Fortiflora for dogs - instructions for use. Food supplement Forti Flora for dogs: instructions for using a probiotic to normalize intestinal microflora How to use Fortiflora for cats

The use of nutritional supplements is most often not a whim, but a necessity. After all, they, like people, often need help to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and normalize the intestinal microflora.

One of the most common additives is FortiFlora. Let's look at its characteristics and find out how to give the supplement correctly.

Brief description and benefits

FortiFlora is a probiotic nutritional supplement for all ages, used to restore an animal's intestinal flora.


  • it’s easy to add to food;
  • harmless to puppies, pregnant and lactating bitches;
  • it contains viable probiotics;
  • guaranteed to improve intestinal function, restoring its microflora;
  • can be used to prevent diarrhea.

Important! « FortiFlora» allowed to be used for a long time. There will be no harm to the body from this.

Composition and release form

The composition of the FortiFlora supplement for dogs is as follows:

  • probiotic enterococcus faecium SF68;
  • digest of animal origin;
  • vitamin E;
  • vitamin C;
  • zinc proteinate;
  • manganese proteinate;
  • beta-carotene;
  • sodium chloride;
  • calcium iodate;
  • sodium selenite;
  • ferrous sulfate;
  • Copper proteinate.
To explain it in simpler terms, “FortiFlora” consists of:
  • various meat additives;
  • vitamins and minerals;
  • stabilizers of intestinal microflora;
  • yeast;
  • probiotic SF68.

It is produced in sachets, each of which contains 1 gram of the mixture. Packaging: cardboard box containing 30 sachets.

Did you know? It is believed that dogs are similar in intelligence to children of two years. They understand up to 250 words and gestures, also count to five and solve simple math problems.

Indications for use

"FortiFlora" is used in the following cases:

  • diarrhea, which can be caused by taking antibiotics, new unfamiliar food, or even just a stressful state;
  • gastroenteritis and diarrhea, which are accompanied by dysbacteriosis;
  • acute;
  • disorders of the digestive system;
  • poor quality stool in babies;
  • flatulence;
  • prevention of stomach upset.

There are no complications in the instructions for using FortiFlora for dogs. Once a day for 30 days, the contents of one sachet must be mixed with. Do not stop use earlier, even if the symptoms of the disease have ceased to appear.

Important! If the supplement is used while taking an antibiotic, it is best to give them at different times. For example, if an antibiotic is given in the morning, then give the supplement in the evening.

Contraindications and side effects

The only contraindication for using FortiFlora is that it is specific to your dog. Therefore, carefully study its composition and be sure to adhere to the dosage.

If a food allergy appears already during use, stop giving it to your pet and contact a veterinary clinic.

Shelf life and storage conditions

The packaging of the FortiFlora feed additive should be stored in a cool, dry place at a temperature of +2 to +25 °C, out of reach of children and animals. Shelf life - 1 year from the date of production.

If you are still in doubt about which supplement is best to choose for yours, consult a specialist. He will definitely advise you and select an effective remedy specifically for your pet. But do not forget that FortiFlora is one of the highest quality supplements that is guaranteed to bring the desired result.

FortiFlora is a food supplement for dogs containing probiotics. It is used for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, but it contains components that have a positive effect on other organs and systems.

The additive is available in the form of granular powder. Packaged in polymer bags of 1 g. 30 such bags are placed in a cardboard package and instructions for use are required.

The main component of FortiFlora is live lactic acid bacteria Enterococcus faecium. When they enter the gastrointestinal tract, probiotics have the following effects:

  • restore intestinal microflora;
  • normalize the functioning of the entire digestive system;
  • promote better absorption of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients;
  • increase the body’s resistance to various viruses and improve immunity in general;
  • improve the synthesis of B vitamins;
  • prevent the proliferation of pathogenic microflora.

The nutritional supplement also contains other useful components:

  1. Vitamin C is a strong antioxidant. It cleanses the animal's body of free radicals and toxins, improves the immune system, and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  2. Vitamin E is necessary for the proper functioning of the gonads. It reduces blood clotting, participates in the synthesis of enzymes and prevents degenerative changes in muscle tissue.
  3. Beta-carotene improves dogs' vision. Provitamin A is also involved in regenerative processes and promotes rapid restoration of bone and muscle tissue.
  4. Ferrous sulfate helps increase the level of hemoglobin, which is responsible for transporting oxygen to individual cells.
  5. Zinc proteinate is involved in protein synthesis and promotes the release of lymphocytes, which block foreign bodies that enter the body. Improves the absorption of beta-carotene, participates in the production of insulin, thereby preventing the development of diabetes.
  6. Calcium iodate provides the body with iodine, which is necessary for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland.
  7. Sodium chloride and selenite are involved in the transport of amino acids and glucose and promote the secretion of gastric juice.
  8. Copper proteinate improves the functioning of the reproductive system and maintains the color of the pet's coat.
  9. Manganese proteinate is involved in the formation of bone and dental tissue. It also takes part in the synthesis of hemoglobin and hormones, normalizes the functioning of nerve cells and restores metabolic processes.

In addition to lactobacilli, minerals and vitamins, the supplement contains digest of animal origin. It gives it a pleasant taste and increases the animals' appetite, which is especially important when using the mixture for weakened pets who refuse to eat. It also provides the body with taurine, an amino acid necessary for the proper functioning of the heart muscle.

The mixture contains fiber, which helps cleanse the intestines of toxins. Contains proteins and fats necessary for the normal functioning of the dog's body.

Indications for use

The food supplement is used in the following cases:

  • with dysbacteriosis, including those caused by taking antibiotics;
  • for diarrhea caused by poor diet, stress, introduction to new foods;
  • with acute enteritis;
  • with flatulence;
  • with gastroenteritis;
  • for other disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

FortiFlora is recommended for puppies that are weaned from their mother's milk. Due to a change in diet, they may experience an upset stomach, lack of appetite, and even refusal to eat. A food supplement from a French manufacturer will avoid such problems and help the puppy quickly adapt to a new type of food. The mixture can be given to prevent the appearance of the symptoms described above or to eliminate them and normalize intestinal function.

The supplement is safe for dogs, therefore it can be used to prevent disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract) in the event of factors that can cause them (moving, traveling in a car and other stressful situations). FortiFlora is recommended for use when taking antibiotics.

What is the price

The price of a 30-pack of FortiFlora for dogs ranges from 1,160 to 1,300 rubles. You can buy bags of powder individually. The cost of one sachet is about 40 rubles. You can purchase the supplement at a veterinary pharmacy or pet supply store. You can also order the product online.

You can now view the current price of the drug and buy it right here:

How to use

According to the instructions for use, Fortiflora is given to dogs, regardless of age, breed and age, 1 sachet per day. The contents of the bag should be sprinkled onto the animal’s usual food. The food additive is compatible with various types of feed:

  • dry food;
  • canned food;
  • natural food.

It is important that the animal eats the entire contents of one bag at a time.

For preventive purposes, it is necessary to take FortiFlora for 3-5 days. When using the supplement for diarrhea, the course of treatment is at least 7 days. In case of serious disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and dysbiosis, the drug is used for 30 days, even if the pet feels better already on the 3rd day.

If a feed additive is used during antibiotic treatment, they should be given at different times: if antibacterial drugs are taken in the morning, the additive should be consumed in the evening. This way you can achieve maximum effect.

Contraindications and side effects

FortiFlora has no contraindications. The supplement is approved for use by puppies, pregnant and lactating bitches, and weakened animals. The drug should be abandoned only if you have a specific food allergy, which is very rare. When using the supplement on a highly sensitive animal, you should monitor the body's reaction. If an allergy occurs, you should stop using it further and choose another remedy to restore the intestinal microflora.

The food supplement does not cause side effects, even in case of overdose, but you should still adhere to the recommended doses. The Fortiflora formula is carefully worked out, and the ratio of components in it is balanced for the dog’s body.


FortiFlora for dogs has a number of advantages:

  • Easy to use and dosage. The amount of powder does not need to be calculated based on the weight or age of the animal. The dose for adult pets and puppies is the same - one sachet. When using, no complex manipulations are required.
  • Contains a large number of live lactobacilli. Due to the fact that probiotics are in special granules, they easily reach the intestines.
  • Wide spectrum of action. The supplement not only restores the intestinal microflora and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, but also strengthens the immune system, improves appetite, and has a positive effect on physiological processes.
  • It tastes good. Dogs eat it with pleasure.
  • Convenient packaging. One sachet contains a single dose.
  • High efficiency. The results of using the supplement are usually visible within the second or third day.
  • Not addictive. Can be used for a long period.
  • Safety. Does not cause side effects or other negative reactions.
  • Has no contraindications. Can be used for therapeutic and preventive purposes for puppies and adult pets.

Good afternoon Today I would like to tell you about our salvation from our dog’s intestinal disorder - a wonderful powder called FortiFlora from Proplan. Our dog named Altair belongs to the Golden Retriever breed, his intestines are a weak point.

Frustration can occur not only from food picked up on the street (this breed is famous for vacuuming everything on the street), but also from stress, which happens just during the New Year holidays, because he is afraid of fireworks. Almost every time this happened, at first we ran to the vet, but now we have experience and are fully prepared. Our first aid kit always contains Smecta, FortiFlora, and also Regidron (just in case).

So, FortiFlora from Proplan is very effective, it helps quickly, it’s easy to use, you don’t need to push it into the dog, he drinks it just fine.

Advantages of FortiFlora:

  • Guaranteed content of viable probiotics SF 68 (minimum 5x108 CFU*/g). A special microencapsulation process improves the stability and viability of probiotics by delivering live beneficial bacteria to the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Reliably normalizes intestinal function and restores the balance of intestinal microflora.
    Contains lactic acid bacteria Enterococcus faecium SF68 in quantities that normalize intestinal activity and the balance of intestinal microflora.
  • Significantly improves immune status parameters
    Helps the patient maintain health.


  • Disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract associated with changes in the balance of microflora;
  • Diarrhea caused by stress, antibiotics, or a change in diet;
  • As part of comprehensive care for gastrointestinal disorders;
  • Unsatisfactory stool quality in puppies;
  • Flatulence.


  • Specific food allergy.


Animal digest, Enterococcus faecium SF68, vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene, zinc proteinate, sodium chloride, manganese proteinate, ferrous sulfate, copper proteinate, calcium iodate, sodium selenite.

When a dog begins to have an intestinal disorder, he begins to behave restlessly, asks to go to the toilet, and has diarrhea. Accordingly, he can “get impatient” at any time of the day or night, which causes inconvenience to our entire family.

A drug The vet prescribed it to us at our appointment.

Place of purchase: veterinary pharmacy;

Price: 50 rubles for 1 sachet;

Volume of 1 sachet: 1 gram;

Sold in packs and individually.

FortiFlora is a brown powder with white grains and has an odor like dog food. I dilute it in a container with water and give it to my dog, she drinks it with pleasure, without coaxing. Our dog is not allergic to this drug, although he is allergic himself.

After the first use, I noticed an improvement, the dog stopped worrying and often asking to go to the toilet. And by the evening the stool returns to normal. The drug is prescribed to us for a course of 5 days, together with smecta. The dosage of the drug for our dog (she weighs 30 kg) is 1 sachet (1 gram) once a day, this is also a big plus, economical use of the medicine.

Fortiflora is a food supplement prescribed to dogs to restore intestinal microflora. In addition to the probiotic, it contains components to strengthen the overall health of the animal.

Composition of the drug

The Purina company produces the drug Fortiflora in the form of granular powder. In a cardboard package with the name Pro Plan veterinary diets there are 30 polymer sachets, 1 gram of supplement each. The box contains instructions for using the product.

The main component of the drug is live lactic acid bacteria Enterococcus faecium. Microorganisms participate in the breakdown of carbohydrates and fatty acids, promote complete absorption of vitamins, and reduce the risk of allergic reactions.

After entering the intestines, they displace harmful flora and strengthen the dog’s immunity.

In addition to the probiotic, Fortiflora includes:

  • prebiotic – to feed beneficial bacteria;
  • vitamins A, C, E – to strengthen the body’s defenses;
  • ferrous sulfate – to increase hemoglobin levels;
  • manganese proteinate – for the synthesis of hemoglobin and hormones;
  • zinc proteinate – for the production of insulin;
  • copper proteinate – to enhance sexual function;
  • calcium iodate – to strengthen the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • sodium chloride - to enhance the production of gastric juice;
  • meat additives - to increase appetite.

All components are enclosed in a dense shell, which ensures their safety until they enter the intestines.

Indications for use

ProPlan Fortiflora is safe for dogs of any breed. It can be given as a preventive measure throughout your pet's life. The supplement is especially useful for pets who like to pick up garbage on the street, drink from puddles, and chew sticks.

Normally, a newborn puppy has sterile intestines. Over time, it is filled with beneficial bacteria from mother's milk. If the bitch has problems with lactation, the baby is given Fortiflora diluted in milk formula.

The drug is also useful during changes in diet, prolonged stress (travel, moving, change of owners).

Veterinarians prescribe Fortiflora for:

  • acute enteritis;
  • gastroenteritis;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • flatulence;
  • chronic constipation;
  • intestinal infections.

Fortiflora helps restore intestinal microflora after taking antibiotics. This treatment destroys not only pathogenic but also beneficial bacteria. Therefore, probiotics are given to the dog along with antibacterial drugs and for another week after finishing taking them.

In addition, such recovery is useful before mating, childbirth, and vaccination.


The nutritional supplement is compatible with any type of liquid and feed. It can be added to dry granules, canned food, and natural food dishes. Fortiflora is diluted with water, infant formula, yogurt, and kefir. The main condition is to ensure that the dog eats the entire dose without leaving a trace.

For small and large breeds of dogs, the dosage is the same - one sachet per day. As a preventive measure, it is given the first 3-4 days of every month. For treatment, the dog must take all 10 packets. In severe cases, the veterinarian may increase the time of administration of the drug.

Benefits of the Dietary Supplement

Fortiflora is one of the most popular drugs in veterinary pharmacies. After all, the product has a number of undeniable advantages:

  1. Suitable for treatment and prevention.
  2. Helps dogs of any breed.
  3. Has a detailed dosage description.
  4. Has a wide range of actions.
  5. Allowed for puppies and pregnant bitches.
  6. Even the pickiest dogs like it.
  7. Has an affordable price.

The shelf life of the drug is 1 year from the date of release. It is stored away from direct sunlight and out of the reach of children and animals. After using Fortiflora, you must wash your hands and dispose of open bags and packaging.

Side effects

On the box of Fortiflora for dogs there are instructions that say that the product has no contraindications. It is suitable for use by sick, weakened dogs, newborn puppies, pregnant and lactating bitches.

In rare cases, dogs develop individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

It manifests itself as itching, lacrimation or digestive disorders. In this case, it is necessary to stop treatment and give the animal an antihistamine tablet.

Analogues of the drug

If an allergic reaction occurs, the veterinarian can recommend a high-quality analogue.


The main component of the drug is the bacteria Bacillus subtilis. They are in the form of dried spores, the shells of which cannot be destroyed by aggressive gastric juice. In the intestines, microorganisms reveal their beneficial properties. Within a few days, the pets experience an improvement in their well-being and appearance.


The drug was originally developed to improve the human intestinal microflora. But its excellent quality and high efficiency make it possible to use the product for treating pets.

To do this, the veterinarian draws up an individual dosage regimen based on the size and age of the dog.


Dry concentrate for dilution in liquid can be given to dogs of any breed and age. In addition to the probiotic, it contains vitamins, minerals, trace elements, and proteins.

The drug is especially useful for puppies during the growth period, for sick and weakened dogs. The powder is diluted with water or milk to a suspension and poured into the mouth with a syringe without a needle.


This is the name of the powder for fermenting yogurt for dogs.

To obtain a fermented milk product, you need to pour one portion of the drug into 200 grams of milk and leave it overnight in a warm place.

In addition, the mixture can be given to the animal in the form of a suspension (diluted with water) or mixed with dry food.


The basis of the drug is bifidobacterium Bifidobacterium bifidum. They are not destroyed in the stomach, duodenum and small intestine, as they are adsorbed on the surface of activated carbon. The dosage is calculated based on the dog’s weight, the course of treatment ranges from 7 to 14 days.

Fortiflora probiotic dog food supplement is designed specifically to improve intestinal balance. It contains a unique strain of highly purified lactic acid bacteria SF68, which normalizes microflora, improves stool consistency, and supports the immune system of animals at any age. FortiFlora's special encapsulation process releases and activates probiotics directly in the intestines.

Composition of the product

Digest of animal origin, probiotic Enterococcus faecium SF68, vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene, zinc, manganese and copper proteinates, taurine, sodium chloride, ferrous sulfate, calcium iodate, sodium selenite.

Protein - 45%, fat - 15%, fiber - 0.5%, vitamin E - 5000 mg/kg, vitamin C - 3500 mg/kg, taurine - 2500 mg/kg.

Product Features

The food additive "Fortiflora" is an excellent addition to your dog's regular daily diet. It helps not only eliminate digestive disorders, but also prevent them, so it can be used for preventive purposes. FortiFlora Veterinary Diets is compatible with Pro Plan wet and dry food and is suitable for puppies, adult animals, pregnant and lactating dogs. The additive tastes good, which improves the palatability of the basic diet.

Indications for use

  • Diarrhea due to stress, taking antibiotics, sudden changes in diet.
  • Problems in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract associated with imbalance of microflora.
  • Complex therapy for gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Unsatisfactory stool quality in adult dogs and puppies.
  • Flatulence.
  • Gastroenteritis, acute enteritis.

FortiFlora Purina probiotic for dogs is contraindicated if you have a specific food allergy.

The feed additive “Fortiflora” is used one sachet per day. The powder must be poured into the dog’s regular portion of food and mixed. The recommended course of treatment is 30 days. If necessary, the probiotic can be used long-term.

If you are using Forti Flora to restore the balance of intestinal microflora during antibiotic treatment, then for maximum effectiveness it is recommended to take the supplement before, during and after a course of antimicrobial therapy. The ideal option is to give the probiotic at a different time of day in relation to the main medications.

Storage conditions

The feed additive is stored at a temperature from +5 to +30 °C and a relative air humidity of no more than 75% in a place inaccessible to children and pets. After opening the package, the contents must be consumed in one go.

Our offer

In the online store “” you can buy everything you need to keep dogs, cats, birds, rodents, fish, and reptiles with home delivery. We offer a wide selection of special dietary supplements for various occasions.

Advantages of ordering FortiFlora from us:

  • Prompt delivery in Moscow at a time convenient for you.
  • Sending products to regions of the Russian Federation.
  • Several payment methods for the convenience of customers.
  • Detailed advice on product availability, assistance in placing an order.

The telephone number for contacting an online store specialist is listed on the website.



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