Whitening toothpaste with active oxygen. How Whitening Toothpaste Works – Pros and Cons of Teeth Whitening Pastes

To give teeth a snow-white color, people resorted to various methods of lightening the enamel: cleaning with soda, vinegar, and ash. Nowadays, you can simply use the professional services of a dentist or buy a special enamel lightening product yourself. However, the most popular and simplest method is whitening paste.

Groups of whitening pastes

The paste is divided into two types: giving teeth whiteness by removing pigments that are attached to the enamel; neutralizing pigments located inside the enamel.
That is why absolutely all whitening pastes can be divided into 2 groups:

  • 2. Removing pigment plaque from the enamel surface

These products give whiteness to teeth by removing pigment plaque, dyes and partially microbial mineralized plaque from their surface. This is possible through the use of enzymes in the pastes that break down microbial and pigment plaque, as well as polishing and abrasive components. These toothpastes are not effective with proper dental care. Since if there is no plaque on the teeth, then there is no point in using a product that breaks it down. In addition, such pastes are not recommended for people with increased sensitivity and abrasion of enamel, or with inflammation of the gums.

  • 2. Lightening with active oxygen

These products contain chemical compounds based on carbamide peroxide. When urea peroxide enters the oral cavity and interacts with an alkaline environment, the decomposition of this substance begins, followed by the release of active oxygen. Oxygen can penetrate even into the deep layers of dental tissue. It discolors all kinds of pigments that cannot be removed using abrasive-polishing components, pyrophosphates and enzymes.

  • 3. Pastes that help remove pigment plaque

Among such products, a special place is occupied by pastes for intensive whitening with high abrasiveness. These pastes are necessary for people with a pronounced coating of microbial and pigment origin. However, they cannot be used in cases of tooth hypersensitivity and pathological abrasion of the enamel.

These pastes include:

1. "LACALUT White"

  • — Controlled abrasiveness 119;
  • — Fluoride content 1356;
  • — Active components: sodium fluoride, pyrophosphates, abrasive and polishing components;
  • — Manufacturer: Germany.

This paste is used for intensive whitening. It contains an expensive abrasive with an adjustable spherical cut. The pyrophosphates contained in the paste are capable of dissolving hard tartar, which, coupled with high abrasiveness, suggests that the paste can cope with small dental plaques. High concentrations of fluoride strengthen enamel and reduce tooth sensitivity.

2. "PRESIDENT White Plus"

  • — controlled abrasiveness: 200;
  • — active components: calcium glycerophosphate, abrasive and polishing components;
  • — manufacturer: Italy.

Can only be used once a week. This paste must be used in combination with other whitening pastes with an abrasiveness not exceeding 79.

Rating of whitening pastes

The course of using these pastes should not exceed a month. These products, unlike intensive whitening pastes, have lower abrasiveness, but at the same time contain enzymes and pyrophosphates that dissolve plaque.


  • — fluoride content: 1160;
  • — active substances: monofluorophosphate, sodium citrate, papain, abrasive and polishing components;
  • - Made in the USA.

The paste was created specifically for people with tobacco addiction, as well as lovers of strong tea and coffee.

2.“LACALUT white & repair”

  • — abrasiveness: 100;
  • — fluorides: 1360;
  • — active components: sodium fluoride, hydroxyapatite, pyrophosphates, abrasive and polishing substances;
  • - made in Germany.

High quality German toothpaste with an expensive abrasive and polishing component. Finely dispersed hydroxyapatite, which is part of the product, mineralizes weak enamel and relieves tooth sensitivity.

3. "PRESIDENT White"

  • — fluorides: 1350;
  • — abrasiveness: 75;
  • — active components: monofluorophosphate, abrasive and polishing substances;
  • - Made in Italy.

A safe, high-quality paste based on exclusively natural ingredients. Gently polishes teeth, removes plaque, and does not cause tooth hypersensitivity. Increased fluoride content. A time-tested brand.

4. “SPLAT whitening Plus”

  • — fluorides: 1000;
  • — active components: sodium fluoride, potassium salts, pyrophosphates, papain, polydon, abrasive and polishing components;
  • — made in Russia.

5. "SILCA ArcticWhite"

  • — abrasiveness: 85;
  • - fluorides: 1449;
  • — active components: sodium fluoride, potassium pyrophosphate, abrasive and polishing components;
  • - Made in Germany. Ideal for people with severe plaque on their teeth.

6. “ROCS – Sensational Whitening”

  • — abrasiveness: 139;
  • — fluorides: not contained;
  • — active substances: bromelain, abrasive and polishing components calcium glycerophosphate;
  • — made in Russia.

Bromelain is a pigment that breaks down plaque before being removed with abrasive and polishing elements.

7. “ROCS PRO Delicate whitening”

  • — abrasiveness: 139;
  • — fluorides: does not contain fluorine;
  • — active components: calcium glycerophosphate, bromelain, abrasive and polishing component.

8. "Blendamed 3D White"

  • — fluorides: 0.32%;
  • — active components: sodium fluoride, pyrophosphates, abrasive and polishing component.
  • - made in Russia.

9. Colgate Complete Whitening

  • — fluorides: 1450;
  • — active components: sodium fluoride, abrasive and polishing components.
  • - made in China.

Abrasive and polishing components are presented in a good combination. Sodium fluoride in high dosages strengthens enamel and prevents tooth sensitivity.

10. "New Pearl Whitening"

  • — Fluoride concentration not specified
  • — active substances: monofluorophosphate, pyrophosphates, abrasive and polishing components.
  • — made in Russia.

Pyrophosphates contained in the paste contribute to the leaching of calcium, which in turn leads to hypersensitivity.

11. “New Pearl Gentle Whitening”

  • — fluorides: 0.78%;
  • — active substances: monofluorophosphate, abrasive and polishing components.
  • - made in Russia.

Budget paste with not the best composition. The amount of fluoride does not help prevent tooth sensitivity. It also does not have a positive effect on the enamel.

Pastes based on carbamide peroxide

These whitening agents are the most effective because they can lighten teeth by two shades. Unfortunately, the whitening effect does not last long. However, it is simply impossible to achieve better results with regular toothpastes. If you need a whitening effect of up to 12 shades, then you need to use other whitening systems.

1. "REMBRANDT plus"

  • — abrasiveness: 70; — fluorides: 1160;
  • — active substances: monofluorophosphate, Citroxaine®, carbamide peroxide.
  • - Made in the USA.

This is the most effective whitening paste based on carbamide peroxide. The amount of fluoride prevents the development of excessive tooth sensitivity after the whitening procedure. Citroxain is a combination of polishing agents and an enzyme that quickly and effectively removes plaque and pigmentation.

2. "SPLAT extreme White"

  • — fluorides: 500;
  • — active ingredients: sodium fluoride, abrasive, polydon+papain, carbamide peroxide;
  • - made in Russia.

The manufacturer promises that if you use the paste for a month, your teeth will become 2 shades whiter. A small concentration of fluoride is designed to prevent tooth sensitivity.

3. “ROCS PROOxygen bleaching”

  • — fluorides: there is no fluorine in the composition;
  • — active ingredients: calcium glycerophosphate, carbamide peroxide.
  • - made in Russia.

The low abrasiveness suggests that the 3-tone whitening level promised by the manufacturer is difficult to achieve. If you use the product together with “ROCS PROdelicate whitening”, then the removal of dental plaque and pigmentation will be accompanied by whitening.

For teeth whitening, it is best to trust toothpastes from trusted manufacturers. This will help preserve the enamel and overall dental health.

A radiant smile is a goal that almost every person wants to achieve. And the main factor that will contribute to the accomplishment of this task is daily dental care. In order for the enamel to be snow-white, it is not necessary to go to the dentist and undergo expensive whitening procedures. You just need to purchase a special toothpaste that will effectively fight plaque and dirt. The modern market is full of such products. Choosing the best product will not be difficult. The variety will allow you to find a decent option for everyone.

Whitening pastes have special components that can lighten the color of teeth. The desired effect can be achieved within a few weeks if you use the product regularly. Thanks to substances such as carbamide peroxide, papain, polydone, bromelain and others, the paste actually performs the function of whitening. Mechanical removal of microbial plaque allows you to make your teeth brighter and your smile more dazzling every day.

The best whitening toothpaste: budget up to 200 rubles.

4 New Pearl – Whitening

Best price
Country Russia
Average price: 37 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.7

A brand familiar to many, whose manufacturers have been working for the benefit of consumers for more than 30 years. The natural beauty of teeth using this paste is guaranteed. The composition of the product allows you to achieve this result, because it helps dissolve soft plaque when brushing. The main task of the paste is to prevent the appearance of yellowness and give the coating a healthy and bright appearance. The absence of hydrogen peroxide and abrasives allows for gentle care without destroying the enamel structure.

In addition to the whitening effect, the paste can prevent the formation of tartar. Strengthening of hard tissues occurs thanks to a competent composition, which contains effective components: sodium monofluorophosphate and a pyrophosphate system. Customer reviews are mostly positive. However, results should only be expected with regular use, since teeth begin to whiten only after several months of active use.

3 SILCA ArcticWhite

Economical consumption
Country: Germany
Average price: 114 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.8

The German manufacturer is distinguished by its serious approach to the production of oral products. The paste effectively fights stains and gives teeth natural whiteness. It is designed specifically for coffee and cigarette lovers. Fulfilling its objectives, SILCA ArcticWhite removes even stubborn yellow deposits in the best possible way. Thanks to the classic taste of peppermint, the paste helps keep your breath fresh for a long time. Active microgranules and polishing components can prevent the reappearance of a dark shade of enamel.

Gradual whitening does not disturb the structure of the teeth. Consistent use will bring only positive results. Consumers note the effectiveness and quality of the paste. In addition, low cost and economical consumption allow you to buy the product constantly. User reviews speak of real results: teeth become whiter after just a month of use. Due to the strong mint taste, the paste burns a little when peeling and, thanks to this, is wonderfully refreshing.

2 Parodontax with fluoride

Treatment for bleeding gums
Country: Slovakia
Average price: 180 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.8

The peculiarity of this paste is that it is suitable for long-term use and can be used by children from 14 years of age. The composition includes natural substances, minerals and salts, as well as a large number of plant components. They are aimed at treating bleeding gums. The paste not only cleanses and whitens, but also heals the oral cavity. After cleaning, you feel fresh breath and smooth enamel.

A small pea of ​​paste is enough for one dose. It foams well, which means it is used sparingly. The product should be used with caution, as there are contraindications. People taking fluoride medications should consult their dentist before using Parodontax with fluoride. In general, customer reviews speak of high-quality cleansing, the healing properties of the paste, the disappearance of bleeding gums and the natural shine of teeth after each use, which lasts all day.

1 SPLAT Professional Biocalcium

High efficiency
Country Russia
Average price: 130 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.8

SPLAT Professional Biocalcium toothpaste was ranked among the best thanks to positive user reviews. Its effectiveness has been clinically proven. Contains bioactive calcium obtained from eggshells. It clogs small cracks in the enamel, thereby reducing tooth sensitivity. You can safely drink hot coffee with ice cream.

The manufacturer promised whitening and gentle cleansing of tooth enamel using the innovative Sp system. White system. Based on customer reviews, we can say that we were not deceived. After just a couple of weeks of using the paste, your teeth become noticeably whiter and your breath is fresher. SPLAT Biocalcium contains the building block of hard dental tissues - hydroxyapatite, and does not include harsh abrasives, which has a positive effect on dental health. After using the paste, your teeth become stronger.

The best whitening toothpaste: budget 200-300 rubles.

4 R.O.C.S. Magic whitening

Gentle whitening
Country: Switzerland
Average price: 236 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.7

A brand proven by time and millions of users. Bright packaging instantly attracts attention. The unique composition of the paste allows you to maintain healthy teeth and make them snow-white. It is not for nothing that most dentists advise regularly using R.O.C.S Magic Whitening. It helps eliminate pigmentation and yellow plaque on enamel. Thanks to the polishing granules, teeth become noticeably whiter within a month. Buyers note safe removal of contaminants.

Dental diseases can be avoided by taking care of your teeth with this product. After all, the paste will provide comprehensive protection of the enamel from damage, including caries. The basis that promotes whitening is a protioletic enzyme, which is of plant origin. It penetrates the structure of each tooth and destroys microorganisms, while protecting the gums from all kinds of injuries. Active use of the paste may increase sensitivity, so it must be used with caution.

3 Lacalut White

Effective enamel cleansing
Country: Germany
Average price: 250 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.7

This whitening paste copes well with the consequences of “tasty” and “bad” habits. Most importantly, it effectively cleanses the enamel. It is not difficult for her to get rid of coffee stains. Lacalut has a pleasant taste, does not irritate the oral cavity, and does not freeze. Polishes enamel well without scratching. It becomes smooth and shiny.

With constant use, some users complain of reddening of the gums. Therefore, Lacalut White toothpaste must be used intermittently. Then you can easily achieve the desired result: white teeth and healthy gums. The product is quite economical and foams well. This toothpaste is really effective. With its help you can whiten your teeth by 1-2 shades.

2 PresiDENT White

The best protection against tartar
Country: Italy
Average price: 263 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.8

PresiDENT White toothpaste is the development of leading researchers and scientists in Italy. It is suitable for daily use. Cleans plaque and the oral cavity as a whole for a long time. Really whitens! Teeth become bright, shiny and smooth. The paste does not contain harsh aggressive elements, due to which it gently cleanses the enamel without damaging it.

Calcium and phosphates, cetraria extract and sodium monofluorophosphate are the main active ingredients of the product. PresiDENT White effectively fights the formation of dark plaque, whitening and remineralizing the enamel. Syloblanc component – ​​reliable protection against tartar. Some users report increased tooth sensitivity. In this case, you should alternate the paste with another, softer one.

1 Marvis Jasmin Mint

There are a huge number of Marvis fans today. Teeth whitening products are particularly popular. The cleansing components contained in the composition help fight the dark shade of the enamel. In addition, in addition to its effectiveness, the paste will be safe to use. She carefully copes with unwanted oral problems, destroying pathogens. Jasmine combined with mint perfectly freshens breath and makes the cleansing procedure pleasant and relaxed.

One of the most notable advantages of Marvis Jasmin Mint is its unusual packaging design. The tube is matte, judging by the reviews, holding it in your hands is a pleasure. And inside the bottle there is a delicate consistency that foams well, which allows you to clean the entire oral cavity. Many dentists recommend this product for use. The only negative noted by users is that the paste itself is difficult to squeeze out of the tube, so you need to get used to it.

The best whitening toothpaste: budget 300-500 rubles.

Pastes in this price category are distinguished by results that are achieved quite quickly. Their composition promotes effective whitening in a matter of days. And after a few months, teeth become 2-3 shades whiter. Therefore, the cost of such funds is completely justified.

4 Dentaid Vitis Whitening

Reduces sensitivity
Country: Spain
Average price: 330 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.7

Spanish manufacturers are famous for the best care products, and this toothpaste is a prime example of this. Even the most persistent raid is subject to it. It prevents the formation of tartar and also returns the teeth to their natural healthy appearance. Thanks to hydroxyapatite nanoparticles, the paste is able to penetrate bone tissue and strengthen enamel, as well as solve the problem of sensitivity. Cariogenic bacteria are destroyed with the help of fluoride ions in the composition.

The product has a pleasant menthol aroma that freshens breath for a long time. The cleaning procedure will be a pleasant addition to a good morning and good evening. Your teeth will be smooth and plaque-free throughout the day. Visible results are achieved after several weeks of use. Trips to the dentist can be postponed as unnecessary if you use the product daily. Finding this product on sale is not so easy. Also, users remain dissatisfied with the wasteful consumption of paste.

3 ClearaSept 3D White

Integrated action
Country: Switzerland
Average price: 351 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.8

Comprehensive care for the entire oral cavity is provided with regular use of the product. The healing and anti-inflammatory effect helps eliminate the causes of gum disease. Thanks to the 3D effect, teeth become whiter in a short time. The paste performs five main functions: cleansing plaque on enamel, including in interdental spaces, neutralizing dangerous and harmful acids, strengthening gums, preventing the formation of caries and permanently refreshing the oral cavity.

Toothpaste will effectively protect the enamel of smokers, as well as those who do not mind drinking coffee drinks every day. The absence of components such as aluminum and triclosan allows the long-term use of ClearaSept 3D White to be completely safe. Despite its intense whitening properties, the product does not increase tooth sensitivity. Those who want to purchase pasta will not always find it in stores; often, regular customers have to order it on the Internet.

2 Perioe Pumping Citrus

Reliable protection and whitening
Country: Korea
Average price: 463 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.9

The existence of the brand for 37 years does not allow us to doubt the effectiveness of its products. Gentle whitening is guaranteed by the manufacturer and also confirmed by users. The paste has a gel-like consistency and a citrusy taste. Thanks to the sodium fluoride contained in the composition, Perioe Pumping Citrus perfectly protects teeth from caries and prevents the harmful effects of acids on enamel. Silicon dioxide, a component that is safe for cleaning, helps to effectively remove unpleasant plaque. The toothpaste has passed many dental tests with excellent marks.

The product immediately catches the eye of potential buyers, as it has an unusual shape - a bottle with a dispenser. This fact not only allows the product to stand out visually, but also makes it very convenient to use. You just need to press the “button” and the required amount of product will come out. Users noted that the paste is economical to use and lasts a long time. If your teeth are sensitive, it is recommended to use it with caution.

1 REMBRANDT Anti-tobacco and coffee

Best quality
Country: USA
Average price: 400 rub.
Rating (2018): 5.0

The popular manufacturer has earned the trust of customers due to the high quality of its products. Toothpaste will help transform smokers' smiles from unattractive to dazzling. Superficial yellow staining can be easily removed by cleaning. And the polishing effect whitens every tooth well. Despite the active components contained in the paste, the enamel is not damaged during use, which allows you to keep it healthy. Many buyers purchased REMBRANDT Anti-tobacco and coffee thanks to the advice of the best dentists and did not regret the money spent.

The removal of hard dental plaque is facilitated by papin in combination with sodium citrate, which is included in the composition. Remineralization of enamel occurs due to the high content of fluoride compounds. User reviews are full of positive emotions after several weeks of use. The pleasant consistency has a good smell and refreshes the oral cavity for a long time. However, only with consistent use of this particular product can a lasting result be achieved, since teeth will be whiter just a day after the initial cleaning.

The best premium whitening toothpaste

Modern stores offer a wide selection of expensive toothpastes. From all the variety, we have selected the best and placed them in the rating below.

3 BlanX Med Remineralizing

Powerful antibacterial effect
Country: Italy
Average price: 652 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.8

A unique product with a brightening effect. It can restore natural whiteness to teeth in a short time. The result will not take long to arrive. It is noticeable immediately after the first application. The paste contains no aggressive components, such as peroxide, so it is completely safe. Particles of active oxygen, accumulating on the surface of the enamel during cleaning, noticeably lighten it when exposed to daylight.

BlanX Med Remineralizing has a number of features:

  • suitable for daily use;
  • maintains the whitening effect for 24 hours;
  • safe to use;
  • has a strong antibacterial effect.

2 Nature's toothpaste Whitening

Natural composition
Country: USA
Average price: 790 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.9

The natural oral care product differs in its composition. It is completely free of: fluorine, dyes, parabens, sodium sulfates, flavoring fillers and fragrances. All this makes the paste absolutely safe and gentle on dental health. It has a gel consistency that gently removes plaque and performs a whitening function. The calcium contained in the paste effectively strengthens the enamel, and the following ingredients help restore the microflora of the oral cavity: bisabolol, ginger, cranberry, white tea and pomegranate.

Convenient use was noted by customers - the lid opens with one movement of a finger, it does not need to be constantly unscrewed and tightened to avoid the product drying out. In their reviews on various sites, they characterize the toothpaste as high-quality and effective. Its natural composition is especially noted, which is extremely rare nowadays. For this reason, most dentists recommend Nature's toothpaste. However, not everyone can afford such a paste.

1 Crest Pro-Health Sensitive Shield

The best whitening. Quick results
Country: USA
Average price: 900 rub.
Rating (2018): 5.0

The popularity of the brand is increasing every year. And this is not surprising, because the range is effective. Throughout the day after brushing your teeth with Pro-Health Sensitive Shield, its active components will fight to strengthen and heal the enamel. Using the product daily, you can forget about visiting the dentist, because it carefully monitors the sensitive oral cavity. The effectiveness of whitening is emphasized by many customers in reviews. In addition, the paste perfectly freshens breath.

Enamel lightening occurs already in the second week after the first application. The product is designed specifically for sensitive teeth, so its composition is quite gentle. Healthy gums and stronger teeth are guaranteed with Crest Pro-Health Sensitive Shield. It provides increased protection against painful tooth sensitivity by strengthening tooth enamel. Buyers evaluate the product on its merits; on average, the rating is “excellent.” Among the shortcomings, it was noted that the paste foams poorly and runs out quickly.

If a person has white and healthy teeth, then his smile is very attractive. But what to do if your teeth have lost their natural color for various reasons? Can whitening toothpastes help in this case? Dentists do not deny that it is possible to lighten your teeth in this way. The main thing is to choose the right paste that is effective and safe.

It is quite difficult to do this without the help of a specialist, since the condition of the enamel, the presence or absence of dental diseases and other points should be taken into account. Correctly selected paste helps lightening tooth enamel by 2-3 tones. Let's try to find out which whitening paste is the best and most effective.

What are teeth whitening pastes?

Today in supermarkets and pharmacies you can easily find products that help whiten your teeth. These can be mouth guards, gels, plates, pastes, etc. The range of them is simply huge, and they can be produced by both famous manufacturers and little-known newcomers. The main thing is not to run into low-quality products, otherwise you can seriously harm gums and enamel.

The most affordable and fairly safe method of whitening is the use of special pastes. If you brush your teeth regularly with them, you will notice good results after a while. But it is worth emphasizing once again that toothpaste must be selected individually and only with the help of a doctor, since the composition of such products differs significantly from each other. There are such preparations intended exclusively for cleaning the dentition from plaque and food debris, and there are medicinal ones, to which fluoride, minerals, and abrasive particles are added.

Toothpastes may differ slightly in their purpose. Of course, their main task is to clean teeth and gums, but they capable of performing other functions:

  • bleach;
  • mineralize enamel;
  • eliminate unpleasant odor from the oral cavity;
  • relieve gum inflammation.

Such means cannot be used constantly. For example, if a paste with a whitening effect has run out, then it is not advisable to purchase the same one again. This can damage the enamel and increase tooth sensitivity.


High quality whitening products has certain advantages before other pastes:

  • a relatively safe method, since there is no mechanical intervention;
  • fast whitening;
  • low cost compared to professional whitening performed in a dentist’s office.


Such pastes also have their disadvantages:


In some cases, the use of whitening pastes is contraindicated. It can be the following factors:

  • Pregnancy, breastfeeding.
  • Thin or damaged tooth enamel. Such pastes contain abrasive particles that make the enamel even thinner or damage it.
  • The presence of chips or cracks on the teeth through which the paste acts on the dentin. This leads to its destruction and pain.
  • An allergic reaction to any component of the product or abrasive particles.
  • Age up to 18 years.
  • Periodontal disease.

Therefore, it is not recommended to whiten teeth if you have caries or periodontal disease. enamel has increased sensitivity. First you need to be treated by a dentist. No effect should be expected from such a product when wearing braces, crowns, or fillings, since in this case the whitening will be uneven.

Are all whitening toothpastes the same?

Almost all manufacturers of whitening toothpastes claim that using their products brings excellent results. But is this really so? Such products have different effects on tooth enamel, as they have different characteristics and composition.

There are the following types of whitening pastes, differing in their specific purpose.

Pastes that neutralize pigments that appear on the enamel surface. They contain not too active polishing components consisting of enzymes that do an excellent job of removing both plaque and hard tartar. Such pastes can be used for much longer, and they incapable of causing harm. But they are contraindicated for children, pregnant and lactating women. Also, you should not use them if your gums are inflamed or if your teeth have become very sensitive. This product is great for heavy smokers because it cleanses teeth of smoking products well.

Pastes that affect tooth enamel due to active oxygen. They contain components that can decompose under the influence of saliva. This leads to the formation of such an important cleansing component as active oxygen, which easily penetrates into the smallest cracks and cavities and can brighten teeth well even in the most difficult to reach places. Such remedies are very effective, which can be noticed almost immediately.

Pastes containing carmide peroxide also provide good results. But they are strictly prohibited for those who have various damage to their teeth, cracks and large chips. Such remedies act very quickly and penetrate deeply, so the diseased teeth begin to decay. But you should not refuse to use them, but you must first cure damaged teeth, and only then bleach them. They are also contraindicated for children, pregnant and lactating women.

Pastes containing abrasive components. It is thanks to such particles that pigmentation is removed from teeth. The products act quickly and effectively, the enamel is lightened by several tones at once, even fillings can change their color. But such pastes have a large number of disadvantages. For example, they should not be used by people with thin enamel, as well as those whose enamel naturally tends to wear out quickly. You can brush your teeth with this product no more than twice a week, as abrasive particles can wear away the enamel.

What toothpastes are considered the best for teeth whitening?

There are a large number of brands whose manufacturers guarantee a lasting whitening effect. So what is the best whitening toothpaste? Here is a unique rating of such products, which was compiled based on reviews from dentists and consumers.

"LACALUT". According to dentists, the products of this brand are the best among whitening pastes. They clean the enamel very efficiently, strengthen it and lighten it well, and also have a healing effect on the gums. At the same time, the paste consumption is very small. To brush your teeth, just squeeze out a pea-sized amount of it. This product has a pleasant smell, taste and contains a small amount of abrasive particles. The pyrophosphates contained in the paste prevent tartar from being deposited, and with the help of sodium fluoride, the enamel is mineralized and well strengthened. In addition, it prevents the formation of caries, strengthens teeth and saturates them with minerals.

"SPLAT". The toothpaste of this brand is called “Whitening Plus”, so we can conclude that this product is intended not only for whitening. It contains quite a lot of abrasive particles that polish and quickly cleanse teeth of pigmentation and dirt. The peculiarity of this toothpaste is that it contains components that can quickly destroy pigments at the level of their structure. In addition, they remove plaque and tartar well, and potassium salt and sodium fluoride reduce the sensitivity of enamel.

"Silka Arctic White". This paste eliminates strong pigmentation, since it contains a large amount of abrasive substances, as well as pyrophosphates. Thanks to them, plaque and hard deposits quickly dissolve, but the enamel can be damaged. Because of this, the product is not recommended for long-term use.

"ROCS". The main component of this whitening toothpaste is calcium glycerophosphate, which helps strengthen the enamel by saturating it with minerals. And thanks to bromelain, plaque is effectively eliminated.

"PRESIDENT". This paste is called “Whitening” and it does the job quite well. Its distinctive feature is the presence of components of plant origin, which, in combination with silicon, remove plaque well. In addition, Icelandic moss extract perfectly polishes tooth enamel.

"Colgate". This whitening paste has a simple composition, which includes abrasive and polishing particles along with sodium fluoride. The disadvantage of this product is its rather high abrasiveness.

Thus, it is not easy to find an effective toothpaste that whitens teeth well. It is highly undesirable to purchase such a product yourself, because it can harm the enamel. Therefore, it is recommended to select it only after consultation with a dentist, who will take into account all the individual characteristics of his patient.

Today, dentists recommend using toothpastes to lighten teeth. Only a specialist can tell you which one is right for you. Whitening products are divided into several types. They contain abrasive elements and enzymes that polish the enamel. With the help of such pastes, you can whiten your teeth by several shades. Let's look at whether whitening products are useful and how to use them correctly.

How Whitening Toothpaste Works – Pros and Cons of Teeth Whitening Pastes

Today you can buy many teeth whitening products - gels, trays, plates, etc. But the most common and least troublesome product is regular toothpaste - you just need to apply it to the brush and brush your teeth. Of course, many people forget that only a dentist can choose the necessary toothpaste that is 100% guaranteed to suit you. From there follow the advantages and disadvantages of whitening pastes. Without knowing it, we use means that are not suitable for us and harm us.

Pros of teeth whitening pastes:

  • A safe method, carried out without mechanical intervention.
  • Less expensive. A tube of toothpaste costs between 100-150 rubles, and a whitening procedure in a beauty salon costs about 5-10 thousand rubles.

Disadvantages of whitening toothpastes:

  • An ineffective method that can be carried out for no more than 1 month.
  • Micropores begin to form in the enamel, which leads to tooth decay.
  • Increased sensitivity, especially to cold or hot foods.
  • Possibility of getting burns to the oral cavity.
  • The gums and tongue may become inflamed.
  • You may experience pain in your teeth that will not go away within a few days.
  • Change in color of the filling material.
  • Pastes do not remove plaque that has formed on teeth due to drinking coffee or nicotine.

Contraindications to the whitening procedure and the use of such pastes:

  • Pregnant and lactating women.
  • For those who have thin or damaged tooth enamel. If there are chips or cracks.
  • People who are allergic to bleaching agents or abrasives.
  • For minor children.
  • Suffering from periodontal disease.

Types of whitening toothpastes - rules for using tooth whitening toothpastes

Whitening agents have different effects on tooth enamel.

According to their prescription, doctors distinguish the following types of pastes:

  • Pastes that neutralize surface pigments formed on enamel.

The products contain less active polishing substances, as well as enzymes that can destroy not only plaque, but also tartar. These include: papain, bromelain, polydone, pyrophosphates. Such bleaching agents gently remove pigment and dye.

These pastes should be used constantly. They won't do any harm. However, they are prohibited for children, pregnant or breastfeeding women. They are also not suitable for those who have inflamed gums or high tooth sensitivity. In general, it is recommended to use them for those who smoke but do not have all of the above symptoms.

  • Pastes that act on tooth enamel using active oxygen.

These lightening pastes contain components that decompose in the oral cavity under the influence of saliva and form the necessary element - active oxygen. He, in turn, is able to penetrate deeply into all cracks, cavities and lighten hard-to-reach teeth. Pastes with active oxygen are more effective. You will notice their effect much faster than when using the previous paste.

Please note that whitening paste based on the active substance, carmide peroxide, should not be used by those who have chips or large cracks. The product acts deeply and quickly, so it can destroy diseased teeth. Treat them first to avoid problems. Pregnant, lactating women and minor children are prohibited from brushing their teeth with this paste.

  • Pastes that neutralize pigment plaque using increased abrasiveness of components

Such products will quickly clean the surface of the teeth, change the color of the enamel by several tones, and even change the shade of the fillings. But despite its effectiveness, there are many disadvantages. For example, they are contraindicated for those with thin enamel and pathological abrasion. In addition, if your teeth are very sensitive, then using such toothpastes is prohibited. It is better to brush your teeth with this paste 1-2 times a week.

6 of the best whitening pastes - popular rating of teeth whitening pastes

Based on the advice of dentists and customer reviews, we can highlight the 6 best tooth whitening pastes:

  • Line of LACALUT pastes

Perhaps the funds of this company can be placed on the first line of the national rating. These pastes brighten and strengthen enamel, so everyone can use them.

They contain abrasive elements that clean and polish enamel, pyrophosphates that prevent the formation of dental plaque, and sodium fluoride. It strengthens teeth, restores their mineral composition and prevents the development of caries.

  • Paste from SPLAT “Whitening Plus”

This product uses abrasive substances to clean and polish teeth. It contains elements that can destroy the pigment structure and deposits, such as tartar.

In addition, the sodium fluoride included in the composition has a strengthening effect, and the potassium salt normalizes sensitivity.

  • Line of pastes from ROCS

Note that the products do not consist of fluoride, but with the help of another substance - calcium glycerophosphate - they strengthen the enamel and saturate it with minerals. The paste contains bromelain, a substance that removes pigment and bacterial plaque.

  • PRESIDENT “Whitening” paste

Differs in plant components. Thanks to Icelandic moss extract and silicon, the product quickly and quietly removes plaque, while polishing the enamel. And fluoride-containing components strengthen it and reduce tooth sensitivity.

  • Silka paste called “ArcticWhite”

Designed for those who have severe pigmentation on their teeth. The product contains strong abrasives and pyrophosphates that dissolve plaque and deposits.

The paste also contains fluoride-containing components that restore tooth sensitivity and saturate them with minerals.

  • Colgate Whitening Product

The paste is the simplest and most effective. Of course, it contains abrasive and polishing substances.

There is also sodium fluoride, which mineralizes and strengthens the enamel. The product noticeably reduces sensitivity.

Whitening toothpastes are a great option for whitening your teeth a couple of shades at home. Their principle of operation is a mechanical effect on the surface of the enamel using abrasive or enzymatic substances.

You should choose the right whitening paste so as not to harm your teeth, because it often contains hard particles that can significantly damage the enamel, forming microcracks on it. Good pastes contain a medium level of abrasiveness, enzyme additives, oils, extracts and minerals.

Toothpaste on a brush

The effectiveness of toothpastes for whitening

Whitening toothpastes have long proven themselves to be effective. They are recommended for people after professional whitening (to maintain results), avid smokers And for coffee lovers(as nicotine and caffeine stain tooth enamel yellow). Such pastes are varied in composition and action, so some simply remove dark plaque from the enamel, while others penetrate deeper layers and, using aggressive chemicals, lighten the color of the tooth.

You should not believe advertising that says that your teeth will become sparkling white after several uses of this paste. The result will be noticeable, but it will clearly not reach the Hollywood snow-white smile (after all, every person has individual teeth color, which is genetically determined). But it is possible to completely whiten your teeth only through photo-whitening, which is done by a specialist in the clinic.

Smoking causes teeth to turn yellow


Like any other product, whitening toothpaste has its contraindications and disadvantages. Therefore, it is not recommended for increased sensitivity of enamel, the period of bearing a child and children under 16 years of age.

You should also be especially careful when whitening crowns and filled teeth, because their material is sometimes not comparable to the abrasives of toothpaste. It can significantly scratch both the enamel and the surface of the crown, which will cause the possibility of caries in the first case, and an untidy appearance in the second.

Indications for use of whitening toothpaste

Proper daily oral care includes: brushing teeth - 2 times a day, rinsing, flossing. Such care for dental health will ensure complete hygiene and minimize the possibility of darkening of the enamel.

Unfortunately, any person’s enamel color changes due to food products: cola, chocolate, coffee, tea and tomato juice, and it can only be restored by bleaching. In this case, the indications for the use of whitening paste are:

  • darkening of the enamel after injury or illness;
  • age-related changes in tooth color;
  • significantly pronounced pigmentation of the outer layer of teeth;
  • fluorosis;
  • color change due to bad habits.

Toothpaste copes with darkening the enamel by 2-3 tones, no more!

Composition of whitening toothpastes

There are three types of whitening toothpaste composition:

  1. Neutralizers for tooth surface pigment(removal of soft plaque and dyes). Their composition includes both polishing and abrasive substances, as well as enzymes that can destroy bacterial plaque - bromelain. This is a fairly effective remedy, but it only acts on the surface of the enamel.
  2. Oxygen pastes(they contain derivatives of carbamide peroxide - this is a substance that decomposes when exposed to human saliva, releasing oxygen). This is the most effective toothpaste because it penetrates deep into the layers of the tooth.
  3. Color pigment neutralizers(these are enhanced action pastes). They have an increased amount of aggressive components, and even cope well with tartar. However, with frequent use of this paste, severe tooth sensitivity appears.

Pastes with bromelain and other enzymes that dissolve plaque, and for maximum whitening it is worth resorting to pastes with aggressive particles.

Oxygen paste R.O.C.S.

The best abrasive whitening toothpastes - TOP 5

Abrasive pastes will help in the fight for a snow-white smile in very advanced cases, because their composition is quite aggressive and can damage the top layer of enamel. They are not suitable for daily use, so you should use them no more than 3-4 times a week. So, let’s present a list of the TOP 5 best abrasive toothpastes for whitening:

  1. Lakalut White- contains abrasive substances, fluorides and pyrophosphates. These substances participate in the dissolution of tartar and remove dark plaque. The paste also has a preventive effect and minimizes the risk of plaque reappearance.
  2. President White plus - has a unique composition that includes calcium, silicates and an extract from sea shells. The paste perfectly removes soft plaque and whitens even severe pigmentation. It is also a preventative against dental hypersensitivity.
  3. Blend-A-Med “3D White Glamor”- contains pyrophosphates, which kill pathogenic bacteria and effectively lighten pigmented enamel. Prevents re-staining of the top layer of the tooth.
  4. Colgate "Maximum Protection + Sugar Acid Neutralizer"- contains calcium and liquid fluorine. The paste perfectly freshens breath and whitens teeth by dissolving tartar and sugar acids, which provoke the appearance of the former.
  5. Faberlic Expert Pharma White Plus- developed on the basis of innovative components that do not destroy the enamel, but simply remove plaque from it efficiently. Provides lightening up to 2 tones, ideal for heavy smokers due to its pleasant mint aroma.

Before purchasing an abrasive whitening paste, you should consult your dentist!

Lacalut white & repair

Rating of whitening toothpastes for daily use

Pastes for daily use have a softer composition and do not cause microtrauma to tooth enamel, but they also quite effectively whiten the surface of teeth by several tones. Let's present a rating of the 10 best whitening pastes for everyday use:

  1. R.O.C.S. "Sensational whitening"- contains only 1 abrasive component and provides gentle enamel lightening. Fights soft plaque, has a minty taste and smell.
  2. Rembrandt Plus- even eliminates severe yellowing of teeth, because it contains components and minerals that perfectly break down tartar. Plus, it reduces tooth sensitivity.
  3. Splat extreme white- the composition is supplemented not only with abrasive, but also with carbamide peroxide. Lightens up to 3 tones. The effect is noticeable after 2 weeks of using the paste. Among other things, it is a preventative against caries.
  4. Lacalut white & repair- sensational whitening and care for avid coffee drinkers and smokers. Not only whitens, but also prevents the darkening of teeth. It also strengthens the enamel due to amorphous corpuscles of hydroxyapatite - these are substances that restore tooth tissue.
  5. Crest 3D White Brilliance- gently cleans teeth from unwanted formations. Prevents the appearance of tartar and ensures fresh breath. In addition, the components of the paste provide gentle care and protection against bacteria to the oral mucosa.
  6. Natura Siberica “Pearl of Siberia”- consists of plant components and extracts (brine salt, pearl clay, lemongrass berries). Gently brightens teeth without damaging enamel, protects gums from damage during brushing.
  7. Edel+White “Anti-plaque+Whitening”- characterized by low abrasiveness, but at the same time quite effectively removes plaque. Does not cause bleeding gums, removes many pathogenic microorganisms. It contains fluoride ions, which prevent the appearance of caries.
  8. Sensodyne Whitening- provides delicate, but at the same time thorough whitening. Creates a protective sheath around nerves, neutralizes the negative effects of external irritants, and reduces tooth sensitivity. The composition contains potassium nitrate and sodium fluoride.
  9. Vitex Black Clean “Ideal whitening”- contains microparticles of activated carbon that whiten tooth enamel without harming it. The paste can keep your breath fresh for a long time and protect against the formation of dark plaque.
  10. Pierrot 2 in 1 “Whitening”- contains papain, which neutralizes the coloring effect of food products. Copes with softening any plaque on enamel due to enzymatic components.

Sensodyne Whitening


It is quite possible to whiten your teeth using a special toothpaste. But you should not expect more results in the form of a dazzling smile, like from advertising. Each of the presented remedies is effective in its own way and is suitable for various causes of darkening of the surface of the teeth. Therefore, if you decide to whiten and buy a special paste, it would be a good idea to consult a dentist, because only a doctor will competently assess the condition of your teeth and recommend the right remedy to lighten them.



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