What year is it according to the eastern calendar? What to celebrate the New Year with for Libra

In this article we will look at the year of which animal according to the horoscope is 2018, what color it is, what to wear to celebrate this New Year and what is important to know about the upcoming period...

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  • 2018 is the year of which animal according to the horoscope: what to wear...
  • Who's year?

    According to the eastern calendar, 2018 is considered to be the year of the yellow dog. The animal is extremely friendly. The year dedicated to the dog promises to be affectionate and supportive of the inhabitants of the earth.

    You should definitely get yourself a pet if you have dreamed of one, but haven’t dared to get a cute creature.

    The Year of the Dog promises to be not only favorable. For many people, the year of the dog 2018 will present financial well-being as a gift.

    Now, having figured out what the year 2018 will be like, what animal according to the horoscope, let’s take a closer look at man’s faithful friend.

    Loyalty and friendliness forces dogs to do, without exception, everything that is permissible in order to maintain relationships with their own family - to provide assistance, protect them from minor trifles, rush to support their comrades, share everything (including the last bone), often excluding the presence of their own hobbies.

    But these qualities of character of a “comrade human” do not at all mean that people within the time frame of 2018 will begin to possess the above qualities. Absolutely everyone has their own characteristics...

    Since this is the year of the yellow dog, it is necessary to note that yellow is the tone of joy, clear illumination of the year, fun, uniqueness, independence, conviction. In combination with the disposition of the owner of the holiday, a bright, exciting time awaits us ahead.

    Let us recall that the above describes the characteristics of a dog, an animal whose name symbolizes the year 2018 according to the horoscope according to the Eastern calendar.

    What color will be in fashion in 2018?

    So, we have consistently come to another important problem: what kind of costume should you find to welcome 2018? First of all, let’s take a look at the colors in general.

    Of course, the main accent will be the color YELLOW and all its shades.

    Just do not forget that for people with certain body features, the color yellow may not only not give beautiful shapes, but also highlight flaws.

    Of course, yellow often makes you look old. For this reason, concentrate your interest in other Christmas yellow tones: chestnut, sandy, tan, bright orange.

    With such a variety of colors, choosing a Christmas dress is not at all difficult. If you are concentrating on the yellow color, then take note that the most beautiful outfits in this shade look in the style of multi-layers and weightless sundresses. Constantly important, expensive looking - noble metal.

    Since 2018 is the year of the dog, a chestnut tone will be very useful for men. This color is perfect for men's Christmas suits.

    If you are not a fan of colorful clothes, the dog allows you to wear a dark chestnut dress and choose elegant amber accessories that are close in shade to wood. The choice of dress model can be different, the main requirement is practicality and convenience.

    Jewelry is welcome, preference should be given to gilding, amber, yellow sapphire, wood tones. It is possible to create a dull look for going out on New Year's Eve. A traditional jacket, weightless soft colors (flesh, yellow-red), or a dark chestnut coat will look proportionate when combined with a colorful image.

    What to wear on Christmas Eve? Just as it was established by the owner of the future, a four-legged dog that runs throughout its life on its paws, special holiday shoes, like a Christmas costume, must be comfortable to wear!

    If you chose heels when choosing shoes, they should be extremely comfortable for you, so that the pain caused by new shoes does not interfere with joyful dancing. This year, shoes with an open toe should be given an advantage.

    Which animal costume should children transform into?

    Looking for a New Year's outfit for New Year's holidays at school or kindergarten? The first thought that comes to mind when thinking about a costume for the year of the dog is the costume itself for the representative of the celebration.

    The dog is the only one of the most famous figures in 2018. A more complete doggy outfit can be purchased at a baby shopping center. However, if you buy a dog costume, there is a risk that the children’s parents will agree on a New Year’s costume for their child. Therefore, a children's party in kindergarten can turn into a “pack of doggies.”

    Photo: children's dog costume for New Year 2018

    To avoid this kind of problem, it is advised to order a suit from a tailor shop, making the look unique and inimitable. For example, as a template you can use the image of your favorite dog character from cartoons, comics or movies. Bring to mind as many images of dogs from cartoons, fairy tales, and other works as possible.

    Look at illustrations for children's books, remember Soviet children's films. Since the dog is a friend of man, it often appears in cartoon productions. Take ideas from the works of different generations, ask your parents for help. Through joint family efforts you will create your own unique design.

    Combine elements of dog characters from different cartoons to create something of your own. Probably, this small list of tips is enough to come up with a look. Use your imagination as much as possible, because childhood lasts relatively short. You may not even notice how your baby will stop being interested in cute little children's costumes and stop believing in magic and Santa Claus.

    No matter how much you don’t want to realize it, you still have to come to it. Therefore, do not save on New Year's costumes and gifts. Do everything possible to ensure that your child remembers New Year 2018, the year of the dog. Give him a lot of new memories. Don't forget to take a camera or phone with a camera to capture the best moments of a children's party in kindergarten or school.

    What dishes to serve on the holiday table to please the dog?

    After we figured out what year of the animal is in 2018 according to the horoscope, and what to celebrate, the main question remains: what to cook?

    Photo: salad in the shape of a dog

    Every year before the holidays, many average residents have a desire to decorate, set the table in an unusual way, surprise guests with decor and delicious dishes on the festive table. After all, every new year you want to start a new life, change certain nuances, and for starters, just beautifully decorate your apartment for the upcoming holiday.

    How to properly, quickly, easily, simply set the table so that the presented dishes and serving please not only the guests, but the four-legged favorite of many - the dog? Let's figure it out, consider what should certainly be present on the festive table, because we found out the year of which animal according to the horoscope in 2018, we now need to please it...

    Dogs are considered relatively not picky animals, so there is no point in thinking through a specific New Year's menu. It is advisable that meat and sausage products should be present on the festive table. Possible ham and bacon.

    The hostess of the New Year does not highlight any special preferences among the varieties of cape: during the pre-New Year purchase at the grocery store, she can safely put any favorite meat of her relatives in the basket.

    In most families, not a single New Year is complete without salads, such as Olivier salad, herring under a fur coat, and vinaigrette. Also, each family has its own traditional salad, invariably prepared annually for Christmas celebrations. The hostess of the coming year will happily accept any salad, be it exotic, prepared according to a certain unique recipe known to several people, or the most unusual, but incredibly tasty salad.

    You don’t have to worry too much about setting the table either. We can confidently say that the dog will definitely appreciate the presence of minimalist dishes in white/pastel colors on the holiday table. When choosing a tablecloth, pay attention to covers made from natural ingredients such as linen. This tablecloth not only looks very beautiful on the table, but is also much more pleasant to the touch than tablecloths made from artificial materials.

    Characteristics of people born in the year of the dog in 2018

    In this subsection of the article you will find not only a continuation of the description of the dog’s character, but also general characteristics of people born in the year of the dog.

    In general, people often correspond quite accurately to the animals in the year in which they were born. The Year of the Dog was no exception. All of the above applies not only to the character of dogs, but also to people born this year.

    Also, people born in the year of the dog are prone to extreme exaggeration. To put it in more picturesque language, they rush from one extreme to another, distinguishing only two stripes in life: white or black. If dogs begin to guard the house, they will either guard it without sparing themselves, to the last drop, or, on the contrary, they will not be trainable and will not react to hostile people.

    So it is with people born in the year of the dog - they either do everything at once, as efficiently as possible, or do nothing at all. Is this a good trait or not? It's up to you to decide. But many are still inclined to think that excessive perfectionism is a bad quality for career growth, building relationships with people, establishing contacts, and achieving goals. But this quality has helped quite a few people in various aspects of life. The main thing is to be able to use this character trait correctly.

    Another characteristic quality of both sides is the ability to keep secrets. This quality, unlike the previous one, will certainly not bring any harm to the owner, but, on the contrary, will leave good memories and thoughts about the person who has this ability.

    After all, you can have a heart-to-heart talk with a person who knows how to keep secrets at any time, without fear that the next day everyone you know will know about the secret secret.

    The dogs themselves have been helping people for many years to solve crimes, save people in the mountains, neutralize bandits... The positive qualities of dogs in terms of work can be described for a long time, because the list of their services to humanity is extremely long. Consequently, people born in the year of the dog, like their patroness, are able to work, love to work, and are completely devoted to their favorite work. If excessive perfectionism does not get in the way of hard work, people with such character can make excellent workers...

    You have found out which animal’s year will be according to the horoscope in 2018 (the year of the Yellow Dog), now it’s time to prepare for the New Year celebrations...

    The patron and undivided mistress of 2018 will be the Dog - an animal endowed with devotion, justice, and the ability to get along with others. She will especially zealously protect people born this year from troubles and various troubles. The color of the year is yellow. It can evoke positive associations. Symbolizes light and warmth. The element of the year is Earth, personifying fertility, wisdom and wealth.

    Thus, The ruling animal of 2018 will be the yellow earthen dog. The beginning of the Year of the Yellow Earth Dog according to the eastern horoscope falls on February 16th. The exact time of the Chinese New Year 2018 is 00 hours and 07 minutes Moscow time. It is at this moment, according to the lunar calendar, that the new moon begins, and with it the year of the Yellow Earth Dog, which will last until February 4, 2019.

    Characteristics of the 2018 Year of the Dog

    The past two years, which were “fiery” and characterized by activity, aggression and assertiveness, will be replaced by a calmer year. Excessive emotionality, passionate feelings and a tough disposition will be replaced by stability, balance, thoroughness and tranquility. This influence of the elements and color of the year will affect literally everything - character, health, personal life and even politics, as well as weather conditions.

    In addition to honesty, friendliness and determination, the Dog has a difficult and rather unpredictable character. Therefore, throughout the year, people may feel lazy and lack of energy from time to time. But these temporary difficulties will only affect those who lack clear goals, motivation, and life guidelines. People who manage to win over the mistress of the year, having secured her support, will be able to count on all sorts of benefits.

    In general, 2018 promises to be harmonious and rich in positive events on a global scale; perhaps brilliant discoveries will be made in the field of medicine and economics. The year is also favorable for love and family relationships. Many couples in love will have an increased incentive to start a family. Single people will be able to meet their soulmate. And those who dream of adding to their family will receive the happy news of a long-awaited pregnancy. According to statistics, in the Year of the Dog the birth rate increases sharply. Surely this is due to the fact that the element of Earth symbolizes fertility, abundance, and motherhood.

    Color of the year 2018

    In Eastern culture, all colors can carry not only a certain emotional load, they are also functionally significant and also have specific content. Yellow color is given great importance. It symbolizes prosperity, unshakable faith, the beginning of something new, unity, joy and happiness.

    In ancient China, yellow was the color of emperors. For a long time, in the territory of this country, clothes of the specified color and its shades were allowed to be worn exclusively by emperors and persons close to them. In the countries of the East, “solar” magic, the main color of which is yellow, has been relevant since ancient times and is still relevant. The teaching is based on rituals aimed at:

    • to obtain a rich harvest;
    • to changes in weather conditions;
    • to transform “dead” soil into fertile soil;
    • to protect people from evil spirits, diseases, witchcraft influence and various types of misfortunes.

    Each color corresponds to a certain side of the world and a specific time of year. Thus, the color yellow symbolizes autumn and the directions leading to the center of the Earth. Therefore, it can be combined with golden, brown and white colors. The peculiarity of eastern color symbolism lies in the duality of color meanings. Based on this, the color yellow can represent not only goodness, faith, happiness, power, marriage bonds and harmony, but also the abode of the dead.

    If we consider the influence of the color yellow for 2018, it can be noted that the most significant events in people's lives will take place in the autumn months. Those who manage to appease the mistress of the year will find harmony in their relationship with their partner. This is especially true for married couples. Single people will have a good chance of meeting a life partner and finding personal happiness; prosperity; brilliant career success; well-being in financial matters; improvement of health.

    Element of 2018

    Element of 2018 Earth is one of the elements of nature and the element that will dominate in the coming year. Symbolizes worldly wisdom, moral purity, devotion to ethnic, cultural and family traditions. Therefore, astrologers recommend celebrating 2018 taking these aspects into account.

    In the eastern horoscope, this element occupies a central place, corresponding to the North Star, around which the celestial bodies revolve. Due to the fact that the North Star has always personified the Emperor, who was its earthly incarnation, this element is inextricably linked with control and power. As for the time of year, mid-summer is associated with the Earth, when the main fruits, berries, fruits, grains and vegetables begin to ripen. This element of nature is also associated with a certain period of life - maturity, which, as a rule, is the middle of the life path.

    The element of Earth will have a powerful influence throughout the year. This will be expressed in stability, which will be present in almost all areas of life. A special impact will be had on those who are in power, hold leadership positions, and are the owners of large enterprises. In order not to worsen their situation and not lose their status, these people must be disciplined and fair, show patience and courage. The dog will not tolerate pretense and deception.

    Another important area on which the disaster will have a significant impact is the family hearth. The Earth is a symbol of fertility and unity, and the Dog teaches people to honor traditions, including family ones. To have complete confidence in the strength of the family hearth, generally accepted moral standards should be observed. The year will be successful if you do not commit adultery, drive away harmful thoughts that tempt you, and take care of loved ones.

    Three main qualities of the yellow earth Dog

    1. A dog is faithful and devoted not only to someone, but also to its principles, ideals, and promises. Therefore, throughout the year, she will especially carefully protect those who are well-mannered, noble and honest from problems. The protection of the hostess in 2018 will automatically extend to people whose professional activities are related to the protection of rights, the search for truth, the restoration of justice, and the upholding of honor and valor (military, civil servants, scientists, researchers).

    2. Yellow Earth Dog - a talisman for married couples. It helps strengthen relationships between loved ones and achieve personal happiness, and protects the family hearth from ill-wishers. It is believed that a marriage entered into in 2018 is doomed to a long and happy existence, and the spouses will never quarrel or need anything.

    3. The patroness of the year is an excellent speaker and a gifted financier. Yellow color helps to increase communication skills and establish business connections, and the element of Earth brings an element of stability and balance. This means that 2018 will be a successful period for all entrepreneurs. Particular luck awaits those who buy/sell goods. Financially, the year promises to be very successful.

    What can be done to make 2018 a favorable period?

    In order for the Dog to be favorable to you throughout the year, firstly, you should strengthen family relationships in every possible way. Show concern for your relatives, give them your love, please them more often and pamper them with pleasant little things. Don't break family traditions. Be proactive. Know how to defend your point of view. Seek justice where lawlessness and arbitrariness prevail. Do not refuse to help those who turn to you, for example, for advice. Help the poor, beggars, street children, make donations regularly. Be extremely careful when dealing with business connections. In your career, be persistent and patient. For your efforts, the hostess of the year will reward you with honors and universal recognition.

    Stop cooperating with those business partners who have repeatedly let you down. Contacts with unreliable people in the year of the Dog tend to worsen. Be careful and thrifty in terms of finances. Keep strict records of your family budget. Control your shopping expenses. Carefully approach global acquisitions, for example, when buying real estate or a car.

    Your health will not let you down in 2018 if you eat right, exercise regularly, strengthen your body, and undergo preventive procedures. Beware of stress, emotional breakdowns and psychological tension. These are the main enemies of health in the year of the Dog.

    What should you watch out for in 2018?

    People who cause resentment or aggression in the Dog may experience the evil and even fighting side of the four-legged character. Therefore, you should not hurt the pride of the hostess of the year. Avoid displaying the following qualities: quarrelsomeness; greed: ignorance; self-confidence; stinginess. Family people who succumb to the temptation to betray their significant other will also be punished by the Dog. The patroness will simply deprive them of the opportunity to establish future relationships with their life partner. The Dog will punish lazy people and those who lead an idle lifestyle, welcoming all sorts of excesses, with a ruble. These people will not be able to stabilize their financial situation within a year.

    Girls, pay attention! You are probably aware of the moral and religious aspects of deliberately terminating a normal pregnancy. In the year of the yellow earth Dog, abortion is an extremely serious sin that will entail negative consequences in the future. This may result in deterioration of health, development of serious complications after surgery, and even infertility. To kill a fetus conceived this year is to spoil your karma, which will affect your seven subsequent generations.

    Where, how and with whom to celebrate 2018 Year of the Dog?

    Due to the fact that the Dog is an ardent supporter of observing traditions and morally correct behavior, astrologers advise celebrating the holiday with family and close friends. You should not organize an overly magnificent and pompous celebration with all sorts of excesses. The dog doesn't like this. She prefers solidity, grace, warmth and moderate sophistication. Of course, a symbol of the unity of any family is a house full of cups. Therefore, celebrating the New Year at home would be an ideal option. As a last resort, if your house/apartment does not have enough space to comfortably accommodate all guests, you can rent a banquet hall. It is desirable that the interior of the hall be decorated in yellow, brown and white colors.

    It is highly undesirable to choose entertainment venues, cafes, traditional and floating restaurants, clubs and other noisy places to celebrate the holiday. The dog prefers comfort and the most homely environment possible. She may harbor a grudge if the holiday is accompanied by outright revelry - dancing until you drop, loud vulgar songs, frivolity, shamelessness and arrogance.

    How to decorate the house?

    It’s unlikely that you’ll be able to create a mix of different styles when decorating your home for 2018. Don't forget that the Dog honors family traditions. Each family has its own heirlooms. These can be old portraits and photographs, shrouded in a haze of warm memories, collections of coins or stamps, greeting cards, boxes with jewelry or family treasures, chests with clothes. It is recommended to choose the attributes that will serve as the main decoration of the interior on a festive night from the designated items.

    Oddly enough, the Dog gives traditional New Year’s decorations the status of “secondary”. Therefore, standard items are suitable as a pleasant addition: garlands; rain; tinsel; flashlights; firecrackers; confetti; Christmas decorations; serpentine; figures and drawings of dogs and puppies. When choosing auxiliary decorations, give preference to two or three (or one) primary colors. As for the main attributes (relics), their color does not play a special role, since they themselves carry a semantic load.

    To appease the four-legged mistress of 2018, it is recommended to use auxiliary decorations in the following colors: yellow; ocher; olive; brown; white; sandy; orange; peach; coffee; beige; golden.

    Advice If your family has few or no relics, you can use rare items or items from the times of the USSR as thematic attributes for decorating your house/apartment. For example, pioneer ties and bugles, banners, flags, patches. And also Komsomol and October badges, orders, medals, gramophone records and cassettes, kitchen utensils and small household items. And even if there are family heirlooms, the listed items will become excellent thematic attributes that will decorate the interior, creating a special atmosphere.

    Which outfit to choose for the 2018 Dog?

    As with everything else, you should adhere to moderation when choosing a New Year's outfit. After all, external attractiveness does not always mean revealing outfits. And considering that many ladies confuse frankness with vulgarity, you need to be especially careful.

    Dear ladies, let your dress or suit be a little enticing, shocking and even piquant, but not vulgar. If you do not want to anger the Dog, there should be no miniskirts that do not cover the upper thighs, or deep necklines! The highlight of the outfit can be a fur collar and cuffs, a shawl, a cape or a muff. Choosing the color of the outfit is what matters. Dress in the traditional colors of the year.

    As for men's New Year's outfit, there are no special recommendations. Men, as a rule, do not have the habit of dressing vulgarly. A business suit with a tie, a shirt with trousers or a T-shirt with jeans - all options are suitable. Everyone will choose the most comfortable form of clothing for themselves.

    What to give in the Year of the Dog?

    When choosing gifts for the New Year 2018, you need to take three aspects into account. Firstly, the gift should pleasantly surprise. Secondly, it must be thematically related to the mistress of the year, that is, remind that it is the yellow earthen Dog that rules the year. And thirdly, the gift should be practical and suit the taste of its future owner. Those who find it difficult to understand the abundance of goods and decide on a New Year's gift are recommended to pay attention to the gift ideas presented below.

    Idea No. 1 Crafts A dog never strives for wealth; for him, the feelings that you experience in the process of giving a gift are more important. This is why handmade items are a great option. After all, you will leave a piece of your soul in them. The following can serve as homemade gifts: figurines; flowerpots you painted; postcards; beautiful soap sets; photo frames; sculptures; holiday candles.

    Idea No. 2 Practical things In some ways, the Dog is a conservative. Therefore, useful in everyday life, as well as practical gifts will suit her taste and will always be relevant for her. But, having decided to use this gift idea, you need to know for sure that it will suit the recipient. Consider the following options: kitchen utensils (women); tie, cufflinks (for men) set of bed linen; bag; purse; umbrella; set of bath towels.

    Idea No. 3 “Intellectual” gifts The dog is smart, well-read, educated, and has high intelligence. She always strives for self-development and self-realization. And the elements of the Earth endowed this animal with natural modesty and wisdom. In this regard, you can choose a gift based on these aspects. This could be a gift in the form of: a book; glasses case; business card holders; folders/briefcases for documents; business accessory (parker, diary, desk stationery set).

    What should be the dishes on the New Year's table?

    Absolutely all New Year's treats - first courses, hot and cold appetizers, drinks and desserts - should not be too pretentious. Excesses are unacceptable for a Dog. However, the absence of pomp does not exclude the presence of originality. The imagination of housewives is welcomed by the four-legged mistress. Let the dishes be prepared not so much from expensive ingredients, but from fresh, high-quality and healthy products. Low-alcohol products are welcome, but if someone prefers strong alcoholic drinks, cognac, vodka, and home-made moonshine can be placed on the table. The main thing is moderate use. Being heavily intoxicated on New Year's Eve can turn the Dog against you.

    Important! Kvass will serve perfectly as a treat and as a decoration for the New Year's table. Its classic recipe involves the use of rye bread, so it will become a symbol of fertile soil. The Yellow Earth Dog will appreciate the treat and thank the owners of the house for such respect for themselves. It is advisable to prepare kvass yourself. This will not only guarantee the amazing taste of the drink, but will also bring significant benefits to the body.

    How to decorate the New Year's table?

    Tablecloth and napkins Due to the fact that the coming year will be ruled by the yellow earth Dog, it is recommended to choose napkins in the appropriate colors (orange, yellow, brown, sand). The napkins may contain images of a dog or puppies. Since yellow can be combined with white, you can choose a tablecloth in a traditional style. To surprise your guests, you can prepare a personal cloth napkin for each of them with the guest’s name and a picture of a dog embroidered on it. Yes, it will take time, but the invitees and the patroness of the year will be very pleased.

    Crockery and cutlery Use ordinary utensils. No frills needed! The only thing you should avoid is using red kitchen utensils. After all, this color is associated with aggression and excitement, which does not fit in with the balanced disposition of a dog. Ideally, cutlery should be yellow. But not everyone has dishes of this color. So, you can use classic white color.

    Candles, figurines, figurines It is recommended to decorate the New Year's table with beautiful candles and figurines in the form of dogs. They need to be placed between the plates. Also use animal figurines. Several (2-3 pieces) figures will be enough. The dog does not like excesses, so you should not overload the festive table with decorations. If you don't have figurines or figurines, you can make them yourself. Even paper or fabric is suitable for this. Candles can be made by melting paraffin (wax) and pouring them into the desired molds. The main thing is that the crafts are created with love.

    The “highlight” of the table The dog is a meat eater. Sugar bones and offal are a special treat for her. From offal you can prepare the main dish of the holiday, for example, liver or heart salad. And the bones from the used meat can be placed in a beautiful saucer and placed on the table as a treat for the hostess of the year. To appease the Dog even more, you can make a decoration in the form of a miniature booth (dog house) and place it near a saucer with sugar bones.

    As you welcome 2018, try to please its patron, the yellow earthen Dog. Then the mistress of the year will take you under her wing and throughout the year, fortune will be on your side. Happy New Year!

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    Many people believe that our lives are greatly influenced by the location of the stars and what sign the next year will be under. It’s hard to disagree with this, because astrologers’ predictions very often come true. That is why, knowing which sign will be the patron of 2018, you can look a little into the future and see for what this period will be most favorable. In addition, by celebrating the New Year correctly, you can appease its symbol and count on its support.

    According to the Chinese calendar, 2018 will pass under the sign of the Yellow Earth Dog. It is she who will set the pace over the coming 12 months and will determine what kind of character will be the people born in a given year.

    Characteristics of the sign

    The dog is a symbol of fidelity, honesty and justice. This sign is distinguished by a commitment to tradition, a certain stiffness, which, however, goes well with a love of having fun. The dog is also characterized by a desire for justice: it will not tolerate dishonest behavior and wrong actions, and fearlessly rushes to the defense of those who have been offended.

    In addition, it is a sign of family warmth, peace and prosperity. That is why astrologers emphasize that it is very favorable for creating love relationships, getting married and having children. Single people this year will have a chance to find their soulmate, and couples will have a chance to strengthen their bond.

    The dog is quite sociable, she has many friends and knows how to be the life of the party. Being among friends fuels her with energy, but loneliness, on the contrary, makes her withdrawn and gloomy. She has an excellent sense of humor, which helps not only to find a common language with other people, but also to successfully cope with life's adversities.

    Positive traits of Dogs also include hard work and perseverance. To achieve her goal, she is ready to work hard, improve and patiently wait for an opportunity to reveal her talents. At the same time, the Dog is always on the alert and ready to fight any difficulties.

    However, this sign also has negative sides. Thus, the Dog can be overly self-confident and straightforward: it can sharply criticize someone’s work, say many unpleasant things to the interlocutor in the heat of an argument, and even deliberately create a conflict. She can also be prone to excessive cynicism and can become despondent, viewing the world only in gray tones. This sign is also very stubborn and is often too confident in his own rightness: if he thinks that he has taken the right position, then it is extremely difficult to convince him, even if the facts say that he is wrong.

    The dog is a somewhat contradictory sign, because in it friendliness and honesty coexist next to quarrelsomeness and cynicism. In order for the year under his auspices to be as successful as possible, you should devote more time to your family, pay special attention to relationships with loved ones and avoid conflicts. During this period, the desire to move up the career ladder and improve your financial condition will be very strong, but you should be careful not to allow others to suffer because of the desire to earn more money.

    How to Appease a Yellow Earth Dog

    It is quite simple to win the favor of the owner of 2018: you just need to carefully think through the New Year's Eve and try to please the taste of the patron of the year. Festive table, outfit and gifts - so that good luck accompanies the whole year, not a single detail should be overlooked.

    Who to celebrate 2018 with

    Of course, everyone decides this question for themselves, because some people prefer to spend the holiday at home, while others prefer to spend it at a noisy party. However, do not forget that the Dog symbolizes family values, home warmth and fidelity, so the New Year 2018 is best celebrated with family and closest people.

    For many (especially young people), a holiday in the company of relatives may seem boring, but this is not at all the case, because everyone loves fun and you can organize a bright party in any setting. In addition, no one forces you to spend the entire New Year's Eve at home, although there is nothing bad in this - having met the chimes with your family, you can quite easily go to visit friends, to a restaurant or to a nightclub.

    What to wear

    This question worries most girls who want to choose the perfect outfit for the New Year. In 2018, it is best to celebrate the holiday in clothes of all shades of red, orange, beige, brown, in a word, warm colors will be favorites. Moreover, it is not at all necessary that the entire outfit be made in the same color; a few bright accents are enough to appease the symbol of the New Year.

    As for the style, the Dog loves modesty, naturalness and simplicity, so it is better to choose dresses that are not too revealing. Classic flowing lines, graceful silhouettes and intriguing cutouts will help highlight all the charms of your figure. You can complement the look with a necklace and beads that will symbolize the collar of a domestic dog.

    New Year's makeup and hairstyle

    As already noted, the symbol of 2018 loves naturalness and natural beauty, so makeup should maximally emphasize the freshness of the face and not distort natural features. By the way, this is fully consistent with all modern trends in the field of make-up. Of course, on such a holiday it is unlikely that you will be able to do without a few bright touches, but you should not overdo it with them.

    As for the hairstyle, you can get creative: dye your hair red or yellow using special crayons, use false strands in bright colors, weave ribbons and lace to match your outfit. The hairstyle can be the most extravagant, although natural curls and feminine looks are still at the peak of fashion. In any case, the main thing is that the whole image is harmonious and all its elements complement each other.

    How to decorate a house

    To decorate your home, you can use all kinds of ribbons, flowers, Christmas tree decorations and compositions made in red, yellow, orange or brown. Multi-colored garlands and candles will create a festive atmosphere in any room. Of course, you should definitely use dog figurines and various images of them as decorations. By the way, you can also use toys in the shape of dogs, sugar bones and doghouses when decorating the New Year's tree.

    When decorating a house, you need to remember that the Dog symbolizes home warmth and family atmosphere. Therefore, the main thing is to create a cozy atmosphere in which everyone present will feel as comfortable as possible.

    Festive table

    It is worth paying special attention to the preparation of the festive table, because according to the sign, how you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it. For serving, it is recommended to use tablecloths and napkins in warm colors, candles and various decorative elements in the shape of dogs. To make the table look harmonious, the tablecloth can be white, and all other serving items can be red, orange or yellow. In the middle of the table you can put an interesting New Year's composition with figurines of dogs surrounded by holiday paraphernalia.

    If we talk about dishes, then various meat delicacies should prevail, and fish and poultry can be completely relegated to the background. Baked pork or veal in berry sauce, sliced ​​smoked meats, homemade grilled sausages - all this will definitely appease the symbol of the New Year 2018, and all guests will like it. You can complement such treats with red wine, which goes perfectly with meat dishes. It is best to make vegetable side dishes to make the feast easier on the stomach.

    Vegetarians for whom meat is taboo can prepare their favorite delicacies from soy, tofu and other products that, when properly prepared, are no less aromatic and tasty than meat dishes.

    In general, the main thing in a celebration is not what is on the table, but what kind of atmosphere reigns behind it. If friends and relatives who sincerely love and support each other are gathered in the house, then the New Year's Eve meeting will go as well as possible, which will definitely please the patron of 2018.

    The Eastern calendar helps to learn about some time periods even before they come into force. The Chinese associated each year of the sixty-year cycle with animals, elements and colors. Thus, they have practically subjugated time - based on this, there is an opportunity to find out what awaits all of us in the coming 2018, what character those born in this period will have, as well as some of its features that you should know about in advance.

    What animal's year will be 2018 according to the horoscope?

    According to the eastern horoscope, the symbol of 2018 will become a yellow earthen dog. First of all, the Dog is famous for its devotion and obedience. But not all people born under the symbol of this animal will be so resigned as not to be aware of the fact that someone will dare to take advantage of their good side. Dogs sense betrayal very well and are able to break off relations with anyone, even if it hurts themselves. Such people know how to choose their friends, maintain relationships throughout their lives, and always come to the rescue.

    Dogs make wonderful husbands or wives. They are monogamous and strive to create the most comfortable nest possible. As a rule, such people love children and dream of having as many babies as possible.

    Color, element and characteristics of 2018

    The yellow color of the year gives the Dog's character wisdom and prudence. At the same time, she also acquires a desire to teach everyone, but does not always give it free rein, which is why among her acquaintances such people are famous for their sound outlook on life.



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