Outdoor time: more is better? More often is better? The benefits of walking. Hiking in the fresh air to improve health

Hiking is the simplest and most accessible form of physical activity, and, moreover, suitable for almost everyone. When walking, not only muscles work, but the body is also saturated with oxygen if the walk takes place in the fresh air, which is doubly useful.

You can choose any route, be it a city sidewalk, forest or park paths. For people who do not have enough time for sports, it is enough to replace part of the distance they traveled by transport with walking.

Every person walks in one way or another, some cover hundreds of meters a day, others walk long distances. Of course, short walks from home to transport or from the car to work can hardly be called sufficient physical activity. However, you can do this if you wish.

It has been noticed that during walks a person becomes more relaxed, emotionally balanced, focusing his attention on his surroundings and his own sensations in the muscles. It is good for vision, as the eyes finally take a break from the monitor. A walk gives you the opportunity to be alone with yourself, thanks to which the nervous system becomes stronger and more stable.

For example, jogging, which many choose to keep their body in good shape, lose weight, or just exercise in the morning, is not suitable for every person due to health conditions and age restrictions. But walking activities have much fewer restrictions. If you organize your walks correctly, you can achieve good results.

The essence of walking is the work of several muscle groups at once, with the legs moving in the transverse, longitudinal and vertical planes. Thanks to the activation of neurochemical processes, walking has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole.

Walking has the following positive effects on the body:

  • the lungs begin to work at full capacity;
  • blood circulation improves;
  • the heart and vascular system are strengthened;
  • oxygen delivery to all cells of the body is activated;
  • The respiratory system works better;
  • thanks to increased blood flow, varicose veins are prevented;
  • the fat burning process is activated;
  • has a beneficial effect on psychosomatics;
  • immunity increases;
  • endurance improves;
  • is the prevention of joint diseases, osteoporosis.

With regular walks, pelvic congestion also disappears in men, and this leads to a reduction in the risk of such an unpleasant disease as prostatitis.

If the purpose of walking is to improve health, then it is suitable for any age and gender. Your well-being should serve as a guide to whether the load is sufficient for you personally. It will tell you whether the route is correct, the complexity of the route, the duration of the walk, and its speed. Walking is especially recommended for:

  • decreased immunity;
  • lethargy;
  • prostration;
  • general weakness of the body.

However, walking is contraindicated for some people, namely if they have the following symptoms:

  • high blood pressure;
  • arrhythmia;
  • pulmonary failure;
  • previous stroke or heart attack;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • chronic kidney disease;
  • glaucoma;
  • threat of retinal detachment;
  • diabetes;
  • ARVI, acute respiratory infections, influenza.

It is also worth noting that it cannot be said that walking is better than running or vice versa. It’s just that running requires a more serious level of physical strength and endurance. But regular walking can sufficiently prepare the body and be a preparatory stage for running. In addition, people who are overweight should not run, as it can harm their joints, so it is better for them to give preference to walking. However, according to doctors, an hour-long walk is healthier for the body than a half-hour jog.

How to walk correctly

In order to get a good result, you need to walk according to certain rules. For walking to be beneficial, observe the following conditions:

  • moderation. After all, the level of intensity and duration of walking should directly depend on your well-being. You need to listen to what your body says, don’t overexert yourself, don’t allow pain, don’t force yourself;
  • gradualism. You don’t need to immediately set yourself insurmountable goals regarding the duration, speed or mileage of your walk. Increase both gradually, without sudden jumps;
  • regularity. Perhaps this is the basic rule for all types of physical activity. Only with regular exercise can you count on the expected result.

Make it a habit to walk for at least half an hour three to four times a week. To keep your walks regular, take every opportunity to take them.

For example, get off a couple of stops earlier, especially if the route to work is not close. You need to accustom yourself to walking, but to do this you will have to change your daily routine, going to work earlier. Replace taking the elevator with walking up the stairs.

Of course, the ideal option would be long walks in the fresh air without any rush, when walking is the goal. By choosing to walk in the morning, you get an extra boost of energy. And by walking in the evenings, you will be guaranteed a good and sound sleep.

In summer, on hot days, choose morning or evening hours for walking so that the body is not negatively affected by heat and increased air temperature, which is why the effect of walking will be clearly undesirable. In winter, make sure that the temperature does not approach a critically low level; in other cases, walking is useful. In addition, cold weather encourages you to walk at a faster pace, which increases the load on your muscles.

The duration of the walk depends on the individual abilities of the body.

Low-impact walking at a speed of 4 kilometers per hour is good for people with a low level of physical fitness. Monitor your pulse, it should reach 80 beats per minute. Over time, the intensity can be increased, but this must be done gradually. In the beginning, walk for twenty minutes a day, increasing to thirty to forty minutes. Based on the abilities of your body, the process of increasing the duration of a walk can last several weeks or even months.

If the purpose of walking is to improve the health of the body, the duration of the walk should be at least half an hour, taking into account a speed of seven kilometers per minute with a pulse rate of 65-80 beats. Walking up to 10 kilometers at a fast pace will be tiring at first, but this will subside over time, usually within a few months to a year. When you stop getting very tired from walking quickly over fairly long distances, this will mean that the goal has been achieved. In this case, walking should be continued, but another load should be added to it.

Thanks to walking at increased speed:

  • the likelihood of cardiovascular diseases is reduced;
  • accelerates the process of weight loss;
  • blood pressure returns to normal;
  • overall physical endurance increases;
  • the body accepts aerobic exercise better.

You can take walks around the city, in the park, on a treadmill, on the spot, on the stairs. Even using special poles similar to ski poles. This type of walking is called Nordic walking.

On the spot

If you don't have the opportunity to walk outside, you can walk at home in one place. The load exerted on the body by this method of walking is similar to an ordinary walk, except for the movement of the body forward. To start, walk in place for about ten minutes, then increase to an hour and a half. Watch your speed; when walking in place for half an hour, you should take from fifty to seventy steps per minute. To monitor their number, just install a pedometer on your phone or get a special bracelet. And to avoid getting bored, you can turn on a movie, then time will fly by.

On the simulator

When walking on a moving track, that is, on a special simulator, the effect of walking is also preserved, except that the load will be slightly less due to the fact that no additional obstacles are created for walking. For example, in natural conditions, a walking path may have inclines, uneven surfaces, etc., which slightly increases the impact on the muscles. You can install the path at a slight angle to achieve a better effect.

On the stairs

A type of walking accessible to everyone. You don’t need to get a special simulator for it. A simple staircase, which is found in every home, is enough. You should start by replacing the elevator with taking the stairs. This is the simplest option. Next, you should complicate it a little, going two floors above the desired one, then going down to your own. The next level is to reach the top, then go down to the bottom floor.
At the beginning you need to walk, stepping on each step. The calf muscles will react painfully, since the load will be unusual for them, plus shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat will be added. Once these symptoms disappear and your calves become accustomed to working in this mode, make the walking more difficult.

Now stand on the steps not with your feet, but with your toes. Then start walking one, and then two steps. As soon as you feel that your muscles are not working enough, combine walking options, increase your speed, and sometimes start running. You can even pick up some weighting material.

Walking up the stairs develops and strengthens the muscles of the legs and hips, stabilizes blood pressure, and allows you to successfully fight excess weight. In order for such an activity to give the best effect, it should last at least half an hour. Moreover, climbing flights of stairs burns much more calories than even running on a flat surface! This means that the fat burning process is much more active. Of course, you won’t be able to walk up and down the stairs for so long right away. It all depends on the personal abilities, patience and endurance of each person.

Nordic walking

A type of walking with poles, somewhat similar to ski poles. A distinctive feature from a regular walk is that it involves not only the muscles of the legs and hips, but also the upper body. That is, the load is distributed across almost all muscle groups. You can increase the load without increasing the pace. This type of walking is a great way to lose weight, because it allows you to burn almost twice as many calories as a regular walk.

Walking is good because it does not require any additional effort or expense, and does not have strict requirements. For people with certain joint problems, who are prohibited from running, but need exercise, this is an ideal option. To make your walk enjoyable, pay attention to the following details:

  • Shoes should be comfortable, athletic, preferably for walking. The foot and especially the heels must absorb well when in contact with the surface, otherwise too much load will be placed on the spine, and this can lead to a number of problems with it;
  • clothes should also be comfortable, give up jeans in favor of comfortable sports trousers, do not forget about a hat in the cold season, gloves, because health comes first;
  • choose places and roads that are convenient for walking, preferably with a familiar route, in order to correctly calculate the load and duration;
  • do not forget to monitor your walking speed, heart rate and your own well-being;
  • If you experience discomfort or persistent pain, it is best to stop walking and consult a doctor.

Walking in the fresh air is beneficial for both young and old people. This is the best way to stay physically fit, lose weight, strengthen your immune system, calm your nerves and just have a good time.

Get up and walk, then your health will be fine!

How much time should you walk outdoors? I think the answer to the question will largely depend on “what kind of family you come from” and on the characteristics of your character. And indeed, some people can barely keep up with the “norm” of one hour, and for others, a couple of hours outside is no time at all...

Why did I write that staying on the street largely depends on the family? I have a simple example - my parents always spent a LOT of time outside. Forest, mountains, sanatoriums, natural attractions... Yes, we were never bored. Of course, I am somewhat lazier than my parents and do not mind staying at home whenever possible. But! As soon as I sit at home for at least a day and don’t go out, I start to “fade” - my head starts to hurt, my mood drops, I start to feel lethargic and there is a feeling that “something is missing.” So people like me simply need air. Do you want your children to get plenty of fresh air? Walk with them since childhood!

Moreover, my health directly depends on fresh air. And I know from myself that if hemoglobin drops, and this happens, then no drugs will help me. Fresh air is my only cure!

Where to walk, how to walk and when to walk?
Of course, it is most pleasant to walk where “the eye is pleased”, and not along dusty streets, where there is nothing to breathe and nothing to see. The first place that comes to mind is, of course, the forest. Walks here can be long and interesting.

Our family’s favorite path begins with a church like this, located almost in the forest. Around the church, the monks maintain a huge flowerbed of indescribable beauty!

Further from this church the road leads through the forest to the Volga River. It’s almost impossible to get down here by car, but as you can imagine, the air here is the cleanest! There is no gas pollution, and during the beach season there are minimal people here.

Of course, you also need to look at the weather - in the summer, walks are basically bliss, and you don’t have to go home for at least the whole day! However, nature, as they say in that very song, has no bad weather, so in winter you can have a great time in the forest with your family!

Speaking of the company. Personally, I can’t stand long walks alone, so an hour alone is enough for me! But if you have good company, the walk can last two hours or more! And not only in summer, but also in winter! In extreme cases, music in headphones becomes my companion, and then the time spent in the fresh air also noticeably increases.

My husband and I also really love “night” walks. Of course, now you can’t really go out with the kids at night, but sometimes we still find time for some “evening” air. This photo was taken during such a walk...

Walks in the open air. Doctors' opinion.

Of course, walking in the fresh air is also a kind of exercise, so if previously you were outside only for 15 minutes “from home to work,” then you shouldn’t rush into all seriousness and literally move to the street. No, your muscles will not start to ache out of habit, as happens after a workout. And even the lungs will not begin to “breathe faster” out of habit, no. You will simply burn out mentally and want to go back home to your native warmth.

Start gradually with half an hour and gradually increase the time to 2 hours or more. There is no specific norm here, but doctors advise walking for at least half an hour a day.

Active absorption of oxygen, that is, running in the fresh air or brisk walking for a short time, will also not be amiss. This will be a kind of prevention of heart attack and cardiovascular diseases. Again, you need to start active rest gradually - from 10 minutes and then progressively. Over time, you should engage in active rest at least twice a week.

It has long been explained by doctors, and it itself is recommended by trainers. However, most people still look for a minibus when heading to the store. Some even go to the stall to buy cigarettes by car. And everyone complains about a “beer belly”, heart problems and weakness in the legs if they have to stand in line.

We lose weight without problems

In the list of benefits of walking, the most attractive item for many will be getting rid of excess weight. People usually start thinking about health when problems with it begin, but they worry about attractiveness almost from the moment they begin to lose it. And this is even good: by starting to walk to lose weight, a person will also improve his health.

Researchers have found that the benefits of walking for getting slim are much higher than regular visits to the gym. Walking is more effective than dieting and gives more lasting results, unless, of course, it is accompanied by gluttony. When walking, you burn off as much fat in half an hour as you spend in the gym in an hour. And at the same time, you don’t have to pay for such training. In addition, the loads during walking are natural and evenly distributed. You are not at risk of soreness or overload of individual muscle groups. And an additional bonus is improved posture if at first you train yourself to walk with your shoulders turned. By the way, this is not difficult to do: just wear a slightly loaded backpack on both straps.

Let's say no to old age

The undoubted benefits of walking are also observed for those who want to delay the onset of senile infirmity as far as possible. The most common cause of age-related mortality is strokes and heart attacks. And they are caused by weakness of blood vessels and heart muscle. To strengthen them, static loads - lifting weights, exercising on exercise machines, etc. - are not very suitable. But clean air, rhythmic movements and uniformity of load cope with the task perfectly. The pressure stabilizes - the vessels stop experiencing excessive stress. The heart catches the desired rhythm and is not overloaded, while simultaneously strengthening.

We fight apathy and depression

Another reason for rapid aging is stress, which our lives cannot do without, even if we carefully avoid unpleasant impressions and sensations. Another benefit of walking is that it quickly and without medication eliminates the consequences of nervous shock.

European doctors conducted a large-scale study of the age group from 40 to 65 years. It was carried out for many years and gave stunning results: the risk of heart disease drops by almost half if people just walk at a brisk pace for about three hours every day. In addition, senile dementia, atherosclerosis and other diseases that are common at their age were not observed among those who loved to walk.

We prevent dangerous diseases

The list of benefits of walking is long and convincing. His most compelling points are:

  1. Reducing “bad” cholesterol in the blood naturally to a minimum. This means preventing the occurrence of diseases associated with it.
  2. The likelihood of diabetes mellitus decreases by at least one third.
  3. In women, the risk of getting a breast tumor is noticeably reduced, in men - prostate cancer, and in both - intestinal cancer.
  4. Without medical intervention (including medications), the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized.
  5. The risk of developing glaucoma drops to almost zero.
  6. Strengthening the skeleton and joints prevents the development of osteoporosis, arthritis and rheumatism.
  7. Immunity is growing: “walkers” do not catch the virus even in the midst of epidemics.

However, to achieve such results, daily walking is required. The benefits of one-time walks are much lower.

How much do you need

The average person who leaves home only to take the bus to work and the tram to the store takes no more than 3 thousand steps on a working day. This is so small that unpleasant consequences for the body can be considered guaranteed.

If a person is more conscious and travels to work (located nearby) on foot, he walks about 5 thousand times. Better - but still not enough. In order not to lose what nature has given you, you need to take at least 10 thousand steps daily, which will be a distance of approximately 7.5 km. At average speed, you need to travel for about two hours - and your health will not leave you.

Where and how is the best way to walk?

It is advisable to choose places for walking wisely. Naturally, if you combine walking with going to work, you won’t be able to adjust your route too much. However, walking in your free time allows you to choose a “useful” trajectory of movement. Parks are best suited for these purposes: there is unpolluted, clean air, fairly smooth paths that are quite suitable for walking, plus at least some nature. If there is no park nearby, choose a route away from transport arteries. At least in the courtyards of houses.

In addition, the benefits of walking are observed only if the person walks energetically. When you wander slowly and sadly, your body works in a mode not unlike rest mode.

No special equipment is required for walking. The only thing worth paying attention to is shoes. Flip-flops or heels are clearly not suitable for a long and brisk walk.

Only fresh air!

I would also like to note that walking down the street cannot in any way be replaced by using a treadmill in a sports club, even in the most intensive mode. You only need to walk outside: here you get your dose of sun, which forces your body to produce vitamin D. Without it, the healing effect will be much lower, although the weight loss effect will remain at the same level. And there is no need to make excuses with clouds. Even on a cloudy day, the sun's rays are enough to stimulate the production of valuable vitamins in the required amount.

How to train yourself to walk?

Laziness, they say, is the engine of progress. But it is also a stop-cock for maintaining physical fitness. You don’t want to make unnecessary movements, and the person begins to justify himself by lack of time or other objective circumstances. However, you can unobtrusively force yourself to start walking. The methods are simple and feasible.

  1. If your office is two stops from home, walk to and from work. If you cannot do without a trip by transport, get off one stop earlier when traveling by metro and two stops earlier if you travel by minibus, tram or trolleybus.
  2. Don’t take your “brakes” with you to work, take a walk to a cafe for lunch. And not the closest.
  3. Forget the elevator. Even if you live on the 20th floor, walk. To begin with, just go down, and eventually go back home along the stairs. In addition to losing weight, improving your health and developing your “breathing”, by summer you will also gain elastic buttocks, with which you won’t be ashamed to show up on the beach even in a swimsuit with a thong.

Having appreciated all the benefits of walking, every person should make the first effort and maintain it throughout his life. Unless, of course, he wants to remind himself of a ruin in his early old age and regret missed opportunities. In the end, it's just fun to walk. If you can't walk aimlessly, challenge yourself to walk to the beach, a museum, or your favorite cafe. Or find a like-minded person to talk to while walking. Or get yourself a dog.

Walking in the fresh air and its benefits are often talked about. But what is really the benefit of such a pastime? Firstly, this is a small physical activity - you are walking, and therefore moving. In our time of widespread physical inactivity, this is very important. As soon as heavy loads begin, the heart rate also increases noticeably. Due to such a light load, the heart trains well, but since the load is still light, there is no chance of overdoing it and overloading it. So, walking in the fresh air is good for the heart.

Benefits of walking outdoors

Any physical activity outdoors is much more beneficial than exercise in the gym. Of course, training in gyms and clubs has its own invaluable benefits. But still, a walk through the park in good weather can be even more beneficial than working on a treadmill in the gym. It's all about oxygen. Even in a very well-ventilated room, there will be much less oxygen than outside. And oxygen is an invaluable benefit for the body. In addition, there is much less risk of getting sick outdoors, since bacteria and germs do not easily grow. But indoors, even with very thorough cleaning, pathogenic organisms develop much faster.

The phytoncides released by plants also add benefits. It’s great if there are coniferous trees nearby, which enrich the air with useful substances. These substances are capable of having a disinfecting effect, which, by the way, is also a factor in the difficulties with the proliferation of bacteria.

Please note that today many sanatoriums plant coniferous trees on the territory, if they have such an opportunity. So, if you have a pine forest nearby or a park area with an abundance of pine needles, do not deny yourself the pleasure of walking through this park from time to time.

Many people go for walks in the park not only to warm up, but also to calm down and relax.. And in fact, a leisurely walk gives you the opportunity to think about something very pleasant and sweet. You can just dream. Doctors are very supportive of walks in the fresh air; they normalize the functioning of the human nervous system. Often, through regular exercise, people gradually come out of prolonged depression.

Disadvantages of walking - are there any?

In fact, there are no contraindications as such for walking outdoors. You just need to monitor the weather and dress appropriately. If you feel like you have a cold, then it won’t hurt to reduce the walking time and give it up until recovery occurs. Whatever one may say, walking is a kind of exercise, which will not hurt to be postponed until complete recovery.. It is worth saying that walking while sick is especially harmful in the cold season, since cold air causes even more harm and can aggravate the situation. This is why doctors strongly discourage walking if you have serious cold symptoms. It’s better to spend your time walking on proper treatment, so that after a few days you will be healthy and have the opportunity to walk in the air to your heart’s content.

Why are we walking less and less?

Modern man is busy at work. He spends days either in the office or at home doing household chores, and when he manages to find free time, he only has time to sleep. But these are often just excuses. Any person has time to talk with children, to visit a cafe with friends, to go to the gym - if only he had the desire to do so. When the desire is there, there will be time for a walk.

To begin with, you can refuse public transport or park your car not near the office, but a little away from the place of work, so that you need to walk a little. This short walk will be a great start to finding new opportunities.

Next, you can offer your friends a meeting in the park instead of constant gatherings in a cafe. Just don’t sit on the first bench, but try to walk a little along the paths. This will not interfere with the conversation, so you will spend time in a warm company usefully. The same can be suggested in case of communication with children - you can even engage in active games with them. This option will be an even more successful start to a more active lifestyle, since the physical activity from outdoor games in nature is very noticeable.

An outdoor gym is a great idea for the summer. When the weather is warm outside, it is strange to sit in a stuffy room, where it is more pleasant to spend time outdoors. You can find a convenient area for sports, a stadium, or just take roller skates or a bicycle to work on yourself. By the way, the summer option for outdoor sports is also a great savings, since you can train here completely free of charge. Not bad, right?

Probably every person knows that fresh air has health benefits. But at the same time, most adults prefer to be indoors rather than outdoors. All their contact with fresh air is limited to ventilation and short runs from home to work and back. But this is a completely wrong approach, because walking is the most accessible and at the same time very effective way to maintain health and improve the health of the body. But many people wonder what time is best for and what is the best way to walk more or more often?

When is the best time to walk outdoors?

If you live in a busy city with a lot of cars and far from green areas, it is best to choose a time for walking either early in the morning - when most cars have not yet entered the streets, or late in the evening - when the intensity of traffic of both public and private transport has already decreased.

If you live in a small town or there is a body of water near you, it can be anything. Go for a walk when it's convenient.

You need to make time for a short walk every day. You can completely abandon public transport and get to work and back on foot. You just need to move not near the road, but along courtyards and smaller roads.

A morning walk will help you cheer up, fill yourself with energy and get to work full of energy. Also, being in the fresh air will provide an opportunity to improve performance and creativity, as the brain will receive the amount of oxygen it needs. And movement will lead to the production of endorphins, which will certainly have a positive effect on your mood and well-being.

An evening walk after dinner can be a great cure for any sleep problems. Instead of looking at the monitor screen in the evening, it is better to go outside and get some fresh air. Just twenty to thirty minutes of a leisurely evening walk will help you get rid of the aggressive effects of chronic stress, stabilize blood pressure, and eliminate muscle tension.

What is the best way to walk: more often or longer?

Experts actually cannot say unambiguously which walking option will be optimal. But they all agree on one thing - you need to take a walk every day.

Start daily regular walks in the fresh air with half an hour, and over time increase their duration to the level that is optimal for you. In order to prevent diseases of the heart and blood vessels, as well as heart attacks, doctors advise ensuring the body not only stay in the fresh air, but also actively absorb oxygen. To do this, you can do brisk walking, light jogging, and simple physical exercises on the street. The duration of active exercises should not exceed ten minutes at first, but over time they can be carried out longer.

Long walks outdoors will help you look and feel better.

If you have any illnesses, frequent walks in the fresh air are more acceptable than long ones. The same recommendation is relevant for young children, elderly people and pregnant women.

Scientists say that it is best for patients who want to go for a walk half an hour after a meal. The duration of the walk should be at least forty-five minutes. This exposure to fresh air will help reduce the likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes.

Walking in the fresh air for various diseases

Many patients may find walking in the fresh air particularly beneficial. This type of physical therapy is recommended for patients. Doctors say that walking moderately activates the activity of the cardio-respiratory system and benefits patients recovering from a variety of ailments of the heart, blood vessels and respiratory organs. This type of activity will be especially useful for those who suffer from neuroses and other similar disorders in the activity of the nervous system. Walking is used both in hospitals and in sanatorium-resort therapy. Doctors advise those patients who are undergoing home treatment to take a walk in the fresh air. It is extremely important to consider that the load when walking and its duration are selected exclusively by the doctor on an individual basis. To increase the load, change the pace of movement, select a modified terrain, and increase the step length. In the conditions of sanatorium-resort institutions, dosed ascent is often practiced - along a path. In the latter case, the loads should be short-term – starting from ten minutes per approach.

Walks in the forest, park area and near the sea are especially beneficial. The air in these places is saturated with a lot of useful substances, which has an additional healing effect. For outdoor walks to be truly beneficial, do not overeat before them. Also bring drinking water with you.

If you have any diseases, the duration of walks in the fresh air, their regularity and severity of the load are selected only by a doctor. The rest of the population needs to go for walks, depending on their condition and the availability of free time - more walks in the fresh air and for a longer time will definitely provide more benefits.

Additional Information

Many patients who are just starting to walk in the fresh air complain of fatigue, loss of strength and shortness of breath. You can cope with such unpleasant symptoms using traditional medicine.

To saturate the body with energy, it is worth preparing a medicine based on oats. Pour two hundred grams of bran into a liter of boiling water. Boil for an hour, then strain through cheesecloth or a sieve. Squeeze out the plant material. Take the resulting decoction half to one glass three or four times a day.

You can also rinse a glass of oat grains and brew them with one liter of boiling water. Boil this product over low heat until it reaches the consistency of liquid jelly. Strain the finished medicine and dilute it with fresh milk, maintaining an equal ratio. Dissolve five tablespoons of honey in it. Take the finished medicine, fifty milliliters three to four times a day. Continue therapy for two to three months.

In order to increase the overall tone of the body and enhance physical and mental performance, prepare a medicine based on celery. Pour two hundred grams of crushed roots with two hundred milliliters of cold, pre-boiled water. Infuse the medicine for two hours, then strain and take small portions throughout the day.

If you suffer from , prepare the following medicine: prepare ten heads of garlic, grind it to a paste. Also squeeze the juice from a dozen medium lemons. Mix these ingredients and pour a liter of honey over them. Mix well and leave for a week in a tightly covered jar. Take the prepared mixture four teaspoons once a day. Do not swallow the medicine immediately, but take it slowly. Don't miss a day. Take it every day until the mixture runs out.

You can also prepare ordinary turnips to treat shortness of breath. Grind a small root vegetable on a grater. Fill it with half a liter of water and cook over low heat for a quarter of an hour. Strain the finished broth and squeeze out the plant material. Take a glass of the resulting drink immediately before your night's rest.

If you are going to engage in active physical activity or at least walks in the fresh air, prepare an excellent restorative mixture. Thoroughly crush half a kilogram of walnut kernels, mix them with one hundred grams of aloe juice, three hundred grams of honey and juice squeezed from three to four lemons. Take the resulting mixture one teaspoon three times a day, about half an hour before meals.

Taking medicine based on rose hips also has a wonderful restorative effect. Brew a couple of tablespoons of crushed fruits with a glass of just boiled water. Infuse this product in a thermos for 24 hours. Strain the finished infusion and take it one-third to half a glass two or three times a day shortly after meals.

Walking in the fresh air can bring enormous benefits to many people, including those who suffer from various diseases. It would be a good idea to discuss the intensity of such activities with your doctor.



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