Useful properties of rhubarb. Rhubarb - the extraordinary benefits of sweet petioles for our health

Pharmacotherapeutic group. Laxative (astringent) agent.

Description of the plant




Rice. 9.8. Tangut rhubarb - Rheum palmatum L. var. tanguticum Maxim.

Rhubarb roots- radices rhei
Tangut rhubarb- rheum palmatum l. Var. Tanguticum maxim.
Sem. Buckwheat- polygonaceae

Vigorous perennial herbaceous plant up to 1.5-2.5 m high, with a short thick multi-headed rhizome, from which long spindle-shaped fleshy roots extend.

Stems erect, few branches, thick (up to 4-5 cm in diameter), glabrous, succulent, cylindrical, grooved, hollow inside.

Basal leaves very large, together with the petiole up to 1 m long, the petioles are fleshy, up to 30 cm long. The leaf blade is up to 75 cm in diameter, broadly ovate in outline, 5-7 palmate-lobed, the blades are pointed, unevenly coarsely incised.

Stem leaves small, alternate, on petioles, ovoid, equipped with dry membranous brown bells at the base.

Flowers regular, small, inconspicuous, collected in erect pyramidal multi-flowered panicles located at the ends of the stems in the axils of the upper leaves.

Perianth simple, corolla-shaped, six-parted, whitish-pink or red.

Fetus- a triangular nut 6-9 mm long, red-brown in color, with three ribs transformed into wide wings (Fig. 9.8).

Blooms in June, fruits ripen in July.

Composition of rhubarb




Chemical composition of rhubarb roots

Rhubarb roots contain two groups of substances that have opposite effects:

  • anthracene derivatives (3.5-6%) and
  • tannins (6.7-10.6%) of the condensed group.

Anthracene derivatives are represented by at least 20 compounds from the group

  • rhein, aloeemodin, frangulaemodin (reumemodin), chrysophanol, fiscion, which are in the form of anthrones, anthranols, hetero- and dianthrones (palmidines A, B, C, D, reidines A, B, C, sennydin C).

In addition, rhubarb roots contain

  • flavonoids,
  • bitter glycosides,
  • pectin substances,
  • resins,
  • starch.

Properties and uses of rhubarb




Pharmacological properties of rhubarb

Anthracene derivatives have

  • laxative effect and
  • enhance intestinal motility,

tannins have

  • astringent,
  • anti-inflammatory and
  • antidiarrheal effect,

resinous substances also have

  • laxative effect.

Applications of rhubarb

In large doses (0.5-2 g), rhubarb roots are used as

  • laxative,

in small doses (0.05-0.2 g)- How

  • astringent and agent
  • stimulating appetite.

The laxative effect occurs 8-10 hours after ingestion and is caused mainly by anthracene derivatives, which, as a result of irritation of the mucous membrane of the large intestine, cause increased peristalsis and faster passage of feces.

The laxative and astringent effect of rhubarb depends not only on the dose, but also on the solubility of the compounds.

Aqueous extracts from rhubarb roots contain more anthraglycosides,

and alcohol extracts richer in tannins.





Spreading. It grows wild in the mountains of Southwestern China and adjacent areas of Central Asia, where it lives in tall grass meadows in the upper part of the forest and subalpine zones. It is cultivated in specialized farms at the Moscow experimental base of VILAR and in Kyrgyzstan.

Habitat. Mainly in open areas and fertilized soil.

Procurement and storage of raw materials




Preparation. Rhubarb roots from cultivated plants are dug up in early spring or autumn at the age of 4-5 years, in China - at the age of 8-12 years. By this time, the roots reach a mass of 4-9 kg. Roots are harvested mechanically; Sometimes shovels are used. The roots are washed in cold water, freed from woody and damaged parts, cut into pieces no more than 15 cm long and up to 3 cm thick and dried in air for several days.

In addition to roots, rhizomes may be present. But their content is small, so the raw material is called “Rhubarb Roots”.

Security measures. It is not allowed to dig up the roots of young plants.

Drying. In air or heat dryers at a temperature of 60 ° C.

Standardization. GF XI, issue. 2, art. 68.

Storage. Packaged in a dry, well-ventilated area, protected from light (under the influence of light, the raw materials darken). Shelf life: 5 years.

External signs of raw materials




Whole raw materials

Pieces of roots and rhizomes of various shapes, up to 15 cm long, up to 3 cm thick. Large pieces of roots are cylindrical or cone-shaped, slightly curved, with a longitudinally wrinkled surface. Pieces of rhizomes are rare, their surface is transversely wrinkled.
Color dark brown on the surface, yellow-brown or orange-brown at the fracture; a fresh fracture is granular, grayish, with orange or pinkish veins (“marble” pattern).
Smell peculiar. Taste bitter, astringent.


Light yellow to dark brown in color, passing through a 0.16 mm sieve.
Smell peculiar. Taste bitter, astringent.


When analyzing benignity in addition to determining numerical indicators, a purity test is carried out, the purpose of which is exclude the presence of rhubarb roots in the raw materials(Rheum rhaponticum L.), which has no medicinal value.




Rice. 9.9. Microscopy of rhubarb root

Rice. 9.9. Microscopy of rhubarb root(cross section fragment):
1 – plug; 2 – phelloderm; 3 – drusen of calcium oxalate; 4 – core beam; 5 – cambium; 6 – wood vessels.

On a cross section of the root you can see: a layer of dark brown cork consisting of several rows of cells, a red-brown layer of phelloderm, a rather narrow bark and wide wood.
Phelloderm consists of large tangentially elongated cells with thickened walls.
Core rays 2-4 rows, funnel-shaped, widening towards the periphery.
Phloem consists of thin-walled cells, among which round containers with mucus are visible. Cambium line clearly expressed.
Wood consists of thin-walled parenchyma cells and large vessels lying singly or in small groups.
In the parenchyma of bark and wood contains very large drusen of calcium oxalate (up to 100-120 µm) and starch grains (2-40 µm in diameter), simple and 2-5-complex (Fig. 9.9).

Hello friends!

Today’s article will talk about the benefits of rhubarb.

I’ve heard a lot about it, about its beneficial properties, but I haven’t used it for food for so long that I don’t even remember what it tastes like and where it can be used... Just kidding ☺

So let's remember this together ☺

From this article you will learn:

What are the benefits of rhubarb for human health?

Botanical information about the plant

Rhubarb is a perennial green plant from the buckwheat family.

The leaves are green, collected in a rosette.

The leaf petioles are quite juicy and fleshy. They are used for food. The skin on the petioles is reddish or light green in color.

Its leaves are believed to be poisonous.

Rhubarb is mainly used in traditional medicine recipes and in cooking.

Rhubarb plant - beneficial properties of the plant

So, let's take a closer look at why rhubarb is beneficial:

  • rhubarb petioles contain many vitamins, minerals, and organic acids;
  • A very dietary product that contains virtually no fat. Has a calorie content of 16 kcal. per 100 grams of product;
  • contains large quantities of healthy pectin and coarse plant fiber;
  • has a mild diuretic effect, has a beneficial effect on the urinary system, eliminates swelling of various origins;
  • helps with swelling during pregnancy, when medications are extremely undesirable;
  • malic and citric acids contained in the composition have a beneficial effect on the good functioning of the entire digestive tract, increase the secretion of gastric juice, and increase its enzymatic content;
  • increases the digestibility of food, improves the quality and speed of its digestion;
  • A good remedy for intestinal problems. Restores motor activity in the intestines, relieves constipation, cleanses it of deposits, removes toxins, destroys putrefactive processes;
  • A small amount of rhubarb has an astringent effect and is recommended for diarrhea. A large amount has a laxative effect and is recommended for constipation;
  • an excellent remedy for boosting immunity, with vitamin deficiency, anemia, low hemoglobin, loss of strength, chronic fatigue, weakness;
  • necessary for diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels, makes capillaries stronger, nourishes the heart muscle;
  • promotes blood saturation with oxygen;
  • an active body cleanser that removes slagging from all organs and systems;
  • has a very strong choleretic effect, therefore it is useful for diseases of the liver, gall bladder, and helps well with hepatitis;
  • has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system, especially necessary for tuberculosis and chronic bronchitis;
  • promotes blood thinning, thereby alleviating conditions with high blood pressure;
  • perfectly strengthens nails, has a beneficial effect on the skin, hair, heals them, improves appearance;
  • helps with vitiligo;
  • active anti-aging agent, has strong antioxidant properties.

Retz Traditional medicine recipes with rhubarb

For what diseases is it beneficial to eat rhubarb?

  • Rhubarb for constipation

The main component is rhubarb root.

It must be thoroughly washed, crushed, and poured with boiling water. Cover and steep like herbal tea for 20-30 minutes.

Drink 1/3 glass before bedtime.

  • For diarrhea

To do this, you need to have a pre-prepared powder from dried roots.

For intestinal upset, take the powder on the tip of a teaspoon twice a day with water at room temperature.

  • For hypertension

To do this, you need to make a decoction of the petioles. Proportions - for two tablespoons of crushed dried petioles you need one to one and a half glasses of water.

Boil over very low heat for 20 minutes. Drink no more than 1.5 glasses per day.

Effectively lowers blood pressure in a fairly short time.

  • For vitamin deficiency

Freshly squeezed juice from the petioles is very helpful for this.

Rinse the petioles in cold water, peel them, and dry them on a towel. Extract the juice using a juicer; in this case, an auger is better suited.

If desired, you can add honey to the drink.

An excellent remedy for boosting immunity and saturating the body with useful minerals and vitamins.

Culinary recipes with rhubarb

You can prepare many delicious dishes from rhubarb: compote, jam, cocktails, amazing pies and pies are baked with it.

Compote with rhubarb

  • Wash the petioles thoroughly, peel and cut into small pieces. Wash, peel and chop the apples.
  • Place everything in a saucepan, add a cinnamon stick and a sprig of mint.
  • Pour boiling water, wait until the water just starts to boil and immediately remove from heat.
  • Wrap the pot with compote well and let it brew for at least 6 hours.
  • Drink with honey, adding it to the cooled, no longer hot compote.

Fruit cocktail

  • Cut the banana and apple into pieces, add strawberries or pineapple pieces and rhubarb compote in the amount necessary for the desired thickness of the cocktail.
  • You can add honey and cinnamon to taste.
  • Beat with a blender.
  • This cocktail perfectly invigorates and tones. It will perfectly satisfy hunger, saturate the body with vitamins, and give strength and energy.

Rhubarb - contraindications for use

Friends, you should not eat rhubarb if you suffer from bleeding and if you have chronic diseases that are currently in the acute stage.

Rhubarb is a healthy vegetable whose roots and stems (the hard parts under the leaves) are consumed. The stems range in color from green to dark red and grow up to 40-60 cm. Rhubarb has a sour and bitter taste, so it is cooked with sugar (preferably cane sugar).

This eliminates the bitter taste while imparting apple and lemon flavors. What are the benefits of rhubarb root? What is its role in healthy living and medicine?

From history to modern times

The first use of the useful plant's root can be traced back to 2700 BC. At that time, the Hopi Indians of China and Tibet used it to treat colds. In addition to rhinitis, the root has been used in China to treat constipation and diarrhea.

Around 1600, Marco Polo discovered rhubarb root during his travels to China, and brought the plant to Europe, where it became so popular that it was one of the most expensive herbs on the market. Its value was even greater than the commercial value of opium.

Only after 1800 did people discover, in addition to the healing properties of rhubarb, the possibility of using it in the food industry.

Rhubarb arrived in America at the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th centuries. According to records, one farmer bought seeds and roots in Europe and shared his knowledge of the plant with his neighbors. This ensured the grass became very popular, and it even began to appear in stores.

However, rhubarb originally originated from western China. It grows and matures for 4 or more years. After ripening, the underground part of the plant is dug out (in the autumn months, most often in October).

After collection, before harvesting, it is washed, outer fibers are removed, cut into pieces approximately 10 cm long (larger ones are cut lengthwise), and dried at temperatures up to 50°C.

Store finished raw materials in a closed container in a dark place. During storage, avoid getting moisture into the raw materials!

What substances does the root contain?

The natural product contains many useful substances, including:

  • water;
  • proteins;
  • carbohydrates;
  • cellulose;
  • fats;
  • iron;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • zinc;
  • manganese;
  • copper;
  • vitamins C, E, K;
  • lutein;
  • β-carotene;
  • folic acid;
  • pantothenic acid.

Let's look at the quantitative composition of the active substances.
Nutritional value (100 g):

  • kJ – 79.8;
  • kcal – 19;
  • proteins – 1.3 g;
  • carbohydrates – 4.7 g;
  • fats – 0.1 g;
  • fiber – 2.3 g;
  • water – 91 g.

Minerals (mg/100 g):

  • iron – 0.35;
  • zinc – 0.15;
  • calcium – 92;
  • manganese – 0.3;
  • magnesium – 15.5;
  • copper – 0.1;
  • phosphorus – 17;
  • omega-6 – 0.110;
  • potassium – 297;
  • selenium – 0.015;
  • sodium – 4.3.

Vitamins (mg/100 g):

  • A – 120 IU;
  • B3 – 0.5;
  • C – 11;
  • E – 0.6;
  • K – 0.032;
  • pantothene – 0.03;
  • lutein – 0.190;
  • β-carotene – 0.069; folic acid – 0.10.

Health effects

What are the therapeutic properties of rhubarb root that make it used in folk medicine? They are very wide. Let's look at the main positive health qualities:

  1. Immune system support.
  2. Digestive support.
  3. Promoting regular bowel movements.
  4. Weight loss support.
  5. Supports bile secretion.
  6. Detoxification of the body.
  7. Ensuring proper functioning of the central nervous system.
  8. Diuretic effects.
  9. Removing excess water from the body.
  10. Prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
  11. Reducing high blood pressure.
  12. Prevention of anemia.
  13. Supports red blood cell production.
  14. Preventing osteoporosis.
  15. Supports the formation of bone and cartilage tissue.
  16. Support muscle building.
  17. Blood purification.
  18. Treatment of wounds and skin diseases.

Rhubarb is full of vitamins and active substances important for good human health. Good health equals healthy weight loss. Improved digestion is responsible for this property.


A decoction is the most commonly used traditional medicine method for preparing medicines from roots. This is a boiled water extract. The raw materials are poured with cold water and boiled for about 10-15 minutes, left to infuse for 10-15 minutes. Then filter and drink.

The recipe for a decoction that promotes weight loss is similar: 1 tbsp. boil the crushed root in 1 liter of water for 15 minutes, leave for the same amount of time. Prepare the decoction immediately before use.

Carefully! Rhubarb causes menstruation and activates uterine contractions, so it is strictly not recommended for pregnant women!


Rhubarb roots in a decoction for hepatitis can be used both as a monocomponent and as part of a herbal mixture.

Hepatitis Cure No. 1

2 tbsp. root powder, pour 1/2 liter of water, boil for 20 minutes. Then put in a warm place for 10 hours, then strain.

The decoction will acquire the color of strong tea and a bitter taste. Take it 1 tbsp. 3 times a day. To dull the bitterness, immediately after taking it, eat 1 tsp. honey Carry out treatment according to the following scheme: 2 months of admission -> 2 weeks of break.

Hepatitis Cure No. 2

Prepare a mixture of the following herbal ingredients:

  • 5 parts each – yellow gentian, rhubarb root;
  • 10 parts – barberry root;
  • 3 parts – horsetail.

1 tsp add 1 glass of water to the herbal mixture. After 15 minutes of simmering in a water bath, leave it warm for 1 hour (you can wrap it in a towel). Strain. Drink 1/2 glass of infusion 4 times a day.

As mentioned above, the benefits of rhubarb root include both stopping diarrhea and relieving constipation.


Rhubarb contains active components that make it an extremely useful remedy for relieving diarrhea. These components are responsible for increasing contractions of the colon and for cleansing. By cleansing the intestines, the cause of diarrhea is eliminated.


The laxative property of rhubarb root makes it an effective remedy for relieving constipation. Stimulating contractions of the colon helps move stool.


For bowel movements, rhubarb root is most often used in powder form, which can both stop diarrhea (in small doses) and act as a laxative (in large doses).

For constipation, take 1/2 tsp. dried raw materials; the effect appears after about 8 hours. For diarrhea, 1/4 tsp is enough.

Internal cleansing

The combination of laxative and astringent properties makes rhubarb root an extremely effective colon cleanser. The “laxative” in the plant increases the mobility of the colon and the “pushing” of feces through it. This helps expel any infected stool that may accumulate in the intestines.

However, it is difficult to completely cleanse the colon solely by contracting the colon. The intestines in the gastrointestinal tract are long; parts of feces may remain in its folds. Therefore, the astringent effect of rhubarb root is important for complete cleansing.

The function of rhubarb root is focused on cleansing the stomach and intestines, removing waste, and disinfecting the intestines.


To cleanse the intestines, you can use rhubarb root tablets (available in 0.3 and 0.5 g). Recommendations for use include:

  • chronic constipation;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract and other conditions associated with the digestive system.

Dosage for adults: 1/2 -2 g per day.


  • 2 years – 0.1 g;
  • 3-4 years – 0.15 g;
  • 5-6 years – 0.2 g;
  • 7-9 years – up to 1/2 g;
  • 10-14 years – up to 1 year.

The product is not intended for children under 2 years of age, pregnant and lactating women!


Before you start home treatment with rhubarb root, keep in mind that in addition to its medicinal properties, it also has a number of contraindications. The use of natural medicine should be avoided by people with stomach ulcers, kidney stones, or other kidney and stomach diseases.

Contraindications include pregnancy, breastfeeding, intestinal obstruction; harm after taking is possible with gout.

Rhubarb is a perennial, very voluminous plant, which is a member of the herbaceous genus and belongs to the Buckwheat family. This herbal medicinal plant has a strong root system. It consists of a short root and several long ones. The shoots aboveground stems are annual, thick, sometimes slightly grooved. The stems have red spots on the outside.

The leaves that are located near the root are very large, sit on a long petiole, are whole, and sometimes have wavy edges. The petioles have a cylindrical or multifaceted shape. There are large bells at the base. The leaves that grow from the stem are smaller in volume.

The shoot ends in large paniculate inflorescences. The flowers are mostly white or green, very rarely pink or bright red. They are often bisexual or unisexual. The perianth is simple, consists of 6 leaves. They are either the same size or the outer ones are smaller than the inner ones. After pollination, the perianth dries out. The fruit resembles a nut, which consists of three sides. The seed is protein. Propagated by seeds. Habitat: China, Siberia, CIS countries and Central Asia. It mainly grows in sunny, semi-shade places with moist soil.

Harvesting and storing rhubarb

Rhubarb root is harvested as a medicinal raw material. It must be at least 3-4 years old; harvesting begins from August to early October. If collected later, all medicinal properties will be lost. It can also be harvested in early spring when the basal leaves begin to grow. The roots must be cleaned of rot, shoot residues, and leaves. Wash off the soil under running water and chop. You can dry it under the roof or in a regularly ventilated area. Drying can also be carried out in automatic drying chambers at a temperature of +60 C.

The finished dried plant will look like pieces of roots of different shapes, up to 25 cm long and up to 3 cm thick. Raw rhubarb has a peculiar smell. It tastes a little bitter and astringent. After drying, the weight loss will decrease to 12%. Raw materials must be stored in a dry and regularly ventilated area. The medicinal root is suitable for use for medicinal purposes for 5 years. After this period, it loses its medicinal properties and will not be able to affect the body in any way.

Medical medicines based on rhubarb are produced by the pharmaceutical industry and can be purchased at any pharmacy.

Use in everyday life

Fresh young leaves and petioles are used to prepare a very tasty and vitamin-rich salad. The petioles are used as a regular garden vegetable; they are rich in various beneficial vitamins and microelements.

They are used to prepare salads that are healthy for the human body and serve as an excellent filling for pies. Housewives use it to make jam, jelly, compotes, and use it to prepare borscht. The leaves of the plant are used as a spice, which is used in the fishing industry. It is highly valued among lovers of low-calorie foods, because it consists of 95% water.

Rhubarb has also found its use in cosmetology. It is not particularly popular, but there are successes. A mask from the plant can whiten age spots and freckles. It also promotes strengthening and rapid growth of hair.

Medicinal properties of rhubarb

  1. The most beneficial substances of the medicinal herbal plant are found in the stems. It contains vitamins, minerals, organic acids, and fiber.
  2. Roots and leaves help improve metabolism and increase appetite.
  3. Pharmaceutical production uses the medicinal properties of rhubarb. After the processing process, it is used to make extract, syrups, powders and tablets. But these medications are used as prescribed by the attending physician.
  4. It is widely used for intestinal catarrh. Helps improve digestive processes.
  5. It is very popular among supporters of traditional medicine. It is used as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent. Herbal compresses are used to treat wounds, bruises, and pimples. This treatment method is used to quickly heal bones after fractures.
  6. Also, it helps a lot with sinusitis, runny nose, and colds. Rhubarb leaves help restore vision and successfully treat eyesores.
  7. This medicinal plant will help the body recover from the harmful effects of alcohol, while at the same time getting a boost of energy for the whole day.
  8. Also, using rhubarb you can remove worms.
  9. Chinese experts have found that rhubarb has a beneficial effect on the activity of the heart muscle. Medicinal products based on it reduce the likelihood of coronary heart disease and acute heart failure.
  10. And American scientists claim that this herb is a preventive substance against cancer.
  11. Rhubarb is rich in pectins, which in turn helps lower blood cholesterol levels.
  12. Consumption of the plant helps remove toxic substances and waste from the body. It is used to treat diabetes, obesity, liver and gallstones.
  13. The use of rhubarb in folk medicine

    As a laxative

  • 15 g rhubarb and licorice roots;
  • grind to a powder;
  • take 15 g after an evening meal.

For atherosclerosis and skin diseases

  • dried rhubarb root;
  • grind into powder;
  • take 0.1 g 4 times.

For flatulence

  • 150 g of shoots;
  • pour 1 liter of vodka;
  • leave in an airtight container for 5 days;
  • drink 15-20 drops 3 times.
  • For anemia, tuberculosis, constipation

    • collect 20 ml of rhubarb roots, 5 g of dandelion roots, 5 g of celandine roots;
    • pour 200 ml of boiling water;
    • leave to infuse for half an hour;
    • drink 50 ml 3 times.

    For fractures

    • take rhubarb root, wild mallow, ink nut and barley flour;
    • apply the resulting mass to the injury;
    • hold on for 30 minutes.

    For anemia

    • wash and chop the root;
    • dry and then brew tea.


    • chop the rhubarb petioles;
    • mix with barley flour;
    • apply the mixture to injuries.

    For skin whitening

    • 30 g petiole juice;
    • mix with 15 g of ground oatmeal;
    • add 15 g cream;
    • stir until the mixture is homogeneous;
    • Apply the mixture to the skin of the face and leave for 20 minutes;
    • rinse with warm water.

    For gastrointestinal problems

    • 50 g cuttings;
    • add 200 ml of water;
    • boil and separate the grounds;
    • drink 30 g.


    For all its wonderful properties, rhubarb has a number of contraindications. The petioles and leaves of the herb are not recommended for consumption by people with kidney and liver diseases. The acid contained in the plant may also have an unfavorable effect on a sick stomach.

    People with high stomach acidity should not get carried away with dishes with rhubarb.

    It is not advisable to use the plant for people who suffer from diarrhea. It is also worth limiting the consumption of medicinal plants during pregnancy.

    Even if a person is absolutely healthy, you should not consume rhubarb in unlimited quantities, since consequences such as stomach pain, colic and even vomiting are possible.

Name in Latin: Rheum altaicum Losinsk

A perennial herbaceous plant from the buckwheat family, up to 2 m high, with a short, thick, multi-headed rhizome, from which fleshy, succulent roots extend. The basal leaves are round-ovate, deeply cordate at the base, large, long-petiolate, stem leaves are ovate, alternate, with a dry membranous bell at the base. In the second or third year of life, small, regular, pink, white or green flowers appear, collected in large paniculate inflorescences. The fruits are red-brown triangular nuts with wings. Blooms in July.

It is found in tall grass forest and subalpine meadows, in grassy woodlands, in coniferous and mixed forests, among shrubs in the forest and subalpine zones of the south of Western Siberia.

On personal plots, as well as plantations of the Moshkovsky state farm of medicinal plants, located in the Novosibirsk region, Tangut (Rheum palmatum var. tanguticum Maxim), which is found under natural conditions only in the northern provinces of China, is successfully grown.

For medicinal purposes, they use the roots and rhizomes of 3-4 year old Rhubarb, which are harvested in the fall.
Rhizomes and roots contain anthraglycosides, tannoglycosides (tannins of the pyrocatechol group and gallic acid derivatives), which have an astringent effect. Leaves - substances with P-vitamin action, malic, citric, oxalic, ascorbic acids, sugars, ergosterol, iron salts, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, protein.

Preparations of rhizomes and roots are used as a regulator of the gastrointestinal tract. In small doses they have an astringent effect, and in large doses they have a mild laxative effect. In addition, Rhubarb preparations increase appetite, improve digestion, and have choleretic and antiseptic properties. Indicated for poor appetite, gastritis, chronic enteritis, colitis, dyspepsia, constipation, intestinal atony, rectal fissures, hemorrhoids. The rhizomes and roots of the plant are part of a complex bitter tincture, gastric and choleretic preparations. From them the drug chrysarobin was obtained, proposed for the treatment of psoriasis.

Thank you for the answer. I want you and your loved ones to be healthy.

Hello, Ira!

I will give you recommendations, and you will change your lifestyle a little - you will drink a lot of clean water, do morning exercises and abdominal massage, try to perceive the hardships of life more positively, remembering that digestion is controlled by the brain.

I have a question. Can herbs help me to help the cysts resolve? Have there been such cases? Help me please.

Good afternoon, Sasha!

Unfortunately, such pain is natural and is caused by irritation of the meninges (arachne) and pressure on the brain tissue. More likely, . Let's look for a way out.

Limit the amount of salt to 2.0 g per day, and the total amount of liquid to the daily volume of fluid excreted.

Try to limit meat to the “subsistence” minimum, and eat watermelons, melons, cucumbers and zucchini. You will receive both benefits and pleasure!

Drink 100.0 ml three times a day, 30 minutes before meals. Course - 2 months, change of herbs.

We will be glad to see you in the branded stores of the Staroslav Ecofactory in your city, as well as in our online store.

See you in touch, good luck to us!

06/07/18 Natalya

Good afternoon.

I am 35 years old, weight 61 kg, height 164 cm.

Blood pressure is normal 80/120, often drops (70/110 and below). I suffer from constipation, I try to eat vegetables and dried fruits (dried apricots). This is not enough, Phytolax helps, I only drink it if I have been constipated for a week. Accordingly, bloating, inflammation and pain - in this case I take Furazolidone.

I’m so tired of going to doctors, taking handfuls of pills that don’t help, I really hope for your help.

Thanks in advance for your answer!

Good day!

Considering so many problems, let's start with a universal and trouble-free remedy, starting with allergies and ending with any inflammation:

For a weight up to 60 kg, a single dose is 0.1 grams, a daily dose is 0.3 grams.

Up to 70 kg, single dose 0.2; daily - 0.6 g.

With a weight of up to 80 kg, the dose is, respectively, 0.3; 0.9 gr.

Pinch off a piece and roll into a ball. Mumiyo's weight of 0.5 grams corresponds to the size of a match head. Dissolve it in a small amount of water, add up to 200.0 ml with water.

Drink 100.0 ml in the morning, on an empty stomach, and 2 hours before bedtime, also on an empty stomach.

Course - 28 days.

2. Collection of herbs, possible at the same time.

Grind the grass and fruits evenly to 2-3 mm, the roots to 3-5 mm - first mechanically to small pieces, then using a coffee grinder; mix evenly.

Take herbs without a dose indicated in tablespoons.

1 tbsp. pour 300.0 ml of cold drinking water over the mixture for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat or boiling water bath, covered, for 15 minutes.

Cool, strain, squeeze and add to 300.0 ml.

Drink 100.0 ml three times a day, 30 minutes before meals. The course is 1.5-2 months.

3. Diets. I hope you know her!

You must wear anti-varicose underwear, first of all - this automatically and quickly reduces pain and swelling, so this rule number 1 cannot be neglected.

You can drink everything that the market offers, and always add anticoagulants to any herbal collection (clover, Willow bark, Cordiform linden).

Avoid foods and herbs that increase blood clotting. Do not get carried away with diuretics, which cause this “sin”.

Do lotions, give up tight clothes (jeans), stilettos - anything that impedes the flow of blood.

Grind the raw material evenly to 2-3 mm. Take 1 tbsp each. and mix evenly.

2 tbsp. pour 400.0 ml of cold drinking water over the mixture for an hour, bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat or in a boiling water bath, covered, for 15 minutes, leave for an hour. Strain, squeeze, add to 400.0 ml.

The default amount of herbs is in tablespoons.

Use for compresses 2-3 times a day. Course - 3 weeks, break and repeat.

Grind 3-4 tablespoons of dried horse chestnut flowers into powder, pour in melted chicken fat and stir. Place in the oven at 75 degrees for an hour. Cool and store in the refrigerator. Apply to problem areas twice a day for 1-1.5 months.

With wishes of unconditional success, Natalya.

06/04/18 Irina

Hello Irina!

This is a sore subject for many! You can make as many herbal collections as you like, and the basis should always be laxatives, bile-diuretics, deceiver herbs (swelling in the stomach, reducing the feeling of hunger) and herbs that improve the speed of digestion and all energy processes. Therefore, the easiest way to lose weight is with iodine-containing herbs. But everyone suffering from edema and excess body weight urgently needs to check their thyroid gland. Very often it “slows down”, which is manifested by increased TSH and decreased hormones T4 and T3.

But only a certain diet and proper physical activity will help you really lose kilos. You can trust trained specialists - a nutritionist and a trainer. After all, we have no one more precious than ourselves!)).

Today, many people use the so-called Paleo Protocol. The diet is quite physiological and can be tolerated easily and without stress. If you don’t have time for a trainer, you can just jump rope!

Your diagram, Irina:

1 tbsp. add chopped mushroom to 300.0 ml of water and cook at low boil for 20 minutes. Leave for 3 hours, strain. Drink 2-3 tbsp. 4 times a day.

But you can choose the quantity yourself, depending on the choleretic effects and stool! For example, drink 30.0 ml or even 40.0 ml. The course is 2 months.

2.1. Actually collecting herbs.

Roots: Altai rhubarb - 2, creeping wheatgrass root - 1; Icelandic cetraria - 1, Rose hips - 2, Blood-red hawthorn fruits - 2, Juniper fruit - 1.5, Corn silk - 2, Birch leaf - 3, Flaxseed - 1, Melissa officinalis - 3.

Grind the grass and fruits evenly to 2-3 mm, roots to 3-5 mm. - at the beginning mechanically to small pieces, then using a coffee grinder; mix evenly.

Take herbs without a dose indicated in tablespoons.

1 tbsp. pour 400.0 ml of cold drinking water over the mixture for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat or boiling water bath, covered, for 15 minutes.

Cool, strain, squeeze and add to 400.0 ml.

Drink 100.0 ml 4 times a day, 30 minutes before meals. Course - 2 months.

With wishes of success and good mood, all the best!

06/04/18 Natalya

Hello, Natalia!

Cleansing the lymph is always relevant for everyone, so the procedure was called endoecological rehabilitation and was introduced into numerous wellness programs.

All the herbs you mentioned can be used as a collection, BUT exclusively for weight loss! After all, the list contains mainly laxative herbs that do not have lymphotropic effects!

I would reduce the proportion of laxative herbs (these are the first 4 on the list and the roots of Dandelion officinalis), and add truly lymphotropic herbs:

2. The program of the Institute of Lymphology of Novosibirsk recommended the natural drug Chistolon for cleansing, and you can find it on our website.

If you like it, replace Enterosgel with it.

We will be happy to help, we are ready to create an individual collection taking into account weight and main problems!

See you in touch!

05/13/18 Andrey

Hello! Male, 52 years old, I have been suffering from ulcerative colitis since 2012, please tell me what herb to drink or mix.

From the grass, I sometimes drink wormwood, flax jelly, eat ground flax seed. And please tell me from my mother (75 years old)

Sugar has been spiking for the last six months (6.9 - 7.1), what can I drink? Thank you!

Hello Andrei!

I'll start with your mother. At this age, sugar spikes are dangerous!

You need to donate blood for Glycated Hemoglobin and immediately for insulin.

In the meantime, completely eliminate sugar and sweets; baked goods, including cakes and pastries, sweet pies, buns, croissants and other bread delicacies; sharply limit animal fats, and do not fry food.

You can't completely deprive yourself of sweets. Delicious and healthy sweets are sold in pharmacies and stores in grocery departments, or on special counters for diabetics.

I think one diet will be enough. But if after, say, 10 days from the start of the diet, GG is elevated, accompany the mother to an endocrinologist-diabetologist and add a collection of herbs:

Or buy a ready-made “Collection for diabetes with Galega” on our website

For 1.5 months you will need 8-10 packages.

You, Andrey, also need a diet. But you don’t write about the manifestations of colitis - constipation, diarrhea, mucus, blood in the stool? Do you have ulcer or normal colitis?

The cooking method is the same:

1 tbsp. pour 300.0 ml of cold drinking water over the mixture for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat or boiling water bath, covered, for 15 minutes. Remove and leave for an hour. Strain, squeeze, add to 300.0 ml. Drink 100.0 ml 3 times a day, before meals. Course 2 months.

Best wishes to the whole family, see you soon!

05/10/18 Angela

Hello! Please help me figure it out! My 38-year-old husband has constant heartburn. The stool is liquid. then constipation, and often very light. bloody internal hemorrhoids and varicose veins. Frequent colds. The last time I was treated was a year ago, tests revealed Helicobacter. prescribed antibiotics and so on. While I was undergoing treatment, everything was fine. Immediately after treatment, the heartburn returned; they said that there was a problem with the liver and that there was little good cholesterol from further treatment, so I refused. Surgery is recommended for hemorrhoids. but he is afraid that there will be no point. What tests and examinations are needed so that you can prescribe herbal treatment for him?

Hello Angela!

I have questions about digestion. Heartburn is caused by both an increased level of hydrochloric acid and the reflux of bile from the duodenum into the stomach. Light-colored stools cause stagnation of bile, but what - as a result of spasm of the gallbladder, or decreased tone?

Let's hope for self-regulation and start with proper and regular nutrition, eating at the same time, eliminating fatty and fried foods. Let's add to this

1. Propolis, alcohol solution. It will help the immune system, suppress the growth and reproduction of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, and destroy putrefactive microflora. Drink according to the manufacturer’s instructions for 2-3 weeks; take a break for 2 weeks and repeat.

2.Collecting herbs

Roots: Altai rhubarb-1 (add to the collection for constipation), Elecampane -1; fruits of horse chestnut -1, bogweed -1, fireweed -2, peppermint -1, toadflax -1 mullein -2

1 tbsp. pour 300.0 ml of cold drinking water over the mixture for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat or boiling water bath, covered, for 15 minutes. Remove and leave for an hour. Strain, squeeze, add to 300.0 ml. Drink 100.0 ml 3 times a day, before meals. Course 2 months.


For any wound or damage to any organ, it is given functional rest. A bandage is applied and it is recommended not to disturb. Then the wound heals quickly and without complications. This is why it is so difficult to get rid of an anal fissure. But you need to get rid of:

1. Make defecation as easy as possible

Nutrition aimed at daily, or better yet, 2 stools of a more liquid consistency

Beets, radishes, radishes, cabbage, apples, cucumbers, young zucchini in the form of salads with plenty of vegetable oil. Meat and other hard-to-digest foods should be sharply limited; Don't fry, but bake. Eliminate rice, pasta, potatoes. Drink juices with pulp up to 1.0 liters per day and be sure to eat soups - lean cabbage soup, borscht, solyanka. Separately, clean drinking water - plenty.

1 tbsp. l. chopped mushroom, pour 300.0 ml of water and cook at low boil for 20 minutes. Leave for 3 hours, strain. Drink 25.0-30.0 ml 4 times a day. Course - 1 month.

3.Collecting herbs

Grind the grass and fruits evenly to 2-3 mm, roots to 3-5 mm. - at the beginning mechanically to small pieces, then using a coffee grinder; mix evenly. Take herbs without dosage instructions in tablespoons.

1 tbsp. pour 300.0 ml of cold drinking water into the mixture overnight, bring to a boil in the morning and pour into the thermos for an hour and a half. Strain, squeeze, add to 300.0 ml. Drink 100.0 ml 3 times a day, before meals. Course 1 month.

After defecation, use wet wipes, then carefully wash the area with chamomile infusion and apply edible walnut oil.

Oil - 3 times a day, and at night treat the crack with ointment with Mumiyo:

Hello, Alsou!

Grind the grass and fruits evenly to 2-3 mm, roots to 3-5 mm. - at the beginning mechanically to small pieces, then using a coffee grinder; mix evenly. Take herbs without dosage instructions in tablespoons.

1 tbsp. pour 300.0 ml of cold drinking water over the mixture for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat or boiling water bath, covered, for 15 minutes. Remove and leave for an hour. Strain, squeeze, add to 300.0 ml. Drink 100.0 ml 3 times a day, before meals. Course 2 months, change of herbs.

3. Prevention of stone formation in the bile ducts

Regular feedings, eating 4 times a day at the same time and little by little, drinking plenty of fluids; feasible physical activity.

With wishes of success, Alsou, all the best!

03/27/18 Iza

Hello, I wanted to ask if it is possible to mix Senna leaves and buckthorn bark to cleanse the intestines, and for weight loss?) I just have problems with stool. I can’t go for a whole week, excuse me, for the most part. Therefore, I wanted to cleanse the intestines with the help of these herbs. Thanks in advance for your answer)


First of all, you need to understand the cause of your constipation.

Usually. this is a deficiency of bile and digestive enzymes; an excess of “dead” foods in the diet - dumplings, dumplings, pastries, sweets and fatty foods; shortage of fresh vegetables and fruits. Start with correcting your diet and drinking a lot of clean water.

1 tbsp. l. chopped mushroom, pour 200.0 ml of water and cook at low boil for 20 minutes. Leave for 3 hours, strain. Drink 1-2 tbsp. 4 times a day, before meals. Course - 2 months

Hello, Rida!

I really sympathize and I would focus on this:

"heterogeneous formation in the posterior parts of the small pelvis, between the rectum and the wall of the bladder, closely adjacent to the left seminal vesicle."

1. Microclysters and suppositories

Grind the grass and fruits evenly to 2-3 mm, roots to 3-5 mm. - at the beginning mechanically to small pieces, then using a coffee grinder; mix evenly. Take herbs without dosage instructions in tablespoons.

3. Tincture of Sophora yellowing root (1:10 in 70% alcohol, or pharmacy Herbotone) - will support strength, increase antitumor immunity, give vigor, BUT will not solve the main problem.

I think that after finishing chemotherapy you need to switch to plant poisons. We'll discuss it!

02/10/18 Galina

Good afternoon. I am 51 years old. Height 170, weight 88 kg. Diagnosis: signs of pathology of the endometrium of the uterine cavity, polyp of the uterine cavity adenomyosis in combination with small fibroids. Signs of a decrease in follicular reserve. Autoimmune thyroiditis. Blood pressure. I take L thyroxine 100 mg. Ordis and egilok from pressure. What herbal remedies can you recommend?

Good afternoon, Galina!

In general, you need to direct the herbs to a specific target. If you are concerned about fibroids and polyps, judging by the decrease in reserve, they are about to stop growing. But bleeding may remain. If there is any, use a ready-made tincture of Polygonum root during menstruation - drink 20 drops three times a day until your menstruation ends.

I would now be concerned about high blood pressure and some excess weight.

I suggest the following fee:

1 tbsp. pour 300.0 ml of cold drinking water over the mixture for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat or boiling water bath, covered, for 15 minutes. Remove and leave for an hour. Strain, squeeze, add to 300.0 ml. Drink 100.0 ml 3 times a day, before meals. The course is 1.5-2 months.

1 tbsp. pour 300.0 ml of mixture. water, bring to a boil, simmer over low heat for 15 minutes, leave for 30-40 minutes. Strain, squeeze, add to 300.0 ml. For irrigation, 150.0 ml of warm solution is required. Douche according to all the rules, filling a 200.0 ml syringe or rubber bulb with the solution. Lie down in the bath with your legs over the side (in the posture of a woman in labor), and inject the solution in portions, holding each for 1-2 minutes. At the end of the procedure, soak the cotton-gauze swab generously and leave it overnight.

Do irrigation from any day of the cycle, 12-14 times in a row and repeat in the next cycle.

3. Maintain a proper diet with foods containing iodine - buckwheat, fish, nuts, beets - a must! But herbs with iodine (Icelandic cetraria, seaweed powder, black rowan, common cocklebur) - absolutely NO!

Let's keep in touch!

02/07/18 Diana

Good afternoon, help me figure it out.

I am 27 years old, height about 152 cm, weight 80 kg. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. Here are my first test results AT-TPO-343.55. TSH-5.26. T4-10.64. T3-3.09. PRESCRIBED l thyroxine 25 and veroshpirone and lipoic acid zinc. month. I’m overweight, my legs swell a lot, especially in the summer. I’m constantly not in the mood. What worries me most is my legs and excess weight. My periods come every month but there is no regular cycle. After a month of treatment it became a little better, but the weight has dropped. And the tests have become worse TSH -6.37 .it was in the fall. The doctor said let’s go into winter, the thyroid gland is starting to sleep. And she prescribed 50 liters of thyroxine .. in January there was a lot of stress after I gained a little bit of weight. decreased and then began to creep up, how can I stop the weight and remove it? help me! I didn’t give birth to children. The doctor, after the second tests in December, said until April, help and explain my diagnosis... maybe I should remove the thyroid gland altogether? thank you!

Hello Diana!

Why are you so unkind to the thyroid gland? Without it, you are doomed to lifelong use of hormones, gradual weight gain and secondary infertility! Perhaps your obesity is not directly related to the thyroid gland. How long ago did you start gaining weight, what is your appetite and stool like?

Your diagnosis for TSH 5 was subclinical hypothyroidism and it could have been corrected with herbs. Now your hormones are back to normal, but your antibodies are elevated.

Write to me your December hormones, answer the question.

1. Prepare the Red Brush root tincture:

Pour 50.0 grams of crushed roots into 500.0 ml of vodka or cognac and leave for 14 days in a dark place, shaking occasionally. Strain. Drink 25-30 drops twice a day, 30 minutes before meals (morning and afternoon). To remove alcohol, drop a single dose of tincture into 15.0 ml of slightly cooled boiling water (about 70 degrees) and drink after 15 minutes. Course - 2 months; break for 2 weeks and repeat.

Pour 1 heaped tablespoon of chopped Shikshi herb into 500.0 ml of water in an enamel mug, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for exactly 7 minutes. Remove and cool. Do not remove the herb from the decoction; store the decoction in the refrigerator. It is convenient to pour a volume of about 150.0 ml in the morning, drink 2-3 sips at least 5-7 times a day. Repeat daily until the decoction is gone.

Then refill the same raw material with 500.0 ml of water and prepare in the same way. Prepare the broth in this way until it becomes pale (3 times), and only then use new raw materials. The course is 4 months without a break.

If this method is not possible, add 1 tbsp to the collection. Shiksha in a gauze bag and use for 3 days in a row.

Diana, see you!

01/29/18 Elena

Hello, Yulia Evgenievna! I am 41 years old, height - 164 cm, weight - 64 kg. From the age of 11, menstruation was regular, without delay, strong on the first day, then scanty for 5 days. The cycle is 28-30 days. there were no pregnancies. Two laparoscopies: in 2010, an endometrioid cyst of the right ovary and a paraovarian cyst of the left were removed; 2015 – endometrioid ovarian cysts and fibroids on a thin long stalk were removed. They said that the tubes were not passable, adhesions and endometriosis. They prescribed hormones, but I didn’t take them.

At the moment, I am very worried about pain in the ovaries in the first 5 days of the cycle and PMS, which manifests itself in an unstable emotional state and swelling of the breasts. Ultrasound shows fibrocystic mastopathy. I'm currently being treated with leeches. Hair problems are also a concern. In childhood and adolescence I had gorgeous hair, but I couldn’t make a ponytail and it didn’t fit in one hand.

In adolescence, problems with oily hair and dandruff appeared. For as long as I can remember, I always rinsed my hair with nettle decoction after washing. Gradually the amount of hair decreased. At the age of 15, my first gray hair appeared and I began to dye it, which probably aggravated my problems with oiliness and hair loss.

In 2014, I decided to become a vegetarian, stopped eating meat, my hair began to fall out so much that I was afraid to wash my hair. I turned to a trichologist, who prescribed a huge bunch of tests for hormones and minerals. All tests turned out to be normal, except for ferritin - only 5 units, although my hemoglobin was 140. Hidden iron deficiency anemia).

They prescribed an iron supplement and said that it needed to be raised to 70. In the first month, ferritin rose to 35 units and stopped. hair loss gradually returned to normal, a lot of growing hair appeared on my head, but it was very thin. Many, growing to 5-10 cm, fall out. That is, when washing, I lose very little long hair, mostly short hair.

I took iron for a year, but ferritin never rose. It turns out that my iron is not absorbed? Although I drank it according to all the rules, together with ascorbic acid, separately from products containing calcium. I am going to address this issue to a hematologist.

Hello, Elena!

Yes, you need a hematologist, there are subtleties in treatment with iron preparations and they depend on the total iron-binding capacity of the serum, first of all. It is also very possible that you lack zinc and copper, they are closely related to iron and iodine. You also need to analyze the numbers of TSH, T4 free and total T3, antibodies to TPO, iodine in the urine. Now let's start the correction.

Peel 25 nuts, pour 400.0 ml of vodka or 150.0 ml of 60% alcohol into the partitions. Leave for 2 weeks, shaking occasionally. Drink 15 drops 2 times a day.

The course is exactly one month, repeat ferritin and thyroid hormones.

2. Collection of herbs.

Roots: Altai rhubarb - 1, Duckweed - 2, Mordovnik vulgare - 1, blood-red hawthorn fruits - 2, - 3, Motherwort - 2, Senna alexandria - 1.

Grind the grass and fruits evenly to 2-3 mm, roots to 3-5 mm. First, mechanically to small pieces, then using a coffee grinder. Mix evenly. Take herbs without a dose indicated in tablespoons.

1 tbsp. pour 300.0 ml of cold drinking water over the mixture for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat or boiling water bath, covered, for 15 minutes. Remove and leave for an hour. Strain, squeeze, add to 300.0 ml. Drink 100.0 ml 3 times a day, before meals. The course is 1.5-2 months.

You can bring it to a boil and after 3-4 minutes pour it into a thermos overnight.

3. Locally.

3.1. Hair. Start by rubbing in at night and see immediate effects. Continue with the second excellent remedy that actively affects hormones - Fenugreek.

1 tbsp. Roll the seeds with a rolling pin to crush them slightly and pour 300.0 ml of cold water overnight. In the morning, bring the brown infusion to a boil and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Strain and taste. For correction and unusual spicy taste, you can add honey.

Drink 70.0 ml 3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals. Rub the swollen and boiled seed into the roots daily for 2 months. Rinse your hair with the rest of the broth after washing. You know the safe way to wash - this is a mixture of steamed black bread and raw egg yolk.

Manual therapy was prescribed. They underwent inpatient treatment in a psychiatric hospital with various treatment regimens. There was no improvement. Neuroleptics did not help and do not help now.

Nootropics made my son feel bad. Azaleptin cannot be tolerated. Sleeping pills didn't help either. Now the Relanium tablets are calming me down a little. Can't stand Valerian!

Over the course of 10 years, muscle mass gradually began to disappear. They did biochemistry, everything was normal. Doctors said they didn't know the reason. Today, from 50 to 46 clothing size. My son's appetite is good. My son has strong speech agitation. For more than 3 years he has been constantly walking around the apartment and talking, almost incessantly. He eats, brushes his teeth, and also talks. He falls asleep, can talk and is sleepy.

I estimate the loss of rationality in speech and actions (as a mother) at 60%. Constipation began to appear up to 4 days. Sometimes I do an enema or glycerin suppositories. I control the drinking regime (2 liters), but sometimes less. I used to drink a little (alas) due to circumstances. At the end of this year, with great difficulty, I went to the clinic for tests after being examined by a therapist.

I am sending you files. Now I give Allochol 2 tablets 3 times after meals. Pangrol (recommended at the pharmacy).

How can I help my son?

My questions:

1) Is muscle tissue loss corrected?

5) I really hope to hear your opinion on the condition of my son Alexander and on possible treatment.

Sorry for writing a lot.

Hello Olga!

I sympathize with you from the bottom of my heart. Let's think together. Goldenseal is a tonic plant, so it will only enhance the flow of words. My son needs inhibitory herbs. But they slow down all processes, including peristalsis. Therefore, the best remedy for constipation would be different oils and spices. They should be added both to food and to herbal infusions.

Be sure to provide fermented milk products or prepare your own from milk and natural starters: Narine, Bulgarian fungus, dried bifidobacteria.

Weight loss is a very common concomitant of mental illness. There is no point in thinking about some kind of malignant process; the loss took 10 years. This can also be eliminated very gradually, with the help of protein shakes for sports nutrition, some herbs (dry nettle, duckweed, marsh cinquefoil roots and others).

It is impossible to give a prognosis, because the diagnosis is still unclear to me.

Let's start like this:

3. Make a mixture of 10 tablespoons of ground Dill, 10 tbsp. crushed juniper berries, five tbsp. camel hay grass and 5 tbsp. crushed dried Aloe leaves (you can do without it). Store in a dry place, sealed.

1 tsp pour 200.0 ml of boiling water over the mixture and cook over low heat for 15 minutes, leave, strain. Drink hot at night for spasticity with Celandine

1 tbsp. pour 300.0 ml of cold drinking water over the mixture for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat or boiling water bath, covered, for 15 minutes. Remove and leave for an hour. Strain, squeeze, add to 300.0 ml and add 1 tsp. Befungiga. Drink 100.0 ml three times a day. Course - 2 months, change of herbs.

3. Locally.

While maintaining natural bowel movements, use therapeutic microenemas or tampons.

1 des.l. pour 100.0 ml of water into the mixture, bring to a boil, simmer over low heat for 15 minutes, leave for 30-40 minutes. Strain, squeeze, add to 100.0 ml. The procedure must be carried out after defecation. Warm infusion in the amount of 50.0 ml is collected in a rubber bulb of the same capacity and administered rectally. After the procedure, you need to maintain the knee-elbow position or the position lying on your back with your legs raised and closed for 15 minutes so that the solution does not leak out. Course - 10 procedures. Break for 2 weeks and repeat.

, St. John's wort, Marsh grass, Salvia officinalis.

Grind the grass and fruits evenly to 2-3 mm, roots to 3-5 mm. First, mechanically to small pieces, then using a coffee grinder. Take 2 tbsp each. and mix evenly.

1 tbsp. pour 300.0 ml of cold drinking water over the mixture for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat or in a boiling water bath, covered, for 15 minutes. Remove and leave for an hour. Strain, squeeze, add to 300.0 ml. Drink 100.0 ml 3 times a day, before meals, warm. Course - 1.5 months.

Take herbs without a dose indicated in tablespoons.

3. As for Gilbert's syndrome, I believe that a moderate amount of fat in food is necessary - nothing better than fat draws out bile, reducing bilirubin. Supplement this with microtubages and do them systematically, once a week for 2-3 months. Sandy immortelle, Corn silk, Rosehip fruits. Take equal parts and chop.

1 tbsp. pour 200.0 boiling water mixture into a thermos overnight. Strain, add 20.0 g of sorbitol. Drink in small sips, lie down with a heating pad on your right side and turn clockwise every 10 minutes.

4. Oatmeal, the most dietary product.

Grind the grass and fruits evenly to 2-3 mm, roots to 3-5 mm. First, mechanically to small pieces, then using a coffee grinder. Mix evenly.

1 tbsp. pour 300.0 ml of cold drinking water over the mixture for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat or in a boiling water bath, covered, for 15 minutes. Remove and leave for an hour. Strain, squeeze, add to 300.0 ml. Drink 100.0 ml 3 times a day, before meals, in small sips. Course - 1 month. Take herbs without a dose indicated in tablespoons.

If you want to continue to use our recommendations and herbs, write here and put a note on the letters.

SUCCESS and good mood!

12/11/17 Nikita

Hello! Male, 25 years old. My diagnoses are chronic cholecystitis, gallbladder dyskinesia, dolichosigma.

They recommended following a diet and drinking herbal laxatives. I drank Senna grass and buckthorn bark. I drank everything according to the instructions, it helps well.

Good afternoon, dear Ivan Petrovich!

Indeed, your task is to prevent constipation and, accordingly, the accumulation of feces in the sigmoid colon. Proper nutrition will come first. And this means:

Precise regulation of food intake in small portions, but more often, 5 times a day. Think about afternoon snacks and second breakfasts.

Drink plenty of clean water, at least 30.0 ml/1 kg of weight.

Large amounts of coarse but very healthy fiber

Default quantities are in tablespoons.

2. Tubage or blind probing.

Drink on an empty stomach a solution of magnesium from 10.0 grams of pharmaceutical powder / 100.0 ml of warm water. Lie on your right side with a warm heating pad and lie there for 40-45 minutes.

Do it once a week.

3. Juice therapy. Use freshly squeezed juices with pulp: carrots, beets, green apples.

Take 1 medium specimen and make juice.

Drink in the morning, on an empty stomach. Course - 1.5 months.

With best wishes, Ivan Petrovich, see you soon!



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs