Shelf life and storage conditions of hydrogen peroxide. Shelf life of hydrogen peroxide Storage conditions for working solutions of hydrogen peroxide

The antiseptic agent Hydrogen peroxide is available in 3 forms:

  • Shelf life of 3% hydrogen peroxide solution for external and local use - 2 years .
  • Shelf life of Perhydrol - 35% hydrogen peroxide solution for breeding, subject to proper storage and integrity of packaging - 6 months. Ready solution - no more than 24 hours.
  • Shelf life of Hydroperit- tablets for preparing a 35% solution - 2 years. Ready solution - no more than 24 hours.

For tablets, the expiration date is indicated on the blister. On solutions it is stamped on the bottle and on the cardboard packaging.

Under the influence of direct sunlight and severe frost, the chemical elements of the preparations disintegrate and evaporate, so the shelf life is reduced to 2-3 days.

Hydrogen peroxide can be used 5-10 days before the expiration date under proper storage conditions.

After the expiration date, Hydroperite begins to crumble, and perhydrol and 3% hydrogen peroxide solution evaporate.

Signs of an expired or defective product:

  1. The integrity of the packaging or bottle has been damaged.
  2. No storage juices on the packaging.
  3. Traces of evaporation on the bottle.
  4. Cloudy solution.
  5. Presence of sediment.

Hydrogen peroxide in any form can be used within a month after the expiration date, if the integrity of the packaging has not been compromised. Diluted solutions should not be used after 24 hours, since the active substances evaporate in the air and the product will be useless.

The darkened bottle of the 3% solution and the tight packaging of Hydroperite protects hydrogen peroxide from evaporation and disintegration of active substances, this helps the antiseptic to be stored for quite a long time. Perhydrol is stored in transparent packaging, which significantly reduces shelf life.

How to store at home

Hydrogen peroxide in any form release is stored in a dark place at a temperature not higher than +15 o C.

The antiseptic drug should be stored in tightly closed packaging in a specially designated first aid kit that does not allow light to pass through. If the temperature exceeds the permissible storage temperature, you should transfer the hydrogen peroxide to a shelf in the refrigerator door.

There is no need to transfer the solution to another package. We will allow this option only if the integrity of the packaging is damaged. It is necessary to find a container as close as possible to the original. When opening, the date must be indicated.

Hydrogen peroxide should not be stored:

  • near heating devices;
  • when exposed to direct sunlight;
  • in the freezer and main compartment of the refrigerator.

Analogs of Hydrogen Peroxide:

  • Chlohexidine;
  • Antisept;
  • Biosept;
  • Bonaderm;
  • Hydrogen peroxide;
  • Ichthyol ointment;
  • Kutasept;
  • Myristamide;
  • Septocide;
  • Sterillium;
  • Pharmaseptyl.

Rules for storing the drug in pharmacies and clinics

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation N 706n “On approval of the Rules for the storage of medicines”, the antiseptic agent Hydrogen peroxide should be stored:

  1. A solution of Hydrogen Peroxide 3% and Pedhydrol is stored in refrigerators at a temperature not exceeding +15 o C.
  2. Hydoperite is placed in special cabinets on a shelf next to similar antiseptic agents.

According to SanPinN, large quantities of expired or defective goods are destroyed at manufacturing plants that have a special license.

In small quantities, hydrogen peroxide is destroyed in pharmacies. The antiseptic is dissolved in water and poured out.

During transportation, antiseptic drugs must be packaged in special containers where the required temperature and humidity are maintained. Carriers must have permission and a license to transport medicines. This is regulated by Federal Law N61 “On the Circulation of Medicines” dated April 12, 2010.

Pharmacy and clinic workers are responsible for the proper storage of antiseptics and medications. If disposal is untimely, employees may fall under administrative liability. In case of sale of obviously stitched or defective goods, the criminal code comes into force.

How to properly store hydrogen peroxide

This substance is very unstable, and under the influence of external factors it is destroyed incredibly quickly. Therefore, it is important to store it in the right place and in the appropriate container. Peroxide is sold in dark glass bottles or opaque jars. When storing it, two points should be taken into account:

  1. Storage temperature does not exceed 23 degrees.
  2. Lighting should be minimal, without direct sunlight.

If these conditions are not met, then hydrogen peroxide will very quickly become completely unsuitable for use. The best place for this substance will be the refrigerator - both dark and cool. When using peroxide, pour it from a container rather than dipping cotton into it. Upon contact with foreign objects, the solution will quickly lose its properties.

When stored properly, hydroperoxide does not lose its properties for three years if the container has not been opened. After opening the bottle, approximately thirty to forty days will pass until the expiration date. And if you have prepared a mixture of peroxide and water for use on the farm, then such a working solution will not lose its bactericidal properties in just a day.
How to determine whether hydrogen peroxide has retained its characteristics? If you doubt the correct contents of the container with the solution, then it is better to check and be one hundred percent sure. There is one very easy and fast way to do this. Simply pour some liquid from the bottle into the sink. If it sizzles, then the expiration date has not yet expired.

Can peroxide be used after the expiration date?

If the expiration date has passed, the properties that make hydrogen peroxide a good disinfectant have disappeared. Therefore, there is no benefit to using it. It will not cause harm, but the expected death of infections will not occur.

Hydrogen peroxide should only be used externally. In recent years, the idea has emerged that this solution, when taken orally, has healing properties. But this is not covered by official medicine. Thus, you can only harm yourself. Remember that peroxide, even in low concentrations, is considered a strong oxidizing agent. Use it with caution, avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes. And if you find an expired bottle in your first aid kit, it’s better to buy a new one.

Hydrogen peroxide is a liquid with a slightly viscous consistency, colorless and odorless. In medicine, this substance is used as a disinfectant for treating wounds of various origins. But, like any other medical product, peroxide has its own expiration date, which should certainly be taken into account when using it.

Shelf life of hydrogen peroxide

The shelf life of hydrogen peroxide 3% depends on the method of its production, that is, factory or pharmacy. When manufactured in a factory, the shelf life of hydrogen peroxide is 2 years, and when produced in a pharmacy - 15 days, according to paragraph 161 of Appendix 2 of Order No. 214 of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated July 16, 1997 “On quality control of medicines manufactured in pharmacy organizations (pharmacies)”

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The expiration date of hydrogen peroxide must be indicated on the packaging of the drug:

  • The 6% solution is stored in a dark place in a closed package at temperatures up to +25 degrees Celsius for 2 years
  • Once opened, this solution will keep for 12 months.
  • The peroxide working solution should be used within 48 hours

More information about the concentration of working solutions:

  1. Concentration of hydrogen peroxide in the working solution,
  2. % Amount of product and water required for preparation

Hydrogen peroxide expiration date after opening

There is no regulatory documentation according to which the shelf life of hydrogen peroxide can be determined after opening the package. But you should always remember that in an open bottle the active ingredient of the drug loses its properties, and thus hydrogen peroxide reduces its antiseptic effect.

In order to reduce the loss of antiseptic effect, it is recommended to package the drug in smaller containers. It is also important to control the amount of the drug that is included in the drug. These requirements were approved by order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated July 16, 1997 No. 214.

Features of hydrogen peroxide:

  1. Retains bactericidal properties during freezing and subsequent thawing.
  2. The product can be transported using any type of transport, subject to temperature conditions from -30 degrees Celsius to +30 degrees Celsius.
  3. It is a safe disinfectant that belongs to class IV of low-toxic substances, the decomposition of which occurs upon contact with air. This releases oxygen.
  4. The bactericidal effect is achieved due to the formation of an intermediate product, namely the active hydroxyl radical.
  5. The activity of the drug is aimed at the cytoplasmic membrane of bacteria and spore membranes, the oxidation of enzymes, proteins and peptides. This process is accompanied by the lysis of microorganisms.
  6. It is effective to use a solution of 6% hydrogen peroxide to disinfect contaminated surfaces with gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, as well as mycobacteria, helminths, protozoa, tuberculosis pathogens, pathogenic fungi and viruses.
  7. Disinfects premises from the main protozoa, which are the source of candidiasis, dermatophytosis and conidia of pathogenic fungi that live in moist air.

and objects is carried out according to a special regime:

To learn more about this technique, you should refer to the document: “Guidelines for disinfection, pre-sterilization cleaning and sterilization of medical devices” (No. MU-287-113, approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation on December 30, 1998). Reuse of disinfectant solutions is prohibited.

For this purpose, aerosol generators are used, on which special modes are installed, which are prescribed in the relevant instructions for use.

  • Walls, floors, furniture and other surfaces in the room are treated using rags, which are moistened in a peroxide solution or sprayed with a hydraulic remote control or other sprayer.
  • Sanitary transport is irrigated and wiped in the same way.
  • Disinfection of linen is carried out at the rate of 4 liters of product per kilogram of linen. After this, the laundry is washed and rinsed with clean water.
  • Tableware and laboratory dishes are immersed in the solution at the rate of 2 liters of product per 1 set of dishes. After this, wash the dishes with clean running water.
  • Various patient care items, as well as toys, are disinfected using rags soaked in a peroxide solution. Small objects are completely immersed in the solution, while large ones can be treated by irrigation. The final step is to rinse the items with water.
  • Medical items are treated by complete immersion in the working solution. In this case, it is necessary to ensure complete filling of all cavities using a pipette or syringe. If the product can be disassembled into smaller parts, then this must be done. The layer of solution above the objects should be at least 1 centimeter. After completing the procedure, rinse the items thoroughly with running water:
    • when treating with a 3% peroxide solution - at least 3 minutes;
    • when treating with a 4-6% peroxide solution - at least 5 minutes;
    Dental impressions are disinfected by complete immersion in the working solution, while adhering to the regimes suggested by the instructions. When finished, the prints are washed with water.

Hydrogen peroxide(or hydrogen peroxide H2O2) is one of the most environmentally friendly substances that are widely used due to its unique properties.

Its scope of application includes oxidation reactions and bleaching processes, waste air and wastewater treatment, and disinfection.

The power of matter lies in extra oxygen atom, attached to water in several ways.

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Is there an expiration date?

Peroxide and more concentrated perhydrol quite easily enter into chemical reactions causing their decomposition, so they have there is an expiration date.

This is perhaps the only disinfectant that is distinguished by the simplicity of its composition - only oxygen and water.

The shelf life of a 3% solution depends on whether the product is manufactured industrially or in.

Product Suitability preserved for use:

  • in factory production- 2 years;
  • in pharmaceutical preparation- only 15 days (according to the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated July 16, 1997 No. 214).

Hydrogen peroxide solution 3% and 6% stored according to GOST 177-88:

  1. unpacked- 2 years;
  2. unpacked– maximum 1 month;
  3. working solution recommended for use no later than 24-48 hours.

Perhydrol (30-40%) is a fairly strong and dangerous oxidizing agent, especially if it is not diluted. According to GOST 10929-76, perhydrol should be used maximum after six months from the moment of manufacture, and no more than one day is allocated for the use of working solutions.

Storage Features

For hydrogen peroxide, and especially perhydrol, it is of no small importance in what containers it is stored.

The most suitable storage option is in original containers from tinted glass or opaque plastic bottles.

The main factor influencing storage is the property of the substance to easily decompose into water and oxygen gas.

In this regard, the capacity of over 200 ml cannot be hermetically sealed.

Suitable for storage wherever cool and dark, and also there is no ultraviolet radiation.

Solution 3% and 6%

A medical solution, which is certainly found in every first aid kit, requires, first of all, darkness and temperature, not exceeding +23°C.

In any case, it is preferable to store the medication in the refrigerator, especially an already opened bottle.

Duration of storage after opening does not exceed 30-45 days. Interaction with foreign objects, as well as with oxygen, is fraught with the development of chemical reactions, which quickly renders hydrogen peroxide unusable.

Perhydrol 33% and 38%

High reactivity does not prevent perhydrol from maintaining long-term chemical properties. stability.

This is the key to its stable storage throughout several years, if the conditions of its detention meet the requirements.

Among the factors, which help accelerate the process of chemical decomposition of perhydrol, are as follows:

  • impact high temperature;
  • hit sunlight, especially direct;
  • elevated pH value;
  • presence in its composition impurities, especially salts formed by transition metals.

Perhydrol is a highly hazardous substance that can cause serious damage to the eyes, skin and respiratory tract!

When using it, you should take care in advance security measures– protective masks and gloves.

If ingested fatal It is customary to consider a dose of 50-100 ml of 30% perhydrol. A concentrated solution may cause detonation.

It is better to store it in original container, excluding placing foreign objects in the container, in order to avoid contamination with all the ensuing consequences.

Suitability test

Even if the container is closed, there is still a slight gas formation, indicating decay processes.

The only difference is that the degree of intensity of this process much less than upon contact with a wound or other surface.

To check the suitability of H2O2, just lightly spray it on a cut potato or just in the sink. Hiss solution confirms its suitability for further use.

If no bubbles are observed, then the decomposition process has gone too far and the product in the bottle is hopelessly spoiled.

The danger of expired solution

Delay does not pose any particular danger; it is more about meaninglessness use of such a product if necessary, since almost all bactericidal properties are irretrievably lost. What's the point of treating a wound with a completely useless liquid?

If you find peroxide in your medicine cabinet that has spent a lot of time there, it’s best to first check date its production, and then test for suitability.

Maybe it's time to buy new packaging medical drug.

Find out from this video, what perhydrol is needed for:

Author of the article -

Hydrogen peroxide (peroxide) is environmentally friendly chemical, used for oxidation reactions, bleaching processes, wastewater treatment, exhaust air purification and for various disinfection applications.

By breaking down to produce only oxygen and water, hydrogen peroxide is one of the purest and most versatile chemicals available. We’ll talk about what hydrogen peroxide has in the article.

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Does he exist?

Does hydrogen peroxide have an expiration date?

Hydrogen peroxide is available to consumers in pharmacies in the form of a 3 or 5 percent aqueous solution.

This is, in fact, the only disinfectant consisting exclusively of water and oxygen.

Hydrogen peroxide is often considered a true "green chemical". When H2O2 reacts with organic material, it decomposes into oxygen and water, which is not toxic for general use.

Peroxide and more concentrated perhydrol are easily decomposed, therefore they have a certain shelf life, taking into account the influence of external factors on it.

According to GOST

Hydrogen peroxide is found in many households at low concentrations(3-9%) for disinfections and some cosmetic procedures. For medical purposes and industry, perhydrol is used in more high concentrations(33-38% or more).

Storage Features

The shelf life of hydrogen peroxide is affected by the material from which the container for containing H2O2 is made.

The product is available in dark glass containers or opaque polyethylene bottles - this the most suitable materials for storage.

The higher the percentage of hydrogen peroxide, the more carefully you need to pay attention to the storage conditions of the product.

The property of a substance to decompose in the presence of certain active impurities, with the formation of gaseous oxygen and water, is important factor for proper storage facilities.

Peroxide should be stored in a dark, cool place, protected from UV rays. Containers of more than two hundred milliliters are not hermetically sealed.

3% and 6% solution

Hydrogen peroxide, which is found in almost every home medicine cabinet, should be kept in a dark place at a temperature no higher than 23 degrees. It is better to store sealed peroxide in the refrigerator, including an already opened bottle.

From the moment the container with the solution is opened, the peroxide is good for another 30-45 days.

Do not contaminate the solution, placing soiled tampons into the container. Upon contact with foreign objects, as well as upon reaction with oxygen, the peroxide will begin to decompose and will soon be completely useless for further use.

33% and 38% perhydrol

Despite its high reactivity, perhydrol is a stable substance, and when kept under optimal conditions, can be stored for many years.

The most important factors increasing the rate of decomposition, are:

  • high pH value;
  • high temperatures;
  • direct sunlight;
  • the presence of transition metal salts and all types of impurities.

Perhydrol - very powerful oxidizing agent and if not handled correctly can be severely corrosive to the skin, eyes and respiratory tract. Hydrogen peroxide must be protected from all types of contamination.

  1. Perhydrol is kept in its original container. It is not allowed to place anything inside the container with the solution - this reduces the risk of introducing contaminants.
  2. The substance is stored in a place protected from light and heat. When stored in light for a long time, H2O2 decomposes and loses its properties.
  3. Perhydrol should keep away from organic compounds, flammable mixtures and heavy metals (iron, copper, manganese, nickel, chromium).
  4. When the solution content in a refrigerator the container must have a clearly marked label so as not to confuse it with water.

How to check for suitability?

Regardless of whether the bottle of hydrogen peroxide is opened or not, the process of its breakdown into water and oxygen always goes: 2 H 2 O 2 → 2 H 2 O + O 2 (g).

Even in a closed container, gas formation occurs, but the reaction proceeds much more slowly than when the substance comes into contact with a cut or other surface.

Gas formation reactions, that is, the appearance of bubbles, contribute to transition metals, for example, the presence of iron in the blood.

If you are not completely sure about the suitability of H2O2, there is a safe way to check it. Simply spray a little peroxide into the sink or onto a potato cut.

If the solution “hisses,” it means the product is suitable for further use. There are no bubbles - it's time to replace the bottle.

Not worth it open the container with the substance in advance and pour the H2O2 into another container, especially one made of transparent glass.

What are the dangers of using expired?

The danger of an expired substance is the pointlessness of its use.

When a bactericidal agent is urgently needed, and instead a useless liquid is used, it will not bring any benefit other than harm.

If you find a bottle of peroxide in your medicine cabinet that has been stored there for a long time, look at date of manufacture and check the substance for suitability. Maybe it's time to replace it?

Which package of hydrogen peroxide should you choose? Find out about it in the video:



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