Symptoms of a prediabetic condition are blood sugar levels. Prediabetes - first signs of the disease, diagnosis, treatment methods and detailed diet

Prediabetes is a warning sign that you are at risk of developing type 2 diabetes. This means your blood sugar levels are higher than they should be. Most people with type 2 diabetes first had prediabetes. The good news is that lifestyle changes can help you get your blood sugar back to normal and avoid or delay the development of diabetes.

Prediabetes occurs when the body does not respond properly to the hormone insulin and therefore cannot maintain blood glucose (sugar) at normal levels. In this case, the blood sugar level is higher than normal, but not enough to establish a diagnosis of diabetes. If left untreated, the condition can worsen over time and lead to the development of type 2 diabetes and other serious complications, such as heart disease and major blood vessels, stroke, vision impairment, nervous system and kidney disease.

What causes prediabetes?

People who are overweight, sedentary, or have a family history of the disease are thought to be more likely to develop prediabetes. It is also believed that women who have had gestational diabetes have an increased likelihood of developing prediabetes.

A harbinger of diabetes

Most people with prediabetes do not have any symptoms. But if you have prediabetes, you need to watch for signs of diabetes, such as:

    Pronounced thirst.

    Frequent urination.


    Blurred vision.

Symptoms of prediabetes. Diagnostics

Blood Sugar Test

Symptoms of prediabetes, of course, appear against the background of elevated blood sugar levels. To determine whether you have prediabetes and are at risk of developing type 2 diabetes, a blood glucose test is usually done after you have not eaten for 8 hours at night. In some cases, an oral glucose tolerance test may be performed. To do this, your blood sugar level will be measured on an empty stomach and then 2 hours after you drink a special glucose solution.

If your blood glucose test results are at the following levels, you have prediabetes and are at risk for developing type 2 diabetes:

Fasting glucose levels are greater than 110 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) or greater than 6.1 mmol/L. When performing an oral glucose tolerance test, less/equal to 140 and more than 200 mg/dl (less/equal to 7.8 and more than 11.1 mmol/l) - 2 hours after the start of the test.

Phrases such as “mild diabetes,” “borderline diabetes,” or “blood sugar levels are slightly elevated” are inaccurate. If you hear these phrases, ask if your blood sugar levels are within the range for a diagnosis of prediabetes or diabetes.

Risk group

The American Diabetes Association recommends screening for prediabetes, which can lead to type 2 diabetes, if you have: symptoms of prediabetes:

    If you are overweight and over 45 years old, get tested for prediabetes at your next doctor's visit.

    If you are of normal weight and you are 45 years of age or older, during your visit to the doctor, ask your doctor if there is a need for an examination.

    Under 45 years of age and overweight—your body mass index (BMI) is 25 or higher—and you have one or more other risk factors for developing type 2 diabetes, such as:

    High blood pressure, above 140/90 millimeters of mercury. Low high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and high triglycerides. Family history of type 2 diabetes.

    People whose parents or siblings had prediabetes or type 2 diabetes are at higher risk of developing the disease than adults without a family history of diabetes.

    Previous gestational diabetes or the birth of a child weighing more than 4 kg. Women who have had gestational diabetes, or who have given birth to a larger-than-normal baby, are at risk of developing type 2 diabetes later in life.

    Race and ethnicity. African Americans, Hispanics, Asians, and Pacific Islanders are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes than Caucasians.

    You are overweight, do not exercise (or do little) and want to reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

    The USPSTF recommends testing for people whose blood pressure is above 135/80.

Treatment of prediabetes

If you have been diagnosed with prediabetes, you will have a key role in its treatment and you will have the opportunity to reverse the condition or delay the progression of type 2 diabetes. Losing weight, eating a healthy diet, and exercising regularly are all very effective in preventing or delaying the onset of diabetes, as well as reducing your risk of developing other complications such as coronary heart disease or stroke. These may sound simple, but they are very important both for your overall health and for preventing the development of diabetes.

In some cases, in addition to diet and exercise, your doctor may prescribe medicines. But recent studies have shown promising results in preventing diabetes through diet and exercise alone. One large US study (Diabetes Prevention Program) found that making these lifestyle changes was more effective in reducing the risk of developing diabetes than taking medications:
Those who lost a small amount of weight (5-10% of total body weight) and exercised reduced their risk level by 58%. Those who took medication reduced their risk level by 31%.

Weight control

Most people with prediabetes are overweight and have a body mass index (BMI) of 25 or higher. If your BMI is 25 or higher, losing 5-10% of your body weight can help prevent or delay the development of type 2 diabetes. A healthy weight helps your body use insulin properly. One recent study found that losing weight in people with prediabetes reduces insulin resistance. The level of improvement is proportional to the weight lost.

Diet for prediabetes

If you have prediabetes, you can prevent or delay the disease by following simple guidelines such as following a special prediabetes diet:

    Limit the amount of fat you consume. Eat foods that contain low amounts of fat and high amounts of soluble fiber.

    Eat fewer calories.

    Limit your intake of sweets to avoid a sudden rise in blood sugar. Of the three main nutrients (carbohydrates, proteins and fats), carbohydrates have the greatest impact on blood sugar levels.

    Talk to your doctor about a personalized healthy eating plan.

One large study found that people who ate a diet rich in vegetables, fish, poultry and whole grains had a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes compared with people who ate a diet high in red meat, processed meat , full-fat dairy products, refined grains and sweets. Meal planning for prediabetes often forces you to think about foods in a new way. There are some simple ways you can adapt to your diet. A registered dietitian can help you create a meal plan that fits your lifestyle.

Physical exercise

Do moderate-intensity exercise for at least 30 minutes a day, at least 5 days a week. Moderate activity is equivalent to walking outside, cycling at 10 to 12 mph, sailing, or shooting a basketball. With this type of activity, you may notice that your heart beats faster.

Engage in vigorous exercise for at least 20 minutes a day. They are equivalent to jogging, cycling at 12 mph, skiing or playing basketball. By performing such exercises, you will notice that your breathing quickens and your heart beats much faster.

Doing several activities for 10 minutes or more throughout the day will help you achieve the above recommendations. You can choose either one or both types of exercises. Exercise helps you control your blood sugar by using glucose as an energy source during and after exercise. They also help you respond better to insulin and reduce your risk of developing diabetes. Additionally, exercise helps you maintain a healthy weight; reduce high cholesterol levels; increase high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, or “good cholesterol”; reduce high blood pressure. These benefits also help prevent the development of heart and blood vessel disease (cardiovascular disease). You can further reduce your risk of developing diabetes by exercising for longer periods of time during each session.

Activities may consist of moderate walking or more vigorous exercise such as jogging, running, cycling or playing tennis. The study also found that other activities, such as gardening or shoveling snow, may also have positive effects. Talk to your doctor about a plan for a safe exercise program.

Medicines for prediabetes

Take medications if prescribed

In some cases, doctors prescribe a tablet drug, most often metformin. It reduces the amount of sugar produced by the liver in a person with insulin resistance. This may also be suitable in case of polycystic ovary syndrome. If your doctor has prescribed you a prediabetes medication, be sure to take it as prescribed.

In most cases, diabetes mellitus does not occur suddenly; its first harbinger is prediabetes, when blood sugar levels are twice as high as normal. High glucose levels are not observed all the time, but only after meals. At this stage still it is possible to cure without drugs with the help of nutritional correction.

What is prediabetes?

Prediabetes is a condition in which carbohydrate metabolism is impaired, but the diagnosis of diabetes has not yet been made. However, it significantly exceeds normal levels. If no measures are taken, then after a while the patient will begin to experience real pain. Therefore, treatment should begin when the first symptoms appear.

Typically, prediabetes occurs in overweight people who lead a sedentary lifestyle and abuse simple carbohydrates. Visceral fat accumulates around internal organs, which reduces fat. At the same time, an overweight person develops insulin resistance (reduced sensitivity to insulin). Enough insulin is produced, but it is not consumed by the body in the proper amount.

As a result, the body's consumption of sugar is reduced, but a lot of it comes from food. The pancreas begins to work in an enhanced mode, during this period there is a slight increase in blood sugar. This is prediabetes. Previously, this condition was considered the zero stage of diabetes, but then it began to be considered an independent disease. The duration of prediabetes is 2-4 years, after which, if left untreated, it turns into diabetes.

Causes of prediabetes

Prediabetes is a precursor to type 2 diabetes, which develops in obese people due to insulin resistance. The main cause of prediabetes is banal overeating, and not necessarily sweet foods. More often, type 2 diabetes is diagnosed in those who abuse fast food. This food contains many preservatives and fat, so it contributes to lipid and carbohydrate metabolism disorders. Muscle mass is replaced by fat mass, metabolism decreases.

The main provoking factors for the development of prediabetes are:

  • Heredity.
  • High birth weight (more than 4.3 kg).
  • Gestational diabetes during pregnancy.
  • Sedentary lifestyle.
  • Long-term use of certain drugs (glucocorticosteroids, diuretics).
  • Obesity.
  • Various hormonal and endocrine disorders.

In children, the disease can occur after a serious infectious disease or after surgery.

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Signs of the disease

According to statistics, about 8 million people suffer from prediabetes. However, only 3 million have been officially diagnosed. This is because the symptoms of the disease are not specific. The main manifestations of the disease:

  • Insomnia. As a result of disturbances in carbohydrate metabolism, hormonal imbalance occurs, which provokes sleep disturbances.
  • The appearance of itching of the skin. This occurs due to blood thickening.
  • Decreased vision. Thick blood passes through the capillaries worse.
  • Feeling of thirst, frequent urination. This is how the body tries to “dilute” thick blood. Thirst goes away some time after glucose levels normalize.
  • Weight loss for no apparent reason. Insulin production is reduced, glucose is not consumed by cells in the proper amount, so the body lacks energy and loses weight.
  • The feeling of heat at night occurs due to high sugar levels.
  • Increased appetite. The body does not absorb nutrients, reacting to this with an increase in appetite.
  • Muscle cramps. The muscles do not receive the full amount of nutrients, so cramps begin.
  • Constant headaches. This occurs due to poor blood supply to the capillaries.
  • , colds are common.
  • Poor healing of wounds and abrasions.
  • Increased fatigue.

All of the above symptoms are perceived by patients as manifestations of natural age-related changes. Rarely can anyone associate this with diabetes. Therefore, doctors recommend that all people over 40 years of age check their glucose levels at least once every three years, and if they are overweight and have other risk factors, annually.

The most important indicator of prediabetes is elevated sugar levels. To make a diagnosis, a glucose tolerance test is performed, in which glucose levels are assessed before and after the “sugar load”. The level of glycated hemoglobin is also taken into account.

Blood sugar levels in mmol/l

Thus, if the sugar level after a meal does not exceed 10.5 mmol/l, we speak of prediabetes. The diagnosis of diabetes is made if after a meal the sugar level is 11 mmol/l or higher.


The main question for patients diagnosed with prediabetes is: can the disease be cured and how to treat it?

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Drug treatment is usually not prescribed. The patient is recommended to change his diet and improve physical activity. This will lead to weight loss and improved metabolism. As a result, glucose levels will decrease. According to statistics, diet reduces the risk of developing diabetes by 60%, and the use of medications without dietary adjustments - by only 30%.

So, the main ways to get rid of the disease are: This means following a special diet and doing physical exercises.

Nutrition adjustments

Principles of nutrition for prediabetes:

  • Reducing caloric intake.
  • Complete exclusion of simple carbohydrates (sugar, baked goods, sweet drinks) from the diet.
  • Refusal of fast food.
  • Reducing the amount of complex carbohydrates in the diet (pasta, cereals, fruits). They can be consumed in small portions throughout the day so as not to provoke a rise in glucose levels.
  • Reducing the consumption of animal fats (butter, lard, pork).
  • Quitting alcohol and smoking.
  • Maintaining fractional meals (5-6 meals per day).
  • Increase in diet, plant foods (vegetables), protein.
  • Consumption of low-fat dairy products.

Food should be varied, rich in vitamins and microelements. On the recommendation of a doctor, you can take vitamin and mineral complexes.

Physical activity

Physical activity allows you not only to lose weight, but also to restore the body's sensitivity to insulin, and, therefore, to completely recover from the disease. What to do if a person has never played sports? You need to start by walking in the fresh air. On average, you should walk 8-10 thousand steps a day. If there are no problems with the spine and joints, you can do light jogging.

Any feasible activity will be useful: dancing, swimming, game sports. It is important that physical education is fun and does not harm your health.

Drug treatment

Drug treatment of prediabetes is prescribed as a last resort, when following a diet for 3-4 months has not brought positive results.

The main drugs prescribed by endocrinologists for the treatment of prediabetic conditions are Metformin, Glucophage. These medications lower blood sugar levels and prevent them from rising after meals. The medications should be taken strictly according to the instructions, without exceeding the recommended dose. Long-term use causes side effects such as indigestion and lack of vitamin B12. Therefore, medications are a last resort when other treatments do not help.


Diabetes also increases the risk of cancer. Doctors have proven that cancer cells use glucose for their nutrition. Diabetes significantly reduces immunity, so the patient can die even from a banal viral infection.

Prediction and prevention of prediabetes

Prediabetes is a reversible condition that can be treated. The prognosis with correctly selected therapy is favorable. In most cases, it is possible to normalize sugar levels and get rid of insulin resistance. True, for this you will need to gather your willpower and strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations.

Preventing prediabetes is not difficult. It is important to lead a healthy lifestyle, adhere to the principles of proper nutrition, avoid weight gain, and regularly monitor glucose levels.

Diabetes is a disease of civilization. The main enemies of health are an excess of tasty and not always healthy food and a lack of physical activity.

Prediabetes is a special condition defined as the border between the normal functioning of the body and the development of diabetes mellitus. At this point, the pancreas produces insulin, but production volumes are slightly reduced. Patients whose blood sugar levels are elevated after meals are at risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

There is no tragedy in prediabetes, because this condition is reversible, but the result depends entirely on the patient’s own desire not to face an incurable disease. In order to maintain the quality of life and stabilize blood sugar levels, a person will have to work on himself: a healthy lifestyle, sports and proper nutrition - these rules will help to get a positive result.

Recently, the situation has worsened; a similar disorder is detected in children, and no less often than in adults. What is the reason? Such a disorder may be a consequence of serious surgery or previous infectious diseases. Type 2 diabetes develops quite slowly, metabolic disorders progress over decades.

Can prediabetes be cured?

It is definitely possible, but only if the patient has perseverance, willpower and desire to live a healthy life. However, statistics show that the indicators for prediabetes are disappointing.

Every year, 10% of patients with previously diagnosed stage zero join the group of patients with type 2 diabetes. Why does this happen if there is a way out, and the technique that ensures recovery is quite simple? Unfortunately, patients often underestimate the danger and do not know what diabetes is and how to live with it.

The symptoms of prediabetes are mild - this is the basis of the problem. If the majority of people suffering from diabetes had at one time paid attention to some change in their well-being, the prevalence of the disease would have been somewhat less.

Prediabetes, the symptoms of which can manifest with varying intensity, can be characterized by the following changes in well-being:

  1. A feeling of dryness in the mouth, a significant increase in the volume of fluid consumed. This reaction is explained by the fact that when the concentration of glucose increases, the blood thickens, and the body tries to dilute it with a similar reaction. It is worth emphasizing that the symptom tends to intensify at the time of heavy physical and mental stress.
  2. Frequent urination. This manifestation is closely related to an increase in the volume of fluid consumed.
  3. Increasing feeling of hunger, especially at night and in the evening. Weight gain can be seen (in the photo there is an obese woman).
  4. Decreased performance, decreased concentration, memory changes.
  5. Often, after eating, the patient feels feverish, sweating increases, and dizziness increases. Such symptoms are signs of increased glucose concentration.
  6. Periodically occurring headaches that occur due to vasoconstriction.
  7. The manifestation of generalized itching is a consequence of problems with capillaries.
  8. Decreased quality of vision, appearance of spots before the eyes.
  9. Deterioration in sleep quality, people often experience insomnia.
  10. Hormonal imbalances. Girls and young women may notice changes in their menstrual cycle.

The listed signs of prediabetes are rarely specific. The most noticeable symptom is intense thirst. Patients often describe other characteristics as overwork, excessive exhaustion, or other health problems unrelated to diabetes.

Since it is extremely difficult to express the symptoms that characterize a dangerous condition, it is important to convey to persons belonging to risk groups the need to undergo examinations.

Who's in danger?

The concept of prediabetes implies a condition of the human body in which metabolic disorders occur, sugar is several units above normal, however, a significant jump in indicators does not occur - that is, type 2 diabetes is not diagnosed.

Attention! Some time ago, such a change was defined as stage zero diabetes, but years later they gave it its own name.

It is extremely difficult, sometimes impossible, to independently identify the manifestation of pathology at the initial stage, however, there are techniques that will help confirm or refute the fact of the development of disorders.

The simplest and most common laboratory diagnostic methods are discussed in the table:

What tests will help determine the diagnosis?
Type of study Description
Glucose tolerance test The simplest and most accurate method used to diagnose diabetes. The technique is based on determining the rate of penetration of glucose into tissues. In the blood of a healthy person, the sugar content should normalize 2 hours after eating. In a patient with prediabetes, this figure may be 7.8 mmol/l.
Fasting glycemia The diagnosis of diabetes is determined if fasting blood sugar is over 7 mmol/l, the normal value is 6 mmol/l. Prediabetes is diagnosed if the level fluctuates between 6-7 mmol/l. It should be noted that such definitions are suitable for studying venous blood.
Fasting insulin The risk of prediabetes is high when insulin is detected in the blood at a concentration of more than 13 μIU/ml.
Glycated hemoglobin For prediabetes, the figure is 5.7-6.4%.

You should also pay attention to the fact that patients over the age of 45 who have some predisposition to developing diabetes should undergo such examinations at least once a year.

People with normal body weight over the age of 45 should be examined once every 3 years. For people with a risk factor for developing diabetes under the age of 45 – annually.

Attention! The manifestation of a symptom in the form of unquenchable thirst is a reason for an emergency visit to a specialist and an unscheduled laboratory test.

The list of factors that increase the risk of a disorder includes:

  • high blood pressure, in which the indicators tend to be above 140/90, that is, stage 2 hypertension;
  • increased concentration of cholesterol in the body;
  • close people of the 1st line of kinship suffering from diabetes;
  • the presence of gestational diabetes in a woman during any of her pregnancies;
  • high birth weight;
  • lack of physical activity;
  • hypoglycemia during hunger;
  • taking certain medications for a long time;
  • consumption of coffee and strong tea in volumes of over 600 ml per day;
  • manifestation of skin rashes.

Diagnostic features

If you identify symptoms that characterize prediabetes, or if you belong to a risk group, the patient should consult a doctor. The doctor will give the patient a referral for tests to confirm or refute doubts.

Attention! First of all, the patient should undergo a glucose tolerance test. The technique requires donating blood on an empty stomach.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that blood sampling from the patient should be done no earlier than 10 hours after the last meal. After the patient consumes the glucose solution, 2 more measurements are taken - 1 hour after administration and 2 hours later.

The following factors are highly likely to distort test results:

  1. The instructions recommend that the patient refrain from any physical activity the day before the test.
  2. It is equally important to limit the influence of psycho-emotional factors.
  3. At the time of taking the test, the patient must be healthy: blood pressure and body temperature must be within normal limits.
  4. You should not smoke on the day of the test.

The video in this article will introduce readers to the features of diagnostics. The price of a full examination may vary slightly depending on the medical center chosen by the patient.

Reasons provocateurs

It is generally accepted that people who are overweight and lead a sedentary lifestyle are at risk of developing diabetes mellitus. However, such a judgment is somewhat incorrect; the main reason is the body's response to insulin.

In this case, it is impossible to achieve an optimal glucose balance in the body. Carbohydrates consumed with food are converted into sugar, and glucose enters cells as an energy source. If the body's cells do not respond to the influence of insulin, they are unable to receive glucose.

The risk group includes:

  • patients whose blood sugar fluctuates;
  • obese people;
  • patients over the age of 45-50 years;
  • women suffering from polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • patients with excessive concentrations of cholesterol in the blood.

Can prediabetes be cured?

Treatment of prediabetes consists mainly of the patient's self-control and his ability to make the right choices.

At the initial stage of development of the disease, you will have to completely reconsider the rhythm of your usual life:

  • completely quit nicotine addiction;
  • eliminate the consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • review your usual daily menu;

Attention! The patient must make a choice that will determine his fate - a normal life in compliance with the rules of a healthy lifestyle and longevity, or subsequent adherence to the rules of surviving with diabetes.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that weight loss by 6-7% of total body weight in case of obesity reduces the likelihood of developing diabetes by 50%.

How to prevent the development of diabetes

If during the examination the patient was found to have impaired glucose tolerance, he should seek help from an endocrinologist. A specialist will help identify the optimal examination methods to determine the possibility of diabetes manifestations in the near future.

Based on the data obtained, a treatment regimen will be determined, which necessarily includes several methods:

  • physical exercise;
  • diet;
  • medications for prediabetes.

Sports and diet are the basis of therapy, but it is possible to do without the use of medications if the indicators are not critical.

Patient menu

A diet for prediabetes requires adherence to the following rules:

  1. Refusal of foods that contain easily digestible carbohydrates. These products include baked goods, various sweets and desserts.
  2. It is worth limiting the consumption of all cereals, potatoes, carrots.
  3. Animal fats should be excluded from the diet.
  4. Beans, lentils and other legumes should be included in your diet.
  5. A complete abstinence from alcohol during the recovery period and adherence to strict restrictions in subsequent life are indicated.
  6. The maximum amount of calories consumed per day should not be more than 1500.
  7. A fractional meal regimen is shown. The total volume should be divided into 5-6 approaches.

The patient's menu should include:

  • fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • lean sea fish and seafood;
  • cereals;
  • The preferred spices are garlic, cinnamon, and nutmeg;
  • beef and poultry (except duck);
  • high fat dairy products;
  • egg white.

Patients should pay attention to the fact that such a diet will not only help stabilize sugar, but will also cleanse blood vessels of bad cholesterol.

Attention should also be paid to the fact that a diet for prediabetes should be developed by a specialist - only basic recommendations are listed. We must not lose sight of the fact that persons suffering from hypertension, gastric ulcers, liver and kidney diseases must pay special attention to the preparation of their diet. Contacting a nutritionist will help prevent the risk of complications.


Constant physical activity will help reduce excess weight and correct the vital activity of the body.

Attention! It should be noted that during physical activity there is a rapid decrease in glucose levels - it is consumed. However, exercise should become a habit.

It is important to pay attention to the following sports:

  • jogging;
  • cycling;
  • dancing;
  • tennis;
  • swimming;
  • Nordic walking;
  • walking.

Recommendation! Any physical activity is useful, that is, an evening spent in front of the TV is prohibited. It’s better to spend your time usefully, go to a supermarket located away from home and buy healthy products.

It is interesting to note that many patients with prediabetes complain of insomnia - this problem completely disappears after doing physical activity. The result will not be long in coming.

Compliance with precautionary rules is the main task of the patient. Loads should be increased gradually. The body should not experience excessive fatigue. If possible, the training plan should be discussed with a doctor; an endocrinologist familiar with the peculiarities of the course of the disease can also advise on this issue.

In most cases, lifestyle changes are enough to fully recover from prediabetes. Often, specialists try not to resort to the use of medications, due to the presence of a wide range of contraindications.

Question to the doctor

Tatyana, 39 years old, Tver

Good afternoon. I would like to ask you this question: is fasting blood sugar 6.8 mmol/l prediabetes? How dangerous is my situation? I am overweight (height 174, weight -83 kg), but I have always been overweight. I don’t feel any of the symptoms described, I feel good.

Good afternoon, Tatyana. If you do not experience any symptoms, I recommend repeating the test; perhaps a mistake was made? Of course, this rarely happens in laboratories. I advise you to apply privately to be sure of the result. I can’t help but notice that you are overweight. Please consult a nutritionist and consider doing physical activity. First of all, this is necessary for health.

Lyudmila, 24 years old, Saratov

Hello. My grandmother is a diabetic, my mother is a diabetic, and now I have prediabetes. Fasting blood sugar – 6.5. Is there a chance to fix everything?

Hello, Lyudmila. Discard the hereditary factor - it is this that prevents you from getting better. How long does this indicator last? Follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle, choose a physical activity regimen, hard work will in any case lead to positive results.

Natalya, 33 years old, Krasnodar.

Hello. Is it possible to get rid of prediabetes without dieting?

Good afternoon. The use of medications gives some positive results, but the effectiveness of drugs without a diet will be significantly reduced. In addition, in cases where it is possible to do without drugs, preference should be given to this method. Medications have a wide range of contraindications; if the drug is discontinued, sugar may rise again.

Many people don’t even want to think about the fact that diabetes can affect them. For some reason, these people believe that such diseases happen among their neighbors, in the movies, but that they will pass by and not even touch them.

And then during the clinical examination they take a blood test, and it turns out that the sugar level is already 8, and maybe higher, and the doctors’ prognosis is disappointing. This situation can be prevented if the signs of the disease are recognized in time at the very beginning of its onset. What is prediabetes?

Prediabetic condition - what is it?

Prediabetes is a high risk of developing diabetes mellitus. Can this condition be considered the initial stage of the disease?

It is very difficult to draw a clear line here. People with prediabetes may already develop damage to the tissues of the kidneys, heart, blood vessels, and organs of vision.

Scientific research shows that chronic complications begin to develop already at the prediabetic stage. When diabetes is diagnosed, organ damage is already present and cannot be prevented. Therefore, timely recognition of this condition is necessary.

Prediabetes is an intermediate condition in which the pancreas produces insulin, but in smaller quantities, or insulin is produced in normal quantities, but tissue cells are not able to absorb it.

People in this position are especially at risk of developing type 2 diabetes. However, this condition can be corrected. By changing your lifestyle and eradicating unhealthy habits, you can regain lost health and avoid more serious pathologies.

Reasons for development

There are a number of reasons that cause prediabetes. First of all, this is a hereditary predisposition.

Most experts believe that the likelihood of getting sick increases significantly if there have already been cases of this disease in the family or among close relatives.

One of the most significant risk factors is obesity. This reason, fortunately, can be eliminated if the patient, realizing the seriousness of the problem, gets rid of excess weight, making considerable efforts to do so.

Pathological processes during which the functions of beta cells are disrupted can become an impetus for the development of diabetes mellitus. These are pancreatitis, pancreatic cancer, as well as diseases or injuries of other endocrine glands.

Infection with hepatitis, rubella, chickenpox, and even influenza viruses can play the role of a trigger that triggers the disease. It is clear that in the vast majority of people, ARVI will not cause diabetes. But if this is a person burdened by heredity and extra pounds, then the influenza virus is dangerous for him.

A person who does not have diabetics in his immediate family may repeatedly suffer from acute respiratory viral infections and other infectious diseases - and the likelihood of developing and progressing diabetes is much lower than in a person burdened by poor heredity. So the combination of several risk factors increases the risk of the disease many times over.

Next we should name nervous stress as one of the causes of diabetes. It is especially necessary to avoid nervous and emotional stress for persons with a genetic predisposition to diabetes and excess weight.

Age plays an important role in increasing risk - the older a person is, the more predisposed he is to developing diabetes. Another risk factor is night shifts at work, shifts in sleep and wakefulness. Almost half of the voluntary participants in the experiment who agreed to live a displaced life developed a state of prediabetes.

Symptoms of the condition

High glucose levels are one of the indicators of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. If you do a blood test several times in a row at intervals of a day, and it shows the presence of hyperglycemia in all periods, you can assume diabetes mellitus.

Glucose table:

There are other signs of the disease. For example, a strong thirst that is practically not quenched. A person drinks a lot, five or even ten liters a day. This happens because the blood thickens when too much sugar accumulates in it.

A certain area in the brain called the hypothalamus becomes active and begins to make a person feel thirsty. Thus, a person begins to drink a lot if his glucose level is high. As a result of increased fluid consumption, frequent urination occurs - the person is actually “tied” to the toilet.

Since diabetes interferes with the absorption of glucose into tissues, fatigue and weakness appear. A person feels that he is literally exhausted, sometimes it is difficult for him to even move.

In addition, men experience erectile dysfunction, which negatively affects the sexual sphere of the patient’s life. In women, the disease sometimes causes cosmetic defects - pigment spots on the skin of the face, hands, hair and nails become fragile and brittle.

One of the clearest external signs of prediabetes is excess weight, especially in combination with old age.

Over the years, metabolism slows down, and then excess fat prevents glucose from entering the cells - the presence of these factors significantly increases the risk of developing the disease. Also, the pancreas of older people begins to produce less insulin with age.

With type 2 disease, weight gain often occurs. The fact is that with this type of diabetes there is a high content of glucose and, at the same time, insulin in the blood. The body strives to transfer all excess into adipose tissue, as it is the most convenient for storage. Because of this, a person begins to gain weight very quickly.

Another symptom is a feeling of numbness in the limbs, tingling. This is especially felt in the hands and fingertips. When normal blood microcirculation is disrupted due to an increase in glucose concentration, this causes a deterioration in the nutrition of nerve endings. Because of this, a person experiences various unusual sensations in the form of tingling or numbness.

And finally, skin itching, which is also one of the symptoms of diabetic disease. This may make you wonder how glucose levels can affect your skin? Everything is very simple. With hyperglycemia, blood circulation worsens, which causes a decline in immunity. Therefore, in diabetics, a fungal infection on the skin very often begins to multiply, which gives a feeling of itching.

The final diagnosis must be made by an endocrinologist, based not on one, but on several examinations. The specialist will determine whether it is diabetes or not, decide how to treat it, and which medications will be most effective in each individual case.

To prevent diabetes from becoming an unpleasant surprise, it is necessary to monitor your blood sugar levels; this can easily be done in a clinic or at home using a glucometer.

Treatment methods

To stop the development of diabetes in the initial stages, it is necessary to normalize the work and rest schedule. Both a lack of sleep and its excess are harmful to the body. Physical overexertion and constant stress at work can become an impetus for the development of serious pathologies, including diabetes. At the stage of prediabetes, folk remedies and various non-traditional methods of treatment will be effective.


It is necessary to maintain a healthy diet. Cancel trips to the sausage department, forget about all types of baked goods, eat wholemeal flour products with added bran instead of white bread, eat not white rice and pasta, but brown varieties of rice and whole grain porridge. It is advisable to switch from red meat (lamb, pork) to turkey and chicken, and eat more fish.

The main thing is to ensure that there are enough fruits and vegetables in your diet. You need to eat half a kilogram of both each day. Most heart and other diseases occur due to the fact that we eat too little greens and fresh fruits.

You should not only reconsider your diet, but also get rid of bad habits. Sometimes it is enough to quit smoking or reduce the consumption of alcoholic beverages to prevent the onset of diabetes.

It is necessary to reduce the amount of sweets in your daily menu or eliminate them completely. Their excess consumption can also be a decisive factor in the development of diabetes.

Physical activity

Four hours of brisk walking a week and diabetes will be far behind you. It is necessary to spend at least twenty or forty minutes every day walking, but not at a slow walking pace, but a little faster than usual.

It is advisable to introduce sports into your daily schedule. You can start with morning exercises for 10-15 minutes a day, gradually increasing the intensity of the load. This will help speed up metabolic processes in the body, reduce glucose levels, and reduce the number of extra pounds. By losing weight by 10-15%, you can significantly reduce the risk of diabetes.

Video material about prediabetes and methods of its treatment:

Physical activity may include walking or more serious sports activities. You can choose jogging, playing tennis, basketball, cycling, skiing. In any case, glucose will be consumed as a source of energy, cholesterol levels will decrease, which will serve as an excellent prevention of diabetes and cardiovascular pathologies.

Prediabetes is a condition in which blood glucose levels increase and insulin production by the pancreas decreases. This symptom cannot yet be called diabetes mellitus, however, if treatment is not started in time, the condition may worsen and develop into diabetes. To prevent this from happening, it is important to know the basic symptoms and treatment methods to normalize blood sugar levels. Diet for prediabetes plays one of the main roles in treatment. Compliance with it is important to prevent the development of type 2 diabetes.

How does this condition manifest itself?

Prediabetes consists of several nonspecific symptoms, which together allow one to suspect elevated sugar levels even before laboratory tests are performed. Knowing these manifestations, you can not only understand what this condition is, but also suggest how to treat it.

The following are signs of prediabetes:

  • Sudden weight loss.
  • Sleep disturbance.
  • Intense headaches.
  • Decreased visual acuity.
  • Deterioration of skin condition.
  • Frequent thirst.
  • Cramps.

Sudden weight loss is due to the fact that, against the background of a decrease in insulin production, the absorption of glucose significantly worsens. In this regard, the body's cells begin to lack energy. Impaired glucose absorption also affects the hormonal system, leading to insomnia. Sleep disturbances also cause a decrease in insulin levels. This condition often occurs in women.

Intense headaches occur due to changes in the walls of capillaries and larger vessels. This leads to impaired blood flow and oxygen starvation of brain cells. An increase in blood glucose levels increases its viscosity, which leads to a deterioration in blood flow through the vessels. This causes blurred vision and changes in the skin.

Constant thirst occurs because to thin the blood, a person suffering from prediabetes needs to drink a lot of water and, as a result, urinate frequently. This symptom, as a diagnostic sign, is curable if glucose levels do not exceed 6 mmol/l.

When blood sugar rises, patients often complain of feeling hot and cramping at night. These symptoms of prediabetes are caused by a lack of nutrients and a sharp increase in glucose concentrations. This is also associated with a frequent unreasonable feeling of hunger.

During pathology, a person often experiences a feeling of thirst

How can you avoid developing diabetes?

If a diagnosis is made and therapy is started on time, it is possible not only to cure prediabetes, but also to prevent the development of serious complications. The main methods of treatment and prevention are:

  • Diet.
  • Fight bad habits.
  • Normalization of weight.
  • Sports activities.
  • Normalization of blood pressure.
  • Controlling cholesterol levels.
  • Medicines (metformin).

Nutrition for prediabetes plays one of the most important roles in the treatment of this disease. First of all, you need to adhere to a diet according to which you should remove easily digestible carbohydrates, fatty, fried and salty foods, honey from your diet, but it is recommended to increase protein. It is best to focus on cereals, vegetables, salad, cabbage, and celery. It’s better to forget about potatoes and semolina while prediabetes is diagnosed. You are allowed to eat fish, soy dishes, dairy products, and lean meat.

To make hyperglycemia well treatable, you should avoid eating sweets, carbonated drinks, muffins, cakes, grapes, raisins, etc. It is advisable to drink about 2 liters of fluid and not overeat. If you have prediabetes, you should not eat foods such as honey, potatoes, corn, cottage cheese, rice, milk, muesli, bread, fruits, beets, beans, pumpkin.

To ensure complete and proper nutrition, you can create a menu for the week. For example, consider several options:

  1. For breakfast: cocoa, buckwheat porridge. For lunch: bread, pumpkin soup, fresh cucumber, two boiled eggs. For dinner: baked zucchini with minced meat, vegetables.
  2. For breakfast: zucchini pancakes with sour cream. Drink tea or chicory. For lunch: vegetable puree, vegetable broth soup, bread. For dinner: steamed chicken cutlet, tomato, cottage cheese casserole.
  3. For breakfast: millet porridge with milk, chicory. For lunch: cabbage salad, barley porridge, soup with meatballs. For dinner: boiled fish, bread, stewed cabbage.

When treating a disease, you should give up bad habits

As can be seen from the example, meals with an increased amount of glucose and type 2 diabetes should be three meals a day with three snacks. The following list of products is allowed as snacks: cottage cheese, fruit salad, a glass of fermented milk product or milk, vegetable salad, diet food. Positive reviews from patients also speak about the benefits of this diet.

If you follow all the rules, this diet for prediabetes allows you not only to normalize blood sugar, but also to reduce weight, which is also an important part of treatment. The same effect can be achieved through exercise. It is recommended to spend at least 20 minutes a day on exercise. This will help reduce cholesterol and sugar levels. Normalization of blood pressure in both women and men is achieved through properly selected drug therapy. This treatment, especially if there is prediabetes, can only be selected by the attending physician, so if your blood pressure is elevated, it is better to immediately go to the clinic and start taking the necessary medications.

Drug treatment of prediabetes is used only in severe or advanced cases when the disease cannot be cured by other methods. The most commonly prescribed drug is Metformin. This remedy increases the sensitivity of cells to insulin, thereby increasing the absorption of glucose. This effect occurs and continues quite smoothly, which avoids periods of hypoglycemia. Metformin also helps lower cholesterol and normalize weight by reducing appetite. To achieve this effect, the medicine must be taken for six months and combined with physical activity. However, Metformin has a significant number of contraindications and side effects, so it is better to consult your doctor when prescribing it. It increases the load on the kidneys, which means it can only be used in the absence of kidney diseases. In addition, Metformin causes gastrointestinal upset and lactic acidosis.

prediabetes is treated with medications only in severe and advanced cases

If the cause of high sugar is pregnancy, then it is important to adhere to a diet and regularly monitor blood tests. As a rule, this condition goes away on its own after childbirth, regardless of whether the woman took lipid-lowering drugs or not. In a child, Gerbion syrup, which is often prescribed for colds, can increase the sugar level, therefore, if there is a family history, it is better not to drink this remedy. Although prediabetes is treatable, it is important to know how it manifests itself and what to do if it occurs.

Thus, prediabetes is a harbinger of such a serious disease as type 2 diabetes. The symptoms and treatment of these diseases are quite similar. Prediabetes can cause a lot of discomfort and symptoms, but timely treatment will help to completely recover from this disease. At the same time, you can normalize blood glucose levels with proper nutrition and physical activity.



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