Dry scalp and itching - treatment. Masks, shampoos, oils, folk remedies, proper hair washing

Do you have dry hair and a dry, itchy scalp? Have you tried all possible store-bought conditioners, but nothing helps? Conditioning is essential to get rid of dry hair and scalp, and natural remedies can work wonders. In this article we will give you recipes and tips on how to get your hair back into great shape.


Deep Treatment

    Do a deep egg treatment. Deep treatments are similar to conditioners that contain steroids; This treatment allows you to moisturize dry hair, make it shinier and thicker. Eggs are mostly made up of protein, which is what hair is made of, so they're great for deep treatments.

    • Mix two egg yolks, two teaspoons olive oil and 1/8 cup water in a bowl. Stir until the consistency of a homogeneous mass. Depending on the length and thickness of your hair, you may need a little more or less of the mixture.
    • Wash your hair and apply the mixture to damp, but not wet, hair. Leave for 15 minutes.
    • Rinse off with warm water. (Hot water can turn the mixture into scrambled eggs!)
  1. Do a deep treatment with mayonnaise. Mayonnaise is essentially eggs and butter, so this method is a bit similar to the previous one. What distinguishes mayonnaise is its vinegar content. Vinegar kills fungus and bacteria that may have settled on your scalp and are causing itchiness and dryness.

    • Apply 1/2 cup of mayonnaise to dry hair. Massage the mixture into the roots of your hair and scalp and cover your hair with a shower cap or plastic.
    • Leave for 15 minutes.
    • Rinse thoroughly with warm water and then shampoo as usual.
  2. Do a deep oil treatment. Many people do hot oil treatment in salons and claim its effectiveness. For this method, use coconut oil; olive oil will also work.

    • Heat the oil in a saucepan until it is warm but not hot. Don't forget that you will be applying it to your scalp.
    • Remove the oil from the heat and let it cool for 30 seconds, just in case. Separate your hair into sections—use bobby pins if necessary—and apply oil. If you are concerned about excessive oiliness, do not rub the oil into your scalp too thoroughly.
    • Cover your hair with a shower cap or plastic wrap and leave for at least 30 minutes.
    • Rinse with warm water and wash your hair with shampoo. It is necessary that the oil is not felt on the hair, but it should not be washed out completely.
  3. Use beer for deep healing. Like eggs and butter, beer is a great natural conditioner. The idea may seem strange to you, but believe me, it is no stranger than applying mayonnaise to your hair. For deep healing, use a good, full-bodied beer and avoid light beers.

    • Wash your hair with shampoo and rinse with beer instead of conditioner. Do everything as usual, just use beer instead of conditioner.
    • Mix two glasses of beer with two glasses of apple cider vinegar and rinse your hair with the mixture after shampooing. Again, just use the mixture instead of conditioner.
    • Mix a small bottle (250 ml) of good dark beer with a few drops of jojoba oil. Apply to hair, leave for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water and then shampoo.
  4. Use avocados for deep healing. Avocados are rich in vitamins, minerals and natural oils, so they round out the list of deep healing options. Using avocado as a deep treatment can leave your hair soft, shiny and hydrated.

    • Combine one ripe avocado, 2 tablespoons olive oil, and one teaspoon honey in a blender, food processor, or by hand.
    • Apply the mixture to dry hair, massage into scalp, put on a shower cap and leave for about 30 minutes.
    • Wash thoroughly with warm water. Avocado is fibrous, so it takes longer to wash out of your hair than oil, eggs or beer. Wash your hair with a small amount of shampoo.

    Natural conditioners

    1. Use tea tree oil. Tea tree oil is renowned for its antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties, making it an excellent remedy for combating dry scalp and repairing dry hair. Tea tree oil smells great, is even more moisturizing, and is definitely worth trying for a dry scalp.

      • Use tea tree oil with conditioner. Buy tea tree oil essence and add about a tablespoon to your conditioner. This is a quick and inexpensive way to improve the performance of your air conditioner.
      • Buy products that contain tea tree oil. There are many shampoos and conditioners with this oil. Choose a product that is gentle and suitable for your hair.
    2. Use honey as a natural conditioner. Honey can be used to make an incredible, but inedible, conditioner. Here are some natural conditioners if you're in the mood to experiment.

      • Mix 4 tablespoons of olive oil, 2 tablespoons of pure vegetable glycerin and 2 tablespoons of pure honey. Wash your hair with shampoo and then apply the mixture to your hair instead of regular conditioner.
      • Mix honey with conditioner. Mix two parts conditioner and one part honey and apply to hair after shampooing.
    3. Add apple cider vinegar to your conditioner to reduce dry scalp. This is an excellent remedy in the fight against dry skin and dandruff.

      • Combine 3 cups water and a handful of rosemary in a saucepan. Bring the mixture to a boil, cover and simmer for 45 minutes.
      • Strain the mixture into a bowl or bottle and let cool. Add 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar and 10 drops each of rosemary and peppermint essential oils.
      • Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and use after washing your hair. The dirt can be washed off or left on. Apple cider vinegar will help hydrate your dry scalp and also smell nice.
    4. Make your own shampoo and conditioner using coconut or olive oil. It will work the first time.

      • Prepare the ingredients:
        • biodegradable (believe it or not) horse shampoo - 1 cup;
        • apple cider vinegar - 5 tablespoons;
        • olive or coconut oil - 3 teaspoons.
      • Mix the ingredients, apply to hair and wash your hair as usual.
      • You can even take a shower with this shampoo - it helps with eczema.
      • Once every two to three days before going to bed, rub olive or coconut oil into your scalp. In the morning, wash off the mixture as you would regular shampoo.
    1. Pay attention to what you use. Shampoos and conditioners that contain harsh chemicals like sodium lauryl sulfate can irritate your skin and dry out your hair. Be careful with detergents.

      Don't do your hair too often. It can be fun, but curlers, straightening irons and hair dryers can damage the hair structure. Try to cause as little damage to your hair as possible. Do your hair only when it is really necessary and do not overdo it. Try to style your hair no more than once a week.

    2. Eat right. Healthy and natural ingredients rejuvenate hair in the long run. Hair is primarily made up of protein, so it is necessary to nourish your hair with lean meats, leafy vegetables, and whole grains.

      • Eat foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3s are found in cell membranes in the scalp, as well as in natural oils that moisturize the scalp and hair. Omega-3s are found in salmon, walnuts, flaxseeds and spinach.
    • Don't wash your hair too often - it will only damage your hair.
    • Do not wash your hair with hot water, otherwise their condition will worsen - they will become hard and fluffy.
    • Use natural products whenever possible. The less chemicals the better!
    • Make an appointment with a trichologist, not a dermatologist. Trichologists specialize in hair and scalp care.
    • Wash the oil out of your hair thoroughly. If you leave it on, not only will it smell, but it will also make your hair greasy.
    • Use canola oil in hot oil hair treatments. Just a little bit and you will turn into a cover girl.
    • Baking soda is great as a cleansing shampoo - it fights dry scalp, fungus and dandruff. Mix 1 tablespoon with a little water to form a paste. Apply to head as you would regular shampoo.
    • Don't use conditioner too often (unless it's natural or dermatologist-approved) as it will damage your hair. This will make your hair silkier.
    • Perhaps you should change your shampoo and the problem will be solved.
    • If you have problems with your scalp, you should consult a therapist or dermatologist.


    • If the white particles in your hair persist, it may be a sign of lice. In this case, you should seek more serious treatment.
    • Don't scratch your head too much or you might hurt yourself.
  • Signs of dry scalp
  • Causes of dryness
  • Care Tips
  • Precautionary measures
  • How to wash your hair correctly
  • Tools Overview

Signs of dry scalp

Brittle and dull hair, the desire to scratch your head are characteristic symptoms of a dry scalp. To see if this is really your problem, answer these five questions.

  1. 1

    Do you often feel discomfort, itching and tightness of your scalp?

  2. 2

    Are you worried about dandruff?

  3. 3

    When combing, do the strands become electrified?

  4. 4

    Is your hair brittle, dull, thinning?

  5. 5

    Does the feeling of tightness return quickly after washing your hair?

If you answered yes to most of these questions, dryness is most likely an issue for you.

If your scalp is dry, your hair will suffer from dryness © iStock

Causes of dryness

“Scalp type is most often an innate characteristic, since hormonal levels and the activity of the sebaceous glands are primarily associated with genetics,” says Elena Eliseeva, medical expert at Vichy. But sometimes dry scalp can be caused by:

    frequent coloring;

    unbalanced diet;

    incorrect choice of care products;

    thermal effects of styling devices;

    diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous and endocrine systems;

    allergies, skin diseases;

    non-compliance with drinking regime.

A dry scalp can feel itchy and tight © iStock

How to solve the problem of dry scalp

If the condition of your scalp leaves much to be desired, it’s time to take action. Sometimes it’s enough just to reconsider your lifestyle and change some habits.

    Include foods rich in healthy fats in your diet: nuts, fatty fish, cheese, vegetable oils, avocados, eggs, red meat.

    Watch your drinking regime - the daily norm is to consume 1.5–2 liters of clean still water.

    Avoid drinking caffeinated drinks as they dehydrate you.

    Eat less sweet and salty foods.

    Skip the hair dryer.

    Consult a trichologist to rule out scalp diseases.

“If the scalp is just dry, then care is not much of a problem. The main thing is to develop the right strategy,” says Elena Eliseeva.

Choose the right cleanser

Pay attention to sulfate-free shampoos. “Their detergent base is too weak for normal scalps,” explains the Vichy expert. “But for those who suffer from a lack of sebum, it is quite suitable, since it does not destroy the already unstable hydrolipidic film.”

It is good if the shampoo contains ceramides, vitamins B3 or B5, as well as natural oils rich in essential fatty acids.

Cosmetics with natural oils are suitable for dry scalp © iStock

Use extra hair care

Don't ignore masks, balms, and leave-in products designed specifically to solve your problem. These products contain substances that provide the scalp with the necessary components to maintain optimal moisture levels.

Scalp type is usually hereditary © iStock

Precautionary measures

  1. 1

    When washing your hair, the water should be warm, but not hot. Rinse your hair with cool water. Due to temperature changes, the hair cuticle will close, trapping the active components of care products inside.

  2. 2

    Be careful when using a hair dryer. Avoid too hot air and watch the blowing angle: drying at a right angle or from bottom to top leads to dryness. “The air flow coming from the hair dryer should pass along the strands, and not press the hair to the head,” explains Elena Eliseeva.

  3. 3

    Beware of the sun's rays. Hair suffers from UV radiation, becoming dry and brittle. In summer, don't forget about your hat.

One of the signs of a dry scalp is brittle, weak hair © iStock

How to wash your hair correctly

“If your scalp is dry, the frequency of washing does not matter,” Elena Eliseeva is sure. - If the shampoo is mild enough, you can use it as often as needed. Usually a couple of times a week.”

  1. 1

    Squeeze a little shampoo into your palm and whip into foam, diluting with water. Apply to scalp. Lather gently, as if you were doing a gentle massage: the habit of scratching and scratching the skin with your nails can cause irritation and increase peeling and itching.

  2. 2

    Rinse your hair and apply the mask to the scalp and conditioner along the entire length of the strands.

  3. 3

    Gently wring out your hair and wrap it in a terry towel, never rubbing it.

  4. 4

    Remove the towel and let your strands dry naturally.

Dandruff and methods for its elimination

In the language of dermatologists and trichologists, dandruff is called “seborrheic dermatitis.” Among the main reasons for its appearance:


    hormonal imbalance and metabolic disorders;

    weak immunity;

  • change in the scalp microbiome.

Microbiome is a broad concept that includes not only microflora, but also a set of microbial genes. If changes occur in the microbiome, this leads to the growth of the Malassezia fungus, which causes dandruff.

To restore the microbiome balance of the scalp, Vichy Dercos experts have developed an anti-dandruff shampoo that stops the development of Malassezia fungus.

To get rid of the problem, the product should be used in a course of 2-3 times a week for a month. And as a preventive measure - once a week, combined with another mild shampoo.

One of the problems with dry scalp is split ends © iStock

Ingredients for dry scalp care

“There are several products to correct dry scalp,” says Elena Eliseeva. - First of all, shampoos. Their formula should be sulfate-free, with soothing and moisturizing additives ( panthenol, niacinamide, allantoin)».

Sometimes manufacturers add to the composition ceramides or natural oils to soften the scalp. And instead of the usual gel base, they use a cream base: the shampoo turns out to be thicker and more comfortable for dry skin.

A separate class of products are emollients, something like moisturizing creams adapted for scalp skin. They usually contain a lot ceramides And essential fatty acids.

Soothing, softening scalp masks that don't weigh hair down thanks to a lightweight formula based on... light silicones. Silicones evaporate when heated to body temperature, and only a thin protective film of ceramides and oils remains on the scalp, imitating the natural hydrolipid layer.

Tools Overview


Product name Active Ingredients Effect
Nourishing shampoo with olive oil, Kiehl’s olive and avocado oils, lemon extract Gently cleanses, softens and saturates with moisture, helping to retain it inside the hair. Makes strands manageable.
Intensively nourishing shampoo “Legendary Olive” Botanic Therapy, Garnier olive oil Nourishes hair without weighing it down, restores along the entire length.
Nourishing shampoo “Luxury 6 oils” Elsève, L"Oréal Paris lotus oil, tiare flower, rose, chamomile, flax, sunflower Provides intensive nutrition.
Intensive anti-dandruff care shampoo for dry hair DErcos, Vichy Selenium DS, Ceramide P, Salicylic Acid, Vitamin E For scalp prone to itching. Eliminates visible dandruff and soothes the scalp.

Additional care

Product name Active Ingredients Effect
Scrub for intensive cleansing of the scalp, Kiehl's thermal plankton extract, rosemary oil, apricot kernel and argan nut shell powder, menthol Cleanses and exfoliates, restoring the balance of the scalp.
Oil-elixir “Triple restoration. Transfiguration" Fructis, Garnier argan oil Nourishes hair.

Itchy scalp causes a lot of trouble for women and men. One of the reasons why your skin may itch is a dry scalp. Causes, symptoms, treatment methods - all these questions on this problem should be studied very seriously, because improper treatment can only aggravate the situation. Of course, itchy scalp is no joke and it is advisable to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Determining your skin type

There is a myth that it can only peel and itch, however, this is not entirely true. For example, dandruff, which in turn is one of the causes of itching, can be caused by both increased oily skin and dryness. Determining your skin type is quite simple. You need to take a white paper napkin and rub it for 25 seconds. on the scalp. If there is a greasy mark on the napkin, you can assume that you have oily hair type. If the napkin is still dry, then most likely you have either combination or dry scalp. What to do now? You need to be guided by the ends of your hair; if they are dry and too split, then you undoubtedly have a dry type, and if the ends are oily, you have a combination type.

Dry seborrhea

Dry seborrhea is the well-known dandruff. It occurs when the scalp is too dry. As a result of this, the top layer of the integument begins to peel off, which we call dandruff. In this case, it is necessary to carry out the proper treatment. If the skin is dry, it is necessary to use special products containing various oils. However, this is not always able to give results, especially instant ones.

Some women are concerned about the question: “Why is the scalp dry and itchy after washing?” Agree, after washing your hair, all crusts from the scalp should be washed off and, at least for a while, the itching should stop. In this case, you need to pay attention to the shampoo used to wash your hair. As a rule, curl care products indicate what type of hair they are intended for: oily, dry, normal. If the type is not indicated on the shampoo, then most likely there are some recommendations: for brittle hair, for frequently dirty hair, etc. It is necessary to select a shampoo and conditioner that will nourish the scalp.

Hair care products - shampoos, conditioners, masks

Sometimes, even though a girl uses shampoo for dry and brittle hair, the question still arises about what to do if in this case, it is necessary to pay attention to allergic reactions on the skin. Try changing all your hair care products; perhaps one of them is causing you an allergic reaction. In winter, curls are especially affected, so you may also be allergic to the material from which the headdress is made. Don't panic if you've chosen a bad shampoo and your scalp is dry and itchy. What to do in such cases is no secret to anyone. First of all, you need to change your hair product. It is best to temporarily buy medicated shampoo from a pharmacy; it will help quickly restore your scalp.

Hairsprays and dyes

You suddenly find that your scalp is dry and itchy. What to do if this has never happened before? Hair dye may be to blame if you have recently changed your image. Some types of dyes can dry out the scalp. If dyeing is so necessary, and this causes skin irritation, try using balms for curls after dyeing, which will protect the hair and scalp as much as possible.

Here's another secret for those who really like to do different styles: if you use the same mousse or varnish for a long time, it can cause itching and irritation of the skin. In this case, try changing products and choosing a different manufacturer.

Psychological factor

The scalp, like any other part of the human body, reacts very sharply to stress and depression. After a little nervousness, you discovered that your scalp was dry and itchy. What to do in such a situation, especially if you can’t cope with nervous tension? In any case, the nervous system must be protected, so think about whether the game is “worth the candle.”

If depression or stress does not go away, and even the itching of the skin clearly begins to irritate you, you need to consult a doctor so that he can prescribe you a sedative. Whatever you put on your hair, nothing will help if the cause of the itching is a nervous breakdown. Some people bite their nails during stress, while others scratch their heads, everything is relative.

In addition, nervous conditions in humans greatly reduce immunity. Thus, it becomes easily available for a variety of diseases. It is imperative to monitor the body’s immune system and maintain it in proper condition.

Symptoms of itchy skin in diseases of the nervous system

Skin itching in diseases of the nervous system is significantly different from other causes and most often occurs on dry skin. First of all, it is characteristic that it appears on its own and also disappears. Very often, women complain of a sensation of movement on the scalp. In addition, a person usually does not even notice that stress can occur in other parts of the body. What is characteristic is that if this disease is not treated, it can develop into a more serious form - a person scratches entire bleeding wounds on his head. If you realize that you are starting to itch again due to nerves, try doing this. You should not scratch your already dry skin with your nails. Use light massaging movements over the entire head.

Dry scalp: causes

What to do if dry scalp causes itching and As a rule, dry skin in this area can be caused by several factors: poor diet, bad habits, hormonal imbalance in the body, improper hair care. In addition, dry scalp may indicate serious inflammation that develops in the human body. However, in 60% of cases, it is poor nutrition and bad habits that cause this problem. Try to analyze your diet throughout the day to see if it contains enough vitamins and fluids. It is known that a lack of vitamins in the body leads to brittle and dry hair.

After frequent washing of luxurious curls, itching of the scalp may also occur. What to do in this case if your hair becomes very oily? Scientists have found that the more often we wash our hair, the more oily it becomes. Try to increase the period of “unwashed hair” by at least one day (that is, if you used to wash every day, now you need to wash it every other day). After a week, most likely, you will be very surprised to find that your hair has stopped getting oily quickly.

Treatment for dry scalp. Folk remedies

Of course, only a trichologist can prescribe the necessary treatment after a thorough examination. However, there are a huge number of folk remedies that help moisturize the scalp and make your hair smooth and shiny.

Oils (sunflower and burdock) moisturize dry skin very well. Before use, the oil must be slightly warmed in a water bath. Hair should be divided into strands and oil should be rubbed into the skin in small quantities. You can use the oil as a hair mask, but if you have a combination hair type (the skin and roots are dry, and the ends are oily), this is not recommended. The oil is washed out very poorly, and the curls will have a “greasy look” for several days after washing off.

Burdock root is very helpful for dry skin. Approximately 20 gr. This plant must be boiled for 15 minutes and cooled. A decoction of burdock root can be rubbed into the scalp once a week. You can brew chamomile in the same way. It has a very beneficial effect on both the skin and the curls themselves.

Many women do not risk using various folk remedies, fearing that they may cause harm. On the one hand, the girl’s scalp is dry and itchy. She doesn’t know what to do, because it causes great discomfort. But, fortunately, there are remedies that can be used without fear. Dry skin is explained by the fact that the skin lacks fat and does not have enough “nutrition”. The problem can be solved by rubbing your face cream. It is important that this is a proven cream that you have used more than once. This way, you will avoid an allergic reaction that may occur when using a new cream.

However, this wonderful method also has contraindications. If wounds have formed on your head as a result of scratching, it is not advisable to apply cream to these places. To quickly heal wounds, use special medicinal products purchased at the pharmacy.

Dry scalp is a typical problem in winter and off-season. After washing, a feeling of tightness often appears, and the skin begins to peel off. Hair suffers, becomes dull, brittle, and split ends appear. All these signs indicate a malfunction of the sebaceous glands, some of the causes of which are dry air, temperature changes and improper care.

Why does the scalp become dry?

As you know, the glands that are located at the base of each hair produce sebum. It protects the scalp, makes hair soft, shiny and silky. When the glands, under the influence of unfavorable factors, stop producing a sufficient amount of sebum, the natural protective barrier is destroyed, and the scalp becomes dry and tight.

The reasons can be both external and internal. This may be a disruption of the body's functioning, hormonal imbalances, stress, unfavorable environmental conditions, temperature fluctuations, poor nutrition or hair care: washing your hair too often, perm or coloring, regular use of straightening irons or hair dryers. Dry scalp often flakes, is easily irritated, and may become itchy.

Proper care for dry scalp

First of all, use mild shampoos. Look for the label “for dry scalp” on the packaging; such products do not contain at all or contain a minimal amount of sulfates, artificial fragrances, silicone, and aggressive sulfur ingredients. These shampoos often foam worse than usual, but clean just as well. If you cannot find the right product, entrust the choice to a specialist. And dry your hair without using a hair dryer.

Your assistants:

  1. Shampoo “Moisturizing scalp care” Head&Shoulders,
  2. Anti-dandruff shampoo Phytotechnology Clear Vita ABE,
  3. Anti-dandruff shampoo “Soft cleansing” Himalaya Herbals,
  4. Mild physiological shampoo Kerium La Roche Posay,
  5. Shampoo "Regulating" against dandruff Vichy Dercos,
  6. Shampoo Sensi Balance L"Oreal Professional.

How to improve blood circulation to the scalp

The better the blood supply to the scalp, the more beneficial substances enter the skin cells and hair roots. Head massage, regular use of a scrub, and physical activity can help improve it.

You can take a course of mesotherapy in a beauty salon. Mesotherapy is the introduction of drugs into the scalp using injections. This way, the drugs are delivered exactly as intended, blood circulation improves, and the protective functions of the skin are restored.

Your assistants:

Dry scalp: recovery and treatment

  1. Sea buckthorn scalp scrub Natura Siberica,
  2. Shampoo-scrub for scalp Specifique Kerastase,
  3. Scalp Scrub “Crystal Purity” Faberlic.

Increased nutrition of the scalp

Oils that are useful for dry scalp are argan, burdock, olive, castor, jojoba and lanolin. Light self-massage will help deliver the necessary nutrients to the skin. You can try using home care products or contact a professional dermatologist or trichologist, they will help you choose the most effective scalp restoration program.

Your assistants:

Dry scalp: recovery and treatment

  1. Revitalizing treatment for dry scalp Dry-No-More Scalp Treatment Moroccan Oil,
  2. Oil for face, hair and body with chamomile extract Malin+Goetz,
  3. Revitalizing oil for dry scalp Genesicap Plus La Biosthetiqu e,
  4. Energy serum Balance scalp energy serum Wella sp system professional,
  5. Super balm for scalp Superbalm Scalp Treatment Lus h,
  6. Care product for sensitive scalp Dualsenses Scalp Specialist Goldwell.

Balanced diet and lifestyle

The diet, the purpose of which is to restore the optimal level of oiliness in the scalp, must contain a sufficient amount of fatty acids. They are in fatty

Dry scalp, prone to dandruff, can become a problem not only during adolescence, contrary to popular belief. This often happens to both 30-year-olds and those over 40.

The main causes of dry scalp:

  • unhealthy diet, lifestyle
  • chronic diseases, such as seborrhea
  • an overabundance of care products, their incorrect selection
  • lack of hydration

Accordingly, in order to get rid of this problem, it is necessary to eliminate the causes - check whether you are eating right, whether you are consuming too much fatty, smoked, sweet, and alcohol. Because of this, there can be dry scalp, acne, and cellulite with extra pounds.

The hair products you use should be for one hair type: you cannot expect good results using a conditioner for dry hair. There shouldn’t be a lot of products, don’t try to feed your hair with everything you can. Try to use natural shampoos or products without strong aromatic fragrances. By the way, often anti-dandruff shampoos only add to the problems, so buy a drugstore one or just a softer one.

See a dermatologist or trichologist (hair specialist). Let him examine your skin, prescribe the necessary tests and determine the problem - whether it is a disease or just a failure due to the wrong shampoo. In summer, protect your hair and skin with special products and wear hats. In the summer, the air in the apartment is usually dry and warm - this can also be the reason why a dry scalp becomes even drier. Buy a humidifier or place containers of water around the house.

Dry scalp. Treatment.

First and most importantly, there is no need to deal with the problem in too aggressive ways, or buy strong drugs if you don’t know exactly what you’re dealing with. Before visiting the doctor, you can try masks prepared yourself - for example,

Masks based on olive or other oil - it can be castor, burdock, peach oil. You need to apply a little slightly warmed oil to the hair roots and skin and do a light massage, and then leave the oil for an hour or two, then rinse. Don't worry, the oil washes off perfectly and your hair won't be greasy or shiny.

When you rinse, pay attention to the water: it should be warm, not hot. Ideally, you should wash your hair with boiled water or a decoction of beneficial herbs, especially if the water in your region is too hard. But this may seem a bit tedious.

Onion masks. To do this, you need to chop the onion in a blender (if you don’t have a blender, just grate it), and rub the resulting pulp into the scalp. To enhance the effect, you can wrap your head with cling film and leave the mask for an hour or two. Typically, dry scalp responds well to this mask.

Nourishing masks. For example, it can be applied to the hair and scalp either separately or as part of other masks - mixed with oils or with onions. Masks made from raw egg yolks are also good for this - they will need to be mixed well and rubbed into the scalp. Yolks go well with both honey and oils.

If you don’t like the smell left on your hair (from onions or eggs), you can rinse your hair with water and lemon juice - the juice of half a lemon in one and a half liters of cool water. Experience shows that the smell will only be present on wet hair, if at all, and will disappear after a few days.

If you have a very dry scalp and the suggested masks do not eliminate the problem, perhaps the dryness is a sign of some kind of disease and you need to try more serious ways to combat dandruff, itching and irritation that appear due to dryness. Consult a doctor, don't delay.



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