Cold light whitening: what you need to know to avoid getting into trouble. Teeth whitening with cold light is a safe and effective procedure

Teeth whitening is becoming increasingly popular today. Modern people strive to look beautiful; being “a little more beautiful than a monkey” no longer suits either men or women. Even 10-20 years ago, teeth whitening was mainly used by celebrities, but today it is a mandatory and popular service in every dental clinic.

Teeth whitening with cold light refers to chemical methods (mechanical - when tartar and plaque are only removed, but the enamel is not lightened. It simply becomes cleaner). Using a chemical method, it is possible to make teeth four to twelve shades lighter, up to a completely white color.

Teeth whitening with cold light is the next step in dentistry, an evolution of ultraviolet lamps that burned gum tissue and even overheated sensitive enamel. Such an aggressive procedure affected the sensitivity of the teeth. Cold light is safer and more humane.

Cold light teeth whitening is carried out using hydrogen peroxide of varying concentrations, from 25 to 40 percent. Teeth whitening itself occurs when the active substance reacts with cold light, and the released atomic oxygen penetrates the tooth enamel, discoloring it.

Cold light teeth whitening: what the procedure looks like step by step

  • Examination, setting whitening goals
  • Covering and protecting soft tissues with special means
  • Applying gel to the enamel of those teeth that are visible when smiling
  • Direct chemical teeth whitening: exposure to cold light
  • After 15 minutes, the gel is removed and a fresh one is applied. Cold-color teeth whitening involves three such exposures of 15 minutes each.
  • The oral cavity is cleaned of all substances used in the procedure
  • The enamel is treated with a special remineralizing agent. It also reduces tooth sensitivity.

After the procedure, you need to avoid eating food and drinks that contain dyes for two days. Your doctor will give you a complete list, but in general we are talking about products such as coffee, tea, red wine, fruit juices, sauces, seasonings, tomatoes, and beets.

Often, dental patients are offered a new method - lamp teeth whitening. Whitening is carried out with a LED lamp with cold light. Many people confuse this procedure with a procedure that uses an ordinary incandescent lamp, refusing to bleach using this method. Previously used lamps contributed to cracking of tooth enamel, spoiling it and causing a lot of unpleasant sensations. The impact of an LED lamp on tooth enamel occurs differently. What is this whitening method and how does it work?

It would be incorrect to say that teeth whitening with an LED lamp occurs due to the light it produces. In fact, light cannot affect tooth enamel. Its use is aimed at creating a chemical reaction between the reagent used and the pigments that are inside the enamel and color it.

The reagent is a special gel in the formula, which contains hydrogen peroxide in high concentration. Thanks to light exposure, a special form of oxygen with a highly active effect begins to form from it, which penetrates into the tooth tissue, oxidizing pigments. Thus, the light emanating from the lamp is a kind of catalyst, which stimulates the chemical process. The main advantage of this procedure is the low temperature of light waves. This allows the whitening procedure to be carried out painlessly for the patient and without harming the tooth enamel.

Carrying out the procedure

Teeth whitening with gel and lamp is an office procedure that should only be performed by a specialist with certain experience. Otherwise, in addition to an unsatisfactory result, the patient may suffer injuries to the oral mucosa. The procedure itself lasts about 1 hour, going through several stages.

  1. The preparatory stage is professional cleaning of the oral cavity. Existing plaque and tartar deposits are removed from the teeth. This procedure itself will help make the teeth lighter, and this will allow you to maximally select the tone of the tooth enamel that the patient wants to see in the end. The initial color is determined through application and if the result is satisfactory to the patient, the dentist moves on to the next whitening stage.
  2. The second stage begins with the implementation of oral safety measures. To ensure minimal contact with the teeth, cheeks and lips are isolated using a variety of napkins and films. To prevent the gums from coming under the aggressive influence of the whitening gel, and to avoid chemical burns on the soft tissues, they are coated with a protective composition. Most often this composition is. After application, it quickly hardens, forming a protective film.
  3. The third stage is the whitening procedure. The surface of the teeth is pre-dried, and then it is evenly coated with active gel. After irradiating the teeth with an LED lamp for 10 minutes, this gel is removed. If the result does not satisfy the patient, the entire procedure is repeated again.

No more than three approaches can be performed during one visit to the dentist. All these steps will take about an hour. If this was not enough, a second visit to the dentist should only take place a week later.

Efficiency of whitening with LED lamp

Teeth whitening with an LED lamp is a fairly effective method. In one visit to the dental office to whiten your teeth, you can lighten your tooth enamel by 6-10 shades. This is the case if the tooth enamel has turned yellow from exposure to food dyes or from smoking abuse. When tooth enamel has become gray, its lightening becomes possible only by a couple of tones. Minimal success in the procedure can also be observed in those patients whose enamel has changed color under the influence of tetracycline antibiotics, as well as if there is an excess of fluoride in the body.

Speaking about the duration of the result, it depends on what natural shade of enamel the patient has, and to what extent the doctor’s further recommendations will be followed.

Causes of darkening of tooth enamel

In order for lamp teeth whitening to give the most positive results, you need to understand the reasons for the darkening of the enamel. In many cases, it will be enough to eliminate the negative impact factor so that the enamel acquires its natural shade.

The structure of dental tissue is quite porous. The enamel that covers the base of the tooth is translucent and cannot affect its overall color. The dark shade comes from dentin, which is visible through a thin layer of enamel. But why does it darken if the enamel itself is strong enough to allow negative factors to pass through? The reason lies in insufficient hygiene and love for solid food. Seeds, nuts, grilled candies, sour drinks and all similar products contribute to damage to the top layer of teeth, and then the dye easily penetrates into the tooth tissue, staining the dentin.
The main factors contributing to the darkening of enamel:

  • The most common reason is the consumption of products that contain a large concentrate of natural dyes. This could be: beets, blueberries or currants, cranberries or strawberries, coffee, strong tea, etc. In this case, careful hygiene will be the best way to get rid of the problem of darkening of teeth.
  • The color of the enamel also changes in heavy smokers. The culprit in this case is the tar in the cigarette. As they settle on the surface of the tooth, they begin to gradually destroy tooth enamel. The best way out would be to give up cigarettes, but if the patient cannot do this, then it is worth paying more attention to hygiene procedures.
  • The tooth may darken due to trauma during which the neurovascular bundle was damaged.
  • The color also changes due to depulpation - when the nerve is removed from the tooth.
  • Staining may occur due to the specific type of filling material used to seal the nerve canal.
  • Progressive caries. At the initial stage of its development, this disease manifests itself only as small black dots, but if it is not cured in time, caries begins to progress, first destroying the enamel and then the dentin.
  • Teeth may have congenital lesions, which are not classified as carious lesions. In addition to the dark color of the enamel, they differ in a different structure and shape.
  • Excess fluoride in consumed water can provoke the development of diseases such as endemic fluoride. When fluorosis begins to develop, dark areas, spots, or chalky streaks form on the teeth. All this leads to the destruction of enamel, and then dentin.
  • Taking tetracycline antibiotics during pregnancy negatively affects the condition of the child’s teeth. The baby's teeth acquire a dark color during prenatal development.

The first two reasons for color changes are easily eliminated, but only in the first stages of development. In advanced situations, the whiteness of teeth cannot be restored. The problem is that the darkening becomes part of the healthy tooth and is now its natural shade.

LED lamp and its advantages

The main advantage of use is the absence of a threat to the patient’s health. This method has passed all tests and is considered one of the safest. The rays that are reproduced by the lamp pass through a special filter, the task of which is to neutralize the harmful effects of infrared waves and ultraviolet radiation. Thus, the enamel surface is exposed to a temperature no higher than 37.6ºC. In addition, other advantages of this procedure can be noted:

  1. Short time for the whitening procedure.
  2. The ability to get the desired result the first time.
  3. The gel used contains components that help reduce sensitivity to the procedure.
  4. The effectiveness of the system makes it possible to eliminate defects such as age-related darkening and darkening caused by fluorosis.

The disadvantage of the teeth whitening procedure with an LED lamp can be considered the cost of the session, the price of which varies between 7,000 and 20,000 rubles and a large list of contraindications.

Indications for teeth whitening with an LED lamp and possible contraindications

Indications for use may include:

  • uniform tooth pigmentation;
  • darkened enamel, without whitish spots and dark stripes;
  • in cases where the tooth does not need to be given a specific shape or size.

For contraindications, the list is longer:

  • increased sensitivity;
  • enamel with defects;
  • It is not recommended to carry out bleaching during lactation or pregnancy (although no special studies have been conducted);
  • special intolerance to hydrogen peroxide or other components that are part of the gel used;
  • a large number of existing fillings, crowns or installation of fixed dentures;
  • problems with the temporomandibular joint;
  • limited age category of patients (under 16 years of age is not recommended);
  • general diseases of patients: uncontrolled blood pressure, asthma, tumors, etc.;
  • teeth that have damage such as chips, carious cavities, periodontitis, defects with fillings or crowns, etc.

The dentist may refuse the whitening procedure to a certain category of patients. As a rule, it includes those patients who neglect the doctor’s recommendations by not performing the prescribed procedures.

The largest number of teeth whitening procedures with an LED lamp includes 3 sessions. Each subsequent one can be completed only after a week. A positive result lasts 1–3 years. These terms depend on how well the patient adheres to the dentist’s recommendations and on the natural structure of the tooth. You can prepare your teeth for the whitening procedure by undergoing remineralization therapy. But the main rule that will help maintain a positive result for a long time is that after undergoing the procedure, do not eat foods with a large dye concentrate for a week.

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Teeth whitening - today this procedure is not the prerogative of cinema and show business stars. A Hollywood smile is a necessity, without which any person feels slightly inferior. A tribute to fashion? Maybe. But the fact that whitening has become not an expensive luxury, but a normal standard dental procedure is an indisputable and statistically proven fact.

Demand creates supply. And in modern dental clinics they can offer you many different ways to make your teeth snow-white. As they say, for every taste and budget. One of these relatively new, but already quite popular methods is cold lightening, or cold light bleaching.

What is cold light

What is the cold bleaching method and why is it called that. Cold bleaching is a photobleaching system that uses a brightening gel in combination with exposure to light. The name of the method comes from temperature indicators, and because the light is halogen, blue, cold spectrum. The enamel surface does not heat up under the light beam.

By the way. There are other photobleaching methods that use an LED lamp or ultraviolet light. During the process of exposure, they heat the surface to be bleached and require the use of additional cooling for a more comfortable procedure.

A cold photo lamp serves as a catalyst. Halogen light creates a chemical-physical reaction that releases oxygen species from the gel. Due to this, the top darkened layer is removed, brightening it. Oxygen particles penetrate quite deeply, allowing the surface to be whitened to a significant extent.

Cold light of the lamp - catalyst

Cold bleaching has many differences not only from photosystems of similar action, but also from other lightening techniques.

By the way. It is customary to say “whitening” in modern dental practice and among patients in dental clinics. Strictly speaking, this term is not accurate. It would be more accurate to use the term “depigmentation” for whitening (color change) and “discoloration” for lightening (discoloration).

Table. Differences between cold whitening and other techniques

Whitening methodDifferences

The main difference is that cold bleaching is performed by a doctor. It cannot be done on your own. Firstly, there is no photo lamp with halogen light at home. Secondly, the oxygen gel used in the clinic is three times more concentrated than the one sold in pharmacy whitening kits. The concentration of hydrogen peroxide in it is up to 37%, while the maximum concentration in the pharmaceutical composition is 12%.

For this reason, home whitening is carried out over a long period of time, and the effect is not immediately noticeable. You can whiten enamel with cold light for an hour, in several cycles of 15 minutes.

This is also done by a doctor, but without using a lamp. There is no effect of the catalyst on the gel. Lightening occurs due to the fact that the clarifier for chemical bleaching contains 45% peroxide. It is applied to the enamel layer in several steps, each of which takes up to half an hour. The effect is approximately the same as that of cold lightening, but the likelihood of damage to the enamel due to the high concentration of the gel is much greater. Moreover, during the chemical procedure, painful or unpleasant sensations may occur and the mucous membrane may be irritated.

The main difference between the hot and cold methods is different lamps that emit a qualitatively different light. The gel reagent, which is exposed to the light catalyst, does not heat up under a halogen lamp, and the tooth surface maintains a normal temperature. The patient does not feel discomfort. Tooth enamel is not damaged.

During hot photobleaching, unless a special cooling system is used, the enamel may suffer significant superficial damage and the patient may experience pain and discomfort.

The most effective method today, which is inferior to cold bleaching. With laser lightening, your teeth will become white in just a third of an hour. This is achieved by exposing local areas to a dense laser light beam. A halogen lamp has more diffused light, and its effect on the gel occurs more slowly.

The laser technique has only one significant drawback - its cost is four times higher than that of the cold depigmentation method.

By the way. The first attempts to lighten dental surfaces were recorded in ancient Roman medical practice. The Roman Aesculapians used urea for this. Then various acids were used. It was only in the last century that light technology for depigmentation was discovered.

Preparing for cold bleaching

Before undergoing this procedure, a certain kind of preparation is necessary.

  1. The first is eliminating dental problems. Any disease - from caries to periodontal inflammation - must be eliminated. In addition, if your teeth react to various influences, it is necessary to get rid of enamel hypersensitivity.

    First you need to cure caries and enamel hypersensitivity

  2. The second is cleaning. Before the procedure, it is not enough to simply brush your teeth; you will need professional cleaning to completely remove plaque and tartar. If this is not done, the whitening effect will be significantly lower.

  3. Third, determining the degree of whiteness. To achieve maximum results, it is necessary to accurately determine the original shade of the enamel and the reasons why it darkened. For example, when smoking, the enamel turns yellow, and under the influence of food coloring it acquires a bluish tint. This technique can whiten teeth by 12 shades, but this is the highest result with the original light shade. It may be possible to influence your color only with a lightening effect of 3-4 tones.

  4. Fourth – the presence of crowns, fillings, veneers. All orthopedic and aesthetic structures are not subject to bleaching. Therefore, before starting lightening, it is necessary to identify areas that cannot be affected by it and make sure that they will not further disturb the aesthetics of the lightened dentition.

How does the procedure work?

Before starting, the doctor will ensure that your eyes are safe from light, and your mucous membranes are safe from accidental contact with the bleaching gel. Protective glasses are put on the eyes. A structure is installed on the jaw that will not allow the teeth to close together and will protect the lips from touching the teeth. A jelly-like product is applied to the gum tissue, which, when it dries instantly, will create a protective film that protects the mucous membrane.

Then a bleach gel is applied to the enamel surface. The lamp turns on, and under the influence of cold light, active oxygen begins to be released.

By the way. Oxygen particles do not whiten enamel. They are needed so that the gel penetrates deep into the enamel layer, forming a chemical reaction with the particles of the coloring pigment in its composition.

One session may include three approaches. Most often, this is enough to achieve the desired result. If the pigmentation is strong, the procedure is repeated after seven days.

The bleaching process is completed by drying the treated surface and applying a preservative composition.

By the way. The cold light lamp in modern systems is controlled by touch-screen. This is a touch control panel, without buttons or other visible levers. The patient has a remote control in his hands throughout the procedure, with which he can signal the occurrence of unpleasant sensations, discomfort, or a desire to stop the procedure.

Who is contraindicated for

Unfortunately, you will not be able to lighten your teeth this way if:

  • the patient’s age is less than 16 years (the formation of dental tissue has not been completed);
  • you are allergic to the components of the brightening gel;
  • the patient is pregnant or lactating;
  • pathological abrasion of enamel was diagnosed;
  • history of diabetes mellitus;
  • The patient has problems with cancer.

In all other cases, you can get a snow-white smile using this method.

Cold light whitening systems

There are three cold light systems that are used in modern clinics.

Beyond – effective security

This system has many advantages. The lamps transmit a blue light flux, the wavelength of which is from 480 to 520 (measured in nanometers). It passes through the filtration of light guides, of which there are 12,000. This produces light with a temperature of no higher than 37.6°C. It is comfortable and completely safe.

To designate and classify enamel shades, the Vita scale has been developed, according to which lightening using this technology is possible by 5-12 tones.

What is present in the gel? It, in addition to hydrogen peroxide, which, under the influence of a photo lamp, enters into a chemical reaction with pigmented plaque, contains calcium phosphate. This complex substance fills the structural defects of the enamel layer with a mineral component, reduces its permeability, as a result of which sensitivity is weakened, disinfects, and reduces the risk of caries formation.

By the way. Teeth lightened using this technology can remain that way for up to two years. The duration of the effect depends on the presence of bad habits, hygiene and the patient’s lifestyle in general.

Video - Beyond Teeth Whitening System

LED lamps for a snow-white smile

Light Emitted Diode is the abbreviation for LED, the name of the lamps used in the Amazing White whitening technology. These sources are closest in effectiveness to thermal ones, but they do not increase tooth hypersensitivity and allow the technology to be used most widely.

By the way. LED is believed to produce minimal temperature rise, both pulpal and local, compared to all cold light sources.

To achieve a whitening effect of up to 10 tones, the exposure time of the brightening gel and exposure to the lamp with this technology is minimal.

The effect obtained during the procedure lasts up to one and a half years.

Luma Cool and efficient diodes

One of the newest Luma Cool methods involves the use of xenon-halogen technology. The catalyst for the gel is cold light that comes from diodes. Teeth are guaranteed to be brightened by 6-11 shades. In this case, no side effects or discomfort are observed. A gel composition containing Lumarch oxidizing agent is used.

The entire procedure takes 60 minutes. But a single exposure to a diode lamp lasts only eight minutes.

Since the light is safe and cold, burns to the mucous membrane are excluded. Lightening up to 11 tones can be done in a single session.

The lightening effect lasts for about a year without significant deterioration.

Teeth whitening with the LUMA COOL system, or teeth whitening with cold light, is an effective, safe and one of the most efficient whitening methods

Today there are many ways to achieve whiter teeth. One of these methods is cold bleaching. It differs from other techniques by using special lamps that do not emit heat. As a result, teeth are lightened by 5-12 shades without the risk of burning the oral mucosa or irritating the gums. Cold light whitening is provided by Beyond lamps, which use unique LightBridge technology, which eliminates infrared and UV radiation while passing light through special filters. This technology allows you to completely eliminate the possibility of tissue injury, and therefore avoid a common side effect of enamel lightening: increased tooth sensitivity after the procedure.

Advantages of the technique:

  • absence of ultraviolet radiation, which significantly increases the safety of the procedure;
  • speed of implementation (about half an hour);
  • absence of unpleasant or painful sensations (which often occur during whitening sessions, accompanied by heating of the teeth and surrounding soft tissues).

At the same time, despite the presence of such significant advantages, the price of whitening with cold light is not too high, which makes the procedure one of the most popular teeth lightening methods used in dental clinics.

Features of the cold light whitening procedure

Cold bleaching is carried out as follows:

  1. To avoid the penetration of the lightening agent, the gums are first isolated: a special gel is applied to them.
  2. Cover the lips with balm to avoid drying out the skin.
  3. A whitening gel containing hydrogen peroxide is applied to the affected area.
  4. The cold light whitening session begins directly. During intense light exposure, the gel reacts to radiation: active oxygen is released, which penetrates deeply into the tooth enamel and lightens it, eliminating even pronounced dark spots.

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Contraindications to cold bleaching

The technique has a small number of contraindications:

  • childhood;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • intolerance to the components of the lightening gel;
  • pathological abrasion of teeth;
  • diabetes;
  • the presence of veneers or crowns in the lightening area (they must be removed before the procedure);
  • caries (it is necessary to pre-treat the affected teeth).

The effectiveness of cold whitening lasts for about a year. To consolidate the results, it is important to avoid consuming colored foods and drinks (as well as colored toothpastes and mouth rinses) for the first few days after the procedure. In addition, it is advisable not to smoke at least on the first day.

If you are inclined towards this method of achieving a “Hollywood smile”, we are waiting for you at our clinic. DentaLux-M dentistry has favorable conditions for carrying out the procedure, and our specialists will be happy to tell you in detail about all its features. Call and make an appointment right now!

What it is

In fact, the terms “photo bleaching” or “light bleaching” are not entirely accurate. The light itself has no effect on tooth enamel and is not able to in any way affect its color. The technique is based on an active chemical reaction in which light radiation is only a catalyst that stimulates the production of teeth-lightening reagents. The main bleaching agent most often is hydrogen peroxide in high concentration, from which, under the influence of light or ultraviolet radiation, a highly active form of oxygen is formed, which penetrates the dental tissue and whitens them.


  • LED- the safest, since LEDs do not produce a thermal effect on the teeth.
  • Halogen— a lamp with a halogen emitter is used, which provides minimal heating of the tissues.
  • Ultraviolet- the most intense type of ultraviolet whitening, accompanied by significant heat generation and heating of the teeth.

Description of the procedure

Light teeth whitening is an in-office procedure that, for the safety of the patient, is used exclusively in the dentist’s office. It is carried out in several stages and lasts on average about an hour.

  1. At the first stage it is carried out thorough teeth cleaning from plaque and stone deposits. After that, the dentist determines the initial color of the enamel using the standardized VITA scale and discusses with the patient the result that he wishes to obtain.
  2. After preparatory manipulations, the patient’s cheeks and lips are isolated for convenience with a special retractor, and the surface of the teeth is dried. The gums are treated with protective compounds. An active gel is applied to the surface of the teeth in a uniform, thin layer. Then the entire dentition is irradiated with a light lamp for 10-20 minutes. The gel is removed and the enamel color is subsequently assessed. If necessary, the manipulations are repeated several times. But the total number of procedures should not be more than six per visit to the doctor.
  3. If the patient is not satisfied with the resulting lightening effect, the cold light teeth whitening procedure can be repeated after a week. During these 7 days, it is possible to use the systems for home use.

What effect does this have?

Photo teeth whitening is a fairly effective technique. During one visit to the dental office, it is possible to lighten the enamel up to 8-12 shades. But the result itself and its duration are individual for each patient. If a person has a natural yellowish tint to the enamel, then cold light bleaching will be very effective. At the same time, if the surface of the teeth is gray, then this technique will help whiten it only a few shades.

If the cause of darkening of the enamel lies in excessive consumption of coffee, coloring drinks and smoking, then the patient has every chance of returning his smile to its dazzling whiteness. But if the teeth have changed color after taking tetracycline antibiotics or excess fluoride, then the chances of success are minimal.

It is important to remember that about 5% of the population have special tooth enamel that is not amenable to modern whitening methods.

Photos before and after

Result before and after photobleaching procedure

Possible side effects and contraindications

Unlike laser whitening, the use of cold light does not cause strong heating of tooth tissue and has fewer side effects. But we still cannot exclude the possibility of their appearance:

  • Increased sensitivity of tooth enamel for several days after the whitening procedure.
  • The occurrence of allergic reactions to the components of the gel.
  • Irritation of the mucous membranes of the mouth as a result of accidental contact with active substances.

In addition, the photobleaching technique, like any other medical procedure, has some contraindications:

  • Age up to 18 years.
  • The entire period of pregnancy and lactation.
  • Intolerance to any substances included in the whitening system.
  • Untreated carious cavities, chips and cracks on the enamel surface.
  • Excessive abrasion of tooth enamel in congenital pathologies.

Photobleaching systems

Today, dentists can offer patients several modern in-office techniques for teeth whitening using light. They all have a similar principle of operation, but still have some differences, which we will try to understand further.

Beyond Polus

One of the innovative methods of teeth whitening using cold light. The original design of the Beyond Polus lamp combines two types of radiation: LED and halogen. A unique system of light filters cuts off the ultraviolet spectrum of rays, thereby preventing unwanted heating of dental tissues. Peroxide gel with a hydrogen peroxide concentration of 25-40% is used as a bleach. The photobleaching procedure using Beyond Polus technology includes 3 cycles of 10 minutes each with 5-minute breaks between them. The system is able to lighten tooth enamel up to 10 tones. The result appears immediately, but complete color stabilization lasts 14 days. The whitening effect lasts for 9-12 months. A special feature of the technique is a lower risk of increased tooth sensitivity and high safety of the procedure for the patient.

Luma Cool

Luma Cool is an LED teeth whitening system. It uses a safe, cold stream of light from LED lamps that do not heat teeth and soft tissues at all during the procedure. In order to whiten tooth enamel by 5-7 shades, patients undergo 3 eight-minute cycles of applying an active gel based on 35% hydrogen peroxide. Before manipulation, the gums are isolated with a special material that hardens in air in a few seconds and completely protects the soft tissues from the aggressive effects of peroxide. After the whitening procedure, there may be a slight increase in enamel sensitivity, which can be eliminated by using special toothpastes or goes away on its own within 3 days. Teeth whiteness after using the Luma Cool system and with proper care remains for several years.


Whitening with the Zoom system is currently the most popular among patients. The essence of the technique is that a gel with hydrogen peroxide is applied to the teeth, which is activated by a special lamp, the main spectrum of which is in the ultraviolet range. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, the gel and tooth enamel heat up, more intense penetration of oxygen into the dental tissue and whitening occurs. The disadvantages of the system are:

  • Possibility of damage to enamel and soft tissues by high temperatures.
  • Unpleasant sensations.
  • The operation lasts more than an hour.
  • Increased tooth sensitivity for 7-10 days after the procedure.

The Zoom method can whiten teeth by 6-8 shades, the effect lasts 12-18 months.

Many patients mistakenly believe that by performing the procedure once, the achieved results will last for the rest of their lives. Depending on the individual characteristics of the human body, the effect of photobleaching lasts from one to five years. If you follow the rules of dental care and regularly visit the dentist for professional hygiene A snow-white smile will last much longer.



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