Vitamins for a guy. Rating of effective vitamins for men with reviews and prices

A person, regardless of his gender and age, requires the same vitamins. The difference is that men need more vitamins of one group, and women or children need more of another.

What vitamins are the most important for men?

B vitamins – promote the absorption of proteins and the correct distribution of amino acids in the male body; thanks to these vitamins, vision, the functions of the urinary system and the balance of impulses along the nerve endings are maintained.

Vitamin E - strengthens the walls of blood vessels, which means it maintains potency and performance at a high level, protects against depression.

Vitamin A also helps increase potency, as it stimulates the synthesis of the hormone testosterone. Prevents the development of malignant tumors, protects against eye diseases.

Vitamin C – normalizes blood pressure, prevents the accumulation of bad cholesterol and the formation of plaques on the walls of blood vessels. This vitamin is necessary for all smokers, as it can neutralize the damage caused to cells by nicotine.

The listed vitamins for men do not enter the body in sufficient quantities with food, even if the diet is balanced, therefore it is necessary to take additional vitamin complexes.

Rating of the best vitamin supplements for men

It is impossible to determine the best vitamins for men - after all, each organism has its own characteristics and needs, determined by age, lifestyle, professional activity, and activity of a man.

But you can choose a complex of vitamins for men based on popularity, taking into account the rating and reviews.

It is safer and more reliable to purchase a proven product.

  1. Alphabet. The complex of vitamins for men of this brand contains, in addition to the recommended substances, extracts of medicinal herbs that help maintain potency and sexual desire. At the same time, reviews confirm that with regular use of this supplement, indicators of mental and physical activity improve. The package contains three different types of tablets, they differ in color. Maximum effectiveness is achieved if you take the tablets in the specified order. You need to take all three within 24 hours. These are ideal vitamins for men, if we take into account the price/quality ratio.
  2. Duovit. These vitamins for men also contain all the necessary minerals to maintain the activity and normal functioning of the body. Duovit has a positive effect on the male reproductive system; this supplement is included in complex treatment for chronic inflammation of the prostate gland. Duovit eliminates problems with brittle hair and nails, reduces the appearance of acne. These multivitamins will support you during periods of increased mental and physical stress.
  3. Wellman. Vitamins for men from this manufacturer can provide an active person with all the necessary substances throughout the day.

But reviews warn: in the first days of therapy with these multivitamins, a side effect such as nausea is possible.

Usually it goes away within half an hour after taking the pill, and then the man can continue to effectively engage in activities and sports without experiencing either physical or mental fatigue.

  1. Twin lab. These are the best vitamins for men if they are going to have a lot of physical activity - for example, when going to the gym or moving house. In addition, this vitamin complex supports the functions of the prostate gland and protects it from inflammation.
  2. Solgar. These vitamins for men were developed by American doctors; the formula includes not only vitamins and minerals, but also herbal extracts, which together significantly improve all the functions of the male body and activate the functioning of the brain. Reviews and ratings confirm the impeccable action of this complex; under this brand you can also find vitamins for women and supplements that help improve hair, nails and skin.
  3. Farmamed. This manufacturer offers a whole line of multivitamin complexes adapted for the various needs of men; which one to choose is up to everyone to decide for themselves, depending on the current problem. There are supplements for hair growth that protect against stress, improve potency, and also increase the body's stamina.
  4. Super mind. They contain a standard set of vitamins and minerals needed daily; the main advantage of this product is its affordable price.
  5. Dopelhertz. The action of this multivitamin complex for men is aimed primarily at protecting and supporting the prostate. Doppelhertz Active has a vasoconstrictor effect, solves problems with difficulty urinating and reduces the manifestations of the inflammatory process in case of problems with the prostate gland.

Which vitamins will turn out to be truly the best and most effective can only be determined experimentally - the rating only determines the most popular and best-selling brands.

Peruvian Maca contains only natural ingredients, so it is absolutely safe for a man’s health, it has no side effects, and the erection is excellent even after 40 years! The product is approved by andrologists and is an original product.

Which vitamins are needed in which situation?

Situations are different: someone suffers from poor memory, someone needs more energy to win at sports competitions.

It depends on the tasks and the current situation which vitamins are best to take.

If you are planning to conceive a child, you need to improve the quality and increase the number of sperm, then with the help of a certain group of vitamins you can significantly increase the chances of success.

You need to start taking it at least 3-4 months in advance. So, you will need the following substances:

  • Vitamin B9 and folic acid – stimulate sperm production and increase their motility;
  • Vitamin E or tocopherol - prolongs the lifespan of sperm, they become less vulnerable to the effects of an aggressive environment;
  • Vitamin A increases the production of testosterone, the main hormone for men, and also has a positive effect on the quality of seminal fluid;
  • Selenium – recommended for older men and those who suffer from decreased sexual activity;
  • Zinc – eliminates sexual dysfunctions.

To improve the functioning of the immune system, you should take vitamins K, B12, E in combination with calcium.

In case of male infertility, the cause of which is a poor spermogram, supplements containing vitamins A and E will come to the rescue. The first of them promotes the production of high-quality seminal fluid, and the second increases libido, stimulating the production of testosterone.

Vitamin H helps with hair loss and brittleness, and it will also solve problems with poor acne-prone skin. Substances in this group accelerate the regeneration of hair cells, improving their structure from the inside and strengthening the hair follicles. The skin is cleansed and acne scars are smoothed out.

Athletes need to take B vitamins - they contribute to intensive protein consumption, and this is the key to successful training and continued activity at work.

You can overcome chronic fatigue by regularly taking vitamin B1. It protects against the harmful effects of stress and overwork, supports the functioning of the heart muscle, relieves shortness of breath, and increases muscle tone.

For problems with the gastrointestinal tract, frequent nervous overload and sleep disturbances, it is recommended to take additional folic acid.

Vitamin B12 contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes, a surge of vigor and energy. but the rare and little-known vitamin N will support the liver of all lovers of meat and smoked delicacies, spicy and salty snacks, alcohol and tobacco.

Well-being and good health will be ensured if a man takes care of a balanced and regular diet, supplementing it with vitamins A, B, C, E, lipoic acid and biotin.

To all this, for prevention, you can add.

What vitamins are needed at different ages?

The ranking of the best vitamins for men offers products designed not only for different situations, but also for different age groups. If the packaging does not indicate that this supplement is intended specifically for a certain age, then it is universal and suitable for everyone.

  1. For men under 40 years of age who exercise intensively, build muscle mass, and have an active sex life, first of all, they need B vitamins. Vitamins A, C and E increase testosterone levels and, accordingly, improve potency. Vitamin N will protect the liver from harmful effects of decomposition products from frequent consumption of fast food, semi-finished fried, smoked foods, alcohol and cigarettes.
  2. After 40 years, it is important for a man to maintain maximum energy and vigor, and not succumb to stress and chronic diseases, which almost everyone already has at this age. In this case, you cannot do without powerful antioxidants - vitamins A, C and E. They also stimulate sexual activity. In case of hair loss and baldness, vitamins may be required in combination, as with liver problems, you need to additionally take vitamins H and N.
  3. Men who have crossed the 50-year mark primarily need vitamin B12, since the body no longer produces it on its own, as well as vitamin D, since problems arise with its absorption even with regular exposure to the sun. You definitely need to take all the same antioxidants, vitamins A, C and E, and every year you will need more and more of them.

Shocking statistics! According to recent studies, erectile dysfunction to one degree or another is observed in more than 150 million men after 40 years of age! For some, impotence is already clearly expressed and causes serious inconvenience, for others it is just developing. One day, a moment comes when sexual weakness becomes a serious obstacle to normal sexual life, and a man still has to go to the clinic. In order not to be brought to such a state, men, taught by bitter experience, to strengthen potency at home, use...

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Nowadays, many people are taking vitamins and minerals that are necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. Not a single vitamin is synthesized in the human body, so they all must come from outside. The ideal way to get vitamins into the body is through food. However, poor nutrition, stress, excessive physical activity and other factors lead to the fact that an insufficient amount of vitamins or their incomplete set is supplied with food (for example, some vitamins are supplied in full, while others are not). In such situations, it is necessary to take additional vitamin preparations.

Today there are multivitamin and monovitamin preparations. Multivitamin preparations contain several vitamins, while monovitamins contain only one. In addition, in recent years, they have begun to produce a kind of functional vitamin complexes intended for a certain category of people, for example, men, women, children, athletes, etc. These complexes include a set of vitamins that are especially necessary for this category of people.

Vitamins for men - definition

In principle, women and men equally need all 13 currently known vitamins, since from the point of view of biology and physiology, exactly the same biochemical reactions and metabolic transformations occur in their bodies. However, the intensity of these biochemical reactions in the bodies of men and women is different. In addition, one or another biochemical reaction in the male and female body can occur with different frequencies. And as a result, the frequency and speed of identical biochemical reactions predetermines the existing physiological differences between men and women at the molecular level.

To ensure the normal course of cascades of biochemical reactions, vitamins are needed. Moreover, each vitamin provides only one specific type of reaction. That is, each type of biochemical reaction requires its own vitamin. Considering the different speed and frequency of the same reactions occurring in the bodies of men and women, it is clear that in order to maintain optimal functioning of organs and systems, they need different dosages of vitamins. In addition, there are different compounds that are especially important vitamins for men and women. Scientists were able to isolate vitamins that were especially necessary for the normal functioning of the male body, and they became known as “vitamins for men.” It is worth emphasizing that the stronger sex also needs all other vitamins, but they especially urgently need “vitamins for men.”

Thus, it becomes clear that the term “vitamins for men” means a group of organic compounds that have vitamin activity and perform important and specific functions for the male body.

What vitamins should a man take?

Vitamins for men of all ages

Due to certain physiological characteristics, men experience a particularly pronounced need for certain vitamins, the deficiency of which will have the most detrimental effect on their general well-being and the functions of various organs and systems. Thus, men need vitamins that ensure intensive metabolism and synthetic processes that occur very actively in their body, and it is on their speed that typically “male” characteristics depend - physical strength, endurance, the ability to perform sexual intercourse and release high-quality sperm, and , therefore, to the fertilization of a woman, etc. A man also needs vitamins with antioxidant properties, since they prevent aging and reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, to which representatives of the stronger half of humanity are much more susceptible than women. Thus, scientists consider the following vitamins for men:
  • Vitamin A – retinol, beta-carotene;
  • Vitamin C – ascorbic acid;
  • Vitamin E – tocopherol;
  • Vitamin H – biotin;
  • Lipoic acid (vitamin N);
  • Vitamin D – ergocalciferol, cholecalciferol;
  • Vitamin B 1 – thiamine;
  • Vitamin B 2 – riboflavin;
  • Vitamin B 6 – pyridoxine;
  • Vitamin B 12 – cyanocobalamin;
  • Vitamin B 9 (B c) – folic acid.
The listed vitamins are needed by men of any age, as they ensure optimal functioning of the body and reduce the rate of aging processes. However, depending on age, a man has a high need for various vitamins, the deficiency of which will have the most adverse effect on his health. Let's consider which vitamins are most needed by men of different ages.

Vitamins for men under 40 years old

For example, for young men (up to 40 years old), B vitamins are especially necessary, since they are involved in the absorption of protein foods and activation of synthesis processes, which, in turn, ensure the construction and maintenance of a powerful muscle corset, the formation of high-quality sperm, sex hormones and etc. During pregnancy planning, a man, like a woman, needs to take folic acid, which improves sperm quality and, therefore, has a beneficial effect on conceiving a healthy child. Young men also need vitamins A and E, as they improve testosterone production, and, therefore, maintain excellent potency and give self-confidence. If a young man periodically drinks alcohol or smokes, he needs lipoic acid (vitamin N) to maintain liver health. If he leads a healthy lifestyle, then lipoic acid is not such an essential vitamin.

Vitamins for men after 40

For middle-aged men (40 – 55 years old), the following vitamins are needed:
  • Vitamin A;
  • Vitamin E;
  • Vitamin C;
  • Vitamin H;
  • Vitamin B 12;
  • Vitamin B 2;
  • Vitamin B 6;
  • Folic acid.
Antioxidant vitamins (E, C and A), which inhibit the aging process, allowing you to maintain youth and energy longer, and also prevent atherosclerosis and related cardiovascular diseases. In addition, vitamin C improves the functioning of the immune system, preventing frequent infectious and inflammatory diseases, including colds. Vitamins A, E and folic acid are absolutely necessary for a man over 40 years old, since they are involved in the production of sex hormones and sperm, and, therefore, support potency and the ability to conceive a child. B vitamins ensure the maintenance of synthesis processes and protein metabolism at an optimal level, as a result of which tissues do not age. Vitamin H is the “vitamin of male beauty”, since it is in the male body that is responsible for maintaining hair on the head, healthy nails and skin.

Vitamins for men after 50

Older men (over 55 years old) primarily need vitamin D, since the ability to synthesize it in the skin when exposed to sunlight is reduced. As a result, osteoporosis may develop and teeth and nails may deteriorate. In addition, against the background of vitamin D deficiency, a man may experience interruptions in the functioning of the heart and nervous system, which is manifested by periodic heartbeats, arrhythmias, noises, pressure surges, nervousness, drowsiness, lethargy, apathy, etc. The second absolutely essential vitamin is B 12 - cyanocobalamin, since the ability to absorb it from the intestines significantly decreases with age. Because of this, against the background of normal intake of cyanocobalamin into the body with food, its deficiency may develop.

Older men also need antioxidant vitamins - E, A and C, which reduce the rate of aging, prevent chronic infectious-inflammatory and cardiovascular diseases, including myocardial infarction and prostatitis, and also support sexual function. To maintain sexual function and physical activity, men over 50 years of age need vitamins A and E.

If the liver condition of a man over 50 years of age is not the best, especially if he periodically drinks alcohol or smokes, then he also needs lipoic acid (vitamin N). This vitamin protects the liver, preventing the development of hepatitis and cirrhosis.

In addition, it is recommended to take vitamin H, which preserves the beauty of a man, preventing baldness, brittle nails and sagging skin. However, vitamin H is not required for consumption by men over 50 years of age, since it has a greater positive effect on appearance.

General characteristics of vitamins for men

Each “male” vitamin performs a specific function, which is very important for the entire body. Let's look at the functions of vitamins for men of all ages.

Vitamin E for men reduces the rate of aging, maintains energy, strengthens the wall of blood vessels, protecting them from fragility, removes excess cholesterol, thereby preventing atherosclerosis and related cardiovascular diseases. In addition, vitamin E improves the functioning of the gonads, promoting the production of testosterone and thus improving potency and sperm quality. Vitamin E also strengthens the immune system.

Vitamin D for men improves the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, which strengthens bones and nails, and also normalizes the functioning of the heart and brain.

Vitamin A necessary for normal vision, since its deficiency develops “night blindness”. However, vitamin A is very important for men for another reason - it activates the process of testosterone production, thereby improving potency, sperm quality, and also sex life. In addition, vitamin A strengthens local immunity, reducing the susceptibility of the mucous membranes of the respiratory, urinary and genital organs to various infections.

Vitamin C Helps the male body resist stress, including those associated with drinking alcohol and smoking. Vitamin C also improves the structure of blood vessels, normalizes blood pressure and strengthens the immune system, which prevents chronic inflammatory and cardiovascular diseases.

Vitamin H strengthens hair and nails and improves skin condition. Vitamin H also prevents baldness in men. In addition, biotin reduces the rate of weight gain by regulating fat and carbohydrate metabolism.

Lipoic Acid (Vitamin N) necessary to maintain the normal condition and functioning of the liver against the background of the negative effects of alcohol, smoking and unhealthy foods, such as chips, fried meat, etc. Lipoic acid normalizes fat and carbohydrate metabolism and activates the thyroid gland, which leads to improved vision and hearing.

Vitamin B 1 maintains a normal metabolic rate, allowing all organs and tissues to be supplied with necessary nutrients.

Vitamin B 2 necessary for tissue respiration, that is, the transfer of oxygen into the cell. Active tissue respiration allows you to intensify metabolic processes, which has a positive effect on the functioning of all male organs.

Vitamin B 6 ensures normal metabolic processes and brain functioning. A man’s good metabolism is the key to the optimal and proper functioning of all organs and systems.

Vitamin B 12 necessary for maintaining normal metabolism, as well as for the synthesis of protein and hemoglobin. This vitamin helps a man maintain good nutrition and respiration of all body tissues. In addition, B 12 controls cell division, which is very important in the process of growth and formation of tissues with a correct and complete structure that can perform their functions well.

Folic acid necessary for the normal synthesis of genetic material of cells - DNA and RNA molecules. Thanks to this, folic acid improves the structure of newly formed sperm, significantly increasing the overall quality of sperm and the likelihood of conceiving a child.

Vitamin intake standards for men

Currently, the World Health Organization has adopted the following average recommended intakes of vitamins per day:
  • Vitamin A – 3000 – 5000 IU;
  • Vitamin B 1 – 1.5 – 2 mg;
  • Vitamin B 2 – 1.5 – 3 mg;
  • Vitamin B 3 (PP) – 15 – 20 mg;
  • Vitamin B 5 (pantothenic acid) – 4 – 7 mg;
  • Vitamin B 6 – 1.7 – 2 mg;
  • Vitamin B 9 (B c, folic acid) – 200 – 400 mcg;
  • Vitamin B 12 – 2 mcg;
  • Vitamin C – 60 – 90 mg;
  • Vitamin D – 200 – 400 IU;
  • Vitamin E – 10 – 15 IU;
  • Vitamin K – 45 – 80 mcg;
  • Vitamin H – 30 – 100 mcg;
  • Vitamin F – 20 ml of vegetable oil per day.
The list shows the average recommended intakes of vitamins, which are approximate. However, in practice it is impossible to accurately calculate the dose of vitamins that will enter the body with food. Therefore, if, with a nutritious and varied diet, today the body receives a little less than the norm of a vitamin, and tomorrow a little more, then this will not cause hypovitaminosis, since the human body is designed to tolerate such fluctuations quite calmly.

Name of vitamins for men

Currently, there are two main groups of vitamin preparations for men on the domestic pharmaceutical market - pharmacological agents and dietary supplements (BAS). Pharmacological agents are synthetic vitamins “packed” into one tablet. And dietary supplements are natural vitamins obtained from various plant and animal raw materials, for example, extracts, infusions, extracts, homogenates, etc. This is precisely the fundamental difference between pharmacological vitamin preparations and dietary supplements.

In addition, synthetic vitamins can be dosed accurately, but dietary supplements cannot. Therefore, pharmacological multivitamin preparations indicate exact and strict dosages of each vitamin included in the composition, while dietary supplements indicate only approximate dosages. Determining the exact dosages of vitamins in dietary supplements is sometimes as difficult as determining the concentration of active substances in “grandmother’s” decoction or infusion. On this basis, vitamin-mineral complexes of dietary supplements are almost identical to various folk decoctions, infusions, mixtures and other “medicines” that are used quite widely. Below we provide a list of vitamins for men, which are pharmacological preparations or dietary supplements with strict dosages of their constituent components. We will not include the rest of the dietary supplements in the list, since their number is too large.

All vitamins

So, the most popular, effective and safe are the following vitamins for men:
  • ABC Spectrum;
  • Azal;
  • Alphabet for men;
  • Alphabet Biorhythm;
  • Aminodar;
  • Amiton-Magnesium-Calcium;
  • Antoxinate;
  • Arthromax;
  • Bioactive minerals;
  • Biorhythm Multivitamins;
  • Wellmen Tricholodzhik (Wellmen);
  • Vitiron Suscaps;
  • Vitrum with beta-carotene;
  • Duovit for men;
  • Complivit Antistress;
  • Complivit Selenium;
  • Metovit;
  • Multi-Tabs Calcium D 3;
  • Multifort;
  • Nagipol;
  • Will direct;
  • Nutricap;
  • Oxylic;
  • Oligovit;
  • Selenium Forte;
  • Selmevit and Selmevit Intensive;
  • Selzinc plus;
  • Centrum Multivitamin complex from A to Zinc;
  • Centrum with Lutein;
  • Centrum Silver.

Vitamins with zinc

Vitamins with zinc should be included in a separate list, since they are very often used when planning pregnancy to improve sperm quality or to normalize potency. So, vitamins with zinc for men are as follows:
  • ABC Spectrum;
  • Alphabet for men;
  • Alphabet Biorhythm;
  • Amiton-Magnesium-Calcium;
  • Antoxinate;
  • Arthromax;
  • Biorhythm Multivitamins;
  • Wellmen Tricholodzhik (Wellmen);
  • Vitiron Suscaps;
  • Vitrum with beta-carotene;
  • Duovit for men;
  • Complivit Antistress;
  • Complements selenium;
  • Metovit;
  • Multifort;
  • Will direct;
  • Nutricap;
  • Oligovit;
  • Pikovit Complex and Pikovit Plus;
  • Selenium forte;
  • Selzinc plus;
  • Ultra Calcium & Silicon Formula;
  • Centrum Multivitamin complex from A to Zinc;
  • Centrum with Lutein;
  • Centrum Silver.

Vitamins for men in various situations

Pregnancy planning for men - vitamins

When seriously preparing to become a father, a man should consider improving his sperm quality in order to conceive a healthy child. At the stage of pregnancy planning, men need the following vitamins that improve sperm quality and normalize the level of sex hormones:
1. Folic acid (B 9 or B c) normalizes the formation of healthy, motile and full-fledged sperm;
2. Vitamin E gives sperm high mobility and resistance to the negative effects of environmental factors (vaginal acid, etc.);
3. Vitamin C normalizes the process of synthesis of sex hormones and strengthens the cell walls of sperm, making them very mobile and resistant to damage.

The most important vitamins for men when planning pregnancy are folic acid and vitamin E. The fact is that vitamin E ensures normal levels of male sex hormones, which, in turn, trigger the processes of sperm synthesis. And folic acid provides optimal conditions conducive to the formation of high quality sperm. Therefore, these two vitamins are the most important when planning pregnancy.

A man can take folic acid and vitamin E several months before the planned date of conception. Doctors believe that the optimal duration of taking vitamins to prepare for pregnancy in men is 3–6 months.

The vitamins listed can be taken separately. Or, at the planning stage of pregnancy, you can take complex multivitamins designed specifically for men. The optimal multivitamins for men at the stage of pregnancy planning are the following:

  • Alphabet for men;
  • Duovit for men;
  • Viardot and Viardot forte;
  • Complivit;
  • Profertil;
  • Selmevit and Selmevit Intensive;
  • Selzinc plus;
  • SpermActive;
  • Spermastrong;
  • Orthomol Fertil Plus.

Vitamins for men for potency

Fat-soluble vitamins A and E have the best effect on potency, since the rate of production and maintenance of the concentration of the main male hormone, testosterone, depend on them. In other words, vitamins A and E ensure the synthesis of a normal amount of testosterone, which allows you to improve or maintain potency at the required level. Therefore, to improve or maintain potency, men need to take vitamins A and E or eat foods that are rich in them, for example, unrefined vegetable oil, nuts, fish, liver, milk, sour cream, apricots, etc.

In addition, vitamins C and F have a positive effect on potency, which can be taken in addition to E and A. Vitamin F strengthens cell membranes, preventing their destruction, which improves the structure and function of the male genital organs. And vitamin C strengthens the immune system, which also has a positive effect on a man’s potency.

In addition to vitamins, the microelements zinc, selenium and copper, which are recommended to be taken in combination with vitamins A and E, improve and maintain good potency. Many vitamin-mineral complexes for men include these vitamins and microelements.

Vitamins for immunity for men

To improve the functioning of the immune system and maximize the body's resistance to various infectious and inflammatory diseases, it is necessary to take vitamins that have an immunostimulating effect. Vitamins that can improve the functioning of various parts of the immune system in men include the following:
  • Vitamin C;
  • Vitamin B 1;
  • Vitamin B 5;
  • Vitamin B 6;
  • Vitamin B 9 (folic acid);
  • Vitamin D.
The most pronounced immunostimulating effect in men is exerted by vitamins C, D, B1, B5 and B6, which activate various parts of the immune system and, thereby, ensure the body's resistance to infections and make the recovery period minimal.

The following vitamin complexes have a good immunostimulating effect:

  • Alphabet Classic;
  • Multi-Tabs Immuno Plus;
  • Duovit;
  • Vitrum.

Hair vitamins for men

The following vitamins help strengthen and prevent hair loss in men:
  • Vitamin E;
  • Vitamin H (B 7);
  • Vitamin C;
  • Vitamin A;
  • Vitamin F;
  • B vitamins (B 2, B 3, B 5, B 6 and B 12).
The most important vitamins in hair care for men are two – H and E. It is these vitamins that most effectively support hair health and prevent hair loss. Vitamin H is sometimes even called the “male beauty vitamin” because it strengthens hair, making it beautiful, shiny and full. If a man begins to lose hair, then vitamin H stops this process.

All of the vitamins listed must be taken orally, and vitamin E can also be used externally, making hair masks, etc. from the solution.

Sports vitamins for men

Sports vitamins for men are not needed by all men leading an active lifestyle. So, if a man eats well and exercises daily for no more than 1 - 2 hours a day, then he does not need any vitamins. If a man plays sports for more than 2 hours a day or works a lot physically, then he needs vitamins that improve metabolism and absorption of nutrients, as well as accelerate synthesis processes. Indications for the use of sports vitamins are the following conditions:
  • Fatigue, lethargy, fatigue during training and other signs of vitamin deficiency;
  • Intensive training schedule;
  • Strong physical stress that a man must withstand;
  • Disorders of metabolic processes in the male body (for example, obesity, diabetes, etc.).
Doctors and scientists believe that during periods of intense physical activity, a man needs the following vitamins:
  • Vitamin C;
  • Vitamin B 1;
  • Vitamin B 2;
  • Vitamin B 3;
  • Vitamin B 6;
  • Vitamin B 12;
  • Vitamin D;
  • Vitamin E;
  • Vitamin A.
These vitamins can be taken in courses individually or in the form of specialized vitamin-mineral complexes intended for men involved in sports. The most popular and at the same time balanced vitamin sports complexes for men are the following:
  • Animal Pak Universal Nutrition - produced by the leader in the development of sports vitamins, the pharmaceutical company Universal Nutrition;
  • C Fit FitMax – is a pure vitamin C derived from rose hips and is natural;
  • Opti-Men Optimum Nutrition – a complex of vitamins, minerals and trace elements, suitable for men who train seriously;
  • Activite Sport MHP is a vitamin and mineral complex that includes vitamins, amino acids, fatty acids and coenzyme Q 10;
  • 100% Ultra-Premium Vitamin Pack MuscleTech - the complex contains the daily requirement of vitamins, minerals and trace elements necessary for a man;
  • CO-Q10 50 mg Scitec Essentials – contains antioxidant vitamins and elements;
  • Fish Oil SoftGels Optimum Nutrition – contains fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K in the form of natural fish oil;
  • Armor-V MusclePharm – a balanced vitamin complex;
  • Animal Omega Universal Nutrition – contains polyunsaturated fatty acids (vitamin F);
  • Calcium Zinc Magnesium BioTech is a vitamin complex for men who are actively and seriously involved in sports. Maintains the normal condition of joints and ligaments;
  • CultiVate SAN is a multivitamin complex consisting of substances synthesized by probiotics and enzymes;
  • Daily Formula Universal Nutrition - vitamins for professional athletes.

Rating of sports vitamins for men

Different vitamin complexes are ideal for different purposes. Therefore, there are several ratings of sports vitamins for men, taking into account their properties and effects.

Let's look at the rating of the most popular sports vitamins for men and their properties:
1. Opti-men Optimum Nutrition ideally creates conditions for gaining muscle mass and burning fat;
2. Adam stimulates testosterone synthesis, allowing for rapid recovery after intense physical activity;
3. Monster Multi is suitable for men who are seriously or professionally involved in sports. Effectively supports the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system;
4. VitaForm is recommended when increasing the intensity of training;
5. Animal Pak 44 Universal Nutrition increases the body's endurance;
6. Daily fomula Universal Nutrition maintains the balance of strength and energy in men;
7. MultiPro 32X AST is suitable for men leading an active lifestyle without heavy physical activity;
8. Orange Triad Controlled Labs supports immunity and ensures elasticity of the vascular wall;
9. Dr. Feel Good SAN is suitable for men leading an active lifestyle without heavy physical activity;
10. Armor-V MusclePharm improves immunity, gives strength and energy.

As you can see, the vitamins listed are intended for different purposes. Therefore, when choosing a sports vitamin complex, it is necessary to determine exactly why a man is going to take it.

Vitamin complex for men - brief description and reviews of the most popular drugs

Let's look at a brief description and reviews from men about some of the most popular vitamin complexes.

Vitamins Alphabet for men

This complex contains not only all the necessary vitamins and minerals, but also herbal extracts that improve the functioning of the male reproductive system. Actually, it is these herbs that make the vitamin-mineral complex “male.”

According to reviews of Alphabet for men, the drug is highly effective and very affordable, so almost everyone can afford it. In the Alphabet, all vitamins, based on mutual compatibility, are divided into three tablets, colored in different colors. This arrangement of active substances improves their absorption, which leads to a much more pronounced and tangible effect compared to taking other multivitamins for men.

According to reviews, the Alphabet for men helps to increase tone and performance, as well as speed up the recovery process after work, which allows you to spend less time on rest. In addition, vitamins literally charge you with energy, vigor and good mood for the whole day.

Men who are faced with the problem of spring vitamin deficiency, and, consequently, constant colds, hair loss, drowsiness, low performance and lack of sexual desire, note that one course of Alphabet vitamins significantly improved their well-being and completely or partially eliminated all painful symptoms.

Vitamins for men Duovit

Vitamins for men Duovit contain practically the vitamins and minerals necessary for a person. These vitamins, according to reviews from men, perfectly support performance, reduce fatigue at work and help quickly recover during periods of very powerful mental or physical stress. Duovit also helped men overcome frequent colds, loss of strength and poor health during the spring, autumn or winter periods of the year. Vitamins improved overall well-being, I felt a surge of strength and energy, and my vigor remained throughout the day.

Separately, it is worth noting that Duovit vitamins, as part of complex therapy or independently, improve sexual function and the general condition of men with chronic prostatitis. Almost all men who took Duovit noted that the painful symptoms of prostatitis either completely disappeared or their severity significantly decreased, and sexual function, on the contrary, improved. As the men figuratively put it, under the influence of Duovit, “life began to improve.”

In addition, according to reviews from men, Duovit helped eliminate acne on the face, back, shoulders and neck and improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

Vitamins for men Wellman

Wellman vitamins for men contain almost the entire set of vitamins and minerals a man needs in a daily dosage. Reviews about these vitamins are mixed, which is due to the peculiarities of their action. So, in many men, in the first 20–30 minutes after taking them, they provoke nausea, which, however, goes away on its own. Vitamins do not cause any more unpleasant effects, but nausea is poorly tolerated, and men cannot take vitamins. But those men who manage to “wait out” the nausea note that vitamins literally charge you with energy and vigor, which last throughout the day even with very intense physical and mental stress. Moreover, the effect of Wellmen vitamins is usually noticeable if a man works intensively (mentally or physically) or has hypovitaminosis. Against the background of normal health and the absence of hypovitaminosis or heavy stress, the effect of vitamins is practically not noticeable.

Vitamins for men - how to choose

When choosing vitamins, you must base them on their properties, desired effects, and health status. Thus, if you have diseases of the cardiovascular system, it is necessary to take complexes with vitamin C, as this will improve your well-being and slow down the progression of the pathology.

If you have an unhealthy diet (eating spicy, salty and fried foods), drinking alcohol and smoking, you must take lipoic acid (vitamin N), which reduces the negative impact of these factors on the liver.

Men who play sports or do physical work should take B vitamins to help utilize protein as efficiently as possible.

For baldness or poor condition of hair, skin and nails, it is recommended to take vitamin H.

To improve potency and sex life, vitamin E is needed, which can be taken either independently or as part of vitamin-mineral complexes.

Rating of vitamins for men (best vitamins for men)

Today, men have compiled the following unofficial rating of vitamin complexes based on their effectiveness, ease of use, cost and other important parameters:

Men don't think about their health as long as everything is fine with them. But in vain, because they are much more likely than women to develop pathological conditions such as heart attack and stroke.

This is due not only to lifestyle and increased stress, but also to the structural features of the male body.

Vitamins will help prevent various diseases and painful conditions. Read on to find out what multivitamins men need at different ages and what vitamin complexes to choose.

The role of multivitamin complexes for men

There are a lot of factors that can undermine men's health. However, there are also physiological reasons that explain the fact that women live much longer than men.

Estrogens, which are produced by the female body, increase the elasticity of blood vessels and strengthen their walls, which reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases several times.

The male hormone testosterone does not have this property, which is why representatives of the stronger half of humanity so often suffer from arterial hypertension and heart disease.

To prevent the occurrence of such problems, it is recommended to use and, which have a healing effect on blood vessels and the hematopoietic system, and prevent the formation of blood clots and cholesterol plaques.

It is not always possible to provide the body with all the necessary vitamins from food alone. Often, a man’s daily diet is rich in proteins and fats, but there are very few minerals and vitamin elements in it. In this case, it makes sense to think about choosing a synthetic multivitamin complex for men.

Additional intake of vitamins for men is indicated in the following cases:

The main indication for taking additional vitamins for men is increased physical activity.

  • increased physical and mental stress;
  • poor and monotonous diet;
  • rehabilitation period after injuries and illnesses;
  • recovery period after surgery;
  • working with hazardous substances;
  • elderly age;
  • pregnancy planning;
  • stress and emotional tension;
  • signs of deficiency of vitamins or macro- and microelements.

To choose the right multivitamins for men, you need to know for which vital processes certain vitamin elements are responsible:

Vitamin A (retinol acetate). Necessary for the full synthesis of male sex hormones, as well as for maintaining the optimal condition of the sperm ducts. Ensures the health of the oral mucosa. Normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive organs, supports the functioning of the bladder.

Vitamin E (tocopherol). Helps increase tone, strengthens muscle and connective tissue. Helps the functioning of the thyroid gland and pituitary gland, and also has a positive effect on the condition of the genital organs.

(ascorbic acid). Helps fight loss of strength, weakness and increased fatigue. Increases immunity and improves performance, allowing you to cope with increased physical activity.

Essential for the health of the heart and blood vessels, it is part of complex preventive therapy for certain diseases, for example, prostate adenoma.

It is an excellent means of preventing malignant tumors (cancer) of the prostate.

(calciferol). Helps calcium to be better absorbed in the body, thereby ensuring normal growth and functioning of bone tissue and muscle fibers.

Vitamin B1 (thiamine). Ensures the conduction of nerve impulses and good functioning of the heart muscle. Helps maintain vascular health for a long time. Necessary for good erection and increased sexual desire.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin). Just like thiamine, it is responsible for a man’s sexual activity and ensures good functioning of the genital organs.

(pyridoxine). Increases testosterone levels, normalizes testicular and prostate function.

(cyanocobalamin). Increases desire, promotes energy production and maintains the required level of energy reserves.

Vitamins for men at a young age

Young men under 35 need to get all the nutrients when playing sports and planning pregnancy

Before buying multivitamins for young men, you need to consider several factors: lifestyle, dietary habits, and purposes of use.

For men involved in sports, as well as those working in heavy or hazardous industries, it is best to choose a drug that covers the required amount of vitamins and minerals by 85-100 percent.

It is worth paying attention to the iron content in the complex. This is very important, since an excess of this element can affect the functioning of the heart muscle and even lead to a heart attack and tremors of the limbs (which is fraught with the appearance of a convulsive syndrome).

Men aged 18 to 35 years who plan to have children in the near future should also be very responsible about providing the body with all the necessary elements.

For these purposes, men are prescribed medications that necessarily contain vitamin E, folic acid, vitamin C and zinc.

Multivitamins for men containing zinc ensure good testosterone production, increase the chemical parameters of sperm and increase its quantity. In addition, zinc helps preserve sperm, making them more stable and “tenacious”.

Folic acid is prescribed to both men and women when planning pregnancy. It is necessary to start taking folic acid supplements six months before the expected fertilization.

Multivitamins from 18 to 35 years:

The peculiarity of the AlfaVit for men complex is that it contains L-carotene and ginseng extract

  1. . Contains L-carotene and ginseng (root), they can increase performance, improve overall well-being and increase vitality. They also have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the reproductive system, increasing sexual activity. All useful elements in this drug are divided into three tablets, which are taken separately from each other.
  2. "Duovit for men." Designed for those who play sports and lead an active lifestyle. Increases performance, promotes the formation and synthesis of energy, and also regulates metabolic processes. The complex contains only the most essential vitamins and minerals for men's health, allowing you to maintain tone and vitality for a long time.
  3. "Vitrum Life". Although this drug does not contain the mark “for men,” it contains exactly as many active ingredients as young men need to maintain health and strengthen the immune system. Thanks to the amino acid content, the drug promotes the development of muscle tissue. In addition, the balanced formula prevents the appearance of cancerous tumors, atherosclerosis and prevents the aging process in the body.

Multivitamins for older men

With age, the body's ability to synthesize and absorb vitamins decreases significantly, so taking special medications becomes a necessary measure to maintain men's health in men over 50 years of age.

In addition, with age-related changes, the sexual activity of men also weakens. This phenomenon is explained by several reasons:

  • general health;
  • presence of urological diseases;
  • stress and nervous tension;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • bad habits.

At the age of 50 years and older, pharmacy vitamins for men are a necessity

Of course, the main factor in maintaining health, including in intimate terms, is a nutritious and varied diet, as well as giving up smoking and drinking alcohol.

But, unfortunately, in the conditions of modern life, not everyone can eat properly and variedly, which is why natural deficiencies of vitamins and minerals are so common in old age.

In such conditions, vitamin preparations are much more than just multivitamins. This is a means to maintain vitality, increase tone and maintain libido at any age.

When choosing a complex for older men, you should pay attention to the presence of a macronutrient such as zinc in the composition of the drug. It is responsible for the quality of intimate life and can significantly improve it, ensuring the preservation of an erection and sexual attraction to the female sex.

Medicines for men over 50 years of age:

Even with a varied diet, it will not be possible to ensure a daily supply of all the substances necessary to maintain life.

Therefore, the best choice for representatives of the stronger half of humanity is to take special complexes containing vitamins and minerals that will allow them to maintain health and remain a man in every sense at any age.

In order for the male body to function fully, it is necessary to consume the daily norm of vitamins and microelements every day. This will not only help keep the body in good shape, but also improve endurance and alertness.

  • Vitamin E. Aka tocopherol. Consumption of this vitamin is equally important for both the stronger and weaker sex. It plays an important role in male fertility and protects the sperm membrane. A healthy man should consume about 15 mg of this vitamin per day. You can replenish your vitamin E reserves by eating seeds, nuts and vegetable oils.
  • Vitamin C. This vitamin guards the immune system, helps reduce the likelihood of infectious diseases, protects sperm, or rather, the information contained in them.

Attention! It has been proven that men who smoke have a greater need for vitamin C. The dosage of ascorbic acid for them is about 90 mg. By consuming citrus fruits, you can easily compensate for the lack of vitamin C.

  • Vitamin A. Its second name is retinol. Its main purpose is to protect the skin, mucous membranes, and it also promotes growth and good vision. It is actively involved in the synthesis of sex hormones. Carrots, cow's milk, pork and beef liver and bell peppers are rich in vitamin A.
  • B vitamins. Pyridoxine supports desire. The substance is found in egg yolks, fish, and beef. Vitamins B1 and B2 are responsible for the state of the nervous system and are also actively involved in metabolism.

Attention! A lack of vitamins in this group leads to irritability and muscle weakness. You can replenish them by eating cereals, dairy products and nuts.

Vitamin P. This vitamin is absorbed only in the presence of ascorbic acid. Rutin is often prescribed to men with heart rhythm disturbances. It regulates the level of production of adrenaline, dopamine and norepinephrine. Vitamin P is the main source of male strength. It enhances the effect of hormones and helps the reproductive system function properly. Rutin also improves the growth of muscle tissue. The daily requirement of the vitamin is 30 mg. For medicinal purposes, it is increased to 90-120 mg per day.

The following signs indicate a lack of vitamins and microelements:

  • chronic fatigue;
  • decreased immunity;
  • blurred vision;
  • deterioration of skin and hair condition;
  • dizziness;
  • anxiety;
  • irritability;
  • migraine;
  • bleeding gums.

Rating of the best vitamin complexes

There are no universal multivitamins, so they are divided according to their area of ​​influence.

The first group is popular complexes

  • "Aevit" is an inexpensive but very useful vitamin complex. Contains antioxidants that protect the body from free radicals and cells from degenerating into cancer. Experts believe that Aevit is the best anti-stress vitamin for men.

Advice. Take fat-soluble vitamins as directed by your doctor.

  • "Tetrafolevit". The complex contains vitamins B1, B2, B6 and PP. The purpose of the complex is to maintain energy in a man’s body.

Advice. Take the complex only in the first half of the day, as it has a noticeable tonic effect.

The second group is multivitamin supplements

  • "Kvadevit" is a multivitamin complex.
  • "Artrum" is a dietary supplement containing zinc and tocopherol.
  • "Aerovit" is a complex for men who endure heavy physical activity every day.
  • “Glutamevit”, “Duovit” and “Alphabet” rightfully occupy an honorable fourth place.

The third group – vitamins for men involved in sports

If a man’s life is connected with sports or his work involves daily physical activity, then he cannot do without special sports complexes.

  • Universal Animal Pak is a balanced vitamin complex containing amino acids and protein.
  • Optimum Nutrition Opti-Men. It contains amino acids, protein, ginseng and ginkgo biloba.

  • Gaspari Nutrition Anavite. Increases the body's endurance and reduces fatigue.
  • GNC MEGA MEN is an improved complex. It contains more zinc, D3 and B vitamins. Suitable for men who endure significant physical activity.
  • Universal Daily Formula is a vitamin complex that contains all the necessary substances and microelements, as well as enzymes that promote the absorption of nutrients.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that all vitamin complexes are divided into preventive and specialized. The first ones are consumed in the spring-autumn period in order to compensate for the deficiency of vitamins. And special complexes and dietary supplements are designed to improve physical condition, overcome stress, help cope with physical activity and improve male strength.

Vitamins for men: video

Today we decided to present you with a rating of vitamins for men, since a healthy lifestyle is gaining more and more popularity in our modern world. Proper nutrition, healthy physical activity, and giving up bad habits are becoming a new and completely natural norm of life for many, as well as a vitamin complex for men.

Every man who strives to adhere to the rules of a healthy life and plays sports has probably thought about the problem of how to choose a complex of vitamins for men of decent quality. This is understandable - without them it is more difficult to maintain good physical shape and regularly supply the body with the necessary energy. Even a balanced and well-thought-out diet is not able to provide a modern active person with a sufficient amount of vitamins, microelements and minerals necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

And this is where a vitamin complex for men comes to the rescue. Its advantages are obvious - a clearly adjusted dosage and ease of use.

But the shelves are simply full of all kinds of boxes and jars, which are quite difficult to get confused in. So how not to make a mistake and choose what you need?

How to choose vitamins for men?

Here are some tips to help you choose vitamins for men:

You are what you eat

Analyze your diet.

The fact is that different vitamin complexes have different quantities and dosages of their constituent components. For example, some preparations contain one hundred percent of the daily dose of vitamins, while others contain only 30-50% of the total recommended intake.

If your daily menu necessarily includes fresh herbs, vegetables, fruits, dairy products, meat and fish, then vitamins that replenish half the daily dosage of vitamins will do for you. The principle “the more the better” does not apply here, since an excess amount of nutrients simply will not be absorbed by the body, without bringing any benefit.

Who needs a vitamin-mineral complex for men?

For those men who actively engage in sports or undergo heavy physical activity every day, the need for vitamins increases. Here you don’t have to rely on enhanced nutrition alone. The best choice in this case would be vitamin complexes that cover 80-100 percent of the body's needs.

In addition to an active lifestyle, factors in which the body needs an increased dose of vitamins and minerals also include:

  • Conditions after long-term or severe illnesses, including influenza and ARVI;
  • Constant daily stress, a man’s age (as it increases, the need for vitamin supplements increases);
  • The spring-winter period, when the body is most exhausted.

So vitamins for men during physical activity and stress are simply necessary!

You are not made of iron!

Iron, present in many vitamin preparations, affects male and female bodies differently. If a woman benefits from an increased amount of this mineral, then for men the dose that enters the body with food is sufficient. An increased level of iron in the male body is fraught with complications of the cardiovascular system, the occurrence of tremors, and even myocardial infarction. Therefore, most vitamin complexes for men contain very little or no iron.

Secrets of male power

Vitamin E and the mineral selenium affect the production of testosterone in the male body. Experts are confident that increased levels of this hormone in the body have a positive effect on reproductive functions and sperm quality, and can also prevent prostate problems and other diseases of the male reproductive system.

Therefore, choose complex vitamins for men that contain vitamin E and selenium.

Rating of vitamins for men?

We have compiled a selection of the best vitamin complexes for men, the most balanced in composition, time-tested and with good recommendations from medical specialists. Taking into account the above tips regarding the characteristics of your lifestyle, you can choose the drug that is right for you.

This drug is a development of domestic pharmacology. The peculiarity of this vitamin complex is that in the morning, afternoon and evening you take tablets that differ in their composition. Manufacturers claim that, according to studies, this regimen of taking the drug minimizes the risk of allergic reactions, and also allows all vitamins and minerals to be absorbed to the maximum.

The Aevit complex includes more than a dozen vitamins (A, C, E, group B) and 12 minerals necessary for the healthy functioning of the male body. In addition, “Aevit” contains Siberian ginseng root, which is known in medicine for its properties of increasing endurance, energizing, stimulating mental performance, and most importantly, ensuring the smooth functioning of the male reproductive system.

Another useful supplement for men's health is L-carnitine. This vitamin, related to group B, is an indispensable aid for men involved in sports. It increases endurance during training, reduces bad cholesterol, increases resistance to stress, removes toxins, and also has the ability to burn excess fat (in combination with physical activity).

Another undoubted advantage of Aevit is its quite affordable cost.

The Farmamed company has developed a range of multivitamins specifically for men - Men's Formula. They vary in composition and are aimed at solving various male problems.

The Mens Formula line includes drugs that work in six main areas.

Energy. If your task is to recharge the missing energy, then the “Active Day” drug will suit you. Vitamins, minerals and extracts of medicinal plants in its composition increase endurance and performance, improve memory and attention, and strengthen the immune system.

Antistress. A distinctive feature of the drug with the same name “Antistress” is that it has a good effect on the central nervous system - it normalizes sleep and blood pressure, and also has a calming effect. This vitamin and mineral complex is especially indicated for men who experience regular mental and physical stress, headaches and high blood pressure.

Sex.“Potential Forte” is a herbal-vitamin complex that enhances erection and libido, increases testosterone production, and helps increase arousal and duration of sexual intercourse. Contains about ten extracts of plant and animal origin: cayenne pepper, green mussel, yohimbe, Siberian ginseng and others.

Man's health.“Prostate Forte” - this multicomplex is aimed at the prevention and complex therapy of prostate diseases. Improves urination, reduces the manifestations of inflammation and swelling in the prostate gland, slows down the growth of prostate adenoma.

Strengthening hair. Hair vitamins will be an indispensable assistant in this process, stimulating growth, strengthening hair follicles, and accelerating the regeneration of the skin.

And another product from the Pharmamed line is the drug “More than multivitamins”. This unique complex is a universal remedy containing 20 vitamins, 11 minerals and 4 plant extracts. It is recommended for general strengthening of the male body and maintaining health.

Wondering where to find quality vitamins and other health supplements? We offer you from the best manufacturers and at competitive prices!

To summarize, it should be said that when answering the question of which vitamins are best for men, do not forget to set priorities for yourself: what do you primarily want to get from taking vitamin complexes - energy, activity, excellent immunity, or a solution to one of your health problems. Don't forget to take into account the peculiarities of your lifestyle and nutrition. And only after that make an informed choice. We hope that our rating of vitamins for men will help you with this!



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