Sporysh: medicinal properties, contraindications, reviews. Highlander bird (knotweed) - a treatment that came from time immemorial What heals knotweed herb

This herb is found everywhere: just look at the photo to recognize a familiar plant. Knotweed has a powerful and tenacious root system, as well as lush green shoots that grow quickly (hence the name, derived from the word "spore"). The plant is an annual, with small delicate oblong leaves and flowers, and the color of the flowers varies from greenish-white to pink and red.

In folk medicine, knotweed shoots have been used to treat a variety of diseases for several hundred years, and in Dagestan they are traditionally used as a filling for national pastries. Young leaves are also suitable for making vitamin salads and soups. In addition, a permanent dye of blue color is obtained from the rhizomes, and green from the stems. The plant, which bears the official name "bird mountaineer", in the literature can be called grass-ant or goose grass.

Chemical composition and medicinal properties

Lush thickets of knotweed, considered a weed, are incredibly rich in various micronutrients. For example, in terms of the content of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), this plant surpasses many fruits and vegetables. In addition, the shoots contain a significant amount of:

  • flavonoids that help strengthen the walls of blood vessels (these compounds are also effective antioxidants that slow down the aging process of the body);
  • silicic acid and its derivatives, which provide a therapeutic effect in urolithiasis;
  • tannins, anti-putrefaction and wound-healing properties of which are well studied and have long been used in pharmacology;
  • carotene and fat soluble vitamin E important for strengthening and fighting free radicals;
  • valuable bitters, resins, carbohydrates.

vitamin composition and abundance of fiber allow you to use knotweed for food in the spring to fortify the body and improve peristalsis. In addition, salads with bird knotweed are not only healthy, but also really tasty.

The chemical composition of the plant explains its diverse pharmacological action. Preparations from young shoots of the plant have hemostatic, astringent, diuretic, antimicrobial and antioxidant effects. Knotweed extracts and tinctures stimulate the contractile activity of the uterus, stop inflammation, and accelerate healing. When avian knotweed is prescribed to patients with tuberculosis, a significant increase in appetite is noted, and the ability to reduce salt crystallization explains the effectiveness of knotweed in the treatment of urolithiasis.

In folk and official medicine, knotweed herb is successfully used to treat the following pathologies:

  • chronic diseases of the urinary tract(, urethritis and others), as well as the initial stage of education;
  • diseases of the digestive system, ranging from inflammatory processes in the stomach and intestines, ending with a duodenal ulcer;
  • work disruption;
  • hemorrhoidal and uterine bleeding;
  • tuberculosis and malaria(as part of complex therapy);

Outwardly, decoctions and infusions of knotweed are used to accelerate regeneration (wound healing), treat bruises, ulcers and various skin diseases.

Important! Highlander preparations are strictly prohibited with increased blood clotting, and varicose veins. Also, do not use the herb for the treatment of acute diseases of the urinary organs.

What kind of stones does knotweed

Due to the presence of silicic acid in the composition, decoctions of knotweed shoots are successfully used for the treatment and prevention urolithiasis. Acid actively removes excess chlorine and sodium from the body, thereby preventing the formation and growth of kidney stones. The effectiveness of the mountaineer at the initial stage of the disease and in the postoperative period is confirmed clinically, but doctors do not recommend removing large stones in this way.

When crushing crystalline deposits, rather large fragments can clog the ducts and cause serious damage to the health of the patient, in addition, some varieties cannot be crushed. Stones are best removed surgically, and knotweed preparations are used in the future to prevent recurrence of the disease. In any case, it is advisable to use herbal treatment in case of urolithiasis only after consulting a urologist.

A common weed that grows all over the ground. Summer residents call this plant grass-ant. And they don’t like it, as the plant grows, clogging garden crops everywhere. However, this weed, which is called Knotweed, is fraught with a storehouse of useful properties. What benefits can knotweed bring? The answer to this question will be described in this article.

Knotweed, also called bird mountaineer, is a plant that grows for one year from the Buckwheat family. Knotweed is high - branches in length reach up to 80 centimeters. It just grows on the ground. The flowers are small and inconspicuous green-white, sometimes tinged with pink. The leaves are small, ellipse-like. Small fruits in the form of trihedral nuts. A favorite delicacy of birds, that's why it was called bird's buckwheat.

A weed that contains a lot of vitamin, minerals, fiber, protein, sugar, resin, tannin, carotene, a high content of vitamin C and silicon.
The plant contains vitamin A, thanks to which the skin shines and looks healthy.

Due to the high content of iron, the weed has a great effect on the blood.

Knotweed is not only rich in composition, it is also delicious - based on it, you can make an excellent salad by mixing it with a boiled egg, dill and sour cream.

The medicinal properties of the herb are used in diseases of the liver, stomach, kidneys, skin, intestines, intestines. Excellent effect on the circulatory system, increasing blood clotting.

  • Knotweed is used for kidney stones, due to the content of silicic acid.
  • The acid breaks down the salt in the stones and breaks it into molecules, which are subsequently excreted naturally through the urinary tract. Only works on small stones, large stones are not displayed.
  • The weed as a whole has a great effect on the kidneys, taking a decoction or infusion of grass, you can relieve inflammation and remove water from the body, as it has a diuretic effect.
  • Effective as a hemostatic agent. By applying a decoction to a bleeding wound, you can stop the bleeding. Drinking herbal infusion can reduce bleeding after childbirth or abortion. And also knotweed will help restore strength after surgery.
  • It will help women who cannot become pregnant, it restores reproductive function by increasing the tone of the walls of the uterus.
  • It will perfectly raise the immune system, lower blood pressure, promote the rapid healing of wounds.
  • Knotweed is used in the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract, tuberculosis, relieves swelling in the legs, and many more with what diseases and ailments knotweed fights.

Knotweed has wonderful healing properties for a common weed, but, like any remedy, it has contraindications.

  1. Since knotweed helps to clot blood when consumed, it can cause thrombosis, which will cause an angina attack, or worse, cause a stroke or heart attack. Contraindicated in people with heart disease and the elderly.
  2. When taking knotweed, intestinal motility is stimulated, while lowering blood pressure, which will lead to poor health for people suffering from cholelithiasis and constipation.
  3. If cholelithiasis is treated, not all stones dissolve. A stone that has not dissolved can completely block the bile duct.
  4. Contraindicated in pregnancy, causes tone, which leads to premature birth.

Grass-ant help with infertility

When taking a decoction of the herb, the uterine muscles are activated, the hormonal background returns to normal, breathing returns to normal, the body receives oxygen, which has a beneficial effect on the internal organs.

The decoction has a positive effect on reproductive function, which accelerates the onset of pregnancy.

It is better to take a decoction for two spouses, to achieve a quick effect.

As soon as pregnancy occurs, knotweed should be discontinued. When pregnancy occurs, the herb will provoke a miscarriage.

Stones in the kidneys

Reception of grass promotes the splitting of kidney stones, and the discharge of salt accumulations. Knotweed is also used to prevent kidney stones.


Weed is used for bleeding, such as uterine, intestinal, pulmonary, hemorrhoidal. Grass accelerates blood clotting. The bleeding stops. With hemorrhoids, warm baths are used at night with a decoction of the weed.

GI tract and cholecystitis

Knotweed normalizes digestion, normalizing the outflow of bile, eliminating inflammation, intestines and gastric mucosa, heals duodenal and stomach ulcers.

Skin diseases

Knotweed fights skin diseases such as eczema, wounds, sores, mucous membrane inflammation of the lips, inflammation of the mouth, bleeding gums. The grass does not allow putrefactive processes to develop, relieves pain, is an excellent antiseptic, promotes rapid healing. For diseases of the oral cavity, infusion is used for rinsing. For wounds, wash the wound with infusion or apply a compress.

Hair treatment

In case of hair loss, it is necessary to prepare an infusion of knotweed and rinse the hair after washing. The grass will strengthen the hair follicles, nourishing them with vitamins and beneficial properties. Hair should be rinsed every day for twenty days.

It is necessary to take three tablespoons of dry grass and pour boiling water in the amount of two hundred grams, then heat in a water bath for fifteen minutes, cool, strain and add boiled water to make two hundred milliliters. Take one second glass before meals.

Knotweed decoction

Grind the grass, pour water one to ten. Put in a water bath to boil for half an hour, cool for fifteen minutes, strain to drink a tablespoon three times a day. For gout, rheumatism, hemorrhoids, drink a cup three times a day.


Use only during plant growth. Take one glass twice a day before meals for half an hour, mixed with honey. It helps with hypertension, diseases associated with the lungs, the genitourinary system.

Juice is used for wounds, ulcers and bruises, moistened with a napkin in the juice and applied to the damaged area.


  1. a spoonful of grass is poured with boiling water, heated for twenty minutes, in a water bath, insist for an hour. Take forty grams four times a day. Helps to get pregnant.
  2. in a glass of boiling water, steam twenty grams of grass, boil in a water bath for about thirty minutes. Insist drink half a cup. A good remedy for gallstone disease.
  3. with obesity, drink a decoction of knotweed. Leaves of a grass four spoons to fill in with three glasses of water. Insist in a thermos and take half a glass four times a day.
  4. knotweed tea. It is good for lung diseases and colds. Mix twenty grams of grass with two glasses of water, boil, drink two cups a day.
  5. for children, there is also a recipe for knotweed grass. Mix two tablespoons of herbs in half a liter of milk and boil for five minutes. Take one hundred grams four times a day.

The grass is harvested only when it blooms, from June to autumn. Knotweed is an annual plant. It grows in different directions, branching braiding the ground. Leaves and stems are used for harvesting. Collect only in clean fields away from roads, landfills and livestock pastures.

Cut off the top with a knife or mow with a sickle. The weed grows well after mowing and more than one crop can be harvested in a season. If the plant has grown, you can mow it with a scythe, and then sort out from another grass.

You need to dry knotweed in the shade in a ventilated area. Laying out a thin layer of grass on paper or style. Periodically, the grass is stirred during drying for uniform drying.

The workpiece is qualitatively prepared, consists of stems no more than 30 centimeters long, gray-green in color. The leaves are small, and the flowers are weak in color. The harvest should not have brown leaves and roots. The smell of the grass is weak, the taste is tart, astringent.

Store dried knotweed in paper bags in a cool, dry place. Shelf life is not more than three years.

Even as children, in the summer they brought us to the then small provincial town of Pavlovo. there were mostly private wooden houses and my aunt lived there. I really liked coming there, because touching light yellow lumps - chickens - were running around the yard. From the side, the cat Murysya was calmly watching them, it seemed that she was guarding this nursery group. And the kids only did that they constantly pecked, plucked the low, bright green grass, in some places already with flowers. Aunt said that
this grass is an ant, it is very useful for chickens. Now I know, it is called mountaineer bird, knotweed, bird buckwheat. Many animals adore her, probably know
about its beneficial properties.

Knot grass, photo:

plant description

Highlander is an annual herb with stems 10 to 50 centimeters long, creeping along the ground or slightly raised.

The generic scientific name Polygonum means "multiple generations". In fact, swollen nodules are located on the stem. The leaves of the plant are narrow, elongated, pointed at the end. At the other end of the leaf there is a membrane, with which it covers part of the internode.

The flowers are small white or pinkish, located in the leaf axils of 2-5 pieces. Flowering begins in May, continues until late autumn.

Interestingly, right at the same time, seeds begin to form, small black or brown nuts. they will also be born before frost. These "buckwheat" grains are the favorite delicacy of birds, hence the name - bird's mountaineer, bird's buckwheat.

This grass has another name - toptun - grass. Under no circumstances will we be able to trample it, and if you mow it, the grass will quickly restore shoots, it will become even thicker! Why is it not lawn grass?

Knotweed grows throughout our country except for the Arctic. Likes to live along roadsides, river banks, pastures, etc. of course, in village courtyards. covering the ground with a green carpet.

Understanding the chemical composition of knotweed

  • Silicic acid (a large amount) and its compounds increase the elasticity and strength of the skin, vascular walls, tendons, bones, and the formation of sand and bladder stones decreases.
  • Flavonoid avicularin - analgesic, hemostatic effect.
  • Flavonol quercetin is an antioxidant with anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, diuretic properties.
  • A large amount ten times more than that of lemon, vitamin C, ascorbic acid, an antioxidant that regulates metabolism, protects against tumors.
  • Provitamin A (carotene) increases the body's immunity.
  • Vitamin K is responsible for blood clotting.
  • Vitamin E is a strong antioxidant, its anti-cancer effect is enhanced by the presence of vitamin C.
  • Resins - wound healing effect.
  • Mucus is an emollient.
  • Bitterness - increase bile secretion.
  • Tannins protect the mucous membrane from irritation, destroy harmful microorganisms on the skin, excrete excess sodium and chlorine in the urine, and prevent the formation of urinary stones.
  • Fats, carbohydrates.

The highest content of flavonoids and green mass falls on the month of June, then it is necessary to procure raw materials for drying and treatment. If you did not have time to stock up in June, you can collect the plant during the entire flowering period. Dry the grass under a canopy or in a room with good ventilation.

What does knotweed herb treat?

The beneficial properties of the highlander are due to its composition.

A prominent Armenian scientist, doctor of the 15th century Amirdovlat Amasiatsi wrote in his work on herbal medicine: “If you crush the seeds of the highlander bird, drink it with honey on an empty stomach, it will help with hemorrhoids. The decoction will stop hemoptysis from the chest, stop diarrhea. ... stops the flow of urine drop by drop and makes it copious. It helps with hot and mucous tumors, with diseases of the stomach and the hot form of all diseases, if you drink or make a poultice.

  • The hemostatic property is used for various bleedings, for example, hemorrhoidal, uterine, with brittle capillaries, bleeding inflammations of internal organs - stomach ulcers, intestines.
  • Highlander bird is widely used for nephritis, pyelonephritis, inflammation of the bladder, when a large amount of mineral salts, oxalic acid salts are found in the urine.
  • Freshly ground grass is applied to wounds, poorly healing ulcers.
  • In Central Asia, knotweed grass powder is smoked to restore vitality.
  • Highlander helps to cure prostatitis, prostate adenoma.
  • The decoction is drunk after a long debilitating illness, especially useful for the elderly.
  • Liver diseases are also subject to highlander bird.
  • Highlander bird enhances the contractility of smooth muscle organs, such as the uterus.
  • Knotweed is used for uric acid diathesis, acne, furunculosis, dermatitis.
  • Helps cure pulmonary tuberculosis.

Herb infusion

Take 2 tablespoons of highlander, pour a glass of boiling water, wrap, leave for an hour. Take a tablespoon 3 times a day before meals. Used for gout, polyarthritis, impaired salt metabolism. cough, whooping cough, bronchitis, tuberculosis, obesity, as an antipyretic. They say it helps with headaches.

If we want to prepare an infusion as a diuretic, with gastroenteritis, we take 3 tbsp. l. in a glass of boiling water, warm in a water bath for 15 minutes, slowly cool, Drink half a glass 2-3 times a day before meals. If there is no constipation, you can drink more often. Course 20 - 25 days.


50 grams of dry grass is poured with a liter of water, boiled for half an hour, filtered. Drink cold 5 times a day, a glass before meals.

It is used for kidney stones, nephrolithiasis. As a general tonic, drink half a glass three times a day.

For the treatment of skin diseases, you can prepare a more concentrated decoction and make lotions or apply boiled grass in the form of a compress.

With hemorrhoids, they drink a decoction and make baths or lotions for the rectum.

Decoction can strengthen hair by rinsing them 4 times a week.


Three teaspoons of dry grass pour 250 ml of alcohol or vodka. we insist 10 days in a closed container and a dark place. After filtering, drip 15 drops of tincture into half a glass of water. We drink as a cholagogue, with small pebbles in the gallbladder three times a day before meals. This tincture can be used for prostate adenoma.

Chronic kidney disease

5 st. l. fall asleep in a thermos, pour 1 liter of boiling water. Leave overnight. Drink 2/3 cup 5 times a day before meals for a course of two weeks. Repeat after two weeks. You can add plantain or calendula herb to knotweed, 2 tablespoons each.


Along with herbal recipes, you can use ground knotweed seeds. To do this, mix them with honey 1: 1, take a dessert spoon half an hour before meals. If desired, drink a little water.

As always, almost without contraindications:

  • Pregnancy, as highlanders stimulate the muscles of the uterus.
  • breastfeeding period.
  • Allergic reactions are rare. but there are.
  • Stones in the kidneys, urinary, gallbladder larger than 6 mm.
  • Age up to 12 years.
  • Thrombophlebitis, increased blood clotting.

Contraindications are quite serious, so you should consult a knowledgeable doctor.

Knotweed is an annual plant with unique medicinal and nutritional properties. It has many other names: bird mountaineer, topchak, goose, grass-ant. The plant is called knotweed in Russia because of the amazing ability to quickly regenerate tissues. To this day, the mountaineer is used to treat various ailments, but most often it is used to get rid of kidney stones.

The unique healing properties of knotweed make it possible to use this remedy in official and traditional medicine. Also, this plant is widely used in industry, in agriculture. Knotweed is a very hardy, unpretentious plant. It can be found near dwellings, along roadsides, along river banks, in pastures. Grass is found throughout Russia.

Composition at the chemical level

The medicinal properties of knotweed determine the indications for use. It contains:

  1. Flavonoids: myricetin, kaempferol, isorhamnetin, quercetin, hyperin, avicularin.
  2. Vitamins K, E, C, A.
  3. Anthraquinones.
  4. Coumarins.
  5. Acids: silicic and phenolcarboxylic, oxalic.
  6. Slime, resin.
  7. Tannins.

In knotweed there is a lot of carotene, as well as iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium. The root contains anthraquinones.


The medicinal properties of knotweed make this plant indispensable in the treatment of various pathologies. In folk medicine, the entire ground part is used: shoots, flowers, leaves and stem. Flowers are of particular value. They have a pale pink tint. They are harvested from May to September. Leaves and shoots are harvested from the second half to the end of July.

After collection, the raw materials are carefully sorted, removing all debris and various impurities. The blanks are dried under a canopy or in well-ventilated areas. Drying in the open air is allowed, but only in the shade: it is impossible for direct sunlight, precipitation to fall on raw materials.

Dried herbs are stored in bags or glass containers. You can store raw materials for two years.

During the growing season, freshly squeezed juice is obtained from the plant, which is collected during the flowering period. It can be stored for a long time, having previously boiled and rolled up under iron lids. You can store the product in the cellar or in the refrigerator until the next season.

plant use

Knotweed has found wide application in folk medicine. Medicinal properties help to get rid of a variety of ailments. Preparations prepared from knotweed can be used externally and internally. It is taken in the form of infusions, decoctions, juice, tea. Externally, the plant is used for compresses, lotions.

Knotweed Healer

The medicinal properties and contraindications of knotweed herb determine whether the plant can be used for each specific case. This plant has a diverse healing effect on the human body. Plant-based preparations are used as anti-inflammatory, antihelminthic, antihypertensive agents. Also, the herb helps fight pathogenic microorganisms, is used as an antispasmodic, diuretic.

The healing properties of knotweed herb allow the use of strengthening the immune system. The plant improves appetite, promotes weight gain. Also, herbal remedies are able to activate the processes of regeneration of the structures of the tissues of the skin and hair.

The herb is used as a hemostatic agent, as it can affect blood clotting.

The official appointment of knotweed

According to official data, the medicinal properties of knotweed herb (the plant treats many ailments) are as follows:

  1. The components included in the composition are able to remove excess sodium and chlorine from the body, resulting in increased diuresis.
  2. The plant contains silicic acid, which helps to get rid of stones in the urinary system.
  3. Vitamins and beneficial trace elements help boost immunity.
  4. Tanning elements have a positive effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract, stomach.
  5. The plant has an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory effect.
  6. Flavonoids and some other substances reduce the permeability of the vascular walls, and vitamin K can increase blood clotting.

Knotweed is included in the composition of herbal preparations intended for the treatment of oncological diseases. In Chinese medicine, the herb is used as an antihelminthic and tonic.

According to some reports, the plant is able to fight female infertility.


Plants can be used to treat a variety of ailments. Knowing the medicinal properties of knotweed grass and contraindications, you can safely prepare decoctions and infusions, ointments and use them to treat a variety of ailments.

Knotweed should be taken with caution in case of hypotension, as the herb can cause a sharp decrease in pressure. Those who plan to use the plant to treat diseases of the kidneys and urinary system should remove garlic and onions from the diet, spicy: these products can cause tissue irritation.

Knowing the healing properties of knotweed and contraindications, people can treat almost any disease. However, this plant can not be used after a heart attack and stroke, during pregnancy, with polycystic ovaries. It is also forbidden to use the plant with a high content of androgens.

In order for the treatment to help, and not harm, you need to consult a doctor.

Hair and skin treatment

According to reviews, the healing properties of knotweed help to cope with dermatitis, neurodermatitis, eczema. Lotions are used to treat these ailments.

infectious diseases

Bird mountaineer eliminates putrefactive processes, and also prevents the development of viral, bacterial diseases. This plant has an analgesic, disinfecting, wound healing, anti-inflammatory effect in case of infections of the oral cavity.

Rinsing with a decoction of knotweed is prescribed for laryngitis, tonsillitis, and dental diseases.

Grass is used as an antipyretic, with viral and bacterial diseases. Also, this plant has a general strengthening effect.

In complex therapy, preparations from the plant are used in the treatment of tuberculosis.

Treatment of the cardiovascular system

Knowledge, according to reviews, of the medicinal properties and contraindications of knotweed helps to treat all kinds of diseases of the cardiovascular system. Highlander well helps to stabilize blood pressure in hypertension. Decoctions prepared from the aerial part of the herb have a tonic and tonic effect and are used for nervous exhaustion. With prolonged use, endurance increases, efficiency increases, and the effects of stress are eliminated.

Diseases of the genitourinary system

The unique healing properties of knotweed help with kidney stones. In folk medicine, this plant is used to crush medium-sized stones. The plant contains silicic acid, which destroys the structure of calcium deposits, crushing them into molecules. They are then excreted from the body in the urine.

Highlander is used as a prophylactic that prevents the formation of sand in the urinary system.

Decoctions and infusions of knotweed are used for inflammation of the bladder, kidneys: for pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis. Highlander helps a lot in men's problems: it normalizes sexual function.

Problems with the circulatory system

According to reviews, the medicinal properties and contraindications of knotweed should be known to everyone who suffers from diseases associated with blood and bleeding. The herb has unique hemostatic properties. Therefore, it is used for bleeding gums. Also, the remedy is recommended for heavy menstruation, after abortion. Highlander is prescribed to increase the rate of blood clotting in a variety of bleeding: intestinal, uterine, pulmonary. A good effect is the treatment of hemorrhoids. Lotions are applied to long bleeding wounds.

The plant contains a lot of iron, so it is recommended for iron deficiency anemia resulting from blood loss. After the application of decoctions and infusions, the processes of hematopoiesis and intracellular metabolism are activated, myoglobin and hemoglobin begin to actively form. Healers use the plant to purify the blood.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

A water-based infusion helps in the treatment of various diseases of the digestive tract. It can be used for pancreatitis, hepatitis, cholecystitis. Knotweed prevents the deposition of salts and helps prevent cholelithiasis.

Medicine recipes

Knowing the healing properties of knotweed and contraindications, many ailments can be cured. For this, infusions, decoctions, juices, teas are prepared from the plant.

To prepare the infusion, you need to take a liter of boiling water and pour a tablespoon of raw materials into it. The remedy is infused for two hours, then filtered. It is taken at fifty grams three times a day, before meals. The infusion is drunk in a course of three weeks.

In some cases, a decoction must be prepared from the mountaineer. For him, you need to take one part of the grass and pour ten parts of water. The composition is put in a water bath and boiled for half an hour. The product is then allowed to cool. A decoction of fifty milliliters is taken three times a day. For external use, more concentrated decoctions are used: 1 to 5.

You can take tea made from knotweed. It helps to strengthen the immune system, will have a general strengthening effect. To prepare it, you need to pour two teaspoons of raw materials with a glass of boiling water and leave for ten minutes. Take before meals three times a day.

Knowing everything about the medicinal properties and contraindications of knotweed, you can make juice from a fresh plant. The freshly collected material is washed under running water, then twisted in a meat grinder or crushed with a blender. Juice is squeezed out of the gruel, diluted with cooled boiling water in a ratio of 1 to 10. Juice is consumed two tablespoons three times a day. For external use, the juice is concentrated.

Knotweed can be used not only for the treatment of various diseases, but also as a prophylactic. Useful properties determine under what pathologies the plant can be used.


Dear readers, do you know such grass as knotweed? If not, then I strongly advise you to pay attention to it. Everyone needs this herb. Why everyone? To begin with, I will briefly say that it removes metal salts, treats arthritis, arthrosis, is good for the kidneys, in gynecology, treats tuberculosis, even helps to crush small pebbles, strengthens blood vessels and solves other health problems. Today I want to tell you about the beneficial and healing properties of knotweed, where and how this herb is used and whether everyone can take it.

Grass-ant, grass-ant ... That's how affectionately and poetically in Russian fairy tales and epics they talk about one, quite an ordinary plant, which is probably familiar to each of us from childhood. Knotweed or highlander bird grows literally under our feet, the plant is the most ordinary and inconspicuous, but very useful.

This grass can be found near roads and paths, in courtyards near residential buildings, along the banks of small reservoirs, it grows everywhere and small birds feed on its seeds until frost. You have probably seen flocks of sparrows along the roads, which swarm in the autumn in low grass, chirping merrily, this grass is knotweed. As soon as it is not called by the people: knotweed, grass-ant, bird buckwheat, goose, trample-grass, sparrow tongues, but all this is one and the same plant called highlander bird.

I met her for the first time a very long time ago. Even when I lived in the Far East. My friend brewed it in a thermos, treated gynecological diseases. This herb helped her a lot. Now I myself am finishing the course of treatment with this herb. I take it for prevention - cleansing the body so that salts do not accumulate, and it relieves inflammatory processes in the body very well, if there is something somewhere, it is good for blood vessels. The course of treatment is usually 3 weeks. Let's see what this grass looks like.

Knot grass. Photo

Knotweed (grass mountaineer). Useful and medicinal properties

Useful and healing properties of knotweed have been known for a very long time, it was used in ancient times as a hemostatic and wound healing agent. Our wise ancestors squeezed the juice from the grass, soaked the fabric with it and applied it to wounds, abscesses, ulcers, bruises, thereby avoiding complications and speeding up recovery.

Currently, the properties of this plant have been studied in more depth, which allows expanding the range of its action. Vitamins C, K, E, mineral salts, carotene, tannins, essential oils, flavonoids, resins, saponins, coumarins, various acids and much more were found in this nondescript herb.

Knotweed grass is widely used in official and traditional medicine, as well as in homeopathy, preparations based on it have the following properties:

  • diuretic
  • astringent
  • anti-inflammatory
  • antipyretic
  • disinfectant
  • hemostatic
  • tonic
  • blood-purifying
  • hypotensive
  • strengthening blood vessels

Medicinal herb knotweed (highlander). Application

The range of application of knotweed (highlander) is quite impressive, and the herb is considered low-toxic and has a minimum of contraindications, which allows it to be taken for a long time with various diseases

  1. For diseases kidneys and bladder long-term use of decoctions and infusions allows you to dissolve and remove sand and stones from the kidneys, reduce swelling, and relieve the inflammatory process in cystitis. With a tendency to stone formation, knotweed is taken for prevention purposes.
  2. For inflammatory diseases liver and gallbladder a decoction of knotweed is also used, but in this case it is necessary to consult a doctor, do an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity to make sure there are no large stones in the gallbladder. Knotweed copes with small stones, and in the presence of large stones, any choleretic agents are contraindicated.
  3. For diseases vessels, with hemorrhoids, knotweed helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels, improve blood circulation, and normalize blood pressure.
  4. At internal and uterine bleeding , with hemorrhoids, knotweed improves blood clotting, thereby speeding up the healing process. But we must understand that, like all herbs, knotweed is used in complex treatment, especially in severe cases, which include internal bleeding. In this case, you can not do without consulting a doctor.
  5. The anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties of knotweed (highlander) allow the use it for colds with fever, as well as sore throat and gum disease.
  6. Thanks to tannins and antimicrobial properties, knotweed is used for treatment of various wounds , cuts, long-term non-healing ulcers.
  7. Knotweed is also used in the treatment of gout, it helps to remove uric acid salts from the joints, thereby reducing pain and inflammation.
  8. Tuberculosis, arthritis, arthrosis, diseases of the stomach and intestines are also included in the list of diseases in which knotweed has a therapeutic effect on the body.

How to take knotweed

They take knotweed (highlander bird) in the form of infusions, decoctions or as part of complex medicinal preparations. It is best to prepare decoctions and infusions for one day, since after a day their properties decrease.

Infusion of knotweed (highlander bird)

Preparing the infusion is very simple, you need to take a tablespoon of dry chopped grass for a glass of boiling water, leave for 30-40 minutes and take 1/4 cup 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.

Decoction of knotweed (highlander bird)

The broth is more concentrated, to prepare it for a glass of boiling water, you need to take two tablespoons of grass, put it all in a water bath for 15-20 minutes, then cool, strain and add boiled water to a full glass. Take a decoction of 1 - 2 tablespoons before meals.

You can prepare a decoction without a steam bath, just boil the herb for 3-5 minutes on the smallest fire, then remove from heat and strain after 20 minutes.

knotweed juice

Knotweed juice is squeezed from fresh grass, which is harvested during its flowering. Juice is recommended to take 1-2 tablespoons two to three times a day before meals for hypertension, convulsions, tuberculosis, bowel disease and kidney disease.

For the treatment of wounds and other skin lesions, you can also use the juice, which is used to wash the wounds and apply dressings soaked in the juice. You can do it even easier, rinse the grass, dry it and grind it into a gruel, which is applied under a bandage to the damaged areas of the skin.

I suggest watching a video about the beneficial and healing properties of knotweed grass.

Knot grass. Treatment. Recipes

Traditional medicine uses many recipes with knotweed to treat various diseases, it is taken both separately and in combination with other plants that enhance the healing effect of knotweed. I will give you some of them, perhaps they will be useful to someone.

  • For kidney stones mix knotweed herb, bearberry herb and bean leaves in equal parts, 15 grams of the collection (this is about a full tablespoon) pour 1.5 cups of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, filter and drink the resulting infusion in large portions during the day
  • With cystitis prepare an infusion of a tablespoon of knotweed and a glass of water and take half a glass three times a day for a week
  • With inflammation of the gallbladder prepare a decoction of a tablespoon of knotweed herb, keep in a water bath for 30 minutes, strain after 20 minutes and take one tablespoon 3-4 times a day
  • With hemorrhoids in summer, during flowering, pick fresh grass and immediately squeeze the juice out of it. Take a tablespoon twice a day
  • For joint diseases boil for 5 minutes in a liter of water a glass of fresh chopped herb knotweed (knotweed), leave for at least an hour. Apply lotions from this decoction to sore joints, add it to foot baths
  • For uterine bleeding three teaspoons of dry grass are poured into a glass of boiling water, insisted for 40 minutes and taken 3-4 times a day, regardless of food
  • With anemia prepare an infusion of knotweed herb by brewing a tablespoon of dry raw materials with a glass of boiling water. After cooling, strain the infusion and mix with beetroot juice in equal proportions. Take one spoon 3 times a day before meals for a month
  • With tuberculosis light mix a tablespoon of chopped dry herb mountaineer and chopped licorice root, two tablespoons of this mixture pour 1/2 liter of boiling water, boil over low heat for 3-5 minutes, strain after 30 minutes and take 4-5 times a day 1/4 cup
  • For bronchitis, pneumonia prepare a mixture of highlander grass, coltsfoot leaves, black elderberry flowers, taking a teaspoon of each. Brew a glass of boiling water, insist until cool and take a tablespoon 3-4 times a day
  • For diseases of the stomach with increased acidity of gastric juice, prepare a mixture of herb knotweed, peppermint, large plantain, St. John's wort and calamus root. Mix everything in equal parts. Prepare an infusion from a tablespoon of the mixture and a glass of boiling water.

Knotweed. Herb collection, harvesting

Knotweed grows everywhere, but, of course, it cannot be collected in the city, you need to look for it away from city roads and railways.

It is also necessary to distinguish it from other types of highlander, which do not have medicinal properties. It is not difficult to do this, look carefully at the photographs, in knotweed the stem begins to branch from the ground itself, the stems are divided into knees, the leaves are elliptical in shape, and small nondescript flowers are located in the axils of the leaves and have a dirty white color with a pink tint.

For medicinal purposes, knotweed is harvested at the beginning of flowering, this usually happens at the end of June - at the beginning of July, the aerial part is cut off at the base, leaving the lowest leaves, then dried in any way possible, without exposure to direct sunlight.

It is not recommended to store dried grass for more than two years, it eventually loses its healing properties. Glass jars, thick paper bags or linen and cotton bags are suitable for storage.

Where to buy knotweed grass? Price

If you do not want to harvest the herb yourself, buy it at a pharmacy. It is sold in almost every pharmacy. It is very inexpensive. We recently bought it in Yaroslavl for 30 rubles. Packing 50 grams.

Knot grass. Contraindications

As always, describing the medicinal properties of any plant, I want to warn this time that knotweed (highlander) is a potent plant and taking drugs based on it has its own contraindications.

Pregnancy is an absolute contraindication to taking the highlander bird. You can not use them for people with thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, anyone who is prone to blood clots, since taking knotweed, which increases blood clotting, can lead to an attack of angina pectoris and even to a heart attack and stroke.

Knotweed is not prescribed for those who have low blood pressure.

Despite the fact that knotweed is able to soften and remove stones from the kidneys and gallbladder, people with gallstones and kidney stones can take knotweed with caution and only after consulting a doctor so as not to aggravate the situation, since the stone can block the bile ducts, which poses a threat to life.

People with urinary tract stones larger than 6 mm should also not take knotweed.

Here is such information for you today about the beneficial properties of knotweed and its contraindications.

And for the soul, today we will listen to an old waltz autumn dream. Many considered it to be a native work written in Russia, but its homeland is in distant foggy Albion. It was written by pianist and composer Archibald Joyce in 1908. Just such a nostalgia ... Brass band and an amazing waltz.

I wish you all health, good mood, simple joys of life and all the warmest and kindest.

see also








    07 Mar 2017 at 0:19


    07 Feb 2017 at 14:09












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