Treatment methods for cervical caries. Treatment at the superficial stage

There is not a single person in the modern world who has not encountered caries. In general, caries is tooth damage. Moreover, caries can occur in different areas of the tooth. This article will discuss one of the types of caries. Cervical caries is damage to the neck of one or more teeth.

First you need to figure out where the neck is.

  • crown,
  • neck,
  • root.

The crown is located under the gum. The root and neck of the tooth are protected by tissue. Hence the name cervical.

Symptoms of the disease

Most often, people begin to see a dentist when they experience severe symptoms, which are listed below.

  1. Pain during various contacts with teeth (brushing, eating, etc.).
  2. Pain in the head.
  3. Strong sensitivity of teeth to temperature changes, especially with cold or hot food.
  4. With severe complications, night pain may occur.
  5. Stains on the affected tooth.

There may be cases when there is simply no pronounced pain. This is explained by the fact that they begin to synthesize reserve dentin, the function of which is protection.


The causes of any type of caries themselves differ little from each other. Therefore, an unknowing patient can often confuse cervical caries with another type of caries. The reasons why such dental damage develops:

  • poor or insufficient oral hygiene. When maintaining dental hygiene, it is very important to maintain consistency in this matter;

  • microbial activity. Due to their metabolic products, teeth begin to be damaged;

  • nutrition. Incorrect and unbalanced food intake also affects the occurrence of caries. Thus, frequent consumption of carbohydrates and acidic foods increases the risk of the onset of carious processes;

  • lack of vitamins (in particular B1);

  • problems with hormones.

Stages of problem development

Each stage is replaced by its own “picture”. Therefore, it is important to distinguish between each of them. The stages are given below.

  1. Spot. May not change for a long time. There is no pain. But there may be a feeling of acidity and viscosity in the mouth, especially when consuming fermented milk and other acidic foods. The enamel becomes thinner and begins to turn matte.
  2. Superficial stage. A feeling of roughness appears when you feel the spot. At this stage, pain already appears because the enamel begins to deteriorate. Eating sour, sweet and spicy foods can also cause pain. There are often cases when this stage occurs without any symptoms.
  3. Average cervical caries. A carious cavity appears and it is impossible not to notice it. There is an increase in pain. Enamel and dentin continue to suffer.
  4. Deep caries. The disease spreads to the nerve nodes that are located deep in the tooth. Increased pain at night.

Many doctors cannot accurately determine the stage of the disease. Because the transitions between each stage are very smooth. A feature of the course is individual development. That is, the manifestation of each stage will occur differently for everyone.


This severe form of dental damage is characterized by the following signs:

  • it affects the cervical area of ​​the tooth, as it is poorly protected. This is where inflammation begins;
  • the distribution is circular. Often inflammation can reach the central part of the crown. In rare cases, the entire tooth and a small radius from it become inflamed;
  • It can also be on the front teeth. Because of such cervical caries, nervous breakdowns occur (especially often among various speakers and artists).

This disease can lead to the breakage of parts of the tooth.

Diagnosis of carious lesions

It is extremely difficult to determine the onset of caries yourself. It's better to play it safe and go to a dental clinic and get examined. Diagnosis is carried out in several ways:

  • electrical odontometry;
  • staining spots (for example, two percent methylene blue);
  • radiography method and other methods.

But before using one of these methods, the dentist will examine for:

  • presence of a stain;
  • enamel condition. If it is destroyed, then this is the second stage. If the initial layers of dentin are also damaged, then the third. If the deep layers of dentin are also destroyed, then the fourth stage.


Each disease has its own degree of severity. The more advanced the disease, the more intensive the treatment. Therefore, each stage of caries has its own therapy.

The filling process will be more complicated depending on the location of the caries. If the distant lateral teeth have undergone caries, it will be more difficult to reach them. The pain will also increase.

Video - Treatment of cervical caries

First aid at home

In order for the patient’s pain to subside a little, you can resort to folk remedies. The list is presented in the table.

MeansHow to use

2 tablespoons per half liter of boiled water. You can rinse your mouth up to five times a day.

Soak cotton wool and apply to the location of pain.

One glass of boiled water per two tablespoons. It is advisable to rinse three times a day.

Three tablespoons per glass of boiled water. Rinse as soon as pain occurs.

Two tablespoons per glass of boiled water. Rinse four times a day.

Leave for an hour. Use two tablespoons per glass of boiled water. Rinse every time after eating.

Cut the onion into small pieces. Wrap in gauze napkin. Apply to the painful area until the pain subsides.

Treatment at home

For lovers of self-medication there will now be very good news. If the patient has only the initial stages of caries, then home treatment is allowed. It will be relevant only if the disease is not in its final stages. For treatment, special fluoride and calcium-containing toothpastes, gels, and so on are usually used. This way the enamel will be saturated, especially where the color has already changed. But during treatment you need to know a few points:

  • It is worth taking into account the individuality of each person. That is, one paste or gel can help one person, but not another;
  • you need to know that the product that will be chosen must be selected correctly. The success of therapy depends on this. Therefore, responsibility falls only on the patient. No one has any guarantee that the choice will be successful;
  • Treatment at home can only be done at the very first stage. And, as you know, it is very difficult to determine the stage. It will be especially difficult for an ordinary person who does not have a dental education.

Prevention measures

In any pathological process there is a chain of disease. Therefore, in order to avoid getting sick, it is important to break the chain at only one link. Therefore, the following measures can be used for preventive measures:

  • reduce the amount of fast carbohydrates you take (sweets, cookies, etc.). This will also have a good effect on your figure. If you can’t adjust your diet, you can eat little. But under no circumstances should you eat such food between main meals;

  • rinse your mouth after eating;

  • brush your teeth in the morning and before bed. Particular attention should be paid to the morning. You can’t brush your teeth before breakfast because it puts stress on the enamel. Therefore, you need to clean after breakfast;

  • As a preventative measure, you can use various dental flosses, since they can penetrate into areas where a toothbrush cannot reach;

  • eat more solid and rough foods (vegetables and fruits). They promote self-cleaning of the oral cavity.

Any prevention will be better and cheaper than treatment. This principle is used throughout medicine. You should never neglect your oral cavity. This could amount to a tidy sum.

Video - Vitamins and minerals for dental health

Cervical caries is the destruction of a tooth near the gum, that is, at the base. Of all forms of the disease, this is the most dangerous, since the organ is affected in a very vulnerable area near the root. The canals of the tooth also suffer, which can be easily lost with this type of disease.


Causes of the disease

Their clarification allows for successful prevention of cervical caries. Like any type of disease, it is caused by the active activity of pathogenic bacteria present in the mouth.

But the localization of caries in this particular area has special reasons:

Treatment of cervical caries

Cervical caries in quite frequent cases forces tooth extraction. This is due not only to its rapid development, but also to the similarity of the initial symptoms with dental hypersensitivity. Therefore, the disease remains untreated for a sufficient time, and the carious lesion becomes pronounced in a short period of time. However, there is more than one way to eliminate it.


This method is perfect at an early stage, when the carious spot is chalky white marking. The top layer of enamel remains intact, so you can help conservative treatment. It's important to fill it up calcium and other strengthening substances.

To do this, remineralizing drugs are used, which are applied directly to the enamel:

The process consists of sequential actions of a specialist:

  • Professional oral cleaning. It is important to remove soft plaque and hard deposits to minimize the impact of microorganisms;
  • Ensuring contact of remineralizing compounds with enamel. They can be in the form of a varnish that is applied directly to the teeth, or a gel placed in custom-made mouth guards. Electrophoresis is also used, which means the possibility of deeper penetration of minerals into the enamel structure. There are usually 10 procedures at intervals.

Along with professional products in the dentist's office at home, patients use toothpastes with calcium and fluoride.

Preparation of a carious defect

The method is used more often, since cervical caries has the characteristic of rapid development. Despite the doctor’s good visibility of the working space, the proximity of the gums causes many difficulties in treatment.

If it is necessary to mechanically remove carious tissues, they appear especially noticeably due to:

  • Saliva getting into the affected area;
  • Problematic installation and formation of fillings;
  • Possibility of soft tissue injury and blood entering the cavity.

Used to prepare a defect drill with drill. The surface is first freed from soft and hard deposits and isolated from moisture with a rubber dam. Then caries is cleared out, a cavity is formed under the filling. The material for its closure is selected taking into account the location of the tooth, usually glass ionomer cement, composites or compomers.

Removal of affected tissue can be carried out using other dental devices: infiltration, ozone, laser. But the essence of the process remains the same: getting rid of affected tissues and protecting the resulting cavity with a filling.

Photo of cervical caries


Prevention of the disease is known to be the best treatment. When the causes of its occurrence, as well as the circumstances contributing to this, are known, it is important to influence them in order to prevent cervical caries from giving a chance. In particular, it has been proven that the disease most often affects patients over 30 years of age. Therefore, preventive measures should be carried out primarily by them.

You can save from cervical caries:

Subgingival caries is one of the most difficult types because the roots are hidden by the gums and is the most difficult to diagnose. Typically, a carious cavity is located close to the gum, on the surface of the tooth root. Most often, the disease affects older patients, since with age the gums recede and expose the necks of the teeth, thus leaving the upper parts of the roots of the teeth exposed.

  • It can occur not only in elderly patients. If a person has problems with the gums, the roots of the teeth are usually exposed, and food debris can get under the gums, which can trigger the development of caries.
  • Another reason for this is a decrease in saliva production. The oral cavity is not sufficiently washed with saliva, which leads to intensive proliferation of pathogenic bacteria.

It is impossible to detect it on your own; only a dentist can diagnose it during a routine examination. If root caries is suspected, he will definitely prescribe an x-ray examination, which will help to accurately determine the presence or absence of a lesion.

Treatment involves dental nerve removal, careful removal of all affected tooth tissues and subsequent root restoration using filling material.

Systematic care will help prevent the occurrence of caries. plaque removal from the surface of the teeth, treatment of gum diseases and prevention of periodontal disease. If the gums recede and the root is exposed, the dentist may also advise covering its surface with fluoride-containing preparations for preventive purposes.

Cervical caries

The disease occurs quite often, causing a lot of trouble for the patient. A carious cavity forms at the very edge of the gum, on the neck of the tooth. In this area, the tooth enamel is usually thinner than on the rest of the surface, so this area is most susceptible to the penetration of pathogenic bacteria.

Gingival caries is the most unaesthetic, since a person cannot fully communicate, smile, being embarrassed by his affected teeth.

It also happens that if cervical caries is not treated in time, the carious cavity increases in size and spreads to the root. Thus, the infection completely affects the entire tooth.

Stages of development

Caries near the gums go through the same stages of development as other types. At an early stage, a carious spot forms, which over time turns into a carious cavity. If not diagnosed in time, it goes into a deep form and can cause various complications.


If the disease is advanced and has reached the stage of deep caries, it may be necessary to remove the dental nerve. Typically, the entire treatment procedure is carried out under anesthesia, since this area of ​​the tooth is very sensitive to touch and any manipulation.


In order to prevent caries from developing near the gums, it is necessary to adhere to strict rules of oral hygiene, carefully removing plaque. If your teeth have old fillings with rough edges, you should replace them with more modern ones or at least polish them so that there is no rough junction with the enamel surface, since plaque usually forms at the junctions, which is quite difficult to clean.

Remember to brush your teeth twice a day and visit the dentist twice a year - and you won't know what caries is for a long time!

One type of caries is cervical caries. Treatment of this disease should begin as early as possible, as it is characterized by rapid progression.

The affected area is at the very bottom of the tooth crown and sometimes even under the gum. The cervical form occurs for the same reasons as regular caries, most often due to improper oral hygiene.

Features and Signs

Cervical caries forms at the border with the gum in the area of ​​the neck of the upper or lower teeth. It can be single or multiple.

The cause of its occurrence is special microorganisms localized in the area of ​​tartar and plaque.

Cariogenic microbes lead to the appearance of organic acids, which destroy the enamel and wash away calcium from it.

The surface of the neck of the tooth is particularly susceptible to caries due to the fact that plaque accumulates abundantly on it. Under the plaque, a focus of demineralization is formed, destroying the enamel structure.

The initial form of cervical lesion is called the spot stage and consists of a disruption of the mineral composition of the enamel and the formation of microscopic pores. Subsequently, the white spot turns into a carious cavity.

Cervical caries is one of the most serious diseases in dentistry, since tooth decay in this case occurs near the very base. As a rule, it appears after the age of 30 and is localized on the front teeth. Cervical caries of the anterior teeth is dangerous due to the rapid destruction of enamel and inflammation of the nerve.

Due to the fact that the thickness of dentin and enamel near the base is much less than in other parts of the tooth, the infectious focus very quickly affects the pulp.

This type of caries quickly spreads to the root, and in such cases it is no longer possible to save the tooth.

The main cause of caries in this area of ​​the tooth is poor hygiene. Due to the fact that the neck of the tooth is covered by the gum, it is difficult to clean, as a result of which food particles accumulate there, causing bacterial plaque.

Gingival caries has the same symptoms as regular caries, but its health consequences are much more detrimental. It has the ability to penetrate into the very depths of the dental crown and affect all its canals.

How to treat cervical caries?

Treatment of cervical caries of the anterior teeth is the same as for ordinary caries, except in situations where complications arise.

Complications arise when the affected area extends to the gums. The most common complications of cervical caries are:

  • accompanied by severe pain;
  • inflammation of gum tissue;
  • periodontitis;
  • enamel hypoplasia;
  • , abscess and phlegmon - with a deep degree of caries.

Cervical caries can be a concomitant factor of thyroid disease or diabetes, so when establishing this diagnosis, the dentist always advises consulting an endocrinologist.

Treatment tactics are chosen depending on. In the initial stage of the disease, when it is in the form of a white spot, conservative treatment is carried out. First, professional teeth cleaning is performed, plaque and stones are removed.

Cervical caries can lead to serious complications, including tooth loss

Then remineralization is carried out: with the help of special preparations, for example: Tiefenfluorid or ICON, the weakened tooth surface is saturated with calcium. In addition to professional therapy, home treatments may be prescribed to promote enamel mineralization, which includes the following elements:

  1. highly concentrated fluoride pastes and gels;
  2. fluoride rinses;
  3. fluoride-impregnated dental floss.

After several months of this treatment, the enamel is regenerated and the tooth structure is restored.

In the last stages of the disease, filling is used. In this case, the tooth is cleaned of organic deposits and stones, the affected areas of tissue are removed and its anatomical shape is returned. In difficult cases, the nerve is removed.

Without timely treatment, gingival caries can develop into complications in a short period. This is due to the fact that the cervical area is the most vulnerable and is characterized by active destruction of the dental crown with painful sensations.

Popular folk remedies

The specificity of caries is that its treatment requires exclusively professional medical care.

Only a dentist can completely eliminate cervical caries; treatment at home is ineffective.

There are few methods and they are usually aimed at reducing unpleasant symptoms rather than eliminating the disease itself.

To prepare the infusion, one tablespoon of medicinal herb should be boiled in a glass of water and left for one hour.

You need to rinse your mouth with the tincture and apply a cotton wool moistened with the tincture to the sore tooth. Such infusions kill putrefactive bacteria, thereby stopping the further development of caries.

One of the most effective folk remedies for caries is propolis. A small ball of propolis should be placed on the aching tooth, covered with a cotton swab on top and held for 30 minutes.

Features of filling gingival defects

Filling is carried out in the following sequence:

  • the color of the filling that matches the enamel as closely as possible is selected;
  • anesthesia is administered to eliminate pain;
  • the diseased tooth is cleaned of deposits to reduce the risk of infection;
  • carious and age spots are removed by preparation;
  • the oral cavity is treated with a weak medicated antiseptic solution;
  • with the help of a rubber dam, the diseased tooth is isolated from saliva and moisture;
  • a cavity is formed for installing a filling;
  • Filling material is installed into the prepared cavity.

Treatment of cervical caries requires professional dental care

The peculiarity of filling carious teeth in the gingival area is the difficulty of choosing a material due to the close location of the affected area to the gum. The closer it is, the more difficult it is to install the filling efficiently.

This is due to the high probability of moisture and blood getting on the working surface. In the area of ​​the base of the tooth, there are special loads, so especially liquid and plastic materials should be used for filling.

Due to the fact that the focus of caries is located close to the gum, and sometimes extends under the gum, the dentist needs to perform strong retraction of the gum. It must be carefully lifted up so as not to be damaged during manipulation.

In children, gingival caries is rare, but if it appears, it is most often in a circular form, i.e. covers the entire neck and is characterized by rapid carious destruction of the entire tooth.

The defect spreads along the entire neck of the tooth in a circle, reaches the middle of the crown, deepens under the gum and covers the contact surfaces. In this case, the baby tooth must be removed.

Filling of gingival lesions is complicated by their inaccessibility, which causes inconvenience during treatment.


Prevention consists of providing comprehensive dental protection.

First of all, you need to follow basic hygiene rules: brush your teeth in the morning and before bed, rinse your mouth or use dental floss after eating.

You need to brush your teeth correctly: from the base of the dental crown to its end. contains highly abrasive particles for better cleaning of teeth.

At least once a year you need to visit the dentist and have a professional cleaning, which allows you to remove plaque and thoroughly clean each tooth.

It is also necessary to monitor your diet and abstain completely (or consume in minimal quantities) sweet and sticky foods. Your diet should include foods rich in calcium and raw vegetables and fruits.

Useful video:

Features of the development of cervical caries and a picture of symptoms in a short video:

Caries, no matter what areas it affects, is dangerous for humans. Its danger is not limited to the risk of tooth loss, with the active proliferation of microbes a carious cavity becomes a source of infection that can affect any internal organ.

If the disease begins at the base of the crown, in the cervical area, the number of risks increases due to the anatomical features of this area. Therefore, it is advisable for everyone to know about cervical or cervical caries, the causes of its occurrence and treatment.

Development mechanism

The tooth receives nutrients and is innervated through the pulp - soft internal tissue with nerves and tiny vessels. The pulp chamber is surrounded on all sides by dentin. Above the dentin in the crown and neck area there is a layer of enamel, and in the root area there is cement, which contacts the ligaments that secure the tooth in the jaw alveolus. The layer of enamel and cement must be quite thick in order to reliably protect the soft tissue from irritants, injuries and ensure the chewing function of the dentition.

Carious tooth destruction in the cervical area is called cervical caries. Patients often use synonyms for the diagnosis: gingival or root caries. This disease occurs when the enamel layer is damaged; over time, a depression appears at the site of damage, then a cavity appears, which descends to the pulp. Dentists distinguish the following stages of pathology development:

  • A whitish spot on tooth enamel.
  • Mild damage to the enamel with the appearance of hyperesthesia (increased sensitivity to temperature and chemical stimuli).
  • Damage to dentin with increased sensitivity. The patient feels pain, but it quickly passes.
  • The expansion and approach of the black carious cavity to the pulp, the pain from hyperesthesia becomes unbearable.
If the lesion affects the side of the tooth above its connection with the gum, caries is called perigingival caries. The destruction of the tooth shell below this line is called subgingival caries.

Causes of cervical caries

Caries at the base of the tooth develops for the same reasons as in any other area of ​​the crown:

  • The leading cause in terms of frequency of occurrence is poor hygiene or infrequent and improper brushing of teeth, in which plaque is not removed from the crown or neck.
  • Hereditary vulnerability of the enamel layer - in some people it is thinner than in others.
  • Deficiency of the structural elements that form dental tissues due to irrational and malnutrition or metabolic failures.
  • Tissue destruction due to hormonal imbalance.
  • Insufficient protective function of saliva: sometimes too little of it is produced, and the lack of bactericidal substances provokes the active proliferation of pathogens in the oral cavity.
  • Taking certain medications that destroy the enamel layer.
  • Drinking low-quality drinking water.
  • Destruction of enamel by nicotine and alcohol.
  • Damage to teeth occurs at an accelerated rate during pregnancy, since during this period hormonal changes often occur, and nutrients are massively consumed to feed the fetus.
  • Children's teeth become damaged if they often fall asleep during feeding and food lingers in their mouth for a long time.
Another factor that provokes the development of cervical caries on teeth is a thinner enamel layer in the cervical area. Such a defect is fraught with more disastrous consequences, since its presence increases the likelihood of a tooth fracture. This pathological process often leads to crown loss in middle-aged and elderly people.

Diagnosis of root caries

To detect cervical caries, it is enough to carefully examine the tooth. Lesions in the front teeth are identified faster and easier, since a person sees them more often in the mirror. The development of the disease is indicated by spots, pits or deep dark cavities on the gingival surface of the teeth, as well as an increase in their sensitivity.

If root caries is detected, you do not need to do anything at home; it is better to immediately contact your dentist and begin competent and more effective treatment. This diagnosis may be confused with a wedge-shaped defect, which appears on some anterior teeth, especially the canines and posterior premolars. With this disease, the enamel remains dense, and the symptoms take a long time to develop, and carious lesions lead to loosening of the enamel and develop much faster - but it is still better to entrust the diagnosis and determination of the treatment regimen to a doctor.

You can see what teeth look like before and after treatment of cervical caries in the photo:

In dentistry, cervical caries is determined during an examination, but for a more accurate diagnosis, a method can be used that involves applying a special solution to the teeth that stains only the destroyed enamel. Thanks to it, damaged areas differ from healthy ones in color.

To identify the cause of root caries, additional examinations need to be carried out:

  • X-ray.
  • Electroodontometry.
  • Transillumination.
  • Radiovisiography.

How to treat root caries

Teeth affected by cervical caries are treated differently - The treatment regimen depends on the stage of development of the disease. But regardless of the degree of neglect of the disease, anesthesia is always used during treatment, since the area near the neck of the tooth is extremely sensitive, and its irritation during therapeutic manipulations causes severe pain.

Disease stage Healing procedures

Enamel stain stage

Cleansing the affected area from dental plaque, and when it hardens, from tartar.

Application of remineralizing fluoride-containing varnishes to the carious spot.

The second stage with damage to the surface layers of enamel

Elimination of dental plaque and damaged enamel layer.

Remineralizing therapy to restore damaged tooth shell.

The third stage – damage to dentin

Cleaning the surface of plaque and removing tissue debris from the carious cavity.

Treatment with antiseptics.


Correction of fillings taking into account the characteristics of the bite.

Stage of deep caries

Cleaning the tooth from surface contamination.

Depulpation is the removal of living soft pulp tissue along with the nerve.

Root canal cleaning.

Filling the canals with filling material and creating a layer-by-layer filling.

Filling correction.

When caries spreads into the pulp and subgingival space, complications develop in the form of pulpitis, periodontitis, inflammation of the gums around the tooth - all of them require longer and more complex treatment.

Photo: this is what teeth look like before and after treatment of superficial root caries

Nuances of professional treatment of cervical caries

It is more difficult for dentists to restore a tooth affected by this form of the disease, since cervical caries develops on the neck of the tooth, an area that is difficult to reach with instruments. The risk of injury from the instrument also increases, since the enamel in this area is thin and the gums are in close proximity to the site of manipulation.

It is very important to determine why this defect developed, because In many patients, the causes of caries lie in internal diseases that should be diagnosed and treated. If chronic diseases (hormonal, metabolic disorders) are not cured completely or are not periodically treated, dental procedures will be ineffective, and the dentition will still be destroyed. Therefore, if you have several diseased teeth, your dentist may recommend contacting a therapist or endocrinologist and doing all the necessary tests.

Treatment of cervical caries at home

After professional treatment procedures, it is recommended to continue treatment at home, using rinses with fluoride, calcium and toothpastes prescribed by the dentist, designed to combat cervical and other forms of caries. Recommended pastes:

But treating cervical caries at home is not so effective as to cancel a trip to the doctor - a visit to the dentist is necessary even in the initial stages of the lesion. Only a doctor will be able to determine the degree of enamel destruction and apply optimal treatment methods. Patients who try to be treated at home using folk remedies lose precious time and the opportunity to save a diseased tooth. And when the pathology spreads, there is a risk of destroying the enamel of several more teeth located nearby.

Folk remedies can be used either to prevent caries or as a complement to traditional treatment. Eating fresh, fibrous vegetables and fruits can help reduce plaque buildup around your teeth. To eliminate food residues after eating, you can rinse with sage, chamomile infusion, or calamus tincture. Chewing calamus roots helps remove deposits around the teeth.

Prevention of cervical caries

Prevention of cervical caries consists of following all those rules that relate to maintaining oral health. This means that you should not forget about brushing your teeth twice a day and rinsing your gums after eating with pharmaceutical or homemade herbal rinses. You need to eat right, and if you have diseases, monitor your metabolism and hormonal levels. A special recommendation for preventing the gum form of the disease is more thorough cleaning of the neck of the tooth: you need to very well clean the spaces between the teeth and between the crown and the gum.

If the initial stages of development of cervical or other caries are noticed, you should immediately go to the dentist to prevent negative consequences such as a crown fracture or complete tooth loss. The earlier a defect is noticed, the less time it will take to fix it, you will have to endure less discomfort during dental procedures.

To prevent the occurrence of any dental disease, it is advisable to go to the dentist a couple of times a year to have your teeth examined and professionally cleaned. At home, using only a brush and regular toothpaste, it is impossible to thoroughly clean your teeth, especially from the sides, in the spaces between teeth and near the neck. In modern clinics, this procedure is performed using special devices.

If unusual spots appear in the gingival area of ​​the dentition, this defect cannot be ignored. This is a sign of a dental problem that needs to be addressed as soon as possible. If a patient is afraid to go to the dentist and delays the visit to the clinic, he dooms himself to even more unpleasant sensations during the treatment process, since during this time caries manages to destroy a significant part of the neck and crown.



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