Erosive hemorrhagic gastritis, antral gastritis. Erosive-hemorrhagic gastritis: the essence of the disease, causes, symptoms, treatment

Acute hemorrhagic gastritis is considered one of the types of inflammatory diseases of the stomach, but the most insidious and dangerous because it progresses quickly and has serious consequences. Its incidence has increased 10-fold in recent years. Damage to the mucous membrane does not affect the underlying muscle layer. The mucous membrane heals without scarring. There is no gender gradation in hemorrhagic gastritis. It is more likely to affect alcoholics and people taking NSAIDs and corticosteroids for a long time, antibiotics and analgesics - in these groups of the population it occurs in 50% of cases.

Mechanism of defeat

The peculiarity of this type of gastritis is that microcirculation disturbances first appear in the capillaries and other vessels of the submucosal tissue, blood sweats onto the mucous membrane and hemorrhages occur here. They permeate the mucous membrane through and through. Then erosions appear, and only then does an inflammatory reaction develop with infiltration of leukocytes and blood clots, i.e. the pathology comes from within. As a result, this threatens internal bleeding. Hemorrhagic and are not synonyms. With hemorrhagic gastritis, mucosal defects do not always appear, and with erosive gastritis, bleeding occurs.

The mechanism of development is also different: with erosive inflammation, inflammation immediately appears, and then everything else. There are no characteristic signs of damage in this form of gastritis. When the submucosal layer is affected, the symptoms are always erased and scant; heartburn, vague pain in the epigastrium and occasionally nausea are occasionally noted. More often than others, the antrum, the farthest part of the stomach, is affected, because there are many vessels there and gastric juice stagnates more. Affected vessels provoke the destruction of epithelial cells of the mucous membrane, but there is almost no penetration. When bleeding develops, the pathology is fatal in 2% of cases.

Etiology of the phenomenon

The disease is polyetiological, the first 2 main causes have already been mentioned. Predisposing factors include:

  • addiction to spicy, salty dishes, seasonings, smoked foods;
  • starvation;
  • vegetarianism;
  • long breaks in eating;
  • extensive body burns with 40% surface lesions;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the liver, kidneys, cardiovascular system, respiratory organs (for example, with liver diseases and acute renal failure, erosions and ulcers appear on the walls of the stomach, because in severe intoxication, frostbite, SDR, the blood is filled with toxic decay products of dead tissue);
  • stress;
  • chemical burns of the esophagus and stomach for intentional purposes (suicides);
  • heredity;
  • installation of a nasogastric tube for more than 5 days;
  • blood diseases with bleeding disorders (leukemia, hemophilia, thrombocytopenia);
  • the consequences of chemotherapy and radiation therapy, which often result in constant vomiting and nausea, irritating the gastric mucosa and damaging it;
  • a decrease in the number of platelets, which increases bleeding;
  • weakened immunity, which cannot respond to negative factors.

And one more thing: the pathology in question is never associated with Helicobacter pylori.

Types of hemorrhagic gastritis and symptoms

The disease is classified according to 3 indicators: the course of the process, localization and root cause. Pathology can be primary and secondary. In the first case, gastritis occurs in a healthy person, in the second - against the background of existing gastrointestinal pathologies. According to the course, acute and chronic forms are divided. In the first case, erosions are located in separate foci and can be eliminated within 10 days of treatment. In the chronic form, a large area is affected and is very difficult to treat. The symptoms are common: dull pain in the epigastrium after eating, headaches, frequent nausea, heartburn, metallic taste in the mouth or decreased sensations during eating, sour belching, white coating on the tongue, increased heart rate and general fatigue.

Acute gastritis with a hemorrhagic component begins violently, similar to. The onset is abrupt, with severe pain symptoms, and bleeding is a must. In this case, blood is present in the stool (it becomes dark in color) and vomit. The more bleeding, the less pain. Vomiting of coffee grounds occurs and anemia develops. It is manifested by unnatural pallor, dizziness, drop in blood pressure and tachycardia. The causes of this gastritis are often sepsis, shock, acute renal failure, burns and liver failure.

According to the foci of inflammation, gastritis can be:

  1. Antral - when the entrance part of the stomach - the antrum - is affected.
  2. Proximal - it can be identified with inflammation of the initial part of the duodenum - bulbitis, since these segments are located nearby. It often develops more during stagnant processes in the stomach. If the proximal part of the stomach is affected, such gastritis has a greater chance of developing into a duodenal ulcer.
  3. Hemorrhagic - it usually has an acute form of the course, accompanied by cephalgia, stomach pain, weight loss, dyspeptic symptoms (heaviness in the abdomen, flatulence, nausea). Hemorrhagic reflux gastritis occurs due to the fact that part of the contents of the duodenum is thrown into the stomach.

Symptoms of hemorrhagic gastritis

The onset of hemorrhagic gastritis is no different from other types. Pain in the epigastrium during palpation or after eating, heaviness, belching and nausea are observed. Then symptoms of gastric bleeding are added with a change in the color of the vomit and feces. The disease in question differs from other types precisely in the symptoms of anemia, because there can often be hidden bleeding. Signs of hemorrhages are also reflected in the diagnosis - bleeding erosions with thoroughly soaked mucous membranes. Anemia is determined in a general blood test, a negative test for Helicobacter.

Possible complications

Complications include:

  • transition to a chronic form that is very difficult to treat;
  • development into a stomach or duodenal ulcer;
  • malignancy;
  • stomach bleeding.

Diagnosis of hemorrhagic gastritis

The appearance of patients is characterized by pale skin, dryness, and a white coating on the tongue. Blood pressure is often reduced, pulse is increased. The epigastrium is painful on palpation.

The gold standard for diagnosis is EGD - visual assessment of the mucous membrane, the location of lesions, their extent and the presence of bleeding. In the process of endoscopy, a targeted biopsy can also be performed if cancer is suspected. Mandatory are: general and biochemical blood tests. Additionally, stool is examined for hidden bleeding.

Principles of treatment

Treatment of hemorrhagic gastritis, like any other, always begins with diet. Then drug therapy is prescribed, the purpose of which is to control the production of gastric juice. For this, antisecretory drugs are prescribed - Ranitidine, Nolpaza, Dalargin, Famotidine, Sucralfate, Gastrocepin, Omeprazole, Kvamatel. Antacids - Almagel, Rennie, Gastal, Phosphalugel, Maalox.

To protect the mucous membrane from aggressive factors, enveloping agents with an astringent effect are used: Flocarbine, De-Nol, Vikair. To relieve spasmodic pain, antispasmodics are prescribed: Drotaverine, Mebeverine, No-shpa, Papaverine. To improve the motor function of the stomach, prokinetics are used - Motilium, Domperidone, Itopride. Hemostatic therapy - administration of aminocaproic acid with adrenaline, for example, Etamsylate, Vikasol, Dicinone.

Treatment must always be comprehensive to achieve the desired effect. In case of severe bleeding in a hospital setting, it is necessary to administer blood-substituting compounds with an anti-shock effect. After bleeding, to replenish hemoglobin, iron supplements, vitamins and mineral complexes, and general tonics - Aloe, Plazmol, Solcoseryl - must be prescribed. To strengthen blood vessels - venotonics: Venarus, Detralex, Actovegin, etc. Enzymatic treatment to improve digestion: Creon, Festal, Panzinorm, Mezim, etc. For healing the mucous membrane - sea buckthorn and rosehip in the form of oils.

For hemorrhagic gastritis, treatment does not exclude surgical intervention. Operations are not always successful during bleeding with hemorrhagic gastritis, since every third and fourth patient experiences relapses, which can result in the death of the patient. Surgical interventions of this kind are performed in the most extreme cases, when all other methods have been exhausted.

Often in such cases, instead of extensive open surgery, endoscopic treatment is performed:

  • in this case, the affected area is pricked with a mixture of alcohol and adrenaline, hemostatic solutions;
  • electrocoagulation of the source of bleeding is carried out;
  • hemostasis with long-term action: barium-thrombin composition, which is administered orally - 86% effective (or thrombin-fibrin drug - 94.9%).

During the period of remission for chronic gastritis, physiotherapeutic treatment is carried out. This includes drinking mineral waters from springs, mud therapy, ultrasound therapy, and galvanization.

Special diet

The diet for hemorrhagic gastritis must be followed constantly to avoid exacerbations. Food should be consumed liquid or puree, always warm. Meals for hemorrhagic gastritis should be divided, without overeating and at the same time. Food needs to be gentle and not irritating to the mucous membrane. Cooking method: just boil or bake.

The use of diet therapy involves the appointment of table No. 1 for exacerbations of the process, and for remissions - No. 5. Cabbage, legumes, fatty meat and fish, spices, smoked meats, and canned food are completely excluded. Coffee and soda, chocolate, pastries and creams, and grapes are prohibited due to the possibility of fermentation in the stomach. You cannot eat sour cream, fresh milk, cheese - they increase the acidity of the stomach. It is necessary to consume broths, cream soups, jelly, compotes, and fruit drinks. The only porridge that is not welcome is pearl barley.

Folk remedies

Treatment with folk remedies is used as an auxiliary treatment using various herbs. To restore damaged mucous membranes and accelerate reparative processes, a mixture of plantain juice and honey, taken in equal quantities, and a decoction of flax seeds are used. To stop bleeding, a decoction of oak bark is used, and yarrow is used for the same purpose and to relieve swelling of the mucous membrane. An infusion of a mixture of herbs - chamomile, mint, fennel and valerian - is used as a painkiller. Aloe juice, plantain, lettuce infusion, decoctions and teas of chamomile, St. John's wort, sage and thyme are good for the stomach.

They have an analgesic and healing effect. Potato juice, sprouted wheat, raw and boiled, promote healing of the mucous membrane and normalizes acidity for 10 days. Heartburn is relieved with tincture of sophora and birch bark. In addition to honey, propolis is also widely used from beekeeping products: in the form of tincture or chewing a piece. Also, for gastritis, populists recommend eating more peeled green apples in the form of puree or baked.

As a preventive measure, it is necessary to eliminate all provoking factors whenever possible. You need to lead a healthy lifestyle and be sure to eat a balanced diet and give up bad habits. The prognosis of hemorrhagic gastritis remains controversial; what is clear is that it is not worth agreeing to surgery until all other treatment options have been exhausted.

Diseases in the gastrointestinal tract are quite common. One of the most common diagnoses is gastritis. Moreover, it can occur not only in adults, but also in children.

Let's talk about its most dangerous form - hemorrhagic gastritis. We will also consider the symptoms and get acquainted with some methods of treatment and prevention of the disease.

What is hemorrhagic gastritis

Hemorrhagic (erosive) gastritis is a disease that is characterized by inflammation of the walls of the stomach and the appearance of erosions on them. This process is usually accompanied by bleeding.

To have at least a small understanding of what hemorrhagic gastritis is, the photo below will be a clear example. It shows the inside of the stomach with bruising.

Causes of the disease

Why does such a disease as hemorrhagic gastritis occur? The reasons may be the following:

  1. Ingestion of alkalis and acids into the stomach. Most often this occurs with improper or excessive use of medications, analgesics, glucocorticoids, and anti-inflammatory drugs.
  2. Penetration of heavy metal salts into the gastrointestinal tract, and the stomach in particular.
  3. Frequent consumption of low-quality or harmful products (spices, spicy, smoked foods, etc.).
  4. Drinking alcoholic beverages.
  5. Viral diseases.
  6. Ingestion of pylori.

Also, the presence of predisposing factors, which include the presence of Crohn's disease, mechanical trauma to the stomach and stress, can play a significant role.

Hemorrhagic gastritis differs from simple gastritis in that it occurs as a result of the influence of external factors and is in no way related to the secretory activity of the stomach.

Symptoms of the disease

How hemorrhagic usually manifests itself can be the following:

  • decreased appetite;
  • nausea, which may be accompanied by vomiting;
  • the appearance of belching;
  • change in stool color (it turns black);
  • the appearance of plaque on the tongue;
  • dizziness;
  • abdominal pain;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • pale skin.

All of the above phenomena, as well as some of them, can be observed. The main symptoms that are present in every patient are darkening of the stool, the appearance of pain and dyspeptic disorders. If there is a hemorrhage in the stomach (which happens very often), brown or red vomit appears. This condition can cause anemia and a decrease in blood volume in the body. As a result, severe weakness and fainting may occur.

Diagnosis of the disease

Diagnosis of hemorrhagic gastritis is carried out at an appointment with a gastroenterologist. The whole process consists of several mandatory parts:

  1. Questioning the patient for complaints. At this time, the presence of possible symptoms accompanying the disease, which were discussed in the previous section, is determined.
  2. Visual inspection. Here the skin is assessed and its pallor is detected. In addition, there may be problems with the nails: during the disease, they become dull and very brittle.
  3. Usually with hemorrhagic gastritis it will be painful.
  4. Laboratory research. This includes taking all necessary tests and comparing their results with the norm.
  5. Instrumental research. It is this stage that will make it possible to confirm the final diagnosis. Using esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGDS), a visual assessment of the gastric mucosa is performed, the location of erosions and hemorrhages is revealed. In addition, a targeted biopsy is additionally performed to more accurately determine the main signs of inflammation and exclude the possible oncological nature of the changes.

After this, the doctor is able to diagnose the correct (hemorrhagic) or some other disease of the stomach. Based on this, the necessary therapy is prescribed.

Drug treatment

Gastritis (hemorrhagic) requires complex treatment. It can be carried out both on an outpatient basis and in a hospital. In this case, patients with gastrointestinal bleeding must be hospitalized and be under constant medical supervision.

Prescription of medications is carried out individually in each case. This takes into account the nature of the disease and its severity.

So, with a diagnosis of hemorrhagic, the following pharmacological drugs are used.

If the stomach acidity is high, the patient is prescribed antacids, which include Ranitidine, Cimetidine, Gastrocepin, Pantoprazole, Maalox, Gaviscon, Phosphalugel and others.

For rapid healing and protection of the stomach from irritation, it is necessary to take astringent and enveloping drugs, such as Sucralfate or Denol, as well as mucus-forming agents: Flocarbine, Liquiriton.

If gastritis (hemorrhagic) was caused by bacteria, then antibiotics are added to the main drugs.

For bleeding, homostatic therapy is performed. It involves droppers with adrenaline and aminocaproic acid, as well as intramuscular and intravenous injections of Vikasol, Etamsylate or Dicynone.

If drug treatment does not bring results and the patient’s condition worsens, a decision is made to perform a surgical operation. But this is done only in extreme cases, since there is a high probability of bleeding and death.

Diet for hemorrhagic gastritis

One of the most important factors for successfully getting rid of the disease is optimizing nutrition.

What can and cannot be eaten when diagnosed with hemorrhagic gastritis? The diet developed by specialists provides the following:

  1. It is strictly forbidden to use in food: carbonated drinks, chocolate, herbs, spices, canned foods, fatty, spicy and smoked foods, fresh vegetables, cabbage, legumes, grapes, coffee, fresh baked goods, sour cream, milk, alcohol.
  2. The main diet should consist of liquid and semi-liquid dishes: soup, porridge, puree, jelly, compote. However, they must be steamed or cooked in water.

It is also necessary to observe not only the diet, but also the diet. It involves eating small meals up to 6 times a day.

Hemorrhagic folk remedies

In addition to diet and basic drug treatment, you can additionally use traditional methods of treatment. They involve the use of vegetable oils (rose hips, carotene and sea buckthorn), as well as herbal infusions (plantain, yarrow, chamomile, flax seeds, St. John's wort).

All this will help provide additional reparative and anti-inflammatory effects.

Disease prevention

As you can see, a disease such as gastritis (hemorrhagic and its other types) is quite dangerous not only for health, but also for human life. Therefore, it is worth doing everything possible to protect yourself from its appearance.

Prevention of hemorrhagic gastritis consists of revising your lifestyle. It should include regular and proper nutrition, an established daily routine and timely observation by doctors. In addition, it is important to give up alcohol and smoking, which causes great harm not only to the lungs, but also to the gastrointestinal tract.

If you suspect the appearance of the disease, you should immediately contact a gastroenterologist. This will help start treatment at the initial stages and avoid possible complications.

It is also important to remember the following information. Hemorrhagic gastritis is a disease compatible with life, as there are many ways to treat it. But it takes quite a long time, and even with surgical intervention, relapses are possible. Therefore, it is better to protect yourself from a possible problem with all your might than to deal with its consequences later.

Erosive gastritis is a type of inflammation of the stomach. It is characterized by damage to the mucous membrane with the formation of single or multiple erosions on it without damage to the muscle wall.

Types of erosive gastritis

There are exogenous and endogenous forms of erosive gastritis. Exogenous inflammation of the stomach develops as a result of exposure to external pathogenic factors. Endogenous gastritis occurs due to the influence of internal causes. Mixed inflammation also occurs.
According to the course, erosive gastritis can be acute and chronic. Acute erosions heal within 4-10 days, but with erosive chronic gastritis, mucosal defects can remain for many months. The disease can also be primary or secondary. Primary gastritis with erosions develops against the background of an unaffected stomach in practically healthy people. Secondary inflammation affects individuals with certain pathologies of the digestive tract.
Erosion may appear predominantly in the fundus, body or antrum of the stomach. Erosive antrum gastritis is most often observed, since the antrum is the lowest part of the organ. It is here that gastric juice can stagnate and corrode the mucous membrane.

Etiology of erosive gastritis

As noted above, erosive-ulcerative gastritis can be caused by external, internal and mixed factors.

External reasons

Exogenous factors include the following:

  • various chemicals (acids and alkalis) that can be taken accidentally or for suicidal purposes;
  • some medications (glucocorticoid hormones, anti-inflammatory drugs);
  • bacterial agents (diphtheria bacillus, salmonella, etc.);
  • errors in nutrition (too rough, spicy food, irregular snacks);
  • exposure to high temperatures (for example, drinking too hot).

Note: smoking is a risk factor for erosive and ulcerative lesions of the stomach, since nicotine constricts blood vessels and impairs blood supply.

Internal reasons

Erosion of the stomach can develop as a result of the following background pathologies:

  • myocardial infarction;
  • reverse flow of bile (reflux gastritis);
  • with deposition of uric acid salts on the walls of the stomach;
  • diseases with metabolic disorders.

Gastritis of mixed etiology can be caused by some forms of allergies, burns, radiation sickness, stress, etc.

Symptoms of erosive gastritis

The main manifestations of the disease are approximately the same for all species.
With the development of erosive gastritis, symptoms may be as follows:

  • abdomen or in the left hypochondrium, which worsen immediately after eating, but can also occur on an empty stomach;
  • nausea, vomiting of undigested food mixed with mucus and blood, sometimes the vomit has the appearance of “coffee grounds”, which occurs as a result of the action of gastric juice on the spilled blood;
  • lack or sharp decrease in appetite;
  • sour belching;
  • heartburn;
  • flatulence;
  • stool disorders (diarrhea, sometimes constipation), which often has a dark, almost black color as a result of the admixture of coagulated blood.

Features of exogenous erosions

Helicobacter increases the risk of developing erosive gastritis

With acid or alkaline damage to the stomach, a burn of the esophagus is usually observed, which is manifested by drooling, severe pain in the sternum, and the inability to eat due to pain. Erosive-hemorrhagic gastritis of drug etiology is characterized by an almost complete absence of pain.
If the disease is bacterial in nature, the temperature may increase, chills, weakness, and headaches may appear. In severe cases, dehydration develops due to repeated vomiting and diarrhea. Visible mucous membranes become dry, the skin loses elasticity and tone, and blood pressure decreases. With diphtheria damage to the stomach, erosions occur after the diphtheria films are rejected.
Erosive antral gastritis often occurs against the background of Helicobacter pylori infection. The localization of erosions in this case is determined using endoscopy.

Features of endogenous erosive inflammation

If the disease is caused by internal pathologies, then the picture of gastritis is superimposed on the symptoms of the underlying disease. For example, there may be signs of myocardial infarction: very severe burning pain behind the sternum, in the shoulder or arm, weakness, dizziness. With erosive reflux gastritis, patients are bothered by bitter belching, vomiting bile, and pain in the right hypochondrium.
Chronic with uremic intoxication are accompanied by anemia and edema. Uric acid salts can be deposited not only in the stomach, but also in the pleural, pericardial, abdominal cavities and even on the skin (“uremic powder”).

Signs of gastritis with erosions of mixed etiology

In case of burn disease, microcirculation of blood in the gastric wall is disrupted, which causes the appearance of erosions. Radiation affects the epithelium of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, cells are rejected with the formation of erosions and ulcers. In this case, erosive gastritis is combined with infectious complications, radiation erosive enterocolitis. In the allergic form of inflammation, signs of the disease appear some time after the action of the allergen; more often, food plays its role. At the same time, urticaria on the skin, swelling of the face, itching of the mucous membranes of the eyes and mouth may occur.

Hemorrhagic gastritis is an inflammation in the mucous parts of the stomach, although first disturbances occur in the vessels located there. Erosive-hemorrhagic gastritis occurs in the presence of a strong inflammatory process and damage to the gastric mucosa by erosion. Erosive-hemorrhagic gastritis can be a consequence of the usual hemorrhagic “brother” or arise on an independent basis.

Both types of illnesses have acute and chronic forms. The symptoms of these diseases are almost the same, which often leads to confusion with terminology.

As a result of exposure to hemorrhagic gastritis, the gastric mucosa becomes saturated with blood, and bleeding may begin. Blood clots often form in the capillaries passing through this organ. This intensifies the inflammatory process and leads to erosion. In order to find out about gastritis, what it is, it is better to seek advice from the appropriate doctor.

1 Causes of the disease

The reasons why the hemorrhagic or erosive type of disease occurs are as follows:

  1. Most often, the disease is caused by uncontrolled and improper use of various drugs by people, for example, anti-inflammatory medications, glucocorticoids, analgesics, etc.
  2. The disease can develop when eating poor quality foods.
  3. Infection of the stomach with salmonella, Helicobacter, and diphtheria bacilli often causes erosive gastritis.
  4. Irregularity of nutrition, consumption of a variety of smoked meats, fatty and spicy foods leads to damage to the mucous structure of the gastrointestinal tract with the formation of various defects on it, which then causes erosive gastritis.
  5. Too hot food can lead to internal burns, which can then trigger erosive gastritis.
  6. The appearance of defects in the gastric mucosa can occur due to severe stress. This is especially common when the patient has chronic psychological trauma.

The development of bleeding is caused by microcirculatory disorders in the capillaries of the stomach, the penetration of blood particles and fragments of cellular structures into the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract.

2 Main symptoms

The symptoms of the described type of gastritis are not specific in clinical manifestations. The main symptoms of this disease correspond to almost all types of gastritis or peptic ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract. But there are some differences from other similar diseases. Symptoms of hemorrhagic gastritis may look like this. The patient begins to experience unpleasant pain in the projection of the stomach and epigastric zone, and the person complains of increased pain after finishing eating.

Gastric dyspepsia and nausea may develop. Many patients experience belching and heaviness in the gastrointestinal tract. Patients with this type of gastritis may begin to vomit stagnant contents that are bloody or brown in color. Often people with gastritis begin to feel dizzy. The stool that comes out is black.

When examining a patient, doctors note the pallor of his skin. A specific coating forms on the human tongue during gastritis. When palpating the gastric region, the patient complains of severe pain. If a patient develops bleeding, it can cause a severe drop in blood pressure in the arteries. At the same time, an increase in heart rate is noted.

When diagnosing using fibrogastroduodenoscopy, reliable data are obtained about the places of multiple erosion of the mucous structures of the stomach against the background of their impregnation with blood plasma. The erosions themselves can also bleed. Patients are diagnosed with an increase or decrease in stomach acidity. Blood tests often show anemia, and the Helicobacter test is negative.

3 Factors leading to the development of acute gastritis

Acute hemorrhagic gastritis can occur suddenly. If a person has already had it, then the reappearance of the disease takes on a lightning-fast character. This type of disease has more pronounced clinical manifestations due to the transient inflammatory process, but with it bleeding occurs much less frequently.

Usually, the appearance of this type of lesion is caused by poor quality food or food that has been spoiled due to long-term storage. But such an illness can also occur when food is poisoned with toxins.

Chemicals, heavy metal salts, and poison can provoke acute gastritis. In this case, a severe chemical burn may occur on the mucous membranes of the stomach, and this leads to the development of hemorrhagic or erosive gastritis. Constant consumption of low-quality alcoholic beverages can have the same effect.

Often the provoking role is played by systemic diseases of connective tissues, which occur against the background of ailments that disrupt normal blood circulation in the gastrointestinal tract.

Gastritis can appear due to injuries to the abdomen, or when the stomach is bruised during a closed blunt trauma.

Under the influence of these factors, the development of acute gastritis is not associated with the secretory activity of mechanisms in the gastrointestinal tract, and therefore it occurs in a relatively short time. Basically, this is influenced by external factors, which gives clear symptoms of this type of disease.

4 Diet food

Diet is one of the main methods of combating the disease, so it is prescribed to all patients with gastritis. Simply following doctors' recommendations when selecting foods and dishes to feed a patient during gastritis in many cases allows him to be protected from repeated manifestations of the disease.

In the acute form of the disease, patients are prescribed dietary table No. 1, and after the crisis period has passed, the person is transferred to food in the form of table No. 5. The measures taken include the following recommendations for food selection: complete exclusion from the diet of spices, coarse, fatty, spicy, canned, fried, smoked foods. Citrus fruits, sweet products and fresh bread are prohibited. You cannot eat tomatoes, peas, or other legumes.

Products allowed for consumption include: bran bread (you can also use a stale white loaf or crackers), various porridges (rice, oatmeal, buckwheat). The meat is selected without fat and only of dietary grade. It is best to use rabbit and chicken meat in your diet. It is recommended to eat omelet or soft-boiled eggs, various fermented milk products (low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir). Boiled vegetable dishes, fruit and berry juices and compotes are required; you can also drink fruit drinks.

Liquid and semi-liquid dishes (broths, various soups, jelly, purees, etc.) should be eaten warm by the patient.

You should not give him hot or very cold food, as this may cause repeated attacks of the disease.

All dishes must be steamed or boiled. The patient should be given food in moderate portions 5-6 times a day. Meal times should be the same. The patient should not overeat, as this will only worsen his situation.

5 Conservative treatment

To eliminate this disease, conservative methods are mainly used. Once the diagnosis has been established, the disease begins with the use of various medications.

To eliminate the disease, drugs are used that reduce the secretion of gastric acid and juice. This creates opportunities to reduce inflammation. Doctors usually recommend drugs to patients such as Dalargin, Omeprazole, Nolpaza, Ranitidine, Kvamatel.

To protect the mucous structures of the gastrointestinal tract from acid in the stomach, medications such as Venter, Phosphalugel, Maalox, etc. can be used.


At a crazy pace, covering the distances between home, work, school/kindergarten, people are increasingly pushing the importance of quality nutrition into the background.

Yes, a full breakfast has long been replaced by coffee and sandwiches on the go, lunch often looks about the same, and the evening resembles a feast, smoothly turning into night. After all, you need to replenish your strength somehow, but there is not enough time for this. As, indeed, for preparing that same food. It’s much faster to order pizza, boxed food, or limit yourself to fast food.

In light of such a rhythm of life, the diagnosis “” no longer surprises anyone and is even considered a kind of norm. However, sometimes this “norm” begins to demonstrate strange symptoms, with pronounced pain, lack of appetite, vomiting and bowel dysfunction. It becomes impossible to continue living with such a clinical picture in the same rhythm and the patient nevertheless turns to a specialist. How surprised will he be when, after a short examination, he is diagnosed with “erosive hemorrhagic gastritis”...

Erosive hemorrhagic gastritis: the essence of the disease

Medical sources describe this disease as an inflammation of the stomach cavity and is classified as a type of gastritis.

Based on the symptoms and location, this is so. However, another name for the disease - “hemorrhoidal gastritis” leads to some clarifications:

  • pathological processes are observed in the remote part of the mucous membrane of the digestive organ;
  • this same mucous membrane not only becomes inflamed, but also begins to rapidly collapse, gradually covering an increasingly larger perimeter;
  • “at the head” of the symptoms of the disease is often bleeding from the stomach, although healing of bleeding erosions occurs without scarring;
  • The main “provocateurs” of the disease are considered to be both bad habits (led by alcohol) and pathological microorganisms that have chosen the stomach as their habitat.

If we also take into account the disturbance of stool, which begins with a bloody disorder and suddenly gives way to constipation, the treatment of erosive-hemorrhagic gastritis absolutely cannot be postponed “for later”. After all, from destroyed mucous membranes there is a direct path to organ dysfunction and muscle tissue pathologies. And this is no longer a diagnosis, this is already a death sentence for the gastrointestinal tract...

Diagnostic methods

This is not a disease that should be diagnosed at home and self-medicated. After all, the patient cannot know what exactly is happening to the mucous membrane of his digestive tract, no matter what theoretical knowledge he has.

Only a specialist can provide basic information and an accurate diagnosis, based on the results of the patient’s examination. The only visual symptoms of the disease are pale skin and abdominal tenderness on palpation. But their information content is rather vague and requires clinical confirmation:

  • Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (examines the mucous membrane for the presence of pathological changes, bleeding, determines their location).
  • Targeted biopsy (is part of the procedure mentioned above and is responsible for the oncogenicity of the disease).
  • pH-metry (carries information about the production of hydrochloric acid).
  • Complete blood count (shows blood loss of an acute or chronic nature).
  • Breath urease test (refutes/confirms the involvement of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori in the development of the disease).

If you are unable to visit a gastroenterologist urgently, do everything possible to avoid worsening your condition over these few days and get examined yourself. To do this, it is enough to remove harmful foods/alcoholic drinks from your diet, take a blood test and undergo an ultrasound examination. Such a “diet” will not allow erosive-hemorrhagic gastritis to worsen your condition, and the research results obtained will certainly show pathological changes in the digestive tract and will significantly speed up the diagnosis in the doctor’s office.

In this case, such actions justify their initiative and speed up the moment of healing. And do not forget to listen to yourself, because it is the patient who is attentive to his body who has the opportunity to be the first to suspect that something is “off.”

Symptoms of the disease

Since erosive hemorrhagic gastritis cannot be self-diagnosed even by a conscientious, well-read patient, it is worth assuming that specific signs of this disease simply do not exist. After all, suspicion falls on ordinary gastritis or gastritis with high acidity, stomach ulcers, or any other ailment of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, the concept of “hemorrhagic” may be unknown to the patient.

But, on the other hand, an experienced specialist will immediately pay attention to some external signs of the disease:

  • pale skin;
  • painful discomfort during examination/palpation;
  • weakness, low blood pressure, rapid pulse.

His suspicions are confirmed immediately after the patient’s complaints with which he came for help:

  • Painful sensations in the stomach/upper abdomen. After eating, they intensify significantly. Also observed in the morning, reminiscent of “hunger pains”.
  • Gastric bleeding, which manifests itself in characteristic vomiting mixed with blood (not scarlet, but brown), abnormal bowel movements with tarry stool.
  • Periodic nausea, unpleasant belching.
  • Constant heartburn, often with a putrid odor.
  • Bitterness in the mouth, “metallic” taste.
  • Feeling of heaviness in the stomach.
  • Sudden weight loss for no apparent reason.
  • Bloating/increased gas formation.
  • Headaches, dizziness, chronic fatigue.

The “final” results in making the correct diagnosis will be the results of clinical studies:

  • Increased/normal level of acidity.
  • Absence of the pathogenic bacterium Helicobacter pylori.
  • Low hemoglobin level.
  • Confirmation of destruction of the gastric mucosa by performing FGDS.

Some of these symptoms relate to the acute form of the disease (primary illness), some to the chronic manifestation of the disease. Hemorrhagic erosive gastritis, provoked by the systematic use of medications, can even “masquerade” as an existing disease (diabetes mellitus, myocardial infarction, infectious complications). But, in any case, treatment is extremely necessary and the sooner the better. After all, the primary form has a chance to be cured in 5-10 days, but the advanced (chronic) form can bother you for years.

Reasons for the development of the disease

None of the diseases of the gastrointestinal tract occurs on their own. Even if the patient adhered to an extremely healthy lifestyle, the erosive-hemorrhagic gastritis diagnosed in him has good reasons for its occurrence.

First of all, it is worth paying attention to the genetics of the disease, while examining the patient’s digestive tract for the presence of congenital pathologies. After all, they can lead to the sudden development of the disease or place the patient at risk.

However, as practice shows, heredity makes up only a tiny percentage in the overall picture of the causation of the disease. The main part comes down to a careless attitude towards one’s health, lack of quality nutrition and at least some kind of regime, craving for bad habits/fast food/alcohol/uncontrolled use of medications/too hot food and drinks.

An important role is played by stressful situations, constant emotional stress, lack of sports in the patient’s life, a crazy rhythm in which there are no 30 minutes for a normal meal.

We should not forget about the possibility of poisoning by poisons and harmful metals, which provoke chemical damage to the lining of the stomach. The same pathological changes can be caused by any other intoxication of the body, a closed-type stomach injury, or bruise of internal organs.

Each indicated reason is real and may occur in this particular clinical case. This explains the need for immediate contact with a doctor, a full examination and a responsible attitude to the treatment algorithm.

Drug treatment of erosive-hemorrhagic gastritis

IMPORTANT! Treatment of this disease should take place on an outpatient basis. And if internal bleeding was diagnosed, then in the hospital. After all, the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract, the health and life of the patient is at stake.

It is under medical supervision that an individually selected algorithm for the treatment of erosive-hemorrhagic gastritis is followed:

  • Bleeding: hemostatic medications that are injected directly into the stomach (“AKK”, “Vikasol”).
  • High level of acidity: drugs with a special enveloping effect (Almagel, Phosphalugel), antisecretory agents (Ranitidine, Kvamatel).
  • Pain syndrome: anesthetics (Analgin in ampoules is most effective).
  • Difficulty in digestion: enzymatic agents (Mezim, Creon).
  • Decreased immunity: vitamin complexes.

And most importantly - drugs with an antibacterial spectrum of action, without which the treatment of this disease is indispensable. And with them - bed rest, proper rest, dietary nutrition, strengthening the body with the help of “vitamin” droppers.


This is perhaps the first right step towards recovery, which anyone can take before visiting a gastroenterologist. To do this, it is enough to know a few forbidden dishes/products:

  • Salty/fried/pickled/smoked/spicy/fatty foods.
  • Most spices, preservatives, individual additives.
  • Baked goods, white (especially fresh) bread, flour sweets.
  • Acidic foods.
  • Coffee, strong tea, carbonated drinks.
  • Alcoholic drinks.

You should be extremely careful with fresh vegetables and fruits. They definitely have a beneficial effect on the body as a whole, but they can be “dangerous” for the digestive tract. This refers to their ability to provoke increased gas formation/bloating, fermentation in the stomach (citrus fruits, broccoli, onions, cabbage). However, carrots, zucchini, beans and greens are recommended for consumption even during periods of exacerbation of the disease.

Introduce light vegetable soups and liquid dishes into your diet (just remember that the food should be warm, not hot!). It is better to use lean meat/fish, boil it or bake it in the oven, or steam it. Replace butter with olive oil.

In addition to carefully monitoring your diet, it is worth reviewing your schedule and setting aside regular meals for yourself (preferably fractional ones, at least 6 times a day). Portions should be approximately the same, evening portions should be even smaller.

And remember! You need rest, no stress/sudden movements/physical activity. Try to stay in bed and avoid catching any viral infection. While in a hospital, this is quite possible, although much depends on the patient’s caution and his body’s defenses. And don’t forget about the prevention of gastrointestinal diseases, because avoiding an illness is much easier than treating it for years later.



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs