Let's cure a friend from an annoying runny nose! Snot in a dog: causes, what to do, how to treat it.

Many owners consider a dog’s nose to be an indicator of the pet’s health, and the slightest discharge from it indicates the development of pathology in the respiratory system. The owner may observe greenish discharge from the nose of his four-legged friend due to inflammation of the maxillary sinuses (sinusitis). The disease requires qualified help to avoid serious complications.

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Causes of purulent discharge

According to veterinary experts, The most common reasons for the discharge of purulent exudate from a dog’s nose are:

Veterinarians and experienced dog breeders in some cases consider hypothermia to be the cause of purulent nasal discharge. The provoking factor in the development of pathology is the body’s low resistance to pathogens and weakened immunity as a result of chronic diseases.

According to veterinarians, sinusitis is more common in dogs with a brachycephalic skull structure (bulldogs, pugs). This phenomenon is associated with the peculiarities of the anatomical structure. Shortened nasal passages are a favorable environment for the development of congestive and inflammatory processes in the maxillary sinuses.

Symptoms of sinusitis in dogs and other diseases

An irritating agent (microorganisms, poisons, foreign body, allergen) causes swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages. The mucus produced by epithelial cells leads to a narrowing of the lumen of the maxillary sinuses, which is accompanied by inflammation and pain. An owner can suspect his four-legged friend has sinusitis if he knows the symptoms of the disease:

A sick pet loses its appetite. With sinusitis due to the inflammatory process, an increase in body temperature to 40 - 41C is observed.

Diagnosis of an animal

First of all, it is important for the owner to make sure that the cause of purulent nasal discharge in the pet is sinusitis, and not an infectious disease such as canine distemper. A viral infection, as a rule, is accompanied not only by symptoms of purulent sinusitis, but also by diarrhea, vomiting, and severe dehydration. If such a clinical picture is present, the owner should immediately seek qualified help.

After collecting an anamnesis and conducting a general clinical examination, the veterinary specialist prescribes a series of studies. First of all, a laboratory study of the washout from the nasal mucosa is carried out. Bacteriological analysis allows you to determine the causative agent of the infection and select the most effective antibacterial drug.

Clinical blood examination allows you to clarify the diagnosis. With sinusitis, leukocytosis and an increased content of lymphocytes are observed.

X-ray examination helps to reliably judge inflammation of the maxillary sinuses in an animal. X-rays are taken in frontal and lateral projections, the animal’s mouth should be open. In the image, an experienced veterinary radiologist will see areas of darkening, which indicate that the nasal sinuses are filled with purulent contents.

An X-ray examination will detect a foreign body in the nasal cavity, an anomaly in the development of the skull, neoplasms, and polyps.

Differential diagnosis is carried out primarily in relation to infectious diseases - canine distemper, adenovirus infection. Sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, and neoplastic causes of sinusitis are excluded.

Treatment of pus from the nose in dogs

Treatment of the disease begins with the procedure of freeing the nasal cavity from crusts and exudate. For this purpose, the pet’s nose is treated with antiseptic solutions - Miramistin, chlorhexidine, furatsilin. Infusions of medicinal plants that have anti-inflammatory and calming effects - calendula, chamomile, sage - are also suitable.

After the nose is freed from crusts and pus, the animal's sinuses are washed with saline. At home, it is convenient to use a syringe for the procedure. The use of medicinal drops, for example Anandin, has a good therapeutic effect.

The use of human drops with a vasoconstrictor effect, such as Naphthyzin and Sanorin, is prohibited for dogs. Such drugs dry out the mucous membrane and provoke even greater swelling. Traditional medicine uses propolis solution and sea buckthorn oil.

Inhalation has a good effect on a sick pet. For this purpose, essential oils of eucalyptus, tea tree are used, or pine twigs are brewed. During the procedure, you must ensure that the steam is not too hot.

It is useful to use dry heat in the form of a Sollux lamp. Fabric bags with heated table salt can be applied to the bridge of the nose of a sick animal.

In addition to local effects on the source of inflammation, systemic use of antibacterial agents is indicated for sinusitis.

Antibiotics of the penicillin series, for example Bicillin-5, are highly effective against the disease. Cephalosporins, such as Ceftriaxone, are also used in veterinary practice. The drug is administered intramuscularly at a dose recommended by the attending physician. The duration of the course is at least 10 days. In advanced cases, antibacterial therapy is extended to 14–21 days.

In order to increase the body's defenses, the course of treatment includes immunomodulators, vitamins and mineral supplements. It is recommended that the diet be composed of easily digestible foods. Walking during treatment is reduced to avoid hypothermia.


To prevent such a nuisance in your pet as sinusitis, following the following recommendations from veterinary specialists will help:

  • Balanced diet. Adequate nutrition is the key to the formation of a strong animal’s immune system.
  • Protection against hypothermia. The pet should be kept in a warm, dry and draft-free room. It is unacceptable for your dog to inhale tobacco smoke.
  • Prevention of skull injuries and foreign objects entering the nasal passages.
  • Timely treatment of respiratory diseases (rhinitis, bronchitis, bronchopneumonia).
  • Competent treatment of allergies in animals.

Sinusitis in dogs is an inflammation involving the maxillary sinuses. There are many reasons for the pathology - from banal hypothermia to neoplastic processes. Purulent nasal discharge should be differentiated from infectious diseases - plague, adenovirus. Therapy is complex and includes local treatment and a course of broad-spectrum antibiotics.

Useful video

For more information on the causes and treatment of runny nose in dogs, watch this video:

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Rhinitis (runny nose) is a very common disease among dogs and cats. .serp-item__passage(color:#888)... Inflammation of the nasal mucosa is observed, which is accompanied by the discharge of mucus from the nose (colorless, greenish or...

First, let's define what a runny nose is - it's rhinitis, and rhinitis, in turn, is inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Depending on the course of inflammation, it can be acute or chronic.

Rhinitis can occur as an independent disease, due to hypothermia, dusty room, air pollution, or as a symptom of another disease, for example: allergies to pollen, inflammation of the molars or premolars of the upper jaw. Inflammation of the middle ear (otitis) can also be accompanied by purulent rhinitis, a foreign object, or a tumor. One of the symptoms mycoplasmosis is rhinitis. With an adenovirus infection, the dog will also experience purulent nasal discharge. Also, purulent rhinitis is one of the symptoms of carnivore plague. To confirm the diagnosis in a laboratory, you need to take swabs from the nasal mucosa for polymerase chain reaction, a general blood test with erythrocyte sedimentation rate. These tests will allow you to accurately identify the pathogen and determine the immune status of the body.

Most often, a runny nose in dogs occurs during the transitional periods of the year: spring - autumn, provided that the runny nose is not a consequence of any disease or its symptom, but appears due to hypothermia of the nasal mucosa, or the body as a whole.

How to cure a runny nose in a dog will depend on what kind of rhinitis we are dealing with. Symptoms of acute rhinitis will be the discharge of liquid from the nasal passages (transparent, non-viscous and practically odorless). The dog will scratch its face with its front paws, sneeze frequently, and lick its nose. If its activity and appetite are not disturbed, then such rhinitis with timely treatment goes away in 5-7 days. In this case, it is advisable to use immunostimulating drops (Derinat) and anti-inflammatory drops (Anandin drops), the frequency of instillation and dosage according to the instructions or as prescribed by a doctor.

If a dog develops purulent rhinitis, the discharge becomes opaque (white, yellow, green), with an unpleasant odor, and possibly interspersed with blood. At the same time, the dog scratches its muzzle, crusts have dried on its nose, and it has become difficult for the animal to breathe. Then don’t delay to rule out more serious infections! Independent purulent rhinitis, as a rule, occurs due to a bacterial or viral infectious origin.

Treatment of bacterial rhinitis in dogs: first you need to soften the crusts on the nose with lotions with a solution of hydrogen peroxide or petroleum jelly. After carefully removing the crusts, antibiotic drops are instilled into each nasal passage (Levomycetin ophthalmic 1-2 drops in each nasal passage) and the animal’s nose is lubricated with Vaseline oil, and for further hydration, you can add a drop of vitamin A (retinol acetate solution), then tissue regeneration will intensify, but not more often than once a day. You should refrain from using other oils that are so beloved by owners (for example, peach oil), as they can cause allergies in the animal. Treatment of purulent rhinitis using injection antibiotic therapy will accelerate the results of intranasal exposure and prevent possible complications from developing.

Always remember that even a runny nose in a dog can cause a more dangerous disease, do not delay receiving it for a more accurate and timely diagnosis. Health to you and your animals!

A runny nose is quite common in humans; many people don’t even pay attention to it. It is believed that a runny nose is or. But if a dog has a stuffy nose, what should you do in this case? The animal's owners begin to panic and don't know how to help.

Do dogs have runny noses?

Despite the fact that dogs have a good coat, they are capable of hypothermia. Sudden temperature changes are especially dangerous for dog health. For example, a pet lives in an apartment where it is very hot. When going out for a walk, the dog sharply inhales a fresh portion of cold air, this is enough to cause a runny nose or nasal congestion.

A dog can become hypothermic in the cold.

A runny nose in dogs is more common in the autumn and spring.

Risk group

Shar Peis are very susceptible to runny noses due to the structure of the nasal cavity.

Some breeds are more susceptible to this disease due to the unusual structure of their nasal passages. A runny nose bothers short-nosed dogs with a flattened muzzle (for example, pugs or Shar-Peis).

Pugs often have a runny nose.

Causes of a runny nose

A runny nose is not always a consequence of changing weather conditions. The respiratory tract of animals is very sensitive to various odors. When irritating substances (smoke, chemical compounds) enter the nostrils, a runny nose appears.

A dog's runny nose can be caused by cigarette smoke.

The appearance of mucous discharge from the nostrils may be due to the ingestion of plant pollen or foreign objects. Dogs often sniff the grass while walking, so small blades of grass and spikelets get into the nostrils, which provokes the appearance of signs of a runny nose.

Toy dog ​​breeds often experience runny noses when the climate changes. This indicates a weakened pet's immune system. Hunting dogs participating in a hunt can easily catch a runny nose if the area is damp and the air is too humid.

A runny nose may be one of the symptoms of any more serious illness . For example, a runny nose occurs due to inflammatory processes in the larynx.

The appearance of a runny nose in a pet should be taken seriously. If not, it progresses, causing complications. Very often, a continuation of a runny nose is inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.


Diseases not directly related to the nasopharynx can also cause a runny nose:

Rhinitis can develop due to the presence of fleas.

Symptoms and signs of a runny nose

A dog's runny nose resembles human rhinitis. Sneezing appears, the animal begins to frequently lick its nose, and periodically rubs it with its paws.

When a dog has a runny nose, it begins to sneeze.

Excessive secretions are visible from the nasal passages. They may be liquid at the beginning of the disease, then their consistency thickens. The underlying disease can be predicted by the type of discharge. If the snot is purulent, then there is an infection in the body.

A runny nose prevents your pet from breathing . Crusts appear in the nostrils, causing irritation. The dog sucks in air with difficulty and sniffles. Gradually switches to mouth breathing, as crusts in the nose cause discomfort.

If rhinitis is not caused by an infection, then the dog’s general health is satisfactory. There may be no other symptoms other than nasal discharge. Even the dog’s appetite is excellent.

Acute form of rhinitis

Acute rhinitis usually heals within a week. If this does not happen, it means that the treatment was incorrect or untimely.

Untreated rhinitis becomes chronic. Exacerbations will occur periodically. The chronic form leads to the fact that the dog eats worse, is in a depressed state, and begins to lose weight. The mucous membrane becomes thinner, cracks and erosive damage appear on it.

Untreated rhinitis leads to weight loss.

If the disease is infectious, then a runny nose can continue for a long time, until complete recovery.

The croupous form of rhinitis causes difficulty breathing and high fever. In this case, symptoms are observed for 2–3 weeks in a row.

If the owner cannot independently determine the cause of rhinitis, he should visit a veterinary clinic. After examination, taking tests and receiving their results, the specialist will make a diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Treating a runny nose in a dog at home

In special cases, veterinary drops can be replaced with children's drops.

Animals are treated with veterinary drugs. The use of drops intended for humans can cause burns to the mucous membranes of the animal. As a last resort, if it is not possible to purchase drops for your dog, you can use children's nasal products.

Nasal drops

It is recommended to use special preparations for dogs. For example, drops Maxidin, the active substance of which is a germanium compound. The drug has antiviral and immunomodulatory effects. When using it, the animal’s immunity increases, the body better resists infections.

Maxidin has an antiviral effect.


Maxidin drops are prescribed as a treatment for viral diseases: , plague. It is used to treat and remove worms. He is also balding. It can be used as a prophylactic. The drug helps regenerate the skin, improves hair growth and improves its appearance. Many breeders use drops before shows to improve the pet’s well-being and prevent infectious diseases. After all, there are always huge crowds of animals at exhibitions, so it won’t be difficult to catch some kind of virus.

The drug will help cure demodicosis in dogs.

Maxidin is prescribed for the treatment of a runny nose and purulent inflammation of the eyes. Drops are effective in eliminating cataracts (if the disease is detected at an early stage). The drug is dripped into each nasal passage for a runny nose, 2 drops (morning, afternoon and evening). Treatment is carried out until the symptoms of a runny nose disappear completely.


You can use intranasal drops for dogs and cats - Anandin. Indications for the use of this remedy are runny nose and conjunctivitis.

Anandin should be dripped into the nose three times a day.

Therefore, you can bury it both in the nose and in the eyes. If you have a runny nose, it is recommended to drip your pet’s nose 3 times a day. The number of drops depends on the weight of the animal. Typically use 1 to 4 drops in each nasal passage. Treatment for longer than 2 weeks is not recommended. The drug is addictive, which means it becomes ineffective. There are usually no side effects during treatment with Anandin. A contraindication to the use of the product may be the animal’s individual intolerance to individual components.

In acute rhinitis, it is necessary to exclude repeated hypothermia of the pet. Treatment will consist of cleansing the nasal passages and instilling a weak solution into them furacillin (0.1%). E Lubrication of the nasal passages is considered effective oxolinic ointment .

Oxolinic ointment is considered an effective remedy.

To clean the nose of dried crusts, soak a cotton swab in peroxide and apply it to problem areas, then remove the cotton swab from the nostrils along with the softened crusts. You can prevent the appearance of crusts using Vaseline or any vegetable oil.

Naphthyzin is NOT allowed!

The use of naphthyzin, sanorin and other nasal drops for dogs is prohibited.

If the runny nose has become chronic, the nostrils can be sprayed with a 0.5% tannin solution. Menthol oil is excellent for these purposes. It is injected into the nostrils using a syringe or a syringe without a needle.

For chronic forms of the disease, menthol oil can be used.

Warming up the nose

Warming up the nose helps a lot. You can do it yourself at home, or use UHF in a veterinary clinic.

Warming up the nose is allowed at home.

Home rinsing solution

The dog is sick, but the pharmacies are already closed and there are no drops in the house? You can use a soda solution for rinsing. The soda solution should be 1%.

You can use a soda solution for rinsing.

There is one more popular method: use onion juice to wet swabs and insert them into the animal's nostrils. Be sure to dilute onion juice with warm boiled water in a 1:1 ratio. Cotton swabs are inserted into the dog 3-4 times a day. Treatment continues for several days until signs of the disease disappear.

Beet decoction

Beetroot decoction is suitable for washing. You can squeeze the juice from a fresh root vegetable and dilute it with boiled water (1:1).

Irritated nasal passages can be dried using streptocide powder. It is blown into the nostrils and generously sprinkled on the animal’s nose.


Nasal injuries and polyps require consultation with a surgeon. Usually it is recommended to remove polyps, but no one guarantees that they will not grow back. After the polyps are removed, you will have to visit the clinic periodically for follow-up examinations.

Polyps in a dog's nose.

Boosting immunity

It is necessary to use means to increase immunity: immunofan, immunal, cycloferon, gamavit. A properly formulated diet will help prevent colds. It should contain: meat, cereals, fermented milk products, fresh and boiled vegetables.

Immunofan is used to enhance immunity.

Video about runny nose in dogs

Snot in a dog can be a sign of several different diseases. You can always determine the state of health of an animal by looking at its nose. And not only its dryness and high temperature, but also the presence of snot can warn of danger.

You can notice snot not only by nasal discharge, but also by the fact that the dog will often lick its nose, sneeze, and try to scratch it with its front paws.

Causes of snot in dogs

A simple runny nose, or as it is called, can occur as a result of ordinary hypothermia, inhalation of substances that irritate the dog, or damage to the nasal mucosa by some object. Even a walk in a polluted or dusty place can provoke inflammation of the nasal mucosa and, as a result, snot. They can be transparent or greenish, purulent.

In this case, it is better to keep the dog in a warm but well-ventilated place without drafts, and give it a warm drink with a drop of honey. A dog's sensitive nose may also instantly react to strong chemical odors with allergic snot. In this case, there may be no other symptoms, or others may arise, such as:

  • sneezing,
  • skin itching,
  • teary eyes,
  • labored breathing.

In addition to chemical odors, allergies can be triggered by:

  • new food,
  • new plastic food bowl,
  • insect bites,
  • dust or mold,
  • plant pollen,
  • even .

Treatment of snot in dogs, what should the owner do?

It is necessary to determine the cause of the allergy and eliminate it as soon as possible. In addition, anything can get into a dog's nose, since he is constantly sniffing everything, exploring the world. Most often these are plant seeds, blades of grass, twigs, dust, and fragments of pebbles. At the same time, the dog often sneezes and tries to clear his nose of unnecessary objects. Clear snot flows from the nose, possibly with blood, since the nasal mucosa may be damaged. The owner needs to look into the pet’s nose and try to help.

If this does not work, and the dog is clearly in pain, it must be taken to the veterinarian as soon as possible. More rare causes of snot include congenital anatomical defects in the structure of the nasopharynx. For example, such as a cleft palate, in which a hole remains between the cavities of the nose and mouth, which prevents the puppy from sucking. An elongated soft palate is characteristic of short-faced dog breeds. Because of this, air does not pass freely and the dog breathes noisily, snores, and snot flows from the nose.

A dog's nasal discharge may not always be a sign of a common cold. Quite often the cause is a serious infectious disease. To make an accurate diagnosis, you need to seek help from a veterinarian, since there are an incredible variety of reasons that cause snot from a dog’s nose.

Snot is mucus, which has different consistency and color, and is secreted out through the nasal sinuses. It is formed as a result of the influence of unfavorable environmental factors on special glandular cells in the mucous membranes of the nose. The pathology itself is called runny nose or rhinitis.

Causes of the problem

Main symptoms

To make an accurate diagnosis, it may be The following points need to be clarified:

Treatment methods

Treatment of a runny nose in dogs directly depends on the type and cause of its occurrence. It is best to seek advice from a veterinarian.

Allergic reaction

As a rule, with allergies, excessive nasal discharge is accompanied by watery eyes and sneezing. There may also be a rash and itching all over the animal’s body. Characteristics - tears do not sour in the corners of the eyes, nasal discharge is serous, liquid and transparent.

The sinuses do not need to be washed, but it is necessary to take antihistamine medications:

In severe cases, steroid and/or hormonal drugs are indicated for use.


Resting on cold floors or drafts is detrimental to your pet's health. In acute rhinitis, when the runny nose is watery and clear, frequent rinsing of the sinuses is not required. All you need to do is purchase and use nasal drops Pinosol or Derinat(oil-based herbal preparations) - 2-3 drops per day, duration of treatment is up to two weeks. To warm up, you can place bags of buckwheat, salt and warm sand on the bridge of your nose - up to three times a day.

Please note that if the snot is thick and green, then heating is strictly prohibited.

If the snot stops flowing strongly, thickens, acquires a yellow-green tint and begins to dry around the nose, then be careful before rinsing remove crusts. It is recommended to rinse the nose well with a precooked solution of 0.5% tannin and 1% soda. Apply Levomycetin eye drops up to two times a day, 2-3 drops, course duration is no more than 10 days.

Dogs should not take vasoconstrictor medications. It is especially not recommended to use human drops, for example, Nasol, Sanorin, Naphthyzin and Galazolin.

Foreign bodies

Blockages in a dog's nasal passages are not uncommon. This is due to the fact that dogs love to dig everything and poke their noses wherever there is such an opportunity. This can be understood by the absence movement of air from one nostril, wheezing breath or discharge from one nostril. In addition, they say that most dogs begin to actively shake their heads and rub their faces with their paws, letting their owner know that something is wrong.

It is better not to consider the option of removing objects yourself; we recommend that you seek help from a specialist. The structure of a dog’s nasal passages is such that if it is removed ineptly, there is a high probability of pushing this object even deeper into the nasopharynx.

Infectious diseases

Only a doctor can determine the type of infection based on the examination. The causative agent can be not only viruses and bacteria, but also fungi. Depending on the type of infection, specific treatment will be prescribed- antifungal, antiviral and antimicrobial drugs. At the same time, it is recommended to give your pet medications that stimulate the immune system and general strengthening.

If the snot is yellow-green, thick and makes breathing difficult, then rinsing the nose is indicated. Therapeutic drops are similar to those used for colds, for example, Levomycetin eye drops, Derinat and Pinosol. In order to increase local immunity of the nasal mucous membranes, Thymogen drops are often used, 2-3 drops per dog whose weight does not exceed 10 kg, the duration of use is 7-10 days.

The following diseases deserve special attention: plague and adenovirus. Therapy should be started as soon as possible. Only a specialist can calculate the disease, based on the diagnostic methods used and clinical examination.

Local irritation

Dogs are able to detect odors that humans cannot hear. Their sensitivity to odors is much higher. Powders, vapors from household chemical solutions and caustic smoke can cause local irritation of the nasal mucosa. The therapy is similar to that for allergies, but in case of local irritation it is necessary to rinse the nose.

Furacilin is used for washing, pharmacy saline solution or homemade solution of table salt.

Of the antihistamines indicated for use: Suprastin, Tavegil, Diazolin, Diphenhydramine in dosages as for allergies.

General restorative treatment

As you already understand, the causes of rhinitis can be very diverse, but in each case, restorative treatment to stimulate the activity of the immune system will not be superfluous. This is especially indicated in the course of viral diseases:

  • Gamavit;
  • Cycloferon;
  • Immunofan;
  • Fosprenil;
  • Ribotan.

The drug and regimen of use must be determined by a veterinarian.

Cleaning the dog's nose

For small dogs, as a rule, the nose is not washed, but cleaned using cotton swabs generously moistened with a solution. Dogs of large and medium breeds can have their nose rinsed using special solutions preheated to the pet’s body temperature, using a rubber bulb or a syringe without a needle. The manipulation must be carried out after removing dried crusts around the nostrils. The crusts should be soaked with a solution of hydrogen peroxide or warm water.

The manipulation should be carried out by two people - one holds the pet, and the second rinses the nose. The dog should be secured in a sitting position. It would be a good idea to wear a muzzle that does not secure the nasal mirrors. It is quite possible that your pet will sneeze - this is quite normal, even good, the procedure helps remove mucus and thick masses from the deep passages. Allow the dog to sneeze and continue the procedure until a clear solution begins to flow from the nostrils.

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