. If it turns out too dry, add a little water. from wheat without yeast? Cover the container with the product with gauze and leave it in a dark, warm place for 10 days. During this time, fermentation processes begin, and malt completely replaces yeast; their use is no longer necessary.

Making mash from wheat without yeast: the final stage

We use the leaven obtained after 10 days as a base. You need to pour it into a final container of large volume, add sugar, and fill 2/3 with water. Place a water seal on the neck of the container to prevent air from entering the mass. At a temperature of 18 to 24 degrees, the mash should ferment for a week to two. When the process is completed, you can proceed to distillation itself.


Of course, in order to make grain mash using wheat without yeast, you need to tinker a lot, and many will find this process not very practical. But the resulting result justifies these additional tricks. Even the best vodka cannot compare with such moonshine in terms of quality, taste and aroma.

Another significant advantage is that several (up to four) distillations can be made from one portion of wheat. We simply add sugar and water to the starter, leave it in a warm place where it ferments, and distill it again. If you follow the rules and technology, your moonshine will turn out to be of quite decent quality. And the key to success is mash made from wheat and sugar without yeast!

With addition

And finally, with a certain amount of yeast - for those who are accustomed to a simpler way to organize the fermentation of mash. First, you need to produce malted milk from the grain you sprouted. First of all, we wash and dry the malt. The drying process can be done in an open oven. Warming up temperature - no higher than 40 degrees.

  1. Grind the malt dried in this way. For example, you can use a home coffee grinder for this.
  2. Add heated water (50-60 degrees) to the resulting mass. Mix thoroughly (you can use, for example, a mixer). The resulting liquid should be cloudy and opaque, whitish in color, reminiscent of milk.
  3. After a couple of hours, add more water to the mixture so that 150-200 grams of ground malt yields 1 liter of milk.

Mash recipe

We make milk from the first part of the grain (see recipe above). And we use the remaining nine for flour mash. How to prepare flour mash? Grind nine parts into flour. For one kilo of flour, add one and a half liters of water, stirring and avoiding the formation of lumps. Water should be taken natural - well or purified (in extreme cases, you can use tap water, but then it must be thoroughly boiled and cooled to the desired temperature). Next, mash from wheat and sugar without yeast is prepared as follows.

  1. Add malt milk to the resulting mixture of flour and water.
  2. Gradually heat the mash to a temperature of about 50 degrees. Let's take a break for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Heat the flour mash again (60 degrees), pause again.
  4. We repeat the process at 70 degrees, heating, waiting until all the starch turns into sugar.
  5. It should be remembered that the temperature cannot be allowed to go higher! When the saccharification process is complete, the color, taste and smell of the wort will change. It will smell like fresh bread, the liquid will darken slightly, and the taste will become sweet.
  6. Dilute the resulting mash with water (the same amount as the first time), cool and set aside for 3 days. Then add yeast (50 grams per 1 kg of flour). We set the mash aside for fermentation and get mash (usually the process can take from 7 to 10 days), which we then use to distill a strong drink - homemade moonshine.

Only according to historical documents, moonshine has been brewing in Rus' for over 500 years, but there is every prerequisite to assert that it all began much earlier.

One of the first, along with fruit and corn, was wheat mash, since this grain was “mastered” by the Slavs for cultivation long before moonshine.

And since in those distant times artificially bred yeast had not yet been invented, they used wild grains living on the shell (see also:).

Going back to basics, try making your own wheat mash without using yeast to get aromatic homemade moonshine with the flavor of the cereal used.

The wort can only consist from wheat grain and water, and may also contain sugar (read:). Although gourmets prefer to do without it.

Attention. Adding sugar to the mash increases the yield of the finished moonshine, almost without affecting the taste of the product.

Here are several compositions of ingredients that are used to make mash on wheat without industrial yeast.

Composition 1, providing for preliminary dispersion of all grain:

  • High-grade wheat with germination rate of 95% - 6.5 kg.
  • Sugar – 5 kg.
  • Prepared water – 18 l.

Composition 2, in which first make sourdough, and then put the wort to ferment:

  • 5 kg of grain. Of this amount, 1 kg must be of the highest grade, the remaining 4 can be fodder;
  • 5 kg sugar;
  • 35-38 liters of water.

Ingredients 3, do not add sugar:

  • 5 kg of wheat or cereal;
  • 1 kg of green malt, prepared independently;
  • 400 ml of starter;
  • 24-25 liters of water.

Important. Do not take the given proportions as the ultimate truth.

There are many recipes where they are different. But we still advise you to start your own production of wheat moonshine without yeast using the most proven mash recipes.

Correct wort preparation and fermentation conditions

Different proportions and approaches to fermenting wort without yeast require a different approach to the process. But having chosen this or that recipe, follow the general rules of its practical execution in order to get the best result.

Sprouting whole grains

If you use wheat mash with scattered grain (sprouted grain), in this case:

  • Rinse the grains thoroughly several times.
  • Fill them with lukewarm water (23-27 degrees) so that the level is 2 cm above the grain layer. If after a day the grains swell, having absorbed water, add to the same level.
  • Leave at room conditions, covering the container with gauze (cloth).
  • After 2-3 days, signs of fermentation will appear: a corresponding smell and foaming when shaking.
  • Add sugar, water according to the recipe and place under a water seal.

Advice. Experienced moonshiners say: it is better to make the dispersion in a wide container so that there is a greater flow of oxygen to it, and after signs of fermentation appear, transfer it to a bottle, make wort and place it under a water seal.


This starter is suitable for fermenting any mash - even. Moreover, 200-300 g of starter is enough for a 20-liter bottle, although you can put all of it.

Cooking is like messing around. Only when the wheat hatches (on the 2nd - 3rd day), half a kilo of sugar is added to 1 kg of wheat and left in the room for a week - 10 days, until pronounced fermentation. Then add the rest of the recipe ingredients.

On green malt

In order to get malt mash, you need to germinate the wheat and then grind it, for example, in a meat grinder:

  1. Rinse the wheat 3-4 times, removing any floating debris.
  2. Soak the grain for a day. Change the water every 8 hours.
  3. Drain off all the water so the grain is just damp.
  4. Place in a tray, making sure that the layer thickness does not exceed 8-10 cm. Cover with a damp cloth.
  5. Every day (preferably in the morning and evening), carefully stir the grain with your hands, releasing carbon dioxide and allowing oxygen to penetrate. If necessary, spray with a spray bottle if it dries out.
  6. When the sprouts/roots reach 2 cm and begin to intertwine with each other, the green malt is ready.
  7. Immediately grind it through a meat grinder with a fine mesh and add the wort. Green malt cannot be stored.

Reference. 1 kg of green malt can ferment 4-6 kg of dry grain that cannot be germinated.

Pros and cons of brewing with wild wheat yeast

The desire to prepare an absolutely natural alcoholic product of excellent quality is justified, because:

  • Wheat mash without using commercial yeast will produce moonshine that will have a wheaty smell and a malty aftertaste.
  • The smell of industrial yeast will not interfere with organoleptic properties (taste and aroma characteristics).
  • With proper double distillation, moonshine is largely free of fusel oils, is easy to drink, soft, and does not cause a severe hangover when consumed wisely.

However, there are also disadvantages:

  • mash made with wild yeast sometimes behaves unpredictably and can turn sour;

Carefully. Do not place wheat mash without yeast under a lid (in a saucepan, milk flask, etc.). A water seal or a rubber glove with a punctured finger is a prerequisite for successful fermentation without souring.

  • small yield of the finished product without the use of sugar.

But if you follow the rules for brewing on wheat without yeast, you will end up with a soft moonshine with a balanced taste, which is an order of magnitude higher than other homemade alcohol and purchased vodka.



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