Professions for those who love to travel. Choosing professions related to world travel

Every person, even in childhood, dreams of a future profession, and if his dream comes true, one can call such a person lucky, because most people never managed to bring their childhood ideas to life and do what they love. As statistics from numerous sociological surveys show, the happiest in their profession are those who connect their everyday lives with travel, while nothing prevents them from enjoying their own fulfillment and earning money. However, this kind of work, according to experts, requires hardening and good health from a person.

And yet, you should not not believe in your own strengths, but choose what you like, especially young and inexperienced students who, perhaps, have been great adventurers since childhood.

Professions that allow you to travel

There are many professions that can offer a chance to connect business with pleasure, including not only to the younger generation, but also to those who could not get what they wanted and did not see the world with their own eyes due to everyday and routine work, because it is never too late to change situation, you just need to make a choice.

One of the most exciting ways to develop your career is tourism sector. You can master the profession of a tour guide (guide) and conduct excursions in your native language in many overseas countries. This profession is in great demand, since Russian tourists are found almost everywhere. There are many options for implementation: a guide in museums or parks, a guide on bus tours, an employee of a national representative office in the field of tourism and other vacancies.

Today, almost every state has regional tourism offices and national representative offices around the world, where there is a constant need for PR and popularization staff, specialists from the travel agency’s product testing department, and event managers for organizing all kinds of corporate events and team building.

Volunteer movement

There are many vacancies for this type of activity. To travel, it’s easy to find a job by contacting special international humanitarian organizational firms and try yourself as a specialist in an international humanitarian organization or work abroad in your existing specialty: doctor, teacher, agronomist, engineer, etc.

For a person who has been in love with books about dangerous excavations and research since childhood, there is a direct way to get started archeology. As representatives of this profession assure, once you find at least a few shards of ancient dishes, the thirst for historical research will never go away.

However, in order to get a vacancy in this field, it is necessary to obtain a higher academic education, which will allow you to build a career in the future and be not just a searcher of medieval objects, but also manage excavations. In addition, you need to have good health, good physical fitness and endurance, since this work is not easy and takes place in different climatic conditions.

Travelers can also develop into the profession of geologist, ufologist or biologist, and the work itself will lead to interesting and exciting events, thanks to which you can learn new and unknown things and touch the secrets of life of the whole world.


The most in-demand profession in almost all countries of the world is teaching.. If you have knowledge and have received a diploma as a teacher of English, German or Russian, you have a chance to work in your specialty. At the same time, qualified workers will receive significantly higher pay; therefore, there is an opportunity not only to be a traveler, but also to earn good money, especially in English-speaking countries, where English has long accepted the status of an international language.

But for people who are fluent in the languages ​​of other countries, you can easily become a translator and find a job by contacting various international private companies and organizations (this vacancy is most in demand in cultural studies).

Tourism PR and public relations specialists can easily find work, especially in the travel industry. The only drawback to traveling is the inability to choose where to go, since you will often have to travel to exactly the countries to which the customer will send. The work includes meeting with partners, accompanying journalists on study tours and constantly reporting on the work done to superiors. Almost the same applies to the position of press secretary; representatives of large companies constantly sit on suitcases and accompany their superiors on business trips.

Video operators and creators of travel advertisements get the most pleasure in terms of travel, since they not only travel, but also film the most mysterious moments in corners of the whole world, receiving their charge of happiness not only from this, but also from high salaries, since the profession is very valued in the labor market.

Correspondents and journalists are one of the most popular professions in the international media sphere, so finding a job for an active traveler in this direction will not be at all difficult; it is enough to have knowledge in the field of journalism, experience and a product that they can present to the customer (editorial office, publishing house, video channel etc.), and not necessarily a tourist theme. Journalists can cover all the events that happen in the world, create articles and reviews on completely different topics. A journalist’s product is, as a rule, texts and video materials.

Entertainment industry

As you know, show business is famous for such creative professions as:

Therefore, there is a huge opportunity to earn money with your talent or popularity and travel. A person who knows how to sing, dance or entertain audiences will never be left without work abroad. All countries of the world are open to him, you just need to believe in yourself and work continuously, boldly go into the world of colorful life and make people happy. Of course, a lot depends on the popularity and promotion of talent to the masses, but this will come if you work and bring your ideas to life.


Work related to international transport requires extensive experience and good health, since professions, for example, pilots, pilots, flight attendants, sailors, flight engineers, sea captains, truck drivers and conductors on long-distance trains are considered the most responsible and in this case education and rights are not enough. Therefore, those who like to travel and at the same time engage in this type of profession are better off thinking about their future life in advance: go to university, rapidly develop a career and take care of their own health.

For example, a pilot will have to constantly undergo all kinds of medical examinations and have a healthy heart, lungs, blood vessels, normal blood pressure and vestibular apparatus without any disorders, because any problem with the pilot’s health is always a risk for those for whom he is responsible during the flight , and therefore the opportunity to part with your profession.

At the same time, pilots are in great demand and there is an opportunity to establish themselves in this field without a university education. There are various flying clubs that conduct pilot training courses. After completing them, a certificate is issued confirming that the amateur pilot has learned flying skills and can fly, but with this document you will not get a job, so it is advisable to take additional second-level courses and receive another important document in which it will be written that you are a commercial pilot, which will provide an opportunity to get a job in private airlines for short-haul flights.

As for ground transport, in this case the situation is much simpler. It is enough to have a license of the required category, a medical certificate, knowledge, and work experience regarding international travel. Having all this, there is a huge opportunity to go on various trips and travel around the world, earning good money.

Fine art and design

These activities include:

Today there are many organizations that deal with precisely these areas. Having talent, you can create and develop while traveling, presenting your work at various exhibitions and similar events. The only difficulty may be not knowing a foreign language, so it is best to take preparatory courses; this will help, for example, in organizing presentations and will allow you to feel the whole atmosphere of achieving your goals, which means experience and obtaining the desired results, which is important for creative people.

Remote professions

One of the ways to work for yourself and not depend on anyone today is remote work, which is in great demand on the Internet. These are bloggers, Internet trainers (sometimes called Internet producers), psychologists, Internet marketers, copywriters, info businessmen, social network group administrators, Internet advertising specialists, programmers, webmasters, web editing specialists and other.

There is nothing easier for people whose needs have faded into the background due to what many people think are the wrong circumstances in life, to try themselves in these professions. And in the future, this will definitely bear fruit in the opportunity to earn good money and feel like a real traveler, not only in virtual, but also in real life.

10 most in-demand professions for travelers

This list of listed professions, thanks to which you can not infringe on the need for travel and explore all corners of the vast planet, is based on information collected by specialists and statistical conclusions. If you are a born traveler, don't waste your life not wanting to work in an office or factory. Be bold, the world is waiting for creative and brave people, learn new things, develop, and perhaps you will be the one who will bring something new and exciting for those who still know nothing about travel!

Traveling nowadays is not difficult - transport problems no longer exist. But this pleasure costs a lot of money. It turns out that you can travel around the world at the expense of your employer if you choose the right profession. Let's consider the real possibilities of combining business with pleasure.

A hundred years ago, the main obstacle for travelers was time, because they had to travel by trains and horse-drawn teams. Now all you need to travel is money and desire.

Everyone, or almost everyone, wants to see the world. You can watch the “unlucky” wanderings of Dmitry Krylov without getting up from the couch, but we understand that this is reminiscent of a cake “at a close glance.” And every morning we go to work in the office or not in the office - a place that is familiar and not associated with happiness. Sometimes I manage to go abroad on vacation, sometimes even twice a year. But a beach holiday quickly gets boring, and traveling to really interesting places requires a lot of money.

This is how dreams break into reality. But there are lucky people who travel around the world and get paid for it. Everyone can name a dozen professions associated with constant movement around the world: pilot, flight attendant, truck driver, seafarer, employees of embassies and consulates, trade missions, etc. Office workers, by the way, also have a chance to go on business trips abroad . Let's consider the most realistic possibilities of combining business with pleasure.

It is quite possible that in a couple of months you would give up endless moving from place to place, but you can only be convinced of your own attachment to home by changing your usual lifestyle.

Profession: traveler

AU pair

This option is suitable for people of any age and gender - working in the house, caring for children or the elderly, maintaining a garden, etc. There are volunteer programs in many countries, you just need to choose the one where you want to live and apply. Your host family will provide you with a roof over your head, food and pocket money.

Agritourism (WWOOFer – Willing Workers on Organic Farms)

“Voluntary Workers on Organic Farms” is a new direction that has already been appreciated. There are organic farms in at least 50 countries. You come to a farmer and work for him 4-6 hours a day, for which you will be provided with housing and food. And no one owes anyone anything anymore - such a natural exchange without money.

To become a participant in the program, a farmer provides evidence of the environmental friendliness of his farm and pays an annual fee. Volunteers also pay a fee to the organization (up to $60) in the country where they plan to work. After joining the organization, the volunteer is sent a catalog of farms participating in the program; all that remains is to select the appropriate one and contact the farmer. You can pick coffee in Brazil, grapes in France, olives in Italy or peaches in Australia.


There are animators at many resorts, beaches, and hotels. If you are artistic, have a good sense of humor and natural cheerfulness, and also know a foreign language, try your luck.

Member of an archaeological or geological expedition

Not only scientists are involved in excavations and geological developments; unqualified employees are also suitable for performing simple work. Join an expedition and you will visit a historical place, touch antiquities and interact with meaningful people. Few people decide to stay in the profession, but during their student years, many young people choose this way of traveling.


At first glance, the work of an expert accountant has nothing to do with travel. It is unlikely that auditors often go on business trips abroad, but they are guaranteed a long stay within the country. Traveling to different cities for inspections, specialists in this profession spend weeks and months in one place.


A profession that many people dream of, but the number of places in diplomatic missions is very limited. It must be admitted that it is easier for diplomats to get to know the country than for housekeepers or builders.

Pilots and flight attendants

The work is dangerous, difficult and highly paid. Often, when flying into a country, pilots and flight attendants see nothing but the airport building and hotel room.

Sales manager in a foreign company

There are more and more vacancies every day, but you need to know a foreign language. Frequent business trips and trips to seminars, trainings, etc. are expected.


You don't have to be a captain or navigator to get on a sea liner or yacht. The team includes a cook, a doctor, a maid, an animator, a waitress, a sailor, etc.


Knowledge of foreign languages ​​is highly valued, and it is easier to find work for a polyglot in any country.

Reporter, journalist, photographer

Not all journalists can go on business trips abroad, but sports commentators or political journalists from reputable publications often travel abroad. Still, reporters working in hot spots are at serious risk, and this should not be forgotten. Photographers can make money by selling their work to various publications, but to do this you need to be the best of the best.


An interesting job, in demand in countries where Russian tourists traditionally go.

Event manager

Specialists in organizing corporate events are in demand by corporations and agencies. An event manager must be able to organize a premium vacation, choose entertainment, get discounts in hotels, and buy inexpensive air tickets. The organizer personally goes to the site and monitors the progress of the event.

Employee of a large travel agency

Developed countries are opening their representative offices and tourism offices all over the world. If you manage to get a job in such a company, you are guaranteed trips to seminars and conferences.

Travel agency testing specialist

Large travel companies always have divisions that monitor the quality of the tourism product. The employees’ task is to travel around the world and experience the company’s offers for themselves: hotel rooms, quality of food, excursion services, etc. The level of services will not always correspond to what is stated, but long business trips to other countries are guaranteed.

Press Secretary

Press secretaries of the heads of large companies travel a lot because their duties include accompanying the boss on all business trips. The work cannot be called easy, but if you are ready to live on a volcano, constantly finding ways to dodge uncomfortable questions and finding arguments to defend the company, go for it!

I need more professions

Didn't find something you liked on the previous list? No problem, catch more:

  1. Tour guide
  2. Guide
  3. Tourism manager
  4. Tour product testing specialist
  5. Conductor on a long-distance train
  6. Flight engineer
  7. Trucker
  8. Sea captain
  9. Cruise ship staff
  10. Videographer
  11. Presenter
  12. Artist
  13. Photographer
  14. Designer (clothing, landscape, interior, graphics)
  15. Art critic
  16. Top Model
  17. Musical performer (singer/singer)
  18. Dancer
  19. Producer/agent/manager of music artist/dancer
  20. Showman (woman)
  21. DJ
  22. Organizer of events abroad (for example, weddings)
  23. Clown (international circus)
  24. Juggler (international circus)
  25. Gymnast (international circus)
  26. Naturalist/Traveler (remember Animal Kingdom, Untraveling Notes, etc.)
  27. Ufologist
  28. Biologist
  29. Culturologist
  30. Foreign language teacher
  31. PR manager in a large company
  32. Creator of commercials
  33. Bayer
  34. Blogger
  35. Internet trainer
  36. Internet producer
  37. Psychologist / Psychotherapist
  38. Internet marketer
  39. Copywriter
  40. Information businessman (woman)
  41. Information Business Assistant
  42. Administrator of groups in social networks
  43. Traffic Manager
  44. Internet advertising specialist
  45. Programmer
  46. Webmaster
  47. Video editing specialist
  48. Director
  49. Writer/screenwriter
  50. Actor/Actress
  51. Operator
  52. Film crew member
  53. Stuntman
  54. Make-up artist
  55. Dresser
  56. Deputy
  57. Leader of the country (president/king/prime minister)
  58. Volunteer

If you've always dreamed of traveling, you can see the world simply by getting a job that allows you to travel. Traveling as a way to make money while doing what you love is great. Here are some career options that may be a great fit for you.


This profession involves solving a variety of problems and providing companies with expert opinion on issues from management to information technology. Working in consulting, you will not be tied as a consultant to one company, you will visit different cities and countries, working with companies that need your help. These visits can be quick, or they can be long-term, it all depends on what kind of support the company requires, one way or another, the opportunity for travel will be provided to you quite often.

Travel industry

This advice may seem obvious. If you want to travel, get a job in the tourism industry! You can be a flight attendant or a travel guide writer, it's all up to you. When you travel, you will be working and exploring new places at the same time. This is a very interesting and exciting lifestyle for someone who is willing to constantly travel to new countries and spend a lot of time on the road.

Search for frames

If you work as a recruiter, you may travel around the country looking for the best graduates from various universities for your company or even a sports team. During hiring season, you'll always be on the go. However, you will need to spend some time in a regular office, so be prepared for this.

Sales area

Sometimes working in retail involves working behind a cash register or in a store. But there are also professions, for example, for pharmaceutical companies, that require constant travel. It all depends on the size of the company. Your travels may include both trips to neighboring cities and flights to other countries - this is a great job for anyone who dreams of seeing the world.

English teaching

An English teacher is a profession in demand in many countries. In most cases, you don't even need specialized education to get a job. However, the essence of travel associated with such a profession is completely different - you will not be able to visit a new city every week, but will find yourself immersed in a different culture. As a rule, such vacancies should be held for a year - you can move from country to country at the end of the contract.

Travel writer

Travel guide writers have a dream job: they travel the world and often receive the highest level of service to ensure a glowing review. Finding such a job is very difficult - you need to be able to write well. Start writing for free, just blog and see where it takes you. Blog posts would be a good option for a portfolio.


You can go to another country where you will work as a nanny. This involves a small salary and free accommodation with a family. You will be able to get to know the culture of another state better and quench your thirst for travel without extra expenses.


There are several types of jobs that suit diplomats. Some are related to management, some are related to health care. Diplomats are often sent to embassies of other countries. If you pass all the necessary tests and meet the requirements, you will be able to work in the representative office of your state in another country.


Depending on what type of archeology you do, you may often go on expeditions to excavate ancient ruins. You need specialized training to do this type of work. This is an ideal option for people passionate about history, culture and nature.

The reporter

If you are a journalist, you can work in another country and be an official correspondent there. This often requires knowledge of foreign languages, but not always.


Auditors are often assigned to different companies, allowing them to travel. If you work as an auditor, you need to monitor documentation and check its accuracy.


If you love photography, you can easily travel the world through your passion. It could be a photo shoot in a romantic place or wedding photography - there are a lot of possibilities. Of course, making money as a photographer is not easy because the competition is high, so you will need to find an alternative source of income.


Volunteering will allow you to travel all over the world, sometimes even getting paid for it, although the salary is not too high in most cases. Find out about international volunteer organizations that can offer you travel options while still allowing you to do something good for the planet.

Traveling the world without interrupting work - dream or reality? Everyone knows that the work itself “ties” a person to an office chair, from where he can only dream of exciting tourism. Is it possible to combine the desired travel with business and turn everyday work into one exciting adventure? There is a possibility! To do this, you need to choose a profession that will involve traveling around the world.

1. Dancer, artist, singer

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Countless rehearsals, performances, applause from fans - such are everyday life dancer, or. Theatrical performances, dance performances and music concerts are always popular with spectators, which is why many creative groups often go on tour. In addition, creative groups and solo performers take part in many festivals and competitions that are held in different cities and countries. Of course, the work is not easy, because constant travel and a busy schedule do not allow you to sit still, but there are many advantages, including positive emotions, the opportunity to see the world and meet interesting people.

2. Archaeologist, geologist, biologist

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Admit it, who was not attracted to the profession in childhood? archaeologist! Excavations, search for mysterious artifacts, history of ancient civilizations. Moreover, in order to go on expeditions, it is not at all necessary to have an academic degree and extensive work experience. You can go to the excavations even as a student or just a volunteer. Of course, you will be entrusted with a very simple job and, perhaps, you will have to work for free, but a start has been made - you travel and learn about history. Archeology makes it possible to see the world from a completely different angle, touch valuable historical finds and learn a lot about the past of mankind. In addition to archaeologists, they also go on scientific expeditions. Some study the structure of the earth's crust, while others study living organisms and plants.

3. Photographer, journalist, presenter

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There are many photographers, and among them you need to be the best, because otherwise you won’t be able to beat your competitors. But once you get on the pro list, you can become in demand on a global scale. Working in large companies, a talented person can travel around the world in search of rare and unusual personnel and earn good money at the same time. They travel a lot around the world - international specialists and presenters programs about travel. To work internationally, you need to be an employee of a large publishing house or a popular TV channel.

4. Assistant in private farms, berry picker

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Yes, yes, don't be surprised! You can be a gardener not only in your home country, but also abroad, where a whole direction called WillingWorkersonOrganicFarms (“Voluntary Workers on Organic Farms”) has been created specifically for these purposes. Total labor time assistant in private farms on such farms the work hours range from 4 to 6 hours a day, and for help the farmer provides the worker with housing, food and money. Before your trip, you can select a country and farm from a catalog (for example, coffee plantations in Brazil or peach orchards in Australia). For many years now, residents of different Russian cities have been traveling, for example, to Finland as berry picker, and every year such work becomes more and more popular.

5. Captain, naval lieutenant, sailor

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What could be more beautiful than the expanses of the sea through which a large ship sails! It’s not for nothing that freedom-loving people master a profession ship captain, because with its help they can work and travel around the world at the same time. But in order to receive a high rank, you will have to start with a position, then, after going through several more ranks, become lieutenant, and there it’s already not far from the captain. The profession is in demand both in transport companies and in tourism (ship cruises).

6. Tourism manager, travel blogger

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The pinnacle of modern man's ingenuity is to make a business out of the journey itself. Typically, such programs are organized by travel agencies. have the opportunity to travel to the countries they offer tourists to visit.

A video blogger can also make money from traveling, but to do this, he will first have to promote the blog itself, filling it with interesting videos and articles, and then find a sponsor for his trips.

7. Captain, co-pilot, flight attendant

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If the crew of a sea vessel loves the expanses of water, then airplanes are chosen by lovers of the sky. To get a job captain aircraft, or flight attendant It is important not only to have a diploma of appropriate education, but also to have a set of certain qualities (stable psyche, good physical health, communication skills).

8. Event-manager, animator, host of events

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The event industry is the organization of holidays and memorable events. If a company is popular and has a good income, then it can be in demand not only in its hometown, but also beyond its borders. The quality of the work, or the host of the holiday, is, in fact, the business card of the company, because with the help of these people the reputation of the organization is created.

9. Trainer, clown, magician

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Circus art has been popular at all times, because it is an interesting and grandiosely beautiful spectacle. They often move from place to place on tour. If you want to connect your life with this particular work, then you can master the profession trainers, magician or become a favorite of children and adults - clown.

10. Auditor, sales representative, forwarder

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Not all travel-related jobs are recreational. For example, there are specialists in the field of economics whose work also often requires them to move from place to place. conduct independent audits of the accounting departments of various companies, promote goods, and accompany cargo and optimize the costs of their movement.

  • Work for travel
  • Work abroad
  • Work while traveling
  • Work - travel

Traveling around the world or at least visiting different cities of your country - this dream glimmers in the hearts of almost all people. But, as always, work won’t let me in. She takes too much time and effort to make her cherished desire come true more than once a year - during vacation. And even then, most hard workers use it not for travel, but for repairs, gardening or conservation.

But no one forbids us from combining business with pleasure! There are professions related to travel - by replacing the boring office routine with one of them, you can finally do what you have dreamed of all your life. Put on a bright shirt, glasses, a Panama hat, pack your fins in your suitcase and joyfully proclaim: “Darling! I'm off to work!

By the way, network monitoring shows that work related to travel is a flexible concept, and everyone interprets it in their own way. Accordingly, my opinion will be somewhat subjective. But first, let's consider alternative options - so as not to be one-sided in our judgments about the profession for a traveler.

Work for travel

In such cases, workers are provided with housing, food, and sometimes even paid travel there and back. But in fact, this is not a job, but a way to save money on travel, something like a labor camp.

It is not said what such an employee will eat upon arriving home. Of course, this method is not suitable as a permanent source of income. But let’s not discard it - students and people for whom freedom and constant movement are more important than some kind of material wealth can travel this way.

Work abroad

Another recommended way to diversify your life is to get a job abroad as a nanny, nurse, farm laborer, hostess, dancer, and so on. Yes, the authors of such recommendations are firmly convinced that this is a job for a traveler. And fortunately, on any job search site, there are plenty of such vacancies.

Let's say. Let’s say that for a person who has never traveled outside his area all his life, this is really a journey: to travel halfway around the world to shovel manure from American cows all summer or to care for a bedridden sick person for a whole year. But a real traveler, whose restless nature strives for the horizon, is unlikely to last long in such a job.

But let’s not rule out this option – you can make good money here. And if you’re lucky, get a job as a nanny for a family who loves to travel.

Work while traveling

First of all, there are all sorts of professions that can be done remotely - writing texts, web programming or Internet consulting. Like, take your laptop with you and work anywhere in the world, as long as you have the Internet.

Here you can agree and disagree. On the one hand, yes, these are excellent professions for traveling, which do not tie a person to one place. They give you the opportunity to travel anywhere as long as you have enough money.

But on the other hand, such work itself does not involve travel. Many freelancers, having the opportunity to rush anywhere at any moment, are actually too lazy to even go out to the store to buy bread. They sit like this within four walls until they begin to faint from their chairs from hunger.

In this case, everything depends more on the person than on the profession.

Work - travel

And finally, we are approaching those professions that actually involve travel. These specialties open up wide opportunities for travel within your own country and abroad. Their advantage is that in many cases the employer/customer bears the costs of travel, and also pays the salary on top.

Let me make a reservation right away that, by and large, these professions do not guarantee a busy travel schedule. What matters is the institution (company, enterprise) where you work, what step of the career ladder you are at, how qualified you are, what knowledge you have.

  • A translator has the opportunity to work in many countries of the world, go on business trips with politicians, entrepreneurs or investors. Naturally, the more languages ​​you know, the more countries you can visit. In addition, a translator can get an alternative job - teaching languages, if he has such an inclination.
  • An archaeologist digs the Earth in search of the secrets of history hidden in its depths. From a geographical point of view, the object of study is important: there are those who like to dig up pharaohs in the desert, some study the life of primitive people, others study the Trypillian culture or the pyramids of the Aztecs. In fact, whatever you study, that’s where you’ll go.
  • The geologist also digs, but with a slightly different purpose. Some explore the internal processes of Mother Earth, others search for oil. Here, too, you need to think ahead about what area of ​​the globe your interests are located in. So that it does not turn out that the last deposits of the mineral under study remain only in Norilsk and nowhere else.
  • Research scientist is a type of activity found in many branches of science. But some study bacteria under a microscope, and others catch butterflies on different continents. Most often, zoological and botanical work is associated with travel - description of rare species, study of migrations. But not necessarily: geologists, by the way, are also scientists.
  • A diplomat or a high-ranking politician is required to establish contacts with a huge number of people, organizations, make visits to various summits, receptions, conferences, special events at the international level... But you must first grow up to this.
  • A reporter for a high-end publication or television channel can count on international business trips to cover important world events. And I won’t even talk about constant travel around the country - reporters live on the road.
  • A photographer can be either reportage or artistic. If he is a “reporter” and works for a prestigious publication, see the previous paragraph. Art photography professionals most often collaborate with magazines and websites on a piecework or permanent basis. Many also exhibit their work on photo stocks, and thus earn good money. Photographers from world-famous magazines like NationalGeographic are especially lucky: they send you on a business trip to the savannah for six months, photograph giraffes there and receive impressive money. True, there is also plenty of extreme sports.
  • Writing is also a suitable profession for those who love travel. True, in this case there is a risk, because the writer first goes to travel around the world, then writes a book about it, and then waits: whether he will shoot or not. If the reader does not accept the book, then the work is in vain. To minimize risks, it is better to combine professions: for example, visit a number of countries as a photographer, and then write a book about it.
  • Hosting travel programs is an interesting and prestigious job. We know and love the presenters of such programs as “Heads and Tails”, “The World Inside Out”, “Around the World”. They look for the most interesting places, tell amazing stories about unusual people, and are always in the thick of things. This path is not so easy; they constantly work in emergency mode, and sometimes even risk their lives. But since we see their smiling faces on the screens, it means they are willing to pay that price.

Before choosing a travel-related career, weigh the pros and cons. The bright colors and emotions that people who choose this path experience are accompanied by hard work. But these lucky ones receive a hundred times more than they give - they are filled with the whole world, which they saw with their own eyes.



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