Feeling like your hands are big. I'm in a strange state, as if I'm not in my body

Sometimes it seems that a loved one has gone crazy.

Or it starts to go away. How to determine that “the roof has gone crazy” and it’s not your imagination?

In this article, you will learn about the 10 main symptoms of mental disorders.

There is a joke among people: “There are no mentally healthy people, there are underexamined ones.” This means that individual signs of mental disorders can be found in the behavior of any person, and the main thing is not to fall into a manic search for corresponding symptoms in others.

And the point is not even that a person can become dangerous to society or himself. Some mental disorders arise as a consequence of organic brain damage, which requires immediate treatment. Delay can cost a person not only mental health, but also life.

Some symptoms, on the contrary, are sometimes regarded by others as manifestations of bad character, promiscuity or laziness, when in fact they are manifestations of illness.

In particular, depression is not considered by many to be a disease requiring serious treatment. “Pull yourself together! Stop whining! You are a weakling, you should be ashamed! Stop digging into yourself and everything will pass!” - this is how relatives and friends exhort the patient. But he needs the help of a specialist and long-term treatment, otherwise he won’t get out.

The onset of senile dementia or early symptoms of Alzheimer's disease can also be mistaken for age-related decline in intelligence or bad character, but in fact it's time to start looking for a caregiver to look after the patient.

How can you determine whether you should worry about a relative, colleague, or friend?

Signs of a mental disorder

This condition can accompany any mental disorder and many somatic diseases. Asthenia is expressed in weakness, low performance, mood swings, and increased sensitivity. A person begins to cry easily, becomes instantly irritated and loses self-control. Asthenia is often accompanied by sleep disturbances.

Obsessive states

The wide range of obsessions includes many manifestations: from constant doubts, fears that a person is not able to cope with, to an irresistible desire for cleanliness or the performance of certain actions.

Under the power of an obsessive state, a person may return home several times to check whether he has turned off the iron, gas, water, or whether he has locked the door. An obsessive fear of an accident may force the patient to perform certain rituals, which, according to the sufferer, can ward off trouble. If you notice that your friend or relative washes their hands for hours, has become overly squeamish and is always afraid of getting infected with something, this is also an obsession. The desire to avoid stepping on cracks in asphalt, tile joints, avoiding certain types of transport or people wearing clothes of a certain color or type is also an obsessive state.

Mood changes

Melancholy, depression, a desire for self-recrimination, talk about one’s own worthlessness or sinfulness, and about death can also be symptoms of the disease. You should also pay attention to other manifestations of inadequacy:

  • Unnatural frivolity, carelessness.
  • Foolishness, not typical of age and character.
  • A euphoric state, optimism that has no basis.
  • Fussiness, talkativeness, inability to concentrate, chaotic thinking.
  • Heightened self-esteem.
  • Projecting.
  • Increased sexuality, extinction of natural shyness, inability to restrain sexual desires.

You have cause for concern if your loved one begins to complain of unusual sensations in the body. They can be extremely unpleasant or downright annoying. These are sensations of squeezing, burning, moving “something inside,” “rustling in the head.” Sometimes such sensations can be a consequence of very real somatic diseases, but often senestopathies indicate the presence of hypochondriacal syndrome.


Expressed in manic preoccupation with the state of one’s own health. Examinations and test results may indicate the absence of diseases, but the patient does not believe it and requires more and more examinations and serious treatment. A person talks almost exclusively about his well-being, does not leave clinics and demands to be treated as a patient. Hypochondria often goes hand in hand with depression.


There is no need to confuse illusions and hallucinations. Illusions force a person to perceive real objects and phenomena in a distorted form, while with hallucinations a person perceives something that does not really exist.

Examples of illusions:

  • the pattern on the wallpaper seems to be a tangle of snakes or worms;
  • the size of objects is perceived in a distorted form;
  • the patter of raindrops on the windowsill seems like the careful steps of someone scary;
  • the shadows of the trees turn into terrible creatures creeping up with frightening intentions, etc.

If outsiders may not be aware of the presence of illusions, then the susceptibility to hallucinations may manifest itself more noticeably.

Hallucinations can affect all senses, that is, be visual and auditory, tactile and gustatory, olfactory and general, and also be combined in any combination. To the patient, everything he sees, hears and feels seems completely real. He may not believe that those around him do not feel, hear, or see all this. He may perceive their bewilderment as a conspiracy, deception, mockery, and become annoyed that he is not understood.

With auditory hallucinations, a person hears various kinds of noise, fragments of words or coherent phrases. “Voices” can give commands or comment on the patient’s every action, laugh at him or discuss his thoughts.

Gustatory and olfactory hallucinations often cause the sensation of an unpleasant property: a disgusting taste or smell.

With tactile hallucinations, the patient thinks that someone is biting, touching, strangling him, that insects are crawling on him, that some creatures are inserting themselves into his body and moving there or eating the body from the inside.

Externally, susceptibility to hallucinations is expressed in conversations with an invisible interlocutor, sudden laughter or constant intense listening to something. The patient may constantly shake something off himself, scream, look around himself with a worried look, or ask others if they see something on his body or in the surrounding space.


Delusional states often accompany psychosis. Delusion is based on erroneous judgments, and the patient stubbornly maintains his false belief, even if there are obvious contradictions with reality. Delusional ideas acquire super-value, significance that determines all behavior.

Delusional disorders can be expressed in erotic form, or in conviction of one's great mission, in descent from a noble family or aliens. The patient may feel that someone is trying to kill or poison him, rob or kidnap him. Sometimes the development of a delusional state is preceded by a feeling of unreality of the surrounding world or one’s own personality.

Hoarding or excessive generosity

Yes, any collector can be under suspicion. Especially in cases where collecting becomes an obsession and subjugates a person’s entire life. This can be expressed in the desire to drag things found in garbage dumps into the house, hoard food without paying attention to expiration dates, or pick up stray animals in quantities that exceed the ability to provide them with normal care and proper maintenance.

The desire to give away all your property and excessive spending can also be regarded as a suspicious symptom. Especially in the case when a person has not previously been distinguished by generosity or altruism.

There are people who are unsociable and unsociable due to their character. This is normal and should not raise suspicions of schizophrenia or other mental disorders. But if a born cheerful person, the life of the party, a family man and a good friend suddenly begins to destroy social ties, becomes unsociable, shows coldness towards those who were recently dear to him - this is a reason to worry about his mental health.

A person becomes sloppy, stops taking care of himself, and in society can begin to behave shockingly - commit acts that are considered indecent and unacceptable.

What to do?

It is very difficult to make the right decision when there are suspicions of a mental disorder in someone close to you. Perhaps the person is simply going through a difficult period in his life, and that is why his behavior has changed. Things will get better - and everything will return to normal.

But it may turn out that the symptoms you notice are a manifestation of a serious illness that needs to be treated. In particular, brain cancer in most cases leads to certain mental disorders. Delay in starting treatment can be fatal in this case.

Other diseases also need to be treated in a timely manner, but the patient himself may not notice the changes happening to him, and only those close to him will be able to influence the state of affairs.

However, there is another option: the tendency to see everyone around as potential patients of a psychiatric clinic may also turn out to be a mental disorder. Before calling emergency psychiatric help for a neighbor or relative, try to analyze your own condition. What if you have to start with yourself? Remember the joke about the under-examined?

“Every joke has some humor in it” ©

Vegetative-vascular dystonia includes a whole complex of symptoms, and one of them is derealization. This condition is so unusual and specific that when it occurs, it can greatly frighten an already anxious neurotic. By the way, derealization does not occur so often. But once it’s “covered,” it can last a long time. Actually this is the most disgusting thing.

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What is derealization in VSD, what are the symptoms of this disorder and how to get rid of this most unpleasant condition - we will analyze these questions in the article.

Derealization (dereal) is a special reaction of the nervous system, expressed in a feeling of the unreality of everything that is happening. The world suddenly ceases to seem real and is perceived as if from the outside. A person begins to feel like he is just dreaming and everything around him is not real. There may also be an effect of looking at the world as if through glass or fog. Perception is distorted, all colors and sounds may fade, the sense of time sometimes changes to a slower one.

Derealization is similar in sensation to the state that a person may experience when taking dissociative drugs. At the same time, the neurotic does not lose control of himself. He is fully aware of everything that is happening and is able to soberly assess his strange state, sensations, and perceptions. The person’s actions and behavior are also not disturbed; he remains adequate and sane. But the unfortunate man himself clearly suffers from a symptom of derealization and wants to get out of this frightening state as soon as possible. He begins to seek help, turns to doctors, shares what is happening with his loved ones, which indicates his complete mental normality.

Derealization usually occurs suddenly. It can be either a short-term state, into which a neurotic person falls periodically, or permanent. Often people cannot accurately determine and record the moment when they suddenly fall into dereal.

Symptoms of derealization in VSD

Each person perceives derealization differently and, accordingly, may experience different symptoms. Let's consider the most common effects in this pathological condition of the nervous system:

  • The feeling of looking at the world around you, like a film, a dream, or through a distorting glass.
  • A feeling of unreality of what is happening, as if it is not happening to you.
  • Sounds, colors, smells, tastes, and the distance between objects can be distorted.
  • It happens that the sufferer experiences a distorted flow of time; it seems to slow down. Sometimes, on the contrary, it goes too fast.
  • Emotions are muted.
  • Dizziness, unsteadiness of gait.
  • Noise in ears.
  • Headache.
  • Weakness.
  • Lack of air.
  • Tachycardia.
  • Drowsiness, lack of strength.
  • Anxiety, depression, apathy.
  • Difficulty concentrating and concentrating on anything.
  • Fear of going crazy.
  • In severe cases, there may be memory loss, loss of orientation in space, and “déjà vu” effects.

Derealization in neurosis and VSD is not a mental illness or psychosis. The victim does not experience hallucinations or other similar disturbances. A person understands well that his condition is abnormal, unlike a madman, who can rarely realize and admit it. Sometimes, a patient with vegetative-vascular dystonia and derealization even claims that he has gone crazy or defines his condition as borderline. However, as the experience of psychiatrists shows, truly crazy people are not aware of their condition.

Reasons for derealization

If dereal is not a mental disorder and does not threaten madness, what is it? After all, the condition is truly extremely pathological and frightening.

Science explains this syndrome as a special protective reaction of the nervous system to traumatic, stressful and other negative events in a person’s life.

Derealization occurs not only among neurosics and people with VSD. It can happen to any person who has suffered severe psychological trauma or has been in a depressed mood for a long time.

The nervous system, which has been in a very tense state for a long time, “decides” to alleviate this condition and turns on a special mode - derealization. The central nervous system, as it were, says to its carrier: “Hey, something happened in our lives, and you cannot yet realize it, accept it and find a way out. You are too tense and exhausted to relieve our condition. I will put you on a special regime, as if all this is not happening to us. And when you finally gain the strength to acknowledge the situation and decide to get out of it, I will return you to your normal state.”

Psychological reasons for the occurrence of derealization can be:

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  • Acute neurosis, VSD with panic attacks and increased anxiety.
  • Chronic or severe stress.
  • Traumatic events that have occurred.
  • Excessive suspiciousness and sensitivity.
  • Feelings of disappointment, dissatisfaction, collapse of plans or inability to achieve what you want.
  • Chronic fatigue, lack of sleep.
  • Depression.
  • Being in an “unhealthy” environment, for example, in a quarrelsome team or in a family where scandals are frequent.
  • Alcoholism, drug addiction.

Physiological reasons contributing to the development of derealization:

  • Cervical osteochondrosis.
  • Any disorders in the spine.
  • Cerebrovascular disorders.
  • Thyroid diseases.
  • Hormonal disorders.
  • Decreased vascular tone.
  • Poor blood flow in the body.
  • Muscle spasms.

Why does derealization often occur in neurosis and VSD?

Most often, it is VSD people who encounter the dereal symptom. Why is this happening?

This reaction of the nervous system develops approximately according to the following mechanism:

  • A person suffering from neurosis begins to experience panic attacks and other unpleasant symptoms.
  • A person begins to immerse himself, constantly listening to the sensations in the body.
  • Any recorded “zilch” in well-being (for example, an increase in heart rate after eating or a spasm in the intestines) causes a new panic attack.
  • The unfortunate person begins to be in a state of constant anticipation of troubles, health problems and new panic attacks, scanning his well-being every minute.
  • The nervous system becomes hypertonic, muscles tense, and the whole body becomes stiff. A person cannot relax, it is difficult for him to be distracted, he practically ceases to experience positive emotions.
  • The body cannot constantly remain in a state of such excessive tension, and since the neurotic person himself is not able to relax, the central nervous system turns on a defensive reaction, reducing emotions, distorting reality.
  • The person becomes even more frightened by the unexpected and unusual state, and the vicious circle closes.

Is derealization dangerous?

As mentioned above, dereal is not a mental illness. With mild to moderate severity, the condition is not dangerous. But it significantly disrupts the quality of life of a neurotic and further aggravates an already deplorable condition.

Often, derealization occurs after panic attacks and does not last so long - from 15-20 minutes to 1-2 hours, then everything returns to normal.

In more complex cases, a person can remain in this state almost constantly. Some dangerous situations are already possible here: the unfortunate person may suddenly lose his bearings on the street, forget where he was going, his reactions and movements may be slow, which is unacceptable, for example, when crossing the street or driving.

With timely treatment, derealization is successfully stopped and does not have any negative effects on the psyche.

This syndrome is treated by a psychotherapist together with a neurologist.

How to get rid of derealization yourself

As the practice of specialists shows, derealization is poorly treated with pills and other medications. Although taking antidepressants, nootropics and sedatives is sometimes necessary in the first stages of therapy to relieve severe stress.

It should be understood that this is not a physiological disorder, but a mental reaction to stress. The first thing a person suffering from this syndrome needs to do is accept and understand the situation.

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The more and more diligently the VSDeshnik isolates himself from what happened and thinks something like “why did this happen to me? This shouldn't have happened to me. Why do I need this? and everything in this vein, the more his psyche resists what is happening. This means that the tension increases.

You should accept everything as it is and try to find a way out. Do everything possible to correct the situation. Psychotherapists and neurologists claim that in the treatment of derealization and other symptoms of VSD, success depends 90% on the patient himself and his mood.

It is quite possible to bring your condition back to normal on your own. Don't expect very quick results. It may take more than one week, or even more than one month, to restore full balance. But it’s absolutely possible to adjust your nervous system on your own.

The main actions are aimed at relieving stress, relaxing, changing your attitude towards what is happening and the environment.

Methods on how to get rid of dereal on your own

  • Rejection of bad habits.
  • Normalization of sleep. If your sleep is disturbed, you may need to take a sleeping pill for the first time (prescribed by your doctor).
  • Developing the most convenient daily routine for yourself. It is advisable to go to bed and get up at the same time.
  • Walking outdoors, especially in the evening.
  • Relax in a pleasant environment, good company.
  • Doing pleasant things, hobbies, hobbies.
  • Outturnings and relaxing meditations (have a very powerful restorative effect).
  • Any physical activity (gymnastics, yoga, swimming, fitness).
  • Reading interesting literature.
  • Herbal teas with mint and valerian.
  • Taking warm baths with salt, herbal infusions and essential oils before bed.
  • Listening to soothing music.
  • Taking vitamins that strengthen the nervous system (must be prescribed by a doctor).
  • Formation of new, more positive views of reality.

Some people suffering from VSD begin to actively apply the above recommendations, but without seeing rapid improvements, they give up. This is a big mistake. It should be understood that neurosis and any mental trauma cannot be eliminated instantly.

It often happens that a person has accumulated stress within himself for many years, has experienced unpleasant events for a long time, and has formed a negative attitude towards something for years. And it will not be possible to eliminate this in a short time. You should immediately tune in to a slow but sure recovery. With regular exercise, derealization usually goes away quickly, but other symptoms of VSD can still be felt for a long time. There are also sharp improvements and “kickbacks”, after which many give up. But you can't back down. A gradual change in attitudes, habits, and behaviors for the better will certainly lead to the restoration of health and psychological state.

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Derealization with VSD is a mental state in which there is a feeling of unreality of what is happening. The surrounding reality is perceived as something alien, distant, devoid of bright colors, or, conversely, is accompanied by increased sounds and rich colors. Everything around becomes fake, and the usual surroundings seem like pale scenery. Objects and phenomena are not perceived as before.

There is a persistent feeling of the unreality of what is happening, that everything familiar and ordinary has become unnatural, alien. Fantastic changes are palpable, but none of the patients can explain how such a transformation occurred. And they also fail to clearly formulate what changes have occurred. Statements on this matter lack specificity. When describing their feelings and experiences, people use the words “as if,” “most likely,” “possibly.” It seems that patients are making guesses rather than stating anything definite.

A person sees reality as if in a dream or through a cloudy glass. When the symptoms are severe, he loses his sense of reality. For example, a patient in this condition will not say what he ate for breakfast. It is difficult for him to remember his usual route from home to work, and it is easy for him to get lost on a well-known street or in a public building. The patient may lose track of time. There are cases when the feeling of unreality turns into an aggravated state and people even cease to feel their existence in the world.

Derealization symptoms:

  • The surrounding world is perceived “through the fog” or as a dream;
  • Orientation in time and space is disturbed. Sensations, sounds, and sizes of surrounding objects are distorted;
  • Trust in current events disappears;
  • There is a fear of going crazy. Constantly haunted by a feeling of “déjà vu”;
  • The sense of reality completely disappears (severe course of the syndrome).

A similar condition can be observed even in mentally healthy people who experience severe overwork, systematic lack of sleep and constant stress. The psychotic nature of this syndrome is often combined with depression, various neuroses and is accompanied.

Causes of derealization and depersonalization

In modern society, people are subject to negative influences. There are interpersonal conflicts, increased emotional and physical stress. It is necessary to withstand the busy rhythm of life. Depersonalization may occur with VSD.

The cause of the syndrome is most often associated with deprivation. Suppression, for a long time, of a large number of conscious and unconscious needs and desires, awareness of their real capabilities, which are not enough to achieve their goals, unsuccessful attempts to succeed in one or another area of ​​life.

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Subsequently, the perception of the surrounding world or oneself may be disrupted. Thus, the body turns on a protective mechanism, where derealization acts as an anesthetic that reduces the effects of emotional shock. For this reason, the largest category of patients includes people who do not recognize the possibility of error, avoid ambiguities and uncertainty, strive to achieve perfection in everything.

This is a common reaction of a mentally healthy person. It helps maintain reasonable behavior during emotional turmoil. In case of danger, it is important to step back from what is happening in order to maintain the ability to act effectively. But for a person with VVD and derealization, even a banal everyday situation can cause anxiety and stress. At the same time, he begins to analyze his condition, looking for any deviations, as well as the reasons that caused them. A negative assessment of what is happening further aggravates the situation and leads to the emergence of a depressive state.

Derealization in VSD is not a mental illness or psychosis. There are no hallucinations, the person understands that his condition is abnormal, unlike a madman who can rarely realize this. Sometimes, a patient with VVD even claims that he has lost his mind or defines his condition as borderline.

Thus, there are several main causes of this syndrome:

  • Extreme stress;
  • Depression;
  • Traumatic situation;
  • The use of psychotropic drugs.

Most often, the syndrome develops under the influence of prolonged, severe stress. Exhaustion of the nervous system causes a decrease in sensitivity as a protective mechanism. Then the individual unconsciously creates a distorted perception of reality.

Factors that provoke the development of derealization may be psychophysiological in nature. These include:

  • Learning problems;
  • Difficulties in professional activities;
  • Difficult relationships with other people;
  • Bad ecology;
  • Lack of minimal comfort, for example, constant travel in crowded transport, poor living conditions.

The causes of derealization include somatic disorders:

  • Osteochondrosis, especially of the cervical region;
  • Muscle hypertonicity;
  • Some mental disorders;
  • Vegetovascular dystonia.

Among the causes of the syndrome, drug addiction and alcoholism can be particularly noted. A state of intoxication caused by drugs or alcohol can turn into derealization. Overdoses of certain drugs cause a feeling of fantastic or distorted space, an incorrect perception of oneself, which is accompanied by numbness of the limbs, the appearance of peculiar visual images, etc. Alcoholic delirium (delirium tremens) is almost always complicated by derealization syndrome and hallucinations.

So, we can identify several main risk factors that contribute to the development of derealization:

  • Characteristics that make it difficult for a person to adapt to difficult circumstances;
  • Hormonal changes, especially during puberty;
  • Drug use;
  • Psychical deviations;
  • Some somatic disorders.

Any manifestations of this syndrome cannot be ignored. Regardless of the degree of its development, you need to seek help from a specialist. The sooner this is done, the less time the treatment will take.

Treatment of derealization

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The treatment of derealization is carried out not by psychiatrists, but by psychologists and psychotherapists, since it is not a disease, but a pathological condition. Prescription of antidepressants, antipsychotics and tranquilizers is common. Sometimes doctors prescribe nootropics. It is believed that anti-anxiety medications may reduce some of the symptoms of this syndrome.

It is possible to select the necessary treatment only by taking into account the psychological characteristics of a person and his general condition. Modern methods of psychotherapy are aimed at eliminating all symptoms using various modeling psychological methods, psychotherapeutic recovery methods, and hypnosis techniques. Synchronization and sensory modeling, color treatment and cognitive therapy are also successfully used.

Positive results can be obtained by improving the patient’s usual living conditions, normalizing the daily routine, changing jobs, and practicing various types of recreation.

In the future, to prevent relapse of the abnormal condition, preventive measures will be of great importance. You should periodically change your usual conditions and environment, try to fill your life with new impressions, and focus only on the positive aspects of what is happening.

Individual therapy is prescribed by a doctor after solving the following problems:

  1. Identification of factors that caused the syndrome.
  2. Analysis of the patient’s condition taking into account individual symptoms.
  3. Conducting testing.

Experience has shown that derealization is difficult to treat with medications and often aggravates the problem rather than solving it. The reason that caused the mental disorder cannot be eliminated only with the help of medications, since many psychological aspects are not taken into account during drug treatment. There is often resistance to the treatment of this disease with pharmacological agents in NCD. Getting rid of symptoms in itself does not make any sense. Only by influencing the causative factor can this problem be completely solved. By following these recommendations, you can change the situation for the better:

  • Quitting alcohol;
  • Systematic physical education and sports. Fitness and yoga are very suitable;
  • Recreation, including active recreation;
  • Auto-trainings;
  • Normal sleep;
  • Taking vitamin complexes, especially those containing calcium and magnesium;
  • Psychotherapy;
  • Meditation;
  • Water treatments, various relaxation methods.

The best cure for derealization, as well as for VSD, are positive emotions. Getting them when the nervous system fails is not an easy task. But it is possible to influence the attack itself and try to reduce its intensity using the following recommendations:

  • Try to relax;
  • Remember that the distortion of reality is only a temporary, passing reaction that has nothing to do with madness;
  • Try to focus attention on one subject, but do not try to consider the nuances, as this can lead to additional stress;
  • Focus on a specific thought about everyday things. Therefore, it is important to find the cause of the disorder during a psychotherapy session.

In such ways, it is indeed possible to cope with attacks. However, the state of derealization that autonomic dysfunction causes will still have a negative impact on the psyche and, thus, reduce the quality of life.

The role of psychotherapy in the fight against derealization

Psychologists and psychotherapists can eliminate pathological mental attitudes that they can detect in an individual. The disorder may be associated with childhood trauma, severe emotions, or as a result of the loss of a loved one. The disorder can be caused by stressful situations at work, unfulfilled hopes, troubles in your personal life and other factors. Without working through the causes, it is impossible to talk about an exact favorable prognosis for treatment. In most cases, the use of cognitive behavioral therapy, Ericksonian hypnosis and other methods of psychotherapy can help.

Success in recovery is also determined by the participation of the patient himself. It is necessary to constantly monitor yourself in various circumstances, under various emotional stress. For progress in treatment, a person’s attitude towards derealization is important, whether he considers it terrible, incurable, or is determined to get rid of it quickly. A strong will and a firm desire to get rid of the disease are required.

A high quality of life is impossible without the presence of harmony and positive emotions in it. It is not necessary to cope with difficulties and bring joy with the help of antidepressants and tranquilizers. In life itself you can find a lot of reasons to smile and cheer yourself up.

Every person has sufficient resources to survive failures, continue to act, and be optimistic. The psychotherapist points out the peculiarities of the patient’s psyche, helps him apply healing practices that can protect his health and defeat derealization forever.

Have you encountered a problem when you feel completely indifferent to what is happening in life? What is the name of the state when nothing matters? Why does indifference to the world around us periodically arise and what to do about it?
The feeling of well-being when nothing evokes emotions, everything happening around becomes parallel, is called apathy. As a rule, this condition does not last long and does not cause any consequences for the body.

Causes of apathy - what can cause a state when everything is indifferent

Such an imbalance can be caused by two reasons: physical or psychological.

Physical apathy is considered a mild, less problematic form. Overtakes as a result of any processes provoked by the environment: betrayal of a friend, unrequited love, unfair superiors.

As a rule, it does not last long and resolves on its own - without the help of medications or specialists. Simply, over time.

Psychological apathy is a more advanced type of detachment from what is happening. Caused by psychological problems and experiences. It can occur as a result of a series of physical influences: loss of a job, loss of a loved one, financial failure.

As a rule, psychopathy is “twisted” by the experiencer himself, resulting from careful “chewing” and thinking through his problems, sometimes insignificant.

How to overcome the state of apathy - detachment from the world around you

We found out what the state of indifference to everything around us is called, but how to deal with it yourself?

First of all, we need to remember: all experiences and our state depend on ourselves. If you or your loved one is in an apathetic state, it means he likes it that way. Give free rein to your emotions, enjoy such indifference and lack of emotions, and then get down to business. Pull your consciousness out of this abyss.

All sorts of emotional shocks are perfect as doping, such as: an exciting trip, a global move, a change of residence, an image update or a radical change in image.

If apathy has not penetrated so far, to eliminate it, it is enough to take a walk in the nearest park, engage in your favorite hobby, do some shopping or go to the cinema with a close friend.

In any case, regardless of what the condition is called, when you don’t care and life seems faceless, you need to stop in time and give your body a shake-up. The main thing to remember: apathy is temporary. It is very important to “pull yourself out by the hair” so that the situation does not develop into more complex forms, for example, depression.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most unusual psychological syndromes. Many of them got their names thanks to our favorite fairy tales from childhood, dear films, and famous writers.

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)


A person suffering from ADD is inattentive, impatient, and has great difficulty concentrating on anything.

Dealing with ADD is quite difficult, but quite possible. Read about how to do this.


This syndrome is named after ducklings because the duckling mistakes anyone it sees for its mother immediately after birth. Even an inanimate object can be considered a mother by a duckling.

In people, duckling syndrome manifests itself as follows: seeing something for the first time, a priori a person begins to consider this something the best. But in fact, everything can be exactly the opposite.

In order to get rid of duckling syndrome, you should not take everything for granted. Develop critical thinking, analyze, do not be too self-confident and do not make hasty conclusions.

Courtney Dirks/Flickr.com

We all know that:

If you chase two hares, you won't catch either.

But despite this, most of us take on a lot of things at once and ultimately cannot complete any of them properly. And if you think about how much nerves we spend on this and how many sleepless nights we spend trying to do everything at once, it becomes scary. You can learn how to cope with things normally and not plunge yourself into the abyss of multitasking.

Monk syndrome for three days

is a belle/Flickr.com

The essence of this syndrome: you cannot complete what you start. It doesn’t matter what - training, foreign language courses, some project or anything else. It doesn’t even matter how much time you spent on this matter before: days, weeks, months and even years - in one not at all wonderful moment it all goes to hell.

It would be very disappointing if you stopped doing something important to you because of your laziness, your own disorganization, or simply because you are a master at coming up with excuses, right? You will learn how to always finish what you start and stop being a “monk for three days.”


It seems they are not idle and could live. They should take Mondays and cancel them.

Andrey Mironov

Any adult, even a responsible and organized one, has encountered this syndrome at least once. It turns out that to avoid Monday syndrome, you need to set yourself the right pace at the beginning of the day. Read about how to do this.


Another syndrome named after the work of Lewis Carroll. Scientifically, this syndrome is called “micropsia” and “macropsia”. A person suffering from Alice in Wonderland syndrome has a distorted perception of reality: surrounding objects will seem to him much smaller or much larger than they actually are.

Like the heroine Alice, people suffering from this syndrome will not understand what is reality and what is their distorted perception.

Most often, this syndrome can accompany migraine, but can also occur under the influence of various psychotropic drugs.

Dustin Gaffke/Flickr.com

This is a mental disorder that is accompanied by rapid heartbeat, dizziness and hallucinations. This syndrome manifests itself when a person suffering from it finds himself in places where works of fine art are concentrated: in museums and art galleries. Stendhal syndrome can also be caused by excessive natural beauty.

Stendhal, in his book “Naples and Florence: A Journey from Milan to Reggio,” described the first manifestation of this syndrome, which later received its name in honor of the famous French writer.

Florence, Venice, Rome and Istanbul are the cities in which Stendhal syndrome is most often activated.

shelby gill/Flickr.com

People suffering from this syndrome tend to isolate themselves from society, are disdainful of themselves, are incredibly stingy and tend to collect various rubbish.

A striking example is Plyushkin from the poem “Dead Souls” by Gogol.

The syndrome is named after the ancient Greek philosopher Diogenes, who, according to legend, lived in a barrel. However, Diogenes did not collect all kinds of rubbish and did not avoid human communication, so a number of researchers consider it advisable to rename this syndrome Plyushkin syndrome.

Amelie syndrome

Still from the film "Amelie"

Everyone who watched the film “Amelie” by French film director Jean-Pierre-Junet can guess what the essence of this syndrome is.

People suffering from this syndrome periodically relapse into childhood, love to watch strangers and make surprises for them, post various announcements and congratulations around the city - in general, the list could take a long time and still not list everything, so I simply advise everyone to watch this film .


Adele syndrome, or love madness, is a passionate, unrequited love feeling.

The syndrome got its name thanks to Adele Hugo, the daughter of the famous French writer Victor Hugo.

Adele was a very beautiful and gifted girl, but her mental health was greatly affected by the death of her older sister. Later, the girl met the English officer Albert and fell madly in love with him. But she fell in unrequited love: Albert did not reciprocate the girl’s feelings.

She pursued Albert, lied to everyone first about her engagement, and then about marrying him. She upset the officer's engagement to another girl and spread rumors that she had given birth to a stillborn child from him. The story has a sad ending: Adele spent the rest of her life in a psychiatric hospital.

Despite the fact that all this seems incredible and greatly exaggerated, many girls and boys suffer from a similar syndrome.

It is hardly possible to identify specific methods that will help fight such a harmful feeling that sucks a person in like a black hole. You just should always remember that “There is no such thing as unhappy love...”, and find the strength and pride in yourself to abandon the person who doesn’t need you.


This syndrome affects many young people who are able to throw all their energy, money and their own time into the pursuit of external youth and beauty. This becomes their main goal in life.

This syndrome is familiar to readers from Oscar Wilde's novel The Picture of Dorian Gray.

This syndrome often has a very negative effect on the human psyche and leads to other mental disorders.

Capgras syndrome


This syndrome is also called “delusion of a negative double.” A person susceptible to this syndrome is sure that people close to him have been possessed by their double. A person does not exclude the possibility that a double has moved into him, and attributes to the “second self” all the negative actions that he commits on his own.

Eugene Parmon/Flickr.com

...or pathological jealousy. A person suffering from this syndrome is constantly jealous of his beloved / his lover, even if he has no reason or reason at all.

This syndrome makes people go crazy: people constantly watch the object of their love, their sleep is disturbed, they cannot eat normally, they are constantly nervous and cannot think about anything except that they are allegedly being cheated on.


This is not a syndrome, but due to its importance, anhedonia is also worth including on this list.

Pete Pahham/Shutterstock.com

Anhedonia is a diagnosis of lack of joy.
Anti-war army, anti-fire fire.
Yanka Diaghileva

Anhedonia is a decrease or loss of the ability to experience pleasure. A person suffering from anhedonia loses motivation for activities that can bring pleasure: sports, travel, favorite hobbies.

Anhedonia is treated with long sleep and a healthy diet; the rehabilitation process also includes visiting various institutions and events that should evoke positive emotions in a person. In severe cases, drug treatment is used.

Kevin Hamm/Flickr.com

All children, except for one and only child in the world, sooner or later grow up.
James Barry "Peter Pan"

People suffering from Peter Pan syndrome under no circumstances want to grow up, and it doesn’t matter how old they are - 20, 30, 40...

Such people are called kidalts (adult children).

Exploding head syndrome


When falling asleep or waking up, a person may hear a loud sound, which can be compared to a shot or the cry of a wild animal. He will feel like his head is being torn apart.

Exploding head syndrome is very often a consequence of the frantic pace of life, permanent fatigue, and a heavy workload of affairs and worries. To cope with this syndrome, a person needs proper rest, ideally a rest for a couple of days or even weeks.


Scientifically, this syndrome is called the Kleine-Levin syndrome. Those suffering from this syndrome are characterized by excessive sleepiness (18 hours of sleep, and sometimes even more), and if they are not allowed to sleep, they become irritable and aggressive.

Alexander Raths/Shutterstock.com

A person susceptible to this syndrome constantly feigns various illnesses and then seeks medical help. Those suffering from this syndrome are usually intelligent, inventive and resourceful, and have extensive knowledge of medicine.

Brent Hofacker/Flickr.com

Excessive passion for refined and, as a rule, expensive food. This syndrome is not dangerous to human life and health, but it is quite deplorable for the wallet.

What unusual syndromes are you familiar with? Share in the comments.



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