Psychosomatics diabetes mellitus Louise Hay. Psychosomatic causes of diabetes mellitus

The idea that every disease has its own psychological and emotional causes arose a long time ago. The best healers have spoken about this for thousands of years. For many centuries, healers have tried to determine the connection between the psychological state of the human body and its physical illness.

Louise Hay's unique table of diseases is a real hint that helps to identify the cause at a psychological level and find a shortcut to eliminating the disease.

When thinking about the health of the body, people often overlook the need to ensure the health of the soul. They forget to ask themselves questions about how pure their thoughts and emotions are, do they live in harmony with themselves? The saying in a healthy body is a healthy mind is not entirely true, because comfort on a psychological level is even more important. These two components that determine the health of the body cannot be considered separately, and only a measured, calm, comfortable life will be the key to physical health.

There are often situations when a person with some pathology does not need therapeutic help as much as psychological help. This fact has been confirmed by leading medical practitioners. The close correlation in the human body between physical and psychological health has been proven and officially recognized. The direction of medical psychology considers these aspects within the framework of psychosomatics. The table of psychosomatic diseases was created by a leading specialist and unique woman, Louise Hay, and will help anyone determine the cause of the disease and help themselves.

Let's establish the reasons and help ourselves

Louise Hay's table of diseases and their psychosomatic causes was developed and created by her with a single goal - helping people. This woman can be called a pioneer in the study of the emotional and psychological causes of many pathologies that worsen human health.

She had every right to look for such reasons. Her life was very difficult, even from early childhood. As a child, she experienced and experienced constant violence. Youth also cannot be called a simple period in her life. After a forced termination of pregnancy, doctors informed her of infertility. In the end, Louise Hay was abandoned by her husband after many years of marriage. Ultimately, the woman learns that she has uterine cancer; this news did not shock or destroy her. During this time, she considered metaphysics, meditated, composed, and then experienced positive affirmations that carried a positive charge.

As a lecturer and consultant, she communicated with many parishioners of the Church of the Science of the Mind, and already knew how constant self-doubt and self-confidence, resentment and negative thoughts with a negative charge systematically ruined her life and affected her physical condition.

Studying information sources, she realized that her illness, uterine cancer, did not arise by chance; there is a reasonable explanation for this:

  1. Oncological disease always devours a person and reflects the inability to let go of an unpleasant situation.
  2. Diseases of the uterus reflect feelings of unfulfillment of oneself as a woman, mother, and caretaker of the family hearth. Often arise against the background of the inability to withstand humiliation from a sexual partner.

Similar descriptions are given in Louise Hay's table of diseases and their root causes. Having identified the causes of her own pathology, she found an effective tool for healing - Louise's affirmations. True affirmations helped a woman overcome a serious illness in just 3 months, doctors confirmed this with a medical report. Laboratory tests showed that the growth of tumor cells was stopped.

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This point proves that psychological causes of illness still exist, and aspects of emotional and physical health are connected by a tight thread. After this, psychologist Louise Hay had a goal; she began to share her experience and existing knowledge with like-minded people who need help and support. Louise Hay identifies the causes of illness very accurately, and her unique tables of diseases confirm this.

A world-famous woman who miraculously found healing travels around the world giving various lectures. He introduces his readers and like-minded people to his developments, writes his personal column in a well-known magazine, and broadcasts on television. Louise Hay's complete table of illnesses will help a person find affirmations and get help. Her technique has helped many people, they have understood themselves, received answers to their questions and healed themselves.

Is it possible to be healed?

Her works are structured in a rather unique way; the book begins with a voluminous section in which Louise examines psychosomatic diseases and their causative factors. She herself understands and tries to explain to her reader that many of the existing reasons that doctors use are outdated.

It is quite difficult for an ordinary person to comprehend the psychosomatics of Louise Hay. She tries to explain that people themselves form stereotypes as follows:

  • remembering childhood psychological traumas;
  • neglecting oneself;
  • living in dislike with oneself;
  • being rejected by society;
  • melting fears and resentments in the soul.

Louise Hay: “Psychosomatics is the main cause of disease, and only by reviewing this aspect can you improve your emotional, psychological and ultimately physical situation.”

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Treatment and gaining health depends on the desire of the person. The individual must want to help himself first. Louise Hay described the possible causes of the disease in a table and provided tips and answered questions on how to treat the disease. In order to get rid of a disease, you need to destroy its emotional source. Until the patient finds the true causes of his problems, the disease will not disappear.

Affirmations, according to Hay, are a trigger for change. From this moment on, the person himself takes responsibility for what happens to him.

  1. Affirmations can be taken from the list given in Louise Hay's table or created personally.
  2. It is important that there is no particle “not” in the text of the scripture. This is an important point; the human subconscious can turn such an affirmation around and produce the opposite effect.
  3. Say the text out loud every day as often as possible.
  4. Post the text with the affirmation around the house.

You need to work with affirmations as often as possible; this will speed up the process of positive psychological changes.

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We work with the table according to the rules!

The table lists the names of diseases in alphabetical order. You need to work with it as follows:

  1. Find the name of the pathology.
  2. To determine the emotional reason, it must not be easily read, but fully understood. Without awareness there will be no effect of treatment
  3. The third column contains a positive affirmation that needs to be spoken until you feel better.
  4. After a short period of time, the first result will be achieved.
Abscess (ulcer) Disturbing thoughts of resentment, neglect and revenge.I give my thoughts freedom. The past is over. My soul is at peace.
Adenoids Friction in the family, disputes. A child who feels unwanted.This child is needed, desired and adored.
Alcoholism “Who needs this?” Feelings of futility, guilt, inadequacy. Rejection of one's own personality.I live in today. Every moment brings something new. I want to understand what my value is. I love myself and approve of my actions.
Allergies (See also: “Hay fever”) Who can't you stand? Denial of one's own power.The world is not dangerous, it is a friend. I am not in any danger. I have no disagreements with life.
Amenorrhea (absence of menstruation for 6 months or more) (See also: “Women’s diseases” and “Menstruation”) Reluctance to be a woman. Self-hatred.I am happy that I am who I am. I am the perfect expression of life and my period always goes smoothly.
Amnesia (memory loss) Fear. Escapism. Inability to stand up for yourself.I always have intelligence, courage and a high appreciation of my own personality. Living is safe.
Sore throat (See also: “Throat”, “Tonsillitis”) You hold back from using harsh words. Feeling unable to express yourself.I throw away all restrictions and find the freedom to be myself.
Anemia (anemia) Relationships like “Yes, but...” Lack of joy. Fear of life. Feeling unwell.It doesn't hurt me to feel joy in all areas of my life. I love life.
Sickle cell anemia Believing in your own inferiority deprives you of the joy of life.The child inside you lives, breathing in the joy of life and feeding on love. The Lord works miracles every day.
Anorectal bleeding (blood in stool) Anger and disappointment.I trust the process of life. Only the right and beautiful things happen in my life.
Anus (anus) (See also: “Hemorrhoids”) Inability to get rid of accumulated problems, grievances and emotions.It’s easy and pleasant for me to get rid of everything that I no longer need in life.
Anus: abscess (ulcer) Anger at something you want to get rid of.Disposal is completely safe. My body leaves only what I no longer need in my life.
Anus: fistula Incomplete disposal of waste. Reluctance to part with the garbage of the past.I'm happy to part with the past. I enjoy freedom.
Anus: itching Feeling guilty about the past.I happily forgive myself. I enjoy freedom.
Anus: pain Guilt. Desire for punishment.The past is over. I choose love and approve of myself and everything I do now.
Apathy Resistance to feelings. Suppression of emotions. Fear.Feeling is safe. I'm moving towards life. I strive to overcome the trials of life.
Appendicitis Fear. Fear of life. Blocking out all the good stuff.I'm safe. I relax and let the flow of life happily flow on.
Appetite (loss) (See also: "Lack of appetite") Fear. Self-defense. Distrust of life.I love and approve of myself. Nothing threatens me. Life is joyful and safe.
Appetite (excessive) Fear. Need for protection. Condemnation of emotions.I'm safe. There is no threat to my feelings.
Arteries The joy of life flows through the arteries. Problems with arteries - inability to enjoy life.I am filled with joy. It spreads through me with every heartbeat.
Arthritis of the fingers Desire for punishment. Self-blame. It feels like you are a victim.I look at everything with love and understanding. I view all the events of my life through the prism of love.
Arthritis (See also: “Joints”) The feeling of not being loved. Criticism, resentment.I am the love. Now I will love myself and approve of my actions. I look at other people with love.
Asthma Inability to breathe for one's own good. Feeling depressed. Holding back sobs.Now you can calmly take your life into your own hands. I choose freedom.
Asthma in infants and older children Fear of life. Not wanting to be here.This child is completely safe and loved.
Atherosclerosis Resistance. Tension. Unshakable stupidity. Refusal to see the good.I am completely open to life and joy. Now I look at everything with love.
Hips (upper part) Stable body support. The main mechanism when moving forward.Long live the hips! Every day is filled with joy. I stand on my own two feet and use it. freedom.
Hips: diseases Fear of moving forward in implementing major decisions. Lack of purpose.My resilience is absolute. I move forward through life easily and joyfully at any age.
Beli (See also: “Women’s diseases”, “Vaginitis”) The belief that women are powerless to influence the opposite sex. Anger at your partner.It is I who create the situations in which I find myself. The power over me is myself. My femininity makes me happy. I am free.
Whiteheads The desire to hide an ugly appearance.I consider myself beautiful and loved.
Infertility Fear and resistance to the life process or lack of need to gain parental experience.I believe in life. By doing the right thing at the right time, I am always where I need to be. I love and approve of myself.
Insomnia Fear. Distrust in the life process. Guilt.I leave this day with love and give myself over to peaceful sleep, knowing that tomorrow will take care of itself.
Rabies Anger. The belief that the only answer is violence.The world settled in me and around me.
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's disease; Russian term: Charcot's disease) Lack of desire to recognize one's own worth. Non-recognition of success.I know that I am a worthwhile person. Achieving success is safe for me. Life loves me.
Addison's disease (chronic adrenal insufficiency) (See also: “Adrenal glands: diseases”) Acute emotional hunger. Self-directed anger.I lovingly take care of my body, thoughts, emotions.
Alzheimer's disease (a type of presenile dementia) (See also: “Dementia” and “Old Age”) Reluctance to accept the world as it is. Hopelessness and helplessness. Anger.There is always a newer, better way to enjoy life. I forgive and consign the past to oblivion. I

I give myself over to joy.

Diabetes is a disease when the metabolism of carbohydrates in the body (sugar and starch), as well as the metabolism of fats and protein, is disrupted. In a healthy body, carbohydrates are converted into glucose, which is used by the body as an easy and quickly used fuel. Glucose also accumulates in the liver, creating energy reserves so that it can be used for its intended purpose in case of stress. Glucose is a type of sugar, and sugar has long been recognized as a substance that replaces Love. You can easily understand this by how grandparents constantly strive to fill the pockets of their grandchildren with sweets, hooking them on sugar addiction. In this case, sugar artificially fills, i.e.

Diabetes is a disease when the body cannot absorb glucose in the amount it needs. The blood becomes oversaturated with glucose, which is fraught with dangerous consequences for health. Firstly, the blow goes to the skin, then to the skin, and then to the blood vessels and heart. In ancient times, this disease was called “diabetes,” which translated means “siphon,” since people suffering from this disease are characterized by. And then they added the prefix “mellitus”, which means honey, since sugar comes out along with the urine, and the urine tastes sweetish.

Glucose begins to accumulate in the blood due to the lack of insulin. This hormone is secreted and is responsible for helping the body's cells absorb glucose. It also helps create a supply of glucose in the liver. In medicine, diabetics are divided into two types - insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent.

Such a method of psychodiagnostics as (or psychosomatics) reveals the causes of diabetes, as well as a psychological portrait of people who suffer from it.

Let's discuss the reasons that contribute to the development diabetes mellitus from a psychosomatic point of view. Sugar- this is love, and when the body does not secrete insulin at all, or does not secrete it in sufficient quantities, then this is a signal of the body’s reluctance to make an honest exchange with the world of feelings and love. In disease psychoanalysis (or psychosomatics) there will be two types of causes of diabetes. They are not so related to the types of insulin dependence, but they are close.

First type of person predisposed to diabetes due to psychosomatics is narcissistic person who loves only himself and demands constant recognition, care, love and praise from those around him. This is an example of a child's parenting type. Such people believe that the world around them was created only for them alone. They take love from the world and their environment, but they take it so much that pancreas wears out and can no longer produce enough insulin to process as much glucose. In this case, there is no mutual exchange, barter and honest giving of love to the outside world. In a word, such people love only themselves and no one else. If there are those nearby whom they treat well, then this is only as long as these people carry them in their arms.

Often this type diabetes mellitus characteristic of . And this type of diabetes is classified as insulin-dependent (type 1). Doctors often cite heredity as the cause, as if it explains everything. But if you dig deeper, the parents themselves greatly contribute to the fact that their child grows up as a small disabled person. Instead of understanding the cause of the disease and teaching the child to love someone in life freely and sincerely, he is raised in the model of the poor and unfortunate, who feels bad because he is sick. So parents, without knowing it themselves, drive the child into even greater insulin dependence, aggravating the disease.

This group will also include people who tend to put on weight and gain excess weight (we will discuss this in more detail in the “Excess Weight” section). This will often be associated with the accumulation of platonic feelings and love. And often people will replace the lack of fullness of feelings with large quantities of sugar and sweets. For a better understanding of people who love, we recommend reading the article Irina Semchuk on our website " ".

Instead of opening up and going out into the world to exchange love, a person closes himself, compensates for the lack of love and then waits for people to come to him and give him everything. By type, if the world does not love a person as much as he deserves and expects, it’s time to eat sweets and cakes. A kind of substitution occurs, as is the case with grandparents. Instead of opening up sincerely and honestly to children and giving them your love, they are given a huge dose of sweets. Therefore, as soon as you have a wild, insatiable craving for sweets, ask yourself the question: “Have you lost the ability to simply love without expecting reciprocity?”

Grandparents that hook children on sweets, it is necessary to distance from children. By such actions they cause great harm to children, raising them to be narcissistic egoists who think only about themselves. But you need to do just the opposite, in order to knock off excess arrogance and pride from children. It is necessary to slowly criticize them and show them their mistakes. But this is not to humiliate, but so that they develop as self-sufficient individuals and learn.

Diabetics This type does not know how to perceive negative information and criticism about themselves. They surround themselves only with those who are in love with them, constantly receiving larger and larger doses of glucose. Often the cause of this type of diabetes is a viral attack on the pancreas, or a general failure of the pancreas to function fully. We analyzed viruses, and a viral attack is a signal that you need to change, become different and learn to be more flexible and flexible in life. But in this case, a person receives constant recognition and love from his environment and wants it to always be like this. So the pancreas, or rather the tubercles that secrete insulin, is exposed to a viral attack.

Type 2 diabetes, which is most often old and acquired, from the point of view of psychosomatics, will be more associated with a person who cannot admit that they can simply love him. If in the first case there is an excess of glucose in the body, and pancreas does not have time to produce insulin in such quantities, then in the second case a person cannot afford to accept love from the outside world. He simply cannot digest glucose. And our body is so wise that it will never take what it doesn’t need. So the body receives a signal that glucose, i.e. love, we don't take it.

Reasons of this type diabetes (psychosomatics) there may be many. Most often, a good psychoanalysis is needed to understand what caused the refusal to accept love. As an example from life, this is when a guy has his first unrequited love, after which he becomes disappointed in love in general. He chooses for himself a path in which there is no pure love, no reciprocity and reciprocal feelings. He withdraws into himself and now does not want to make contact. And to get out of the disease, it is necessary to work through his problem with a psychologist. This also includes children who, living in a full-fledged family with their parents, understand that their parents do not love them.

A good image of a person with type 2 diabetes was shown in the film trilogy " Godfather"directed by Francis Ford Coppola. Don Michael Corleone suffered from diabetes in the third part. And his image clearly conveys the life path that led to this disease. He had to kill his brother, his sister's husband, drive out his own wife, forbidding her to see the children in his presence. He forbade himself to engage in feelings and love, as this made him vulnerable.

Still quite common cause of diabetes mellitus people will feel that they consider themselves unworthy of reciprocal feelings, love from their partner. They believe that they are loved for a reason, but because they earn money, support their family, achieve high results, develop their career, etc. And every time they rise to the next level, they have to prove that they are worthy of just being loved. In this case, the denial of love also works, but the person does not close himself off, but tries to transfer the exchange of love to another sphere of life.

If we compare the two types of diabetics from the perspective of upbringing, then in the first case, children are loved too much, oversaturating the blood with sugar, and in the second case, love is not received, but due to the refusal of the child (or adult) to accept it. It is quite difficult to confuse type 1 diabetics from type 2 (but not in the medical meaning of these types), since in the first case you will have a narcissistic person with pretensions to perfection, and in the second there will be a closed cracker who does not believe that there is an honest person in the world. reciprocal love.

According to history, often the wives of men who occupy a high rank in society had diabetes. Their husbands were busy with their careers, work, success, politics, but not with their women. And at a certain stage, women first replaced the lack of reciprocity with sweets, and then developed diabetes.

Diabetes is also very common among revolutionaries and terrorists. They love an idea, a revolution or a political movement, but they lose the ability to love the common man. Among them was simply manic love of cakes, sweets and desserts. Under no circumstances should such people be given a red button, since, having become disillusioned with love and feeling “unloved,” they can easily press it. After all, there’s really nothing to lose!

This topic is developed in more detail in the book "". Authors: Irina and Grigory Semchuk. We recommend it for reading.

Recovery from the disease

The first thing to do is to determine what type of diabetes mellitus, or, more precisely, what kind of character a person has led to the disease.

If diabetes“narcissistic” type, then a person needs to learn to love in return, exchanging his feelings. At the same time, you can simply love something living - a tree, a person, an animal. But it is important to understand that these feelings must be sincere and without expectation of an answer. He also needs to learn to accept criticism of himself. In general, a very effective therapy is to talk about your negative character traits and actions you have ever committed, and do this with a person who is a stranger to you. A loved one accepts you for who you are and is ready to make concessions in negative qualities. But it’s quite difficult to show yourself to a stranger in an unflattering light. But it helps to learn to accept yourself with all your shortcomings. If this is a child, then it is necessary to remove him from the pedestal, remove the crown from his head and stop catering to all his whims. Giving him the opportunity to understand that there must be mutual exchange in life, and the world is not created for them alone.

If type 2 diabetes mellitus(you are dealing with a person who has lost faith in love), then it is necessary to return the person to a world in which there is love and care. And most importantly, you need to explain to him that he is worthy of love, no matter what he does for you.

Diabetes is one of many diseases that are discussed in the course of lectures on (psychosomatics). The course was developed, and over time expanded and expanded.

According to some psychologists, any illness is not an accident; there is a connection between the spiritual and the physical, between our thoughts and the state of our physical body. Having decided to put an end to any disease, you should first of all identify the mental (mental) cause of its occurrence. Symptoms of the disease are just a reflection of internal deep processes. You will have to go deep into yourself to discover and destroy the spiritual cause of the disease.

The list of mental stereotypes we have given was compiled by the American psychologist Louise Hay as a result of many years of research, based on her experience working with patients. We also provide an interpretation by Russian psychologist Vladimir Zhikarentsev.

Behind the sign MINUS the psychological cause of the disease is written; behind the sign PLUS there is a new stereotype of thinking that leads to recovery; sign SIMILARITIES reveals what the organ is responsible for in a psychological sense.

  1. Find a mental reason. See if it suits you. If not, think about what thoughts could trigger the disease?
  2. Repeat the stereotype several times.
  3. Introduce into your consciousness the idea that you are on the path to recovery.
  4. This meditation should be repeated daily, because... it creates a healthy mind and, as a result, a healthy body.
Name of disease or organ

DIABETES (sugar)- found: 2

1. DIABETES (sugar)- (Louise Hay)

Sadness over missed opportunities. The desire to have everything under control. Deep sadness.

Every moment of life is filled with joy. I look forward to today with joy.

2. DIABETES (sugar)- (V. Zhikarentsev)

A burning desire for what could have been. Huge need to control. Deep regret. There is no sweetness or freshness left in life.

This moment is filled with joy. I now choose to experience and experience the sweetness and freshness of today.

Alzheimer's disease is a neurodegenerative disease characterized by loss of logical thinking, memory, and speech inhibition. This disease belongs to one of the types of dementia – acquired dementia.

This disease of the central nervous system is usually diagnosed in older people over 65 years of age, but can also appear at younger ages. It has also been found that women get this disease more often than men.

It should be noted that although this disease is considered incurable in medicine, according to doctors themselves, the disease can be stopped in the first stages.

Signs of stage 1 (prodementia), manifesting 8 years before the development of the disease itself and characterized as “mild cognitive impairment”:

  • absent-mindedness and confusion, decreased concentration when performing certain tasks;
  • failure to remember new information and events;
  • memory impairment;
  • forgetfulness, retardation when speaking, confusion of thoughts;
  • violation of abstract thinking.

Signs of stage 2 (early dementia):

  • gradual deterioration of memory with simultaneous retention of memories of old events (as part of episodic memory);
  • preservation of implicit (responsible for the sequence of actions) and semantic (associated with long-learned facts) memory;
  • aphasia (significant reduction in vocabulary and decreased speech fluency);
  • difficulty expressing your thoughts;
  • awkwardness of movements, lack of coordination (deterioration of fine motor skills of the hands).

Signs of stage 3 (moderate dementia):

  • a significant decrease in the ability to independently perform certain actions;
  • paraphasia (selection of incorrect words in phrases);
  • gradual loss of writing and reading skills;
  • violation of movement coordination;
  • memory problems to the point of not recognizing your loved ones;
  • impairment of long-term memory;
  • the appearance of neuropsychological disorders (a tendency to wander, irritability, causeless attacks of aggression, changes from laughter to crying, and from anger to high spirits (so-called emotional lability), evening exacerbations, etc.);
  • sometimes - symptoms of delirium,.

Signs of stage 4 (severe dementia):

  • complete dependence on outside help;
  • loss of oral speech with awareness of the actions and words of other people;
  • apathetic, detached state with rare outbursts of aggression;
  • physical exhaustion and inability to eat independently.

Doctors call the causes of Alzheimer's disease a failure in the transmission of impulses between parts of the central nervous system, the death of brain cells and the degeneration of entire areas of the organ due to the deposition of amyloid (a specific protein-polysaccharide complex) in the brain tissue.

Factors influencing the likelihood of the occurrence of this disease are separately identified:

Alzheimer's disease: psychosomatics

V. Garmatyuk claims that the psychosomatics of Alzheimer's disease (dementia) is associated with damage to brain cells by one's own emotional discharge of thoughts.

Taking into account three signs of this disease (irritable nature, “burn” appearance of damage to protein threads in neurons and the emotional zone of the brain as the location of damaged cells), this author concludes that the cause of the disease is the energy of the discharge of one’s own thoughts.

He further explains that the energy of strong experiences and negative thoughts accumulates like discharges in clouds. Then this energy, like lightning, is discharged, breaking down and damaging the neurons of the brain in the emotional zone (that is, in the area of ​​​​the brain that is responsible for human emotions). The process of neuron death is reminiscent of the filaments in a light bulb burning out.

Dr. L. Johansson, as a result of her research, revealed that the risk group for Alzheimer's disease includes neurotic people who were characterized by such negative emotions as anxiety, envy, jealousy and gloominess.

Psychological Causes of Alzheimer's Disease

Psychosomatic Alzheimer's disease Louise Hay reveals how it is a result of unwillingness to perceive the world as it is, as well as a consequence of hopelessness, helplessness and anger.

Psychologist Liz Burbo Alzheimer's disease is seen as a way to escape reality.

As this author explains, this disease usually affects those people who were interested in everything at their active age and had an excellent memory. However, such people did not always use their memory effectively, remembering everything.

At the same time, Liz Burbo continues, they were characterized by boasting and pride from possessing such an ability. And inside them there was anger at the people around them because, as they thought, they were not paying enough attention to them or were not treating them the way they would like.

Burbo writes that the resulting illness provides an opportunity to get rid of responsibility and manipulate people, especially those who care for them. According to the patients, they have endured for a long time, and now they have a reason to do what they want, since they perceive their illness as a way to take revenge. Because their illness brings difficulties to their relatives, they are the ones who are forced to fight it, but not the patients themselves.

Dr. V. Sinelnikov believes that the human head is responsible for the thought process. Therefore, problems with the head, including Alzheimer's disease, reflect a discrepancy between the feelings and the mind (thoughts) of a person.

V. Zhikarentsev This illness is identified with the desire to leave this planet, and is also explained as a symbol of a person’s inability to face life as it is.

Psychologist O. Rusnak believes that memory loss means loss of experience, and experience is the life path of a particular person. The author sees the cause of the illness in the person himself: the denial of life that surrounds a person (since, by denying life, a person denies the present, and, therefore, himself). It follows from this that the journey of life has been passed in vain, without meaning. The psychologist characterizes such a person as critical, irritable and angry, accustomed to seeing everything from a position of denial and aggression.

Ways to Heal

When talking about the possibilities of healing from this disease, one should keep in mind its first stages, when cognitive impairment has not yet crossed the point of no return.

What should be done when a person notices the first signs and wants to prevent the development of the disease?

  1. Find your psychological cause: analyze your thoughts and emotions for prolonged negativity. Yes, you can rely on the works of authors on psychosomatics, who identified and substantiated certain reasons. But, firstly, they cannot describe all the reasons, but mostly typical ones; and secondly, your reason may not be among them, since each patient is unique in his set of personal qualities, which means that the cause could be another property or quality of character that has not yet been described.
  2. If you find it, then you should realize why these thoughts and emotions are tormenting you? What are your principles, views, beliefs (they can relate to your life or Life in general, family, work, people, etc.) behind them?
  3. If you have realized and identified your destructive beliefs, then all that remains is to replace them with positive ones (for example, “Life is a gift that must be accepted with joy and enjoy every moment of it,” etc.).

Yes, you can argue that different things happen in life. That it is not because of a good life that a person becomes gloomy, etc. But here again it depends on our perception of Life. According to one wisdom, Life itself is neutral, and only the human mind comes up with names for it: “bad” or “good”, “joyful” or “joyless”, etc.

And finally, let us once again recall a familiar thought (everyone knows it, but for some reason they do not put it into practice): for their mental and physical health, it is important for a person to be able to say goodbye to his past (old thoughts, beliefs, outdated and unnecessary emotions and other psycho-emotional garbage ), and start living here and now.

Enjoy every moment and be healthy!



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