Chemotherapy- one of the main treatment methods in oncology. The mechanisms of action of chemotherapy drugs vary, but they all boil down to one principle: the drugs damage and destroy rapidly multiplying cancer cells.

Since chemotherapy drugs are most often administered intravenously, they spread throughout the body and attack not only tumor cells, but also healthy, actively dividing cells, in particular in hair follicles, red bone marrow, and mucous membranes (mouth, digestive tract, reproductive system). This causes side effects. Some chemotherapy drugs can damage cells of the heart, kidneys, bladder, nervous system, and lungs.

If a patient is about to undergo chemotherapy, they are likely to worry about serious side effects.

Here's what you need to know about it:

  • There is no reliable way to predict how the body will respond to chemotherapy. Some patients have almost no side effects, while others have very severe side effects.
  • There is a rule in oncology: the dose of chemotherapy should be high enough to effectively kill cancer cells, but low enough to cause minimal side effects.
  • The doctor always looks for the “golden mean”.
  • Over the past 20 years, doctors have learned to effectively prevent and treat many of the side effects of chemotherapy drugs.

Maintenance therapy helps you endure chemotherapy comfortably. This is important because reducing the dose or stopping chemotherapy reduces the chances of successful treatment and increases the risk of relapse. Doctors at our medical center know how to keep side effects under control.




The modern arsenal of chemotherapy drugs for the treatment of cancer is divided into many groups, differing in the mechanism of action on the cancer cell.

There are the following main groups of cytostatics:

  • alkylating drugs- contain special alkyl hydrocarbons, which, when attached to the DNA of a cancer cell, block its ability to divide (cyclophosphamide, sarcolysine, embiquin, benzotef);
  • alkaloids- nitrogen compounds with an alkaline reaction, obtained from plants, they have a toxic effect on cancer cells, inhibit their development, mainly due to changes in pH (vincristine, vinblastine, etoposide, paclitaxel);
  • antimetabolites- substances that inhibit metabolic processes (metabolism) in cancer cells (methotrexate, xeloda, decitabine, 5-fluorouracil);
  • antitumor antibiotics(doxorubicin, bleomycin, mitamicin, dactinomycin);
  • podophyllotoxins- preparations obtained from the mandrake plant, and their semi-synthetic analogues - epipodophyllotoxins, which inhibit cell division (podophyllin, etoposide, teniposide, condiline);
  • platinum preparations- contain toxic platinum salts that inhibit metabolic processes and damage DNA (platinum, cisplatin, phenanthriplatin, paraplatin);
  • other drugs- enzyme inhibitors and others (Velcade, Gleevec, Sutent, Poglucar, etc.).

The arsenal of chemotherapy drugs is constantly being replenished, with both new types and new methods of administration appearing.


Chemotherapy is prescribed in the following cases:

  • For blood cancer (leukemia, lymphoma, multiple myeloma) - as the main method of treatment;
  • For various types of cancer for the prevention of metastases as an additional method - for lung cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, ovarian cancer, esophageal cancer, colorectal cancer and other organs;
  • To reduce the growth and size of the tumor before surgery in order to transfer it to an operable state (non-adjuvant chemotherapy);
  • After surgery to remove the tumor to destroy any remaining cancer cells (adjuvant chemotherapy);
  • As the main palliative treatment method in the case of an inoperable tumor, to reduce its growth and prolong the patient’s life;
  • Before undergoing a bone marrow transplant.

Chemotherapy is not prescribed when it does not make sense and can only harm the patient’s health in the following cases:

  • With metastases in the liver with severe impairment of its function, high levels of bilirubin;
  • With metastases to the brain;
  • In case of severe cancer intoxication and the patient’s serious condition;
  • With cancer cachexia (exhaustion).

The issue of indications for chemotherapy in oncology is decided by a council.

What are the benefits of chemotherapy?
Malignant tumors tend to spread their cells throughout the body due to the friability of their structure.

The cells are washed out by tissue fluid, enter the lymph and blood, and then into any part of the body, into any organ or bone. There they settle and give rise to secondary tumor foci - metastases. Modern diagnostic methods make it possible to identify metastases in lymph nodes and organs, but identifying cancer cells during their migration is quite difficult.

Chemotherapy drugs introduced into the blood spread throughout the body and, when they reach cancer cells, block them. It is this generalized effect that is their advantage, allowing them to block the spread of metastases and act on existing foci in various organs.

How do chemotherapy drugs work?

Modern chemotherapy drugs are combined into groups that differ in their mechanism of action on the tumor. However, almost all of them have an effect at the level of the genetic structures of the cell - they damage the DNA chain. As a result, a recoding of the cellular program occurs, and a process is set that is the opposite of cell development and reproduction, which is called apoptosis. That is, the cells are incapable of further division and are on the verge of death.

In addition to this main effect, there are other mechanisms, of which there are many - on cell membranes, on enzymes, on the development of blood vessels, and so on. Each group of drugs has its own “specialization”. This is the basis for their combined use. Cells brought to a state of apoptosis are “achieved” by other drugs that affect metabolic processes, the membrane, and blood vessels.

Who is indicated and who is contraindicated for cancer treatment with chemotherapy?
Before prescribing a course of chemotherapy treatment, the doctor takes into account many factors: the nature and stage of the cancer, its degree of malignancy, sensitivity to certain chemotherapy drugs, the prognosis of the disease and, of course, the general health of the patient, his age.

What methods are used for chemotherapy?

The administration of chemotherapy drugs in oncology is carried out using several methods:

  • oral - in the form of capsules and tablets;
  • intravenous - directly into the blood;
  • regional - to the tumor zone: selective intravascular, intracavitary.

Tablet drugs are usually prescribed on an outpatient basis for a maintenance course of treatment.

The main one is the injection method - injection into the blood, when the entire dose of the drug enters the body and affects not only the tumor, but also all organs where the formation of metastases is possible. It can be performed either in a hospital or on an outpatient basis. And in order to avoid daily injections, the patient is given an intravenous catheter, it is connected to a pump, which doses and periodically injects the medicine into the vein.

Modern chemotherapy is not as toxic as it was ten years ago. New drugs can have a more pronounced effect on cancer cells than on healthy ones. Their combined use, the optimal choice of combination and sequence, plus drug “cover-up” minimize complications and make them not life-threatening.

And yet side effects still occur, they are:

  • feeling of nausea, sometimes vomiting;
  • deterioration of the condition of the skin, hair, nails, thinning and hair loss, but not all modern drugs cause such trouble;
  • decreased immunity, susceptibility to colds, associated with inhibition of bone marrow function and the formation of leukocytes;
  • anemia, manifested by pale skin, dizziness, general weakness, is associated with a decrease in the number of red blood cells and oxygen starvation.

All these phenomena are temporary, transitory. Usually the doctor prescribes remedies to help avoid them or eliminate them faster. The patient needs good nutrition and long walks in the fresh air.


Restoring the body after chemotherapy is an important stage in the fight against cancer, without which the body will not be able to cope with the load. If you do not pay proper attention to it, the patient will not only experience a lot of unpleasant complications, but also be at risk of relapse.

Nausea and vomiting

The most common complaints of patients undergoing chemotherapy are nausea and vomiting. This is due to the high toxicity of the drugs, as well as their effect on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and vomiting center in the brain.

The more the patient fears the appearance of these symptoms, the less able to control attacks of nausea, the greater the likelihood of feeling unwell during treatment. In addition, female gender, young age, pathology of the liver and brain, alcohol abuse during treatment, as well as disturbances of water and electrolyte metabolism, which often accompany cancer, are considered unfavorable factors. The dosage of the administered substance also plays a role: the higher it is, the more likely the development of nausea and vomiting.

Modern chemotherapeutic agents have a less pronounced emetogenic (vomiting-inducing) effect than those that were used 10-15 years ago, and the ability to take highly effective antiemetic drugs throughout treatment gives the patient a chance to avoid painful symptoms altogether.

What to do in case of nausea and vomiting?

First of all, if any changes in your well-being occur, you need to tell your doctor about it, because choosing an effective drug for nausea and vomiting can be difficult; an individual approach and even the “trial and error” method are important here.

Directly on the days of chemotherapy and throughout the treatment, you need to follow simple rules:

The food consumed should not be plentiful and have an irritating effect. It is necessary to exclude fatty, fried, spicy and salty foods, giving preference to broths, cereals, fruit juices and purees.

You should drink more liquid in the form of water, tea, juice, but it is better to take small sips and often, because drinking a large volume can cause vomiting. If the patient is concerned about swelling or impaired kidney function, the doctor will determine the drinking regime.

Immediately after the administration of chemotherapy drugs, it is better not to eat or drink at all, but before the procedure, it is possible to take food or water if the patient wants it and tolerates it well.

In cases where even the smell of individual components of cooking food causes discomfort to the patient, it is better to involve relatives in preparing the food.

You need to take antiemetic drugs even when there is no nausea, according to the regimen prescribed by your doctor. Among the agents used are cerucal, ondansetron, motilium and others.

Hair loss, skin and nail changes

Hair loss and deterioration of the skin and nails are common during chemotherapy. In women, these signs can cause serious psychological discomfort, even depression, since the appearance does not change for the better, and others easily notice the negative consequences of treatment. Men may suffer less psychologically from these side effects, but patients of both sexes must take care of themselves during therapy.

Hair loss often accompanies chemotherapy, but not all drugs cause it. Since the cells of the hair follicles are constantly dividing and renewing, they become very vulnerable during treatment. Hair thinning, thinning, and in some cases complete baldness are possible, and not only the head, but also other hair-covered areas of the body suffer.

Hair loss begins 2-3 weeks after the start of treatment, and after its completion it grows back. Of course, baldness does not pose any threat to life or health, but the problem is quite pressing for most patients, especially women, for whom appearance and hairstyle are very important. In addition to personal worries about changes in appearance, patients also experience discomfort from excessive attention from others, because hair loss more often than other signs indicates a cancerous tumor.

What to do if you have hair loss?

  • You should carefully wash your hair with a mild shampoo, dry it carefully, avoiding damage, and do not overuse blow-drying.
  • If your hair has already begun to fall out, it is recommended to cut it short or shave your head (carefully!).
  • In case of baldness, you should wear a scarf or cap that will protect the vulnerable scalp from external influences.
  • You need to think about the need to wear a wig in advance, even before the hair falls out, so that its color matches the patient’s hair color.
  • As practice shows, in many cases the speed and intensity of baldness depends on hair care even before the start of chemotherapy.
  • Hair restoration will begin 2-3 months after the end of treatment, it may even change color or structure, but after some time everything will return to normal.

Along with hair, nails also experience the negative effects of chemotherapy, which begin to flake, break, and change color. To prevent such phenomena, you need to carefully monitor their condition, avoid manicures, do housework with gloves, and medicine can offer a local cooling method, which reduces the toxic effect of treatment on the fingers by narrowing the capillaries and slowing down the blood flow.

The skin is a well-renewed organ, so it often suffers during chemotherapy. Possible itching, redness, thinning of the skin, and pain. Proper skin care involves careful washing without a washcloth, using special creams and lotions, and sunscreen when going outside. Clothes should be made from natural fabrics, loose and comfortable.

Gastrointestinal dysfunction

The mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines is constantly renewed, its cells are dividing intensively, therefore, during chemotherapy, various disturbances of these processes quite often occur, accompanied by diarrhea, constipation, and changes in appetite.

A decrease in appetite or a change in the taste of familiar foods is not uncommon, and for the patient, proper nutrition plays a very important role during chemotherapy, because weight loss, a lack of vitamins and microelements can further worsen the condition of the body, which is already weakened by the tumor. It is important to know the rules that will help cope with the negative manifestations of treatment and provide the patient with an adequate food and drinking regime:

You should eat food more often and in small portions, avoiding overeating, and it is better to give preference to high-calorie dishes. Dairy products, sweets, low-fat meat and fish, vegetables and fruits are completely acceptable and even healthy.

You cannot limit fluid intake if there is no kidney pathology or severe edema. Good juices, fruit drinks, jelly, tea.

If there is a tendency to constipation, then increasing the amount of fiber and fluid in your diet will help cope with the problem. Bran, whole grains, dried fruits, vegetables and fresh fruits are beneficial.

If you have diarrhea, you should avoid fatty foods, alcohol and drinks containing caffeine. Light transparent broths, porridges, bananas and applesauce, rice, and white bread croutons are preferred. Diseases such as cancer of the intestines, stomach, esophagus, pancreas, and liver are accompanied by significant digestive disorders in themselves, so chemotherapy requires special caution, and additional nutritional recommendations will be given by the attending physician.

The effect of chemotherapy on reproductive function

Since chemotherapy can disrupt the development of the fetus, it is better to avoid childbearing during treatment. Women should visit a gynecologist regularly and use contraception. Men should also be careful because chemotherapy causes damage to sperm and therefore may cause birth defects in the baby. In addition, semen may contain chemotherapy drugs, therefore, to avoid their irritating effect on the mucous membranes of the partner’s genital tract, you should always use a condom.

Blood test for chemotherapy

The bone marrow is continuously renewed, producing more and more leukocytes, platelets, red blood cells, which ensure the delivery of oxygen to the tissues, immunity, and stopping bleeding. Chemotherapy, which affects continuously dividing cells, almost always affects the bone marrow, and patients suffer from anemia (anemia), decreased immune defense against infections, and bleeding.

A blood test after chemotherapy is characterized by a decrease in the number of red blood cells, leukocytes and platelets, that is, cells of all bone marrow sprouts. Patients experience weakness, dizziness, and are prone to infections and bleeding.

For this purpose, in the day hospital of our Center, special schemes for restorative treatment and correction of the rheological properties of blood are used.


Firstly, these are changes in the blood count: anemia with a decrease in the level of red blood cells and hemoglobin, leukopenia, blood clotting disorders can be considered a reason for further treatment of the patient.

Secondly, the toxic effect of chemotherapy on the liver, kidneys, heart, and brain can lead to disruption of their function both during and after chemotherapy. Finally, serious mental disorders, including severe depression and even psychosis, lead many cancer patients to see a psychotherapist.

Treatment after chemotherapy for the disorders described above may require:

  • Prescription of iron-containing drugs, vitamins, microelements, red blood cell transfusions for anemia.
  • Transfusions of platelets, plasma preparations for bleeding or administration of anticoagulants for increased blood clotting and susceptibility to thrombosis.
  • Carrying out antimicrobial therapy in case of immunodeficiency and infectious complications, as well as placing the patient in sterile conditions in severe cases.
  • In case of liver dysfunction, detoxification therapy, plasmapheresis are prescribed, and in case of kidney pathology - hemosorption, hemodialysis.
  • For depression, psychosis, and suicidal thoughts (which often happens in cancer patients), the help of a psychotherapist or psycho-oncologist is necessary (in specialized oncology clinics).

Good pain relief is also important, especially in patients with metastases, for whom chemotherapy was administered not for the purpose of a complete cure, but to alleviate the painful symptoms of cancer.

An active lifestyle, walking, socializing, nutritious nutrition, taking vitamin complexes, and doing what you love will help you recover at home. If the condition allows, the patient can be allowed to return to work in the same place or transferred to easier work, and the usual way of life will only help to rehabilitate faster.

A special place in rehabilitation is occupied by the restoration of emotional balance and the influx of positive emotions. The participation of loved ones is very important, who can help not only with everyday difficulties, such as cooking, going for a walk, and hygiene procedures. Participation and moral support are sometimes even more important for the patient, and in the case of severe depressive disorders, the help of a psychotherapist or psychiatrist is also required.

Ointments and folk remedies with antitumor drugs. Modern antitumor drugs

In oncology antitumor drugs‒ these are chemicals that are available in different forms (in the form of substances for oral use, tablets and injections for intravenous or intramuscular use).

These medicines are used for the following purposes:

  1. Inhibit the development of malignant tumors.
  2. Check the level of maturation and proliferation of malignant cells.
  3. Involve the main agent that influences cancer formations.

Antitumor drugs toxic. But, as a rule, they affect atypical cells without affecting healthy ones that are at rest. Also, these agents are more effective in eradicating the developmental phase of specific agents during a specific cell cycle.

Most anticancer drugs primarily prevent cell proliferation by inhibiting deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis through various mechanisms.

Antitumor drugs: classification and types

  • Alkylating agents and drugs:

They include derivatives of mechlorethamine HCL, ethyleneimine, alkyl sulfonates, triazene, nitrosourea, as well as platinum coordination complexes (“Cisplatin”, “Carboplatin”, “Oxaliplatin”) and nitrogen mustards (“Melphalan”, “Cyclophosphamide”, “Ifosfamide”). The drugs interfere with the process of DNA replication, causing the mixing of malignant cells.

  • Antimetabolites:

Other anticancer drugs for cancer

Includes agents that are known for their anti-cancer properties, but do not belong to a specific group.

Such antitumor drugs include:

  • “Hydroxyurea”;
  • “Imatinib mesylate”;
  • “Rituximab”;
  • “Epirubicin”;
  • "Bortezomib";
  • “Zoledronic acid”;
  • “Leucovorin”;
  • "Pamidronate";
  • “Gemcitabine.”

Anticancer drugs and side effects

Used in anticancer therapy, they are highly toxic. Another difficulty lies in the fact that they can be used individually or in combination with other therapeutic antitumor methods.

Due to this, antitumor drugs, tend to cause unwanted side reactions in the patient:

  1. Anorexia, nausea and vomiting are troublesome consequences of the use of antibiotics, alkylating agents and metabolites.
  2. Stomatitis and diarrhea are signs of toxicity during antimetabolic therapy.
  3. Medicines that suppress bone marrow function produce leukopenia, which increases susceptibility to infections.
  4. Due to the effect on platelet count and decrease in platelet levels, bleeding can easily occur.
  5. Hormone therapy is often accompanied by fluid retention.
  6. Neurological disorders may result from the use of plant alkaloids.

Antitumor drugs require a responsible team of specialists that will take into account all possible side effects.

Review of antitumor folk remedies from herbal therapist Suleymanova.

Summary of the article:

1) Antitumor ointments,

2) Antitumor plants,

3) Antitumor mushrooms,

4) Antitumor teas,

5) Antitumor tinctures,

6) Antitumor dietary supplements,

7) Antitumor agents of plant origin.

Antitumor ointments

And so very often I advise people who are faced with oncology antitumor ointments based on plant poisons. In this situation, a very good ointment made from the hemlock herb is spotted. This article will also write about this plant as the main antitumor folk remedy in the CIS. In some European countries, this drug is officially used in the treatment of cancer, but while this is not the case in our country, it is most likely not profitable for pharmaceutical companies to produce a drug that in many cases helps patients. It's not for me to judge them.

Hemlock-based antitumor ointment is used in the treatment of skin cancer, breast cancer and other types of cancer when the tumor is close to the skin and alkaloids can easily penetrate the skin to the formation.

Second, antitumor folk remedy based on hemlock, you can make an oil that, like ointment, is used to treat cancer. In order to prepare such hemlock oil, we need to take dry hemlock, pour it into a glass jar and fill it with oil. Place in a dark place for six months, after which it can be used for treatment.

Antitumor plants

In Russia and the CIS we grow many medicinal plants that can be used as antitumor plants. Such plants include:

Herbs Djungarian aconite, collected in Central Asia high in the mountains;

Spotted hemlock, it is also desirable that it be collected high in the mountains;

Cocklebur grass;

Elecampane grass;

Celandine grass.

There is no point in writing a lot of herbs, otherwise you will get even more confused, but these are the main antitumor plants that can be used in the treatment of cancer.

Why does the article focus on collecting herbs high in the mountains? It’s no secret that plants that grow in difficult conditions are much stronger and more resilient than plants that grow, say, on the plains. The same can be said about people, the same highlanders, who live longer. Therefore, the medicinal properties of such antitumor plants are much better. Let's talk about Djungarian aconite. There are many types of aconite, and aconite itself is used as a garden plant because of its beauty, but again it should not be confused with Djungarian aconite. Djungarian aconite itself is very poisonous, this poison is its medicinal property, so before buying on the Internet, always ask where the raw materials come from and how they were collected. I collect Djungarian aconite high in the mountains.

The same can be said about the grass hemlock spotted. If it is collected high in the mountains, its medicinal properties are also better. You can read more about the antitumor folk remedy hemlock tincture in the article below.

The herb celandine and cocklebur are also antitumor plants and are often used in the treatment of oncology. There are articles about them below.

Antitumor mushrooms

There is so-called fungotherapy, that is, treatment with mushrooms. Yes, in my treatment practice I use mushroom tinctures and advise people to drink one or another tincture for treatment. Antitumor fungi include:

Mushroom Amanita;

Birch mushroom (chaga);

Reishi mushroom.

About the fly agaric mushroom, I can say that in terms of its action it behaves like Djungarian aconite and like hemlock, since these plants and the mushroom are united by the presence of poisonous alkaloids, which give these plants and the mushroom poisonous properties. I’ll tell you about fly agaric tincture in the topic antitumor tinctures.

Antitumor mushroom- birch mushroom, often used in folk medicine for treatment.

First soften the birch mushroom (chaga) (you can do it in warm water), then pass it through a blender or meat grinder, pour in warm water in a ratio of 1 to 2 and leave for two days. Drink 600 gr. per day, that is, three times a day, 200 ml. Continue this way for 3 months

Prepare a birch alkaline solution according to the following recipe: take birch ash and place it in water (ratio 1:5 ash/water) and boil for 10 minutes in a glass or enamel container. After this, cool and strain. Method of treatment: dose: 50 g (8 tsp) solution mixed with milk or fruit juice, 3 times a day.

The diet, as with the above prescriptions, is vegetable, dairy (you must consume sour milk); Eliminate meat from the diet completely (in any form).

Antitumor reishi mushroom. The composition of the mushroom is quite complex. It contains microelements: high levels of germanium, coumarins, vitamins, organic acids, polysaccharides. The most important compounds of the fungus are triterpenes, polysaccharides, ganodermic acids and germanium. It is these compounds that determine the medicinal properties of the mushroom.

The healing properties of reishi: immunomodulatory, sedative, antiallergic, antispasmodic, lowers blood pressure, antitumor (due to activation of the immune system), expectorant, hypoglycemic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory.

Uses of the mushroom. Make the tincture using this method: 10 grams of chopped mushroom are infused in 400 ml. vodka for 2 weeks. Take 1 tbsp. l. 2-3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Make an infusion of reishi mushroom according to the following recipe: 1 tbsp. l. crushed mushroom per 700 ml. water, simmer over low heat for 60 minutes. Strain. Take 200 ml. decoction 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Antitumor teas

I consider antitumor teas to be herbal teas that can be drunk as infusions or as teas.

Here I will write you one of the antitumor teas that you need to drink to prevent cancer. Take 1 tablespoon of pine needles, 1 tablespoon of young sea buckthorn leaves, 1 teaspoon of chopped milk thistle fruits. Pour three glasses of boiling water over all herbs and simmer for 18-20 minutes over low heat. Then strain the broth. Take 0.5 cups instead of tea.

Second antitumor tea: Large burdock roots - 30 g, Burnet roots - 30 g, Marsh cinquefoil roots - 30 g, Peony rhizome - 30 g, Bedstraw grass - 20 g, Stinging nettle leaves - 20 g, Agrimony herb - 20 g. Take one dessert spoon of a well-mixed herbal collection and pour boiling water over it, leave for 30 minutes. Drink like tea with honey, 2-3 times a day. After a month, the fee is changed.

Antitumor tinctures

I already wrote in a paragraph about antitumor plants, those plants that are used in the treatment of oncology. Antitumor tinctures are made from these plants.

Antitumor tinctures include tinctures:

Spotted hemlock tincture;

Tincture of Djungarian aconite;

Tincture of celandine;

Tincture of cocklebur;

Fly agaric tincture;

Reishi mushroom tincture;

Chaga tincture,

Poisonous tinctures are mainly used in the treatment of oncology. Why poisonous? As they say: poison is also a medicine and if used in moderation, it has a beneficial effect on the body. The main toxic substance in poisonous tinctures is alkaloids. These are organic nitrogen-containing substances that, in their pure form, are poisonous. Each plant or mushroom has its own alkaloid. In hemlock it is coniine, in aconite it is aconitine, in fly agaric it is muscarine. They are different. That's why they say that it is better to drink a poisonous tincture for a maximum of 8 months? The body gets used to the poison, that is, using poison in the first month and in the tenth has different effectiveness. Why is it necessary to drink another poison during breaks, say, if you take hemlock tincture, then during the break you need to drink aconite, because so that the body does not lose the supply of immunity that it received from hemlock tincture, another poison, another alkaloid, another effect. You also need to look at which poison is best for the patient. When taking hemlock, there may be zero effect, since the body is like that, well, it does not perceive this poison, then we change it to aconite, if it does not perceive it, then we switch to fly agaric tincture.

Antitumor agents of plant origin

I consider antitumor agents of plant origin to be products that are made from natural materials. I can include Flaraxin among such remedies.

Flaraxin is an antitumor agent of plant origin, which is used in the treatment of oncology.

Other antitumor agents of plant origin:












To summarize this long article, you learned that treatment with folk remedies is a complex treatment that is complex. Just taking one tincture is good, but you also need to work with other herbs and tinctures from herbal collections.

Be healthy!

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Peptides, or short proteins, are found in many foods - meat, fish, and some plants. When we eat a piece of meat, the protein is broken down into short peptides during digestion; they are absorbed into the stomach, small intestine, enter the blood, the cell, then into the DNA and regulate the activity of genes.

It is advisable to periodically use the listed drugs for all people after 40 years of age for prophylaxis 1-2 times a year, after 50 years of age - 2-3 times a year. Other medications are as needed.

How to take peptides

Since the restoration of the functional ability of cells occurs gradually and depends on the level of their existing damage, the effect can occur either 1-2 weeks after the start of taking peptides, or after 1-2 months. It is recommended to carry out the course for 1-3 months. It is important to consider that a three-month intake of natural peptide bioregulators has a prolonged effect, i.e. It works in the body for about 2-3 months. The resulting effect lasts for six months, and each subsequent course of administration has a potentiation effect, i.e. the effect of enhancing what has already been received.

Since each peptide bioregulator targets a specific organ and does not affect other organs and tissues, the simultaneous use of drugs with different effects is not only not contraindicated, but is often recommended (up to 6-7 drugs at a time).
Peptides are compatible with any medications and biological additives. While taking peptides, it is advisable to gradually reduce the dose of concomitantly taken medications, which will have a positive effect on the patient’s body.

Short regulatory peptides do not undergo transformation in the gastrointestinal tract, so they can be safely, easily and simply used in encapsulated form by almost everyone.

Peptides in the gastrointestinal tract break down into di- and tri-peptides. Further breakdown to amino acids occurs in the intestines. This means that the peptides can be taken even without a capsule. This is very important when a person for some reason cannot swallow capsules. The same applies to severely weakened people or children, when the dosage needs to be reduced.
Peptide bioregulators can be taken for both preventive and therapeutic purposes.

  • For prevention dysfunctions of various organs and systems, it is usually recommended to take 2 capsules 1 time per day in the morning on an empty stomach for 30 days, 2 times a year.
  • For medicinal purposes, to correct disorders functions of various organs and systems, in order to increase the effectiveness of complex treatment of diseases, it is recommended to take 2 capsules 2-3 times a day for 30 days.
  • Peptide bioregulators are presented in capsulated form (natural Cytomax peptides and synthesized Cytogen peptides) and in liquid form.

    Efficiency natural(PC) is 2-2.5 times lower than encapsulated. Therefore, their use for medicinal purposes should be longer (up to six months). Liquid peptide complexes are applied to the inner surface of the forearm in the projection of the veins or on the wrist and rub until completely absorbed. After 7-15 minutes, the peptides bind to dendritic cells, which carry out their further transport to the lymph nodes, where the peptides undergo a “transplant” and are sent through the bloodstream to the desired organs and tissues. Although peptides are proteins, their molecular weight is much smaller than that of proteins, so they easily penetrate the skin. The penetration of peptide drugs is further improved by their lipophilization, that is, their connection with a fatty base, which is why almost all peptide complexes for external use contain fatty acids.

    Not long ago, the world's first series of peptide drugs appeared for sublingual use

    A fundamentally new method of application and the presence of a number of peptides in each of the drugs provide them with the fastest and most effective action. This drug, entering the sublingual space with a dense network of capillaries, is able to penetrate directly into the bloodstream, bypassing absorption through the mucous membrane of the digestive tract and primary metabolic decontamination of the liver. Taking into account direct entry into the systemic bloodstream, the rate of onset of the effect is several times higher than the rate when taking the drug orally.

    Revilab SL line- these are complex synthesized drugs containing 3-4 components of very short chains (2-3 amino acids each). The concentration of peptides is the average between encapsulated peptides and PC in solution. In terms of speed of action, it occupies a leading position, because is absorbed and hits the target very quickly.
    It makes sense to introduce this line of peptides at the initial stage, and then switch to natural peptides.

    Another innovative series is a line of multicomponent peptide drugs. The line includes 9 drugs, each of which contains a number of short peptides, as well as antioxidants and building material for cells. An ideal option for those who do not like to take many medications, but prefer to get everything in one capsule.

    The action of these new generation bioregulators is aimed at slowing down the aging process, maintaining a normal level of metabolic processes, preventing and correcting various conditions; rehabilitation after serious illnesses, injuries and operations.

    Peptides in cosmetology

    Peptides can be included not only in medicines, but also in other products. For example, Russian scientists have developed excellent cellular cosmetics with natural and synthesized peptides, which have an effect on the deep layers of the skin.

    External skin aging depends on many factors: lifestyle, stress, sunlight, mechanical irritants, climatic fluctuations, fad diets, etc. With age, the skin becomes dehydrated, loses elasticity, becomes rough, and a network of wrinkles and deep furrows appears on it. We all know that the process of natural aging is natural and irreversible. It is impossible to resist it, but it can be slowed down thanks to revolutionary cosmetology ingredients - low molecular weight peptides.

    The uniqueness of peptides is that they freely pass through the stratum corneum into the dermis to the level of living cells and capillaries. Skin restoration occurs deep from the inside and, as a result, the skin retains its freshness for a long time. There is no addiction to peptide cosmetics - even if you stop using it, the skin will simply age physiologically.

    Cosmetic giants are creating more and more “miracle” products. We trustingly buy and use, but no miracle happens. We blindly believe the labels on the cans, not realizing that this is often just a marketing technique.

    For example, most cosmetic companies are busy producing and advertising anti-wrinkle creams with collagen as the main ingredient. Meanwhile, scientists have concluded that collagen molecules are so large that they simply cannot penetrate the skin. They settle on the surface of the epidermis and are then washed off with water. That is, when buying creams with collagen, we are literally throwing money down the drain.

    Another popular active ingredient in anti-aging cosmetics is resveratrol. It really is a powerful antioxidant and immunostimulant, but only in the form of microinjections. If you rub it into the skin, a miracle will not happen. It has been experimentally proven that creams with resveratrol have virtually no effect on collagen production.

    NPCRIZ (now Peptides), in collaboration with scientists from the St. Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology, has developed a unique peptide series of cellular cosmetics (based on natural peptides) and a series (based on synthesized peptides).

    They are based on a group of peptide complexes with different application points that have a powerful and visible rejuvenating effect on the skin. As a result of application, skin cell regeneration, blood circulation and microcirculation are stimulated, as well as the synthesis of the collagen-elastin framework of the skin. All this manifests itself in lifting, as well as improving the texture, color and moisture of the skin.

    Currently, 16 types of creams have been developed, incl. anti-aging and for problematic skin (with thymus peptides), for the face against wrinkles and for the body against stretch marks and scars (with peptides of bone-cartilaginous tissue), against spider veins (with vascular peptides), anti-cellulite (with liver peptides), for eyelids from swelling and dark circles (with peptides of the pancreas, blood vessels, osteochondral tissue and thymus), against varicose veins (with peptides of blood vessels and osteochondral tissue), etc. All creams, in addition to peptide complexes, contain other powerful active ingredients. It is important that the creams do not contain chemical components (preservatives, etc.).

    The effectiveness of peptides has been proven in numerous experimental and clinical studies. Of course, to look great, creams alone are not enough. You need to rejuvenate your body from the inside, using from time to time various complexes of peptide bioregulators and micronutrients.

    The line of cosmetics with peptides, in addition to creams, also includes shampoo, mask and hair conditioner, decorative cosmetics, tonics, serums for the skin of the face, neck and décolleté, etc.

    It should also be taken into account that the sugar consumed significantly affects the appearance.
    Due to a process called glycation, sugar has a damaging effect on the skin. Excess sugar increases the rate of collagen degradation, which leads to wrinkles.

    Glycation belong to the main theories of aging, along with oxidative and photoaging.
    Glycation - the interaction of sugars with proteins, primarily collagen, with the formation of cross-links - is a natural for our body, a constant irreversible process in our body and skin, leading to hardening of the connective tissue.
    Glycation products – A.G.E particles. (Advanced Glycation Endproducts) - settle in cells, accumulate in our body and lead to many negative effects.
    As a result of glycation, the skin loses its tone and becomes dull, it sags and looks old. This is directly related to lifestyle: reduce your consumption of sugar and flour (which is also good for normal weight) and take care of your skin every day!

    To combat glycation, inhibit protein degradation and age-related skin changes, the company has developed an anti-aging drug with a powerful deglycating and antioxidant effect. The action of this product is based on stimulating the deglycation process, which affects the deep processes of skin aging and helps smooth out wrinkles and increase its elasticity. The drug includes a powerful anti-glycation complex - rosemary extract, carnosine, taurine, astaxanthin and alpha-lipoic acid.

    Are peptides a panacea for old age?

    According to the creator of peptide drugs, V. Khavinson, aging largely depends on lifestyle: “No drugs can save you if a person does not have the knowledge and correct behavior - this means observing biorhythms, proper nutrition, exercise and taking certain bioregulators.” As for the genetic predisposition to aging, according to him, we depend on genes for only 25 percent.

    The scientist claims that peptide complexes have enormous restorative potential. But elevating them to the rank of a panacea and attributing non-existent properties to peptides (most likely for commercial reasons) is categorically wrong!

    Taking care of your health today means giving yourself a chance to live tomorrow. We ourselves must improve our lifestyle - exercise, give up bad habits, eat better. And of course, whenever possible, use peptide bioregulators that help maintain health and increase life expectancy.

    Peptide bioregulators, developed by Russian scientists several decades ago, became available to the general consumer only in 2010. Gradually more and more people around the world are learning about them. The secret of maintaining the health and youthfulness of many famous politicians, artists, and scientists lies in the use of peptides. Here are just a few of them:
    UAE Minister of Energy Sheikh Saeed,
    President of Belarus Lukashenko,
    Former President of Kazakhstan Nazarbayev,
    King of Thailand
    pilot-cosmonaut G.M. Grechko and his wife L.K. Grechko,
    artists: V. Leontyev, E. Stepanenko and E. Petrosyan, L. Izmailov, T. Povaliy, I. Kornelyuk, I. Wiener (rhythmic gymnastics coach) and many, many others...
    Peptide bioregulators are used by athletes of 2 Russian Olympic teams - in rhythmic gymnastics and rowing. The use of drugs allows us to increase the stress resistance of our gymnasts and contributes to the success of the team at international championships.

    If in our youth we can afford to do health prevention periodically, whenever we want, then with age, unfortunately, we do not have such luxury. And if you don’t want to be in such a state tomorrow that your loved ones will be exhausted with you and will wait impatiently for your death, if you don’t want to die among strangers, because you don’t remember anything and everyone around you seems strangers to you in reality, you We must take action from today and take care not only of ourselves, but of our loved ones.

    The Bible says, “Seek and you will find.” Perhaps you have found your own way of healing and rejuvenation.

    Everything is in our hands, and only we can take care of ourselves. No one will do this for us!

    Malignant neoplasms are one of the leading problems of modern medicine. Every year, more than 5 million people die from this pathology in the world.

    Clinical examination of patients with neoplasms includes not only treatment and preventive measures, but also their early diagnosis, i.e. identifying a tumor at a stage when it is still accessible to radical treatment.

    Modern tumor chemotherapy is based on combined use (simultaneous or sequential) antitumor drugs different chemical groups. For certain indications, chemotherapy is combined with surgical removal of the tumor and radiation therapy. Modern antitumor agents, as a rule, provide only remission of the disease. Tumor cells can become resistant to drugs, most of which have little selectivity for tumor cells, and their use is accompanied by side effects. Contraindications for prescribing most antitumor drugs are inhibition of hematopoiesis, acute infections, dysfunction of the liver, kidneys, etc. According to the mechanism of action antitumor agents are divided into the following groups:

    1) alkylating agents;

    2) antimetabolites;

    3) hormonal agents;

    4) antibiotics;

    5) enzymes;

    6) substances of plant origin:

    7) various synthetic products. Alkylating agents

    To this group antitumor drugs include representatives of 4 chemical groups:

    1. Chlorethylamines - chloroethylaminouracil (dopan). melphalan (sarcolysin), cyclophosphamide (cyclophosphamide), chlorambucil (chlorobutine).

    2. Ethylene imines - thiotepa (thiophosphamide), benzoteph, imiphos.

    3. Derivatives of methanesulfonic acid - busulfan (myelosan).

    4. Nitrosourea derivatives - N-nitrosomethylurea.

    Mechanism of cytotoxic action alkylating agents due to the ability of some of their molecules (dichlorethylamine ethylenimine, etc.) to interact with the nucleophilic structures of DNA, which leads to alkylation and disruption of its structure, stability and integrity. Ultimately, DNA alkylation disrupts the vital activity of cells and their ability to divide. Particularly pronounced cytostatic the effect manifests itself in rapidly proliferating cells. Maybe alkylating compounds act not only on nucleic acids, but are also capable of inhibiting some enzymes, taking part in cell division.

    Majority alkylating compounds are used for hemoblastoses ( lymphogranulomatosis, lympho- and reticulosarcoma, chronic leukemia). One of the drugs in this group is chloromethyl (embikhin), capable of alkylating actions to suppress the development of hyperplastic tissues. The drug is used only intravenously, as it has a strong local irritant action. An indicator of the effectiveness of treatment is a positive clinical and corresponding hematological effect. During treatment, it is necessary to monitor the blood picture, since profound suppression of bone marrow function up to aplasia is possible. Close to embiquin in chemical structure and action dopan And chlorobutine prescribed internally. The latter has selectivity for lymphoid tissue, and is used as immunosuppressant. Sarcolysin are highly active against true tumors (seminoma, malignant neoplasms jaw bones, etc.). For seminoma sarcolysin gives a positive result even in the presence of metastases. Found widespread use cyclophosphamide. As a result of chemical transformations (in the liver), it is activated and acquires cytostatic properties. The drug is capable of causing more or less long-term remissions in hemoblastoses; it is often prescribed for various types of cancer of the maxillofacial area.

    Ethylene imines ( thiophosphamide , benzoteph , imiphos ) How alkylating agents block the mitotic division of tumor and healthy cells due to the formation of cross-links between DNA strands. These compounds are capable of blocking the function of RNA and protein enzymes in the G phase. The main indications for use are true tumors and hematological malignancies. Imithos, the only drug from this group, is capable of inhibiting the excessive proliferation of erythroblasts. The affinity for the red germ of the bone marrow is due to its selective accumulation in hemoglobin-containing erythroblasts.

    Myelosan - metasulfonic acid derivative - prescribed for exacerbations of chronic myeloid leukemia.

    Nitrosourea derivatives - nitrosomethylurea has antitumor activity, sometimes gives an effect when cells are resistant to other drugs. Used for cancer lymphogranulomatosis, lymphosarcoma, melanoma skin.

    Alkylating the compounds are capable of influencing not only tumor cells, but also normal, especially actively proliferating tissues (bone marrow, germ cells, mucous membrane of the alimentary canal, etc.). As a result, it is possible leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, anemia. In extreme cases, it is necessary to stop administering these drugs or reduce the dose. If necessary, resort to blood transfusion, administration of erythrocyte, leukocyte or platelet mass, prescribe drugs, stimulating hematopoiesis. To prevent the development of infections associated with immune suppression, use antibiotics. Sometimes when introducing some antitumor drugs phlebitis occurs intravenously (embychin), nausea, vomit, less commonly observed diarrhea. Antimetabolites

    Antitumor agents this group are antagonists of natural metabolites. Antimetabolites are similar in their chemical structure amino acids, vitamins, coenzymes or products of their metabolism. Although their structures are close to natural metabolites, they are not identical; being involved in metabolic processes, they can act as competitive inhibitors.

    TO antimetabolites include the following drugs: methotrexate (folic acid antagonist), mercaptopurine (purine antagonist) fluorouracil (fluorouracil ), tegafur (ftorafur ) - pyrimidine antagonists.

    Inhibition of DNA and RNA synthesis, disruption of structure due to the replacement of natural metabolites - purines and pyrimidines - with structural analogues, leads to a slowdown in the division of tumor cells. Unfortunately, the same mechanism can inhibit the division of healthy tissue cells, especially rapidly proliferating cells (bone marrow cells, intestinal epithelium, etc.).

    A prerequisite for the synthesis of nitrogenous bases of nucleic acids is the presence of folic acid, from which the active form is formed - tetrahydrofolic acid. Methotrexate is a structural analogue of folic acid, active in small doses. Methotrexate used for chorionepithelioma, leukemia, breast cancer. It is perhaps the most common antitumor agent, used for tumors of the head and neck and, in particular, for Burkitt's tumor, which affects the jaw bones. Side effects develop quite early stomatitis or conjunctivitis, later - changes in the blood ( leukopenia, thrombocytopenia), liver dysfunction.

    Often methotrexate combine with others antimetabolites (mercaptopurine), antibiotics (bleomycin) or corticosteroids for increase cytostatic effect and reduce the resistance of tumor cells.

    Mercaptopurine - homologue of adenine (6-aminopurine). Its mechanism cytostatic action is caused by a violation of the synthesis of DNA and RNA due to the blockade of the inclusion of adenine in their structure. Mercaptopurine metabolized in the liver and excreted in the urine. Main indications: acute leukemia, chorionepithelioma of the uterus. Its use may be accompanied by suppression of hematopoiesis, impaired liver function, nausea, and vomiting.

    Fluorouracil And ftorafur (pyrimidine antagonists) are usually used for true tumors, inoperable forms of stomach and intestinal cancer. Very toxic ( ftorafur- less). In some patients, tumor regression occurs. Sometimes used for malignant tumors of the head and neck. The effectiveness of chemotherapy increases when combined with radiation. Hormonal agents

    For treatment neoplasms use androgens (testosterone propionate , testenate ), estrogens ( diethylstilbestrol , hexestrol or sinestrol , fosfestrol and etc.), corticosteroids (hydrocortisone , prednisolone , dexamethasone , triamcinolone ) or corticotropin .

    The growth of hormone-dependent tumors can be reduced with the help of hormones of the opposite sex. Thus, the development of prostate cancer is inhibited by estrogens, and breast cancer in women is inhibited. androgens. The latter in high doses are mainly prescribed for breast cancer women with a preserved menstrual cycle (to suppress estrogen production). In women during menopause (more than 5 years) with breast cancer apply. on the contrary, estrogens; perhaps they suppress production gonadotropic pituitary hormones, capable of stimulating the growth of tumor cells.

    A prerequisite for hormone therapy is its continuity. In this case, it is possible to develop side effects associated with signs of feminization (the appearance of female secondary sexual characteristics) in men and masculinization in women.

    Among androgens most often used drostanolone (medrotesterone propionate), which, however, has to be administered daily (for 2-3 years). In recent years, longer-acting drugs have been used ( testenate ) - 1 injection every 2 weeks. Estrogens inhibit stimulation androgens tumor growth in men (cancer and prostate adenoma). Phosfestrol , Unlike diethylstilbestrol And sinestrol , deprived estrogenic activity. However, in the body, after the cleavage of phosphoric acid, it forms diethylstilbestrol. It is important that the splitting of the etheric bond fosfestrol occurs under the influence of phosphatase, the activity of which is higher in tumor tissue of the prostate than in healthy tissue.

    The production of hormones in the adrenal cortex is stimulated by adrenocorticotropin, which makes it possible to use it in cancer patients along with or instead of glucocorticoids. Inhibiting proliferation processes, glucocorticoids inhibit the production of formed elements of the hematopoietic system, mainly in the cells of the lymphoreticular formation. It must be remembered that glucocorticoids capable of suppressing immune responses, thereby reducing the body's resistance to infection. Antitumor antibiotics

    Some antibiotics, along with antimicrobial activity, capable of showing cytostatic properties, inhibiting the synthesis of nucleic acids. Mechanism of action is caused by inhibition of DNA replication, which leads to disruption of RNA formation. Without adequate retranslation of the genetic code into RNA, synthesis is impossible enzyme and other proteins. The main disadvantage antitumor antibiotics is the low selectivity of action towards tumor cells. Therefore, they are capable of causing dysfunction of the hematopoietic organs, digestion, and have a toxic effect on parenchymal organs. Most of them inhibit the growth and reproduction of microorganisms in the intestines, which ultimately contributes to the development of candidiasis and requires joint administration antifungal agents. Antitumor antibiotics it is advisable to combine with corticosteroids, and also be used against the background of radiation therapy.

    The most commonly used drugs include dactinomycin (actinomycin D) and its analogue Chrysomallin. The main indications are uterine chorionepithelioma, Wilms tumor, lymphogranulomatosis. Has similar activity daunorubicin (rubomycin ), capable of causing remissions in uterine chorioepithelioma, acute leukemia, reticulosarcoma. Has anti-blastoma effect olivomycin ; it is prescribed for embryonal cancer, reticulosarcoma, melanoma. Both of the latter antibiotic can also disrupt the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, cause stomatitis, provoke candidiasis, suppress the immune system. Antibiotic bleomycin (bleocin ) active in squamous cell skin cancer, lymphogranulomatosis and some other tumors. Bleomycin(as well as olivomycin) affects the hematopoietic system to a lesser extent, which makes it possible to use it in patients with reduced hematopoietic function.

    Very active antibiotics anthracycline groups - doxorubicin (adriamycin ) And carubicin (carminomycin ), especially in sarcomas of mesenchymal origin. Enzyme preparations used for tumors

    The most famous drug in this group is asparaginase (L-asparaginase ), formed by different strains of Escherichia coli. The drug has anti-leukemic activity. Mechanism antitumor action due to the ability to disrupt metabolism amino acids asparagine, which is necessary for tumor cells. The main indications for L-asparaginase(alone or in combination) are lymphoblastoma leukemia, lympho- and reticulosarcoma. In some cases, the drug turns out to be more effective than other antitumor agents. Possible side effects: increased body temperature, vomit, dysfunction of the liver and pancreas, sometimes there is a tendency to hemorrhages. Antitumor agents of plant origin

    Among herbal preparations, the most commonly used alkaloids are: demecolcine (kolkhamin ), colchicine (colchicum) And vinblastine or vincristine (periwinkle pink). Colchicine It is highly toxic and is therefore used only topically. Colhamin 7-8 times less toxic (although it inhibits hematopoiesis, it is also possible hair loss, diarrhea), which makes it possible to obtain resorptive effects. They are usually prescribed when esophageal cancer, stomach, skin (in the form of ointment). Vinblastine And vincristine, similar kolhamina, selectively suppress mitosis at the metaphase stage. Used for lymphogranulomatosis, lymphosarcoma maxillofacial region, chorionepithelioma. Their intake leads to hematopoietic disorders and dyspepsia. Vincristine has a lesser effect on hematopoiesis, but can cause neurological disorders (neuralgia, paresthesia).

    Antitumor has activity podophyllin , which is a mixture of substances from the roots of Podophyllum thyroid. It is mainly used topically as an adjuvant for tumors of the larynx and bladder. Various synthetic products

    Procarbazine (methylpyridine derivative) is capable of selectively accumulating in tumor cells, inducing the process of autoxidation. As a result, the concentration of free radicals in the cytoplasm increases, which have a damaging effect on macromolecules. Procarbazine inhibits hematopoiesis, leading to the development of neurological symptoms.

    With papillomatosis of the upper respiratory tract, lung cancer, laryngeal cancer is used prospidium chloride (prospidin ). The drug is well tolerated, does not significantly affect hematopoiesis, but sometimes causes increased blood pressure, dizziness, and paresthesia.



    Prescribed orally, intramuscularly, intravenously, intraarterially, into the spinal canal.

    Available in film-coated tablets, 0.0025 g; ampoules of 0.005, 0.05 and 0.1 g.


    Prescribed internally.

    Colhamin (demecolcine)

    Use internally and externally.

    Available in tablets of 0.002 g; in the form of ointment 0.5%.


    Administered intravenously once a week.

    Available in ampoules and bottles of 0.005 g in lyophilized form with the application solvent.



    2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs