What is lecithin? Sunflower Lecithin from Now Foods

You can often see a drug called Lecithin on pharmacy shelves, and it is usually used to treat the liver.

It is worth noting that such a dietary supplement helps not only improve the health of the body, but also improve the condition of hair and skin, so it is recommended for people of different ages and genders.

Lecithin: what is it ^

Lecithin is a substance produced by the human body and is an ester of the amino alcohol choline and acids. Its functions are as follows:

  • A building material for cells in parts of the brain, as well as its protective shell and nerve tissues, maintaining the full functioning of the nervous system. With a deficiency, dementia, Parkinson's disease or nervous disorders may develop;
  • Ensuring normal liver activity, because it consists partly of lecithin. The substance promotes cleansing, prevents intoxication and cirrhosis, stimulates the production of bile, preventing its stagnation;
  • Rejuvenation of the body: the drug removes free radicals, slows down the aging process, prevents brittle nails and heals hair;
  • Improving the absorption of nutrients - vitamins and minerals will not be absorbed until the lack of lecithin is compensated, since it is he who transports them;
  • Stabilization of brain activity: with a lack of this substance, weakness, memory impairment, and rapid fatigue are observed;
  • Proper functioning of the reproductive organs, especially in women;
  • Ensuring sperm motility in men: they contain up to 30% lecithin;
  • Prevents cholesterol levels from rising;
  • Takes part in energy metabolism, homeostasis;
  • Affects the severity of sarcopenia symptoms;
  • Helps reduce hangover;
  • Necessary in the fight against toxins, especially in people with drug, alcohol and nicotine addictions. Helps reduce cravings for smoking.

Calorie content of lecithin is 913 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Lecithin for pregnant women and children

  • Lecithin is responsible for the formation of the nervous system in the fetus, and in the newborn - for its development;
  • When the fetus is in the womb, a lack of lecithin can lead to pathologies in brain development;
  • Infants require lecithin for the proper development of fine motor skills;
  • Lecithin is used in complex therapy in children with neuro-asthenic disorders;
  • Children of preschool and primary school age need it to improve intelligence, memory and adaptive skills;
  • In pregnant women, almost all of the lecithin is consumed by the child, so they require additional external intake.

Symptoms of Lecithin Deficiency

Due to unfavorable environmental conditions or poor nutrition, the human body can often experience a lack of lecithin, which manifests itself in such signs as:

  • Decreased concentration, fatigue;
  • Insomnia, mood swings;
  • A negative reaction of the gastrointestinal tract to fatty foods appears, diarrhea worries;
  • There are problems with the liver and kidneys;
  • Atherosclerosis may begin to develop and cholesterol increases.

If the body systematically lacks lecithin, chronic diseases such as ischemia, hypertension, ulcers, hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, dermatitis, psoriasis and osteoporosis may begin to develop. To prevent this, you need to take an appropriate blood test, and if a deficiency of this substance is detected, start taking medications prescribed by your doctor.

What products contain

  • Eggs (chicken yolks contain a very high concentration of lecithin);
  • In lentils and peas;
  • In soybeans;
  • In fish roe and some meat products;
  • In cabbage of different varieties;
  • In vegetable oil, nuts and seeds;
  • In fatty cottage cheese.

What is it made from?

The dietary supplement “Lecithin” is made from rapeseed, soy, sunflower or eggs. In the latter case, it will cost more, but, as experts note, the effect is more obvious.

The most inexpensive lecithin is obtained from soybeans, but it must be taken into account that GMOs are often used when growing it. If you want to purchase a purer product at a reasonable cost, it is better to pay attention to sunflower dietary supplements, because Gene modification is not used for it.

You can buy the drug in the form of a gel, powder, granules or capsules, and for each release form there are separate rules for use.

Which lecithin is best for women to take: instructions ^

Lecithin composition

  • Stearic acid. Strengthens the energy potential of the body.
  • Choline. Lecithin contains the most of this substance, almost 20%. It affects the transmission of nerve signals at synapses, thereby regulating the activity of the nervous system and activating brain function.
  • Palmitic acid. Restores the balance of fat in the body.
  • Arachidonic acid. Helps normalize the functioning of many organs, such as the liver and adrenal glands.
  • In addition to the above substances, it contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, D, inositol, folic and phosphoric acid, phosphatidylsirine, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylcholine, omega-3, omega-6 and carbohydrates.
  • Another part of its composition are other auxiliary fats and fatty acids, some proteins, amino acids and sugar.

Which manufacturer is better

At the moment, the most common is lecithin produced in the USA, China or Russia. When choosing a drug, it is advisable to be guided by:

  • The most convenient form of release;
  • What crop is it obtained from (rapeseed, soybean or sunflower);
  • What is its cost: it is recommended to choose dietary supplements at a reasonable price, because Cheap products often contain more other substances that the body does not need much than lecithin.

Which Lecithin is better: soy or sunflower?

To understand this issue, it is important to know the nuances of the production of both types of substances:

  • Soybean is extracted from refined oil by hot processing. It contains elements similar to female hormones - estrogens. In small quantities, it is useful for women, but it can negatively affect brain development during pregnancy, and also increases the likelihood of an unfavorable pregnancy;
  • Sunflower is obtained by extracting oil and contains many beneficial fatty acids. Is .

Indications and contraindications

  • Memory impairment, mental instability;
  • Poor speech development;
  • Infertility;
  • Skin diseases, early aging;
  • Weight problems: excess or lack;
  • Diseases of the joints or liver.

Taking the drug is contraindicated when symptoms of an excess of lecithin are observed: diarrhea, dizziness, severe headaches, sudden weight gain. Also, you should not take dietary supplements if you are intolerant to its components.

Phosphatidylcholine: instructions for use

Lecithin contains phosphatidylcholine, a phospholipid, so some consider them synonymous. This drug is used for liposuction: it is injected under the skin directly into the adipose tissue, thanks to which its volume can be reduced by 5-10 cm in one course.

The use of the solution is allowed only in professional clinics, because at home, this can lead to serious consequences: tissue necrosis, skin hyperemia. The product has many contraindications.

For home use for weight loss, it is best to use regular lecithin according to the instructions:

  • We drink capsules 60 minutes before meals;
  • We use 2 tsp of powder and granules. no more than twice a day;
  • We dissolve the tablets 5-6 times a day.

The optimal dose is up to 2 g per day, and the duration of the course should be determined by the doctor, because in some cases it can be equal to several years.

Reviews of the drug and results ^

With proper use of dietary supplements according to the instructions, in a few weeks you can achieve only positive results, expressed in:

  • Weight stabilization (depending on diet),
  • Improving well-being and memory,
  • Relief from the symptoms of certain diseases for which it is indicated for use.

Reviews from our readers

Tatyana, 49 years old:

Yulia, 35 years old:

“I started taking lecithin on my own after I took a blood test for microelements and found it was deficient. The problem was quickly fixed, and it only took me a couple of months to fix it.”

Daria, 30 years old:

“I started drinking JAMIESON soy lecithin, derived from non-GMO soybeans, 1200 mg capsules (11% phosphatidylcholine). It was recommended to me by a nutritionist for the purpose of losing weight. At first I didn’t notice the effect, but then, when the volumes began to go away more intensively, I realized that this drug really works.”

Doctor's opinion

Arkady Bibikov, naturopathic doctor:

The word "lecithin" has two meanings. This constantly creates confusion both in concepts and in calculations of the content of phospholipids (complex lipids that contain a phosphoric acid residue). In a narrow sense, lecithin is phosphatidylcholine - one of the most common phospholipids. And in a broad sense, “lecithin” is a mixture of different phospholipids, where phosphatidylcholine is the dominant fraction.

The most common phospholipids are:

  • Phosphatidylcholine (PC) – the functional group contains choline;
  • Phosphatydilerin (PS) – contains serine;
  • Phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) – contains ethanolamine;
  • Phosphatidylinositol (PI) – present in the composition;
  • Phosphatidic acid (PA) – does not contain a functional group.

What roles do different phospholipids play? Most doctors and even nutritionists do not see differences in the composition of phospholipids. It is important for them to have phospholipids. And what they are doesn’t matter. Meanwhile, different phospholipids play far from the same role. The fact is that different organs and tissues (cell membranes) contain different types of phospholipids.


  • Protection against atherosclerosis – lowering cholesterol.
  • Heart protection in heart failure.
  • Protecting the liver during viral infections and alcohol consumption.
  • Maturation of surfactant in the fetal lungs.


  • Improved memory and cognitive function
  • Reduced stress response
  • Improving conductivity and increasing the speed of nerve impulses in nerve fibers (especially important for athletes, for professions where reaction speed is important, for patients who have suffered a stroke and injuries with spinal cord damage)
  • Maturation of the fetal nervous system during intrauterine development.
  • Improved vision.
  • Therapeutic effect for dermatitis
  • For arthritis.


  • Stress management (in combination with phosphatidylserine).
  • Improving hair growth, strengthening hair.
  • Increased muscle mass.

Different sources differ in their phospholipid composition. It is necessary to look for drugs containing mixed fractions of phospholipids. Most manufacturers use only the first.

Eastern horoscope for April 2019

I wanted to start right away about the benefits of lecithin, but it turned out to be about food again)) This is because that fall, when I, having read information and reviews about this supplement, found out that I had long been obliged to treat it for the main disease and generally eat with a big spoon for strength physical and mental, so, in the pile of information, I also found the following test for lecithin deficiency in the body: you haven’t eaten fatty foods for a long time, you feel disgusted, you scoop out fatty bits from the sausage, there’s not even a question about bacon and other lard.

And so it was. And now I can do all this, fortunately, I’m still not in danger of getting fat) So, anyone who isn’t afraid of becoming an omnivore is welcome)) All jokes aside, lecithin is used in weight loss programs, because... it promotes the breakdown and transformation of fats.

But seriously, all this is for the brain and spinal cord, for the nervous system, the liver - because the building material for cells is responsible for transport for cellular reactions, for the renewal of the body. A third of the brain and its membranes are made from lecithin., 17% of nervous tissue and half of our liver, that’s what he is, actually)
Lecithin is included in basic preparations.

Lecithin needs to be added to, because against the background of lecithin deficiency, no ginkgo and no alpha lipoic acid will work as they should.
So, these lecithins are all good, tested by me or my loved ones.

The optimal daily portion for an adult is 3-5 g, for daily use. 7.5 - for training athletes.

Solgar, Lecithin Granules, 16 oz (454 g)
It's the most delicious. If you need to add it to dishes or smoothies, then it is better.

Life Extension, Lecithin, 16 oz (454 g)
These granules are drier and denser, making them easier to quickly swallow with water without getting into it.

Now Foods, Lecithin Granules, 2 lb (907 g)
A giant jar, it can be described as granules of powder.

Bluebonnet Nutrition, Super Earth, Lecithin Granules, 25.4 oz (720 g)
These granules are also denser, without powder, easy to drink if you do not need to add them to food. For sprinkling into food, they are a little hard for my taste.

Bluebonnet Nutrition, Natural Lecithin, 180 Softgels
Still capsules. I got them by accident, so I decided to take them only in powder form. But I really liked it, people in the reviews are also happy with it. Bluebonnet Nutrition does not knit brooms.

Nature's Plus, Egg Yolk Lecithin, 600 mg, 90 vegetarian capsules
I haven’t tried it, egg lecithin, like sunflower lecithin, is a male version, because... Men don’t need soy because of the estrogens it contains.

By the way, lifesaver:

“Powdered and granulated lecithin is absorbed very quickly and penetrates into the blood, so the positive effect of taking it is felt almost immediately. An hour before an important event (interview, exam, date), it is recommended to take one spoon of lecithin, preferably together with pantothenic acid (vitamin B5).
This same couple helps with nervous overexcitation and insomnia. This is explained by the fact that one of the main components of lecithin, phosphatidylcholine, in the presence of pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) is transformed into acetylcholine, the main neurotransmitter responsible for intelligence, memory and concentration."

Lecithin makes nerve fibers strong and conductive (since it participates in the synthesis of myelin - the sheath of nerve fibers, it is lost in multiple sclerosis, like mine)
Next on the list we have the liver, all hepatoprotectors (drugs for protecting and restoring the liver) are made from soy lecithin. Hence the attitude towards fatty foods, which is not surprising.
I would also like to expand on the topic of the respiratory system, the absorption of vitamins with the help of lecithin, protection against heart attack, atherosclerosis and lung cancer, but I’ll hold back. You can google a lot about this.

It is believed that the best lecithin is in granules and powders. Those who add it to cocktails and smoothies need the powder, or soak the granules overnight; if you take them quickly every day, you don’t need to try to dissolve them, you literally need 100 ml of water, a measuring spoon there, stir and quickly drink, only a creamy aftertaste remains (although my mother she chews, she really likes the taste, although it sticks to her teeth just right))

Soy lecithin is registered in the international register of food additives under the code E322 and is approved for use in food production throughout the world. But it is produced from cheap genetically modified soybeans, or with high-quality food additives. Good powdered or granulated organic soy lecithin doesn't come cheap.

Lecithin FOR CHILDREN. A separate important topic

I’m adding information, soy lecithin is good for girls, but for boys (AND MEN), sunflower lecithin in powder would be better, this is due to the difference in hormones.

It turns out that such serious symptoms in children as impaired cognitive function, fatigue, headaches, speech and psychomotor development disorders, chronically poor appetite, frequent colds, may not be an unknown terrible disease, but a banal lack of lecithin.

You need to pay attention to this from the very beginning, i.e. from pregnancy, because nothing less than the mental potential and nervous system of the child depends on lecithin in the diet. The daily requirement for lecithin in pregnant women increases by approximately 30% and amounts to 8-10 g.
Pediatricians are in favor of breastfeeding for this reason - because of the digestible lecithin. As it turns out, its deficiency in the first year cannot be compensated throughout life.

For children over 4 months of age, lecithin is added to the milk formula at the rate of a quarter of a coffee spoon 4 times a day or half a coffee spoon 2 times a day. As the baby grows, the dosage can be gradually increased to a full coffee spoon 2 times a day.

In older people The level of lecithin in the body is almost always reduced, since the functions of synthesis and absorption are simultaneously impaired. And lecithin deficiency in adulthood can lead to the development of dementia and other degenerative diseases, so lecithin is no less important for the elderly.

IMPORTANT addition: women who do not need phytoestrogens (therapy with progestin drugs, endometriosis) need to take egg or sunflower lecithin, not soy. The same is true if you have autoimmune thyroiditis and hypothyroidism.
There is a contraindication to taking lecithin if the gallbladder has been removed. If you have gallstones, you need to consult a doctor

P.S. In the comments, Friendessa writes about a special

Lecithin is an important component that ensures the normal, uninterrupted functioning of the human body. It serves as a building material for the cells of our body, heart and nervous system.

Lecithin is classified into two types based on its origin - animal and plant.

Animal lecithin

The animal form of lecithin can be found in fish products, liver, and eggs.

Vegetable lecithin

Lecithin of plant origin is found in soybeans, sprouts of some grain crops, and nuts.

Vegetable lecithin is healthier than animal lecithin

A person needs a constant supply of lecithin. Our body is capable of independently synthesizing this element, however, the amount produced is only a minimal part of the daily dose required by a person.

Our daily diet will also not be able to provide us with the required dose of lecithin. Therefore, there is an urgent need to find an additional source of this substance.

An excellent option would be a biological supplement, which can be purchased at the online store of organic products, iHerb.

Properties of lecithin

Before we begin listing all the beneficial qualities of lecithin, it is worth talking about its properties.

Lecithin is a complex substance of organic origin. It belongs to the group of phospholipids. It is found in virtually every cell of the body. For example, the human brain is thirty percent lecithin, and the nervous system uses it as its main source of nutrition.

Research conducted by doctors has proven that this substance has many beneficial properties, the most important of which are the following:

  • Acts as a carrier of vitamins A, E, K and other beneficial substances;
  • The best and most powerful antioxidant;
  • Improves the functioning of brain cells;
  • Breaks down fats and prevents them from being deposited in the body.

Benefits of the substance

Lecithin has benefits for virtually every organ of the human body. The main beneficial properties are considered to be the following:

  1. Benefits for the liver. Without it, it is difficult to imagine good liver function. It is able to resolve fatty plaques and protects the liver from the harmful effects of alcohol-containing drinks;
  2. Benefits for the Heart. It is one of the main substances for the proper functioning of the heart, which has been clinically proven;
  3. Benefits for reproductive function. Women who have a special need for lecithin. In addition, there is an opinion that it promotes egg implantation, provides comfortable conditions for fetal development, and facilitates labor. Improves male fertility;
  4. Benefit for. Doctors have found that the substance affects the brain and nervous system even while the baby is in the womb. Newborns receive lecithin through breast milk. The content of the substance is one hundred times greater than in the mother’s blood;
  5. Benefits for memory. Takes part in the process of transporting impulses between nerves. If you use lecithin, you can cope with long-term amnesia.

These are not all useful qualities; the list of them could take a long time. But even based on such a small list, we can conclude that consuming additional doses of lecithin is simply necessary for each of us. However, check with your doctor to be sure.


Everyone knows that an excess of any substance, even the most beneficial one, can harm the human body. Overdose is fraught with consequences such as:

  • Feeling of nausea;
  • Regular migraines;
  • Obesity;
  • Diarrhea.

Which lecithin to choose?

The drug is available in various forms. It can be granules, capsules, liquid. In addition, there is adult and children's lecithin. Among the variety of drugs, it is worth highlighting the highest quality and popular products that have earned many positive customer reviews.

The drug in capsules

The capsule form is considered the most convenient and popular. This proves a number of significant advantages that are highlighted by those who prefer capsules:

  • The ability to preserve all the beneficial properties of the drug without the use of various preservatives;
  • Convenience and accuracy of dosage;
  • Comfortable transportation.

Release form: soft capsules. One capsule contains 1200 mg of a substance produced by extraction from premium quality sunflower oil.

One package consists of 200 pieces. One of the most popular preparations containing lecithin. Does not contain GMOs. For adults only. The favorable price of the drug and the excellent reputation of the manufacturer have made it one of the most popular. Dosage: three capsules twice a day.

Many, after several weeks after taking this drug, note better brain function and greater concentration. The substance is useful for older people when they are absent-minded.

One package contains 180 capsules of soy lecithin. Each capsule contains 1200 mg of substance. The capsules are easy to swallow and have a gel consistency.

The peculiarity of the drug is that it contains unbleached lecithin, which is whole. In other words, it is a natural-type phospholipid soybean fraction. By consuming vitamins with soy lecithin, you can saturate your body with essential substances and block the intake of fatty foods and cholesterol.

The peculiarity of soy lecithin is that it is saturated with phytoestrogens, an analogue of female sex hormones responsible for the reproductive system, youth and beauty. As long as phytoestrogens are produced in the proper quantities, the skin remains elastic and moisturized. With age, the amount of the substance decreases, and there is a need to take dietary supplements.

The manufacturer complies with all high standards in the manufacture of its products.

Dosage: one capsule per day.

Reviews on iHerb

Granulated lecithin, the package contains 360 grams of granules. The granules are made from soybeans. Does not contain GMOs. Raw materials are purchased only from trusted manufacturers, which guarantees the preservation of authenticity.

You can be sure that no GMOs have been added at any stage.

One serving contains 50 calories, 4 grams of phospholipids.

Dosage: It is recommended to consume one spoon of the substance per day. This lecithin can be mixed with porridge, salad, drinks and bread. Do not use a blender while mixing. For ease of dosage, a measuring spoon is included with the drug.

October 10th, 2018 , 01:43 am

Discovery of lecithin

In 1845, the French scientist Théodore Nicolas Gobley discovered a similar chemical composition between egg yolk and fabrics brain. It took the scientist twenty years to prove his theory, as a result of which he identified the substance that unites them and named it lecithin, which translated from Greek means yolk.

The scientist found that lecithin is a fat-like substance that is 75% composed of phospholipids (phosphatides or essential phospholipids), triglycerides and small amounts of other substances.

Later it turned out that phospholipid molecules are contained in the tissues of all living organisms and are main structural components of cell membranes. Most phospholipids are found in tissues with high metabolic rates: liver, brain, heart, nerve fibers, as well as in blood plasma and bile.

Lecithin application

Today, the main sources of lecithin are: egg yolk, soybeans, sunflower seeds. On an industrial scale, lecithin is obtained from soybeans, it is called - soy lecithin, less often from sunflower, it is more expensive to produce. Egg lecithin is also produced, but it is disproportionately expensive. I'll put it in the list of supplements for price comparison.

Due to its antioxidant and emulsifying properties, lecithin is widely used in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, chemical and food industries.

Lecithin composition (additive, dietary supplement)

It is in phospholipids, which are the most abundant in lecithin, that the main benefits of lecithin for the human body.

Lecithin contains mixture of four major phospholipids:

Phosphatidylcholine. The main phospholipid of lecithin, it accounts for about 30% of the total mass of lecithin phospholipids. The molecules of the cell membranes of our body consist mainly of this lipid.
Phosphatidylethanolamine. There is about 20% of this lipid in the mixture.
Phosphatidylinositol. Makes up 15-18% of the total mass of phospholipids.
Phosphatidylserine. There is the least amount of it in the mixture - 3%.

Lecithin is a broad definition; “lecithin” can refer to a mixture of phospholipids or phosphatidylcholine alone. In the literature, lecithin and phosphatidylcholine are synonymous words.

Benefits of lecithin for the body

The role of phospholipids (lecithins) in the construction of cell membranes

Phospholipids are involved in almost all biochemical processes of the human body, but most of all they are involved in formation of cell membrane structures- make the cell membrane mobile, elastic and permeable.

The cell membrane consists of 50% phospholipids. The chemical properties of phospholipids determine the basic properties of membranes.

Membranes are not only “shells” that separate the contents of some of our cells from others, they contain numerous enzymes, and complex, vital metabolic processes take place.

Membranes provide interaction between the cell contents and the external environment. For example, the lipid component of the membrane transports water, nutrients, hormones, oxygen through it, and also removes waste products from the cell.

I will describe the process of incorporation of new phospholipids into the lipid layer of cell membranes below, using liver cells as an example.

Lecithin benefits for the liver. Hepatoprotectors

It is known that the liver is the main filter of our body. In addition, the liver is involved in the processes of digestion, hematopoiesis, and detoxification processes.

Phosphatidylcholine makes up approximately 60% of the lipid layer of liver cell membranes - hepatocytes. In all liver diseases, the membranes of these cells are destroyed first.

Therefore, supplements containing phosphatidylcholine (lecithin) are actively used in membrane therapy ( lipid replacement therapy) to maintain health and treat the liver, regardless of the cause of the disease. These liver-restoring drugs and supplements are called hepatoprotectors.

Lecithin belongs to natural hepatoprotectors with a high evidence base confirming its good absorption, compatibility with other drugs, effectiveness and safety when taken in large doses over a long period of time.

Lecithin (phosphatidylcholine) protects liver membranes from destruction, enhances regeneration, and restores already destroyed liver cells. Normalizes fat metabolism in the liver, enhances antioxidant properties and increases its detoxification functions.

Lecithin entering the body becomes a source of phospholipids, the molecules of which are embedded in the lipid layer of liver cell membranes, replacing outdated and damaged areas of membranes with new ones, thereby restoring the structure and functions of the liver.

In addition, the restored cell membrane inhibits unwanted oxidation processes of polyunsaturated fatty acids and reduces the formation of free radicals inside the cell, the excessive accumulation of which can cause liver damage.

The most common pharmaceutical hepatoproctors, the active ingredient of which is lecithin: " Essentiale forte N", "Doppelherz lecithin", "Essliver forte", "Enerliv", "Livenziale", "Phosphogliv".

The main disadvantage of pharmaceutical lecithin is the price. Approximate cost of 1g phosphatidylcholine in " Essentiale forte N"at the pharmacy - 55 rubles.
Similar lecithin in capsules from iHerb costs 14 rubles.
For granulated lecithin, the price of 1 g of the substance is even lower - 6 rubles.

The choice in favor of iHerb is obvious.

Indications for using lecithin for liver health:

Maintaining liver health and preventing liver diseases.
. Taking alcohol and drugs.
. Addition to the treatment of: toxic, cholestatic liver damage (impaired outflow of bile), viral and chronic hepatitis, inflammatory processes, fatty degeneration (fatty degeneration) and cirrhosis of the liver.
. To reduce the harmful effects on the liver during treatment with hepatotoxic drugs.
. Taking certain dietary supplements in high doses: retinol, valerian root, iron, testosterone.

Lecithin benefits for blood vessels

Our blood vessels also consist of cells that have membranes that contain many phospholipids.

Studies have shown that taking 1200 mg of lecithin daily for 8 weeks increases endurance, normalizes blood pressure and lowers cardiovascular index. (study).

Decreased cardiovascular index- an indicator of decreased rigidity and increased elasticity of the walls of arterial vessels. After 25 years, every 10 years of life the value of this index increases by 28%. In older people, the rate of growth of the cardiovascular index is even higher.

Lecithin benefits for blood

Phospholipids contained in the membranes of red blood cells are responsible for the deformability (plasticity) of red blood cells. This good property of red blood cells determines their life expectancy and allows them to move freely in the circulatory system, especially in thin vessels - capillaries.

Being located directly in the blood serum, phospholipids keep cholesterol in a dissolved state. An imbalance in the ratio of cholesterol to phospholipids is one of the reasons for the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels.

Considering all these properties of phospholipids, taking lecithin is justified as a prevention and auxiliary treatment of vascular diseases, such as atherosclerosis. Restriction of blood flow to the brain or heart (a consequence of atherosclerosis) can cause a stroke or myocardial infarction.

Lecithin benefits for the brain

The white matter of the brain is nerve fibers covered with a myelin sheath. The lipid content in the membranes of the myelin sheaths reaches 80%, the rest is protein. This high lipid content distinguishes them from other membranes in the body.

The myelin sheath is like an insulating tape that insulates the fiber and ensures high-speed transmission of the nerve impulse.

Multiple sclerosis- This is a consequence of a violation of the myelin sheaths of the brain and spinal cord. Age-related dementia, Alzheimer's disease, memory loss are often accompanied by a reduced content of lecithin in the human body.

Insufficient consumption of lecithin, especially in childhood, causes a decrease in attention and learning.

Lecithin on the website iHerb.com (Ayherb)

I have analyzed and calculated all lecithin supplements presented on iHerb.com ( link to all supplements containing lecithin). I will list most of them below, except for the indecently unprofitable options.

I will list lecithin by origin and cost - from profitable to more expensive options. To calculate the cost, I chose the cost of 1 g of phosphatidylcholine as the common denominator. Since it has the greatest significance for our body. Other phospholipids, although they participate in biochemical processes, play a secondary - minor role.

The most interesting and worthy options, in my opinion, are highlighted with asterisks.

Soy lecithin

Fearn Natural Food, Lecithin Granules, 16 oz (454 g)
(Price of 1 g of phosphatidylcholine - $0.088)

The most profitable soy lecithin.

Now Foods, Lecithin Granules, Non-GMO, 1 lb (454 g)

(Price of 1 g of phosphatidylcholine - $0.111)

Now Foods, Lecithin Granules, Non-GMO, 2 lb (907 g)
(Price of 1 g of phosphatidylcholine - $0.120)

Solgar, Lecithin Granules, 16 oz (454 g)
(Price of 1 g of phosphatidylcholine - $0.136)

Life Extension, Lecithin, 16 oz (454 g)
(Price of 1 g of phosphatidylcholine - $0.143)

Bluebonnet Nutrition, Super Earth, Lecithin Granules, 720 g
(Price of 1 g of phosphatidylcholine - $0.162)

Bluebonnet Nutrition, Super Earth, Lecithin Granules, 12.7 oz (360 g)
(Price of 1 g of phosphatidylcholine - $0.173)

Jarrow Formulas, Mega PC-35, 120 Softgels
(Price of 1 g of phosphatidylcholine - $0.209)

I will write about this drug separately. There is an increased concentration of phosphatidylcholine - 35%. A good option for lecithin in capsules.

Now Foods, Lecithin, 1200 mg, 100 Softgels
(Price of 1 g of phosphatidylcholine - $0.325)

Now Foods, Non-GMO Lecithin, 1200 mg, 400 Softgels
(Price of 1 g of phosphatidylcholine - $0.250)

Natural Factors, Unbleached Lecithin, 1200 mg, 180 Capsules
(Price of 1 g of phosphatidylcholine - $0.366)

(Price of 1 g of phosphatidylcholine - $0.340)

Carlson Labs, Lecithin, 1,200 mg, 280 Soft Gels
(Price of 1 g of phosphatidylcholine - $0.345)

Natrol, Lecithin, 1,200 mg, 120 Softgels
(Price of 1 g of phosphatidylcholine - $0.388)

Sunflower lecithin has become a real salvation for my daughter. Recently, teachers began to complain about her hyperactivity and poor academic performance. She did not remember the school curriculum well, it was impossible to sit her down for lessons, there was no attentiveness and perseverance. One day our pediatrician advised us to try some medications with lecithin. I opted for sunflower lecithin, namely the supplement. Firstly, plant lecithin is absorbed better, and secondly, sunflower lecithin does not cause allergies, thirdly, I am wary of soy products, fourthly, my daughter really doesn’t like pills.

The powder form of the drug allows you to add it to food and drinks, which has become a big plus. Every morning I added sunflower lecithin to my porridge and juice. This went on for a month and I was pleased with the results! The daughter became more diligent and calm, began to sit down for her lessons with pleasure, and became more attentive. At the parent meeting they even started praising us. I think that we will finish this semester with good grades. I don’t know what influenced it, but I decided to order another package from iHerb and choose something for myself!

It is a safe substance with many positive effects. It is the main source of nutrition for the entire nervous system and is part of the nerve fibers. A lack of lecithin can lead to a nervous breakdown, increased irritability, and constant fatigue.

Lecithin is necessary for normal brain function. Distracted attention, low learning ability, academic failure - all these are consequences of a lack of lecithin in children. Also, reduced levels of lecithin can cause multiple sclerosis, memory loss and other disorders.

The positive properties of lecithin include:

  • reducing the level of “bad” cholesterol and the concentration of fatty acids in the blood;
  • improvement of liver and kidney function;
  • assistance in the absorption of vitamins A, E, D and K;
  • restoration of damaged cells in the body;
  • improving the effectiveness of drugs;
  • prevention of Parkinson's disease, dementia, multiple sclerosis and other nervous system disorders;
  • improvement of brain function: concentration, learning ability, short-term and long-term memory;
  • restoration of sexual function in both men and women;
  • help with various gynecological diseases.

Special attention should be paid to the benefits of lecithin for pregnant women. This substance must be included in the daily diet. Lecithin improves the conditions for fetal maturation and also facilitates childbirth. In addition, lecithin passes through mother's milk to the baby and is directly involved in the formation of nerve fibers and the child's brain. When choosing lecithin for pregnant women, it is best to choose one that does not contain soy!

When choosing sunflower lecithin, it is important to pay attention to quality. Unfortunately, today there are many fakes on the market that not only will not bring the desired effect, but can also cause irreparable harm to the body and cause various diseases. Personally, I recommend purchasing sunflower seed lecithin only from iHerb. A wide selection of quality products at super low prices is simply enticing. More than once I was able to buy dietary supplements and vitamins at prices lower than in local pharmacies and stores, even taking into account delivery.

In the iHerb store, sunflower lecithin is available in three forms: liquid, powder and capsule. I can immediately note that the properties of this additive are the same regardless of the form. It's a matter of taste here. I advise you to pay attention to the following points:

Which lecithin is better, soy or sunflower?

When choosing a product with lecithin, the question may arise: which is better to take: soy or sunflower. Let's figure it out.

Soy lecithin is made from refined soybean oil by processing at low temperatures. It contains oils, phospholipids, vitamins A, E, as well as isoflavones, substances that are similar in composition to female sex hormones - estrogens. In small doses, this component benefits the female body. At the same time, it negatively affects the development of the embryo’s brain and increases the risk of pregnancy. Therefore, it is extremely important for pregnant women to pay attention to this. In addition, an excess of female hormones in the male body also entails negative consequences in the form of excess weight, decreased sexual function, depression, and suppressed production of male hormones.

In turn, sunflower lecithin is obtained by extracting sunflower oil. This lecithin differs in composition and fatty acid content. Sunflower seed lecithin does not contain any substances that may cause allergies. This drug can be called hypoallergenic. It is ideal for people suffering from food allergies.

The choice is yours! They advise you to visit the iHerb store, read reviews and a detailed description of the product in order to finally make a decision. Personally, I am convinced that sunflower lecithin works.



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