Real human levitation. What's happened

Who among us did not fly in our dreams as a child? Our mothers said that the one who flies in his sleep grows. Now imagine that it is possible to soar above the ground in real life. No, air vehicles have nothing to do with it. It's all about psychokinetics, or more precisely the ability to levitate, that is, raise your own body above the surface. Many scientists have long been trying to figure out a phenomenon that violates all known laws of gravity. Not a single legend has enough evidence, not a single myth claims that such an ability is available to every person. So what is the human body really capable of, and is it possible for a mere mortal to learn such a trick?

There are several versions and assumptions regarding levitation:

The first option includes the version that the ability to fly is associated with a very strong human biofield, and it must be more than one, because it is thanks to the energy of the second biofield that the physical body will be able to get off the ground. This is rather a psychic opinion, because they are the ones who often deal with the human biofield and can see the color of energy, blocks, chakras and other mysteries.

It is known that information about levitation came to us from Tibet, where a whole science of purifying the human mind exists to this day; the spiritual must prevail over the material, and a person must forget about the peculiarities of earthly life. This is written about in the Indian Vedas, Buddhism speaks about this and much more. And only after reaching a certain point of complete shutdown of the mind, the body will be able to gain new strength - to soar. Everyone calls this state differently - catharsis, apogee, euphoria... But true monks who have dedicated their whole lives to this reveal the secret only to a select few and only to those who are truly ready to continue and preserve such precious knowledge.

The third version of the existence of levitation is associated with a state of hypnosis. Of course, few people believe in hypnosis itself, since they believe that it is charlotanism. But nevertheless, there are known cases that it was under the influence of hypnosis that a person could lift himself off the ground, albeit under the guidance of a professional. But if a hypnotist moves the body of another person in the air, then it turns out that this is already telekinesis? That is, the ability to move objects with the power of thought. And this, perhaps, is a completely different topic for conversation.

How to learn to levitate

Learning to fly certainly seems like a fantasy, but if you still decide that it’s worth devoting all your time to, then the first thing a future levitant should do is yoga. Yes, it is yoga that will help you get closer to the desired state of body and mind. Physical activity, which, however, is quite energy-intensive, interacts with the release of the brain from unnecessary information. This happens thanks to certain music and instructions from the trainer. You still need to look for a good coach, but if you have one, then you are very lucky.

Once you have mastered the yoga technique, you can begin meditation. Perhaps this is the starting and basic form of the state of the human body. This is a complete cleansing of the mind, finding harmony with oneself, self-knowledge. It takes many years, and not everyone can be proud of what has been achieved, but it is worth it. The basis and first step to understanding levitation is the development of the spiritual principle - this is the only way you can get closer to your goal. Try small - start reading. Read different literature - documentary, fiction, scientific. Thus, you will begin to “nourish your soul,” which means enriching it spiritually - which is what is needed for self-knowledge and self-development. After all, a levitant is, first of all, a person who has comprehended true peace, opened his chakras and known his insides.

To summarize, we can say one thing - levitation affects consciousness. It is difficult to judge whether this is good or bad, but one cannot ignore the fact that touching the supernatural is a step that must be deliberate and conscious. And most importantly, decide what you need it for - to conquer your friends with an unusual ability or move to a qualitatively new level of life and self-knowledge. You must be prepared for the fact that the result will not come immediately, but if you have set a goal, then your efforts will not be unjustified.

And, well. levitation English 1. physical The continuous ascent of gases separating from the head of a comet is like... a type of levitation, that is, the desire of gaseous particles to move away from the sun. RV 1872 5 240. 2. honey. In psychiatry... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

Modern encyclopedia

- [lat. levatio raising, lifting] mystical or magical way of overcoming gravity; the imaginary lifting of one’s own body or heavy objects during a spiritualistic seance, contrary to the law of gravity. Dictionary of foreign words.... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

Noun, number of synonyms: 2 parapsychology (7) psi phenomenon (36) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

levitation- - [Ya.N.Luginsky, M.S.Fezi Zhilinskaya, Yu.S.Kabirov. English-Russian dictionary of electrical engineering and power engineering, Moscow, 1999] Topics of electrical engineering, basic concepts EN levitation ... Technical Translator's Guide

Levitation- (Latin levitas lightness), a scientifically unexplained phenomenon of free floating of the human body (or any object), noted in various reports about saints, yogis, mediums, etc.; the state of levitation is often experienced in... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

levitation- levitacija statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: engl. levitating; levitation vok. Levitation, f rus. levitation, f pranc. lévitation, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas

levitation- 1.2 levitation: Lifting the rotor without mechanical action (contact) only by forces of attraction or repulsion from the magnetic field Source ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

G. The semi-fantastic ability of some people to overcome the forces of gravity and move unhindered in space. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

levitation- levitation, and... Russian spelling dictionary


  • Levitation of a ball in a constrained flow, Demenok Sergey Leonidovich. The phenomenon of levitation is no longer just a trick or hoax. Magnetic levitation technology is used by engineers to create the latest technical devices. The physical effects have long been known...

People have long been interested in the topic of levitation. It is precisely thanks to the desire to fly that we were so surprised and delighted by tricks where the illusionist makes an assistant float above the ground. But as we know, any amazing phenomenon is often explained very easily, including the secret of the levitation trick. Is it really that simple? Let's take a closer look at what levitation happens and reveal some of its secrets.

  • Levitation as a trick. As we have already said, the sleight of hand of the illusionist works wonders, and we see what is suggested to us. Although no professional is in a hurry to reveal the secret, levitation is carried out using a support invisible to the viewer. Many have seen a photo of a faucet floating in the air with water pouring out. Everyone guesses what the secret is, but this does not make the spectacle any less vivid;
  • Photomontage. This is also a kind of levitation illusion. There is no point in talking much about it, because an ordinary jump in a photo can also be passed off as levitation;
  • Yoga and levitation. Here everything is much more complicated, because there is a video of how brahmins and yogis soar in the lotus position above the ground. Often a video is just another illusion. However, in Eastern literature this phenomenon is described as an acquired human ability. Anyone can learn to levitate. You just need to clear your mind of unnecessary thoughts and develop skills.

Levitation: fiction or reality

Previously, scientists, when mentioning such soaring in the air, only smiled skeptically. However, after the magnetic levitation railway line came into operation, skepticism began to evaporate. Said train can reach higher speeds than a traditional one due to the lack of friction. Physical levitation using the force of Archimedes or powerful sound (for light objects) is a science. That is, from the point of view of science, levitation is possible. This has been proven in experiments with frogs, drops, tennis balls, etc. But what about the practice of yoga? How to learn levitation without a scientific approach?

Floating in the air

In fact, in meditative practices, levitation is called only the result of spiritual growth. You could say it's a "side effect". Without personal development, such practice is simply impossible. Another condition is faith in one’s own strength. You must be confident that you can overcome the force of gravity of the earth as easily as you learned to ride a bicycle. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, a physicist who in the twentieth century developed a whole theory of how to make levitation, thought so.

There are quite a lot of people who sincerely believe that they can overcome the force of gravity. One of them is Helen Masdell. She ran a personal development center and spent many years trying to master the science of flight. Mainly by jumping from a diving board into the water. Helen Masdell argued that during a jump you need to concentrate and keep your body in the air for as long as possible. It is known that she herself achieved dubious results. Perhaps it's all about the original purpose. After the development center mentioned above, many schools were opened where the main goal was levitation, the training of which was carried out through practices and meditation. But whether any of their students were able to take off is not known for certain.

Levitation in ancient times

Of course, there are many skeptics who consider levitation to be a fiction, but few today can explain how the ancient Egyptians moved blocks of stone to build the pyramids. One of the theories is levitation. One Arab historian described the process as follows: papyrus was placed under the stone, and then it was touched with a metal rod, after which the stone was moved 50 meters. Perhaps all this is the fruit of the rich imagination of a historian, or perhaps the Egyptians for many centuries, from generation to generation, passed on the secret of such levitation.

But the European, Professor Jarl, in his book described the construction of the wall by Tibetan monks with sound. According to him, with the help of six pipes and twelve drums, an unbearably piercing sound was created, thanks to which huge blocks rose into the air. To believe or not to believe in such phenomena is a personal matter for everyone. However, as many skeptics as there are, there are just as many who will sincerely believe that there is a levitation spell (like in the Harry Potter film), by casting which we can move objects. Now you know a lot of information on this topic. We hope it helped you.

The ability to fly is not a dream, but a real possibility! It's called "levitation"! Learn to do what others call a “miracle”!

Levitation¹ is the ability to lift off the ground and float in the air. It is one of human superpowers.

The ability of man to overcome gravity is denied by science, but in ancient tales around the world there are stories of heroes who can fly in the air.

And in our time there is a lot of evidence of the existence of this superpower. As Indian yogis soared into the air, people watched in large numbers and even filmed it on video camera!

Levitation is antigravity: a force opposite to gravity. It can be developed through the power of your consciousness! This article presents an interesting technique that will allow you to develop the ability to fly.

Just imagine your possibilities if you could fly through the air!

Step 1: accustom yourself to this opportunity!

Many of a person’s superpowers are blocked by his logical mind and many self-limitations: “impossible”, “impossible”, “unreal”. And this is the first thing that needs to be fixed!

At the first stage, it is necessary to admit the possibility of levitation, to overcome skepticism and resistance of the mind.

The secret to this is working with your imagination.

It is known that the human subconscious does not distinguish between the real and the imaginary. Thus, the feeling of flight that you imagine is identical to real levitation.

It is necessary, with the help of imagination, to neutralize gravity, to “cancel” it. Remember: any mental image is already real!

1. The practitioner lies down, takes a comfortable position and closes his eyes.

For the success of the practice, complete darkness and silence is necessary: ​​you need to forget about reality for a while! Earplugs and an eye mask, which you can purchase at a pharmacy, are perfect for this.

2. A person relaxes his body: he pays attention to all muscle groups, relaxing them. Then he begins to observe the breathing process without interfering with it. This will put you in a trance state².

3. As soon as the practitioner feels that he has entered an altered state of consciousness, he remembers his body, imagines how it becomes heavier, how deeply it is pressed into the bed.

4. The person fully concentrates on the feeling of heaviness, and gradually consciousness will recede into the background and dissolve.

5. The practitioner imagines walking through a multi-colored field filled with the light of the summer sun. A person plunges deeper into this picture: he feels a warm ray of sun on his face.

6. Once in this image, the practitioner imagines how he slowly rises into the air, how his legs leave the ground, and he begins to levitate.

7. A person is immersed in this feeling, enjoys it, experiences and remembers the feeling of weightlessness, inner lightness, the absence of any bodily and spiritual stress.

8. To complete the exercise, the practitioner imagines himself slowly floating down and falling to the ground. Afterwards he returns to his usual state of consciousness.

It should be remembered that this exercise absorbs a lot of internal energy³. Imaginary levitation should be performed no more than twice a month. There are also certain restrictions on the duration of one session: meditation should not last longer than 30 minutes.

Step 2: real levitation training

When you have memorized and learned to easily reproduce the feeling of weightlessness, you can proceed to the next step and learn real levitation! You need to develop the ability to levitate by lifting individual parts of your body into the air.

1. The practitioner prepares the space: turns on dim lighting in the practice room, lights an incense stick.

2. The person sits down at the table and places his right hand on its surface. Initially he will work on this part of the body.

3. The practitioner relaxes, concentrates on feeling his body, and takes several deep breaths. In this state, he tries to let go of all thoughts.

4. Immersed in non-thought, a person begins to concentrate on his right hand. He imagines the heat that passes through it, how it becomes almost hot and very heavy.

A person mentally “travels” along the entire right arm to the shoulder joint, feels the skin, muscles, tendons, blood as it flows through the veins.

5. The practitioner continues to feel the heaviness and heat of the hand, intensively exaggerate this feeling, make it stronger.

After some time, the feeling of a “heavy hand” will reach the point where a person will no longer feel it at all!

6. As soon as the hand “disappears,” the practitioner imagines that an “air cushion” appears under it and flies up. And the weightless hand lying on it also rises into the air.

The state of non-interference is important! It’s not you who raise your hand, but the hand that raises itself! Here is the main secret! At this time, you need to be immersed in your sensations and state of non-thought!

7. As soon as the practitioner sees that the hand begins to rise into the air, he continues to concentrate on breathing and does not interfere with the process with his emotions.

As soon as you can successfully carry out the levitation experiment with your right hand, you need to do this with all parts of the body: the other hand, legs, you can do the exercise with your fingers.

Speaking of safety precautions, everything is simple here: you can train as long as you feel good. If tension or internal interference arises, you interrupt the exercise and repeat it at another time.

Real levitation training can be done no more than once a week. It is not recommended to take alcohol or any medications on the day of the experiment - this lowers the level of vibrations.

Now you know that levitation is real, that you can awaken this superpower in yourself. All you need is a strong intention and regular training. A world of completely new possibilities will open up before you!

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Levitation is a mental or physical phenomenon in which an object without visible support floats in space (that is, levitates) without touching a solid or liquid surface (

Levitation is the ability of a person or object to rise into the air bypassing the force of gravity and without using any technical, chemical or physical devices, under the influence of willpower or other factors that are not “ordinary” in the traditional view.

History has repeatedly mentioned cases where a person soared above the ground as a result of prayerful ecstasy, strong emotional excitement, or with the help of willpower.

A few centuries ago, it was believed that this ability could appear either in enlightened people or in saints. If a person did not belong to one or the other, then he was considered possessed by an evil spirit.

  • First mention of levitation dated 632. This year the prophet Mohammed died. According to legend, the coffin with his ashes hung in the air for a long time, without any visible support.
  • In Ancient India, the ability to soar was considered the prerogative of the enlightened, which included brahmins, yogis and fakirs. In total, about 2% of the country's population allegedly possessed this gift.
  • Among the Buddhists there were many monks who, at a moment of deep meditation, could rise several meters into the air. It was believed that at this moment they would learn the truths of dharma (the teaching of the true Path).
  • In Japan, Nepal and China the ability levitate was generally considered commonplace. People who knew this technique were respected and treated with special respect.

In Catholicism, the most famous people who had the ability to levitate were the Carmelite nun Teresa of Avila (1515-1582), who could lift herself a meter off the ground and float for forty minutes, and Joseph of Copertine (aka Giuseppe Desa (1603-1663)) who soared into the air during prayer and sermons. Both are canonized and canonized by the Catholic Church.

According to Catholic church records, the number of people who demonstrated the phenomenon of levitation in front of believers is almost three hundred. And there are countless witches burned at the stake for the same skill during the Inquisition.

The Orthodox Church had its own saints who had the gift levitation.

  • Among them one can single out the Venerable Seraphim of Sarov (1754-1833), who, although not very tall, sometimes rose slightly into the air when talking with a taller interlocutor.
  • Basil the Blessed (1469-1552) who, according to the chronicles, crossed the Moscow River by air more than once.
  • Archbishop of Novgorod and Pskov, John, who had a similar gift.
  • Of the last not yet canonized elders, Nikolai Alekseevich Guryanov (1909-2002), one of the most revered figures of the Russian Orthodox Church of the 20th-21st centuries, possessed the gift of levitation. Many ladles witnessed how Father Nikolai lifted himself off the ground a little as he walked.

Revealing the Levitation Trick

Some clairvoyants also had the ability to levitate. The most prominent personality of the 20th century was Daniel Dunglass Hume (1833-1886). His talent as a predictor and Leviter was seen live by such personalities as the French Emperor Napoleon III, the Russian Emperor Alexander II, Kaiser Wilhelm I of Germany, and the world-famous writer Arthur Conan Doyle (who wrote a book about the life of Daniel Dunglass Hume).

Many tried to expose this amazing man, considering his abilities to be nothing more than ordinary tricks and quackery. As a result, the famous medium invited especially doubtful scientists, among whom were the English inventor and physicist Oliver Joseph Lodge, the English chemist and physicist William Crook, the English physicist William Barrett, and a number of other famous minds of that time in the field of applied and natural sciences.

Being an active man who knew how to value both his own and other people’s time, Hume immediately got down to business. Right before the eyes of the guests sitting in his living room, he soared two meters above the floor, after which he turned over from a vertical position to a horizontal one.

The guests were shocked, they already believed that Hume’s gift was true and had nothing to do with magic tricks, but the host of the reception decided to completely dispel the public’s doubts and flew out of an open window on the third floor level. The guests rushed to the window in shock, but the body was not found on the paving stones below. Ten minutes later, behind the people huddled at the window, a polite call was heard to repeat the performance.

The examiners turned around and saw that Daniel Dunglass Hume was standing in the middle of the room, alive and unharmed. When asked how he ended up in the room, he replied that he flew out the living room window, after which he went around the corner of the house and flew into the bedroom window, and then along the corridor he came to the living room. After this experiment, no one dared to reproach the great clairvoyant for charlatanism:

After all, no one could explain how he managed to levitate at a height of 20 meters above the pavement, so the only correct decision was made - to declare Hume “the greatest physical medium of all time,” and to attribute his gift to unexplored phenomena of the body.

There are still plenty of examples of levitation in history, but there is no point in listing them all; it is much more interesting to find out what official science thinks about this. And she thinks the following.

The secret of human levitation

Officially, the gift of levitation as something supernatural is not considered by science due to rational thinking and a sober view of this problem. Scientists try to establish the truth empirically. For example, they have already managed to find out that the Meissner effect, based on a phenomenon such as superconductivity, can be used to solve the problem of levitation.

That is, if a magnet is placed above a superconductor, it will hover in the air. This focus is precisely explained by the above Meissner effect. In addition, there is such a thing as diamagnetic. We are talking about substances that are magnetized against the direction of the external magnetic field. They can also float in the air.

With the scientific discovery of the human biofield, meaning the ability to measure it, it was possible to obtain more interesting results. It turns out that a person is always affected by two types of forces - attracting and pushing. If a person climbs a very high mountain, then his weight increases by several grams, but if he is lowered into a deep shaft, then he will lose the same number of grams from his own body.

Based on these data, a theory emerged that if a person is placed in a mine located at the depth of the earth’s core, then the subject, due to the absence of the Earth’s energy field, will hang in space and float as if in a vacuum.

According to one version of modern science, the human biofield interacts with the energy fields of the Earth, and in such a ratio that the force of attraction is much stronger than the force of pushing. A person is like a magnet, charged so that it is attracted to a surface.

The nature of levitation lies in the fact that an individual with this property, through an effort of will and with the help of internal energy, redirects the charge so that a “potential difference” of interacting fields arises, as a result of which 100% overcoming the force of gravity of the Earth is achieved.

Average levitator hangs in that position and at such a height when the gravitational force of the planet becomes identical to the “buoyant” force of the contact field. This distance is approximately half a meter above the ground.

However, in order to get stronger off the ground, you need to use more internal energy or get it from outside, from where science does not yet know, but cases of levitation several tens of meters above the ground have been recorded, which means it is possible.

However, one should not think that a person who has a gift levitation can fly like superman. No, this cannot happen because to achieve such a result, a huge amount of energy will be required, which a person will have to pass through himself, and this will lead to the effect of a “burnt wire” if a current far exceeding his capabilities is passed through it. That is, the person will simply be torn apart.

To summarize, according to the scientific version, levitation is an excess of the potential of a person’s energy field over the energy field of the planet, as a result of which a person acquires the ability to overcome the force of gravity by neutralizing the levitator’s own weight or achieving a state of anti-weight.



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