Reduced sensitivity of the nipples (after plastic surgery). Complications and pain after mammoplasty Pathological types of pain

Why does the chest itch? What does this symptom indicate? Itching of the mammary glands, sometimes turning into integuments, is an extremely uncomfortable sensation that is very annoying and annoying. The causes of this disease are many. Very often, a similar problem occurs in women who are carrying a baby; breastfeeding mothers; as well as in girls during their puberty.

Important! You should not give in to the desire to scratch itchy mammary glands. Better restrain yourself. Otherwise, you risk combing everything, while not getting rid of the source of irritation of the nerve endings.

Possible causes of itching of the mammary glands

Why do breasts itch in women? Possible causes of this ailment:

  • Puberty.
  • something (for example, toilet soap, laundry detergent or shower gel).
  • Incorrectly selected underwear (for example, its fabric or shape).
  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Mastopathy.
  • Climax.
  • Demodicosis.
  • Diseases of the skin.
  • Inflammatory processes of a chronic nature.
  • Hormonal disbalance.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Paget's disease.
  • All kinds of operations associated with surgical intervention, including mammoplasty.
  • The use of oral contraceptives, which include steroid sex hormones.

In any case, itching in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mammary glands is not the norm. Therefore, it is imperative to contact a medical institution and undergo a thorough examination by a specialist (dermatologist or mammologist).

Itching during puberty

During this period, adolescent girls may experience some itching in the area of ​​​​the mammary glands. This is quite normal and nothing to worry about. This symptom is associated with the fact that natural changes in the mammary glands occur. When the mammary glands are fully formed, the symptom will disappear.

Maybe it's an allergic reaction to something.

Why does the chest itch? It could be an allergic reaction to something, such as:

  • The use of certain foods. In this case, it is necessary to seek help from a specialist who will conduct a thorough diagnosis and determine the cause of the ailment.
  • Wearing a synthetic bra for a long period. Irritation from too tight synthetic underwear subsequently leads to inflammation, which is accompanied by burning and itching.
  • Use of hygiene products such as deodorant, shampoo, shower gel or toilet soap.
  • Wrong choice of detergent. The fact is that with insufficient rinsing, individual active components of the detergent preparation can remain on the surface of clothing (including underwear) and cause burning and itching.
  • The use of certain medications.
  • Excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) due to diabetes.
  • Presence of liver or kidney disease. The fact is that toxic substances that are not removed from the body in time provoke the appearance of symptoms such as itching and burning.

Wrong underwear

It is this fact that may be the reason that a woman experiences itching in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mammary glands. In some cases, there is even reddening of the skin, which indicates that the underwear is the wrong size or made from the wrong material (that is, the wrong structure). For example, an improperly chosen bra can significantly affect the outflow of lymph and blood circulation in the chest area and cause serious diseases such as breast cancer or mastopathy. Do not allow this, and then you will not be tormented by the question of why the chest itches.

Important! When buying underwear, give preference to products made from natural fabrics, and also choose the right size so that the bra does not squeeze the chest.

The period of bearing a child and lactation

Why do breasts itch in early pregnancy? The fact is that during the period of bearing a baby in the mother's body, the quantitative composition of hormones changes significantly, as well as an increase in breast volume and preparation for lactation. All this leads to such a result as itching of the skin. Of course, at the first symptoms, you should go for a consultation with your doctor. But, only the right size of the bra and its material depends on you.

Why does the breast of a nursing mother itch? Causes of this symptom during lactation:

  • The formation of microtraumas in the process of breastfeeding.
  • The appearance in the baby in the oral cavity of such a disease as thrush.


Why does the chest itch with mastopathy? With this disease, such a symptom is quite common. Also characteristic signs of mastopathy are pain in the affected area, heaviness, burning and elementary discomfort that is felt when touched. The period of exacerbation occurs, as a rule, a few days before the menstrual cycle, during it and a few days after completion. Pain subsides until the next month.

Important! Do not delay the visit to the mammologist. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting a malignant tumor of the breast.


Why do breasts itch in women during this difficult period for her? There may be several reasons:

  • A significant decrease in the quantitative composition of hormones such as estrogen.
  • Change in body volume.
  • Significant increase in skin dryness.

Skin infection with scabies

On a note! Absolutely any people can suffer from the scabies mite, regardless of their status and financial situation. Moreover, universal means of protection against it also does not exist. In each case, everything is individual.

Skin diseases

Diseases such as eczema and dermatitis of a different nature (for example, contact or intertriginous, which is characterized by itching under voluminous breasts in overweight women) can cause itching and burning of the mammary glands. If you find any skin rashes, itchy foci, abscesses or just redness, seek help from medical hospitals.

Important! Do not abuse sunbathing. This is especially true for women who practice topless sunbathing and simply love to visit solariums. Such events can result not only in itching in the chest area, but also in more serious dermatological problems. Take care of yourself.

Inflammatory processes of a chronic nature

Why does the chest itch? Due to various inflammatory processes of a chronic nature. These, for example, include inflammation of the breast tissue, which, as a rule, is not clearly manifested and flows sluggishly. Itching, burning and pain syndrome occur only during the period of exacerbation. There may be some slight swelling afterwards. Inflammatory processes cannot be started. Otherwise, they can cause serious complications.

Hormonal disbalance

Why do breasts itch before menstruation? Because this is a normal reaction of the organs of the female reproductive system, including the mammary glands, to an increase in the quantitative composition of estrogens in the blood. All symptoms disappear immediately after the end of menstruation.

The worst option may be burning and itching, which arose as a result of disturbances in the activity of the ovaries and endocrine glands.

Diseases of an infectious nature

These diseases include streptococcus, which at an early stage manifests itself in the form of itching of the mammary glands. Further, there is an increase in pain and the formation of small combed wounds and other unpleasant changes in breast tissues.

Paget's disease

Why does the breast itch around the nipple? Most likely, this indicates the presence of Paget's disease. It is nothing but eczema-like breasts. Experts put forward two main causes of this disease:

  • A sharp and completely spontaneous degeneration of normal skin cells of the breast nipple into oncological ones.
  • Paget's disease is the end result of malignant neoplasms in the tissues of the mammary glands.

The main manifestations of the disease are small bursting blisters in the area of ​​the nipples, as well as the formation of crusts and ulcers that constantly itch and bother. To find out why the chest itches near the nipples, you need to go to an appointment with a specialist. It is he who will direct you to a number of examinations and offer a way to get rid of the disease.

Important! Do not delay going to a medical facility: time is not working for you.

Why do breasts itch after mammoplasty?

Or maybe the reason for the postponed operations? Quite possible. Statistics say that in 70% of cases, as a result of breast augmentation and other similar surgical interventions, scars form on the skin, which subsequently itch and itch.

Your actions with itching of the mammary glands

Naturally, the best option is to contact a specialist, namely, a mammologist. If there are objective reasons why you cannot contact a medical facility in a timely manner, then there are several recommendations that you can follow to slightly reduce itching or even completely eliminate it:

  • Completely refuse to use washcloths that have a rough structure.
  • Use the juice of the aloe plant or gel based on this plant (available at any pharmacy) to reduce itching.
  • Do not use hygiene products that can provoke an allergic reaction.
  • Treat itchy areas of the skin (twice a day) with ointments and lotions based on analgesics (you can buy them at the pharmacy).
  • If an allergy occurs, you should immediately use activated charcoal (that is, a sorbent), which cleanses the body from the source of the allergic reaction; then take "Desloratadine" or "Cetirizine" (that is, an antihistamine drug), which reduce itching and burning.
  • Choosing the right underwear, namely a bra. Preference should be given to products made from natural materials.
  • Take water procedures more often, especially in hot weather.
  • We do not recommend using too hot water, which causes an “itchy flush”. It doesn't matter to you at all. In addition, such actions contribute to the fact that hot water washes away the upper fatty protective layer from the surface of the skin and overdries it.
  • After taking a shower, to moisturize and soften the skin, you can use cosmetics or natural preparations (for example, cocoa butter).
  • Do cool compresses that can at least temporarily reduce the burning sensation.
  • Avoid exposure to the sun for a long time.

If the measures taken do not improve the situation, but only aggravate it, then you should not continue self-treatment. It is necessary to urgently seek medical help.

Important! Women who are carrying a child or breastfeeding at the first sign of itching and burning in the area of ​​​​the mammary glands should immediately go to a mammologist. Do not experiment and self-medicate. Remember: your baby's health depends on your well-being.

If there is pain after mammoplasty, it will certainly alert a woman who has undergone such an operation. But this symptom is not always alarming and dangerous, although in some cases it really signals problems.

Breast augmentation or mammoplasty is a fairly common plastic surgery, which is decided by many women who are not satisfied with the size or shape of their natural breasts. Surgical intervention is not the most difficult, and yet it involves violations of the integrity of tissues, therefore, in any case, it is associated with certain risks.

During mammoplasty, a silicone implant is placed in each breast through an incision. It is placed under the soft tissues of the breast, or under the muscles. But both with one and the other version of the location, the integrity of the skin and soft tissues is violated, which determines the rehabilitation after the operation. It includes such inevitable phenomena as:

  • puffiness
  • hematomas
  • hyperemia
  • stretching skin can itch, sometimes it itches a lot

The breast after mammoplasty will in any case hurt, and this is absolutely normal, because the body reacts to such an unnatural and gross intervention. The structure of soft tissues is disturbed, they are forced to change their structure, deform, as they are pushed back and partially squeezed by the installed implant. The skin is strongly stretched, which is also accompanied by pain. Some women experience itchy post-surgery scars as they heal.

If the breast augmentation surgery was successful and the woman's health is normal, then the initial recovery usually takes about 2-4 weeks. Acute pains in the mammary glands that accompany the patient in the first days after mammoplasty disappear within a week.

Further, there is a slight soreness, and normally it persists for 2 weeks, after which all discomfort disappears. Severe swelling may occur within 1-2 months. But the final result is usually evaluated only after six months, when each implant will take its final place in the breast, and the tissues will recover after the intervention and acquire a natural structure for them.

Possible Complications

Complications of mammoplasty do not happen very often and are due to several reasons, such as the presence of contraindications to the operation, non-compliance with the doctor's instructions after surgery, as well as the low professionalism of the surgeon and his lack of necessary knowledge, skills and tools.

Frequent complications

The most common side effects of mammoplasty are:

  • Infection of postoperative sutures is possible when the surgeon uses non-sterile instruments or due to the ingress of pathogenic microorganisms into the sutures after the intervention (if the surgeon's instructions are not followed). Such a complication develops quite quickly and is accompanied by hyperemia, swelling, soreness, redness, and pus formation. Antibiotics are prescribed to relieve symptoms.
  • Formation of keloid scars on the chest. They differ from ordinary scars, are well palpable and stand out strongly on the surface of the skin. Scars are formed due to the formation of a large number of connective tissues associated with hereditary predisposition and individual characteristics of the body.
  • Bruises on the mammary glands. A hematoma is formed due to damage to the blood vessels and the accumulation of blood under the skin. Small bruises resolve on their own within 2-3 weeks. Significant hematomas are removed surgically.
  • Seroma is an accumulation of serous fluid in the soft tissues of the mammary glands, caused by damage during the operation of mammoplasty of the lymphatic vessels. With such a complication, the breast can increase in size, swell strongly, fluid is palpated in it, an elastic seal is palpated.
  • Asymmetry after mammoplasty can develop if one implant was installed incorrectly or shifted in the chest after surgery due to non-compliance with the doctor's instructions, for example, after overheating or, conversely, hypothermia, intense physical exertion, squeezing, wearing improperly selected underwear. In addition, the asymmetry of the mammary glands is also likely due to differences in the work of the pectoral muscles: for example, if one arm is used more actively and constantly strains, then the chest located on its side will be larger.

More rare complications

  • Breast sagging usually occurs in patients of mature age and is associated with already existing significant stretching of the skin or with its sagging and reduced elasticity, as well as with the installation of improperly fitted implants (usually too small). The consequence is eliminated by tightening the skin or replacing the breast prosthesis.
  • After plastic surgery, the nipples may lose sensitivity. This is possible with damage to the nerve endings or fibers located in the region of the nipple-areolar complex of the breast.
  • Increased body temperature, feverish condition. Such complications of mammoplasty occur when the inflammatory process spreads due to infection of tissues and blood. To eliminate them, antibiotic therapy is prescribed.
  • Fibrous capsular contracture of the breast develops in rare cases and is characterized by the formation of a large amount of connective tissue surrounding the installed implant. This is a kind of individual reaction of the body to mammoplasty. If the contracture is minor, no help is needed. In case of obvious defect, replacement of the prosthesis is recommended. More often, such consequences develop when using completely smooth implants.
  • Rupture of a breast prosthesis. Previously, such cases were not uncommon, but at the moment, high-quality durable implants are used to increase the mammary glands, which are not subjected to mechanical stress and retain their shape for a long time.
  • Breast prosthesis contouring. It is characterized by protrusion of the edges of the implant and occurs due to an incorrectly selected oversized prosthesis or due to a significant and sharp weight loss.
  • Skin ripples on the chest or, as it is called differently, ripling. It looks like a kind of corrugated surface, which can be clearly felt. And this complication develops as a result of a decrease in the elasticity of the skin, a thin layer of subcutaneous fatty tissue of the mammary glands, or an excessively large prosthesis.
  • Symmastia is a connection of two mammary glands, which develops due to their initial proximity or the use of prostheses of considerable size.

What to do to relieve pain

Pain within a week after breast augmentation is normal, but this does not mean that they should be tolerated. If the sensations in the chest are sharp and strong, then you can take painkillers on the advice of a doctor, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are most often recommended, which not only eliminate pain after mammoplasty, but also relieve swelling, and also stop inflammation and minimize the risks of dangerous complications.

If the chest hurts badly 2-3 weeks after the mammoplasty operation, then you should consult a doctor and consult with him. He will conduct a thorough examination and assess the condition of the mammary glands to identify abnormalities.

In case of serious consequences, they will need to be eliminated as soon as possible. So, with suppuration and inflammation, the removal of serous fluid or pus is indicated. Disinfection of tissues is also carried out in order to destroy pathogenic microorganisms, the activity of which has launched pathological processes.

Important: to relieve pain after mammoplasty at home, you should not use cold or warm compresses, massage, hot showers and other procedures, as they can lead to tissue damage and the spread of the inflammatory process.

How to avoid complications

In order for the breast to recover faster after mammoplasty, and the dangerous consequences of breast enlargement do not arise, several rules of prevention should be observed:

  1. Carefully consider the choice of a surgeon, since the results of mammoplasty depend on his professionalism and skills.
  2. Strictly follow all the instructions given by the doctor: avoid overheating and hypothermia of the chest, do not visit solariums, the beach, saunas and baths, limit physical activity, wear specialized compression underwear for the first time, regularly visit a specialist for routine examinations.
  3. Carefully choose a bra: it should fit the size of the breast, support it and not squeeze it.
  4. To increase the bust, use implants of suitable sizes, produced by well-known and well-established companies.

Breast pain after mammoplasty can be normal, but sometimes they are a sign of complications. Monitor your condition and consult a doctor in time if necessary.

Mammoplasty is a plastic surgery that changes the size or shape of the breast. In the event that it sags, then the glandular tissue located below is removed, and the breast itself is fixed in a normal position.

In order to correct the breast, a special prosthesis is introduced.

Indications for the operation:

  • breasts too small or large;
  • breast asymmetry;
  • prolapse of the mammary glands;
  • breast reconstruction after removal.

What does it look like

After the surgery, at first the breast will be hard and swollen. In some places, hematomas will be observed. This goes away within three weeks.

Pain and swelling on the left and right breasts may manifest differently, which is a variant of the norm.

Some patients experience "crackling" or "squishy" sensations around the breast or under the skin during this period.

The reason for this is the air that enters the chest pocket during surgery and exits through the adipose tissue. These sensations do not require special treatment and disappear on their own within 10 days.

What problems can you face

Mammoplasty is a surgical intervention that can cause complications.

These include:


Postoperative pain in most patients is mild or moderate and is easily relieved with pain medication prescribed by the doctor.

The most difficult in this case is the first week, while gradually the pain disappears.

But in some cases, it can appear in later periods.

The chest hurts for reasons such as:

  • purulent inflammation;
  • nerve injury;
  • improper placement of implants.


After mammoplasty, a burning sensation may appear in the lower part of the breast, indicating hypersensitivity of the skin in this area.

The cause of such discomfort is injury to the nerves during surgery.

This feeling completely disappears within two years after the operation. For up to two months after surgery, you may experience a tingling or tingling sensation, which indicates that sensation has returned.

Swelling and blueness

Breast edema after surgery happens to everyone without exception, and is associated with tissue injury at the time of surgery. During the first two weeks, this is a variant of the norm.

In the future, it can be saved for such reasons as:

  • non-compliance with doctor's prescriptions and early refusal of compression underwear;
  • physical activity before the necessary time;
  • thermal procedures.

The cause of tissue edema in the future may be the accumulation of serous fluid or blood.

This happens if during the operation blood vessels are damaged and not sutured.

Sometimes swelling and cyanosis occurs when the vessel bursts already in the process of rehabilitation.

There are several reasons for this:

  • jumps in blood pressure;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • incorrectly sized implant.

To eliminate the defect, the accumulated liquid is removed, and then the cause of its appearance is eliminated.

Bruising is a common occurrence. They can be located on the side under the mammary gland on the side. This indicates that blood has leaked into the tissue of the gland.

But it must be remembered that a significant amount of blood in the breast tissue can cause the formation of a capsule, so it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Photo: Breast augmentation up to the 3rd size

Firm to the touch

After surgery, the breasts may be too hard to the touch.

Given that the implant is located under the muscles, they swell and tighten.

In order for the breast to become soft after mammoplasty, it may take from one to three months, depending on the individual.

Also, the cause of this defect can be a dense capsule around the implant.

This is a fairly rare complication, the cause of which is:

  • too tight pocket for the implant;
  • too large implant;
  • insufficient stop of bleeding in the absence of drainage;
  • the predisposition of the patient's body to the formation of a dense capsule;
  • poor quality material for implants.

Occurs when the implant is displaced in any direction.

Causes of asymmetry:

  • incorrectly selected implant size;
  • anatomical features of the breast;
  • incorrect installation of the endoprosthesis;
  • implant rupture. It can occur if the shell of the prosthesis is too thin or damaged during surgery. Also, implant rupture can occur after injuries or due to the fact that the material for the manufacture of implants is of poor quality;
  • displacement of the implant. Occurs if the placement of the implant is initially erroneous or the size of the cavity is not appropriate;
  • deflation. Isotonic sodium chloride solution, which is inside, may be depleted due to diffusion through the valve or shell of the prosthesis
Photo: Asymmetry

Also, asymmetry can occur with suppuration.

An abscess appears in such cases as:

  • implant rejection;
  • getting into the wound of pathogenic bacteria;

The process begins with an increase in body temperature and severe pain, which can not always be removed by painkillers.

The skin over the area of ​​inflammation becomes red and hot.

In order to get rid of suppuration, drainage tubes are installed and loading doses of antibiotics are prescribed. If this does not give the desired effect, the implant is removed.

Video: Consultation with a surgeon

Scars and scars

Even before the operation, you need to realize that thin scars cannot disappear without a trace. In order to make them less visible, after the operation, you need to properly care for the skin.

It is necessary to minimize tissue tension around the scar.

To do this, use special silicone stickers and compression underwear. They are worn until the scars are completely formed.

Do not use creams or ointments for resorption too early. You need to wait until the scar is fully formed.

If there is a predisposition of the body to the formation of keloid scars, then it is better to refuse the operation.

When the chest drops

After breast augmentation, at first the mammary glands take a too high, uncharacteristic position for them. There is no need to worry about this.

Within two months, the implants under the influence of the gravitational field will take a natural position.

In this case, one side can fall faster than the other. This is also not a cause for concern, since it is a variant of the norm.

Photo: Before and after the operation

How much does the breast hurt after mammoplasty

With a correctly performed operation, and the absence of complications, the return to normal activity takes from 7 to 10 days. How long the pain disappears depends on individual tolerance.

In most cases, the pain disappears after 5 or 6 days.

But at the same time, pain remains, with active movements of the hands or physical exertion. It can keep for a month.

Is it possible to do massage and when

If breast augmentation was performed using smooth or saline implants, a light breast massage after mammoplasty can be started already on the sixth day.

Why is it needed:

  • space for the implant is saved. It is placed in a special breast pocket. If the implant is smooth, then the pocket is made larger than its size. As a result of healing, scar tissue forms around it. But sometimes this capsule thickens and begins to squeeze the implant. This is prevented with a special light massage;
  • the implant is perceived by the body as a foreign body, therefore, the immune system reacts in a special way and tries to limit the material on its own and give as little space as possible by tightening the skin around it. Thanks to the massage, the implant moves and becomes soft to the touch.

It is necessary to continue breast massage for 6 months. At first, it should be done at least 5 times a day, then gradually the number of massages decreases.

In this case, the fingers are placed on top of the implant, and it is gently pushed in a circle.

Breast augmentation surgery is an injury where there is a risk of bleeding or complications.

Therefore, after it is carried out, in order to guarantee the planned position of the implant, it is necessary:

  • wear compression underwear for 4 to 6 weeks. During this period, a normal capsule matures around the implant. Also, the breast in this case is fixed, which helps to avoid the accumulation of fluid or excessive mobility of the implant;
  • take antibacterial drugs prescribed by the doctor in order to prevent the development of infection.
Photo: Compression underwear

Warning symptoms requiring medical attention

It is worth seeking the advice of a specialist in the following cases:

  • persistent fever and chest pain;
  • change in the volume of the implant;
  • the appearance of re-edema;
  • chest deformity;
  • a significant difference in swelling and swelling between the left and right breasts;
  • stone hardness of the breast, in which one mammary gland is enlarged;
  • redness that extends far beyond the seam;
  • a large amount of discharge from the seam, a change in their color or the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

How to take care of your breasts

In order to avoid postoperative complications, proper care is necessary:

  • you can take a shower on the fifth or seventh day after the operation, but not earlier;
  • in no case, you can not rub it with a washcloth and do not press;
  • returning home from the clinic, the patient needs to rest as much as possible, avoiding arm tension;
  • all housework must be done very carefully;
  • 14 days after the operation, you can gradually return to simple physical exercises for the legs, and give a small load on the arms no less than a month and a half after the operation;
  • a week after surgery, you can return to driving a car;
  • After the operation, a bandage will be placed over the lower part of the breast to protect the cuts from infection. At first they will bleed. The bandage cannot be removed on your own, it is changed by medical personnel. It will be completely removed after 14 days and postoperative scars will be examined;
  • when using self-absorbable threads, the sutures do not have to be removed. The surface of the scar may be covered with a crust that cannot be removed on its own, it must fall off;
  • postoperative scars and scars should not be rubbed with hard towels or subjected to thermal or mechanical stress;
  • the bath can be taken no earlier than 14 days after the operation;
  • after the period of wearing compression underwear has expired, it is necessary to wear bras with bones;
  • you need to sleep only on your back or on your side;
  • a month after the operation, special creams will need to be applied to the scars to speed up healing and prevent the appearance of scars;

In order for mammoplasty to pass without complications, it is necessary:

  • carefully choose a doctor who will perform surgery;
  • after the operation, follow all the rules prescribed by the doctor and take antibiotics;
  • for the first time after the operation, wear compression underwear that supports the chest;
  • avoid physical activity at first;
  • choose high-quality implants from well-known manufacturers. Read all information about their safety beforehand.

It is necessary to be aware that any surgery to change the size of the breast leads to postoperative discomfort. But following all the recommendations of your doctor will help reduce this period to a minimum.

Pain after any surgical intervention is natural. Their occurrence is associated with tissue trauma, and in particular nerve endings. If the chest is very sore after mammoplasty, and the operation was performed relatively long ago, then this is a serious reason for re-applying to a plastic surgeon.

Why can my breasts hurt after mammoplasty?

Now we will not talk about the early postoperative period, for which the pain syndrome is natural. The most pronounced painful sensations haunt the patient in the first 3-4 days after mammoplasty. It is extremely difficult to assess the nature and intensity of pain, because this is a subjective factor.

In the future, the pain will become dull, regardless of the type of operation (under the muscles or under the gland), the skin stretches and “gets used” to the prosthesis. Pain is associated with this in the later stages. Within two weeks after the operation, the woman complains of a tingling or itching sensation. If the chest hurts badly after, then the reason lies elsewhere.

When installing a prosthesis under the muscle, there may be strong discomfort. They are due to the fact that muscle tissue is less elastic and hardly takes a new shape. Pain syndrome can be reduced not only with the help of tablet preparations, sparing physical activity (walking, “funny fingers” exercise) can improve the condition.

Pathological types of pain

Some women complain that the edge of the breast hurts, and over this place the skin is red and hot. In this case, we are talking about the addition of the inflammatory process. It occurs due to improper processing of sutures or unwillingness to take broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs.

The pain can be sharp, "shooting", pressing, sharp. In such cases, it is necessary to get rid of the infection and perform corrective surgery.

Complaints are also about pain of a different nature. Patients say that it hurts along the nerve, along the rib or at the hollow after mammoplasty. In such cases, it is logical to assume the formation of a neurological syndrome. Women may not feel pain, but burning, itching, tingling, but only along the nerve endings. Not only analgesics, but also compresses with lidocaine ointment, massages can cope with such a disaster. Over time, the nerve tissue is restored, and the pain subsides.

If there is such a complication as seroma, then the pain will be of a completely different nature. When the lymphatic ducts are traumatized, fluid accumulates in sloping places between the tissue and the breast prosthesis. In such cases, patients complain of dull, pressing sensations or aching pain. Sometimes the problem can be solved by simply pumping out the fluid. With a large seroma or repeated accumulation of fluid, correction and another surgical intervention is required.

Modern plastic surgery is improving daily. And one of the tasks is to make the rehabilitation process less painful and uncomfortable for women.

Varying degrees and weakness.

With the normal course of the recovery process, as well as subject to all the basic conditions and recommendations of the doctor, the pain disappears on the second or third day after the operation.

But the body of every woman is special, so there are cases when the pain leaves patients only after a few weeks.

After mammoplasty, the skin becomes much more sensitive, and each touch is perceived with a special reaction of the body, sometimes such a reaction is pain.

After mammoplasty, you should not create additional negative conditions for the breast, such as:

  • use of a washcloth;
  • rejection of compression underwear;
  • too active lifestyle immediately after surgery;
  • overwork;
  • sleeping position on the chest;
  • refusal of the recovery regimen drawn up by the doctor.

Usually, after mammoplasty, the patient stays for a day in the hospital, but there are exceptions when the patient can go home on the day of the operation. Supervision of a doctor throughout the rehabilitation period is a very important condition. In the first days, discomfort and the manifestation of soreness are manifested due to a violation of the activity and integrity of the tissue, as well as due to the appearance of swelling.

In some cases, in addition to pain after mammoplasty, complications of the following type may appear:

  • shifts of implants;
  • manifestation of breast asymmetry;
  • infection;
  • prolonged healing of sutures;
  • thrombosis of blood vessels.

All these risks arise depending on the individual characteristics of the patient and can be of varying degrees.

How much does the breast hurt after mammoplasty?

One of the most common questions from mammoplasty surgeon patients is how much does the breast hurt after mammoplasty and how long does the recovery period last?

Therefore, it is important for patients to know: what pains can occur and what should be done to eliminate them.

Rehabilitation for each woman after mammoplasty is different.

To eliminate the first pain, the doctor will prescribe painkillers. There are cases when, after mammoplasty, pain was completely absent. And, basically, painful sensations can persist from one to three days.

Pain after mammoplasty occurs as a result of tissue stretching and muscle damage. Therefore, the doctor will also prescribe antibiotic drugs, as well as antiviral agents to prevent complications and purulent deposits.

To avoid scarring and get rid of unnecessary pain as soon as possible, it is very important to wear compression underwear. Stitches after mammoplasty are removed later 7-10 days.

An important role is played by sealing the seams with a special silicone plaster for a month. When the seam becomes barely noticeable, you can apply absorbable cream.

After mammoplasty, pain may occur as a result of the formation of swelling. The following conditions will help to avoid edema:

  • refusal of hot baths;
  • abstaining from steam rooms and saunas;
  • elimination of exposure to sunlight;
  • abstinence from intimacy and sports activities for about a month.

Nipple pain after breast augmentation

After mammoplasty, the nipples may lose sensitivity, but after a few days, and in some cases a few weeks, the sensitivity returns. In rare cases, patients feel pain in the nipples, which also disappear with time.

It is very important to properly care for the breasts, including the nipples, after surgery:

  • do not take a bath and shower earlier than the time allowed by the doctor;
  • in no case should mechanical pressure be exerted on the nipples, they should not be rubbed or scratched;
  • take painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs only on the recommendation of a doctor;
  • in case of hardening on the nipples, consult a doctor.

Damage to the nerve endings during the operation can lead to loss of sensation and pain in the nipple after breast augmentation. The size of the implant also plays a big role here.

After a certain time and after consultation with an experienced doctor, you can start a light regular massage, which will help to quickly restore the sensitivity of the nipples.

Can the mammary gland hurt after mammoplasty?

Pain after mammoplasty can be of a different nature and manifest itself in different areas.

Painful sensations have various manifestations:

  • burning;
  • tingling;
  • throbbing pain;
  • constant pain;
  • periodic pain.

Pain in the mammary glands can occur as a result of the accumulation of lymph and blood. The cause of this accumulation is unsutured damaged blood vessels or a ruptured vessel due to overexertion of the patient.

In rare cases, pain in the mammary gland appears due to the formation of a hematoma, as well as due to suppuration of blood inside the gland.

With a hematoma, the pain manifests a bursting character, and in case of suppuration, it pulsates.

Another reason for the occurrence of pain in the mammary glands after mammoplasty is the increased sensitivity of the nipple zone. This happens as a result of a pinched nerve or damage to it. An improperly selected implant can also affect the manifestation of pain. As a result, pain can be manifested even at the slightest touch.

It should be remembered that pain and its duration are individual and depend on the following factors:

  • type of operation and risk of injury;
  • pain threshold of the patient;
  • qualification and experience of the surgeon;
  • compliance with the rules of the recovery period.


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