Flu vaccination where to get it. Mobile vaccination points - we save time and provide immunization

Immunization is the only reliable way to avoid contracting dangerous diseases. In Russia, vaccinations are carried out not only in local clinics, but also in mobile vaccination points. Mobile offices have been in practice for a long time: they open annually in early autumn to protect the country's population from influenza and ARVI epidemics.

Mobile vaccination clinic: how it works

Modern vaccines protect the body from influenza infection by 90%. Even if a vaccinated person gets sick with a viral pathology, he will endure it more easily, without complications.

Immunity is developed 10-13 days after the injection and lasts for a year.

Not everyone has time to go to a local clinic to get vaccinated against an infectious viral disease. To simplify immunization, mobile first aid stations have been opened in Moscow and other Russian cities for several years now. They are a bus equipped with everything necessary for vaccination.

Doctors (therapists, infectious disease specialists) work in such mobile offices. Student volunteers help them: they walk the streets and offer immunization to all passers-by, talk about the benefits of vaccination, complications that an unvaccinated sick person may encounter, give the address and work schedule of the nearest mobile medical posts, and also monitor those who want to get vaccinated. Immunoprophylaxis is provided free of charge.

The mobile vaccination clinic works like this:

  • When a person comes to a mobile vaccination point, the doctor conducts a medical examination to exclude contraindications to the administration of the drug (measures body temperature, blood pressure, asks about the presence of existing pathologies).
  • If a citizen has temporary contraindications, the doctor gives recommendations on improving general well-being and the approximate timing of possible vaccination. If a person has no prohibitions on vaccination, then the drug is administered to him.
  • The doctor issues the patient a certificate of vaccination in the prescribed form. The physician also informs the person about the symptoms of illness that may develop after administration of the drug against an infectious viral disease.

Visiting a mobile vaccination clinic is much more convenient than waiting in line at a hospital facility. Such points make vaccination accessible even to a busy person.

A map of the location of mobile medical posts can be found on the official website of the Department of Health.

Where are they located: list of mobile vaccination points of the Department of Health in Moscow

The Moscow Department of Health annually approves the list of mobile vaccination points. As a rule, vaccination rooms are located in every district near metro stations and in the city center.

In 2018, according to experts from the World Health Organization, in Russia there will be a risk of developing an epidemic of a new strain of influenza – Michigan. Also, residents of the country may encounter swine, Hong Kong and type B influenza. In the autumn-winter period, as these viruses become more active, the number of deaths may increase. WHO specialists care about the health of Russians and open mobile vaccination points.

In 2018, from September 4 to October 29, mobile offices will operate in Moscow near two stations of the Moscow Central Circle: Vladykino and Gagarin Square.

It is also planned to locate mobile first aid stations near the following metro stops:

  • Tsaritsyno.
  • River Station.
  • Petrovsko-Razumovskaya.
  • Domodedovo.
  • VDNH.
  • Youth.
  • Tula.
  • Baumanskaya.
  • Teply Stan.
  • Rokossovsky Boulevard.
  • Prague.
  • Perovo.
  • Belarusian.
  • Paveletskaya.
  • Tushinskaya.
  • Semenovskaya.
  • Altufyevo.
  • Savelovskaya.
  • Kyiv.
  • Yasenevo.
  • Glider.
  • Lyublino.
  • Novokosino.
  • Novogireevo.

Last year, more than 200 thousand Muscovites took advantage of the opportunity to get vaccinated on the way to university or work. To prevent the large-scale development of viral diseases in the city, about 50% of the population needs to be vaccinated. This is difficult for hospitals and clinics to do.

Thanks to mobile accounts, the task is simplified. In addition, the authorities are going to increase the number of mobile medical posts.

Russians speak positively about mobile vaccination clinics, noting the convenience of immunization and the high qualifications of the staff.

Operating hours of mobile vaccination centers

Mobile vaccination clinics operate according to the established schedule:

  • from 8 am to 8 pm on weekdays;
  • from 9 am to 4-6 pm on weekends.

This mode is convenient for busy and non-working people. A person can come at any time convenient for him (within the boundaries established by the authorities) for immunization.

  • pregnant women;
  • men and women over 65 years of age;
  • health workers;
  • children from six months to 5 years;
  • people with chronic pathologies of the lungs, heart, kidneys;
  • diabetics;
  • suffering from immunodeficiency.

Other Russians have the right to decide for themselves whether they should get vaccinated against the flu or not.

This year, Moscow authorities have already purchased about 4,200,000 doses of flu vaccines. The drugs are proven and of high quality.

When planning to visit a mobile vaccination clinic, you should take your passport, medical card and health insurance policy with you.

Flu prevention in the subway

To prevent influenza infection in the metro, metro workers are actively working to prevent the spread of influenza and ARVI viruses in the interiors of electric trains and at stations.

For this purpose, quartzing is performed in the cars at intervals of 2-6 hours.

Wet cleaning is also carried out every couple of hours using special disinfectants.

During the epidemic, passengers are provided with disinfectants in the form of wet wipes.

People are additionally notified of places where they can get a flu shot:

  • in the electric train, audio messages are given about the addresses of the location of mobile medical rooms;
  • volunteers distribute leaflets with the location of mobile first aid stations and their operating hours.

Such prevention can reduce hospitalization by 75% and mortality by 40%. Post-influenza complications are also 20-30% less common.

Thus, mobile vaccination clinics open in Russia every year in early autumn. Such points make vaccination accessible to everyone. They work on a schedule convenient for city residents. Mobile offices are usually located near metro stations. In electric trains during the epidemic season, prevention of infection with viral diseases is also carried out. All this allows us to reduce the frequency of deaths and the likelihood of developing severe complications during the course of influenza.

Flu shot is a preventive procedure for administering a vaccine against a seasonal viral disease that can cause epidemics. It is held before the autumn-winter period. The developed immunity lasts throughout the season.

Main indications

  • preschool children attending nurseries and kindergartens;
  • schoolchildren and full-time students;
  • workers in the service sector and public utilities, medical and educational institutions, public transport drivers and other adults who regularly appear in crowded places as part of their duties;
  • people over 60 years old.

Vaccination is also indicated for those who are at risk:

  • people suffering from chronic somatic diseases (disorders of the respiratory, cardiovascular, digestive and endocrine systems);
  • patients with a weakened immune system.


  • allergy to chicken egg white or vaccine components;
  • oncological diseases;
  • ARVI;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • nervous pathologies of various nature;
  • adrenal insufficiency.

Relative contraindications:

  • convulsions;
  • blood diseases;
  • heart diseases.

How to prepare for research

Traditional preparation for vaccinations:

  • a healthy person does not require special preparation;
  • You should first be examined for the presence of contraindications;
  • select the optimal composition of the administered drug (at an appointment with the attending physician);
  • consult a doctor about your current medications (some are not compatible with the selected vaccine);
  • the day before, do not change your usual diet and daily routine;
  • limit physical and mental stress;
  • do not drink alcohol;
  • Do not vaccinate on a day when the weather is very cold and windy, so as not to provoke infection on the way to or from the clinic.

You can get vaccinated at the beginning of the season and later, but not when infection has already occurred. Vaccination is prevention, not cure.

Features of the procedure

The influenza vaccine is given intramuscularly. Otherwise (subcutaneously, intravenously) it will be ineffective. For children, the drug is injected into the thigh, for adults - into the shoulder.

People with immunodeficiency are given inactivated vaccines (not capable of causing actual infection) to avoid the development of complications.

Normal reaction to vaccination:

  • general weakness;
  • slight increase in temperature;
  • irritation and formation of a seal at the injection site.

Different drugs are used for vaccination: each of them provides protection only against one strain of influenza and does not affect immunity to other acute respiratory viral infections.

Other vaccination features:

  • a vaccinated person is not contagious to others;
  • cough, runny nose and indigestion are an abnormal response of the immune system to vaccination, with such symptoms you should consult a doctor;
  • The procedure does not reduce immunity and does not provoke flu infection.

Flu shot- the procedure is not mandatory, but very important for those who are constantly among people. It not only protects the vaccinated person from the disease, but also prevents the spread of infection and the occurrence of epidemics, during which deaths are common. A thorough examination before the procedure and its correct implementation guarantee the expected response of the body to the vaccine and the safety of the patient and his environment.

The flu still scares people with its unpredictable complications and strains. Having dealt with many viruses and bacteria that have caused serious problems for humanity, virologists cannot yet create one vaccine against influenza. Many would like to be vaccinated against all types of influenza with a certain complex, such as DPT, polio, measles, in order to have confidence in safety in the face of a dangerous enemy. But you have to undergo the flu vaccination procedure every year so as not to get complications in the event of a new outbreak of another epidemic. And here it is important where the flu shot is given so that the result is positive.

Flu vaccination: rules of procedure

Vaccination against influenza viruses is recommended. The patient cannot be forced to undergo this procedure. Vaccination is done in order to prevent the epidemic nature of the disease. The more people who agree to receive any vaccine, the less chance the virus has for mass infection.

Therefore, awareness-raising work is constantly underway about the benefits of flu vaccinations for children and adults. There are certain groups of people whom doctors consider more susceptible to the effects of the virus:

  • children;
  • aged people;
  • registered for different types of disease.

Their immunity is much weaker than that of an absolutely healthy person. Such a patient may not cope with intoxication even with timely treatment.

Therefore, immunization is provided free of charge to everyone. This way, you can be sure that the influenza virus will not cross the epidemiological threshold, and people will not experience the maximum load on the body, even if they encounter a carrier of any type of influenza.

Where and how is the influenza vaccine administered?

Where to get a flu shot if a positive decision is made? The question is correct, because not every nurse has the right to administer a vaccination injection. This is not just an injection, but the introduction of a serum that should reach the circulatory system and trigger the production of antibodies. If the drug gets into the subcutaneous or fatty layer, it may remain there without reaching the desired address. Therefore, be careful where the flu injection is given to you or your child.

The correct graft is always done into the muscle. This can be the upper part of either arm (forearm) or leg (thigh). The muscle tissue is constantly moving and promotes rapid resorption of the injection and absorption of the medicine into the blood.

When the child grows up, the mother can choose where to vaccinate. The main thing is that this does not cause severe discomfort to the child, because there is a possibility of compaction or pain at the injection site.

Flu shot in the form of drops: where to do it?

In addition to the vaccine in syringes, flu serum in the form of drops has been developed. It is intended for insertion into the nasal passages. A few drops are applied to one and the other nostril of the patient. This form is painless. The recipient does not experience pain or discomfort. Once on the mucous membrane, the components of the virus are quickly absorbed and begin to spread. This is perhaps the most natural way for influenza agents to enter the human body.

But such sera do not correspond to modern strains of influenza and are considered the most dangerous because they caused a large number of side symptoms and complications.

This vaccine should not be given to small children because it contains live components. The immunity of children is still weak and will not be able to resist the virus when vaccinated.

Today, only syringe vaccines are used for immunization against influenza.

You can get vaccinated at any medical center that has a vaccination room. During the period when mass vaccination of the population against influenza is being carried out, doctors go to schools, kindergartens and workplaces to create comfortable conditions. Mothers with babies need to go to the children's clinic.

For the vaccine to have the maximum effect, make sure that the injection is injected into the muscle tissue, but not subcutaneously or intravenously. You should not get a flu shot in the buttock. There was a period when the vaccine was placed under the shoulder blade. But this is a rather painful method, so in practice the only option left is vaccination in the thigh and forearm.

Contraindications to the flu shot do not reduce its benefits. The threat of influenza: how to resist a viral infection
Should you get a flu shot?

September is a time not only for Indian summers and rains, but also for colds and flu. When the weather changes quickly, your risk of catching a cold or the flu increases. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap, rinse your nose, do wet cleaning at home, regularly ventilate the room, use medical masks in places where there are a lot of people - such advice is given by doctors in order not to catch a cold.

But the best way to protect against the flu is to get vaccinated. The likelihood of getting sick after vaccination is much lower than without it at all. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the incidence decreases if at least 40 percent of city residents are vaccinated. In Moscow, more than 48 percent of residents were vaccinated against the flu last year.

When is the best time to get vaccinated?

Doctors advise getting vaccinated before the seasonal rise in incidence. The minimum period for developing immunity is 10-12 days, the protective level of antibodies is produced after 21 days, so you need to be vaccinated in advance.

Where can I get vaccinated?

You can get vaccinated for free at a clinic or mobile vaccination station. In the first case, you need to either contact the doctor on duty, who will conduct an examination and issue a referral. Vaccination in clinics will last until December 1, 2017.

From September 4 to October 29, vaccination takes place near 24 Moscow metro stations and. Since September 11, mobile points have been operating near the Ploshchad Gagarina and Vladykino MCC stations, as well as at the Kryukovo railway station in Zelenograd. On weekdays they are open from 08:00 to 20:00, on Saturday from 09:00 to 18:00, on Sunday from 09:00 to 16:00.

All adult citizens can get vaccinated at the mobile site. To do this, you will need a passport and written consent. Before vaccination, general practitioners and infectious disease specialists determine possible contraindications, measure temperature and blood pressure. All flu vaccinations receive certificates.

What vaccines are offered to Muscovites?

In Moscow, domestic vaccines “Grippol Plus” and “Sovigripp” are used. They are created on the basis of antigens isolated from purified influenza viruses of types A and B. The introduction of virus antigens into the body leads to the production of specific antibodies to them. This protects against the development of the disease.

Vaccines also contain additives to enhance the immune response: “Grippol Plus” includes polyoxidonium, and “Sovigripp” contains sovidone. Both vaccines are similar to imported ones in their effectiveness. They have the same strain composition recommended by WHO: A/A/Michigan/45/2015(H1N1), A/HongKong/5738/2014(H3N2), B/Brisbane/60/2008. The “Grippol Plus” vaccine has been used since 2006, “Sovigrip” - since 2013.

Can you get the flu after getting vaccinated?

All influenza vaccines - domestic and imported - include antigens of influenza viruses types A (N1H1), A (N3N2) and type B. Thus, vaccines protect against almost all influenza viruses.

In 2016-2017, only three of the vaccinated Muscovites suffered from mild flu. Severe cases of the disease and complications occurred only in those who were not vaccinated.

Is vaccination safe?

Inactivated vaccines. This means they contain specially processed, killed and purified parts of influenza viruses, so they are safe. After vaccination, local reactions may occur, such as slight swelling at the injection site, redness, slight itching or soreness.

What are the contraindications for vaccinations?​

Contraindications to vaccination can be absolute or temporary. The former include an allergy to chicken protein or other vaccines, as well as previously occurring severe post-vaccination reactions (temperature above 40 degrees, swelling at the injection site, hyperemia over eight centimeters in diameter) or post-vaccination complications (collapse, non-febrile convulsions, anaphylaxis).

Temporary contraindications for vaccination are:

- acute febrile conditions, acute infectious and non-infectious diseases. Vaccination is usually carried out two to four weeks after recovery;

- chronic diseases in the acute stage. Vaccinations are given during the period of remission after consultation with the attending physician;

— for mild forms of acute respiratory viral and intestinal infections, vaccination is carried out after the temperature has normalized and/or the acute symptoms of the disease have disappeared.

If you are sick

Fever, chills, headache, fatigue, joint and muscle pain, cough, sore throat and nasal congestion are the main symptoms of the flu. Remember that you cannot self-medicate: if you carry the disease on your feet, serious complications may develop. If you have a high temperature (38-39 degrees), seek medical help. Antiviral drugs and remedies should only be used on the recommendation of a doctor.

The main thing is to drink as much fluid as possible to avoid dehydration (except for coffee, tea and cola). Even when you don't have an appetite, try to eat some simple foods. This could be white rice or chicken broth.



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