A conspiracy to give away the money you earned. Effective money return conspiracies: list, text and reviews

Today I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will tell you how to quickly return debts from a debtor using a magical spell. I think many people are familiar with the situation when you help out a person, lend money, and then getting your money back becomes a real problem. In practical magic there are such rituals for quick debt repayment, and they work very effectively. In Black Book, you can choose ways to repay debt that work gently, affecting that part that we call conscience. There are also harsh rituals that terrorize the debtor and force him to return what he took.

Runic magic also has very interesting and complete rituals of influencing an object in order to repay a debt. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, consider it advisable to combine warlock techniques and the path of Runes. The result can be quite inspiring. This material presents several effective conspiracies to force a person to repay a debt.

How do conspiracies work to force the debtor to quickly repay the debt?

First, let's make a detailed analysis of the situation related to debt collection. There are two sides: the creditor and the debtor. Let's consider the case from the position of the creditor in a magical way, of course. From the point of view of witchcraft, lending is a thankless and punishable task. Money does not come to a person so that he can give it to others. If he does this, it means he doesn’t need money. By choosing the “give” path, a person chooses not to have money. The living energy of money is released, as if dispersed in space.

From the debtor's perspective, the same situation looks completely different. The phenomenon of the connection between the debtor and the creditor is that the debtor, under the influence of monetary energy, enters an altered state of consciousness, encountering the temptation not to repay the debt. This stems from the need to give back your money, although you took someone else’s. Therefore, debtors, as a rule, do not repay their debts.

This means that in order to return what was given to another, one should turn to the practice of money magic, but it is not enough read powerful money return conspiracies, thereby affecting only the debtor, i.e. on one side of the conflict. It is necessary to influence both aspects – the lender and the debtor.
The magician’s actions in relation to the one who gave the money should be aimed at increasing material well-being. Rituals must be carried out to attract and fill cash flow. Turning to the second party to the conflict - the debtor, the magician persuades him to painlessly part with the money, or, turning to strong conspiracies for a person to repay the debt, harshly forces him to do this through instilling feelings of guilt, fear, or by launching a snake of events leading to a situation when a debtor is forced to repay his debt.

When you do this yourself - read conspiracies to return money from an organization or from an individual, take this point into account. It does not matter whether the debtor is a legal entity or an individual, the algorithm of actions will be the same. The work must be carried out comprehensively. For example, the management of a debtor company can be instilled with the idea that parting with money and returning it to the creditor is not forced, but mutually beneficial. You can influence by gently awakening the debtor’s conscience, but if necessary, more aggressive and effective actions to extract the borrowed money are possible.

If you read a white magic conspiracy to repay a debt, turn to black magic or to Runes, that’s not the point, because the work will be built exactly according to the described scheme. Of course, each egregor works differently, but the essence remains the same. In witchcraft, the result is important, and only that.

How to read white magic spells for money back

If, to solve a problem, you turn to the Forces of the Christian egregor, then before you independently read a spell to return money, pray to representatives of the Forces that patronize merchants and are associated with the financial aspect. For example, pray to St. John the Merciful to improve your financial situation. This prayer must be read daily at dawn or during sunset.

Then you can carry out a ceremony to force the debtor to return the money.

And here is a simple magical ritual to make quickly repay the debt. For a magical ritual you need a piece of black bread and salt. Heavily salt the bread and say over it: “I add salt to your life, servant of God (name)”. Take the bread to the debtor’s doorstep, leave it there and read the words of the spell 3 times to quickly repay the debt:

“As this bread is salty, so will the food of my debtor, God’s servant (name), be salty. You won’t be able to drink water, you won’t forget about your debt, return everything you took from me. You can’t sleep at night, you can’t sleep during the day, so be it. Amen".

An independent conspiracy to give back money - to repay a debt in a swamp

This black conspiracy to repay a monetary debt must be read after midnight. You can do it at home, but you will achieve a greater effect if you perform a magical ritual at a forest crossroads, or near a swamp. For self-witchcraft you need:

  • wax candle
  • photo of the debtor

A photograph is taken to facilitate visualization, but you can work without it, with a mental image of the object.

Light a candle and read the most powerful conspiracy to return a large sum of money three times:

“I will get up without crossing myself, I will go without blessing, from door to door, from gate to gate. I’ll walk along the road, turn off the road onto the path, follow that path into the dense forest, find a quicksand swamp in the forest, and in that swamp lies a bone slab. I’ll go up to the bone slab and call the three demon sisters: grief, melancholy, fierce misfortune. Three demon sisters will come out from under the bone slab: grief, melancholy, fierce misfortune, and they will ask: “Who called us, who raised us?” I will come closer to them, bow lower, tearfully ask all three: “You, three demon sisters: sadness, melancholy, fierce misfortune, do not be angry with me. I called you, I raised you, I listened to my grief. Listen to my grief too. Go, three sisters, three demons: grief, melancholy, fierce misfortune, to my debtor (name). Find him, attack him, attack him, overwhelm him, my debtor. Twist him, bend him, beat him, trample him, tear him with your teeth, horns, claws, tear him, instruct him, force him, return his debt to me, give me what is mine, or he will not see peace. You are my debtor, what you owe me, I know, and what I know, I take from you. Three demon sisters: sadness, melancholy, fierce misfortune, break, twist my debtor, so that he roars, whines, squeals, yells and squeaks, knows no peace until he pays off his debt to me, until he pays me all his debts, until will not repay his debts to me. Three demon sisters: sadness, melancholy, fierce misfortune, crush my debtor. The word is the key, the deed is the lock, three demon sisters are on my debtor’s doorstep, and in each side of him. I can’t finish it, I can’t redo it, I can’t fix it, I can’t debug it, no one can ever settle my case until the debtor gives me what he owes, and I know that debt, and I’m collecting that debt, the three demon sisters help me with that. . I put the lock under a bone slab, I throw the keys into the shifting swamp, my work is strong, strong and irrevocable. Amen".

I recommend reading the plot for 3 nights, after the last reading at the crossroads. The money ritual has positive reviews from practicing magicians. The effect is really good, and for some, perhaps this is the most powerful conspiracy to repay a monetary debt. I repeat, there are many methods for solving this problem.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

A strong conspiracy to return money - how to force the debt to be repaid yourself

A powerful ritual for a debtor to repay a debt has a harsh effect on a person. To work you need to prepare:

  • fresh bull heart
  • new knife
  • a piece of natural fabric

Place your heart on the cloth in front of you and, plunging a knife into it up to the hilt, read the following words of the conspiracy so that the person will repay the debt:

“I stop the life and blood and breath of my debtor (name). Until he returns my money, let the body of my debtor rot. The key is the sky, the lock is the earth. Truly spoken."

Without removing the knife from your heart, wrap it in linen and throw it at the cemetery gate or at a crossroads. If you have a serious problem with repayment, the debtor is stubborn and does not give the money he took from you, try a strong ritual of black magic. Perhaps it will turn out to be the most powerful conspiracy to return money to the debtor. Each person needs to choose his own effective plot in order to... This has already become a banality, since this fact is known to every practicing magician. Independent conspiracies to force a person to repay a debt– just like medicines: some are suitable for some, others are suitable for others. You need to find exactly the one that will be effective specifically in your case.

And I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, remind you: you should perform rituals on others only after you have installed magic shields for yourself. Bloodlines and family members should also be taken care of, since there is always a risk of getting a kickback after aggressive influence.

An effective home plot to pay off debts soon

If you are lost and don't know which one read a plot to repay a debt, try this one with red threads. To conduct a witchcraft ritual yourself, you need to have:

  • new spool of red thread
  • debtor's handkerchief (or any thing as a binding to an object)
  • stone

The witchcraft ritual is carried out at noon on the shore of the reservoir. Find a medium-sized stone, tie something to it with threads, and throw the tied stone into the water. When the stone sinks to the bottom, look at the place where the water closed.

And read the plot 4 times to force a person to repay the debt:

“How heavy the stone pulls to the bottom, so that my debtor (name)’s soul aches, groans, and does not give him peace, either on a clear day or in a dark night, until he returns what is mine to me. Be according to this, according to my word.”

On the Black Moon, read conspiracies against the debtor to repay the debt

  • On the Black Moon (before the new moon), light a candle at sunrise. Stand at the east window and read the independent conspiracy to give back money three times:

    “I am sending a note to my debtor (name). Let this account burn and bake him, drive him into corners, break bones. Let my debtor (name) not eat, sleep, or drink until he repays the debt to me. Let it be so"

  • With the advent of the Black Moon, and 3 evenings in a row, burn aspen torches, whispering into the smoke:

    “As a torch burns, so you, my debtor, (name) will smolder and burn. You won’t fill it with water until you pay me back. Exactly"

  • To perform a home ritual, take a photo of the debtor and a black candle. Light a candle, place the photo on the table and, holding it, say a strong spell 9 times to quickly repay the debt:

    “On the sea-ocean there is a house of fire. It doesn’t wash away with water and doesn’t get blown away by the wind. An invisible man sits in it; he has no arms, no legs, no strength. So I drink the strength from the debtor (name), release the blood from him, take out his heart, close his eyes. Until you pay me back. And if you don’t give it up, you’ll consign your body to the grave. My words cannot be washed away with water, as they say, so be it. Amen"


    An effective plot to prevent people from asking for loans

    Learn to refuse when they ask you for a loan, so that later you don’t have to run after the debtor, and not be punished twice: by your debtor, who does not return the money, and by the Forces, who decided that the money, since you give it away, is . To hide yourself from those asking for a loan, use tricks that act in such a way that you will not be considered as a lender. And here is an example of such a magical cape.

    Wait until the night of the full moon. Take a black flaming candle in your left hand, raise it above your head, and then slowly lower it down, at the same time turning clockwise, as if drawing a spiral around yourself, and at the same time read the spell so as not to ask for a loan:

    “I look, but I am invisible, I speak, but I am inaudible. Whoever comes to me with a request will not find me. Truly."

If it happens that the debtor is in no hurry to return what is due, there is no need to rush. Perhaps a person actually does not have money, and he cannot repay the debt. Before turning to magic, ask the debtor several times to return the money. If all the answers are negatively groundless and more like vague promises, then it’s time to make a magic spell. Our great-grandmothers also said that if you don’t want to lose a friend, then it’s best not to lend him money. It's hard to argue with that. Especially if this has already happened, and the debtor is in no hurry to return your hard-earned money. In such a situation, your best friend can become an enemy. But the problem can be solved with the help of magic. A debt repayment plot will help you get your money back in the shortest possible time.

Debt spell on an aspen branch

Pick the third aspen branch from the bottom. Make forty notches on this branch. For each notch, read a spell. Find a stump among the aspens, hit the stump with a branch, and then, tying the branch around the stump, leave without looking back. The debtor will not know peace, day and night he will think about how to repay your debt as soon as possible.
They read like this: Jesus the Lord got up in the morning, prayed to his Father, and crossed himself three times with his finger. He began to wash himself with spring water, but he had nothing to wipe himself with. Mother Mary came very soon and brought a towel to Christ. So my debtors (names) would bring me, the servant of God (name), a debt, every penny. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

How to get a deferment on debts

There is a conspiracy that softens the heart of someone who is waiting for a debt to be repaid. It can only be read by one person. You need to prepare for the conspiracy in advance. Collect leaves from brooms from three baths. Baths should be located at a fair distance from each other, this is important. Put the leaves in your wallet (you don’t need a new one). They charm this wallet and throw it to the person from whom they want to receive a deferment.
They read the plot on the full moon, at midnight. A holy old man is walking, he has a golden finger, and a snake hangs on his finger. The snake Speedy does not hiss at the finger, does not threaten the finger with its sting, does not drink blood from the finger, does not take the life of an old man. So the servant of God (name) would not hiss at me, would not threaten me, would not demand his money from me, would not beg, would not shout at me loudly, would not pound his fist on the table. Just as the dumb are silent and do not shout, so the servant of God (name) would be silent about debt. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

If they borrowed money from you, but they don’t want to pay you back

There is such a proverb in the world: “They ask for a loan, they follow, but to repay, you have to look for the debtor.” If you no longer hope that the debt will be returned to you according to honor, you need to do this with a special conspiracy. Light a candle, go to the window with it and read three times. I send a message to the servant of God (name). Let this indictment of God’s servant (name) burn and bake. He chases into corners, breaks bones. He doesn’t eat, doesn’t sleep, doesn’t drink until (name) repays the debt. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

So that the debtor returns the money quickly

On eggs

First spell. Take two eggs, pierce them with a needle on both sides, and place them in boiling water. Then they close the lock with a key, and throw the key into the water with boiling eggs and say three times: Just as the Khan’s army collected tribute, killed people for money, sparing neither the gray-haired nor the young, so I closed the lock, buried the key in the graves, collected the debt or killed. The angel was there, he forgot the debtor, the guard would leave, the spell would be found. The debtor will repay the debt or die. Amen. They bring boiled eggs and a lock to the grave with the name of the debtor, and the key is placed on the grave with the name of the one to whom the money is not given.

On dimes

The second way to get your money back. The master takes the nickels that were used to cover the deceased’s eyes (they should be in the arsenal of a good master). They draw a star in a circle, put a half-liter jar of water in the middle, throw in dimes, light five candles at the ends of the star, and let them burn. The flow from the candles is placed in a jar with nickels, closed with a lid, and read 12 times: Eyes closed, buried in the grave. I burn candles and torture the debtor. I torture with fire, dead water, grave soil. You, servant of God (name), repay the debt or take the dimes. Amen. Amen. Amen. And they take the jar to the grave with the name of the debtor.

On a chair leg

Another good way to get yours back. You need to break off a leg from an old chair. The chair is placed outside the threshold of the house (for those who live in an apartment, at the entrance, for those in a private house, at the gate). From a broken leg, they pinch chips with a knife, lay them in a hut and read the spell, once correctly, once backwards: The devil brings the one who asks. I gave, the debtor took. The debtor will not pay the debt, the devil will take the debtor. Amen. At night everything is thrown away at the intersection.

Lining to repay debts

A very good way to repay a debt. Take three spoons of salt, three needles, three pinches of ash, three feathers of any bird, three scraps of wool from different dogs, three scraps of wool from three cats, cut out a square of black fabric the size of your hand (pentacle), draw the name of the debtor with dry soap, put in the middle of the pentacle and slowly, counterclockwise, mix all the above-mentioned objects with a knife, saying: Tear, chips, prick, pain, itching, gnawing, burn; day all day, night all night. And an hour and half an hour, and minutes, and half a minute, and all the time, in the heart, in the crown, in the liver, in the stomach. It will not go away, it will not heal, neither from a doctor, nor from a healer, nor from a sorcerer, nor from a pagan, nor from a whisperer. The servant of God (name) will be sick, rotting and withering from hour to hour. Don’t eat, don’t sleep, moan, suffer, you can’t see the white light. He will not let go of the evil side until he pays (name) his debt. Amen. Amen. Amen. Makes lining where the debtor lives.

Force the debtor to repay a debt worth 12 coals

Take 12 coals from the ash pit or from the treasured box where you previously placed the coals taken on the church holiday. They are placed on a scarf (the scarf should be plain and dark) and the dishes are placed next to them: a cup, a spoon, a glass. They let their hair down, put on their dress backwards, sit in front of the dishes and light a candle. After this they read three times: I am calling the servant of God (name) for dinner, and a hundred troubles live under my table. Eat my dinner, enemy, and take away a hundred troubles for yourself. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Force the money back for what was taken for sale

Sometimes people give goods for sale, but cannot take back either the money or the goods.
In this case, burn aspen splinters three evenings in a row and say into the smoke:
Just as a torch burns, so you, servant of God (name), will smolder and burn. You can’t pour holy water on it until you give me back what’s mine. Amen.

Force them to return what they took for guts and blood

You need a rag with menstrual blood, the blood of a slaughtered chicken, the heart of a bull, the liver of a chicken. A circle is drawn on the ground with a sharp aspen stake. A star is drawn in a circle. Dry grass is laid out in the middle of the star, then dead (dry) wood, chopped into chips, and all of the above is set on fire. The spell should be cast only when the fire is burning well. After the spell is cast, they leave, but return at night to fill the bag with ashes. This bag is hung on a tree.
Everything that was taken from you will be returned without any doubt. You, the one who tramples, and you, the one who knows a lot. Do you know the name of the one who took it from me? And the one who didn’t give it to me? Through human blood, through animal blood, through heart and liver and your omnipresent power, I conjure you! Make (so-and-so) give me (so-and-so) back. Anyone who stands in the way of your will will be eliminated. Amen.

How to influence a debtor

They read on the debtor’s personal icon. They are sold in the church. Lay a black scarf on the table, place the mirror face down on it, and place the debtor’s personal icon on it. Hold your hands over the icon as if you were warming them over a fire. Read forty times. Nothing should interfere with the spell. Don't be distracted by calls or knocking. After this, go to church and light three candles for health, then three for repose and again three candles for health.
Spell: Bread, blood, salt. Amen. On Friday I got up, stood up without crossing myself, without praying to the Lord. I sing the matins service, eat mass with kutya, and lower it into the coffin with vespers, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
On the Okiyan Sea there is a house of fire: it is not washed away by water, nor blown away by the wind. And an invisible man sits in it, he has no arms, no legs, no strength. So I (name) take the strength out of God’s servant (name), squeeze the blood out of him, drink his heart, close his eyes. I'm doing the funeral service! I'm doing the funeral service! I'm doing the funeral service! If you, enemy (name), do not repay your debt to me, then you will consign your body to the grave. I do the funeral service, I do the funeral service, I do the funeral service. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. No one can remove my oath, no one can reprimand me in any church. My words cannot be washed away with holy water. As I swore, so be it. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Usually the savior angel of the debtor forced him to fulfill his duty.

Conspiracy from ruin

To remove the spell from your business, you need to buy three icons on Thursday: the icon of St. Paul, St. Michael and the icon of St. George the Victorious. At the first rays of the Sun, wash yourself from these three holy icons. To do this, pour water blessed in the church onto the icon, and wash yourself with the water flowing from it and say: Strong saints, immortal saints, strengthen me with your shield, my body, my trading business for now, for eternity, for infinity. Be strong, my words, be strong, my deeds, like St. Paul the Intercessor, St. Michael the Liberator, St. George the Victorious. Saints strong, saints immortal. Save me, protect me and remove all curses. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Hurry the debtor to repay the debt

Buy a knife with a wooden handle. At three o'clock in the morning, take a bull's heart specially bought at the market out of the refrigerator, put it on the table and stick a knife into it with your right hand, saying: When this heart was still alive, it beat day and night, pounding, blood flowed through its veins flowed. Heart! I give you the name of the debtor, I will cut you, stab you, I will stop your bleeding. Until then you will suffer and suffer until you decide to repay your debt to me. My knife has brothers - 12 knives, 12 damask guards. They will follow my enemy, they will finish off my enemy, they will make my enemy suffer until his brain decides to repay the debt. 12 knives, 12 damask guards will cut and stab day and night, no one will ever be able to overcome my knives. My word is stone, my deed is correct. I lock it with a padlock and close it with a key. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

As you know, magic has enormous power: with its help you can attract wealth, find out your destiny, protect yourself from evil forces, and even force the debtor to return the money. To do this, it is enough to read certain conspiracies and perform rituals, and then you will not have to wait long for the result.

Magic spells to repay debt have been successfully used for several centuries in a row. They are most relevant for those who have already despaired of asking their debtor friends to return money, and want to get what they want as quickly as possible.

How do these rituals work?

Thus, magical rituals help to force the money back, but under one condition: you must believe in magic and follow some rules for conducting rituals that were created by our ancestors.

How to perform rituals to repay debts: basic rules

To get money as quickly as possible, you need to know some features of household magic:

During rituals, complete observance of silence is desirable: you cannot laugh or make noise in the room in which they are performed. A disrespectful attitude towards magic is not allowed, and rituals are recommended to be performed in the narrowest circle of people. It's best to do it yourself. The fewer people know about them, the greater the chances of getting your own money back.

If the debtor is a friend - what plot to read?

If you had to borrow money from a friend or close acquaintance, it is best to go to church and light a candle to St. Nicholas the Pleasant, asking him to help with prayer. You can also use a simple conspiracy that does not have a destructive effect on the debtor and helps you get your money back faster. What you need to do for this:

  • We look for a sparkling white coin. Suitable for denominations of 1,2 or 5 rubles;
  • In the morning we go to the planting or forest, find a pine or spruce;
  • We bury a coin under a tree while reading the plot:

“I will bury the coin so that the debt will be returned to me. To force the servant of God (name) to give everything. When everything comes back to me, I’ll dig it up and forget all the grievances!”

  • While reading the prayer, you must sincerely wish that the debtor will have money as soon as possible and be able to return it;
  • We dig up the money and store it. Soon the debtor will pay the required amount and thank you for the financial assistance and the wait.

If the debtor is unfamiliar

With such reckless loans, the likelihood of repaying the debt is very low, because people you don’t know well are not always responsible. But even in this case, you can force a refund. For this you will need a church candle and matches. How the ritual is performed:

  • We wait for darkness, put the saucer on the table, light a candle;
  • We light all the matches one by one from the candle, throw them one at a time into the dish;
  • We whisper a prayer while the matches are burning:

“Fire-fire, help me make you pay back the debt! So that the servant of God (name) may be tormented by sorrowful thoughts and torment, Until he gives everything to me! So that I can get the return soon!”

  • We collect the remains of the candle and burnt matches on a plate in a white scarf, put it in a bag in the department where money is usually kept;
  • We say: “So that something is given away that was no longer expected”;
  • After some time, the debtor will show up and give the required amount.

How to get my salary back?

It also happens that employers turn out to be unscrupulous and do not give back legally earned money. For justice to prevail, you need to follow a few simple steps:

“I leave a thin broom near the house so that he won’t let him sleep, so that thoughts about me will torment the debtor and other people’s money will leave him!”

  • On the way back we throw away all the twigs.

Debt repayment ritual with a candle

This ritual is considered one of the most powerful, and it can be used in any situation, regardless of who the debtor is to the lender. In addition to repaying debt, it helps attract wealth. How it is done:

  • We buy a thick wax candle from the church;
  • We wait until midnight comes, then we light the candle and cut it into two equal parts;
  • We light the second half of the candle and connect both parts from the wick side;
  • During the connection, we recite the conspiracy:

“Everything that is separated returns to each other. What is cut is united. What is lost comes. So my money will come back to me.”

  • While the cut and reconnected candle is burning, we go to the debtor’s home, and only extinguish it there.

An ancient spell on a broom

People used this prayer back in ancient times, when the majority of the population had private houses. It is very similar to the ritual for the return of arrears, but there are several differences. The whole ceremony looks like this:

  • We go to the house of a man who owes money. We take with us a bad old broom and a brand new broom;
  • First, we sweep the threshold of the house, whispering a conspiracy to get our money back (“ I sweep with a good broom, I sweep away my money for myself.” ), then we take a whisk and dig it in front of the threshold, saying: “ I place a thin broom under the threshold so that he doesn’t let him sleep, he drives other people’s money out of the house »;
  • When the money is returned, we dig out the old broom.

Food spell

To get what you want, you can use not only household items, but also food - confectionery, first courses and any other food. How it's done:

  • We take food, sprinkle it thickly with salt, saying a prayer in the process:

“As this food is salty, so will everything be salty for the servant of God (say the name of the debtor). He will not drink water, he will not forget about his duty. I’ll hurry up and return everything I borrowed.”

  • We secretly throw the charmed food to the person.

Black magic for debt recovery

This ritual is the most complex and powerful, so it is not recommended to use it unless absolutely necessary. It is advisable to wait for clear explanations from the debtor, and only then make a decision. If he refuses to repay the debt, you can perform this ritual:

  • We find an old chair or stool at home, tear off the leg and break it into small chips;
  • We stack everything with emphasis on each other and pronounce the spell:

“If anyone asks for anything, the devil brings everything to him. I gave what was mine, the debtor took it for himself. Let him worry the hell about it, and give me back what’s mine!”

  • The first time we read the text in the usual way - from left to right, then in the reverse order - from right to left;
  • We go out into the street and find the intersection of two roads. We throw away the wood chips there.

Ritual with a personal icon of the debtor

Such a ritual is also considered quite strong, and it is capable of forcing the debtor to repay all debts. To do this, it is enough to buy an icon of his saint’s name in the church, and then follow several steps:

  • Lay a tablecloth on the floor, place the mirror face down;
  • We place the icon on an inverted mirror, fold our palms as if warming them over a fire;
  • We say the prayer 40 times:

“Let the servant of God(debtor's name) will return everything he took from me. And if he doesn’t return it, let him lose 100 times more, lose his health, know no peace, become unhappy and poor forever! So be it! Amen!"

Among all the rituals, this one is considered the most powerful and can lead to negative consequences, so it should be used as a last resort if other methods have failed.

Ritual with a green candle

To perform such a ritual, you will need a green candle, which you can buy in an esoteric store. It must be lit every evening while the Moon is in its waxing phase until the debt is repaid. While the candle is burning, we say a prayer:

“My money, come back to me! From someone else's house, from someone else's wallet, to my house, to me. So that the debtor (name) does not live in peace, the money is not spent, but only thoughts about me and the debt overcome. It will remain this way until he gives me what is due to me. Amen!"

Prayer of thanksgiving

When money is given away using magic, you should thank the higher powers and forgive the debtor by reading a prayer. It allows you to remove the negative consequences of conspiracies from a person, as well as maintain good relationships.

“I forgive you for today and for yesterday, for now and for tomorrow. God is my witness. And from now on he (name of the debtor) is your judge. I no longer judge you, I ask God for help, I (name) am a faithful servant of God, baptized and honest. Let it be so. Amen"

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How Clairvoyant Baba Nina helps change the line of life

The legendary clairvoyant and prophetess, known throughout the world, launched an accurate horoscope on her website. She knows how to start living in abundance and forget about money problems tomorrow.

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Debts always mean unnecessary worry and excessive anxiety. For those who borrow money, and for everyone who is waiting for their return. People speak of borrowed funds as a headache and a relationship-destroying force. What is so terrible about this kind of material, urgent help? It is worth understanding that people have completely different attitudes towards this type of monetary connection.

Properly performed magical rituals will help repay debts

For some, this is a priority and important matter, while others prefer to test friendship or partnership for patience or perseverance. In any case, if you lent money to someone, you have the right to receive it within a predetermined period. There is nothing shameful in the desire to “pay off” and, even more so, it is not a sin at all to demand the return of hard-earned funds. If calm conversations and legal demands on the debtor do not work, we say that the time has come to take actions of a non-standard nature.

Financial magic from debts

It is a fairly common misconception that magic is used only for a narrow specialization, in cases where you need to bewitch a loved one or punish an enemy. Be that as it may, rituals and rituals are truly unique and effective ways to repay debt in the shortest possible time (loan of any size).

White or Black magic works to one degree or another, but it always brings you closer to the desired, and most importantly, quick result. Whether your debtor comes with a soul full of remorse or reluctantly returns the money, each situation is unique, but the outcome, if all the nuances of the ritual are properly performed, is the same - your funds are returned in full, and not in parts. You can force the debtor to repay the debt with a simple ritual if you know the procedure.

Are you still wondering how to pay back your debts? Then, without a twinge of conscience, you will use magical rituals and stop worrying about the irresponsibility of others. Forcing a person to fulfill his obligations is a matter of honor and it is not at all necessary to forgive meanness on your part. Life experience, no matter how difficult it may be, is important for both sides of the (debt-related) money relationship.

The essence and nature of rituals for the return of old debts

How to organize a ritual for the return of a loan and debts, or force the debtor to return an unpaid debt without additional costs on your part? Magic, no matter how mysterious it may look from the outside, has certain ways of influencing a stranger.

Every living creature on the planet has its own energy background. He is responsible for health, luck, personal life and other areas in which everyone, without exception, seeks love and harmony. From the day of birth, a person has a certain program that predetermines the most important conditions of his life. Luck in professional affairs, prosperity in business, longevity, strong marriage - all these aspects are only a consequence of the good functioning of one or another energy channel.

How can magic help you get out of debt?

Accordingly, magic corrects the functions of one of the channels, which entails the desired result. The ritual cannot physically force you to repay debts, but it will help you find opportunities to repay the debt. You do not need to inflict terrible mortal curses on the debtor or conduct secret rituals in order to exterminate him from the world. All that is required is to push a person to certain actions.

You can return the funds by contacting an experienced magician

How to repay a debt using magic with lasting, long-lasting results? The first and most reliable option is to seek help from an experienced magician who has encountered a similar problem more than once. Sorcerers or healers are trained in skillful manipulation of the energy channels of debtors. The second option, less radical, but effective in its own way, is to perform a simple ritual in your own home, using the instructions and recommendations of specialists.

There is no need to be afraid of a home ritual, because in the worst case, nothing will happen, and in the best case, you will get back the money you need. Take courage and stop waiting for mercy from arrogant, irresponsible people. Take back what is rightfully yours. If you can’t return the money, you should make a ritual return using light magic (a person begins to quickly give away other people’s funds).

Debt repayment ritual “old chair”

Debt repayment magic is quite diverse and multifaceted. You can influence the debtor in several ways at once. The “old chair” ritual is a combined method, thanks to which you not only return the money you borrowed, but also do a little cleaning.

The basis for the ritual is old furniture that has outlived its usefulness, just like your relationship with your enemy. Do not regret the loss of such a person, as soon as he repays the debt - break off all relationships that previously connected you. Only in difficult moments is the true face of a friend or faithful buddy visible.

Find a very old chair or unnecessary stool lying around, taking up unnecessary space in the house. In old furniture, it is necessary to break off one of the entire legs, and this should be done with bare hands, without resorting to the help of special tools. Next, showing the determination of your intentions, collect the remaining attributes of the future ritual for quick debt repayment:

  • chips from old wood;
  • a handful of earth;
  • Holy water.

Break off a few even slivers from the leg, which will be needed to perform the secret ritual. A set of simple items can make you repay the debt in just a couple of days.

How to perform a ritual

Before you begin the ritual, make sure that your family does not see the magical manipulations being performed. Secrecy in such a matter is a prerequisite. Then, do the following:

  1. Place the remains of the chair outside the threshold with thoughts of the debtor.
  2. Align the chips broken off from the leg. They must be the same type and size.
  3. Speak wooden objects with a previously memorized spell:

    “If anyone asks, the devil brings him back. I gave the money, and the borrower took it into his own hands. If he doesn’t return the money on time, let the devil take it for himself and bring me money for it. Let it be so. Amen".

  4. Repeat the spell two more times.
  5. Sprinkle the wood chips with holy water.
  6. Go to the intersection of two roads or paths.
  7. Bury the wood chips and, with words of gratitude to the higher powers, return home. On the way, never turn around or talk to strangers.
  8. At home, read the Lord's Prayer.

An effective ritual takes effect the next morning, and the debtor, who has an “attack” of conscience, will hasten to return the borrowed money.

Conspiracy to return money on the icon

The ritual of repaying a debt using objects consecrated in the temple is deservedly called the most powerful. It is a fact that by manipulating pure faith, you will benefit, because it is the holy water and the icon that will help you return your justly earned money.

Icons will help you repay your debt

The desire for a refund is not sinful, so feel free to decide to perform the ceremony with the consecrated icon. The debt repayment ritual is performed on any day that suits you, with the exception of major Orthodox holidays. It is advisable to choose an icon with a saint whose name the debtor bears.

What is needed for the ritual

Before starting the ritual, cleanse your own energy. Find a church that suits you, confess, light candles for the health of all your family and friends. Events like these help calm the mind and soul. Then, make sure you have all the items necessary for the ritual, namely:

  • personalized icon;
  • holy water;
  • dark-colored tablecloth or scarf;
  • small mirror.

Traditionally, a white tablecloth is not the best option for rituals of this kind. As a last resort, buy a scrap of dark natural fabric and use it in the ritual.

How to perform a ritual

Having fulfilled all the instructions of the magicians, including confession and preparation for the ceremony, immediately proceed to the main stages of magical influence on the insolent debtor. You need to perform sequential actions:

  1. Place a black tablecloth or scarf on the table. Lock all windows and doors in the room. Place a mirror on the table and place an icon on top.
  2. Cross your arms and place your joined palms on the face of the saint.
  3. Say the following words in a half-whisper:

    “Let God’s servant (name of the debtor) return to me everything that he took from me, and if he doesn’t return it, make him lose a hundred times more, so that he loses his health, so that he does not know peace, so that he becomes poor and unhappy forever. Let it be so. Amen".

  4. Thank all the saints for their help.
  5. Wrap the tablecloth with the words of the Lord's Prayer.

Without a single word, collect all the ritual paraphernalia and hide it in a secluded place until the debtor returns your money. It is not advisable to repeat the ritual, but in extreme cases, you should wait 3-4 months between magical actions. If your monetary debt is returned to you, then the icon is given as a donation to the nearest church.

A powerful ritual for repaying debt using a chicken egg

The egg of a young healthy chicken is often used in various magic. Repaying a debt using a well-known food product is a simple task that can be done at home. It is best to choose fresh eggs from domestic chickens for a ritual of such power, otherwise the ritual may only partially work.

Contact women who sell homemade products in markets or friends living in villages, but do not buy eggs in stores or wholesale outlets. The power of the ritual depends on careful preparation, so pay special, meticulous attention to it.

What is needed for the ritual

First, make sure that the ritual takes place in complete privacy. Guess over time, the growing Moon, it allows all undertakings and new important things to be crowned with success. Then select the required “ingredients” for the ritual:

  • two fresh chicken eggs;
  • tap water;
  • sewing needle;
  • a piece of fabric.

For the ritual you will need chicken eggs

White magic works powerfully only if you have boundless faith in a cloudless future, so don’t doubt and don’t be tormented by the thought of how to force your old friend to repay your debts.

How to perform a ritual

Lock all windows and doors in the kitchen. The ritual will only take a few minutes, so don't worry about being disturbed ahead of time. The ritual is carried out as follows:

  1. Place a pan filled with running water on the stove.
  2. In advance, small holes are made in each egg using a needle.
  3. When the water boils, drop the eggs into it.
  4. Throw a needle into boiling water with the words:

    “I say my slander, I will sentence my debtor (name of the debtor). You'll have to cook like eggs, you'll have to fiddle around in boiling water. Repay the debt, or your life will be short-lived. Tear his wood chips, pain, itching, pricking, and all morning, and day, and evening, and all night. And you won’t have a quiet moment, everything will hurt, your heart, your stomach, your skin, your teeth, your liver. Not a single sore will go away, nothing will go away or heal. You cannot be saved by a doctor, a healer, a sorcerer, a pagan, or a whisperer. Now you will get sick, rot alive, weaken and wither. You can’t eat or sleep, just moan and suffer. As it is said, so it will come true. Key. Lock. Language".

  5. Wait until the eggs are ready (wrap one in cloth and hide it at home, leave the second near the debtor’s home).
  6. Read the Lord's Prayer before going to bed.

Let go of the painful situation and, soon, the debtor himself will knock on your door. The ritual with an egg is quite simple, which does not prevent it from being one of the most powerful ways to repay a debt.

Ritual of returning money to the moon

The celestial body that reigns at night is often tied to the performance of one or another magical rite. The factor that determines the success of the ritual with the Moon is a clear, cloudless sky on the day of the secret ritual action. Provide yourself with temporary solitude and complete privacy.

What is needed for the ritual

At night, on the eve of the ceremony, you absolutely cannot sleep, so be patient and diligently wait for dawn. Select the necessary items in advance for magical debt repayment:

  • church candle;
  • Holy water.

A ritual using holy water is an effective way to get your money back

It is enough to visit the church on any day convenient for you, and in the evening begin preparing an effective ritual.

How to perform a ritual

Waiting until dawn with a fighting spirit, are you ready to take control of your own destiny? Don’t waste time, carry out a consistent ritual:

  1. Wash yourself with holy water, feel the surge of strength from the consecrated liquid.
  2. Read the Lord's Prayer.
  3. Light a candle and go to the window (moonlight should fall on you).
  4. Repeat the magic spell three times:

    “I am sending a note to the servant of God (full name of the debtor). Now let my account of the debtor crush and burn, bake and beat, break his bones and take the life out of him. Now (debtor’s name) will not be able to sleep, will not be able to eat, will not be able to drink until the debt comes back to me. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

  5. Cross yourself again with the words of the Lord's Prayer.

This ritual gives a lasting result, which lasts until all the money is returned to your home. Partial payments by the debtor will not cancel the ritual. What to do if the magic didn't work the first time? On the full moon, repeat all the steps again. Paying off a debt or returning the money you borrowed is important for your own karma.

With the help of magic, any problem in this world is a mere trifle. Borrowers of large amounts do not want to pay it back? No question, witchcraft will return harmony to this area of ​​your life. Debt, especially those that turn into multi-year protracted moments, weighs down absolutely everyone. Both the borrower and the one who, out of the kindness of his heart, helped out an irresponsible person in difficult times.

Don't wait for the right day or a wonderful occasion, take care of your own well-being. Be true to your principles, say goodbye to those who constantly let you down, return not just debts, but harmony to the monetary component of your life. Justice is the best punishment for those who have forgotten about honor. A person who does not repay the full debt will lose much more, because a lot of retribution will come his way.

There is a popular saying: “If you don’t want to quarrel with a friend, don’t lend him money.” However, if the loan of money was nevertheless carried out, and the borrower is not going to return what was borrowed for some reason, you will have to act decisively and comprehensively, resorting to simple but effective methods, such as a conspiracy to repay the debt. If you don’t believe in magic, then we recommend you these simple tips on how to pay back debts and legally increase money.

  1. The first of them is a technique for attracting money to a specific person. To implement it, you first need to find a good photo of the individual who owes you. A “good photo” is a picture where a person smiles, looks happy and satisfied with life. You should also stock up on several large bills of money (preferably dollars or other stable foreign currency). It is recommended to perform the ritual on the waxing moon in such a way that its light illuminates the room where the plot is being read. The actual magical conspiracy to get rid of debts will consist of the following passes: place the photo on the table, image up (try to let the moon illuminate it too), then take a stack of banknotes and, slowly passing them over the photo, read: “How the glorious one rushes across the seas.” a boat, all luxuriously sewn, dressed in gold, with a hundred treasures in it. So a good fellow (say the name of the debtor) would become rich and generous so that money would start in his family. Gold, silver and chervonets, a hundred treasures from ships. I lure money with money. Amen!"
  2. The second ritual consolidates the first and is designed to appeal directly to a person’s conscience, so that after he has acquired “a hundred treasures,” he would share from the heart with his family and friends, and simply pay off his debts. As part of this event, you need to go to church, light a candle for this person and sincerely pray for his health and well-being, and upon returning home, read out loud or mentally on his photo: “Faithful friend, I trust in you, I pray for you, I wish you well . Don’t forget about me, help me in a moment. Amen". In addition to prayers and rituals, it is also worth additionally recommending books to such a person on how to get rid of debts, or suggesting options for solving his financial problem: from part-time jobs to obtaining loans from specialized organizations.

About energy debt recovery, watch this video:



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