The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt walkthrough of the main story. Walkthrough of the game - Velen


Story missions


Nilfgaardian liaison.– After an audience with the emperor, we receive three search directions - Velen, Novigrad and the Skellige islands. Yennefer advises starting the search with Velen. Let's go to Velen. Following the sign, we find an inn where we can find out about the spy we need. It is better to disperse peacefully with the bandits who appear there. Since later, if we kill them, we will have to make extra maneuvers to get to the Bloody Baron. The innkeeper will point us to the village of Vereskovka. The Wild Hunt visited Vereskovka. Let's find one survivor, he will indicate where the agent lived. Once on the spot and having conducted an investigation, we take the next steps.


Bloody Baron.– Having arrived in Vronitsy, we go to the baron. The baron has guests, the commander of the Nilfgaardian garrison. But he literally leaves immediately. We begin a conversation with the baron. It will also depend on your actions in the tavern. But the conversation will take place in any case. The Baron will confirm that Ciri was with him for some time. We need details.

Ciri's story. King of the wolves.– The Baron will tell you how Ciri came to him. The actual story will be in the first person. That is, we will play as Ciri. After watching the video of Ciri running away from the Wild Hunt, we fall into a ditch, and from there we begin to act on our own. We must remember that Ciri does not have a witcher’s sense, she does not even have a silver sword. But she knows how to identify wounds and brew potions. Therefore, when we need herbs, we simply look around and look for what we need. Ciri will have to fight the werewolf.

Family matters.– The Baron will interrupt his story and offer Geralt a deal. Find the baron's wife and daughter in exchange for the rest of the information about Ciri. We agree to help the baron. We inspect the rooms of the baron's wife and daughter. Based on the evidence found, we are conducting further investigation.

Help the princess.– One of the clues will lead us to the local sorceress. When we approach his hut, we will stumble upon a small gang of spiteful critics who want to deal with the sorcerer. You can shred everyone, or you can reach an agreement in peace. The choice is yours. Next, the witch will meet us and agree to help. He needs to talk to the spirits. But to begin his fortune-telling, he needs a goat, which just ran away at the sight of the bandits. We go in search of a goat. After we return the goat, the magician will perform a ceremony and we will learn about the dead child of the baron’s wife. She had a miscarriage. We also learn that the child was not even buried, but simply buried. And now we have to deal with Igosha.

Family matters (continued).- We return to the fortress. There we watch the stable burn, and no one puts it out, because they are afraid of the drunken baron. Before we punch the baron in the face, we can save the stableman who is stuck there with the horses. You need to climb the ladder to the second floor of the stable and from there begin the rescue operation, sweeping away the interfering rubbish with Aard or a sword. When we save the stableman and the horses, we can stop by the baron too.

After we bring the baron to his senses, we learn from him details about his wife and daughter. We find out where he took the stillborn child. We are preparing for the meeting with Igosha. There are two options: kill the monster or turn Igosha into Chur. You decide. If we kill Igosha, there will be dancing with a tambourine in the presence of a fortune teller. If we managed to turn him into Chur, then he will show us the road along which the baron’s wife and daughter escaped. In both cases, we find ourselves in the hut of the fisherman Wojciech, who helped in the escape. We learn that Anna, the baron’s wife, was dragged away by a monster, and his daughter Tamara is safe with his brother, who lives in Oxenfurt.

Ciri's story. Horse racing.– Having shared the information received with the baron, let’s listen to another story about Ciri. As in the first case, we play as Ciri. The Baron will tell you that they went hunting, and Ciri simply killed a boar with a sword. Then a dispute arises over who will overtake whom. Bet the baron's black mare and Ciri's witcher's sword. The Baron is taking part in a race against Ciri. After Ciri wins (?), they are attacked by the Basilisk. This is where the baron ends the story.

Family matters (Tamara).– Having learned that his daughter is in Oxenfurt, the baron gives us a travel document with which we can freely cross the border river Pontar. We go to Oxenfurt and find Tamara there. Tamara joined the witch hunters and joined the Order of the Eternal Fire. She is not going to return to her father. And with the help of new friends, he wants to try to free his mother. We can report to the baron on the results of the meeting.

Keira Metz

Witch hunt.– Even when we were conducting an investigation in the house of the murdered agent Gendrik, we would have two clues to further search - this is the baron and the unknown witch with whom Ciri allegedly quarreled. Go to the baron or find a witch, the order in principle does not matter here. Although, on the other hand, having found a witch, we will already have some advantages. We will learn more about the witches from Crooked-Ear Marsh and quite a lot of other facts that will be useful to us in the future. We can find out the location of the witch by eavesdropping on the conversations of local residents of the village of Podlesie, or we can find it on our own. Having found her house in the forest near Podlesye, we will find her talking with the local residents. Noticing us, she quickly says goodbye to the peasants and retires to the house. We follow into the house, there we pay attention to the skull on the shelf, which is surrounded by a strong aura. A portal will immediately open into which we will enter. There we find our old friend, advisor to King Foltest, sorceress Keira Metz.

To the touch.– After exchanging pleasantries with Keira, we find out that she knows nothing about Ciri. But on the other hand, she will tell you that an elven sorcerer visited her and was interested in Ciri. He also asked to warn him if she appeared nearby. Keira and Geralt go to the elf's hideout. They find neither Ciri nor the elf there. But they meet with the Wild Hunt. As a result: we receive information about the witches from the Crooked-Ear Marshes, how to find them, Keira’s artifact - the Eye of Nehalena, and the Magic Lamp, which will become ours a little later. And also a lot of positive emotions from communicating with Keira Metz.


Mistresses of the forest.– Let’s read the book about witches that Keira will give us, from it we learn that a sweet path leads to witches. On the western outskirts of the Crooked Ear Marshes we find a wooden statue of a woman hung with gingerbread. We follow the path deep into the swamps. We go to a small settlement. We find children there, but we don’t really have time to talk; a woman appears and drives us away. One of the children managed to let it slip that they needed to find Ivasik in the swamps, who knew everything. The boy was put in a corner as punishment. We find a solution on how to talk to him in order to find out about this Ivasik. Then we find Ivasik himself. After some twists and turns, Ivasik helps us organize a meeting with the witches.

Ciri's Story: Escape from the Swamps.“After we settle all matters on Whispering Hill and return to the witches, they will come to us.” Three disgusting creatures that vaguely resemble people. We learn that the woman who performed the duties of a servant and looks after the children is the baron’s wife. The witches, choking and spitting saliva, will tell how they wanted to eat Ciri, only one thing held them back, the fact that Imlerich, the king of the Wild Hunt, was eager to get her. But even in this case, they were about to cut off Ciri’s feet, but she escaped.

Family matters (continued).– We return to the baron and report that we have found Anna. After we listen (or don’t listen) to the baron and determine the degree of guilt of both the baron and his wife in what happened, we will listen to the baron’s story about Ciri.

Ciri's Story: Out of the Shadows.“The baron interrupted his story when they were attacked by a Basilisk. The whole intrigue of this battle is tied to the fact that Ciri is forced to use her ability to move in space and time. In the future, you will see for yourself when you see how Ciri, with one swing of her sword, cuts through the warriors of the Wild Hunt, clad in powerful armor made of meteorite steel. In fact, this Basilisk is a rag doll for her and nothing more. But... The plot! After Ciri flew to the tower to save the baron, she was forced to flee, because she knew that the Wild Hunt would inevitably appear here. Ciri gets ready, says goodbye to the baron and leaves for Novigrad.

In principle, nothing is holding us here anymore; we can go further, to the same Novigrad.

+ Additional tasks for the story

Ciri's room.– Look around Ciri’s room. Read the book you found. Give the toy to Gretka, who is sitting in the kitchen. Our game storage is in this same room. You can get rid of accumulated junk, but it’s a shame to throw it away.

Return to Krivoukhovy Marsh.“We can respond to the last request of the baron, who asked us to provide assistance at Crooked Ear Marshes.” To do this, we need to go to the village of Steigery to the already famous headman.

Uma.– This is not a quest or task. When we say goodbye to the baron, a strange creature suddenly bursts into his chambers. A man twisted by some kind of magic, as well as a spell.

Additional tasks

Funeral pyres.– The task can be received from the priest of the Eternal Fire, the same one who prays by the road and one of the guards is trying to drive us away, even if we are just galloping past on Roach. It is west of the village of Yavornik. It will be necessary to burn several burial grounds. The reward... not everything is clean with these burial grounds, and therefore the reward depends on your decision. 60 or 200 CZK.

Wild Heart.– The task can be obtained from the notice board in the village of Yavornik. The case of the missing hunter's wife. In the end, you need to kill the werewolf. You can watch the walkthrough of this quest.

Lynching– At the crossroads “Gallows Alley”, we have to decide the fate of the Nilfgaardian deserter. (The quest may not be available if you have already completed Keira Metz’s quest “A Friendly Favor.”)

Fake papers.– Not far from the “Border Post” sign, a man sells counterfeits. The quest will most likely be irrelevant for us if you have completed the Bloody Baron's quests. Since it is proposed to buy a fake traffic certificate. The Baron will provide us with a real letter and for free.

Graveyard hyenas.– North of the Gallows Tree, on the battlefield, marauders will ask to be protected from ghouls while they do their job. Reward 30 crowns.

Fists of Fury: Velen.– Do you want to become the champion of Velen? Then this quest is for you. Having defeated three fighters, we meet with the champion (now former, probably).

Gwent: Velen players.- Everyone plays gwent. Blacksmiths, merchants and the baron too.

Horse racing: Vronitsy.– To the west of the baron’s castle you can take part in horse racing.

Master armorer.– The quest will begin if you ask the blacksmith in Vronitsy to forge armor for you. The Skellige Islands must be accessible to complete the quest.

Magic lamp.– The task will appear during the passage of the main quest with Keira Metz – “By the touch.” Even before sending the elf to the shelter, Keira will mention this lamp.

Invitation from Keira Metz.– We will receive an invitation when we leave the elf’s shelter into the fresh air. We can only accept or not accept this invitation.

Mouse Tower.– We receive the task from Keira Metz if we agreed to her invitation. She asks us to remove the curse from the island of Kolomnitsa. The curse is associated with the Pestilence Maiden and the Plague Catriona. .

Friendly favor.“The quest will begin if we agree to provide Keira with one more small favor, namely, to find the missing merchant and the goods he was supposed to deliver. Having delivered the found drugs, we can stay for a romantic dinner, with all the ensuing circumstances. This choice will not affect your relationships with other sorceresses in any way.

For the benefit of science.– The quest will start as soon as we wake up after spending the night with Keira. Returning to Kolomnitsa, we will find Keira there, who needed notes from a magician working in the tower. By default, we took the magician's records... but why?

Fall of House Reardon.– The task can be taken from the notice board in the village of Zalipye. The action will take place in the abandoned Reardon estate. There are two scenarios for the development of events. If you transferred the save from the second part of the game and the Witcher Leto is still alive, then you will find him there. If you killed Leto in the second part, then several ghosts will meet you at the estate and that’s all. .

Ghosts of the past.– Continuation of the previous quest, only on the condition that you still have Leto alive.

Uncles.– We will receive the task from the sorcerer whom we encountered while completing the Bloody Baron’s quests.

A lady in trouble.– At a fork in the road near an empty village, between the village of Podlesie and the village of Klyki, we can meet a crying woman. Her fiance went into the forest and did not return. The reward... well, I didn’t take it...

Defender of the Faith.– At the road sign Duen Hen we will meet a woman who asks to raise the statue that was knocked over by vandals.

Dangerous cargo.– On the highway, not far from the intersection to the village of Svorki on the western side, you can find a cart with infectious corpses. There are no rewards.

Dog life.– Approximately in the middle between the villages of Rudnik and Lyamki, near the sanctuary, we will find a dog fighting with wolves...

Fool's gold.– DLC 8 The quest can be picked up in the village of Svorki. Removing the curse that fell on the villagers.

Opium for the people.– If you follow the road to the south from the sign “Yard of the Idle Lover”, then very close you will find ruins in which two men are arguing. To complete the task you must have the Eye of Nehalena.

Cheese and dark forces.– Visit the ruined Aeramas manor. Signpost east of Oxenfurt.

Death on fire.– To the west of the “Old Hrychi” quarry, there are two houses. In one of them, bandits want to roast an elf. We can save her. Reward – 20 crowns.

Blood ties.– In the tent city between Gostiny Dvor and the Headquarters of the Nilfgaardian Army, we will meet a woman who wants to find her son...

Games of cats and wolves (DLC).– The quest will only appear if you have this DLC installed. Order for Lesnoe dashing in the village of Dobrovo.

There is no passage.– This quest to acquire a fake letter to pass through the cordons of Redanian soldiers can arise if you suddenly really wanted to get to Novigrad or Oxenfurt without completing the Bloody Baron’s quests in Velen.

Witcher orders and treasure hunts

Witcher orders

Forest monster.– We take the task from the notice board, which is located not far from the “Border Post” sign. The customer is the commander of the Redanian patrol. Reward – 30 crowns.

Screaming.– We will receive the task in Vronitsy. Let's meet Kurolisk. Reward - you can bargain up to 270 coins, but you can also leave them to raise an orphan.

Griffin in the hills.– The task will appear during the completion of the quest “Master Armorman”, in Vronitsy.

The missing brother.– We take the order from the notice board at the tavern “At the Crossroads”. The customer is Bruno, the little man is sitting in the far corner of the tavern. Reward – from 210 to 300 coins. But even if the amount is agreed upon, the customer will balk. Therefore, it is better to have a well-pumped Axis. Monster Glagoglaz.

Leshachikha.– We take the order from the notice board in Podlesie. Let's meet the noonday. Reward – we can request 239 coins.

The Gravedigger's concerns.– In the village of Zalipye we take an order on the notice board. We agree with the caretaker of the cemetery. We are hunting for the cemetery woman. Reward – you can request 260 coins.

Mysterious footprints.– The task is given by a hunter from the village of Zalipye. Let's meet the devil. Reward – you can request 270 coins.

Monster from the swamps.– The task can be removed from the notice board in the village of Steigers. Reward – you can bargain for 270 coins. Let's meet with an unusual fogman. To complete the task you will need the Eye of Nehalena.

Missing patrol.– We can get the task from the quartermaster at the headquarters of the Nilfgaardian army. He also appears in the task “Blood Ties”.

The secret of the village Styozhki.– The task can be removed from the notice board in the village of Rudnik. The reward is that you can bargain with the nilfs for 270 crowns, but we also take money from the local residents, because they were the ones who dug up Ekimma, which is what all the fuss is about.

Ghost of the Highway.– We take the task from a peasant who sits near one of the houses in the village of Benkovoye. Reward – we bargain for 275 CZK. We will meet two ordinary and one royal Wyvern.

Treasure Hunt

Queen Zuleika's Treasure.– We go out to the “Coast of Lost Ships” and meet a bunch of bandits. After a showdown at one of the fires on some matting, we will find a note.

Expensive mistake.– If you walk along the coast to the north, from the place where they were looking for “Zuleika’s Treasures,” we will find another note near one of the corpses.

Drowned wealth.– From the sign Alley of Gallows, we go ashore. We follow the “Hidden Treasure” sign marked on the map. We will find a corpse and a note with it...

From fire to fire.– The “Hidden Treasure” sign is located approximately halfway between Svorky Village and Marauders Bridge.

Hidden from the whole world.– From the Marauders' Bridge, we'll run along the road to the southeast, just a short distance to the "Hidden Treasure" sign. There are three bandits, one of them has a letter. After reading the letter, we find out where the treasure is.

Accident.– From the village of Svorki directly north across the bridge, to the abandoned village. We clear the area of ​​the drowned people, and then follow the “Hidden Treasure” sign and find a corpse that has an unsent letter.

No luck, no luck.– The Hidden Treasure sign is located approximately halfway between the Devil's Pit and Marauder's Bridge signs.

The dead are unarmed.– On the map between the villages of Duen Hen and Styozhki on the western side there is a sign “Hidden Treasure”. There's a bandit camp there. The main one has a note, something like a diary...

Flooded chest.– On a small island between Kolomnitsa and New Cemetery, red brick ruins. On one of the corpses we will find a note stating that they hid the chest in the water. There are probably at least five chests flooded there. (or more?)

Don't play with the gods.– On the map between the villages of Duen Hen and Styozhki we will see two “Hidden Treasure” signs located nearby and a “Place of Power” sign. These are elven ruins. Guarded by middays. Don't try to find both treasures at once. One of them, like the “Place of Power,” is located underground. You will find yourself there when completing the quest “By the touch”, with Keira Metz.

An unheard request.– If you go south from the village of Klyki, along the western spit, then almost at its very end we will reach a burnt house. And on the approach, the corpse of a peasant leaned against the fence. A water woman will also be in charge there. The place is marked on the map as "Hidden Treasure".


Witcher antiquities: equipment of the Griffin School.– The ruins of the fortress at the “Lonely Rock”, the baronet’s castle “The Last Bastion”, the grave of the witcher George in the “Dragon Slayer Grotto”.

Witcher antiquities: equipment from the School of the Cat.– The “Old Hogs” quarry, the elven ruins of “Est Thayer”, the ruins of the “Drahim” castle, the wreck of the “Flying Deer” ship, in the east of the village of Ursten there is a cave designated as a breeding ground for monsters. Between the signs “Dragon Slayer Grotto” and “Bandit Camp”, on the island a little to the west, there are barely noticeable ruins. Dungeon under the "Temple Island". Not far from the "Temple Island" to the northeast, sign "Cave".

Witcher Antiquities: Equipment of the School of the Bear.– Signpost “Ruined Bastion”.

– A place near the Kimbolt Road sign. Marked on the map as "Hidden Treasure". + See the task “Flooded Chest”.

Witcher antiquities: equipment from the School of the Wolf.- (The well is in the garden of the Bloody Baron. On the map it is marked as the entrance to the cave.)

Talk to Vesemir and head out. True, ghouls who will suddenly come out of the forest will try to interfere with you. Killing them will take a couple of minutes, so I won’t dwell on the battle in detail. When all the creatures fall, you can pick up loot from them, saddle up your horse and ride after Vesemir.

Beast from the White Garden

As you already understand, you will have to fight with griffins, ready to kill all living things. The captain of the garrison told us two paths along which we would have to move. First, I went to the herbalist to find out where I could find a special herb - Buckthorn.

Lilac and gooseberry, part 2

This part of the quest will end quite quickly and consists almost entirely of cutscenes. But let's take a closer look at all the events that will take place during the quest Lilac and Gooseberry. Firstly, once you enter the tavern, you will see that tension is growing in the room.


So, passing The Witcher 3 will give us the opportunity to communicate with the august person - His Imperial Majesty Emhyr, the head of all Nilfgaard. First, you will have to soak in a tub of hot water while three cute maids scrub you.

Nilfgaardian liaison

This is a fairly short quest, during which the passage of The Witcher 3 will send us along several paths. But it all begins with the fact that we arrive at the next inn.

Witch hunt

In this task we are asked to find a witch who lives somewhere in the Polesie region. It seems like no dirty tricks were noticed on her, but still our contact wanted to meet with her for some reason. Therefore, go to the village to ask the residents in detail.

To the touch

Go into the cave to which the witch led us. As soon as you enter the first gate, a sorcerer from the Wild Hunt will appear in front of you, who somehow got over the gap.

Family matters

Get ready for an incredibly long quest, which, moreover, you won’t be able to complete right away without completing another one. But first, we will do everything we can to complete the Family Matters quest to the maximum.

Mistresses of the forest

The passage of the Mistress of the Forest quest in The Witcher 3 is really ambiguous. I’ll say right away that at the end of the quest there is not and cannot be the right choice - any decision you make will lead to some consequences.

Bonfires of Novigrad

Well, since Ciri was not found in Velen, the passage of The Witcher 3 will force us to go to Novigrad. But it’s better to start your search by meeting with an old friend, known to us from previous games in the series.

Dream in the big city

As it became clear from communication with Triss, someone named Corina Tilly, who has the ability to penetrate dreams and see the past and future there, can help us. It sounds somewhat mystical, but completing the “Dream in the City” quest is all about magic.

List of harlots

Don't be alarmed, there is nothing vulgar in this quest! The Witcher 3 walkthrough takes us to the Sage and Rosemary tavern, which should belong to a bard. Inside, your old friend Zoltan, a dwarf with whom you drank a lot in the previous parts of the series, is waiting for you.

Hunt for Junior

This time, the passage of The Witcher 3 gives us a new meeting with an old acquaintance. According to Dandelion, Junior robbed the former sheriff of Redania, Diistra. Of course, the statement is imaginary, but it clearly indicates a connection between buttercup and this same Dijkstra.

Treasure of Count Reuven

Remember about the twenty tons of stolen gold? It's time to find them for Count Reuven! It’s difficult to say what really happened, but I suspect that it could not have happened without our unlucky bard.

Long live Art

Quite an original quest in which we have to perform on stage. To find Doppler Duda, you will have to talk with Priscilla, who will come up with an original idea - to make a play from which it will become clear what we want to say.

Poet in disgrace

According to the latest information, Dandelion was captured by representatives of the Church of the Eternal Flame. These bastards really asked for it, but storming their stronghold would be stupid.

On Skellige

This quest is the beginning of a new stage in the game. In order to continue playing through The Witcher 3, you must find a captain who will agree to take a risk and take you to the archipelago.

The king is dead - long live the king

A holy place is never empty - after the death of one king, another will be crowned. We have to go to a feast in honor of the funeral of the deceased Bran, the former king.

Echo of the past

To continue the storyline, you need to go with Yenifer to the forest, where you will perform a ritual in order to understand what kind of cataclysm happened here not so long ago.

A man has gone missing

If you have read books about Geralt, then you should be aware of what kind of crazy druid was with us in the last mission. Mouser didn't like our behavior at all.


Well, you must at least find the body of the one with whom Ciri left. When you arrive at the place, look at the tracks and move where they lead.


If you carefully completed the Bloody Baron quest, you should remember the character Ugly, who was not very smart. Then it was impossible to do anything with him, but now the time has come.

To lure Forktail

Before you are three equivalent plot tasks that can be completed in any order. You need to do everything you can to continue completing The Witcher 3.

The last test

To prepare the phylactery for the ritual we need, you must complete the task together with Lambert. And although he is not at all delighted with Yenifer, he still agrees to help.


Here you will act as a designer. You'll have to work hard to help Yenifer set up the megascope. Not a good idea in my opinion, but you can do it.

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better

The interesting thing is that, trying to disenchant the Freak, we went through many tests and prepared a lot of materials to begin the disenchantment ritual.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is a huge game that provides the player with a wide range of different options to play through. What sword are you using? Which king do you support? Which sorceress do you like?

Before you set off on an exciting journey into the world of The Witcher, we invite you to familiarize yourself with some tips and notes that we were able to accumulate while playing through the game.

Explore the Universe

There are plenty of things to do to help you get started with the world of the game, and woe betide you if you play unprepared. Before starting the game, it is better to familiarize yourself with the literary source and the two previous games in the series, which are directly related to the third part. And finally, study the world map.

Select difficulty level "Pain and Suffering"

There are four difficulty levels in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, and we recommend that you play on the penultimate one, which is called “Pain and Suffering.” It may seem a little intimidating at first, but in the end, overcoming the difficulty of this level will allow you to enjoy the game much more. One of the most important differences between the medium difficulty level and this one is that in the case of the hard difficulty level, you cannot restore health through meditation.

Lower difficulty levels do not oblige you to use all the means available in the game to complete it, including oils and bombs, and therefore cannot provide true satisfaction from completing the game. By the way, the difficulty level can be changed right in the middle of the game, but this opportunity should not be abused - it’s better to start a new game.

Save often

Sounds a little obvious, doesn't it? The game has autosave, but it doesn't work as often as you might like. Having died in the next battle, you will sometimes have to return to the save you made about half an hour ago.

Take everything you see

In most houses, you can take whatever your heart desires, including healthy ingredients and alcoholic tinctures, as well as various items that can then be sold en masse. Therefore, use your witcher instincts and clear out everyone, from ordinary residents to quest givers.

Remove ingredients from killed monsters

Ingredients found in slain creatures are used to make alchemical potions, oils, and bombs, and can also be sold at a bargain price. This activity may seem a little tedious, but it will pay off. “Bosses” even drop valuable trophies with useful bonuses.

Customize the interface

One of the distinctive features of the game is that here you can quite flexibly configure the display of interface elements and text size. Use this option if the default settings cause some inconvenience.

Disable TressFX

By getting rid of this option, you will get a significant increase in performance with an NVidia video card. Unless, of course, you have problems with this.

Explore every open marker on the map in the White Garden location

The original area is an excellent training ground. Explore these lands completely to arrive in Velen with excellent skill scores and ammunition.

Collect all orders from notice boards

When visiting a particular settlement, do not forget to read the announcements posted on special boards - they will open up many new tasks and unexplored places for you.

Look for places of power

Places of power for a short period of time significantly increase the power of one of the witcher signs and are a serious help in passing the game.

Repair and upgrade your weapons and armor

Weapons and armor in The Witcher 3 tend to wear out quickly with use. You will have to regularly visit the city blacksmiths to have your clothes repaired. You can also improve them at the whetstone and workbench, this is completely free, but very useful.

Repair your weapons and armor right in battle

In accordance with the iron logic of the game, you can repair your equipment directly in battle using the blacksmith's traveling tools. So if you're in the middle of a grueling 15-minute boss fight, look into your inventory and repair worn-out items.

Buy equipment for your horse

As soon as you can, invest in a saddle bag and horse blinders, which will allow you to carry more items and also reduce the likelihood of the Roach throwing you off in the heat of battle.

Throw away unnecessary things

Discarded items in the game The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt do not disappear over time, so you can look for some place and dump unnecessary junk there until you need it again.

Don't be a walking library

Unfortunately, the books and notes you have collected and read are displayed in your inventory among many other useful items, so it is worth getting rid of those books that you are unlikely to ever read again.

Buy treasure maps from merchants

Some merchants sell treasure maps, reading which opens up quests to find special witcher items from various schools, many of which are the best in the game.

Don't worry about items you couldn't create yourself

The game has a full-fledged system that allows you to create many different items of witcher ammunition, do not be discouraged if you still haven’t found the necessary components, in the future, most likely, you will find an item that will be better.

Land on the ground carefully

When falling from the roof, press the jump key before landing, in this case the witcher will somersault and will not damage his health (if the height was not too high).

Store your witcher equipment

The system for creating new items involves using equipment you already have, so you may accidentally get rid of an important component to create a new one.

Don't sell expensive materials

Materials such as dark steel and meteorite ore will be very useful when creating high-level items. You shouldn't sell them if you don't need them at the moment, despite their high cost - there are other ways to earn money in the game.

Sell ​​extra ingredients and trophies

If you have more than a dozen of the same ingredients in your inventory, you should think about getting rid of some of them: elixirs, decoctions, oils and bombs in the game are restored automatically if you have an alkahest, you only need to make them once.

Merchants level up with you

Don't worry too much about the fact that merchants don't have silver bars or meteorite ore at some stage of the game - they grow in level along with you, which means that over time, when you need these materials, they will probably appear on the shelves.

Use runes or get rid of them

There are many runes in the game that can be used to strengthen the sword. In addition, the sword with runes superimposed on it looks beautiful. Don't be afraid to use runes: yes, there is a risk that soon after using them you will find a cooler sword, but this will happen throughout the game - a lot of runes lying around in your inventory are even less useful.

Use mutagens according to skill colors

As you level up, you unlock more and more skill points. Only those skills that are placed in separate slots work. Placing a mutagen next to its corresponding skill group will significantly increase its effect.

Create the best mutagens

Don't forget about creating more effective mutagens from existing ones. Combine mutagens collected from killed creatures into stronger ones using the alchemy menu.

Explore the bestiary

The weaknesses and strengths of each monster are described in the game's bestiary, which is updated as you explore the world. Use the tips provided there.

Apply the Quen sign before battle

Before and during combat, use the Quen sign - this is still one of Geralt's most powerful abilities, protecting him from incoming damage. If you use Quen before a fight, you can immediately use another sign afterwards, since stamina is restored many times faster outside of combat.

Separate enemies one by one

The principle is valid for almost any game - stretch enemies along the line and deal with them one by one. Unless you have a couple of rounds of buckshot or something similar ready for them.

Create all possible oils and bombs

As we have already written, the creation of elixirs, oils and bombs is necessary only once; subsequently they will be restored during meditation due to alkahest (pure alcohol). If you use ten more elixirs in one battle, then the same amount of alcohol will be spent on restoration, so there is no point in saving.

Block and counterattack

When fighting people, use well-timed blocks - this will allow you to push the enemy away and throw him off balance.

Immediately finish off fallen opponents

If you knocked the enemy to the ground (for example, by knocking him off his horse with the Aard sign), immediately try to finish him off; Geralt will do this in one go.

Use Axii on Shieldmen

The Axii sign turns out to be extremely effective against opponents armed with a shield. After using Axia, most enemies remain completely defenseless for some time.

Dodge instead of roll

In many cases, dodges turn out to be much more effective than rolls: firstly, dodges do not slow down energy recovery, and secondly, they allow you to immediately counterattack the enemy. Rolls are best suited for cases when you need to quickly get behind the enemy, the main thing here is to maintain the required distance.

Think about your decisions

Unlike many other games, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt will often force you to make decisions, many of which have far-reaching consequences. Consider your words carefully. On the other hand, you cannot lose by making the wrong decision. So just follow your inner voice.

Have affairs

Love stories in The Witcher 3 aren't just run-of-the-mill sex scenes, they're whole stories where you often have to work hard to achieve your goal. The main characters will sometimes react to this.

Study the characters

Sometimes some decisions may be obvious if you know a particular character well. For example, will he be happy if you stand up for him, or is he stubborn and independent?

Complete side quests in a timely manner

Most of the side quests can be completed after completing the main quest, but some remain closed after making some important decisions.

Do not hurry

The game has a lot of content open for exploration. And for the most part, everything has some kind of concrete story: heartbreaking, unexpected, and maybe even hiding some kind of funny secret. You can complete the main quest first if you're feeling impatient, and then start the game over again on a different difficulty.

When writing this article, materials from the portal were used.

A guide to all possible endings of Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, there are also descriptions of changes if you imported saves from the first and second parts. And yes, there are tons of spoilers.

Almost 2 years ago when the game was announced, CD Project stated that the game would have 3 endings and about 300 different variations of storyline/world state.
The game has already been released and now is the time to find out if CD Project's words were true.

It’s worth noting right away that the main 3 endings are directly related to Ciri (Swallow), so until you find her in the main plot, your decisions will not have a strong impact on the ending. Some people can meet it already at the 25th hour of their game, this is if they simply rushed directly along the main storyline, turning a blind eye to all the side quests and unknown details. For other people who first of all set a goal to complete everything secondary, the meeting with Ciri can be significantly delayed.

No matter what you did during the game, the title of the mission in the epilogue will be called “Something ends, something begins.” The main difference between the endings lies in the fate of Ciri.

Ciri's fate depends on the following seven factors:

1. Will you play snowballs with Ciri or offer her a drink?
2. Will you take her to the Emperor.
3. Will you take money from the Emperor for bringing Ciri to him?
4. Will you go with her to the council of the Lodge of Sorceresses or send her alone.
5. Try to calm Ciri down in Avallac’ha’s laboratory or allow a pogrom to take place
6. Will you visit Skjall's grave together or say that you don't have time for this?
7. Have you completed the chain of sidequests related to the murder of Radovid?

Tip: Since decisions that affect the ending are made only after the battle in Kaer Morhen, it makes sense to make a save so that later it will be easier to replay these moments, rather than going through the game from scratch to get a different ending.

“Something ends, something begins - Ending #1″ (Ciri dies/disappears)

To get this ending, you must complete at least 3 of the 5 negative decisions:
Act No. 2: Main quest: “Landscape after the battle” You should offer Ciri a drink instead of playing snowballs.
Act No. 2: Main quest: “Landscape after the battle” You must take money from Em Gyr for searching for Ciri.
Act No. 3: Main quest: “Last preparations” You must go with Ciri to the council of the Lodge of Sorceresses.
Act No. 3: Main quest: “Preparing for battle” You must calm her down by placing Lara Dorren’s medallion around her neck in Avallac’ha’s laboratory.
Act No. 3: Main quest: “Preparing for battle” You must abandon the trip with Ciri to Skjall’s grave.

In this case, Geralt plays the role of a not very good mentor and father, who cannot support Ciri in difficult times and does not understand her character, sometimes even disgracing himself in her eyes. After Ciri goes through the portal to meet the White Frost and she replays all these memories in her head, she does not return back. In fact, she is believed to die in this ending.

In the game itself, events take us to the swamps, where Geralt goes in search of
the third Witch and finds her. After defeating the witch, he finds a box in the house containing Vesemir's medallion and remains there alone with himself in grief and despair.
Later, Geralt is surrounded by a crowd of monsters...

"Something ends, something begins - Ending #2" (Ciri becomes empress)

To activate this ending you will need to complete at least 3 out of 5 positive decisions.

Act No. 2: Main quest: “Landscape after the battle” You must refuse Em Gyr’s money for searching for Ciri.

Act No. 3: Main quest: “Preparing for battle” You should not calm Ciri in Avallac’h’s laboratory, but rather allow her to cause mayhem there.

In addition to these conditions, you must also fulfill the following two conditions:

Act No. 2: Main quest: “Landscape after the battle” Bring Ciri to Em Gyr. When Ciri wakes you up in Kaer Morhen, tell her that you must first visit the Emperor.
In Act Two, you must complete the quest line related to the assassination attempt on Radovid, namely: "An Eye for an Eye", "A Deadly Plot" and "Enemy of the People".
In the third act, the quest “Matters of State Importance” will become available to you, where you will need to choose the side of Roche and Tyler after the murder of Radovid, which will lead to the victory of Nilfgaard over the north and the recognition of Temeria as a vassal state.

Geralt acts as a good “father” for Ciri, who knows how to approach her. After the portal to the White Frost, Ciri returns back and goes to Nilfgaard, where Em Gyr will prepare Ciri to become empress.

“Something ends, something begins - Ending #3″ (Ciri becomes a witcher)

To get this ending you need to complete at least 2 out of 4 positive decisions.
Act No. 2: Main quest: “Landscape after the battle” You should invite Ciri to play snowballs instead of drinking.
Act No. 3: Main quest: “Last preparations” You must allow Ciri to go alone to the council of the Lodge of Sorceresses.
Act No. 3: Main quest: “Preparing for battle” You should not calm Ciri in Avallac’h’s laboratory, but rather allow her to cause mayhem there.
Act No. 3: Main quest: “Preparing for battle” You must go with Ciri to Skjall’s grave.

In addition, you must fulfill the following condition:

Act No. 2: Main quest: “Landscape after the battle” You should not take Ciri to the Emperor, but go straight to Bald Mountain.

In addition, there are 3 options for this ending, which depend on your choice during the quests to kill Radovid.

To get #3A and #3B you must complete the quest line related to the assassination attempt on Radovid, namely: "An Eye for an Eye", "A Deadly Plot" and "Enemy of the People". In the third act, the quest “Matters of National Importance” will become available to you. from which 3 developments of the situation in the war and the entire North will follow.

Ending #3A

You will support Vernon and Tyler after killing Radovid, leading to the Nilfgaardian Conditions. Temeria would become a vassal state, allowed to run its own economy and develop. Em Gyr will capture the entire North and begin to destroy the opposition in the lands of Nilfgaard.

Ending #3B

You will support Diijkstra and kill Radovid, which will lead to "Diijkstra's Conditions". Diijkstra will become the ruler of the North, through intimidation and imprisonment, but he will be able to unite the entire North and push back Nilfgaard. The deserted areas of the North will begin to prosper and develop. Em Gyr will be killed.

Ending #3C

This ending will appear if you do not fulfill the conditions above. Radovid will remain alive, he will be able to unite the North and repel Nilfgaard. After a series of defeats, Emperor Em Gyr will be killed by people from the opposition. Radovid himself will continue the wave of murders of sorcerers and non-humans.

Geralt acts as a good “father” and mentor for Ciri, who knows how to approach her. Overflowing with positive emotions, Ciri returns from the White Frost.
In the game itself, we go to Em Gyr, to whom we inform that Ciri is dead and will not return. After this, we go to the Nilfgaardian camp, which is located in the White Gardens and there we receive a wonderful silver sword from the master. Next, Geralt meets Ciri in a tavern, where he gives her this blade and then they go together to the highway.

In this ending, Ciri becomes a witcher, which is essentially canonical if you understand her character correctly. She wanted freedom and to do what she wanted. After Geralt has taught her all the skills, Ciri sets off on a free voyage, and the news about the great witcher with ashen hair will spread from the shores of the Yaruga to the mountains of Kovir.

Endings for major and minor characters


1 - If you get the bad ending, then nothing will be known about Ciri after the events on Undvik. It is believed that she died or disappeared.

2 - During the good ending, Ciri will go to Nilfgaard, where Em Gyr will prepare her to become empress.

3 - During the third ending, Ciri will become a witcher. Geralt will teach her everything he knows and set her free. Stories and legends about the ash-haired witcher will fly from the banks of the Yaruga to the mountains of Kovir.


1 - Geralt stays with Triss. To do this, you will need to complete the "Now or Never" side quest. After that, you should confess your love to her and ask her to stay. In the end, Geralt and Triss, after the events of W3, will settle in Kovir, where Triss will be an adviser to the king. Geralt will lead a comfortable life, sometimes fulfilling orders, without any special political intrigues and cycles associated with Destination.

2 - Geralt stays with Yennefer. To do this, you will need to complete the side quest "The Last Wish", where you will help Yenn take control of the genie. Yennefer will order to cancel the very last wish where Geralt asked the genie to link their destinies. The feelings between Geralt and Yenn do not disappear, so after everything they will begin a quiet and calm happy life, filled with romantic conversations and events.

3 - Lone Wolf. If you confess your love to both Yen and Triss as you play, you will end up with nothing. Geralt will continue his wandering around the highway, from work to work, without much money, periodically remembering missed love opportunities. You can also get this ending if neither Yen nor Triss helped, or simply did not confess your feelings to them.

Emperor Em Gyr

1 - If you kill Radovid and take Roche’s side, then Em Gyr’s troops will conquer the entire North, and Em Gyr himself will clean up the opposition throughout his country.

2 - If Radovid remains alive or you take Dijkstra's side, then Em Gyr will be killed by the opposition after he begins to suffer defeats in the war.

Ruler of Skellige

1 - Keris an Craite: Having taken the throne, she will begin to strive to unite the jarl clans and will be very successful in this. Skellige will begin to flourish

2 - Hjalmar an Craite. If you choose his side, Hjalmar will begin to conduct bloody raids on Nilfgaard every spring until his death. Skellige faces a bloody future.

3 - If you do not choose a side during the quest "The King's Gambit", then the throne will be taken by Svanrig Bran, who will declare a full monarchy on Skellige, and a real civil war will break out between the earl clans.

Ruler of Novigrad/Velen

1 - Radovid. If you do not kill him, he will become the ruler of the North, uniting everyone under the flag of Redania and will be able to defeat the troops of Nilfgaard. The hunt for sorcerers and non-humans will continue in full swing and they will be almost all destroyed

2 - Diijkstra. He will be able to unite the entire North and prepare it for war, repelling Nilfgraard. Nilfgraard's troops will be driven back and after a series of defeats, Em Gyr will be killed by the opposition. Diijkstra will also develop a program for the settlement and development of industry in deserted areas. He will rule by instilling fear and depriving people of freedom.

3 - Em Gyr. By choosing the side of Vernon Roche, Temeria will be proclaimed a vassal state with its own economy and army. At the same time, the North will be conquered by Nilfgaard.


1 - If you kill the Spirit of the Forest under the tree, then your wife Anna will go crazy. The Baron will take her to the blue mountains to look for a doctor. Velen will remain relatively calm.

2 - If you release the Spirit of the Forest, Anna will turn into a monster, and the Baron will hang himself. Velen will be sacked.

!Some people noted cases when they managed to free the Spirit of the Forest and Anna remained alive. Perhaps the whole point is when exactly you release him. There is not enough information yet, I will add more information as soon as there is accurate information.

Keira Metz

1 - If you persuade her to go to Kaer Morhen, then after the battle she will leave with Lambert on a joint adventure.

2 - If you allow her to go to Radovid, she will understand that she cannot change his mind and will end up being burned in the square in Novigrad. The same thing will happen if you don't complete her sidequest.

3 - You can also kill her.

Bastard Junior!

1 - If you killed him, then Doppler Dudu will take his place, who will be able to change the activities of Junior’s business in a non-criminal direction. Things will go well.

2 - If you don’t kill him, then the members of the Big Four will still finish him off.

The fate of the sorcerers

1 - If you save them during Triss's quest, they will leave Novigrad, but Radovid's wrath will fall on the non-humans.

2 - If you don’t help them, the sorcerer hunters will kill them.

The fate of Sarah the clairvoyant
1 - If you kick her out, you will later meet her with Ivasik

2 - If you let her stay, you can find her in the house where the priest lives.

The impact of decisions made in The Witcher 2 on The Witcher 3

Those who have saved games from The Witcher 2 can easily transfer them to The Witcher 3, which in some way will affect the events taking place there.
For those who do not have such saves, the developers give a chance to make a simulation of decisions when visiting the castle in Vyzima for the first time.
Now let’s try to look at these very decisions and what they affect.

1 - The fate of Prince Arianna?

If you kill Prince Arianne, his mother Marie Louise Le Valette will refuse to talk to you during the quest to find Dandelion's girls.

If you can get him to surrender, then his mother Marie Louise Le Valette will happily talk to you, accompanied by General Nilfgaard, and you can go with them to the races on the estate.

2 — Whose side does Geralt choose after the events in Flotsam?

Apparently this was intended by the developers, but in The Witcher 3 you will only meet Roche; there is no news or rumors about Iorveth. If you chose Iorveth's side, then in front of Roche's camp you will need to fight a Temerian, who will be angry that Geralt helped the squirrels.

3 — Who did Geralt help in Loc Muinn?

Saved Triss or helped save Anais/Saskia. As with previous decisions, these do not affect anything. If you saved Triss, then Triss will not even mention a word about it. If you saved Anais, then the Nilfgaardian general will say that you only moved the pawns on the chessboard. Saskia is not in the game at all, just like Iorwerth.

4 - What did you do with Sheala De Tanserville?

If you say that she was killed, then according to the players, you will still meet her in the story, although she will already be dying and plays only a fleeting role. Perhaps this is a bug, or in this way the developers completely abandon the idea that you could kill her. If you say that you have released her, then in any case you will meet her in prison in Oxenfurt.

5 - Fate Summer.

If you kill him, then you will not have the opportunity to meet him in The Witcher 3.

If you leave him alive, then completing the quest “Ghosts of the Past”, which is located in the village of Zalipye, you can meet him in the barn on the second floor. This will be followed by another quest where he will ask for help. If you help him, you can send him to Kaer Morhen, where he will help with the defense.

If you got a tattoo in The Witcher 2, it will carry over to the third part

If you didn't sleep with Triss in The Witcher 1, then Yennefer won't throw the bed off the balcony in Kaer Morhen.

However, it was logical that the developers would not place a strong emphasis on the decisions made in the previous parts, because otherwise they would have to finish a lot of content trying to fit all the endings of the previous game. True, considering all the hype created during the PR of the game, it becomes a shame, especially for fans of the series and those who were waiting for the proper impact of decisions made in the past on this final part in the game series.

Near the village of Yavornik you will find the priest of the Eternal Fire (). Talk to him. You will need to burn the bodies of those who fell in a recent battle so that they are not devoured by corpse eaters ( M2, 3).

Go to each point and burn the bodies, after fighting off the ghouls. In one of the places there will be a still living person. Help him fight off the ghouls and talk to him. He says that the priest ordered fisstech from him. After burning the last pile, go to the priest (). Geralt will begin to blackmail the priest. He says that he can buy the story into his personal possession.

If you agree, the quest will end.

Reward: 45 XP and 60 crowns.

If you refuse, the battle will begin. You will have to deal with the guards.

Reward: 45 XP.

Lady in trouble

Attention! The quest will become possible a few days after you liberate the area around the village of Podlesie and the village of Duen Heng from the robbers.

Stage 1: customer

Southwest of the village of Podlesie, in a liberated village, you will meet a woman who lost her husband. Her request will be to find him. Having agreed to help, go into the forest.

Stage 2: Find a Husband

Using your witcher senses, find the body; there will be a pack of wild dogs near it. Having fought them off, tell the bad news to the employer.

Reward: 40 crowns (you can refuse the reward) 50 XP

From fire to fire

Head north from Reardon Manor and you'll find a door up the hill. Break it with Aard and search the corpse. Taking the key from it, find the letter; it will be in the burnt barn. After reading the note, find the chest. You can find it in a haystack nearby, to the left of the shed.

Fake papers

Not far from the Border Post you will find a man who sells travel documents. You need it if you want to get to Novigrad earlier. After talking with the intermediary, you will activate the quest "False papers."

Options for completing the quest:

  1. "Okay so be it"- you agree to buy a letter for 100 crowns (quest completed).
  2. "Perhaps you can give me a discount?"- you will be offered to complete a quest (if your brother-in-law dies during the quest, they will not sell you the letter at all), when you complete it you will need to pay 25 crowns.
  3. Use Axii - for this you will need level 1 "Deception", with this method you will need to pay 50 CZK.

After you receive the letter, the quest will be completed.

Death on Fire

northwest of quarries Starye Khrychi you will stumble upon bandits who are watching the house burn, and from there you can hear the screams of a woman. The bandits will demand that you leave.

you can say "It's none of my business" and leave. Or you can help a locked woman. To do this, kill all the bandits (you can also free the woman during the battle, then she will help you). After breaking the door with Aard, talk to the rescued woman, she will tell you where she hid her savings. Having collected them, the quest will be completed.

Dog life

On the way to the village of Liamka (see screenshot) you may come across a dog that is in trouble. He is attacked by wolves, you can help him or pass by, the choice is yours.

When you deal with the wolves and examine the dog, find out that he wants to show you something. Follow him and try to keep up, if you still lose sight of him, go to the village, he will be near the last house, which was surrounded by bandits. After dealing with them, inspect the hut. In it you will find some provisions and a couple of coins.

Ciri's room

Stage 1: Inspect the room where Ciri lived using your Witcher Senses

In the quest, do not follow the Baron to the floor above, but go straight along the corridor and go into the last door on the right. Inside you will find things scattered around. Also on the table will be the book “The Unclear Nature of Curses.”

Stage 3: go to the kitchen and talk to Gretka

Leave the room and follow the door opposite. Ask Gretka about the toy. It turns out that it was Ciri who cut out her top. Don't rush to leave, you can find useful things in the bags.

Reward: 100 XP

Horse racing: Vronitsy

Stage 1: get to the place where the races begin

Choose your opponent from the list:

  1. Matyukha Zaika
    Reward: racing saddle
  2. Hans Zeleznoe Guzno
    Reward: saddle bags
  3. Black Bogdan
    Reward: blinders

Then set your bid. Don't be afraid to bet your maximum. When you win, you will receive twice as much as you bet.

Graveyard hyenas

We receive the quest from Albin Hart (M2, 5)

Stage 1: Follow Keira

Go to the door and examine it. There is a riddle written on the door in Elder Speech.

Step 2: Light the lights in the correct sequence

Listen to the riddle again. The sequence from it is:
The first is the 3rd statue (from left to right), because he did not come from the edge and nothing more is said about him.
The second is statue 2, because he walked next to the first and played a song. Only 2 statues next to the one that did not go from the edge have muses. tool.
The third is the 4th statue, because he has an animal nearby.
The fourth - 1 statue, because the last one remained and he also played a song.

Entering the crypt, Keira will find her lamp.

Stage 3: find an exit leading to the surface
Exit the crypt and run straight, then go up the stairs. There, use Nehalena's eye to remove the illusion.

After completing the task you will receive a quest if you agree to visit her.

Invitation from Keira Metz

Stage 1: Talk to Keira Metz
You will find the witch in her house ( M2, 67), she will ask you to remove the curse from the island of Kolomnitsa.
You will also receive 2 items: a xenovox - with its help you can communicate at a distance and a magic lamp - with its help you can see ghosts.

The quest will be unlocked.

Mouse Tower

Stage 1: get to Kolomnitsa by Keira's boat
Stage 2: find spirits using a magic lamp

Stage 3: Explore the tower
Go to point (). We need to find all the spirits. Three of them will be outside the tower.
First spirit - ( M2, 128)
Second Spirit - ( M2, 129)
Third Spirit ( M2, 130)

Enter the tower. There you will see the fourth spirit. There are dead rats everywhere. In the basement you will find the fifth spirit. Go up to the second floor, there will be another one. Then the third. There you will find the recipe for "dancing star". On one of the floors above, find a lever that opens the door to the laboratory. The last spirit will be there. The girl will notice Geralt. This is the daughter of a landowner. She will tell her story. You can help her by disenchanting her. To do this, she asks that her bones be taken to her lover and that he bury them. There will be a choice:

  • Help her. Stage 4, option A.
  • Tell her you don't believe her. Stage 4, option B.

Step 4, Option A: Take Annabelle's remains to Graham

). Talk to him. Geralt will give the bones.

Stage 5, option A: tell Keira that the curse on Kolomnitsa has been lifted

As soon as you move away from the house, you will hear screams. Return back to the fisherman's hut. The pestilence maiden killed Graham and is now free.


Stage 4, option B: follow the pestilence maiden

The ghost will turn into a pestilence maiden and run away. Go down the stairs into the courtyard.

Stage 5, option B: defeat the pestilence maiden
It's not difficult to defeat her. A couple of hits will be enough.

Stage 6, option B: talk to Graham about Anabelle
Graham lives in a house on the beach ( M2, 131). Near the house you will meet a peasant who will knock on the door and call Graham. You can talk to him and find out that Graham became not himself after the island. After talking with Graham, he agrees and will help remove the curse from the island. You can meet on site or go directly to the island.

Step 7, Option B: Take Graham to Annabelle

Enter the castle. On the first floor you will meet ghosts. Kill them and go up to the monster. She will ask you to kiss herself...and take Graham's soul.


Stage 8, option B: tell Keira that the curse on Kolomnitsa has been lifted
Return to Keira and tell her that you lifted the curse from the island.

The quest will be unlocked.

At the exit from Keira's house you will meet the Wizard and he will give the quest "Uncles".

Defender of the Faith

Talk to the woman by the road (). She will tell you that someone is destroying roadside shrines.

Stage 1: Restore 3 destroyed shrines

Your task is to restore the remaining 2 destroyed sanctuaries. Near the first one there will be an endriaga warrior. Recommended level: 10. But you can go to 4 if you want. To do this you will need a roach and a good silver sword.

At the second sanctuary you will meet the Ravagers. You can drive them away or not interfere.

Reward: 45 XP

Fists of Fury: Velen

Stage 1: Defeat Jonash

Reward: 25 XP

Stage 2:defeat the blacksmith
The blacksmith is in the tavern "at the Crossroads" ()

Reward: 25 XP

Stage 3: defeat the fisheater
Rybozhor is located in the village of Zalipye (). He will ask you to give in to him, because... he needs to feed the children. You can agree or not.

Reward: 25 XP

After winning, you can go up to the fisher and give him 5 coins.

Stage 4: Defeat the Sergeant
You will find it in Vronitsa Castle. (M2, 36). If you win, you will finish the tournament and become Velen's champion.

Wild Heart

We receive the quest on the notice board ().

Stage 1: talk to the hunter named Nellen

Talk to the hunter ( M2, 23). He will say that his wife has disappeared. Geralt said that he could look in the forest and at the same time he should ask the neighbors.

Step 2: Ask your neighbors about Gunn

Behind the house, talk to Glenna. Everyone says that Hanna was cheerful as always. We learn from the blacksmith that they saw her going into the forest with some woman.

Stage 3: Find traces of Ganna in the forest using your Witcher Senses

In the forest you will find a pack of wolves ( M2, 29), after killing them, a cutscene with Ganna's sister will start. She will offer you twice as much if only you will stop looking for Ganna and tell Nelenn that she is dead. There will be a choice:

  • Stop searching. See step 4, option A.
  • Continue searching. See step 4, option B.

Stage 4, option A: tell Nellen what happened to Ganna

Return to Nellen ( M2, 23) and tell him that his wife is dead. He will hand you the money, you can accept or refuse.

Reward: 45 XP, 10 crowns.

Stage 4, option B: find traces of Ganna in the forest using your Witcher Senses

Examine the dead dog. Then traces of blood on the ground a little further. Geralt decides that this is a werewolf.

Stage 5, option B: find the werewolf's lair using your Witcher Senses

Find traces of the werewolf. They will lead to a tree. Unfortunately, Geralt is not an assassin and doesn’t know how to climb trees, but it doesn’t matter. Behind the tree there will be a tuft of animal fur. Plus it smells bad. Follow the scent using your instincts. He will lead you to the hut (). A bear lives nearby. To the left of the house you will find more traces of blood. Go under the house. There you will find the werewolf's lair.

Stage 6, option B: search the werewolf's lair

Enter the cave by breaking the door with Aard.

Stage 7, option B: wait until night
Meditate until dark.

Stage 8, option B: kill the werewolf
The advice for fighting is as follows: first, get rid of the wolves, and then switch to the Werewolf. Use Quen and Igni and jump away from his attacks.

After you finish with him, Ganna's sister will come running and tell Geralt not to touch him. It turns out that the werewolf is Nellen. And he killed his wife by accident when she was brought to the cave by Hanna’s sister. The fact is that she is in love with Nellen. Nellen the werewolf will want to kill his wife's sister. There will be a choice:

  • I will not let. If you stop, you will have to finish off the beast. From the corpse you can pick up red mutagen and Nellen's key. He unlocks the lock of the chest that is in the house. In it you will find a drawing: Hial Armor. He has 150 armor.
  • She deserved it. If you leave Hanna's sister to be torn to pieces, then after the murder Nellen will demand that Geralt kill him. Only the key to the chest can be removed from the corpse.

Reward: 45 XP

Fall of House Reardon

We get the quest from the notice board ()

Stage 1: Ask Dolores about the monster in her mansion

There are monsters in the old lady's house. She asked Geralt to disperse them so that they could move into the house again. She gives the key. The payment for this matter will be the contents of the box that is located there.

Stage 2: Find the Reardon family mansion
The mansion is located here ( M2, 40).

Stage 3: Kill the monsters in the mansion

There will be ghosts around the house. Kill them, don't forget to use Yrden.

Stage 4: Return to Dolores
Don't forget to inspect all the buildings to find the box, because... Granny won’t have any other payment for you. Return to her to complete the quest.

Reward: 25 XP + contents of the box

Ghosts of the past

Quest Will be unlocked during the quest.

Stage 1: search the premises
Traps are scattered throughout the area.

Step 2: Use your instincts to find the source of the noise

The noise will come from the barn.

Stage 3: Search the barn

Make your way carefully, avoiding or disarming all the traps towards the end of the barn. Find the ladder, place it and go up to the second floor. There you will meet Summer. He's here hiding from bounty hunters. Now it’s clear why he set so many traps. He also already dealt with all the monsters that lived here (connected with the quest). Bandits will come later. Only one person knew where Leto was - Ludvik. You can help Leto deal with people or not interfere, choose the option:

  • Of course, I will help you. Go to stage 4.
  • It's none of my business.

Stage 4: Kill the Bounty Hunters

When you deal with people. You can ride with Leto or end the quest by wishing him luck.

  • I'd like to see this. Description in stage 5.
  • Good luck.

Stage 5: ride with Leto and find Ludvik

Jump to camp for Summer. Talk to Ludvik.

Stage 6: Kill the bandits
Kill everyone in the camp and find out where Vester is.

Stage 7: go with Leto to Zalipye
Move beyond Summer to the village ().

Stage 8: ride around Zalipye with Leto

When you pass by the inn, stop and go inside to turn in the quest "The Fall of House Reardon." When you get there, watch the cutscene. Select an answer option in the dialogue:

  • You're finished. Look stage 9.
  • I don't need trouble.

Stage 9: Kill Vester
Kill 3 fighters. Use Axiy for quick disablement.

It turns out that Leto bribed the crossbowman and he shot an arrow with Zangvebar poison. If Geralt had not intervened, everyone would have known that Leto of Guleta had died.

Dangerous goods

While traveling around the world, you will come across a cart with corpses ().

Stage 1: Help a depressed person
There will be ghouls running around. Kill everyone and talk to Gert Borel.

Stage 2: Help the person burn the remains

Use the Igni sign and set the bodies on fire.

Reward: 10 XP


We receive the quest from the notice board in Oxenfurt.

Step 1: Walk around.

At point () you will find a rock troll who sings songs. Talk to him. After listening to the troll, choose a response:

  • Understand. War has its own laws. Look stage 2, option A.
  • You ate the soldier. Now you're dangerous. Look stage 2, option B.

Stage 2, option A: find the paints the troll needs.

You can find the paints from the seller in Ochsenfurt ( M2, 47).

Stage 3, option A: bring paint to the troll.

Go back to the troll and give him the paints. This is where a problem arises. The troll has paints, but he doesn't know how to draw. He asks to draw a bird like on the Redanian coat of arms. Select an answer:

  • I can try. In this case, Geralt will draw a bird and the quest will end. Reward: 50 XP, drawing: Gwen'nel, axemen's gloves, goat skin x10, deer skin x5.
  • You can draw better.

Stage 2, option B - kill the troll.

Use Quen and strike after bouncing off his throws. You will receive a troll skin by robbing it after winning.


The quest is taken at a fork near Gallows Alley. A group of peasants tries to execute a deserter because he is black and tried to buy bread in the village. The guy says that he fled from the war because his son was recently born. You can leave them alone or intervene and kill the peasants.

Friendly favor

We receive the quest from Keira after completing the quest.

Stage 1: Find ingredients from the missing wagon using your Witcher Senses

Go to Gallows Alley (). Follow the tracks of the cart wheels. Take the box for Keira. A little further you can find the body of the cab driver himself.

Step 2: Bring the ingredients to Keira

She will ask you to wait in the courtyard. After a while, she will turn the mice into horses and propose a date. If you refuse, the task will fail.
If you agree, Keira will also want to turn the clothes into something attractive. Here too you will have a choice.

Stage 3: follow Keira to the clearing

Ride along the yellow path on the mini-map. Keira prepared the table. In the conversation there will be options that will lead you either to a sex scene, or Geralt and Keira will simply look at the stars together.
If you chose the option with sex, then go to stage 4.

Stage 4: Find Keira using your Witcher Senses

At the end of the search area you will find her dress. While walking along the path, find new items of clothing. When you reach the shore, watch the cut-scene.

The quest will be unlocked.

For the benefit of science

We receive the quest automatically after the quest.

Stage 1: find out what Keira is doing in the tower on Kolomnitsa

Swim to the tower ( M2, 127). When you reach the entrance, a cutscene will begin.

Reward: 50 XP

Keira decided to continue the research that the scientist from the tower had begun. She wants to use them so that Radovid can forget about her connections with the lodge of sorceresses. There will be a choice:

  • You can request the notes back. Then you will have to fight Keira. 200 XP
  • You can release her to Radovid. 100 XP
  • You can send her to Kaer Morhen. You can also take notes from her or leave them if you wish. 100 XP

Little Red Riding Hood

We receive the quest in the village of Yantra ().

The village is about to be attacked by some robbers led by a girl nicknamed the She-Wolf. They want revenge on Bertram.

Stage 1: Wait for the She-Wolf Gang to attack until dusk
Go into meditation and rewind time. Run around a little and soon a girl will appear near the village.

Stage 2: Protect the villagers

A She-Wolf will appear in the village. Go up and talk to her. She will tell a story. You decide what to do:

  • Do what you want. If you miss the She-Wolf into the village. Then on the way out she will thank you.
    • Reward: 22 XP and 20 crowns
  • Leave or there will be bloodshed. If you don't miss it, she will turn into a she-wolf and you will have to fight with her and protect the village.

Novigrad hospitality

In Velen, not far from Novigrad, you will meet a company of troubadours, poets, if you like (), who will offer Geralt a glass or two... When he wakes up, there will be no more things, no bards.

Stage 1: Track down the bards using your Witcher Senses and return the equipment

Track bards using your senses. They will be behind the tavern in the village nearby.

You can choose the answer options:

  • Yes, we're even.
  • We'll be even when you hand over your things. Then two men will be left standing naked on the street.


Last service

We receive the quest from the old woman ().

The ghost of her husband, who died in the war, began to come to the old woman and ask the old woman to bring him a wedding ring to his grave. Granny would go herself, but the cemetery is too far for her.

Stage 1: Find the grave of the old lady's husband using your Witcher Senses

Walk a short distance to the grave. ( M2, 78)

Stage 2: leave the ring on the grave
You can use a magic lamp to watch the spirits.

Stage 3: return to the old lady for your reward

The old woman lives in the house in the same place where the seller stands ( M2, 25). Approach Lesya and ask about her grandmother. She will say that grandma died a long time ago. So Geralt was talking to the spirit.

Reward: 25 XP, 20 crowns.

Blood Ties

In the Nilfgaardian camp you will find a woman () who is looking for her missing son. He wrote letters home weekly, but nothing had been heard from him lately. The woman will ask you to find her son.

Stage 1: talk to the quartermaster about the noblewoman's son

Ask the quartermaster ( M2, 90) about a missing soldier. You can:

  • Pay 150
  • Tell me what you know

He will say that it was a group of deserters, and they were all hanged.

Stage 2: Find Chrodebert's body using your Witcher Senses

The body will be in this place ( M2, 125).

Stage 3: find personal belongings of soldiers at the execution site
There will be a letter next to the body.

Stage 4: return to the noblewoman
When you return, you can choose what to say to your mother. That her son died in battle, or he deserted. Considering that she wanted to hear the truth, it would be better to tell her the truth.

Reward: 50 CZK

Whispering Hill

We receive the quest during the quest "Mistress of the Forest" ().

Step 1: Understand where the voice is coming from
Stage 2: talk to the spirit in the cave under Whispering Hill

The entrance is here ( M2, 98). Come in and go straight. Jump into the water and swim around the obstacle. Underwater you can find a chest containing a drawing for improving the thunder elixir and a drawing for a sword made from scraps.

You will meet a spirit chained in a tree. He will say that the children were taken from the clearing and that only he can save them. There will be a choice:

  • I will help you. Go to stage 3, option A..
  • I do not believe you. Stage 3, option B.
  • I need to think.

Stage 3, Option A: Find the bones of the spirit trapped under Whispering Hill using your Witcher Senses

Get to the grave ( M2, 100) and take the bones. It will not do without the inhabitants of the swamps - the drowners and the water woman.

Stage 4, option A: tame the wild horse Axiem and ride it

Get to the clearing where the horses are walking and use Axii on one of them.

Stage 5, option A: lead the black horse to the cave under Whispering Hill

When you bring your horse, you will again have a choice:

  • Start the ritual. If you start the ritual, Geralt will do everything the spirit said and free him. And the problem can be considered solved.
  • Deceive the creature. If you choose this option, the spirit will die and the tree will dry up. And the problem can be considered solved.
  • Still, I will kill you. You will have to destroy the plant and the endriags attacking you. It won't be difficult.

Stage 3, option B: destroy the heart in the roots of the tree

You will have to destroy the tree. Take care of the attacking endriags first. Afterwards, cut off the branches that protect the heart, and then take care of it.

Return back to the quest stage 17.

Return to Krivoukhovy Marsh

We receive the quest upon completion of the quest, if you decide to help the baron save his wife.

Stage 1: Meet the Baron in Steiger

You can go straight to the village or drive up later.

Stage 2: go with the baron to the village in the swamps

Drive to the place ().

Stage 3: Help the Witch Hunters defeat the monsters
Help the hunters fight off the drowners. There the Baron will meet his daughter Tamara. In one of the houses they will find the Baron's wife, Anna.

Stage 4: Prepare for Combat
Apply anti-relict oil to your sword, and you can also equip yourself with Devil's Mushroom and Samum bombs.

Stage 5: Kill the Imp and Other Monsters

Fight off drowners, water women and kill the demon himself.

If Anna is alive, then the Baron will take her home with him.

Reward: 100 crowns, 300 XP + quest will be unlocked "Gwent: Velen Players"

The soothsayer will tell the truth

Stage 1: go to the soothsayer

You will find him ( M2, 147). He will say that he can predict the future. For this he will ask for food. After that, he will predict the future...or rather, he thought that he would predict the future. An old man dulls his gift with age. He will ask you to bring him dragon roots.

Stage 2: Find the dragonroot using your Witcher Senses

There is a cave not far from the village. Enter it. Ghouls will bother you. Take the root and return to the old man.

Step 3: Bring the Dragonroot to the Diviner

Reward: 5 XP

Opium for the people

In the wilderness of Velen, you will come across two peasants (), who will say that the deity they revered, called the All-God, has rejected their gifts and now wants to send a curse on them.

Stage 1: turn to Vsegod using the altar

After talking with the voice from the altar, Geralt decides to find the All-God, the voice came from somewhere underground.

Stage 2: Find the All-God using your Witcher Senses

Find empty vessels of wine nearby. After following the scent a little, you will find an illusion in the form of stones. Use the Eye of Nehalena to dispel it. A passage inside will open.

There you will meet some fat devil. He will refuse to lift the curse until people bring him decent gifts. There will be a choice:

  • I have a better idea, I'll kill you. Return to the peasants and tell them that Vsegod is dead. They will react negatively to this.
    Reward: 10 XP
  • Be content with modest gifts or you will die. The monster will say that he agrees to modest gifts. Return to the peasants and tell them the good news.
    Reward: 15 XP and 50 crowns
  • Okay, I'll tell them. The peasants will have to clear out all the shelves in order to bring good gifts to the All-God.
    Reward: 10 XP


We receive the quest from the Vorozhei during the quest.

Stage 1: at midnight meet the Vorozhey in the stone circle on Kolomnitsa
Stage 2: protect the ritual participants

There will be one wave of drowners and water women from the water side. After calling the spirit, the guard will come. There will be a choice:

  • Leave these people alone. In this case, you will have to kill the guards and continue the ritual.
  • It's none of my business. The guards will disperse the crowd.

Reward: 5 XP

But the ritual will not end. Now you will be bothered by ghosts.

Stage 3: Using your Witcher Senses, find the body of Vorozhey’s father in the swamps
The spirit called Vorozhei a parricide. Perhaps if the body can be found, it will be possible to exorcise the spirit. The body will lie under the tree here ( M2, 121).

Stage 4: set fire to the body of Vorozhey’s father

For the spirit to disappear, the body must be burned. Use Igni.

Stage 5: talk to the Soothsayer
The witch will be waiting for you in his house ( M2, 28). Say that they burned his father's body.

Reward: 5 XP and 50 crowns

The spitting image of a witcher

We receive the quest in Velen In the village of Zalipye

Stage 1: Find the rogue in the cemetery using your Witcher Senses

Kill the unfortunate ghoul who is prowling around the cemetery. Find the "witcher" and talk to him. He will ask not to hand him over to the peasants. There will be a choice:

  • It took two witchers to kill this ghoul.
    • He must work off his failure.
    • He can no longer return to this village.
  • There is only one witcher here.
    • Let him go.
    • Take him to the village elder.

Choose the option yourself. there will be no special consequences after this.

Reward: 85 XP

Gwent: Velen players

We receive the quest after completing the quest.

Stage 1: Win a unique Baron card
If you did not have time to play with the baron before completing the quest, then you will be taken directly to stage 2.

Stage 2: find a unique card and information about other Gwent players in the baron’s office
Go to the baron's office and pick up the unique card of Sigismund Dijkstra.

Stage 2: Win a Unique Diviner Card
Reward: 25 XP + card "Witch: Spinner"

Stage 3: win a unique card of the boat master from the village of Rudnik
Reward: 25 XP + card "Summer from Gulet"

Stage 4: win the unique card Gadko from Underwood
Reward: 25 XP + card "Vernon Roche"

Leader Eredin Breakk Glas.

Anything for gold

We get the quest by taking a letter from a corpse ()

Stage 1: read the found letter
Stage 2: Find the marauders' valuables using your Witcher Senses
There will be broken wooden scaffolding nearby. The chest will contain: crowns, crossbow, heavy club, drawing: Scoiatael sword, ranger pants, small rune stone, orens, steel plate, white wolf skin.


Gwent: games with innkeepers

We get the quest from the notice board ().

Stage 1: Win a unique Stepan card
You will find him in the tavern ()

Reward: 25 XP + Yeniffer card from Vengerberg

Stage 2: win a unique tavern owner card "At the Crossroads"
You will find him in the tavern ()

Reward: 25 XP + Menno Coehoorn card

Stage 3: Win a unique card in the Kingfisher Tavern
You will find him in the tavern ()
You will find the card in the room next to the bar, so just pick it up.

Reward: 25 XP + card

Master armorer

We receive the quest from Fergus in Velen (M2, 16).

Stage 1: Find an armor master in Velen
Step 2: Ask if Fergus is an Armor Master
Talk to the armorer and ask if he can create good armor. He will say that this requires equipment that the blacksmiths from the island of Skellige have.

Stage 3: Find blacksmith tools on Undvik
You will find the tools in one of the caves ().

Stage 4: Defeat the Troll
Once you enter the forge ( M4, 25), you will have to fight the troll. Use the oil against ogres and quen to deal with him without any problems. The tools will be in the chest.

Step 5: Bring the tools to Fergus
Return to the castle in Vronitsy and say that you got the tools. Later, a guard officer will come and order armor. Ioanna will say that in fact it is she who makes all the armor and she is also the master armorer. She will want to prove who is better, her or Fergus.

Stage 6: get the griffin's acid gland
To harden her armor, Joanna decided to use acid instead of oil. To do this, she asks Geralt to get griffin acid. Go to the griffin's nesting place ().

Step 7: Bring the Acid Gland to Joanna
Stage 8: Assist in armor testing
Just stand still and watch.

Stage 9: wait a day so that Joanna has time to finish the armor
Joanna said to come back after a while. so she could finish the armor. We meditate for one day.

Stage 10: take the armor from Joanna
Reward: Witch Hunter armor

Erasmus Wegelbud horse racing

We receive the quest at the Vegelbud residence by approaching the man ().

Stage 1: Defeat the first rider
Reward: 10 XP, 160 crowns, excellent racing saddle



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