If the cat rubs about. Why does a cat rub against its legs

It is not difficult at all, the main thing is to have a little observation. The main group of gestures is associated with such a procedure as licking. It means not only the desire to wash, it is a kind of language of cats, with which they can demonstrate:

  • confusion - the cat begins to lick itself when she is scolded (this is the best time for communication with the animal and reconciliation!);
  • good mood - the cat begins to lick the hand of the owner;
  • looking for affection - the cat carefully licks the owner's hand and tries to climb onto his lap;
  • boredom - the cat licks itself with too long, deep and intense movements: in this way she asks her to caress or play with her;
  • readiness for training - the cat washes rationally and accurately and is able to accept several commands from the owner.

In addition to licking, the tongue of cats also involves all kinds of body and tail movements. The most common among them is friction on the owner's legs. In this way, the cat expresses love, and can also ask for something. If a cat rubs its muzzle against your face and pokes its nose into your cheeks or lips, this expresses the extreme degree of its love and appreciation.

As for the tail, it can be in several positions:

  • shoots up - the cat is excited, but not angry and not afraid;
  • slightly lowered down - the cat is slightly scared or dissatisfied (for example, with its food), in this state it is better to leave it alone;
  • lowered low - the cat is very frightened or unhappy;
  • actively twitches - the cat wants to be alone (if only the tip of the tail twitches, this is an extreme degree of animal concern);
  • fluffy - the cat is preparing for an attack;
  • sandwiched between paws - the cat is afraid.

Cat Body Language: Key Secrets

In addition, you should pay attention to the position of the body of cats, which can also express the emotions of your pet. So, a straight back and a raised head speak of relaxation, but at the same time, attentiveness of a cat. If the cat sits a little sideways, this indicates that he is scared. A grinning and angry cat full face is going to attack, and if he suddenly crouched to the ground with a gloomy look, then he changed his mind about doing it.

Similarly, you can interpret the signs that a cat gives with its eyes. The attention of the cat expresses a direct and open look directed directly at you. At the same time, if the cat stares at you too frankly, this expresses a challenge and a requirement to keep a distance. If the eyes are half-closed, the cat is cautious, and if they have become like narrow slits, the cat is self-confident and alert. You should also be careful if the cat has round pupils and a crazy look - this expresses the fear of the animal, in which it does not control itself. But if the cat looks at you, crouching on the ground, there is no danger, he simply expresses devotion.

Finally, the sign language of cats also involves communication with the help of paws. If the cat rubs its paw against you or gently massages your hand with it, it thus demonstrates satisfaction and contentment. If a cat pulls on clothes with its paw or even fights, then it asks for something, including love and affection.

But the most powerful demonstration of love is a hug with paws. Also, a very strong emotion is expressed when a cat lies on its back - if it exposes your stomach to you, then it completely trusts and loves you, so in this position you should definitely stroke and caress it - the cat will be very grateful to you!

Cats live in a world filled with smells. Everyone whom the cat refers to its social group, as well as objects located in the home territory, the cat seeks to mark with its unique smell, secreted by the glands of the face, body and tail. When a cat rubs against your legs as a sign of greeting, he does the same as it would be the case with another cat, when they mutually rub their face and torso.

Since the human face is too high, the cat has to rub against the legs. However, some cats try very hard to get as close as possible to the human head and even stand up on their hind legs to do so. After the owner has been appropriately wiped down, the cat proceeds to lick itself to test the scent of the person.

Why don't cats like to ride in cars?

Cats do not like to leave their home territory. Unlike dogs, in strange places they do not feel confident in the presence of their owner. Once in an unfamiliar place, in particular, in a car, the cat cannot predict how events will develop.

In addition, a cat is much more sensitive than a person to movement inside the car - she has a very keen sense of balance, so jerks and vibrations do not give her pleasure, only adding to her feelings that she is not in control of the situation. In addition to all of the above, once in the car, the cat hears unusual and loud sounds, and also feels unpleasant and strong odors.

Cats that have been accustomed to travel since childhood, especially between the ages of two and seven weeks, when they are at their most capable of learning and accepting new things, tolerate cars much more calmly.

It's no secret that even civilized people in communication are often guided by instincts. Feeling in control of the space around your own body is a natural need for security, and tactile contact is one of the most effective means of establishing close relationships.

Thus, it becomes clear why cats rub against their legs. By and large, the animal wants to make sure that you are friendly and show their emotional location in return. However, in addition to social reasons, there are some physiological features that cause such behavior of cats.

The big secret of a small animal: why cats rub against their legs

If you watch the animal carefully, you will notice that this gesture has a special order of execution. First, the cat presses strongly with the temporal part of the head and cheek, then, pressing hard with the whole body, it passes, touching it sideways, and completes the manipulation by wrapping its tail around the leg. Raising its muzzle up and giving you a languid look of narrowed eyes, the cat repeats the procedure in the same order.

If you lean over in a fit of feelings to stroke her, she will do the same with your hands, pressing hard on her nose, the edge of her lips and the top of her head. Having greeted the person, the kitty will step aside, sit down comfortably and lick its fur coat with its tongue.

At this moment, she will recognize and remember your individual smell, quietly giving you her marks.

Physiologists explain the reason why cats rub against their legs in this way: on the body of the animal there are special secretory formations, glands that secrete an odor that is elusive to the human sense of smell. The exchange of smells with close surroundings is important for a sense of kinship and security. As the hero of Kipling said: “We are of the same blood”, which means we will protect each other and take care of our family.

Physiological fluids with a special odor are also found in saliva and cat feces. When the owners pay enough attention to the pet, properly feed it, comb it, caress it, pick it up, the cat does not need to assert its superiority and buries its armatic bombs in the tray. If the animal does not feel comfortable and safe enough on its territory, then it uses “heavy artillery”, leaving urinary marks and heaps of feces in unintended places.

Thus, in cases where the cat has ceased to relieve the need in the tray, the owners should not punish the beast, but should think about their behavior. It is worth somehow changing your attitude towards the animal, showing more attention to its needs, including emotional ones.

Some features of cat behavior remain a mystery to many owners. Not every experienced cat breeder will intelligibly answer the question of why a cat rubs against its legs. Households can repeatedly observe this phenomenon when communicating with their pets. At the same time, cats rub against human legs, furniture, objects both in the house and on the street. Owners will be interested to know what causes such behavior of the animal, whether it poses a danger.

Read in this article

A little about scents

In the animal kingdom, obtaining important information, as well as communication between individuals, occurs through smells. A well-developed sense of smell in cats allows them to determine not only the location of prey.

The smell helps animals to survive in the harsh conditions of the wild, to be the first to smell the enemy. With the help of the sense of smell, the cat accurately finds not only its home, but also small kittens.

Domestic cats have not lost their natural ability to navigate with the help of smells and widely use a sensitive sense of smell in the comfortable conditions of a city apartment. With the help of smell, she determines the territorial boundaries of her possessions. This feature is one of the main reasons why cats rub against people.

On the body of the animal there are several zones that secrete a secret for identifying an individual: on the forehead and muzzle, on the paws, and glands located near the anus. Males most often mark their territory with the help of urine and the secretion of the paraanal glands mixed with it. With the help of the located odorous glands on the crumbs of the paws, the animal also determines the boundaries of its possessions: it sharpens its claws on a tree or a scratching post. At the same time, the specific smell of a particular individual remains on the objects.

On the muzzle of a domestic cat there are zones that produce odors. Especially a lot of them in the forehead area. The odorous secret is produced by glands located between the ears and in the corners of the lips. That is why owners often observe how fluffy pets rub their foreheads and muzzles against objects. Both cats and cats perform such a ritual. At the same time, pets look peaceful, often purr and express pleasure from the process.

In the wild, representatives of the feline family often live in families, clans. The smell helps individuals to navigate not only in relation to territorial boundaries, but also in belonging to a particular group. This behavior can also be observed in domestic cats if more than 2 pets live in the house. They rub against the same object, such as furniture or a corner of the house, thus showing that they belong to the same clan.

Reasons why they rub against the legs

Knowing the importance of smells in the life of cats, it will be easier for a connoisseur of these furry creatures to understand if a cat rubs against the owner's legs, which means this in cat language. There are several reasons for this phenomenon:

  • In the event that a pet rubs against the legs of the owner, who has just entered the room, the behavior means joy and satisfaction from meeting with his beloved owner. The longer the owner has been away, the more intense the ritual will be. The cat may first rub against the ankles, then rise on its paws and continue wiping the owner's legs.

This behavior indicates that the owner has been away for too long and has lost the scent of his feline family. If at this moment you bring your hand closer to the animal, then similar manipulations will be done by the pet with this part of the body.

  • Experts in the field of zoopsychologists rightly believe that the reason why cats rub their faces or foreheads on objects is the desire to leave their individual smell on them. This odorous sign indicates that the owner is accepted into the cat clan on an equal footing. This kind of mark is usually placed by domestic cats. The fact that pets regularly rub against objects in the house where they live is due to the need to give things “their own” smell.

Items quickly lose the specific mark left by the cat, so it must be constantly updated. The presence of a familiar smell on household items has a calming effect on the animal and gives confidence in the environment.

  • Often you can see a picture of how a street cat runs up to a stranger and begins to rub against him. The mechanism of this ritual is similar, as in the identification of "friend or foe", but the reasons are somewhat different. Street cats thus mark an object unfamiliar to them, trying to give it their smell. Fluffy habitues of streets and yards do indulgence to a person, turning him into their property with the help of smell.
  • Among zoopsychologists, there is an opinion that the relationship between the mother-cat and the baby is the reason for the peculiar ritual. Having matured, the kittens perceive the owner as a caring mother, and thus signal their well-being and express appreciation for the care. Young outdoor kittens try to get affection and attention when they rub against a person.
  • The reason why the cat rubs against the legs, experts in the field of zoopsychology consider the behavioral line. With the help of tactile contact, reinforced by leaving a smell, domestic cats express their attitude towards household members and other pets. Experienced breeders note that some self-sufficient and independent animals practically do not show ritual actions in relation to the owner.

This can be interpreted as distrust of a person. If the pet at least twice a day shows attention to the owner in the form of rubbing her muzzle on her legs, then we can conclude that the cat is satisfied with the behavior of the owner, everything suits her, but she does not need additional attention. Sociable and loving by nature, individuals most actively rub against their legs, thereby showing love and tenderness.

  • The reason why cats rub their faces on the face of the owner, many owners consider the favorable attitude of the pet towards its owner. At the same time, as a rule, they purr and in every possible way show their gratitude and emotional disposition.
  • Many owners have noticed that especially often cats begin to rub against furniture and legs during sexual hunting. This is done on purpose. With the help of such a ritual, animals try to spread their scent as far as possible. This behavior is especially typical for domestic cats that do not have access to the street.
  • The reason why cats rub against people's legs may be to get more information about a stranger. This behavior is often noted when the animal is in a particular place for the first time. As a rule, the pet begins to intensively rub against all protruding objects, about the human legs. This ritual helps the cat to adapt to new environments and especially to new smells.

The owners also note that friendly animals want to attract attention with such a ritual, and spoiled pets can beg in the kitchen, begging for a tidbit. In any case, the behavior is emotionally colored and carries certain information for the owner.


A cat is an affectionate, dependent and at the same time freedom-loving animal. Everyone adopts a small pet for different reasons. Some need a cat to catch mice, others to absorb negative energy, and still others bring a pet into the house as a full member of the family. But everyone without a doubt observed the phenomenon when a cat rubs against a person and about surrounding objects. Why the pet does this, and whether it is possible to drive him away from himself, we will figure it out in this article.

Why do cats rub against things?

Cats rubbing against furniture means they are marking their territory.

Absolutely all pets rub against everything in the house, so pets mark their territory.
After such a detour, objects in the house receive a smell familiar to the animal. And when everything in the house smells like a cat, she feels safe. For a person, this smell is imperceptible, but if someone else's cat gets into the house, then she will clearly feel that she has entered someone else's territory.
People are a different story. Cats rub against their owners for two reasons.
The cat marks the owner

When cats rub against their owners' legs, they leave their scent on them.

If a cat rubs against a person’s legs with its muzzle, body, tail, and at the same time purrs, then it marks you too.
Pets regard their owners as part of their territory, so you must have the smell of your pet on you.

British cats have a strong character, but they are not averse to rubbing against the owner's legs!

Sometimes cats pee in their owners' shoes. Many people are negative about this, but the explanation for this is quite simple. A pet urinates in shoes to leave its scent on the owner. It’s inconvenient to write on the owner himself, but in slippers, that’s it.
The cat is caring

In addition, such a gesture can be a manifestation of concern for the owner.

Scientists have proven that a cat rubs against its owner, thereby relieving him of bad health, mood and anger.
This behavior can be easily noticed when returning from work. The pet meets you and starts rubbing against you. He removes from the owner all the negative energy that he has accumulated outside the home.
Why can't you chase a cat away from you?
There are three opinions: why you can not drive away pets from yourself:
You can not drive away the cat or show aggression towards it. Rubbing against you, wrapping its tail around your leg, the cat shows its care and love towards you. If you drive the animal away from you, you will greatly upset him and hurt him. Most often, cats treat their owners like parents. They flirt with you, trample you with their paws, purr when you pet them. A kitten behaves exactly the same way with its mother. And by driving away a pet, you leave him at a loss: why is the person closest to me driving me away?

People are skeptical about the second version. They say that cats can heal. Someone does not believe this, but someone is convinced of this every day. In our country, this is not given much attention, but in Western countries there is even "animal therapy" and "pet therapy". Translated, it means animal treatment. When a cat rubs against your legs, it not only relieves negative energy, it also relieves fatigue from them. Therefore, you should not drive away an animal that is trying to help you and alleviate your suffering.

When cats rub against their owners, they also relieve fatigue and negative energy.

Cat and Christianity
The third option reminds us of the attitude towards cats in Christianity.

Christians considered cats to be great divine creatures who escorted the dead to the world of death.

It was believed that cats are great divine creatures.

In references to the early stages of Christianity, cats were depicted next to saints, so people often prayed to them.
During the plague of Francis of Assisi, a cat was rescued from a rat that was infected with the plague. From that moment, services in honor of these pets began to be held in churches.
There is an unusual story in history about the city of Limassol. This city was attacked by snakes. And it was the cats that saved the city from the invasion of these reptiles. Since that time, many cats have lived in this city. They are revered, respected and spoiled with delicious treats.
Among the people there were beliefs that such pets were marked by the Virgin Mary herself.

The cat with the letter M.

In Orthodoxy, domestic cats have always been revered and respected. In the houses they were separated by a good and cozy place. Cats have never been beaten or hurt.
Many people do not believe in all this, but someone respectfully accepts all these versions. But everyone agrees on one thing. If you adopted a cat in your house, then the responsibility for its upbringing and care falls on your shoulders. If, when showing love to a cat, you answer her in the same way, then your pet will thank you more than once with a mouse caught or stress relieved from your legs.
Tags: Cats

The cat rubs against its legs: signs

Cats have lived with humans since time immemorial. In the old days, among some peoples, they were elevated to the same rank with the gods, while among others they were considered accomplices of the devil. But this graceful and independent animal did not leave anyone indifferent. Fortunately, nowadays we perceive fluffy pets only as pets, bringing a lot of positive emotions to the owners, and sometimes thrills.

Such a close relationship over many centuries has led to the fact that a huge amount of superstition has arisen regarding cats. Who does not know the sign of a black cat crossing the road? A washing cat “washes” guests into the house, and its sneezing near a couple in love prophesies a quick wedding. There is also an explanation about the pet rubbing at the feet of the owner.

  • The most common interpretation says that caresses around the owner's legs promise him a long journey in the very near future.
  • For a pregnant woman, this behavior of a pet means the approach of childbirth.
  • A bride with a cat curled around her legs will definitely be happy in marriage.
  • If your pet rubs against the legs of a guest, you can absolutely trust the visitor. After all, your home esoteric has already tested it for the presence of unkind thoughts and intentions, and then marked it as an absolutely harmless figure.
  • It is especially good if a red cat starts rubbing against you. These solar animals are endowed with a special talent to remove negative energy, fatigue and irritation from a person.
  • There is a more realistic explanation for obsessive caresses. Thus, the pet simply marks the owner as his property, leaving his own smell on the skin and clothes. So who owns whom is another question!

Most people understand that cats rub against their legs, succumbing to positive emotions. Someone understands this act as affection and affection, it seems to someone that the cat asks for hands or asks her to take pity. You will be surprised, but such a cute behavior has well-founded, physiological reasons!

The meaning of smells in the cat world

Let's make a reservation right away that the cat rubs against the owner's legs in order to mark him as property and inviolable property! Cats (and dogs too) have three "sources" of personal odor - secretions secreted by glands on the face, between the fingers and on the surface of the anus. Another "ink" to mark the territory is urine, which does not have a "significant" smell without a secret secreted by those same para-anal glands.

Note! When a cat marks territory, it twitches its tail held high to stimulate the paraanal glands.

Sometimes, odorous substances are called pheromones, this interpretation is slightly incorrect, but it is appropriate. Some, especially territorial cats, not only rub against the owner, but also lick him. Particularly passionately, the pet eliminates the smell of sweat under the armpits and on the legs. Not quite a hygienic process can be explained by the same desire to mark a person with their smell.

Note! "Wet deeds" found in the shoes also indicate an attempt to leave a mark. It is incorrect to write on a person, but leaving your fragrance in shoes is quite appropriate. Males can mark hats and outerwear.

Why do cats rub against people and objects

In fact, a cat rubs against a person’s legs only because it is indecent and fraught to write on them. This ritual is carried out at each meeting of the owner from work or after his long (by cat standards) absence. So, you enter the dwelling, and your purr begins to rub against your legs, you habitually interpret this behavior as a greeting.

The cat comes up to your feet, imitating a snake, touches your ankles with its head, after which its back and sides are arched upwards, and at the final stage it wraps its tail. Having made one turn, the pet, as it were, rises on its hind legs and repeats the ritual. If there is a scratching post near the front door, after finishing the rubdown, the cat begins defiantly sharpening its claws, arching its back.

The sweetest ritual performed by a pet means that you have lost your flock scent. Wiping your legs, arms and face, the cat leaves the secrets of the sebaceous glands on your clothes or skin. The most odorous secrets are in the already listed areas - on the muzzle, paws and around the tail. In scientific terms, this process is called olfactory marking. Having applied its scent to you, the cat conveys a message to competitors: “This man is mine, from my pack, do not dare to attack him!”.

The same ritual is performed in relation to almost all objects on the territory of the dwelling. Pets rub against some things especially often, for example, on the owner’s phone, laptop, shoes or bedding. The reason is simple - the smell of the pack is replaced too quickly by strangers. It should be understood that the aroma of your palms and body is not perceived hostile by the cat, even if the pet stubbornly replaces it with its own.

This is interesting! The cat daily rubs against its place, carrier, tray, bowl and other personal items.

Interestingly, some cats never rub against their owners' legs. The reason is that animals do not trust their owners. Only those who do not pose a threat and are part of the pet's world are worthy of a special smell. Some cats reduce all communication with the owner to a rubdown in the morning or evening. This situation indicates the self-sufficiency of the tailed one, that is, he trusts you, but does not particularly need your guardianship.

How to explain the behavior of street cats that rub against the legs of any approached person? The motives are the same, but the reasons are slightly different. Usually, an outdoor cat that has lived in the wild for several years becomes a leader or beta member of the community. There are exceptions, such as aggressive or cowardly animals.

Seasoned street cats, self-sufficient and determined, give out a “ticket” to those passing by with an ambassador: “You came to my house and became my property.” Young animals beg for affection and attention, hoping to become your companion.

By the way, if you pick up a kitten that has not yet experienced the “charms of street life”, it will immediately begin to rub and cuddle up to you. Tiny babies actively trample their palms with their paws and rub their faces. A kitten with all its appearance shows a person trust and fidelity, asking for affection and protection in return.

Unexplained in the behavior of cats

The pet curled up and hid its muzzle in its paws, you opened the closet and took out a warm sweater ... after all, this is a sign, such behavior promises cold. You will be surprised how many superstitions are associated with cats. For example, in ancient Rus', a cat was allowed into the baby's cradle so that it would lie down and rub itself. After that, the child was put to bed, and he slept sweetly.

The cat, which rubbed against the guest's legs, suggested that the person came with good intentions and did not hold a stone in his bosom. Perhaps this is an exaggeration, but it is not in vain that they say that purrs see the energy of people, and they immediately smell cruel and vile bipeds ... they scream, hiss and even attack them.

The red cat, which rubs at the feet, sorts out all the negative energy. Why exactly red, is unknown. Most likely, this is due to another sign, that solar cats bring happiness, wealth and good luck to the owner. Again, a red cat, brings peace to the family and eliminates conflicts, calming the “dispersed” husband or wife.

If the cat rubs against your legs when you lie down in bed, it relieves fatigue. Many owners confirm that after a hard day at work, when the legs are buzzing, the cat eliminates this condition.

This is interesting! There is a rather funny sign that if a cat rubs or marks the wheels of a car, then there is a long road ahead.

Possible negative consequences

Sometimes, cats rub so hard that they drool. Some animals are so emotional that saliva literally drips from the mouth as soon as the pet has seen the owner or experienced another pleasant stress. The consequences in the form of wet spots everywhere (on furniture, clothes) are far from acceptable for everyone. With particular passion, pets slobber underwear and other personal belongings of the owner. By the way, the phone, wallet, talismans (which are constantly worn with you) are also "under the gun."

You may not be embarrassed by such inconvenience, but think about a cat. How worried is she that she manages to bring her body to hyperactive work? How can you help your pet recover? Firstly, do not rush to self-medicate and prescribe sedatives to your pet, and secondly, observe if your purr experiences discomfort or depression after the act of “slobbering rubdown”. Alarming symptoms are apathy, arrhythmia, shortness of breath, unsteady gait, weakness (the cat is powerless to lie down and doze off).

It’s worth starting with the use of special fermions (sold at a pet store). The product is sprayed indoors or on specific objects. Usually, the composition includes soothing substances and chemical compounds that emit the smell of a cat.

If the pet does not begin to feel more confident, it is worth contacting a veterinarian and, under his supervision, begin a course of sedatives and supportive drugs. Stress is often associated with a latent pathology, so we recommend that you take general blood and urine tests for your pet.

Very often, when a person returns home, a cat (cat) rubs against his legs and purrs. People perceive this gesture as a manifestation of affection and do not think at all why they do it in reality. It turns out that such a nice and understandable behavior has its own reasonable value.

Why does a cat rub against a person's legs

Almost every person, returning from work in the evening, goes through a "ritual" of greeting. The cat (cat) begins to rub against the owner's legs with his head, sides, and then with his tail. After that, as a rule, the cat raises its head up, looks into the owner's eyes and continues to rub against his legs. Often people in response begin to caress the cat, showing her their mutual affection.

Cats have their own ideas about the world they live in. They smell everything. So during the above-described "ritual" they carry out the so-called olfactory marking - "mark" their territory and its members. During friction, the cat applies the secretions of its sebaceous glands to the human body and other objects around (such as pheromones for marking iconic objects).

When the olfactory marker disappears, the cat reapplies it (restores it). Thus, she singles out for herself those objects of her personal world that do not pose a danger to her.

Reasons why a cat rubs against a person's legs

As already mentioned, cats try to "mark" their territory and the people living on it. They behave like owners: "marking" the owner with their smell, they scare other cats away from him. To do this, they rub against the legs of their owner and apply special pheromones to them.

Cats often consider their owners to be members of their family (personal world). When they rub against the legs of their owners, they often want to say something.

Reasons why cats rub against their owners' legs:

  • need affection (for example, when a cat rubs against a person’s legs and purrs at the same time, in this way she shows her love for him);
  • the animal wants to attract the attention of its owner (for example, if a person has not been at home for a long time, the cat has experienced separation stress, and therefore wants to remind himself; or she just wants to tell the person that it is time to feed her);
  • the cat rubs for territorial reasons (marks its territory, like dogs, to show dominance);
  • cats rub against their owners before estrus (if the animal has been extremely restless lately and constantly requires attention, it may be that it will soon begin estrus. However, cats do not need to suppress sexual desire on their own, it is better to consult a doctor before that) .

Do not wean a cat to rub against its legs or forbid it to do so. Otherwise, the animal may experience severe stress. After all, "marking" the territory plays an extremely significant role in her life. In addition, perhaps the cat simply does not have enough attention and affection. When a person treats his pet well enough, he rarely feels the need to rub against his legs importunately.

A cat's purr can tell a lot about her mood and desires.

Scientists have not yet figured out how cats purr, or how they feel about it. According to some theory, cats purr because of electrical impulses, which lead to muscle contraction near the vocal cords. A cat purrs with its mouth and nose at the same time, and the vibration from this sound is transmitted throughout the body.

Most often, cats purr when they need something from a person (get food, affection). However, it is not uncommon for animals to purr because they are lonely and in pain. With their rumbling, they try to calm themselves.

If the purr is loud, then the cat is happy and grateful to the person for his attention. If the rumbling is quiet and soft, then most likely the animal is falling asleep. If the cat purrs gently, but loudly, then this indicates that she needs something (most often it is with such sounds that the animal meets its owner at home).

People have done more than one study aimed at studying and decoding cat language. Japanese experts even released several translators who "translated" the sounds made by these animals. And although much of the behavior of pets is still a mystery, scientists have an answer to the question of why a cat rubs against its legs. At least there are several theories supported by well-founded facts.

Among the reasons why pets often rub against a person’s legs, there are 2 main ones:

In order to understand what certain feline habits are connected with, it is worth taking a closer look at the instincts and behavioral patterns.

Rubbing both wild and domestic

One way or another, all cats - both large and small, periodically rub against someone or something.

So this behavior can be called generic:

  1. In nature, wild animals mark their habitat in this way. Felinologists say that, regardless of size and habits, almost the entire body of a cat has the aroma of specific glands, especially in the muzzle area. So no matter what part of the body the pet rubs against the owner, he still leaves his smell.
  2. It can be noted that mother cats lick their crumbs and touch them with their faces. They seem to mark them, endowing them with their smell, which is most intense in the cheeks and neck.
  3. In the natural environment, these animals also leave marks-scratches. This behavior is characteristic of all single individuals, except for lions living in a pride. For example, if you find marks on trees at a height of 2.5-3 m in an area where tigers live, then they could be left by a large male standing on his hind legs and stretching out his front ones. This is a message to other tigers that have found themselves in the territory already occupied by them. The higher the mark, the greater, and therefore the more dangerous the competitor. And if a beginner cannot leave scratches higher than the previous ones, then it is better for him to get out of other people's possessions.

Domestic murks. Pets can rub against the owner's legs with their muzzle or front of the body. Why do pets rub against the owner's legs, being safe? There are also several reasons for this:

  • perhaps the pet designates a zone in which he feels comfortable;
  • it can be an expression of love and gratitude (read more);
  • a sign of anxiety - if the cat ended up in a strange, unusual territory or met a stranger at home.

In the latter situation, the paraanal glands located at the base of the tail are used.

Cats have a whole "arsenal" of glands, each of which is responsible for the production of a certain secret. And animals use them based on their own needs.

Variety of "fragrant" labels

The secretory fluid secreted by the glands of animals consists of various odorous substances. Some cats need to find a sexual partner, with the help of others they scare away enemies and defend themselves from their encroachments. So, among the most "important" fragrant components used by cats, one can note:

  1. Epagons They are also called "love pheromones". These substances contribute to the establishment of a love relationship between individuals, although it turns out to be short-lived. The aromas of maternal care appear in the area of ​​the muzzle and neck, and attracting members of the opposite sex - on the back of the body.
  2. Odmihnions- "path marks" that animals leave as they move. With their help, they find abandoned prey or dwelling. Basically, the glands located on the limbs are responsible for the production of "guiding" odors.
  3. toribons are considered indicators of fear and anxiety. Even if there is no visible danger, animals are able to warn of the approach of the enemy, using certain smells. Most often, only representatives of the same species are able to “read” such a peculiar signal.
  4. Gonophyons and gamophions- another products of external secretion, which provide chemical communication between individuals of the same species. For example, they determine whether an individual has reached puberty.
  5. Lychneumons- "tasty" pheromones, using which some individuals mark some objects, for example, those with an attractive taste.

These are just a few of the biological markers that help animals communicate without words, both face-to-face and over long distances.

Friction on the legs is rewarded or should be weaned.

Most people love cats for their affectionate behavior: purring, rubbing against legs, soft "butting" and other tricks that these animals excel at. Another question is, does the owner want to share personal space with the mustachioed-striped one? If the owner is not ready to share a bed with a pet, treat him with treats from his plate and stroke him day and night, then it is not recommended to encourage friction on the legs:

  1. You should take a step back each time the cat tries to rub against its legs.
  2. When this happens, you can not encourage the pet - to say affectionate words, stroke or give treats.

If you strictly follow the indicated plan, then soon the cat will get rid of the habit of rubbing against the master's legs.

  • a cat sneezing at a wedding promises happiness to the newlyweds;
  • the pet's tail will help get rid of barley, it is enough to attach it to a sore spot;
  • if a pet shat on the patient’s clothes, then you should rejoice - it means that the person is on the mend;
  • when the cat accompanies people who have gathered on the road with a loud meow, then it is worth postponing the road.

There is also an opinion that it is impossible to drive a pet away from oneself - a person who offends this animal seriously sins and in the next world he will be met by angry cats biting and scratching.

Cats and Religion. Cats acted as guides to another world in various religions, including Christianity. They were considered divine creatures and were greatly revered. In the early stages of the formation of the world's largest religion, cats were depicted next to the saints. Francis of Assisi, one of the most famous Catholic saints, was once saved by a cat. He caught a rat infected with the plague. Since that time, services dedicated to these animals began to be held in temples.

Perhaps, trying to rub against the legs, the pet shows care and affection in this way, which means that refusal can offend and upset the furry friend. Cats have a good memory, they remember betrayal and neglect for a long time.

Also watch the video why cats rub against people:

Medical animals

Many believe in the healing properties of cats, and this theory has a lot of fans. Not without reason, in Western countries, for therapeutic purposes, "animal therapy" and "pet therapy" are often used - methods of treating animals. Along with dogs, dolphins, horses, rodents, birds, cats also successfully participate in this process:

  1. Communication with fluffy "doctors" distracts from long-term therapy, improves the emotional state.
  2. Animals contribute to the socialization of people with mental disabilities.
  3. It has been proven that sessions during which a person is with a pet provide the same results as when taking nootropic drugs and antidepressants.

So, if a furry pet wants to talk, you should not ignore him, perhaps he is trying to help and relieve suffering.

Cats are quite popular pets that can brighten up the loneliness of the owner. They often enter the house uninvited and at the same time become real family members. And although many are not interested in why pets rub against their legs, it is important to properly respond to such behavior.

1. Why does a cat sometimes try to lick your face or hair?

The first impression that a kitten receives from its mother is care in the form of licking and washing. For him, this is an act of care and attention, so if a cat (or cat) tries to lick you, take it as an attempt to motherly take care of you.

2. Why is the cat, lying in your arms, sorting through its paws, “whipping”something?

The reason is again in childhood. A kitten feeding on mother's milk, massaging the cat's belly with its paws, stimulates the "supply" of milk. An adult animal uses this technique to show extreme comfort and satisfaction.

3. Why do cats usually walk on the hands or lie down on the feet of someone who does not like them?

When one cat tries to scare another, it arches its back, rears its fur, and emits a menacing hiss. If a person does not like cats, he tries to sit still so as not to attract the attention of the animal. And the cat considers this a sign of favor. Does not hiss, does not move - it means a friend.

4. Why does a cat try to hit its head on a person?

Sometimes a domestic cat will come up and bump its head lightly on the legs of family members. It turns out that this is a way of expressing affection, and they can express such behavior in relation to other representatives of their tribe, and not just people.

5. Why do cats rub against furniture, table legs, legs?

Cats have special glands on the tail, on the sides of the head, on the lips, on the tongue, near the genitals and between the front paws. They use them to mark their territory. When the cat rubs against your leg, he marks you, indicating that you are "his". For the same reason, cats rub against furniture and corners of rooms.

7. Why does a cat, passing by another cat, slow down and move slowly?

All cats are territorial animals. They distribute the territory among themselves depending on the level of the internal hierarchy. Any encroachment leads to open conflict. Therefore, the cat, if he just wants to pass by, tries to slow down and not look at the owner of the adjacent territory at all.

8. Why does a cat, when burying the “results” of his life, dig outside the box, and not inside?

This is from the innate tendency of cats to cleanliness. The cat is just trying not to get his paws dirty. The thought that his actions are ineffective does not occur to him.

9. Why do cats purr?

Cats make purring sounds for many reasons. A mother cat purrs to her kittens to show that she is there. The kittens respond in kind, indicating that everything is in order. Young cats purr to each other, inviting them to play. An adult cat purrs, showing that he is in a good mood and does not encroach on the territory of another cat. By the way, the method of purring, that is, how cats make such sounds, has not yet been studied.

10. Why does a cat sometimes scratch the floor or "bury" a bowl of food?

This can happen for two reasons - either the cat is trying to bury the food "in reserve", or by such an action it shows that he does not like the food.

11. Why do cats bite and rush to their feet?

Kitten games always involve lying in wait, surprise attacks and throws. Therefore, cats at any age love such children's games. Shift their attention to laces with a bow, balls and more.

12. Why are some people allergic to cat hair?

Strictly speaking, it is not wool that causes allergies, but the FEL D1 protein found in cat saliva. When a cat washes and licks his lips, he transfers saliva to his fur, after which it can get on furniture and carpets. Different individuals have different amounts of protein secreted, but in general, cats are less allergenic than cats. There are two ways to prevent such an allergy - bathing the cat, washing off substances from the coat (which is not recommended to be done often), or wiping the cat's coat with a special soft cloth.

13. Why does the cat turn its back to you if you do not pay attention to it for a long time or leave?

Cats, like other animals, recognize the visual signals of your body, and in the case when you do not show obvious signs of aggression or calmly move out of his sight, the cat loses interest in you and turns.

14. Why do cats bring you dead mice?

There are at least 4 theories:

The cat gives you a gift, as a token of his friendship or for the fact that you feed him.

The cat considers you a mediocre hunter, and tries to teach you.

The cat carries the victim to a safe warm place, where he can later eat it.

The cat, in its own way, is trying to save you from hunger.

15. Why do cats often "hide" their toys in a bowl of food or water?

Cats consider the territory in which they feed to be theirs. Therefore, they are trying to move all their toys to a place that is safe from their point of view, on their territory. Often this turns out to be their bowl.

16. Why do cats bite slightly on the skin and hold for a few seconds?

Some cats, when they feel great, hold a fold of human skin between their teeth and hold it for a short time. It's kind of like a cat kiss.

17. Why do cats lick photos and plastic bags?

Cats thus “try” a smell that a person does not notice, but animals completely distinguish.

18. Why does a cat “wrinkle” when sniffingsomethingespecially interesting?

If the cat raises its upper lip and "wrinkles", this means that it is trying to breathe in the aroma of interest to it more deeply so that it gets to the so-called Jacobson's organ, located in the cat's mouth.

19. Why do cats scratch window frames?

They check whether the glass barrier exists or not.

20. Why don't cats like to swim?

In fact, most cats are comfortable with the water and can fish if given the opportunity. But when a cat is held tightly with his hands and dipped in a basin of water, from his point of view, this is not very similar to voluntary fishing, which causes legitimate outrage.

21. Why do cats like to drink dripping water from a faucet?

Cats, like other animals, prefer fresh food and water. From their current view, the flowing water looks fresher, so the water flowing from the tap is more attractive to them than the one in the bowl. For the same reason, cats like to drink from large containers.

22. Why do cats hide when they are sick?

The instinct tells the cat that when he is weak, he is an easy prey for a predator, so during periods of illness, cats try to hide from possible dangers.

23. Why do cats spend so much time licking their fur?

For cats, licking, in addition to hygiene, is a way to maintain mental balance. Even if the cat falls, for example, from a chair, he first of all begins to lick himself, and not examine himself for damage.

24. Why do cats often "stumble" into a conversation on the phone?

When a cat hears that you are talking to someone and does not see the interlocutor, he thinks that you are talking to him, so he begins to answer you.

25. Why do cats scratch furniture and wallpaper?

It is generally accepted that cats sharpen their claws in this way. But, even if you offer the cat a super-duper convenient nail sharpener, he will still be happy to sharpen his claws on the corner of the wall or sofa. This happens, among other things, because on the cat's paws, between the fingers, there are special glands with which the cat marks its territory.

26. Why can a cat, if petted for a long time, suddenly scratch or bite?

If a person accidentally touches sensitive areas for a cat - ears, nose, tail, the cat can make it clear with a sound that “enough already!”, But if the person does not stop, then the cat can bite or scratch. He just gets tired of caresses.

27. Why does a cat not like to eat from a bowl, but pulls food on the floor?

Most cats do not like it when food is in close contact with dishes. In addition, in a narrow container, some of the food may not be accessible to the tongue. Therefore, cats like to eat from a wide low container, and even better - from the floor.

28. Why does a cat crouches when it sees a bird?

When the cat catches prey, he crouches several times. These movements show that the cat is about to attack. Another point of view is a gesture of discontent. When a cat hunts a bird in nature, it is quiet and unobtrusive. In case the prey is unattainable, the cat makes such false movements. It's something like, "Well, what is it?!" in people.

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In the past decade, the Japanese launched a cat translator, manufactured by the Takara Corporation, for sale. And then came the improved Meowlingwal. These devices quite tolerably "translated" cat sounds, but so far not every behavioral specialist is able to answer why cats rub against their legs.

There are two main opinions on this matter. First: this is how purrs leave their smell on our feet, but simply mark the territory. As proof, supporters of this opinion cite a standard situation: the owner came home from work in the evening and must be “initiated” anew into the aromas of the house where the cat manages.
Second, this is how animals communicate and draw attention to themselves in order to get something they want. For example, cat petting becomes noticeably more persistent if the owner has a box of food or something tasty in his hands. At the same time, the pet can rub not only on the owner's legs, but also on the legs of a chair or the corner of a wall.

scent trail

One way or another, every cat periodically rubs against something or someone. So, there is something general in this. Domestic cats rub against the owners of the muzzle or front of the body. The mother cat gently licks the babies and touches them with her nose. Suggests that the theory of smells nevertheless has confirmation. After all, it is in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe cheeks and neck that felines have a zone for the production of pheromones.

Why and why cats prefer to leave their own on the owner's clothes or furniture depends on the situation. Being safe in its own territory, the cat rubs its muzzle against its legs, thereby designating its comfort zone, and possibly expressing love and gratitude. If the pet ended up in a new territory or met a stranger on its own, completely different glands are used: those closer to the tail are paranal.

Smells are of great importance in the animal kingdom. Some are needed to create sexual pairs, others - to scare away enemies, others - for self-defense. So, in the arsenal of animals, at least these should be distinguished:

  • Epagons are substances that help establish bonds of love between individuals, even if only for a short time. The smells of maternal care are born on the muzzle and neck, and those that attract a partner are on the back of the body;
  • Odmihnions - guiding smells. With their help, the route is marked. Most often they are produced by glands on the legs;
  • Toribones are chemical indicators of fear and anxiety. Even where the enemy is not seen or heard, animals are able to warn of his approach with the help of aromas. Moreover, sometimes only representatives of the same species can recognize them;
  • Gonophions and gamophions are the substances of sexual life. According to them, for example, the sexual maturity of an individual is determined;
  • With the help of lichneumons, some animals mark attractive objects: tasty, for example;
  • Aminones are offensive defensive liquids that are very difficult to remove from surfaces.

And this is not a complete alphabet of pheromones, with the help of which animals communicate without words over great distances or in close contact. So, if a cat rubs against people and objects, it is worth taking a closer look at her behavior and trying to understand why she is doing this.

Cat community, smells and marks

Pets are often forced to divide the territory in a completely different way than they would do it in the wild. And yet they were able to adapt to the requirements of man. But a person needs to learn to distinguish between two types of behavior: social and territorial. Where the cat begins to mark the territory, light attractive pheromone scents turn into fetid marks.

Often marks appear when the cat does not feel its home is a safe territory. If the owner is too detached, pays little attention to the pet, causes him physical harm or just scares him. Timid cats stop flattering if a new animal or family member appears in the house.

Pay close attention to your pet's behavior. Where affectionate rubbing around the corner began to be accompanied by a highly raised shaking tail, it is worth taking a closer look and sniffing - is this not a mark. The sooner the social is separated from the territorial, the easier it will be to remove the smell of cat urine.

When it comes to labels, behavior needs to be viewed in a completely different way. Then we are no longer talking about such components of sociality as affection and requests from the cat. It is required to correct territorial behavior and ask a specialist how to wean a cat from marking.

translated from cat

Regardless of why the cat rubs against the owner and his furniture, it is perceived as either "good" or "bad".

Wean or encourage?

Most people still get cats for "attacks" of affection. This behavior does not need to be specially encouraged - the pet herself will repeat her simple ritual again and again with pleasure. But there are still cat breeders who prefer to contemplate the cat, rather than let it into their personal space.

To wean your pet from rubbing against his legs, it is enough every time he does this to retreat a few steps, and then take his former place. And never encourage undesirable behavior either with words, or with thrown pieces of food, or with touches.

speak like a cat

It is not known what cats think of a person, whether they accept him as "attendants" or idolize him. And we may never know. But any owner can learn to speak like a cat, correctly convey his requirements, emotions and commands to a pet.

From childhood, kittens carefully observe people and learn to distinguish emotions by facial expression, posture and tone of voice. Why shouldn't people do the same? Here are a few basics of cat language:

  • Sight. Even a child can recognize the expression of a cat's muzzle in combination with movable ears. By the way, children are especially sensitive in this - they are very good at distinguishing when a cat is angry or asks for something. And cats learned to look into the eyes after domestication; they do not use such “begging” glances among themselves;
  • Hissing is a strict and unambiguous feline "no" or a danger signal. Good-natured hissing never happens.
  • Actions with paws: touching, pulling, trampling, kneading - all this is an expression of recognition, favor, request;
  • Sounds. A scientist named Dupont du Nemar found out that cats utter many sounds: a, o, y, m, n, g, x, f, v, p. They sometimes make up quite legible words and phrases (remember a few sensational videos about talking cats). The alphabet is quite simple, of course, but how many "meow" and "mrr-r-lr-lr" loving cat owners can recognize!
  • Poses. And an open trusting belly, and an emotional movable tail, and a curved or bent back can tell about the mood, well-being and intentions of the pet.

So, if a cat rubs against the owner's legs, it is at least worth paying attention to. This is a request or a claim, an affectionate greeting of “one’s own” or an expression of negativity towards a “stranger” - in order to understand a cat, you need to look, listen and sniff. After all, we are responsible for those whom we have tamed, and we are obliged to understand and fulfill their desires.



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